Sunshine Act Meeting, 48162-48163 [2011-20183]
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 152 / Monday, August 8, 2011 / Notices
burdens, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid control number. No
person shall be subject to any penalty
for failing to comply with a collection
of information subject to the PRA that
does not display a valid control number.
Comments are requested concerning (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and (e) ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
The FCC may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
PRA that does not display a valid Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number.
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted on or before September 7,
2011. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the contacts below as soon as
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Nicholas A. Fraser, OMB, via fax 202–
395–5167, or via e-mail; and
to Cathy Williams, FCC, via e-mail and to Include in the
comments the OMB control number as
shown in the ‘‘Supplementary
Information’’ section below.
additional information or copies of the
information collection, contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918. To view a
copy of this information collection
request (ICR) submitted to OMB: (1) Go
to the Web page
public/do/PRAMain, (2) look for the
section of the Web page called
‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ (3) click on
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the downward-pointing arrow in the
‘‘Select Agency’’ box below the
‘‘Currently Under Review’’ heading, (4)
select ‘‘Federal Communications
Commission’’ from the list of agencies
presented in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box,
(5) click the ‘‘Submit’’ button to the
right of the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, (6)
when the list of FCC ICRs currently
under review appears, look for the OMB
control number of this ICR and then
click on the ICR Reference Number. A
copy of the FCC submission to OMB
will be displayed.
OMB Control No.: 3060–xxxx.
Title: Part 25—Satellite
Communications; and Part 27–
Miscellaneous Wireless
Communications Services in the 2.3
GHz Band.
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: New information
Respondents: Business or other for
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 158 respondents; 2,406
Estimated Time per Response: 0.5 to
40 hours.
Frequency of Response:
Recordkeeping requirement; Third party
disclosure requirement, and On
occasion reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The statutory
authority for this collection of
information is contained in 47 U.S.C.
154, 301, 302(a), 303, 309, 332, 336, and
Total Annual Burden: 23,507 hours.
Annual Cost Burden: $928,200.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment:
Federal Communications Commission.
Bulah P. Wheeler,
Deputy Manager, Office of the Secretary,
Office of Managing Director.
(‘‘FACA’’), 5 U.S.C. App. 2, and after
consultation with the General Services
Administration, the Chairman of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
has determined that renewal of the FDIC
Advisory Committee on Community
Banking (‘‘the Committee’’) is in the
public interest in connection with the
performance of duties imposed upon the
FDIC by law. The Committee has been
a successful undertaking by the FDIC
and has provided valuable feedback to
the agency on a broad range of policy
issues that have particular impact on
small community banks throughout the
United States and the local communities
they serve, with a focus on rural areas.
The Committee will continue to review
various issues that may include, but not
be limited to, the latest examination
policies and procedures, credit and
lending practices, deposit insurance
assessments, insurance coverage issues,
and regulatory compliance matters, as
well as any obstacles to the continued
growth and ability of community banks
to extend financial services in their
local markets in the current market
environment. The structure and
responsibilities of the Committee are
unchanged from when it was originally
established in July 2009. The Committee
will continue to operate in accordance
with the provisions of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act.
Robert E. Feldman, Committee
Management Officer of the FDIC, at
(202) 898–7043.
Dated: August 3, 2011.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2011–20017 Filed 8–5–11; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2011–20005 Filed 8–5–11; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meeting
Pursuant to the provisions of the
‘‘Government in the Sunshine Act’’ (5
U.S.C. 552b), notice is hereby given that
at 12:58 p.m. on Thursday, August 4,
2011, the Board of Directors of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
met in closed session to consider
matters related to the Corporation’s
supervision, corporate, and resolution
In calling the meeting, the Board
determined, on motion of Director
Thomas J. Curry (Appointive), seconded
by Director John G. Walsh (Acting
Comptroller of the Currency), and
concurred in by Acting Chairman
Martin J. Gruenberg, that Corporation
FDIC Advisory Committee on
Community Banking; Notice of Charter
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Notice of renewal of the FDIC
Advisory Committee on Community
Pursuant to the provisions of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 152 / Monday, August 8, 2011 / Notices
business required its consideration of
the matters which were to be the subject
of this meeting on less than seven days’
notice to the public; that no earlier
notice of the meeting was practicable;
that the public interest did not require
consideration of the matters in a
meeting open to public observation; and
that the matters could be considered in
a closed meeting by authority of
subsections (c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(6), (c)(8),
(c)(9)(A)(ii), (c)(9)(B), and (c)(10) of the
‘‘Government in the Sunshine Act’’ (5
U.S.C. 552b(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(6), (c)(8),
(c)(9)(A)(ii), (c)(9)(B), and (c)(10)).
The meeting was held in the Board
Room of the FDIC Building located at
550—17th Street, NW., Washington, DC.
Dated: August 4, 2011.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2011–20183 Filed 8–4–11; 4:15 pm]
Sunshine Act Notice
Federal Election Commission.
Federal Register Citation of Previous
Announcement—76 FR 45798 (August
1, 2011)
Thursday, August 4,
2011, at 10 a.m.
999 E Street, NW., Washington,
DC (Ninth Floor).
Meeting open to the public.
The following
item was withdrawn from the agenda:
Audit Division Recommendation
Memorandum on Nader for President
(2008) (NFP).
Individuals who plan to attend and
require special assistance, such as sign
language interpretation or other
reasonable accommodations, should
contact Shawn Woodhead Werth,
Commission Secretary and Clerk, at
(202) 694–1040, at least 72 hours prior
to the hearing date.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone:
(202) 694–1220.
Shawn Woodhead Werth,
Secretary and Clerk of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–20106 Filed 8–4–11; 11:15 am]
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Change in Bank Control Notices;
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies;
This notice corrects a notice (FR Doc.
2011–19441) published on pages 46296
and 46297 of the issue for Tuesday,
August 2, 2011.
Under the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia heading, the entry for,
Patriot Financial Partners, GP, L.P.,
Patriot Financial Partners, L.P., Patriot
Financial Partners Parallel, L.P., Patriot
Financial Partners, GP, LLC, Patriot
Financial Managers, L.P., and Ira M.
Lubert, W. Kirk Wycoff and James J.
Lynch, all of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, is revised to read as
A. Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia (William Lang, Senior Vice
President), 100 North 6th Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105–
1. Patriot Financial Partners, GP, L.P.,
Patriot Financial Partners, L.P., Patriot
Financial Partners Parallel, L.P., Patriot
Financial Partners, GP, LLC, Patriot
Financial Managers, L.P., Patriot
Financial Managers, LLC, and Ira M.
Lubert, W. Kirk Wycoff and James J.
Lynch, all of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; to acquire voting shares
of Porter Bancorp, Inc., Louisville,
Kentucky, and thereby indirectly
acquire voting shares of PBI Bank,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Comments on this application must
be received by August 11, 2011.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, August 3, 2011.
Robert deV. Frierson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2011–19977 Filed 8–5–11; 8:45 am]
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part
225), and all other applicable statutes
and regulations to become a bank
holding company and/or to acquire the
assets or the ownership of, control of, or
the power to vote shares of a bank or
bank holding company and all of the
banks and nonbanking companies
owned by the bank holding company,
including the companies listed below.
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The applications listed below, as well
as other related filings required by the
Board, are available for immediate
inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
indicated. The application also will be
available for inspection at the offices of
the Board of Governors. Interested
persons may express their views in
writing on the standards enumerated in
the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
proposal also involves the acquisition of
a nonbanking company, the review also
includes whether the acquisition of the
nonbanking company complies with the
standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
noted, nonbanking activities will be
conducted throughout the United States.
Unless otherwise noted, comments
regarding each of these applications
must be received at the Reserve Bank
indicated or the offices of the Board of
Governors not later than September 2,
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
(Richard Walker, Community Affairs
Officer) P.O. Box 55882, Boston,
Massachusetts 02106–2204:
1. Hyde Park Bancorp, MHC, to
acquire Hyde Park Bancorp, Inc., both in
Boston, Massachusetts; and Hyde Park
Bancorp, Inc., to become a bank holding
company by acquiring 100 percent of
the voting shares of Hyde Park Savings
Bank, Boston, Massachusetts.
B. Federal Reserve Bank of New York
(Ivan Hurwitz, Vice President) 33
Liberty Street, New York, New York
1. Santander Holdings USA, Boston,
Massachusetts; to become a bank
holding company by acquiring 100
percent of the voting shares of Sovereign
Bank, Wilmington, Delaware.
In connection with the above
application, Banco Santander, S.A.
Boadilla del Monte Madrid, Spain, has
applied to retain control of Santander
Holdings USA, Inc., Boston,
Massachusetts, and Sovereign Bank,
Wilmington, Delaware.
C. Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco (Kenneth Binning, Vice
President, Applications and
Enforcement) 101 Market Street, San
Francisco, California 94105–1579:
1. Carpenter Fund Manager GP, LLC,
Carpenter Fund Management Company,
LLC, Carpenter Community Bancfund,
L.P., Carpenter Community Bancfund-A,
L.P., CCFW, Inc., SCJ, Inc., and CCI One
Acquisition Corporation, all in Irvine,
California, to acquire 100 percent of the
voting securities of Santa Lucia
Bancorp, and thereby indirectly acquire
voting shares of Santa Lucia Bank, both
in Atascadero, California.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 152 (Monday, August 8, 2011)]
[Pages 48162-48163]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-20183]
Sunshine Act Meeting
Pursuant to the provisions of the ``Government in the Sunshine
Act'' (5 U.S.C. 552b), notice is hereby given that at 12:58 p.m. on
Thursday, August 4, 2011, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation met in closed session to consider matters related
to the Corporation's supervision, corporate, and resolution activities.
In calling the meeting, the Board determined, on motion of Director
Thomas J. Curry (Appointive), seconded by Director John G. Walsh
(Acting Comptroller of the Currency), and concurred in by Acting
Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg, that Corporation
[[Page 48163]]
business required its consideration of the matters which were to be the
subject of this meeting on less than seven days' notice to the public;
that no earlier notice of the meeting was practicable; that the public
interest did not require consideration of the matters in a meeting open
to public observation; and that the matters could be considered in a
closed meeting by authority of subsections (c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(6),
(c)(8), (c)(9)(A)(ii), (c)(9)(B), and (c)(10) of the ``Government in
the Sunshine Act'' (5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(6), (c)(8),
(c)(9)(A)(ii), (c)(9)(B), and (c)(10)).
The meeting was held in the Board Room of the FDIC Building located
at 550--17th Street, NW., Washington, DC.
Dated: August 4, 2011.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2011-20183 Filed 8-4-11; 4:15 pm]