Special Local Regulations and Safety Zones; Recurring Events in Northern New England, 30255-30263 [2011-12847]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
vertical placement of the forward
anchor light above the hull; Annex I,
paragraph 3(b), pertaining to the
location of the sidelights; and Rule
21(c), pertaining to the location and arc
of visibility of the sternlight. The
DAJAG (Admiralty and Maritime Law)
has also certified that the lights
involved are located in closest possible
compliance with the applicable 72
COLREGS requirements.
Moreover, it has been determined, in
accordance with 32 CFR Parts 296 and
701, that publication of this amendment
for public comment prior to adoption is
impracticable, unnecessary, and
contrary to public interest since it is
based on technical findings that the
placement of lights on this vessel in a
manner differently from that prescribed
herein will adversely affect the vessel’s
ability to perform its military functions.
List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 706
Marine safety, Navigation (water), and
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Navy amends part 706 of
title 32 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1605.
2. Section 706.2 is amended as
■ A. In Table One by adding, in alpha
numerical order, by vessel number, an
entry for USS CALIFORNIA (SSN 781);
■ B. In Table Three by adding, in alpha
numerical order, by vessel number, an
entry for USS CALIFORNIA (SSN 781).
§ 706.2 Certifications of the Secretary of
the Navy under Executive Order 11964 and
33 U.S.C. 1605.
1. The authority citation for part 706
continues to read as follows:
Distance in meters of
forward masthead
light below minimum
required height.
§ 2(a)(i), Annex I
USS CALIFORNIA ................................................................
SSN 781 ...............................................................................
lights arc of
rule 21(a)
Side lights
arc of
rule 21(b)
SSN 781 ....
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Approved: May 13, 2011.
M. Robb Hyde,
Commander, JAGC, U.S. Navy, Deputy
Assistant Judge Advocate General (Admiralty
and Maritime Law).
Dated: May 19, 2011.
D.J. Werner,
Lieutenant Commander, Judge Advocate
General’s Corps, U.S. Navy, Federal Register
Liaison Officer.
Stern light
arc of
rule 21(c)
Side lights
inboard of
ship’s sides
in meters
3(b) annex 1
Coast Guard
33 CFR Parts 100 and 165
[Docket No. USCG–2011–0369]
Special Local Regulations and Safety
Zones; Recurring Events in Northern
New England
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of enforcement of
[FR Doc. 2011–12962 Filed 5–24–11; 8:45 am]
The Coast Guard is
announcing specific dates and times for
Special Local Regulations and Safety
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Stern light,
forward of
stern in
rule 21(c)
anchor light,
height above
hull in
meters; 2(K)
annex 1
Anchor lights
relationship of aft
light to forward
light in meters
2(K) annex 1
0.30 below.
Zones occurring in the Northern New
England Captain of the Port Zone. This
action is necessary to protect marine
traffic and spectators from the hazards
associated with powerboat races,
regattas, boat parades, rowing and
paddling boat races, swim events, and
fireworks displays. During the
enforcement period, no person or vessel
may enter the Special Local Regulation
area or Safety Zone without permission
of the Captain of the Port.
The regulations for events
described in 33 CFR 100.120 and 33
CFR 165.171 will be enforced during the
times and dates specified in Table 1 and
Table 2, respectively. The earliest event
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
is May 27, 2011, and the latest event is
September 23, 2011.
you have questions on this notice, call
or e-mail Lieutenant Junior Grade
Terence Leahy, Waterways Management
Division at Coast Guard Sector Northern
New England, telephone 207–767–0398,
e-mail Terence.O.Leahy@uscg.mil.
Guard will enforce the Special Local
Regulations and Safety Zones listed in
33 CFR 100.120 and 33 CFR 165.171.
These regulations will be enforced for
the duration of each event, on the dates
indicated in Tables 1 and 2.
[For events described in 33 CFR 100.120]
Tall Ships Visiting Portsmouth .........................................................
Event Type: Regatta and Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Portsmouth Maritime Commission, Inc.
Date: May 27 to 31, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire in the vicinity of Castle Island within the following points (NAD 83):
43°03′11″ N, 070°42′26″ W.
43°03′18″ N, 070°41′51″ W.
43°04′42″ N, 070°42′11″ W.
43°04′28″ N, 070°44′12″ W.
43°05′36″ N, 070°45′56″ W.
43°05′29″ N, 070°46′09″ W.
43°04′19″ N, 070°44′16″ W.
43°04′22″ N, 070°42′33″ W.
Bar Harbor Blessing of the Fleet .....................................................
Event Type: Regatta and Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Town of Bar Harbor, Maine.
Date: June 5, 2011.
Time: 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Bar Harbor,
Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
44°23′32″ N, 068°12′19″ W.
44°23′30″ N, 068°12′00″ W.
44°23′37″ N, 068°12′00″ W.
44°23′35″ N, 068°12′19″ W.
Charlie Begin Memorial Lobster Boat Races ..................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: June 18, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of within John’s Island the following points (NAD
43°50′04″ N, 069°38′37″ W.
43°50′54″ N, 069°38′06″ W.
43°50′49″ N, 069°37′50″ W.
43°50′00″ N, 069°38′20″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Rockland Harbor Lobster Boat Races .............................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Rockland Harbor Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: June 19, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Rockland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of the Rockland Breakwater Light within the following points (NAD 83):
44°05′59″ N, 069°04′53″ W.
44°06′43″ N, 069°05′25″ W.
44°06′50″ N, 069°05′05″ W.
44°06′05″ N, 069°04′34″ W.
Windjammer Days Parade of Ships ................................................
Event Type: Tall Ship Parade.
Sponsor: Boothbay Region Chamber of Commerce.
Date: June 22, 2011.
Time: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of Tumbler’s Island within the following points
(NAD 83):
43°51′02″ N, 069°37′33″ W.
43°50′47″ N, 069°37′31″ W.
43°50′23″ N, 069°37′57″ W.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 1—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 100.120]
Moosabec Lobster Boat Races .......................................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Moosabec Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 2, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Jonesport, Maine
within the following points (NAD 83):
44°31′21″ N, 067°36′44″ W.
44°31′36″ N, 067°36′47″ W.
44°31′44″ N, 067°35′36″ W.
44°31′29″ N, 067°35′33″ W.
The Great Race ...............................................................................
Event Type: Rowing and Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Franklin County Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Lake Champlain
in the vicinity of Saint Albans Bay within the following points (NAD
44°47′18″ N, 073°10′27″ W.
44°47′10″ N, 073°08′51″ W.
Searsport Lobster Boat Races ........................................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Searsport Lobster Boat Race Committee;
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Searsport Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
44°26′50″ N, 068°55′20″ W.
44°27′04″ N, 068°55′26″ W.
44°27′12″ N, 068°54′35″ W.
44°26′59″ N, 068°54′29″ W.
Stonington Lobster Boat Races .......................................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Stonington Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 10, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Stonington,
Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
44°08′55″ N, 068°40′12″ W.
44°09′00″ N, 068°40′15″ W.
44°09′11″ N, 068°39′42″ W.
44°09′07″ N, 068°39′39″ W.
Mayor’s Cup Regatta .......................................................................
Event Type: Sailboat Parade.
Sponsor: Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary.
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Cumberland Bay
on Lake Champlain in the vicinity of Plattsburgh, New York within the
following points (NAD 83):
44°39′26″ N, 073°26′25″ W.
44°41′27″ N, 073°23′12″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
The Challenge Race ........................................................................
Event Type: Rowing and Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Lake Champlain Maritime Museum.
Date: July 10, 2011.
Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Lake Champlain
in the vicinity of Button Bay State Park within the following points
(NAD 83):
44°12′25″ N, 073°22′32″ W.
44°12′00″ N, 073°21′42″ W.
44°12′19″ N, 073°21′25″ W.
44°13′16″ N, 073°21′36″ W.
Friendship Lobster Boat Races .......................................................
• Event Type: Power Boat Race.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 1—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 100.120]
Sponsor: Friendship Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 23, 2011.
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Friendship Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
43°57′51″ N, 069°20′46″ W.
43°58′14″ N,069°19′53″ W.
43°58′19″ N, 069°20′01″ W.
43°58′00″ N, 069°20′46″ W.
Arthur Martin Memorial Regatta ......................................................
Event Type: Rowing and Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: IROW.
Date: July 16, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of the Piscataqua
River, in the vicinity of Kittery Point, Maine within the following points
(NAD 83):
43°03′51″ N, 070°41′55″ W.
43°04′35″ N, 070°42′18″ W.
43°04′42″ N, 070°43′15″ W.
43°05′14″ N, 070°43′12″ W.
43°05′14″ N, 070°43′06″ W.
43°04′44″ N, 070°43′11″ W.
43°04′35″ N, 070°42′13″ W.
43°03′53″ N, 070°41′40″ W.
Harpswell Lobster Boat Races ........................................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Harpswell Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 24, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Potts Harbor,
Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
43°46′50″ N, 070°01′37″ W.
43°46′50″ N, 070°01′18″ W.
43°46′28″ N, 070°01′36″ W.
43°46′28″ N, 070°01′19″ W.
Eggemoggin Reach Regatta ............................................................
Event Type: Wooden Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Rockport Marine, Inc. and Brookline Boat Yard.
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Eggemoggin
Reach and Jericho Bay in the vicinity of Naskeag Harbor, Maine
within the following points (NAD 83):
44°15′16″ N, 068°36′26″ W.
44°12′41″ N, 068°29′26″ W.
44°07′38″ N, 068°31′30″ W.
44°12′54″ N, 068°33′46″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Southport Rowgatta Rowing and Paddling Boat Race ...................
Event Type: Rowing and Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Boothbay Region YMCA.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Sheepscot Bay
and Boothbay, on the shore side of Southport Island, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
43°50′26″ N, 069°39′10″ W.
43°49′10″ N, 069°38′35″ W.
43°46′53″ N, 069°39′06″ W.
43°46′50″ N, 069°39′32″ W.
43°49′07″ N, 069°41′43″ W.
43°50′19″ N, 069°41′14″ W.
43°51′11″ N, 069°40′06″ W.
Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races .................................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Winter Harbor Chamber of Commerce.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Winter Harbor,
Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
44°22′06″ N, 068°05′13″ W.
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TABLE 1—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 100.120]
44°23′06″ N, 068°05′08″ W.
44°23′04″ N, 068°04′37″ W.
44°22′05″ N, 068°04′44″ W.
Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival ............................................
Event Type: Rowing and Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Dragonheart Vermont.
Date: August 7, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Burlington Bay
within the following points (NAD 83):
44°28′51″ N, 073°13′28″ W.
44°28′40″ N, 073°13′40″ W.
44°28′37″ N, 073°13′29″ W.
44°28′40″ N, 073°13′17″ W.
Merritt Brackett Lobster Boat Races ...............................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Town of Bristol, Maine.
Date: August 14, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Pemaquid Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
43°52′16″ N, 069°32′10″ W.
43°52′41″ N, 069°31′43″ W.
43°52′35″ N, 069°31′29″ W.
43°52′09″ N, 069°31′56″ W.
Multiple Sclerosis Regatta ...............................................................
Event Type: Regatta and Sailboat Race.
Sponsor: Maine Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Date: August 16, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: The regulated area for the start of the race includes all waters of Casco Bay, Maine in the vicinity of Peaks Island within the
following points (NAD 83):
43°40′24″ N, 070°14′20″ W.
43°40′36″ N, 070°13′56″ W.
43°39′58″ N, 070°13′21″ W.
43°39′46″ N, 070°13′51″ W.
Multiple Sclerosis Harborfest Tugboat Race ...................................
Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Maine Chapter, National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Date: August 21, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of Maine State Pier within the following points
(NAD 83):
43°40′25″ N, 070°14′21″ W.
43°40′36″ N, 070°13′56″ W.
43°39′58″ N, 070°13′21″ W.
43°39′47″ N, 070°13′51″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Eastport Pirates Festival Lobster Boat Races .................................
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Event Type: Power Boat Race.
Sponsor: Eastport Pirates Festival.
Date: September 11, 2011.
Time: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters in the vicinity of
Eastport Harbor, Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
44°54′14″ N, 066°58′52″ W.
44°54′14″ N, 068°58′56″ W.
44°54′24″ N, 066°58′52″ W.
44°54′24″ N, 066°58′56″ W.
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[For events described in 33 CFR 165.171]
Windjammer Days Fireworks ...........................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce.
Date: June 22, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of McFarland Island, Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in approximate position:
43°50′38″ N, 069°37′57″ W (NAD 83).
Burlington Independence Day Fireworks .........................................
Event Type: Firework Display.
Sponsor: City of Burlington, Vermont.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Location: From a barge in the vicinity of Burlington Harbor, Burlington, Vermont in approximate position:
44°28′31″ N, 073°13′31″ W (NAD 83).
Camden 3rd of July Fireworks .........................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Camden, Rockport, Lincolnville Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Camden Harbor, Maine in approximate position:
44°12′32″ N, 069°02′58″ W (NAD 83).
Bangor 4th of July Fireworks ...........................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Bangor 4th of July Fireworks.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of the Bangor Waterfront, Bangor, Maine in
approximate position:
44°47′27″ N, 068°46′31″ W (NAD 83).
Bar Harbor 4th of July Fireworks .....................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Bar Harbor Town Pier, Bar Harbor, Maine
in approximate position:
44°23′31″ N, 068° 12′15″ W (NAD 83).
Boothbay Harbor 4th of July Fireworks ...........................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Town of Boothbay Harbor.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of McFarland Island, Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in approximate position:
43°50′38″ N, 069° 37′57″ W (NAD 83).
Colchester 4th of July Fireworks .....................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Town of Colchester, Recreation Department.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Bayside Beach and Mallets Bay in
Colchester, Vermont at approximate position:
44°32′44″ N, 073°13′10″ W (NAD 83).
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Eastport 4th of July Fireworks .........................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Eastport 4th of July Committee.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: From the Waterfront Public Pier in Eastport, Maine at approximate position:
44°54′25″ N, 066° 58′55″ W (NAD 83).
Hampton Beach 4th of July Fireworks ............................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Hampton Beach Village District.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 2—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 165.171]
• Location: In the vicinity of Hampton Beach, New Hampshire in approximate position:
42°54′40″ N, 070° 48′31″ W (NAD 83).
Jonesport 4th of July Fireworks .......................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Jonesport 4th of July Committee.
Date: July 2, 2011.
Time: 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Beals Island, Jonesport, Maine in approximate position:
44°31′18″ N, 067° 36′43″ W (NAD 83).
Main Street Heritage Days 4th of July Fireworks ..........................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Main Street Inc.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Reed and Reed Boat Yard, Woolwich,
Maine in approximate position:
43°54′56″ N, 069°48′16″ W (NAD 83).
Portland Harbor 4th of July Fireworks ...........................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Department of Parks and Recreation, Portland, Maine.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of East End Beach, Portland, Maine in approximate position:
43°40′16″ N, 070°14′44″ W (NAD 83).
St. Albans Bay Day Fireworks .......................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: St. Albans Area Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: From the St. Albans Bay dock in St. Albans Bay, Vermont
in the approximate position:
44°48′25″ N, 073°08′23″ W (NAD 83).
Stonington 4th of July Fireworks ...................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Deer Isle—Stonington Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Two Bush Island, Stonington, Maine in approximate position:
44°08′57″ N, 068°39′54″ W (NAD 83).
Urban/EPIC Triathlon .....................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Tri-Maine Productions.
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portland Harbor
in the vicinity of East End Beach in Portland, Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
43°40′00″ N, 070°14′20″ W.
43°40′00″ N, 070°14′00″ W.
43°40′15″ N, 070°14′29″ W.
43°40′17″ N, 070°13′22″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Tri for a Cure Triathlon ..................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Maine Cancer Foundation.
Date: July 31, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of Spring Point Light within the following points
(NAD 83):
43°39′01″ N, 070°13′32″ W.
43°39′07″ N, 070°13′29″ W.
43°39′06″ N, 070°13′41″ W.
43°39′01″ N, 070°13′36″ W.
Richmond Days Fireworks .............................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Town of Richmond, Maine.
Date: July 30, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Location: From a barge in the vicinity of the inner harbor, Tenants
Harbor, Maine in approximate position:
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 2—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 165.171]
44°08′42″ N, 068°27′06″ W (NAD83).
Colchester Triathlon .......................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Colchester Parks and Recreation Department.
Date: July 31, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Malletts Bay on
Lake Champlain, Vermont within the following points (NAD 83):
44°32′18″ N, 073°12′35″ W.
44°32′28″ N, 073°12′56″ W.
44°32′57″ N, 073°12′38″ W.
Peaks to Portland Swim ................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Cumberland County YMCA.
Date: July 16, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Portland Harbor
between Peaks Island and East End Beach in Portland, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
43°39′20″ N, 070°11′58″ W.
43°39′45″ N, 070°13′19″ W.
43°40′11″ N, 070°14′13″ W.
43°40′08″ N, 070°14′29″ W.
43°40′00″ N, 070°14′23″ W.
43°39′34″ N, 070°13′31″ W.
43°39′13″ N, 070°11′59″ W.
Sprucewold Cabbage Island Swim ..................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Sprucewold Association.
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Linekin Bay between Cabbage Island and Sprucewold Beach in Boothbay Harbor,
Maine within the following points (NAD 83):
43°50′37″ N, 069°36′23″ W.
43°50′37″ N, 069°36′59″ W.
43°50′16″ N, 069°36′46″ W.
43°50′22″ N, 069°36′21″ W.
Westerlund’s Landing Party Fireworks ............................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Portside Marina.
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Westerlund’s Landing in South Gardiner,
Maine in approximate position:
44°10′19″ N, 069°45′24″ W (NAD 83).
Y–Tri Triathlon .................................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Plattsburgh YMCA.
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Treadwell Bay on
Lake Champlain in the vicinity of Point Au Roche State Park, Plattsburgh, New York within the following points (NAD 83):
44°46′30″ N, 073°23′26″ W.
44°46′17″ N, 073°23′26″ W.
44°46′17″ N, 073°23′46″ W.
44°46′29″ N, 073°23′46″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Greater Burlington YMCA Lake Swim .............................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Greater Burlington YMCA.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters in Lake Champlain
in the vicinity of North Hero Island within the following points (NAD
44°46′55″ N, 073°22′14″ W.
44°47′08″ N, 073°19′05″ W.
44°46′48″ N, 073°17′13″ W.
44°46′10″ N, 073°16′39″ W.
44°41′08″ N, 073°20′58″ W.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 101 / Wednesday, May 25, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 2—Continued
[For events described in 33 CFR 165.171]
44°41′36″ N, 073°23′01″ W.
Rockland Breakwater Swim .............................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Pen-Bay Masters.
Date: August 27, 2011.
Time: 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters of Rockland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of Jameson Point within the following points
(NAD 83):
44°06′16″ N, 069°04′39″ W.
44°06′13″ N, 069°04′36″ W.
44°06′12″ N, 069°04′43″ W.
44°06′17″ N, 069°04′44″ W.
44°06′18″ N, 069°04′40″ W.
Windjammer Weekend Fireworks ....................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Town of Camden, Maine.
Date: September 2, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: From a barge in the vicinity of Northeast Point, Camden
Harbor, Maine in approximate position:
44°12′10″ N, 069°03′11″ W (NAD 83).
The Lobsterman Triathlon ................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Tri-Maine Productions.
Date: September 10, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters in the vicinity of
Winslow Park in South Freeport, Maine within the following points
(NAD 83):
43°47′59″ N, 070°06′56″ W.
43°47′44″ N, 070°06′56″ W.
43°47′44″ N, 070°07′27″ W.
43°47′57″ N, 070°07′27″ W.
Burlington Triathlon ..........................................................................
Event Type: Swim Event.
Sponsor: Race Vermont.
Date: September 11, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Location: The regulated area includes all waters in the vicinity of
North Beach, Burlington, Vermont within the following points (NAD
44°29′31″ N, 073°14′22″ W.
44°29′12″ N, 073°14′14″ W.
44°29′17″ N, 073°14′34″ W.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Eliot Festival Day Fireworks ............................................................
Event Type: Fireworks Display.
Sponsor: Eliot Festival Day Committee.
Date: September 23, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: In the vicinity of Eliot Town Boat Launch, Eliot, Maine in
approximate position:
43°08′56″ N, 070°49′52″ W (NAD 83).
The Coast Guard may patrol each
event area under the direction of a
designated Coast Guard Patrol
Commander. The Patrol Commander
may be contacted on Channel 16 VHF–
FM (156.8 MHz) by the call sign
‘‘PATCOM.’’ Official patrol vessels may
consist of any Coast Guard, Coast Guard
Auxiliary, state, or local law
enforcement vessels assigned or
approved by the Captain of the Port,
Sector Northern New England. For
information about regulations and
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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restrictions for waterway use during the
effective periods of these events, please
refer to 33 CFR 100.120 and 33 CFR
This notice is issued under authority
of 33 CFR 100.120, 33 CFR 165.171, and
5 U.S.C. 552 (a). In addition to this
notice in the Federal Register, the Coast
Guard will provide the maritime
community with advance notification of
this enforcement period via the Local
Notice to Mariners and marine
information broadcasts. If the COTP
PO 00000
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Sfmt 9990
determines that the regulated area need
not be enforced for the full duration
stated in this notice, he or she may use
a Broadcast Notice to Mariners to grant
general permission to enter the
regulated area.
Dated: May 9, 2011.
B.S. Gilda,
Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, Acting
Captain of the Port Sector Northern New
[FR Doc. 2011–12847 Filed 5–24–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 101 (Wednesday, May 25, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 30255-30263]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-12847]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Parts 100 and 165
[Docket No. USCG-2011-0369]
Special Local Regulations and Safety Zones; Recurring Events in
Northern New England
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of enforcement of regulations.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is announcing specific dates and times for
Special Local Regulations and Safety Zones occurring in the Northern
New England Captain of the Port Zone. This action is necessary to
protect marine traffic and spectators from the hazards associated with
powerboat races, regattas, boat parades, rowing and paddling boat
races, swim events, and fireworks displays. During the enforcement
period, no person or vessel may enter the Special Local Regulation area
or Safety Zone without permission of the Captain of the Port.
DATES: The regulations for events described in 33 CFR 100.120 and 33
CFR 165.171 will be enforced during the times and dates specified in
Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. The earliest event
[[Page 30256]]
is May 27, 2011, and the latest event is September 23, 2011.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this notice,
call or e-mail Lieutenant Junior Grade Terence Leahy, Waterways
Management Division at Coast Guard Sector Northern New England,
telephone 207-767-0398, e-mail Terence.O.Leahy@uscg.mil.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Coast Guard will enforce the Special
Local Regulations and Safety Zones listed in 33 CFR 100.120 and 33 CFR
165.171. These regulations will be enforced for the duration of each
event, on the dates indicated in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
[For events described in 33 CFR 100.120]
5.0 MAY
5.1 Tall Ships Visiting Portsmouth..... Event Type: Regatta
and Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Portsmouth
Maritime Commission, Inc.
Date: May 27 to 31,
Time: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
each day.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Portsmouth Harbor,
New Hampshire in the vicinity
of Castle Island within the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]03'11'' N,
070[deg]42'26'' W.
43[deg]03'18'' N,
070[deg]41'51'' W.
43[deg]04'42'' N,
070[deg]42'11'' W.
43[deg]04'28'' N,
070[deg]44'12'' W.
43[deg]05'36'' N,
070[deg]45'56'' W.
43[deg]05'29'' N,
070[deg]46'09'' W.
43[deg]04'19'' N,
070[deg]44'16'' W.
43[deg]04'22'' N,
070[deg]42'33'' W.
6.0 JUNE
6.1 Bar Harbor Blessing of the Fleet... Event Type: Regatta
and Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Town of Bar
Harbor, Maine.
Date: June 5, 2011.
Time: 12 p.m. to 1:30
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Bar Harbor, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]23'32'' N,
068[deg]12'19'' W.
44[deg]23'30'' N,
068[deg]12'00'' W.
44[deg]23'37'' N,
068[deg]12'00'' W.
44[deg]23'35'' N,
068[deg]12'19'' W.
6.2 Charlie Begin Memorial Lobster Boat Event Type: Power Boat
Races. Race.
Sponsor: Boothbay
Harbor Lobster Boat Race
Date: June 18, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of
within John's Island the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]50'04'' N,
069[deg]38'37'' W.
43[deg]50'54'' N,
069[deg]38'06'' W.
43[deg]50'49'' N,
069[deg]37'50'' W.
43[deg]50'00'' N,
069[deg]38'20'' W.
6.3 Rockland Harbor Lobster Boat Races. Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Rockland
Harbor Lobster Boat Race
Date: June 19, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Rockland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of the
Rockland Breakwater Light
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]05'59'' N,
069[deg]04'53'' W.
44[deg]06'43'' N,
069[deg]05'25'' W.
44[deg]06'50'' N,
069[deg]05'05'' W.
44[deg]06'05'' N,
069[deg]04'34'' W.
6.4 Windjammer Days Parade of Ships.... Event Type: Tall Ship
Sponsor: Boothbay
Region Chamber of Commerce.
Date: June 22, 2011.
Time: 12 p.m. to 5
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Boothbay Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of
Tumbler's Island within the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]51'02'' N,
069[deg]37'33'' W.
43[deg]50'47'' N,
069[deg]37'31'' W.
43[deg]50'23'' N,
069[deg]37'57'' W.
[[Page 30257]]
43[deg]50'01'' N,
069[deg]37'45'' W.
43[deg]50'01'' N,
069[deg]38'31'' W.
43[deg]50'25'' N,
069[deg]38'25'' W.
43[deg]50'49'' N,
069[deg]37'45'' W.
7.0 JULY
7.1 Moosabec Lobster Boat Races........ Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Moosabec
Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 2, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Jonesport, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]31'21'' N,
067[deg]36'44'' W.
44[deg]31'36'' N,
067[deg]36'47'' W.
44[deg]31'44'' N,
067[deg]35'36'' W.
44[deg]31'29'' N,
067[deg]35'33'' W.
7.2 The Great Race..................... Event Type: Rowing and
Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Franklin
County Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Lake Champlain in
the vicinity of Saint Albans
Bay within the following
points (NAD 83):
44[deg]47'18'' N,
073[deg]10'27'' W.
44[deg]47'10'' N,
073[deg]08'51'' W.
7.3 Searsport Lobster Boat Races....... Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Searsport
Lobster Boat Race Committee;
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Searsport Harbor,
Maine within the following
points (NAD 83):
44[deg]26'50'' N,
068[deg]55'20'' W.
44[deg]27'04'' N,
068[deg]55'26'' W.
44[deg]27'12'' N,
068[deg]54'35'' W.
44[deg]26'59'' N,
068[deg]54'29'' W.
7.4 Stonington Lobster Boat Races...... Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Stonington
Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 10, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 3:30
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Stonington, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]08'55'' N,
068[deg]40'12'' W.
44[deg]09'00'' N,
068[deg]40'15'' W.
44[deg]09'11'' N,
068[deg]39'42'' W.
44[deg]09'07'' N,
068[deg]39'39'' W.
7.5 Mayor's Cup Regatta................ Event Type: Sailboat
Sponsor: Plattsburgh
Sunrise Rotary.
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 4
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Cumberland Bay on
Lake Champlain in the vicinity
of Plattsburgh, New York
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]39'26'' N,
073[deg]26'25'' W.
44[deg]41'27'' N,
073[deg]23'12'' W.
7.6 The Challenge Race................. Event Type: Rowing and
Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Lake
Champlain Maritime Museum.
Date: July 10, 2011.
Time: 11 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Lake Champlain in
the vicinity of Button Bay
State Park within the
following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]12'25'' N,
073[deg]22'32'' W.
44[deg]12'00'' N,
073[deg]21'42'' W.
44[deg]12'19'' N,
073[deg]21'25'' W.
44[deg]13'16'' N,
073[deg]21'36'' W.
7.7 Friendship Lobster Boat Races...... Event Type: Power Boat
[[Page 30258]]
Sponsor: Friendship
Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 23, 2011.
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Friendship Harbor,
Maine within the following
points (NAD 83):
43[deg]57'51'' N,
069[deg]20'46'' W.
N,069[deg]19'53'' W.
43[deg]58'19'' N,
069[deg]20'01'' W.
43[deg]58'00'' N,
069[deg]20'46'' W.
7.8 Arthur Martin Memorial Regatta..... Event Type: Rowing and
Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: IROW.
Date: July 16, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of the Piscataqua
River, in the vicinity of
Kittery Point, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]03'51'' N,
070[deg]41'55'' W.
43[deg]04'35'' N,
070[deg]42'18'' W.
43[deg]04'42'' N,
070[deg]43'15'' W.
43[deg]05'14'' N,
070[deg]43'12'' W.
43[deg]05'14'' N,
070[deg]43'06'' W.
43[deg]04'44'' N,
070[deg]43'11'' W.
43[deg]04'35'' N,
070[deg]42'13'' W.
43[deg]03'53'' N,
070[deg]41'40'' W.
7.9 Harpswell Lobster Boat Races....... Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Harpswell
Lobster Boat Race Committee.
Date: July 24, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Potts Harbor, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
43[deg]46'50'' N,
070[deg]01'37'' W.
43[deg]46'50'' N,
070[deg]01'18'' W.
43[deg]46'28'' N,
070[deg]01'36'' W.
43[deg]46'28'' N,
070[deg]01'19'' W.
8.1 Eggemoggin Reach Regatta........... Event Type: Wooden
Boat Parade.
Sponsor: Rockport
Marine, Inc. and Brookline
Boat Yard.
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 11 a.m. to 7
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Eggemoggin Reach and
Jericho Bay in the vicinity of
Naskeag Harbor, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]15'16'' N,
068[deg]36'26'' W.
44[deg]12'41'' N,
068[deg]29'26'' W.
44[deg]07'38'' N,
068[deg]31'30'' W.
44[deg]12'54'' N,
068[deg]33'46'' W.
8.2 Southport Rowgatta Rowing and Event Type: Rowing and
Paddling Boat Race. Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Boothbay
Region YMCA.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Sheepscot Bay and
Boothbay, on the shore side of
Southport Island, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]50'26'' N,
069[deg]39'10'' W.
43[deg]49'10'' N,
069[deg]38'35'' W.
43[deg]46'53'' N,
069[deg]39'06'' W.
43[deg]46'50'' N,
069[deg]39'32'' W.
43[deg]49'07'' N,
069[deg]41'43'' W.
43[deg]50'19'' N,
069[deg]41'14'' W.
43[deg]51'11'' N,
069[deg]40'06'' W.
8.3 Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races... Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Winter Harbor
Chamber of Commerce.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Winter Harbor, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]22'06'' N,
068[deg]05'13'' W.
[[Page 30259]]
44[deg]23'06'' N,
068[deg]05'08'' W.
44[deg]23'04'' N,
068[deg]04'37'' W.
44[deg]22'05'' N,
068[deg]04'44'' W.
8.4 Lake Champlain Dragon Boat Festival Event Type: Rowing and
Paddling Boat Race.
Sponsor: Dragonheart
Date: August 7, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Burlington Bay
within the following points
(NAD 83):
44[deg]28'51'' N,
073[deg]13'28'' W.
44[deg]28'40'' N,
073[deg]13'40'' W.
44[deg]28'37'' N,
073[deg]13'29'' W.
44[deg]28'40'' N,
073[deg]13'17'' W.
8.5 Merritt Brackett Lobster Boat Races Event Type: Power Boat
Sponsor: Town of
Bristol, Maine.
Date: August 14, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Pemaquid Harbor,
Maine within the following
points (NAD 83):
43[deg]52'16'' N,
069[deg]32'10'' W.
43[deg]52'41'' N,
069[deg]31'43'' W.
43[deg]52'35'' N,
069[deg]31'29'' W.
43[deg]52'09'' N,
069[deg]31'56'' W.
8.6 Multiple Sclerosis Regatta......... Event Type: Regatta
and Sailboat Race.
Sponsor: Maine
Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis
Date: August 16, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 4
Location: The
regulated area for the start
of the race includes all
waters of Casco Bay, Maine in
the vicinity of Peaks Island
within the following points
(NAD 83):
43[deg]40'24'' N,
070[deg]14'20'' W.
43[deg]40'36'' N,
070[deg]13'56'' W.
43[deg]39'58'' N,
070[deg]13'21'' W.
43[deg]39'46'' N,
070[deg]13'51'' W.
8.7 Multiple Sclerosis Harborfest Event Type: Power Boat
Tugboat Race. Race.
Sponsor: Maine
Chapter, National Multiple
Sclerosis Society.
Date: August 21, 2011.
Time: 10 a.m. to 3
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Portland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of Maine
State Pier within the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]40'25'' N,
070[deg]14'21'' W.
43[deg]40'36'' N,
070[deg]13'56'' W.
43[deg]39'58'' N,
070[deg]13'21'' W.
43[deg]39'47'' N,
070[deg]13'51'' W.
9.1 Eastport Pirates Festival Lobster Event Type: Power Boat
Boat Races. Race.
Sponsor: Eastport
Pirates Festival.
Date: September 11,
Time: 11 a.m. to 6
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters in the vicinity of
Eastport Harbor, Maine within
the following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]54'14'' N,
066[deg]58'52'' W.
44[deg]54'14'' N,
068[deg]58'56'' W.
44[deg]54'24'' N,
066[deg]58'52'' W.
44[deg]54'24'' N,
066[deg]58'56'' W.
[[Page 30260]]
Table 2
[For events described in 33 CFR 165.171]
6.0 JUNE
6.1 Windjammer Days Fireworks.......... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Boothbay
Harbor Region Chamber of
Date: June 22, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of McFarland Island,
Boothbay Harbor, Maine in
approximate position:
43[deg]50'38'' N,
069[deg]37'57'' W (NAD 83).
7.0 JULY
7.1 Burlington Independence Day Event Type: Firework
Fireworks. Display.
Sponsor: City of
Burlington, Vermont.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 11
Location: From a barge
in the vicinity of Burlington
Harbor, Burlington, Vermont in
approximate position:
44[deg]28'31'' N,
073[deg]13'31'' W (NAD 83).
7.2 Camden 3rd of July Fireworks....... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Camden,
Rockport, Lincolnville Chamber
of Commerce.
Date: July 3, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10
Location: In the
vicinity of Camden Harbor,
Maine in approximate position:
44[deg]12'32'' N,
069[deg]02'58'' W (NAD 83).
7.3 Bangor 4th of July Fireworks....... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Bangor 4th of
July Fireworks.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of the Bangor
Waterfront, Bangor, Maine in
approximate position:
44[deg]47'27'' N,
068[deg]46'31'' W (NAD 83).
7.4 Bar Harbor 4th of July Fireworks... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Bar Harbor
Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of Bar Harbor Town
Pier, Bar Harbor, Maine in
approximate position:
44[deg]23'31'' N, 068[deg]
12'15'' W (NAD 83).
7.5 Boothbay Harbor 4th of July Event Type: Fireworks
Fireworks. Display.
Sponsor: Town of
Boothbay Harbor.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of McFarland Island,
Boothbay Harbor, Maine in
approximate position:
43[deg]50'38'' N, 069[deg]
37'57'' W (NAD 83).
7.6 Colchester 4th of July Fireworks... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Town of
Colchester, Recreation
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10
Location: In the
vicinity of Bayside Beach and
Mallets Bay in Colchester,
Vermont at approximate
44[deg]32'44'' N,
073[deg]13'10'' W (NAD 83).
7.7 Eastport 4th of July Fireworks..... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Eastport 4th
of July Committee.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 9:30
Location: From the
Waterfront Public Pier in
Eastport, Maine at approximate
44[deg]54'25'' N, 066[deg]
58'55'' W (NAD 83).
7.8 Hampton Beach 4th of July Fireworks Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Hampton Beach
Village District.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to 11
[[Page 30261]]
Location: In the
vicinity of Hampton Beach, New
Hampshire in approximate
42[deg]54'40'' N, 070[deg]
48'31'' W (NAD 83).
7.9 Jonesport 4th of July Fireworks.... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Jonesport 4th
of July Committee.
Date: July 2, 2011.
Time: 9:30 p.m. to 10
Location: In the
vicinity of Beals Island,
Jonesport, Maine in
approximate position:
44[deg]31'18'' N, 067[deg]
36'43'' W (NAD 83).
7.10 Main Street Heritage Days 4th of Event Type: Fireworks
July Fireworks. Display.
Sponsor: Main Street
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of Reed and Reed Boat
Yard, Woolwich, Maine in
approximate position:
43[deg]54'56'' N,
069[deg]48'16'' W (NAD 83).
7.11 Portland Harbor 4th of July Event Type: Fireworks
Fireworks. Display.
Sponsor: Department of
Parks and Recreation,
Portland, Maine.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8:30 p.m. to
10:30 p.m.
Location: In the
vicinity of East End Beach,
Portland, Maine in approximate
43[deg]40'16'' N,
070[deg]14'44'' W (NAD 83).
7.12 St. Albans Bay Day Fireworks...... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: St. Albans
Area Chamber of Commerce.
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 9 p.m. to 10
Location: From the St.
Albans Bay dock in St. Albans
Bay, Vermont in the
approximate position:
44[deg]48'25'' N,
073[deg]08'23'' W (NAD 83).
7.13 Stonington 4th of July Fireworks.. Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Deer Isle--
Stonington Chamber of
Date: July 4, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of Two Bush Island,
Stonington, Maine in
approximate position:
44[deg]08'57'' N,
068[deg]39'54'' W (NAD 83).
7.14 Urban/EPIC Triathlon.............. Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Tri-Maine
Date: July 9, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 11
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Portland Harbor in
the vicinity of East End Beach
in Portland, Maine within the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]40'00'' N,
070[deg]14'20'' W.
43[deg]40'00'' N,
070[deg]14'00'' W.
43[deg]40'15'' N,
070[deg]14'29'' W.
43[deg]40'17'' N,
070[deg]13'22'' W.
7.15 Tri for a Cure Triathlon.......... Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Maine Cancer
Date: July 31, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Portland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of
Spring Point Light within the
following points (NAD 83):
343[deg]39'01'' N,
070[deg]13'32'' W.
43[deg]39'07'' N,
070[deg]13'29'' W.
43[deg]39'06'' N,
070[deg]13'41'' W.
43[deg]39'01'' N,
070[deg]13'36'' W.
7.16 Richmond Days Fireworks........... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Town of
Richmond, Maine.
Date: July 30, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10
Location: From a barge
in the vicinity of the inner
harbor, Tenants Harbor, Maine
in approximate position:
[[Page 30262]]
44[deg]08'42'' N,
068[deg]27'06'' W (NAD83).
7.17 Colchester Triathlon.............. Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Colchester
Parks and Recreation
Date: July 31, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 11
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Malletts Bay on Lake
Champlain, Vermont within the
following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]32'18'' N,
073[deg]12'35'' W.
44[deg]32'28'' N,
073[deg]12'56'' W.
44[deg]32'57'' N,
073[deg]12'38'' W.
7.18 Peaks to Portland Swim............ Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Cumberland
County YMCA.
Date: July 16, 2011.
Time: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Portland Harbor
between Peaks Island and East
End Beach in Portland, Maine
within the following points
(NAD 83):
43[deg]39'20'' N,
070[deg]11'58'' W.
43[deg]39'45'' N,
070[deg]13'19'' W.
43[deg]40'11'' N,
070[deg]14'13'' W.
43[deg]40'08'' N,
070[deg]14'29'' W.
43[deg]40'00'' N,
070[deg]14'23'' W.
43[deg]39'34'' N,
070[deg]13'31'' W.
43[deg]39'13'' N,
070[deg]11'59'' W.
8.1 Sprucewold Cabbage Island Swim..... Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Sprucewold
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Linekin Bay between
Cabbage Island and Sprucewold
Beach in Boothbay Harbor,
Maine within the following
points (NAD 83):
43[deg]50'37'' N,
069[deg]36'23'' W.
43[deg]50'37'' N,
069[deg]36'59'' W.
43[deg]50'16'' N,
069[deg]36'46'' W.
43[deg]50'22'' N,
069[deg]36'21'' W.
8.2 Westerlund's Landing Party Event Type: Fireworks
Fireworks. Display.
Sponsor: Portside
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 8 p.m. to 10:30
Location: In the
vicinity of Westerlund's
Landing in South Gardiner,
Maine in approximate position:
44[deg]10'19'' N,
069[deg]45'24'' W (NAD 83).
8.3 Y-Tri Triathlon.................... Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Plattsburgh
Date: August 6, 2011.
Time: 9 a.m. to 10
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Treadwell Bay on
Lake Champlain in the vicinity
of Point Au Roche State Park,
Plattsburgh, New York within
the following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]46'30'' N,
073[deg]23'26'' W.
44[deg]46'17'' N,
073[deg]23'26'' W.
44[deg]46'17'' N,
073[deg]23'46'' W.
44[deg]46'29'' N,
073[deg]23'46'' W.
8.4 Greater Burlington YMCA Lake Swim.. Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Greater
Burlington YMCA.
Date: August 13, 2011.
Time: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters in Lake Champlain in
the vicinity of North Hero
Island within the following
points (NAD 83):
44[deg]46'55'' N,
073[deg]22'14'' W.
44[deg]47'08'' N,
073[deg]19'05'' W.
44[deg]46'48'' N,
073[deg]17'13'' W.
44[deg]46'10'' N,
073[deg]16'39'' W.
44[deg]41'08'' N,
073[deg]20'58'' W.
[[Page 30263]]
344[deg]41'36'' N,
073[deg]23'01'' W.
8.7 Rockland Breakwater Swim........... Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Pen-Bay
Date: August 27, 2011.
Time: 7:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m.
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters of Rockland Harbor,
Maine in the vicinity of
Jameson Point within the
following points (NAD 83):
44[deg]06'16'' N,
069[deg]04'39'' W.
44[deg]06'13'' N,
069[deg]04'36'' W.
44[deg]06'12'' N,
069[deg]04'43'' W.
44[deg]06'17'' N,
069[deg]04'44'' W.
44[deg]06'18'' N,
069[deg]04'40'' W.
9.1 Windjammer Weekend Fireworks....... Event Type: Fireworks
Sponsor: Town of
Camden, Maine.
Date: September 2,
Time: 8 p.m. to 9:30
Location: From a barge
in the vicinity of Northeast
Point, Camden Harbor, Maine in
approximate position:
344[deg]12'10'' N,
069[deg]03'11'' W (NAD 83).
9.2 The Lobsterman Triathlon........... Event Type: Swim
Sponsor: Tri-Maine
Date: September 10,
Time: 8 a.m. to 11
Location: The
regulated area includes all
waters in the vicinity of
Winslow Park in South
Freeport, Maine within the
following points (NAD 83):
43[deg]47'59'' N,
070[deg]06'56'' W.
43[deg]47'44'' N,
070[deg]06'56'' W.
43[deg]47'44'' N,
070[deg]07'27'' W.