Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation Pilot Idea Template, 32375-32377 [2011-13892]
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jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 108 / Monday, June 6, 2011 / Notices
Visitors’ Entrance, at 3rd and C Streets,
NW., and pass through Building
Security. Attendees must have valid
government-issued photo identification
to enter the building. Please contact Ms.
Crawford for additional information
about building security measures for
attending the NACOSH and NACOSH
subgroup meetings.
Individuals needing special
accommodations to attend NACOSH
and NACOSH subgroup meetings
should contact Ms. Chatmon.
Submission of Written Comments,
Requests to Speak and Speaker
Presentations: Interested parties may
submit written comments, requests to
speak at the NACOSH meeting and
speaker presentations by June 16, 2011,
using one of the methods listed in the
ADDRESSES section. All submissions
must include the Agency name and
docket number for this Federal Register
notice (Docket No. OSHA–2011–0065).
OSHA will provide submissions to
NACOSH members prior to the meeting.
Requests to speak must state the
amount of time requested to speak, the
interest the individual represents (e.g.,
organization name), if any, and a brief
outline of the presentation. Electronic
speaker presentations (e.g., PowerPoint)
must be compatible with PowerPoint
2003 and other Microsoft 2003 formats.
Requests to address NACOSH may be
granted as time permits and at the
discretion of the NACOSH chair.
Because of security-related
procedures, submission by regular mail
may result in significant delay in
receipt. Please contact the OSHA Docket
Office for information about security
procedures for making submissions by
hand delivery, express delivery,
messenger or courier service.
Public Docket of the NACOSH
Meeting: Comments, requests to speak
and speaker presentations, including
any personal information you provide,
are placed in the public docket of this
NACOSH meeting without change and
may be available online at https:// Therefore, OSHA
cautions you about submitting certain
personal information such as social
security numbers and birthdates.
Meeting transcripts and minutes,
subgroup reports and other documents
from the NACOSH meeting also are
included in the public record of the
NACOSH meeting. Although all
submissions are listed in the https:// index, some
documents (e.g., copyrighted materials)
are not publicly available to read or
download through that webpage. All
submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
and copying at the OSHA Docket Office.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:06 Jun 03, 2011
Jkt 223001
To read or download documents in
the public docket of this NACOSH
meeting go to Docket No. OSHA–2011–
0065 at For
information on using https:// to access the
docket, click on the ‘‘Help’’ tab at the top
of the Home page. Contact the OSHA
Docket Office for information about
materials not available through that
webpage and for assistance in using the
Internet to locate submissions and other
documents in the public docket.
Electronic copies of this Federal
Register notice are available at https:// This notice, as
well as news releases and other relevant
information, is also available on the
OSHA webpage at
Authority and Signature
David Michaels, PhD, MPH, Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health, directed the
preparation of this notice under the
authority granted by Section 7 of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (U.S.C. 656), the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2); 29
CFR part 1912a; 41 CFR part 102–3; and
Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 4–2010
(75 FR 55355, 9/10/2010).
Signed at Washington, DC, on June 1, 2011.
David Michaels,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2011–13901 Filed 6–3–11; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; The Partnership
Fund for Program Integrity Innovation
Pilot Idea Template
Office of Management and
ACTION: Notice and request for public
The Office of Federal
Financial Management (OFFM) within
OMB is proposing for approval under
the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) the following
template for pilot idea summaries
submitted to the Partnership Fund for
Program Integrity Innovation
(Partnership Fund). This notice
announces that OFFM intends to submit
this collection to OMB for approval and
solicits comments on specific aspects
for the proposed collection.
The Partnership Fund seeks to
identify pilot projects to improve the
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
service delivery, payment accuracy, and
administrative efficiency of stateadministered Federal assistance
programs, while also reducing access
barriers for eligible beneficiaries.
The proposed pilot idea summary
template is intended for use by those
wishing to submit pilot ideas for
consideration. It outlines the specific
information required by the Partnership
Fund to make informed decisions in the
pilot selection process. Pilot ideas to
advance the Partnership Fund’s goals
are being solicited from all stakeholders,
including the general public. The
template is currently in use by Federal
agencies based on OMB guidance. If
approved under the Paperwork
Reduction Act, it will be used to solicit
ideas from stakeholders outside the
Federal government both as a general
template and as an online form for idea
solicitations through the Partnership
Fund Web site, https:// Currently,
general ideas may be submitted via email to,
or through https:// The
Partnership Fund is funded through FY
2012 and will continue to accept pilot
idea proposals on a rolling basis until
funding is exhausted. The Partnership
Fund must comply with a statutory
requirement that all pilot projects, when
taken together, be cost neutral.
DATES: All comments on the pilot idea
summary template must be in writing
and received by August 5, 2011.
Following review and disposition of
public comments on this 60-day notice,
OFFM will submit comments to OMB
for review and issue its own 30-day
notice to solicit additional public
ADDRESSES: Due to potential delays in
OMB’s receipt and processing of mail
sent through the U.S. Postal Service, we
encourage respondents to submit
comments electronically to ensure
timely receipt. We cannot guarantee that
comments mailed will be received
before the comment closing date.
Comments may be e-mailed to: Please include
the full body of your comments in the
text of the electronic message, as well as
in an attachment. Please include your
name, title, organization, postal address,
telephone number, and e-mail address
in the text of the message. Comments
may also be submitted via facsimile to
(202) 395–3242.
Please visit our Web site at https:// or contact
Meg Massey at (202) 395–7552 or
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 108 / Monday, June 6, 2011 / Notices
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The Partnership Fund for Program
Integrity Innovation (Partnership Fund)
was established by the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2010 (Pub. L.
111–117). An appropriation of $32.5
million 1 provides money to pilot and
evaluate promising innovations that
confront these challenges in Federal,
State and/or local administration. The
purpose of the Partnership Fund is to
identify and evaluate innovations in
programs jointly administered by
Federal and State agencies and in other
program areas where Federal-state
cooperation would be beneficial. OMB
coordinates and manages the
Partnership Fund for the purpose of
conducting pilot projects that test these
innovations. The pilots will emphasize
the Partnership Fund’s four goals:
service delivery, program integrity,
administrative efficiency, and program
Ideas submitted by the public are
shared with the Collaborative Forum, a
self-directed stakeholder group (https://
established to fulfill the statutory
requirement that the OMB Director
consult with an ‘‘interagency council of
stakeholders’’ in determining which
pilots will receive Partnership Fund
funding. The Collaborative Forum
identifies pilot ideas that show the
greatest potential for meeting the
Partnership Fund’s four goals and
convenes work groups to further
develop these ideas into feasible,
measurable pilot concepts. Collaborative
Forum work groups include state and
other stakeholders with relevant
expertise. Work groups produce pilot
concept papers describing the goals,
methods, resource requirements, and
anticipated outcomes of proposed
pilots. Ideas sent to the Collaborative
Forum may be developed into pilot
concept papers to send to OMB for
funding consideration.
Federal agencies may also develop
ideas into pilot concept papers that are
shared with the Collaborative Forum for
consultation. Pilot concepts are then
submitted for funding approval by
OMB, which takes into account the
consultation provided by the
Collaborative Forum and by the
Partnership Fund’s Federal Steering
Committee, which consists of senior
policy officials from Federal agencies
1 The initial FY 2010 appropriation for the
Partnership Fund was for $37.5 million. This
appropriation has been reduced to $32.5 million
due to a $5 million rescission in Public Law 112–
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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that administer the major benefits
Funds for each approved pilot
concept are transferred to a lead Federal
agency, which in turn selects specific
states, localities, and/or other relevant
entities to participate in the pilot by
implementing specific pilot projects
using pilot funds. The lead agency also
conducts a cost-effective evaluation of
the pilot projects. Based on evaluation
findings, successful pilots will serve as
models for other states and local
agencies. Evaluation results may also be
used to inform future administrative or
legislative changes to the affected
programs, including broader
implementation of the innovations
Examples of Programs and Pilots:
Examples of Federally funded, stateadministered assistance programs
relevant to the goals of the Partnership
Fund are listed below. Other programs
will also be included in concept idea
• Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program for Women, Infants and
Children (WIC).
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP—formerly Food
• Medicaid.
• Unemployment Insurance (UI).
• Child Welfare.
• Child Care.
• Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF).
Examples of the types of pilots that
could be supported include:
• Pilots that simplify or streamline
processes for application, eligibility
determination, and confirmation of
continued eligibility
• Pilots that promote or utilize data
matching and information sharing
across programs
• Pilots that test integrated
applications, screening, and verification
for multiple benefit programs
Components of an ideal pilot are
listed below. Not every pilot concept
considered for funding will meet all of
these criteria, and the size and scope of
the pilot projects funded may vary
• Yield reliable data that can be
captured in the pilot evaluation to
suggest replication or expansion and
demonstrate how successfully the pilot
meets the Partnership Fund’s four goals
• Have the potential to be replicated
and sustained on a larger scale
• Address multiple elements of the
Partnership Fund’s four goals
• Address multiple programs and/or
otherwise bridge organizational silos
• Yield measurable results in nine to
18 months
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
• Support the statutory requirement
that Partnership Fund pilot projects be
cost neutral when looked at as a whole
Current Actions: New collection of
Type of Review: New Collection.
Affected Public: Individuals and
Households, Businesses and
Organizations, State, Local, or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: We expect
that most respondents will use the form
to submit one idea, while some
respondents may submit more than one
Average minutes per response: 2
Burden Hours: 600.
Needs and Uses: The template is
currently being used by Federal
agencies, per OMB guidance, to submit
pilot ideas to the Partnership Fund for
Program Integrity Innovation, and as a
useful reference for other organizations
or individuals wishing to submit pilot
ideas. If approved, the template will be
made available for use by all agencies,
individuals, and organizations wishing
to submit pilot concept proposals for
Obligation to respond: Voluntary.
However, if Federal agencies wish to
pursue a pilot through the Partnership
Fund, they should use this template.
Nature and extent of confidentiality:
All pilot ideas submitted to the
Partnership Fund may be posted on the
Collaborative Forum Web site, https://, for
comment and feedback. Individuals and
organizations that submit ideas,
regardless of whether they elect to use
the template, may submit contact
information if they wish to be contacted
by the Collaborative Forum about their
idea. Contact information, if submitted,
will not be shared or used for any other
Privacy Impact Assessment: All ideas
submitted to the Partnership Fund may
be posted on the Collaborative Forum
Web site for comment and feedback.
The template makes clear that the ideas
submitted will be shared.
Requests for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval. Comments
are invited on: (a) Whether the
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 108 / Monday, June 6, 2011 / Notices
of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
and (e) estimates of capital or start-up
costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information. Burden means
the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop,
acquire, install and utilize technology
and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
All written comments will be
available for public inspection on
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget
control number.
Debra J. Bond,
Deputy Controller.
jlentini on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The first step in the Partnership Fund
pilot selection process is the submission
of a pilot idea summary. Pilot idea
summaries may be submitted by anyone
through the Web
site,, or the email
address. Pilot ideas may be sent to an
independent Collaborative Forum for
further development into more detailed
concept papers. OMB consults with the
Federal Steering Committee in selecting
pilot concepts and making funding
Below are instructions for completing
a pilot idea summary. Completed pilot
idea summaries should not be more
than two pages in length.
IDEA: Name of Pilot Idea
1. Pilot Idea: Summarize the idea in
2–3 sentences.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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2. Programs Affected:
• Which programs are affected, either
directly or indirectly? Ideally, an idea
would address multiple programs and
bridge multiple programmatic silos.
• Are these federal, state, and/or
local programs? An ideal submission
would involved multiple states and/or
communities in the development or
eventual implementation of a pilot.
3. Measurable Impacts: How does the
pilot impact each of the four goals of the
Partnership Fund? A pilot should
address as many of these goals as
possible across multiple programs or
test a solution that could later be
applied to multiple programs.
a) Improving payment accuracy
b) Improving administrative
c) Improving service delivery
d) Reducing access barriers for
eligible beneficiaries
4. Expected Outcomes and
Measurement Methodologies:
• What are the expectations and
measures of success in relation to the
four goals?
• What are the possible quantitative
and qualitative measures?
• Could these outcomes be
extrapolated to a larger environment?
5. Potential Partners or Sponsors:
• Which stakeholders and/or key
organizations are involved?
• Does the proposed pilot have
sufficient stakeholder buy-in?
Stakeholders could include federal,
state, and local governments, and nongovernmental organizations.
6. Estimated Operating Cost of Pilot:
• How much would the pilot cost to
• Are there resources of matching or
leveraged funds that could be used to
support this pilot?
• Is the Partnership Fund the most
appropriate funding source for the
pilot? All pilot ideas will be considered,
but the Partnership Fund is targeting
ideas that attempt to cut across multiple
programs with multiple objectives, but
have struggled to gain footing in existing
program silos.
7. Estimated Impact on Program
• What are the anticipated costs and/
or savings for the various programs
involved in the pilot?
• If the pilot were to be scaled up,
what are the anticipated costs/savings?
Pilot ideas that increase program costs
will be considered, but the Partnership
Fund must comply with our statutory
requirement to maintain overall cost
8. Pilot Implementation Issues:
• Is this pilot idea ready for
immediate implementation, or does it
require further refinement?
PO 00000
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• What is the timeframe in which the
pilot would be conducted? The target
time period for conducting the first
round of pilots is 9–18 months.
• What are possible implementation
barriers (e.g., privacy issues)?
• Is this pilot scalable? Successful
ideas will demonstrate strong external
validity and scalability.
• Could this pilot be implemented
under existing legislative authorities or
• Are any administrative waivers
1. Pilot Idea:
2. Programs Affected:
3. Measurable Impacts:
a) Improving payment accuracy
b) Improving administrative
c) Improving service delivery
d) Reducing access barriers for
4. Expected Outcomes and
Measurement Methodologies:
5. Potential Partners or Sponsors:
6. Estimated Operating Cost of Pilot:
7. Estimated Impact on Program
8. Pilot Implementation Issues:
[FR Doc. 2011–13892 Filed 6–3–11; 8:45 am]
Audits of States, Local Governments,
and Non-Profit Organizations; OMB
Circular A–133 Compliance
Executive Office of the
President, Office of Management and
ACTION: Notice of availability of the 2011
OMB Circular A–133 Compliance
This notice announces the
availability of the 2011 OMB Circular
A–133 Compliance Supplement
(Supplement). The notice also offers
interested parties an opportunity to
comment on the 2011 Supplement. The
2011 Supplement adds nineteen new
programs, including five programs
added to existing clusters. It deletes two
programs and has also been updated for
program changes and technical
corrections. The two deleted programs
are Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) 84.037, Reading First
State Grants, and CFDA 84.938,
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 108 (Monday, June 6, 2011)]
[Pages 32375-32377]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-13892]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation
Pilot Idea Template
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget.
ACTION: Notice and request for public comments.
SUMMARY: The Office of Federal Financial Management (OFFM) within OMB
is proposing for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) the following template for pilot idea summaries
submitted to the Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation
(Partnership Fund). This notice announces that OFFM intends to submit
this collection to OMB for approval and solicits comments on specific
aspects for the proposed collection.
The Partnership Fund seeks to identify pilot projects to improve
the service delivery, payment accuracy, and administrative efficiency
of state-administered Federal assistance programs, while also reducing
access barriers for eligible beneficiaries.
The proposed pilot idea summary template is intended for use by
those wishing to submit pilot ideas for consideration. It outlines the
specific information required by the Partnership Fund to make informed
decisions in the pilot selection process. Pilot ideas to advance the
Partnership Fund's goals are being solicited from all stakeholders,
including the general public. The template is currently in use by
Federal agencies based on OMB guidance. If approved under the Paperwork
Reduction Act, it will be used to solicit ideas from stakeholders
outside the Federal government both as a general template and as an
online form for idea solicitations through the Partnership Fund Web
site, Currently, general ideas may be
submitted via e-mail to, or through The Partnership Fund is funded
through FY 2012 and will continue to accept pilot idea proposals on a
rolling basis until funding is exhausted. The Partnership Fund must
comply with a statutory requirement that all pilot projects, when taken
together, be cost neutral.
DATES: All comments on the pilot idea summary template must be in
writing and received by August 5, 2011. Following review and
disposition of public comments on this 60-day notice, OFFM will submit
comments to OMB for review and issue its own 30-day notice to solicit
additional public comments.
ADDRESSES: Due to potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of
mail sent through the U.S. Postal Service, we encourage respondents to
submit comments electronically to ensure timely receipt. We cannot
guarantee that comments mailed will be received before the comment
closing date.
Comments may be e-mailed to: Please include
the full body of your comments in the text of the electronic message,
as well as in an attachment. Please include your name, title,
organization, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address in
the text of the message. Comments may also be submitted via facsimile
to (202) 395-3242.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please visit our Web site at or contact Meg Massey at (202) 395-7552 or
[[Page 32376]]
The Partnership Fund for Program Integrity Innovation (Partnership
Fund) was established by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010
(Pub. L. 111-117). An appropriation of $32.5 million \1\ provides money
to pilot and evaluate promising innovations that confront these
challenges in Federal, State and/or local administration. The purpose
of the Partnership Fund is to identify and evaluate innovations in
programs jointly administered by Federal and State agencies and in
other program areas where Federal-state cooperation would be
beneficial. OMB coordinates and manages the Partnership Fund for the
purpose of conducting pilot projects that test these innovations. The
pilots will emphasize the Partnership Fund's four goals: service
delivery, program integrity, administrative efficiency, and program
\1\ The initial FY 2010 appropriation for the Partnership Fund
was for $37.5 million. This appropriation has been reduced to $32.5
million due to a $5 million rescission in Public Law 112-10.
Ideas submitted by the public are shared with the Collaborative
Forum, a self-directed stakeholder group ( established to fulfill the statutory
requirement that the OMB Director consult with an ``interagency council
of stakeholders'' in determining which pilots will receive Partnership
Fund funding. The Collaborative Forum identifies pilot ideas that show
the greatest potential for meeting the Partnership Fund's four goals
and convenes work groups to further develop these ideas into feasible,
measurable pilot concepts. Collaborative Forum work groups include
state and other stakeholders with relevant expertise. Work groups
produce pilot concept papers describing the goals, methods, resource
requirements, and anticipated outcomes of proposed pilots. Ideas sent
to the Collaborative Forum may be developed into pilot concept papers
to send to OMB for funding consideration.
Federal agencies may also develop ideas into pilot concept papers
that are shared with the Collaborative Forum for consultation. Pilot
concepts are then submitted for funding approval by OMB, which takes
into account the consultation provided by the Collaborative Forum and
by the Partnership Fund's Federal Steering Committee, which consists of
senior policy officials from Federal agencies that administer the major
benefits programs.
Funds for each approved pilot concept are transferred to a lead
Federal agency, which in turn selects specific states, localities, and/
or other relevant entities to participate in the pilot by implementing
specific pilot projects using pilot funds. The lead agency also
conducts a cost-effective evaluation of the pilot projects. Based on
evaluation findings, successful pilots will serve as models for other
states and local agencies. Evaluation results may also be used to
inform future administrative or legislative changes to the affected
programs, including broader implementation of the innovations tested.
Examples of Programs and Pilots: Examples of Federally funded,
state-administered assistance programs relevant to the goals of the
Partnership Fund are listed below. Other programs will also be included
in concept idea submissions.
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants
and Children (WIC).
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP--formerly
Food Stamps).
Unemployment Insurance (UI).
Child Welfare.
Child Care.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Examples of the types of pilots that could be supported include:
Pilots that simplify or streamline processes for
application, eligibility determination, and confirmation of continued
Pilots that promote or utilize data matching and
information sharing across programs
Pilots that test integrated applications, screening, and
verification for multiple benefit programs
Components of an ideal pilot are listed below. Not every pilot
concept considered for funding will meet all of these criteria, and the
size and scope of the pilot projects funded may vary widely:
Yield reliable data that can be captured in the pilot
evaluation to suggest replication or expansion and demonstrate how
successfully the pilot meets the Partnership Fund's four goals
Have the potential to be replicated and sustained on a
larger scale
Address multiple elements of the Partnership Fund's four
Address multiple programs and/or otherwise bridge
organizational silos
Yield measurable results in nine to 18 months
Support the statutory requirement that Partnership Fund
pilot projects be cost neutral when looked at as a whole
Current Actions: New collection of information.
Type of Review: New Collection.
Affected Public: Individuals and Households, Businesses and
Organizations, State, Local, or Tribal Government.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 300.
Frequency of Response: We expect that most respondents will use the
form to submit one idea, while some respondents may submit more than
one idea.
Average minutes per response: 2 hours.
Burden Hours: 600.
Needs and Uses: The template is currently being used by Federal
agencies, per OMB guidance, to submit pilot ideas to the Partnership
Fund for Program Integrity Innovation, and as a useful reference for
other organizations or individuals wishing to submit pilot ideas. If
approved, the template will be made available for use by all agencies,
individuals, and organizations wishing to submit pilot concept
proposals for consideration.
Obligation to respond: Voluntary. However, if Federal agencies wish
to pursue a pilot through the Partnership Fund, they should use this
Nature and extent of confidentiality: All pilot ideas submitted to
the Partnership Fund may be posted on the Collaborative Forum Web site,, for comment and feedback.
Individuals and organizations that submit ideas, regardless of whether
they elect to use the template, may submit contact information if they
wish to be contacted by the Collaborative Forum about their idea.
Contact information, if submitted, will not be shared or used for any
other purpose.
Privacy Impact Assessment: All ideas submitted to the Partnership
Fund may be posted on the Collaborative Forum Web site for comment and
feedback. The template makes clear that the ideas submitted will be
Requests for Comments: Comments submitted in response to this
notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB
approval. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity
[[Page 32377]]
of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of
operation, maintenance, and purchase of services to provide
information. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose
or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions; to develop, acquire, install and
utilize technology and systems for the purpose of collecting,
validating and verifying information, processing and maintaining
information, and disclosing and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to a collection of information, to
search data sources, to complete and review the collection of
information; and to transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
All written comments will be available for public inspection on
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.
Debra J. Bond,
Deputy Controller.
The first step in the Partnership Fund pilot selection process is
the submission of a pilot idea summary. Pilot idea summaries may be
submitted by anyone through the Web site,, or the email
address. Pilot ideas may be sent to an independent Collaborative Forum
for further development into more detailed concept papers. OMB consults
with the Federal Steering Committee in selecting pilot concepts and
making funding decisions.
Below are instructions for completing a pilot idea summary.
Completed pilot idea summaries should not be more than two pages in
Pilot Idea
1. Pilot Idea: Summarize the idea in 2-3 sentences.
2. Programs Affected:
Which programs are affected, either directly or
indirectly? Ideally, an idea would address multiple programs and bridge
multiple programmatic silos.
Are these federal, state, and/or local programs? An ideal
submission would involved multiple states and/or communities in the
development or eventual implementation of a pilot.
3. Measurable Impacts: How does the pilot impact each of the four
goals of the Partnership Fund? A pilot should address as many of these
goals as possible across multiple programs or test a solution that
could later be applied to multiple programs.
a) Improving payment accuracy
b) Improving administrative efficiency
c) Improving service delivery
d) Reducing access barriers for eligible beneficiaries
4. Expected Outcomes and Measurement Methodologies:
What are the expectations and measures of success in
relation to the four goals?
What are the possible quantitative and qualitative
Could these outcomes be extrapolated to a larger
5. Potential Partners or Sponsors:
Which stakeholders and/or key organizations are involved?
Does the proposed pilot have sufficient stakeholder buy-
in? Stakeholders could include federal, state, and local governments,
and non-governmental organizations.
6. Estimated Operating Cost of Pilot:
How much would the pilot cost to implement?
Are there resources of matching or leveraged funds that
could be used to support this pilot?
Is the Partnership Fund the most appropriate funding
source for the pilot? All pilot ideas will be considered, but the
Partnership Fund is targeting ideas that attempt to cut across multiple
programs with multiple objectives, but have struggled to gain footing
in existing program silos.
7. Estimated Impact on Program Costs:
What are the anticipated costs and/or savings for the
various programs involved in the pilot?
If the pilot were to be scaled up, what are the
anticipated costs/savings? Pilot ideas that increase program costs will
be considered, but the Partnership Fund must comply with our statutory
requirement to maintain overall cost neutrality.
8. Pilot Implementation Issues:
Is this pilot idea ready for immediate implementation, or
does it require further refinement?
What is the timeframe in which the pilot would be
conducted? The target time period for conducting the first round of
pilots is 9-18 months.
What are possible implementation barriers (e.g., privacy
Is this pilot scalable? Successful ideas will demonstrate
strong external validity and scalability.
Could this pilot be implemented under existing legislative
authorities or mechanisms?
Are any administrative waivers required?
PILOT IDEA SUMMARY: Name of Pilot Idea
1. Pilot Idea:
2. Programs Affected:
3. Measurable Impacts:
a) Improving payment accuracy
b) Improving administrative efficiency
c) Improving service delivery
d) Reducing access barriers for beneficiaries
4. Expected Outcomes and Measurement Methodologies:
5. Potential Partners or Sponsors:
6. Estimated Operating Cost of Pilot:
7. Estimated Impact on Program Costs:
8. Pilot Implementation Issues:
[FR Doc. 2011-13892 Filed 6-3-11; 8:45 am]