Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, 25345-25352 [2011-10782]
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
Frequency of Response: Quarterly
reporting requirement, recordkeeping
requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this information collection
is contained in 47 U.S.C. sections
151,152, 154(i), 154(j), 201–204, 214,
220(a), 251, 252, 271, 272, and 303(r).
Total Annual Burden: 300 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission anticipates that the
Bell Operating Companies (BOCs)
which are AT&T, Quest and Verizon,
may request confidentiality protection
for the special access performance
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) after this 60 day comment period
in order to obtain the full three year
clearance from them. The Commission
is requesting OMB approval for a
revision of this information collection.
The Commission previously adopted
two new information collection
requirements that received OMB
approval. The monthly usage
information requirement has expired,
pursuant to the terms of the Section 272
Sunset Order. The burden for the
monthly reporting requirement has been
eliminated and we now seek continued
OMB approval for the special access
performance metric information
requirement (quarterly reporting
requirement) will be extended
The Commission has established a
new framework to govern the provision
of in-region, long-distance services that
allows the BOCs to provide in-region,
interstate, long distance services either
directly or through affiliates that are
neither section 272 separate affiliates
nor rule 64.1903 affiliates, see Section
272 Sunset Order, FCC 07–159.
Because the BOCs are no longer
required to comply with the section 272
structural safeguards, the Commission
established special access performance
metrics reporting requirements, i.e.,
ordering, provisioning, and repair and
maintenance to ensure that the BOCs
and their independent incumbent LEC
affiliates do not engage in non-price
discrimination in the provision of
special access services to unaffiliated
The information gleaned from these
performance metrics will provide the
Commission and other interested parties
with reasonable tools to monitor each
BOC’s performance in providing these
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special access services to itself and its
OMB Control Number: 3060–XXXX.
Title: Sections 15.713, 15.714, 15.715
and 15.717, TV White Space Broadcast
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: New collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 2,000
respondents; 2,000 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 2
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement, recordkeeping
requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this information collection
is contained in 154(i), 302, 303(c),
303(f), and 307.
Total Annual Burden: 4,000 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $100,000.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting
respondents to submit confidential
information to the Commission.
Respondents may request that portions
of their information remain confidential
in accordance with 47 CFR 0.459 of the
Commission’s rules.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this new information
collection to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) after this 60 day
comment period in order to obtain the
full three year clearance from them. The
Commission is reporting a program
change increase of 4,000 total annual
burden hours and an increase of
$100,000 in annual costs.
On November 14, 2008, the
Commission adopted a Second Report
and Order and Memorandum Opinion
and Order, FCC 08–260, ET Docket No.
04–186, that established rules to allow
new and unlicensed wireless devices to
operate in the broadcast television
spectrum at locations where that
spectrum is not being used by licensed
services (this unused TV spectrum is
often termed ‘‘television white spaces’’).
The rules will allow for the use of
unlicensed TV band devices in the
unused spectrum to provide broadband
data and other services for consumers
and businesses.
Subsequently on September 23, 2010,
the Commission adopted a Second
Memorandum Opinion and Order
finalizing the rules to make the unused
spectrum in the TV bands available for
unlicensed broadband wireless devices.
This action resolved on reconsideration
certain legal and technical issues in
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order to provide certainty concerning
the rules for operation of unlicensed
transmitting devices in the television
broadcast frequency bands (unlicensed
TV bands devices or ‘‘TVBDs’’).
Resolution of these issues will now
allow manufacturers to begin marketing
unlicensed communications devices
and systems that operate on frequencies
in the TV bands in areas where they are
not used by licensed services (‘‘TV white
In the Second Report and Order the
Commission decided to designate one or
more database administrators from the
private sector to create and operate TV
bands databases. The TV band database
administrators will act on behalf of the
FCC, but will offer a privately owned
and operated service. Each database
administrator will be responsible for
operation of their database and
coordination of the overall functioning
of the database with other
administrators, and will provide
database access to TVBDs.
The Commission also decided that
operators of venues using unlicensed
wireless microphones will be required
to register their sites with the
Commission which will transmit the
information to the database
administrators. The registration request
must be filed at least 30 days in advance
and the requests will be made public to
provide an opportunity for public
comment or objections
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Office of the Secretary,
Office of Managing Director.
[FR Doc. 2011–10804 Filed 5–3–11; 8:45 am]
[MB Docket No. 07–269; FCC 11–65]
Annual Assessment of the Status of
Competition in the Market for the
Delivery of Video Programming
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
In this document, the
Commission is required to report
annually to Congress on the status of
competition in markets for the delivery
of video programming. This document
is soliciting additional information from
the public that will allow the
Commission to enhance its analysis of
the state of competition in the delivery
of video programming. Comments and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
data submitted in response to this
document in conjunction with publicly
available information and filings
submitted in relevant Commission
proceedings will be used for a report to
DATES: Interested parties may file
comments on or before June 8, 2011,
and reply comments on or before July 8,
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
Bring, Media Bureau (202) 418–2164,
TTY (202) 418–7172, or e-mail at
synopsis of the Commission’s Annual
Assessment of the Status of Competition
in the Market for Diversity of Video
Programming, Further Notice of Inquiry
(FNOI), in MB Docket No. 07–269, FCC–
11–65, released April 21, 2011. The
complete text of the document is
available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the
FCC Reference Center, 445 12th Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20554, and may
also be purchased from the
Commission’s copy contractor, BCPI,
Inc., Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20054. Customers may
contact BCPI, Inc. at their Web site or call 1–800–
Synopsis of Further Notice of Inquiry
1. Section 628(g) of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (the Act) requires the
Commission to report annually on ‘‘the
status of competition in the market for
the market for the delivery of video
programming.’’ This FNOI solicits data,
information, and comment on the state
of competition in the delivery of video
programming for the Commission’s
Fourteenth Report (14th Report). Using
the information collected pursuant to
this FNOI, we seek to enhance our
analysis of competitive conditions,
better understand the implications for
the American consumer, and provide a
solid foundation for Commission policy
making with respect to the delivery of
video programming to consumers.
2. Pursuant to its statutory mandate,
in 2009, for the 14th Report, the
Commission released a Notice of
Inquiry, released January 16, 2009, to
solicit data, information, and comment
for 2007 and a Supplemental Notice of
Inquiry, released April 9, 2009, to
request data, information and comment
for 2008, and 2009, similar to that
which had been requested for earlier
years. However, since that time, the
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Commission has initiated a
comprehensive review of the way in
which it uses data, including data used
for its statutory competition reports. In
the course of that review, we
determined that the data submitted in
response to the notices of inquiry for the
14th Report are insufficient to produce
an adequate report. We are therefore
requesting additional data for 2009 and
for the first time asking for data for
2010. In submitting additional data for
2009 and new data for 2010, to the
extent that it is not unduly burdensome,
we encourage commenters to also
submit comparable historical data for
2007 and 2008, which will facilitate the
Commission’s analysis of trends.
3. We intend to adopt a number of
changes to our analytic framework to
ensure that we are collecting and
presenting the most useful information
concerning competition in the video
programming market. Of particular note,
in the 14th Report, we plan to include
online video distributors (OVDs) for the
first time, in light of the growing
importance of online video distribution
to consumers. An OVD is any entity that
provides video programming by means
of the Internet or other Internet Protocol
(IP) based transmission path provided
by a person or entity other than the
OVD. Under our new analytic
framework, we first will categorize
entities that deliver video programming
into one of three groups: multichannel
video programming distribution
(MVPDs), broadcast television stations,
and OVDs. Second, we will examine
industry structure, conduct, and
performance. Third, we will look
upstream and downstream to examine
the influence of industry inputs and
consumer behavior on the delivery of
video programming. We expect to
discuss three key upstream industry
inputs: Video content creators, video
content aggregators, and consumer
premises equipment. We seek comment
on whether this proposed analytic
framework is a useful way for the
Commission to assess and report on the
status of video programming
4. The data reported in previous
reports on the status of competition for
the delivery of video programming were
derived from various sources, including
data the Commission collects in other
contexts (e.g., FCC Form 477 and FCC
Form 325), comments filed in response
to notices of inquiry and other
Commission proceedings; publicly
available information from industry
associations; company filings and news
releases; Security and Exchange
Commission filings; trade and industry
publications; research firms’ publicly-
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available data; equity analysts’ reports;
scholarly publications; and vendor
product releases and white papers. We
seek comment on whether there are
additional data sources available for our
analysis. What other sources of data,
especially quantitative data, should we
use to perform a comprehensive
analysis of the delivery of video
programming? Are there certain
stakeholders that should be reached out
to in order to diversify the data and
further supplement the record? We also
ask commenters to suggest how we can
best use this information to report on
competition for the delivery of video
5. In previous Notice of Inquiries, we
have requested data as of June 30 of the
relevant year to monitor trends on an
annual basis. To continue our timeseries analysis, we request data as of
June 30, 2009, and June 30, 2010. We
also recognize that a significant amount
of data and information are reported on
a calendar year basis, and, as such, we
ask commenters to provide year-end
2009 and year-end 2010, when readily
available and relevant.
6. We request data, information, and
comment from entities that provide
delivered video programming directly to
consumers. These entities include
MVPDs, broadcast television stations,
and OVDs. We also seek data,
information, and comment from entities
that provide key inputs into video
programming distribution. These
include content creators, content
aggregators, and manufacturers of
consumer premises equipment,
including equipment that enables
consumers to view programming on
their television sets as well as on other
devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets).
In addition, we request data,
information, and comment from
consumers and consumer groups. We
will augment reported information with
submissions in other Commission
proceedings and from publicly available
Providers of Delivered Video
Multichannel Video Programming
7. MVPD Structure. Previously, we
reported separately on many types of
competitors in the market for the
delivery of video programming
including: incumbent cable operators,
direct broadcast satellite (DBS), home
satellite dishes (HSD), broadband
service providers (BSPs), local exchange
carriers (LECs), open video systems
(OVS), electric and gas utilities, wireless
cable systems, private cable operator
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
(PCO) systems, also known as satellite
master antenna (SMATV) systems,
commercial mobile radio service
(CMRS) and other wireless providers.
8. For each type of MVPD, we seek
data on the number of MVPD providers,
the number of households passed, the
number of subscribers for delivered
video programming, and the number of
linear channels offered. For each type of
MVPD, we seek comment on the
geographic area in which individual
providers offer service. In addition, we
seek comment on the most appropriate
unit of measurement for assessing
geographic coverage. We note that
different types of MVPDs may report
data regarding availability and use that
is not standardized to a common
geographic unit. This greatly hinders
our ability to assess the competitive
alternatives available to households and
to identify where MVPDs are engaged in
head-to-head competition. For purposes
of determining whether the 70/70
benchmark specified in section 612(g) of
the Act has been met, in the 13th
Report, the Commission determined that
delivered video subscriber data should
be collected on a zip code basis. Is it
appropriate to use zip code level data to
evaluate the structure of MVPD
markets? Is there a significant difference
in the data collected if a 5-digit versus
a 9-digit zip code is used? We note that
we collect data from broadband
providers using census tracts. We seek
comment on the feasibility of collecting
MVPD data on a census tract basis.
9. Previously, we reported on cable
overbuilders and LECs that have
overbuilt incumbent cable systems. We
seek data and information on the
number of households that are passed
by one wireline MVPD, two wireline
MVPDs, and three or more wireline
MVPDs. We wish to identify markets
and geographic areas where head-tohead wireline competition exists, where
wireline entry is likely in the near
future, and where wireline competition
once existed but failed. We are
particularly interested in identifying
areas that have access to either Verizon
FiOS and AT&T U-verse.
10. Certain wireless providers—DBS,
wireless cable systems, HSDs and
PCOs—are included within the statutory
definition of MVPDs to the extent that
they make available for purchase
multiple channels of video
programming. We seek data and
information that explain the principal
factors contributing to DBS’s growth in
the market for delivery of video
programming. What factors influence
cable subscribers’ decisions to switch to
DBS and vice versa? We request
information identifying differences
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between DBS subscribers and cable
subscribers. For example, are DBS
subscribers more likely to reside in rural
areas or areas not served by cable
systems? We seek updated information
on the geographic characteristics of DBS
subscribership. What percentage of
households cannot receive DBS service
because they are not within the line-ofsite of the satellite signal? We request
updated information on the number of
markets where DBS operators provide
local-into-local broadcast service. Is
DBS penetration higher in areas where
local-into-local service is available?
What effect, if any, does the inability of
DBS operators to directly provide
broadband and voice service along with
their video service have on competition
among MVPDs?
11. In addition, several operators of
wireless cable systems in the 2.5 GHz
band continue to provide multiple
channels of video programming under
the Commission’s rules for opting out of
the transition of this band. We seek
comment on how and to what extent
these wireless cable systems are
competing with other MVPDs. Finally,
we seek comment on other wireless
MVPDs such as HSDs and PCOs.
12. The Commission has not
addressed the extent to which wireless
providers offering video programming to
mobile phones and other wireless
devices should be classified as MVPDs
under the Act, and we do not intend to
do so within this proceeding. For the
14th Report, we seek comment on the
competitive impact that these wireless
providers have on MVPDs and on
competition in the provision of video
programming generally. How and to
what extent are wireless technologies
being used to provide video
programming today, and what trends
should we anticipate for the future? To
what extent do these services compete
with the video programming services
offered by MVPDs and by other
providers of video programming?
13. We seek comment on the
appropriate methodology for calculating
concentration in delivered video
services. Should we continue to
consider MVPDs a separate product
market, or are there narrower or broader
product segments we should consider?
What are the appropriate geographic
markets associated with these product
markets (e.g., individual households,
zip codes, census tracts, cable franchise
areas, or metropolitan areas)? Instead of
assessing concentration on a national
level as we have done in the past,
should we instead follow the
methodology used in 14th Mobile
Wireless Report to assess horizontal
concentration at a finer level of
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granularity? In the 14th Report, we also
propose to identify the geographic areas
and number of households having a
choice of no MVPDs, one MVPD, two
MVPDs, three MVPDs, four MVPDs, and
five or more MVPDs to assess consumer
choice at the local level. We seek
comment on the value of our proposed
approach and request data, or
recommendations for data we can
acquire, that will enable us to perform
this analysis. We invite analysis
regarding the relationship between
horizontal concentration and
competition. To what extent does
horizontal concentration affect price or
14. In previous reports, we have
discussed vertical integration in terms
of ownership affiliations between cable
programming networks and cable
operators. For our 14th Report, we
request data, information, and comment
on vertical integration between MVPDs
and video programming networks. We
request information on satellite and
terrestrially delivered national and
regional networks. How should we
measure such vertical integration? For
purposes of analyzing vertical
integration, how should we determine
affiliation? Should we use a minimum
ownership share or apply the attribution
rules? Should we simply note which
MVPDs are integrated with program
networks, or should we also measure
the fraction of programming revenues
accounted for by firms affiliated with an
MVPD? What data should we collect to
analyze affiliation and revenue? To
measure the extent to which MVPDs
and cable networks are vertically
integrated, we seek comment on
whether to count a standard definition
(SD) and a high definition (HD) version
of the same programming network as
one or more networks. We also seek
comment on how to evaluate
multiplexed programming networks.
15. A number of provisions of the Act
and the Commission’s rules affect
MVPD operators in the market for the
delivery of video programming. These
include, for example, regulations
governing program access, program
carriage, must carry, retransmission
consent, franchising, access to multiple
dwelling units, inside wiring, customer
service, leased access, ownership, and
public interest programming. We seek
comment on the impact of these
regulations and other Commission rules
on MVPD entry and rivalry among
MVPDs in markets for the delivery of
video programming. We also seek
comment on specific actions the
Commission could take to facilitate
MVPD entry and rivalry among MVPDs
and thereby to increase consumer
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
choice in the delivery of video
programming. In addition, we seek
comment on any state or local
regulations that affect MVPD entry and
rivalry among MVPDs.
16. We seek information and
comment on non-regulatory conditions
affecting MVPD entry and rivalry. Do
these conditions include supply-side
economies of scale, where large MVPDs
can spread fixed costs over more
subscribers or negotiate lower prices for
video content? Do these conditions also
include expected retaliation, where
potential MVPD entrants believe
incumbents will lower prices to any
household considering switching to the
new MVPD entrant? Does bundling
MVPD services with broadband, and
bundling channels into tiers rather than
selling channels a la carte, affect entry
and rivalry? Do long-term contracts with
penalties for early termination affect
entry and rivalry? What other nonregulatory conditions affect MVPD entry
and rivalry?
17. MVPD Conduct. What is the
capacity being used for public,
educational, and governmental (PEG)
channels by MVPDs? What tier are these
channels on and is extra equipment
required to view them? Are there more
or fewer PEG channels carried on your
systems than last year? What data
sources are available to track availability
of PEG programming, and changes to
PEG availability?
18. We seek descriptions of the varied
business models and strategies used by
MVPDs for the delivery of video
programming. What are key differences
among the business models and
strategies in terms of services offered to
consumers? How do providers
distinguish their delivered video
services from their rivals? Are cable and
DBS comparable services? Is there a
discernable distinction between the type
of service that is delivered at a local
level or at a national level? Does DBS
‘‘local-into-local’’ delivery of broadcast
television signals make it a closer
substitute for cable than it would be
otherwise? What significance, if any, do
distinctions between cable and DBS
operators have for Commission
precedent concluding that the two
transmission technologies compete in
the same MVPD product market? To
what extent do MVPD offer unique
services (e.g., multi-room DVR service),
more channels, more high definition, or
a variety of bundles to consumers? How
do MVPDs advertise their services to
existing and potential subscribers? What
delivered video services do they feature
in their advertising?
19. For each type of MVPD, we seek
data on the prices charged for delivered
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video programming. What prices are
subscribers paying for MVPD service?
To what extent do MVPDs use
promotional or reduced pricing as a
competitive strategy? Can consumers
easily find the prices of MVPD video
packages and services on their monthly
bill and/or MVPDs’ Web sites and other
promotional materials? To what extent
do providers of MVPD service use a
strategy of reducing prices to attract and
retain subscribers? To what extent do
MVPDs offer new subscribers price
discounts for an introductory period?
Do prices change at the end of the
introductory period, and, if so, how?
Are introductory and long-term prices
listed and fixed, or do providers
negotiate with individual subscribers
over prices before and after introductory
periods? Do households that subscribe
to the same delivered video services,
from the same provider, in the same
geographic area, pay different prices?
How do bundles of service (i.e., doubleor triple-play offerings) change the price
of delivered video services? To what
extent have MVPDs been adding linear
channels and non-linear VOD
programming and raising prices as a
result? Are there any providers of
delivered video programming with a
business strategy of offering fewer
channels of programming and lowering
prices as a result? Are MVPDs packaging
programming by offering tiers of
programming by genre (e.g., family tiers,
sports tiers)? If so, how are they priced?
We also seek information on the
competitive strategies of MVPDs in
providing VOD programming.
Specifically, we are interested in
learning about any competitive issues
MVPDs encounter when acquiring VOD
content from video content aggregators.
20. We are particularly interested in
learning whether an increase in the
number of MVPD rivals affects pricing
strategies. For example, do DBS firms
price uniformly across large regions or
do they, for example, charge lower
prices (or use different pricing
strategies) for households that have
access to a cable provider than for
households that do not have access to a
cable provider? Do DBS and cable firms
charge lower prices (or use different
pricing strategies) for households that
have access to more than one wireline
MVPD? For its Annual Cable Price
Survey, the Commission collects price
data from a sample of cable systems, but
does not collect price data for other
types of MVPDs (e.g., DBS and AT&T Uverse). We seek price data for DBS,
AT&T U-verse and other MVPDs not
included in the Annual Cable Price
Survey. What additional data sources on
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MVPD prices are available for our 14th
21. In addition to offering bundles of
video with voice and/or high-speed
Internet, some MVPDs tie video
products. We seek data, information,
and comment on trends regarding the
tying of access to some online
programming to a subscription to an
MVPD. For example, online
programming available through TV
Everywhere is available only to
subscribers of specific MVPDs. In
addition, some MVPDs, such as AT&T
and Comcast, make video programming
available on mobile wireless networks
and mobile devices. We seek comment
on these and other developments in
tying arrangements for video
programming delivered over different
delivery technologies.
22. We seek data and comment on the
provision of local news by MVPDs as a
competitive strategy in the delivery of
video programming and the extent to
which local news programming is
available. What other types of local
programming do MVPDs offer? What
data sources are available to help in our
analysis of MVPD provision of local
news and other local programming?
23. Have horizontal and/or vertical
mergers contributed to, or provided
incentives for, the possible exercise of
market power by incumbent MVPDs,
both downstream to subscribers and
upstream to creators and aggregators of
video content? Has any MVPD acquired
sufficient market power to impair
competition? Has the possible exercise
of market power by an MVPD adversely
affected consumers of video
programming, such as by increasing
price or restricting quantity of service
available to consumers? Has the
possible exercise of market power by an
MVPD adversely affected creators and
aggregators of video programming, such
as by decreasing the price paid for video
24. MVPD Performance. We seek
comment on the information and timeseries data we should collect for the
analysis of various MVPD performance
metrics, including quantity and quality;
subscribership and penetration rates;
financial performance; and investment
and innovation. Are there any other
quantitative or qualitative metrics that
would enhance our analysis of MVPD
25. We seek data, information, and
comment on trends in the number of
linear video channels and video on
demand (VOD) programs offered by
MVPDs. Has the number of linear
channels and VOD programs available
increased? What are the most popular
MVPD programming packages? Describe
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these packages in terms of the total
number of analog and SD channels,
number of HD channels, and number of
VOD offerings. What effect has the entry
of an additional MVPD had on
programming choices and quality of
service? What effect has the growth in
OVD services had on the quantity and
quality of MVPD service?
26. We seek data and information
regarding the number of households
passed and the number of subscribers
and penetration rate for MVPD service.
We also seek subscription data for the
channel lineup packages (including
international, other specific genres, and
premium) and other delivered video
programming services that MVPDs
currently market to consumers. What
percentage of customers subscribe to
these video packages and other
delivered video programming services?
How often do consumers switch
providers (i.e., what is the level of
‘‘churn’’ and is it increasing or
27. We request information on various
measures of MVPD financial
performance, including data on MVPD
revenues, cash flows, and margins. To
the extent possible, we seek five-year
time-series data to allow us to analyze
trends. Specifically, what is the average
revenue per MVPD subscriber? What are
the major sources of video-related
revenue for MVPDs? What percentage of
total revenue is derived from each of
these sources? What are the major
video-related drivers of revenue growth?
We seek data, information, and
comments regarding profitability. What
metrics and data should we use to
measure profitability (e.g., return on
invested capital, operating margins)?
Are there any other quantitative or
qualitative metrics that would add to
our analysis of MVPD financial
28. We seek comment on how
investment affects competition among
MVPDs. How has investment affected
competition between MVPDs and other
providers of delivered video
programming? We seek information on
deployment of next generation MVPD
technologies. What MVPD services are
driving the deployment of new MVPD
Broadcast Television Stations
29. Broadcast Television Structure.
The Commission already collects data
on the number of broadcast television
stations in each designated market area
(‘‘DMA’’) and ownership of broadcast
television stations using our CDBS
database and data purchased from BIA/
Kelsey and The Nielsen Company. Is
there a non-proprietary geographic area
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upon which the Commission could base
its analysis? We seek additional data
that would help us analyze trends in the
number of households that rely
exclusively on over-the-air broadcast
television service rather than receiving
broadcast programming from an MVPD.
In addition to the number of households
relying on over-the-air broadcast
service, we request information
regarding any demographic
characteristics of such households. How
many households routinely view
broadcast programming over-the-air in
addition to subscribing to an MVPD?
30. The Commission already collects
data that we can use to assess the
horizontal structure of the broadcast
television stations, including the
number of stations in each DMA, and
the ownership of each station. We seek
comment on how to best report this
information in order to assess horizontal
31. We seek data on the vertical
structure of the broadcast television.
How many broadcast television stations,
nationally and within each DMA, are
vertically integrated with a broadcast
network or a cable network? We seek
comment on how to best report this
information in order to assess vertical
32. We note that the Commission’s
spectrum allocation policies, licensing
policies, and spectrum interference
rules affect the structure of broadcast
television by limiting the number of
stations that can be located in a
geographic area. We seek comment on
the effect of these policies and rules on
entry and rivalry in broadcast television.
Commission rules limit the number of
broadcast television stations an entity
can own in a DMA and also limit the
national audience reach of commonly
owned broadcast television stations. We
seek data, information, and comment on
the effect of ownership limits on entry
and rivalry in broadcast television. Does
the ability to provide more than one
programming stream as a result of the
digital transition increase the
competitiveness of broadcast stations?
What other regulations affect entry and
rivalry of broadcast television stations?
We ask commenters to provide data and
examples for each regulation that effects
entry and rivalry.
33. We seek information and
comment on non-regulatory conditions
affecting entry and rivalry. For example,
are there supply-side economies of scale
that enable commonly owned broadcast
television stations to spread fixed costs
over greater audiences? Are there
demand-side economies of scale that
enable commonly owned broadcast
television stations to negotiate lower
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prices for video programming? We
invite analysis of the relationship
between the advertising market and
entry and exit in broadcast television.
What other non-regulatory conditions
influence entry and rivalry? To what
extent do they influence entry and
rivalry? Does the ability to offer
multiple programming streams since the
digital transition enhance the ability of
broadcasters to compete against
MVPDs? Do broadcast television
stations, collaborating in conjunction
with OVDs or other media, have an
increased ability to compete with
34. Broadcast Television Conduct. We
seek data, information, and comment on
the use of multiple linear program
streams as a business strategy to
enhance a broadcaster’s competitive
position in the delivery of video
programming. What types of
programming are broadcasters carrying
on their multiple streams? To what
extent are broadcasters providing
multiple linear streams of video
programming to attract viewers to overthe-air video service and away from
subscription MVPD service? Digital
television allows broadcasters to use
part of their digital bandwidth for
subscription video, datacasting, and
other pay services as long as they
maintain their primary broadcast
television service. Do broadcasters have
business plans to combine and
transition some of their digital capacity
into a subscription service or to lease a
portion of their digital spectrum
capacity to others for a subscription
service? Are broadcasters using HD
programming as a strategy to attract
viewers? Has digital transmission
benefited television broadcasters? We
seek comment on specific benefits that
have accrued to broadcasters as a result
of the transition. Has the transition
benefited households that rely solely on
over-the-air television service? If so, we
seek information on specific advantages
that have accrued to these households.
Has the digital transition presented
particular difficulties for broadcasters or
35. We seek data, information, and
comment on the business strategies of
broadcast television stations as they
confront changes in the advertising
market, both long-term changes and
recent changes brought on by the
economic downturn. We also seek
information regarding any business
strategies to grow revenue through
retransmission consent fees paid by
MVPDs to broadcast stations for the
rights to carry their stations. We seek
data on trends in prices for spot and
local advertising on broadcast television
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
stations. What prices (per subscriber)
are broadcast stations receiving from
MVPDs for retransmission consent?
36. To what extent is local broadcast
programming available online? How
does placing video content online
benefit broadcasters? To what extent are
broadcast stations tying retransmission
consent negotiations with MVPDs for
linear programming to online
37. We seek data and comment on the
provision of local news as a competitive
strategy in the delivery of video
programming and the extent to which
local news programming is available.
We seek comment on the strategies
broadcast television stations use to
remain the primary distributor of
broadcast television network
programming, as well as the strategies
and partnerships they use to deliver
news online. Does the ability to
distribute programming online lead
some broadcasters to increase their
investment in news and information
programming or provide news to
consumers that might not otherwise be
38. What competitive strategies do
broadcast television stations use to
distinguish themselves from other
broadcast television stations? For
example, is there local programming
other than news used to enhance the
competitive position of broadcast
stations? We seek data, information, and
comment on these other business
strategies broadcast television stations
use to compete in the delivery of video
39. We seek data, information, and
comment on the use of horizontal and
vertical mergers to improve the
competitive position of broadcast
television stations in the delivery of
video programming. We seek comment
on whether commonly owned stations
have a competitive advantage in the
delivery of video programming. Do joint
sales agreements (JSAs), local marketing
agreements (LMAs) and shared services
agreements (SSAs) have an effect on
independent stations to remain
competitive? Does business strategy
favor group ownership within a DMA to
increase advertising revenue? Does
group ownership across DMAs lower
prices for video content? Are broadcast
television stations that are vertically
integrated with a broadcast television
network better able to compete in the
delivery of video programming?
40. Broadcast Television Performance.
We seek information and time-series
data for the analysis of various
performance metrics for broadcast
television. These metrics should include
the quantity and quality of broadcast
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television station programming,
viewership from over-the-air,
viewership from carriage on MVPDs,
prices of advertising, revenue from
advertising, revenue from
retransmission consent fees, other
revenue, investment and innovation,
and rate of return/profitability.
41. We seek data, information, and
comment on the impact of the transition
to digital television on the number of
linear broadcast television channels
available in each DMA, counting both
primary stations and additional
multicast programming streams. How
many broadcast television stations offer
video content in HD? What percentage
of their programming is in HD?
42. We seek data, information, and
comment on the viewership of broadcast
television stations both from over-theair reception and carriage by MVPDs.
What is the trend in total viewership in
total household terms? With respect to
linear programming, what is the trend in
the share of the total audience that
broadcast television stations receive
relative to the share received by cable
networks carried by MVPDs. Some
broadcast stations also place some of
their programming online. How many
households view broadcast television
stations online? What share of online
viewership are broadcasters receiving?
43. We seek data on broadcast
television station revenues, cash flows,
and margins. To the extent possible, we
seek five-year time-series data to allow
us to analyze trends. Specifically, what
is the average revenue earned per
broadcast television station? We realize
that some broadcast stations are
integrated with other businesses but are
only interested in financial data related
directly to the delivered video
programming of the broadcast television
station, such as the sale of advertising
tied to the video programming and
retransmission consent fees. What are
the major drivers of revenue growth? We
also seek data regarding the profitability
of broadcast television stations. What
metrics and data should we use to
measure profitability (e.g., return on
invested capital, operating margins)?
Are there any other quantitative or
qualitative metrics that would add to
our analysis of the financial
performance of the broadcast television
station group?
44. We seek comment on how
investment in digital television affects
competition among broadcast television
stations and with the larger market for
the delivery of video programming. We
seek data on broadcast television station
investment in digital television, the
innovations related to this investment,
and the financial returns on this
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investment. What has investment in
digital television done to enhance the
competitive position of broadcast
television stations in the delivery of
video programming?
Online Video Distributors
45. OVD Structure. Over the time
period we plan to cover in the 14th
Report—2007 to 2010—OVDs have
made an increasing amount of video
programming available to consumers
over the Internet. We request, data,
information, and comment on the
number and size of OVDs. What data
sources are available for analysis of the
structure of OVDs? We also seek
comment on whether individual OVDs
view other OVDs as competitors. In
addition, to what extent do OVDs
compete with MVPDs and/or broadcast
television stations?
46. OVD Conduct. What business
models and competitive strategies do
OVDs use to compete in the delivery of
video programming? What challenges
do OVDs face? Do OVDs highlight the
availability of increasing amounts of
online video to attract more viewers
and/or subscribers? What media do
OVDs use to advertise their service? To
what extent is OVD service a substitute
for MVPD service? Or, alternatively, is
it a complement to MVPD service? How
is OVD service advertised? Do OVDs
that are not MVPDs have a different
business strategy for attracting
subscribers than OVDs that are also
MVPDs? We seek data, information, and
comment on business strategies that tie
OVD service to subscription to MVPD
service. We seek information on the
extent to which OVDs rely on
advertising, subscription fees, perprogram fees or other sources of
revenue, including information on the
use of subscription fees. We also seek
information on the prices for the
programs or the subscriptions charged
by OVDs that sell access to video
content over the Internet. To what
extent do OVDs rely on a combination
of advertising and per-program,
subscription, or other fees? Is there a
trend among OVDs toward greater
reliance on charging consumers?
47. OVD Performance. We seek
comment on the total amount of video
programming available online and the
extent to which consumers are viewing
video programming offered by OVDs.
Has the entry of OVDs in the
marketplace resulted in reduced
viewership of video programming from
MVPDs and broadcast television
stations? What metrics should we use to
compare OVD viewership, MVPD
viewership, and broadcast television
station viewership? In what ways have
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
OVDs improved the quantity and the
quality of their video programming
since our 13th Report? Do OVDs provide
local news or other local programming?
What financial returns do OVDs earn on
their investments? What data are
available and what metrics should we
use to analyze the extent to which
OVDs’ services are substitute or a
complement to MVPD service?
Geographic Availability
48. Rural Versus Urban. As in
previous reports, we expect to compare
competition in the market for the
delivery of video in rural markets with
that in urban markets. For the purpose
of measuring the availability of and
competition among providers of video
programming, how should we define
‘‘rural’’ and ‘‘urban’’?
49. We seek data, information, and
comment to analyze whether there are
differences in the delivered video
programming between rural and urban
areas and the factors that affect these
differences. How does competition
differ between rural and urban areas?
What are the demographic, geographic,
and economic factors that drive
differences in competition between
rural and urban markets? Which, if any,
delivered video programming services
are most often lacking in rural areas?
How does access to broadcast television
stations differ between rural and urban
areas? We recognize that most
households have access to two DBS
services—DIRECTV and DISH
Network—that provide national service.
How does access to other MVPD service
differ between rural and urban areas? To
what extent do rural areas lack access to
a cable system or other wireline MVPD?
How many households lack access to a
cable system? What percentage of these
households are in rural areas? Do rural
areas have less access to high-speed
Internet service and, therefore, less
access to OVD services relative to urban
50. We seek information, data, and
comment regarding the differences in
the availability and price of delivered
video service in rural areas relative to
urban areas. When cable service is
available in rural areas, are prices higher
or quality lower relative to urban
markets? Are there examples of rural
areas that receive delivered video
programming service similar in price
and quality to those found in urban
51. Alaska and Hawaii. We seek
information and comment regarding
MVPD and OVD service in Alaska and
Hawaii. We are interested in how the
availability of MVPD and OVD services
in these states differs from those that are
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available in the other states. Do
consumers in Alaska and Hawaii have
the same or similar access to MVPD,
broadcast, and OVD services as
consumers in the other 48 states? Are
prices for subscription to MVPDs higher
than those found in other states? Is the
same quantity of video programming
available and is it offered in
programming packages similar to the
services in other states? We request
updated information on the delivery of
video programming to consumers in
Alaska and Hawaii relative to that
provided in other states.
Key Industry Inputs
52. Video Content Creators. Because
MVPDs and broadcast television
stations increasingly negotiate directly
with content creators for non-linear
forms of content distribution, including
video on demand and online video
distribution, we plan to look more
closely at content creators in our 14th
Report. Creators of video programming
include major studios that are
subsidiaries of entertainment
conglomerates and independent
companies. We request data,
information, and comment that will
help us analyze the number and size of
content creators and the evolving
relationship between content creators
and the firms that distribute video
content. Are there barriers for
independent production entities to
access the audiences of all delivery
systems (including broadcast and
online)—not just MVPDs? In addition,
we are interested in information
regarding entities, local and national,
that create news, public interest
programming and/or sports and the
relationships between the content
creators and those that deliver video
53. We seek data, information, and
comment on the business strategies of
content creators regarding the selling
and licensing of video content and the
effect on video distribution. How have
changes in the creation of content
affected the distribution of video
programming? Have changes in content
creation increased investment in the
distribution of video programming?
Have changes in the business strategies
of content creators regarding the type of
video content created, the timing of
release of specific video content through
the various delivery systems (i.e., the
order of delivery technologies used to
distribute the programming, a process
also called windowing), and the prices
charged for content in each window
affected competition between
distributors of video programming?
Have there been significant changes in
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the bargaining power between content
creators and distributors of video
programming? How do the windowing
strategies of video content creators affect
the distribution of video programming
through VOD and over the Internet?
Have business strategies changed for
creators of news programming,
especially local news programming? Are
there specific strategies that affect the
delivery of sports programming that
differ from those of creators of other
types of video content? We seek data,
information, and comment to analyze
each of these issues.
54. Video Content Aggregators. We
plan to continue to look at traditional
video programming and seek data,
information, and comment regarding the
impact of changes in the aggregation of
content on the delivery of video
programming. Video content aggregators
are entities that combine video content
into packages of video programming for
distribution. Have changes in the
business models of content aggregators
affected competition among distributors
of video programming? Have there been
significant changes in the bargaining
power between content aggregators and
distributors of video programming? Has
entry by new video content aggregators
or increased programming channels
offered by existing content aggregators
lead to an expanded number of channels
offered by MVPDs or additional
programming offered by broadcast
television stations on their multiple
digital streams? Have changes in the
business models of content aggregators
affected the growth of OVDs? Are
existing video content aggregators
creating additional programming
networks and packages, or are new
aggregators creating video programming
packages? What factors do video content
aggregators, including broadcast
networks, cable networks, and broadcast
stations, consider when deciding the
terms of distributing their content?
55. Consumer Premises Equipment. In
the 14th Report, we plan to discuss the
devices—current and forthcoming—that
facilitate the delivery of video
programming and examine how these
inputs affect competition in the delivery
of video programming. We request
information on developments relating to
consumer premises equipment and
services that provide options to
consumers for viewing video
programming. Further, we seek
information on the retail market for settop boxes, including set-top boxes that
do not use CableCARDs such as those
sold at retail for use with DBS services.
What are the challenges that
manufacturers face in investing and
innovating in consumer equipment? Can
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 86 / Wesnesday, May 4, 2011 / Notices
consumers easily compare prices to
lease smart video devices from their
MVPDs and/or purchase them in retail
outlets? Therefore, we request
information regarding the different
types of consumer premises
equipment—both MVPD supplied and
non-MVPD supplied—used to access
video content and the capabilities
thereof. We also seek information and
comment on how competition among
video programming distributors is
affected by developments related to
consumer premises equipment, such as
electronic programming guides, twoway functionality, and CableCARDs that
permit the reception of secured
programming services without a leased
set-top box, and developments in the
regulatory environment for consumer
premises equipment. We also request
information regarding digital rights
management technology and issues that
affect the availability of video
programming to consumers. We seek
information to analyze the relationships
between MVPDs that deliver video
programming and manufacturers of
consumer premises equipment,
especially cable and DBS set-top boxes
and devices that enable consumers to
move video delivered over the Internet
to televisions.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Consumer Behavior
56. We seek information about how
trends in consumer behavior affect the
products and services of providers of
delivered video programming. We seek
data on trends that compare consumer
viewing of regularly scheduled video
programming with viewing of timeshifted programming using DVRs, VOD
content, and OVD content. Are
consumers who are not ‘‘cutting’’ the
MVPD cord ‘‘shaving’’ their
subscriptions by, for example,
substituting Netflix for premium
channels or VOD services? Do
consumers view OVD service in
conjunction with over-the-air broadcast
television service as a potential
substitute for MVPD service?
57. We seek data, information, and
comment on the development of
consumer information sources for
delivered video programming services
and equipment. Do consumers have
sufficient information to compare the
prices, services, and equipment that
video distributors offer? What do
consumers consider most important
when choosing a provider? What do
consumers say are the main reasons for
switching providers (e.g., price,
quantity, quality)?
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Procedural Matters
58. Ex Parte Rules. There are no ex
parte or disclosure requirements
applicable to this proceeding pursuant
to 47 CFR 1.204(b)(1).
59. Comment Information. Pursuant to
§§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested
parties may file comments and reply
comments on or before the dates
indicated on the first page of this
document. Comments may be filed
using: (1) The Commission’s Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS), (2) the
Federal Government’s eRulemaking
Portal, or (3) by filing paper copies. See
Electronic Filing of Documents in
Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121
• Electronic Filers: Comments may be
filed electronically using the Internet by
accessing the ECFS: https:// or the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
• For ECFS filers, if multiple docket
or rulemaking numbers appear in the
caption of this proceeding, filers must
transmit one electronic copy of the
comments for each docket or
rulemaking number referenced in the
caption. In completing the transmittal
screen, filers should include their full
name, U.S. Postal Service mailing
address, and the applicable docket or
rulemaking number. Parties may also
submit an electronic comment by
Internet e-mail. To get filing
instructions, filers should send an email to, and include the
following words in the body of the
message ‘‘get form.’’ A Sample form and
directions will be sent in response.
• Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
file by paper must file an original and
four copies of each filing. If more than
one docket or rulemaking number
appears in the caption of this
proceeding, filers must submit two
additional copies for each additional
docket or rulemaking number.
Filings can be sent by hand or
messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or
overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All
filings must be addressed to the
Commission’s Secretary, Office of the
Secretary, Federal Communications
• All hand-delivered or messengerdelivered paper filings for the
Commission’s Secretary must be
delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445
12th St., SW, Room TW–A325,
Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. All hand deliveries
must be held together with rubber bands
PO 00000
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or fasteners. Any envelopes must be
disposed of before entering the building.
• Commercial overnight mail (other
than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300
East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights,
MD 20743.
• U.S. Postal Service first-class,
Express, and Priority mail must be
addressed to 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington DC 20554.
• People with Disabilities: Contact
the FCC to request materials in
accessible formats for people with
disabilities (braille, large print,
electronic files, audio format), send an
e-mail to or call the
Consumer & Governmental Affairs
Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), 202–
418–0432 (TTY).
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2011–10782 Filed 5–3–11; 8:45 am]
Establishment of the FDIC Systemic
Resolution Advisory Committee
Federal Deposit Insurance
ACTION: Notice.
The Chairman of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is
establishing the FDIC Systemic
Resolution Advisory Committee (the
‘‘SR Advisory Committee’’). The SR
Advisory Committee will provide
advice and recommendations on a broad
range of issues regarding the resolution
of systemically important financial
companies pursuant to Title II of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act, Public Law
111–203 (July 21, 2010), 12 U.S.C. 5301
et seq. (the ‘‘Dodd-Frank Act’’). The SR
Advisory Committee is also intended to
facilitate discussion on how the FDIC’s
systemic resolution authority, and its
implementation, may impact regulated
entities and other stakeholders
potentially affected by the process. The
SR Advisory Committee will serve
solely in an advisory capacity and will
have no final decision-making authority,
nor will it have access to or discuss any
non-public, confidential or institutionspecific information. The Chairman
certifies that the establishment of this
advisory committee is in the public
interest in connection with the
performance of duties imposed on the
FDIC by law.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 86 (Wednesday, May 4, 2011)]
[Pages 25345-25352]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-10782]
[MB Docket No. 07-269; FCC 11-65]
Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for
the Delivery of Video Programming
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission is required to report
annually to Congress on the status of competition in markets for the
delivery of video programming. This document is soliciting additional
information from the public that will allow the Commission to enhance
its analysis of the state of competition in the delivery of video
programming. Comments and
[[Page 25346]]
data submitted in response to this document in conjunction with
publicly available information and filings submitted in relevant
Commission proceedings will be used for a report to Congress.
DATES: Interested parties may file comments on or before June 8, 2011,
and reply comments on or before July 8, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan Bring, Media Bureau (202) 418-
2164, TTY (202) 418-7172, or e-mail at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a synopsis of the Commission's
Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for
Diversity of Video Programming, Further Notice of Inquiry (FNOI), in MB
Docket No. 07-269, FCC-11-65, released April 21, 2011. The complete
text of the document is available for inspection and copying during
normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 445 12th Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20554, and may also be purchased from the
Commission's copy contractor, BCPI, Inc., Portals II, 445 12th Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20054. Customers may contact BCPI, Inc. at their
Web site or call 1-800-378-3160.
Synopsis of Further Notice of Inquiry
1. Section 628(g) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended
(the Act) requires the Commission to report annually on ``the status of
competition in the market for the market for the delivery of video
programming.'' This FNOI solicits data, information, and comment on the
state of competition in the delivery of video programming for the
Commission's Fourteenth Report (14th Report). Using the information
collected pursuant to this FNOI, we seek to enhance our analysis of
competitive conditions, better understand the implications for the
American consumer, and provide a solid foundation for Commission policy
making with respect to the delivery of video programming to consumers.
2. Pursuant to its statutory mandate, in 2009, for the 14th Report,
the Commission released a Notice of Inquiry, released January 16, 2009,
to solicit data, information, and comment for 2007 and a Supplemental
Notice of Inquiry, released April 9, 2009, to request data, information
and comment for 2008, and 2009, similar to that which had been
requested for earlier years. However, since that time, the Commission
has initiated a comprehensive review of the way in which it uses data,
including data used for its statutory competition reports. In the
course of that review, we determined that the data submitted in
response to the notices of inquiry for the 14th Report are insufficient
to produce an adequate report. We are therefore requesting additional
data for 2009 and for the first time asking for data for 2010. In
submitting additional data for 2009 and new data for 2010, to the
extent that it is not unduly burdensome, we encourage commenters to
also submit comparable historical data for 2007 and 2008, which will
facilitate the Commission's analysis of trends.
3. We intend to adopt a number of changes to our analytic framework
to ensure that we are collecting and presenting the most useful
information concerning competition in the video programming market. Of
particular note, in the 14th Report, we plan to include online video
distributors (OVDs) for the first time, in light of the growing
importance of online video distribution to consumers. An OVD is any
entity that provides video programming by means of the Internet or
other Internet Protocol (IP) based transmission path provided by a
person or entity other than the OVD. Under our new analytic framework,
we first will categorize entities that deliver video programming into
one of three groups: multichannel video programming distribution
(MVPDs), broadcast television stations, and OVDs. Second, we will
examine industry structure, conduct, and performance. Third, we will
look upstream and downstream to examine the influence of industry
inputs and consumer behavior on the delivery of video programming. We
expect to discuss three key upstream industry inputs: Video content
creators, video content aggregators, and consumer premises equipment.
We seek comment on whether this proposed analytic framework is a useful
way for the Commission to assess and report on the status of video
programming competition.
4. The data reported in previous reports on the status of
competition for the delivery of video programming were derived from
various sources, including data the Commission collects in other
contexts (e.g., FCC Form 477 and FCC Form 325), comments filed in
response to notices of inquiry and other Commission proceedings;
publicly available information from industry associations; company
filings and news releases; Security and Exchange Commission filings;
trade and industry publications; research firms' publicly-available
data; equity analysts' reports; scholarly publications; and vendor
product releases and white papers. We seek comment on whether there are
additional data sources available for our analysis. What other sources
of data, especially quantitative data, should we use to perform a
comprehensive analysis of the delivery of video programming? Are there
certain stakeholders that should be reached out to in order to
diversify the data and further supplement the record? We also ask
commenters to suggest how we can best use this information to report on
competition for the delivery of video programming.
5. In previous Notice of Inquiries, we have requested data as of
June 30 of the relevant year to monitor trends on an annual basis. To
continue our time-series analysis, we request data as of June 30, 2009,
and June 30, 2010. We also recognize that a significant amount of data
and information are reported on a calendar year basis, and, as such, we
ask commenters to provide year-end 2009 and year-end 2010, when readily
available and relevant.
6. We request data, information, and comment from entities that
provide delivered video programming directly to consumers. These
entities include MVPDs, broadcast television stations, and OVDs. We
also seek data, information, and comment from entities that provide key
inputs into video programming distribution. These include content
creators, content aggregators, and manufacturers of consumer premises
equipment, including equipment that enables consumers to view
programming on their television sets as well as on other devices (e.g.,
smartphones and tablets). In addition, we request data, information,
and comment from consumers and consumer groups. We will augment
reported information with submissions in other Commission proceedings
and from publicly available sources.
Providers of Delivered Video Programming
Multichannel Video Programming Distributors
7. MVPD Structure. Previously, we reported separately on many types
of competitors in the market for the delivery of video programming
including: incumbent cable operators, direct broadcast satellite (DBS),
home satellite dishes (HSD), broadband service providers (BSPs), local
exchange carriers (LECs), open video systems (OVS), electric and gas
utilities, wireless cable systems, private cable operator
[[Page 25347]]
(PCO) systems, also known as satellite master antenna (SMATV) systems,
commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) and other wireless providers.
8. For each type of MVPD, we seek data on the number of MVPD
providers, the number of households passed, the number of subscribers
for delivered video programming, and the number of linear channels
offered. For each type of MVPD, we seek comment on the geographic area
in which individual providers offer service. In addition, we seek
comment on the most appropriate unit of measurement for assessing
geographic coverage. We note that different types of MVPDs may report
data regarding availability and use that is not standardized to a
common geographic unit. This greatly hinders our ability to assess the
competitive alternatives available to households and to identify where
MVPDs are engaged in head-to-head competition. For purposes of
determining whether the 70/70 benchmark specified in section 612(g) of
the Act has been met, in the 13th Report, the Commission determined
that delivered video subscriber data should be collected on a zip code
basis. Is it appropriate to use zip code level data to evaluate the
structure of MVPD markets? Is there a significant difference in the
data collected if a 5-digit versus a 9-digit zip code is used? We note
that we collect data from broadband providers using census tracts. We
seek comment on the feasibility of collecting MVPD data on a census
tract basis.
9. Previously, we reported on cable overbuilders and LECs that have
overbuilt incumbent cable systems. We seek data and information on the
number of households that are passed by one wireline MVPD, two wireline
MVPDs, and three or more wireline MVPDs. We wish to identify markets
and geographic areas where head-to-head wireline competition exists,
where wireline entry is likely in the near future, and where wireline
competition once existed but failed. We are particularly interested in
identifying areas that have access to either Verizon FiOS and AT&T U-
10. Certain wireless providers--DBS, wireless cable systems, HSDs
and PCOs--are included within the statutory definition of MVPDs to the
extent that they make available for purchase multiple channels of video
programming. We seek data and information that explain the principal
factors contributing to DBS's growth in the market for delivery of
video programming. What factors influence cable subscribers' decisions
to switch to DBS and vice versa? We request information identifying
differences between DBS subscribers and cable subscribers. For example,
are DBS subscribers more likely to reside in rural areas or areas not
served by cable systems? We seek updated information on the geographic
characteristics of DBS subscribership. What percentage of households
cannot receive DBS service because they are not within the line-of-site
of the satellite signal? We request updated information on the number
of markets where DBS operators provide local-into-local broadcast
service. Is DBS penetration higher in areas where local-into-local
service is available? What effect, if any, does the inability of DBS
operators to directly provide broadband and voice service along with
their video service have on competition among MVPDs?
11. In addition, several operators of wireless cable systems in the
2.5 GHz band continue to provide multiple channels of video programming
under the Commission's rules for opting out of the transition of this
band. We seek comment on how and to what extent these wireless cable
systems are competing with other MVPDs. Finally, we seek comment on
other wireless MVPDs such as HSDs and PCOs.
12. The Commission has not addressed the extent to which wireless
providers offering video programming to mobile phones and other
wireless devices should be classified as MVPDs under the Act, and we do
not intend to do so within this proceeding. For the 14th Report, we
seek comment on the competitive impact that these wireless providers
have on MVPDs and on competition in the provision of video programming
generally. How and to what extent are wireless technologies being used
to provide video programming today, and what trends should we
anticipate for the future? To what extent do these services compete
with the video programming services offered by MVPDs and by other
providers of video programming?
13. We seek comment on the appropriate methodology for calculating
concentration in delivered video services. Should we continue to
consider MVPDs a separate product market, or are there narrower or
broader product segments we should consider? What are the appropriate
geographic markets associated with these product markets (e.g.,
individual households, zip codes, census tracts, cable franchise areas,
or metropolitan areas)? Instead of assessing concentration on a
national level as we have done in the past, should we instead follow
the methodology used in 14th Mobile Wireless Report to assess
horizontal concentration at a finer level of granularity? In the 14th
Report, we also propose to identify the geographic areas and number of
households having a choice of no MVPDs, one MVPD, two MVPDs, three
MVPDs, four MVPDs, and five or more MVPDs to assess consumer choice at
the local level. We seek comment on the value of our proposed approach
and request data, or recommendations for data we can acquire, that will
enable us to perform this analysis. We invite analysis regarding the
relationship between horizontal concentration and competition. To what
extent does horizontal concentration affect price or quality?
14. In previous reports, we have discussed vertical integration in
terms of ownership affiliations between cable programming networks and
cable operators. For our 14th Report, we request data, information, and
comment on vertical integration between MVPDs and video programming
networks. We request information on satellite and terrestrially
delivered national and regional networks. How should we measure such
vertical integration? For purposes of analyzing vertical integration,
how should we determine affiliation? Should we use a minimum ownership
share or apply the attribution rules? Should we simply note which MVPDs
are integrated with program networks, or should we also measure the
fraction of programming revenues accounted for by firms affiliated with
an MVPD? What data should we collect to analyze affiliation and
revenue? To measure the extent to which MVPDs and cable networks are
vertically integrated, we seek comment on whether to count a standard
definition (SD) and a high definition (HD) version of the same
programming network as one or more networks. We also seek comment on
how to evaluate multiplexed programming networks.
15. A number of provisions of the Act and the Commission's rules
affect MVPD operators in the market for the delivery of video
programming. These include, for example, regulations governing program
access, program carriage, must carry, retransmission consent,
franchising, access to multiple dwelling units, inside wiring, customer
service, leased access, ownership, and public interest programming. We
seek comment on the impact of these regulations and other Commission
rules on MVPD entry and rivalry among MVPDs in markets for the delivery
of video programming. We also seek comment on specific actions the
Commission could take to facilitate MVPD entry and rivalry among MVPDs
and thereby to increase consumer
[[Page 25348]]
choice in the delivery of video programming. In addition, we seek
comment on any state or local regulations that affect MVPD entry and
rivalry among MVPDs.
16. We seek information and comment on non-regulatory conditions
affecting MVPD entry and rivalry. Do these conditions include supply-
side economies of scale, where large MVPDs can spread fixed costs over
more subscribers or negotiate lower prices for video content? Do these
conditions also include expected retaliation, where potential MVPD
entrants believe incumbents will lower prices to any household
considering switching to the new MVPD entrant? Does bundling MVPD
services with broadband, and bundling channels into tiers rather than
selling channels [agrave] la carte, affect entry and rivalry? Do long-
term contracts with penalties for early termination affect entry and
rivalry? What other non-regulatory conditions affect MVPD entry and
17. MVPD Conduct. What is the capacity being used for public,
educational, and governmental (PEG) channels by MVPDs? What tier are
these channels on and is extra equipment required to view them? Are
there more or fewer PEG channels carried on your systems than last
year? What data sources are available to track availability of PEG
programming, and changes to PEG availability?
18. We seek descriptions of the varied business models and
strategies used by MVPDs for the delivery of video programming. What
are key differences among the business models and strategies in terms
of services offered to consumers? How do providers distinguish their
delivered video services from their rivals? Are cable and DBS
comparable services? Is there a discernable distinction between the
type of service that is delivered at a local level or at a national
level? Does DBS ``local-into-local'' delivery of broadcast television
signals make it a closer substitute for cable than it would be
otherwise? What significance, if any, do distinctions between cable and
DBS operators have for Commission precedent concluding that the two
transmission technologies compete in the same MVPD product market? To
what extent do MVPD offer unique services (e.g., multi-room DVR
service), more channels, more high definition, or a variety of bundles
to consumers? How do MVPDs advertise their services to existing and
potential subscribers? What delivered video services do they feature in
their advertising?
19. For each type of MVPD, we seek data on the prices charged for
delivered video programming. What prices are subscribers paying for
MVPD service? To what extent do MVPDs use promotional or reduced
pricing as a competitive strategy? Can consumers easily find the prices
of MVPD video packages and services on their monthly bill and/or MVPDs'
Web sites and other promotional materials? To what extent do providers
of MVPD service use a strategy of reducing prices to attract and retain
subscribers? To what extent do MVPDs offer new subscribers price
discounts for an introductory period? Do prices change at the end of
the introductory period, and, if so, how? Are introductory and long-
term prices listed and fixed, or do providers negotiate with individual
subscribers over prices before and after introductory periods? Do
households that subscribe to the same delivered video services, from
the same provider, in the same geographic area, pay different prices?
How do bundles of service (i.e., double- or triple-play offerings)
change the price of delivered video services? To what extent have MVPDs
been adding linear channels and non-linear VOD programming and raising
prices as a result? Are there any providers of delivered video
programming with a business strategy of offering fewer channels of
programming and lowering prices as a result? Are MVPDs packaging
programming by offering tiers of programming by genre (e.g., family
tiers, sports tiers)? If so, how are they priced? We also seek
information on the competitive strategies of MVPDs in providing VOD
programming. Specifically, we are interested in learning about any
competitive issues MVPDs encounter when acquiring VOD content from
video content aggregators.
20. We are particularly interested in learning whether an increase
in the number of MVPD rivals affects pricing strategies. For example,
do DBS firms price uniformly across large regions or do they, for
example, charge lower prices (or use different pricing strategies) for
households that have access to a cable provider than for households
that do not have access to a cable provider? Do DBS and cable firms
charge lower prices (or use different pricing strategies) for
households that have access to more than one wireline MVPD? For its
Annual Cable Price Survey, the Commission collects price data from a
sample of cable systems, but does not collect price data for other
types of MVPDs (e.g., DBS and AT&T U-verse). We seek price data for
DBS, AT&T U-verse and other MVPDs not included in the Annual Cable
Price Survey. What additional data sources on MVPD prices are available
for our 14th Report?
21. In addition to offering bundles of video with voice and/or
high-speed Internet, some MVPDs tie video products. We seek data,
information, and comment on trends regarding the tying of access to
some online programming to a subscription to an MVPD. For example,
online programming available through TV Everywhere is available only to
subscribers of specific MVPDs. In addition, some MVPDs, such as AT&T
and Comcast, make video programming available on mobile wireless
networks and mobile devices. We seek comment on these and other
developments in tying arrangements for video programming delivered over
different delivery technologies.
22. We seek data and comment on the provision of local news by
MVPDs as a competitive strategy in the delivery of video programming
and the extent to which local news programming is available. What other
types of local programming do MVPDs offer? What data sources are
available to help in our analysis of MVPD provision of local news and
other local programming?
23. Have horizontal and/or vertical mergers contributed to, or
provided incentives for, the possible exercise of market power by
incumbent MVPDs, both downstream to subscribers and upstream to
creators and aggregators of video content? Has any MVPD acquired
sufficient market power to impair competition? Has the possible
exercise of market power by an MVPD adversely affected consumers of
video programming, such as by increasing price or restricting quantity
of service available to consumers? Has the possible exercise of market
power by an MVPD adversely affected creators and aggregators of video
programming, such as by decreasing the price paid for video
24. MVPD Performance. We seek comment on the information and time-
series data we should collect for the analysis of various MVPD
performance metrics, including quantity and quality; subscribership and
penetration rates; financial performance; and investment and
innovation. Are there any other quantitative or qualitative metrics
that would enhance our analysis of MVPD performance?
25. We seek data, information, and comment on trends in the number
of linear video channels and video on demand (VOD) programs offered by
MVPDs. Has the number of linear channels and VOD programs available
increased? What are the most popular MVPD programming packages?
[[Page 25349]]
these packages in terms of the total number of analog and SD channels,
number of HD channels, and number of VOD offerings. What effect has the
entry of an additional MVPD had on programming choices and quality of
service? What effect has the growth in OVD services had on the quantity
and quality of MVPD service?
26. We seek data and information regarding the number of households
passed and the number of subscribers and penetration rate for MVPD
service. We also seek subscription data for the channel lineup packages
(including international, other specific genres, and premium) and other
delivered video programming services that MVPDs currently market to
consumers. What percentage of customers subscribe to these video
packages and other delivered video programming services? How often do
consumers switch providers (i.e., what is the level of ``churn'' and is
it increasing or decreasing)?
27. We request information on various measures of MVPD financial
performance, including data on MVPD revenues, cash flows, and margins.
To the extent possible, we seek five-year time-series data to allow us
to analyze trends. Specifically, what is the average revenue per MVPD
subscriber? What are the major sources of video-related revenue for
MVPDs? What percentage of total revenue is derived from each of these
sources? What are the major video-related drivers of revenue growth? We
seek data, information, and comments regarding profitability. What
metrics and data should we use to measure profitability (e.g., return
on invested capital, operating margins)? Are there any other
quantitative or qualitative metrics that would add to our analysis of
MVPD financial performance?
28. We seek comment on how investment affects competition among
MVPDs. How has investment affected competition between MVPDs and other
providers of delivered video programming? We seek information on
deployment of next generation MVPD technologies. What MVPD services are
driving the deployment of new MVPD technologies?
Broadcast Television Stations
29. Broadcast Television Structure. The Commission already collects
data on the number of broadcast television stations in each designated
market area (``DMA'') and ownership of broadcast television stations
using our CDBS database and data purchased from BIA/Kelsey and The
Nielsen Company. Is there a non-proprietary geographic area upon which
the Commission could base its analysis? We seek additional data that
would help us analyze trends in the number of households that rely
exclusively on over-the-air broadcast television service rather than
receiving broadcast programming from an MVPD. In addition to the number
of households relying on over-the-air broadcast service, we request
information regarding any demographic characteristics of such
households. How many households routinely view broadcast programming
over-the-air in addition to subscribing to an MVPD?
30. The Commission already collects data that we can use to assess
the horizontal structure of the broadcast television stations,
including the number of stations in each DMA, and the ownership of each
station. We seek comment on how to best report this information in
order to assess horizontal concentration.
31. We seek data on the vertical structure of the broadcast
television. How many broadcast television stations, nationally and
within each DMA, are vertically integrated with a broadcast network or
a cable network? We seek comment on how to best report this information
in order to assess vertical integration.
32. We note that the Commission's spectrum allocation policies,
licensing policies, and spectrum interference rules affect the
structure of broadcast television by limiting the number of stations
that can be located in a geographic area. We seek comment on the effect
of these policies and rules on entry and rivalry in broadcast
television. Commission rules limit the number of broadcast television
stations an entity can own in a DMA and also limit the national
audience reach of commonly owned broadcast television stations. We seek
data, information, and comment on the effect of ownership limits on
entry and rivalry in broadcast television. Does the ability to provide
more than one programming stream as a result of the digital transition
increase the competitiveness of broadcast stations? What other
regulations affect entry and rivalry of broadcast television stations?
We ask commenters to provide data and examples for each regulation that
effects entry and rivalry.
33. We seek information and comment on non-regulatory conditions
affecting entry and rivalry. For example, are there supply-side
economies of scale that enable commonly owned broadcast television
stations to spread fixed costs over greater audiences? Are there
demand-side economies of scale that enable commonly owned broadcast
television stations to negotiate lower prices for video programming? We
invite analysis of the relationship between the advertising market and
entry and exit in broadcast television. What other non-regulatory
conditions influence entry and rivalry? To what extent do they
influence entry and rivalry? Does the ability to offer multiple
programming streams since the digital transition enhance the ability of
broadcasters to compete against MVPDs? Do broadcast television
stations, collaborating in conjunction with OVDs or other media, have
an increased ability to compete with MVPDs?
34. Broadcast Television Conduct. We seek data, information, and
comment on the use of multiple linear program streams as a business
strategy to enhance a broadcaster's competitive position in the
delivery of video programming. What types of programming are
broadcasters carrying on their multiple streams? To what extent are
broadcasters providing multiple linear streams of video programming to
attract viewers to over-the-air video service and away from
subscription MVPD service? Digital television allows broadcasters to
use part of their digital bandwidth for subscription video,
datacasting, and other pay services as long as they maintain their
primary broadcast television service. Do broadcasters have business
plans to combine and transition some of their digital capacity into a
subscription service or to lease a portion of their digital spectrum
capacity to others for a subscription service? Are broadcasters using
HD programming as a strategy to attract viewers? Has digital
transmission benefited television broadcasters? We seek comment on
specific benefits that have accrued to broadcasters as a result of the
transition. Has the transition benefited households that rely solely on
over-the-air television service? If so, we seek information on specific
advantages that have accrued to these households. Has the digital
transition presented particular difficulties for broadcasters or
35. We seek data, information, and comment on the business
strategies of broadcast television stations as they confront changes in
the advertising market, both long-term changes and recent changes
brought on by the economic downturn. We also seek information regarding
any business strategies to grow revenue through retransmission consent
fees paid by MVPDs to broadcast stations for the rights to carry their
stations. We seek data on trends in prices for spot and local
advertising on broadcast television
[[Page 25350]]
stations. What prices (per subscriber) are broadcast stations receiving
from MVPDs for retransmission consent?
36. To what extent is local broadcast programming available online?
How does placing video content online benefit broadcasters? To what
extent are broadcast stations tying retransmission consent negotiations
with MVPDs for linear programming to online programming?
37. We seek data and comment on the provision of local news as a
competitive strategy in the delivery of video programming and the
extent to which local news programming is available. We seek comment on
the strategies broadcast television stations use to remain the primary
distributor of broadcast television network programming, as well as the
strategies and partnerships they use to deliver news online. Does the
ability to distribute programming online lead some broadcasters to
increase their investment in news and information programming or
provide news to consumers that might not otherwise be available?
38. What competitive strategies do broadcast television stations
use to distinguish themselves from other broadcast television stations?
For example, is there local programming other than news used to enhance
the competitive position of broadcast stations? We seek data,
information, and comment on these other business strategies broadcast
television stations use to compete in the delivery of video
39. We seek data, information, and comment on the use of horizontal
and vertical mergers to improve the competitive position of broadcast
television stations in the delivery of video programming. We seek
comment on whether commonly owned stations have a competitive advantage
in the delivery of video programming. Do joint sales agreements (JSAs),
local marketing agreements (LMAs) and shared services agreements (SSAs)
have an effect on independent stations to remain competitive? Does
business strategy favor group ownership within a DMA to increase
advertising revenue? Does group ownership across DMAs lower prices for
video content? Are broadcast television stations that are vertically
integrated with a broadcast television network better able to compete
in the delivery of video programming?
40. Broadcast Television Performance. We seek information and time-
series data for the analysis of various performance metrics for
broadcast television. These metrics should include the quantity and
quality of broadcast television station programming, viewership from
over-the-air, viewership from carriage on MVPDs, prices of advertising,
revenue from advertising, revenue from retransmission consent fees,
other revenue, investment and innovation, and rate of return/
41. We seek data, information, and comment on the impact of the
transition to digital television on the number of linear broadcast
television channels available in each DMA, counting both primary
stations and additional multicast programming streams. How many
broadcast television stations offer video content in HD? What
percentage of their programming is in HD?
42. We seek data, information, and comment on the viewership of
broadcast television stations both from over-the-air reception and
carriage by MVPDs. What is the trend in total viewership in total
household terms? With respect to linear programming, what is the trend
in the share of the total audience that broadcast television stations
receive relative to the share received by cable networks carried by
MVPDs. Some broadcast stations also place some of their programming
online. How many households view broadcast television stations online?
What share of online viewership are broadcasters receiving?
43. We seek data on broadcast television station revenues, cash
flows, and margins. To the extent possible, we seek five-year time-
series data to allow us to analyze trends. Specifically, what is the
average revenue earned per broadcast television station? We realize
that some broadcast stations are integrated with other businesses but
are only interested in financial data related directly to the delivered
video programming of the broadcast television station, such as the sale
of advertising tied to the video programming and retransmission consent
fees. What are the major drivers of revenue growth? We also seek data
regarding the profitability of broadcast television stations. What
metrics and data should we use to measure profitability (e.g., return
on invested capital, operating margins)? Are there any other
quantitative or qualitative metrics that would add to our analysis of
the financial performance of the broadcast television station group?
44. We seek comment on how investment in digital television affects
competition among broadcast television stations and with the larger
market for the delivery of video programming. We seek data on broadcast
television station investment in digital television, the innovations
related to this investment, and the financial returns on this
investment. What has investment in digital television done to enhance
the competitive position of broadcast television stations in the
delivery of video programming?
Online Video Distributors
45. OVD Structure. Over the time period we plan to cover in the
14th Report--2007 to 2010--OVDs have made an increasing amount of video
programming available to consumers over the Internet. We request, data,
information, and comment on the number and size of OVDs. What data
sources are available for analysis of the structure of OVDs? We also
seek comment on whether individual OVDs view other OVDs as competitors.
In addition, to what extent do OVDs compete with MVPDs and/or broadcast
television stations?
46. OVD Conduct. What business models and competitive strategies do
OVDs use to compete in the delivery of video programming? What
challenges do OVDs face? Do OVDs highlight the availability of
increasing amounts of online video to attract more viewers and/or
subscribers? What media do OVDs use to advertise their service? To what
extent is OVD service a substitute for MVPD service? Or, alternatively,
is it a complement to MVPD service? How is OVD service advertised? Do
OVDs that are not MVPDs have a different business strategy for
attracting subscribers than OVDs that are also MVPDs? We seek data,
information, and comment on business strategies that tie OVD service to
subscription to MVPD service. We seek information on the extent to
which OVDs rely on advertising, subscription fees, per-program fees or
other sources of revenue, including information on the use of
subscription fees. We also seek information on the prices for the
programs or the subscriptions charged by OVDs that sell access to video
content over the Internet. To what extent do OVDs rely on a combination
of advertising and per-program, subscription, or other fees? Is there a
trend among OVDs toward greater reliance on charging consumers?
47. OVD Performance. We seek comment on the total amount of video
programming available online and the extent to which consumers are
viewing video programming offered by OVDs. Has the entry of OVDs in the
marketplace resulted in reduced viewership of video programming from
MVPDs and broadcast television stations? What metrics should we use to
compare OVD viewership, MVPD viewership, and broadcast television
station viewership? In what ways have
[[Page 25351]]
OVDs improved the quantity and the quality of their video programming
since our 13th Report? Do OVDs provide local news or other local
programming? What financial returns do OVDs earn on their investments?
What data are available and what metrics should we use to analyze the
extent to which OVDs' services are substitute or a complement to MVPD
Geographic Availability
48. Rural Versus Urban. As in previous reports, we expect to
compare competition in the market for the delivery of video in rural
markets with that in urban markets. For the purpose of measuring the
availability of and competition among providers of video programming,
how should we define ``rural'' and ``urban''?
49. We seek data, information, and comment to analyze whether there
are differences in the delivered video programming between rural and
urban areas and the factors that affect these differences. How does
competition differ between rural and urban areas? What are the
demographic, geographic, and economic factors that drive differences in
competition between rural and urban markets? Which, if any, delivered
video programming services are most often lacking in rural areas? How
does access to broadcast television stations differ between rural and
urban areas? We recognize that most households have access to two DBS
services--DIRECTV and DISH Network--that provide national service. How
does access to other MVPD service differ between rural and urban areas?
To what extent do rural areas lack access to a cable system or other
wireline MVPD? How many households lack access to a cable system? What
percentage of these households are in rural areas? Do rural areas have
less access to high-speed Internet service and, therefore, less access
to OVD services relative to urban areas?
50. We seek information, data, and comment regarding the
differences in the availability and price of delivered video service in
rural areas relative to urban areas. When cable service is available in
rural areas, are prices higher or quality lower relative to urban
markets? Are there examples of rural areas that receive delivered video
programming service similar in price and quality to those found in
urban areas?
51. Alaska and Hawaii. We seek information and comment regarding
MVPD and OVD service in Alaska and Hawaii. We are interested in how the
availability of MVPD and OVD services in these states differs from
those that are available in the other states. Do consumers in Alaska
and Hawaii have the same or similar access to MVPD, broadcast, and OVD
services as consumers in the other 48 states? Are prices for
subscription to MVPDs higher than those found in other states? Is the
same quantity of video programming available and is it offered in
programming packages similar to the services in other states? We
request updated information on the delivery of video programming to
consumers in Alaska and Hawaii relative to that provided in other
Key Industry Inputs
52. Video Content Creators. Because MVPDs and broadcast television
stations increasingly negotiate directly with content creators for non-
linear forms of content distribution, including video on demand and
online video distribution, we plan to look more closely at content
creators in our 14th Report. Creators of video programming include
major studios that are subsidiaries of entertainment conglomerates and
independent companies. We request data, information, and comment that
will help us analyze the number and size of content creators and the
evolving relationship between content creators and the firms that
distribute video content. Are there barriers for independent production
entities to access the audiences of all delivery systems (including
broadcast and online)--not just MVPDs? In addition, we are interested
in information regarding entities, local and national, that create
news, public interest programming and/or sports and the relationships
between the content creators and those that deliver video programming.
53. We seek data, information, and comment on the business
strategies of content creators regarding the selling and licensing of
video content and the effect on video distribution. How have changes in
the creation of content affected the distribution of video programming?
Have changes in content creation increased investment in the
distribution of video programming? Have changes in the business
strategies of content creators regarding the type of video content
created, the timing of release of specific video content through the
various delivery systems (i.e., the order of delivery technologies used
to distribute the programming, a process also called windowing), and
the prices charged for content in each window affected competition
between distributors of video programming? Have there been significant
changes in the bargaining power between content creators and
distributors of video programming? How do the windowing strategies of
video content creators affect the distribution of video programming
through VOD and over the Internet? Have business strategies changed for
creators of news programming, especially local news programming? Are
there specific strategies that affect the delivery of sports
programming that differ from those of creators of other types of video
content? We seek data, information, and comment to analyze each of
these issues.
54. Video Content Aggregators. We plan to continue to look at
traditional video programming and seek data, information, and comment
regarding the impact of changes in the aggregation of content on the
delivery of video programming. Video content aggregators are entities
that combine video content into packages of video programming for
distribution. Have changes in the business models of content
aggregators affected competition among distributors of video
programming? Have there been significant changes in the bargaining
power between content aggregators and distributors of video
programming? Has entry by new video content aggregators or increased
programming channels offered by existing content aggregators lead to an
expanded number of channels offered by MVPDs or additional programming
offered by broadcast television stations on their multiple digital
streams? Have changes in the business models of content aggregators
affected the growth of OVDs? Are existing video content aggregators
creating additional programming networks and packages, or are new
aggregators creating video programming packages? What factors do video
content aggregators, including broadcast networks, cable networks, and
broadcast stations, consider when deciding the terms of distributing
their content?
55. Consumer Premises Equipment. In the 14th Report, we plan to
discuss the devices--current and forthcoming--that facilitate the
delivery of video programming and examine how these inputs affect
competition in the delivery of video programming. We request
information on developments relating to consumer premises equipment and
services that provide options to consumers for viewing video
programming. Further, we seek information on the retail market for set-
top boxes, including set-top boxes that do not use CableCARDs such as
those sold at retail for use with DBS services. What are the challenges
that manufacturers face in investing and innovating in consumer
equipment? Can
[[Page 25352]]
consumers easily compare prices to lease smart video devices from their
MVPDs and/or purchase them in retail outlets? Therefore, we request
information regarding the different types of consumer premises
equipment--both MVPD supplied and non-MVPD supplied--used to access
video content and the capabilities thereof. We also seek information
and comment on how competition among video programming distributors is
affected by developments related to consumer premises equipment, such
as electronic programming guides, two-way functionality, and CableCARDs
that permit the reception of secured programming services without a
leased set-top box, and developments in the regulatory environment for
consumer premises equipment. We also request information regarding
digital rights management technology and issues that affect the
availability of video programming to consumers. We seek information to
analyze the relationships between MVPDs that deliver video programming
and manufacturers of consumer premises equipment, especially cable and
DBS set-top boxes and devices that enable consumers to move video
delivered over the Internet to televisions.
Consumer Behavior
56. We seek information about how trends in consumer behavior
affect the products and services of providers of delivered video
programming. We seek data on trends that compare consumer viewing of
regularly scheduled video programming with viewing of time-shifted
programming using DVRs, VOD content, and OVD content. Are consumers who
are not ``cutting'' the MVPD cord ``shaving'' their subscriptions by,
for example, substituting Netflix for premium channels or VOD services?
Do consumers view OVD service in conjunction with over-the-air
broadcast television service as a potential substitute for MVPD
57. We seek data, information, and comment on the development of
consumer information sources for delivered video programming services
and equipment. Do consumers have sufficient information to compare the
prices, services, and equipment that video distributors offer? What do
consumers consider most important when choosing a provider? What do
consumers say are the main reasons for switching providers (e.g.,
price, quantity, quality)?
Procedural Matters
58. Ex Parte Rules. There are no ex parte or disclosure
requirements applicable to this proceeding pursuant to 47 CFR
59. Comment Information. Pursuant to Sec. Sec. 1.415 and 1.419 of
the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may
file comments and reply comments on or before the dates indicated on
the first page of this document. Comments may be filed using: (1) The
Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), (2) the Federal
Government's eRulemaking Portal, or (3) by filing paper copies. See
Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121
Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically
using the Internet by accessing the ECFS: or the Federal eRulemaking Portal:
For ECFS filers, if multiple docket or rulemaking numbers
appear in the caption of this proceeding, filers must transmit one
electronic copy of the comments for each docket or rulemaking number
referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen, filers
should include their full name, U.S. Postal Service mailing address,
and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit
an electronic comment by Internet e-mail. To get filing instructions,
filers should send an e-mail to, and include the following
words in the body of the message ``get form.'' A Sample form and
directions will be sent in response.
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must
file an original and four copies of each filing. If more than one
docket or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding,
filers must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or
rulemaking number.
Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service
mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary,
Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings
for the Commission's Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at
445 12th St., SW, Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. The filing hours
are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together with
rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed of before
entering the building.
Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton
Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority
mail must be addressed to 445 12th Street, SW., Washington DC 20554.
People with Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request
materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (braille,
large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at
202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (TTY).
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2011-10782 Filed 5-3-11; 8:45 am]