Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F Propellers, 25534-25535 [2011-10898]
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
the Secretary shall announce a uniform
classification fee and any applicable
surcharge for classification services not
later than June 1 of the year in which
the fee applies; and (4) in establishing
the amount of fees under this section,
the Secretary shall consult with
representatives of the United States
cotton industry. At pages 313–314, the
Joint Explanatory Statement of the
committee of conference for section
14201 stated the expectation that the
cotton classification fee would be
established in the same manner as was
applied during the 1992 through 2007
fiscal years. The classification fee
should continue to be a basic, uniform
fee per bale fee as determined necessary
to maintain cost-effective cotton
classification service. Further, in
consulting with the cotton industry, the
Secretary should demonstrate the level
of fees necessary to maintain effective
cotton classification services and
provide the Department of Agriculture
with an adequate operating reserve,
while also working to limit adjustments
in the year-to-year fee.
Under the provisions of section
14201, this final rule establishes a user
fee (dollars per bale classed) for the
2011 cotton crop that, when combined
with other sources of revenue, will
result in projected revenues sufficient to
reasonably cover budgeted costs—
adjusted for inflation—and allow for
adequate operating reserves to be
maintained. Costs considered in this
method include salaries, costs of
equipment and supplies, and other
overhead costs, such as facility costs
and costs for administration and
supervision. In addition to covering
expected costs, the user fee is set such
that projected revenues will generate an
operating reserve adequate to effectively
manage uncertainties related to crop
size and cash-flow timing while meeting
minimum reserve requirements set by
the Agricultural Marketing Service,
which require maintenance of a reserve
fund amount equal to four months of
projected operating costs.
Extensive consultations regarding the
establishment of the classification fee
with U.S. cotton industry
representatives were held during the
period from September 2010 through
March 2011 during numerous publicly
held meetings. Representatives of all
segments of the cotton industry,
including producers, ginners, bale
storage facility operators, merchants,
cooperatives, and textile manufacturers
were addressed in various industrysponsored forums.
The user fee established to be charged
cotton producers for cotton
classification in 2011 is $2.20 per bale,
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16:41 May 04, 2011
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which is the same fee charged for the
2010 crop. This fee is based on the preseason projection that 16.5 million bales
will be classed by the United States
Department of Agriculture during the
2011 crop year.
Accordingly, § 28.909, paragraph (b)
will reflect the continuation of the
cotton classification fee at $2.20 per
As provided for in the 1987 Act, a
5 cent per bale discount will continue
to be applied to voluntary centralized
billing and collecting agents as specified
in § 28.909(c).
Growers or their designated agents
receiving classification data will
continue to incur no additional fees if
classification data is requested only
once. The fee for each additional
retrieval of classification data in
§ 28.910 will remain at 5 cents per bale.
The fee in § 28.910(b) for an owner
receiving classification data from the
National database will remain at 5 cents
per bale, and the minimum charge of
$5.00 for services provided per monthly
billing period will remain the same. The
provisions of § 28.910(c) concerning the
fee for new classification memoranda
issued from the National Database for
the business convenience of an owner
without reclassification of the cotton
will remain the same at 15 cents per
bale or a minimum of $5.00 per sheet.
The fee for review classification in
§ 28.911 will remain at $2.20 per bale.
The fee for returning samples after
classification in § 28.911 will remain at
50 cents per sample.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 533, good cause
exists for not postponing the effective
date of this final rule until 30 days after
publication in the Federal Register
because this rule maintains uniform
user fees for 2011 crop cotton
classification services as mandated by
the Cotton Statistics and Estimates Act,
at the same level as 2010.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 28
Administrative practice and
procedure, Cotton, Cotton samples,
Grades, Market news, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Standards,
Staples, Testing, Warehouses.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, 7 CFR part 28 is amended to
read as follows:
1. The authority citation for 7 CFR
part 28, Subpart D, continues to read as
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 51–65; 7 U.S.C. 471–
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2. In § 28.909, paragraph (b) is
republished to read as follows:
§ 28.909
(b) The cost of High Volume
Instrument (HVI) cotton classification
service to producers is $2.20 per bale.
■ 3. In § 28.911, the last sentence of
paragraph (a) is republished to read as
§ 28.911
Review classification.
(a) * * * The fee for review
classification is $2.20 per bale.
Dated: April 29, 2011.
David R. Shipman,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural
Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2011–11047 Filed 5–4–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2009–0113; Directorate
Identifier 2008–NE–25–AD; Amendment 39–
16602; AD 2011–04–02]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton
Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
The FAA is correcting an
airworthiness directive (AD) that
published in the Federal Register. That
AD applies to the products listed above.
The blade part number (P/N) 817370–1
Applicability, and the Compliance
sections is incorrect. We are also adding
a statement to the Compliance section to
clarify the applicability. This document
corrects those errors. In all other
respects, the original document remains
the same.
DATES: This final rule is effective May 5,
ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD
docket on the Internet at https://; or in person at the
Docket Management Facility between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
docket contains this AD, the regulatory
evaluation, any comments received, and
other information. The address for the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
Docket Office (phone: 800–647–5527) is
Document Management Facility, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Docket
Operations, M–30, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590.
Michael Schwetz, Aerospace Engineer,
Boston Aircraft Certification Office,
FAA, Engine and Propeller Directorate,
12 New England Executive Park,
Burlington, MA 01803; telephone (781)
238–7761; fax (781) 238–7170; e-mail:
Airworthiness Directive 2011–04–02,
amendment 39–16602 (76 FR 7101,
February 9, 2011), currently requires
removing from service, certain part
number and serial number propeller
blades for Hamilton Sundstrand
Propellers Model 247F Propellers.
As published, the propeller blade part
number 817370–1 and ATR72–210 and
ATR722–210E airplanes in the
Applicability, and the Compliance
sections are incorrect.
No other part of the preamble or
regulatory information has been
changed; therefore, only the changed
portion of the final rule is being
published in the Federal Register.
The effective date of this AD remains
March 16, 2011.
Correction of Non-Regulatory Text
In the Federal Register of February 9,
2011, AD 2011–04–02; Amendment 39–
16602 is corrected as follows:
On page 7101 in the third column, on
change ‘‘817370–1’’ to ‘‘R817370–1’’.
On page 7101 in the third column, on
change ‘‘817370–1’’ to ‘‘R817370–1’’.
Correction of Regulatory Text
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
§ 39.13
In the Federal Register of February 9,
2011, on page 7102, in the second
column, paragraph (c) of AD 2011–04–
02 is corrected to read as follows:
(c) This AD applies to Hamilton
Sundstrand model 247F series
propellers with blades part number (P/
N) R817370–1, serial numbers (S/Ns)
FR2018, FR2103, FR2108, FR2109,
FR2111, FR2123, FR2183, FR2187,
FR2262, FR2276 through FR2279
inclusive, FR 2398, FR2449 to FR2958
inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722
inclusive, and FR20010723RT to
FR20020127RT inclusive, installed.
Propeller blades reworked to Hamilton
Sundstrand Service Bulletin 247F–61–
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:41 May 04, 2011
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54 with the part number re-marked as
R817370R1 are in compliance with this
In the Federal Register of February 9,
2011, on page 7102, in the second
column, paragraph (f) of AD 2011–04–
02 is corrected to read as follows:
Removing Blades P/N R817370–1
(f) Remove from service, blades P/N
R817370–1, S/Ns FR2018, FR2103,
FR2108, FR2109, FR2111, FR2123,
FR2183, FR2187, FR2262, FR2276
through FR2279, FR2398, FR2449 to
FR2958 inclusive, FR20010710 to
FR20010722 inclusive, and
FR20010723RT to FR20020127RT
inclusive, within 30 days after the
effective date of this AD.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
April 29, 2011.
Peter A. White,
Acting Manager, Engine & Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2011–10898 Filed 5–4–11; 8:45 am]
the consequent * * * [non-functioning] of
the RAT when needed.
Non-functioning of the RAT could result
in insufficient electrical power to
operate the fly-by-wire system, and
subsequent loss of control of the
airplane. We are issuing this AD to
require actions to correct the unsafe
condition on these products.
This AD becomes effective June
9, 2011.
You may examine the AD
docket on the Internet at https:// or in person at the
U.S. Department of Transportation,
Docket Operations, M–30, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC.
Rodriguez, Aerospace Engineer,
International Branch, ANM–116,
Transport Airplane Directorate, FAA,
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
Washington 98057–3356; telephone
(425) 227–1137; fax (425) 227–1149.
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2010–1306; Directorate
Identifier 2010–NM–112–AD; Amendment
39–16682; AD 2011–10–01]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; DassaultAviation Model FALCON 7X Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
We are adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for the
products listed above. This AD results
from mandatory continuing
airworthiness information (MCAI)
originated by an aviation authority of
another country to identify and correct
an unsafe condition on an aviation
product. The MCAI describes the unsafe
condition as:
A design review has revealed a potential
dormant failure of the Ram Air Turbine
(RAT) heating system. If this failure occurs,
it could lead to the freezing of the RAT
mechanism [the potential consequence of
this heater being inoperative relates primarily
to generator rotor/turbine assembly
rotation—either the ability to rotate or to
rotate at rated RPM for a given airspeed], and
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We issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 to include an AD that would
apply to the specified products. That
NPRM was published in the Federal
Register on January 5, 2011 (76 FR 480).
That NPRM proposed to correct an
unsafe condition for the specified
products. The MCAI states:
A design review has revealed a potential
dormant failure of the Ram Air Turbine
(RAT) heating system. If this failure occurs,
it could lead to the freezing of the RAT
mechanism [the potential consequence of
this heater being inoperative relates primarily
to generator rotor/turbine assembly
rotation—either the ability to rotate or to
rotate at rated RPM for a given airspeed], and
the consequent * * * [non-functioning] of
the RAT when needed.
The purpose of this AD is to require a
repetitive functional test of the RAT heater
* * *.
Non-functioning of the RAT could
result in insufficient electrical power to
operate the fly-by-wire system, and
subsequent loss of control of the
airplane. The corrective action is
repairing. You may obtain further
information by examining the MCAI in
the AD docket.
We gave the public the opportunity to
participate in developing this AD. We
considered the comment received.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 87 (Thursday, May 5, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25534-25535]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-10898]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2009-0113; Directorate Identifier 2008-NE-25-AD;
Amendment 39-16602; AD 2011-04-02]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model
247F Propellers
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
SUMMARY: The FAA is correcting an airworthiness directive (AD) that
published in the Federal Register. That AD applies to the products
listed above. The blade part number (P/N) 817370-1 in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, the Applicability, and the Compliance sections is
incorrect. We are also adding a statement to the Compliance section to
clarify the applicability. This document corrects those errors. In all
other respects, the original document remains the same.
DATES: This final rule is effective May 5, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at; or in person at the Docket Management Facility
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation,
any comments received, and other information. The address for the
[[Page 25535]]
Docket Office (phone: 800-647-5527) is Document Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Schwetz, Aerospace Engineer,
Boston Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Engine and Propeller
Directorate, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803;
telephone (781) 238-7761; fax (781) 238-7170; e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Airworthiness Directive 2011-04-02,
amendment 39-16602 (76 FR 7101, February 9, 2011), currently requires
removing from service, certain part number and serial number propeller
blades for Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F Propellers.
As published, the propeller blade part number 817370-1 and ATR72-
210 and ATR722-210E airplanes in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, the
Applicability, and the Compliance sections are incorrect.
No other part of the preamble or regulatory information has been
changed; therefore, only the changed portion of the final rule is being
published in the Federal Register.
The effective date of this AD remains March 16, 2011.
Correction of Non-Regulatory Text
In the Federal Register of February 9, 2011, AD 2011-04-02;
Amendment 39-16602 is corrected as follows:
On page 7101 in the third column, on line 26, SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, change ``817370-1'' to ``R817370-1''.
On page 7101 in the third column, on line 33, SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, change ``817370-1'' to ``R817370-1''.
Correction of Regulatory Text
Sec. 39.13 [Corrected]
In the Federal Register of February 9, 2011, on page 7102, in the
second column, paragraph (c) of AD 2011-04-02 is corrected to read as
* * * * *
(c) This AD applies to Hamilton Sundstrand model 247F series
propellers with blades part number (P/N) R817370-1, serial numbers (S/
Ns) FR2018, FR2103, FR2108, FR2109, FR2111, FR2123, FR2183, FR2187,
FR2262, FR2276 through FR2279 inclusive, FR 2398, FR2449 to FR2958
inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722 inclusive, and FR20010723RT to
FR20020127RT inclusive, installed. Propeller blades reworked to
Hamilton Sundstrand Service Bulletin 247F-61-54 with the part number
re-marked as R817370R1 are in compliance with this AD.
* * * * *
In the Federal Register of February 9, 2011, on page 7102, in the
second column, paragraph (f) of AD 2011-04-02 is corrected to read as
* * * * *
Removing Blades P/N R817370-1
(f) Remove from service, blades P/N R817370-1, S/Ns FR2018, FR2103,
FR2108, FR2109, FR2111, FR2123, FR2183, FR2187, FR2262, FR2276 through
FR2279, FR2398, FR2449 to FR2958 inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722
inclusive, and FR20010723RT to FR20020127RT inclusive, within 30 days
after the effective date of this AD.
* * * * *
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on April 29, 2011.
Peter A. White,
Acting Manager, Engine & Propeller Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 2011-10898 Filed 5-4-11; 8:45 am]