Safety and Occupational Health Study Section (SOHSS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 52330-52331 [2011-21410]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 162 / Monday, August 22, 2011 / Notices
program partners/collaborators
identified by each Program Director (1–
2 partners per Director) as instrumental
to the selection and implementation of
cancer control EBPs. The survey results
will help CDC enhance existing NCCCP
efforts by identifying new strategies for
promoting the use of evidence-based
approaches to comprehensive cancer
control. The surveys will also identify
future studies. CDC’s authorization to
conduct the study is provided by
Section 301 of the Public Health Service
Act (42 U.S.C. 241).
OMB approval will be requested for
one year. Participation in the study is
voluntary. There are no costs to the
respondents other than their time.
technical assistance needs of NCCCPfunded awardees related to selection
and implementation of EBPs, and will
contribute to CDC’s efforts to build the
capacities of states, Tribes, and Pacific
Island Jurisdictions and territories
toward more effective efforts in cancer
prevention and control. Finally, the
results may lead to new insights and
questions that can be addressed in
Form name
CCC Program Directors ...........
Total ..........................................
Catina Conner,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2011–21400 Filed 8–19–11; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Disease, Disability, and Injury
Prevention and Control Special
Emphasis Panel (SEP): Initial Review
The meeting announced below
concerns Member Conflict Review,
Program Announcement (PA) 07–318,
initial review.
In accordance with Section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
announces the aforementioned meeting:
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Number of responses per
Survey Scheduling Script .........................
Program Directors Web Survey Questionnaire.
Program Directors Telephone Interview
Guide and Script.
Program Partners Web Survey Questionnaire.
CCC Program Partners ............
Time and Date: 1 p.m.–3 p.m., November
9, 2011 (Closed).
Place: National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), CDC, 1095
Willowdale Road, Morgantown, West
Virginia 26506, Telephone: (304) 285–6143.
Status: The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with provisions set
forth in Section 552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5
U.S.C., and the Determination of the Director,
Management Analysis and Services Office,
CDC, pursuant to Public Law 92–463.
Matters To Be Discussed: The meeting will
include the initial review, discussion, and
evaluation of applications received in
response to ‘‘Member Conflict Review, PA
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18:50 Aug 19, 2011
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Contact Person for More Information:
Bernadine Kuchinski, PhD, Scientific Review
Officer, Office of Extramural Programs,
NIOSH, CDC, Robert A. Taft Laboratories,
4676 Columbia Parkway, MS C–7, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45226, Telephone: (513) 533–8511.
The Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, has been delegated the
authority to sign Federal Register notices
pertaining to announcements of meetings and
other committee management activities, for
both the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Dated: August 12, 2011.
Elizabeth Millington,
Acting Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2011–21420 Filed 8–19–11; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Safety and Occupational Health Study
Section (SOHSS), National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
announces the following meeting of the
aforementioned committee:
Times and Dates:
8 a.m.–5 p.m., October 18, 2011 (Closed).
8 a.m.–5 p.m., October 19, 2011 (Closed).
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Average burden per response
(in hours)
Number of respondents
Type of Respondent
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Total response
(in hours)
Place: Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal
Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22314,
Telephone: (703) 684–5900, Fax: (703) 684–
Status: The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with provisions set
forth in Section
552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5 U.S.C., and the
Determination of the Director, Management
Analysis and Services Office, CDC, pursuant
to Public Law 92–463.
Purpose: The Safety and Occupational
Health Study Section will review, discuss,
and evaluate grant application(s) received in
response to the Institute’s standard grants
review and funding cycles pertaining to
research issues in occupational safety and
health, and allied areas.
It is the intent of NIOSH to support broadbased research endeavors in keeping with the
Institute’s program goals. This will lead to
improved understanding and appreciation for
the magnitude of the aggregate health burden
associated with occupational injuries and
illnesses, as well as to support more focused
research projects, which will lead to
improvements in the delivery of occupational
safety and health services, and the
prevention of work-related injury and illness.
It is anticipated that research funded will
promote these program goals.
Matters To Be Discussed: The meeting will
convene to address matters related to the
conduct of Study Section business and for
the study section to consider safety and
occupational health-related grant
These portions of the meeting will be
closed to the public in accordance with
provisions set forth in Section 552b(c)(4) and
(6), Title 5 U.S.C., and the Determination of
the Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, pursuant to Section 10(d)
Pub. L. 92–463.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 162 / Monday, August 22, 2011 / Notices
Agenda items are subject to change as
priorities dictate.
Contact Person for More Information: Price
Connor, PhD, NIOSH Health Scientist, 1600
Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop E–20, Atlanta,
Georgia 30333, Telephone (404) 498–2511,
Fax (404) 498–2571.
The Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, has been delegated the
authority to sign Federal Register notices
pertaining to announcements of meetings and
other committee management activities for
both the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Dated: August 12, 2011.
Elizabeth Millington,
Acting Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2011–21410 Filed 8–19–11; 8:45 am]
requirements must be appropriate, i.e.,
meet all applicable MOE requirements.
The Annual MOE Report provides the
ability to learn about and to monitor the
nature of State and Territory
expenditures used to meet States and
Territories MOE requirements, and it is
an important source of information
about the different ways that States and
Territories are using their resources to
help families attain and maintain selfsufficiency. In addition, the report is
used to obtain State and Territory
program characteristics for ACFs annual
report to Congress, and the report serves
as a useful resource to use in
Congressional hearings about how
TANF programs are evolving, in
assessing State the Territory MOE
expenditures, and in assessing the need
for legislative changes.
Administration for Children and
Proposed Information Collection
Activity; Comment Request
Proposed Projects
Title: Annual Report/ACF 204 (State
MOE)—1 collection.
OMB No.: 0970–0248.
The Administration for Children and
Families (ACF) is requesting a threeyear extension of the ACF–204 (Annual
MOE Report). The report is used to
collect descriptive program
characteristics information on the
programs operated by States and
Territories in association with their
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) programs. All State
and Territory expenditures claimed
toward States and Territories MOE
The 50 States of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Number of
Number of
responses per
burden hours
per response
Total burden
ACF–204 ..........................................................................................
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 6,912.
In compliance with the requirements
of Section 506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the
Administration for Children and
Families is soliciting public comment
on the specific aspects of the
information collection described above.
Copies of the proposed collection of
information can be obtained and
comments may be forwarded by writing
to the Administration for Children and
Families, Office of Planning, Research
and Evaluation, 370 L’Enfant
Promenade, SW., Washington, DC
20447, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance
Officer. E-mail address: All requests
should be identified by the title of the
information collection.
The Department specifically requests
comments on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:50 Aug 19, 2011
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information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Consideration will be given to
comments and suggestions submitted
within 60 days of this publication.
Robert Sargis,
Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2011–21317 Filed 8–19–11; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Frm 00029
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Authority to require States to submit
a State TANF plan is contained in
section 402 of the Social Security Act,
as amended by Public Law 104–193, the
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
States are required to submit new plans
periodically (i.e., within a 27-month
Title: State Plan for the Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
PO 00000
The State plan is a mandatory
statement submitted to the Secretary of
the Department of Health and Human
Services by the State. It consists of an
outline specifying how the state’s TANF
program will be administered and
operated and certain required
certifications by the State’s Chief
Executive Officer. It is used to provide
the public with information about the
We are proposing to continue the
information collection without change.
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
OMB No.: 0970–0145.
The 50 States of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 162 (Monday, August 22, 2011)]
[Pages 52330-52331]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-21410]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Safety and Occupational Health Study Section (SOHSS), National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), announces the following meeting of the aforementioned
Times and Dates:
8 a.m.-5 p.m., October 18, 2011 (Closed).
8 a.m.-5 p.m., October 19, 2011 (Closed).
Place: Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, Virginia
22314, Telephone: (703) 684-5900, Fax: (703) 684-0653.
Status: The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance
with provisions set forth in Section 552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5
U.S.C., and the Determination of the Director, Management Analysis
and Services Office, CDC, pursuant to Public Law 92-463.
Purpose: The Safety and Occupational Health Study Section will
review, discuss, and evaluate grant application(s) received in
response to the Institute's standard grants review and funding
cycles pertaining to research issues in occupational safety and
health, and allied areas.
It is the intent of NIOSH to support broad-based research
endeavors in keeping with the Institute's program goals. This will
lead to improved understanding and appreciation for the magnitude of
the aggregate health burden associated with occupational injuries
and illnesses, as well as to support more focused research projects,
which will lead to improvements in the delivery of occupational
safety and health services, and the prevention of work-related
injury and illness. It is anticipated that research funded will
promote these program goals.
Matters To Be Discussed: The meeting will convene to address
matters related to the conduct of Study Section business and for the
study section to consider safety and occupational health-related
grant applications.
These portions of the meeting will be closed to the public in
accordance with provisions set forth in Section 552b(c)(4) and (6),
Title 5 U.S.C., and the Determination of the Director, Management
Analysis and Services Office, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, pursuant to Section 10(d) Pub. L. 92-463.
[[Page 52331]]
Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate.
Contact Person for More Information: Price Connor, PhD, NIOSH
Health Scientist, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop E-20, Atlanta,
Georgia 30333, Telephone (404) 498-2511, Fax (404) 498-2571.
The Director, Management Analysis and Services Office, has been
delegated the authority to sign Federal Register notices pertaining
to announcements of meetings and other committee management
activities for both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Dated: August 12, 2011.
Elizabeth Millington,
Acting Director, Management Analysis and Services Office, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2011-21410 Filed 8-19-11; 8:45 am]