NRC Enforcement Policy, 54986-54991 [2011-22646]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(iii) Evidence of a determination made
in judicial or administrative
proceedings, under applicable State law,
that it would not be in the juvenile’s
best interest to be returned to the
country of nationality or last habitual
residence of the juvenile or of his or her
(4) If a juvenile is in the custody of
the Secretary of Health and Human
Services and obtained a juvenile court
order that determined or altered the
custody status or placement of the
juvenile, evidence that the Secretary of
Health and Human Services granted
specific consent.
(e) Interview. In accordance with 8
CFR 103.2(b) and 245.6, although an
interview is not a prerequisite to the
adjudication of a Special Immigrant
Juvenile petition, USCIS may require an
interview as a matter of discretion.
(1) The SIJ petitioner may be
accompanied by a trusted adult, in
addition to an attorney or
representative, at the interview. USCIS,
in its discretion, may place reasonable
limits on the number of persons who
may be present at the interview.
(2) The trusted adult or attorney or
representative may present a statement
at the end of the interview. USCIS, in its
discretion, may limit the length of such
statement or comment and may require
its submission in writing.
(f) No contact. USCIS will not compel
an SIJ petitioner to contact the alleged
abuser or family members of the alleged
abuser at any time during the petition or
interview process.
(g) No parental rights. No natural or
prior adoptive parent of any alien with
an approved Special Immigrant Juvenile
petition shall, by virtue of such
parentage, be accorded any right,
privilege, or status under the Act. This
prohibition remains in effect even after
the alien becomes a lawful permanent
resident or a United States citizen.
(h) Timeframe. USCIS will adjudicate
a petition for Special Immigrant
Juvenile classification within 180 days
of receipt of a properly filed petition.
The date of receipt will be as provided
in 8 CFR 103.2(a)(7). A request for
required initial evidence from USCIS to
the petitioner or a request from the
petitioner for rescheduling of biometrics
or an interview will restart the 180-day
timeframe. Any request for additional
evidence will suspend the timeframe as
of the date of the request up until the
date the requested evidence, response,
or a request for a decision based on the
evidence already provided is received.
Any delay requested or caused by the
applicant will not be counted as part of
the 180-day adjudication period.
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3. The authority citation for part 205
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101, 1103, 1151,
1153, 1154, 1155, 1182, and 1186a.
4. Section 205.1 is amended by:
a. Removing paragraph (a)(3)(iv)(A);
b. Removing paragraph (a)(3)(iv)(C);
c. Redesignating paragraphs
(a)(3)(iv)(B), (D) and (E) as paragraphs
(a)(3)(iv)(A), (B) and (C) respectively;
and by
d. Revising newly redesignated
paragraph (a)(3)(iv)(B).
The revision reads as follows:
(3)(B), (3)(C), or (3)(E) of the Act may
not be waived. Any other
inadmissibility provision may be
waived on an individual basis for
humanitarian purposes, family unity, or
when it is otherwise in the public
interest. The relationship between the
alien and the alien’s natural parents or
prior adoptive parents shall not be
considered a factor in a discretionary
waiver determination based on family
Janet Napolitano,
[FR Doc. 2011–22625 Filed 9–2–11; 8:45 am]
§ 205.1
Automatic revocation.
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
(iv) * * *
(B) Upon reunification of the
beneficiary with one or both parents by
virtue of a juvenile court order, where
a juvenile court previously deemed
reunification with that parent, or both
parents, not viable due to abuse, neglect,
or abandonment; or
5. The authority citation for part 245
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101, 1103, 1182,
1255; section 202, Public Law 105–100, 111
Stat. 2160, 2193; section 902, Public Law
105–277, 112 Stat. 2681; Title VII of Public
Law 110–229; 8 CFR part 2.
6. Section 245.1 is amended by
revising paragraph (e)(3) to read as
§ 245.1
(e) * * *
(3) Special immigrant juveniles. Any
alien qualified for special immigrant
classification under section 101(a)(27)(J)
of the Act shall be deemed, for the
purpose of section 245(a) of the Act, to
have been paroled into the United
States, regardless of the alien’s actual
method of entry into the United States.
Neither the provisions of section
245(c)(2) of the Act nor the
inadmissibility provisions of sections
212(a)(4), (5)(A), (6)(A), (6)(C), (6)(D),
(7)(A), or (9)(B) of the Act shall apply to
any alien qualified for special
immigrant classification under section
101(a)(27)(J) of the Act. The
inadmissibility provisions of sections
212(a)(2)(A), (2)(B), (2)(C) (except for a
single offense of simple possession of 30
grams or less of marijuana), (3)(A),
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10 CFR Chapter I
NRC Enforcement Policy
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Proposed enforcement policy
revision; request for comment.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is soliciting comments from interested
parties, including public interest
groups, States, members of the public,
and the regulated industry (i.e., reactor,
fuel cycle, and materials licensees,
vendors, and contractors), on several
topics addressed in this document to
assist the NRC in revising its
Enforcement Policy. The NRC staff is
currently evaluating these topics for
inclusion in the next revision to the
NRC Enforcement Policy. The proposed
Policy topics discussed in this
document will not address all the items
in SRM–SECY–09–0190, ‘‘Major
Revision to NRC Enforcement Policy,’’
dated August 27, 2010 (NRC’s
Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML102390327). Before
the staff submits the next proposed
Policy revision to the Commission for
approval in early Calendar Year 2012, it
will publish a second document in the
Federal Register to solicit public
comments on additional topics.
DATES: Submit comments by October 6,
2011. Comments received after this date
will be considered if it is practical to do
so, but the NRC is able to assure
consideration only for comments
received on or before this date.
ADDRESSES: Please include Docket ID
NRC–2011–0209 in the subject line of
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
your comments. For additional
instructions on submitting comments
and instructions on accessing
documents related to this action, see
‘‘Submitting Comments and Accessing
Information’’ in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this document.
You may submit comments by any one
of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to and search
for documents filed under Docket ID
NRC–2011–0209. Address questions
about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher,
telephone: 301–492–3668; e-mail:
• Mail comments to: Cindy Bladey,
Chief, Rules, Announcements, and
Directives Branch (RADB), Office of
Administration, Mail Stop: TWB–05–
B01M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
• Fax comments to: RADB at 301–
Doug Starkey, Office of Enforcement,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555; telephone: 301–
415–3456, e-mail:
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
I. Submitting Comments and Accessing
Comments submitted in writing or in
electronic form will be posted on the
NRC Web site and on the Federal
rulemaking Web site, https:// Because your
comments will not be edited to remove
any identifying or contact information,
the NRC cautions you against including
any information in your submission that
you do not want to be publicly
The NRC requests that any party
soliciting or aggregating comments
received from other persons for
submission to the NRC inform those
persons that the NRC will not edit their
comments to remove any identifying or
contact information, and therefore, they
should not include any information in
their comments that they do not want
publicly disclosed.
You can access publicly available
documents related to this action using
the following methods:
• NRC’s Public Document Room
(PDR): The public may examine and
have copied, for a fee, publicly available
documents at the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–
F21, One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland
• ADAMS: Publicly available
documents created or received at the
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NRC are available online in the NRC
Library at From this page, the
public can gain entry into ADAMS,
which provides text and image files of
the NRC’s public documents. If you do
not have access to ADAMS or if there
are problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS, contact
the NRC’s PDR reference staff at 1–800–
397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by e-mail
to The
Enforcement Policy is accessible under
ADAMS Accession No. ML093480037.
• Federal Rulemaking Web Site:
Public comments and supporting
materials related to this proposed
enforcement policy revision can be
found at by
searching on Docket ID NRC–2011–
The NRC maintains the Enforcement
Policy on its Web site at https://; under ‘‘Spotlight,’’ select
‘‘Enforcement Actions,’’ and then select
‘‘Policy’’ under ‘‘Issued Significant
Enforcement Actions.’’
II. Background
On August 27, 2010, in SRM–SECY–
09–0190, the Commission approved a
major revision to its Enforcement
Policy. On September 30, 2010, the NRC
published a notice (75 FR 60485) to
announce an effective date of September
30, 2010, for that revision to the Policy.
In SRM–SECY–09–0190, the
Commission also directed the NRC staff
to evaluate certain topics for inclusion
in the next revision to the Policy. In
addition to those Commission-identified
topics, the staff is evaluating other
topics that it may present to the
Commission for approval and inclusion
in the next Policy revision. The
background on topics that the staff is
evaluating and the corresponding
proposed wording for inclusion in the
next Enforcement Policy revision
follows in Sections 1–5. As previously
stated, the staff will, at a future date,
solicit public comments on additional
topics for the next proposed Policy
1. Guidance for the Use of Daily Civil
Daily civil penalties are an
enforcement action that is available to
the NRC under Section 234 of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
(AEA), and Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.205(j).
Historically, the NRC has rarely issued
daily civil penalties for violations of its
requirements. In certain cases, the
agency did issue such penalties because
it needed to send a strong regulatory
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message for continuing significant
The Enforcement Policy currently
provides limited guidance on the use of
daily civil penalties. Section 2.3.4 of the
Enforcement Policy, ‘‘Civil Penalty,’’
currently addresses the use of daily civil
penalties as follows:
The NRC may exercise discretion and
assess a separate violation and attendant civil
penalty up to the statutory limit for each day
the violation continues. The NRC may
exercise this discretion when a licensee was
aware of a violation, or if the licensee had a
clear opportunity to identify and correct the
violation but failed to do so.
In SRM–SECY–09–0190, the
Commission directed the NRC staff to
include additional guidance, such as
criteria and examples, in the next
proposed revision to the Enforcement
Policy to help determine when daily
civil penalties are appropriate. The
intent of this proposed Policy revision
is to provide factors for the staff to
consider when evaluating the
appropriateness of daily civil penalties
for continuing violations of at least
moderate significance.
The staff proposes to replace the
existing paragraph in Section 2.3.4 of
the current Policy with the following
three paragraphs:
The NRC may exercise discretion and
assess a separate violation and attendant civil
penalty up to the statutory limit for each day
the violation continues (i.e., daily civil
penalties). The NRC may exercise this
discretion when a licensee was aware of a
violation of at least moderate significance
and had a clear opportunity to prevent,
identify, and correct the violation but failed
to do so.
In evaluating whether daily civil penalties
are appropriate, the NRC will consider such
factors as whether the violation resulted in
actual consequences to public health and
safety or to the common defense and
security, the safety significance of the
violation, whether the violation was
repetitive because of inadequate corrective
actions, the degree of management
culpability in allowing the violation to
continue or in not precluding it, the
responsiveness of the licensee once the
violation and its significance were identified
and understood, whether the continuing
violation was deliberate, and the duration of
the violation. These evaluation factors are not
necessarily of equal significance; therefore,
for each case, the NRC will weigh the relative
importance of each contributing factor, as
well as any extenuating circumstances, to
determine whether it is appropriate to use
daily civil penalties.
When the NRC determines that the use of
daily civil penalties is appropriate as part of
an enforcement action, the agency will assess
a base civil penalty for the first day of the
violation in accordance with the civil penalty
assessment process discussed in this section
and Section 8.0, ‘‘Table of Base Civil
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
Penalties,’’ of the Policy. Then, to determine
the total civil penalty for the continuing
violation, the NRC will supplement the base
civil penalty determination with a daily civil
penalty for some or all the days the violation
continues. The NRC will determine the
amount of the daily civil penalty on a caseby-case basis after considering the factors
noted in the preceding paragraph and any
relevant past precedent for similar violations.
The daily civil penalty may be less than the
maximum statutory daily limit in effect at the
time of the violation.
2. Credit for Fuel Cycle Licensee
Corrective Action Program
All licensees, including fuel cycle
licensees, are eligible to receive credit
for prompt and comprehensive
corrective actions taken in response to
issues that warrant escalated
enforcement actions (i.e., Severity Level
(SL) I, II, and III violations and
violations associated with red, yellow,
and white significance determination
process findings with actual
consequences) as part of the NRC’s civil
penalty assessment process, as
discussed in Section 2.3.4 of the
Enforcement Policy. Corrective action
credit under Section 2.3.4 is applicable
to all licensees regardless of whether a
licensee has a corrective action program
(CAP). As stated in Section 2.3.4.c of the
Policy, the purpose of this corrective
action factor in the civil penalty
assessment process is to encourage
licensees (1) to take the immediate
actions necessary upon discovery of a
violation that will restore safety,
security, and compliance with the
license, regulation(s), or other
requirement(s) and (2) to develop and
implement (in a timely manner) the
lasting actions that not only will prevent
recurrence of the violation at issue but
also will be appropriately
comprehensive, given the significance
and complexity of the violation, to
prevent the occurrence of violations
with similar root causes.
In response to the Commission’s
direction in SRM–SECY–09–0190, the
staff proposes revisions to the
Enforcement Policy to provide fuel
cycle licensees with credit for a CAP for
certain SL IV violations. Presently, this
corrective action program credit for
certain SL IV violations is only available
to power reactor licensees. This revision
would allow fuel cycle licensees with
credit for a CAP to have NRC-identified
SL IV violations treated as non-cited
violations (NCVs) if certain other
criteria are met.
Section 2.3.2, ‘‘Non-Cited Violation,’’
of the current Enforcement Policy
provides criteria that all NRC licensees
must meet before the agency can
disposition a SL IV violation as a NCV.
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These criteria, in part, state the
• The violation was corrected or
committed to be corrected within a
reasonable period of time
(commensurate with the significance of
the violation).
• The violation was not repetitive as
a result of inadequate corrective action.
(This does not apply to violations
associated with green Reactor Oversight
Process findings).
• The violation was not willful.
Notwithstanding willfulness, a NCV
may still be appropriate in certain
specified circumstances.
In addition to the above criteria,
Section 2.3.2.a., ‘‘Power Reactor
Licensees,’’ of the Enforcement Policy
provides credit to power reactor
licensees for their CAP, allowing the
agency to disposition either NRCinspector-identified or licenseeidentified SL IV violations as NCVs if
the violations are entered into a CAP.
The current Policy does not allow the
agency to disposition NRC-inspectoridentified SL IV violations at fuel cycle
licensees as NCVs. To disposition a SL
IV violation as a NCV at any NRC
licensee other than a power reactor
licensee, Section 2.3.2.b., ‘‘All Other
Licensees,’’ of the Enforcement Policy
requires, in addition to the criteria
stated above, the licensee to have
already identified the violation.
The staff proposes the following
changes to the Enforcement Policy to
provide fuel cycle licensees credit for a
CAP. (Note that until the NRC develops
inspection procedures establishing
criteria that a fuel cycle licensee must
meet for approval of its CAP and until
the NRC completes inspections to
ensure that a fuel cycle licensee’s CAP
is acceptable, criteria for the disposition
of SL IV violations as NCVs at fuel cycle
licensees will remain as stated in
Section 2.3.2.b. of this Policy.)
• Revise the title of Section 2.3.2.a.
from ‘‘Power Reactor Licensees’’ to
‘‘Licensees or Applicants with an
Approved Corrective Actions Program.’’
• Insert a footnote in Section 2.3.2.a
that states, ‘‘NRC approval of a
licensee’s corrective action program will
be determined based on the results of
applicable NRC inspections.’’
• Revise the title of Section 2.3.2.b.
from ‘‘All Other Licensees’’ to ‘‘All
Other Licensees or Applicants.’’
3. Civil Penalties to Individuals Who
Disclose Safeguards Information
The current Enforcement Policy
provides limited guidance on the topic
of civil penalties to individuals who
release Safeguards Information (SGI).
Therefore, the NRC staff is proposing
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additional Policy guidance for use in
determining when the agency should
issue civil penalties to individuals who
release SGI. This additional guidance, if
approved by the Commission, would
provide the guidance as an assessment
tool for the staff. The NRC will
determine the appropriateness of civil
penalties on a case-by-case basis,
depending on the circumstances and
significance associated with each case.
The staff is proposing a base civil
penalty of $3,500 for individuals who
release SGI. The addition of a new
category in Table A of Section 8.0,
‘‘Table of Base Civil Penalties,’’ of the
Enforcement Policy will reflect this base
civil penalty. Table B will apply when
the NRC must determine a civil penalty
associated with SL I, II, and III
Currently, Section 4.3, ‘‘Civil
Penalties to Individuals,’’ of the Policy
addresses the use of civil penalties to
individuals as follows:
Except for individuals subject to civil
penalties under Section 206 of the ERA
[Energy Reorganization Act], as amended, the
NRC will not normally impose a civil penalty
against an individual. However, Section 234
of the AEA gives the Commission authority
to impose civil penalties on ‘‘any person.’’
Furthermore, any person, whether or not a
licensee of the Commission, who violates any
regulations adopted under Section 147,
‘‘Safeguards Information,’’ of the AEA will be
subject to the full range of enforcement
sanctions, including civil penalties. Section
11s of the AEA broadly defines ‘‘person’’ to
include individuals, a variety of
organizations, and their representatives or
The staff proposes to add a new
section to the Enforcement Policy (i.e.,
Section 4.3.1, ‘‘Individual Civil Penalty
for Release of Safeguards Information
Violations’’) to provide the guidance
necessary to determine civil penalties
for SGI violations. The proposed Section
4.3.1 would read as follows:
4.3.1 Individual Civil Penalty for Release of
Safeguards Information Violations
Civil penalty considerations for violations
by individuals who release SGI and who are
not employed by an NRC licensee or
contractor differ from those for licensees and
contractors who release SGI. The NRC will
typically not (with the possible exception of
a deliberate release of SGI) issue civil
penalties to individuals for violations of SGI
requirements if that individual’s employer (a
licensee or contractor) placed the violation in
its corrective action program and has taken,
or plans to take, corrective actions to restore
Table A in Section 8.0 of this Policy lists
the base civil penalty for individuals who
release SGI. The intent of civil penalties to
individuals is to serve as a deterrent; these
penalties generally do not require a base civil
penalty as high as that issued to a licensee
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
or contractor. However, willful violations
may support a civil penalty outside of the
range listed in Section 8.0. Additionally, the
NRC should consider an individual’s reasons
for disclosing SGI (e.g., economic gain or
expression of views) and the willingness of
the individual to correct or mitigate the
release of information in determining the
final civil penalty amount.
Section 6.13, ‘‘Information Security,’’ of
this Policy provides examples of violations to
help determine the severity levels of
violations. Also, in determining the
appropriate severity level for the release of
SGI, the NRC will consider the type of SGI
information disclosed, its availability to the
public, the damage or vulnerability that the
information caused or may cause to the
licensee that possessed ownership of the SGI,
and the damage that the information caused
or could cause to public health and safety.
The NRC will also use SGI-related
significance determination process (under
the Reactor Oversight Process) information,
when available, to inform the severity level
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4. Export/Import of Regulated MaterialViolation Examples
Section 2.2.5, ‘‘Export and Import of
NRC-Regulated Radioactive Material
and Equipment,’’ of the Enforcement
Policy currently addresses the use of
enforcement for violations of the
agency’s export and import
requirements in 10 CFR part 110,
‘‘Export and Import of Nuclear
Equipment and Material.’’
The staff proposes a minor revision to
the title of Section 2.2.5 for consistency
with the current title of 10 CFR part 110,
as follows: ‘‘Export and Import of
Nuclear Equipment and Material.’’ In
addition, the staff will also insert a
reference correction in the last sentence,
thus replacing the regulation reference
in the last parenthetical statement of
this paragraph, as follows:
2.2.5 Export and Import of Nuclear
Equipment and Material
The NRC will normally take enforcement
action for violations of the agency’s export
and import requirements in 10 CFR part 110,
‘‘Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment
and Material,’’ for radioactive material and
equipment within the scope of the agency’s
export and import licensing authority (10
CFR 110.8, 10 CFR 110.9, and 10 CFR 110.9a)
for (1) Completeness and accuracy of
information, (2) reporting and recordkeeping
requirements (10 CFR 110.23, 10 CFR 110.26,
10 CFR 110.50, and 10 CFR 110.54), and (3)
adherence to general and specific licensing
requirements (10 CFR 110.20–27 and 10 CFR
Also, the current Policy does not
contain violation examples for export
and import activities that depict likely
SLs that the staff can use to assess the
relative significance of various
violations of 10 CFR part 110. As a
result, the staff proposes the following
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change to incorporate a new section
(Section 6.15, ‘‘Export and Import
Activities’’) in the Enforcement Policy
to provide example violations and
proposed SLs for export and import
6.15 Export and Import Activities
Several of the following violation examples
involve deliberateness or careless disregard.
For those examples, the normal Enforcement
Policy process for discretion to potentially
escalate the severity level of the violation
based on willfulness is not necessary.
a. Severity Level I violations involve, for
1. Deliberate misrepresentation of facts,
with the knowledge of a licensee official, that
led to the export of licensable and sensitive
equipment or material in quantities of
concern to a destination that, if represented
accurately, would not have been authorized
by the NRC (or other authority); or
2. Deliberate misrepresentation of facts that
led to unauthorized individuals obtaining
sensitive nuclear equipment or materials in
quantities of concern;
b. Severity Level II violations involve, for
1. Failure to provide notice of 10 CFR part
110, Appendix P, material import as required
by 10 CFR 110.50, which, if the notice had
been provided, would have prompted the
NRC to take action to block the import;
2. Misrepresentation of facts in careless
disregard of requirements, with the
knowledge of a licensee official, for the
export or import of radioactive or byproduct
materials, such as those involving the
completeness or accuracy of the information
that, if represented accurately, would not
have been authorized by the NRC (or other
authority); or
3. Inaccurate or incomplete information
provided or maintained that led to
unauthorized individuals possessing
radioactive materials
c. Severity Level III violations involve, for
1. Failure to submit timely notification of
the import of 10 CFR part 110, Appendix P,
material, as required by 10 CFR 110.50;
2. Inaccurate or incomplete information on
exports or imports of radioactive or
byproduct materials such that, if the
information had been represented accurately,
an activity would not have been authorized
by the NRC (or other authority) or would
have resulted in the NRC reconsidering the
authorization of the activity, issuing a request
for additional information (RAI), or
conducting an inspection to resolve the
3. Export of byproduct material in
quantities of concern to individuals/entities
not authorized to receive such materials; or
4. Failure to obtain a specific license before
the export or import of any NRC licensable
equipment, special nuclear material, and
source or byproduct materials, when
d. Severity Level IV violations involve, for
1. Failure to submit timely reports as
specified in 10 CFR 110.54;
2. Export or import of nuclear equipment
or materials in excess of the limits specified
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in a specific license or license amendment,
when such activity would have been
authorized by the NRC (or other authority);
3. Export of byproduct material exceeding
the possession limits authorized for the
ultimate consignee, not involving a Severity
Level I, II, or III violation;
4. Unauthorized export of foreign-obligated
material in violation of 10 CFR 110.50(b)(3),
not involving a Severity Level I, II, or III
violation; or
5. Failure to obtain a specific license to
export or import NRC licensable equipment,
special nuclear material, and source or
byproduct materials that are not authorized
by the general licenses in 10 CFR 110.21
through 110.27 and not involving a Severity
Level I, II, or III violation.
5. Civil Penalties for Loss of Control of
Regulated Material
On December 18, 2000 (65 FR 79139),
the NRC published a notice amending
NUREG–1600, ‘‘General Statement of
Policy and Procedure for NRC
Enforcement Actions’’ (the Enforcement
Policy), to establish separate base civil
penalty amounts for loss, abandonment,
or improper transfer or disposal of
sealed sources and devices containing
NRC-licensed material. The intent was
to better relate the civil penalty amount
to the costs avoided by the failure to
properly dispose of the source or device.
At that time, the Commission
determined that normally a civil penalty
of at least the base civil penalty amount
was appropriate for these types of
violations to provide deterrence and an
economic incentive for licensees to
expend the necessary resources to
ensure compliance. Such a deterrent
measure would also result in an
enforcement action that properly
reflected the safety and security
significance of the loss of control of
such material.
The normal civil penalty assessment
process assigns varying civil penalty
amounts based on, for example, a
licensee’s past enforcement history,
whether the licensee self-identified the
violation, and whether the licensee took
prompt and comprehensive corrective
action. However, the lost source policy,
described in Section 2.3.4 of the
Enforcement Policy, stipulates that the
NRC will normally assign a civil penalty
of at least the base amount for violations
involving the loss, abandonment, or
improper transfer or disposal of
radioactive source material, regardless
of the outcome of the normal civil
penalty assessment process. Therefore,
the factors that may result in the
mitigation or escalation of a civil
penalty for other violations (i.e., past
enforcement history, identification, and
corrective action) have not typically
been considerations for these types of
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Section 2.3.4 of the Enforcement
Policy currently addresses the civil
penalties associated with loss of
regulated material as follows:
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
The NRC considers civil penalties for
violations associated with loss of regulated
material (i.e., the NRC’s lost source policy).
Loss of NRC-regulated material is a
significant regulatory and security concern
because of potential unauthorized
possession, use, or overexposure to members
of the public. Violations where regulated
radioactive material remains out of the
required control of a licensee for any period
of time are dispositioned separately,
regardless of the use, license type, quantity,
or type of radioactive material (see Table of
Base Civil Penalties, Tables A and B, in
Section 8.0 of this Policy). Such violations
may include, but are not limited to, for
example, the loss, abandonment, improper
transfer, or disposal of a device, source, or
other form of regulated material.
Notwithstanding the normal civil penalty
assessment process, in cases where a licensee
has lost required control of its regulated
radioactive material for any period of time,
the NRC normally will impose at least a base
civil penalty. However, the Agency may
mitigate or escalate a civil penalty amount
based on the merits of a specific case. When
appropriate, the NRC may consider, for
example, information concerning the
estimated or actual cost of authorized
disposal and/or the actual consequences of
the material remaining out of the control of
the licensee.
In accordance with Section 2.3.4 of
the current Enforcement Policy, the
NRC may mitigate or escalate the
amount of a civil penalty based on the
merits of a specific case. Therefore, even
under the current Enforcement Policy,
the NRC may consider information
concerning the estimated or actual cost
of authorized disposal and the actual
consequences of the loss, abandonment,
or improper transfer or disposal of the
regulated material for cases subject to
the lost source policy. Additionally,
even though Section 2.3.4 of the
Enforcement Policy permits the NRC to
consider the merits of a specific case
when determining a civil penalty
amount, this flexibility has not typically
been exercised for lost source violations.
As a result, most violations involving
lost sources that have met the threshold
for escalated enforcement have resulted
in civil penalties of at least the base
amount. Tables A and B in Section 8.0
of the Enforcement Policy show the
current base civil penalties for
violations involving the loss,
abandonment, or improper transfer or
disposal of a sealed source or device.
In response to the Commission’s
direction in SRM–SECY–09–190, the
staff is proposing a revision to the
Enforcement Policy to remove language
stating that the NRC will assess at least
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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a base civil penalty for violations
involving loss of control of radioactive
materials. The intent is to maintain the
existing lost source policy to issue at
least a civil penalty while giving the
staff the flexibility to disposition those
cases where a licensee has lost NRC
regulated material, but took immediate
action to recover it, in a timely manner,
with little or no risk to the public while
the material was not in the licensee’s
control. In such cases where loss of
control is the issue, rather than actual
lost material, the normal civil penalty
assessment process, described in
Section 2.3.4, would be used rather than
typically issuing at least a base civil
penalty as required by the current lost
source policy. The staff will revise
Section 2.3.4 to indicate that,
notwithstanding the normal civil
penalty assessment process, the NRC
may exercise discretion and impose a
civil penalty in cases in which a
licensee has lost required control of its
regulated radioactive material. As a
result, the staff will revise Section 7.0,
‘‘Glossary,’’ of the Enforcement Policy to
reflect the proposed changes in the
definition of ‘‘lost source policy’’ and
will revise Note 3 in Table A of Section
8.0. The current definition of ‘‘lost
source policy’’ in Section 7.0 of the
Enforcement Policy states the following:
source, or other form of regulated material.
Notwithstanding the normal civil penalty
assessment process, in cases where a licensee
has lost required control of its regulated
radioactive material, the NRC may exercise
discretion and impose a civil penalty.
However, the agency may mitigate or escalate
a civil penalty amount based on the merits
of a specific case. When appropriate, the NRC
may consider, for example, information on
the estimated or actual cost of authorized
disposal and the actual consequences of the
material remaining out of the control of the
licensee, radiation workers, or the
environment. Normally, the NRC will not
apply the lost source policy to generally
licensed devices that are not required to be
registered in accordance with 10 CFR
31.5(c)(13)(i). The NRC will continue to
apply the normal Enforcement Policy in
those cases that require the application of a
civil penalty.
Lost Source Policy is the policy of the NRC
in which a civil penalty of at least the base
civil penalty amount is normally issued in a
case where regulated material is out of the
control of the licensee for any period of time,
regardless of the use, licensee type, quantity,
or type of radioactive material (examples
include loss, abandonment, improper
transfer, or improper disposal of regulated
material). Violations associated with loss of
control of regulated material normally result
in escalated enforcement actions.
These base civil penalty amounts have
been determined to be approximately 3 times
the average cost of disposal. For specific
cases, the NRC may adjust these amounts to
correspond to the estimated or actual cost of
authorized disposal for the particular
material in question.
Note 3 in Table A of Section 8.0
currently states the following:
These base civil penalty amounts have
been determined to be approximately 3 times
the average cost of disposal. For specific
cases, the NRC may adjust these amounts to
correspond to 3 times the actual cost of
authorized disposal.
The staff proposes to replace the
previously stated paragraph in Section
2.3.4 of the Policy with the following
The NRC considers civil penalties for
violations associated with loss of regulated
material (i.e., the NRC’s lost source policy).
The loss of NRC-regulated material is a
significant regulatory and security concern
because of the potential unauthorized
possession or use of the material and because
of the potential for overexposure to members
of the public from its misuse. Such violations
may include but are not limited to, for
example, the loss, abandonment, improper
transfer, or improper disposal of a device,
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As a result of this proposed change in
Section 2.3.4, the staff proposes the
following change to the definition of
‘‘lost source policy’’ in Section 7.0:
Lost Source Policy is the policy of the NRC
in which a civil penalty may be issued for
violations resulting in regulated source
material being out of the control of the
licensee regardless of the use, license type,
quantity, or type of regulated material (e.g.,
loss, abandonment, improper transfer, or
improper disposal of regulated material).
The staff proposes the following
change to Note 3 in Table A of Section
In addition, the staff will revise the
Enforcement Manual to clarify
circumstances that may warrant
mitigation (or escalation) of the base
civil penalty amount for violations
involving the loss of radioactive
material. Further, the staff will add
language to indicate that the NRC
should consider escalating the civil
penalty above the base amount for cases
involving willfulness or that resulted in
actual safety consequences or both.
III. Procedural Requirements
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed policy statement does
not contain new or amended
information collection requirements
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing
requirements were approved by the
Office of Management and Budget,
approval number 3150–0136.
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 6, 2011 / Proposed Rules
to, a request for information or an
information collection requirement
unless the requesting document
displays a currently valid OMB control
Congressional Review Act
In accordance with the Congressional
Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801–808), the NRC
has determined that this action is not a
major rule and has verified this
determination with the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Dated at Rockville, MD, this 29th day of
August 2011.
Roy P. Zimmerman,
Director, Office of Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2011–22646 Filed 9–2–11; 8:45 am]
12 CFR Part 704
RIN 3133–AD95
Corporate Credit Unions
National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).
ACTION: Proposed rule with request for
NCUA is issuing proposed
amendments to its rule governing
corporate credit unions (corporates).
The proposed amendments clarify
certain provisions and make some
technical corrections to the rule. The
amendments: delete the definition of
‘‘daily average net risk-weighted assets,’’
revise the definition of ‘‘net assets’’ to
exclude Central Liquidity Facility (CLF)
stock subscriptions, clarify certain
requirements regarding investment
action plans, clarify the weighted
average life (WAL) tests, revise the
consequences of WAL violations,
substitute the term ‘‘core capital’’ for the
phrase ‘‘the sum of retained earnings
and paid-in capital,’’ correct a section
heading, and correct a model form
Comments must be received by
October 6, 2011. The NCUA Board does
not expect significant comment on these
amendments and so is issuing the
proposal with a 30-day comment period.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods (Please
send comments by one method only):
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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NCUA Web site: https://
ProposedRegulations.aspx. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Address to Include ‘‘[Your
name] Comments on ‘‘Proposed Rule—
Corporate Credit Unions’’ in the e-mail
subject line.
Fax: (703) 518–6319. Use the subject
line described above for e-mail.
Mail: Address to Mary Rupp,
Secretary of the Board, National Credit
Union Administration, 1775 Duke
Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–
Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as mail
Public Inspection: All public
comments are available on the agency’s
Web site at
ProposedRegulations.aspx as submitted,
except as may not be possible for
technical reasons. Public comments will
not be edited to remove any identifying
or contact information. Paper copies of
comments may be inspected in NCUA’s
law library at 1775 Duke Street,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314, by
appointment weekdays between 9 a.m.
and 3 p.m. To make an appointment,
call (703) 518–6546 or send an e-mail to
Henderson, Staff Attorney, Office of
General Counsel, at the address above or
telephone (703) 518–6540; or David
Shetler, Deputy Director, Office of
Corporate Credit Unions, at the address
above or telephone (703) 518–6640.
A. Background and Proposed
In 2010, NCUA published a final rule
containing extensive revisions to its
corporate rule at 12 CFR part 704. 75 FR
64786 (October 20, 2010). NCUA
subsequently issued technical
corrections to the final rule and further
revisions to part 704. 76 FR 16235
(March 23, 2011); 76 FR 23861 (April
29, 2011). In order to clarify certain
provisions and relieve regulatory
burden, the NCUA Board is proposing
additional changes to part 704. The
proposed changes are explained below.
§ 704.2 Definition of ‘‘daily average net
risk-weighted assets’’
Prior to the 2010 final rule, the NCUA
Board issued a proposed rule to revise
part 704 in 2009. 74 FR 65210
(December 9, 2009). The 2009 proposal
defined the denominator of two new
risk based capital ratios as moving
PO 00000
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‘‘daily average net risk-weighted assets’’
(DANRA). Some commenters on the
proposal questioned the burden of daily
risk weighting to produce the moving
DANRA figure. The Board agreed that a
daily calculation was not necessary and
in the final rule replaced the
denominator for both new ratios with a
new ‘‘moving monthly average net risk
weighted assets’’ (MMANRA). 75 FR at
64796. The term ‘‘DANRA’’ is not used
in part 704, and its inclusion in § 704.2
was an oversight. This proposal removes
the DANRA definition from § 704.2.
Section 704.2 Definition of ‘‘net
Section 704.2 defines ‘‘net assets,’’ in
relevant part, as ‘‘total assets less loans
guaranteed by the NCUSIF and member
reverse repurchase transactions.’’ The
Board is proposing to amend the
definition to also exclude CLF stock
subscriptions. The Board believes the
credit risk of carrying this asset is
negligible and warrants such treatment,
as CLF stock is putable at par. Further,
the Board strongly believes that all
natural person credit unions should
have access to a back-up liquidity
provider that can meet their liquidity
demands in the event of a wide-spread
market disruption. The CLF can supply
this liquidity if its borrowing authority
is not diminished by a reduction of its
stock subscriptions. This proposed
change should encourage continued
CLF participation by corporates, which
in turn will facilitate corporates
providing a systemic liquidity benefit to
natural person credit unions through
offering CLF access as agents.
Section 704.6 Requirements for
Investment Action Plans
Section 704.10 sets out consequences,
potentially including the preparation of
a written investment action plan, for
possessing an investment that fails to
meet a requirement of part 704. 12 CFR
704.10. Sections 704.6(c)(3) and (f)(4)
trigger these consequences for violations
of certain concentration limits and
credit rating requirements. 12 CFR
§ 704.6(c)(3) and (f)(4). To clarify the
applicability of these triggering
provisions, the Board proposes to move
them to a new paragraph at § 704.6(h).
Under proposed § 704.6(h), an
investment will be subject to the
requirements of § 704.10 if it violates
any of the concentration limits or credit
rating requirements of § 704.6.
The Board notes that § 704.6(f)(4)(i)
provides that an investment is subject to
the requirements of § 704.10 if its credit
rating is downgraded, after purchase,
‘‘below the minimum rating
requirements of this part.’’ 12 CFR
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 172 (Tuesday, September 6, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 54986-54991]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-22646]
10 CFR Chapter I
NRC Enforcement Policy
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Proposed enforcement policy revision; request for comment.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission)
is soliciting comments from interested parties, including public
interest groups, States, members of the public, and the regulated
industry (i.e., reactor, fuel cycle, and materials licensees, vendors,
and contractors), on several topics addressed in this document to
assist the NRC in revising its Enforcement Policy. The NRC staff is
currently evaluating these topics for inclusion in the next revision to
the NRC Enforcement Policy. The proposed Policy topics discussed in
this document will not address all the items in SRM-SECY-09-0190,
``Major Revision to NRC Enforcement Policy,'' dated August 27, 2010
(NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
Accession No. ML102390327). Before the staff submits the next proposed
Policy revision to the Commission for approval in early Calendar Year
2012, it will publish a second document in the Federal Register to
solicit public comments on additional topics.
DATES: Submit comments by October 6, 2011. Comments received after this
date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but the NRC is
able to assure consideration only for comments received on or before
this date.
ADDRESSES: Please include Docket ID NRC-2011-0209 in the subject line
[[Page 54987]]
your comments. For additional instructions on submitting comments and
instructions on accessing documents related to this action, see
``Submitting Comments and Accessing Information'' in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this document. You may submit comments by any
one of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to and search for documents filed under Docket ID NRC-
2011-0209. Address questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher,
telephone: 301-492-3668; e-mail:
Mail comments to: Cindy Bladey, Chief, Rules,
Announcements, and Directives Branch (RADB), Office of Administration,
Mail Stop: TWB-05-B01M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555-0001.
Fax comments to: RADB at 301-492-3446.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Doug Starkey, Office of Enforcement,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555; telephone:
301-415-3456, e-mail:
I. Submitting Comments and Accessing Information
Comments submitted in writing or in electronic form will be posted
on the NRC Web site and on the Federal rulemaking Web site, Because your comments will not be edited to remove
any identifying or contact information, the NRC cautions you against
including any information in your submission that you do not want to be
publicly disclosed.
The NRC requests that any party soliciting or aggregating comments
received from other persons for submission to the NRC inform those
persons that the NRC will not edit their comments to remove any
identifying or contact information, and therefore, they should not
include any information in their comments that they do not want
publicly disclosed.
You can access publicly available documents related to this action
using the following methods:
NRC's Public Document Room (PDR): The public may examine
and have copied, for a fee, publicly available documents at the NRC's
PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, Maryland 20852.
ADAMS: Publicly available documents created or received at
the NRC are available online in the NRC Library at From this page, the public can gain entry into
ADAMS, which provides text and image files of the NRC's public
documents. If you do not have access to ADAMS or if there are problems
in accessing the documents located in ADAMS, contact the NRC's PDR
reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by e-mail to The Enforcement Policy is accessible under ADAMS
Accession No. ML093480037.
Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Public comments and
supporting materials related to this proposed enforcement policy
revision can be found at by searching on
Docket ID NRC-2011-0209.
The NRC maintains the Enforcement Policy on its Web site at; under ``Spotlight,'' select ``Enforcement Actions,'' and
then select ``Policy'' under ``Issued Significant Enforcement
II. Background
On August 27, 2010, in SRM-SECY-09-0190, the Commission approved a
major revision to its Enforcement Policy. On September 30, 2010, the
NRC published a notice (75 FR 60485) to announce an effective date of
September 30, 2010, for that revision to the Policy. In SRM-SECY-09-
0190, the Commission also directed the NRC staff to evaluate certain
topics for inclusion in the next revision to the Policy. In addition to
those Commission-identified topics, the staff is evaluating other
topics that it may present to the Commission for approval and inclusion
in the next Policy revision. The background on topics that the staff is
evaluating and the corresponding proposed wording for inclusion in the
next Enforcement Policy revision follows in Sections 1-5. As previously
stated, the staff will, at a future date, solicit public comments on
additional topics for the next proposed Policy revision.
1. Guidance for the Use of Daily Civil Penalties
Daily civil penalties are an enforcement action that is available
to the NRC under Section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended (AEA), and Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR)
2.205(j). Historically, the NRC has rarely issued daily civil penalties
for violations of its requirements. In certain cases, the agency did
issue such penalties because it needed to send a strong regulatory
message for continuing significant violations.
The Enforcement Policy currently provides limited guidance on the
use of daily civil penalties. Section 2.3.4 of the Enforcement Policy,
``Civil Penalty,'' currently addresses the use of daily civil penalties
as follows:
The NRC may exercise discretion and assess a separate violation
and attendant civil penalty up to the statutory limit for each day
the violation continues. The NRC may exercise this discretion when a
licensee was aware of a violation, or if the licensee had a clear
opportunity to identify and correct the violation but failed to do
In SRM-SECY-09-0190, the Commission directed the NRC staff to
include additional guidance, such as criteria and examples, in the next
proposed revision to the Enforcement Policy to help determine when
daily civil penalties are appropriate. The intent of this proposed
Policy revision is to provide factors for the staff to consider when
evaluating the appropriateness of daily civil penalties for continuing
violations of at least moderate significance.
The staff proposes to replace the existing paragraph in Section
2.3.4 of the current Policy with the following three paragraphs:
The NRC may exercise discretion and assess a separate violation
and attendant civil penalty up to the statutory limit for each day
the violation continues (i.e., daily civil penalties). The NRC may
exercise this discretion when a licensee was aware of a violation of
at least moderate significance and had a clear opportunity to
prevent, identify, and correct the violation but failed to do so.
In evaluating whether daily civil penalties are appropriate, the
NRC will consider such factors as whether the violation resulted in
actual consequences to public health and safety or to the common
defense and security, the safety significance of the violation,
whether the violation was repetitive because of inadequate
corrective actions, the degree of management culpability in allowing
the violation to continue or in not precluding it, the
responsiveness of the licensee once the violation and its
significance were identified and understood, whether the continuing
violation was deliberate, and the duration of the violation. These
evaluation factors are not necessarily of equal significance;
therefore, for each case, the NRC will weigh the relative importance
of each contributing factor, as well as any extenuating
circumstances, to determine whether it is appropriate to use daily
civil penalties.
When the NRC determines that the use of daily civil penalties is
appropriate as part of an enforcement action, the agency will assess
a base civil penalty for the first day of the violation in
accordance with the civil penalty assessment process discussed in
this section and Section 8.0, ``Table of Base Civil
[[Page 54988]]
Penalties,'' of the Policy. Then, to determine the total civil
penalty for the continuing violation, the NRC will supplement the
base civil penalty determination with a daily civil penalty for some
or all the days the violation continues. The NRC will determine the
amount of the daily civil penalty on a case-by-case basis after
considering the factors noted in the preceding paragraph and any
relevant past precedent for similar violations. The daily civil
penalty may be less than the maximum statutory daily limit in effect
at the time of the violation.
2. Credit for Fuel Cycle Licensee Corrective Action Program
All licensees, including fuel cycle licensees, are eligible to
receive credit for prompt and comprehensive corrective actions taken in
response to issues that warrant escalated enforcement actions (i.e.,
Severity Level (SL) I, II, and III violations and violations associated
with red, yellow, and white significance determination process findings
with actual consequences) as part of the NRC's civil penalty assessment
process, as discussed in Section 2.3.4 of the Enforcement Policy.
Corrective action credit under Section 2.3.4 is applicable to all
licensees regardless of whether a licensee has a corrective action
program (CAP). As stated in Section 2.3.4.c of the Policy, the purpose
of this corrective action factor in the civil penalty assessment
process is to encourage licensees (1) to take the immediate actions
necessary upon discovery of a violation that will restore safety,
security, and compliance with the license, regulation(s), or other
requirement(s) and (2) to develop and implement (in a timely manner)
the lasting actions that not only will prevent recurrence of the
violation at issue but also will be appropriately comprehensive, given
the significance and complexity of the violation, to prevent the
occurrence of violations with similar root causes.
In response to the Commission's direction in SRM-SECY-09-0190, the
staff proposes revisions to the Enforcement Policy to provide fuel
cycle licensees with credit for a CAP for certain SL IV violations.
Presently, this corrective action program credit for certain SL IV
violations is only available to power reactor licensees. This revision
would allow fuel cycle licensees with credit for a CAP to have NRC-
identified SL IV violations treated as non-cited violations (NCVs) if
certain other criteria are met.
Section 2.3.2, ``Non-Cited Violation,'' of the current Enforcement
Policy provides criteria that all NRC licensees must meet before the
agency can disposition a SL IV violation as a NCV. These criteria, in
part, state the following:
The violation was corrected or committed to be corrected
within a reasonable period of time (commensurate with the significance
of the violation).
The violation was not repetitive as a result of inadequate
corrective action. (This does not apply to violations associated with
green Reactor Oversight Process findings).
The violation was not willful. Notwithstanding
willfulness, a NCV may still be appropriate in certain specified
In addition to the above criteria, Section 2.3.2.a., ``Power
Reactor Licensees,'' of the Enforcement Policy provides credit to power
reactor licensees for their CAP, allowing the agency to disposition
either NRC-inspector-identified or licensee-identified SL IV violations
as NCVs if the violations are entered into a CAP. The current Policy
does not allow the agency to disposition NRC-inspector-identified SL IV
violations at fuel cycle licensees as NCVs. To disposition a SL IV
violation as a NCV at any NRC licensee other than a power reactor
licensee, Section 2.3.2.b., ``All Other Licensees,'' of the Enforcement
Policy requires, in addition to the criteria stated above, the licensee
to have already identified the violation.
The staff proposes the following changes to the Enforcement Policy
to provide fuel cycle licensees credit for a CAP. (Note that until the
NRC develops inspection procedures establishing criteria that a fuel
cycle licensee must meet for approval of its CAP and until the NRC
completes inspections to ensure that a fuel cycle licensee's CAP is
acceptable, criteria for the disposition of SL IV violations as NCVs at
fuel cycle licensees will remain as stated in Section 2.3.2.b. of this
Revise the title of Section 2.3.2.a. from ``Power Reactor
Licensees'' to ``Licensees or Applicants with an Approved Corrective
Actions Program.''
Insert a footnote in Section 2.3.2.a that states, ``NRC
approval of a licensee's corrective action program will be determined
based on the results of applicable NRC inspections.''
Revise the title of Section 2.3.2.b. from ``All Other
Licensees'' to ``All Other Licensees or Applicants.''
3. Civil Penalties to Individuals Who Disclose Safeguards Information
The current Enforcement Policy provides limited guidance on the
topic of civil penalties to individuals who release Safeguards
Information (SGI). Therefore, the NRC staff is proposing additional
Policy guidance for use in determining when the agency should issue
civil penalties to individuals who release SGI. This additional
guidance, if approved by the Commission, would provide the guidance as
an assessment tool for the staff. The NRC will determine the
appropriateness of civil penalties on a case-by-case basis, depending
on the circumstances and significance associated with each case.
The staff is proposing a base civil penalty of $3,500 for
individuals who release SGI. The addition of a new category in Table A
of Section 8.0, ``Table of Base Civil Penalties,'' of the Enforcement
Policy will reflect this base civil penalty. Table B will apply when
the NRC must determine a civil penalty associated with SL I, II, and
III violations.
Currently, Section 4.3, ``Civil Penalties to Individuals,'' of the
Policy addresses the use of civil penalties to individuals as follows:
Except for individuals subject to civil penalties under Section
206 of the ERA [Energy Reorganization Act], as amended, the NRC will
not normally impose a civil penalty against an individual. However,
Section 234 of the AEA gives the Commission authority to impose
civil penalties on ``any person.'' Furthermore, any person, whether
or not a licensee of the Commission, who violates any regulations
adopted under Section 147, ``Safeguards Information,'' of the AEA
will be subject to the full range of enforcement sanctions,
including civil penalties. Section 11s of the AEA broadly defines
``person'' to include individuals, a variety of organizations, and
their representatives or agents.
The staff proposes to add a new section to the Enforcement Policy
(i.e., Section 4.3.1, ``Individual Civil Penalty for Release of
Safeguards Information Violations'') to provide the guidance necessary
to determine civil penalties for SGI violations. The proposed Section
4.3.1 would read as follows:
4.3.1 Individual Civil Penalty for Release of Safeguards Information
Civil penalty considerations for violations by individuals who
release SGI and who are not employed by an NRC licensee or
contractor differ from those for licensees and contractors who
release SGI. The NRC will typically not (with the possible exception
of a deliberate release of SGI) issue civil penalties to individuals
for violations of SGI requirements if that individual's employer (a
licensee or contractor) placed the violation in its corrective
action program and has taken, or plans to take, corrective actions
to restore compliance.
Table A in Section 8.0 of this Policy lists the base civil
penalty for individuals who release SGI. The intent of civil
penalties to individuals is to serve as a deterrent; these penalties
generally do not require a base civil penalty as high as that issued
to a licensee
[[Page 54989]]
or contractor. However, willful violations may support a civil
penalty outside of the range listed in Section 8.0. Additionally,
the NRC should consider an individual's reasons for disclosing SGI
(e.g., economic gain or expression of views) and the willingness of
the individual to correct or mitigate the release of information in
determining the final civil penalty amount.
Section 6.13, ``Information Security,'' of this Policy provides
examples of violations to help determine the severity levels of
violations. Also, in determining the appropriate severity level for
the release of SGI, the NRC will consider the type of SGI
information disclosed, its availability to the public, the damage or
vulnerability that the information caused or may cause to the
licensee that possessed ownership of the SGI, and the damage that
the information caused or could cause to public health and safety.
The NRC will also use SGI-related significance determination process
(under the Reactor Oversight Process) information, when available,
to inform the severity level determination.
4. Export/Import of Regulated Material-Violation Examples
Section 2.2.5, ``Export and Import of NRC-Regulated Radioactive
Material and Equipment,'' of the Enforcement Policy currently addresses
the use of enforcement for violations of the agency's export and import
requirements in 10 CFR part 110, ``Export and Import of Nuclear
Equipment and Material.''
The staff proposes a minor revision to the title of Section 2.2.5
for consistency with the current title of 10 CFR part 110, as follows:
``Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material.'' In addition,
the staff will also insert a reference correction in the last sentence,
thus replacing the regulation reference in the last parenthetical
statement of this paragraph, as follows:
2.2.5 Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material
The NRC will normally take enforcement action for violations of
the agency's export and import requirements in 10 CFR part 110,
``Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material,'' for
radioactive material and equipment within the scope of the agency's
export and import licensing authority (10 CFR 110.8, 10 CFR 110.9,
and 10 CFR 110.9a) for (1) Completeness and accuracy of information,
(2) reporting and recordkeeping requirements (10 CFR 110.23, 10 CFR
110.26, 10 CFR 110.50, and 10 CFR 110.54), and (3) adherence to
general and specific licensing requirements (10 CFR 110.20-27 and 10
CFR 110.50).
Also, the current Policy does not contain violation examples for
export and import activities that depict likely SLs that the staff can
use to assess the relative significance of various violations of 10 CFR
part 110. As a result, the staff proposes the following change to
incorporate a new section (Section 6.15, ``Export and Import
Activities'') in the Enforcement Policy to provide example violations
and proposed SLs for export and import activities:
6.15 Export and Import Activities
Several of the following violation examples involve
deliberateness or careless disregard. For those examples, the normal
Enforcement Policy process for discretion to potentially escalate
the severity level of the violation based on willfulness is not
a. Severity Level I violations involve, for example:
1. Deliberate misrepresentation of facts, with the knowledge of
a licensee official, that led to the export of licensable and
sensitive equipment or material in quantities of concern to a
destination that, if represented accurately, would not have been
authorized by the NRC (or other authority); or
2. Deliberate misrepresentation of facts that led to
unauthorized individuals obtaining sensitive nuclear equipment or
materials in quantities of concern;
b. Severity Level II violations involve, for example:
1. Failure to provide notice of 10 CFR part 110, Appendix P,
material import as required by 10 CFR 110.50, which, if the notice
had been provided, would have prompted the NRC to take action to
block the import;
2. Misrepresentation of facts in careless disregard of
requirements, with the knowledge of a licensee official, for the
export or import of radioactive or byproduct materials, such as
those involving the completeness or accuracy of the information
that, if represented accurately, would not have been authorized by
the NRC (or other authority); or
3. Inaccurate or incomplete information provided or maintained
that led to unauthorized individuals possessing radioactive
c. Severity Level III violations involve, for example:
1. Failure to submit timely notification of the import of 10 CFR
part 110, Appendix P, material, as required by 10 CFR 110.50;
2. Inaccurate or incomplete information on exports or imports of
radioactive or byproduct materials such that, if the information had
been represented accurately, an activity would not have been
authorized by the NRC (or other authority) or would have resulted in
the NRC reconsidering the authorization of the activity, issuing a
request for additional information (RAI), or conducting an
inspection to resolve the matter;
3. Export of byproduct material in quantities of concern to
individuals/entities not authorized to receive such materials; or
4. Failure to obtain a specific license before the export or
import of any NRC licensable equipment, special nuclear material,
and source or byproduct materials, when required.
d. Severity Level IV violations involve, for example:
1. Failure to submit timely reports as specified in 10 CFR
2. Export or import of nuclear equipment or materials in excess
of the limits specified in a specific license or license amendment,
when such activity would have been authorized by the NRC (or other
3. Export of byproduct material exceeding the possession limits
authorized for the ultimate consignee, not involving a Severity
Level I, II, or III violation;
4. Unauthorized export of foreign-obligated material in
violation of 10 CFR 110.50(b)(3), not involving a Severity Level I,
II, or III violation; or
5. Failure to obtain a specific license to export or import NRC
licensable equipment, special nuclear material, and source or
byproduct materials that are not authorized by the general licenses
in 10 CFR 110.21 through 110.27 and not involving a Severity Level
I, II, or III violation.
5. Civil Penalties for Loss of Control of Regulated Material
On December 18, 2000 (65 FR 79139), the NRC published a notice
amending NUREG-1600, ``General Statement of Policy and Procedure for
NRC Enforcement Actions'' (the Enforcement Policy), to establish
separate base civil penalty amounts for loss, abandonment, or improper
transfer or disposal of sealed sources and devices containing NRC-
licensed material. The intent was to better relate the civil penalty
amount to the costs avoided by the failure to properly dispose of the
source or device.
At that time, the Commission determined that normally a civil
penalty of at least the base civil penalty amount was appropriate for
these types of violations to provide deterrence and an economic
incentive for licensees to expend the necessary resources to ensure
compliance. Such a deterrent measure would also result in an
enforcement action that properly reflected the safety and security
significance of the loss of control of such material.
The normal civil penalty assessment process assigns varying civil
penalty amounts based on, for example, a licensee's past enforcement
history, whether the licensee self-identified the violation, and
whether the licensee took prompt and comprehensive corrective action.
However, the lost source policy, described in Section 2.3.4 of the
Enforcement Policy, stipulates that the NRC will normally assign a
civil penalty of at least the base amount for violations involving the
loss, abandonment, or improper transfer or disposal of radioactive
source material, regardless of the outcome of the normal civil penalty
assessment process. Therefore, the factors that may result in the
mitigation or escalation of a civil penalty for other violations (i.e.,
past enforcement history, identification, and corrective action) have
not typically been considerations for these types of violations.
[[Page 54990]]
Section 2.3.4 of the Enforcement Policy currently addresses the
civil penalties associated with loss of regulated material as follows:
The NRC considers civil penalties for violations associated with
loss of regulated material (i.e., the NRC's lost source policy).
Loss of NRC-regulated material is a significant regulatory and
security concern because of potential unauthorized possession, use,
or overexposure to members of the public. Violations where regulated
radioactive material remains out of the required control of a
licensee for any period of time are dispositioned separately,
regardless of the use, license type, quantity, or type of
radioactive material (see Table of Base Civil Penalties, Tables A
and B, in Section 8.0 of this Policy). Such violations may include,
but are not limited to, for example, the loss, abandonment, improper
transfer, or disposal of a device, source, or other form of
regulated material. Notwithstanding the normal civil penalty
assessment process, in cases where a licensee has lost required
control of its regulated radioactive material for any period of
time, the NRC normally will impose at least a base civil penalty.
However, the Agency may mitigate or escalate a civil penalty amount
based on the merits of a specific case. When appropriate, the NRC
may consider, for example, information concerning the estimated or
actual cost of authorized disposal and/or the actual consequences of
the material remaining out of the control of the licensee.
In accordance with Section 2.3.4 of the current Enforcement Policy,
the NRC may mitigate or escalate the amount of a civil penalty based on
the merits of a specific case. Therefore, even under the current
Enforcement Policy, the NRC may consider information concerning the
estimated or actual cost of authorized disposal and the actual
consequences of the loss, abandonment, or improper transfer or disposal
of the regulated material for cases subject to the lost source policy.
Additionally, even though Section 2.3.4 of the Enforcement Policy
permits the NRC to consider the merits of a specific case when
determining a civil penalty amount, this flexibility has not typically
been exercised for lost source violations. As a result, most violations
involving lost sources that have met the threshold for escalated
enforcement have resulted in civil penalties of at least the base
amount. Tables A and B in Section 8.0 of the Enforcement Policy show
the current base civil penalties for violations involving the loss,
abandonment, or improper transfer or disposal of a sealed source or
In response to the Commission's direction in SRM-SECY-09-190, the
staff is proposing a revision to the Enforcement Policy to remove
language stating that the NRC will assess at least a base civil penalty
for violations involving loss of control of radioactive materials. The
intent is to maintain the existing lost source policy to issue at least
a civil penalty while giving the staff the flexibility to disposition
those cases where a licensee has lost NRC regulated material, but took
immediate action to recover it, in a timely manner, with little or no
risk to the public while the material was not in the licensee's
control. In such cases where loss of control is the issue, rather than
actual lost material, the normal civil penalty assessment process,
described in Section 2.3.4, would be used rather than typically issuing
at least a base civil penalty as required by the current lost source
policy. The staff will revise Section 2.3.4 to indicate that,
notwithstanding the normal civil penalty assessment process, the NRC
may exercise discretion and impose a civil penalty in cases in which a
licensee has lost required control of its regulated radioactive
material. As a result, the staff will revise Section 7.0, ``Glossary,''
of the Enforcement Policy to reflect the proposed changes in the
definition of ``lost source policy'' and will revise Note 3 in Table A
of Section 8.0. The current definition of ``lost source policy'' in
Section 7.0 of the Enforcement Policy states the following:
Lost Source Policy is the policy of the NRC in which a civil
penalty of at least the base civil penalty amount is normally issued
in a case where regulated material is out of the control of the
licensee for any period of time, regardless of the use, licensee
type, quantity, or type of radioactive material (examples include
loss, abandonment, improper transfer, or improper disposal of
regulated material). Violations associated with loss of control of
regulated material normally result in escalated enforcement actions.
Note 3 in Table A of Section 8.0 currently states the following:
These base civil penalty amounts have been determined to be
approximately 3 times the average cost of disposal. For specific
cases, the NRC may adjust these amounts to correspond to 3 times the
actual cost of authorized disposal.
The staff proposes to replace the previously stated paragraph in
Section 2.3.4 of the Policy with the following paragraph:
The NRC considers civil penalties for violations associated with
loss of regulated material (i.e., the NRC's lost source policy). The
loss of NRC-regulated material is a significant regulatory and
security concern because of the potential unauthorized possession or
use of the material and because of the potential for overexposure to
members of the public from its misuse. Such violations may include
but are not limited to, for example, the loss, abandonment, improper
transfer, or improper disposal of a device, source, or other form of
regulated material. Notwithstanding the normal civil penalty
assessment process, in cases where a licensee has lost required
control of its regulated radioactive material, the NRC may exercise
discretion and impose a civil penalty. However, the agency may
mitigate or escalate a civil penalty amount based on the merits of a
specific case. When appropriate, the NRC may consider, for example,
information on the estimated or actual cost of authorized disposal
and the actual consequences of the material remaining out of the
control of the licensee, radiation workers, or the environment.
Normally, the NRC will not apply the lost source policy to generally
licensed devices that are not required to be registered in
accordance with 10 CFR 31.5(c)(13)(i). The NRC will continue to
apply the normal Enforcement Policy in those cases that require the
application of a civil penalty.
As a result of this proposed change in Section 2.3.4, the staff
proposes the following change to the definition of ``lost source
policy'' in Section 7.0:
Lost Source Policy is the policy of the NRC in which a civil
penalty may be issued for violations resulting in regulated source
material being out of the control of the licensee regardless of the
use, license type, quantity, or type of regulated material (e.g.,
loss, abandonment, improper transfer, or improper disposal of
regulated material).
The staff proposes the following change to Note 3 in Table A of
Section 8.0:
These base civil penalty amounts have been determined to be
approximately 3 times the average cost of disposal. For specific
cases, the NRC may adjust these amounts to correspond to the
estimated or actual cost of authorized disposal for the particular
material in question.
In addition, the staff will revise the Enforcement Manual to
clarify circumstances that may warrant mitigation (or escalation) of
the base civil penalty amount for violations involving the loss of
radioactive material. Further, the staff will add language to indicate
that the NRC should consider escalating the civil penalty above the
base amount for cases involving willfulness or that resulted in actual
safety consequences or both.
III. Procedural Requirements
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed policy statement does not contain new or amended
information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing requirements were
approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number 3150-
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
[[Page 54991]]
to, a request for information or an information collection requirement
unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control
Congressional Review Act
In accordance with the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801-808),
the NRC has determined that this action is not a major rule and has
verified this determination with the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs of OMB.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Dated at Rockville, MD, this 29th day of August 2011.
Roy P. Zimmerman,
Director, Office of Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2011-22646 Filed 9-2-11; 8:45 am]