Proclaiming Certain Lands, Bowlin North Property, as an Addition to the Pueblo of Laguna Reservation, New Mexico, 41513-41515 [2011-17796]
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wreier-aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 135 / Thursday, July 14, 2011 / Notices
conditions of the ITP (50 CFR 13.25).
The Service anticipates publishing a
Notice of Intent to issue an ITP with
transfer authorities in the Federal
Register and take public comments on
the application for 30 days. Issuance of
each ITP may take up to 90 days to
process. The holder of the initial ITP
would be responsible for the
coordination of all activities among the
transferees. Each company holding an
ITP would be responsible for
implementation of their minimization
and mitigation measures, compliance
monitoring and biological monitoring,
annual reporting, adaptive management
procedures, participation in annual
meetings, and coordination with the
initial ITP holder. The Service would be
responsible in processing the transfers
and reviewing annual reports. This ITP
administrative structure would have
some continued Service involvement
during the implementation of the HCP,
but it would be less than under the
Umbrella HCP and more than under the
Programmatic HCP.
The fourth ITP structure, referred to
as the Co-Permitted HCP, also involves
a single HCP that supports an ITP, but
all parties are named as co-permittees
on the ITP. A single HCP would be
developed and all NEPA and ESA
compliance would be completed on the
HCP prior to issuance of the initial ITP.
Current members of WEWAG (or those
who join prior to permit application)
would be named as permittee in the
incidental take permit application.
Assuming the Service found that the
HCP met the ESA’s permit issuance
criteria, the Service would issue a single
or master incidental take permit naming
each of the WEWAG members as a
participating permittee (co-permittee).
Similar to the programmatic approach,
the incidental take permit would
authorize each co-permittee’s projects
located within the permit area. Prior to
undertaking any new project, a copermittee would submit to the Service
a prescribed form indicating how its
project complies with the incidental
take permit and that any required
mitigation has been paid to the
appropriate entity. The Service would
have the authority to review each
project and would stay engaged during
the implementation of the HCP. Each
company named as a co-permittee
would be responsible for
implementation of their minimization
and mitigation measures, compliance
monitoring and biological monitoring,
annual reporting, adaptive management
procedures, and participation in annual
coordination meetings. Additional
NEPA and ESA section 7 would not be
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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necessary, as each permittee would be
fully authorized under the permit.
Please note that submissions merely
stating support for, or opposition to, the
action under consideration without
providing supporting information,
although noted, will not provide
information useful in determining the
issues and the impacts to the human
environment in the draft EIS. The public
will also have a chance to review and
comment on the draft EIS when it is
available (a notice of availability will be
published in the Federal Register).
You may submit your comments and
materials by one of the methods
described above under the ADDRESSES
section at the beginning of this notice.
Written comments will also be accepted
at the public meetings, although these
public meetings are primarily intended
to provide additional information and
provide a chance for the public to ask
specific questions concerning the
proposed HCP and EIS.
Public Availability of Comments
Written comments we receive become
part of the public record associated with
this action. Before including your
address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that the entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Section 03, Township 09 North, Range
1 West, N.M.P.M.
Those certain parcels of land known
as Parcels I, II, and III, situated in
projected Section 3, Township 9 North,
Range 1 West, N.M.P.M., within the
Town of Atrisco Grant, in Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, more particularly
described by survey filed in the office of
the County Clerk of Bernalillo County,
New Mexico, on October 19, 2007, in
Book 2007S, page 80, as Document No.
2007147071, performed by Brian K.
McClintock, New Mexico Professional
Surveyor Number 11597. Said parcels
contain 99.5623 acres, more or less.
Said parcels are more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
PARCEL I: (QCD: Bk. A36, Pg. 2843,
WD: A13, Pg. 2512) Tract Lettered ‘‘A’’
of the Plat of Division of LAND OF
MRS. LULA M. BRIDGES, Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, as the same is
shown and designated on the plat
thereof, filed in the office of the County
Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico
on July 27, 1971 in Volume B5, Folio
192; TOGETHER WITH A Northerly
portion of the LANDS OF GEORGE T.
HILL, Town of Atrisco Grant, Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, as the same is
shown and designated on the plat
thereof, filed in the office of the County
Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico
on February 11, 1952 in Volume A1,
Folio 099 TOGETHER WITH A certain
tract of land situate within Projected
Section 3, Township 9 North, Range 1
West of the N.M.P.M., Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, Being adjacent to
the Northerly line of said LANDS OF
GEORGE T. HILL, all being more
particularly described as follows:
Joy E. Nicholopoulos,
Acting Regional Director, Region 2,
Albuquerque, New Mexico .
[FR Doc. 2011–17638 Filed 7–13–11; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proclaiming Certain Lands, Bowlin
North Property, as an Addition to the
Pueblo of Laguna Reservation, New
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Reservation
This notice informs the public
that the Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs proclaimed approximately
99.5623 acres, more or less, to be added
to the Pueblo of Laguna Reservation,
(Laguna), New Mexico.
PO 00000
Frm 00066
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, Mail
Stop 4639–MIB, 1849 C Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
Notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by part 209 of the
Departmental Manual.
A proclamation was issued, in
accordance with Section 7 of the Act of
June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986; 25 U.S.C.
467), for the land described below. The
land was proclaimed to be an addition
to and part of the Laguna Reservation
for the exclusive use of Indians on that
reservation who are entitled to reside at
the reservation by enrollment or tribal
New Mexico Principal Meridian
Bernalillo County, New Mexico
wreier-aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 135 / Thursday, July 14, 2011 / Notices
Beginning at the Southwest corner of
the herein described ‘‘PARCEL I’’, being
a No. 5 Rebar, and being a point on the
Northerly line of Interstate 40, frontage
road (NMP 1–040–3(31)137); Thence
N12°23′20″ W, a distance of 1042.71 feet
to a point, being a 1″ Iron Pipe; Thence
S83°57′47″ W, a distance of 101.19 feet
to a point; Thence N09°07′43″ W, a
distance of 640.46 feet to a point, being
the Northwest corner of ‘‘PARCEL I’’;
Thence S89°06′14″ E, a distance of
915.03 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463, and being the Northeast
corner of ‘‘PARCEL I’’; Thence
S13°59′07″ E, a distance of 1206.02 feet
to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, #11463;
Thence N74°58′17″ E, a distance of
146.70 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463; Thence S15°05′50″ E, a
distance of 129.77 feet to a point, being
a No. 4 Rebar, #11463; Thence
S74°58′17″ W, a distance of 230.00 feet
to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, #11463;
Thence S15°05′46″ E, a distance of
125.04 feet to a point, being the
Southeast corner of ‘‘PARCEL I’’, and
being a point on the Northerly line of
Interstate I–40, frontage road (NMP 1–
040–3(31)137); Thence southwesterly
along said Interstate 40 right of way line
on a curve (radius = 2414.69′, chord =
S75°57′39″ W, a distance of 126.94 feet)
delta = 3°00′45″, through an arc to the
right a distance of 126.95 feet to a point,
being R/W cap 8060, #11599; Thence
along said Interstate 40 right of way line
S77°28′01″ W, a distance of 298.81 feet
to a point, being R/W cap 8059, #11599;
Thence southwesterly along said
Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve
(radius = 2670.60′, chord = S76°10′31″
W, a distance of 121.82 feet) delta =
2°36′50″, through an arc to the left a
distance of 121.83 feet to a point, being
R/W cap 8058, #11599; Thence along
said Interstate 40 right of way line
S74°50′12″ W, a distance of 241.61 feet
to the Southwest corner of ‘‘PARCEL I’’
and said point of beginning.
Said described PARCEL I’’ contains
1,387,489.99 sq. ft. (31.8524 Ac.) more
or less.
PARCEL II: (WD: Bk. 9816, Pg. 8285,
WD: A13, Pg. 2512)
Tract B–1 of Plat of Tract B–1,
‘‘LANDS OF BOWLIN’’, as designated
on the plat thereof, filed in the office of
the County Clerk of Bernalillo County,
New Mexico on October 5, 1993 in
Volume 93C, Folio 288 records of
Bernalillo County, New Mexico;
those portions conveyed to the New
Mexico State Highway and
Transportation Department by Warranty
Deeds recorded April 5th, 2000 in Book
A4, pages 2706 and 2707 as Document
Nos. 2000032849 and 2000032850,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
14:55 Jul 13, 2011
Jkt 223001
records of Bernalillo County, New
Mexico, all being more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of
the herein described ‘‘PARCEL II’’,
being a point on the Northerly line of
Interstate 40, frontage road (NMP 1–
040–3(31)137); Thence N15°05′46″ W, a
distance of 125.04 feet to a point, being
the Northwest corner of ‘‘PARCEL II’’;
Thence N74°58′17″ E, a distance of
230.00 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463; Thence N74°58′17″ E, a
distance of 100.00 feet to a point;
Thence S15°02′56″ E, a distance of 10.00
feet to a point; Thence N74°57′04″ E, a
distance of 82.53 feet to a point; Thence
northeasterly on a curve (radius =
527.00′, chord = N65°34′34″ E, a
distance of 171.69 feet) delta =
18°45′00’’, through an arc to the left a
distance of 172.46 feet to a point;
Thence N53°31′18″ E, a distance of
203.50 feet to a point; Thence
northeasterly on a curve (radius =
1001.00′, chord = N74° 57′23″ E, a
distance of 643.52 feet) delta =
37°30′00″, through an arc to the right a
distance of 655.15 feet to a point, being
a ‘‘spike found’’; Thence S86°17′37″ E,
a distance of 169.91 feet to a point,
being the Northeast corner of ‘‘PARCEL
II’’ and also being a No. 4 Rebar, #11463;
Thence S03°27′27″ W, a distance of
63.97 feet to a point, being the Southeast
corner of ‘‘PARCEL II’’, being a point on
the Northerly line of Interstate 40,
frontage road (NMP 1–040–3(31)137),
and being R/W cap 8067, #11599;
Thence along said Interstate 40 right of
way line, S81°50′44″ W, a distance of
55.03 feet to a point, being R/W cap
8066, #11599; Thence southwesterly
along said Interstate 40 right of way line
on a curve (radius = 3051.18′, chord =
S75°59′55″ W, a distance of 621.10 feet)
delta = 11°41′00″, through an arc to the
left a distance of 622.18 feet to a point,
being R/W cap 8065, #11599; Thence
along said Interstate 40 right of way
line, S70°09′01″ W, a distance of 490.72
feet to a point, being R/W cap 8064,
#11599; Thence along said Interstate 40
right of way line S37°06′58″ W, a
distance of 96.14 feet to a point, being
R/W cap 8063, #11599; Thence along
said Interstate 40 right of way line,
S70°03′54″ W, a distance of 135.04 feet
to a point; Thence southwesterly along
said Interstate 40 right of way line on a
curve (radius = 2414.69′, chord =
S72°18′48″ W, a distance of 180.45 feet)
delta = 4°16′57″, through an arc to the
right a distance of 180.49 feet to a point,
being the Southwest corner of ‘‘PARCEL
II’’ and said point of beginning.
Said described ‘‘PARCEL II’’ contains
158,458.95 sq. ft. (3.6377 Ac.) more or
PO 00000
Frm 00067
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
PARCEL III: (WD: Bk. A49, Pg. 1687,
CWD: A96, Pg. 5080)
A certain tract of land situate within
projected Section 3, Township 9 North,
Range 1 West of the N.M.P.M, Bernalillo
County, New Mexico, being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of
the herein described ‘‘PARCEL III’’,
from which point the section corner
common to sections 3 and 4, T.9N. and
sections 33 and 34, T.10N., R.1W.,
N.M.P.M., being an aluminum stamped
cap, #11599, bears N13°59′07″ W, a
distance of 153.19 feet, thence
N05°47′23″ E, a distance of 2122.80 feet
to said section corner; Thence from
point of beginning, S89°06′35″ E, a
distance of 4928.09 feet to a point, being
a No. 5 Rebar, #11608, being the
Northeast corner of ‘‘PARCEL III’’ and
being a point on the Northerly line of
Interstate 40, frontage road (NMP 1–
040–3(31)137); Thence along said
Interstate 40 right of way line,
S74°56′46″ W, a distance of 2207.69 feet
to a point, being R/W cap 8071, #11599;
Thence southwesterly along said
Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve
(radius = 2559.05′, chord = S78°43′27″
W, a distance of 279.59 feet) delta =
6°15′47″, through an arc to the right a
distance of 279.73 feet to a point, being
R/W cap 8070, #11599; Thence along
said Interstate 40 right of way line,
S81°50′21″ W, a distance of 611.03 feet
to a point, being R/W cap 8069, #11599;
Thence along said Interstate 40 right of
way line, N84°07′23″ W, a distance of
135.22 feet to a point, being R/W cap
8068, #11599; Thence along said
Interstate 40 right of way line,
S81°50′27″ W, a distance of 66.78 feet to
a point, being R/W cap 8067, #11599;
Thence N03°27′27″ E, a distance of
63.97 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463; Thence N86°17′37″ W, a
distance of 169.91 feet to a point, being
a ‘‘spike found’’; Thence southwesterly
on a curve (radius = 1001.00′, chord =
S74°57′23″ W, a distance of 643.52 feet)
delta = 37°30′00″, through an arc to the
left a distance of 655.15 feet to a point;
Thence S53°31′18″ W, a distance of
203.50 feet to a point; Thence
southwesterly on a curve (radius =
527.00′, Chord = S65°34′34″ W, a
distance of 171.69 feet) delta =
18°45′00″, through an arc to the right a
distance of 172.46 feet to a point;
Thence S74°57′04″ W, a distance of
82.53 feet to a point; Thence N15°02′56″
W, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point;
Thence S74°58′17″ W, a distance of
100.00 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463; Thence N15°05′50″ W, a
distance of 129.77 feet to a point, being
a No. 4 Rebar, #11463; Thence
S74°58′17″ W, a distance of 146.70 feet
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 135 / Thursday, July 14, 2011 / Notices
to a point, being the Southwest corner
of ‘‘PARCEL III’’, and being a No. 4
Rebar, #11463; Thence N13°59′07″ W, a
distance of 1052.83 feet to a point, being
the Northwest corner of ‘PARCEL III’’
and said point of beginning.
Said described ‘‘PARCEL III’’ contains
2,790,987.08 sq. ft. (64.0722 Ac.) more
or less.
The above-described lands contain a
total of 99.5623 acres, more or less,
which is subject to all valid rights,
reservations, rights-of-way, and
easements of record.
This proclamation does not affect title
to the land described above, nor does it
affect any valid existing easements for
public roads and highways, public
utilities and for railroads and pipelines
and any other rights-of-way or
reservations of record.
Dated: July 7, 2011.
Larry Echo Hawk,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2011–17796 Filed 7–13–11; 8:45 am]
the Reservation by enrollment or tribal
Bay Mills Indian Community
Reservation, Michigan Meridian,
Township of Superior, Chippewa
County, Michigan
The Southwest One Quarter (SW 1⁄4)
of the Northwest One-Quarter (NW 1⁄4)
of Section 31, Township 47 North,
Range 2 West.
Title to the lands herein described
shall be subject to any existing
easements for public roads and
highways, for public utilities and for
railroads and pipelines and any other
rights-of-way of record.
The above-described lands contain a
total of 40 acres, more or less, which are
subject to all valid rights, reservations,
rights-of-way, and easements of record.
This proclamation does not affect title
to the land described above, nor does it
affect any valid existing easements for
public roads and highways, public
utilities and for railroads and pipelines
and any other rights-of-way or
reservations of record.
Dated: July 7, 2011.
Larry Echo Hawk,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
[FR Doc. 2011–17801 Filed 7–13–11; 8:45 am]
Proclaiming Certain Lands, Maier
Property, as an Addition to the Bay
Mills Indian Community of Michigan
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Notice of Reservation
Bureau of Indian Affairs
This notice informs the public
that the Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs proclaimed approximately 40
acres, more or less, to be added to the
Bay Mills Indian Community of
Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, Mail
Stop 4639–MIB, 1849 C Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
Notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by part 209 of the
Departmental Manual.
A proclamation was issued in
accordance with Section 7 of the Act of
June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986; 25 U.S.C.
467), for the land described below. The
land was proclaimed to be an addition
to and part of the Bay Mills Indian
Community of Michigan for the
exclusive use of Indians on that
Reservation who are entitled to reside at
wreier-aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
14:55 Jul 13, 2011
Jkt 223001
Proclaiming Certain Lands,
Community College Campus, as an
Addition to the Bay Mills Indian
Community of Michigan
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986; 25 U.S.C.
467), for the land described below. The
land was proclaimed to be an addition
to and part of the Bay Mills Indian
Community of Michigan for the
exclusive use of Indians on that
Reservation who are entitled to reside at
the Reservation by enrollment or tribal
Bay Mills Indian Community
Reservation; Michigan Meridian;
Township of Superior, Chippewa
County, Michigan
The Northeast One Quarter (NE 1⁄4) of
the Northeast One-Quarter (NE 1⁄4) of
Section 17, Township 46 North, Range
2 West.
Title to the lands herein described
shall be subject to any existing
easements for public roads and
highways, for public utilities and for
railroads and pipelines and any other
rights-of-way of record.
The above-described lands contain a
total of 40 acres, more or less, which are
subject to all valid rights, reservations,
rights-of-way, and easements of record.
This proclamation does not affect title
to the land described above, nor does it
affect any valid existing easements for
public roads and highways, public
utilities and for railroads and pipelines
and any other rights-of-way or
reservations of record.
Dated: July 7, 2011.
Larry Echo Hawk,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2011–17799 Filed 7–14–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Reservation
Bureau of Land Management
[LLOR957000–L631000000–HD000 HAG11–
This notice informs the public
that the Assistant Secretary—Indian
Affairs proclaimed approximately 40
acres, more or less, to be added to the
Bay Mills Indian Community of
Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, Mail
Stop 4639–MIB, 1849 C Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202)
Notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by part 209 of the
Departmental Manual.
A proclamation was issued in
accordance with Section 7 of the Act of
Filing of Plats of Survey; Oregon/
PO 00000
Frm 00068
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice.
The plats of survey of the
following described lands are scheduled
to be officially filed in the Bureau of
Land Management Oregon/Washington
State Office, Portland, Oregon, 30 days
from the date of this publication.
Willamette Meridian
T. 29 S., R. 3 W., accepted June 15, 2011.
T. 26 S., R. 7 W., accepted June 15, 2011.
T. 10 S., R. 2 E., accepted June 23, 2011.
T. 25 S., R. 3 W., accepted June 23, 2011.
T. 18 S., R. 28 E., accepted June 23 2011.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 135 (Thursday, July 14, 2011)]
[Pages 41513-41515]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-17796]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proclaiming Certain Lands, Bowlin North Property, as an Addition
to the Pueblo of Laguna Reservation, New Mexico
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Reservation Proclamation.
SUMMARY: This notice informs the public that the Assistant Secretary--
Indian Affairs proclaimed approximately 99.5623 acres, more or less, to
be added to the Pueblo of Laguna Reservation, (Laguna), New Mexico.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs,
Division of Real Estate Services, Mail Stop 4639-MIB, 1849 C Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202) 208-7737.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This Notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant
Secretary--Indian Affairs by part 209 of the Departmental Manual.
A proclamation was issued, in accordance with Section 7 of the Act
of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986; 25 U.S.C. 467), for the land described
below. The land was proclaimed to be an addition to and part of the
Laguna Reservation for the exclusive use of Indians on that reservation
who are entitled to reside at the reservation by enrollment or tribal
New Mexico Principal Meridian
Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Section 03, Township 09 North, Range 1 West, N.M.P.M.
Those certain parcels of land known as Parcels I, II, and III,
situated in projected Section 3, Township 9 North, Range 1 West,
N.M.P.M., within the Town of Atrisco Grant, in Bernalillo County, New
Mexico, more particularly described by survey filed in the office of
the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on October 19, 2007,
in Book 2007S, page 80, as Document No. 2007147071, performed by Brian
K. McClintock, New Mexico Professional Surveyor Number 11597. Said
parcels contain 99.5623 acres, more or less.
Said parcels are more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
PARCEL I: (QCD: Bk. A36, Pg. 2843, WD: A13, Pg. 2512) Tract
Lettered ``A'' of the Plat of Division of LAND OF MRS. LULA M. BRIDGES,
Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on
the plat thereof, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo
County, New Mexico on July 27, 1971 in Volume B5, Folio 192; TOGETHER
WITH A Northerly portion of the LANDS OF GEORGE T. HILL, Town of
Atrisco Grant, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and
designated on the plat thereof, filed in the office of the County Clerk
of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on February 11, 1952 in Volume A1,
Folio 099 TOGETHER WITH A certain tract of land situate within
Projected Section 3, Township 9 North, Range 1 West of the N.M.P.M.,
Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Being adjacent to the Northerly line of
said LANDS OF GEORGE T. HILL, all being more particularly described as
[[Page 41514]]
Beginning at the Southwest corner of the herein described ``PARCEL
I'', being a No. 5 Rebar, and being a point on the Northerly line of
Interstate 40, frontage road (NMP 1-040-3(31)137); Thence
N12[deg]23'20'' W, a distance of 1042.71 feet to a point, being a 1''
Iron Pipe; Thence S83[deg]57'47'' W, a distance of 101.19 feet to a
point; Thence N09[deg]07'43'' W, a distance of 640.46 feet to a point,
being the Northwest corner of ``PARCEL I''; Thence S89[deg]06'14'' E, a
distance of 915.03 feet to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar,
11463, and being the Northeast corner of ``PARCEL I''; Thence
S13[deg]59'07'' E, a distance of 1206.02 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, 11463; Thence N74[deg]58'17'' E, a distance of 146.70
feet to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, 11463; Thence
S15[deg]05'50'' E, a distance of 129.77 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, 11463; Thence S74[deg]58'17'' W, a distance of 230.00
feet to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, 11463; Thence
S15[deg]05'46'' E, a distance of 125.04 feet to a point, being the
Southeast corner of ``PARCEL I'', and being a point on the Northerly
line of Interstate I-40, frontage road (NMP 1-040-3(31)137); Thence
southwesterly along said Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve
(radius = 2414.69', chord = S75[deg]57'39'' W, a distance of 126.94
feet) delta = 3[deg]00'45'', through an arc to the right a distance of
126.95 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8060, 11599; Thence
along said Interstate 40 right of way line S77[deg]28'01'' W, a
distance of 298.81 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8059, 11599;
Thence southwesterly along said Interstate 40 right of way line on a
curve (radius = 2670.60', chord = S76[deg]10'31'' W, a distance of
121.82 feet) delta = 2[deg]36'50'', through an arc to the left a
distance of 121.83 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8058, 11599;
Thence along said Interstate 40 right of way line S74[deg]50'12'' W, a
distance of 241.61 feet to the Southwest corner of ``PARCEL I'' and
said point of beginning.
Said described PARCEL I'' contains 1,387,489.99 sq. ft. (31.8524
Ac.) more or less.
PARCEL II: (WD: Bk. 9816, Pg. 8285, WD: A13, Pg. 2512)
Tract B-1 of Plat of Tract B-1, ``LANDS OF BOWLIN'', as designated
on the plat thereof, filed in the office of the County Clerk of
Bernalillo County, New Mexico on October 5, 1993 in Volume 93C, Folio
288 records of Bernalillo County, New Mexico; EXCEPTING FROM PARCEL I
and II those portions conveyed to the New Mexico State Highway and
Transportation Department by Warranty Deeds recorded April 5th, 2000 in
Book A4, pages 2706 and 2707 as Document Nos. 2000032849 and
2000032850, records of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, all being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of the herein described ``PARCEL
II'', being a point on the Northerly line of Interstate 40, frontage
road (NMP 1-040-3(31)137); Thence N15[deg]05'46'' W, a distance of
125.04 feet to a point, being the Northwest corner of ``PARCEL II'';
Thence N74[deg]58'17'' E, a distance of 230.00 feet to a point, being a
No. 4 Rebar, 11463; Thence N74[deg]58'17'' E, a distance of
100.00 feet to a point; Thence S15[deg]02'56'' E, a distance of 10.00
feet to a point; Thence N74[deg]57'04'' E, a distance of 82.53 feet to
a point; Thence northeasterly on a curve (radius = 527.00', chord =
N65[deg]34'34'' E, a distance of 171.69 feet) delta = 18[deg]45'00'',
through an arc to the left a distance of 172.46 feet to a point; Thence
N53[deg]31'18'' E, a distance of 203.50 feet to a point; Thence
northeasterly on a curve (radius = 1001.00', chord = N74[deg] 57'23''
E, a distance of 643.52 feet) delta = 37[deg]30'00'', through an arc to
the right a distance of 655.15 feet to a point, being a ``spike
found''; Thence S86[deg]17'37'' E, a distance of 169.91 feet to a
point, being the Northeast corner of ``PARCEL II'' and also being a No.
4 Rebar, 11463; Thence S03[deg]27'27'' W, a distance of 63.97
feet to a point, being the Southeast corner of ``PARCEL II'', being a
point on the Northerly line of Interstate 40, frontage road (NMP 1-040-
3(31)137), and being R/W cap 8067, 11599; Thence along said
Interstate 40 right of way line, S81[deg]50'44'' W, a distance of 55.03
feet to a point, being R/W cap 8066, 11599; Thence
southwesterly along said Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve
(radius = 3051.18', chord = S75[deg]59'55'' W, a distance of 621.10
feet) delta = 11[deg]41'00'', through an arc to the left a distance of
622.18 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8065, 11599; Thence
along said Interstate 40 right of way line, S70[deg]09'01'' W, a
distance of 490.72 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8064, 11599;
Thence along said Interstate 40 right of way line S37[deg]06'58'' W, a
distance of 96.14 feet to a point, being R/W cap 8063, 11599;
Thence along said Interstate 40 right of way line, S70[deg]03'54'' W, a
distance of 135.04 feet to a point; Thence southwesterly along said
Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve (radius = 2414.69', chord =
S72[deg]18'48'' W, a distance of 180.45 feet) delta = 4[deg]16'57'',
through an arc to the right a distance of 180.49 feet to a point, being
the Southwest corner of ``PARCEL II'' and said point of beginning.
Said described ``PARCEL II'' contains 158,458.95 sq. ft. (3.6377
Ac.) more or less.
PARCEL III: (WD: Bk. A49, Pg. 1687, CWD: A96, Pg. 5080)
A certain tract of land situate within projected Section 3,
Township 9 North, Range 1 West of the N.M.P.M, Bernalillo County, New
Mexico, being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the herein described ``PARCEL
III'', from which point the section corner common to sections 3 and 4,
T.9N. and sections 33 and 34, T.10N., R.1W., N.M.P.M., being an
aluminum stamped cap, 11599, bears N13[deg]59'07'' W, a
distance of 153.19 feet, thence N05[deg]47'23'' E, a distance of
2122.80 feet to said section corner; Thence from point of beginning,
S89[deg]06'35'' E, a distance of 4928.09 feet to a point, being a No. 5
Rebar, 11608, being the Northeast corner of ``PARCEL III'' and
being a point on the Northerly line of Interstate 40, frontage road
(NMP 1-040-3(31)137); Thence along said Interstate 40 right of way
line, S74[deg]56'46'' W, a distance of 2207.69 feet to a point, being
R/W cap 8071, 11599; Thence southwesterly along said
Interstate 40 right of way line on a curve (radius = 2559.05', chord =
S78[deg]43'27'' W, a distance of 279.59 feet) delta = 6[deg]15'47'',
through an arc to the right a distance of 279.73 feet to a point, being
R/W cap 8070, 11599; Thence along said Interstate 40 right of
way line, S81[deg]50'21'' W, a distance of 611.03 feet to a point,
being R/W cap 8069, 11599; Thence along said Interstate 40
right of way line, N84[deg]07'23'' W, a distance of 135.22 feet to a
point, being R/W cap 8068, 11599; Thence along said Interstate
40 right of way line, S81[deg]50'27'' W, a distance of 66.78 feet to a
point, being R/W cap 8067, 11599; Thence N03[deg]27'27'' E, a
distance of 63.97 feet to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, 11463;
Thence N86[deg]17'37'' W, a distance of 169.91 feet to a point, being a
``spike found''; Thence southwesterly on a curve (radius = 1001.00',
chord = S74[deg]57'23'' W, a distance of 643.52 feet) delta =
37[deg]30'00'', through an arc to the left a distance of 655.15 feet to
a point; Thence S53[deg]31'18'' W, a distance of 203.50 feet to a
point; Thence southwesterly on a curve (radius = 527.00', Chord =
S65[deg]34'34'' W, a distance of 171.69 feet) delta = 18[deg]45'00'',
through an arc to the right a distance of 172.46 feet to a point;
Thence S74[deg]57'04'' W, a distance of 82.53 feet to a point; Thence
N15[deg]02'56'' W, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; Thence
S74[deg]58'17'' W, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point, being a No. 4
Rebar, 11463; Thence N15[deg]05'50'' W, a distance of 129.77
feet to a point, being a No. 4 Rebar, 11463; Thence
S74[deg]58'17'' W, a distance of 146.70 feet
[[Page 41515]]
to a point, being the Southwest corner of ``PARCEL III'', and being a
No. 4 Rebar, 11463; Thence N13[deg]59'07'' W, a distance of
1052.83 feet to a point, being the Northwest corner of `PARCEL III''
and said point of beginning.
Said described ``PARCEL III'' contains 2,790,987.08 sq. ft.
(64.0722 Ac.) more or less.
The above-described lands contain a total of 99.5623 acres, more or
less, which is subject to all valid rights, reservations, rights-of-
way, and easements of record.
This proclamation does not affect title to the land described
above, nor does it affect any valid existing easements for public roads
and highways, public utilities and for railroads and pipelines and any
other rights-of-way or reservations of record.
Dated: July 7, 2011.
Larry Echo Hawk,
Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2011-17796 Filed 7-13-11; 8:45 am]