Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Pelagic Fisheries; Purse Seine Prohibited Areas Around American Samoa, 23964-23968 [2011-10451]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Proposed Rules
management purposes under the HMS
NMFS has determined that the
proposed rule is consistent with the
HMS FMP and preliminarily
determined that this proposed rule is
consistent with the MSA and other
applicable laws.
An Initial Regulatory Impact Review
was conducted to analyze the potential
economic impacts and costs of each
proposed alternative under
consideration, including the preferred
alternative addressed in this proposed
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act,
the Chief Counsel for Regulation of the
Department of Commerce certified to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration that this
proposed rule, if adopted, would not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
The proposed action is not expected to
have any direct or indirect
socioeconomic impacts, because harvest
limits and management measures
influencing ex-vessel revenue and
personal income are not established
under the range of alternatives
considered. Instead, the proposed action
amends the HMS FMP to modify the
suite of MUS and to revise the
framework and process used by the
Council and NMFS to prevent
overfishing on MUS. As a result, an
initial regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required and none has been
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 660
Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: April 25, 2011.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator For
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 660 is proposed
to be amended as follows:
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
1. The authority citation for part 660
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. In § 660.702, revise the definition of
‘‘Highly Migratory Species (HMS)’’ to
read as follows:
§ 660.702
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Highly Migratory Species (HMS)
means species managed by the FMP,
striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax)
swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
common thresher shark (Alopias
shortfin mako or bonito shark (Isurus
blue shark (Prionace glauca)
north Pacific albacore (Thunnus
yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus
dorado or dolphinfish (Coryphaena
3. In § 660.709, revise paragraph (a) to
read as follows:
§ 660.709
Annual specifications.
(a) Procedure. (1) In June of each year,
the HMSMT will deliver a preliminary
SAFE report to the Council for all HMS
with any necessary recommendations
for harvest guidelines, quotas or other
management measures to protect HMS,
including updated MSY and OY
estimates based on the best available
science. The Council’s HMS Science
and Statistical Committee will review
the estimates and makes a
recommendation on their suitability for
management. The Council will review
these recommendations and decide
whether to adopt updated numerical
estimates of MSY and OY, which are
then submitted as recommendations for
NMFS to review as part of the
management measures review process.
(2) In September of each year, the
HMSMT will deliver a final SAFE report
to the Council. The Council will adopt
any necessary harvest guidelines, quotas
or other management measures
including updated MSY and OY
estimates if any for public review.
(3) In November each year, the
Council will take final action on any
necessary harvest guidelines, quotas, or
other management measures including
updated MSY and OY estimates if any
and make its recommendations to
(4) Based on recommendations of the
Council, the Regional Administrator
will approve or disapprove any harvest
guideline, quota, or other management
measure including updated MSY and
OY estimates after reviewing such
recommendations to determine
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compliance with the FMP, the
Magnuson Act, and other applicable
law. The Regional Administrator will
implement through rulemaking any
approved harvest guideline, quota, or
other management measure adopted
under this section.
[FR Doc. 2011–10443 Filed 4–28–11; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 665
[Docket No. 0808061074–81147–01]
RIN 0648–AW66
Fisheries in the Western Pacific;
Pelagic Fisheries; Purse Seine
Prohibited Areas Around American
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
This proposed rule would
establish 75-nautical mile (nm) purse
seine fishing prohibited areas in the
U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
around American Samoa. The proposed
rule is intended to reduce catch
competition between purse seine vessels
and local trolling and longline fleets due
to localized stock depletion by purse
seine fishing, and minimize gear
conflicts between the local longline fleet
and domestic purse seine vessels.
Currently, there are two 50 nm areas
around American Samoa where large
fishing vessels (50 ft and longer) are
prohibited from fishing. The proposed
rule would increase the distance from
shore of these prohibited areas for U.S.
purse seine vessels only.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
must be received by June 13, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may send a comment
on this proposed rule, identified by
0648–AW66, to either of the following
• Electronic Submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal https://; or
• Mail: Michael D. Tosatto, Regional
Administrator, NMFS, Pacific Islands
Region (PIR), 1601 Kapiolani Blvd.,
Suite 1110, Honolulu, HI 96814–4700.
Instructions: You must send
comments to one of the two addresses
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Proposed Rules
above to ensure that the comments are
received, documented, and considered
by NMFS. Comments sent to any other
address or individual, or received after
the end of the comment period, may not
be considered. All comments received
are a part of the public record and will
generally be posted to https:// without change.
All personal identifying information
(e.g., name, address, etc.) submitted
voluntarily by the commenter may be
publicly accessible. Do not submit
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive or protected
information. NMFS will accept
anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in
the required name and organization
fields if you wish to remain
anonymous). Attachments to electronic
comments will be accepted in Microsoft
Word or Excel, WordPerfect, or Adobe
PDF file formats only.
In March 2011, the Western Pacific
Fishery Management Council (Council)
prepared Amendment 3 to the Fishery
Ecosystem Plan for Pelagic Fisheries of
the Western Pacific Region (Pelagics
FEP), which describes the issues this
rule is intended to address. Amendment
3 also includes an environmental
assessment (EA) of the action proposed
in this rulemaking. Copies of
Amendment 3 and the EA are available
from or the
Council, 1164 Bishop St., Suite 1400,
Honolulu, HI 96813, tel 808–522–8220,
fax 808–522–8226, https://
Adam Bailey, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, NMFS PIR, 808–944–2248.
fisheries in the U.S. western Pacific are
managed under the Pelagics FEP. The
Council prepared Amendment 3 to the
Pelagics FEP to address their concerns
over potential localized stock depletion,
and catch competition between purse
seine vessels and the local longline and
trolling fleets in the American Samoa
Archipelago. This proposed rule would
implement the Council’s
Because 2007 is the most recent year
for which we have the most
comprehensive information about purse
seine activity in the EEZ around
American Samoa, 2007 is used as the
baseline year for analyzing the potential
effects of this proposed rule. Although
some more recent purse seine fishery
information exists and more recent troll
and longline fishery information beyond
2008 is available, the more recent
information does not indicate that the
areas fished, fishing effort, or landings
differed substantially from those
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analyzed. Thus, inclusion of more
recent information would not change
the Council’s analyses or management
objectives. More recent troll and
longline fishery information is included
here for completeness.
Local pelagic trolling vessels target
skipjack and yellowfin tunas in EEZ
waters around American Samoa. These
vessels are usually small (about 30 ft
(9 m) long), fiberglass or aluminum,
outboard-powered, twin-hulled ‘‘alia.’’
Alias are not designed for traveling long
distances from shore or holding large
quantities of fish and are, therefore,
limited to day trips in nearshore areas
(less than 50 nm (93 km) from shore).
From 1982 to 2008, an average of 25.5
metric tons (mt) (56,218 lb) of skipjack
tuna and 11 mt (24,251 lb) of yellowfin
tuna were caught annually by
commercial trolling alia vessels in
waters around American Samoa. These
vessels may use other fishing methods,
such as bottomfish fishing, during any
given fishing trip.
Local pelagic longline vessels target
albacore in the waters around American
Samoa. Longline vessels include alias
and larger monohull vessels, and range
in length from 25 ft (8 m) to over 90 ft
(27 m). The smaller longline alias
usually fish within 50 nm of shore, and
large longline vessels (50 ft (15.2 m) and
longer) travel throughout the EEZ
around American Samoa and beyond to
fish. Longline gear is deployed in the
morning, left to fish, and brought back
on board starting in the late afternoon
extending into the following morning.
The main line averages 40 nm (74 km)
in length, is deployed horizontally with
floats at the surface, and drifts with the
current. Individual vessels usually set
one line per day. In 2008, large longline
vessels made over 4,500 sets, and
landed over 3,500 mt (7,716,181 lb) of
albacore, and over 150 mt (330,693 lb)
of non-target skipjack tuna.
In 2002, large vessel prohibited areas
were established to prohibit large
vessels from fishing in the EEZ within
approximately 50 nm (93 km) around
the islands of American Samoa (67 FR
4369, January 30, 2002). That measure
was implemented to prevent gear
interactions between small and large
pelagic fishing vessels, and to reduce
the chances of fish density and catch
rate reductions within fishing grounds
accessible to the small-scale troll and
longline fleets. Reductions in fish
density and catch rate could cause small
vessels to travel farther to maintain
catch rates, resulting in lost revenue due
to increased expenses and possible
safety-at-sea issues if vessels fish farther
from port and for longer durations.
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Like the local troll vessels, purse
seine vessels also target skipjack tuna.
Purse seine vessels are much larger,
more sophisticated and more efficient.
Tunas, along with other animals, such
as pelagic fishes and sea turtles, tend to
congregate to naturally-occurring
floating objects in the ocean, such as
mats of flotsam, logs, or garbage, which
fishermen refer to as ‘‘fish aggregating
devices’’ (FADs). Roughly half of
historical domestic purse seine sets in
the WCPO are made on FADs. FADs can
be natural, with or without artificial
augmentation such as floats, markers, or
electronics, or man-made. One purse
seine vessel can deploy many FADs to
drift around the ocean, until sufficient
quantities of fish are accumulated to
them. Purse seines are then deployed
near or around the FADs. Purse seine
vessels currently operating in the
western and central Pacific Ocean
(WCPO) range in length from 191 to 293
ft (58 to 98 m), with an average length
of 225 ft (68 m) and an average gross
registered tonnage of 1,341 mt. Fish
carrying capacities range from
approximately 800 to 1,500 mt (1.8 to
3.3 million lb) per vessel. Recent U.S.
purse seine catches of skipjack tuna in
the WCPO increased from 60,600 mt
(133 million lb) in 2007 to 242,000 mt
(533 million lb) in 2009.
Purse seine fishing effort in American
Samoa was sporadic from 1997 to 2007,
with skipjack tuna catches ranging from
zero to 152.2 mt (335,522 lb) and
averaging 40.9 mt (90,125 lb) annually
over this period. Catches of yellowfin
tuna were smaller, ranging from zero to
20.8 mt (45,856 lb), and averaging 7.4
mt (16,314 lb) annually from 1997 to
2007. Conditions for purse seine fishing
in EEZ waters around American Samoa
are less favorable than other areas, and
the average skipjack tuna catch per set
is approximately 2.4 mt (5,308 lb). Most
domestic purse seine fishing is
conducted outside the EEZ around
American Samoa, to the north and
Nevertheless, the Western and Central
Pacific Fishery Commission has closed
the two major high seas pockets in the
western and central Pacific Ocean to all
purse seine fishing, and the Pacific
Island Parties to the Nauru Agreement
are reportedly imposing increasingly
stringent measures on distant water
fishing nations as a condition of
licensing, including bans on high seas
fishing in certain areas. Accordingly, the
Council is concerned about possible
impacts, such as localized fish stock
depletion, on other pelagic fisheries if
U.S. purse seine vessels were to increase
their activity in the EEZ around
American Samoa near areas
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Proposed Rules
eventually reduce the number of mature
fish in the population, thereby
decreasing the number of fish
reproduced. This reduction could also
decrease the future availability of adult
fish for fisheries that target adult bigeye
This proposed rule would create new
prohibited areas only for purse seine
vessels (see Fig. 1). Due to purse seine
vessels’ large skipjack tuna harvests,
coupled with their inability to target
only mature skipjack and potential
impact on juvenile bigeye tuna, the
Council is concerned that purse seine
fishing in the EEZ around American
Samoa has the potential to negatively
impact the viability of American Samoabased small-scale troll fishery. The
proposed purse seine fishing prohibited
areas are intended to reduce catch
competition between purse seine vessels
and the small-scale pelagic fleets, and
Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens
Act) by ensuring the sustained
participation of American Samoa’s
small troll and pelagic longline fishing
fleets in the pelagic fisheries, along with
This proposed rule is intended to
further the intent of the Magnuson-
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provide some geographical separation
between large longline and purse seine
fishing sectors.
Large-scale longline and purse seine
gear may drift and interfere with fishing
operations; therefore, this proposed rule
would create additional 25 nm (46 km)
areas of exclusion for purse seine
fishing to minimize gear conflicts. This
proposed rule would prohibit all purse
seine fishing within 75 nm (139 km) of
American Samoa. All other measures
currently applicable to the purse seine
fishery would remain unchanged,
including, but not limited to, the
existing 50-nm large vessel prohibited
areas, vessel and gear marking
requirements, reporting requirements,
vessel monitoring system (VMS), and
the use of safe sea turtle handling
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
traditionally fished by pelagic troll and
longline vessels. Localized fish
depletion occurs when a stock in a
small area is reduced by the removal of
large amounts of fish, thereby
temporarily depleting the availability of
the stock to fishing activity or other
predators in that area. Research suggests
that localized depletion may occur
when purse seine fishing activity
competes with small-scale fishing
operations, triggering catch competition
for a single resource in a limited area.
While targeting skipjack tuna,
particularly around fish aggregating
devices, purse seine vessels also catch
juvenile yellowfin and bigeye tuna.
Bigeye tuna are currently subject to
overfishing, and the harvest of juvenile
bigeye by purse seines contributes to
recruitment overfishing. The impacts
from an increase in juvenile catch of
bigeye tuna in the action area could
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Proposed Rules
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
the continued operations of the
domestic purse seine fleet in the EEZ
around American Samoa.
NMFS notes that U.S. purse seine
catches from the EEZ around American
Samoa have been relatively small
compared to the high seas and other
areas. Accordingly, NMFS specifically
invites public comments addressing
whether the action is ‘‘necessary and
appropriate’’ according to MagnusonStevens Act section 303(a)(1) to
accomplish its identified conservation
and management objectives, and the
state of the science supporting the
Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, the NMFS
Assistant Administrator has determined
that this proposed rule is consistent
with the Pelagic FEP, other provisions
of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other
applicable laws, subject to further
consideration after public comment.
The Chief Council for Regulation of
the Department of Commerce certified
to the Chief Council for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration that this
proposed rule, if adopted, would not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities,
as follows:
‘‘A description of the reasons why
action by the agency is being considered
and a statement of the objectives of, and
legal basis for this rulemaking are found
in the preamble to the proposed rule.
There are no additional recordkeeping,
reporting, or compliance requirements.
There are no rules which may duplicate,
overlap, or conflict with the proposed
This rule would affect U.S. purse
seine vessels licensed under the South
Pacific Tuna Treaty. As of 2007, the last
year when a complete data set was
available, the fleet of U.S. purse seine
vessels licensed under the South Pacific
Tuna Treaty consisted of 21 vessels at
the end of the 2007 calendar year, with
only five of these vessels landing fish
caught in the U.S. EEZ around
American Samoa. By comparison, 37
U.S. purse seine vessels were licensed
in the Pacific in 2008, 39 in 2009, and
37 in 2010. However, we have no
information about the number of purse
seiners that were active in the EEZ
around American Samoa.
NMFS internal data reflect that most
or all of the businesses that operated the
21 vessels were large entities. The
average 1998 gross revenue per purse
seine vessel was $4.7 million,
equivalent to $6.1 million in 2009
dollars. Therefore, most or all of the 38
purse seine licenses in 2009–10 were
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held by large entities. NMFS recognizes
that newly-permitted vessels may
experience lower revenues during the
start-up period, and may constitute
small entities under the RFA, but it is
expected that the purse seine provisions
of the rule will only affect large entities.
However, it is possible that only one or
a few of these fish harvesting businesses
met the criteria of small entities; that is,
they are independently owned and
operated and not dominant in their
fields of operation, and have annual
receipts of no more than $4.0 million.
Since it is not possible to determine
with any certainty how many small
purse seine entities, if any, landed fish
in American Samoa in 2007, no attempt
is made here to determine whether a
substantial number of small entities
would be impacted by the proposed
rule. Instead, this certification is based
on a finding that the proposed rule
would not have significant economic
impacts on affected entities.
The proposed action is expected to
benefit the local troll fleet by reducing
the likelihood of catch competition and
gear conflict. Because the proposed
action is not expected to alter the
current fishing practices of the troll
fleet, it will not have a significant
economic impact on the regulated
The proposed action would extend
the prohibited fishing areas for U.S.
purse seine vessels from 50 to 75
nautical miles (nm) from shore. In 2006,
(no purse seine vessels caught fish in
2007), five U.S. purse seine vessels
landed a total of 2.7 metric tons (mt) of
skipjack tuna and 6.3 mt of yellowfin
tuna harvested from inside the U.S. EEZ
around American Samoa, yielding an
average of 0.54 mt of skipjack tuna and
1.26 mt of yellowfin tuna per vessel.
Furthermore, a total of 43,335 mt of
skipjack tuna and 8,821 mt of yellowfin
tuna (with some bigeye tuna mixed in)
were landed in Pago Pago in 2007 by 11
U.S. vessels averaging 3,940 mt ($4.73
million) per vessel of skipjack tuna and
802 mt ($962,000) per vessel of
yellowfin tuna. Thus, gross receipts for
skipjack and yellowfin tunas from the
entire EEZ, of which the proposed 25nm extended area is a subset,
represented only 0.01 percent of total
skipjack tuna landings, and a potential
average loss of $473 per vessel (based on
a price of $1,200 per mt) if this
proposed rule were to prevent those
landings. For yellowfin tuna, gross
receipts represented only 0.16 percent
of total landings and this rule, if
implemented, could reduce gross
receipts by $1,540 per vessel, or by a
miniscule amount, necessarily making
gross receipts from the extended area
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also miniscule if this proposed rule
were to prevent those landings.
Therefore, gross receipts and potential
losses as a result of this rule from the
extended area are negligible (less than
or equal to $473 for skipjack and $1,540
for yellowfin). Although NMFS used the
best and most recent data available on
EEZ catch for 2006, NMFS also looked
at an 11-year window from 1997–2007
and chose the two years, 1999 and 2001,
with the highest EEZ catch by species,
as representative of catch levels for
purposes of this analysis. In 2001,
152.19 mt ($182,628) of skipjack tuna
(15 vessels) and for 1999, 20.8 mt
($24,960) of yellowfin tuna (10 vessels)
were harvested from the EEZ. For
skipjack tuna, these average annual
landings would equate to 10.1 mt per
vessel, and 2.1 mt per vessel for
yellowfin tuna.
Purse seine vessels are not likely to be
negatively affected because
approximately 19 percent of fishing
effort (assuming an even effort
distribution) would be displaced
outside the proposed purse seine
prohibited area to remaining open areas
of the EEZ around American Samoa.
Based on historical fishing effort, this
means that under the proposed rule, 3.2
fishing days per year of effort that
ordinarily would occur inside the
proposed purse seine prohibited area
could be displaced, and those purse
seine vessels may incur more costs in
terms of fuel and travel time. However,
any impacts would be expected to be
minimal due to historically low
amounts of participation in the EEZ
around American Samoa.
Additionally, there are no
disproportionate economic impacts
between large and small entities.
Fishing activities for small trollers will
not be altered under the proposed rule
and these small entities may benefit
from reduced catch competition and
localized depletion. Therefore, for the
reasons stated above, there will be no
disproportionate effect on the profits,
revenues, or costs on small entities
relative to large entities.’’
As a result, an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis is not required and
none has been prepared.
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 665
Administrative practice and
procedure, American Samoa, Fishing,
Purse seine.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Dated: April 26, 2011.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Operations, National Marine Fisheries
violation of § 665.817, except as allowed
pursuant to an exemption issued under
§ 665.17.
4. In § 665.817, add a new paragraph
(d) to read as follows:
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR chapter VI is
proposed to be amended as follows:
§ 665.817 American Samoa pelagic fishery
area management.
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR
part 665 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. In § 665.800, add a definition of
‘‘Purse seine’’ in alphabetical order to
read as follows:
§ 665.800
Purse seine means a floated and
weighted encircling net that is closed by
means of a drawstring threaded through
rings attached to the bottom of the net.
3. In § 665.802, add a new paragraph
(n) to read as follows:
§ 665.802
(d) Purse seine prohibited areas. Purse
seine fishing is prohibited in the
American Samoa purse seine prohibited
areas as defined in paragraphs (d)(1) and
(d)(2) of this section.
(1) Swains Island (AS–3). The purse
seine fishing prohibited area around
Swains Island consists of the waters of
the EEZ around American Samoa
enclosed by straight lines connecting
the following coordinates:
S. latitude
AS–3–A .........
AS–3–B .........
S. latitude
W. longitude
and from Point AS–3–A northward and
southward along longitude 172°18′ W. until
intersecting the U.S. EEZ boundary with
Tokelau and Samoa, respectfully, and from
Point AS–3–B northward along longitude
169°56′ W. until intersecting the U.S. EEZ
boundary with Tokelau, and westward
along latitude 12°12′ S. until intersecting
the U.S. EEZ boundary with Samoa.
(2) Tutuila Island, Manua Islands,
and Rose Atoll (AS–4). The purse seine
fishing prohibited area around Tutuila
Island, the Manua Islands, and Rose
Atoll consists of the waters of the EEZ
around American Samoa enclosed by
straight lines connecting the following
AS–4–A .........
AS–4–B .........
S. latitude
15° 36′
W. longitude
167° 01′
W. longitude
and from Point AS–4–A westward along latitude 13° 05’ S. until intersecting the U.S.
EEZ boundary with Samoa, and from Point
AS–4–B westward along the latitude 15°
36’ S. until intersecting the U.S. EEZ
boundary with Samoa.
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with PROPOSALS
(n) Use a purse seine to fish within a
purse seine fishing prohibited area in
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[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 83 (Friday, April 29, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 23964-23968]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-10451]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 665
[Docket No. 0808061074-81147-01]
RIN 0648-AW66
Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Pelagic Fisheries; Purse Seine
Prohibited Areas Around American Samoa
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would establish 75-nautical mile (nm) purse
seine fishing prohibited areas in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) around American Samoa. The proposed rule is intended to reduce
catch competition between purse seine vessels and local trolling and
longline fleets due to localized stock depletion by purse seine
fishing, and minimize gear conflicts between the local longline fleet
and domestic purse seine vessels. Currently, there are two 50 nm areas
around American Samoa where large fishing vessels (50 ft and longer)
are prohibited from fishing. The proposed rule would increase the
distance from shore of these prohibited areas for U.S. purse seine
vessels only.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule must be received by June 13, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may send a comment on this proposed rule, identified by
0648-AW66, to either of the following addresses:
Electronic Submission: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal; or
Mail: Michael D. Tosatto, Regional Administrator, NMFS,
Pacific Islands Region (PIR), 1601 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1110,
Honolulu, HI 96814-4700.
Instructions: You must send comments to one of the two addresses
[[Page 23965]]
above to ensure that the comments are received, documented, and
considered by NMFS. Comments sent to any other address or individual,
or received after the end of the comment period, may not be considered.
All comments received are a part of the public record and will
generally be posted to without change. All
personal identifying information (e.g., name, address, etc.) submitted
voluntarily by the commenter may be publicly accessible. Do not submit
confidential business information, or otherwise sensitive or protected
information. NMFS will accept anonymous comments (enter ``N/A'' in the
required name and organization fields if you wish to remain anonymous).
Attachments to electronic comments will be accepted in Microsoft Word
or Excel, WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
In March 2011, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
(Council) prepared Amendment 3 to the Fishery Ecosystem Plan for
Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region (Pelagics FEP), which
describes the issues this rule is intended to address. Amendment 3 also
includes an environmental assessment (EA) of the action proposed in
this rulemaking. Copies of Amendment 3 and the EA are available from or the Council, 1164 Bishop St., Suite 1400,
Honolulu, HI 96813, tel 808-522-8220, fax 808-522-8226,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Adam Bailey, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, NMFS PIR, 808-944-2248.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pelagic fisheries in the U.S. western
Pacific are managed under the Pelagics FEP. The Council prepared
Amendment 3 to the Pelagics FEP to address their concerns over
potential localized stock depletion, and catch competition between
purse seine vessels and the local longline and trolling fleets in the
American Samoa Archipelago. This proposed rule would implement the
Council's recommendations.
Because 2007 is the most recent year for which we have the most
comprehensive information about purse seine activity in the EEZ around
American Samoa, 2007 is used as the baseline year for analyzing the
potential effects of this proposed rule. Although some more recent
purse seine fishery information exists and more recent troll and
longline fishery information beyond 2008 is available, the more recent
information does not indicate that the areas fished, fishing effort, or
landings differed substantially from those analyzed. Thus, inclusion of
more recent information would not change the Council's analyses or
management objectives. More recent troll and longline fishery
information is included here for completeness.
Local pelagic trolling vessels target skipjack and yellowfin tunas
in EEZ waters around American Samoa. These vessels are usually small
(about 30 ft (9 m) long), fiberglass or aluminum, outboard-powered,
twin-hulled ``alia.'' Alias are not designed for traveling long
distances from shore or holding large quantities of fish and are,
therefore, limited to day trips in nearshore areas (less than 50 nm (93
km) from shore). From 1982 to 2008, an average of 25.5 metric tons (mt)
(56,218 lb) of skipjack tuna and 11 mt (24,251 lb) of yellowfin tuna
were caught annually by commercial trolling alia vessels in waters
around American Samoa. These vessels may use other fishing methods,
such as bottomfish fishing, during any given fishing trip.
Local pelagic longline vessels target albacore in the waters around
American Samoa. Longline vessels include alias and larger monohull
vessels, and range in length from 25 ft (8 m) to over 90 ft (27 m). The
smaller longline alias usually fish within 50 nm of shore, and large
longline vessels (50 ft (15.2 m) and longer) travel throughout the EEZ
around American Samoa and beyond to fish. Longline gear is deployed in
the morning, left to fish, and brought back on board starting in the
late afternoon extending into the following morning. The main line
averages 40 nm (74 km) in length, is deployed horizontally with floats
at the surface, and drifts with the current. Individual vessels usually
set one line per day. In 2008, large longline vessels made over 4,500
sets, and landed over 3,500 mt (7,716,181 lb) of albacore, and over 150
mt (330,693 lb) of non-target skipjack tuna.
In 2002, large vessel prohibited areas were established to prohibit
large vessels from fishing in the EEZ within approximately 50 nm (93
km) around the islands of American Samoa (67 FR 4369, January 30,
2002). That measure was implemented to prevent gear interactions
between small and large pelagic fishing vessels, and to reduce the
chances of fish density and catch rate reductions within fishing
grounds accessible to the small-scale troll and longline fleets.
Reductions in fish density and catch rate could cause small vessels to
travel farther to maintain catch rates, resulting in lost revenue due
to increased expenses and possible safety-at-sea issues if vessels fish
farther from port and for longer durations.
Like the local troll vessels, purse seine vessels also target
skipjack tuna. Purse seine vessels are much larger, more sophisticated
and more efficient. Tunas, along with other animals, such as pelagic
fishes and sea turtles, tend to congregate to naturally-occurring
floating objects in the ocean, such as mats of flotsam, logs, or
garbage, which fishermen refer to as ``fish aggregating devices''
(FADs). Roughly half of historical domestic purse seine sets in the
WCPO are made on FADs. FADs can be natural, with or without artificial
augmentation such as floats, markers, or electronics, or man-made. One
purse seine vessel can deploy many FADs to drift around the ocean,
until sufficient quantities of fish are accumulated to them. Purse
seines are then deployed near or around the FADs. Purse seine vessels
currently operating in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO)
range in length from 191 to 293 ft (58 to 98 m), with an average length
of 225 ft (68 m) and an average gross registered tonnage of 1,341 mt.
Fish carrying capacities range from approximately 800 to 1,500 mt (1.8
to 3.3 million lb) per vessel. Recent U.S. purse seine catches of
skipjack tuna in the WCPO increased from 60,600 mt (133 million lb) in
2007 to 242,000 mt (533 million lb) in 2009.
Purse seine fishing effort in American Samoa was sporadic from 1997
to 2007, with skipjack tuna catches ranging from zero to 152.2 mt
(335,522 lb) and averaging 40.9 mt (90,125 lb) annually over this
period. Catches of yellowfin tuna were smaller, ranging from zero to
20.8 mt (45,856 lb), and averaging 7.4 mt (16,314 lb) annually from
1997 to 2007. Conditions for purse seine fishing in EEZ waters around
American Samoa are less favorable than other areas, and the average
skipjack tuna catch per set is approximately 2.4 mt (5,308 lb). Most
domestic purse seine fishing is conducted outside the EEZ around
American Samoa, to the north and northwest.
Nevertheless, the Western and Central Pacific Fishery Commission
has closed the two major high seas pockets in the western and central
Pacific Ocean to all purse seine fishing, and the Pacific Island
Parties to the Nauru Agreement are reportedly imposing increasingly
stringent measures on distant water fishing nations as a condition of
licensing, including bans on high seas fishing in certain areas.
Accordingly, the Council is concerned about possible impacts, such as
localized fish stock depletion, on other pelagic fisheries if U.S.
purse seine vessels were to increase their activity in the EEZ around
American Samoa near areas
[[Page 23966]]
traditionally fished by pelagic troll and longline vessels. Localized
fish depletion occurs when a stock in a small area is reduced by the
removal of large amounts of fish, thereby temporarily depleting the
availability of the stock to fishing activity or other predators in
that area. Research suggests that localized depletion may occur when
purse seine fishing activity competes with small-scale fishing
operations, triggering catch competition for a single resource in a
limited area.
While targeting skipjack tuna, particularly around fish aggregating
devices, purse seine vessels also catch juvenile yellowfin and bigeye
tuna. Bigeye tuna are currently subject to overfishing, and the harvest
of juvenile bigeye by purse seines contributes to recruitment
overfishing. The impacts from an increase in juvenile catch of bigeye
tuna in the action area could eventually reduce the number of mature
fish in the population, thereby decreasing the number of fish
reproduced. This reduction could also decrease the future availability
of adult fish for fisheries that target adult bigeye tuna.
This proposed rule would create new prohibited areas only for purse
seine vessels (see Fig. 1). Due to purse seine vessels' large skipjack
tuna harvests, coupled with their inability to target only mature
skipjack and potential impact on juvenile bigeye tuna, the Council is
concerned that purse seine fishing in the EEZ around American Samoa has
the potential to negatively impact the viability of American Samoa-
based small-scale troll fishery. The proposed purse seine fishing
prohibited areas are intended to reduce catch competition between purse
seine vessels and the small-scale pelagic fleets, and provide some
geographical separation between large longline and purse seine fishing
Large-scale longline and purse seine gear may drift and interfere
with fishing operations; therefore, this proposed rule would create
additional 25 nm (46 km) areas of exclusion for purse seine fishing to
minimize gear conflicts. This proposed rule would prohibit all purse
seine fishing within 75 nm (139 km) of American Samoa. All other
measures currently applicable to the purse seine fishery would remain
unchanged, including, but not limited to, the existing 50-nm large
vessel prohibited areas, vessel and gear marking requirements,
reporting requirements, vessel monitoring system (VMS), and the use of
safe sea turtle handling techniques.
This proposed rule is intended to further the intent of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
Stevens Act) by ensuring the sustained participation of American
Samoa's small troll and pelagic longline fishing fleets in the pelagic
fisheries, along with
[[Page 23967]]
the continued operations of the domestic purse seine fleet in the EEZ
around American Samoa.
NMFS notes that U.S. purse seine catches from the EEZ around
American Samoa have been relatively small compared to the high seas and
other areas. Accordingly, NMFS specifically invites public comments
addressing whether the action is ``necessary and appropriate''
according to Magnuson-Stevens Act section 303(a)(1) to accomplish its
identified conservation and management objectives, and the state of the
science supporting the action.
Pursuant to section 304(b)(1)(A) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the
NMFS Assistant Administrator has determined that this proposed rule is
consistent with the Pelagic FEP, other provisions of the Magnuson-
Stevens Act, and other applicable laws, subject to further
consideration after public comment.
The Chief Council for Regulation of the Department of Commerce
certified to the Chief Council for Advocacy of the Small Business
Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, would not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities,
as follows:
``A description of the reasons why action by the agency is being
considered and a statement of the objectives of, and legal basis for
this rulemaking are found in the preamble to the proposed rule. There
are no additional recordkeeping, reporting, or compliance requirements.
There are no rules which may duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
proposed rule.
This rule would affect U.S. purse seine vessels licensed under the
South Pacific Tuna Treaty. As of 2007, the last year when a complete
data set was available, the fleet of U.S. purse seine vessels licensed
under the South Pacific Tuna Treaty consisted of 21 vessels at the end
of the 2007 calendar year, with only five of these vessels landing fish
caught in the U.S. EEZ around American Samoa. By comparison, 37 U.S.
purse seine vessels were licensed in the Pacific in 2008, 39 in 2009,
and 37 in 2010. However, we have no information about the number of
purse seiners that were active in the EEZ around American Samoa.
NMFS internal data reflect that most or all of the businesses that
operated the 21 vessels were large entities. The average 1998 gross
revenue per purse seine vessel was $4.7 million, equivalent to $6.1
million in 2009 dollars. Therefore, most or all of the 38 purse seine
licenses in 2009-10 were held by large entities. NMFS recognizes that
newly-permitted vessels may experience lower revenues during the start-
up period, and may constitute small entities under the RFA, but it is
expected that the purse seine provisions of the rule will only affect
large entities. However, it is possible that only one or a few of these
fish harvesting businesses met the criteria of small entities; that is,
they are independently owned and operated and not dominant in their
fields of operation, and have annual receipts of no more than $4.0
million. Since it is not possible to determine with any certainty how
many small purse seine entities, if any, landed fish in American Samoa
in 2007, no attempt is made here to determine whether a substantial
number of small entities would be impacted by the proposed rule.
Instead, this certification is based on a finding that the proposed
rule would not have significant economic impacts on affected entities.
The proposed action is expected to benefit the local troll fleet by
reducing the likelihood of catch competition and gear conflict. Because
the proposed action is not expected to alter the current fishing
practices of the troll fleet, it will not have a significant economic
impact on the regulated entities.
The proposed action would extend the prohibited fishing areas for
U.S. purse seine vessels from 50 to 75 nautical miles (nm) from shore.
In 2006, (no purse seine vessels caught fish in 2007), five U.S. purse
seine vessels landed a total of 2.7 metric tons (mt) of skipjack tuna
and 6.3 mt of yellowfin tuna harvested from inside the U.S. EEZ around
American Samoa, yielding an average of 0.54 mt of skipjack tuna and
1.26 mt of yellowfin tuna per vessel. Furthermore, a total of 43,335 mt
of skipjack tuna and 8,821 mt of yellowfin tuna (with some bigeye tuna
mixed in) were landed in Pago Pago in 2007 by 11 U.S. vessels averaging
3,940 mt ($4.73 million) per vessel of skipjack tuna and 802 mt
($962,000) per vessel of yellowfin tuna. Thus, gross receipts for
skipjack and yellowfin tunas from the entire EEZ, of which the proposed
25-nm extended area is a subset, represented only 0.01 percent of total
skipjack tuna landings, and a potential average loss of $473 per vessel
(based on a price of $1,200 per mt) if this proposed rule were to
prevent those landings. For yellowfin tuna, gross receipts represented
only 0.16 percent of total landings and this rule, if implemented,
could reduce gross receipts by $1,540 per vessel, or by a miniscule
amount, necessarily making gross receipts from the extended area also
miniscule if this proposed rule were to prevent those landings.
Therefore, gross receipts and potential losses as a result of this rule
from the extended area are negligible (less than or equal to $473 for
skipjack and $1,540 for yellowfin). Although NMFS used the best and
most recent data available on EEZ catch for 2006, NMFS also looked at
an 11-year window from 1997-2007 and chose the two years, 1999 and
2001, with the highest EEZ catch by species, as representative of catch
levels for purposes of this analysis. In 2001, 152.19 mt ($182,628) of
skipjack tuna (15 vessels) and for 1999, 20.8 mt ($24,960) of yellowfin
tuna (10 vessels) were harvested from the EEZ. For skipjack tuna, these
average annual landings would equate to 10.1 mt per vessel, and 2.1 mt
per vessel for yellowfin tuna.
Purse seine vessels are not likely to be negatively affected
because approximately 19 percent of fishing effort (assuming an even
effort distribution) would be displaced outside the proposed purse
seine prohibited area to remaining open areas of the EEZ around
American Samoa. Based on historical fishing effort, this means that
under the proposed rule, 3.2 fishing days per year of effort that
ordinarily would occur inside the proposed purse seine prohibited area
could be displaced, and those purse seine vessels may incur more costs
in terms of fuel and travel time. However, any impacts would be
expected to be minimal due to historically low amounts of participation
in the EEZ around American Samoa.
Additionally, there are no disproportionate economic impacts
between large and small entities. Fishing activities for small trollers
will not be altered under the proposed rule and these small entities
may benefit from reduced catch competition and localized depletion.
Therefore, for the reasons stated above, there will be no
disproportionate effect on the profits, revenues, or costs on small
entities relative to large entities.''
As a result, an initial regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required and none has been prepared.
This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 665
Administrative practice and procedure, American Samoa, Fishing,
Purse seine.
[[Page 23968]]
Dated: April 26, 2011.
John Oliver,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR chapter VI is
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR part 665 continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
2. In Sec. 665.800, add a definition of ``Purse seine'' in
alphabetical order to read as follows:
Sec. 665.800 Definitions.
* * * * *
Purse seine means a floated and weighted encircling net that is
closed by means of a drawstring threaded through rings attached to the
bottom of the net.
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 665.802, add a new paragraph (n) to read as follows:
Sec. 665.802 Prohibitions.
* * * * *
(n) Use a purse seine to fish within a purse seine fishing
prohibited area in violation of Sec. 665.817, except as allowed
pursuant to an exemption issued under Sec. 665.17.
* * * * *
4. In Sec. 665.817, add a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 665.817 American Samoa pelagic fishery area management.
* * * * *
(d) Purse seine prohibited areas. Purse seine fishing is prohibited
in the American Samoa purse seine prohibited areas as defined in
paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section.
(1) Swains Island (AS-3). The purse seine fishing prohibited area
around Swains Island consists of the waters of the EEZ around American
Samoa enclosed by straight lines connecting the following coordinates:
Point S. latitude W. longitude
AS-3-A......................... 11[deg]12[min] 172[deg]18[min]
AS-3-B......................... 12[deg]12[min] 169[deg]56[min]
and from Point AS-3-A northward and southward along longitude
172[deg]18[min] W. until intersecting the U.S. EEZ boundary with
Tokelau and Samoa, respectfully, and from Point AS-3-B northward along
longitude 169[deg]56[min] W. until intersecting the U.S. EEZ boundary
with Tokelau, and westward along latitude 12[deg]12[min] S. until
intersecting the U.S. EEZ boundary with Samoa.
(2) Tutuila Island, Manua Islands, and Rose Atoll (AS-4). The purse
seine fishing prohibited area around Tutuila Island, the Manua Islands,
and Rose Atoll consists of the waters of the EEZ around American Samoa
enclosed by straight lines connecting the following coordinates:
Point S. latitude W. longitude
AS-4-A......................... 13[deg]05[min] 167[deg]01[min]
AS-4-B......................... 15[deg] 36[min] 167[deg] 01[min]
and from Point AS-4-A westward along latitude 13[deg] 05' S. until
intersecting the U.S. EEZ boundary with Samoa, and from Point AS-4-B
westward along the latitude 15[deg] 36' S. until intersecting the U.S.
EEZ boundary with Samoa.
[FR Doc. 2011-10451 Filed 4-28-11; 8:45 am]