Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: New Premium Rating Method for Most Community Rated Plans, 36857-36861 [2011-15602]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 76, No. 121
Thursday, June 23, 2011
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
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5 CFR Part 890
48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, 1632, and
RIN 3206–AM39
Federal Employees Health Benefits
Program: New Premium Rating Method
for Most Community Rated Plans
U.S. Office of Personnel
ACTION: Interim final rule with request
for comments.
The U.S. Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) is issuing an
interim final regulation amending the
Federal Employees Health Benefits
(FEHB) regulations and also the Federal
Employees Health Benefits Acquisition
Regulation (FEHBAR). This interim final
regulation replaces the procedure by
which premiums for community rated
FEHB carriers are compared with the
rates charged to a carrier’s similarly
sized subscriber groups (SSSGs). This
new procedure utilizes a medical loss
ratio (MLR) threshold, analogous to that
defined in both the Affordable Care Act
(ACA, Pub. L. 111–148) and the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) interim final regulation
published December 1, 2010 (75 FR
74864). The purpose of this interim final
rule is to replace the outdated SSSG
methodology with a more modern and
transparent calculation while still
ensuring that the FEHB is receiving a
fair rate. This will result in a more
streamlined process for plans and
increased competition and plan choice
for enrollees. The new process will
apply to all community rated plans,
except those under traditional
community rating (TCR). This new
process will be phased in over two
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years, with optional participation for
non-TCR plans in the first year.
DATES: This interim final rule is
effective July 25, 2011. Comments are
due on or before August 22, 2011.
Louise Dyer, Senior Policy Analyst,
(202) 606–0770, or by e-mail to
of Personnel Management is issuing an
interim final regulation to establish a
new rate-setting procedure for most
FEHB plans that are subject to
community rating. Currently, a carrier’s
rates for its community rated FEHB
plans are compared with the rates the
carrier charges to its similarly sized
subscriber groups (SSSGs) during a
reconciliation process in the plan year.
This interim final regulation replaces
this SSSG process with a requirement
that most community rated plans meet
an FEHB-specific medical loss ratio
(MLR) target. Plans that are required to
use traditional community rating (TCR)
per their state regulator will be exempt
from this new rate-setting procedure.
This MLR-based rate setting process will
ensure the Government and Federal
employees are receiving a fair market
rate and a good value for their premium
ACA Medical Loss Ratio Requirement
Effective for 2011, most health
insurance policies, including those
issued under FEHB, are required to meet
a medical loss ratio standard set forth in
Federal law, or pay rebates to the
individuals insured. This MLR
requirement was enacted in the ACA in
a new section 2718 of the Public Health
Service Act titled ‘‘Bringing Down the
Cost of Health Care Coverage,’’ and is
intended to control health care costs by
limiting the percentage of premium
receipts that can be used for non-claim
costs (costs for purposes other than
providing care or improving the quality
of care). The details of this ACArequired MLR formula comparing nonclaim costs to overall expenditures were
promulgated in an HHS interim final
regulation published in the Federal
Register on December 1, 2010 (75 FR
74864). Non-claim costs include plan
administration costs, marketing costs,
and profit. ACA requires that health
insurance issuers, beginning in calendar
year 2011, meet an MLR of 85% for
large groups, (i.e., non-claim costs may
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not exceed 15%. If an issuer does not
meet the MLR target, it must pay a
premium rebate.
FEHB-Specific MLR Threshold
Under this OPM regulation, in
addition to being subject to the ACArequired MLR, most FEHB community
rated plans will be required to meet an
FEHB-specific MLR threshold for the
annual rates negotiated for their federal
enrollment. This new requirement will
be included in 48 CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b)
and will be phased in over two years. If
the plan falls below the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold, the plan must pay a
subsidization penalty into a newly
established Subsidization Penalty
Account (defined in 5 CFR
890.503(c)(6)). The FEHB-specific MLR
threshold will be set in OPM’s annual
rate instructions to FEHB plans
published in the spring of each year,
rather than by regulation. If the plan has
met or exceeded the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold, there is no exchange of funds
or adjustment of premiums necessary.
This rule establishes a process, in 48
CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b), by which FEHB
community rated plans (other than
plans using TCR) will calculate and
submit the MLR for their FEHB plans.
This process will take place after the
end of the plan year and after the carrier
has calculated and submitted to HHS
the ACA-required MLR. Under this
regulation, premium rates for
community rated plans will continue to
be negotiated prior to the plan year
based on the plan’s community rating
methodology. There will continue to be
a reconciliation process starting April
30 of the plan year to update any new
information received after rates were set
but prior to January 1 of the plan year,
including book rates filed with the state.
Once SSSGs have been phased out, most
community rated plans will no longer
be required to submit SSSG information
and the reconciliation process will not
include comparison with SSSGs.
Instead of the SSSG comparison, there
will be a separate settlement with OPM
after the end of the plan year based on
the FEHB-specific MLR threshold.
OPM will base its MLR definitions on
the HHS Interim Final Rule of December
1, 2010 (75 FR 74864). However, while
the HHS MLR will be calculated as a
three-year sum, the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold will be calculated on a oneyear basis to be consistent with the
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 121 / Thursday, June 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
annual renegotiation of FEHB
premiums. The HHS interim final
regulation allows for a credibility
adjustment for the ‘‘special
circumstance of smaller plans, which do
not have sufficient experience to be
statistically valid for purposes of the
rebate provisions.’’ The FEHB-specific
MLR threshold calculation may also
include a credibility adjustment, but, if
used, the threshold will be lower, due
to the relative small size of FEHB
enrollee populations. The FEHB-specific
MLR threshold target may be different
from the ACA large group MLR of 85%.
In calculating the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold, plans will be aggregated as
defined in that year’s annual rate
instructions issued to carriers.
The use of an FEHB-specific MLR
threshold in FEHB community rate
setting will allow for the removal of
SSSGs for non-TCR plans while
preserving incentives for carriers to
provide health insurance that is
affordable and that has appropriate
controls on administrative overhead. In
recent years, there have been a declining
number of fully insured plans in the
commercial market. Carriers are
increasingly unable to find groups
similarly sized to the FEHB group for
comparison and are withdrawing from
the program as a result.
This OPM regulation requires that the
FEHB-specific MLR threshold
calculation take place after the ACArequired MLR calculation and any
rebate amounts due to the FEHB as a
result of the ACA-required calculation
will not be included in the FEHBspecific MLR threshold calculation. The
HHS interim final MLR rule requires
health insurance issuers to submit their
MLR calculation by June 1 of the year
following the MLR reporting year.
Issuers must report information related
to earned premiums and expenditures
in various categories, including
reimbursement for clinical services
provided to enrollees, activities that
improve health care quality, and all
other non-claims costs. The HHS
interim final regulation specifies that
the report will include claims incurred
in the MLR reporting year and paid
through March of the following year.
To complete the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold calculation after the carrier
calculated the ACA-required MLR,
FEHB carriers will report claims
incurred in the plan year and paid
through March 31 of the following year.
FEHB carriers will report the same
categories of information for the FEHBspecific MLR threshold calculation as
reported for the ACA-required MLR
calculation; however, the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold calculation data will be
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based only on the FEHB population of
the health plan. Data will be reported to
OPM with the rate filing for the year
following the MLR reporting year.
Specific dates for reporting MLR will be
included in the rate instructions which
are typically released in April of each
Under the current SSSG methodology,
adjustments due to SSSG discounts are
either deposited into plan-specific
contingency reserve accounts or
factored into reduced premiums for
enrollees in the following plan year.
Under this rule, if the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold calculation process
requires an FEHB carrier to pay a
subsidization penalty, it will not be
deposited into its own contingency
reserve fund but will instead be
deposited into a Subsidization Penalty
Account established in the U.S.
Treasury by OPM for this purpose.
These funds will be annually
distributed, on a pro-rata basis, to the
contingency reserves of all non-TCR
community rated plans’ contingency
Issuers failing to meet the FEHBspecific MLR threshold must make any
subsidization penalty payment within
60 days of notification of amounts due.
This payment would take place via wire
transfer, similar to the way carriers
make payments required by the current
reconciliation process. In the case of
carrier non-compliance, this interim
final rule includes authority for OPM to
garnish premium payments to the
carrier in 1632.170(a)(3).
As stipulated in Section 8910 of Title
5 of the US Code, OPM will include a
provision in contracts with carriers that
requires the carrier to:
• Furnish reasonable reports to OPM
to enable it to carry out its functions
under this chapter.
• Permit OPM and GAO to examine
records, including those from affiliates
and vendors, as may be necessary to
carry out the purpose of this chapter.
Under this regulation, the new
methodology becomes effective for all
non-TCR plans for the 2013 plan year.
For the 2012 plan year, all non-TCR
health plans have an option of either: (1)
Following the SSSG requirements as
currently stated and providing OPM the
FEHB-specific 2011 and 2012 MLR
threshold calculation by the date
specified in the 2012 annual
instructions; or (2) moving to the FEHBspecific MLR threshold calculation with
no requirement to submit SSSG
information after 2012. The FEHBspecific MLR threshold for plans
choosing the second option for 2012
will be set similar to the average MLR
of FEHB’s experience rated plans. OPM
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expects to set the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold for 2013 and beyond at a
reasonable level consistent with the
MLR that community rated plans are
currently achieving under the SSSG
mechanism, but no lower than 85
percent. For those plans that stay under
the SSSG methodology, there would be
no financial impact to the plans from
this regulation in the 2012 plan year.
Community rated FEHB plans that are
required by state law to use TCR will be
required to continue using the SSSG
There are two methods of determining
premium rates for FEHB plans:
Community rating and experiencerating. This regulatory change will
apply to those FEHB plans that are
subject to community rating. Under
current regulation, the community rated
plan premiums are compared to the
premiums of SSSGs to ensure that FEHB
receives the lowest available premium
TCR plans are those that set the same
rates for all groups in a community
regardless of the health risks and other
characteristics of any specific group.
Under TCR, an FEHB group must be
charged the same premium as all other
groups in the area that receive the same
set of benefits. Healthier groups
subsidize the less healthy groups that
use more health services. This
subsidization is by design, and the
health plan cannot adjust premiums for
a specific group to reflect the percentage
of premium revenue used for claim
costs versus administration. Therefore,
OPM believes it inappropriate to impose
an MLR-based premium rating
methodology on those FEHB plans that
use TCR. Currently, the only FEHB
plans that use TCR are those operating
in states that require it.
Under current regulations, the
premiums for community rated FEHB
plans are negotiated with OPM the
August before the plan year begins on
January 1. Those negotiated rates are
based on comparable rates offered to
other plans in the community, with
some plans adjusting for age, gender,
and health risks of the community.
Beginning in April of the plan year,
OPM conducts a reconciliation process
to update any change in rate
assumptions that occurred after rates
were set but before January 1 of the plan
year, such as new book rates filed in the
state in which the plan is issued. During
this reconciliation process, each FEHB
community rated plan determines the
two appropriate employer-based
subscriber groups that will serve as
SSSGs for comparison. If a plan has
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 121 / Thursday, June 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
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provided a discounted rate to one of the
SSSGs, the plan must match that
discount in the rate provided to FEHB.
SSSGs are defined in FEHBAR at 48
CFR 1602.170–13.
The FEHB Program has experienced a
decline in the number of participating
HMO plans in part due to concerns with
the comparison of rates to SSSGs.
OPM’s goal is to offer Federal
employees, annuitants and their
families a broad choice of health
insurance plans. To that end, where
there are significant barriers to entry or
aspects of the program that increase risk
beyond an acceptable level for carriers,
OPM is taking steps to mitigate risks
and eliminate barriers to entry.
The current methodology involving
SSSG comparison has been cited by
some health plans as creating
uncertainty and risk in the FEHB
Program. Uncertainty and risk have
increased over the years as employers
have moved away from offering fullyinsured products with community rates
for their employees. This trend has
resulted in fewer appropriately-sized
employer groups that can be used in the
SSSG calculation. Under the current
methodology, SSSGs are sometimes
much smaller than the FEHB group,
diverging from the original intent of the
regulation. There are several cases in
which FEHB groups are compared to
groups much less than half their size for
the purpose of rate determination.
Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
OPM has determined that it would be
impracticable, unnecessary, and
contrary to the public interest to delay
putting the provisions of this interim
final regulation in place until a public
notice and comment process has been
completed. Under section 553(b) of the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5
U.S.C. 551 et seq.) a general notice of
proposed rulemaking is not required
when an agency, for good cause, finds
that notice and public comment thereon
are impracticable, unnecessary, or
contrary to the public interest. FEHB
plans must be in possession of full
information about OPM’s rating
methodology prior to May 31, 2011 in
order to submit proposals for the 2012
plan year. In the absence of the option
of a new rating methodology, FEHB
plans have indicated they may
discontinue participation in FEHB.
Fewer participating FEHB plans would
constrain competition and limit choice
for FEHB enrollees. This OPM interim
final regulation was completed as
quickly as possible following the
publication of the regulatory definition
of medical loss ratio by HHS in
December 2010, upon which this rule
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relies. Further, plans have the option of
subjecting themselves to the existing
rating methodology during the 2012
plan year, should they choose to do so.
Therefore, we find good cause to waive
the notice of proposed rulemaking and
to issue this final rule on an interim
basis, including a 30-day public
comment period.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
OPM has examined the impact of this
rule as required by Executive Order
12866 (September 1993, Regulatory
Planning and Review) and Executive
Order 13563, which directs agencies to
assess all costs and benefits of available
regulatory alternatives and, if regulation
is necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public, health, and
safety effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). A regulatory impact analysis
must be prepared for major rules with
economically significant effects of $100
million or more in any one year. This
rule is not considered a major rule
because OPM estimates that premiums
paid by Federal employees and agencies
will be very similar under the old and
new payment methodologies. This rule
will be cost-neutral. OPM’s intention is
to keep FEHB premiums stable and
sustainable using this more transparent
List of Subjects
5 CFR Part 890
Government employees, Health
facilities, Health insurance, Health
professions, Hostages, Iraq, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Military personnel, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Subpart E—Contributions and
1. The authority citation for subpart E
of part 890 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; Sec. 890.303 also
issued under Sec. 50 U.S.C. 403p, 22 U.S.C.
4069c and 4069c–1; Subpart L also issued
under Sec. 599C of Public Law 101–513, 104
Stat. 2064, as amended; Sec. 890.102 also
issued under Secs. 11202(f), 11232(e),
11246(b) and (c) of Public Law 105–33, 111
Stat. 251; Sec. 721 of Public Law 105–261,
112 Stat. 2061 unless otherwise noted; Sec.
890.111 also issued under Sec. 1622(b) of
Public Law 104–106, 110 Stat. 515.
2. Add § 890.503(c)(6) to read as
§ 890.503
(c) * * *
(6) Subsidization penalty reserve. This
reserve account shall be credited with
all subsidization penalties levied against
community rated plans outlined in 48
CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b)(2). The funds in
this account shall be annually
distributed to the contingency reserves
of all community rated plans subject to
the FEHB-specific medical loss ratio
threshold on a pro-rata basis. The funds
will not be used for one specific carrier
or plan.
Subchapter A—General
48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, 1632, and
Government employees, Government
procurement, Health insurance,
Reporting and recordkeeping
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
John Berry,
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, OPM amends part 890 of title
5 CFR and chapter 16 of title 48 CFR
(FEHBAR) as follows:
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3. The authority citation for part 1602
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301.
4. § 1602.170–2(b) is revised to read as
§ 1602.170–2
Community rate.
(b) Adjusted community rate means a
community rate which has been
adjusted for expected use of medical
resources of the FEHBP group. An
adjusted community rate is a
prospective rate and cannot be
retroactively revised to reflect actual
experience, utilization, or costs of the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 121 / Thursday, June 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
FEHBP group, except as described in
§ 1615.402(c)(4).
■ 5. § 1602.170–5(b) is revised to read as
§ 1602.170–5
Cost or pricing data.
(b) Community rated carriers. Cost or
pricing data for community rated
carriers is the specialized rating data
used by carriers in computing a rate that
is appropriate for the Federal group and
similarly sized subscriber groups
(SSSGs). Such data include, but are not
limited to, capitation rates; prescription
drug, hospital, and office visit benefits
utilization data; trend data; actuarial
data; rating methodologies for other
groups; standardized presentation of the
carrier’s rating method (age, sex, etc.)
showing that the factor predicts
utilization; tiered rates information;
‘‘step-up’’ factors information;
demographics such as family size;
special benefit loading capitations; and
adjustment factors for capitation. After
the 2012 plan year, reconciled rates for
community rated carriers, other than
those required by state law to use
Traditional Community Rating (TCR),
will be required to meet an FEHBspecific medical loss ratio threshold
published annually in OPM’s rate
instructions to FEHB carriers.
■ 6. Redesignate §§ 1602.170–13
through 1602.170–15 as §§ 1602.170–14
through 1602.170–15 respectively.
■ 7. Add new § 1602.170–14 to read as
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Authority: Audit and records—5 U.S.C.
8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.
Negotiation—5 U.S.C. 8902.
8. Revise § 1615.402(c)(3) to read as
§ 1615.402
Pricing policy.
(c) * * *
(3) For plan year 2012, plans will
have the option of continuing to use the
similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG)
rating methodology described in
paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section or
using the MLR rating methodology
described in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this
section. All non-traditional community
rated (TCR) plans will be required to
submit FEHB-specific MLR information
for every year beginning with plan year
(i) Similarly sized subscriber group
(SSSG) methodology. (A) For contracts
with 1,500 or more enrollee contracts
for which the FEHB Program premiums
for the contract term will be at or above
the threshold at FAR 15.403–4(a)(1),
OPM will require the carrier to provide
the data and methodology used to
determine the FEHB Program rates.
OPM will also require the data and
methodology used to determine the
rates for the carrier’s SSSGs. The carrier
will provide cost or pricing data
required by OPM in its rate instructions
for the applicable contract period. OPM
will evaluate the data to ensure that the
rate is reasonable and consistent with
the requirements in this chapter. If
necessary, OPM may require the carrier
to provide additional documentation.
§ 1602.170–14 FEHB-specific medical loss
(B) Contracts will be subject to a
ratio threshold calculation.
(a) Medical loss ratio (MLR) means the downward price adjustment if OPM
determines that the Federal group was
ratio of plan incurred claims, including
charged more than it would have been
the issuer’s expenditures for activities
that improve health care quality, to total charged using a methodology consistent
with that used for the SSSGs. Such
premium revenue determined by OPM,
adjustments will be based on the lower
as defined by the Department of Health
of the two rates determined by using the
and Human Services.
methodology (including discounts) the
(b) The FEHB-specific MLR will be
carrier used for the two SSSGs.
calculated on an annual basis, with the
(C) FEHB Program community-rated
prior year’s ratio having no effect on the
carriers will comply with SSSG criteria
current plan year. This FEHB-specific
MLR will be measured against an FEHB- provided by OPM in the rate
instructions for the applicable contract
specific MLR threshold to be put forth
by OPM in the annual rate instruction
(ii) FEHB-specific medical loss ratio
letter to FEHB carriers.
(MLR) threshold methodology. (A) For
(c) OPM will set a credibility
contracts with 1,500 or more enrollee
adjustment to account for the special
contracts for which the FEHB Program
circumstances of small FEHB plans in
premiums for the contract term will be
annual rate instructions to carriers.
at or above the threshold at FAR
Subchapter C—Contracting Methods and
15.403–4(a)(1), OPM will require the
Contract Types
carrier to provide the data and
methodology used to determine the
FEHB Program rates. OPM will also
require the data and methodology used
to determine the medical loss ratio
■ 7. The authority citation for part 1615
(MLR) as defined in the ACA (Public
continues to read as follows:
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Law 111–148) and as defined by HHS in
implementing regulations for all FEHB
community rated plans other than those
required by state law to use Traditional
Community Rating. The carrier will
provide cost or pricing data, as well as
the FEHB-specific MLR threshold data
required by OPM in its rate instructions
for the applicable contract period. OPM
will evaluate the data to ensure that the
rate is reasonable and consistent with
the requirements in this chapter. If
necessary, OPM may require the carrier
to provide additional documentation.
(B) Contracts will be subject to a
subsidization penalty if OPM
determines that the FEHB group did not
meet the FEHB-specific MLR threshold
specified in the annual rate instruction
to carriers. Such a subsidization penalty
will be deposited into a Subsidization
Penalty Account held at the U.S.
Treasury. This Subsidization Penalty
Account will be held in common with
all community rated carriers and will be
annually distributed to the contingency
reserve accounts of all non-TCR
community rated plans on a pro-rata
(C) FEHB Program community-rated
carriers will comply with the MLR
criteria, including the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold provided by OPM in the
rate instructions for the applicable
contract period. FEHB plans that are
required by state law to use TCR are
exempt from this requirement and will
use the SSSG methodology outlined in
of this section (c)(3)(i) of this section.
■ 9. Revise § 1615.406–2 to read as
§ 1615.406–2 Certificate of accurate cost
or pricing data for community rated
The contracting officer will require a
carrier with a contract meeting the
requirements in 1615.402(c)(2) or
1615.402(c)(3) to execute the Certificate
of Accurate Cost or Pricing Data
contained in this section. A carrier with
a contract meeting the requirements in
1615.402(c)(2) will complete the
Certificate and keep it on file at the
carrier’s place of business in accordance
with 1652.204–70. A carrier with a
contract meeting the requirements in
1615.402(c)(3) will submit the
Certificate to OPM along with its rate
reconciliation, which is submitted
during the first quarter of the applicable
contract year.
(Beginning of certificate)
Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing Data
for Community-Rated Carriers
This is to certify that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief: (1)(a) The cost or
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 121 / Thursday, June 23, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
pricing data submitted (or, if not submitted,
maintained and identified by the carrier as
supporting documentation) to the
Contracting officer or the Contracting
officer’s representative or designee, in
support of the ll*FEHB Program rates
were developed in accordance with the
requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 16 and the
FEHB Program contract and are accurate,
complete, and current as of the date this
certificate is executed; and (b) the
methodology used to determine the FEHB
Program rates is consistent with the
methodology used to determine the rates for
the carrier’s Similarly Sized Subscriber
Groups if complying with § 1602.170–13a.
(c) The determination of the carrier’s
FEHB-specific medical loss ratio for ** is
accurate, complete, and consistent with the
methodology as stated in § 1615.402(c)(3)(b)
if complying with § 1602.170–13b.
* Insert the year for which the rates apply.
Normally, this will be the year for which the
rates are being reconciled.
** Insert the year for which the MLR
calculation applies. Normally, this will be
the year before the year being reconciled.
Firm: llllllllllllllllll
Name: lllllllllllllllll
Signature: llllllllllllllll
Date of Execution llllllllllll
(End of certificate)
Subchapter E—General Contracting
10. The authority citation for part
1632 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301.
11. Add § 1632.170(a)(3) to read as
§ 1632.170 Recurring premium payments
to carriers.
(a) * * *
(3) Any subsidization penalty levied
against a community rated plan as
outlined in 48 CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(ii)(B)
must be paid within 60 days from
notification. If payment is not received
within the 60 day period, OPM will
withhold from the community rated
carriers the periodic premium payment
payable until fully recovered. OPM will
deposit the withheld funds in the
subsidization penalty reserve described
in 5 CFR 890.503(c)(6).
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES
Subchapter H—Clauses and Forms
12. The authority citation for part
1652 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:03 Jun 22, 2011
Jkt 223001
13. Revise 1652.216–70(b)(2) though
(b)(5) as follows:
§ 1652.216–70
Accounting and price
(b) * * *
(2) The subscription rates agreed to in
this contract shall be based on
paragraphs (b)(2)(i) or (ii) of this clause.
Effective January 1, 2013 all community
rated plans must base their rating
methodology on the medical loss ratio
(MLR) threshold described in paragraph
(b)(2)(i) of this clause unless traditional
community rating is mandated in the
state where they are domiciled:
(i) The subscription rates agreed to in
this contract shall meet the FEHBspecific MLR threshold as defined in
FEHBAR 1602.170–13b. The ratio of a
plan’s incurred claims, including the
issuer’s expenditures for activities that
improve health care quality, to total
premium revenue shall not be lower
than the FEHB-specific MLR threshold
published annually by OPM in its rate
(ii) The subscription rates agreed to in
this contract shall be equivalent to the
subscription rates given to the carrier’s
similarly sized subscriber groups
(SSSGs) as defined in FEHBAR
1602.170–13a. The subscription rates
shall be determined according to the
carrier’s established policy, which must
be applied consistently to the FEHBP
and to the carrier’s SSSGs. If an SSSG
receives a rate lower than that
determined according to the carrier’s
established policy, it is considered a
discount. The FEHBP must receive a
discount equal to or greater than the
carrier’s largest SSSG discount.
(3) If the rates are determined by
SSSG comparison, then:
(i) If, at the time of the rate
reconciliation, the subscription rates are
found to be lower than the equivalent
rates for the lower of the two SSSGs, the
carrier may include an adjustment to the
Federal group’s rates for the next
contract period, except as noted in
paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
(ii) If, at the time of the rate
reconciliation, the subscription rates are
found to be higher than the equivalent
rates for the lower of the two SSSGs, the
carrier shall reimburse the Fund, for
example, by reducing the FEHB rates for
the next contract term to reflect the
difference between the estimated rates
and the rates which are derived using
the methodology of the lower rated
SSSG, except as noted in paragraph
(b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
(iii) Carriers may provide additional
guaranteed discounts to the FEHBP that
are not given to SSSGs. Any such
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
guaranteed discounts must be clearly
identified as guaranteed discounts. After
the beginning of the contract year for
which the rates are set, these guaranteed
FEHBP discounts may not be adjusted.
(4) If rates are determined by
comparison with the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold, then if the MLR for the
carrier’s FEHB plan is found to be lower
than the published FEHB-specific MLR
threshold, the carrier must pay a
subsidization penalty into a
subsidization penalty account.
(5) The following apply to community
rated plans, regardless of the rating
(i) No upward adjustment in the rate
established for this contract will be
allowed or considered by the
Government or will be made by the
Carrier in this or in any other contract
period on the basis of actual costs
incurred, actual benefits provided, or
actual size or composition of the FEHBP
group during this contract period.
(ii) For contract years beginning on or
after January 1, 2009, in the event this
contract is not renewed, the final rate
reconciliation will be performed. The
carrier must promptly pay any amount
owed to OPM. Any amount recoverable
by the carrier is limited to the amount
in the contingency reserve for the
terminating plan as of December 31 of
the terminating year.
(iii) Carriers may not impose
surcharges (loadings not defined based
on an established rating method) on the
FEHBP subscription rates or use
surcharges in the rate reconciliation
process in any circumstance.
[FR Doc. 2011–15602 Filed 6–22–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. NM447; Special Conditions No.
Special Conditions: Gulfstream Model
GVI Airplane; Electronic Systems
Security Isolation or Protection From
Unauthorized Passenger Systems
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special conditions.
These special conditions are
issued for the Gulfstream GVI airplane.
This airplane will have novel or
unusual design features associated with
connectivity of the passenger domain
computer systems to the airplane
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 121 (Thursday, June 23, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 36857-36861]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-15602]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 121 / Thursday, June 23, 2011 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 36857]]
5 CFR Part 890
48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, 1632, and 1652
RIN 3206-AM39
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: New Premium Rating
Method for Most Community Rated Plans
AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comments.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing an
interim final regulation amending the Federal Employees Health Benefits
(FEHB) regulations and also the Federal Employees Health Benefits
Acquisition Regulation (FEHBAR). This interim final regulation replaces
the procedure by which premiums for community rated FEHB carriers are
compared with the rates charged to a carrier's similarly sized
subscriber groups (SSSGs). This new procedure utilizes a medical loss
ratio (MLR) threshold, analogous to that defined in both the Affordable
Care Act (ACA, Pub. L. 111-148) and the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) interim final regulation published December 1, 2010 (75
FR 74864). The purpose of this interim final rule is to replace the
outdated SSSG methodology with a more modern and transparent
calculation while still ensuring that the FEHB is receiving a fair
rate. This will result in a more streamlined process for plans and
increased competition and plan choice for enrollees. The new process
will apply to all community rated plans, except those under traditional
community rating (TCR). This new process will be phased in over two
years, with optional participation for non-TCR plans in the first year.
DATES: This interim final rule is effective July 25, 2011. Comments are
due on or before August 22, 2011.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Louise Dyer, Senior Policy Analyst,
(202) 606-0770, or by e-mail to Louise.Dyer@opm.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office of Personnel Management is
issuing an interim final regulation to establish a new rate-setting
procedure for most FEHB plans that are subject to community rating.
Currently, a carrier's rates for its community rated FEHB plans are
compared with the rates the carrier charges to its similarly sized
subscriber groups (SSSGs) during a reconciliation process in the plan
year. This interim final regulation replaces this SSSG process with a
requirement that most community rated plans meet an FEHB-specific
medical loss ratio (MLR) target. Plans that are required to use
traditional community rating (TCR) per their state regulator will be
exempt from this new rate-setting procedure. This MLR-based rate
setting process will ensure the Government and Federal employees are
receiving a fair market rate and a good value for their premium
ACA Medical Loss Ratio Requirement
Effective for 2011, most health insurance policies, including those
issued under FEHB, are required to meet a medical loss ratio standard
set forth in Federal law, or pay rebates to the individuals insured.
This MLR requirement was enacted in the ACA in a new section 2718 of
the Public Health Service Act titled ``Bringing Down the Cost of Health
Care Coverage,'' and is intended to control health care costs by
limiting the percentage of premium receipts that can be used for non-
claim costs (costs for purposes other than providing care or improving
the quality of care). The details of this ACA-required MLR formula
comparing non-claim costs to overall expenditures were promulgated in
an HHS interim final regulation published in the Federal Register on
December 1, 2010 (75 FR 74864). Non-claim costs include plan
administration costs, marketing costs, and profit. ACA requires that
health insurance issuers, beginning in calendar year 2011, meet an MLR
of 85% for large groups, (i.e., non-claim costs may not exceed 15%. If
an issuer does not meet the MLR target, it must pay a premium rebate.
FEHB-Specific MLR Threshold
Under this OPM regulation, in addition to being subject to the ACA-
required MLR, most FEHB community rated plans will be required to meet
an FEHB-specific MLR threshold for the annual rates negotiated for
their federal enrollment. This new requirement will be included in 48
CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b) and will be phased in over two years. If the plan
falls below the FEHB-specific MLR threshold, the plan must pay a
subsidization penalty into a newly established Subsidization Penalty
Account (defined in 5 CFR 890.503(c)(6)). The FEHB-specific MLR
threshold will be set in OPM's annual rate instructions to FEHB plans
published in the spring of each year, rather than by regulation. If the
plan has met or exceeded the FEHB-specific MLR threshold, there is no
exchange of funds or adjustment of premiums necessary.
This rule establishes a process, in 48 CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b), by
which FEHB community rated plans (other than plans using TCR) will
calculate and submit the MLR for their FEHB plans. This process will
take place after the end of the plan year and after the carrier has
calculated and submitted to HHS the ACA-required MLR. Under this
regulation, premium rates for community rated plans will continue to be
negotiated prior to the plan year based on the plan's community rating
methodology. There will continue to be a reconciliation process
starting April 30 of the plan year to update any new information
received after rates were set but prior to January 1 of the plan year,
including book rates filed with the state. Once SSSGs have been phased
out, most community rated plans will no longer be required to submit
SSSG information and the reconciliation process will not include
comparison with SSSGs. Instead of the SSSG comparison, there will be a
separate settlement with OPM after the end of the plan year based on
the FEHB-specific MLR threshold.
OPM will base its MLR definitions on the HHS Interim Final Rule of
December 1, 2010 (75 FR 74864). However, while the HHS MLR will be
calculated as a three-year sum, the FEHB-specific MLR threshold will be
calculated on a one-year basis to be consistent with the
[[Page 36858]]
annual renegotiation of FEHB premiums. The HHS interim final regulation
allows for a credibility adjustment for the ``special circumstance of
smaller plans, which do not have sufficient experience to be
statistically valid for purposes of the rebate provisions.'' The FEHB-
specific MLR threshold calculation may also include a credibility
adjustment, but, if used, the threshold will be lower, due to the
relative small size of FEHB enrollee populations. The FEHB-specific MLR
threshold target may be different from the ACA large group MLR of 85%.
In calculating the FEHB-specific MLR threshold, plans will be
aggregated as defined in that year's annual rate instructions issued to
The use of an FEHB-specific MLR threshold in FEHB community rate
setting will allow for the removal of SSSGs for non-TCR plans while
preserving incentives for carriers to provide health insurance that is
affordable and that has appropriate controls on administrative
overhead. In recent years, there have been a declining number of fully
insured plans in the commercial market. Carriers are increasingly
unable to find groups similarly sized to the FEHB group for comparison
and are withdrawing from the program as a result.
This OPM regulation requires that the FEHB-specific MLR threshold
calculation take place after the ACA-required MLR calculation and any
rebate amounts due to the FEHB as a result of the ACA-required
calculation will not be included in the FEHB-specific MLR threshold
calculation. The HHS interim final MLR rule requires health insurance
issuers to submit their MLR calculation by June 1 of the year following
the MLR reporting year. Issuers must report information related to
earned premiums and expenditures in various categories, including
reimbursement for clinical services provided to enrollees, activities
that improve health care quality, and all other non-claims costs. The
HHS interim final regulation specifies that the report will include
claims incurred in the MLR reporting year and paid through March of the
following year.
To complete the FEHB-specific MLR threshold calculation after the
carrier calculated the ACA-required MLR, FEHB carriers will report
claims incurred in the plan year and paid through March 31 of the
following year. FEHB carriers will report the same categories of
information for the FEHB-specific MLR threshold calculation as reported
for the ACA-required MLR calculation; however, the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold calculation data will be based only on the FEHB population of
the health plan. Data will be reported to OPM with the rate filing for
the year following the MLR reporting year. Specific dates for reporting
MLR will be included in the rate instructions which are typically
released in April of each year.
Under the current SSSG methodology, adjustments due to SSSG
discounts are either deposited into plan-specific contingency reserve
accounts or factored into reduced premiums for enrollees in the
following plan year. Under this rule, if the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold calculation process requires an FEHB carrier to pay a
subsidization penalty, it will not be deposited into its own
contingency reserve fund but will instead be deposited into a
Subsidization Penalty Account established in the U.S. Treasury by OPM
for this purpose. These funds will be annually distributed, on a pro-
rata basis, to the contingency reserves of all non-TCR community rated
plans' contingency reserves.
Issuers failing to meet the FEHB-specific MLR threshold must make
any subsidization penalty payment within 60 days of notification of
amounts due. This payment would take place via wire transfer, similar
to the way carriers make payments required by the current
reconciliation process. In the case of carrier non-compliance, this
interim final rule includes authority for OPM to garnish premium
payments to the carrier in 1632.170(a)(3).
As stipulated in Section 8910 of Title 5 of the US Code, OPM will
include a provision in contracts with carriers that requires the
carrier to:
Furnish reasonable reports to OPM to enable it to carry
out its functions under this chapter.
Permit OPM and GAO to examine records, including those
from affiliates and vendors, as may be necessary to carry out the
purpose of this chapter.
Under this regulation, the new methodology becomes effective for
all non-TCR plans for the 2013 plan year. For the 2012 plan year, all
non-TCR health plans have an option of either: (1) Following the SSSG
requirements as currently stated and providing OPM the FEHB-specific
2011 and 2012 MLR threshold calculation by the date specified in the
2012 annual instructions; or (2) moving to the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold calculation with no requirement to submit SSSG information
after 2012. The FEHB-specific MLR threshold for plans choosing the
second option for 2012 will be set similar to the average MLR of FEHB's
experience rated plans. OPM expects to set the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold for 2013 and beyond at a reasonable level consistent with the
MLR that community rated plans are currently achieving under the SSSG
mechanism, but no lower than 85 percent. For those plans that stay
under the SSSG methodology, there would be no financial impact to the
plans from this regulation in the 2012 plan year. Community rated FEHB
plans that are required by state law to use TCR will be required to
continue using the SSSG methodology.
There are two methods of determining premium rates for FEHB plans:
Community rating and experience-rating. This regulatory change will
apply to those FEHB plans that are subject to community rating. Under
current regulation, the community rated plan premiums are compared to
the premiums of SSSGs to ensure that FEHB receives the lowest available
premium rate.
TCR plans are those that set the same rates for all groups in a
community regardless of the health risks and other characteristics of
any specific group. Under TCR, an FEHB group must be charged the same
premium as all other groups in the area that receive the same set of
benefits. Healthier groups subsidize the less healthy groups that use
more health services. This subsidization is by design, and the health
plan cannot adjust premiums for a specific group to reflect the
percentage of premium revenue used for claim costs versus
administration. Therefore, OPM believes it inappropriate to impose an
MLR-based premium rating methodology on those FEHB plans that use TCR.
Currently, the only FEHB plans that use TCR are those operating in
states that require it.
Under current regulations, the premiums for community rated FEHB
plans are negotiated with OPM the August before the plan year begins on
January 1. Those negotiated rates are based on comparable rates offered
to other plans in the community, with some plans adjusting for age,
gender, and health risks of the community. Beginning in April of the
plan year, OPM conducts a reconciliation process to update any change
in rate assumptions that occurred after rates were set but before
January 1 of the plan year, such as new book rates filed in the state
in which the plan is issued. During this reconciliation process, each
FEHB community rated plan determines the two appropriate employer-based
subscriber groups that will serve as SSSGs for comparison. If a plan
[[Page 36859]]
provided a discounted rate to one of the SSSGs, the plan must match
that discount in the rate provided to FEHB. SSSGs are defined in FEHBAR
at 48 CFR 1602.170-13.
The FEHB Program has experienced a decline in the number of
participating HMO plans in part due to concerns with the comparison of
rates to SSSGs. OPM's goal is to offer Federal employees, annuitants
and their families a broad choice of health insurance plans. To that
end, where there are significant barriers to entry or aspects of the
program that increase risk beyond an acceptable level for carriers, OPM
is taking steps to mitigate risks and eliminate barriers to entry.
The current methodology involving SSSG comparison has been cited by
some health plans as creating uncertainty and risk in the FEHB Program.
Uncertainty and risk have increased over the years as employers have
moved away from offering fully-insured products with community rates
for their employees. This trend has resulted in fewer appropriately-
sized employer groups that can be used in the SSSG calculation. Under
the current methodology, SSSGs are sometimes much smaller than the FEHB
group, diverging from the original intent of the regulation. There are
several cases in which FEHB groups are compared to groups much less
than half their size for the purpose of rate determination.
Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
OPM has determined that it would be impracticable, unnecessary, and
contrary to the public interest to delay putting the provisions of this
interim final regulation in place until a public notice and comment
process has been completed. Under section 553(b) of the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) a general notice of proposed
rulemaking is not required when an agency, for good cause, finds that
notice and public comment thereon are impracticable, unnecessary, or
contrary to the public interest. FEHB plans must be in possession of
full information about OPM's rating methodology prior to May 31, 2011
in order to submit proposals for the 2012 plan year. In the absence of
the option of a new rating methodology, FEHB plans have indicated they
may discontinue participation in FEHB. Fewer participating FEHB plans
would constrain competition and limit choice for FEHB enrollees. This
OPM interim final regulation was completed as quickly as possible
following the publication of the regulatory definition of medical loss
ratio by HHS in December 2010, upon which this rule relies. Further,
plans have the option of subjecting themselves to the existing rating
methodology during the 2012 plan year, should they choose to do so.
Therefore, we find good cause to waive the notice of proposed
rulemaking and to issue this final rule on an interim basis, including
a 30-day public comment period.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
OPM has examined the impact of this rule as required by Executive
Order 12866 (September 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review) and
Executive Order 13563, which directs agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic, environmental, public, health, and
safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). A regulatory impact
analysis must be prepared for major rules with economically significant
effects of $100 million or more in any one year. This rule is not
considered a major rule because OPM estimates that premiums paid by
Federal employees and agencies will be very similar under the old and
new payment methodologies. This rule will be cost-neutral. OPM's
intention is to keep FEHB premiums stable and sustainable using this
more transparent methodology.
List of Subjects
5 CFR Part 890
Government employees, Health facilities, Health insurance, Health
professions, Hostages, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Military personnel,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Retirement.
48 CFR Parts 1602, 1615, 1632, and 1652
Government employees, Government procurement, Health insurance,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
John Berry,
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, OPM amends part 890 of
title 5 CFR and chapter 16 of title 48 CFR (FEHBAR) as follows:
Subpart E--Contributions and Withholdings
1. The authority citation for subpart E of part 890 continues to read
as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; Sec. 890.303 also issued under Sec. 50
U.S.C. 403p, 22 U.S.C. 4069c and 4069c-1; Subpart L also issued
under Sec. 599C of Public Law 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064, as amended;
Sec. 890.102 also issued under Secs. 11202(f), 11232(e), 11246(b)
and (c) of Public Law 105-33, 111 Stat. 251; Sec. 721 of Public Law
105-261, 112 Stat. 2061 unless otherwise noted; Sec. 890.111 also
issued under Sec. 1622(b) of Public Law 104-106, 110 Stat. 515.
2. Add Sec. 890.503(c)(6) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.503 Reserves.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(6) Subsidization penalty reserve. This reserve account shall be
credited with all subsidization penalties levied against community
rated plans outlined in 48 CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(b)(2). The funds in this
account shall be annually distributed to the contingency reserves of
all community rated plans subject to the FEHB-specific medical loss
ratio threshold on a pro-rata basis. The funds will not be used for one
specific carrier or plan.
Subchapter A--General
3. The authority citation for part 1602 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.
4. Sec. 1602.170-2(b) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 1602.170-2 Community rate.
* * * * *
(b) Adjusted community rate means a community rate which has been
adjusted for expected use of medical resources of the FEHBP group. An
adjusted community rate is a prospective rate and cannot be
retroactively revised to reflect actual experience, utilization, or
costs of the
[[Page 36860]]
FEHBP group, except as described in Sec. 1615.402(c)(4).
5. Sec. 1602.170-5(b) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 1602.170-5 Cost or pricing data.
* * * * *
(b) Community rated carriers. Cost or pricing data for community
rated carriers is the specialized rating data used by carriers in
computing a rate that is appropriate for the Federal group and
similarly sized subscriber groups (SSSGs). Such data include, but are
not limited to, capitation rates; prescription drug, hospital, and
office visit benefits utilization data; trend data; actuarial data;
rating methodologies for other groups; standardized presentation of the
carrier's rating method (age, sex, etc.) showing that the factor
predicts utilization; tiered rates information; ``step-up'' factors
information; demographics such as family size; special benefit loading
capitations; and adjustment factors for capitation. After the 2012 plan
year, reconciled rates for community rated carriers, other than those
required by state law to use Traditional Community Rating (TCR), will
be required to meet an FEHB-specific medical loss ratio threshold
published annually in OPM's rate instructions to FEHB carriers.
6. Redesignate Sec. Sec. 1602.170-13 through 1602.170-15 as Sec. Sec.
1602.170-14 through 1602.170-15 respectively.
7. Add new Sec. 1602.170-14 to read as follows:
Sec. 1602.170-14 FEHB-specific medical loss ratio threshold
(a) Medical loss ratio (MLR) means the ratio of plan incurred
claims, including the issuer's expenditures for activities that improve
health care quality, to total premium revenue determined by OPM, as
defined by the Department of Health and Human Services.
(b) The FEHB-specific MLR will be calculated on an annual basis,
with the prior year's ratio having no effect on the current plan year.
This FEHB-specific MLR will be measured against an FEHB-specific MLR
threshold to be put forth by OPM in the annual rate instruction letter
to FEHB carriers.
(c) OPM will set a credibility adjustment to account for the
special circumstances of small FEHB plans in annual rate instructions
to carriers.
Subchapter C--Contracting Methods and Contract Types
7. The authority citation for part 1615 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Audit and records--5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301. Negotiation--5 U.S.C. 8902.
8. Revise Sec. 1615.402(c)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 1615.402 Pricing policy.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(3) For plan year 2012, plans will have the option of continuing to
use the similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG) rating methodology
described in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section or using the MLR
rating methodology described in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section.
All non-traditional community rated (TCR) plans will be required to
submit FEHB-specific MLR information for every year beginning with plan
year 2011.
(i) Similarly sized subscriber group (SSSG) methodology. (A) For
contracts with 1,500 or more enrollee contracts for which the FEHB
Program premiums for the contract term will be at or above the
threshold at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), OPM will require the carrier to
provide the data and methodology used to determine the FEHB Program
rates. OPM will also require the data and methodology used to determine
the rates for the carrier's SSSGs. The carrier will provide cost or
pricing data required by OPM in its rate instructions for the
applicable contract period. OPM will evaluate the data to ensure that
the rate is reasonable and consistent with the requirements in this
chapter. If necessary, OPM may require the carrier to provide
additional documentation.
(B) Contracts will be subject to a downward price adjustment if OPM
determines that the Federal group was charged more than it would have
been charged using a methodology consistent with that used for the
SSSGs. Such adjustments will be based on the lower of the two rates
determined by using the methodology (including discounts) the carrier
used for the two SSSGs.
(C) FEHB Program community-rated carriers will comply with SSSG
criteria provided by OPM in the rate instructions for the applicable
contract period.
(ii) FEHB-specific medical loss ratio (MLR) threshold methodology.
(A) For contracts with 1,500 or more enrollee contracts for which the
FEHB Program premiums for the contract term will be at or above the
threshold at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), OPM will require the carrier to
provide the data and methodology used to determine the FEHB Program
rates. OPM will also require the data and methodology used to determine
the medical loss ratio (MLR) as defined in the ACA (Public Law 111-148)
and as defined by HHS in implementing regulations for all FEHB
community rated plans other than those required by state law to use
Traditional Community Rating. The carrier will provide cost or pricing
data, as well as the FEHB-specific MLR threshold data required by OPM
in its rate instructions for the applicable contract period. OPM will
evaluate the data to ensure that the rate is reasonable and consistent
with the requirements in this chapter. If necessary, OPM may require
the carrier to provide additional documentation.
(B) Contracts will be subject to a subsidization penalty if OPM
determines that the FEHB group did not meet the FEHB-specific MLR
threshold specified in the annual rate instruction to carriers. Such a
subsidization penalty will be deposited into a Subsidization Penalty
Account held at the U.S. Treasury. This Subsidization Penalty Account
will be held in common with all community rated carriers and will be
annually distributed to the contingency reserve accounts of all non-TCR
community rated plans on a pro-rata basis.
(C) FEHB Program community-rated carriers will comply with the MLR
criteria, including the FEHB-specific MLR threshold provided by OPM in
the rate instructions for the applicable contract period. FEHB plans
that are required by state law to use TCR are exempt from this
requirement and will use the SSSG methodology outlined in of this
section (c)(3)(i) of this section.
* * * * *
9. Revise Sec. 1615.406-2 to read as follows:
Sec. 1615.406-2 Certificate of accurate cost or pricing data for
community rated carriers.
The contracting officer will require a carrier with a contract
meeting the requirements in 1615.402(c)(2) or 1615.402(c)(3) to execute
the Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing Data contained in this
section. A carrier with a contract meeting the requirements in
1615.402(c)(2) will complete the Certificate and keep it on file at the
carrier's place of business in accordance with 1652.204-70. A carrier
with a contract meeting the requirements in 1615.402(c)(3) will submit
the Certificate to OPM along with its rate reconciliation, which is
submitted during the first quarter of the applicable contract year.
(Beginning of certificate)
Certificate of Accurate Cost or Pricing Data for Community-Rated
This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief:
(1)(a) The cost or
[[Page 36861]]
pricing data submitted (or, if not submitted, maintained and
identified by the carrier as supporting documentation) to the
Contracting officer or the Contracting officer's representative or
designee, in support of the ----*FEHB Program rates were developed
in accordance with the requirements of 48 CFR Chapter 16 and the
FEHB Program contract and are accurate, complete, and current as of
the date this certificate is executed; and (b) the methodology used
to determine the FEHB Program rates is consistent with the
methodology used to determine the rates for the carrier's Similarly
Sized Subscriber Groups if complying with Sec. 1602.170-13a.
(c) The determination of the carrier's FEHB-specific medical
loss ratio for ** is accurate, complete, and consistent with the
methodology as stated in Sec. 1615.402(c)(3)(b) if complying with
Sec. 1602.170-13b.
* Insert the year for which the rates apply. Normally, this will
be the year for which the rates are being reconciled.
** Insert the year for which the MLR calculation applies.
Normally, this will be the year before the year being reconciled.
Date of Execution------------------------------------------------------
(End of certificate)
Subchapter E--General Contracting Requirements
10. The authority citation for part 1632 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.
11. Add Sec. 1632.170(a)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 1632.170 Recurring premium payments to carriers.
(a) * * *
(3) Any subsidization penalty levied against a community rated plan
as outlined in 48 CFR 1615.402(c)(3)(ii)(B) must be paid within 60 days
from notification. If payment is not received within the 60 day period,
OPM will withhold from the community rated carriers the periodic
premium payment payable until fully recovered. OPM will deposit the
withheld funds in the subsidization penalty reserve described in 5 CFR
* * * * *
Subchapter H--Clauses and Forms
12. The authority citation for part 1652 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301.
13. Revise 1652.216-70(b)(2) though (b)(5) as follows:
Sec. 1652.216-70 Accounting and price adjustment.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) The subscription rates agreed to in this contract shall be
based on paragraphs (b)(2)(i) or (ii) of this clause. Effective January
1, 2013 all community rated plans must base their rating methodology on
the medical loss ratio (MLR) threshold described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)
of this clause unless traditional community rating is mandated in the
state where they are domiciled:
(i) The subscription rates agreed to in this contract shall meet
the FEHB-specific MLR threshold as defined in FEHBAR 1602.170-13b. The
ratio of a plan's incurred claims, including the issuer's expenditures
for activities that improve health care quality, to total premium
revenue shall not be lower than the FEHB-specific MLR threshold
published annually by OPM in its rate instructions.
(ii) The subscription rates agreed to in this contract shall be
equivalent to the subscription rates given to the carrier's similarly
sized subscriber groups (SSSGs) as defined in FEHBAR 1602.170-13a. The
subscription rates shall be determined according to the carrier's
established policy, which must be applied consistently to the FEHBP and
to the carrier's SSSGs. If an SSSG receives a rate lower than that
determined according to the carrier's established policy, it is
considered a discount. The FEHBP must receive a discount equal to or
greater than the carrier's largest SSSG discount.
(3) If the rates are determined by SSSG comparison, then:
(i) If, at the time of the rate reconciliation, the subscription
rates are found to be lower than the equivalent rates for the lower of
the two SSSGs, the carrier may include an adjustment to the Federal
group's rates for the next contract period, except as noted in
paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
(ii) If, at the time of the rate reconciliation, the subscription
rates are found to be higher than the equivalent rates for the lower of
the two SSSGs, the carrier shall reimburse the Fund, for example, by
reducing the FEHB rates for the next contract term to reflect the
difference between the estimated rates and the rates which are derived
using the methodology of the lower rated SSSG, except as noted in
paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this clause.
(iii) Carriers may provide additional guaranteed discounts to the
FEHBP that are not given to SSSGs. Any such guaranteed discounts must
be clearly identified as guaranteed discounts. After the beginning of
the contract year for which the rates are set, these guaranteed FEHBP
discounts may not be adjusted.
(4) If rates are determined by comparison with the FEHB-specific
MLR threshold, then if the MLR for the carrier's FEHB plan is found to
be lower than the published FEHB-specific MLR threshold, the carrier
must pay a subsidization penalty into a subsidization penalty account.
(5) The following apply to community rated plans, regardless of the
rating methodology:
(i) No upward adjustment in the rate established for this contract
will be allowed or considered by the Government or will be made by the
Carrier in this or in any other contract period on the basis of actual
costs incurred, actual benefits provided, or actual size or composition
of the FEHBP group during this contract period.
(ii) For contract years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, in
the event this contract is not renewed, the final rate reconciliation
will be performed. The carrier must promptly pay any amount owed to
OPM. Any amount recoverable by the carrier is limited to the amount in
the contingency reserve for the terminating plan as of December 31 of
the terminating year.
(iii) Carriers may not impose surcharges (loadings not defined
based on an established rating method) on the FEHBP subscription rates
or use surcharges in the rate reconciliation process in any
[FR Doc. 2011-15602 Filed 6-22-11; 8:45 am]