Selection Criteria-Transportation Infrastructure Improvements Associated With Medical Facilities Related to Recommendations of the 2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission, 55886-55887 [2011-23041]
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices
personnel for the ordinary use of
facilities, furnishing, or equipment
purchased with grant funds. The
Grantee shall administer and supervise
implementation of the project,
maintaining competent architectural
supervision and inspection at the
project site to ensure the work conforms
to the approved drawings and
(m) Administrative and National
Policy Requirements—The Grantee and
any consultant/contractor operating
under the terms of a grant shall comply
with all Federal, State, and local laws
applicable to its activities including the
following: National Environmental
Policy Act; National Historic
Preservation Act; 32 CFR part 33,
‘‘Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
to State and Local Governments’’; OMB
Circulars A–87, ‘‘Cost Principles for
State and Local Governments’’ and the
revised A–133, ‘‘Audits of States, Local
Governments and Non-Profit
Organizations’’; 32 CFR part 25,
‘‘Government-wide Debarment and
Suspension (Non-procurement)’’; 32
CFR part 26,’’Drug-free Workplace’’; and
32 CFR part 28, ‘‘New Restrictions on
Lobbying (Grants).’’
(n) Reporting—OEA requires interim
performance reports and one final
performance report for each award. The
performance reports will contain
information on the following:
• A comparison of actual
accomplishments to the objectives
established for the reporting period;
• Reasons for any slippage and
proposed plan to mitigate;
• Additional pertinent information
when appropriate;
• A comparison of actual and
projected expenditures for the period;
• The amount of awarded funds on
hand at the beginning and end of the
reporting period.
The final performance report must
contain a summary of activities for the
entire award period. An SF 425,
‘‘Financial Status Report,’’ must be
submitted to OEA within ninety (90)
days after the end date of the award.
Any grant funds actually advanced and
not needed for grant purposes shall be
returned immediately to the Office of
Economic Adjustment.
OEA will provide a schedule for
reporting periods and report due dates
in the Award Agreement.
2. Agency Contacts
For further information, to answer
questions regarding this notice, or for
help with problems, contact: David F.
Witschi, OEA Associate Director,
telephone: (703) 604–6020, e-mail:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:58 Sep 08, 2011
Jkt 223001 or regular
mail at 400 Army Navy Drive, Suite 200,
Arlington, VA 22202–4704. Specific
questions concerning the Department’s
Public Schools on Military Installations
Priority List should be directed to the
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Personnel and Readiness, attention:
Russell Roberts, Chief, Logistics
Division, Department of Defense
Education Activity at (703) 588–3502 or
3. Other Information
The OEA Internet address is https://
Dated: September 6, 2011.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2011–23065 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Selection Criteria—Transportation
Infrastructure Improvements
Associated With Medical Facilities
Related to Recommendations of the
2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission
Office of Economic Adjustment
(OEA), Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Final notice.
This notice responds to
comments on the selection criteria to be
used to select grant applicants for
funding from the Office of Economic
Adjustment (OEA) for construction of
Transportation Infrastructure
Improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of
the 2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission. The July 21,
2011, Federal Register notice
announced proposal requirements, the
deadline for submitting proposals, and
the criteria that will be used to select
proposals. Because this is a new onetime program, however, the July 21,
2011, notice also requested comments
on the proposed selection criteria for
these grants, as provided in Section V,
paragraph 1, of that notice. This notice
responds to the comments that were
received and issues the final selection
criteria for the program.
David F. Witschi, Associate Director,
OEA, telephone: (703) 604–6020, e-mail:
Funding Opportunity Title:
Transportation Infrastructure
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of
the 2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission.
Announcement Type: Federal
Funding Opportunity.
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 12.600.
Background—Funding Opportunity
OEA, a DoD Field Activity, is
authorized by Section 8110 of Public
Law 112–10, the Department of Defense
and Full-Year Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2011, to provide up
to $300 million ‘‘for transportation
infrastructure improvements associated
with medical facilities related to
recommendations of the Defense Base
Closure and Realignment Commission.’’
On July 21, 2011, OEA issued a Federal
Funding Opportunity notice for these
funds in the Federal Register that
announced proposal requirements, the
deadline for submitting proposals, and
the criteria that will be used to select
proposals. Because this is a new onetime program, however, the July 21,
2011, notice also requested comments
on the proposed selection criteria for
these grants. This notice responds to
comments that were received and issues
the final selection criteria for the
program (Section V, paragraphs 1.(a)
through 1.(d) of the July 21, 2011
notice). All other information, including
the proposal submission date and
application and submission information
announced in the July 21, 2011, notice,
remains unchanged. The 30-day
comment period for the selection
criteria ended on August 19, 2011.
Comments and Responses—Seven
respondents provided a total of four
different comments. The public
comments were considered by OEA in
determining the final selection criteria
for the program.
Comment 1: One commenter agreed
with the selection criteria and proposed
no changes.
Comment 2: One commenter
proposed no changes to the selection
criteria, but requested additional
information regarding the disbursement
process to be used both for direct OEA
grants and if the funds are to be passed
through another Federal agency for
Response: For direct OEA
construction grants, disbursement to the
grantee will be by the reimbursement
method. In the event OEA chooses to
enter into an interagency agreement
with another Federal agency to
implement a particular project, OEA
will transfer those funds directly to the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices
other Federal agency after execution of
an interagency agreement.
Comment 3: Four commenters noted
that selection criterion (b) does not
clearly address the transportation
impacts on the community, noting that
any expenditure of funds related to
BRAC-affected areas should expressly
take into consideration the larger effects
on the community outside the perimeter
of a military facility. They requested
that the medical facility and its needs be
considered in the broader context of the
larger community—business and
residential—in which it resides.
Response: Although selection
criterion (b) was intended to capture the
overall magnitude of the transportation
problem, to include its effect on the
surrounding community, we agree that
this criterion lacked sufficient clarity on
that point. Therefore, selection criterion
(b) has been modified to state more
clearly that the effect on the
surrounding community is also being
Comment 4: One commenter
requested the addition of three new
criteria addressing: (i) The extent to
which the project contributes to on-base
parking demand (negative factor) or
relieves parking demand (positive
factor); (ii) the effect of a project on
pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access to
the DoD facility; and (iii) the degree of
mitigation (positive factor) or
contribution to vulnerability to a
terrorist attack or major accident
(negative factor) of an existing or
proposed transportation facility.
Response: The commenter raises
several valid issues pertaining to
specific design considerations/effects
that may be relevant to a project
depending on the nature of the
transportation problem and the
proposed solution. Rather than create
additional criteria, however, we believe
these issues can be adequately
addressed with a modification to
selection criterion (d) that addresses the
degree to which a project resolves a
transportation issue. We have, therefore,
added these issues as examples in
selection criterion (d) of how a project
might resolve a transportation issue.
Final Selection Criteria—Accordingly,
Section V, paragraphs 1.(a) through 1.(d)
of the July 21, 2011, notice are revised
and re-issued as follows:
1. Selection Criteria—Upon validating
the eligibility of the interested
respondent to apply for assistance, an
evaluation panel, designated by OEA,
evaluates proposal content conforming
to this notice as the basis for inviting a
formal grant application. The proposed
selection criteria, with relative weights,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:58 Sep 08, 2011
Jkt 223001
(a) The extent to which the
transportation issue impedes the
provision of care, i.e., the military
medical mission (e.g., the greater the
number of patients, patient visitors and
patient care workers impacted, the more
serious the consequences to patients,
etc., the higher the score), 25%;
(b) The magnitude (e.g. overall
number of people affected, degree of
failure, etc.) of the transportation issue
that affects the military medical facility
and its surrounding community,
expressed in terms of accepted and
appropriate transportation planning and
assessment techniques (the greater the
magnitude of the issue, the higher the
score), 25%;
(c) The applicant’s ability to execute
the proposed project, including the
extent of other funding for the project
and the ability to meet project timelines
and budgets, acquire site control,
permits or concurrences of affected
parties, etc. (the greater the
demonstration of the applicant’s ability,
the greater the score), 25%; and
(d) The extent to which the proposed
construction project resolves the
transportation issue (e.g., improves both
vehicular and non-vehicular access to
the facility; reduces parking demand;
improves public safety and mitigates
potential vulnerability to a major
accident or incident, etc. The more the
project does to resolve the
transportation issue, the higher the
score), 25%.
All other information announced in
the July 21, 2011 notice, including the
proposal submission deadline and
application and submission
information, remains unchanged.
Dated: September 2, 2011.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2011–23041 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army, Corps of
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
for a Proposed Highway Between
Bush, LA and I–12 in St. Tammany
Parish, LA
Department of the Army, U.S.
Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) is issuing this notice
to advise the public that a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
has been completed and is available for
review and comment.
DATES: Comments on the DEIS must be
received no later than 5 p.m. Central
Standard Time, Monday, October 24,
Send comments to U.S.
Corps of Engineers, New Orleans
District, 7400 Leake Avenue, New
Orleans, LA 70188.
Questions about the proposed action
and the DEIS should be addressed to
James A. Barlow, Jr., PhD, Regulatory
Branch, phone (504) 862–2250 or e-mail
at, or
Ms. Brenda Archer, Regulatory Branch,
phone (504) 862–2046 or e-mail at
has been prepared to address the NEPA,
environmental and cultural resource
laws, USACE Regulatory Program
Regulations (Title 33 of the Code of
Federal Regulations [CFR] parts 320–
332), including the 33 CFR part 325,
Appendix B, and the requirements of
the section 404(b)(1) guidelines (40 CFR
part 230), to gather information needed
for the USACE permit decision-making
process regarding a permit application
submitted by the Louisiana Department
of Transportation and Development
(LADOTD). LADOTD proposes
construction of a high-speed, four-lane
arterial highway from the southern
terminus of the current, modern fourlane arterial portion of LA 21 in Bush,
Louisiana, to I–12, a distance between
17.4 and 21 miles. The majority of the
proposed highway would be designed as
a rural arterial road RA–3 with a design
speed of 70 miles per hour, which,
according to LADOTD, generally
equates to a posted speed limit of 65
miles per hour. The typical cross section
would have two 12-foot travel lanes, an
8- to 10-foot outside shoulder, and a 4foot inside shoulder in each direction.
The median width would vary
depending on highway design class
used ranging between 40 and 60 feet,
and a maximum ROW requirement of
250 feet. The exception to that design
could be as the proposed project
transitions into existing roadways (i.e.
intersections), and where alternative
alignments follow the existing LA 21.
The proposed I–12 to Bush highway
is an effort planned by LADOTD and
funded by the Transportation
Infrastructure Model for Economic
Development (TIMED) program
(Louisiana Revised Statute 48:820.2).
The stated mission of the TIMED
program is to, ‘‘foster economic
development throughout the state of
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 175 (Friday, September 9, 2011)]
[Pages 55886-55887]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-23041]
Office of the Secretary
Selection Criteria--Transportation Infrastructure Improvements
Associated With Medical Facilities Related to Recommendations of the
2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission
AGENCY: Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), Department of Defense
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: This notice responds to comments on the selection criteria to
be used to select grant applicants for funding from the Office of
Economic Adjustment (OEA) for construction of Transportation
Infrastructure Improvements associated with medical facilities related
to recommendations of the 2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment
Commission. The July 21, 2011, Federal Register notice announced
proposal requirements, the deadline for submitting proposals, and the
criteria that will be used to select proposals. Because this is a new
one-time program, however, the July 21, 2011, notice also requested
comments on the proposed selection criteria for these grants, as
provided in Section V, paragraph 1, of that notice. This notice
responds to the comments that were received and issues the final
selection criteria for the program.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David F. Witschi, Associate Director,
OEA, telephone: (703) 604-6020, e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Federal Funding Opportunity Title:
Transportation Infrastructure Improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of the 2005 Defense Base Closure
and Realignment Commission.
Announcement Type: Federal Funding Opportunity.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 12.600.
Background--Funding Opportunity Description
OEA, a DoD Field Activity, is authorized by Section 8110 of Public
Law 112-10, the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2011, to provide up to $300 million ``for
transportation infrastructure improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission.'' On July 21, 2011, OEA issued a Federal
Funding Opportunity notice for these funds in the Federal Register that
announced proposal requirements, the deadline for submitting proposals,
and the criteria that will be used to select proposals. Because this is
a new one-time program, however, the July 21, 2011, notice also
requested comments on the proposed selection criteria for these grants.
This notice responds to comments that were received and issues the
final selection criteria for the program (Section V, paragraphs 1.(a)
through 1.(d) of the July 21, 2011 notice). All other information,
including the proposal submission date and application and submission
information announced in the July 21, 2011, notice, remains unchanged.
The 30-day comment period for the selection criteria ended on August
19, 2011.
Comments and Responses--Seven respondents provided a total of four
different comments. The public comments were considered by OEA in
determining the final selection criteria for the program.
Comment 1: One commenter agreed with the selection criteria and
proposed no changes.
Comment 2: One commenter proposed no changes to the selection
criteria, but requested additional information regarding the
disbursement process to be used both for direct OEA grants and if the
funds are to be passed through another Federal agency for
Response: For direct OEA construction grants, disbursement to the
grantee will be by the reimbursement method. In the event OEA chooses
to enter into an interagency agreement with another Federal agency to
implement a particular project, OEA will transfer those funds directly
to the
[[Page 55887]]
other Federal agency after execution of an interagency agreement.
Comment 3: Four commenters noted that selection criterion (b) does
not clearly address the transportation impacts on the community, noting
that any expenditure of funds related to BRAC-affected areas should
expressly take into consideration the larger effects on the community
outside the perimeter of a military facility. They requested that the
medical facility and its needs be considered in the broader context of
the larger community--business and residential--in which it resides.
Response: Although selection criterion (b) was intended to capture
the overall magnitude of the transportation problem, to include its
effect on the surrounding community, we agree that this criterion
lacked sufficient clarity on that point. Therefore, selection criterion
(b) has been modified to state more clearly that the effect on the
surrounding community is also being considered.
Comment 4: One commenter requested the addition of three new
criteria addressing: (i) The extent to which the project contributes to
on-base parking demand (negative factor) or relieves parking demand
(positive factor); (ii) the effect of a project on pedestrian, bicycle,
and transit access to the DoD facility; and (iii) the degree of
mitigation (positive factor) or contribution to vulnerability to a
terrorist attack or major accident (negative factor) of an existing or
proposed transportation facility.
Response: The commenter raises several valid issues pertaining to
specific design considerations/effects that may be relevant to a
project depending on the nature of the transportation problem and the
proposed solution. Rather than create additional criteria, however, we
believe these issues can be adequately addressed with a modification to
selection criterion (d) that addresses the degree to which a project
resolves a transportation issue. We have, therefore, added these issues
as examples in selection criterion (d) of how a project might resolve a
transportation issue.
Final Selection Criteria--Accordingly, Section V, paragraphs 1.(a)
through 1.(d) of the July 21, 2011, notice are revised and re-issued as
1. Selection Criteria--Upon validating the eligibility of the
interested respondent to apply for assistance, an evaluation panel,
designated by OEA, evaluates proposal content conforming to this notice
as the basis for inviting a formal grant application. The proposed
selection criteria, with relative weights, are:
(a) The extent to which the transportation issue impedes the
provision of care, i.e., the military medical mission (e.g., the
greater the number of patients, patient visitors and patient care
workers impacted, the more serious the consequences to patients, etc.,
the higher the score), 25%;
(b) The magnitude (e.g. overall number of people affected, degree
of failure, etc.) of the transportation issue that affects the military
medical facility and its surrounding community, expressed in terms of
accepted and appropriate transportation planning and assessment
techniques (the greater the magnitude of the issue, the higher the
score), 25%;
(c) The applicant's ability to execute the proposed project,
including the extent of other funding for the project and the ability
to meet project timelines and budgets, acquire site control, permits or
concurrences of affected parties, etc. (the greater the demonstration
of the applicant's ability, the greater the score), 25%; and
(d) The extent to which the proposed construction project resolves
the transportation issue (e.g., improves both vehicular and non-
vehicular access to the facility; reduces parking demand; improves
public safety and mitigates potential vulnerability to a major accident
or incident, etc. The more the project does to resolve the
transportation issue, the higher the score), 25%.
All other information announced in the July 21, 2011 notice,
including the proposal submission deadline and application and
submission information, remains unchanged.
Dated: September 2, 2011.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2011-23041 Filed 9-8-11; 8:45 am]