Report on the Performance of Drug and Biologics Firms in Conducting Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments; Availability, 47211-47216 [2011-19806]

Download as PDF 47211 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices order approving, denying, or withdrawing approval of a PMA will continue to include a notice of opportunity to request review of the order under section 515(g) of the FD&C Act. The 30-day period for requesting reconsideration of an FDA action under § 10.33(b) (21 CFR 10.33(b)) for notices announcing approval of a PMA begins on the day the notice is placed on the Internet. Section 10.33(b) provides that FDA may, for good cause, extend this 30-day period. Reconsideration of a denial or withdrawal of approval of a PMA may be sought only by the applicant; in these cases, the 30-day period will begin when the applicant is notified by FDA in writing of its decision. The regulations provide that FDA publish a quarterly list of available safety and effectiveness summaries of PMA approvals and denials that were announced during that quarter. The following is a list of approved PMAs for which summaries of safety and effectiveness were placed on the Internet from April 1, 2011, through June 30, 2011. There were no denial actions during this period. The list provides the manufacturer’s name, the product’s generic name or the trade name, and the approval date. TABLE 1—LIST OF SAFETY AND EFFECTIVENESS SUMMARIES FOR APPROVED PMAS MADE AVAILABLE FROM APRIL 1, 2011, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011 PMA No./Docket No. Applicant Trade name Approval date P050050 FDA–2011–M–0323 ....... P060004(S1) FDA–2011–M–0256 P100040 FDA–2011–M–0257 ....... H100002 FDA–2011–M–0241 ....... P100018 FDA–2011–M–0284 ....... Small Bone Innovations, Inc ......... Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc ................. Medtronic Vascular ....................... NeuroVasx, Inc ............................. Chestnut Medical Technologies, Inc. NovoCure, Ltd ............................... Roche Molecular Systems, Inc ..... St. Jude Medical, Inc .................... Boston Scientific Corp .................. Scandinavian total ankle replacement system ......... Meditec MEL 80 excimer laser system .................... Valiant thoracic stent graft system ........................... cPAX aneurysm treatment system ........................... Pipeline embolization device .................................... May 27, 2009. March 28, 2011. April 1, 2011. April 1, 2011. April 6, 2011. April April April April Alcon Research, Ltd ..................... NovoCure Ltd.’s NovoTTF–100A treatment kit ........ cobas HPV test ......................................................... Trifecta heart valve ................................................... ION paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent system (monorail and over-the-wire systems). AcrySof toric IOL and AcrySof IQ toric IOL .............. P100034 P100020 P100029 P100023 FDA–2011–M–0295 FDA–2011–M–0300 FDA–2011–M–0296 FDA–2011–M–0342 ....... ....... ....... ....... 8, 2011. 19, 2011. 20, 2011. 22, 2011. P930014 (S45) FDA–2011–M– 0338. P040012 (S34) FDA–2011–M– 0343. P090028 FDA–2011–M–0348 ....... Abbott Vascular, Inc ...................... RX Acculink carotid stent system ............................. May 6, 2011. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc ...... May 11, 2011. P100017 FDA–2011–M–0349 ....... Abbott Molecular, Inc .................... P100013 FDA–2011–M–0430 ....... P070015 (S54) FDA–2011–M– 0431. Cordis Corp ................................... Abbott Vascular ............................. P100014 P090002 P100027 P100031 ....... ....... ....... ....... Oceana Therapeutics, Inc ............. Depuy Orthopaedics, Inc .............. Ventana Medical Systems, Inc ..... Roche Diagnostics Corp ............... P100032 FDA–2011–M–0503 ....... Roche Diagnostics Corp ............... Vitros immunodiagnostic products HBeAg reagent pack/products HBeAg calibrator/products HBe controls. Abbott RealTime HCV, Abbott RealTime HCV amplification reagent kit, Abbott RealTime HCV control kit, Abbott RealTime HCV calibrator kit, and optional UNG Uracil-N-glycosylase. Cordis ExoSeal vascular closure device .................. Xience nano everolimus-eluting coronary stent system and Promus everolimus-eluting coronary stent system. Solesta injectable gel ................................................ Pinnacle complete acetabular hip system ................ INFORM HER2 dual ISH DNA probe cocktail .......... Elecsys anti-HBc immunoassay and Elecsys PreciControl anti-HBc for use on the modular Analytics E170 immunoassay analyzer. Elecsys anti-HBc immunoassay and Elecsys PreciControl anti-HBc for use on the Elecsys 2010 immunoassay analyzer. FDA–2011–M–0445 FDA–2011–M–0470 FDA–2011–M–0472 FDA–2011–M–0502 II. Electronic Access DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Persons with access to the Internet may obtain the documents at https:// Food and Drug Administration sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Dated: July 29, 2011. Nancy K. Stade, Deputy Director for Policy, Center for Devices and Radiological Health. [Docket No. FDA–2011–N–0332] [FR Doc. 2011–19734 Filed 8–3–11; 8:45 am] Report on the Performance of Drug and Biologics Firms in Conducting Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments; Availability BILLING CODE 4160–01–P AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Notice of availability. Under the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (Modernization Act), the Food and SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:29 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 May 3, 2011. May 17, 2011. May 19, 2011. May 24, 2011. May 27, 2011. June 13, 2011. June 14, 2011. June 22, 2011. June 27, 2011. Drug Administration (FDA) is required to report annually in the Federal Register on the status of postmarketing requirements and commitments required of, or agreed upon by, holders of approved drug and biological products. This notice is the Agency’s report on the status of the studies and clinical trials that applicants have agreed to, or are required to, conduct. Beth Duvall-Miller, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6466, Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301– 796–0700; or Stephen Ripley, Center for FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 47212 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices Biologics Evaluation and Research (HFM–17), Food and Drug Administration, 1400 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852, 301–827–6210. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background A. The Modernization Act Section 130(a) of the Modernization Act (Pub. L. 105–115) amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) by adding a new provision requiring reports of certain postmarketing studies, including clinical trials, for human drug and biological products (section 506B of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 356b)). Section 506B of the FD&C Act provides FDA with additional authority to monitor the progress of a postmarketing study or clinical trial that an applicant has been required to, or has agreed to, conduct by requiring the applicant to submit a report annually providing information on the status of the postmarketing study/clinical trial. This report must also include reasons, if any, for failure to complete the study/clinical trial. These studies and clinical trials are intended to further define the safety, efficacy, or optimal use of a product, and therefore play a vital role in fully characterizing the product. Under the Modernization Act, commitments to conduct postmarketing studies or clinical trials included both studies/clinical trials that applicants agreed to conduct, as well as studies/ clinical trials that applicants were required to conduct under FDA regulations.1 sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES B. The Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 On September 27, 2007, the President signed Public Law 110–85, the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA). Section 901, in Title IX of FDAAA, created a new section 505(o) of the FD&C Act authorizing FDA to require certain studies and clinical trials for human drug and biological products approved under section 505 of the FD&C Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act. Under 1 Before passage of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA), FDA could require postmarketing studies and clinical trials under the following circumstances: To verify and describe clinical benefit for a human drug approved in accordance with the accelerated approval provisions in section 506(b)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act (21 CFR 314.510 and 601.41); for a drug approved on the basis of animal efficacy data because human efficacy trials are not ethical or feasible (21 CFR 314.610(b)(1) and 601.91(b)(1)); and for marketed drugs that are not adequately labeled for children under section 505B of the FD&C Act (Pediatric Research Equity Act (21 U.S.C. 355c; Pub. L. 108–155)). VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:29 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 FDAAA, FDA has been given additional authority to require applicants to conduct and report on postmarketing studies and clinical trials to assess a known serious risk, assess signals of serious risk, or identify an unexpected serious risk related to the use of a product. This new authority became effective on March 25, 2008. FDA may now take enforcement action against applicants who fail to conduct studies and clinical trials required under FDAAA, as well as studies and clinical trials required under FDA regulations (see sections 505(o)(1), 502(z), and 303(f)(4) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(o)(1), 352(z), and 333(f)(4))). Although regulations implementing the Modernization Act postmarketing authorities use the term ‘‘postmarketing commitment’’ to refer to both required studies and studies applicants agree to conduct, in light of the new authorities enacted in FDAAA, FDA has decided it is important to distinguish between enforceable postmarketing requirements and unenforceable postmarketing commitments. Therefore, in this notice and report, FDA refers to studies/ clinical trials that an applicant is required to conduct as ‘‘postmarketing requirements’’ (PMRs) and studies/ clinical trials that an applicant agrees to but is not required to conduct as ‘‘postmarketing commitments’’ (PMCs). Both are addressed in this notice and report. C. FDA’s Implementing Regulations On October 30, 2000 (65 FR 64607), FDA published a final rule implementing section 130 of the Modernization Act. This rule modified the annual report requirements for new drug applications (NDAs) and abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) by revising § 314.81(b)(2)(vii) (21 CFR 314.81(b)(2)(vii)). The rule also created a new annual reporting requirement for biologics license applications (BLAs) by establishing § 601.70 (21 CFR 601.70). The rule described the content and format of the annual progress report, and clarified the scope of the reporting requirement and the timing for submission of the annual progress reports. The rule became effective on April 30, 2001. The regulations apply only to human drug and biological products approved under NDAs, ANDAs, and BLAs. They do not apply to animal drugs or to biological products regulated under the medical device authorities. The reporting requirements under §§ 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 apply to PMRs and PMCs made on or before the enactment of the Modernization Act (November 21, 1997), as well as those PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 made after that date. Therefore, studies and clinical trials required under FDAAA are covered by the reporting requirements in these regulations. Sections 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 require applicants of approved drug and biological products to submit annually a report on the status of each clinical safety, clinical efficacy, clinical pharmacology, and nonclinical toxicology study/clinical trial either required by FDA or that they have committed to conduct, either at the time of approval or after approval of their NDA, ANDA, or BLA. The status of PMCs concerning chemistry, manufacturing, and production controls and the status of other studies/clinical trials conducted on an applicant’s own initiative are not required to be reported under §§ 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 and are not addressed in this report. It should be noted, however, that applicants are required to report to FDA on these commitments made for NDAs and ANDAs under § 314.81(b)(2)(viii). Furthermore, section 505(o)(3)(E) of the FD&C Act, as amended by FDAAA, requires that applicants report periodically on the status of each required study/clinical trial and each study/clinical trial ‘‘otherwise undertaken * * * to investigate a safety issue * * *.’’ According to the regulations, once a PMR has been required, or a PMC has been agreed upon, an applicant must report on the progress of the PMR/PMC on the anniversary of the product’s approval until the PMR/PMC is completed or terminated and FDA determines that the PMR/PMC has been fulfilled or that the PMR/PMC is either no longer feasible or would no longer provide useful information. The annual progress report must include a description of the PMR/PMC, a schedule for completing the PMR/PMC, and a characterization of the current status of the PMR/PMC. The report must also provide an explanation of the PMR/PMC status by describing briefly the progress of the PMR/PMC. A PMR/PMC schedule is expected to include the actual or projected dates for the following: (1) Submission of the final protocol to FDA, (2) completion of the study/ clinical trial, and (3) submission of the final report to FDA. The status of the PMR/PMC must be described in the annual report according to the following definitions: • Pending: The study/clinical trial has not been initiated (i.e., no subjects have been enrolled or animals dosed), but does not meet the criteria for delayed (i.e., the original projected date for initiation of subject accrual or E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES initiation of animal dosing has not passed); • Ongoing: The study/clinical trial is proceeding according to or ahead of the original schedule; • Delayed: The study/clinical trial is behind the original schedule; • Terminated: The study/clinical trial was ended before completion, but a final report has not been submitted to FDA; or • Submitted: The study/clinical trial has been completed or terminated, and a final report has been submitted to FDA. Databases containing information on PMRs/PMCs are maintained at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). II. Summary of Information From Postmarketing Status Reports This report, published to fulfill the annual reporting requirement under the Modernization Act, summarizes the status of PMRs and PMCs as of September 30, 2010. If a requirement or commitment did not have a schedule, or a postmarketing progress report was not received in the previous 12 months, the PMR/PMC is categorized according to the most recent information available to the Agency.2 Information in this report covers any PMR/PMC that was made, in writing, at the time of approval or after approval of an application or a supplement to an application, including PMRs required under FDAAA (section 505(o)(3) of the FD&C Act), PMRs required under FDA regulations (e.g., PMRs required to demonstrate clinical benefit of a product following accelerated approval (see footnote 1 of this document)), and PMCs agreed to by the applicant. Information summarized in this report includes the following: (1) The number of applicants with open (uncompleted) PMRs/PMCs, (2) the number of open PMRs/PMCs, (3) the status of open PMRs/PMCs as reported in § 314.81(b)(2)(vii) or § 601.70 annual reports, (4) the status of concluded PMRs/PMCs as determined by FDA, and (5) the number of applications with open PMRs/PMCs for which applicants did not submit an annual report within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval. Additional information about PMRs/ PMCs submitted by applicants to CDER and CBER is provided on FDA’s Web site at 2 Although the data included in this report do not include a summary of reports that applicants have failed to file by their due date, the Agency notes that it may take appropriate regulatory action in the event reports are not filed on a timely basis. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:29 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 GuidanceComplianceRegulatory Information/Post-marketing PhaseIVCommitments/default.htm. Neither the Web site nor this notice include information about PMCs concerning chemistry, manufacturing, and controls. It is FDA policy not to post information on the Web site until it has been reviewed for accuracy. Numbers published in this notice cannot be compared with the numbers resulting from searches of the Web site because this notice incorporates totals for all PMRs/PMCs in FDA databases, including PMRs/PMCs undergoing review for accuracy. In addition, the report in this notice will be updated annually while the Web site is updated quarterly (i.e., in January, April, July, and October). Many applicants have more than one approved product and for many products there is more than one PMR or PMC. Specifically, there were 164 unique applicants with 233 NDAs/ ANDAs that had open PMRs/PMCs. There were 69 unique applicants with 87 BLAs that had open PMRs/PMCs. Annual status reports are required to be submitted for each open PMR/PMC within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval of the original application. In fiscal year 2010 (FY10), 20 percent (36/184) of NDA/ANDA and 36 percent (31/87) of BLA annual status reports were not submitted within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval of the original application. Of the annual status reports due but not submitted on time, 100 percent of the NDA/ANDA and 52 percent (16/31) of the BLA reports were submitted before the close of FY10 (September 30, 2010). Most PMRs are progressing on schedule (91 percent for NDAs/ANDAs; 88 percent for BLAs). Most PMCs are also progressing on schedule (84 percent for NDAs/ANDAs; 77 percent for BLAs). Most of the PMCs that are currently listed in the database were developed before the postmarketing requirements section of FDAAA took effect.3 III. About This Report This report provides six separate summary tables. The tables in this document distinguish between PMRs and PMCs and between on-schedule and off-schedule PMRs and PMCs according to the original schedule milestones. Onschedule PMRs/PMCs are categorized as pending, ongoing, or submitted. Off3 There are existing PMCs established before FDAAA that might meet current FDAAA standards for required safety studies/clinical trials under section 505(o)(3)(B) of the FD&C Act. Under section 505(o)(3)(c) of the FD&C Act, the Agency may convert pre-existing PMCs into PMRs if it becomes aware of new safety information. PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 47213 schedule PMRs/PMCs that have missed one of the original milestone dates are categorized as delayed or terminated. The tables include data as of September 30, 2010. Table 1 of this document provides an overall summary of the data on all PMRs and PMCs. Tables 2 and 3 of this document provide detail on PMRs. Table 2 of this document provides additional detail on the status of onschedule PMRs. Table 1 of this document shows that most PMRs (91 percent for NDAs/ ANDAs and 88 percent for BLAs) and most PMCs (84 percent for NDAs/ ANDAs and 77 percent for BLAs) are on schedule. Overall, of the PMRs that are pending (i.e., have not been initiated), 92 percent were created within the past 3 years. Table 2 of this document shows that 53 percent of pending PMRs for drug and biological products are in response to the Pediatric Research and Equity Act (PREA), under which FDA requires sponsors to study new drugs, when appropriate, for pediatric populations. Under section 505B(a)(3) of the FD&C Act, the initiation of these studies generally is deferred until required safety information from other studies has first been submitted and reviewed. PMRs for products approved under the animal efficacy rule (21 CFR 314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products) can be conducted only when the product is used for its indication as a counterterrorism measure. In the absence of a public health emergency, these studies/clinical trials will remain pending indefinitely. The next largest category of pending PMRs for drug and biological products (45 percent) comprises those studies/ clinical trials required by FDA under FDAAA, which became effective on March 25, 2008. Table 3 of this document provides additional detail on the status of offschedule PMRs. The majority of offschedule PMRs (which account for 9 percent of the total for NDAs/ANDAs and 12 percent for BLAs) are delayed according to the original schedule milestones (96 percent (47/49) for NDAs/ANDAs; 94 percent (17/18) for BLAs). In certain situations, the original schedules may have been adjusted for unanticipated delays in the progress of the study/clinical trial (e.g., difficulties with subject enrollment in a trial for a marketed drug or need for additional time to analyze results). In this report, study/clinical trial status reflects the status in relation to the original study/ clinical trial schedule regardless of whether FDA has acknowledged that additional time may be required to complete the study/clinical trial. E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 47214 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices Tables 4 and 5 of this document provide additional detail on the status of PMCs. Table 4 of this document provides additional detail on the status of on-schedule PMCs. Pending PMCs comprise 50 percent (201/399) of the onschedule NDA/ANDA PMCs and 28 percent (66/236) of the on-schedule BLA PMCs. Table 5 of this document provides additional details on the status of off- schedule PMCs. The majority of offschedule PMCs (which account for 16 percent for NDAs/ANDAs and 23 percent for BLAs) are delayed according to the original schedule milestones (91 percent (67/74) for NDAs/ANDAs; 97 percent (69/71) for BLAs). As noted previously in this document, this report reflects the original due dates for study/ clinical trial results and does not reflect discussions between the Agency and the sponsor regarding studies/clinical trials that may require more time for completion. Table 6 of this document provides details about PMRs and PMCs that were concluded in the previous year. The majority of concluded PMRs and PMCs were fulfilled (57 percent of NDA/ ANDA PMRs and 40 percent of BLA PMRs; 85 percent of NDA/ANDA PMCs and 84 percent of BLA PMCs). TABLE 1—SUMMARY OF POSTMARKETING REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENTS [Numbers as of September 30, 2010] NDA/ANDA (% of total PMR or % of total PMC) BLA (% of total PMR or % of total PMC) 1 526 477 (91%) 49 (9%) 473 399 (84%) 74 (16%) 149 131 (88%) 18 (12%) 307 236 (77%) 71 (23%) Number of open PMRs .................................................................................................................................... On-schedule open PMRs (see table 2 of this document) ........................................................................ Off-schedule open PMRs (see table 3 of this document) ........................................................................ Number of open PMCs .................................................................................................................................... On-schedule open PMCs (see table 4 of this document) ........................................................................ Off-schedule open PMCs (see table 5 of this document) ........................................................................ 1 On October 1, 2003, FDA completed a consolidation of certain therapeutic products formerly regulated by CBER into CDER. Consequently, CDER now reviews many BLAs. Fiscal year statistics for postmarketing requirements and commitments for BLAs reviewed by CDER are included in BLA totals in this table. TABLE 2—SUMMARY OF ON-SCHEDULE POSTMARKETING REQUIREMENTS [Numbers as of September 30, 2010] NDA/ANDA (% of total PMR) On-schedule open PMRs Pending (by type): Accelerated approval ................................................................................................................................ PREA 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... Animal efficacy 3 ....................................................................................................................................... FDAAA safety (since March 25, 2008) .................................................................................................... BLA (% of total PMR) 1 7 217 1 145 2 27 0 62 Total ................................................................................................................................................... Ongoing: Accelerated approval ................................................................................................................................ PREA 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... Animal efficacy 3 ....................................................................................................................................... FDAAA safety (since March 25, 2008) .................................................................................................... 370 (70%) 91 (61%) 12 26 0 28 7 2 0 22 Total ................................................................................................................................................... Submitted: Accelerated approval ................................................................................................................................ PREA 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... Animal efficacy 3 ....................................................................................................................................... FDAAA safety (since March 25, 2008) .................................................................................................... 66 (13%) 31 (21%) 5 22 0 14 3 4 0 2 Total ................................................................................................................................................... 41 (8%) 9 (6%) Combined total .................................................................................................................................. 477 (91%) 131 (88%) 1 See note 1 for table 1 of this document. Many PREA studies have a pending status. PREA studies are usually deferred because the product is ready for approval in adults. Initiation of these studies also may be deferred until additional safety information from other studies has first been submitted and reviewed. 3 PMRs for products approved under the animal efficacy rule (21 CFR 314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products) can be conducted only when the product is used for its indication as a counterterrorism measure. In the absence of a public health emergency, these studies/clinical trials will remain pending indefinitely. sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 2 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:29 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 47215 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices TABLE 3—SUMMARY OF OFF-SCHEDULE POSTMARKETING REQUIREMENTS [Numbers as of September 30, 2010] NDA/ANDA (% of total PMR) Off-schedule open PMRs BLA (% of total PMR) 1 Delayed: Accelerated approval ................................................................................................................................ PREA ........................................................................................................................................................ Animal efficacy ......................................................................................................................................... FDAAA safety (since March 25, 2008) .................................................................................................... 5 39 1 2 2 11 0 4 Total ................................................................................................................................................... Terminated ....................................................................................................................................................... 47 (9%) 2 (0.4%) 17 (11%) 1 (0.7%) Combined total .................................................................................................................................. 49 (9%) 18 (12%) 1 See note 1 for table 1 of this document. TABLE 4—SUMMARY OF ON-SCHEDULE POSTMARKETING COMMITMENTS [Numbers as of September 30, 2010] NDA/ANDA (% of total PMC) On-schedule open PMCs BLA (% of total PMC) 1 Pending ............................................................................................................................................................ Ongoing ........................................................................................................................................................... Submitted ......................................................................................................................................................... 201 (42%) 87 (18%) 111 (23%) 66 (21%) 95 (31%) 75 (24%) Combined total ......................................................................................................................................... 399 (84%) 236 (77%) 1 See note 1 for table 1 of this document. TABLE 5—SUMMARY OF OFF-SCHEDULE POSTMARKETING COMMITMENTS [Numbers as of September 30, 2010] NDA/ANDA (% of total PMC) Off-schedule open PMCs BLA (% of total PMC) 1 Delayed ............................................................................................................................................................ Terminated ....................................................................................................................................................... 67 (14%) 7 (1%) 69 (22%) 2 (0.7%) Combined total ......................................................................................................................................... 74 (16%) 71 (23%) 1 See note 1 for table 1 of this document. TABLE 6—SUMMARY OF CONCLUDED POSTMARKETING REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (OCTOBER 1, 2009 TO OCTOBER 1, 2010) NDA/ANDA (% of total) sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Concluded PMRs: Requirement met (fulfilled) ....................................................................................................................... Requirement not met (released and new revised requirement issued) ................................................... Requirement no longer feasible or product withdrawn (released) ........................................................... BLA (% of total) 1 25 (57%) 10 (23%) 9 (20%) 4 (40%) 0 6 (60%) Total ................................................................................................................................................... Concluded PMCs: Commitment met (fulfilled) ....................................................................................................................... Commitment not met (released and new revised requirement/commitment issued) .............................. Commitment no longer feasible or product withdrawn (released) ........................................................... 44 10 174 (85%) 25 (12%) 5 (2%) 51 (84%) 1 (2%) 9 (15%) Total ................................................................................................................................................... 204 61 1 See note 1 for table 1 of this document. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:39 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 47216 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 150 / Thursday, August 4, 2011 / Notices Dated: August 1, 2011. Leslie Kux, Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy. [FR Doc. 2011–19806 Filed 8–3–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4160–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health Resources and Services Administration Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegations of Authority This notice amends Part R of the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (60 FR 56605, as amended November 6, 1995; as last amended at 76 FR 45584–45585 dated July 29, 2011). This notice reflects organizational changes to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Specifically, this notice updates the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (RR4) functional statement to better align functional responsibility, improve the management and delivery of information technology services, improve management and administrative efficiencies, and optimize use of available staff resources within the Healthcare Systems Bureau (RR). Chapter RR—Healthcare Systems Bureau sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Section RR–10, Organization Delete in its entirety and replace with the following: The Healthcare Systems Bureau (RR) is headed by the Associate Administrator, who reports directly to the Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration. The Healthcare Systems Bureau includes the following components: (1) Office of the Associate Administrator (RR); (2) Division of Transplantation (RR1); (3) Division of Health Facilities (RR9); (4) Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (RR4); and (5) Office of Pharmacy Affairs (RR7). Section RR–20, Functions (1) Delete the functional statement for the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (RR4) and replace in its entirety. Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (RR4) The Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (DVIC), on behalf of the VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:29 Aug 03, 2011 Jkt 223001 Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), administers all statutory authorities related to the operation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) by: (1) Evaluating petitions for compensation filed under the VICP through medical review and assessment of compensability for all complete claims; (2) processing awards for compensations made under the VICP; (3) promulgating regulations to revise the Vaccine Injury Table; (4) providing professional and administrative support to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV); (5) developing and maintaining all automated information systems necessary for program implementation; (6) providing and disseminating program information; (7) maintaining a working relationship with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (the Court) in the administration and operation of the VICP; (8) providing management, direction, budgetary oversight, coordination, and logistical support for the Medical Expert Panel (MEP) contracts as well as Clinical Reviewer Contracts; (9) maintaining responsibility for activities related to the ACCV, the development of policy, regulations, budget formulation, and legislation, including the development and renewal of the ACCV charter and action memoranda to the Secretary, and the analysis of the findings and proposals of the ACCV; (10) developing, reviewing, and analyzing pending and new legislation relating to program changes, new initiatives, the ACCV, and changes to the Vaccine Injury Table, in coordination with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC); (11) providing programmatic outreach efforts to maximize public exposure to private and public constituencies; (12) providing submission of special reports to the Secretary of HHS, the Office of Management and Budget, the Congress, and other governmental bodies; and (13) providing the coordination of ACCV travel, personnel, meeting sites, and its agenda. Section RR–30, Delegations of Authority All delegations of authority and redelegations of authority made to HRSA officials that were in effect immediately prior to this reorganization, and that are consistent with this reorganization, shall continue in effect pending further re-delegation. This reorganization is effective upon date of signature. PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Dated: July 29, 2011. Mary K. Wakefield, Administrator. [FR Doc. 2011–19804 Filed 8–3–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4165–15–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Expediting Research Tools to NIH Licensees Through the Use of for Rapid Processing of Royalty Payments National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, HHS. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: NIH licensees can now expedite the receipt of research tools through the use of for rapid processing of their royalty payments. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: With its introduction earlier this year, NIH licensees have found that using the new royalty payment site within expedites processing times for shipment of their research tools licensed from the NIH and FDA intramural research programs. The value of such time savings to corporate R&D programs is not trivial since waiting too long to secure research materials or tools can delay or sink a critical drug development program or other business venture. By eliminating the need for bank checks, the bank-to-bank transfer system at has shortened the processing time for research tool and other license agreements from several months down to a day or less. For example, a recent transaction for baculovirus vectors at NIH was indeed processed in a single afternoon allowing for almost instantaneous release of the licensed materials from the inventors laboratory. Informal comments that NIH has received to date from licensees who have started to use for their royalty payments include: ‘‘For, it’s easy, convenient and fast, I guess that’s what I experienced.’’, ‘‘It literally only took me about 5 minutes after reading the email/letter to process payment. Great service!’’ and ‘‘I just completed sending all the MAR payments and it was great! I am glad I decided to try the system.’’ itself is a multifaceted webbased application allowing anyone to make Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments to government agencies by debit from a checking or savings account. is open 24–7, and is SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 150 (Thursday, August 4, 2011)]
[Pages 47211-47216]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-19806]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0332]

Report on the Performance of Drug and Biologics Firms in 
Conducting Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments; Availability

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice of availability.


SUMMARY: Under the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 
1997 (Modernization Act), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is 
required to report annually in the Federal Register on the status of 
postmarketing requirements and commitments required of, or agreed upon 
by, holders of approved drug and biological products. This notice is 
the Agency's report on the status of the studies and clinical trials 
that applicants have agreed to, or are required to, conduct.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Beth Duvall-Miller, Center for Drug 
Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New 
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6466, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 301-
796-0700; or Stephen Ripley, Center for

[[Page 47212]]

Biologics Evaluation and Research (HFM-17), Food and Drug 
Administration, 1400 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-827-6210.


I. Background

A. The Modernization Act

    Section 130(a) of the Modernization Act (Pub. L. 105-115) amended 
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) by adding a new 
provision requiring reports of certain postmarketing studies, including 
clinical trials, for human drug and biological products (section 506B 
of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 356b)). Section 506B of the FD&C Act 
provides FDA with additional authority to monitor the progress of a 
postmarketing study or clinical trial that an applicant has been 
required to, or has agreed to, conduct by requiring the applicant to 
submit a report annually providing information on the status of the 
postmarketing study/clinical trial. This report must also include 
reasons, if any, for failure to complete the study/clinical trial. 
These studies and clinical trials are intended to further define the 
safety, efficacy, or optimal use of a product, and therefore play a 
vital role in fully characterizing the product.
    Under the Modernization Act, commitments to conduct postmarketing 
studies or clinical trials included both studies/clinical trials that 
applicants agreed to conduct, as well as studies/clinical trials that 
applicants were required to conduct under FDA regulations.\1\

    \1\ Before passage of the Food and Drug Administration 
Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA), FDA could require postmarketing 
studies and clinical trials under the following circumstances: To 
verify and describe clinical benefit for a human drug approved in 
accordance with the accelerated approval provisions in section 
506(b)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act (21 CFR 314.510 and 601.41); for a drug 
approved on the basis of animal efficacy data because human efficacy 
trials are not ethical or feasible (21 CFR 314.610(b)(1) and 
601.91(b)(1)); and for marketed drugs that are not adequately 
labeled for children under section 505B of the FD&C Act (Pediatric 
Research Equity Act (21 U.S.C. 355c; Pub. L. 108-155)).

B. The Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007

    On September 27, 2007, the President signed Public Law 110-85, the 
Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA). Section 
901, in Title IX of FDAAA, created a new section 505(o) of the FD&C Act 
authorizing FDA to require certain studies and clinical trials for 
human drug and biological products approved under section 505 of the 
FD&C Act or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act. Under FDAAA, 
FDA has been given additional authority to require applicants to 
conduct and report on postmarketing studies and clinical trials to 
assess a known serious risk, assess signals of serious risk, or 
identify an unexpected serious risk related to the use of a product. 
This new authority became effective on March 25, 2008. FDA may now take 
enforcement action against applicants who fail to conduct studies and 
clinical trials required under FDAAA, as well as studies and clinical 
trials required under FDA regulations (see sections 505(o)(1), 502(z), 
and 303(f)(4) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(o)(1), 352(z), and 
    Although regulations implementing the Modernization Act 
postmarketing authorities use the term ``postmarketing commitment'' to 
refer to both required studies and studies applicants agree to conduct, 
in light of the new authorities enacted in FDAAA, FDA has decided it is 
important to distinguish between enforceable postmarketing requirements 
and unenforceable postmarketing commitments. Therefore, in this notice 
and report, FDA refers to studies/clinical trials that an applicant is 
required to conduct as ``postmarketing requirements'' (PMRs) and 
studies/clinical trials that an applicant agrees to but is not required 
to conduct as ``postmarketing commitments'' (PMCs). Both are addressed 
in this notice and report.

C. FDA's Implementing Regulations

    On October 30, 2000 (65 FR 64607), FDA published a final rule 
implementing section 130 of the Modernization Act. This rule modified 
the annual report requirements for new drug applications (NDAs) and 
abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) by revising Sec.  
314.81(b)(2)(vii) (21 CFR 314.81(b)(2)(vii)). The rule also created a 
new annual reporting requirement for biologics license applications 
(BLAs) by establishing Sec.  601.70 (21 CFR 601.70). The rule described 
the content and format of the annual progress report, and clarified the 
scope of the reporting requirement and the timing for submission of the 
annual progress reports. The rule became effective on April 30, 2001. 
The regulations apply only to human drug and biological products 
approved under NDAs, ANDAs, and BLAs. They do not apply to animal drugs 
or to biological products regulated under the medical device 
    The reporting requirements under Sec. Sec.  314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 
601.70 apply to PMRs and PMCs made on or before the enactment of the 
Modernization Act (November 21, 1997), as well as those made after that 
date. Therefore, studies and clinical trials required under FDAAA are 
covered by the reporting requirements in these regulations.
    Sections 314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 require applicants of 
approved drug and biological products to submit annually a report on 
the status of each clinical safety, clinical efficacy, clinical 
pharmacology, and nonclinical toxicology study/clinical trial either 
required by FDA or that they have committed to conduct, either at the 
time of approval or after approval of their NDA, ANDA, or BLA. The 
status of PMCs concerning chemistry, manufacturing, and production 
controls and the status of other studies/clinical trials conducted on 
an applicant's own initiative are not required to be reported under 
Sec. Sec.  314.81(b)(2)(vii) and 601.70 and are not addressed in this 
report. It should be noted, however, that applicants are required to 
report to FDA on these commitments made for NDAs and ANDAs under Sec.  
314.81(b)(2)(viii). Furthermore, section 505(o)(3)(E) of the FD&C Act, 
as amended by FDAAA, requires that applicants report periodically on 
the status of each required study/clinical trial and each study/
clinical trial ``otherwise undertaken * * * to investigate a safety 
issue * * *.''
    According to the regulations, once a PMR has been required, or a 
PMC has been agreed upon, an applicant must report on the progress of 
the PMR/PMC on the anniversary of the product's approval until the PMR/
PMC is completed or terminated and FDA determines that the PMR/PMC has 
been fulfilled or that the PMR/PMC is either no longer feasible or 
would no longer provide useful information. The annual progress report 
must include a description of the PMR/PMC, a schedule for completing 
the PMR/PMC, and a characterization of the current status of the PMR/
PMC. The report must also provide an explanation of the PMR/PMC status 
by describing briefly the progress of the PMR/PMC. A PMR/PMC schedule 
is expected to include the actual or projected dates for the following: 
(1) Submission of the final protocol to FDA, (2) completion of the 
study/clinical trial, and (3) submission of the final report to FDA. 
The status of the PMR/PMC must be described in the annual report 
according to the following definitions:
     Pending: The study/clinical trial has not been initiated 
(i.e., no subjects have been enrolled or animals dosed), but does not 
meet the criteria for delayed (i.e., the original projected date for 
initiation of subject accrual or

[[Page 47213]]

initiation of animal dosing has not passed);
     Ongoing: The study/clinical trial is proceeding according 
to or ahead of the original schedule;
     Delayed: The study/clinical trial is behind the original 
     Terminated: The study/clinical trial was ended before 
completion, but a final report has not been submitted to FDA; or
     Submitted: The study/clinical trial has been completed or 
terminated, and a final report has been submitted to FDA.
    Databases containing information on PMRs/PMCs are maintained at the 
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the Center for 
Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).

II. Summary of Information From Postmarketing Status Reports

    This report, published to fulfill the annual reporting requirement 
under the Modernization Act, summarizes the status of PMRs and PMCs as 
of September 30, 2010. If a requirement or commitment did not have a 
schedule, or a postmarketing progress report was not received in the 
previous 12 months, the PMR/PMC is categorized according to the most 
recent information available to the Agency.\2\

    \2\ Although the data included in this report do not include a 
summary of reports that applicants have failed to file by their due 
date, the Agency notes that it may take appropriate regulatory 
action in the event reports are not filed on a timely basis.

    Information in this report covers any PMR/PMC that was made, in 
writing, at the time of approval or after approval of an application or 
a supplement to an application, including PMRs required under FDAAA 
(section 505(o)(3) of the FD&C Act), PMRs required under FDA 
regulations (e.g., PMRs required to demonstrate clinical benefit of a 
product following accelerated approval (see footnote 1 of this 
document)), and PMCs agreed to by the applicant.
    Information summarized in this report includes the following: (1) 
The number of applicants with open (uncompleted) PMRs/PMCs, (2) the 
number of open PMRs/PMCs, (3) the status of open PMRs/PMCs as reported 
in Sec.  314.81(b)(2)(vii) or Sec.  601.70 annual reports, (4) the 
status of concluded PMRs/PMCs as determined by FDA, and (5) the number 
of applications with open PMRs/PMCs for which applicants did not submit 
an annual report within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. 
    Additional information about PMRs/PMCs submitted by applicants to 
CDER and CBER is provided on FDA's Web site at Neither the Web site nor this 
notice include information about PMCs concerning chemistry, 
manufacturing, and controls. It is FDA policy not to post information 
on the Web site until it has been reviewed for accuracy. Numbers 
published in this notice cannot be compared with the numbers resulting 
from searches of the Web site because this notice incorporates totals 
for all PMRs/PMCs in FDA databases, including PMRs/PMCs undergoing 
review for accuracy. In addition, the report in this notice will be 
updated annually while the Web site is updated quarterly (i.e., in 
January, April, July, and October).
    Many applicants have more than one approved product and for many 
products there is more than one PMR or PMC. Specifically, there were 
164 unique applicants with 233 NDAs/ANDAs that had open PMRs/PMCs. 
There were 69 unique applicants with 87 BLAs that had open PMRs/PMCs.
    Annual status reports are required to be submitted for each open 
PMR/PMC within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval of the 
original application. In fiscal year 2010 (FY10), 20 percent (36/184) 
of NDA/ANDA and 36 percent (31/87) of BLA annual status reports were 
not submitted within 60 days of the anniversary date of U.S. approval 
of the original application. Of the annual status reports due but not 
submitted on time, 100 percent of the NDA/ANDA and 52 percent (16/31) 
of the BLA reports were submitted before the close of FY10 (September 
30, 2010).
    Most PMRs are progressing on schedule (91 percent for NDAs/ANDAs; 
88 percent for BLAs). Most PMCs are also progressing on schedule (84 
percent for NDAs/ANDAs; 77 percent for BLAs). Most of the PMCs that are 
currently listed in the database were developed before the 
postmarketing requirements section of FDAAA took effect.\3\

    \3\ There are existing PMCs established before FDAAA that might 
meet current FDAAA standards for required safety studies/clinical 
trials under section 505(o)(3)(B) of the FD&C Act. Under section 
505(o)(3)(c) of the FD&C Act, the Agency may convert pre-existing 
PMCs into PMRs if it becomes aware of new safety information.

III. About This Report

    This report provides six separate summary tables. The tables in 
this document distinguish between PMRs and PMCs and between on-schedule 
and off-schedule PMRs and PMCs according to the original schedule 
milestones. On-schedule PMRs/PMCs are categorized as pending, ongoing, 
or submitted. Off-schedule PMRs/PMCs that have missed one of the 
original milestone dates are categorized as delayed or terminated. The 
tables include data as of September 30, 2010.
    Table 1 of this document provides an overall summary of the data on 
all PMRs and PMCs. Tables 2 and 3 of this document provide detail on 
PMRs. Table 2 of this document provides additional detail on the status 
of on-schedule PMRs.
    Table 1 of this document shows that most PMRs (91 percent for NDAs/
ANDAs and 88 percent for BLAs) and most PMCs (84 percent for NDAs/ANDAs 
and 77 percent for BLAs) are on schedule. Overall, of the PMRs that are 
pending (i.e., have not been initiated), 92 percent were created within 
the past 3 years. Table 2 of this document shows that 53 percent of 
pending PMRs for drug and biological products are in response to the 
Pediatric Research and Equity Act (PREA), under which FDA requires 
sponsors to study new drugs, when appropriate, for pediatric 
populations. Under section 505B(a)(3) of the FD&C Act, the initiation 
of these studies generally is deferred until required safety 
information from other studies has first been submitted and reviewed. 
PMRs for products approved under the animal efficacy rule (21 CFR 
314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products) can be 
conducted only when the product is used for its indication as a 
counterterrorism measure. In the absence of a public health emergency, 
these studies/clinical trials will remain pending indefinitely. The 
next largest category of pending PMRs for drug and biological products 
(45 percent) comprises those studies/clinical trials required by FDA 
under FDAAA, which became effective on March 25, 2008.
    Table 3 of this document provides additional detail on the status 
of off-schedule PMRs. The majority of off-schedule PMRs (which account 
for 9 percent of the total for NDAs/ANDAs and 12 percent for BLAs) are 
delayed according to the original schedule milestones (96 percent (47/
49) for NDAs/ANDAs; 94 percent (17/18) for BLAs). In certain 
situations, the original schedules may have been adjusted for 
unanticipated delays in the progress of the study/clinical trial (e.g., 
difficulties with subject enrollment in a trial for a marketed drug or 
need for additional time to analyze results). In this report, study/
clinical trial status reflects the status in relation to the original 
study/clinical trial schedule regardless of whether FDA has 
acknowledged that additional time may be required to complete the 
study/clinical trial.

[[Page 47214]]

    Tables 4 and 5 of this document provide additional detail on the 
status of PMCs. Table 4 of this document provides additional detail on 
the status of on-schedule PMCs. Pending PMCs comprise 50 percent (201/
399) of the on-schedule NDA/ANDA PMCs and 28 percent (66/236) of the 
on-schedule BLA PMCs.
    Table 5 of this document provides additional details on the status 
of off-schedule PMCs. The majority of off-schedule PMCs (which account 
for 16 percent for NDAs/ANDAs and 23 percent for BLAs) are delayed 
according to the original schedule milestones (91 percent (67/74) for 
NDAs/ANDAs; 97 percent (69/71) for BLAs). As noted previously in this 
document, this report reflects the original due dates for study/
clinical trial results and does not reflect discussions between the 
Agency and the sponsor regarding studies/clinical trials that may 
require more time for completion.
    Table 6 of this document provides details about PMRs and PMCs that 
were concluded in the previous year. The majority of concluded PMRs and 
PMCs were fulfilled (57 percent of NDA/ANDA PMRs and 40 percent of BLA 
PMRs; 85 percent of NDA/ANDA PMCs and 84 percent of BLA PMCs).

     Table 1--Summary of Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments
                   [Numbers as of September 30, 2010]
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of   BLA (% of total
                                       total PMR or %      PMR or % of
                                        of total PMC)    total PMC) \1\
Number of open PMRs.................               526               149
    On-schedule open PMRs (see table         477 (91%)         131 (88%)
     2 of this document)............
    Off-schedule open PMRs (see                49 (9%)          18 (12%)
     table 3 of this document)......
Number of open PMCs.................               473               307
    On-schedule open PMCs (see table         399 (84%)         236 (77%)
     4 of this document)............
    Off-schedule open PMCs (see               74 (16%)          71 (23%)
     table 5 of this document)......
\1\ On October 1, 2003, FDA completed a consolidation of certain
  therapeutic products formerly regulated by CBER into CDER.
  Consequently, CDER now reviews many BLAs. Fiscal year statistics for
  postmarketing requirements and commitments for BLAs reviewed by CDER
  are included in BLA totals in this table.

       Table 2--Summary of On-Schedule Postmarketing Requirements
                   [Numbers as of September 30, 2010]
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of  BLA  (% of total
        On-schedule open PMRs            total PMR)         PMR) \1\
Pending (by type):
    Accelerated approval............                 7                 2
    PREA \2\........................               217                27
    Animal efficacy \3\.............                 1                 0
    FDAAA safety (since March 25,                  145                62
        Total.......................         370 (70%)          91 (61%)
    Accelerated approval............                12                 7
    PREA \2\........................                26                 2
    Animal efficacy \3\.............                 0                 0
    FDAAA safety (since March 25,                   28                22
        Total.......................          66 (13%)          31 (21%)
    Accelerated approval............                 5                 3
    PREA \2\........................                22                 4
    Animal efficacy \3\.............                 0                 0
    FDAAA safety (since March 25,                   14                 2
        Total.......................           41 (8%)            9 (6%)
        Combined total..............         477 (91%)         131 (88%)
\1\ See note 1 for table 1 of this document.
\2\ Many PREA studies have a pending status. PREA studies are usually
  deferred because the product is ready for approval in adults.
  Initiation of these studies also may be deferred until additional
  safety information from other studies has first been submitted and
\3\ PMRs for products approved under the animal efficacy rule (21 CFR
  314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products) can be
  conducted only when the product is used for its indication as a
  counterterrorism measure. In the absence of a public health emergency,
  these studies/clinical trials will remain pending indefinitely.

[[Page 47215]]

       Table 3--Summary of Off-Schedule Postmarketing Requirements
                   [Numbers as of September 30, 2010]
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of  BLA  (% of total
       Off-schedule open PMRs            total PMR)         PMR) \1\
    Accelerated approval............                 5                 2
    PREA............................                39                11
    Animal efficacy.................                 1                 0
    FDAAA safety (since March 25,                    2                 4
        Total.......................           47 (9%)          17 (11%)
Terminated..........................          2 (0.4%)          1 (0.7%)
        Combined total..............           49 (9%)          18 (12%)
\1\ See note 1 for table 1 of this document.

        Table 4--Summary of On-Schedule Postmarketing Commitments
                   [Numbers as of September 30, 2010]
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of  BLA  (% of total
        On-schedule open PMCs            total PMC)         PMC) \1\
Pending.............................         201 (42%)          66 (21%)
Ongoing.............................          87 (18%)          95 (31%)
Submitted...........................         111 (23%)          75 (24%)
    Combined total..................         399 (84%)         236 (77%)
\1\ See note 1 for table 1 of this document.

       Table 5--Summary of Off-Schedule Postmarketing Commitments
                   [Numbers as of September 30, 2010]
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of  BLA  (% of total
       Off-schedule open PMCs            total PMC)         PMC) \1\
Delayed.............................          67 (14%)          69 (22%)
Terminated..........................            7 (1%)          2 (0.7%)
    Combined total..................          74 (16%)          71 (23%)
\1\ See note 1 for table 1 of this document.

Table 6--Summary of Concluded Postmarketing Requirements and Commitments
                  (October 1, 2009 to October 1, 2010)
                                       NDA/ANDA  (% of     BLA  (% of
                                           total)          total) \1\
Concluded PMRs:
    Requirement met (fulfilled).....          25 (57%)           4 (40%)
    Requirement not met (released             10 (23%)                 0
     and new revised requirement
    Requirement no longer feasible             9 (20%)           6 (60%)
     or product withdrawn (released)
        Total.......................                44                10
Concluded PMCs:
    Commitment met (fulfilled)......         174 (85%)          51 (84%)
    Commitment not met (released and          25 (12%)            1 (2%)
     new revised requirement/
     commitment issued).............
    Commitment no longer feasible or            5 (2%)           9 (15%)
     product withdrawn (released)...
        Total.......................               204                61
\1\ See note 1 for table 1 of this document.

[[Page 47216]]

    Dated: August 1, 2011.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2011-19806 Filed 8-3-11; 8:45 am]
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