Safety Zone: Ohio River Mile 355.5 to 356.5 Portsmouth, OH, 28386-28388 [2011-12005]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Authority and Signature
This document was prepared under
the direction of David Michaels, PhD,
MPH, Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health. It is
issued under Sections 8 and 24 of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (29 U.S.C. 657, 673), the
Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C.
553), and Secretary of Labor’s Order No.
4–2010 (75 FR 55355 (9/10/2010)).
Signed at Washington, DC, on May 11,
David Michaels,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2011–11965 Filed 5–16–11; 8:45 am]
Federal holidays. The telephone number
is 202–366–9329.
To avoid duplication, please use only
one of these four methods. See the
‘‘Public Participation and Request for
Comments’’ portion of the
below for instructions on submitting
you have questions on this proposed
rule, call or e-mail Petty Officer Marceli
Rogoza, Marine Safety Unit Huntington
Coast Guard; telephone 304–733–0198
extension 2137, e-mail If you have
questions on viewing or submitting
material to the docket, call Renee V.
Wright, Program Manager, Docket
Operations, telephone 202–366–9826.
Public Participation and Request for
Coast Guard
We encourage you to participate in
this rulemaking by submitting
comments and related materials. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https:// and will include
any personal information you have
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG–2010–1016]
RIN 1625–AA00
Safety Zone: Ohio River Mile 355.5 to
356.5 Portsmouth, OH
Submitting Comments
The Coast Guard proposes to
establish a safety zone in the Ohio
Valley Captain of the Port Zone on the
Ohio River in Portsmouth, OH. This
safety zone is proposed to begin at mile
355.5 and end at mile 356.5, extending
the entire width of the river. This Safety
Zone is intended to protect persons and
vessels from the potential safety hazards
associated with the Civic Forum
Fireworks Display, which occurs
annually. This safety zone is proposed
to become a permanent final rule.
DATES: Comments and related material
must be received by the Coast Guard on
or before June 16, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by docket number USCG–
2010–1016 using any one of the
following methods:
(1) Federal eRulemaking Portal:
(2) Fax: 202–493–2251.
(3) Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
(4) Hand delivery: Same as mail
address above, between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
If you submit a comment, please
include the docket number for this
rulemaking (USCG–2010–1016),
indicate the specific section of this
document to which each comment
applies, and provide a reason for each
suggestion or recommendation. You
may submit your comments and
material online (via https:// or by fax, mail, or
hand delivery, but please use only one
of these means. If you submit a
comment online via https://, it will be
considered received by the Coast Guard
when you successfully transmit the
comment. If you fax, hand deliver, or
mail your comment, it will be
considered as having been received by
the Coast Guard when it is received at
the Docket Management Facility. We
recommend that you include your name
and a mailing address, an e-mail
address, or a telephone number in the
body of your document so that we can
contact you if we have questions
regarding your submission.
To submit your comment online, go to, click on the
‘‘submit a comment’’ box, which will
then become highlighted in blue. In the
‘‘Document Type’’ drop down menu
select ‘‘Proposed Rule’’ and insert
‘‘USCG–2010–1016’’ in the ‘‘Keyword’’
Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
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box. Click ‘‘Search’’ then click on the
balloon shape in the ‘‘Actions’’ column.
If you submit your comments by mail or
hand delivery, submit them in an
unbound format, no larger than 81⁄2 by
11 inches, suitable for copying and
electronic filing. If you submit
comments by mail and would like to
know that they reached the Facility,
please enclose a stamped, self-addressed
postcard or envelope. We will consider
all comments and material received
during the comment period and may
change the rule based on your
Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as
documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to, click on the
‘‘read comments’’ box, which will then
become highlighted in blue. In the
‘‘Keyword’’ box insert ‘‘USCG–2010–
1016’’ and click ‘‘Search.’’ Click the
‘‘Open Docket Folder’’ in the ‘‘Actions’’
column. You may also visit the Docket
Management Facility in Room W12–140
on the ground floor of the Department
of Transportation West Building, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. We have an agreement with
the Department of Transportation to use
the Docket Management Facility.
Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic
form of comments received into any of
our dockets by the name of the
individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on
behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). You may review a Privacy
Act notice regarding our public dockets
in the January 17, 2008, issue of the
Federal Register (73 FR 3316).
Public Meeting
We do not now plan to hold a public
meeting. But you may submit a request
for one on or before March 27, 2011
using one of the four methods specified
under ADDRESSES. Please explain why
you believe a public meeting would be
beneficial. If we determine that one
would aid this rulemaking, we will hold
one at a time and place announced by
a later notice in the Federal Register.
For information on facilities or
services for individuals with disabilities
or to request special assistance at the
public meeting, contact Petty Officer
Marceli Rogoza at the telephone number
or e-mail address indicated under the
section of this notice.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Basis and Purpose
The Civic Forum is sponsoring a
fireworks display on the 4th of July.
Fireworks will be launched from the left
descending bank on the Ohio River at
mile 356. A hazardous situation could
exist for vessels, mariners and
spectators in the vicinity of the
fireworks display. A safety zone is
needed to protect those vessels,
mariners and spectators from the
hazards associated with this fireworks
Discussion of Proposed Rule
The Captain of the Port Ohio Valley
proposes to establish a safety zone for
the waters of the Ohio River beginning
at mile 355.5 and ending at mile 356.5.
The term ‘‘participating vessel’’ includes
all vessels registered with the fireworks
event officials to work in the event.
With the exception of participating
vessels and those mariners operating
participating vessels, all vessels and
persons are prohibited from transiting
within this safety zone unless
authorized by the Captain of the Port
Ohio Valley or a designated
representative. The Captain of the Port
Ohio Valley may be contacted on VHF–
FM Channels 13 or 16, or by telephone
at 800–253–7465. The proposed safety
zone will be enforced on the 4th of July
each year beginning in 2011. The
Captain of the Port Ohio Valley will
inform the public through broadcast
notice to mariners of the enforcement
period for the safety zone.
Regulatory Analyses
We developed this proposed rule after
considering numerous statutes and
executive orders related to rulemaking.
Below we summarize our analyses
based on 13 of these statutes or
executive orders.
Regulatory Planning and Review
This proposed rule is not a significant
regulatory action under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review, and does not
require an assessment of potential costs
and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that
Order. The Office of Management and
Budget has not reviewed it under that
Order. We expect the economic impact
of this rule to be so minimal, rendering
a full regulatory evaluation unnecessary.
The basis of this finding is that the
safety zone will only be in effect for a
limited time period on one day each
year and notifications to the marine
community will be made through
broadcast notice to mariners.
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Jkt 223001
Small Entities
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601–612), we have considered
whether this proposed rule would have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The term ‘‘small entities’’ comprises
small businesses, not-for-profit
organizations that are independently
owned and operated and are not
dominant in their fields, and
governmental jurisdictions with
populations of less than 50,000.
The Coast Guard certifies under 5
U.S.C. 605(b) that this proposed rule
would not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. This rule will affect the
following entities, some of which may
be small entities: The owners or
operators of vessels intending to transit
the Ohio River beginning at mile 355.5
and ending at mile 356.5 on the 4th of
July each year. This safety zone will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities
because this rule will only be in effect
for limited time period on one day each
year during Civic Forum Fireworks
If you think that your business,
organization, or governmental
jurisdiction qualifies as a small entity
and that this rule would have a
significant economic impact on it,
please submit a comment (see
ADDRESSES) explaining why you think it
qualifies and how and to what degree
this rule would economically affect it.
Assistance for Small Entities
Under section 213(a) of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121),
we want to assist small entities in
understanding this proposed rule so that
they can better evaluate its effects on
them and participate in the rulemaking.
If the rule would affect your small
business, organization, or governmental
jurisdiction and you have questions
concerning its provisions or options for
compliance, please contact Petty Officer
Marceli Rogoza. The Coast Guard will
not retaliate against small entities that
question or complain about this
proposed rule or any policy or action of
the Coast Guard.
Collection of Information
This proposed rule would call for no
new collection of information under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501–3520).
A rule has implications for federalism
under Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct
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effect on State or local governments and
would either preempt State law or
impose a substantial direct cost of
compliance on them. We have analyzed
this proposed rule under that Order and
have determined that it does not have
implications for federalism.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their discretionary regulatory actions. In
particular, the Act addresses actions
that may result in the expenditure by a
State, local, or tribal government, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of
$100,000,000 (adjusted for inflation) or
more in any one year. Though this
proposed rule would not result in such
an expenditure, we do discuss the
effects of this rule elsewhere in this
Taking of Private Property
This proposed rule would not cause a
taking of private property or otherwise
have taking implications under
Executive Order 12630, Governmental
Actions and Interference with
Constitutionally Protected Property
Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
Protection of Children
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Executive Order 13045,
Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks. This rule is not an economically
significant rule and would not create an
environmental risk to health or risk to
safety that might disproportionately
affect children.
Indian Tribal Governments
This proposed rule does not have
tribal implications under Executive
Order 13175, Consultation and
Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments, because it would not have
a substantial direct effect on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.
Energy Effects
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 17, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use. We have
determined that it is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ under that order because
it is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866 and is not
likely to have a significant adverse effect
on the supply, distribution, or use of
energy. The Administrator of the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs
has not designated it as a significant
energy action. Therefore, it does not
require a Statement of Energy Effects
under Executive Order 13211.
Technical Standards
The National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act (NTTAA) (15
U.S.C. 272 note) directs agencies to use
voluntary consensus standards in their
regulatory activities unless the agency
provides Congress, through the Office of
Management and Budget, with an
explanation of why using these
standards would be inconsistent with
applicable law or otherwise impractical.
Voluntary consensus standards are
technical standards (e.g., specifications
of materials, performance, design, or
operation; test methods; sampling
procedures; and related management
systems practices) that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies.
This proposed rule does not use
technical standards. Therefore, we did
not consider the use of voluntary
consensus standards.
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Department of Homeland
Security Management Directive 023–01
and Commandant Instruction
M16475.lD, which guide the Coast
Guard in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA)(42 U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and
have made a preliminary determination
that this action is one of a category of
actions that do not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
the human environment. A preliminary
environmental analysis checklist
supporting this determination is
available in the docket where indicated
under ADDRESSES. This proposed rule is
categorically excluded, under figure 2–
1, paragraph (34)(g.), of the Instruction.
This rule involves regulations
establishing, disestablishing, or
changing Regulated navigation areas
and security or safety zones. The rule
fits this category because the Coast
Guard proposes to establish a safety
zone from mile 355.5 to mile 356.5 on
the Ohio River. We seek any comments
or information that may lead to the
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discovery of a significant environmental
impact from this proposed rule.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation
(water), Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Security measures,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Coast Guard proposes to
amend 33 CFR part 165 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 165
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1226, 1231; 46 U.S.C.
Chapter 701; 50 U.S.C. 191, 195; 33 CFR
1.05–1(g), 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5; Pub. L.
107–295, 116 Stat. 2064; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
2. A new temporary § 165.T08–1016 is
added to read as follows:
§ 165.T018–1016 Safety Zone; Ohio River
Mile 355.5 to Mile 356.5 Portsmouth, OH.
(a) Location. The waters of the Ohio
River beginning at mile 355.5 and
ending at mile 356.5, extending the
entire width of the river.
(b) Effective date. This section of this
rule is effective on the 4th of July each
year beginning in 2011.
(c) Regulations. (1) In accordance with
the general regulations in § 165.23 of
this part, entry into this zone is
prohibited unless authorized by the
Captain of the Port Ohio Valley.
(2) Persons or vessels requiring entry
into or passage through this zone must
request permission from the Captain of
the Port Ohio Valley, or a designated
representative. They may be contacted
on VHF–FM Channels 13 or 16, or by
telephone at (800) 253–7465.
(3) All persons and vessels shall
comply with the instructions of the
Captain of the Port Ohio Valley and
designated on-scene U.S. Coast Guard
patrol personnel.
(4) On-scene U.S. Coast Guard patrol
personnel include commissioned,
warrant, and petty officers of the U.S.
Coast Guard.
Dated: March 15, 2011.
L.W. Hewett,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Ohio Valley.
[FR Doc. 2011–12005 Filed 5–16–11; 8:45 am]
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National Park Service
36 CFR Part 7
RIN 1024–AD80
Special Regulations, Areas of the
National Park System, Mammoth Cave
National Park
National Park Service, Interior.
Proposed rule.
The National Park Service
(NPS) proposes to designate four bicycle
routes within Mammoth Cave National
Park. This proposed rule is necessary to
implement portions of the park’s
Comprehensive Trail Management Plan
and the requirements of the NPS general
regulations require that a special
regulation be promulgated in order to
allow off-road bicycle use on routes
outside of developed park areas.
Authorizing routes for bicycling will
address the significant interest of the
visiting public for bicycling in the park.
This proposed rule would allow bicycle
use on a new Connector Trail in the
vicinity of Maple Springs; the Big
Hollow Trail, a new bike trail in the
hilly country of the park north of the
Green River; the nine-mile Mammoth
Cave Railroad Bike & Hike Trail; and the
White Oak Trail.
DATES: Comments must be received by
July 18, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by the Regulation Identifier
Number, (RIN) 1024–AD80 by any of the
following methods:
Federal rulemaking portal: https://—Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Mail or hand delivery to
Superintendent, Mammoth Cave
National Park, P.O. Box 7, Mammoth
Cave, Kentucky 42259.
North, Regulations Coordinator,
National Park Service, 1849 C Street,
NW., Room 2355, Washington, DC
20240. Phone: (202) 208–5268. E-mail:
Mammoth Cave National Park is the
core of the largest, most complex, and
best known karst area in the world.
Karst is a geologic term which refers to
areas of irregular limestone in which
erosion has produced features such as
fissures, sinkholes, underground
streams, sinking springs, and caverns.
The many types of geologic features
present within the extensive cave
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 95 (Tuesday, May 17, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 28386-28388]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-12005]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG-2010-1016]
RIN 1625-AA00
Safety Zone: Ohio River Mile 355.5 to 356.5 Portsmouth, OH
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard proposes to establish a safety zone in the
Ohio Valley Captain of the Port Zone on the Ohio River in Portsmouth,
OH. This safety zone is proposed to begin at mile 355.5 and end at mile
356.5, extending the entire width of the river. This Safety Zone is
intended to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety
hazards associated with the Civic Forum Fireworks Display, which occurs
annually. This safety zone is proposed to become a permanent final
DATES: Comments and related material must be received by the Coast
Guard on or before June 16, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by docket number USCG-
2010-1016 using any one of the following methods:
(1) Federal eRulemaking Portal:
(2) Fax: 202-493-2251.
(3) Mail: Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
(4) Hand delivery: Same as mail address above, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone
number is 202-366-9329.
To avoid duplication, please use only one of these four methods.
See the ``Public Participation and Request for Comments'' portion of
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below for instructions on
submitting comments.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this proposed
rule, call or e-mail Petty Officer Marceli Rogoza, Marine Safety Unit
Huntington Coast Guard; telephone 304-733-0198 extension 2137, e-mail If you have questions on viewing or
submitting material to the docket, call Renee V. Wright, Program
Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.
Public Participation and Request for Comments
We encourage you to participate in this rulemaking by submitting
comments and related materials. All comments received will be posted
without change to and will include any
personal information you have provided.
Submitting Comments
If you submit a comment, please include the docket number for this
rulemaking (USCG-2010-1016), indicate the specific section of this
document to which each comment applies, and provide a reason for each
suggestion or recommendation. You may submit your comments and material
online (via or by fax, mail, or hand
delivery, but please use only one of these means. If you submit a
comment online via, it will be considered
received by the Coast Guard when you successfully transmit the comment.
If you fax, hand deliver, or mail your comment, it will be considered
as having been received by the Coast Guard when it is received at the
Docket Management Facility. We recommend that you include your name and
a mailing address, an e-mail address, or a telephone number in the body
of your document so that we can contact you if we have questions
regarding your submission.
To submit your comment online, go to,
click on the ``submit a comment'' box, which will then become
highlighted in blue. In the ``Document Type'' drop down menu select
``Proposed Rule'' and insert ``USCG-2010-1016'' in the ``Keyword'' box.
Click ``Search'' then click on the balloon shape in the ``Actions''
column. If you submit your comments by mail or hand delivery, submit
them in an unbound format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable
for copying and electronic filing. If you submit comments by mail and
would like to know that they reached the Facility, please enclose a
stamped, self-addressed postcard or envelope. We will consider all
comments and material received during the comment period and may change
the rule based on your comments.
Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to,
click on the ``read comments'' box, which will then become highlighted
in blue. In the ``Keyword'' box insert ``USCG-2010-1016'' and click
``Search.'' Click the ``Open Docket Folder'' in the ``Actions'' column.
You may also visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12-140 on
the ground floor of the Department of Transportation West Building,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. We have an
agreement with the Department of Transportation to use the Docket
Management Facility.
Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic form of comments received into any
of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may review a Privacy Act notice
regarding our public dockets in the January 17, 2008, issue of the
Federal Register (73 FR 3316).
Public Meeting
We do not now plan to hold a public meeting. But you may submit a
request for one on or before March 27, 2011 using one of the four
methods specified under ADDRESSES. Please explain why you believe a
public meeting would be beneficial. If we determine that one would aid
this rulemaking, we will hold one at a time and place announced by a
later notice in the Federal Register.
For information on facilities or services for individuals with
disabilities or to request special assistance at the public meeting,
contact Petty Officer Marceli Rogoza at the telephone number or e-mail
address indicated under the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this notice.
[[Page 28387]]
Basis and Purpose
The Civic Forum is sponsoring a fireworks display on the 4th of
July. Fireworks will be launched from the left descending bank on the
Ohio River at mile 356. A hazardous situation could exist for vessels,
mariners and spectators in the vicinity of the fireworks display. A
safety zone is needed to protect those vessels, mariners and spectators
from the hazards associated with this fireworks display.
Discussion of Proposed Rule
The Captain of the Port Ohio Valley proposes to establish a safety
zone for the waters of the Ohio River beginning at mile 355.5 and
ending at mile 356.5. The term ``participating vessel'' includes all
vessels registered with the fireworks event officials to work in the
event. With the exception of participating vessels and those mariners
operating participating vessels, all vessels and persons are prohibited
from transiting within this safety zone unless authorized by the
Captain of the Port Ohio Valley or a designated representative. The
Captain of the Port Ohio Valley may be contacted on VHF-FM Channels 13
or 16, or by telephone at 800-253-7465. The proposed safety zone will
be enforced on the 4th of July each year beginning in 2011. The Captain
of the Port Ohio Valley will inform the public through broadcast notice
to mariners of the enforcement period for the safety zone.
Regulatory Analyses
We developed this proposed rule after considering numerous statutes
and executive orders related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our
analyses based on 13 of these statutes or executive orders.
Regulatory Planning and Review
This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under
section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review,
and does not require an assessment of potential costs and benefits
under section 6(a)(3) of that Order. The Office of Management and
Budget has not reviewed it under that Order. We expect the economic
impact of this rule to be so minimal, rendering a full regulatory
evaluation unnecessary. The basis of this finding is that the safety
zone will only be in effect for a limited time period on one day each
year and notifications to the marine community will be made through
broadcast notice to mariners.
Small Entities
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), we have
considered whether this proposed rule would have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. The term ``small
entities'' comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations
that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their
fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than
The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this proposed
rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. This rule will affect the following entities,
some of which may be small entities: The owners or operators of vessels
intending to transit the Ohio River beginning at mile 355.5 and ending
at mile 356.5 on the 4th of July each year. This safety zone will not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities because this rule will only be in effect for limited time
period on one day each year during Civic Forum Fireworks Display.
If you think that your business, organization, or governmental
jurisdiction qualifies as a small entity and that this rule would have
a significant economic impact on it, please submit a comment (see
ADDRESSES) explaining why you think it qualifies and how and to what
degree this rule would economically affect it.
Assistance for Small Entities
Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), we want to assist small
entities in understanding this proposed rule so that they can better
evaluate its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking. If the
rule would affect your small business, organization, or governmental
jurisdiction and you have questions concerning its provisions or
options for compliance, please contact Petty Officer Marceli Rogoza.
The Coast Guard will not retaliate against small entities that question
or complain about this proposed rule or any policy or action of the
Coast Guard.
Collection of Information
This proposed rule would call for no new collection of information
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).
A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on State or local
governments and would either preempt State law or impose a substantial
direct cost of compliance on them. We have analyzed this proposed rule
under that Order and have determined that it does not have implications
for federalism.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538)
requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary
regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may
result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in
the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for
inflation) or more in any one year. Though this proposed rule would not
result in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule
elsewhere in this preamble.
Taking of Private Property
This proposed rule would not cause a taking of private property or
otherwise have taking implications under Executive Order 12630,
Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected
Property Rights.
Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
Protection of Children
We have analyzed this proposed rule under Executive Order 13045,
Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and would not
create an environmental risk to health or risk to safety that might
disproportionately affect children.
Indian Tribal Governments
This proposed rule does not have tribal implications under
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments, because it would not have a substantial direct effect on
one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.
Energy Effects
We have analyzed this proposed rule under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations That
[[Page 28388]]
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use. We have
determined that it is not a ``significant energy action'' under that
order because it is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under
Executive Order 12866 and is not likely to have a significant adverse
effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. The Administrator
of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has not designated
it as a significant energy action. Therefore, it does not require a
Statement of Energy Effects under Executive Order 13211.
Technical Standards
The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) (15
U.S.C. 272 note) directs agencies to use voluntary consensus standards
in their regulatory activities unless the agency provides Congress,
through the Office of Management and Budget, with an explanation of why
using these standards would be inconsistent with applicable law or
otherwise impractical. Voluntary consensus standards are technical
standards (e.g., specifications of materials, performance, design, or
operation; test methods; sampling procedures; and related management
systems practices) that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies.
This proposed rule does not use technical standards. Therefore, we
did not consider the use of voluntary consensus standards.
We have analyzed this proposed rule under Department of Homeland
Security Management Directive 023-01 and Commandant Instruction
M16475.lD, which guide the Coast Guard in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)(42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and have
made a preliminary determination that this action is one of a category
of actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant
effect on the human environment. A preliminary environmental analysis
checklist supporting this determination is available in the docket
where indicated under ADDRESSES. This proposed rule is categorically
excluded, under figure 2-1, paragraph (34)(g.), of the Instruction.
This rule involves regulations establishing, disestablishing, or
changing Regulated navigation areas and security or safety zones. The
rule fits this category because the Coast Guard proposes to establish a
safety zone from mile 355.5 to mile 356.5 on the Ohio River. We seek
any comments or information that may lead to the discovery of a
significant environmental impact from this proposed rule.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard proposes
to amend 33 CFR part 165 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 165 continues to read as
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1226, 1231; 46 U.S.C. Chapter 701; 50
U.S.C. 191, 195; 33 CFR 1.05-1(g), 6.04-1, 6.04-6, and 160.5; Pub.
L. 107-295, 116 Stat. 2064; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
2. A new temporary Sec. 165.T08-1016 is added to read as follows:
Sec. 165.T018-1016 Safety Zone; Ohio River Mile 355.5 to Mile 356.5
Portsmouth, OH.
(a) Location. The waters of the Ohio River beginning at mile 355.5
and ending at mile 356.5, extending the entire width of the river.
(b) Effective date. This section of this rule is effective on the
4th of July each year beginning in 2011.
(c) Regulations. (1) In accordance with the general regulations in
Sec. 165.23 of this part, entry into this zone is prohibited unless
authorized by the Captain of the Port Ohio Valley.
(2) Persons or vessels requiring entry into or passage through this
zone must request permission from the Captain of the Port Ohio Valley,
or a designated representative. They may be contacted on VHF-FM
Channels 13 or 16, or by telephone at (800) 253-7465.
(3) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of
the Captain of the Port Ohio Valley and designated on-scene U.S. Coast
Guard patrol personnel.
(4) On-scene U.S. Coast Guard patrol personnel include
commissioned, warrant, and petty officers of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Dated: March 15, 2011.
L.W. Hewett,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port Ohio Valley.
[FR Doc. 2011-12005 Filed 5-16-11; 8:45 am]