Notice of Intent To Request New Information Collection, 56141-56143 [2011-23158]
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Federal Register
Vol. 76, No. 176
Monday, September 12, 2011
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Economic Research Service
Notice of Intent To Request New
Information Collection
Economic Research Service,
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and
other public agencies to send comments
regarding any aspect of this proposed
information collection. This is a new
collection for a Survey on Rural
Community Wealth and Health Care
Written comments on this notice
must be received on or before November
14, 2011 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments
concerning this notice to John Pender,
Resource and Rural Economics Division,
Economic Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 1800 M. St.,
NW., Room N4056, Washington, DC
20036–5801. Comments may also be
submitted via fax to the attention of
John Pender at 202–694–5774 or via email to
Comments will also be accepted through
the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to, and follow
the online instructions for submitting
comments electronically.
further information contact John Pender
at the address in the preamble. Tel. 202–
written comments will be open for
public inspection at the office of the
Economic Research Service during
regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5
p.m., Monday through Friday) at 1800
M. St., NW., Room N4056, Washington,
DC 20036–5801.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for Office of Management and Budget
approval. All comments and replies will
be a matter of public record. Comments
are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Title: Survey on Rural Community
Wealth and Health Care Provision.
OMB Number: 0536–XXXX.
Expiration Date: Three years from the
date of approval.
Type of Request: New collection.
Abstract: This survey will collect
information on the assets and
investments of rural communities and
their influence on recruitment and
retention of rural health care providers,
and on the effects of rural health care
provision on economic development of
rural communities. This information
will contribute to a better understanding
of the roles that rural communities play
in promoting or retarding the
development and provision of health
care services, and of how improved
health care provision contributes to
development of these communities.
Such understanding is critical to
develop effective policies to address the
challenge of inadequate access to health
care services in many rural
communities, and to realize the
opportunities offered by improved
health care provision to attract and keep
residents in rural areas, provide
employment, and improve the quality of
Health care services is one of the
largest and most rapidly growing
industries in rural America, and
adequate provision of health care
services is increasingly critical for
achieving economic development and
improved well-being of rural people. In
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many rural communities, health care
services is the largest employer, and
rapid growth in this sector is occurring
and will continue to occur, especially as
the Baby-Boom generation retires.
Provision of adequate health care
services is likely to be one of the key
factors in attracting retirees and other
migrants to rural areas, helping to stem
persistent outmigration from many of
these areas and in some cases,
contributing to rural growth and
prosperity. Despite recent growth and
potential for continued growth in this
sector, many rural communities suffer
from poor access to health care services,
especially because of the limited supply
of health care professionals. Addressing
these access problems likely will
become increasingly important as the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act is implemented, increasing rural
people’s access to health insurance.
Although substantial research has
investigated the problems of attracting
and retaining health care providers in
rural areas, very little of this research
addresses the issue from the perspective
of rural communities themselves. For
example, prior research has established
that physicians who grew up in a rural
area, who attended a medical school
with a rural emphasis, or who
completed a residency in a rural
hospital are more likely than other
physicians to locate their practice in a
rural community. Policies and programs
that provide incentives to physicians to
locate in rural areas have also been
shown to increase recruitment of
physicians to rural areas, although the
impacts on retention of physicians are
more questionable. Much less research
has focused on factors affecting
recruitment and retention of health care
providers other than physicians to rural
areas, or on the roles local communities
play in affecting these decisions. Of the
research that investigates the roles of
local communities, the studies have
been conducted in only a few
communities with a small number of
respondents, limiting the ability to draw
conclusions applicable to broader rural
The proposed rural community
survey will address this information gap
by collecting information from
representatives of 150 rural
communities in three regions of the
United States and from health care
providers in the same communities. The
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 176 / Monday, September 12, 2011 / Notices
survey will investigate the perspectives
of community leaders and organizations
concerning the need for improved
access to health care services, the local
community assets that attract or repel
health care providers, the investments
and efforts undertaken or planned to
recruit and retain health care service
providers, and the effects of changes in
health care service provision on other
aspects of community development. The
survey will also investigate the
perspective of health care providers on
the factors affecting their decisions to
locate, continue and change their
operations in these rural communities,
including the influence of community
assets and investments such as
improvements in local schools,
availability of Internet broadband or
other infrastructure, provision of child
care services, recreational opportunities,
and other factors.
The three proposed study regions
include the lower Mississippi Delta
region (including parts of the States of
Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and
Tennessee), the Southern Great Plains
region (including parts of Texas,
Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, New
Mexico, and Colorado), and part of the
Upper Midwest region (including parts
of Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Illinois). These regions
include areas with high rates of poverty
and severe constraints to health care
access—especially in the Delta and
Southern Great Plains—while incomes
and health care access are relatively
more favorable in the Upper Midwest
region. All three of these regions
include rural areas where growth in
health sector employment has been an
important contributor to overall
employment growth in recent years, as
well as areas where less growth has
occurred. These regions also include
important variations in health status of
the populations, presence of different
racial and ethnic groups, social capital,
and other key factors hypothesized to be
related to rural health care provision.
The communities (towns and
surrounding counties and hospital
service areas (HSAs)) studied in the
survey will be selected using a stratified
random sample. Potential respondents
for each sampled community will be
identified by accessing public
information sources and by telephone
screening. From the town, community
leaders such as the town mayor, council
representatives, business leaders or
other stakeholders involved in
recruiting and integrating health care
providers to the community will be
included on the respondent sample list.
A sample of local health care providers
in the selected town—in most cases
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limited to primary health care providers
such as administrators of rural clinics,
physicians, nurse practitioners, and
dentists—will also be identified. At the
county level, the list will include
relevant representatives of the county
government—such as the county
executive and officials in the health and
economic development departments—as
well as civil society organizations and
others involved at that level in seeking
to improve health care provision. At the
HSA level, the sample will include
hospital administrators and other
provider representatives. A total of 10 to
15 respondents will be interviewed in
each selected community (including
health care providers and leaders/
stakeholders in the town, county and
HSA). The interviews will be conducted
by telephone and are expected to
require on average about 20 minutes per
respondent, based upon the experience
of the organization that will implement
the survey (Survey and Behavioral
Research Services Group, Iowa State
University) in implementing community
level surveys of similar scope and size.
The sample for each selected
community will be strategically
managed in order to provide the
maximum survey response. Advance
letters and a colorful information sheet/
brochure will be mailed to potential
respondents. A project Web site will be
available with additional information,
and a toll-free number will be provided
for those who have questions or
concerns. Confidentiality of responses
will be both assured and ensured. After
the advance letters/packets are sent, all
reasonable efforts will be made to
contact and interview the respondents
in the sample. Paper or online copies of
the survey will be made available to
those who are unable or unwilling to
complete a telephone interview.
All study instruments will be kept as
simple and respondent-friendly as
possible. Participation in the survey will
be voluntary and confidential. Survey
responses will be used for statistical
analysis and to produce research reports
only; not for any other purpose. Data
files from the survey will not be
released to the public. Responses will be
linked to secondary data to augment
information with no additional
respondent burden. For example, the
survey data will be combined with
available county level data from the
Census Bureau on community
socioeconomic and demographic
characteristics and data from the
Department of Health and Human
Services on health care provision and
health status indicators, to analyze
factors affecting local changes in health
care provision.
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The telephone survey will be
conducted within a six month period
during 2012. After the telephone survey
and analysis of its results are completed,
a follow up information collection will
be conducted in a sub-sample of the
surveyed communities (at most 40),
with the goal of deepening
understanding of (i) how and why the
community factors that appear to
influence recruitment and retention of
health care providers (as will be
identified by the telephone survey) are
able to do so, and (ii) how development
of the health care sector contributes to
broader economic development in rural
communities. This second phase will
use more qualitative methods, including
in depth individual and focus group
interviews, and will be completed in
2013. This notice focuses on the
telephone survey; another notice will be
provided before the second phase
Authority: These data will be collected
under the authority of 7 U.S.C. 2204(a) and
sec. 501 of the Rural Development Act of
1972 (7 U.S.C. 2661). Individually
identifiable data collected under this
authority are governed by 7 U.S.C. 2276,
which requires USDA to afford strict
confidentiality to non-aggregated data
provided by respondents. This Notice is
submitted in accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104–13 (44
U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) and Office of
Management and Budget regulations at 5 CFR
part 1320. ERS also complies with OMB
Implementation Guidance, ‘‘Implementation
Guidance for Title V of the E–Government
Act, Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (CIPSEA)’’,
72 FR 33362, June 15, 2007.
Affected Public: Respondents will
include health care providers, local
government and community leaders,
and other stakeholders involved in
recruiting and retaining health care
providers in rural communities.
Estimated Number of Respondents
and Respondent Burden: The telephone
survey will be completed at one point
in time within a six month period in
2012. The survey will have a complex
mixed survey administration to include
telephone screening, pre-notification
letter with Web access, multi-contact
telephone interviewing, and follow-up
non-respondent mail questionnaires.
The time required for respondents and
non-respondents to read the notification
materials, review instructions,
participate in the screening interview,
and decide whether to complete the
questionnaire is estimated to average 15
minutes per person. Completion time
for each questionnaire respondent is
estimated to average 20 minutes per
completed questionnaire. In addition,
the screening interviews used to select
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 176 / Monday, September 12, 2011 / Notices
the sample will involve telephone
conversations with knowledgeable
people in each community. We estimate
that this may require 15 minute
interviews with up to 8 people per
community, or a maximum burden of 2
hours per sample community.
Full Study: The maximum sample size
for the full study is 2,812 respondents
(15 respondents maximum per
community × 150 communities/80%
response rate). The expected overall
response rate is 80 percent. The
maximum total estimated response
burden for all of those participating in
the study is 1,313 hours (2,250
respondents × 35 minutes per
respondent 1) and for the non-
respondents is 141 hours (562 nonrespondents × 15 minutes per nonrespondent 2). In addition, we estimate a
maximum burden of 300 hours on nonsample interviewees contacted during
the pre-sample screening process for the
full study (150 communities × 8
interviewees/community × 15 minutes
per interviewee).
Pilot Study: A pilot test of the survey
will be done in advance of the full
survey. The purpose of the pilot is to
evaluate the survey protocol, and test
instruments and questionnaires. The
initial sample size for this phase of the
research is 100 respondents (10
respondents per community × 10
communities). The expected response
rate is 80 percent. The total estimated
burden for full respondents in the pilot
testing is 47 hours (100 respondents ×
80 percent × 35 minutes per
respondent), and for non-respondents is
5 hours (100 respondents × 20 percent
× 15 minutes per non-respondent). In
addition, we estimate a maximum
burden of 20 hours on non-sample
interviewees contacted during the presample screening process for the pilot
study (10 communities × 8
interviewees/community × 15 minutes
per interviewee).
The total respondent burden,
including the pilot and full study, is
estimated at 1,826 hours (see table
Pilot study
Full study
Sample size .......................................................................................................................................
—Number ...................................................................................................................................
—Minutes/response ....................................................................................................................
—Burden hours ..........................................................................................................................
—Number ...................................................................................................................................
—Minutes/response ....................................................................................................................
—Burden hours ..........................................................................................................................
Pre-sample screening interviews
—Number ...................................................................................................................................
—Minutes/interview ....................................................................................................................
—Burden hours ..........................................................................................................................
Total burden hours .....................................................................................................................
Dated: August 31, 2011.
Laurian Unnevehr,
Acting Administrator, Economic Research
[FR Doc. 2011–23158 Filed 9–9–11; 8:45 am]
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket No. FSIS–2011–0016]
National Advisory Committee on
Microbiological Criteria for Foods
Food Safety and Inspection
Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
This notice is announcing
that the National Advisory Committee
on Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(NACMCF) will hold public meetings of
the full Committee and subcommittees
on September 27–30, 2011. The
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
1 The 35 minutes per respondent includes 15
minutes to review the materials, participate in the
screening interview, and decide whether to
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Committee will discuss: (1) Control
strategies for reducing foodborne
Norovirus infections, and (2) Study of
microbiological criteria as indicators of
process control or insanitary conditions.
DATES: The full Committee will hold an
open meeting on Friday, September 30,
2011, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The
Subcommittee on control strategies for
reducing foodborne Norovirus
infections and the Subcommittee on
study of microbiological criteria as
indicators of process control or
insanitary conditions will hold
concurrent open meetings on Tuesday,
September 27, Wednesday, September
28, and Thursday, September 29, 2011,
from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The September 27–29, 2011,
subcommittee meetings will be held at
the Patriot’s Plaza 3, 9th Floor OPHS
Conference Rooms, 355 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20024. The September
30, 2011, full Committee meeting will
be held in the conference room at the
south end of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) cafeteria located in
the South Building, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250.
All documents related to the full
Committee meeting will be available for
public inspection in the FSIS Docket
Room, USDA, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW., Patriots Plaza 3, Mailstop
3782, Room 163A, Washington, DC
20250–3700, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, as soon
as they become available. The NACMCF
documents will also be available on the
Internet at
FSIS will finalize an agenda on or
before the meeting dates and post it on
the FSIS Web page at https://www.fsis.
Please note that the meeting agenda is
subject to change due to the time
required for Committee discussions;
thus, sessions could start or end earlier
participate, and 20 minutes to complete the
2 The 15 minutes per non-respondent is to review
the materials, participate in the screening interview,
and decide whether to participate.
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[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 176 (Monday, September 12, 2011)]
[Pages 56141-56143]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-23158]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 176 / Monday, September 12, 2011 /
[[Page 56141]]
Economic Research Service
Notice of Intent To Request New Information Collection
AGENCY: Economic Research Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and other public agencies to send
comments regarding any aspect of this proposed information collection.
This is a new collection for a Survey on Rural Community Wealth and
Health Care Provision.
DATES: Written comments on this notice must be received on or before
November 14, 2011 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments concerning this notice to John Pender,
Resource and Rural Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 1800 M. St., NW., Room N4056, Washington, DC
20036-5801. Comments may also be submitted via fax to the attention of
John Pender at 202-694-5774 or via e-mail to
Comments will also be accepted through the Federal eRulemaking Portal.
Go to, and follow the online instructions
for submitting comments electronically.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information contact John
Pender at the address in the preamble. Tel. 202-694-5568.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: All written comments will be open for public
inspection at the office of the Economic Research Service during
regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) at
1800 M. St., NW., Room N4056, Washington, DC 20036-5801.
All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the
request for Office of Management and Budget approval. All comments and
replies will be a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a)
Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether
the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who are to respond, including use of
appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Title: Survey on Rural Community Wealth and Health Care Provision.
OMB Number: 0536-XXXX.
Expiration Date: Three years from the date of approval.
Type of Request: New collection.
Abstract: This survey will collect information on the assets and
investments of rural communities and their influence on recruitment and
retention of rural health care providers, and on the effects of rural
health care provision on economic development of rural communities.
This information will contribute to a better understanding of the roles
that rural communities play in promoting or retarding the development
and provision of health care services, and of how improved health care
provision contributes to development of these communities. Such
understanding is critical to develop effective policies to address the
challenge of inadequate access to health care services in many rural
communities, and to realize the opportunities offered by improved
health care provision to attract and keep residents in rural areas,
provide employment, and improve the quality of life.
Health care services is one of the largest and most rapidly growing
industries in rural America, and adequate provision of health care
services is increasingly critical for achieving economic development
and improved well-being of rural people. In many rural communities,
health care services is the largest employer, and rapid growth in this
sector is occurring and will continue to occur, especially as the Baby-
Boom generation retires. Provision of adequate health care services is
likely to be one of the key factors in attracting retirees and other
migrants to rural areas, helping to stem persistent outmigration from
many of these areas and in some cases, contributing to rural growth and
prosperity. Despite recent growth and potential for continued growth in
this sector, many rural communities suffer from poor access to health
care services, especially because of the limited supply of health care
professionals. Addressing these access problems likely will become
increasingly important as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act is implemented, increasing rural people's access to health
Although substantial research has investigated the problems of
attracting and retaining health care providers in rural areas, very
little of this research addresses the issue from the perspective of
rural communities themselves. For example, prior research has
established that physicians who grew up in a rural area, who attended a
medical school with a rural emphasis, or who completed a residency in a
rural hospital are more likely than other physicians to locate their
practice in a rural community. Policies and programs that provide
incentives to physicians to locate in rural areas have also been shown
to increase recruitment of physicians to rural areas, although the
impacts on retention of physicians are more questionable. Much less
research has focused on factors affecting recruitment and retention of
health care providers other than physicians to rural areas, or on the
roles local communities play in affecting these decisions. Of the
research that investigates the roles of local communities, the studies
have been conducted in only a few communities with a small number of
respondents, limiting the ability to draw conclusions applicable to
broader rural regions.
The proposed rural community survey will address this information
gap by collecting information from representatives of 150 rural
communities in three regions of the United States and from health care
providers in the same communities. The
[[Page 56142]]
survey will investigate the perspectives of community leaders and
organizations concerning the need for improved access to health care
services, the local community assets that attract or repel health care
providers, the investments and efforts undertaken or planned to recruit
and retain health care service providers, and the effects of changes in
health care service provision on other aspects of community
development. The survey will also investigate the perspective of health
care providers on the factors affecting their decisions to locate,
continue and change their operations in these rural communities,
including the influence of community assets and investments such as
improvements in local schools, availability of Internet broadband or
other infrastructure, provision of child care services, recreational
opportunities, and other factors.
The three proposed study regions include the lower Mississippi
Delta region (including parts of the States of Mississippi, Louisiana,
Arkansas and Tennessee), the Southern Great Plains region (including
parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Colorado),
and part of the Upper Midwest region (including parts of Missouri,
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois). These regions include areas
with high rates of poverty and severe constraints to health care
access--especially in the Delta and Southern Great Plains--while
incomes and health care access are relatively more favorable in the
Upper Midwest region. All three of these regions include rural areas
where growth in health sector employment has been an important
contributor to overall employment growth in recent years, as well as
areas where less growth has occurred. These regions also include
important variations in health status of the populations, presence of
different racial and ethnic groups, social capital, and other key
factors hypothesized to be related to rural health care provision.
The communities (towns and surrounding counties and hospital
service areas (HSAs)) studied in the survey will be selected using a
stratified random sample. Potential respondents for each sampled
community will be identified by accessing public information sources
and by telephone screening. From the town, community leaders such as
the town mayor, council representatives, business leaders or other
stakeholders involved in recruiting and integrating health care
providers to the community will be included on the respondent sample
list. A sample of local health care providers in the selected town--in
most cases limited to primary health care providers such as
administrators of rural clinics, physicians, nurse practitioners, and
dentists--will also be identified. At the county level, the list will
include relevant representatives of the county government--such as the
county executive and officials in the health and economic development
departments--as well as civil society organizations and others involved
at that level in seeking to improve health care provision. At the HSA
level, the sample will include hospital administrators and other
provider representatives. A total of 10 to 15 respondents will be
interviewed in each selected community (including health care providers
and leaders/stakeholders in the town, county and HSA). The interviews
will be conducted by telephone and are expected to require on average
about 20 minutes per respondent, based upon the experience of the
organization that will implement the survey (Survey and Behavioral
Research Services Group, Iowa State University) in implementing
community level surveys of similar scope and size.
The sample for each selected community will be strategically
managed in order to provide the maximum survey response. Advance
letters and a colorful information sheet/brochure will be mailed to
potential respondents. A project Web site will be available with
additional information, and a toll-free number will be provided for
those who have questions or concerns. Confidentiality of responses will
be both assured and ensured. After the advance letters/packets are
sent, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact and interview the
respondents in the sample. Paper or online copies of the survey will be
made available to those who are unable or unwilling to complete a
telephone interview.
All study instruments will be kept as simple and respondent-
friendly as possible. Participation in the survey will be voluntary and
confidential. Survey responses will be used for statistical analysis
and to produce research reports only; not for any other purpose. Data
files from the survey will not be released to the public. Responses
will be linked to secondary data to augment information with no
additional respondent burden. For example, the survey data will be
combined with available county level data from the Census Bureau on
community socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and data from
the Department of Health and Human Services on health care provision
and health status indicators, to analyze factors affecting local
changes in health care provision.
The telephone survey will be conducted within a six month period
during 2012. After the telephone survey and analysis of its results are
completed, a follow up information collection will be conducted in a
sub-sample of the surveyed communities (at most 40), with the goal of
deepening understanding of (i) how and why the community factors that
appear to influence recruitment and retention of health care providers
(as will be identified by the telephone survey) are able to do so, and
(ii) how development of the health care sector contributes to broader
economic development in rural communities. This second phase will use
more qualitative methods, including in depth individual and focus group
interviews, and will be completed in 2013. This notice focuses on the
telephone survey; another notice will be provided before the second
phase begins.
Authority: These data will be collected under the authority of
7 U.S.C. 2204(a) and sec. 501 of the Rural Development Act of 1972
(7 U.S.C. 2661). Individually identifiable data collected under this
authority are governed by 7 U.S.C. 2276, which requires USDA to
afford strict confidentiality to non-aggregated data provided by
respondents. This Notice is submitted in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3501, et
seq.) and Office of Management and Budget regulations at 5 CFR part
1320. ERS also complies with OMB Implementation Guidance,
``Implementation Guidance for Title V of the E-Government Act,
Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act
of 2002 (CIPSEA)'', 72 FR 33362, June 15, 2007.
Affected Public: Respondents will include health care providers,
local government and community leaders, and other stakeholders involved
in recruiting and retaining health care providers in rural communities.
Estimated Number of Respondents and Respondent Burden: The
telephone survey will be completed at one point in time within a six
month period in 2012. The survey will have a complex mixed survey
administration to include telephone screening, pre-notification letter
with Web access, multi-contact telephone interviewing, and follow-up
non-respondent mail questionnaires. The time required for respondents
and non-respondents to read the notification materials, review
instructions, participate in the screening interview, and decide
whether to complete the questionnaire is estimated to average 15
minutes per person. Completion time for each questionnaire respondent
is estimated to average 20 minutes per completed questionnaire. In
addition, the screening interviews used to select
[[Page 56143]]
the sample will involve telephone conversations with knowledgeable
people in each community. We estimate that this may require 15 minute
interviews with up to 8 people per community, or a maximum burden of 2
hours per sample community.
Full Study: The maximum sample size for the full study is 2,812
respondents (15 respondents maximum per community x 150 communities/80%
response rate). The expected overall response rate is 80 percent. The
maximum total estimated response burden for all of those participating
in the study is 1,313 hours (2,250 respondents x 35 minutes per
respondent \1\) and for the non-respondents is 141 hours (562 non-
respondents x 15 minutes per non-respondent \2\). In addition, we
estimate a maximum burden of 300 hours on non-sample interviewees
contacted during the pre-sample screening process for the full study
(150 communities x 8 interviewees/community x 15 minutes per
\1\ The 35 minutes per respondent includes 15 minutes to review
the materials, participate in the screening interview, and decide
whether to participate, and 20 minutes to complete the
\2\ The 15 minutes per non-respondent is to review the
materials, participate in the screening interview, and decide
whether to participate.
Pilot Study: A pilot test of the survey will be done in advance of
the full survey. The purpose of the pilot is to evaluate the survey
protocol, and test instruments and questionnaires. The initial sample
size for this phase of the research is 100 respondents (10 respondents
per community x 10 communities). The expected response rate is 80
percent. The total estimated burden for full respondents in the pilot
testing is 47 hours (100 respondents x 80 percent x 35 minutes per
respondent), and for non-respondents is 5 hours (100 respondents x 20
percent x 15 minutes per non-respondent). In addition, we estimate a
maximum burden of 20 hours on non-sample interviewees contacted during
the pre-sample screening process for the pilot study (10 communities x
8 interviewees/community x 15 minutes per interviewee).
The total respondent burden, including the pilot and full study, is
estimated at 1,826 hours (see table below).
Table--Estimated Respondent Burden for the Survey on Rural Community
Wealth and Health Care Provision
Item Pilot study Full study Total
Sample size................... 100 2,812 2,912
--Number.................. 80 2,250 2,330
--Minutes/response........ 35 35
--Burden hours............ 47 1,313 1,360
--Number.................. 20 562 582
--Minutes/response........ 15 15
--Burden hours............ 5 141 146
Pre-sample screening
--Number.................. 80 1,200 1,280
--Minutes/interview....... 15 15
--Burden hours............ 20 300 320
Total burden hours........ 72 1,754 1,826
Dated: August 31, 2011.
Laurian Unnevehr,
Acting Administrator, Economic Research Service.
[FR Doc. 2011-23158 Filed 9-9-11; 8:45 am]