Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-600); Comment Request; Submitted for OMB Review, 45237-45239 [2011-19075]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 145 / Thursday, July 28, 2011 / Notices
public who would like to offer
comments as part of the meeting may
submit written comments to or by mail to
Advisory Commission on Accessible
Instructional Materials in Postsecondary
Education for Students with Disabilities,
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Detailed minutes of the meeting,
including summaries of the activities of
the closed sessions and related matters
that are informative to the public and
consistent with the policy of section 5
U.S.C. 552b(c) will be available to the
public. Records are kept of all
Commission proceedings and are
available for public inspection at the
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, United States
Department of Education, 550 12th
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20202,
Monday–Friday during the hours of 8:00
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Additional Information
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Individuals who will need
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format) should notify Elizabeth Shook at
(202) 245–7642, no later than August 5,
2011. We will make every attempt to
meet requests for accommodations after
this date, but, cannot guarantee their
availability. The conference call will be
accessible to individuals with
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Dated: July 22, 2011.
Alexa Posny,
Assistant Secretary, Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. 2011–19133 Filed 7–27–11; 8:45 am]
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15:51 Jul 27, 2011
Jkt 223001
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC11–600–001]
Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–600); Comment
Request; Submitted for OMB Review
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with the
requirements of section 3507 of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3507, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
has submitted the information
collection described below to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review of this information collection
requirement. Any interested person may
file comments directly with OMB and
should address a copy of those
comments to the Commission as
explained below. The Commission
received no comments in response to an
earlier Federal Register notice of May
13, 2011 (76 FR 28014) and has made
this notation in its submission to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due by August 29, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Address comments on the
collection of information to the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Desk Officer. Comments to
OMB should be filed electronically, c/o and
include OMB Control Number 1902–
0180 for reference. The Desk Officer
may be reached by telephone at 202–
A copy of the comments should also
be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission and should refer to Docket
No. IC11–600–001. Comments may be
filed either electronically or in paper
format. Those persons filing
electronically do not need to make a
paper filing. Documents filed
electronically via the Internet must be
prepared in an acceptable filing format
and in compliance with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
submission guidelines. Complete filing
instructions and acceptable filing
formats are available at https:// To file the document
electronically, access the Commission’s
website and click on Documents &
Filing, E-Filing (
docs-filing/efiling.asp), and then follow
the instructions for each screen. First
PO 00000
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time users will have to establish a user
name and password. The Commission
will send an automatic
acknowledgement to the sender’s e-mail
address upon receipt of comments.
For paper filings, comments should be
submitted to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, and should refer
to Docket No. IC11–600–001.
Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in
FERC Docket Number IC11–600 may do
so through eSubscription at https://
esubscription.asp. All comments may be
viewed, printed or downloaded
remotely via the Internet through
FERC’s homepage using the ‘‘eLibrary’’
link. For user assistance, contact or toll-free
at (866) 208–3676, or for TTY, contact
(202) 502–8659.
Ellen Brown may be reached by e-mail
at, by
telephone at (202) 502–8663, and by fax
at (202) 273–0873.
information collected under the
requirements of FERC–600, ‘‘Rules of
Practice and Procedure: Complaint
Procedures’’, (OMB No. 1902–0180) is
used by the Commission to implement
the statutory provisions of the Federal
Power Act (FPA), 16 U.S.C. 791a-825r;
the Natural Gas Act (NGA), 15 USC
717–717w; the Natural Gas Policy Act
(NGPA), 15 USC 3301–3432, the Public
Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
(PURPA), 16 USC 2601–2645; the
Interstate Commerce Act, 49 U.S.C.
App. § 1 et. seq., the Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act, 43 USC 1301–1356 and
the Energy Policy Act of 2005, (Pub.
L.109–58) 119 Stat. 594.
With respect to the natural gas
industry, section 14(a) of the NGA
provides: The Commission may permit
any person to file with it a statement in
writing, under oath or otherwise, as it
shall determine, as to any or all facts
and circumstances concerning a matter
which may be the subject of an
For public utilities, section 205(e) of
the FPA provides: Whenever any such
new schedule is filed, the Commission
shall have the authority, either upon
complaint or upon its own initiative
without complaint at once, and, if it so
orders, without answer or formal
pleading by the public utility, but upon
reasonable notice to enter upon hearing
concerning the lawfulness of such rate,
charge, classification, or service; and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 145 / Thursday, July 28, 2011 / Notices
pending such hearing and decision of
the Commission.
Section 215(d)(5) of the FPA provides:
The Commission, upon its own motion
or upon complaint, may order the
Electric Reliability Organization to
submit to the Commission a proposed
reliability standard or a modification to
a reliability standard that addresses a
specific matter if the Commission
considers such a new or modified
reliability standard appropriate to carry
out this section.
Concerning hydropower projects,
section 19 of the FPA provides: * * *
it is agreed as a condition of such
license that jurisdiction is hereby
conferred upon the Commission, upon
complaint of any person aggrieved or
upon its own initiative, to exercise such
regulation and control until such time
as the State shall have provided a
commission or other authority for such
regulation and control.
For qualifying facilities, section
210(h)(2)(B) of PURPA provides: Any
electric utility, qualifying co-generator,
or qualifying small power producer may
petition the Commission to enforce the
requirements of subsection (f) as
provided in subparagraph (A) of this
Likewise for oil pipelines, Part 1 of
the Interstate Commerce Act (ICA),
sections 1, 6 and 15 (re-codified by Pub.
L. 95–473 and found as an appendix to
Title 49 U.S.C.) the Commission is
authorized to investigate the rates
charged by oil pipeline companies
subject to its jurisdiction. If a proposed
oil rate has been filed and allowed by
the Commission to go into effect
without suspension and hearing, the
Commission can investigate the
effective rate on its own motion or by
complaint filed with the Commission.
Section 13 of the ICA provided that:
Any person, firm, corporation, company
or association, or any mercantile,
agricultural, or manufacturing society or
other organization, or any common
carrier subject to the provisions of this
chapter in contravention of the
provisions thereof, may apply to the
Commission by petition which shall
briefly state the facts: whereupon a
statement of the complaint thus made
shall be forwarded by the Commission
to such common carrier, who shall be
called upon to satisfy the complaint, or
to answer the same in writing, with in
a reasonable time, to be specified by the
Commission. * * *
In Order No. 602, 64 FR 17087 (April
8, 1999), the Commission revised its
regulations governing complaints filed
with the Commission under the above
statutes. Order No. 602 was designed to
encourage and support consensual
resolution of complaints, and to
organize the complaint procedures so
that all complaints are handled in a
timely and fair manner. In order to
achieve the latter, the Commission
revised Rule 206 of its Rules of Practice
and Procedure (18 CFR 385.206) to
require that a complaint satisfy certain
informational requirements, that
answers be filed in a shorter, 20-day
time frame, and that parties may employ
various types of alternative dispute
resolution procedures to resolve
In Order No. 647, 69FR 32436 (June
10, 2004), the Commission revised its
regulations to simplify the formats it
requires for various types of notices.
These revisions provide for a more
uniform formatting and make it easier
for the Commission to update the form
of notice formatting without the
necessity of initiating a rulemaking for
every change. A new subsection 18 CFR
385.203(d) replaced the former format
requirements. Among the provisions
that were affected by these revisions
was 18 CFR 385.206(b) (10).
On October 30, 2008, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approved the reporting requirements
contained in FERC–600 for a term of
three years, the maximum period
permissible under the Paperwork
Reduction Act 1 before an information
collection must be resubmitted for
approval. As noted above this notice
seeks public comments in order for the
Commission to submit a justification to
OMB to approve and extend the current
expiration date of the FERC–600
reporting requirements. The data in
complaints filed by interested/affected
parties regarding oil and natural gas
pipeline operations, electric and
hydropower facilities in their
applications for rate changes, service,
licensing or reliability are used by the
Commission in establishing a basis for
various investigations and to make an
initial determination regarding the
merits of the complaint.
Investigations may range from
whether there is undue discrimination
in rates or service to questions regarding
market power of regulated entities to
environmental concerns. In order to
make a better determination, it is
important to know the specifics of any
oil, gas, electric, and hydropower
complaint ‘‘upfront’’ in a timely manner
and in sufficient detail to allow the
Commission to act swiftly. In addition,
such complaint data will help the
Commission and interested parties to
monitor the market for exercises of
market power or undue discrimination.
The information is voluntary but
submitted with prescribed filing
requirements. The Commission
implements these filing requirements in
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
under 18 CFR parts 343, and 385,
385.206, 385.203 and 385.213.
Action: The Commission is requesting
a three-year extension of the current
expiration date, with no changes to the
existing collection of data.
Burden Statement: Public reporting
burden for this collection is estimated
Number of
respondents 2
Number of
responses per
Number of
burden hours
per response
Total annual
Data collection
(1) × (2) × (3)
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
FERC–600 ........................................................................................................
Estimated cost burden to respondents
is $84,328. (1,232 hours/2080 hours per
year times $142,372 per year average per
employee = $84,328). The cost per
respondent is $958. There is a slight
increase in the average number of
1 Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law
104–13, October 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.
2 This is a three year average of the number of
respondents (2008–2010).
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PO 00000
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respondents and number of filings since
the last renewal request (in 2008, the
average number of respondents was 81).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 145 / Thursday, July 28, 2011 / Notices
rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
The cost per respondent has increased
to reflect adjustments due to
inflationary costs.
The reporting burden includes the
total time, effort, or financial resources
expended to generate, maintain, retain,
disclose, or provide the information
including: (1) Reviewing instructions;
(2) developing, acquiring, installing, and
utilizing technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating,
verifying, processing, maintaining,
disclosing and providing information;
(3) adjusting the existing ways to
comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements; (4)
training personnel to respond to a
collection of information; (5) searching
data sources; (6) completing and
reviewing the collection of information;
and (7) transmitting or otherwise
disclosing the information.
The estimate of cost for respondents
is based upon salaries for professional
and clerical support, as well as direct
and indirect overhead costs. Direct costs
include all costs directly attributable to
providing this information, such as
administrative costs and the cost for
information technology. Indirect or
overhead costs are costs incurred by an
organization in support of its mission.
These costs apply to activities which
benefit the whole organization rather
than any one particular function or
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Commission,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology
e.g. permitting electronic submission of
Dated: July 20, 2011.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2011–19075 Filed 7–27–11; 8:45 am]
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15:51 Jul 27, 2011
Jkt 223001
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 487–082]
PPL Holtwood, LLC; Notice of
Application for Amendment of License,
and Soliciting Comments, Motions To
Intervene, and Protests
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Non-project use
of project lands and waters.
b. Project No: 487–082.
c. Date Filed: May 24, 2010 (as
supplemented on September 20, and
November 19, 2010).
d. Applicant: PPL Holtwood, LLC.
e. Name of Project: Wallenpaupack
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The proposed non-project
use would be located at the White Sands
Springs beach access area on the south
side of Lake Wallenpaupack in Pike
County, Pennsylvania.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r.
h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Michael G.
Bennett, Plant Manager, Hydro. PPL
Generation, LLC, 2 North Ninth Street,
Allentown, PA 18101–1179. 610–774–
i. FERC Contact: Bill Doran at (202)
502–6795, or e-mail:
j. Deadline for filing comments,
motions to intervene, and protest:
August 19, 2011.
All documents may be filed
electronically via the Internet. See, 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the
instructions on the Commission’s Web
site at
efiling.asp.If unable to be filed
electronically, documents may be paperfiled. To paper-file, an original and
seven copies should be mailed to:
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. Commenters
can submit brief comments up to 6,000
characters, without prior registration,
using the eComment system at https://
ecomment.asp. You must include your
name and contact information at the end
of your comments. Please include the
project number (P–487–082) on any
comments, motions, or
recommendations filed.
k. Description of Request: PPL
Holtwood, LLC, requests Commission
authorization to permit White Sands
Springs to install four new docks,
accommodating 128 slips, to its existing
PO 00000
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single dock, 12 slip, residential
community marina. The additional slips
would serve the residents of the White
Sands Springs Community. No dredging
activities, shoreline stabilization, or
fueling facilities are associated with the
l. Locations of the Application: A
copy of the application is available for
inspection and reproduction at the
Commission’s Public Reference Room,
located at 888 First Street, NE., Room
2A, Washington, DC 20426, or by calling
(202) 502–8371. This filing may also be
viewed on the Commission’s Web site at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document. You may also register online
esubscription.asp to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, call 1–866–208–3676 or
for TTY, call (202) 502–8659. A copy is
also available for inspection and
reproduction at the address in item (h)
m. Individuals desiring to be included
on the Commission’s mailing list should
so indicate by writing to the Secretary
of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to
Intervene: Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214.
In determining the appropriate action to
take, the Commission will consider all
protests or other comments filed, but
only those who file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
Commission’s Rules may become a
party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must
be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular
o. Filing and Service of Responsive
Documents: Any filing must (1) Bear in
all capital letters the title
applicable; (2) set forth in the heading
the name of the applicant and the
project number of the application to
which the filing responds; (3) furnish
the name, address, and telephone
number of the person protesting or
intervening; and (4) otherwise comply
with the requirements of 18 CFR
385.2001 through 385.2005. All
comments, motions to intervene, or
protests must set forth their evidentiary
basis and otherwise comply with the
requirements of 18 CFR 4.34(b).
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 145 (Thursday, July 28, 2011)]
[Pages 45237-45239]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-19075]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. IC11-600-001]
Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-600); Comment
Request; Submitted for OMB Review
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirements of section 3507 of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission) has submitted the information
collection described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
for review of this information collection requirement. Any interested
person may file comments directly with OMB and should address a copy of
those comments to the Commission as explained below. The Commission
received no comments in response to an earlier Federal Register notice
of May 13, 2011 (76 FR 28014) and has made this notation in its
submission to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of information are due by August 29,
ADDRESSES: Address comments on the collection of information to the
Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Desk Officer.
Comments to OMB should be filed electronically, c/o and include OMB Control Number 1902-0180 for
reference. The Desk Officer may be reached by telephone at 202-395-
A copy of the comments should also be sent to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission and should refer to Docket No. IC11-600-001.
Comments may be filed either electronically or in paper format. Those
persons filing electronically do not need to make a paper filing.
Documents filed electronically via the Internet must be prepared in an
acceptable filing format and in compliance with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission submission guidelines. Complete filing
instructions and acceptable filing formats are available at To file the document
electronically, access the Commission's website and click on Documents
& Filing, E-Filing (, and
then follow the instructions for each screen. First time users will
have to establish a user name and password. The Commission will send an
automatic acknowledgement to the sender's e-mail address upon receipt
of comments.
For paper filings, comments should be submitted to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, and should refer to Docket No. IC11-
Users interested in receiving automatic notification of activity in
FERC Docket Number IC11-600 may do so through eSubscription at All comments may be viewed,
printed or downloaded remotely via the Internet through FERC's homepage
using the ``eLibrary'' link. For user assistance, contact or toll-free at (866) 208-3676, or for TTY,
contact (202) 502-8659.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ellen Brown may be reached by e-mail
at, by telephone at (202) 502-8663, and by fax
at (202) 273-0873.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The information collected under the
requirements of FERC-600, ``Rules of Practice and Procedure: Complaint
Procedures'', (OMB No. 1902-0180) is used by the Commission to
implement the statutory provisions of the Federal Power Act (FPA), 16
U.S.C. 791a-825r; the Natural Gas Act (NGA), 15 USC 717-717w; the
Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA), 15 USC 3301-3432, the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), 16 USC 2601-2645; the
Interstate Commerce Act, 49 U.S.C. App. Sec. 1 et. seq., the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act, 43 USC 1301-1356 and the Energy Policy Act
of 2005, (Pub. L.109-58) 119 Stat. 594.
With respect to the natural gas industry, section 14(a) of the NGA
provides: The Commission may permit any person to file with it a
statement in writing, under oath or otherwise, as it shall determine,
as to any or all facts and circumstances concerning a matter which may
be the subject of an investigation.
For public utilities, section 205(e) of the FPA provides: Whenever
any such new schedule is filed, the Commission shall have the
authority, either upon complaint or upon its own initiative without
complaint at once, and, if it so orders, without answer or formal
pleading by the public utility, but upon reasonable notice to enter
upon hearing concerning the lawfulness of such rate, charge,
classification, or service; and
[[Page 45238]]
pending such hearing and decision of the Commission.
Section 215(d)(5) of the FPA provides: The Commission, upon its own
motion or upon complaint, may order the Electric Reliability
Organization to submit to the Commission a proposed reliability
standard or a modification to a reliability standard that addresses a
specific matter if the Commission considers such a new or modified
reliability standard appropriate to carry out this section.
Concerning hydropower projects, section 19 of the FPA provides: * *
* it is agreed as a condition of such license that jurisdiction is
hereby conferred upon the Commission, upon complaint of any person
aggrieved or upon its own initiative, to exercise such regulation and
control until such time as the State shall have provided a commission
or other authority for such regulation and control.
For qualifying facilities, section 210(h)(2)(B) of PURPA provides:
Any electric utility, qualifying co-generator, or qualifying small
power producer may petition the Commission to enforce the requirements
of subsection (f) as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
Likewise for oil pipelines, Part 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act
(ICA), sections 1, 6 and 15 (re-codified by Pub. L. 95-473 and found as
an appendix to Title 49 U.S.C.) the Commission is authorized to
investigate the rates charged by oil pipeline companies subject to its
jurisdiction. If a proposed oil rate has been filed and allowed by the
Commission to go into effect without suspension and hearing, the
Commission can investigate the effective rate on its own motion or by
complaint filed with the Commission. Section 13 of the ICA provided
that: Any person, firm, corporation, company or association, or any
mercantile, agricultural, or manufacturing society or other
organization, or any common carrier subject to the provisions of this
chapter in contravention of the provisions thereof, may apply to the
Commission by petition which shall briefly state the facts: whereupon a
statement of the complaint thus made shall be forwarded by the
Commission to such common carrier, who shall be called upon to satisfy
the complaint, or to answer the same in writing, with in a reasonable
time, to be specified by the Commission. * * *
In Order No. 602, 64 FR 17087 (April 8, 1999), the Commission
revised its regulations governing complaints filed with the Commission
under the above statutes. Order No. 602 was designed to encourage and
support consensual resolution of complaints, and to organize the
complaint procedures so that all complaints are handled in a timely and
fair manner. In order to achieve the latter, the Commission revised
Rule 206 of its Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.206) to
require that a complaint satisfy certain informational requirements,
that answers be filed in a shorter, 20-day time frame, and that parties
may employ various types of alternative dispute resolution procedures
to resolve complaints.
In Order No. 647, 69FR 32436 (June 10, 2004), the Commission
revised its regulations to simplify the formats it requires for various
types of notices. These revisions provide for a more uniform formatting
and make it easier for the Commission to update the form of notice
formatting without the necessity of initiating a rulemaking for every
change. A new subsection 18 CFR 385.203(d) replaced the former format
requirements. Among the provisions that were affected by these
revisions was 18 CFR 385.206(b) (10).
On October 30, 2008, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
approved the reporting requirements contained in FERC-600 for a term of
three years, the maximum period permissible under the Paperwork
Reduction Act \1\ before an information collection must be resubmitted
for approval. As noted above this notice seeks public comments in order
for the Commission to submit a justification to OMB to approve and
extend the current expiration date of the FERC-600 reporting
requirements. The data in complaints filed by interested/affected
parties regarding oil and natural gas pipeline operations, electric and
hydropower facilities in their applications for rate changes, service,
licensing or reliability are used by the Commission in establishing a
basis for various investigations and to make an initial determination
regarding the merits of the complaint.
\1\ Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, October
1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3520.
Investigations may range from whether there is undue discrimination
in rates or service to questions regarding market power of regulated
entities to environmental concerns. In order to make a better
determination, it is important to know the specifics of any oil, gas,
electric, and hydropower complaint ``upfront'' in a timely manner and
in sufficient detail to allow the Commission to act swiftly. In
addition, such complaint data will help the Commission and interested
parties to monitor the market for exercises of market power or undue
discrimination. The information is voluntary but submitted with
prescribed filing requirements. The Commission implements these filing
requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under 18 CFR
parts 343, and 385, 385.206, 385.203 and 385.213.
Action: The Commission is requesting a three-year extension of the
current expiration date, with no changes to the existing collection of
Burden Statement: Public reporting burden for this collection is
estimated as:
Average Number
Number of Average Number of burden Total annual
Data collection respondents \2\ of responses hours per hours
per respondent response
(1) (2) (3) (1) x (2) x (3)
FERC-600.................................... 88 1 14 1,232
Estimated cost burden to respondents is $84,328. (1,232 hours/2080
hours per year times $142,372 per year average per employee = $84,328).
The cost per respondent is $958. There is a slight increase in the
average number of respondents and number of filings since the last
renewal request (in 2008, the average number of respondents was 81).
[[Page 45239]]
The cost per respondent has increased to reflect adjustments due to
inflationary costs.
\2\ This is a three year average of the number of respondents
The reporting burden includes the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended to generate, maintain, retain, disclose, or provide
the information including: (1) Reviewing instructions; (2) developing,
acquiring, installing, and utilizing technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating, verifying, processing, maintaining,
disclosing and providing information; (3) adjusting the existing ways
to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements;
(4) training personnel to respond to a collection of information; (5)
searching data sources; (6) completing and reviewing the collection of
information; and (7) transmitting or otherwise disclosing the
The estimate of cost for respondents is based upon salaries for
professional and clerical support, as well as direct and indirect
overhead costs. Direct costs include all costs directly attributable to
providing this information, such as administrative costs and the cost
for information technology. Indirect or overhead costs are costs
incurred by an organization in support of its mission. These costs
apply to activities which benefit the whole organization rather than
any one particular function or activity.
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the Commission, including whether the information will have practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are
to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms
of information technology e.g. permitting electronic submission of
Dated: July 20, 2011.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2011-19075 Filed 7-27-11; 8:45 am]