Pipeline Safety: Applying Safety Regulations to All Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Low-Stress Lines, 25576-25588 [2011-10778]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
(deliverables and construction material),
due to the serious human health and
environmental risks related to its use.
Executive Order 13423, section 3,
paragraph (a) requires that the heads of
agencies reduce or eliminate the
acquisition and use of toxic or
hazardous chemicals. Executive Order
13514 requires that the heads of
agencies are responsible for ‘‘reducing
and minimizing the quantity of toxic
and hazardous chemicals and materials
acquired, used, or disposed of.’’
(a) Executive Order 13423 of January
24, 2007, Strengthening Federal
Environmental, Energy, and
Transportation Management.
(b) Executive Order 13514 of October
5, 2009, Federal Leadership in
Environmental, Energy, and Economic
(a) Except as provided in 223.7304
and 223.7305, no contract may include
a specification or standard that results
in a deliverable or construction material
containing more than 0.1 percent
hexavalent chromium by weight in any
homogeneous material in the
deliverable or construction material
where proven substitutes are available
that provide acceptable performance for
the application.
(b) This prohibition is in addition to
any imposed by the Clean Air Act
regardless of the place of performance.
The prohibition in 223.7303 does not
apply to—
(a) Legacy systems and their related
parts, subsystems, and components that
already contain hexavalent chromium.
However, alternatives to hexavalent
chromium shall be considered by the
appropriate official during system
modifications, follow-on procurements
of legacy systems, or maintenance
procedure updates; and
(b) Additional sustainment related
contracts (e.g., parts, services) for a
system in which use of hexavalent
chromium was previously approved.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Authorization and approval.
(a) The prohibition in 223.7303 does
not apply to critical defense
applications if no substitute can meet
performance requirements. The DoD
policy of April 8, 2009, ‘‘Minimizing the
Use of Hexavalent Chromium,’’ contains
requirements for weighing hexavalent
chromium versus substitutes. DoD
Program Managers must consider the
following factors—
(1) Cost effectiveness of alternative
materials or processes;
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(2) Technical feasibility of alternative
materials or processes;
(3) Environment, safety, and
occupational health risks associated
with the use of the hexavalent
chromium or substitute materials in
each specific application;
(4) Achieving a DoD Manufacturing
Readiness Level of at least eight for any
qualified alternative;
(5) Materiel availability of hexavalent
chromium and the proposed alternatives
over the projected life span of the
system; and
(6) Corrosion performance difference
of alternative materials or processes as
determined by agency corrosion subject
matter experts.
(b) However, unless an exception in
223.7304 applies, the incorporation of
hexavalent chromium in items acquired
by DoD shall be specifically authorized
at a level no lower than a general or flag
officer or a member of the Senior
Executive Service from the Program
Executive Office or equivalent level, in
coordination with the component
Corrosion Control and Prevention
Executive. Follow the procedures in PGI
Contract clause.
Unless an exception in 223.7304
applies, or use has been authorized in
accordance with 223.7305, use the
clause at 252.223–7008, Prohibition of
Hexavalent Chromium, in solicitations
and contracts for supplies, maintenance
and repair services, or construction.
3. Add section 252.223–7008 as
Prohibition of Hexavalent
As prescribed in 223.7306, use the
following clause:
Prohibition of Hexavalent Chromium
(MAY 2011)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
Homogeneous material means a material
that cannot be mechanically disjointed into
different materials and is of uniform
composition throughout.
(1) Examples of homogeneous materials
include individual types of plastics,
ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, board,
resins, and surface coatings.
(2) Homogeneous material does not include
conversion coatings that chemically modify
the substrate. Mechanically disjointed means
that the materials can, in principle, be
separated by mechanical actions such as
unscrewing, cutting, crushing, grinding, and
abrasive processes.
(b) Prohibition. (1) Unless otherwise
specified by the Contracting Officer, the
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Contractor shall not provide any deliverable
or construction material under this contract
(i) Contains hexavalent chromium in a
concentration greater than 0.1 percent by
weight in any homogenous material; or
(ii) Requires the removal or reapplication
of hexavalent chromium materials during
subsequent sustainment phases of the
deliverable or construction material.
(2) This prohibition does not apply to
hexavalent chromium produced as a byproduct of manufacturing processes.
(c) If authorization for incorporation of
hexavalent chromium in a deliverable or
construction material is required, the
Contractor shall submit a request to the
Contracting Officer.
(d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall
include the substance of this clause,
including this paragraph (d), in all
subcontracts for supplies, maintenance and
repair services, or construction materials.
(End of clause)
[FR Doc. 2011–10882 Filed 5–4–11; 8:45 am]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
49 CFR Part 195
[Docket PHMSA–2008–0186; Amdt. 195–96]
RIN 2137–AE36
Pipeline Safety: Applying Safety
Regulations to All Rural Onshore
Hazardous Liquid Low-Stress Lines
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
(PHMSA), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Final rule.
PHMSA is amending its
pipeline safety regulations to apply
safety regulation to rural low-stress
hazardous liquid pipelines that were not
covered previously by safety
regulations. This change complies with
a mandate in the Pipeline Inspection,
Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act
of 2006 (PIPES Act).
DATES: This final rule takes effect
October 1, 2011.
technical contents of the final rule
contact Mike Israni by phone at 202–
366–4571 or by e-mail at
Mike.Israni@dot.gov. For all other
information contact Tewabe Asebe by
phone at 202–366–4595 or by e-mail at
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
Until 2008, a hazardous liquid
pipeline operating at low-stress in a
rural area was not regulated under
Federal pipeline safety regulations in 49
CFR part 195 unless it crossed a
commercially navigable waterway.
Section 195.2 defines a ‘‘rural area’’ as
one outside the limits of any
incorporated or unincorporated city,
town, village, or any other designated
residential or commercial area, such as
a subdivision, a business or shopping
center, or community development.
The PIPES Act was signed into law on
December 29, 2006, (Pub. L. 109–468).
Section four of the PIPES Act (codified
at 49 U.S.C. 60102(k)) required PHMSA
to ‘‘issue regulations subjecting lowstress hazardous liquid pipelines to the
same standards and regulations as other
hazardous liquid pipelines.’’ The PIPES
Act also stated that the new regulations
could be issued in phases.
Because PHMSA did not have
adequate information on the number of
operators with rural low-stress
pipelines, or on the total mileage of
these lines in service, we initiated the
following actions:
(1) We revised the Pipeline Safety
Regulations to require operators of any
low-stress line (including those rural
low-stress lines not brought under safety
regulations) to comply with the annual
reporting requirements and the incident
reporting requirements of Part 195. This
was part of phase one, as discussed
(2) On July 31, 2008, (73 FR 44800)
OMB Control Number 2137–0623,
PHMSA published in the Federal
Register a notice of OMB-approved
survey asking each operator of a rural
low-stress hazardous liquid pipeline for
voluntary information concerning the
mileage and characteristics of these
pipelines to assess the costs of
subjecting rural low-stress pipeline
mileage to Part 195 regulation.
(3) Based on the information received
in response to the notice, PHMSA
conducted two follow-up inquiries:
(1) A request for information from
operators who operate rural low-stress
lines to determine the potential
operating costs they were likely to incur
to bring these unregulated lines into
compliance with Part 195 regulation;
and (2) a request to states with the
majority of rural low-stress lines to
identify any incident data the state may
have collected through the years.
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Implementation of the PIPES Act
PHMSA decided to implement the
PIPES Act mandate in phases, in part
because PHMSA did not have complete
data on the extent of rural low-stress
pipelines that would be covered by the
statutory mandate. Phase one, through a
final rule published on June 3, 2008, (73
FR 31634), applied full Part 195
regulation to higher-risk, larger-diameter
rural low-stress pipelines (i.e., those
low-stress pipelines with a diameter of
8 5⁄8 inches or greater located in or
within one-half mile of an unusually
sensitive area (USA)). (These
requirements are in 49 CFR 195.12.)
These are the rural low-stress pipelines
that have more potential to cause harm
to USAs. These were also the rural lowstress pipelines on which PHMSA had
the most information to prepare a
regulatory cost/benefit evaluation.
PHMSA planned to regulate all
remaining rural low-stress pipelines
(i.e., smaller-diameter—less than 8 5⁄8
inches diameter—rural low-stress
pipelines located in or within one-half
mile of a USA and all rural low-stress
pipelines, of any diameter, located
outside the one-half mile USA buffer)
once PHMSA had more complete
information on the extent of these
unregulated rural low-stress pipelines.
Phase one also applied reporting
requirements in Subpart B of Part 195 to
all rural low-stress pipelines (§ 195.48).
This data was necessary for PHMSA to
complete the regulatory evaluation for
the extension of all safety requirements
to the remaining rural low-stress
pipelines in phase two.
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Phase Two—Notice of Proposed
With the information PHMSA
gathered, we moved to phase two to
complete the requirement of the PIPES
Act and to apply Part 195 safety
requirements to all rural low-stress
pipelines not included in the phase one
rule. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPRM) was published in the Federal
Register on June 22, 2010, (75 FR 35366)
that proposed to extend Part 195 safety
requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines of any diameter located more
than one-half mile from a USA and
those less than 85⁄8 inches in diameter
located in or within one-half mile of a
The phase one rule established
compliance deadlines for the rural lowstress pipelines that it addressed. The
phase two NPRM proposed no changes
to these phase one deadlines, but
proposed new compliance deadlines to
apply the requirements to the phase two
rural low-stress pipelines proposed for
regulation. In addition, PHMSA
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proposed to define the scope of the
‘‘could affect’’ buffer for application of
the integrity management (IM)
requirements in § 195.452 to the phase
two pipelines. To codify the compliance
dates and requirements, we proposed to
define three ‘‘categories’’ of rural lowstress pipelines subject to the
requirements of § 195.12. These were as
• Category 1: Those rural low-stress
pipelines that were covered under the
phase one rule;
• Category 2: Rural low-stress
pipelines of smaller diameter (less than
85⁄8 inches diameter) located in or
within one-half mile of a USA (which
would be subject to all Part 195
requirements including IM
requirements); and
• Category 3: All other rural lowstress pipelines that were not included
in phase one. Category 3 lines would
fall outside the defined ‘‘could affect’’
buffer for application of IM
Integrity Management
Section 195.452 addresses IM
requirements for hazardous liquid
pipelines. Under the requirements of
that section, operators must take
additional actions for each pipeline
segment that could affect a high
consequence area (HCA). PHMSA has
defined HCAs as populated areas,
commercially navigable waterways and
USAs. HCAs are identified and
displayed on maps available from the
To comply with IM requirements,
pipeline operators must first determine
which segments of their pipeline could
affect an HCA. To do this, an operator
needs to compare its pipeline’s location
to the locations of HCAs and determine
which segments of the pipeline could
affect an HCA if there was a product
release from the segment. These
comparisons have proven to be
considerably more burdensome in
practice than PHMSA believed when IM
rules were initially established. They
involve more than just comparison of
maps of pipeline location to maps of
HCAs. Operators have had to consider
the topography and nature of ground
cover around their pipelines to estimate
the direction and distance that released
product might flow. Operators have also
had to consider the potential transport
of released product via nearby
waterways, including such factors as
seasonal variations in flow, the effect of
stream turbulence, and their ability to
respond to a release and contain further
transport of spilled product.
During the phase one rulemaking for
rural low-stress pipelines, PHMSA
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
concluded it would be unnecessarily
burdensome to require operators of
these pipelines to perform a complete
‘‘could affect’’ analysis to determine
which rural low-stress pipeline
segments would be subject to IM
requirements. Rather, PHMSA adopted a
one-half mile buffer around USAs 1 as
the ‘‘could affect’’ area (i.e., any rural
low-stress pipeline segment covered by
the phase one rule within the one-half
mile buffer would be subject to IM
requirements). PHMSA found it
unlikely a ‘‘could affect’’ analysis on a
rural low-stress pipeline would result in
a larger area than the one-half mile
buffer for application of IM
requirements. Available data showed
that the largest spill on land from a lowstress line covered two acres. An acre is
43,560 square feet. If this spill had been
limited to a corridor 35 feet wide over
its entire length, it still would not have
traveled one-half mile. This data,
coupled with the relatively lower
pressure of low-stress pipelines, led
PHMSA to conclude that a one-half mile
buffer was more than adequate for
application of IM requirements. In the
NPRM, PHMSA proposed to continue to
use the one-half mile buffer for phase
two because PHMSA believed it would
be an adequate ‘‘could affect’’ area that
identifies the vast majority (if not all) of
rural low-stress pipelines that could
affect a USA.
As in phase one, PHMSA also
proposed to include an option for
pipeline operators to use ‘‘could affect’’
analyses in lieu of the one-half mile
buffer to determine which of their
smaller-diameter low-stress pipelines
would be subject to IM requirements.
PHMSA recognized that operators could
use this option in circumstances where
it is likely the ‘‘could affect’’ analysis
would determine that a pipeline
segment cannot affect a USA (e.g.,
where the USA is uphill from the
pipeline). Nevertheless, PHMSA
concluded it would be unreasonable to
exclude this option for rural low-stress
pipelines since it can identify instances
in which application of IM requirements
would be unnecessary.
Economic Burden
The phase one rule allowed operators
of pipelines meeting specified criteria to
notify PHMSA if they would incur an
excessive economic burden in
complying with IM assessment
requirements. The criteria were
designed for rural pipelines that carry
1 The other component of HCAs (i.e., populated
areas) was not affected by the phase one rulemaking
and was not included in the phase two NPRM since
pipelines in populated areas are not, by definition,
in ‘‘rural areas’’ and are already regulated.
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oil from a production facility (e.g., well)
and where the pipeline would be
abandoned or shut down as a result of
the economic burden associated with IM
assessments. The phase one rule
provided that PHMSA would stay
compliance with the IM assessment
requirements while it reviews the
notification. Based on the outcome of
the review, PHMSA may grant the
operator a special permit imposing
alternative safety requirements in lieu of
IM assessments.
For phase two, PHMSA considered
extending the economic compliance
burden provision to Category 2
pipelines—those smaller diameter rural
low-stress pipelines located in or within
one-half mile of a USA that would be
subject to IM assessment requirements.
(Category 3 low-stress pipelines would
not be subject to the IM requirements
under the NPRM, as described above).
PHMSA concluded that this was not
necessary because no Category 2 lowstress pipeline would meet the criteria
in the economic burden compliance
provision (§ 195.12(c)) and concerns
about preserving oil production or
minimizing risk of alternative transport
of crude oil from wells would not apply
to these pipelines. Accordingly, we did
not propose to extend the economic
burden compliance provision to these
pipelines in the NPRM.
Pipelines Subject to USCG Regulation
Section 195.1(b)(3) states that Part 195
requirements do not apply to pipelines
subject to safety regulations of the
United States Coast Guard (USCG). The
NPRM noted that this exception had
previously applied only to low-stress
pipelines subject to USCG regulation
and through a drafting error in the phase
one final rule, was inadvertently
expanded to all pipelines subject to
USCG requirements. PHMSA proposed
to correct this error.
Public Comments
PHMSA received comments from
three trade associations (two of which
filed joint comments), one government
agency (National Transportation Safety
Board, NTSB), one pipeline consultant,
and one individual. None of the
comments objected to the changes
proposed in the NPRM. The American
Petroleum Institute (API) and the
Association of Oil Pipelines (AOPL), in
joint comments, explicitly noted that
they did not oppose application of the
baseline requirements of Part 195 to all
low-stress pipelines and a requirement
that rural low-stress pipelines within
one-half mile of a USA also be subject
to the IM requirements of Part 195.
NTSB supported regulating all low-
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stress pipelines with requirements
graded according to risk. All those
commenting suggested some changes,
Several comments addressed the
scope of the proposed rule. API–AOPL
requested that PHMSA clarify that the
proposed rule did not apply to gathering
or production pipelines or to pipelines
excluded from regulation in § 195.1(b).
The Independent Petroleum Association
of America similarly requested
clarification that the proposed
requirements do not apply to gathering
pipelines. NTSB suggested that the
change should include all rural
gathering lines and gathering lines in
inlets of the Gulf of Mexico. Tracy S.
Dahl, who commented on behalf of
herself, suggested that the scope should
include low-stress gas pipelines such as
those associated with coal bed methane
gas production.
With the exception of correcting a
drafting error associated with low-stress
pipelines subject to regulation by the
USCG (discussed above), the NPRM
proposed no changes to the exclusions
listed in § 195.1(b). This section lists the
types of pipelines excluded from the
requirements of Part 195. The NPRM
did not propose any new requirements
for gathering pipelines, and thus no
requirements applicable to those
pipelines may be included in this final
rule. Regulation of rural gathering
pipelines is governed by § 195.11,
which is not affected by this
rulemaking. Further, PHMSA notes that
Section 4 of the PIPES Act explicitly
states, ‘‘[t]he regulations issued under
this paragraph shall not apply to
gathering lines.’’ 2 Gas pipelines were
not included in the scope of the NPRM
and thus no new requirements can be
applied to gas pipelines as part of this
API–AOPL specifically requested that
PHMSA clarify the exclusion in
paragraph (4) of § 195.1(b) applying to
‘‘[a] low-stress pipeline that serves
refining, manufacturing, or truck, rail, or
vessel terminal facilities, if the pipeline
is less than one mile long (measured
outside facility grounds) and does not
cross an offshore area or a waterway
currently used for commercial
navigation.’’ API–AOPL noted that
PHMSA field personnel have recently
informed certain pipeline operators that
these segments are part of a larger, nonlow-stress pipeline and are thus subject
to Part 195, which the associations
believe is contrary to the plain language
of the regulation. As noted above, the
exclusions of § 195.1(b) are not changed
2 49 U.S.C. 60102(k)(1), as amended by PIPES Act
Section 4.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
by this rulemaking, and low-stress interfacility pipelines meeting these criteria
are excluded from regulation under Part
195. However, PHMSA notes that
§ 195.2 and the PIPES Act both define
a low-stress hazardous liquid pipeline
to be one ‘‘that is operated in its entirety
at a stress level of 20 percent or less of
the specified minimum yield strength of
the line pipe’’ (emphasis added). Interfacility pipelines operating at less than
20% SMYS that is part of a larger
pipeline (i.e., some of which operates at
higher stress levels) would not fall
under this exclusion. Such inter-facility
pipelines would be subject to Part 195.
Determining whether particular interfacility piping is part of a larger pipeline
depends on the characteristics of
individual installations and the
applicability of Part 195 requirements to
specific inter-facility lines.
API–AOPL objected to the proposed
change to the exception in § 195.1(b)(3)
for pipelines subject to regulation by the
USCG. API–AOPL contended that this
was not an error because the change was
included in the phase one NPRM and
final rule, had been subject to notice
and comment and thus cannot simply
be ‘‘corrected.’’ PHMSA disagrees. The
entire rulemaking record clearly
demonstrates that this was an error in
the regulatory language in the phase one
rule. API–AOPL is correct that the rewrite of the regulatory language of
§ 195.1(b) in the phase one NPRM failed
to limit this exception to low-stress
pipelines and that this omission was
repeated in the regulatory language in
the final phase one rule. The remainder
of the record makes it clear, however,
that this change was not intended. The
NPRM for the phase one rule stated that
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
* * * also clarified the language in several
of the exceptions from part 195’s coverage.
We have not changed the intent or scope of
any of these. We have simply cleaned up
some of the language to make the exceptions
easier to read 3 (emphasis added).
The NPRM stated elsewhere that,
‘‘[t]his proposal will not affect other
exempt low-stress lines, specifically
pipelines subject to the safety
regulations of the USCG * * *’’ 4
(emphasis added). The exception
applicable to lines subject to USCG
regulation prior to the effective date of
the phase one final rule clearly applied
only to low-stress pipelines. Further, the
PIPES Act required that PHMSA
continue to except from part 195 those
‘‘low-stress hazardous liquid pipelines’’
3 Federal Register, September 6, 2006, 71 FR
4 Federal Register, September 6, 2006, 71 FR
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that were subject to USCG safety
regulations. Therefore, PHMSA
concludes that the record demonstrates
the regulatory language in the phase one
final rule concerning the exemption for
low-stress pipelines subject to USCG
regulation was an inadvertent error and
that error has been corrected in this
final rule.
API–AOPL and the Independent
Petroleum Association of America
suggested that PHMSA exclude lowstress carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines
involved in enhanced oil recovery and/
or carbon capture and storage. The
associations noted that these pipelines
pose different risks from petroleum
pipelines, that releases from low-stress
CO2 pipelines would not require the
cleanup that would be associated with
releases from crude oil or refined
petroleum product pipelines, and that
new requirements on CO2 lines could
have a chilling effect on future
investment in such pipelines. PHMSA
notes that these factors were not raised
in comments on the phase one rule even
though the phase one rule applies to
rural low-stress CO2 pipelines. PHMSA
never proposed such an exclusion and
also considers it inappropriate to
exclude some rural low-stress CO2
pipelines from safety regulation while
regulating others (i.e., those subject to
the phase one final rule), and has not
incorporated the suggested exclusion in
this final rule.
API–AOPL also objected to the
proposed requirement that a pipeline
segment subject to IM requirements
must remain subject to those
requirements if subsequent changes to
USA boundaries result in it being more
than one-half mile from a USA. They
contended this requirement is
inappropriate and unsupported. They
‘‘[i]f future analyses demonstrate that a
segment could affect a USA that it previously
could not affect, an operator is appropriately
required to apply IMP requirements to that
segment. Likewise, if a segment no longer
could affect a USA, it is only equitable that
an operator need not apply the additional
protection of such plans to the segment.’’
PHMSA would agree if the operator of
a rural low-stress pipeline were, indeed,
required to analyze its pipelines to
determine which segments could affect
a USA. They are not. This final rule uses
a one-half mile buffer as a surrogate for
these expensive and complex analyses,
as did the phase one rule. While
PHMSA considers this a reasonable
surrogate, it is possible, though
unlikely, that a pipeline segment
slightly less than one-half mile from a
USA could not affect that USA and it is
similarly possible that a pipeline
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segment slightly more than one-half
mile distant could affect a USA. Thus,
eliminating IM requirements that
already apply solely because the
distance to a USA has increased above
one-half mile is not appropriate.
Operators always have the option to
perform an analysis to demonstrate that
any pipeline segment could not affect a
USA, in which case IM requirements
need not apply regardless of the
distance from a USA. Operators who
experience a change in USA boundaries
could exercise this option to remove a
pipeline segment from IM scope. If the
change in USA boundaries is significant
(e.g., the USA ceases to exist),
demonstrating that a segment could not
affect a USA could be a simple analysis.
PHMSA has retained in this final rule
the requirement that a pipeline segment
determined to be subject to IM
requirements due to proximity to a USA
must remain subject to those
requirements if boundary changes result
in more than one-half mile separation,
absent a demonstration that the segment
could not affect a USA.
Thomas Lael Services, L.P., a pipeline
consultant, suggested changes to the
regulatory language to improve clarity.
Specifically, Lael suggested that
proposed §§ 195.12(c)(2)(i) and
195.12(c)(3)(i) be modified to refer
specifically to the criteria defining the
pipeline segments for which
identification is required. PHMSA
agrees that this change would improve
the clarity of the regulatory language
and has revised the final rule
Lael also suggested that the provision
allowing the operator of a Category 1
rural low-stress pipeline to notify
PHMSA of undue economic burden
should be extended to operators of
Category 2 rural low-stress pipelines.
Lael noted that revenue is less for these
smaller-diameter pipelines while costs
are the same, increasing the importance
of considering economic burden. Lael
cites costs associated with patrolling the
pipeline and performing pipe-to-soil
potential readings as examples. These
requirements, however, are outside the
scope of the economic burden
provision. That provision allows an
operator of a Category 1 rural low-stress
pipeline to notify PHMSA if the
economic burden of complying with IM
assessment requirements, not other
provisions as cited by Lael, would be
sufficient to cause the operator to shut
down its pipeline. The provision is
applicable only to pipelines carrying
crude oil from a production facility
(among other criteria). Pipelines of 85⁄8
inches or less nominal outside
diameter—the size that would
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
categorize a rural low-stress pipeline as
Category 2—and that carry crude oil
from a production facility are, by
definition, gathering pipelines.
Gathering pipelines, as noted above, are
not subject to the provisions of § 195.12
and are not subject to IM requirements.
Thus, PHMSA concludes that no change
to the economic burden provision is
Lael also suggested that the time
allowed for operators to identify
Category 2 and 3 rural low-stress
pipelines be extended to 12 months
from the proposed nine months. Lael
noted that this would correct an
apparent inconsistency with discussion
in the NPRM preamble noting the
proposed timeframes were the same as
those required in phase one; therefore,
12-month timeframes were being
proposed for operators of Category 2 and
3 rural low-stress pipelines in instances
where 12 months was required of
operators of Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines. There is no inconsistency.
The NPRM preamble discussion cited
by Lael clearly uses 12 months only as
an example. The phase one rule
required operators of Category 1 rural
low-stress pipelines to identify pipeline
segments meeting the criteria in the rule
before nine months after the effective
date of the phase 1 rule. Nine months
is also required for Category 2 and 3
rural low-stress pipelines in this final
rule, thus affording the consistency
discussed in the NPRM.
Lael also questioned the logic of a
statement in the phase two NPRM that
available data showed that the largest
spill on land from a low-stress pipeline
traveled two acres and that this justified
a one-half mile buffer as a surrogate for
analyses of whether a pipeline segment
could affect a USA. Lael noted that an
acre is a measure of area rather than a
measure of distance. PHMSA agrees that
the NPRM statement was unclear about
the assumptions we used to conclude
that this data demonstrated a one-half
mile buffer was adequate. PHMSA
considered that a spill covering two
acres would need to be limited to 35 feet
in width over its entire length if it were
to extend one-half mile from the
pipeline. We concluded that it was
unlikely that a spill would behave in
this manner and that based on the data
we could conclude that a one-half mile
buffer was adequate. PHMSA has
revised the discussion in the preamble
of this final rule to better explain its
API–AOPL raised a number of
concerns regarding the draft regulatory
analysis and regulatory flexibility (i.e.,
small business) analysis supporting the
NPRM. These included use of data from
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parent companies rather than distinct
operating subsidiaries in determining
whether small businesses could be
affected and use of inappropriate data to
estimate costs. These comments have
been addressed in the final regulatory
analysis that is included in the
rulemaking docket.
Finally, NTSB suggested that PHMSA
should be given sole jurisdiction over
offshore pipelines on the outer
continental shelf. NTSB noted, in
making this suggestion, that regulation
of offshore pipelines was outside the
scope of this NPRM. PHMSA agrees that
changes in PHMSA jurisdiction over
offshore pipelines are beyond the scope
of this proceeding.
Consideration by Technical Hazardous
Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards
On December 3, 2010, PHMSA
discussed the proposed rule with the
Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline
Safety Standards Committee
statutorily mandated advisory
committee that advises PHMSA about
the technical feasibility, reasonableness
and cost-effectiveness of its proposed
regulations. PHMSA discussed the
comments received in response to the
NPRM (e.g., concerns over effect on
pipelines excluded from regulation and
on rural gathering pipelines). These
comments have been previously
discussed in this document.
After careful consideration, the
THLPSSC voted unanimously to find
the NPRM and supporting regulatory
evaluation technically feasible,
reasonable, practicable, and cost
effective. A transcript of the meeting is
available in the docket for this
Final Rule
This final rule revises 49 CFR part 195
to cover: (1) Rural onshore low-stress
pipelines with a diameter smaller than
85⁄8 inches located in or within one-half
mile of a USA and (2) rural onshore
low-stress pipelines of any diameter
located more than one-half mile from a
USA. With the publication of this final
rule, and with limited exceptions, all
low-stress pipelines regardless of
location or size are now subject to the
pipeline safety regulations. The final
rule continues in place the one-half mile
buffer to be used as the ‘‘could affect’’
area for application of IM requirements.
Our phased approach resulted in
several distinct groups of rural lowstress pipelines:
• Rural low-stress pipelines that cross
navigable waterways. These have
historically been subject to the safety
PO 00000
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requirements of Part 195. These
pipelines were not affected by phase
one and are not affected by this
• Rural low-stress pipelines 85⁄8
inches or greater in diameter that are
located in or within one-half mile of a
USA. The requirements of Part 195 were
made applicable to these rural pipelines
in the phase one rule.
• Rural low-stress pipelines less than
85⁄8 inches in diameter that are located
in or within one-half mile of a USA.
These pipelines are made subject to the
safety requirements of Part 195,
including the IM requirements in
§ 195.452, by this final rule.
• Rural low-stress pipelines of any
diameter that are located more than onehalf mile from a USA. These pipelines
are also made subject to the safety
requirements of Part 195, excluding the
IM requirements in § 195.452, by this
final rule.
The phase one rule established a
number of compliance deadlines for the
rural pipelines it addressed, now
referred to as Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines. These deadlines varied from
relatively near term (e.g., identifying all
pipeline segments subject to the phase
one rule by April 3, 2009) to long term
(e.g., completing baseline IM
assessments by July 3, 2015). This final
rule retains the compliance deadlines
established in phase one for Category 1
rural low-stress pipelines. This rule
subjects Category 2 rural low-stress
pipelines to the same Part 195
requirements as those made applicable
to Category 1 pipelines in phase one but
with different compliance deadlines.
Finally, this rule applies all
requirements of Part 195 to Category 3
rural low-stress pipelines except for the
IM requirements of § 195.452.
Consistent with the phase one rule,
pipeline segments will have to be
identified within nine months of
publication of this final rule, baseline
IM assessments will have to be
completed within five years of
publication of the final rule, compliance
with the requirements of subpart H of
Part 195, Corrosion Control, will have to
occur within three years and
compliance with all other applicable
requirements will have to occur with 12
months of publication of the final rule.
This final rule includes, as did the
phase one rule, an option for operators
to determine which pipeline segments
are subject to IM requirements by
performing analyses to determine
whether pipeline segments could affect
a USA in lieu of using the one-half-mile
This rule includes, as did the phase
one rule, a provision addressing newly
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
identified USAs. Such new USAs could
result in additional pipeline segments
meeting criteria for Category 1 or 2 rural
low-stress pipelines and thus become
subject to IM requirements. This final
rule requires that pipeline segments
identified as Category 1 or 2 continue to
meet the requirements applicable to
those Categories even if the boundaries
of a USA are redefined so that the
pipeline segment (or portion thereof) is
no longer within one-half mile of the
USA unless the operator determines that
the segment could not affect the USA.
This provision adds no additional
burden because pipeline operators may
simply continue to treat their pipelines
as they would have without the
redefinition of USA boundaries.
Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 195.1
Which pipelines are covered by this
Section 195.1 has been revised
numerous times over the years to
include changes to the pipelines
covered or excluded from the scope of
Part 195. Section 195.1 was revised in
the phase one rule to provide more
clarity and to include the phase one
rural low-stress pipelines within the
scope of Part 195. This final rule revises
Sections 195.1(a) and (b) to include the
rural low-stress pipelines brought under
Part 195 regulations in phase two. The
changes to this section do not affect any
of the other covered or excluded
pipelines previously identified in
§ 195.1.
This final rule also corrects an
inadvertent error to § 195.1 that was
introduced by the changes made under
the phase one rule. The error concerns
the long-standing exception for lowstress pipelines subject to the
regulations of the USCG. Under the
phase one rule, § 195.1 was incorrectly
revised to state that Part 195 does not
apply to any pipeline subject to the
safety regulations of the USCG. In this
final rule, we are correcting § 195.1 to
state again that Part 195 does not apply
to any low-stress pipeline subject to the
safety regulations of the USCG.
Section 195.12
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
What requirements apply to low-stress
pipelines in rural areas?
This Section is being revised to clarify
that all previously unregulated lowstress pipelines in rural areas are now
covered under Part 195 regulation. This
Section does not apply to rural lowstress pipelines that cross a waterway
used for commercial navigation because
they have been regulated under Part 195
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before either of the rulemakings
addressing rural low-stress pipelines.
This section has been revised to
define three categories of rural lowstress pipelines (Section 195.12(b)):
• Category 1 lines are those that were
regulated in phase one (i.e., rural lowstress pipelines with a diameter of 85⁄8
inches or more located in or within onehalf mile of a USA).
• Category 2 pipelines are those rural
low-stress pipelines of smaller diameter
(less than 85⁄8 inches) located in or
within one-half mile of a USA.
• Category 3 are all remaining rural
low-stress pipelines except for those
that cross navigable waterways (which
are already regulated under § 195.1 and
are not addressed in § 195.12).
Section 195.12(c) also sets forth the
required deadlines for compliance with
various portions of Part 195. The
compliance deadlines established by the
phase one final rule for Category 1 rural
low-stress pipelines remain unchanged.
Except for the compliance deadlines for
the completion of baseline IM
assessments, this final rule establishes
deadlines for Category 2 and Category 3
rural low-stress pipelines in the same
manner as was done for Category 1
pipelines. For example, operators of
Category 1 rural low-stress pipelines
were required to identify these pipelines
within nine months of the effective date
of the phase one final rule and this final
rule requires the same nine-month time
frame for an operator of a Category 2 or
Category 3 rural low-stress pipeline. In
phase one, PHMSA adopted a
compliance deadline of three and onehalf years for completing 50% of
baseline IM assessments and seven
years for completing all baseline
assessments. PHMSA concluded that it
was appropriate to reduce the
compliance deadlines for these
requirements for the pipelines covered
by this final rule considering the
amount of time that has transpired since
the passage of the PIPES Act and the
relatively small number of miles that
would be subject to these requirements.
Thus, this final rule requires that
operators of Category 2 pipelines
complete all baseline IM assessments
within five years of the effective date of
the final rule and that at least 50 percent
of the assessments be completed within
two and one-half years.
As discussed above, PHMSA did not
change the provision allowing operators
of some Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines to notify PHMSA if they
conclude that implementing the IM
assessment requirements would pose
such an economic burden that they
would abandon their pipelines. This
provision continues to be limited to
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Category 1 rural low-stress pipelines
carrying crude oil from production
facilities and where shutdown of the
pipeline would cause loss of oil supply
or a transition to truck transportation.
PHMSA (with assistance from DOE, as
appropriate) will review notifications
and, if justified, may grant the operator
a special permit to allow continued
operation of the pipeline subject to
alternative safety requirements.
PHMSA’s reasoning for not extending
the provision to Category 2 pipelines is
based on the definition of ‘‘gathering
line’’ in § 195.2. That Section defines
any ‘‘pipeline 219.1 mm (85⁄8 inch) or
less nominal outside diameter that
transports petroleum from a production
facility’’ as a gathering line. Gathering
lines are not subject to the provisions of
§ 195.12. Instead, requirements
applicable to regulated rural gathering
lines are found in § 195.11, and do not
include IM requirements. As a result, no
rural low-stress pipeline of 85⁄8 inch or
less nominal diameter that carries crude
oil from a production facility is subject
to IM requirements, and it is not
necessary to provide an economic
burden provision for these pipelines to
ameliorate unintended impacts on
Section 195.48 Scope
This Section was added in the phase
one final rule. There had not previously
been a scope Section in Subpart B
because all pipelines subject to Part 195
were subject to all the reporting
requirements in Subpart B. This Section
was added in phase one because the
reporting requirements of Subpart B
were made applicable to all rural lowstress pipelines, even those not subject
to the safety requirements of the phase
one rule. Operators of those rural lowstress pipelines not subject to the
technical requirements of Part 195
under phase one were not required to
complete those portions of the annual
report form that relate to IM
requirements and inspections.
With this final rule, all rural lowstress pipelines are now subject to all
requirements of Part 195, except that
Category 3 pipelines are not subject to
the IM requirements in § 195.452. The
exclusion of portions of the annual
report form related to IM has therefore
been modified to apply only to
operators of Category 3 pipelines.
Regulatory Analyses and Notices
Executive Order 12866 and DOT
Policies and Procedures
PHMSA considers this final rule a
non-significant regulatory action under
Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
(58 FR 51735; Oct. 4, 1993). The rule is
also non-significant under DOT
regulatory policies and procedures (44
FR 11034: February 26, 1979). PHMSA
prepared a Regulatory Evaluation, a
copy of which has been placed in the
This final rule affects those rural lowstress pipelines of any diameter that are
more than one-half mile outside a USA
and rural low-stress pipelines less than
85⁄8 inches in diameter that are located
in or within one-half mile of a USA. The
following table presents the estimates
for the mileage affected by this
• Phase Two Eligible Mileage
Miles inside
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
< 85⁄8″ ...............
≥ 85⁄8″ ...............
Miles outside USA
Four sources of mileage data that
provide varying levels of detail were
analyzed to derive these final mileage
• The Regulatory Analysis for the
low-stress phase 1 final rule by PHMSA
published in August 2006.
• A survey of operators of low-stress
• The annual mileage data pipeline
operators report to PHMSA.
• Mileage estimates reported to the
PHMSA concluded that the estimate
of 5,624 miles of rural low-stress
pipeline made in the phase one
regulatory analysis was a high-end
estimate. The results of the survey
PHMSA conducted identified 1,575
miles and the NPMS reports 1,672.9
miles, with the NPMS data excluding
both intra-plant miles and lines
regulated in phase one. The PHMSA
annual report database includes 1,536
newly-reported low-stress rural miles.
Since the data collected in the survey
includes a variety of other information
used in this analysis, including
characteristics of the reported mileage,
it was used for phase two rural lowstress pipeline mileage estimates.
Distribution percentages and
assumptions relating to the three phase
two rural low-stress pipeline segments
result in a slightly lower estimate of
total miles than the original estimate
that resulted from the survey data. This
final estimate is approximately 1,384
miles of eligible rural low-stress
Costs of the Regulation
PHMSA estimates the 30-year net
present values 5 of compliance costs for
this final rule to be $104.9 million. The
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operators of the pipelines affected by
the regulatory changes included in the
final rule are expected to incur costs
attributable to those changes. The costs
of the rulemaking will be those
associated with bringing the affected
pipelines into compliance with Part
195, which has the following eight
• Subpart A—General
• Subpart B—Annual, Accident, and
Safety-Related Condition Reporting
• Subpart C—Design Requirements
• Subpart D—Construction
• Subpart E—Pressure Testing
• Subpart F—Operation and
• Subpart G—Qualification of Pipeline
• Subpart H—Corrosion Control
In addition, operators of the lowstress pipelines brought under Part 195
would also need to comply with 49 CFR
part 199, the alcohol and drug testing
Benefits of the Regulation
The 30-year net present value of
benefits of this final rule is $326.5
million. PHMSA expects the regulatory
changes to reduce the number of
incidents and the incident costs and
consequences. The ability of the final
rule to reduce or avoid these costs is
considered to be the primary benefit of
the regulation and is referred to as
traditional benefits. Data on incident
costs for rural low-stress pipelines are
generally not available because PHMSA
has not regulated these pipelines in the
past. Moreover, the reduction in costs
that the regulation would cause is also
unknown. The final 30-year net present
values of benefits of this final rule are
$326.5 million.
This final rule also may produce
benefits by preventing disruptions in
the fuel supply caused by pipeline
failures. Any interruption in the fuel
supply impacts the U.S. economy by
putting upward pressure on the prices
paid by businesses and consumers, as
incidents on Alaskan low-stress
pipelines feeding major petroleum trunk
lines have illustrated. Supply
disruptions also have national security
implications because they increase
dependence on foreign sources of oil.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980, as amended, requires Federal
agencies to conduct a separate analysis
of the economic impact of rules on
small entities. The Regulatory
Flexibility Act requires that Federal
agencies take small entities’ concerns
into account when developing, writing,
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publicizing, promulgating, and
enforcing regulations.
Need for Final Rule
This final rule covers certain rural
onshore low-stress hazardous liquid
pipelines. Beginning in 1991, Congress
paid greater attention to the risks that
hazardous liquid and natural gas
pipelines pose to the environment. In
the Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 (Pub. L.
102–508), Congress gave DOT greater
authority to protect the environment
from risks posed by pipelines. Congress
continued to emphasize the need to
better protect the environment from the
risks pipelines pose in the Accountable
Pipeline Safety and Partnership Act of
1996 (Pub. L. 104–304). With the PIPES
Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109–468), Congress
went further and instructed DOT to
apply all Part 195 requirements to
unregulated rural low-stress pipelines.
PHMSA decided to apply Part 195
requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines as a two-phase process. The
phase one rulemaking covered large
diameter pipe (greater than or equal to
85⁄8 inches in diameter) located in or
within one-half mile of a USA. These
were the higher-risk rural low-stress
pipelines. This final rule addresses the
remaining unregulated rural low-stress
Description of Actions
PHMSA is bringing the remaining
rural onshore low-stress pipelines not
regulated by phase one under the safety
regulations of 49 CFR part 195. These
lines include rural low-stress pipelines
with a diameter of less than 85⁄8 inches
that are within one-half mile of a USA
and rural low-stress pipelines of any
size diameter that are outside of the onehalf mile USA buffer.
Related Federal Rules and Regulations
There are currently no related rules or
regulations issued by other departments
or agencies of the Federal Government.
Identification of Potentially Affected
Small Entities
In accordance with size standards
published by the Small Business
Administration, a pipeline
transportation business with 1,500 or
fewer employees is considered a small
entity.6 Depending on the products
being transported, low-stress pipeline
operators belong to the North American
Industry Classification System Code
(NAICS) 486110, Pipeline
Transportation of Crude Oil, or NAICS
486910, Pipeline Transportation of
Refined Petroleum Products. For both
NAICS codes, a business with 1,500 or
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
fewer employees is considered a small
PHMSA made an extensive effort to
identify small and other operators of
rural low-stress lines. PHMSA surveyed
these operators to get better information
about the number of miles and
compliance costs of rural hazardous
liquid low-stress pipelines.
To ensure that the response rate was
maximized, PHMSA publicized its
plans to conduct the survey in (1) a
60-day Federal Register (FR) notice
published on September 6, 2006, (71 FR
52504) and (2) a 30-day FR notice
published on September 7, 2007, (72 FR
51489). No comments were submitted to
either notice. PHMSA then announced
the availability of the survey in a FR
notice published on July 31, 2008, (73
FR 44800).
PHMSA delivered the survey and a
letter explaining the importance of the
study via three methods:
1. A version of the survey that
allowed operators to directly input
responses was posted on the PHMSA
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OPS Online Data Entry Web site
(ODES). An e-mail announcing the
survey was sent to the contact person
responsible for each company’s most
recent annual report submission.
2. Respondents were also able to print
an electronic version of the survey
directly from the e-mail received and
mail or fax a completed hard copy to the
Volpe National Transportation Systems
Center (Volpe Center).
3. Finally, in an effort to reach
companies that currently operate
unregulated pipelines exclusively,
PHMSA and the Volpe Center worked
with the American Petroleum Institute,
the Association of Oil Pipelines and the
Independent Petroleum Association of
America to announce and distribute the
survey to their members via their email
Of the 112 operators that responded,
20 reported rural low-stress pipeline
mileage. PHMSA then conducted
additional follow-up discussions with
these operators. Only 12 of the 20
operators were identified as actually
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having rural low-stress pipeline mileage
that would be addressed by the phase
two rulemaking. Two of the 12 relevant
operators are owned by the same parent
company. Therefore, there are 11
businesses that may be potentially
affected by this rule.
In order assess the potential business
compliance impact, information on the
size of the ultimate parent companies
for the potentially affected pipeline
operators was collected from a
compilation of Dun & Bradstreet data,
online company profiles, and direct
phone calls. This use of data for the
ultimate parent enterprise is consistent
with the Regulatory Flexibility Act
which directs Federal agencies to use
the U.S. Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) definition of a
small business. The SBA’s definition of
a small business considers a firm’s
parent company and all affiliates to be
a single entity. The enterprise name,
number of employees, revenues, profits,
compliance costs and affected mileage
are listed in the following table.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
The table above shows that three of
the 11 enterprises employ less than
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1,500 persons and are thus considered
small entities. The cost estimation
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analysis, described in the Regulatory
Analysis, concluded that the rural low-
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
stress mileage held by two of these
operators is already in compliance with
Part 195. Therefore, these two small
entities will not be adversely affected by
the rulemaking. The other small entity,
which has four miles of affected rural
low- stress mileage, reports an initial
compliance cost of $475,000 and
recurring costs of $100,000 every five
Alternate Proposals for Small
The Regulatory Flexibility Act directs
agencies to establish exceptions and
differing compliance standards for small
businesses, where it is possible to do so,
and still meet the objectives of
applicable regulatory statutes.
The phase two Regulatory Analysis
analyzes six regulatory alternatives.
They are as follows:
Alternative 1: Apply all Part 195
requirements to all eligible rural lowstress pipelines.
Alternative 2: Apply all Part 195
requirements to small diameter rural
low-stress pipelines located in or within
one-half mile of a USA.
Alternative 3: Apply all Part 195
requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines equal to or greater than 85⁄8
inches in diameter located farther than
one-half mile from a USA.
Alternative 4: Apply all Part 195
requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines less than 85⁄8 inches in
diameter outside one-half mile of a
Alternative 5: Apply all Part 195
requirements except Subpart H
(Corrosion Control) to all rural lowstress pipelines not currently regulated.
Alternative 6: Apply all Part 195
requirements except the IM Program to
all rural low-stress pipelines not
currently regulated.
Alternative 1 is the alternative that
PHMSA has selected. This alternative
not only complies with the statutory
requirement but also increases the level
of safety and environmental protection
associated with the transportation of
hazardous liquids through low-stress
pipelines to a level commensurate with
other pipelines that are already subject
to the pipeline safety regulations.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
From the information we have
gathered, this final rule will have an
economic impact on one known small
entity. Therefore, under Section 605 of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act, this final
rule will not have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
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Executive Order 13175
PHMSA has analyzed this final rule
according to the principles and criteria
in Executive Order 13175, ‘‘Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments.’’ Because this final rule
would not significantly or uniquely
affect the communities of the Indian
tribal governments or impose
substantial direct compliance costs, the
funding and consultation requirements
of Executive Order 13175 do not apply.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.8(d), PHMSA
used the NPRM to provide interested
members of the public and affected
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on information collection and
recordkeeping requests. PHMSA
identified four information collections
that would bear some impact as a result
of this rulemaking. No comments were
received. Upon review of the burden
impacts on the identified information
collection requests, PHMSA believes
that the minimal impact to these
information collections do not warrant
revisions to the currently approved
information collections.
The following information is provided
for each information collection: (1) Title
of the information collection; (2) OMB
control number; (3) type of request; (4)
abstract of the information collection
activity; (5) description of affected
public; (6) estimate of total annual
reporting and recordkeeping burden;
and (7) frequency of collection. PHMSA
estimates that based on the
requirements in this rule, the current
information collection burden for the
following information collections will
remain as follows:
Title of information Collection:
Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by
Pipeline: Recordkeeping and Accident
OMB Control Number: 2137–0047.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved information
Abstract: Hazardous liquid pipeline
operators must keep records to ensure
that their pipelines are operated safely.
Operators must also report accidents.
Type of Respondents: Hazardous
Liquid Operators.
Total Annual Responses: 847.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 51,329
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Title of information Collection:
National Pipeline Mapping Program.
OMB Control Number: 2137–0596.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved information
PO 00000
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Abstract: The operator of a pipeline
facility (except distribution lines and
gathering lines) provides information to
PHMSA on the characteristics of its
pipeline system. The submitted
information includes updates to annual
mapping information for each mile of
Type of Respondents: Pipeline
Facility Operators (except distribution
lines and gathering lines).
Total Annual Responses: 894.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 16,312
Frequency of Collection: Annual.
Title of information Collection:
Pipeline Integrity Management in High
Consequence Areas (Operators with less
than 500 Miles of Hazardous Liquid
OMB Control Number: 2137–0605.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved information
Abstract: Hazardous Liquid Operators
with less than 500 miles of Pipelines are
required to continually assess and
evaluate the integrity of their pipeline
through inspection or testing. Such
operators must also implement
remedial, preventive, and mitigative
actions on these pipelines.
Type of Respondents: Hazardous
Liquid Operators (with less than 500
miles of pipelines).
Total Annual Responses: 132.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 267,960
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Title of information Collection: Public
Awareness Program.
OMB Control Number: 2137–0622.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved information
Abstract: Current regulations require
pipeline operators to develop and
implement public awareness programs.
Public awareness and understanding of
pipeline operations is vital to the
continued safe operation of pipelines.
Upon request, operators must submit
their completed programs to PHMSA or,
in the case of an intrastate pipeline
facility operator, the appropriate state
Type of Respondents: Pipeline
Total Annual Responses: 22,500.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 517,480
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Any questions regarding these
information collections should be
directed to Cameron Satterthwaite,
Office of Pipeline Safety (PHP–30),
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration (PHMSA), 2nd Floor,
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001, SW.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001,
Telephone 202–366–8553.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
This final rule does not impose
unfunded mandates under the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
1995. It does not result in costs of
$141.3 million or more to either state,
local, or tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or to the private sector, and
is the least burdensome alternative that
achieves the objective of the regulatory
National Environmental Policy Act
The National Environmental Policy
Act requires Federal agencies to
integrate environmental values into
their decision making processes by
considering the environmental impacts
of their proposed actions and reasonable
alternatives to those actions. PHMSA
conducted an environmental assessment
of the application of phase two safety
regulations to rural onshore hazardous
liquid pipelines. This environmental
assessment examined the environmental
impacts of the requirements proposed in
the NPRM, and reasonable alternatives
to those actions, on the environment.
The environmental assessment found
that the NPRM requirements would not
significantly affect the quality of the
environment. Only limited physical
modification or other work that would
disturb pipelines would be required,
such as identifying segments of
pipelines meeting the regulatory
definitions, inspection and testing,
installing and maintaining line markers,
implementing corrosion controls,
pipeline cleaning, and establishing
integrity assessment programs. The
environmental assessment preliminarily
concluded the expected reductions in
hazardous liquid spills are a minor to
moderate positive environmental impact
offsetting the negligible negative
environmental impacts associated with
implementing the rulemaking. The full
final environmental assessment is
available for review in the public
docket. We did not receive any
comment on the assessment or
preliminary conclusion. Therefore, we
conclude that this rulemaking will not
result in any significant negative or
positive environmental impacts
affecting the quality of the human
Executive Order 13132
PHMSA has analyzed this final rule
according to the principles and criteria
contained in Executive Order 13132
(‘‘Federalism’’). This final rule would
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not (1) have substantial direct effects on
the states, the relationship between the
national government and the states, or
the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government; (2) impose
substantial direct compliance costs on
state and local governments; or (3)
preempt state law. Therefore, the
consultation and funding requirements
of Executive Order 13132 do not apply.
Executive Order 13211
This final rule is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ under Executive Order
13211. It is not likely to have a
significant adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy.
Furthermore, this final rule has not been
designated by the Administrator of the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs as a significant energy action.
List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 195
Regulated rural gathering, Rural lowstress pipelines.
For the reasons provided in the
preamble, PHMSA amends 49 CFR Part
195 as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 195
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104,
60108, 60109, 60118; and 49 CFR 1.53.
2. Section 195.1 is revised to read as
§ 195.1 Which pipelines are covered by
this Part?
(a) Covered. Except for the pipelines
listed in paragraph (b) of this Section,
this Part applies to pipeline facilities
and the transportation of hazardous
liquids or carbon dioxide associated
with those facilities in or affecting
interstate or foreign commerce,
including pipeline facilities on the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Covered
pipelines include, but are not limited to:
(1) Any pipeline that transports a
highly volatile liquid;
(2) Any pipeline segment that crosses
a waterway currently used for
commercial navigation;
(3) Except for a gathering line not
covered by paragraph (a)(4) of this
Section, any pipeline located in a rural
or non-rural area of any diameter
regardless of operating pressure;
(4) Any of the following onshore
gathering lines used for transportation
of petroleum:
(i) A pipeline located in a non-rural
(ii) A regulated rural gathering line as
provided in § 195.11; or
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(iii) A pipeline located in an inlet of
the Gulf of Mexico as provided in
§ 195.413.
(b) Excepted. This Part does not apply
to any of the following:
(1) Transportation of a hazardous
liquid transported in a gaseous state;
(2) Transportation of a hazardous
liquid through a pipeline by gravity;
(3) Transportation of a hazardous
liquid through any of the following lowstress pipelines:
(i) A pipeline subject to safety
regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard; or
(ii) A pipeline that serves refining,
manufacturing, or truck, rail, or vessel
terminal facilities, if the pipeline is less
than one mile long (measured outside
facility grounds) and does not cross an
offshore area or a waterway currently
used for commercial navigation;
(4) Transportation of petroleum
through an onshore rural gathering line
that does not meet the definition of a
‘‘regulated rural gathering line’’ as
provided in § 195.11. This exception
does not apply to gathering lines in the
inlets of the Gulf of Mexico subject to
§ 195.413;
(5) Transportation of hazardous liquid
or carbon dioxide in an offshore
pipeline in state waters where the
pipeline is located upstream from the
outlet flange of the following farthest
downstream facility: The facility where
hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide are
produced or the facility where produced
hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide are first
separated, dehydrated, or otherwise
(6) Transportation of hazardous liquid
or carbon dioxide in a pipeline on the
OCS where the pipeline is located
upstream of the point at which
operating responsibility transfers from a
producing operator to a transporting
(7) A pipeline segment upstream
(generally seaward) of the last valve on
the last production facility on the OCS
where a pipeline on the OCS is
producer-operated and crosses into state
waters without first connecting to a
transporting operator’s facility on the
OCS. Safety equipment protecting
PHMSA-regulated pipeline segments is
not excluded. A producing operator of
a segment falling within this exception
may petition the Administrator, under
§ 190.9 of this chapter, for approval to
operate under PHMSA regulations
governing pipeline design, construction,
operation, and maintenance;
(8) Transportation of hazardous liquid
or carbon dioxide through onshore
production (including flow lines),
refining, or manufacturing facilities or
storage or in-plant piping systems
associated with such facilities;
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
(9) Transportation of hazardous liquid
or carbon dioxide:
(i) By vessel, aircraft, tank truck, tank
car, or other non-pipeline mode of
transportation; or
(ii) Through facilities located on the
grounds of a materials transportation
terminal if the facilities are used
exclusively to transfer hazardous liquid
or carbon dioxide between non-pipeline
modes of transportation or between a
non-pipeline mode and a pipeline.
These facilities do not include any
device and associated piping that are
necessary to control pressure in the
pipeline under § 195.406(b); or
(10) Transportation of carbon dioxide
downstream from the applicable
following point:
(i) The inlet of a compressor used in
the injection of carbon dioxide for oil
recovery operations, or the point where
recycled carbon dioxide enters the
injection system, whichever is farther
upstream; or
(ii) The connection of the first branch
pipeline in the production field where
the pipeline transports carbon dioxide
to an injection well or to a header or
manifold from which a pipeline
branches to an injection well.
(c) Breakout tanks. Breakout tanks
subject to this Part must comply with
requirements that apply specifically to
breakout tanks and, to the extent
applicable, with requirements that
apply to pipeline systems and pipeline
facilities. If a conflict exists between a
requirement that applies specifically to
breakout tanks and a requirement that
applies to pipeline systems or pipeline
facilities, the requirement that applies
specifically to breakout tanks prevails.
Anhydrous ammonia breakout tanks
need not comply with §§ 195.132(b),
195.205(b), 195.242(c) and (d),
195.264(b) and (e), 195.307, 195.428(c)
and (d), and 195.432(b) and (c).
3. Section 195.12 is revised to read as
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
§ 195.12 What requirements apply to lowstress pipelines in rural areas?
(a) General. This Section sets forth the
requirements for each category of lowstress pipeline in a rural area set forth
in paragraph (b) of this Section. This
Section does not apply to a rural lowstress pipeline regulated under this Part
as a low-stress pipeline that crosses a
waterway currently used for commercial
navigation; these pipelines are regulated
pursuant to § 195.1(a)(2).
(b) Categories. An operator of a rural
low-stress pipeline must meet the
applicable requirements and
compliance deadlines for the category of
pipeline set forth in paragraph (c) of this
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Section. For purposes of this Section, a
rural low-stress pipeline is a Category 1,
2, or 3 pipeline based on the following
(1) A Category 1 rural low-stress
(i) Has a nominal diameter of 85⁄8
inches (219.1 mm) or more;
(ii) Is located in or within one-half
mile (.80 km) of an unusually sensitive
area (USA) as defined in § 195.6; and
(iii) Operates at a maximum pressure
established under § 195.406
corresponding to:
(A) A stress level equal to or less than
20-percent of the specified minimum
yield strength of the line pipe; or
(B) If the stress level is unknown or
the pipeline is not constructed with
steel pipe, a pressure equal to or less
than 125 psi (861 kPa) gauge.
(2) A Category 2 rural pipeline:
(i) Has a nominal diameter of less
than 85⁄8 inches (219.1mm);
(ii) Is located in or within one-half
mile (.80 km) of an unusually sensitive
area (USA) as defined in § 195.6; and
(iii) Operates at a maximum pressure
established under § 195.406
corresponding to:
(A) A stress level equal to or less than
20-percent of the specified minimum
yield strength of the line pipe; or
(B) If the stress level is unknown or
the pipeline is not constructed with
steel pipe, a pressure equal to or less
than 125 psi (861 kPa) gage.
(3) A Category 3 rural low-stress
(i) Has a nominal diameter of any size
and is not located in or within one-half
mile (.80 km) of an unusually sensitive
area (USA) as defined in § 195.6; and
(ii) Operates at a maximum pressure
established under § 195.406
corresponding to a stress level equal to
or less than 20-percent of the specified
minimum yield strength of the line
pipe; or
(iii) If the stress level is unknown or
the pipeline is not constructed with
steel pipe, a pressure equal to or less
than 125 psi (861 kPa) gage.
(c) Applicable requirements and
deadlines for compliance. An operator
must comply with the following
compliance dates depending on the
category of pipeline determined by the
criteria in paragraph (b):
(1) An operator of a Category 1
pipeline must:
(i) Identify all segments of pipeline
meeting the criteria in paragraph (b)(1)
of this Section before April 3, 2009.
(ii) Beginning no later than January 3,
2009, comply with the reporting
requirements of Subpart B for the
identified segments.
(iii) IM requirements—
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(A) Establish a written program that
complies with § 195.452 before July 3,
2009, to assure the integrity of the
pipeline segments. Continue to carry out
such program in compliance with
§ 195.452.
(B) An operator may conduct a
determination per § 195.452(a) in lieu of
the one-half mile buffer.
(C) Complete the baseline assessment
of all segments in accordance with
§ 195.452(c) before July 3, 2015, and
complete at least 50-percent of the
assessments, beginning with the highest
risk pipe, before January 3, 2012.
(iv) Comply with all other safety
requirements of this Part, except
Subpart H, before July 3, 2009. Comply
with the requirements of Subpart H
before July 3, 2011.
(2) An operator of a Category 2
pipeline must:
(i) Identify all segments of pipeline
meeting the criteria in paragraph (b)(2)
of this Section before July 1, 2012.
(ii) Beginning no later than January 3,
2009, comply with the reporting
requirements of Subpart B for the
identified segments.
(iii) IM—
(A) Establish a written IM program
that complies with § 195.452 before
October 1, 2012 to assure the integrity
of the pipeline segments. Continue to
carry out such program in compliance
with § 195.452.
(B) An operator may conduct a
determination per § 195.452(a) in lieu of
the one-half mile buffer.
(C) Complete the baseline assessment
of all segments in accordance with
§ 195.452(c) before October 1, 2016 and
complete at least 50-percent of the
assessments, beginning with the highest
risk pipe, before April 1, 2014.
(iv) Comply with all other safety
requirements of this Part, except
Subpart H, before October 1, 2012.
Comply with Subpart H of this Part
before October 1, 2014.
(3) An operator of a Category 3
pipeline must:
(i) Identify all segments of pipeline
meeting the criteria in paragraph (b)(3)
of this Section before July 1, 2011.
(ii) Beginning no later than January 3,
2009, comply with the reporting
requirements of Subpart B for the
identified segments.
(A)(iii) Comply with all safety
requirements of this Part, except the
requirements in § 195.452, Subpart B,
and the requirements in Subpart H,
before October 1, 2012. Comply with
Subpart H of this Part before October 1,
(d) Economic compliance burden.
(1) An operator may notify PHMSA in
accordance with § 195.452(m) of a
situation meeting the following criteria:
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 87 / Thursday, May 5, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
(i) The pipeline is a Category 1 rural
low-stress pipeline;
(ii) The pipeline carries crude oil from
a production facility;
(iii) The pipeline, when in operation,
operates at a flow rate less than or equal
to 14,000 barrels per day; and
(iv) The operator determines it would
abandon or shut-down the pipeline as a
result of the economic burden to comply
with the assessment requirements in
§ 195.452(d) or 195.452(j).
(2) A notification submitted under
this provision must include, at
minimum, the following information
about the pipeline: its operating,
maintenance and leak history; the
estimated cost to comply with the
integrity assessment requirements (with
a brief description of the basis for the
estimate); the estimated amount of
production from affected wells per year,
whether wells will be shut in or
alternate transportation used, and if
alternate transportation will be used, the
estimated cost to do so.
(3) When an operator notifies PHMSA
in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of
this Section, PHMSA will stay
compliance with §§ 195.452(d) and
195.452(j)(3) until it has completed an
analysis of the notification. PHMSA will
consult the Department of Energy, as
appropriate, to help analyze the
potential energy impact of loss of the
pipeline. Based on the analysis, PHMSA
may grant the operator a special permit
to allow continued operation of the
pipeline subject to alternative safety
(e) Changes in unusually sensitive
(1) If, after June 3, 2008, for Category
1 rural low-stress pipelines or October
1, 2011 for Category 2 rural low-stress
pipelines, an operator identifies a new
USA that causes a segment of pipeline
to meet the criteria in paragraph (b) of
this Section as a Category 1 or Category
2 rural low-stress pipeline, the operator
(i) Comply with the IM program
requirement in paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A)
or (c)(2)(iii)(A) of this Section, as
appropriate, within 12 months
following the date the area is identified
regardless of the prior categorization of
the pipeline; and
(ii) Complete the baseline assessment
required by paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(C) or
(c)(2)(iii)(C) of this Section, as
appropriate, according to the schedule
in § 195.452(d)(3).
(2) If a change to the boundaries of a
USA causes a Category 1 or Category 2
pipeline segment to no longer be within
one-half mile of a USA, an operator
must continue to comply with
paragraph (c)(1)(iii) or paragraph
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(c)(2)(iii) of this section, as applicable,
with respect to that segment unless the
operator determines that a release from
the pipeline could not affect the USA.
(f) Record Retention. An operator
must maintain records demonstrating
compliance with each requirement
applicable to the category of pipeline
according to the following schedule.
(1) An operator must maintain the
segment identification records required
in paragraph (c)(1)(i), (c)(2)(i) or (c)(3)(i)
of this Section for the life of the pipe.
(2) Except for the segment
identification records, an operator must
maintain the records necessary to
demonstrate compliance with each
applicable requirement set forth in
paragraph (c) of this Section according
to the record retention requirements of
the referenced Section or Subpart.
4. Section 195.48 is revised to read as
§ 195.48
This Subpart prescribes requirements
for periodic reporting and for reporting
of accidents and safety-related
conditions. This Subpart applies to all
pipelines subject to this Part. An
operator of a Category 3 rural low-stress
pipeline meeting the criteria in § 195.12
is not required to complete those parts
of the hazardous liquid annual report
form PHMSA F 7000–1.1 associated
with IM or high consequence areas.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 28,
Cynthia L. Quarterman,
[FR Doc. 2011–10778 Filed 5–4–11; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
49 CFR Part 395
[Docket ID. FMCSA–2010–0032]
RIN 2126–AB36
Hours of Service Exception for
Railroad Signal Employees
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration (FMCSA) amends
its hours-of-service (HOS) regulations to
adopt regulatory language consistent
with the statutory exemption for certain
railroad signal employees operating
commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in
connection with railroad signal work.
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This is in accordance with the Rail
Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA
of 2008), which took effect July 16,
2009. This action will ensure that
Federal, State and local motor carrier
enforcement officials are aware of the
statutory exemption applicable to signal
employees and eliminate the potential
for issuance of improper citations.
DATES: This action is effective on May
5, 2011.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents identified
by docket number FMCSA–2010–0032
or RIN 2126–AB36 go to Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov at any time, or
visit the U.S. Department of
Transportation’s Docket Management
Facility at West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Thomas Yager, Chief, Driver and Carrier
Operations Division, Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590, (202) 366–4325.
I. Background/Overview
This exception to FMCSA’s hours-ofservice (HOS) regulations is mandated
by the RSIA of 2008. This law provides
that ‘‘signal employees’’ who operate
motor vehicles and who are regulated
under 49 U.S.C. 21101, et seq., are not
subject to HOS rules promulgated by
any other Federal authority, including
FMCSA. See 49 U.S.C. 21104(e). Thus,
FMCSA amends its regulations to state
that FMCSA’s HOS regulations do not
apply to a signal employee who is
regulated under 49 U.S.C. 21101–21109.
This amendment will clarify the current
exception applicable to signal
employees for industry and for Federal,
State and local law enforcement and
eliminate the potential for issuance of
improper citations.
FMCSA is also amending the
authority citation for 49 CFR part 395 to
add appropriate statutory references and
eliminate references that are either
erroneous or unnecessary.
II. Legal Basis for the Rulemaking
This final rule is based on FMCSA’s
authority to implement statutory
directives enacted by several provisions
of the RSIA of 2008, Public Law 110–
432, 122 Stat. 4848, 49 U.S.C. 21101, et
seq. Section 108 of the RSIA of 2008
substantively amends the law applicable
to employees engaged in signal work for
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 87 (Thursday, May 5, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25576-25588]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-10778]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
49 CFR Part 195
[Docket PHMSA-2008-0186; Amdt. 195-96]
RIN 2137-AE36
Pipeline Safety: Applying Safety Regulations to All Rural Onshore
Hazardous Liquid Low-Stress Lines
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: PHMSA is amending its pipeline safety regulations to apply
safety regulation to rural low-stress hazardous liquid pipelines that
were not covered previously by safety regulations. This change complies
with a mandate in the Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and
Safety Act of 2006 (PIPES Act).
DATES: This final rule takes effect October 1, 2011.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical contents of the final
rule contact Mike Israni by phone at 202-366-4571 or by e-mail at
Mike.Israni@dot.gov. For all other information contact Tewabe Asebe by
phone at 202-366-4595 or by e-mail at tewabe.asebe@dot.gov.
[[Page 25577]]
Until 2008, a hazardous liquid pipeline operating at low-stress in
a rural area was not regulated under Federal pipeline safety
regulations in 49 CFR part 195 unless it crossed a commercially
navigable waterway. Section 195.2 defines a ``rural area'' as one
outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town,
village, or any other designated residential or commercial area, such
as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community
The PIPES Act was signed into law on December 29, 2006, (Pub. L.
109-468). Section four of the PIPES Act (codified at 49 U.S.C.
60102(k)) required PHMSA to ``issue regulations subjecting low-stress
hazardous liquid pipelines to the same standards and regulations as
other hazardous liquid pipelines.'' The PIPES Act also stated that the
new regulations could be issued in phases.
Implementation of the PIPES Act Mandate
PHMSA decided to implement the PIPES Act mandate in phases, in part
because PHMSA did not have complete data on the extent of rural low-
stress pipelines that would be covered by the statutory mandate. Phase
one, through a final rule published on June 3, 2008, (73 FR 31634),
applied full Part 195 regulation to higher-risk, larger-diameter rural
low-stress pipelines (i.e., those low-stress pipelines with a diameter
of 8 \5/8\ inches or greater located in or within one-half mile of an
unusually sensitive area (USA)). (These requirements are in 49 CFR
195.12.) These are the rural low-stress pipelines that have more
potential to cause harm to USAs. These were also the rural low-stress
pipelines on which PHMSA had the most information to prepare a
regulatory cost/benefit evaluation. PHMSA planned to regulate all
remaining rural low-stress pipelines (i.e., smaller-diameter--less than
8 \5/8\ inches diameter--rural low-stress pipelines located in or
within one-half mile of a USA and all rural low-stress pipelines, of
any diameter, located outside the one-half mile USA buffer) once PHMSA
had more complete information on the extent of these unregulated rural
low-stress pipelines. Phase one also applied reporting requirements in
Subpart B of Part 195 to all rural low-stress pipelines (Sec. 195.48).
This data was necessary for PHMSA to complete the regulatory evaluation
for the extension of all safety requirements to the remaining rural
low-stress pipelines in phase two.
Because PHMSA did not have adequate information on the number of
operators with rural low-stress pipelines, or on the total mileage of
these lines in service, we initiated the following actions:
(1) We revised the Pipeline Safety Regulations to require operators
of any low-stress line (including those rural low-stress lines not
brought under safety regulations) to comply with the annual reporting
requirements and the incident reporting requirements of Part 195. This
was part of phase one, as discussed above.
(2) On July 31, 2008, (73 FR 44800) OMB Control Number 2137-0623,
PHMSA published in the Federal Register a notice of OMB-approved survey
asking each operator of a rural low-stress hazardous liquid pipeline
for voluntary information concerning the mileage and characteristics of
these pipelines to assess the costs of subjecting rural low-stress
pipeline mileage to Part 195 regulation.
(3) Based on the information received in response to the notice,
PHMSA conducted two follow-up inquiries: (1) A request for information
from operators who operate rural low-stress lines to determine the
potential operating costs they were likely to incur to bring these
unregulated lines into compliance with Part 195 regulation; and (2) a
request to states with the majority of rural low-stress lines to
identify any incident data the state may have collected through the
Phase Two--Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
With the information PHMSA gathered, we moved to phase two to
complete the requirement of the PIPES Act and to apply Part 195 safety
requirements to all rural low-stress pipelines not included in the
phase one rule. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was published in
the Federal Register on June 22, 2010, (75 FR 35366) that proposed to
extend Part 195 safety requirements to rural low-stress pipelines of
any diameter located more than one-half mile from a USA and those less
than 8\5/8\ inches in diameter located in or within one-half mile of a
The phase one rule established compliance deadlines for the rural
low-stress pipelines that it addressed. The phase two NPRM proposed no
changes to these phase one deadlines, but proposed new compliance
deadlines to apply the requirements to the phase two rural low-stress
pipelines proposed for regulation. In addition, PHMSA proposed to
define the scope of the ``could affect'' buffer for application of the
integrity management (IM) requirements in Sec. 195.452 to the phase
two pipelines. To codify the compliance dates and requirements, we
proposed to define three ``categories'' of rural low-stress pipelines
subject to the requirements of Sec. 195.12. These were as follows:
Category 1: Those rural low-stress pipelines that were
covered under the phase one rule;
Category 2: Rural low-stress pipelines of smaller diameter
(less than 8\5/8\ inches diameter) located in or within one-half mile
of a USA (which would be subject to all Part 195 requirements including
IM requirements); and
Category 3: All other rural low-stress pipelines that were
not included in phase one. Category 3 lines would fall outside the
defined ``could affect'' buffer for application of IM requirements.
Integrity Management
Section 195.452 addresses IM requirements for hazardous liquid
pipelines. Under the requirements of that section, operators must take
additional actions for each pipeline segment that could affect a high
consequence area (HCA). PHMSA has defined HCAs as populated areas,
commercially navigable waterways and USAs. HCAs are identified and
displayed on maps available from the NPMS.
To comply with IM requirements, pipeline operators must first
determine which segments of their pipeline could affect an HCA. To do
this, an operator needs to compare its pipeline's location to the
locations of HCAs and determine which segments of the pipeline could
affect an HCA if there was a product release from the segment. These
comparisons have proven to be considerably more burdensome in practice
than PHMSA believed when IM rules were initially established. They
involve more than just comparison of maps of pipeline location to maps
of HCAs. Operators have had to consider the topography and nature of
ground cover around their pipelines to estimate the direction and
distance that released product might flow. Operators have also had to
consider the potential transport of released product via nearby
waterways, including such factors as seasonal variations in flow, the
effect of stream turbulence, and their ability to respond to a release
and contain further transport of spilled product.
During the phase one rulemaking for rural low-stress pipelines,
[[Page 25578]]
concluded it would be unnecessarily burdensome to require operators of
these pipelines to perform a complete ``could affect'' analysis to
determine which rural low-stress pipeline segments would be subject to
IM requirements. Rather, PHMSA adopted a one-half mile buffer around
USAs \1\ as the ``could affect'' area (i.e., any rural low-stress
pipeline segment covered by the phase one rule within the one-half mile
buffer would be subject to IM requirements). PHMSA found it unlikely a
``could affect'' analysis on a rural low-stress pipeline would result
in a larger area than the one-half mile buffer for application of IM
requirements. Available data showed that the largest spill on land from
a low-stress line covered two acres. An acre is 43,560 square feet. If
this spill had been limited to a corridor 35 feet wide over its entire
length, it still would not have traveled one-half mile. This data,
coupled with the relatively lower pressure of low-stress pipelines, led
PHMSA to conclude that a one-half mile buffer was more than adequate
for application of IM requirements. In the NPRM, PHMSA proposed to
continue to use the one-half mile buffer for phase two because PHMSA
believed it would be an adequate ``could affect'' area that identifies
the vast majority (if not all) of rural low-stress pipelines that could
affect a USA.
\1\ The other component of HCAs (i.e., populated areas) was not
affected by the phase one rulemaking and was not included in the
phase two NPRM since pipelines in populated areas are not, by
definition, in ``rural areas'' and are already regulated.
As in phase one, PHMSA also proposed to include an option for
pipeline operators to use ``could affect'' analyses in lieu of the one-
half mile buffer to determine which of their smaller-diameter low-
stress pipelines would be subject to IM requirements. PHMSA recognized
that operators could use this option in circumstances where it is
likely the ``could affect'' analysis would determine that a pipeline
segment cannot affect a USA (e.g., where the USA is uphill from the
pipeline). Nevertheless, PHMSA concluded it would be unreasonable to
exclude this option for rural low-stress pipelines since it can
identify instances in which application of IM requirements would be
Economic Burden
The phase one rule allowed operators of pipelines meeting specified
criteria to notify PHMSA if they would incur an excessive economic
burden in complying with IM assessment requirements. The criteria were
designed for rural pipelines that carry oil from a production facility
(e.g., well) and where the pipeline would be abandoned or shut down as
a result of the economic burden associated with IM assessments. The
phase one rule provided that PHMSA would stay compliance with the IM
assessment requirements while it reviews the notification. Based on the
outcome of the review, PHMSA may grant the operator a special permit
imposing alternative safety requirements in lieu of IM assessments.
For phase two, PHMSA considered extending the economic compliance
burden provision to Category 2 pipelines--those smaller diameter rural
low-stress pipelines located in or within one-half mile of a USA that
would be subject to IM assessment requirements. (Category 3 low-stress
pipelines would not be subject to the IM requirements under the NPRM,
as described above). PHMSA concluded that this was not necessary
because no Category 2 low-stress pipeline would meet the criteria in
the economic burden compliance provision (Sec. 195.12(c)) and concerns
about preserving oil production or minimizing risk of alternative
transport of crude oil from wells would not apply to these pipelines.
Accordingly, we did not propose to extend the economic burden
compliance provision to these pipelines in the NPRM.
Pipelines Subject to USCG Regulation
Section 195.1(b)(3) states that Part 195 requirements do not apply
to pipelines subject to safety regulations of the United States Coast
Guard (USCG). The NPRM noted that this exception had previously applied
only to low-stress pipelines subject to USCG regulation and through a
drafting error in the phase one final rule, was inadvertently expanded
to all pipelines subject to USCG requirements. PHMSA proposed to
correct this error.
Public Comments
PHMSA received comments from three trade associations (two of which
filed joint comments), one government agency (National Transportation
Safety Board, NTSB), one pipeline consultant, and one individual. None
of the comments objected to the changes proposed in the NPRM. The
American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Association of Oil Pipelines
(AOPL), in joint comments, explicitly noted that they did not oppose
application of the baseline requirements of Part 195 to all low-stress
pipelines and a requirement that rural low-stress pipelines within one-
half mile of a USA also be subject to the IM requirements of Part 195.
NTSB supported regulating all low-stress pipelines with requirements
graded according to risk. All those commenting suggested some changes,
Several comments addressed the scope of the proposed rule. API-AOPL
requested that PHMSA clarify that the proposed rule did not apply to
gathering or production pipelines or to pipelines excluded from
regulation in Sec. 195.1(b). The Independent Petroleum Association of
America similarly requested clarification that the proposed
requirements do not apply to gathering pipelines. NTSB suggested that
the change should include all rural gathering lines and gathering lines
in inlets of the Gulf of Mexico. Tracy S. Dahl, who commented on behalf
of herself, suggested that the scope should include low-stress gas
pipelines such as those associated with coal bed methane gas
With the exception of correcting a drafting error associated with
low-stress pipelines subject to regulation by the USCG (discussed
above), the NPRM proposed no changes to the exclusions listed in Sec.
195.1(b). This section lists the types of pipelines excluded from the
requirements of Part 195. The NPRM did not propose any new requirements
for gathering pipelines, and thus no requirements applicable to those
pipelines may be included in this final rule. Regulation of rural
gathering pipelines is governed by Sec. 195.11, which is not affected
by this rulemaking. Further, PHMSA notes that Section 4 of the PIPES
Act explicitly states, ``[t]he regulations issued under this paragraph
shall not apply to gathering lines.'' \2\ Gas pipelines were not
included in the scope of the NPRM and thus no new requirements can be
applied to gas pipelines as part of this rulemaking.
\2\ 49 U.S.C. 60102(k)(1), as amended by PIPES Act Section 4.
API-AOPL specifically requested that PHMSA clarify the exclusion in
paragraph (4) of Sec. 195.1(b) applying to ``[a] low-stress pipeline
that serves refining, manufacturing, or truck, rail, or vessel terminal
facilities, if the pipeline is less than one mile long (measured
outside facility grounds) and does not cross an offshore area or a
waterway currently used for commercial navigation.'' API-AOPL noted
that PHMSA field personnel have recently informed certain pipeline
operators that these segments are part of a larger, non-low-stress
pipeline and are thus subject to Part 195, which the associations
believe is contrary to the plain language of the regulation. As noted
above, the exclusions of Sec. 195.1(b) are not changed
[[Page 25579]]
by this rulemaking, and low-stress inter-facility pipelines meeting
these criteria are excluded from regulation under Part 195. However,
PHMSA notes that Sec. 195.2 and the PIPES Act both define a low-stress
hazardous liquid pipeline to be one ``that is operated in its entirety
at a stress level of 20 percent or less of the specified minimum yield
strength of the line pipe'' (emphasis added). Inter-facility pipelines
operating at less than 20% SMYS that is part of a larger pipeline
(i.e., some of which operates at higher stress levels) would not fall
under this exclusion. Such inter-facility pipelines would be subject to
Part 195. Determining whether particular inter-facility piping is part
of a larger pipeline depends on the characteristics of individual
installations and the applicability of Part 195 requirements to
specific inter-facility lines.
API-AOPL objected to the proposed change to the exception in Sec.
195.1(b)(3) for pipelines subject to regulation by the USCG. API-AOPL
contended that this was not an error because the change was included in
the phase one NPRM and final rule, had been subject to notice and
comment and thus cannot simply be ``corrected.'' PHMSA disagrees. The
entire rulemaking record clearly demonstrates that this was an error in
the regulatory language in the phase one rule. API-AOPL is correct that
the re-write of the regulatory language of Sec. 195.1(b) in the phase
one NPRM failed to limit this exception to low-stress pipelines and
that this omission was repeated in the regulatory language in the final
phase one rule. The remainder of the record makes it clear, however,
that this change was not intended. The NPRM for the phase one rule
stated that PHMSA had
* * * also clarified the language in several of the exceptions
from part 195's coverage. We have not changed the intent or scope of
any of these. We have simply cleaned up some of the language to make
the exceptions easier to read \3\ (emphasis added).
\3\ Federal Register, September 6, 2006, 71 FR 52511.
The NPRM stated elsewhere that, ``[t]his proposal will not affect
other exempt low-stress lines, specifically pipelines subject to the
safety regulations of the USCG * * *'' \4\ (emphasis added). The
exception applicable to lines subject to USCG regulation prior to the
effective date of the phase one final rule clearly applied only to low-
stress pipelines. Further, the PIPES Act required that PHMSA continue
to except from part 195 those ``low-stress hazardous liquid pipelines''
that were subject to USCG safety regulations. Therefore, PHMSA
concludes that the record demonstrates the regulatory language in the
phase one final rule concerning the exemption for low-stress pipelines
subject to USCG regulation was an inadvertent error and that error has
been corrected in this final rule.
\4\ Federal Register, September 6, 2006, 71 FR 52505.
API-AOPL and the Independent Petroleum Association of America
suggested that PHMSA exclude low-stress carbon dioxide (CO2)
pipelines involved in enhanced oil recovery and/or carbon capture and
storage. The associations noted that these pipelines pose different
risks from petroleum pipelines, that releases from low-stress
CO2 pipelines would not require the cleanup that would be
associated with releases from crude oil or refined petroleum product
pipelines, and that new requirements on CO2 lines could have
a chilling effect on future investment in such pipelines. PHMSA notes
that these factors were not raised in comments on the phase one rule
even though the phase one rule applies to rural low-stress
CO2 pipelines. PHMSA never proposed such an exclusion and
also considers it inappropriate to exclude some rural low-stress
CO2 pipelines from safety regulation while regulating others
(i.e., those subject to the phase one final rule), and has not
incorporated the suggested exclusion in this final rule.
API-AOPL also objected to the proposed requirement that a pipeline
segment subject to IM requirements must remain subject to those
requirements if subsequent changes to USA boundaries result in it being
more than one-half mile from a USA. They contended this requirement is
inappropriate and unsupported. They stated:
``[i]f future analyses demonstrate that a segment could affect a
USA that it previously could not affect, an operator is
appropriately required to apply IMP requirements to that segment.
Likewise, if a segment no longer could affect a USA, it is only
equitable that an operator need not apply the additional protection
of such plans to the segment.''
PHMSA would agree if the operator of a rural low-stress pipeline
were, indeed, required to analyze its pipelines to determine which
segments could affect a USA. They are not. This final rule uses a one-
half mile buffer as a surrogate for these expensive and complex
analyses, as did the phase one rule. While PHMSA considers this a
reasonable surrogate, it is possible, though unlikely, that a pipeline
segment slightly less than one-half mile from a USA could not affect
that USA and it is similarly possible that a pipeline segment slightly
more than one-half mile distant could affect a USA. Thus, eliminating
IM requirements that already apply solely because the distance to a USA
has increased above one-half mile is not appropriate. Operators always
have the option to perform an analysis to demonstrate that any pipeline
segment could not affect a USA, in which case IM requirements need not
apply regardless of the distance from a USA. Operators who experience a
change in USA boundaries could exercise this option to remove a
pipeline segment from IM scope. If the change in USA boundaries is
significant (e.g., the USA ceases to exist), demonstrating that a
segment could not affect a USA could be a simple analysis. PHMSA has
retained in this final rule the requirement that a pipeline segment
determined to be subject to IM requirements due to proximity to a USA
must remain subject to those requirements if boundary changes result in
more than one-half mile separation, absent a demonstration that the
segment could not affect a USA.
Thomas Lael Services, L.P., a pipeline consultant, suggested
changes to the regulatory language to improve clarity. Specifically,
Lael suggested that proposed Sec. Sec. 195.12(c)(2)(i) and
195.12(c)(3)(i) be modified to refer specifically to the criteria
defining the pipeline segments for which identification is required.
PHMSA agrees that this change would improve the clarity of the
regulatory language and has revised the final rule accordingly.
Lael also suggested that the provision allowing the operator of a
Category 1 rural low-stress pipeline to notify PHMSA of undue economic
burden should be extended to operators of Category 2 rural low-stress
pipelines. Lael noted that revenue is less for these smaller-diameter
pipelines while costs are the same, increasing the importance of
considering economic burden. Lael cites costs associated with
patrolling the pipeline and performing pipe-to-soil potential readings
as examples. These requirements, however, are outside the scope of the
economic burden provision. That provision allows an operator of a
Category 1 rural low-stress pipeline to notify PHMSA if the economic
burden of complying with IM assessment requirements, not other
provisions as cited by Lael, would be sufficient to cause the operator
to shut down its pipeline. The provision is applicable only to
pipelines carrying crude oil from a production facility (among other
criteria). Pipelines of 8\5/8\ inches or less nominal outside
diameter--the size that would
[[Page 25580]]
categorize a rural low-stress pipeline as Category 2--and that carry
crude oil from a production facility are, by definition, gathering
pipelines. Gathering pipelines, as noted above, are not subject to the
provisions of Sec. 195.12 and are not subject to IM requirements.
Thus, PHMSA concludes that no change to the economic burden provision
is needed.
Lael also suggested that the time allowed for operators to identify
Category 2 and 3 rural low-stress pipelines be extended to 12 months
from the proposed nine months. Lael noted that this would correct an
apparent inconsistency with discussion in the NPRM preamble noting the
proposed timeframes were the same as those required in phase one;
therefore, 12-month timeframes were being proposed for operators of
Category 2 and 3 rural low-stress pipelines in instances where 12
months was required of operators of Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines. There is no inconsistency. The NPRM preamble discussion
cited by Lael clearly uses 12 months only as an example. The phase one
rule required operators of Category 1 rural low-stress pipelines to
identify pipeline segments meeting the criteria in the rule before nine
months after the effective date of the phase 1 rule. Nine months is
also required for Category 2 and 3 rural low-stress pipelines in this
final rule, thus affording the consistency discussed in the NPRM.
Lael also questioned the logic of a statement in the phase two NPRM
that available data showed that the largest spill on land from a low-
stress pipeline traveled two acres and that this justified a one-half
mile buffer as a surrogate for analyses of whether a pipeline segment
could affect a USA. Lael noted that an acre is a measure of area rather
than a measure of distance. PHMSA agrees that the NPRM statement was
unclear about the assumptions we used to conclude that this data
demonstrated a one-half mile buffer was adequate. PHMSA considered that
a spill covering two acres would need to be limited to 35 feet in width
over its entire length if it were to extend one-half mile from the
pipeline. We concluded that it was unlikely that a spill would behave
in this manner and that based on the data we could conclude that a one-
half mile buffer was adequate. PHMSA has revised the discussion in the
preamble of this final rule to better explain its reasoning.
API-AOPL raised a number of concerns regarding the draft regulatory
analysis and regulatory flexibility (i.e., small business) analysis
supporting the NPRM. These included use of data from parent companies
rather than distinct operating subsidiaries in determining whether
small businesses could be affected and use of inappropriate data to
estimate costs. These comments have been addressed in the final
regulatory analysis that is included in the rulemaking docket.
Finally, NTSB suggested that PHMSA should be given sole
jurisdiction over offshore pipelines on the outer continental shelf.
NTSB noted, in making this suggestion, that regulation of offshore
pipelines was outside the scope of this NPRM. PHMSA agrees that changes
in PHMSA jurisdiction over offshore pipelines are beyond the scope of
this proceeding.
Consideration by Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards
On December 3, 2010, PHMSA discussed the proposed rule with the
Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee
(THLPSSC). The THLPSSC is a statutorily mandated advisory committee
that advises PHMSA about the technical feasibility, reasonableness and
cost-effectiveness of its proposed regulations. PHMSA discussed the
comments received in response to the NPRM (e.g., concerns over effect
on pipelines excluded from regulation and on rural gathering
pipelines). These comments have been previously discussed in this
After careful consideration, the THLPSSC voted unanimously to find
the NPRM and supporting regulatory evaluation technically feasible,
reasonable, practicable, and cost effective. A transcript of the
meeting is available in the docket for this rulemaking.
Final Rule
This final rule revises 49 CFR part 195 to cover: (1) Rural onshore
low-stress pipelines with a diameter smaller than 8\5/8\ inches located
in or within one-half mile of a USA and (2) rural onshore low-stress
pipelines of any diameter located more than one-half mile from a USA.
With the publication of this final rule, and with limited exceptions,
all low-stress pipelines regardless of location or size are now subject
to the pipeline safety regulations. The final rule continues in place
the one-half mile buffer to be used as the ``could affect'' area for
application of IM requirements.
Our phased approach resulted in several distinct groups of rural
low-stress pipelines:
Rural low-stress pipelines that cross navigable waterways.
These have historically been subject to the safety requirements of Part
195. These pipelines were not affected by phase one and are not
affected by this rulemaking.
Rural low-stress pipelines 8\5/8\ inches or greater in
diameter that are located in or within one-half mile of a USA. The
requirements of Part 195 were made applicable to these rural pipelines
in the phase one rule.
Rural low-stress pipelines less than 8\5/8\ inches in
diameter that are located in or within one-half mile of a USA. These
pipelines are made subject to the safety requirements of Part 195,
including the IM requirements in Sec. 195.452, by this final rule.
Rural low-stress pipelines of any diameter that are
located more than one-half mile from a USA. These pipelines are also
made subject to the safety requirements of Part 195, excluding the IM
requirements in Sec. 195.452, by this final rule.
The phase one rule established a number of compliance deadlines for
the rural pipelines it addressed, now referred to as Category 1 rural
low-stress pipelines. These deadlines varied from relatively near term
(e.g., identifying all pipeline segments subject to the phase one rule
by April 3, 2009) to long term (e.g., completing baseline IM
assessments by July 3, 2015). This final rule retains the compliance
deadlines established in phase one for Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines. This rule subjects Category 2 rural low-stress pipelines to
the same Part 195 requirements as those made applicable to Category 1
pipelines in phase one but with different compliance deadlines.
Finally, this rule applies all requirements of Part 195 to Category 3
rural low-stress pipelines except for the IM requirements of Sec.
195.452. Consistent with the phase one rule, pipeline segments will
have to be identified within nine months of publication of this final
rule, baseline IM assessments will have to be completed within five
years of publication of the final rule, compliance with the
requirements of subpart H of Part 195, Corrosion Control, will have to
occur within three years and compliance with all other applicable
requirements will have to occur with 12 months of publication of the
final rule.
This final rule includes, as did the phase one rule, an option for
operators to determine which pipeline segments are subject to IM
requirements by performing analyses to determine whether pipeline
segments could affect a USA in lieu of using the one-half-mile buffer.
This rule includes, as did the phase one rule, a provision
addressing newly
[[Page 25581]]
identified USAs. Such new USAs could result in additional pipeline
segments meeting criteria for Category 1 or 2 rural low-stress
pipelines and thus become subject to IM requirements. This final rule
requires that pipeline segments identified as Category 1 or 2 continue
to meet the requirements applicable to those Categories even if the
boundaries of a USA are redefined so that the pipeline segment (or
portion thereof) is no longer within one-half mile of the USA unless
the operator determines that the segment could not affect the USA. This
provision adds no additional burden because pipeline operators may
simply continue to treat their pipelines as they would have without the
redefinition of USA boundaries.
Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 195.1
Which pipelines are covered by this Part?
Section 195.1 has been revised numerous times over the years to
include changes to the pipelines covered or excluded from the scope of
Part 195. Section 195.1 was revised in the phase one rule to provide
more clarity and to include the phase one rural low-stress pipelines
within the scope of Part 195. This final rule revises Sections 195.1(a)
and (b) to include the rural low-stress pipelines brought under Part
195 regulations in phase two. The changes to this section do not affect
any of the other covered or excluded pipelines previously identified in
Sec. 195.1.
This final rule also corrects an inadvertent error to Sec. 195.1
that was introduced by the changes made under the phase one rule. The
error concerns the long-standing exception for low-stress pipelines
subject to the regulations of the USCG. Under the phase one rule, Sec.
195.1 was incorrectly revised to state that Part 195 does not apply to
any pipeline subject to the safety regulations of the USCG. In this
final rule, we are correcting Sec. 195.1 to state again that Part 195
does not apply to any low-stress pipeline subject to the safety
regulations of the USCG.
Section 195.12
What requirements apply to low-stress pipelines in rural areas?
This Section is being revised to clarify that all previously
unregulated low-stress pipelines in rural areas are now covered under
Part 195 regulation. This Section does not apply to rural low-stress
pipelines that cross a waterway used for commercial navigation because
they have been regulated under Part 195 before either of the
rulemakings addressing rural low-stress pipelines.
This section has been revised to define three categories of rural
low-stress pipelines (Section 195.12(b)):
Category 1 lines are those that were regulated in phase
one (i.e., rural low-stress pipelines with a diameter of 8\5/8\ inches
or more located in or within one-half mile of a USA).
Category 2 pipelines are those rural low-stress pipelines
of smaller diameter (less than 8\5/8\ inches) located in or within one-
half mile of a USA.
Category 3 are all remaining rural low-stress pipelines
except for those that cross navigable waterways (which are already
regulated under Sec. 195.1 and are not addressed in Sec. 195.12).
Section 195.12(c) also sets forth the required deadlines for
compliance with various portions of Part 195. The compliance deadlines
established by the phase one final rule for Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines remain unchanged. Except for the compliance deadlines for the
completion of baseline IM assessments, this final rule establishes
deadlines for Category 2 and Category 3 rural low-stress pipelines in
the same manner as was done for Category 1 pipelines. For example,
operators of Category 1 rural low-stress pipelines were required to
identify these pipelines within nine months of the effective date of
the phase one final rule and this final rule requires the same nine-
month time frame for an operator of a Category 2 or Category 3 rural
low-stress pipeline. In phase one, PHMSA adopted a compliance deadline
of three and one-half years for completing 50% of baseline IM
assessments and seven years for completing all baseline assessments.
PHMSA concluded that it was appropriate to reduce the compliance
deadlines for these requirements for the pipelines covered by this
final rule considering the amount of time that has transpired since the
passage of the PIPES Act and the relatively small number of miles that
would be subject to these requirements. Thus, this final rule requires
that operators of Category 2 pipelines complete all baseline IM
assessments within five years of the effective date of the final rule
and that at least 50 percent of the assessments be completed within two
and one-half years.
As discussed above, PHMSA did not change the provision allowing
operators of some Category 1 rural low-stress pipelines to notify PHMSA
if they conclude that implementing the IM assessment requirements would
pose such an economic burden that they would abandon their pipelines.
This provision continues to be limited to Category 1 rural low-stress
pipelines carrying crude oil from production facilities and where
shutdown of the pipeline would cause loss of oil supply or a transition
to truck transportation. PHMSA (with assistance from DOE, as
appropriate) will review notifications and, if justified, may grant the
operator a special permit to allow continued operation of the pipeline
subject to alternative safety requirements.
PHMSA's reasoning for not extending the provision to Category 2
pipelines is based on the definition of ``gathering line'' in Sec.
195.2. That Section defines any ``pipeline 219.1 mm (8\5/8\ inch) or
less nominal outside diameter that transports petroleum from a
production facility'' as a gathering line. Gathering lines are not
subject to the provisions of Sec. 195.12. Instead, requirements
applicable to regulated rural gathering lines are found in Sec.
195.11, and do not include IM requirements. As a result, no rural low-
stress pipeline of 8\5/8\ inch or less nominal diameter that carries
crude oil from a production facility is subject to IM requirements, and
it is not necessary to provide an economic burden provision for these
pipelines to ameliorate unintended impacts on production.
Section 195.48 Scope
This Section was added in the phase one final rule. There had not
previously been a scope Section in Subpart B because all pipelines
subject to Part 195 were subject to all the reporting requirements in
Subpart B. This Section was added in phase one because the reporting
requirements of Subpart B were made applicable to all rural low-stress
pipelines, even those not subject to the safety requirements of the
phase one rule. Operators of those rural low-stress pipelines not
subject to the technical requirements of Part 195 under phase one were
not required to complete those portions of the annual report form that
relate to IM requirements and inspections.
With this final rule, all rural low-stress pipelines are now
subject to all requirements of Part 195, except that Category 3
pipelines are not subject to the IM requirements in Sec. 195.452. The
exclusion of portions of the annual report form related to IM has
therefore been modified to apply only to operators of Category 3
Regulatory Analyses and Notices
Executive Order 12866 and DOT Policies and Procedures
PHMSA considers this final rule a non-significant regulatory action
under Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866
[[Page 25582]]
(58 FR 51735; Oct. 4, 1993). The rule is also non-significant under DOT
regulatory policies and procedures (44 FR 11034: February 26, 1979).
PHMSA prepared a Regulatory Evaluation, a copy of which has been placed
in the docket.
This final rule affects those rural low- stress pipelines of any
diameter that are more than one-half mile outside a USA and rural low-
stress pipelines less than 8\5/8\ inches in diameter that are located
in or within one-half mile of a USA. The following table presents the
estimates for the mileage affected by this rulemaking:
Phase Two Eligible Mileage
Miles Miles
Pipeline diameter inside USA outside USA
< 8\5/8\''.................................... 100.5 443.2
>= 8\5/8\''................................... NA 840.6
Four sources of mileage data that provide varying levels of detail
were analyzed to derive these final mileage estimates:
The Regulatory Analysis for the low-stress phase 1 final
rule by PHMSA published in August 2006.
A survey of operators of low-stress pipelines.
The annual mileage data pipeline operators report to
Mileage estimates reported to the NPMS.
PHMSA concluded that the estimate of 5,624 miles of rural low-
stress pipeline made in the phase one regulatory analysis was a high-
end estimate. The results of the survey PHMSA conducted identified
1,575 miles and the NPMS reports 1,672.9 miles, with the NPMS data
excluding both intra-plant miles and lines regulated in phase one. The
PHMSA annual report database includes 1,536 newly-reported low-stress
rural miles. Since the data collected in the survey includes a variety
of other information used in this analysis, including characteristics
of the reported mileage, it was used for phase two rural low-stress
pipeline mileage estimates. Distribution percentages and assumptions
relating to the three phase two rural low-stress pipeline segments
result in a slightly lower estimate of total miles than the original
estimate that resulted from the survey data. This final estimate is
approximately 1,384 miles of eligible rural low-stress pipeline.
Costs of the Regulation
PHMSA estimates the 30-year net present values \5\ of compliance
costs for this final rule to be $104.9 million. The operators of the
pipelines affected by the regulatory changes included in the final rule
are expected to incur costs attributable to those changes. The costs of
the rulemaking will be those associated with bringing the affected
pipelines into compliance with Part 195, which has the following eight
Subpart A--General
Subpart B--Annual, Accident, and Safety-Related Condition
Subpart C--Design Requirements
Subpart D--Construction
Subpart E--Pressure Testing
Subpart F--Operation and Maintenance
Subpart G--Qualification of Pipeline Personnel
Subpart H--Corrosion Control
In addition, operators of the low-stress pipelines brought under
Part 195 would also need to comply with 49 CFR part 199, the alcohol
and drug testing requirements.
Benefits of the Regulation
The 30-year net present value of benefits of this final rule is
$326.5 million. PHMSA expects the regulatory changes to reduce the
number of incidents and the incident costs and consequences. The
ability of the final rule to reduce or avoid these costs is considered
to be the primary benefit of the regulation and is referred to as
traditional benefits. Data on incident costs for rural low-stress
pipelines are generally not available because PHMSA has not regulated
these pipelines in the past. Moreover, the reduction in costs that the
regulation would cause is also unknown. The final 30-year net present
values of benefits of this final rule are $326.5 million.
This final rule also may produce benefits by preventing disruptions
in the fuel supply caused by pipeline failures. Any interruption in the
fuel supply impacts the U.S. economy by putting upward pressure on the
prices paid by businesses and consumers, as incidents on Alaskan low-
stress pipelines feeding major petroleum trunk lines have illustrated.
Supply disruptions also have national security implications because
they increase dependence on foreign sources of oil.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended, requires
Federal agencies to conduct a separate analysis of the economic impact
of rules on small entities. The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires
that Federal agencies take small entities' concerns into account when
developing, writing, publicizing, promulgating, and enforcing
Need for Final Rule
This final rule covers certain rural onshore low-stress hazardous
liquid pipelines. Beginning in 1991, Congress paid greater attention to
the risks that hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines pose to the
environment. In the Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-508),
Congress gave DOT greater authority to protect the environment from
risks posed by pipelines. Congress continued to emphasize the need to
better protect the environment from the risks pipelines pose in the
Accountable Pipeline Safety and Partnership Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-
304). With the PIPES Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-468), Congress went
further and instructed DOT to apply all Part 195 requirements to
unregulated rural low-stress pipelines.
PHMSA decided to apply Part 195 requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines as a two-phase process. The phase one rulemaking covered
large diameter pipe (greater than or equal to 8\5/8\ inches in
diameter) located in or within one-half mile of a USA. These were the
higher-risk rural low-stress pipelines. This final rule addresses the
remaining unregulated rural low-stress pipelines.
Description of Actions
PHMSA is bringing the remaining rural onshore low-stress pipelines
not regulated by phase one under the safety regulations of 49 CFR part
195. These lines include rural low-stress pipelines with a diameter of
less than 8\5/8\ inches that are within one-half mile of a USA and
rural low-stress pipelines of any size diameter that are outside of the
one-half mile USA buffer.
Related Federal Rules and Regulations
There are currently no related rules or regulations issued by other
departments or agencies of the Federal Government.
Identification of Potentially Affected Small Entities
In accordance with size standards published by the Small Business
Administration, a pipeline transportation business with 1,500 or fewer
employees is considered a small entity.\6\ Depending on the products
being transported, low-stress pipeline operators belong to the North
American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) 486110, Pipeline
Transportation of Crude Oil, or NAICS 486910, Pipeline Transportation
of Refined Petroleum Products. For both NAICS codes, a business with
1,500 or
[[Page 25583]]
fewer employees is considered a small entity.
PHMSA made an extensive effort to identify small and other
operators of rural low-stress lines. PHMSA surveyed these operators to
get better information about the number of miles and compliance costs
of rural hazardous liquid low-stress pipelines.
To ensure that the response rate was maximized, PHMSA publicized
its plans to conduct the survey in (1) a 60-day Federal Register (FR)
notice published on September 6, 2006, (71 FR 52504) and (2) a 30-day
FR notice published on September 7, 2007, (72 FR 51489). No comments
were submitted to either notice. PHMSA then announced the availability
of the survey in a FR notice published on July 31, 2008, (73 FR 44800).
PHMSA delivered the survey and a letter explaining the importance
of the study via three methods:
1. A version of the survey that allowed operators to directly input
responses was posted on the PHMSA OPS Online Data Entry Web site
(ODES). An e-mail announcing the survey was sent to the contact person
responsible for each company's most recent annual report submission.
2. Respondents were also able to print an electronic version of the
survey directly from the e-mail received and mail or fax a completed
hard copy to the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe
3. Finally, in an effort to reach companies that currently operate
unregulated pipelines exclusively, PHMSA and the Volpe Center worked
with the American Petroleum Institute, the Association of Oil Pipelines
and the Independent Petroleum Association of America to announce and
distribute the survey to their members via their email newsletters.
Of the 112 operators that responded, 20 reported rural low-stress
pipeline mileage. PHMSA then conducted additional follow-up discussions
with these operators. Only 12 of the 20 operators were identified as
actually having rural low-stress pipeline mileage that would be
addressed by the phase two rulemaking. Two of the 12 relevant operators
are owned by the same parent company. Therefore, there are 11
businesses that may be potentially affected by this rule.
In order assess the potential business compliance impact,
information on the size of the ultimate parent companies for the
potentially affected pipeline operators was collected from a
compilation of Dun & Bradstreet data, online company profiles, and
direct phone calls. This use of data for the ultimate parent enterprise
is consistent with the Regulatory Flexibility Act which directs Federal
agencies to use the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA)
definition of a small business. The SBA's definition of a small
business considers a firm's parent company and all affiliates to be a
single entity. The enterprise name, number of employees, revenues,
profits, compliance costs and affected mileage are listed in the
following table.
[[Page 25584]]
The table above shows that three of the 11 enterprises employ less
than 1,500 persons and are thus considered small entities. The cost
estimation analysis, described in the Regulatory Analysis, concluded
that the rural low-
[[Page 25585]]
stress mileage held by two of these operators is already in compliance
with Part 195. Therefore, these two small entities will not be
adversely affected by the rulemaking. The other small entity, which has
four miles of affected rural low- stress mileage, reports an initial
compliance cost of $475,000 and recurring costs of $100,000 every five
Alternate Proposals for Small Businesses
The Regulatory Flexibility Act directs agencies to establish
exceptions and differing compliance standards for small businesses,
where it is possible to do so, and still meet the objectives of
applicable regulatory statutes.
The phase two Regulatory Analysis analyzes six regulatory
alternatives. They are as follows:
Alternative 1: Apply all Part 195 requirements to all eligible
rural low-stress pipelines.
Alternative 2: Apply all Part 195 requirements to small diameter
rural low-stress pipelines located in or within one-half mile of a USA.
Alternative 3: Apply all Part 195 requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines equal to or greater than 8\5/8\ inches in diameter located
farther than one-half mile from a USA.
Alternative 4: Apply all Part 195 requirements to rural low-stress
pipelines less than 8\5/8\ inches in diameter outside one-half mile of
a USA.
Alternative 5: Apply all Part 195 requirements except Subpart H
(Corrosion Control) to all rural low-stress pipelines not currently
Alternative 6: Apply all Part 195 requirements except the IM
Program to all rural low-stress pipelines not currently regulated.
Alternative 1 is the alternative that PHMSA has selected. This
alternative not only complies with the statutory requirement but also
increases the level of safety and environmental protection associated
with the transportation of hazardous liquids through low-stress
pipelines to a level commensurate with other pipelines that are already
subject to the pipeline safety regulations.
From the information we have gathered, this final rule will have an
economic impact on one known small entity. Therefore, under Section 605
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, this final rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Executive Order 13175
PHMSA has analyzed this final rule according to the principles and
criteria in Executive Order 13175, ``Consultation and Coordination with
Indian Tribal Governments.'' Because this final rule would not
significantly or uniquely affect the communities of the Indian tribal
governments or impose substantial direct compliance costs, the funding
and consultation requirements of Executive Order 13175 do not apply.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.8(d), PHMSA used the NPRM to provide
interested members of the public and affected agencies with an
opportunity to comment on information collection and recordkeeping
requests. PHMSA identified four information collections that would bear
some impact as a result of this rulemaking. No comments were received.
Upon review of the burden impacts on the identified information
collection requests, PHMSA believes that the minimal impact to these
information collections do not warrant revisions to the currently
approved information collections.
The following information is provided for each information
collection: (1) Title of the information collection; (2) OMB control
number; (3) type of request; (4) abstract of the information collection
activity; (5) description of affected public; (6) estimate of total
annual reporting and recordkeeping burden; and (7) frequency of
collection. PHMSA estimates that based on the requirements in this
rule, the current information collection burden for the following
information collections will remain as follows:
Title of information Collection: Transportation of Hazardous
Liquids by Pipeline: Recordkeeping and Accident Reporting.
OMB Control Number: 2137-0047.
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information
Abstract: Hazardous liquid pipeline operators must keep records to
ensure that their pipelines are operated safely. Operators must also
report accidents.
Type of Respondents: Hazardous Liquid Operators.
Total Annual Responses: 847.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 51,329 hours.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Title of information Collection: National Pipeline Mapping Program.
OMB Control Number: 2137-0596.
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information
Abstract: The operator of a pipeline facility (except distribution
lines and gathering lines) provides information to PHMSA on the
characteristics of its pipeline system. The submitted information
includes updates to annual mapping information for each mile of
Type of Respondents: Pipeline Facility Operators (except
distribution lines and gathering lines).
Total Annual Responses: 894.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 16,312 hours.
Frequency of Collection: Annual.
Title of information Collection: Pipeline Integrity Management in
High Consequence Areas (Operators with less than 500 Miles of Hazardous
Liquid Pipelines).
OMB Control Number: 2137-0605.
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information
Abstract: Hazardous Liquid Operators with less than 500 miles of
Pipelines are required to continually assess and evaluate the integrity
of their pipeline through inspection or testing. Such operators must
also implement remedial, preventive, and mitigative actions on these
Type of Respondents: Hazardous Liquid Operators (with less than 500
miles of pipelines).
Total Annual Responses: 132.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 267,960 hours.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Title of information Collection: Public Awareness Program.
OMB Control Number: 2137-0622.
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information
Abstract: Current regulations require pipeline operators to develop
and implement public awareness programs. Public awareness and
understanding of pipeline operations is vital to the continued safe
operation of pipelines. Upon request, operators must submit their
completed programs to PHMSA or, in the case of an intrastate pipeline
facility operator, the appropriate state agency.
Type of Respondents: Pipeline Operators.
Total Annual Responses: 22,500.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 517,480 hours.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Any questions regarding these information collections should be
directed to Cameron Satterthwaite, Office of Pipeline Safety (PHP-30),
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 2nd
[[Page 25586]]
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001, SW.,
Washington, DC 20590-0001, Telephone 202-366-8553.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
This final rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of
$141.3 million or more to either state, local, or tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or to the private sector, and is the least burdensome
alternative that achieves the objective of the regulatory action.
National Environmental Policy Act
The National Environmental Policy Act requires Federal agencies to
integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by
considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and
reasonable alternatives to those actions. PHMSA conducted an
environmental assessment of the application of phase two safety
regulations to rural onshore hazardous liquid pipelines. This
environmental assessment examined the environmental impacts of the
requirements proposed in the NPRM, and reasonable alternatives to those
actions, on the environment.
The environmental assessment found that the NPRM requirements would
not significantly affect the quality of the environment. Only limited
physical modification or other work that would disturb pipelines would
be required, such as identifying segments of pipelines meeting the
regulatory definitions, inspection and testing, installing and
maintaining line markers, implementing corrosion controls, pipeline
cleaning, and establishing integrity assessment programs. The
environmental assessment preliminarily concluded the expected
reductions in hazardous liquid spills are a minor to moderate positive
environmental impact offsetting the negligible negative environmental
impacts associated with implementing the rulemaking. The full final
environmental assessment is available for review in the public docket.
We did not receive any comment on the assessment or preliminary
conclusion. Therefore, we conclude that this rulemaking will not result
in any significant negative or positive environmental impacts affecting
the quality of the human environment.
Executive Order 13132
PHMSA has analyzed this final rule according to the principles and
criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 (``Federalism''). This
final rule would not (1) have substantial direct effects on the states,
the relationship between the national government and the states, or the
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of
government; (2) impose substantial direct compliance costs on state and
local governments; or (3) preempt state law. Therefore, the
consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 13132 do not
Executive Order 13211
This final rule is not a ``significant energy action'' under
Executive Order 13211. It is not likely to have a significant adverse
effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. Furthermore, this
final rule has not been designated by the Administrator of the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs as a significant energy action.
List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 195
Regulated rural gathering, Rural low-stress pipelines.
For the reasons provided in the preamble, PHMSA amends 49 CFR Part
195 as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 195 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, 60108, 60109, 60118;
and 49 CFR 1.53.
2. Section 195.1 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 195.1 Which pipelines are covered by this Part?
(a) Covered. Except for the pipelines listed in paragraph (b) of
this Section, this Part applies to pipeline facilities and the
transportation of hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide associated with
those facilities in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce,
including pipeline facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
Covered pipelines include, but are not limited to:
(1) Any pipeline that transports a highly volatile liquid;
(2) Any pipeline segment that crosses a waterway currently used for
commercial navigation;
(3) Except for a gathering line not covered by paragraph (a)(4) of
this Section, any pipeline located in a rural or non-rural area of any
diameter regardless of operating pressure;
(4) Any of the following onshore gathering lines used for
transportation of petroleum:
(i) A pipeline located in a non-rural area;
(ii) A regulated rural gathering line as provided in Sec. 195.11;
(iii) A pipeline located in an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico as
provided in Sec. 195.413.
(b) Excepted. This Part does not apply to any of the following:
(1) Transportation of a hazardous liquid transported in a gaseous
(2) Transportation of a hazardous liquid through a pipeline by
(3) Transportation of a hazardous liquid through any of the
following low-stress pipelines:
(i) A pipeline subject to safety regulations of the U.S. Coast
Guard; or
(ii) A pipeline that serves refining, manufacturing, or truck,
rail, or vessel terminal facilities, if the pipeline is less than one
mile long (measured outside facility grounds) and does not cross an
offshore area or a waterway currently used for commercial navigation;
(4) Transportation of petroleum through an onshore rural gathering
line that does not meet the definition of a ``regulated rural gathering
line'' as provided in Sec. 195.11. This exception does not apply to
gathering lines in the inlets of the Gulf of Mexico subject to Sec.
(5) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide in an
offshore pipeline in state waters where the pipeline is located
upstream from the outlet flange of the following farthest downstream
facility: The facility where hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide are
produced or the facility where produced hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide
are first separated, dehydrated, or otherwise processed;
(6) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide in a
pipeline on the OCS where the pipeline is located upstream of the point
at which operating responsibility transfers from a producing operator
to a transporting operator;
(7) A pipeline segment upstream (generally seaward) of the last
valve on the last production facility on the OCS where a pipeline on
the OCS is producer-operated and crosses into state waters without
first connecting to a transporting operator's facility on the OCS.
Safety equipment protecting PHMSA-regulated pipeline segments is not
excluded. A producing operator of a segment falling within this
exception may petition the Administrator, under Sec. 190.9 of this
chapter, for approval to operate under PHMSA regulations governing
pipeline design, construction, operation, and maintenance;
(8) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide through
onshore production (including flow lines), refining, or manufacturing
facilities or storage or in-plant piping systems associated with such
[[Page 25587]]
(9) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide:
(i) By vessel, aircraft, tank truck, tank car, or other non-
pipeline mode of transportation; or
(ii) Through facilities located on the grounds of a materials
transportation terminal if the facilities are used exclusively to
transfer hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide between non-pipeline modes
of transportation or between a non-pipeline mode and a pipeline. These
facilities do not include any device and associated piping that are
necessary to control pressure in the pipeline under Sec. 195.406(b);
(10) Transportation of carbon dioxide downstream from the
applicable following point:
(i) The inlet of a compressor used in the injection of carbon
dioxide for oil recovery operations, or the point where recycled carbon
dioxide enters the injection system, whichever is farther upstream; or
(ii) The connection of the first branch pipel