Government Employees Serving in Official Capacity in Nonprofit Organizations; Sector Unit Investment Trusts, 24816-24820 [2011-10629]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 76, No. 85
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
5 CFR Part 2640
RIN 3209–AA09
Government Employees Serving in
Official Capacity in Nonprofit
Organizations; Sector Unit Investment
Office of Government Ethics
Proposed rule.
The Office of Government
Ethics is issuing a proposed rule
amendment that would permit
Government employees to participate in
particular matters affecting the financial
interests of nonprofit organizations in
which they serve in an official capacity,
notwithstanding the employees’
imputed financial interest. This
document also proposes an amendment
that would clarify that the existing
exemptions for interests in the holdings
of sector mutual funds also apply to
interests in the holdings of sector unit
investment trusts.
DATES: Comments are invited and must
be received on or before July 5, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
in writing, to OGE on this proposed
rule, identified by RIN 3209–AA09, by
any of the following methods:
E-Mail: Include the
reference ‘‘Proposed Rule Exemption
and Amendment Under 18 U.S.C.
208(b)(2)’’ in the subject line of the
Fax: 202–482–9237.
Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Office of
Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201
New York Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20005–3917, Attention: Richard M.
Thomas, Associate General Counsel.
Instructions: All submissions must
include OGE’s agency name and the
Regulation Identifier Number (RIN),
3209–AA09, for this rulemaking.
Richard M. Thomas, Associate General
Counsel, Office of Government Ethics;
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telephone: 202–482–9300; TTY: 800–
877–8339; Fax: 202–482–9237.
I. Background
Section 208(a) of title 18 of the United
States Code prohibits Government
employees from participating in an
official capacity in particular
Government matters in which, to their
knowledge, they or certain other
persons specified in the statute have a
financial interest, if the particular
matter would have a direct and
predictable effect on that interest.
Section 208(b)(2) of title 18 permits the
Office of Government Ethics to
promulgate regulations describing
financial interests that are too remote or
inconsequential to warrant
disqualification pursuant to section
On August 28, 1995, the Office of
Government Ethics published its first
interim rule, with request for comments,
promulgating certain miscellaneous
exemptions under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2).
60 FR 44705 (August 28, 1995). On
December 18, 1996, the Office of
Government Ethics published a
comprehensive final rule,
‘‘Interpretation, Exemptions and Waiver
Guidance Concerning 18 U.S.C. 208
(Acts Affecting a Personal Financial
Interest),’’ codified at 5 CFR part 2640,
which promulgated several additional
exemptions and also adopted as final,
with some modifications, the
exemptions promulgated in the earlier
interim rule. 61 FR 66829 (December 18,
1996) (final rule); 60 FR 47207
(September 11, 1995) (proposed rule).
OGE subsequently has added and
amended exemptions by interim rule,
with request for comment, 65 FR 16511
(March 29, 2000) (adopted as final, 65
FR 47830 (August 4, 2000)), by final rule
(after a proposed rule, 65 FR 53942
(September 6, 2000)), 67 FR 12443
(March 19, 2002), and by interim rule,
with request for comment, 70 FR 69041
(November 14, 2005).
The Office of Government Ethics is
proposing to amend part 2640 by adding
a new regulatory exemption and
clarifying the scope of an existing
exemption, as explained below. This
proposed rule is being published after
obtaining the concurrence of the
Department of Justice pursuant to
section 201(c) of Executive Order 12674.
Also, as provided in section 402 of the
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Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as
amended, 5 U.S.C. appendix, section
402, OGE has consulted with both the
Department of Justice (as additionally
required under 18 U.S.C. 208(d)(2)) and
the Office of Personnel Management on
this rule.
II. Analysis of the Proposed Changes
The proposed rule would add a new
regulatory exemption, section
2640.203(m), which would permit
employees to participate in particular
matters affecting the financial interests
of nonprofit organizations in which they
participate, in their official Government
capacity, as officers, directors or
trustees. The proposed rule also would
clarify that the existing regulatory
exception for certain interests in sector
mutual funds, at section 2640.201(b),
also covers interests in sector unit
investment trusts.
A. Proposed Section 2640.203(m)—
Official Participation in Nonprofit
Proposed section 2640.203(m)
addresses a situation that was not
generally thought to be covered by 18
U.S.C. 208 until the mid-1990s. Until
that time, a number of agencies had a
practice of assigning employees to
participate on the boards of directors of
certain outside nonprofit organizations,
where such service was deemed to
further the statutory mission and/or
personnel development interests of the
agency. The nonprofit organizations
included such entities as professional
associations, scientific societies, and
health information promotion
organizations. At the time, neither the
agencies involved nor the Office of
Government Ethics viewed such official
participation in nonprofit organizations
as being prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 208.
However, in 1996, the Office of Legal
Counsel (OLC) at the Department of
Justice issued an opinion concluding
that section 208 generally prohibits an
employee from serving, in an official
capacity, as an officer, director or
trustee of a private nonprofit
organization. Memorandum of Deputy
Assistant Attorney General, OLC, for
General Counsel, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, November 19, 1996,
fbimem.2.htm. This conclusion was
premised in large part on the fact that
officers, directors and trustees of an
outside organization owe certain
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 85 / Tuesday, May 3, 2011 / Proposed Rules
fiduciary duties to the organization
under state law, which may conflict
with the primary duty of loyalty that all
Federal employees owe to the United
States. As a consequence of this
interpretation, employees are no longer
permitted to serve in their official
capacity as officer, director or trustee of
an outside nonprofit organization,
absent an individual waiver under 18
U.S.C. 208(b) or some specific statutory
authority permitting such service.1
Since the 1996 OLC opinion, some
agencies have continued to assign
employees to serve on such outside
boards by granting the employees
individual waivers under 18 U.S.C.
208(b)(1). Other agencies have declined
to issue individual waivers (or have
done so rarely), often because of
discomfort about waiving the
application of a criminal statute. OGE
has fielded numerous inquiries and has
held many meetings with agencies and
nonprofit organizations, mostly
professional and scientific societies,
concerning the application of section
208 to prevent official participation on
outside boards. Several of the agencies
and nonprofit organizations have argued
that the application of section 208 has
created unfortunate barriers to
professional development and
meaningful exchange between Federal
and non-Federal experts in certain
professions and areas of expertise.
Moreover, some of the organizations
have pointed out that there is a lack of
uniformity within the Executive Branch,
owing to the willingness of some
agencies to grant waivers and the
unwillingness of other agencies to do so,
often with respect to participation in the
same organization.
Additionally, the Office of
Government Ethics has noted the
potential for confusion in some
instances when employees are
permitted to serve only in a private,
rather than official, capacity. Especially
where the agency has policy interests
that overlap with those of the nonprofit
organization, it can be very difficult for
the employee to avoid the mistaken
impression that he or she is acting in an
official capacity when participating in
the organization. Employees may be
uncertain about the extent to which they
are permitted to make reference to their
official position or to use official time or
agency resources. See 5 CFR
2635.702(b); 2635.704; 2635.705. Such
1 In rare instances, an employee also may be able
to serve pursuant to a waiver of fiduciary duties by
the organization, if such a waiver is permitted by
state law. See Memorandum of Deputy Assistant
Attorney General, OLC, to General Counsel, General
Services Administration, August 7, 1998, https://
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confusion no doubt could be reduced by
clearer agency instructions concerning
such matters as excused absence and
limited use of agency resources in
support of outside professional and
other organizations. See 5 CFR 251.202.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that
sometimes there is considerable
continuity in subject matter between an
employee’s official duties and the
employee’s activities in an outside
nonprofit organization, and some
agencies believe it would be clearer to
permit the latter to occur while the
employee is on official duty, without
the impediment of section 208.2
For all of the above reasons, the Office
of Government Ethics in 2006
recommended to the President and
Congress that section 208 be amended
‘‘to specify that the financial interests of
an organization are not imputed to an
employee who serves as an officer or
director of such organization in his or
her official capacity.’’ OGE, Report to the
President and to Congressional
Committees on the Conflict of Interest
Laws Relating to Executive Branch
Employment 33 (2006) (2006 Report),
publications/reports_plans.aspx.3 In the
2006 Report, OGE recognized that it had
‘‘regulatory authority to exempt
financial interests arising from official
service on boards of directors,’’ but OGE
opted at that time to place the issue
before Congress first. No legislative
changes to section 208 were enacted in
response to the report, however, and
OGE has continued to receive
expressions of concern about this
matter, both from agencies and from
nonprofit organizations.
Then, on March 9, 2009 President
Obama issued a Memorandum for the
Heads of Executive Departments and
Agencies on the topic of scientific
integrity. 74 FR 10671, 3 CFR, 2009
Comp., p. 354. In this memorandum, he
specifically requested that the Office of
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
provide recommendations to address,
among other things, the retention of staff
in scientific and technical positions
within the Executive branch. In
2 Nothing in the proposed rule limits the ability
of an employee to serve as officer, director or
trustee of a nonprofit organization as a personal
outside activity, where the agency has not assigned
the employee to serve in an official capacity.
Moreover, nothing in the proposed rule is intended
to affect the current ability of agencies to assign
employees to serve as official liaisons or to serve
in similar nonfiduciary positions that do not
implicate 18 U.S.C. 208. See OGE Informal
Advisory Letter 95 x 8.
3 OGE was required to issue this report, in
consultation with the Department of Justice, by
section 8403(d) of the Intelligence Reform and
Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Public Law 108–
458 (December 17, 2004).
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response, the Director of OSTP issued a
memorandum urging all agencies to
establish policies that promote and
facilitate the professional development
of Government scientists and engineers.
John P. Holdren, Director, OSTP,
‘‘Scientific Integrity,’’ Memorandum for
the Heads of Executive Departments and
Agencies, at 3, December 17, 2010. The
OSTP memorandum specifically calls
for policies to ‘‘[a]llow full participation
in professional or scholarly societies,
committees, task forces and other
specialized bodies of professional
societies, including removing barriers
for serving as officers or on governing
boards of such societies.’’ Id. at 4
(emphasis added).
In response to parallel initiatives, in
August of 2010, the Director of the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
wrote to OGE to express several
concerns about the application of
section 208 to employees serving in
their official capacity as officers and
directors of scientific and professional
organizations. Letter of John Berry,
Director, OPM, to Robert I. Cusick,
Director, Office of Government Ethics,
August 16, 2010 (OPM Letter). Among
other things, the Director of OPM wrote:
Policies restricting Federal scientists’ and
professionals’ involvement in professional
organizations negatively impact the agencies
employing such individuals. Restrictions act
as a barrier to employees achieving
professional stature in their respective fields,
which may discourage scientists and
professionals from considering Federal
employment. Restrictions also serve to isolate
scientists and professionals from the full
exchange of knowledge and ideas necessary
to stay current and participate fully as
members of the greater scientific community.
As a result, Federal scientists and
professionals are hampered in their ability to
provide the best possible advice and service
to their respective agencies. These
restrictions are particularly burdensome for
the ‘‘research-grade’’ scientists whose
retention and promotion evaluations depend
in part on the recognition of stature by one’s
scientific peers. U. S. Office of Personnel
Management’s Research Grade Evaluation
Guide, Factor 4; Contributions, Impact, and
Stature, September, 2006; https://
OPM Letter at 2. The Director of OPM
asked OGE to consider exercising its
authority under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2) to
exempt the financial interests of
organizations in which employees serve
in their official capacity, on the ground
that such interests are ‘‘too remote and
inconsequential to warrant
disqualification pursuant to section
208.’’ Id. at 3. In response, the Director
of OGE wrote that OGE takes ‘‘very
seriously’’ OPM’s ‘‘concerns about the
impact that the current bar has on the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 85 / Tuesday, May 3, 2011 / Proposed Rules
professional development of
employees.’’ Letter of Robert I. Cusick,
Director, OGE, to John Berry, Director,
OPM, September 23, 2010.
To address OPM’s concerns, as well
as the concerns raised by other agencies
and outside organizations since 1996,
and consistent with Administration
efforts designed to ensure scientific
integrity, OGE has concluded that it is
now appropriate to exercise its authority
under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2) to exempt the
imputed financial interests of nonprofit
organizations in which employees serve
as officers, directors or trustees in their
official capacity. OGE has determined
that such financial interests are too
remote or inconsequential to affect the
integrity of employees’ services, for
several reasons. As explained in OGE’s
2006 Report, which was issued after
consultation with the Department of
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OGE believes that the conflict identified by
OLC [between the employee’s duty of loyalty
to the Government and the employee’s
fiduciary duties to the outside organization]
may be more theoretical than real,
particularly because employees assigned to
serve on outside boards remain subject to
important Federal controls, such as the
authority to review and approve (or deny) the
official activity in the first place, and the
authority to order the individual to limit the
activity, or even resign the position, in the
event of a true conflict with Federal interests.
In addition, an agency generally approves
such activities only where the organization’s
interests are in consonance with the agency’s
own interests. In an era when ‘public/private
partnerships’ are promoted as a positive way
for Government to achieve its objectives more
efficiently, ethics officials find it difficult to
explain and justify to agency employees why
a waiver is required for official board services
that have been determined by the agency to
be proper. 2006 Report at 33.
In short, the potential for a real
conflict of interest is too remote or
inconsequential to affect the integrity of
an employee’s services under these
That is not to say, however, that
agencies would be precluded from
imposing meaningful controls and
limits on employees serving in
nonprofit organizations. As made clear
in the Note following proposed section
2640.203(m), agencies must satisfy
themselves that they have authority to
assign employees to serve in such
organizations in the first place; the
proposed exemption does not itself
constitute such authority, but simply
removes the bar of the conflict of
interest law. Moreover, agency decisions
to permit (or not permit) official
participation in any particular outside
organization will be informed by
numerous legal, policy, and managerial
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considerations, such as: the degree to
which the activity will further the
agency’s statutory mission; the
availability of agency funds and other
resources to support such activities; the
degree to which the agency is able and
willing to assign employees to serve in
other, similar organizations without
appearing to single out one organization
unreasonably; and the demands of the
agency’s workload and the particular
employee’s other assignments.4 Even
where an agency does permit an
employee to serve as officer, director or
trustee of a nonprofit organization, the
agency has discretion to limit or
condition the official duty activity in a
manner consistent with the needs and
interests of the agency. This may
include limits on participation in
lobbying, fundraising, regulatory,
investigational, or representational
activities, as determined by the agency.
For example, where agencies have
granted individual waivers in the past,
under section 208(b)(1), some agencies
have required employees to refrain from
participating in the fundraising
activities of the outside organization or
from participating in agency decisions
to award grants or contracts to the
organization; agencies will remain free
to impose similar limits as they deem
appropriate in the future.5 See OGE
Memorandum DO–07–006, https://
In other words, nothing in the proposed
regulatory exemption is intended to
interfere with the discretion of agencies
to assign duties and describe the limits
of official assignments, including
assignments that involve outside
nonprofit organizations.
Finally, OGE notes that the proposed
rule refers generally to ‘‘nonprofit’’
organizations. See, e.g. ‘‘Black’s Law
Dictionary’’ 1080 (1999) (‘‘group
organized for a purpose other than to
generate income or profit’’). The
exemption thus is not limited to
scientific organizations, but rather is
intended to provide agencies with
discretion to determine which nonprofit
entities would further agency interests
and would be appropriate for employee
4 Even prior to the 1996 OLC opinion, some
agencies rarely if ever permitted employees to serve
as officers, directors or trustees of outside
organizations in an official capacity, because of
fiscal, policy or managerial concerns.
Notwithstanding the proposed regulatory
exemption, some agencies may continue to decline
to assign employees to serve in an official capacity
for similar reasons.
5 In any event, agency decisions to permit an
employee to engage in official fundraising for a
nonprofit organization must take into account the
requirements of 5 CFR 2635.808(b) and 5 CFR part
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participation, including professional
and other nonprofit groups focused on
issues pertaining to legal practice, law
enforcement, various social sciences,
and other disciplines and public policy
B. Proposed Clarifying Amendment to
Section 2640.201(b)—Sector Unit
Investment Trusts
Among the regulatory exemptions
currently found in subpart B of part
2640 are several that exempt certain
financial interests in mutual funds and
unit investment trusts. The Office of
Government Ethics has promulgated
exemptions for interests in the holdings
of diversified mutual funds and
diversified unit investment trusts (5
CFR 2640.201(a)), in the non-sector
holdings of sector mutual funds (5 CFR
2640.201(b)(1)), and in the sector
holdings of sector mutual funds when
the aggregate market value of the
employee’s interest in the sector fund or
funds does not exceed $50,000 (5 CFR
2640.201(b)(2)). Most recently, the
Office of Government Ethics has
promulgated one for interests in mutual
funds and unit investment trusts other
than interests arising from the holdings
of such vehicles (5 CFR 2640.201(d)).
This exemption is limited to particular
matters of general applicability, as
defined in 5 CFR 2640.102(m).
In promulgating these exemptions, the
Office of Government Ethics recognized
that pooled investment vehicles such as
mutual funds and unit investment trusts
generally pose fewer concerns that the
financial interests will affect the
integrity of the services of Government
employees. The Office of Government
Ethics has noted that usually ‘‘only a
limited portion of the fund’s assets [are]
placed in the securities of any single
issuer’’ and that ‘‘an employee’s interest
in any one fund is only a small portion
of the fund’s total assets.’’ 60 FR 47211
(September 11, 1995) (preamble to
proposed rule).
The Office of Government Ethics is
proposing to amend the language of the
exemptions for the interests in sector
mutual funds to include explicitly the
interests of sector unit investment
trusts. The current regulation, 5 CFR
2640.201(b), does not include the
language ‘‘sector unit investment trusts.’’
At the time that the sector fund
exemptions were promulgated, the
Office of Government Ethics
contemplated that the exemptions
would also extend to those investment
vehicles organized as sector unit
investment trusts. In practice, the Office
of Government Ethics has permitted
executive branch employees to apply
the exemptions for interests in sector
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 85 / Tuesday, May 3, 2011 / Proposed Rules
mutual funds to interests in sector unit
investment trusts.
Therefore, OGE is proposing to add
specific references to sector unit
investment trusts to 5 CFR 2640.201(b)
in order to clarify that the exemptions
for interests in the holdings of sector
mutual funds also apply to the interests
in the holdings of sector unit investment
trusts. OGE also is proposing
conforming amendments to the
definition in § 2640.102(q), which
would define both sector mutual fund
and sector unit investment trust.
III. Matters of Regulatory Procedure
Regulatory Flexibility Act
As Director of the Office of
Government Ethics, I certify under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
chapter 6) that this proposed rule would
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities
because it primarily affects Federal
executive branch employees.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. chapter 35) does not apply
because this proposed regulation would
not contain information collection
requirements that require approval of
the Office of Management and Budget.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
For purposes of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C.
chapter 25, subchapter II), this proposed
rule would not significantly or uniquely
affect small governments and will not
result in increased expenditures by
State, local, and tribal governments, in
the aggregate, or by the private sector, of
$100 million or more (as adjusted for
inflation) in any one year.
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Congressional Review Act
The Office of Government Ethics has
determined that this proposed involves
rulemaking involves a nonmajor rule
under the Congressional Review Act (5
U.S.C. chapter 8) and will, before the
future final rule takes effect, submit a
report thereon to the U.S. Senate, House
of Representatives and General
Accounting Office in accordance with
Executive Order 12866
In proposing this rule amendment, the
Office of Government Ethics has
adhered to the regulatory philosophy
and the applicable principles of
regulation set forth in section 1 of
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review. This proposed
rule has also been reviewed by the
Office of Management and Budget under
that Executive order. Moreover, in
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accordance with section 6(a)(3)(B) of
E.O. 12866, the preamble to this
proposed amendment notes the legal
basis and benefits of, as well as the need
for, the regulatory action. There should
be no appreciable increase in costs to
OGE or the executive branch of the
Federal Government in administering
this proposed regulation, since it only
adds to OGE’s financial interests
regulation a new regulatory exemption
and a clarification of an existing
exemption. Finally, this rulemaking is
not economically significant under the
Executive order and would not interfere
with State, local or tribal governments.
Executive Order 12988
As Director of the Office of
Government Ethics, I have reviewed this
proposed amendatory regulation in light
of section 3 of Executive Order 12988,
Civil Justice Reform, and certify that it
meets the applicable standards provided
List of Subjects in 5 CFR Part 2640
Conflict of interests, Government
Approved: April 21, 2011.
Robert I. Cusick,
Director, Office of Government Ethics.
Accordingly, for the reasons set forth
in the preamble, the Office of
Government Ethics proposes to amend 5
CFR part 2640 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 2640
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. App. (Ethics in
Government Act of 1978); 18 U.S.C. 208; E.O.
12674, 54 FR 15159, 3 CFR, 1989 Comp., p.
215, as modified by E.O. 12731, 55 FR 42547,
3 CFR, 1990 Comp., p. 306.
Subpart A—General Provisions
2. In § 2640.102, paragraph (q) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 2640.102
(q) Sector mutual fund or sector unit
investment trust means a mutual fund or
unit investment trust that concentrates
its investments in an industry, business,
single country other than the United
States, or bonds of a single State within
the United States.
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Subpart B—Exemptions Pursuant to 18
U.S.C. 208(b)(2)
3. In § 2640.201, paragraphs (b)(1) and
(2) are revised to read as follows:
§ 2640.201 Exemptions for interests in
mutual funds, unit investments trusts, and
employee benefit plans.
(b) Sector mutual funds and sector
unit investment trusts. (1) An employee
may participate in any particular matter
affecting one or more holdings of a
sector mutual fund or a sector unit
investment trust where the affected
holding is not invested in the sector in
which the fund or trust concentrates,
and where the disqualifying financial
interest in the matter arises because of
ownership of an interest in the fund or
unit investment trust.
(2)(i) An employee may participate in
a particular matter affecting one or more
holdings of a sector mutual fund or a
sector unit investment trust where the
disqualifying financial interest in the
matter arises because of ownership of an
interest in the fund or the unit
investment trust and the aggregate
market value of interests in any sector
fund or funds and any sector unit
investment trust or trusts does not
exceed $50,000.
(ii) For purposes of calculating the
$50,000 de minimis amount in
paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, an
employee must aggregate the market
value of all sector mutual funds and
sector unit investment trusts in which
he has a disqualifying financial interest
and that concentrate in the same sector
and have one or more holdings that may
be affected by the particular matter.
4. Section 2640.203 is amended by
adding paragraph (m) to read as follows:
§ 2640.203
Miscellaneous exemptions.
(m) Official participation in nonprofit
organizations. An employee may
participate in any particular matter
where the disqualifying financial
interest is that of a nonprofit
organization in which the employee
serves, solely in an official capacity, as
an officer, director or trustee.
Note to paragraph (m): Nothing in this
paragraph shall be deemed independent
authority for an agency to assign an employee
to serve in an official capacity with a
particular nonprofit organization. Agencies
will make such determinations based on an
evaluation of their own statutory authorities
and missions. Individual agency decisions to
permit (or not permit) an employee to serve
in an official capacity necessarily involve a
range of legal, policy, and managerial
considerations, and nothing in this paragraph
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 85 / Tuesday, May 3, 2011 / Proposed Rules
is intended to interfere with an agency’s
discretion to assign official duties and limit
such assignments as the agency deems
[FR Doc. 2011–10629 Filed 5–2–11; 8:45 am]
Food and Nutrition Service
7 CFR Parts 271, 272, and 275
RIN 0584–AD86
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program: Review of Major Changes in
Program Design and Management
Evaluation Systems
Food and Nutrition Service,
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
This Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPRM) proposes to amend
the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) (formerly the Food
Stamp Program) regulations to
implement Section 4116 of the Food,
Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
(the Farm Bill). Section 4116 of the
Farm Bill, Review of Major Changes in
Program Design, requires the United
States Department of Agriculture (the
Department) to identify standards for
major changes in operations of State
agencies’ administration of SNAP. The
provision also requires State agencies to
notify the Department if they implement
a major change in operations and to
collect data that can be used to identify
and correct problems relating to
integrity and access, particularly by
certain vulnerable households.
This NPRM proposes criteria for
changes that would be considered
‘‘major changes’’ in program operations
and identifies the types of data State
agencies must collect in order to
identify problems relating to integrity
and access. It also proposes when and
how State agencies must report on
implementation of a major change.
This NPRM proposes to amend the
Management Evaluation (ME) Review
regulations by modifying the
requirements for Federal and State
reviews of State agency operations. It
also proposes to revise the definitions of
large, medium and small project areas.
Finally, it proposes to remove sections
of the regulations pertaining to coupons
and coupon storage since they are
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
Comments must be received on
or before July 5, 2011.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:20 May 02, 2011
Jkt 223001
The Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) invites interested persons
to submit comments on this proposed
rule. Comments may be submitted by
any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Preferred
method. Go to https://www.regulations.
gov; follow the online instructions for
submitting comments on Docket FNS–
Fax: Submit comments by facsimile
transmission to (703) 305–2486,
attention: Moira Johnston.
Mail: Send comments to Moira
Johnston, Branch Chief, Program Design
Branch, Program Development Division,
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program, Food and Nutrition Service,
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 810,
Alexandria, Virginia 22302, (703) 305–
Hand Delivery or Courier: Deliver
comments to Ms. Johnston at the above
address. All comments on this proposed
rule will be included in the record and
will be made available to the public.
Please be advised that the substance of
the comments and the identity of the
individuals or entities submitting the
comments will be subject to public
disclosure. FNS will make the
comments publicly available on the
Internet via
All submissions will be available for
public inspection at the office of FNS
during regular business hours (8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) at
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 810,
Alexandria, Virginia 22302–1594.
further information concerning this
NPRM you may contact Moira Johnston,
Branch Chief, Program Development
Division, Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program, 3101 Park Center
Drive, Room 800, Alexandria, Virginia
22302, (703) 305–2501, or by e-mail at
Executive Order 12866 and Executive
Order 13563
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits, of
reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
and of promoting flexibility.
This proposed rule has been
designated a ‘‘significant regulatory
PO 00000
Frm 00005
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
action,’’ although not economically
significant, under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly,
the rule has been reviewed by the Office
of Management and Budget.
Regulatory Impact Analysis Summary
Need for Action
This action is needed to implement
section 4116 of the Farm Bill (Pub. L.
110–234). Section 4116, Review of Major
Changes in Program Design, amends
Section 11 of the Food and Nutrition
Act of 2008 (the Act) (7 U.S.C. 2020). It
requires the Department to develop
standards for identifying major changes
in the operations of State agencies that
administer SNAP; State agencies to
notify the Department upon
implementing a major change in
operations; and State agencies to collect
any information required by the
Department to identify and correct any
adverse effects on program integrity or
access, including access by vulnerable
households. The provision identifies
four major changes in operations:
(1) Large or substantially-increased
numbers of low-income households that
do not live in reasonable proximity to a
SNAP office; (2) substantial increases in
reliance on automated systems for the
performance of responsibilities
previously performed by merit pay
personnel; (3) changes that potentially
increase the households’ difficulty in
reporting information to the State; and
(4) changes that may disproportionately
increase the burdens on specific
vulnerable households. In addition, the
provision gives the Department the
discretion to identify other major
changes that a State agency would be
required to report as well as to identify
the types of data the State agencies
would have to collect to identify and
correct adverse effects on integrity and
In addition, the Department proposes
to modify the requirements for Federal
and State reviews of State agency
operations, which will result in the
more efficient use of staff and resources.
This rule proposes several changes to
the ME review regulations: (1) Remove
the requirements that FNS conduct an
annual review of a State agency’s
operation of SNAP and a biennial
review of a State agency’s ME system;
(2) modify the regulations to reflect the
elimination of the use of paper coupons
and the nationwide implementation of
the Electronic Benefit Transfer System
(EBT); (3) redefine the terms, large
project area, medium project area, and
small project area.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 85 (Tuesday, May 3, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24816-24820]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-10629]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 85 / Tuesday, May 3, 2011 / Proposed
[[Page 24816]]
5 CFR Part 2640
RIN 3209-AA09
Government Employees Serving in Official Capacity in Nonprofit
Organizations; Sector Unit Investment Trusts
AGENCY: Office of Government Ethics (OGE).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Office of Government Ethics is issuing a proposed rule
amendment that would permit Government employees to participate in
particular matters affecting the financial interests of nonprofit
organizations in which they serve in an official capacity,
notwithstanding the employees' imputed financial interest. This
document also proposes an amendment that would clarify that the
existing exemptions for interests in the holdings of sector mutual
funds also apply to interests in the holdings of sector unit investment
DATES: Comments are invited and must be received on or before July 5,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, in writing, to OGE on this proposed
rule, identified by RIN 3209-AA09, by any of the following methods:
E-Mail: Include the reference ``Proposed Rule
Exemption and Amendment Under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2)'' in the subject line
of the message.
Fax: 202-482-9237.
Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500,
1201 New York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917, Attention:
Richard M. Thomas, Associate General Counsel.
Instructions: All submissions must include OGE's agency name and
the Regulation Identifier Number (RIN), 3209-AA09, for this rulemaking.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard M. Thomas, Associate General
Counsel, Office of Government Ethics; telephone: 202-482-9300; TTY:
800-877-8339; Fax: 202-482-9237.
I. Background
Section 208(a) of title 18 of the United States Code prohibits
Government employees from participating in an official capacity in
particular Government matters in which, to their knowledge, they or
certain other persons specified in the statute have a financial
interest, if the particular matter would have a direct and predictable
effect on that interest. Section 208(b)(2) of title 18 permits the
Office of Government Ethics to promulgate regulations describing
financial interests that are too remote or inconsequential to warrant
disqualification pursuant to section 208(a).
On August 28, 1995, the Office of Government Ethics published its
first interim rule, with request for comments, promulgating certain
miscellaneous exemptions under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2). 60 FR 44705 (August
28, 1995). On December 18, 1996, the Office of Government Ethics
published a comprehensive final rule, ``Interpretation, Exemptions and
Waiver Guidance Concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (Acts Affecting a Personal
Financial Interest),'' codified at 5 CFR part 2640, which promulgated
several additional exemptions and also adopted as final, with some
modifications, the exemptions promulgated in the earlier interim rule.
61 FR 66829 (December 18, 1996) (final rule); 60 FR 47207 (September
11, 1995) (proposed rule). OGE subsequently has added and amended
exemptions by interim rule, with request for comment, 65 FR 16511
(March 29, 2000) (adopted as final, 65 FR 47830 (August 4, 2000)), by
final rule (after a proposed rule, 65 FR 53942 (September 6, 2000)), 67
FR 12443 (March 19, 2002), and by interim rule, with request for
comment, 70 FR 69041 (November 14, 2005).
The Office of Government Ethics is proposing to amend part 2640 by
adding a new regulatory exemption and clarifying the scope of an
existing exemption, as explained below. This proposed rule is being
published after obtaining the concurrence of the Department of Justice
pursuant to section 201(c) of Executive Order 12674. Also, as provided
in section 402 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, 5
U.S.C. appendix, section 402, OGE has consulted with both the
Department of Justice (as additionally required under 18 U.S.C.
208(d)(2)) and the Office of Personnel Management on this rule.
II. Analysis of the Proposed Changes
The proposed rule would add a new regulatory exemption, section
2640.203(m), which would permit employees to participate in particular
matters affecting the financial interests of nonprofit organizations in
which they participate, in their official Government capacity, as
officers, directors or trustees. The proposed rule also would clarify
that the existing regulatory exception for certain interests in sector
mutual funds, at section 2640.201(b), also covers interests in sector
unit investment trusts.
A. Proposed Section 2640.203(m)--Official Participation in Nonprofit
Proposed section 2640.203(m) addresses a situation that was not
generally thought to be covered by 18 U.S.C. 208 until the mid-1990s.
Until that time, a number of agencies had a practice of assigning
employees to participate on the boards of directors of certain outside
nonprofit organizations, where such service was deemed to further the
statutory mission and/or personnel development interests of the agency.
The nonprofit organizations included such entities as professional
associations, scientific societies, and health information promotion
organizations. At the time, neither the agencies involved nor the
Office of Government Ethics viewed such official participation in
nonprofit organizations as being prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 208.
However, in 1996, the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the
Department of Justice issued an opinion concluding that section 208
generally prohibits an employee from serving, in an official capacity,
as an officer, director or trustee of a private nonprofit organization.
Memorandum of Deputy Assistant Attorney General, OLC, for General
Counsel, Federal Bureau of Investigation, November 19, 1996,
http:[sol][sol] This conclusion was
premised in large part on the fact that officers, directors and
trustees of an outside organization owe certain
[[Page 24817]]
fiduciary duties to the organization under state law, which may
conflict with the primary duty of loyalty that all Federal employees
owe to the United States. As a consequence of this interpretation,
employees are no longer permitted to serve in their official capacity
as officer, director or trustee of an outside nonprofit organization,
absent an individual waiver under 18 U.S.C. 208(b) or some specific
statutory authority permitting such service.\1\
\1\ In rare instances, an employee also may be able to serve
pursuant to a waiver of fiduciary duties by the organization, if
such a waiver is permitted by state law. See Memorandum of Deputy
Assistant Attorney General, OLC, to General Counsel, General
Services Administration, August 7, 1998,
Since the 1996 OLC opinion, some agencies have continued to assign
employees to serve on such outside boards by granting the employees
individual waivers under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(1). Other agencies have
declined to issue individual waivers (or have done so rarely), often
because of discomfort about waiving the application of a criminal
statute. OGE has fielded numerous inquiries and has held many meetings
with agencies and nonprofit organizations, mostly professional and
scientific societies, concerning the application of section 208 to
prevent official participation on outside boards. Several of the
agencies and nonprofit organizations have argued that the application
of section 208 has created unfortunate barriers to professional
development and meaningful exchange between Federal and non-Federal
experts in certain professions and areas of expertise. Moreover, some
of the organizations have pointed out that there is a lack of
uniformity within the Executive Branch, owing to the willingness of
some agencies to grant waivers and the unwillingness of other agencies
to do so, often with respect to participation in the same organization.
Additionally, the Office of Government Ethics has noted the
potential for confusion in some instances when employees are permitted
to serve only in a private, rather than official, capacity. Especially
where the agency has policy interests that overlap with those of the
nonprofit organization, it can be very difficult for the employee to
avoid the mistaken impression that he or she is acting in an official
capacity when participating in the organization. Employees may be
uncertain about the extent to which they are permitted to make
reference to their official position or to use official time or agency
resources. See 5 CFR 2635.702(b); 2635.704; 2635.705. Such confusion no
doubt could be reduced by clearer agency instructions concerning such
matters as excused absence and limited use of agency resources in
support of outside professional and other organizations. See 5 CFR
251.202. Nevertheless, the fact remains that sometimes there is
considerable continuity in subject matter between an employee's
official duties and the employee's activities in an outside nonprofit
organization, and some agencies believe it would be clearer to permit
the latter to occur while the employee is on official duty, without the
impediment of section 208.\2\
\2\ Nothing in the proposed rule limits the ability of an
employee to serve as officer, director or trustee of a nonprofit
organization as a personal outside activity, where the agency has
not assigned the employee to serve in an official capacity.
Moreover, nothing in the proposed rule is intended to affect the
current ability of agencies to assign employees to serve as official
liaisons or to serve in similar nonfiduciary positions that do not
implicate 18 U.S.C. 208. See OGE Informal Advisory Letter 95 x 8.
For all of the above reasons, the Office of Government Ethics in
2006 recommended to the President and Congress that section 208 be
amended ``to specify that the financial interests of an organization
are not imputed to an employee who serves as an officer or director of
such organization in his or her official capacity.'' OGE, Report to the
President and to Congressional Committees on the Conflict of Interest
Laws Relating to Executive Branch Employment 33 (2006) (2006 Report),
plans.aspx.\3\ In the 2006 Report, OGE recognized that it had
``regulatory authority to exempt financial interests arising from
official service on boards of directors,'' but OGE opted at that time
to place the issue before Congress first. No legislative changes to
section 208 were enacted in response to the report, however, and OGE
has continued to receive expressions of concern about this matter, both
from agencies and from nonprofit organizations.
\3\ OGE was required to issue this report, in consultation with
the Department of Justice, by section 8403(d) of the Intelligence
Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Public Law 108-458
(December 17, 2004).
Then, on March 9, 2009 President Obama issued a Memorandum for the
Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the topic of scientific
integrity. 74 FR 10671, 3 CFR, 2009 Comp., p. 354. In this memorandum,
he specifically requested that the Office of Science and Technology
Policy (OSTP) provide recommendations to address, among other things,
the retention of staff in scientific and technical positions within the
Executive branch. In response, the Director of OSTP issued a memorandum
urging all agencies to establish policies that promote and facilitate
the professional development of Government scientists and engineers.
John P. Holdren, Director, OSTP, ``Scientific Integrity,'' Memorandum
for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, at 3, December 17,
2010. The OSTP memorandum specifically calls for policies to ``[a]llow
full participation in professional or scholarly societies, committees,
task forces and other specialized bodies of professional societies,
including removing barriers for serving as officers or on governing
boards of such societies.'' Id. at 4 (emphasis added).
In response to parallel initiatives, in August of 2010, the
Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) wrote to OGE to
express several concerns about the application of section 208 to
employees serving in their official capacity as officers and directors
of scientific and professional organizations. Letter of John Berry,
Director, OPM, to Robert I. Cusick, Director, Office of Government
Ethics, August 16, 2010 (OPM Letter). Among other things, the Director
of OPM wrote:
Policies restricting Federal scientists' and professionals'
involvement in professional organizations negatively impact the
agencies employing such individuals. Restrictions act as a barrier
to employees achieving professional stature in their respective
fields, which may discourage scientists and professionals from
considering Federal employment. Restrictions also serve to isolate
scientists and professionals from the full exchange of knowledge and
ideas necessary to stay current and participate fully as members of
the greater scientific community. As a result, Federal scientists
and professionals are hampered in their ability to provide the best
possible advice and service to their respective agencies. These
restrictions are particularly burdensome for the ``research-grade''
scientists whose retention and promotion evaluations depend in part
on the recognition of stature by one's scientific peers. U. S.
Office of Personnel Management's Research Grade Evaluation Guide,
Factor 4; Contributions, Impact, and Stature, September, 2006;
OPM Letter at 2. The Director of OPM asked OGE to consider exercising
its authority under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2) to exempt the financial
interests of organizations in which employees serve in their official
capacity, on the ground that such interests are ``too remote and
inconsequential to warrant disqualification pursuant to section 208.''
Id. at 3. In response, the Director of OGE wrote that OGE takes ``very
seriously'' OPM's ``concerns about the impact that the current bar has
on the
[[Page 24818]]
professional development of employees.'' Letter of Robert I. Cusick,
Director, OGE, to John Berry, Director, OPM, September 23, 2010.
To address OPM's concerns, as well as the concerns raised by other
agencies and outside organizations since 1996, and consistent with
Administration efforts designed to ensure scientific integrity, OGE has
concluded that it is now appropriate to exercise its authority under 18
U.S.C. 208(b)(2) to exempt the imputed financial interests of nonprofit
organizations in which employees serve as officers, directors or
trustees in their official capacity. OGE has determined that such
financial interests are too remote or inconsequential to affect the
integrity of employees' services, for several reasons. As explained in
OGE's 2006 Report, which was issued after consultation with the
Department of Justice:
OGE believes that the conflict identified by OLC [between the
employee's duty of loyalty to the Government and the employee's
fiduciary duties to the outside organization] may be more
theoretical than real, particularly because employees assigned to
serve on outside boards remain subject to important Federal
controls, such as the authority to review and approve (or deny) the
official activity in the first place, and the authority to order the
individual to limit the activity, or even resign the position, in
the event of a true conflict with Federal interests. In addition, an
agency generally approves such activities only where the
organization's interests are in consonance with the agency's own
interests. In an era when `public/private partnerships' are promoted
as a positive way for Government to achieve its objectives more
efficiently, ethics officials find it difficult to explain and
justify to agency employees why a waiver is required for official
board services that have been determined by the agency to be proper.
2006 Report at 33.
In short, the potential for a real conflict of interest is too
remote or inconsequential to affect the integrity of an employee's
services under these circumstances.
That is not to say, however, that agencies would be precluded from
imposing meaningful controls and limits on employees serving in
nonprofit organizations. As made clear in the Note following proposed
section 2640.203(m), agencies must satisfy themselves that they have
authority to assign employees to serve in such organizations in the
first place; the proposed exemption does not itself constitute such
authority, but simply removes the bar of the conflict of interest law.
Moreover, agency decisions to permit (or not permit) official
participation in any particular outside organization will be informed
by numerous legal, policy, and managerial considerations, such as: the
degree to which the activity will further the agency's statutory
mission; the availability of agency funds and other resources to
support such activities; the degree to which the agency is able and
willing to assign employees to serve in other, similar organizations
without appearing to single out one organization unreasonably; and the
demands of the agency's workload and the particular employee's other
assignments.\4\ Even where an agency does permit an employee to serve
as officer, director or trustee of a nonprofit organization, the agency
has discretion to limit or condition the official duty activity in a
manner consistent with the needs and interests of the agency. This may
include limits on participation in lobbying, fundraising, regulatory,
investigational, or representational activities, as determined by the
agency. For example, where agencies have granted individual waivers in
the past, under section 208(b)(1), some agencies have required
employees to refrain from participating in the fundraising activities
of the outside organization or from participating in agency decisions
to award grants or contracts to the organization; agencies will remain
free to impose similar limits as they deem appropriate in the
future.\5\ See OGE Memorandum DO-07-006, In other words, nothing
in the proposed regulatory exemption is intended to interfere with the
discretion of agencies to assign duties and describe the limits of
official assignments, including assignments that involve outside
nonprofit organizations.
\4\ Even prior to the 1996 OLC opinion, some agencies rarely if
ever permitted employees to serve as officers, directors or trustees
of outside organizations in an official capacity, because of fiscal,
policy or managerial concerns. Notwithstanding the proposed
regulatory exemption, some agencies may continue to decline to
assign employees to serve in an official capacity for similar
\5\ In any event, agency decisions to permit an employee to
engage in official fundraising for a nonprofit organization must
take into account the requirements of 5 CFR 2635.808(b) and 5 CFR
part 950.
Finally, OGE notes that the proposed rule refers generally to
``nonprofit'' organizations. See, e.g. ``Black's Law Dictionary'' 1080
(1999) (``group organized for a purpose other than to generate income
or profit''). The exemption thus is not limited to scientific
organizations, but rather is intended to provide agencies with
discretion to determine which nonprofit entities would further agency
interests and would be appropriate for employee participation,
including professional and other nonprofit groups focused on issues
pertaining to legal practice, law enforcement, various social sciences,
and other disciplines and public policy areas.
B. Proposed Clarifying Amendment to Section 2640.201(b)--Sector Unit
Investment Trusts
Among the regulatory exemptions currently found in subpart B of
part 2640 are several that exempt certain financial interests in mutual
funds and unit investment trusts. The Office of Government Ethics has
promulgated exemptions for interests in the holdings of diversified
mutual funds and diversified unit investment trusts (5 CFR
2640.201(a)), in the non-sector holdings of sector mutual funds (5 CFR
2640.201(b)(1)), and in the sector holdings of sector mutual funds when
the aggregate market value of the employee's interest in the sector
fund or funds does not exceed $50,000 (5 CFR 2640.201(b)(2)). Most
recently, the Office of Government Ethics has promulgated one for
interests in mutual funds and unit investment trusts other than
interests arising from the holdings of such vehicles (5 CFR
2640.201(d)). This exemption is limited to particular matters of
general applicability, as defined in 5 CFR 2640.102(m).
In promulgating these exemptions, the Office of Government Ethics
recognized that pooled investment vehicles such as mutual funds and
unit investment trusts generally pose fewer concerns that the financial
interests will affect the integrity of the services of Government
employees. The Office of Government Ethics has noted that usually
``only a limited portion of the fund's assets [are] placed in the
securities of any single issuer'' and that ``an employee's interest in
any one fund is only a small portion of the fund's total assets.'' 60
FR 47211 (September 11, 1995) (preamble to proposed rule).
The Office of Government Ethics is proposing to amend the language
of the exemptions for the interests in sector mutual funds to include
explicitly the interests of sector unit investment trusts. The current
regulation, 5 CFR 2640.201(b), does not include the language ``sector
unit investment trusts.'' At the time that the sector fund exemptions
were promulgated, the Office of Government Ethics contemplated that the
exemptions would also extend to those investment vehicles organized as
sector unit investment trusts. In practice, the Office of Government
Ethics has permitted executive branch employees to apply the exemptions
for interests in sector
[[Page 24819]]
mutual funds to interests in sector unit investment trusts.
Therefore, OGE is proposing to add specific references to sector
unit investment trusts to 5 CFR 2640.201(b) in order to clarify that
the exemptions for interests in the holdings of sector mutual funds
also apply to the interests in the holdings of sector unit investment
trusts. OGE also is proposing conforming amendments to the definition
in Sec. 2640.102(q), which would define both sector mutual fund and
sector unit investment trust.
III. Matters of Regulatory Procedure
Regulatory Flexibility Act
As Director of the Office of Government Ethics, I certify under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) that this proposed rule
would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of
small entities because it primarily affects Federal executive branch
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35) does not apply
because this proposed regulation would not contain information
collection requirements that require approval of the Office of
Management and Budget.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
For purposes of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C.
chapter 25, subchapter II), this proposed rule would not significantly
or uniquely affect small governments and will not result in increased
expenditures by State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector, of $100 million or more (as adjusted for
inflation) in any one year.
Congressional Review Act
The Office of Government Ethics has determined that this proposed
involves rulemaking involves a nonmajor rule under the Congressional
Review Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 8) and will, before the future final rule
takes effect, submit a report thereon to the U.S. Senate, House of
Representatives and General Accounting Office in accordance with that.
Executive Order 12866
In proposing this rule amendment, the Office of Government Ethics
has adhered to the regulatory philosophy and the applicable principles
of regulation set forth in section 1 of Executive Order 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review. This proposed rule has also been
reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under that Executive
order. Moreover, in accordance with section 6(a)(3)(B) of E.O. 12866,
the preamble to this proposed amendment notes the legal basis and
benefits of, as well as the need for, the regulatory action. There
should be no appreciable increase in costs to OGE or the executive
branch of the Federal Government in administering this proposed
regulation, since it only adds to OGE's financial interests regulation
a new regulatory exemption and a clarification of an existing
exemption. Finally, this rulemaking is not economically significant
under the Executive order and would not interfere with State, local or
tribal governments.
Executive Order 12988
As Director of the Office of Government Ethics, I have reviewed
this proposed amendatory regulation in light of section 3 of Executive
Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, and certify that it meets the
applicable standards provided therein.
List of Subjects in 5 CFR Part 2640
Conflict of interests, Government employees.
Approved: April 21, 2011.
Robert I. Cusick,
Director, Office of Government Ethics.
Accordingly, for the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Office
of Government Ethics proposes to amend 5 CFR part 2640 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 2640 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. App. (Ethics in Government Act of 1978); 18
U.S.C. 208; E.O. 12674, 54 FR 15159, 3 CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 215, as
modified by E.O. 12731, 55 FR 42547, 3 CFR, 1990 Comp., p. 306.
Subpart A--General Provisions
2. In Sec. 2640.102, paragraph (q) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2640.102 Definitions.
* * * * *
(q) Sector mutual fund or sector unit investment trust means a
mutual fund or unit investment trust that concentrates its investments
in an industry, business, single country other than the United States,
or bonds of a single State within the United States.
* * * * *
Subpart B--Exemptions Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2)
3. In Sec. 2640.201, paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) are revised to read
as follows:
Sec. 2640.201 Exemptions for interests in mutual funds, unit
investments trusts, and employee benefit plans.
* * * * *
(b) Sector mutual funds and sector unit investment trusts. (1) An
employee may participate in any particular matter affecting one or more
holdings of a sector mutual fund or a sector unit investment trust
where the affected holding is not invested in the sector in which the
fund or trust concentrates, and where the disqualifying financial
interest in the matter arises because of ownership of an interest in
the fund or unit investment trust.
(2)(i) An employee may participate in a particular matter affecting
one or more holdings of a sector mutual fund or a sector unit
investment trust where the disqualifying financial interest in the
matter arises because of ownership of an interest in the fund or the
unit investment trust and the aggregate market value of interests in
any sector fund or funds and any sector unit investment trust or trusts
does not exceed $50,000.
(ii) For purposes of calculating the $50,000 de minimis amount in
paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, an employee must aggregate the
market value of all sector mutual funds and sector unit investment
trusts in which he has a disqualifying financial interest and that
concentrate in the same sector and have one or more holdings that may
be affected by the particular matter.
* * * * *
4. Section 2640.203 is amended by adding paragraph (m) to read as
Sec. 2640.203 Miscellaneous exemptions.
* * * * *
(m) Official participation in nonprofit organizations. An employee
may participate in any particular matter where the disqualifying
financial interest is that of a nonprofit organization in which the
employee serves, solely in an official capacity, as an officer,
director or trustee.
Note to paragraph (m): Nothing in this paragraph shall be
deemed independent authority for an agency to assign an employee to
serve in an official capacity with a particular nonprofit
organization. Agencies will make such determinations based on an
evaluation of their own statutory authorities and missions.
Individual agency decisions to permit (or not permit) an employee to
serve in an official capacity necessarily involve a range of legal,
policy, and managerial considerations, and nothing in this paragraph
[[Page 24820]]
is intended to interfere with an agency's discretion to assign
official duties and limit such assignments as the agency deems
[FR Doc. 2011-10629 Filed 5-2-11; 8:45 am]