Extension of Comment Period for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases, 55841-55842 [2011-23129]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
We, the National Park
Service, are reopening the public
comment period for the proposed rule to
manage off-road vehicle use at Cape
Hatteras National Seashore in North
Carolina. The additional comment
period allows more time for those who
may have been affected by Hurricane
Irene to submit comments.
DATES: Comments must be received
before midnight (Eastern Daylight Time)
on September 19, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by the Regulation Identifier
Number 1024–AD85, by either of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail or hand deliver to:
Superintendent, Cape Hatteras National
Seashore, 1401 National Park Drive,
Manteo, North Carolina 27954.
Mike Murray, Superintendent, Cape
Hatteras National Seashore, 1401
National Park Drive, Manteo, North
Carolina 27954. Phone: (252) 473–2111
(ext 148).
2011, we published in the Federal
Register a proposed rule to manage offroad vehicle use at Cape Hatteras
National Seashore, North Carolina. (76
FR 39350) The 60-day public comment
period for this proposal closed on
September 6, 2011. Hurricane Irene
made landfall in the area of the
Seashore on Saturday August 27, 2001,
resulting in wide-spread damage there,
and north along the east coast into New
England. Because hurricane damage
may have prevented some affected
persons from commenting on the rule,
we are reopening the public comment
period from September 9, 2011 through
September 19, 2011. We do not
anticipate extending the public
comment period beyond this date due to
a court-imposed deadline for
completing the final rule. If you already
commented on the rule you do not have
to resubmit your comments. Also, if you
submitted comments on this rule
between September 6, 2011 and
September 9, 2011 you do not need to
resubmit them, we will consider any
comments received during this period.
Comments submitted through Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov or submitted by
mail must be entered or postmarked
before midnight (Eastern Daylight Time)
September 19, 2011. Comments
submitted by hand delivery must be
received by the close of business hours
(5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time) on
September 19, 2011. Comments will not
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be accepted by fax, e-mail, or in any
way other than those specified above,
and bulk comments in any format (hard
copy or electronic) submitted on behalf
of others will not be accepted.
All submissions must include the
words ‘‘National Park Service’’ or
‘‘NPS’’ and must include the identifying
number 1024–AD85. Comments
received through the Federal
eRulemaking portal at https://
www.regulations.gov will be available
on the regulations.gov Web site, usually
without change. Before including your
address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information, we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to do so. To view
comments received through the Federal
eRulemaking portal, go to https://
www.regulations.gov and enter 1024–
AD85 in the Keyword or ID search box.
Dated: September 6, 2011.
Eileen Sobeck,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and
Wildlife and Parks.
[FR Doc. 2011–23127 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]
Patent and Trademark Office
37 CFR Parts 2 and 7
[Docket No. PTO–T–2010–0073]
RIN 0651–AC49
Extension of Comment Period for
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on
Changes in Requirements for
Specimens and for Affidavits or
Declarations of Continued Use or
Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases
United States Patent and
Trademark Office, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of extension of public
comment period.
The United States Patent and
Trademark Office (‘‘USPTO’’) is
extending until September 23, 2011, the
period for public comment on the
proposal to revise the Trademark Rules
of Practice and the Rules of Practice for
Filings Pursuant to the Madrid Protocol
to permit the USPTO to require: any
information, exhibits, and affidavits or
declarations deemed reasonably
necessary to examine an affidavit or
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declaration of continued use or
excusable nonuse in trademark cases, or
for the USPTO to assess the accuracy
and integrity of the register; and upon
request, more than one specimen in
connection with a use-based trademark
application, an allegation of use, an
amendment to a registered mark, or an
affidavit or declaration of continued use
in trademark cases.
DATES: Comments must be received by
September 23, 2011, to ensure full
ADDRESSES: The USPTO prefers that
comments be submitted via electronic
mail message to
TMFRNotices@uspto.gov. Written
comments may also be submitted by
mail to Commissioner for Trademarks,
P.O. Box 1451, Alexandria, VA 22313–
1451, attention Cynthia C. Lynch; by
hand-delivery to the Trademark
Assistance Center, Concourse Level,
James Madison Building-East Wing, 600
Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia,
attention Cynthia C. Lynch; or by
electronic mail message via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. See the Federal
eRulemaking Portal Web site (https://
www.regulations.gov) for additional
instructions on providing comments via
the Federal eRulemaking Portal. The
comments will be available for public
inspection on the USPTO’s Web site at
https://www.uspto.gov, and will also be
available at the Office of the
Commissioner for Trademarks, Madison
East, Tenth Floor, 600 Dulany Street,
Alexandria, Virginia. Because comments
will be available for public inspection,
information that is not desired to be
made public, such as an address or
phone number, should not be included
in the comments.
12, 2011, the USPTO published a notice
of proposed rulemaking to revise the
Trademark Rules of Practice (37 CFR
part 2) and the Rules of Practice for
Filings Pursuant to the Madrid Protocol
(‘‘Madrid Rules’’) (37 CFR part 7) to
provide for the USPTO to require:
(1) Any information, exhibits, and
affidavits or declarations deemed
reasonably necessary to examine a post
registration affidavit or declaration of
continued use in trademark cases, or for
the USPTO to assess the accuracy and
integrity of the register; and (2) upon
request, more than one specimen in
connection with a use-based trademark
application, an allegation of use, an
amendment to a registered mark, or an
affidavit or declaration of continued use
in trademark cases (76 FR 40839 (July
12, 2011)). The notice invited the public
to submit written comments on the
proposed rules on or before September
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
12, 2011. The USPTO is now extending
the period for submission of public
comments until September 23, 2011.
Dated: September 6, 2011.
David J. Kappos,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual
Property and Director of the United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2011–23129 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R09–OAR–2011–0723; FRL–9462–3]
Partial Approval and Partial
Disapproval of Air Quality
Implementation Plans; California; San
Joaquin Valley; Reasonably Available
Control Technology for Ozone
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to partially
approve and partially disapprove a
revision to the San Joaquin Valley
Unified Air Pollution Control District
(SJVUAPCD or SJV) portion of the
California State Implementation Plan
(SIP). Specifically, we propose to
partially approve and partially
disapprove SJVUAPCD’s ‘‘Reasonably
Available Control Technology (RACT)
Demonstration for Ozone State
Implementation Plan (SIP)’’ (RACT SIP)
for the 8-hour ozone National Ambient
Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) under
the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990
(CAA or the Act). We are taking
comments on this proposal and plan to
follow with a final action.
DATES: Any comments must arrive by
October 11, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments,
identified by docket number EPA–R09–
OAR–2011–0723, by one of the
following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
on-line instructions.
2. E-mail: steckel.andrew@epa.gov.
3. Mail or deliver: Andrew Steckel
(Air-4), U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency Region IX, 75 Hawthorne Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105–3901.
Instructions: All comments will be
included in the public docket without
change and may be made available
online at https://www.regulations.gov,
including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Information that
you consider CBI or otherwise protected
should be clearly identified as such and
should not be submitted through
https://www.regulations.gov or e-mail.
https://www.regulations.gov is an
‘‘anonymous access’’ system, and EPA
will not know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the
body of your comment. If you send email directly to EPA, your e-mail
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the public
comment. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
Docket: Generally, documents in the
docket for this action are available
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov and in hard copy
at EPA Region IX, 75 Hawthorne Street,
San Francisco, California. While all
documents in the docket are listed at
https://www.regulations.gov, some
information may be publicly available
only at the hard copy location (e.g.,
copyrighted material, large maps), and
some may not be publicly available in
either location (e.g., CBI). To inspect the
hard copy materials, please schedule an
appointment during normal business
hours with the contact listed in the FOR
Stanley Tong, EPA Region IX, (415)
947–4122, tong.stanley@epa.gov.
Throughout this document, ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’
and ‘‘our’’ refer to EPA.
Table of Contents
I. The State’s Submittal
A. What document did the State submit?
B. Are there other versions of this
C. What is the purpose of the submitted
II. EPA’s Evaluation and Action
A. How is EPA evaluating the RACT SIP?
B. Does the RACT SIP meet the evaluation
C. What are the deficiencies?
D. Proposed Action and Public Comment
III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. The State’s Submittal
A. What document did the State submit?
Table 1 lists the document proposed
for partial approval and partial
disapproval with the date that it was
adopted and submitted by the SJV.
Local agency
SJVUAPCD ......................................
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Demonstration for
Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP).
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
On December 11, 2009, EPA
determined that the submittal for SJV’s
RACT SIP met the completeness criteria
in 40 CFR part 51 Appendix V, which
must be met before formal EPA review.
B. Are there other versions of this
On October 8, 2004, SJV adopted its
‘‘Extreme Ozone Attainment
Demonstration Plan’’ for the 1-hour
ozone standard (2004 SIP). The plan
was amended on October 20, 2005 and
included 1-hour ozone RACT
provisions. On September 5, 2008, the
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State withdrew the RACT provisions
from the 2004 SIP and indicated SJV
would satisfy its RACT obligation for
the 1-hour ozone standard with a
revised 8-hour ozone RACT SIP.
Subsequent to the State’s withdrawal of
the RACT element, EPA published a
Finding of Failure to Submit a required
SIP revision for the 1-hour ozone
standard (74 FR 3442, January 21, 2009).
In this action, we indicated that first,
offset sanctions as identified in CAA
section 179(b) would apply, and next,
highway funding sanctions would apply
if the State failed to submit a SIP
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revision which included all required
RACT rules and the supporting RACT
demonstrations to meet CAA sections
172(c)(1), 182(b)(2), and 182(f) within
the time frames specified in the CAA.
See 74 FR at 3443. On June 18, 2009, the
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
submitted a revised RACT SIP
demonstration for the 8-hour ozone
standard. EPA’s December 11, 2009
completeness determination turned off
the sanctions clocks.
There is no previous version of this
document in the SJV portion of the
California SIP, although the SJV adopted
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 175 (Friday, September 9, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 55841-55842]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-23129]
Patent and Trademark Office
37 CFR Parts 2 and 7
[Docket No. PTO-T-2010-0073]
RIN 0651-AC49
Extension of Comment Period for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on
Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or
Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases
AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of extension of public comment period.
SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (``USPTO'') is
extending until September 23, 2011, the period for public comment on
the proposal to revise the Trademark Rules of Practice and the Rules of
Practice for Filings Pursuant to the Madrid Protocol to permit the
USPTO to require: any information, exhibits, and affidavits or
declarations deemed reasonably necessary to examine an affidavit or
declaration of continued use or excusable nonuse in trademark cases, or
for the USPTO to assess the accuracy and integrity of the register; and
upon request, more than one specimen in connection with a use-based
trademark application, an allegation of use, an amendment to a
registered mark, or an affidavit or declaration of continued use in
trademark cases.
DATES: Comments must be received by September 23, 2011, to ensure full
ADDRESSES: The USPTO prefers that comments be submitted via electronic
mail message to TMFRNotices@uspto.gov. Written comments may also be
submitted by mail to Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451,
Alexandria, VA 22313-1451, attention Cynthia C. Lynch; by hand-delivery
to the Trademark Assistance Center, Concourse Level, James Madison
Building-East Wing, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia, attention
Cynthia C. Lynch; or by electronic mail message via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. See the Federal eRulemaking Portal Web site (https://www.regulations.gov) for additional instructions on providing comments
via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. The comments will be available for
public inspection on the USPTO's Web site at https://www.uspto.gov, and
will also be available at the Office of the Commissioner for
Trademarks, Madison East, Tenth Floor, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria,
Virginia. Because comments will be available for public inspection,
information that is not desired to be made public, such as an address
or phone number, should not be included in the comments.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July 12, 2011, the USPTO published a
notice of proposed rulemaking to revise the Trademark Rules of Practice
(37 CFR part 2) and the Rules of Practice for Filings Pursuant to the
Madrid Protocol (``Madrid Rules'') (37 CFR part 7) to provide for the
USPTO to require: (1) Any information, exhibits, and affidavits or
declarations deemed reasonably necessary to examine a post registration
affidavit or declaration of continued use in trademark cases, or for
the USPTO to assess the accuracy and integrity of the register; and (2)
upon request, more than one specimen in connection with a use-based
trademark application, an allegation of use, an amendment to a
registered mark, or an affidavit or declaration of continued use in
trademark cases (76 FR 40839 (July 12, 2011)). The notice invited the
public to submit written comments on the proposed rules on or before
[[Page 55842]]
12, 2011. The USPTO is now extending the period for submission of
public comments until September 23, 2011.
Dated: September 6, 2011.
David J. Kappos,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of
the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2011-23129 Filed 9-8-11; 8:45 am]