Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade, 2012 Annual Report; Schedule for 2012 Report and Opportunity To Submit Information; Availability of 2011 Report, 40747-40748 [2011-17277]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 132 / Monday, July 11, 2011 / Notices
received on June 21, June 22, and June
29, 2011.
ADDRESSES: The complaints, except for
any confidential information contained
therein, is available for inspection
during official business hours (8:45 a.m.
to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Room
112, Washington, DC 20436, telephone
(202) 205–2000. Hearing impaired
individuals are advised that information
on this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons
with mobility impairments who will
need special assistance in gaining access
to the Commission should contact the
Office of the Secretary at (202) 205–
2000. General information concerning
the Commission may also be obtained
by accessing its internet server at https:// The public record for
this investigation may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
Office of Dockets Services, U.S.
International Trade Commission,
telephone (202) 205–1802.
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Authority: The authority for institution of
this investigation is contained in section 337
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and
in section 210.10 of the Commission’s Rules
of Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10
Scope of Investigation: Having
considered the complaints and letters
received, the U.S. International Trade
Commission has decided to institute
two investigations on a partially
consolidated basis, and on July 5, 2011,
Ordered that—
(1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of
section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended, an investigation be instituted
to determine whether there is a
violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of
section 337 in the importation into the
United States, the sale for importation,
or the sale within the United States after
importation of certain light-emitting
diodes and products containing same
that infringe one or more of claims 1, 3–
5, 7, 11, 13–17, 21, 27, 32, 34, 35–38,
40–44, 48, 54, 59, 61–63, 66, 67, and 69
of the ‘500 patent; 1–3, 7, 13, 18, 30, and
32 of the ‘732 patent; claims 1–9, 11, 12,
and 15–38 of the ‘162 patent; claims 1,
3, 5–10, 13–20, 25–28, and 31–35 of the
‘317 patent; claims 1–7, 9–37, 40–47,
and 50–54 of the ‘621 patent; claims 1,
3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16–19, 21, and
22 of the ‘130 patent; claims 1–6 and 9
of the ‘469 patent; claims 1–16, 19, and
20 of the ‘454 patent; and claims 1, 5,
6, 8–10, 15–17, and 20 of the ‘806
patent, and whether an industry in the
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United States exists as required by
subsection (a)(2) of section 337;
(2) For the purpose of the
investigation so instituted, the following
are hereby named as parties upon which
this notice of investigation shall be
(a) The complainant is: OSRAM
GmbH, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, 81543
Munich, Germany.
(b) The respondents are the following
entities alleged to be in violation of
section 337, and are the parties upon
which the complaint is to be served:
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 416
Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwonsi, Gyeonggi-do 443–742, Korea.
Samsung Electronics America, Inc., 85
Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, NJ
Samsung LED Co., Ltd., 206,
Cheomdansaneop Road, Yeongtonggu, Suwon City, Gyeonggi Province
443–743, Korea.
Samsung LED America, Inc., 6
Concourse Parkway NE., Atlanta, GA
LG Electronics, Inc., LG Twin Towers,
20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdungpo-gu
Seoul, 150–721, South Korea.
LG Innotek Co., Ltd., Seoul Square 20F,
Namdaemunno 5-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul,
100–714, South Korea.
LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., 1000 Sylvan
Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632.
LG Innotek U.S.A., Inc., 10225 Willow
Creek Road, San Diego, CA 92131.
(3) For the investigation so instituted,
the Honorable Paul J. Luckern, Chief
Administrative Law Judge, U.S.
International Trade Commission, shall
designate the presiding Administrative
Law Judge.
The Office of Unfair Import
Investigations will not participate as a
party in this investigation.
Responses to the complaint and the
notice of investigation must be
submitted by the named respondents in
accordance with section 210.13 of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to
19 CFR 201.16(d)-(e) and 210.13(a), such
responses will be considered by the
Commission if received not later than 20
days after the date of service by the
Commission of the complaint and the
notice of investigation. Extensions of
time for submitting responses to the
complaint and the notice of
investigation will not be granted unless
good cause therefor is shown.
Failure of a respondent to file a timely
response to each allegation in the
complaint and in this notice may be
deemed to constitute a waiver of the
right to appear and contest the
allegations of the complaint and this
PO 00000
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notice, and to authorize the
administrative law judge and the
Commission, without further notice to
the respondent, to find the facts to be as
alleged in the complaint and this notice
and to enter an initial determination
and a final determination containing
such findings, and may result in the
issuance of an exclusion order or a cease
and desist order or both directed against
the respondent.
Issued: July 6, 2011.
By order of the Commission.
James R. Holbein,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–17304 Filed 7–8–11; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 332–345]
Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade,
2012 Annual Report; Schedule for 2012
Report and Opportunity To Submit
Information; Availability of 2011 Report
United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
The Commission has
prepared and published annual reports
in this series under investigation No.
332–345 since 1996. The 2011 report is
now available from the Commission
online and in printed form. The 2012
report, which the Commission plans to
publish in July 2012, will cover crossborder trade for the period ending in
2010 and transactions by affiliates based
outside the country of their parent firm
for the period ending in 2009. The
Commission is inviting interested
members of the public to furnish
information in connection with the 2012
DATES: October 6, 2011: Deadline for
filing written submissions of
information to the Commission. July 12,
2012: Anticipated date for publishing
the report.
ADDRESSES: All Commission offices are
located in the United States
International Trade Commission
Building, 500 E St., SW., Washington,
DC. All written submissions should be
addressed to the Secretary, United
States International Trade Commission,
500 E St., SW., Washington, DC 20436.
The public record for this investigation
may be viewed on the Commission’s
electronic docket information system
(EDIS) at
Project Leader Isaac Wohl (202–205–
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 132 / Monday, July 11, 2011 / Notices
3356 or or
Services Division Chief Richard Brown
(202–205–3438 or for
information specific to this
investigation. For information on the
legal aspects of these investigations,
contact William Gearhart of the
Commission’s Office of the General
Counsel (202–205–3091 or The media
should contact Margaret O’Laughlin,
Office of External Relations (202–205–
1819 or
Hearing-impaired individuals may
obtain information on this matter by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal at 202–205–1810. General
information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its
Internet server (
Persons with mobility impairments who
will need special assistance in gaining
access to the Commission should
contact the Office of the Secretary at
Background: Under this investigation,
the Commission publishes two annual
reports, one on services trade (Recent
Trends in U.S. Services Trade), and a
second on merchandise trade (Shifts in
U.S. Merchandise Trade). The latest
version of the Commission’s Recent
Trends in U.S. Services Trade is now
available online at;
it is also available in printed form from
the Office of the Secretary at 202–205–
2000 or by fax at 202–205–2104.
The initial notice of institution of this
investigation was published in the
Federal Register on September 8, 1993
(58 FR 47287) and provided for what is
now the report on merchandise trade.
The Commission expanded the scope of
the investigation to cover services trade
in a separate report, which it announced
in a notice published in the Federal
Register on December 28, 1994 (59 FR
66974). The separate report on services
trade has been published annually since
1996, except in 2005. As in past years,
the report will summarize trade in
services in the aggregate and provide
analyses of trends and developments in
selected services industries during the
latest period for which data are
published by the U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Economic
Analysis (for the 2012 report, data for
the periods described above). The 2012
report will focus on selected
infrastructure services, alternating with
the focus of the 2011 report on
professional services.
Written Submissions: Interested
parties are invited to submit written
statements and other information
concerning the matters to be addressed
by the Commission in its report on this
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investigation. Submissions should be
addressed to the Secretary. To be
assured of consideration by the
Commission, written submissions
related to the Commission’s report
should be submitted at the earliest
practical date and should be received
not later than 5:15 pm, October 6, 2011.
All written submissions must conform
to the provisions of section 201.8 of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (19 CFR 201.8). Section 201.8
requires that a signed original (or a copy
so designated) and fourteen (14) copies
of each document be filed. In the event
that confidential treatment of a
document is requested, at least four (4)
additional copies must be filed, in
which the confidential information
must be deleted (see the following
paragraph for further information
regarding confidential business
information). The Commission’s rules
authorize filing submissions with the
Secretary by facsimile or electronic
means only to the extent permitted by
section 201.8 of the rules (see Handbook
for Electronic Filing Procedures, https://
Persons with questions regarding
electronic filing should contact the
Secretary (202–205–2000).
Any submissions that contain
confidential business information (CBI)
must also conform to the requirements
of section 201.6 of the Commission’s
Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
201.6). Section 201.6 of the rules
requires that the cover of the document
and the individual pages be clearly
marked as to whether they are the
‘‘confidential’’ or ‘‘non-confidential’’
version, and that the confidential
business information be clearly
identified by means of brackets. All
written submissions, except for
confidential business information, will
be made available for inspection by
interested parties.
The Commission intends to prepare
only a public report in this
investigation. The report that the
Commission makes available to the
public will not contain confidential
business information. Any confidential
business information received by the
Commission in this investigation and
used in preparing the report will not be
published in a manner that would
reveal the operations of the firm
supplying the information.
PO 00000
By order of the Commission.
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Issued: July 6, 2011.
James R. Holbein,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011–17277 Filed 7–8–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree
Under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
Notice is hereby given that on June
27, 2011, a proposed Consent Decree in
United States and State of Texas v.
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., et al.,
Civil Action No. 4:07–CV–3795, was
lodged with the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Texas.
In this action the United States, on
behalf of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, and
the State of Texas, on behalf of the
Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality (‘‘TCEQ’’), sought, pursuant to
Sections 107 and 113 of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability
Act (‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9607 and
9613, seeking reimbursement of
response costs incurred or to be
incurred for response actions taken at or
in connection with the release or
threatened release of hazardous
substances at three facilities located in
Webster, Texas (the ‘‘Webster Site’’),
Odessa, Texas (the ‘‘Odessa Site’’), and
Houston, Texas (the ‘‘Tavenor Site’’),
known collectively as the ‘‘Sites,’’ as
well as declaratory relief.
The United States has negotiated a
Consent Decree with defendants GE
Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corporation,
GE Healthcare Holdings Inc., and GE
Healthcare Inc. (collectively the ‘‘GE
Entities’’) to resolve the CERCLA claims.
The proposed Consent Decree resolves
the liability of the GE Entities for
response costs incurred or to be
incurred and response actions taken in
connection with the Sites. Under the
Consent Decree, the GE Entities agree to
reimburse the United States a share of
its response costs for the Sites by a
payment in the amount of $650,000.
This Consent Decree includes a
covenant not to sue by the United States
under Sections 104(e), 106, 107 and 113
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General for the
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, U.S. Department of Justice,
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 132 (Monday, July 11, 2011)]
[Pages 40747-40748]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-17277]
[Investigation No. 332-345]
Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade, 2012 Annual Report;
Schedule for 2012 Report and Opportunity To Submit Information;
Availability of 2011 Report
AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Commission has prepared and published annual reports in
this series under investigation No. 332-345 since 1996. The 2011 report
is now available from the Commission online and in printed form. The
2012 report, which the Commission plans to publish in July 2012, will
cover cross-border trade for the period ending in 2010 and transactions
by affiliates based outside the country of their parent firm for the
period ending in 2009. The Commission is inviting interested members of
the public to furnish information in connection with the 2012 report.
DATES: October 6, 2011: Deadline for filing written submissions of
information to the Commission. July 12, 2012: Anticipated date for
publishing the report.
ADDRESSES: All Commission offices are located in the United States
International Trade Commission Building, 500 E St., SW., Washington,
DC. All written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary,
United States International Trade Commission, 500 E St., SW.,
Washington, DC 20436. The public record for this investigation may be
viewed on the Commission's electronic docket information system (EDIS)
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Project Leader Isaac Wohl (202-205-
[[Page 40748]]
3356 or or Services Division Chief Richard Brown
(202-205-3438 or for information specific to
this investigation. For information on the legal aspects of these
investigations, contact William Gearhart of the Commission's Office of
the General Counsel (202-205-3091 or The
media should contact Margaret O'Laughlin, Office of External Relations
(202-205-1819 or Hearing-impaired
individuals may obtain information on this matter by contacting the
Commission's TDD terminal at 202-205-1810. General information
concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its
Internet server ( Persons with mobility
impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the
Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202-205-2000.
Background: Under this investigation, the Commission publishes two
annual reports, one on services trade (Recent Trends in U.S. Services
Trade), and a second on merchandise trade (Shifts in U.S. Merchandise
Trade). The latest version of the Commission's Recent Trends in U.S.
Services Trade is now available online at; it is
also available in printed form from the Office of the Secretary at 202-
205-2000 or by fax at 202-205-2104.
The initial notice of institution of this investigation was
published in the Federal Register on September 8, 1993 (58 FR 47287)
and provided for what is now the report on merchandise trade. The
Commission expanded the scope of the investigation to cover services
trade in a separate report, which it announced in a notice published in
the Federal Register on December 28, 1994 (59 FR 66974). The separate
report on services trade has been published annually since 1996, except
in 2005. As in past years, the report will summarize trade in services
in the aggregate and provide analyses of trends and developments in
selected services industries during the latest period for which data
are published by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
Analysis (for the 2012 report, data for the periods described above).
The 2012 report will focus on selected infrastructure services,
alternating with the focus of the 2011 report on professional services.
Written Submissions: Interested parties are invited to submit
written statements and other information concerning the matters to be
addressed by the Commission in its report on this investigation.
Submissions should be addressed to the Secretary. To be assured of
consideration by the Commission, written submissions related to the
Commission's report should be submitted at the earliest practical date
and should be received not later than 5:15 pm, October 6, 2011. All
written submissions must conform to the provisions of section 201.8 of
the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 201.8).
Section 201.8 requires that a signed original (or a copy so designated)
and fourteen (14) copies of each document be filed. In the event that
confidential treatment of a document is requested, at least four (4)
additional copies must be filed, in which the confidential information
must be deleted (see the following paragraph for further information
regarding confidential business information). The Commission's rules
authorize filing submissions with the Secretary by facsimile or
electronic means only to the extent permitted by section 201.8 of the
rules (see Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures, Persons with questions regarding
electronic filing should contact the Secretary (202-205-2000).
Any submissions that contain confidential business information
(CBI) must also conform to the requirements of section 201.6 of the
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 201.6). Section
201.6 of the rules requires that the cover of the document and the
individual pages be clearly marked as to whether they are the
``confidential'' or ``non-confidential'' version, and that the
confidential business information be clearly identified by means of
brackets. All written submissions, except for confidential business
information, will be made available for inspection by interested
The Commission intends to prepare only a public report in this
investigation. The report that the Commission makes available to the
public will not contain confidential business information. Any
confidential business information received by the Commission in this
investigation and used in preparing the report will not be published in
a manner that would reveal the operations of the firm supplying the
By order of the Commission.
Issued: July 6, 2011.
James R. Holbein,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2011-17277 Filed 7-8-11; 8:45 am]