Keālia Pond National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Kakahai'a NWR, Maui County, HI; Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment, 52008-52011 [2011-21326]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 161 / Friday, August 19, 2011 / Notices
Citation 30 CFR 281
Reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements
Hour burden
Average Number
of annual
11 Responses
1,248 Hours
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
$50 Non-Hour Cost Burden
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden:
We have identified one non-hour cost
burden. In § 281.41, respondents would
pay a $50 application fee for any
instrument to be filed (see burden table).
We have identified no other non-hour
cost burdens for this collection of
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Until OMB approves a
collection of information, you are not
obligated to respond.
Comments: Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of
the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.)
requires each agency ‘‘* * * to provide
notice * * * and otherwise consult
with members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information * * *’’
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the agency to perform its
duties, including whether the
information is useful; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (c) enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
minimize the burden on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
To comply with the public
consultation process, on April 15, 2011,
we published a Federal Register notice
(76 FR 21393) announcing that we
would submit this ICR to OMB for
approval. The notice provided the
required 60-day comment period. In
addition, § 282.0 provides the OMB
control number for the information
collection requirements imposed by the
30 CFR 282 regulations. The PRA (5
U.S.C. 1320) informs the public that
they may comment at any time on the
collections of information and BOEMRE
provides the address to which they
should send comments. We have
received one comment in response to
this effort and it was not germane to the
paperwork burden.
If you wish to comment in response
to this notice, you may send your
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comments to the offices listed under the
section of this notice. The
OMB has up to 60 days to approve or
disapprove the information collection
but may respond after 30 days.
Therefore, to ensure maximum
consideration, OMB should receive
public comments by September 19,
Public Availability of Comments:
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
BOEMRE Information Collection
Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz (703)
Dated: July 26, 2011.
David Moore,
Acting Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory
[FR Doc. 2011–21166 Filed 8–18–11; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R1–R–2011–N093; 1265–0000–10137–
Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge
(NWR) and Kakahai’a NWR, Maui
County, HI; Draft Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Environmental
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of our draft comprehensive
conservation plans and environmental
assessments (Draft CCPs/EAs) for the
Kealia Pond and Kakahai’a National
Wildlife Refuges (Refuges), for public
review and comment. The Draft CCPs/
EAs describe our proposals for
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managing the Refuges for the next 15
To ensure consideration, we
must receive your written comments by
September 19, 2011. We will also
announce opportunities for public input
in local news media throughout the CCP
ADDRESSES: Additional information
about the Refuges is available on our
Web sites
kakahaia/. You may submit comments
or request CD–ROM copies of the Draft
CCPs/EAs by any of the following
methods. A limited number of printed
copies of the Draft CCPs/EAs are also
Include ‘‘Kealia Pond/Kakahai’a NWRs’’
in the subject line of the message.
Fax: Attn: Glynnis Nakai, Project
Leader, (808) 875–2945.
U.S. Mail: Glynnis Nakai, Project
Leader, Maui National Wildlife Refuge
Complex, P.O. Box 1042, Kıhei, Hawai’i
Glynnis Nakai, Project Leader, (808)
875–1582 (phone).
With this notice, we continue the CCP
process for the Refuges. We started this
process through a notice in the Federal
Register (74 FR 53755; October 20,
The Kealia Pond and Kakahai’a
Refuges are part of the Maui National
Wildlife Refuge Complex. Kealia Pond
Refuge is located along the southern
shore of the island of Maui. It was
established in 1992 for the purpose of
providing habitat for endangered
Hawaiian waterbirds, specifically, the
endangered Hawaiian stilt (ae’o), and
endangered Hawaiian coot (’alae
ke’oke’o). Kealia Pond is one of the
largest natural wetlands remaining in
the Hawaiian Islands. The 704-acre
Kealia Pond Refuge is administered
under a perpetual conservation
easement provided by Alexander and
Baldwin, Inc. The Refuge encompasses
open water, fresh to brackish water
marsh, mudflat, grassland, upland
shrub, and coastal beach strand habitats.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 161 / Friday, August 19, 2011 / Notices
The Refuge also contains one of the
largest concentrations of wetland birds
in Hawai’i, and is an important
breeding, feeding, and resting area for
the ae’o and ’alae ke’oke’o. In addition,
Kealia Pond Refuge provides a strategic
landfall for migratory birds coming from
Alaska, Siberia, and Asia, including
Northern pintail (koloa mapu), Northern
shoveler (koloa moha), lesser scaup,
Pacific golden-plover (kolea), and ruddy
turnstone (‘akekeke). A total of 110 bird
species have been documented on
Kealia Pond Refuge. A majority of the
Refuge is closed to general public
access; however, trails, overlooks, and
educational programs provide the
public with opportunities to view some
of Hawai’i’s endangered and migratory
The Kakahai’a Refuge is located on
the southeastern coast of the island of
Moloka’i. It was established to protect
and provide habitat for endangered
species. Habitats found on this Refuge
include open water, freshwater marsh,
mudflat, grassland, and shrubland. An
inland Hawaiian fishpond is also
located on the Refuge. Some of the more
common migrants are koloa mapu and
kolea. Kakahai’a Refuge is closed to the
general public; however, volunteers
occasionally conduct wetland education
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The CCP Process
The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee) (Refuge Administration
Act), as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997, requires us to develop a
CCP for each national wildlife refuge.
The purpose for developing a CCP is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
plan for achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and our policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, CCPs identify wildlifedependent recreational opportunities
that are compatible with a refuge’s
purposes, including opportunities for
hunting, fishing, wildlife observation
and photography, and environmental
education and interpretation. We will
review and update the CCP at least
every 15 years in accordance with the
Refuge Administration Act.
Public Outreach and CCP Issues
We started the public scoping phase
of the CCP planning process in 2009 by
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publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) in
the Federal Register (74 FR 53755;
October 20, 2009), announcing our
intention to complete a CCP/EA for the
Kealia Pond and Kakahai’a Refuges, and
requesting public comments.
Concurrently, we released Planning
Update 1, to provide information to the
public and various stakeholders
regarding our planning process, the
Refuges’ purposes, and our preliminary
issues, goals, and objectives. We also
invited the public to two open house
meetings and requested public
comments in the NOI and Planning
Update 1. In November 2009, we held
two public open house meetings in
Kıhei and Kaunakakai, HI.
In Planning Update 2, released in
February 2010, we summarized the
comments we received, listed the
preliminary management issues we used
to draft alternatives, and presented our
refined goals and objectives. In March
2011, we released Planning Update 3.
We described our preliminary
alternatives and identified our preferred
alternatives in the update, and
requested comments. We identified the
following key issues during our
planning and public involvement
process, and addressed them in the
Draft CCPs/EAs.
• Reduce threats to native habitats,
endangered species, migratory birds,
and other native wildlife at Kealia Pond
Refuge, from invasive California bulrush
and pickleweed plants; and nonnative
rats, Indian mongooses, and cats.
Identify more efficient techniques to
control the most aggressive invasive
• Reduce midge swarms, wind-blown
dust, and foul-smelling tilapia die-offs
that originate on Kealia Pond Refuge,
and encroach on neighboring property.
• Expand opportunities for wildlife¯
dependent public uses on Kealia Pond
Refuge, and manage public uses to
prevent wildlife and habitat
• Develop restoration plans and stepdown habitat management plans, and
identify alternative water sources for
endangered waterbird habitat on both
• Increase funding for and
maintenance of equipment and facilities
that are exposed to and degraded by the
Refuges’ coastal marine environmental
• Increase law enforcement to protect
both Refuges’ resources.
• Conduct baseline surveys of
invertebrates and their associated
vegetation, to facilitate adaptive
management at both Refuges.
• Increase staff presence on the
Kakahai’a Refuge, to improve habitat
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management, volunteer efforts, and
visitor services.
Draft CCP Alternatives We Are
During the public scoping process
with which we started work on these
Draft CCPs/EAs, we, other governmental
partners, and the public raised several
issues. To address these issues we
developed and evaluated three
alternatives for managing each Refuge.
In each Draft CCP/EA, we present our
evaluation of the environmental effects
of each alternative, and identify
Alternative C as our preferred
alternative. Alternative C was selected
in both documents, because it best
achieves the Refuges’ purposes, visions,
and goals; contributes to the National
Wildlife Refuge System mission;
addresses issues and relevant mandates;
and is consistent with principles of
sound fish and wildlife management.
Summaries of our alternatives follow.
Kealia Pond Refuge Draft CCP/EA
Alternative A: No Change
Under Alternative A, we would
continue current management.
Management of threatened and
endangered species would focus on
waterbird protection and successful
nesting, in support of Hawaiian
Waterbird Recovery Plan
implementation. Public use programs
would remain virtually unchanged. We
would rely on natural, annual flooding,
to manage habitat, and supplemental
flooding, to provide habitat for
waterbirds. The open-water, 200-acre
Kealia Pond is subject to the natural
hydrological cycle, represented by high
water in winter, receding water April to
September, and complete drying
October to November. The seasonal
mudflats at Ma’alaea would not be
actively managed.
The Refuge’s proposed Molokini Islet
Unit (a proposed overlay refuge) would
continue to be managed as a seabird
colony. We would visit the unit one or
two times per year, to monitor the
seabird population, and continue a
collaborative, long-term bird-banding
project with the Hawai’i Department of
Land and Natural Resources (HDLNR).
There are three nuisance issues at
Kealia Pond that impact downwind
neighbors, they include: Nonnative
insects (midges), dust, and fish die-off
odor. In extended high-water years, an
invasive midge species reproduces
multiple times, and the resulting
swarms encroach on adjacent property.
The Refuge would continue to control
midges by treating the main pond with
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 161 / Friday, August 19, 2011 / Notices
an insect growth inhibitor during peak
An overabundance of tilapia, a
nonnative fish, occurs during extended
flood conditions in the main pond.
When the water recedes, the tilapia dieoff emanates a foul odor, and the
decaying fish must be raked out of the
mud to remove the biomass. The Refuge
would continue to trap and remove
tilapia from the pond under Alternative
When water in the main pond recedes
due to evaporation, trade winds
disperse dust from the pond to the
south-southeast side of the Refuge, and
onto neighboring properties. Under
Alternative A, we would continue to
control windblown sediment by
pumping and sheetflowing water into
the main pond, targeting the pond’s
upper north edge.
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Alternative B: Restoration Focus
Under Alternative B, we would
identify and implement more efficient
techniques for controlling the most
aggressive invasive species, prepare a
restoration plan and step-down habitat
management plan with an inventory and
monitoring protocol, and identify
alternative water sources for endangered
waterbirds. Developing a water source
for Ma’alaea Flats would be a priority,
enabling managing water levels for
foraging, resting, and breeding ae’o, and
providing enhanced wildlife viewing
opportunities from the Kealia Coastal
Boardwalk. We would conduct
additional studies to evaluate the
impacts visitors have on endangered
waterbirds. Monitoring on the proposed
Molokini Islet Unit would increase to
two or three visits per year, for
monitoring breeding and banding
chicks. Methods to control nuisances
(midges, dust, and tilapia) would be
similar to Alternative A, until the
Refuge is able to manipulate water
levels in the open-water pond.
Alternative C: Wetland Capacity Focus
(Preferred Alternative)
Under Alternative C, we would
increase our ability to control water in
the main pond and adjacent vegetated
mudflats, remove the most aggressive
invasive plants, and control pickleweed
on the flats. Refuge enhancements
would include constructing a water
control structure, developing new wells
to deliver water to target areas, and
recontouring the topography, to
maintain water on the flats. Increasing
our capability to dewater and flood the
main pond, would enhance our midge
and tilapia control efforts.
Public uses would be similar to
Alternatives A and B; however, new
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vegetated barriers and/or blinds would
be provided for better wildlife viewing
opportunities. Additional visitor
services staff would recruit and train
volunteers to assist with Refuge
programs, and increase environmental
educational opportunities.
Monitoring on the proposed Molokini
Islet Unit would include three to six
visits annually, during seabird nesting
season (March to November). Very little
information is known about ’ou
(Bulwer’s petrels) nesting on Molokini
Islet; therefore, we would begin a
monitoring program to determine the
population’s parameters. In addition, we
would initiate a native plant restoration
plan, particularly for ’ihi (Portulaca
molokiniensis), a Federal and State
species of concern. Volunteers would
assist with propagating plants in the
Refuge’s greenhouse, and outplanting
would be conducted by Federal and
State biologists under a cooperative
agreement with HDLNR.
Kakahai’a Refuge Draft CCP/EA
Alternative A: Continue Current
Management (No Change)
Under Alternative A, no changes in
current management would occur.
Wetland management would continue
to be limited, due to staff and funding
limitations. An overgrowth of pest
plants, including trees and shrubs on
levees, would continue to hinder efforts
to manage the habitat on a small scale.
Sedimentation would continue to
degrade wetland habitat, resulting in
even fewer waterbirds using the habitat;
therefore we would not restart predator
control activities. Management at
Kakahai’a Refuge would be limited to
treating pest plant species along the
fence line with herbicide, maintaining
access to gages and piezometers,
monitoring water levels, and replacing
the perimeter fence, as funding permits.
The Refuge would remain closed to
Alternative B: Restoration and
Biodiversity Focus
Under Alternative B, we would
restore 10.5 acres of wetland habitat at
Kakahai’a Refuge. We would create a
water source for 5.5 acres of the Refuge’s
New Pond, by constructing a well,
installing a water pump and distribution
line, and repairing the electric panel.
This alternative would create foraging
and resting habitat for ae’o and ’alae
ke’oke’o, and potential nesting habitat
for ae’o. Removing 5 acres of invasive
vegetation would recreate open water
habitat in Old Pond. If feasible, the Old
Pond’s topography would be
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recontoured in areas where California
bulrush has been removed, to create
foraging and nesting habitat for ’alae
ke’oke’o. Water level management in
both ponds would also enhance
invertebrate abundance. We would
resume waterbird monitoring and
predator control. The perimeter fence
would be repaired or replaced to
minimize the occurrence of invasive
mammals such as axis deer, pigs, and
Under Alternative B, we would
compile available data on the ecology of
the wetlands, and evaluate wetland
geomorphology and hydrology, to
restore wetland habitat for the ae’o and
’alae ke’oke’o. The Refuge would remain
closed to the public, except for issuing
Special Use Permits for environmental
education and interpretation activities.
We would develop an earthen platform
outside the fence along the entrance
road to the Refuge, for wildlife viewing
opportunities. Refuge staff visits would
coincide with volunteer work group
Alternative C: Wetland Capacity Focus
(Preferred Alternative)
Under Alternative C, we would
restore the 15-acre Old Pond, and 5.5
acres of the New Pond. Old Pond
restoration activities would include
removing California bulrush and other
aggressive nonnative species, dredging
accumulated sediment, recontouring the
pond’s bathymetry, removing and
reconfiguring radial levees,
reconstructing perimeter levees,
replacing the water control structure,
and replacing the pump between the
two ponds. Restoring Old Pond would
provide open water and emergent
habitat for breeding, foraging, and
nesting ’alae ke’oke’o. Natural
groundwater springs would also supply
water to Old Pond, which would reduce
the need for supplemental water. A
well, pump, water distribution line, and
water control outlet would be
constructed for New Pond, and levees
would be rebuilt, which would enable
us to flood and dewater the ponds to
provide semi-permanent and seasonal
habitat for ae’o, ’alae ke’oke’o, and
migratory waterbirds. All monitoring
activities would resume as part of the
wetland restoration. A predator-proof
fence would be installed, to protect
wetland habitat and species.
We would work with the Hawai’i
Department of Transportation, to modify
the culvert passing under Kamehameha
V Highway, to allow water from the
upper watershed and periodic
dewatering of the wetlands to flow to
the ocean naturally, without blockage
from sand.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 161 / Friday, August 19, 2011 / Notices
Maintaining the wetlands at Kakahai’a
Refuge would require regular onsite
Refuge staff presence. The opportunities
for visitors to engage in compatible
wildlife-dependent recreation would
expand, depending on staffing. At a
minimum, a kiosk would be constructed
on an earthen mound along the Refuge
entrance road. Volunteer groups would
assist Refuge staff with restoration and
maintenance activities.
Public Availability of Documents
We encourage you to stay involved in
the CCP planning process by reviewing
and commenting on the proposals we
have developed in the Draft CCPs/EAs.
Copies of the documents are available
by request from the Maui National
Wildlife Refuge Complex, Milepost 6,
Mokulele Highway, Kıhei, HI. The Draft
CCPs/EAs are also available for
downloading on our Web site https://
Public Meetings
We will hold the following public
meetings. In Moloka’i, the meeting is
September 7, 2011, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the
Mitchell Pauole Center, 90 Ainoa Street,
Kaunakakai, Hawai’i. In Maui, the
meeting is September 8, 2011, from 6:30
to 8 p.m. at the Kıhei Community
Center, 303 E. Lipoa Street, Kıhei,
Hawai’i. For more information on the
meetings, contact the person under FOR
Next Steps
After the comment period ends, we
will analyze the comments we receive
and address them in the Final CCPs and
decision documents.
Public Availability of Comments
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Dated: June 21, 2011.
Robyn Thorson,
Regional Director, Region 1, Portland, Oregon.
[FR Doc. 2011–21326 Filed 8–18–11; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proclaiming Certain Lands, Forest
Service Lands, as an Addition to the
Bay Mills Indian Reservation for the
Bay Mills Indian Community of
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Reservation
This notice informs the public
that the Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs proclaimed approximately 842
acres, more or less, to be added to the
Bay Mills Indian Reservation for the Bay
Mills Indian Community of Michigan.
Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, Mail
Stop 4639–MIB, 1849 C Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
Notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by part 209 of the
Departmental Manual.
A proclamation was issued according
with Section 7 of the Act of June 18,
1934 (48 Stat. 986; 25 U.S.C. 467), for
the land described below. The land was
proclaimed to be an addition to the Bay
Mills Indian Reservation and part of the
Bay Mills Indian Community of
Michigan for the exclusive use of
Indians on that Reservation who are
entitled to reside at the Reservation by
enrollment or tribal membership.
Bay Mills Indian Community
Michigan Meridian Township of Bay
Mills, Chippewa County, Michigan
South One Half (1⁄2) of Southeast One
Quarter (SE 1⁄4), Section 13, Township
47 North, Range 3 West (80 acres);
That part of the NW 1⁄4 of SE 1⁄4,
Section 13, Township 47 North, Range
3 West, and Government Lot 2 described
as, Beginning at the Southeast corner of
said Government Lot 2; thence
Northerly along the east line of said
Government Lot 2 to the shore of Lake
Superior; thence Westerly and parallel
to the south line of said Government Lot
2 to the centerline of the Point Iroquois
Road (FR 3150); thence southeasterly
and along said centerline to the south
line of Government Lot 2; thence
Easterly and along said south line to the
Southeast corner of Government Lot 2
and the Place of Beginning (26.0 acres);
PO 00000
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That part of the NW 1⁄4 of the SE 1⁄4,
Section 13, Township 47 North, Range
3 West, lying westerly of the centerline
of the Point Iroquois Road (FR 3150)
(37.0 acres); Northeast One Quarter (NE
1⁄4) of Southwest One Quarter (SW 1⁄4),
Section 13, Township 47 North, Range
3 West (40 acres); Southeast One
Quarter (SE 1⁄4) of Southwest One
Quarter (SW 1⁄4), Section 13, Township
47 North, Range 3 West (40 acres);
The Southerly 500 feet of the
Southeast One Quarter (SE 1⁄4) of the
Northwest One Quarter (NW 1⁄4),
Section 13, Township 47 North, Range
3 West (15 acres); Part of the SW 1⁄4 of
NE 1⁄4, Section 13, Township 47 North,
Range 3 West, described as: Beginning
at a point on the west line of said SW
1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4 which lies 500 feet north of
the Southwest corner; thence South and
along said west line a distance of 500
feet to said Southwest corner of the SW
1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4; thence east and along the
South line of said SW 1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4 to the
Southeast corner of said SW 1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4;
thence North and along the East line of
said SW 1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4 a distance of 700
feet; thence southwesterly to the west
line of said SW 1⁄4 of NE 1⁄4 and the
Place of Beginning, EXCEPT that
portion lying easterly of the centerline
of the Point Iroquois Road (FR 3150)
(14.0 acres);
Government Lot 1, Section 23,
Township 47 North, Range 3 West,
EXCEPT 10 acres described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of
said Government Lot 1; thence East a
distance of 417.42 feet; thence South
and parallel with the west line a
distance of 1,043.55 feet; thence West
and parallel with the north line a
distance of 417.42 feet to the west line;
thence North along the west line to the
Northwest corner and the Place of
Beginning (30.0 acres);
Northwest One Quarter (NW 1⁄4) of the
Southwest One Quarter (SW 1⁄4), Section
24, Township 47 North, Range 3 West
(40 acres);
Southwest One Quarter (SW 1⁄4) of
Section 25, Township 47 North, Range
3 West (160 acres);
West One Half (W 1⁄2) of the Southeast
One Quarter (SE 1⁄4), Section 25,
Township 47 North, Range 3 West (80
Southeast One Quarter (SE 1⁄4) of
Southeast One Quarter (SE 1⁄4), Section
25, Township 47 North, Range 3 West
(40 acres);
Northwest One Quarter (NW 1⁄4) of
Section 36, Township 47 North, Range
3 West (160 acres); and
West One Half (W 1⁄2) of Northeast
One Quarter (NE 1⁄4), Section 36,
Township 47 North, Range 3 West (80
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 161 (Friday, August 19, 2011)]
[Pages 52008-52011]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-21326]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R1-R-2011-N093; 1265-0000-10137-S3]
Ke[amacr]lia Pond National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Kakahai'a
NWR, Maui County, HI; Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and
Environmental Assessment
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of our draft comprehensive conservation plans and
environmental assessments (Draft CCPs/EAs) for the Ke[amacr]lia Pond
and Kakahai'a National Wildlife Refuges (Refuges), for public review
and comment. The Draft CCPs/EAs describe our proposals for managing the
Refuges for the next 15 years.
DATES: To ensure consideration, we must receive your written comments
by September 19, 2011. We will also announce opportunities for public
input in local news media throughout the CCP process.
ADDRESSES: Additional information about the Refuges is available on our
Web sites You may submit comments or request CD-ROM copies of the
Draft CCPs/EAs by any of the following methods. A limited number of
printed copies of the Draft CCPs/EAs are also available.
E-mail: Include ``Ke[amacr]lia Pond/
Kakahai'a NWRs'' in the subject line of the message.
Fax: Attn: Glynnis Nakai, Project Leader, (808) 875-2945.
U.S. Mail: Glynnis Nakai, Project Leader, Maui National Wildlife
Refuge Complex, P.O. Box 1042, K[imacr]hei, Hawai'i 96753.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Glynnis Nakai, Project Leader, (808)
875-1582 (phone).
With this notice, we continue the CCP process for the Refuges. We
started this process through a notice in the Federal Register (74 FR
53755; October 20, 2009).
The Ke[amacr]lia Pond and Kakahai'a Refuges are part of the Maui
National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge is located
along the southern shore of the island of Maui. It was established in
1992 for the purpose of providing habitat for endangered Hawaiian
waterbirds, specifically, the endangered Hawaiian stilt (ae'o), and
endangered Hawaiian coot ('alae ke'oke'o). Ke[amacr]lia Pond is one of
the largest natural wetlands remaining in the Hawaiian Islands. The
704-acre Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge is administered under a perpetual
conservation easement provided by Alexander and Baldwin, Inc. The
Refuge encompasses open water, fresh to brackish water marsh, mudflat,
grassland, upland shrub, and coastal beach strand habitats.
[[Page 52009]]
The Refuge also contains one of the largest concentrations of wetland
birds in Hawai'i, and is an important breeding, feeding, and resting
area for the ae'o and 'alae ke'oke'o. In addition, Ke[amacr]lia Pond
Refuge provides a strategic landfall for migratory birds coming from
Alaska, Siberia, and Asia, including Northern pintail (koloa
m[amacr]pu), Northern shoveler (koloa moh[amacr]), lesser scaup,
Pacific golden-plover (k[omacr]lea), and ruddy turnstone (`akekeke). A
total of 110 bird species have been documented on Ke[amacr]lia Pond
Refuge. A majority of the Refuge is closed to general public access;
however, trails, overlooks, and educational programs provide the public
with opportunities to view some of Hawai'i's endangered and migratory
The Kakahai'a Refuge is located on the southeastern coast of the
island of Moloka'i. It was established to protect and provide habitat
for endangered species. Habitats found on this Refuge include open
water, freshwater marsh, mudflat, grassland, and shrubland. An inland
Hawaiian fishpond is also located on the Refuge. Some of the more
common migrants are koloa m[amacr]pu and k[omacr]lea. Kakahai'a Refuge
is closed to the general public; however, volunteers occasionally
conduct wetland education programs.
The CCP Process
The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16
U.S.C. 668dd-668ee) (Refuge Administration Act), as amended by the
National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, requires us to
develop a CCP for each national wildlife refuge. The purpose for
developing a CCP is to provide refuge managers with a 15-year plan for
achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with sound principles of
fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal mandates, and our
policies. In addition to outlining broad management direction on
conserving wildlife and their habitats, CCPs identify wildlife-
dependent recreational opportunities that are compatible with a
refuge's purposes, including opportunities for hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation and photography, and environmental education and
interpretation. We will review and update the CCP at least every 15
years in accordance with the Refuge Administration Act.
Public Outreach and CCP Issues
We started the public scoping phase of the CCP planning process in
2009 by publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register (74
FR 53755; October 20, 2009), announcing our intention to complete a
CCP/EA for the Ke[amacr]lia Pond and Kakahai'a Refuges, and requesting
public comments. Concurrently, we released Planning Update 1, to
provide information to the public and various stakeholders regarding
our planning process, the Refuges' purposes, and our preliminary
issues, goals, and objectives. We also invited the public to two open
house meetings and requested public comments in the NOI and Planning
Update 1. In November 2009, we held two public open house meetings in
K[imacr]hei and Kaunakakai, HI.
In Planning Update 2, released in February 2010, we summarized the
comments we received, listed the preliminary management issues we used
to draft alternatives, and presented our refined goals and objectives.
In March 2011, we released Planning Update 3. We described our
preliminary alternatives and identified our preferred alternatives in
the update, and requested comments. We identified the following key
issues during our planning and public involvement process, and
addressed them in the Draft CCPs/EAs.
Reduce threats to native habitats, endangered species,
migratory birds, and other native wildlife at Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge,
from invasive California bulrush and pickleweed plants; and nonnative
rats, Indian mongooses, and cats. Identify more efficient techniques to
control the most aggressive invasive species.
Reduce midge swarms, wind-blown dust, and foul-smelling
tilapia die-offs that originate on Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge, and
encroach on neighboring property.
Expand opportunities for wildlife-dependent public uses on
Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge, and manage public uses to prevent wildlife
and habitat disturbances.
Develop restoration plans and step-down habitat management
plans, and identify alternative water sources for endangered waterbird
habitat on both Refuges.
Increase funding for and maintenance of equipment and
facilities that are exposed to and degraded by the Refuges' coastal
marine environmental conditions.
Increase law enforcement to protect both Refuges'
Conduct baseline surveys of invertebrates and their
associated vegetation, to facilitate adaptive management at both
Increase staff presence on the Kakahai'a Refuge, to
improve habitat management, volunteer efforts, and visitor services.
Draft CCP Alternatives We Are Considering
During the public scoping process with which we started work on
these Draft CCPs/EAs, we, other governmental partners, and the public
raised several issues. To address these issues we developed and
evaluated three alternatives for managing each Refuge. In each Draft
CCP/EA, we present our evaluation of the environmental effects of each
alternative, and identify Alternative C as our preferred alternative.
Alternative C was selected in both documents, because it best achieves
the Refuges' purposes, visions, and goals; contributes to the National
Wildlife Refuge System mission; addresses issues and relevant mandates;
and is consistent with principles of sound fish and wildlife
management. Summaries of our alternatives follow.
Ke[amacr]lia Pond Refuge Draft CCP/EA Alternatives
Alternative A: No Change
Under Alternative A, we would continue current management.
Management of threatened and endangered species would focus on
waterbird protection and successful nesting, in support of Hawaiian
Waterbird Recovery Plan implementation. Public use programs would
remain virtually unchanged. We would rely on natural, annual flooding,
to manage habitat, and supplemental flooding, to provide habitat for
waterbirds. The open-water, 200-acre Ke[amacr]lia Pond is subject to
the natural hydrological cycle, represented by high water in winter,
receding water April to September, and complete drying October to
November. The seasonal mudflats at M[amacr]'alaea would not be actively
The Refuge's proposed Molokini Islet Unit (a proposed overlay
refuge) would continue to be managed as a seabird colony. We would
visit the unit one or two times per year, to monitor the seabird
population, and continue a collaborative, long-term bird-banding
project with the Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources
There are three nuisance issues at Ke[amacr]lia Pond that impact
downwind neighbors, they include: Nonnative insects (midges), dust, and
fish die-off odor. In extended high-water years, an invasive midge
species reproduces multiple times, and the resulting swarms encroach on
adjacent property. The Refuge would continue to control midges by
treating the main pond with
[[Page 52010]]
an insect growth inhibitor during peak abundance.
An overabundance of tilapia, a nonnative fish, occurs during
extended flood conditions in the main pond. When the water recedes, the
tilapia die-off emanates a foul odor, and the decaying fish must be
raked out of the mud to remove the biomass. The Refuge would continue
to trap and remove tilapia from the pond under Alternative A.
When water in the main pond recedes due to evaporation, trade winds
disperse dust from the pond to the south-southeast side of the Refuge,
and onto neighboring properties. Under Alternative A, we would continue
to control windblown sediment by pumping and sheetflowing water into
the main pond, targeting the pond's upper north edge.
Alternative B: Restoration Focus
Under Alternative B, we would identify and implement more efficient
techniques for controlling the most aggressive invasive species,
prepare a restoration plan and step-down habitat management plan with
an inventory and monitoring protocol, and identify alternative water
sources for endangered waterbirds. Developing a water source for
M[amacr]'alaea Flats would be a priority, enabling managing water
levels for foraging, resting, and breeding ae'o, and providing enhanced
wildlife viewing opportunities from the Ke[amacr]lia Coastal Boardwalk.
We would conduct additional studies to evaluate the impacts visitors
have on endangered waterbirds. Monitoring on the proposed Molokini
Islet Unit would increase to two or three visits per year, for
monitoring breeding and banding chicks. Methods to control nuisances
(midges, dust, and tilapia) would be similar to Alternative A, until
the Refuge is able to manipulate water levels in the open-water pond.
Alternative C: Wetland Capacity Focus (Preferred Alternative)
Under Alternative C, we would increase our ability to control water
in the main pond and adjacent vegetated mudflats, remove the most
aggressive invasive plants, and control pickleweed on the flats. Refuge
enhancements would include constructing a water control structure,
developing new wells to deliver water to target areas, and recontouring
the topography, to maintain water on the flats. Increasing our
capability to dewater and flood the main pond, would enhance our midge
and tilapia control efforts.
Public uses would be similar to Alternatives A and B; however, new
vegetated barriers and/or blinds would be provided for better wildlife
viewing opportunities. Additional visitor services staff would recruit
and train volunteers to assist with Refuge programs, and increase
environmental educational opportunities.
Monitoring on the proposed Molokini Islet Unit would include three
to six visits annually, during seabird nesting season (March to
November). Very little information is known about 'ou (Bulwer's
petrels) nesting on Molokini Islet; therefore, we would begin a
monitoring program to determine the population's parameters. In
addition, we would initiate a native plant restoration plan,
particularly for 'ihi (Portulaca molokiniensis), a Federal and State
species of concern. Volunteers would assist with propagating plants in
the Refuge's greenhouse, and outplanting would be conducted by Federal
and State biologists under a cooperative agreement with HDLNR.
Kakahai'a Refuge Draft CCP/EA Alternatives
Alternative A: Continue Current Management (No Change)
Under Alternative A, no changes in current management would occur.
Wetland management would continue to be limited, due to staff and
funding limitations. An overgrowth of pest plants, including trees and
shrubs on levees, would continue to hinder efforts to manage the
habitat on a small scale. Sedimentation would continue to degrade
wetland habitat, resulting in even fewer waterbirds using the habitat;
therefore we would not restart predator control activities. Management
at Kakahai'a Refuge would be limited to treating pest plant species
along the fence line with herbicide, maintaining access to gages and
piezometers, monitoring water levels, and replacing the perimeter
fence, as funding permits. The Refuge would remain closed to visitors.
Alternative B: Restoration and Biodiversity Focus
Under Alternative B, we would restore 10.5 acres of wetland habitat
at Kakahai'a Refuge. We would create a water source for 5.5 acres of
the Refuge's New Pond, by constructing a well, installing a water pump
and distribution line, and repairing the electric panel. This
alternative would create foraging and resting habitat for ae'o and
'alae ke'oke'o, and potential nesting habitat for ae'o. Removing 5
acres of invasive vegetation would recreate open water habitat in Old
Pond. If feasible, the Old Pond's topography would be recontoured in
areas where California bulrush has been removed, to create foraging and
nesting habitat for 'alae ke'oke'o. Water level management in both
ponds would also enhance invertebrate abundance. We would resume
waterbird monitoring and predator control. The perimeter fence would be
repaired or replaced to minimize the occurrence of invasive mammals
such as axis deer, pigs, and dogs.
Under Alternative B, we would compile available data on the ecology
of the wetlands, and evaluate wetland geomorphology and hydrology, to
restore wetland habitat for the ae'o and 'alae ke'oke'o. The Refuge
would remain closed to the public, except for issuing Special Use
Permits for environmental education and interpretation activities. We
would develop an earthen platform outside the fence along the entrance
road to the Refuge, for wildlife viewing opportunities. Refuge staff
visits would coincide with volunteer work group activities.
Alternative C: Wetland Capacity Focus (Preferred Alternative)
Under Alternative C, we would restore the 15-acre Old Pond, and 5.5
acres of the New Pond. Old Pond restoration activities would include
removing California bulrush and other aggressive nonnative species,
dredging accumulated sediment, recontouring the pond's bathymetry,
removing and reconfiguring radial levees, reconstructing perimeter
levees, replacing the water control structure, and replacing the pump
between the two ponds. Restoring Old Pond would provide open water and
emergent habitat for breeding, foraging, and nesting 'alae ke'oke'o.
Natural groundwater springs would also supply water to Old Pond, which
would reduce the need for supplemental water. A well, pump, water
distribution line, and water control outlet would be constructed for
New Pond, and levees would be rebuilt, which would enable us to flood
and dewater the ponds to provide semi-permanent and seasonal habitat
for ae'o, 'alae ke'oke'o, and migratory waterbirds. All monitoring
activities would resume as part of the wetland restoration. A predator-
proof fence would be installed, to protect wetland habitat and species.
We would work with the Hawai'i Department of Transportation, to
modify the culvert passing under Kamehameha V Highway, to allow water
from the upper watershed and periodic dewatering of the wetlands to
flow to the ocean naturally, without blockage from sand.
[[Page 52011]]
Maintaining the wetlands at Kakahai'a Refuge would require regular
onsite Refuge staff presence. The opportunities for visitors to engage
in compatible wildlife-dependent recreation would expand, depending on
staffing. At a minimum, a kiosk would be constructed on an earthen
mound along the Refuge entrance road. Volunteer groups would assist
Refuge staff with restoration and maintenance activities.
Public Availability of Documents
We encourage you to stay involved in the CCP planning process by
reviewing and commenting on the proposals we have developed in the
Draft CCPs/EAs. Copies of the documents are available by request from
the Maui National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Milepost 6, Mokulele
Highway, K[imacr]hei, HI. The Draft CCPs/EAs are also available for
downloading on our Web site
Public Meetings
We will hold the following public meetings. In Moloka'i, the
meeting is September 7, 2011, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole
Center, 90 Ainoa Street, Kaunakakai, Hawai'i. In Maui, the meeting is
September 8, 2011, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the K[imacr]hei Community
Center, 303 E. Lipoa Street, K[imacr]hei, Hawai'i. For more information
on the meetings, contact the person under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Next Steps
After the comment period ends, we will analyze the comments we
receive and address them in the Final CCPs and decision documents.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Dated: June 21, 2011.
Robyn Thorson,
Regional Director, Region 1, Portland, Oregon.
[FR Doc. 2011-21326 Filed 8-18-11; 8:45 am]