Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree Under The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42138-42139 [2011-17927]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 137 / Monday, July 18, 2011 / Notices
the extent permitted by section 201.8 of
the Commission’s rules, as amended, 67
FR 68036 (Nov. 8, 2002).
In accordance with sections 201.16(c)
and 207.3 of the Commission’s rules,
each document filed by a party to the
investigation must be served on all other
parties to the investigation (as identified
by either the public or BPI service list),
and a certificate of service must be
timely filed. The Secretary will not
accept a document for filing without a
certificate of service.
Parties are also advised to consult
with the Commission’s Rules of Practice
and Procedure, part 201, subparts A
through E (19 CFR part 201), and Part
207, subpart A (19 CFR Part 207) for
provisions of general applicability
concerning written submissions to the
Issued: July 12, 2011.
By order of the Commission.
James R. Holbein,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–17937 Filed 7–15–11; 8:45 am]
[Inv. No. 337–TA–617]
In the Matter of Certain Digital
Television Products and Certain
Products Containing Same and
Methods of Using Same; Notice of
Commission Determination to Rescind
a Limited Exclusion Order and Cease
and Desist Orders as to Certain
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. International Trade
Commission has determined to rescind
the limited exclusion order and cease
and desist orders issued in the abovecaptioned investigation as to TPV
Technology, Ltd.; TPV International
(USA), Inc.; Top Victory Electronics
(Taiwan) Co., Ltd.; and Envision
Peripherals, Inc. (collectively, ‘‘the TPV
respondents’’) based on a settlement
Daniel E. Valencia, Office of the General
Counsel, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
205–1999. Copies of non-confidential
documents filed in connection with this
investigation are or will be available for
inspection during official business
hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205–2000. General
information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its
Internet server at
The public record for this investigation
may be viewed on the Commission’s
electronic docket (EDIS) at https:// Hearing-impaired
persons are advised that information on
this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal on (202) 205–1810.
Commission instituted this investigation
on November 15, 2007, based on a
complaint filed by Funai Electric Co.,
Ltd. of Japan and Funai Corporation of
Rutherford, New Jersey (collectively
‘‘Funai’’), alleging violations of section
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.
1337) in the importation into the United
States, the sale for importation, and the
sale within the United States after
importation of certain digital televisions
and certain products containing same by
reason of infringement of certain claims
of United States Patent Nos. 5,329,369
(‘‘the ’369 patent’’) and 6,115,074 (‘‘the
’074 patent’’). The complaint named
several respondents including the TPV
respondents; and Vizio, Inc. and
AmTran Technology Co., Ltd.
(collectively, ‘‘the Vizio respondents).
On April 10, 2009, the Commission
made its final determination in the
investigation finding a violation of
section 337 with regard to the ’074
patent and no violation with respect to
the ’369 patent. The Commission issued
a limited exclusion order and several
cease and desist orders.
On August 9, 2010, the Commission
determined to rescind the limited
exclusion order and cease and desist
orders as to the Vizio respondents based
on a joint motion regarding a settlement
between Funai and the Vizio
On December 21, 2010, the
Commission modified the limited
exclusion order and cease and desist
orders based on a decision of the United
States Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit in Vizio, Inc. v. Int’l Trade
Comm’n, 605 F.3d 1330 (Fed. Cir. 2010).
On May 31, 2011, Funai and the TPV
respondents filed a joint petition to
rescind the modified remedial orders as
to the TPV respondents. According to
the joint petition, these parties have
settled their dispute.
The Commission has determined that
the settlement satisfies the requirement
of Commission Rule 210.76 (a)(1) (19
CFR 210.76(a)(1)) that there be changed
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conditions of fact or law. The
Commission therefore has issued an
order rescinding the limited exclusion
order and cease and desist orders
previously issued in this investigation
as to the TPV respondents. The
Commission’s remedial orders remain in
effect against the following respondents:
Syntax-Brillian Corporation; Taiwan
Kolin Co., Ltd.; Proview International
Holdings, Ltd.; Proview Technology
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.; and Proview
Technology, Ltd.
The authority for the Commission’s
determination is contained in Section
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in
section 210.76(a)(1) of the Commission’s
Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
By order of the Commission.
Issued: July 13, 2011.
James R. Holbein,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–17999 Filed 7–15–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
Under The Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA)
In accordance with Departmental
policy, 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby
given that on July 8, 2011, a proposed
Consent Decree in United States and
State of Florida Department of
Environmental Protection v. Hi-Acres,
LLC, d/b/a Foremost Fertilizer, Civil
Action No. 5:11–cv–00389–WTH–KRS,
was lodged with the United States
District Court for the Middle District of
Florida, Ocala Division.
The Consent Decree represents the
settlement of claims brought by the
United States and State of Florida
Department of Environmental Protection
(‘‘FDEP’’) for violations by Hi-Acres at a
retail sales outlet for pesticides,
herbicides, and fertilizers located in
Leesburg, Lake County, Florida. The
Complaint alleged, inter alia, violations
of the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (‘‘RCRA’’) Section 3008(a),
42 U.S.C. 6928(a), and the federal
regulations promulgated at 40 CFR Parts
260 through 279; the authorized
hazardous waste management
regulations of the State of Florida,
relating to the generation,
transportation, treatment, storage,
handling and disposal of hazardous
wastes, Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 63–
740, et seq; and Fla. Stat. § 403.727; and
of RCRA Section 3004(d), 42 U.S.C.
6924(d), and Fla. Stat. Chapter 403
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 137 / Monday, July 18, 2011 / Notices
(Environmental Control), Part IV.
(Resource Recovery Management),
relating to the disposal of hazardous
wastes restricted from land disposal.
Under the Consent Decree, Hi-Acres
must commence site rehabilitation in
accordance with State of Florida rules
and regulations for all solid waste
management units and areas of
contamination that are identified on the
appendix to the Consent Decree. HiAcres is required to provide any
necessary revisions to its Contamination
Assessment Protection Plan, along with
any proposed alternate schedules for
completing the required work. Hi-Acres
will be required under the Consent
Decree to submit periodic status reports
to FDEP. Once the site is cleaned up, HiAcres shall submit to FDEP a site
rehabilitation completion report. HiAcres will further be required to submit
a plan for all necessary environmental
monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of
the on-going cleanup, including
groundwater monitoring. Hi-Acres will
be required to pay a penalty of
$400,000, evenly split between EPA and
the FDEP, along with interest, per the
terms of the Consent Decree.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and either e-mailed to or
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United
States and State of Florida Department
of Environmental Protection v. Hi-Acres,
LLC, d/b/a Foremost Fertilizer, Inc. D.J.
Ref. 90–7–1–09265.
The Consent Decree may be examined
at U.S. EPA Region 4, Atlanta Federal
Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Atlanta,
Georgia 30303. During the public
comment period, the Consent Decree,
may also be examined on the following
Department of Justice Web site, https://
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood (,
fax no. (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In
requesting a copy from the Consent
Decree Library, please enclose a check
in the amount of $9.75 (for the Consent
Decree only) and $17.00 for the Consent
Decree and all exhibits thereto) (25
cents per page reproduction cost)
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payable to the U.S. Treasury or, if by
email or fax, forward a check in that
amount to the Consent Decree Library at
the stated address.
Henry Friedman,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Enforcement Section, Environment and
Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2011–17927 Filed 7–15–11; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Evaluation
of the Adult and Dislocated Worker
Program in the Workforce Investment
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting the proposed
Employment and Training
Administration (ETA) sponsored
information collection request (ICR)
titled, ‘‘Evaluation of the Adult and
Dislocated Worker Program in the
Workforce Investment Act,’’ to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval for use
in accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (Pub. L.
104–13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
DATES: Submit comments on or before
August 17, 2011.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with
applicable supporting documentation;
including a description of the likely
respondents, proposed frequency of
response, and estimated total burden
may be obtained from the
Web site,
public/do/PRAMain, on the day
following publication of this notice or
by contacting Michel Smyth by
telephone at 202–693–4129 (this is not
a toll-free number) or sending an e-mail
Submit comments about this request
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
Officer for the Department of Labor,
Employment and Training
Administration (ETA), Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10235,
Washington, DC 20503, Telephone:
202–395–6929/Fax: 202–395–6881
(these are not toll-free numbers), e-mail:
Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–
4129 (this is not a toll-free number) or
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by e-mail at
determine whether the adult and
dislocated worker services funded by
Title I of the Workforce Investment Act
(WIA) are effective, the ETA is
undertaking the WIA Random
Assignment Impact Evaluation of the
Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs.
The evaluation will address the
following research questions:
• Does access to WIA intensive and
training services-both individually and
combined-lead adults and dislocated
workers to achieve better educational,
employment, earnings, and selfsufficiency outcomes than they would
achieve in the absence of access to those
• Does the effectiveness of the WIA
vary by population subgroup? Is there
variation by sex, age, race/ethnicity,
unemployment insurance receipt,
education level, previous employment
history, adult and dislocated worker
status, and veteran and disability status?
• How does the implementation of
the WIA vary by Local Workforce
Investment Area? Does the effectiveness
of the WIA vary by how it is
implemented? To what extent do
implementation differences explain
variations in the WIA’s effectiveness?
• Do the benefits from WIA services
exceed program costs? Do the benefits of
intensive services exceed their costs? Do
the benefits of training exceed its costs?
Do the benefits exceed the costs for
adults? Do they for dislocated workers?
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless it is
approved by the OMB under the PRA
and displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information if the
collection of information does not
display a valid OMB control number.
See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. For
additional information, see the related
notice published in the Federal Register
on November 10, 2010 (75 FR 69126).
Interested parties are encouraged to
send comments to the OMB, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs at
the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section within 30 days of publication of
this notice in the Federal Register. In
order to help ensure appropriate
consideration, comments should
reference OMB Control Number
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 137 (Monday, July 18, 2011)]
[Pages 42138-42139]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-17927]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree Under The Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
In accordance with Departmental policy, 28 CFR 50.7, notice is
hereby given that on July 8, 2011, a proposed Consent Decree in United
States and State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection v.
Hi-Acres, LLC, d/b/a Foremost Fertilizer, Civil Action No. 5:11-cv-
00389-WTH-KRS, was lodged with the United States District Court for the
Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division.
The Consent Decree represents the settlement of claims brought by
the United States and State of Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (``FDEP'') for violations by Hi-Acres at a retail sales
outlet for pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers located in Leesburg,
Lake County, Florida. The Complaint alleged, inter alia, violations of
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (``RCRA'') Section 3008(a),
42 U.S.C. 6928(a), and the federal regulations promulgated at 40 CFR
Parts 260 through 279; the authorized hazardous waste management
regulations of the State of Florida, relating to the generation,
transportation, treatment, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous
wastes, Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 63-740, et seq; and Fla. Stat. Sec.
403.727; and of RCRA Section 3004(d), 42 U.S.C. 6924(d), and Fla. Stat.
Chapter 403
[[Page 42139]]
(Environmental Control), Part IV. (Resource Recovery Management),
relating to the disposal of hazardous wastes restricted from land
Under the Consent Decree, Hi-Acres must commence site
rehabilitation in accordance with State of Florida rules and
regulations for all solid waste management units and areas of
contamination that are identified on the appendix to the Consent
Decree. Hi-Acres is required to provide any necessary revisions to its
Contamination Assessment Protection Plan, along with any proposed
alternate schedules for completing the required work. Hi-Acres will be
required under the Consent Decree to submit periodic status reports to
FDEP. Once the site is cleaned up, Hi-Acres shall submit to FDEP a site
rehabilitation completion report. Hi-Acres will further be required to
submit a plan for all necessary environmental monitoring to ensure the
effectiveness of the on-going cleanup, including groundwater
monitoring. Hi-Acres will be required to pay a penalty of $400,000,
evenly split between EPA and the FDEP, along with interest, per the
terms of the Consent Decree.
The Department of Justice will receive for a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of this publication comments relating to the Consent
Decree. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources Division, and either e-mailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044-7611, and should refer to
United States and State of Florida Department of Environmental
Protection v. Hi-Acres, LLC, d/b/a Foremost Fertilizer, Inc. D.J. Ref.
The Consent Decree may be examined at U.S. EPA Region 4, Atlanta
Federal Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. During the
public comment period, the Consent Decree, may also be examined on the
following Department of Justice Web site, A copy of the Consent Decree may also be
obtained by mail from the Consent Decree Library, P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20044-7611 or by faxing or e-
mailing a request to Tonia Fleetwood (, fax
no. (202) 514-0097, phone confirmation number (202) 514-1547. In
requesting a copy from the Consent Decree Library, please enclose a
check in the amount of $9.75 (for the Consent Decree only) and $17.00
for the Consent Decree and all exhibits thereto) (25 cents per page
reproduction cost) payable to the U.S. Treasury or, if by email or fax,
forward a check in that amount to the Consent Decree Library at the
stated address.
Henry Friedman,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment
and Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2011-17927 Filed 7-15-11; 8:45 am]