Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project, Lake Charles, LA, 24007-24011 [2011-10448]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Dated: April 26, 2011.
Darrin A. King,
Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and Records
Management Services, Office of Management.
Office of Innovation and Improvement
Type of Review: Reinstatement.
Title: DC School Choice Incentive
OMB #: 1855–0015.
Abstract: The DC School Choice
Incentive Program, authorized by the
Consolidated Appropriations Act of
2004, awarded a grant to the DC
Children and Youth Investment Trust
Corporation that will administer
scholarships to students who reside in
the District of Columbia and come from
households whose incomes do not
exceed 185% of the poverty line.
Priority is given to students who are
currently attending schools in need of
improvement, as defined by Title I. To
assist in the student selection and
assignment process, the information to
be collected will be used to determine
the eligibility of those students who are
interested in the available scholarships.
Also, since the authorizing statute
requires an evaluation we are proposing
to collect certain family demographic
information because they are important
predictors of school success. Finally, we
are asking to collect information about
parental participation and satisfaction
because these are key topics that the
statute requires the evaluation to
Additional Information: This is a
request for emergency clearance to
collect basic, time critical information
about scholarship applicants for the DC
School Choice Incentive Program, and
preliminary information for the
evaluation. The Program was recently
reauthorized on April 15, 2011 through
‘‘District of Columbia, Federal Funds,
Federal Payment for School
Improvement’’. Speaker Boehner
introduced the Scholarships for
Opportunity and Results Act which
reauthorized the DC School Choice
Incentive Program for another five years
beginning in FY 2011. Pursuant to 5
CFR 1320.13, the Department requests
that OMB review the DC School Choice
Incentive data collection tool under its
emergency procedures. The request for
an emergency clearance is twofold: (1)
Public harm is likely to result as more
than 1,150 students on the current
waiting list must be selected and
approved to receive funding by the end
of June, a process that requires
approximately eight weeks to complete;
and (2) receiving funding was an
unanticipated event as funding for this
program was previously discontinued.
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The purpose of the DC School Choice
Incentive Program (Program) is to
provide low-income parents residing in
the District of Columbia with expanded
options for the education of their
children. The statute for this Program
requires scholarships to be awarded to
students who reside in the District of
Columbia and come from households
whose incomes do not exceed 185% of
the poverty line. Priority is given to
students who are currently attending
Title I schools in need of improvement,
corrective action or restructuring as
defined by Title I. To assist in the
student selection and assignment
process, the information to be collected
as requested under this emergency
clearance will be used to determine the
eligibility of those students who are
interested in the available scholarships.
Also, the authorizing statute requires
the mandated evaluation to address
changes in parents’ school involvement
and satisfaction and so initial levels of
those factors need to be assessed at the
time of application.
Failure to collect this information in
a timely manner will hinder the
grantee’s ability to:
(1) Administer scholarships
(approximately $15 million) for this
fiscal year as required by the statute;
(2) Perform outreach into low income
communities to make them aware that
new scholarships are available;
(3) Collect and process scholarship
applications to determine eligibility;
(4) Administer the student lottery;
(5) Sign-up schools to participate in
the program and verify they meet
legislatively mandated requirements;
(6) Identify the number of slots by
grade available in participating schools;
(7) Collect and disseminate
information on participating schools to
facilitate parents’ school search process;
(8) Facilitate parents’ application
process to schools and enroll their
(9) Place students in school through a
student/school match process;
(10) Update scholarship invoicing and
payments system to accommodate new
legislatively identified scholarship caps
and published tuition and fees;
(11) Effectively manage the
distribution of scholarships to lowincome parents of students; and,
(12) Meet certain evaluation and
reporting requirements, as required by
the statute.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Burden: Responses: 3,000. Burden
Hours: 1,000.
Copies of the proposed information
collection request may be accessed from
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24007, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4583. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments ’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to the Internet address or faxed to 202–
401–0920. Please specify the complete
title of the information collection when
making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be electronically mailed to 202–260–8916.
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
[FR Doc. 2011–10505 Filed 4–28–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Lake Charles Carbon Capture and
Sequestration Project, Lake Charles,
Department of Energy.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement and
Notice of Proposed Floodplain and
Wetlands Involvement.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) announces its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the
Council on Environmental Quality’s
(CEQ) NEPA regulations (40 CFR parts
1500–1508), and DOE’s NEPA
implementing procedures (10 CFR Part
1021), to assess the potential
environmental impacts of providing
financial assistance for the construction
and operation of a project proposed by
Leucadia Energy, LLC (Leucadia). DOE
selected this project for an award of
financial assistance through a
competitive process under the Industrial
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
(ICCS) Program.
The Lake Charles Carbon Capture and
Sequestration Project (Lake Charles CCS
Project) would demonstrate: (1)
advanced technologies that capture
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the
Lake Charles Cogeneration Gasification
Project (the LCC Gasification Project) to
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Notices
be located on the west bank of the
Calcasieu River in southern Calcasieu
Parish, Louisiana; and (2) permanent
storage of a portion of the CO2 injected
as part of existing enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) operations in the Hastings oil
field south of Houston, Texas. During
the DOE demonstration phase of the
project, approximately 4 million tons
per year of CO2 from two Acid Gas
Removal (AGR) units would be
captured, compressed and transported
through a new pipeline connecting to
Denbury Onshore, LLC’s (Denbury’s)
existing Green Pipeline. The Green
Pipeline is designed to transport
approximately 800 million standard
cubic feet of CO2 per day (about 17
million tons per year) and currently
transports CO2 from natural sources to
existing EOR operations along the Gulf
Coast. A comprehensive research
monitoring, verification, and accounting
(MVA) program would be implemented
on a portion of the existing CO2 EOR
operations at the Hastings field to
confirm permanent storage of about one
million tons per year during the
demonstration period.
The EIS will inform DOE’s decision
on whether to provide financial
assistance to Leucadia for the Lake
Charles CCS Project. DOE proposes to
provide Leucadia with up to $261.4
million of cost-shared financial
assistance. The financial assistance
would apply to the planning, designing,
permitting, equipment procurement,
construction, startup, and
demonstration of the CCS technology
and MVA program. DOE’s contribution
of $261.4 million would constitute
about 60 percent of the estimated total
development and capital cost of the CCS
project, which is estimated to be $435.6
million (2010 dollars). The project will
further the objective of the ICCS
Program by demonstrating advanced
technologies that integrate CO2 capture
at industrial sources and monitor the
sequestration of CO2 in underground
DOE is issuing this Notice of Intent
(NOI) to: (1) Inform the public about
DOE’s proposed action and Leucadia’s
proposed project; (2) announce the
public scoping meeting; (3) solicit
comments for DOE’s consideration
regarding the scope and content of the
EIS; (4) provide notice that the proposed
project may involve impacts to
floodplains and wetlands; and (5) invite
those agencies with jurisdiction by law
or special expertise to participate as
cooperating agencies in the preparation
of this EIS. DOE does not have
regulatory jurisdiction over the Lake
Charles CCS Project or its connected
action, the LCC Gasification Project.
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DOE’s decisions are limited to whether
and under what circumstances it would
provide financial assistance to the
project. As part of the EIS process, DOE
will consult with interested Native
American Tribes and Federal, state,
regional and local agencies.
DATES: DOE invites comments on the
proposed scope and content of the EIS
from all interested parties. Comments
must be received within 30 days after
publication of this NOI in the Federal
Register to ensure consideration. In
addition to receiving comments in
writing, by e-mail, telephone, or fax [See
ADDRESSES below], DOE will conduct
two public scoping meetings in which
government agencies, private-sector
organizations, and individuals are
invited to present oral and written
comments or suggestions with regard to
DOE’s proposed action, alternatives, and
potential impacts. DOE will consider
these comments during the
development of the EIS. The scoping
meetings will be held at Pearland Junior
High, 4719 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX,
on May 16, 2011, and at Westlake City
Hall, 1001 Mulberry Street, Westlake,
Louisiana, on May 17, 2011. Oral
comments will be heard during the
formal portion of the scoping meeting
beginning at 7 p.m. [See Public Scoping
Process below]. The public is also
invited to provide comments and learn
more about the project and the proposed
action at informal sessions at the same
locations beginning at 5 p.m. Various
displays and other information about
DOE’s proposed action and the Lake
Charles CCS Project will be available at
the scoping meetings. Representatives
from DOE and Leucadia will be present
at the informal sessions to discuss the
proposed project and the EIS process.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the
scope of the EIS and requests to
participate in the public scoping
meeting should be addressed to: Ms.
Pierina Fayish, U.S. Department of
Energy, National Energy Technology
Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road,
P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, PA 15236.
Individuals and organizations who
would like to provide oral or electronic
comments should contact Ms. Fayish by
telephone (412–386–5428 or toll-free 1–
888–322–7436, ext. 5428); fax (412–
386–4604); electronic mail
(LeucadiaEIS@NETL.DOE.GOV), or
formal mail submitted to the address
given above.
further information about this project,
contact Ms. Pierina Fayish, as described
above. For general information on the
DOE NEPA process, please contact Ms.
Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of
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NEPA Policy and Compliance (GC–54),
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585; telephone (202–
586–4600); fax (202–586–7031); or leave
a toll-free message (1–800–472–2756).
In Section 703 of the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 110–140), Congress directed
DOE to ‘‘carry out a program to
demonstrate technologies for the largescale capture of carbon dioxide from
industrial sources.’’ DOE subsequently
sought applications in a funding
opportunity announcement (FOA)
entitled ‘‘Carbon Capture and
Sequestration from Industrial Sources
and Innovative Concepts for Beneficial
CO2 Use’’ on June 8, 2009 (Financial
Assistance Funding Opportunity
Number DE–FOA–0000015, amended
July 17, 2009). Congress appropriated
funding for ICCS in the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,
Public Law 111–5 (Recovery Act) in
order to stimulate the economy and
reduce unemployment in addition to
furthering DOE’s existing carbon
capture and sequestration objectives.
Projects funded under this ICCS
program are cost-shared collaborations
between the government and industry to
increase investment in clean industrial
technologies and carbon capture and
sequestration projects. Under the ICCS
funding opportunity, industrial firms
proposed projects to meet their needs
and those of their customers while
furthering the national goals and
objectives of DOE. The successful
development of advanced technologies
and innovative concepts that reduce
emissions of CO2 is a key objective of
the nation’s effort to help mitigate the
effects of climate change.
The projects are funded, in whole or
in part, with funds appropriated by the
Recovery Act. The purposes of the
Recovery Act are to stimulate the
economy and to create and retain jobs.
Accordingly, special consideration was
given to projects that promote job
creation, preservation, and economic
recovery in an expeditious manner.
DOE’s two specific objectives
identified in the FOA were Technology
Area 1—Large-Scale Industrial CCS
Projects from Industrial Sources; and
Technology Area 2—Innovative
Concepts for Beneficial CO2 Use. The
Lake Charles CCS Project was one of
three projects DOE selected under
Technology Area 1, which focuses on
the demonstration of advanced
technologies that capture and sequester
CO2 emissions from industrial sources
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Notices
into underground formations or put the
CO2 to beneficial use in a manner that
permanently prevents it from entering
the atmosphere. Technology Area 1
includes expanding CO2 use in EOR and
obtaining information on the cost and
feasibility of deployment of
sequestration technologies. Therefore,
under the FOA, DOE sought projects
with technologies that have progressed
beyond the research and development
stage to a point of readiness for
operation at a scale that, if successful,
could be readily replicated and
deployed into commercial practice
within the industry.
Purpose and Need for Agency Action
The purpose and need for DOE action
is to advance the ICCS program by
selecting projects that have the best
chance of achieving the program’s
objectives as established by Congress:
demonstrating the next generation of
technologies that will capture CO2
emissions from industrial sources and
either sequester them or beneficially
reuse them.
Leucadia’s Proposed Project
Site of Proposed Project: Lake Charles,
Louisiana and Brazoria County, Texas
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
The Lake Charles CCS Project would
involve the capture and sequestration of
the CO2 from the LCC Gasification
Project, a petroleum coke gasification
plant to be constructed by Lake Charles
Cogeneration, LLC, in Calcasieu Parish,
adjacent to the Port of Lake Charles,
Louisiana. As part of this project, the
CO2 would be captured, compressed,
and transported for use in existing
independent CO2 EOR operations.
Approximately 4 million tons per year
of CO2 from two AGR units would be
compressed and delivered via a new
connecting pipeline to the existing
Green Pipeline for transport and use in
existing EOR operations along the Gulf
Coast. A research MVA program would
be conducted over a portion of the
existing EOR operations at the Hastings
oil field to confirm permanent storage of
about one million tons per year during
the demonstration period. The MVA
activities would supplement on-going
monitoring activities conducted in
conjunction with existing EOR
operations at the Hastings field.
Proposed CO2 Capture and Compression
The CCS project involves the design,
procurement, installation, and testing of
the AGR units, CO2 compressors and
buildings, metering station, and specific
ancillary equipment. The CO2 capture
facility would consist of two Lurgi
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Rectisol Selective AGR units in which
CO2 is separated from the process gas.
The compression facilities would
include two compressors, the buildings
in which the compressors are housed
(each approximately 80 feet by 140 feet),
and a meter station to monitor the
volume of CO2 that is exported.
Ancillary equipment and systems
supporting the CO2 capture and
compression facilities would consist of:
the electrical system switchgear
supplying the AGR units and CO2
compressors, load commutated inverters
for starting the compressors, a chilled
water supply system, two regenerative
thermal oxidizers to allow
environmentally compliant venting of
CO2 when required, and a propylene
refrigeration system for cooling within
the AGR units. All other ancillary
systems such as cooling water, remote
controls, external fire protection system,
and instrument air would be provided
through capacity expansion or
infrastructure modification prepared in
advance of installation of the CO2
capture and compression facilities.
Proposed CO2 Pipeline and Associated
Ancillary Equipment
As part of the Lake Charles CCS
Project, an affiliate of Denbury would
construct, own, and operate
approximately 11 miles of CO2 pipeline
and associated ancillary equipment.
This pipeline would connect to
Denbury’s existing Green Pipeline. The
new pipeline would include a 16-inch
outside diameter pipeline and
associated valves and meter stations.
The pipeline route would include a
permanent right-of-way approximately
11 miles long and 50 feet wide that
would parallel existing rights-of-way,
such as roadways, pipelines, railroads
and transmission lines to the extent
practicable. The CO2 pipeline would
cross under the Houston River and
Interstate Highway I–10 and connect
with the existing Green Pipeline near
Buhler, Louisiana.
Proposed CO2 Sequestration and
Research Monitoring, Verification and
MVA activities would be designed
and implemented to demonstrate the
permanent storage of approximately 1
million tons per year of the CO2 injected
in existing wells located on a portion of
the Hastings oil field. This oil field is
located between Alvin and Pearland,
Texas, near State Highway 35. During
the DOE demonstration phase of the
project, the proposed research MVA
program would supplement privatelyfunded, ongoing MVA activities
conducted in conjunction with
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Denbury’s commercial EOR operations
at the Hastings field. While this oil field
covers approximately 25 square miles,
the MVA program would be limited to
approximately 2.8 square miles, or
slightly more than 10% of the field. The
following MVA activities would be
• Well Integrity Testing—Logging of
existing idle production wells and
testing of plugged and abandoned wells
to detect CO2 migration through nonsealing well bores.
• Flood Conformance Testing—
Augmentation of measurements to
observe and model movement of CO2 in
subsurface formations during the EOR
• Above-zone Monitoring—
Monitoring of pressures and
geochemical parameters in the
formations above the confining layer to
detect CO2 migration beyond the
injection zone.
Proposed Project Schedule
Leucadia proposes to construct the
connected LLC Gasification Project over
an approximate 3-year period projected
beginning in the first quarter of 2012.
The gasification project is currently
undergoing site preparation, including
clearing and grading. The CO2 capture
and compression facilities for the Lake
Charles CCS project would be
constructed simultaneously with the
gasification project. Leucadia has
obtained the environmental permits and
approvals for construction and
operation of the gasification project.
The schedule for the CCS Project is
contingent on receiving the necessary
environmental permits and regulatory
approvals for the new connecting CO2
pipeline, as well as financial closing on
all the necessary funding sources for the
Lake Charles CCS Project as a whole,
including DOE’s financial assistance.
DOE’s decision to provide financial
assistance for detailed design,
procurement of equipment,
construction, and operations will be
made after completion of the NEPA
process and issuance of the EIS.
Connected and Cumulative Actions
Under the cooperative agreement
between DOE and Leucadia, DOE would
share in the cost of the planning,
designing, permitting, equipment
procurement, construction, startup, and
demonstration of the Lake Charles CCS
Project. As part of the EIS, DOE will also
evaluate and consider the impacts
associated with the larger gasification
project, which is considered a
connected action.
The LCC Gasification Project will use
a state-of-the-art process in which
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Notices
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petroleum coke is converted into
synthesis gas (syngas) that will then be
converted into methanol. The
gasification project would consume 2.6
million tons per year (tpy) of petroleum
coke to produce over 2.2 million tpy of
methanol. The gasification project
would consist of five General Electric
(GE) Quench Gasifiers and two trains of
syngas processing, two Lurgi Rectisol
Selective AGR units, a methanol unit,
and Haldor Topsoe wet sulfuric acid
production. At design plant capacity,
four GE Quench Gasifiers would operate
at their design rate, which allows one
gasifier to be on hot standby or shut
down for maintenance. The syngas
processing includes a catalyst to convert
carbon monoxide and water into
hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen sulfide,
carbonyl sulfide and CO2 will be
selectively removed from the syngas in
the AGR units.
Steam created by the gasification
process will generate electricity via
turbines and would provide a
significant portion of the energy needs
of the LCC Gasification Project.
Petroleum coke would be transferred
from the Port of Lake Charles to the
gasification project site via a conveyor
system. Raw water would be supplied
by pipeline from the Sabine River. The
water from the Sabine River Authority
(SRA) would be provided through
interconnection to the existing SRA
intake structure on the Sabine River
Diversion Canal. LCC Gasification has
received a Louisiana Pollution
Discharge Elimination System permit to
discharge non-contact cooling water
associated with operation of the CO2
compression system.
DOE will also analyze the cumulative
impacts of both the proposed project
and any other reasonably foreseeable
actions. The cumulative impacts
analysis will include analysis of
greenhouse gas emissions and global
climate change, other air emissions, and
cumulative impacts on other resources.
Cumulative impacts are the impacts on
the environment resulting from the
incremental impacts of the proposed
action when added to other past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable
Alternatives, Including the Proposed
NEPA requires that an EIS evaluate
the range of reasonable alternatives to
an agency’s proposed action. The range
of reasonable alternatives encompasses
those alternatives that would satisfy the
underlying purpose and need for agency
action. The technologies included in the
ICCS program are those that best
represent advanced CCS projects that
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are ready for operation at a
demonstration scale. Once
demonstrated, those technologies would
be ready for deployment at a
commercial scale.
DOE’s NEPA regulations include a
process for identifying and analyzing
reasonable alternatives in the context of
providing financial assistance through
competitive selection of projects
proposed by entities outside the Federal
government. The range of reasonable
alternatives in competitions for grants,
loans, loan guarantees and other
financial support is defined initially by
the range of responsive proposals
received by DOE. Unlike projects
undertaken by DOE itself, the
Department cannot mandate what
outside entities propose, where they
propose to locate their project, or how
they propose to operate their project
beyond expressing basic requirements
in the funding opportunity
announcement; and these express
requirements must be limited to those
that further the program’s objectives.
DOE’s decision is then limited to
selecting among the applications that
meet the ICCS goals.
Section 216 of DOE’s NEPA
implementing regulations requires the
Department to prepare an
‘‘environmental critique’’ that assesses
the environmental impacts and issues
relating to each of the proposals that the
DOE selecting official considers for an
award (see 10 CFR 1021.216). This
official considers these impacts and
issues, along with other aspects of the
proposals (such as technical merit and
financial ability) and the program’s
objectives, in making awards. DOE
prepared a critique of the proposals that
were deemed suitable for selection in
this round of awards for the ICCS
After DOE selects a project for an
award, the range of reasonable
alternatives becomes the project as
proposed by the applicant, any
alternatives still under consideration by
the applicant or that are reasonable
within the confines of the project as
proposed (e.g., the particular location of
the processing units, pipelines, and
injection sites on land proposed for the
project) and a ‘‘no action’’ alternative.
DOE currently plans to evaluate the
project as proposed by Leucadia (with
and without any mitigating conditions
that DOE may identify as reasonable and
appropriate), alternatives still under
consideration, and the no action
alternative. The EIS will briefly describe
alternatives previously considered by
Leucadia in developing the proposed
project; however, DOE does not plan to
analyze these alternatives in detail
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because they are no longer under
consideration by Leucadia and because
they were not part of the proposal that
Leucadia offered and DOE accepted.
DOE also will consider other reasonable
alternatives suggested during the
scoping period.
Under the no action alternative, DOE
would not provide funding to Leucadia.
In the absence of financial assistance
from DOE, Leucadia could reasonably
pursue several options: the LCC
Gasification Project would not go
forward; the LCC Gasification Project
would go forward without the use of
CO2 for sequestration and EOR; or both
the LCC Gasification Project and Lake
Charles CCS Project would proceed
without monitoring of the sequestered
CO2. For the purpose of making a
meaningful comparison between the
impacts of DOE providing and
withholding financial assistance, DOE
will analyze the impacts under these
three options as sub-alternatives of the
no-action alternative. Consequently, in
the absence of DOE funding Denbury
would continue to conduct its ongoing
EOR operations.
Floodplains and Wetlands
Sections of the connected LCC
Gasification Project site are within 100year or 500-year floodplains. Site
development activities include the
addition of fill material that would
result in elevations significantly above
the local 100-year and 500-year base
flood elevations. The U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers (COE) conducted a
jurisdictional wetland determination,
and the Port of Lake Charles mitigated
impacts to 26.2 acres of the wetlands
through agreement with the COE and
Stream Wetland Services, LLC. A COE
permit to develop the LCC Gasification
Plant site was issued on October 18,
With respect to the Lake Charles CCS
Project, temporary and localized
floodplains and wetlands impacts may
occur during the construction of stream
and wetlands crossings associated with
pipeline construction. Wetlands also
may be impacted by development of the
50-foot-wide right-of-way. Several small
isolated wetlands have been identified
in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wetland Inventory (USFWS,
2010) within the Hastings MVA project
Potential impacts to floodplains and
wetlands for all aspects of the proposed
Lake Charles CCS Project and any
connected actions would be evaluated
in the EIS. If potential impacts are
identified, DOE will include a
floodplain and wetland assessment in
the EIS, in accordance with its
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 83 / Friday, April 29, 2011 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
regulations in 10 CFR part 1022,
Compliance with Floodplain and
Wetland Environmental Review
Preliminary Identification of
Environmental Issues
DOE intends to address the issues
listed below when considering the
potential impacts resulting from the
construction and operation of the Lake
Charles CCS Project and any connected
actions. This list is neither intended to
be all-inclusive, nor to be a
predetermined set of potential impacts.
The list is presented to facilitate public
comment on the planned scope of the
EIS. Additions to or deletions from the
list may occur as a result of this scoping
process. The preliminary list of
potentially affected resources or
activities and their related
environmental issues includes:
• Air quality resources: potential air
quality impacts from emissions during
construction and operation of the
proposed project and connected actions
on local sensitive receptors, local
environmental conditions, and specialuse areas, including impacts to smog
and haze and impacts from dust and any
significant vapor plumes, including
greenhouse gas emissions;
• Climate change: potential impacts
on climate as a result of CO2 and other
greenhouse gas emissions.
• Water resources: potential impacts
from water use and consumption,
wastewater discharges, and releases to
streams during construction and
operation of the proposed project and
connected actions;
• Infrastructure and land use:
potential environmental and
socioeconomic impacts associated with
the proposed project and connected
actions, including delivery of materials
and distribution of products (e.g., access
roads, pipelines);
• Solid wastes: pollution prevention
and waste management issues
(generation, treatment, transport,
storage, disposal or use), including
potential impacts from the proposed
project and connected actions on the
generation, treatment, storage and
management of hazardous materials and
other solid wastes;
• Ecological resources: potential onsite and off-site impacts to vegetation,
wildlife, threatened or endangered
species and ecologically sensitive
habitats from the proposed project and
connected actions;
• Floodplains and wetlands: potential
wetland and floodplain impacts from
construction and operation of the
proposed project, pipelines and
connected actions;
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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• Transportation and traffic:
potential impacts from the construction
and operation of the proposed project,
pipeline and connected actions,
including changes in local traffic
patterns, roads and rail lines, traffic
hazards and traffic controls;
• Historic and cultural resources:
potential impacts related to
development of the site for the proposed
project and connected actions and
pipeline construction;
• Geology and soils: potential impacts
to existing geologic and soil resources
from construction and operation of the
proposed project and connected actions;
• Public health and safety issues:
potential construction-related safety,
process safety and impacts associated
with CO2 capture and transport to and
usage in EOR at the sequestration site;
• Socioeconomics: potential impacts
on public services and infrastructure
(e.g. schools, utilities), the creation of
jobs, use of community resources and
state and local tax incentives associated
with the proposed project and
connected actions;
• Environmental justice: potential
disproportionate adverse impacts on
minority and low-income populations
associated with the proposed project
and connected actions;
• Noise: potential impacts from
construction, transportation of materials
and facility operations for the proposed
project and connected actions;
• Cumulative effects: incremental
impacts of the proposed project and
connected actions when added to other
past, present and reasonably foreseeable
future projects, including emissions of
greenhouse gases and global climate
• Compliance with regulatory and
environmental permitting requirements:
environmental compliance and
monitoring plans associated with the
carbon capture equipment, pipeline
construction, CO2 sequestration
activities and connected actions.
Public Scoping Process
This Notice of Intent initiates the
scoping process under NEPA, which
will guide the development of the Draft
EIS. To ensure identification of issues
related to DOE’s Proposed Action and
Leucadia’s Proposed Project, DOE seeks
public input to define the scope of the
EIS. The public scoping period will end
30 days after publication of this NOI in
the Federal Register. Interested
government agencies, private-sector
organizations and individuals are
encouraged to submit comments or
suggestions concerning the content of
the EIS, issues and impacts that should
be addressed, and alternatives that
PO 00000
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should be considered. Scoping
comments should clearly describe
specific issues or topics that the EIS
should address. Written, e-mailed, or
faxed comments should be received by
May 29, 2011 (see ADDRESSES).
DOE will conduct two public scoping
meetings, to be held at Pearland Junior
High, 4719 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX,
on May 16, 2011, and at Westlake City
Hall, 1001 Mulberry Street, Westlake,
LA, on May 17, 2011. Oral comments
will be heard during the formal portion
of the scoping meeting beginning at 7
p.m. The public is also invited to
provide comments and learn more about
the project at informal sessions at these
locations beginning at 5 p.m. DOE
requests that anyone who wishes to
provide oral comments at this public
scoping meeting should contact Ms.
Pierina Fayish, either by phone, e-mail,
fax, or postal mail (see ADDRESSES).
Those who do not arrange in advance
to speak may register at the meeting
(preferably at the beginning of the
meeting) and may be given an
opportunity to speak after previously
scheduled speakers. Speakers will be
given approximately 5 minutes to
present their comments. Those speakers
who want more than 5 minutes should
indicate the length of time desired in
their request. Depending on the number
of speakers, DOE may need to limit all
speakers to 5 minutes initially and
provide second opportunities as time
permits. Individuals may also provide
written materials in lieu of, or
supplemental to, their presentations.
Oral and written comments will be
given equal consideration.
DOE will begin the formal meeting
with an overview of Leucadia’s project.
The meeting will not be conducted as an
evidentiary hearing, and speakers will
not be cross-examined. However,
speakers may be asked questions to help
ensure that DOE fully understands the
comments or suggestions. A presiding
officer will establish the order of
speakers and provide any additional
procedures necessary to conduct the
meeting. A stenographer will record the
proceedings, including all oral
comments received.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 26th day of
April 2011.
Victor K. Der,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil
[FR Doc. 2011–10448 Filed 4–28–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 83 (Friday, April 29, 2011)]
[Pages 24007-24011]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-10448]
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for
the Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project, Lake
Charles, LA
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
and Notice of Proposed Floodplain and Wetlands Involvement.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces its intent to
prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) NEPA regulations
(40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and DOE's NEPA implementing procedures (10
CFR Part 1021), to assess the potential environmental impacts of
providing financial assistance for the construction and operation of a
project proposed by Leucadia Energy, LLC (Leucadia). DOE selected this
project for an award of financial assistance through a competitive
process under the Industrial Carbon Capture and Sequestration (ICCS)
The Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project (Lake
Charles CCS Project) would demonstrate: (1) advanced technologies that
capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the Lake Charles
Cogeneration Gasification Project (the LCC Gasification Project) to
[[Page 24008]]
be located on the west bank of the Calcasieu River in southern
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana; and (2) permanent storage of a portion of
the CO2 injected as part of existing enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) operations in the Hastings oil field south of Houston, Texas.
During the DOE demonstration phase of the project, approximately 4
million tons per year of CO2 from two Acid Gas Removal (AGR)
units would be captured, compressed and transported through a new
pipeline connecting to Denbury Onshore, LLC's (Denbury's) existing
Green Pipeline. The Green Pipeline is designed to transport
approximately 800 million standard cubic feet of CO2 per day
(about 17 million tons per year) and currently transports
CO2 from natural sources to existing EOR operations along
the Gulf Coast. A comprehensive research monitoring, verification, and
accounting (MVA) program would be implemented on a portion of the
existing CO2 EOR operations at the Hastings field to confirm
permanent storage of about one million tons per year during the
demonstration period.
The EIS will inform DOE's decision on whether to provide financial
assistance to Leucadia for the Lake Charles CCS Project. DOE proposes
to provide Leucadia with up to $261.4 million of cost-shared financial
assistance. The financial assistance would apply to the planning,
designing, permitting, equipment procurement, construction, startup,
and demonstration of the CCS technology and MVA program. DOE's
contribution of $261.4 million would constitute about 60 percent of the
estimated total development and capital cost of the CCS project, which
is estimated to be $435.6 million (2010 dollars). The project will
further the objective of the ICCS Program by demonstrating advanced
technologies that integrate CO2 capture at industrial
sources and monitor the sequestration of CO2 in underground
DOE is issuing this Notice of Intent (NOI) to: (1) Inform the
public about DOE's proposed action and Leucadia's proposed project; (2)
announce the public scoping meeting; (3) solicit comments for DOE's
consideration regarding the scope and content of the EIS; (4) provide
notice that the proposed project may involve impacts to floodplains and
wetlands; and (5) invite those agencies with jurisdiction by law or
special expertise to participate as cooperating agencies in the
preparation of this EIS. DOE does not have regulatory jurisdiction over
the Lake Charles CCS Project or its connected action, the LCC
Gasification Project. DOE's decisions are limited to whether and under
what circumstances it would provide financial assistance to the
project. As part of the EIS process, DOE will consult with interested
Native American Tribes and Federal, state, regional and local agencies.
DATES: DOE invites comments on the proposed scope and content of the
EIS from all interested parties. Comments must be received within 30
days after publication of this NOI in the Federal Register to ensure
consideration. In addition to receiving comments in writing, by e-mail,
telephone, or fax [See ADDRESSES below], DOE will conduct two public
scoping meetings in which government agencies, private-sector
organizations, and individuals are invited to present oral and written
comments or suggestions with regard to DOE's proposed action,
alternatives, and potential impacts. DOE will consider these comments
during the development of the EIS. The scoping meetings will be held at
Pearland Junior High, 4719 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX, on May 16, 2011,
and at Westlake City Hall, 1001 Mulberry Street, Westlake, Louisiana,
on May 17, 2011. Oral comments will be heard during the formal portion
of the scoping meeting beginning at 7 p.m. [See Public Scoping Process
below]. The public is also invited to provide comments and learn more
about the project and the proposed action at informal sessions at the
same locations beginning at 5 p.m. Various displays and other
information about DOE's proposed action and the Lake Charles CCS
Project will be available at the scoping meetings. Representatives from
DOE and Leucadia will be present at the informal sessions to discuss
the proposed project and the EIS process.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the scope of the EIS and requests to
participate in the public scoping meeting should be addressed to: Ms.
Pierina Fayish, U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology
Laboratory, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, PA
15236. Individuals and organizations who would like to provide oral or
electronic comments should contact Ms. Fayish by telephone (412-386-
5428 or toll-free 1-888-322-7436, ext. 5428); fax (412-386-4604);
electronic mail (LeucadiaEIS@NETL.DOE.GOV), or formal mail submitted to
the address given above.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about this
project, contact Ms. Pierina Fayish, as described above. For general
information on the DOE NEPA process, please contact Ms. Carol M.
Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance (GC-54), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585; telephone (202-586-4600); fax (202-586-7031); or leave a toll-
free message (1-800-472-2756).
In Section 703 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 110-140), Congress directed DOE to ``carry out a program to
demonstrate technologies for the large-scale capture of carbon dioxide
from industrial sources.'' DOE subsequently sought applications in a
funding opportunity announcement (FOA) entitled ``Carbon Capture and
Sequestration from Industrial Sources and Innovative Concepts for
Beneficial CO2 Use'' on June 8, 2009 (Financial Assistance
Funding Opportunity Number DE-FOA-0000015, amended July 17, 2009).
Congress appropriated funding for ICCS in the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 (Recovery Act) in order to
stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment in addition to furthering
DOE's existing carbon capture and sequestration objectives.
Projects funded under this ICCS program are cost-shared
collaborations between the government and industry to increase
investment in clean industrial technologies and carbon capture and
sequestration projects. Under the ICCS funding opportunity, industrial
firms proposed projects to meet their needs and those of their
customers while furthering the national goals and objectives of DOE.
The successful development of advanced technologies and innovative
concepts that reduce emissions of CO2 is a key objective of
the nation's effort to help mitigate the effects of climate change.
The projects are funded, in whole or in part, with funds
appropriated by the Recovery Act. The purposes of the Recovery Act are
to stimulate the economy and to create and retain jobs. Accordingly,
special consideration was given to projects that promote job creation,
preservation, and economic recovery in an expeditious manner.
DOE's two specific objectives identified in the FOA were Technology
Area 1--Large-Scale Industrial CCS Projects from Industrial Sources;
and Technology Area 2--Innovative Concepts for Beneficial
CO2 Use. The Lake Charles CCS Project was one of three
projects DOE selected under Technology Area 1, which focuses on the
demonstration of advanced technologies that capture and sequester
CO2 emissions from industrial sources
[[Page 24009]]
into underground formations or put the CO2 to beneficial use
in a manner that permanently prevents it from entering the atmosphere.
Technology Area 1 includes expanding CO2 use in EOR and
obtaining information on the cost and feasibility of deployment of
sequestration technologies. Therefore, under the FOA, DOE sought
projects with technologies that have progressed beyond the research and
development stage to a point of readiness for operation at a scale
that, if successful, could be readily replicated and deployed into
commercial practice within the industry.
Purpose and Need for Agency Action
The purpose and need for DOE action is to advance the ICCS program
by selecting projects that have the best chance of achieving the
program's objectives as established by Congress: demonstrating the next
generation of technologies that will capture CO2 emissions
from industrial sources and either sequester them or beneficially reuse
Leucadia's Proposed Project
Site of Proposed Project: Lake Charles, Louisiana and Brazoria County,
The Lake Charles CCS Project would involve the capture and
sequestration of the CO2 from the LCC Gasification Project,
a petroleum coke gasification plant to be constructed by Lake Charles
Cogeneration, LLC, in Calcasieu Parish, adjacent to the Port of Lake
Charles, Louisiana. As part of this project, the CO2 would
be captured, compressed, and transported for use in existing
independent CO2 EOR operations. Approximately 4 million tons
per year of CO2 from two AGR units would be compressed and
delivered via a new connecting pipeline to the existing Green Pipeline
for transport and use in existing EOR operations along the Gulf Coast.
A research MVA program would be conducted over a portion of the
existing EOR operations at the Hastings oil field to confirm permanent
storage of about one million tons per year during the demonstration
period. The MVA activities would supplement on-going monitoring
activities conducted in conjunction with existing EOR operations at the
Hastings field.
Proposed CO2 Capture and Compression Facilities
The CCS project involves the design, procurement, installation, and
testing of the AGR units, CO2 compressors and buildings,
metering station, and specific ancillary equipment. The CO2
capture facility would consist of two Lurgi Rectisol Selective AGR
units in which CO2 is separated from the process gas. The
compression facilities would include two compressors, the buildings in
which the compressors are housed (each approximately 80 feet by 140
feet), and a meter station to monitor the volume of CO2 that
is exported.
Ancillary equipment and systems supporting the CO2
capture and compression facilities would consist of: the electrical
system switchgear supplying the AGR units and CO2
compressors, load commutated inverters for starting the compressors, a
chilled water supply system, two regenerative thermal oxidizers to
allow environmentally compliant venting of CO2 when
required, and a propylene refrigeration system for cooling within the
AGR units. All other ancillary systems such as cooling water, remote
controls, external fire protection system, and instrument air would be
provided through capacity expansion or infrastructure modification
prepared in advance of installation of the CO2 capture and
compression facilities.
Proposed CO2 Pipeline and Associated Ancillary Equipment
As part of the Lake Charles CCS Project, an affiliate of Denbury
would construct, own, and operate approximately 11 miles of
CO2 pipeline and associated ancillary equipment. This
pipeline would connect to Denbury's existing Green Pipeline. The new
pipeline would include a 16-inch outside diameter pipeline and
associated valves and meter stations. The pipeline route would include
a permanent right-of-way approximately 11 miles long and 50 feet wide
that would parallel existing rights-of-way, such as roadways,
pipelines, railroads and transmission lines to the extent practicable.
The CO2 pipeline would cross under the Houston River and
Interstate Highway I-10 and connect with the existing Green Pipeline
near Buhler, Louisiana.
Proposed CO2 Sequestration and Research Monitoring, Verification and
MVA activities would be designed and implemented to demonstrate the
permanent storage of approximately 1 million tons per year of the
CO2 injected in existing wells located on a portion of the
Hastings oil field. This oil field is located between Alvin and
Pearland, Texas, near State Highway 35. During the DOE demonstration
phase of the project, the proposed research MVA program would
supplement privately-funded, ongoing MVA activities conducted in
conjunction with Denbury's commercial EOR operations at the Hastings
field. While this oil field covers approximately 25 square miles, the
MVA program would be limited to approximately 2.8 square miles, or
slightly more than 10% of the field. The following MVA activities would
be conducted:
Well Integrity Testing--Logging of existing idle
production wells and testing of plugged and abandoned wells to detect
CO2 migration through non-sealing well bores.
Flood Conformance Testing--Augmentation of measurements to
observe and model movement of CO2 in subsurface formations
during the EOR operations.
Above-zone Monitoring--Monitoring of pressures and
geochemical parameters in the formations above the confining layer to
detect CO2 migration beyond the injection zone.
Proposed Project Schedule
Leucadia proposes to construct the connected LLC Gasification
Project over an approximate 3-year period projected beginning in the
first quarter of 2012. The gasification project is currently undergoing
site preparation, including clearing and grading. The CO2
capture and compression facilities for the Lake Charles CCS project
would be constructed simultaneously with the gasification project.
Leucadia has obtained the environmental permits and approvals for
construction and operation of the gasification project.
The schedule for the CCS Project is contingent on receiving the
necessary environmental permits and regulatory approvals for the new
connecting CO2 pipeline, as well as financial closing on all
the necessary funding sources for the Lake Charles CCS Project as a
whole, including DOE's financial assistance. DOE's decision to provide
financial assistance for detailed design, procurement of equipment,
construction, and operations will be made after completion of the NEPA
process and issuance of the EIS.
Connected and Cumulative Actions
Under the cooperative agreement between DOE and Leucadia, DOE would
share in the cost of the planning, designing, permitting, equipment
procurement, construction, startup, and demonstration of the Lake
Charles CCS Project. As part of the EIS, DOE will also evaluate and
consider the impacts associated with the larger gasification project,
which is considered a connected action.
The LCC Gasification Project will use a state-of-the-art process in
[[Page 24010]]
petroleum coke is converted into synthesis gas (syngas) that will then
be converted into methanol. The gasification project would consume 2.6
million tons per year (tpy) of petroleum coke to produce over 2.2
million tpy of methanol. The gasification project would consist of five
General Electric (GE) Quench Gasifiers and two trains of syngas
processing, two Lurgi Rectisol Selective AGR units, a methanol unit,
and Haldor Topsoe wet sulfuric acid production. At design plant
capacity, four GE Quench Gasifiers would operate at their design rate,
which allows one gasifier to be on hot standby or shut down for
maintenance. The syngas processing includes a catalyst to convert
carbon monoxide and water into hydrogen and CO2. Hydrogen
sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and CO2 will be selectively
removed from the syngas in the AGR units.
Steam created by the gasification process will generate electricity
via turbines and would provide a significant portion of the energy
needs of the LCC Gasification Project. Petroleum coke would be
transferred from the Port of Lake Charles to the gasification project
site via a conveyor system. Raw water would be supplied by pipeline
from the Sabine River. The water from the Sabine River Authority (SRA)
would be provided through interconnection to the existing SRA intake
structure on the Sabine River Diversion Canal. LCC Gasification has
received a Louisiana Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit to
discharge non-contact cooling water associated with operation of the
CO2 compression system.
DOE will also analyze the cumulative impacts of both the proposed
project and any other reasonably foreseeable actions. The cumulative
impacts analysis will include analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and
global climate change, other air emissions, and cumulative impacts on
other resources. Cumulative impacts are the impacts on the environment
resulting from the incremental impacts of the proposed action when
added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions.
Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action
NEPA requires that an EIS evaluate the range of reasonable
alternatives to an agency's proposed action. The range of reasonable
alternatives encompasses those alternatives that would satisfy the
underlying purpose and need for agency action. The technologies
included in the ICCS program are those that best represent advanced CCS
projects that are ready for operation at a demonstration scale. Once
demonstrated, those technologies would be ready for deployment at a
commercial scale.
DOE's NEPA regulations include a process for identifying and
analyzing reasonable alternatives in the context of providing financial
assistance through competitive selection of projects proposed by
entities outside the Federal government. The range of reasonable
alternatives in competitions for grants, loans, loan guarantees and
other financial support is defined initially by the range of responsive
proposals received by DOE. Unlike projects undertaken by DOE itself,
the Department cannot mandate what outside entities propose, where they
propose to locate their project, or how they propose to operate their
project beyond expressing basic requirements in the funding opportunity
announcement; and these express requirements must be limited to those
that further the program's objectives. DOE's decision is then limited
to selecting among the applications that meet the ICCS goals.
Section 216 of DOE's NEPA implementing regulations requires the
Department to prepare an ``environmental critique'' that assesses the
environmental impacts and issues relating to each of the proposals that
the DOE selecting official considers for an award (see 10 CFR
1021.216). This official considers these impacts and issues, along with
other aspects of the proposals (such as technical merit and financial
ability) and the program's objectives, in making awards. DOE prepared a
critique of the proposals that were deemed suitable for selection in
this round of awards for the ICCS program.
After DOE selects a project for an award, the range of reasonable
alternatives becomes the project as proposed by the applicant, any
alternatives still under consideration by the applicant or that are
reasonable within the confines of the project as proposed (e.g., the
particular location of the processing units, pipelines, and injection
sites on land proposed for the project) and a ``no action''
DOE currently plans to evaluate the project as proposed by Leucadia
(with and without any mitigating conditions that DOE may identify as
reasonable and appropriate), alternatives still under consideration,
and the no action alternative. The EIS will briefly describe
alternatives previously considered by Leucadia in developing the
proposed project; however, DOE does not plan to analyze these
alternatives in detail because they are no longer under consideration
by Leucadia and because they were not part of the proposal that
Leucadia offered and DOE accepted. DOE also will consider other
reasonable alternatives suggested during the scoping period.
Under the no action alternative, DOE would not provide funding to
Leucadia. In the absence of financial assistance from DOE, Leucadia
could reasonably pursue several options: the LCC Gasification Project
would not go forward; the LCC Gasification Project would go forward
without the use of CO2 for sequestration and EOR; or both
the LCC Gasification Project and Lake Charles CCS Project would proceed
without monitoring of the sequestered CO2. For the purpose
of making a meaningful comparison between the impacts of DOE providing
and withholding financial assistance, DOE will analyze the impacts
under these three options as sub-alternatives of the no-action
alternative. Consequently, in the absence of DOE funding Denbury would
continue to conduct its ongoing EOR operations.
Floodplains and Wetlands
Sections of the connected LCC Gasification Project site are within
100-year or 500-year floodplains. Site development activities include
the addition of fill material that would result in elevations
significantly above the local 100-year and 500-year base flood
elevations. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) conducted a
jurisdictional wetland determination, and the Port of Lake Charles
mitigated impacts to 26.2 acres of the wetlands through agreement with
the COE and Stream Wetland Services, LLC. A COE permit to develop the
LCC Gasification Plant site was issued on October 18, 2008.
With respect to the Lake Charles CCS Project, temporary and
localized floodplains and wetlands impacts may occur during the
construction of stream and wetlands crossings associated with pipeline
construction. Wetlands also may be impacted by development of the 50-
foot-wide right-of-way. Several small isolated wetlands have been
identified in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland
Inventory (USFWS, 2010) within the Hastings MVA project area.
Potential impacts to floodplains and wetlands for all aspects of
the proposed Lake Charles CCS Project and any connected actions would
be evaluated in the EIS. If potential impacts are identified, DOE will
include a floodplain and wetland assessment in the EIS, in accordance
with its
[[Page 24011]]
regulations in 10 CFR part 1022, Compliance with Floodplain and Wetland
Environmental Review Requirements.
Preliminary Identification of Environmental Issues
DOE intends to address the issues listed below when considering the
potential impacts resulting from the construction and operation of the
Lake Charles CCS Project and any connected actions. This list is
neither intended to be all-inclusive, nor to be a predetermined set of
potential impacts. The list is presented to facilitate public comment
on the planned scope of the EIS. Additions to or deletions from the
list may occur as a result of this scoping process. The preliminary
list of potentially affected resources or activities and their related
environmental issues includes:
Air quality resources: potential air quality impacts from
emissions during construction and operation of the proposed project and
connected actions on local sensitive receptors, local environmental
conditions, and special-use areas, including impacts to smog and haze
and impacts from dust and any significant vapor plumes, including
greenhouse gas emissions;
Climate change: potential impacts on climate as a result
of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Water resources: potential impacts from water use and
consumption, wastewater discharges, and releases to streams during
construction and operation of the proposed project and connected
Infrastructure and land use: potential environmental and
socioeconomic impacts associated with the proposed project and
connected actions, including delivery of materials and distribution of
products (e.g., access roads, pipelines);
Solid wastes: pollution prevention and waste management
issues (generation, treatment, transport, storage, disposal or use),
including potential impacts from the proposed project and connected
actions on the generation, treatment, storage and management of
hazardous materials and other solid wastes;
Ecological resources: potential on-site and off-site
impacts to vegetation, wildlife, threatened or endangered species and
ecologically sensitive habitats from the proposed project and connected
Floodplains and wetlands: potential wetland and floodplain
impacts from construction and operation of the proposed project,
pipelines and connected actions;
Transportation and traffic: potential impacts from the
construction and operation of the proposed project, pipeline and
connected actions, including changes in local traffic patterns, roads
and rail lines, traffic hazards and traffic controls;
Historic and cultural resources: potential impacts related
to development of the site for the proposed project and connected
actions and pipeline construction;
Geology and soils: potential impacts to existing geologic
and soil resources from construction and operation of the proposed
project and connected actions;
Public health and safety issues: potential construction-
related safety, process safety and impacts associated with
CO2 capture and transport to and usage in EOR at the
sequestration site;
Socioeconomics: potential impacts on public services and
infrastructure (e.g. schools, utilities), the creation of jobs, use of
community resources and state and local tax incentives associated with
the proposed project and connected actions;
Environmental justice: potential disproportionate adverse
impacts on minority and low-income populations associated with the
proposed project and connected actions;
Noise: potential impacts from construction, transportation
of materials and facility operations for the proposed project and
connected actions;
Cumulative effects: incremental impacts of the proposed
project and connected actions when added to other past, present and
reasonably foreseeable future projects, including emissions of
greenhouse gases and global climate change;
Compliance with regulatory and environmental permitting
requirements: environmental compliance and monitoring plans associated
with the carbon capture equipment, pipeline construction,
CO2 sequestration activities and connected actions.
Public Scoping Process
This Notice of Intent initiates the scoping process under NEPA,
which will guide the development of the Draft EIS. To ensure
identification of issues related to DOE's Proposed Action and
Leucadia's Proposed Project, DOE seeks public input to define the scope
of the EIS. The public scoping period will end 30 days after
publication of this NOI in the Federal Register. Interested government
agencies, private-sector organizations and individuals are encouraged
to submit comments or suggestions concerning the content of the EIS,
issues and impacts that should be addressed, and alternatives that
should be considered. Scoping comments should clearly describe specific
issues or topics that the EIS should address. Written, e-mailed, or
faxed comments should be received by May 29, 2011 (see ADDRESSES).
DOE will conduct two public scoping meetings, to be held at
Pearland Junior High, 4719 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX, on May 16, 2011,
and at Westlake City Hall, 1001 Mulberry Street, Westlake, LA, on May
17, 2011. Oral comments will be heard during the formal portion of the
scoping meeting beginning at 7 p.m. The public is also invited to
provide comments and learn more about the project at informal sessions
at these locations beginning at 5 p.m. DOE requests that anyone who
wishes to provide oral comments at this public scoping meeting should
contact Ms. Pierina Fayish, either by phone, e-mail, fax, or postal
mail (see ADDRESSES).
Those who do not arrange in advance to speak may register at the
meeting (preferably at the beginning of the meeting) and may be given
an opportunity to speak after previously scheduled speakers. Speakers
will be given approximately 5 minutes to present their comments. Those
speakers who want more than 5 minutes should indicate the length of
time desired in their request. Depending on the number of speakers, DOE
may need to limit all speakers to 5 minutes initially and provide
second opportunities as time permits. Individuals may also provide
written materials in lieu of, or supplemental to, their presentations.
Oral and written comments will be given equal consideration.
DOE will begin the formal meeting with an overview of Leucadia's
project. The meeting will not be conducted as an evidentiary hearing,
and speakers will not be cross-examined. However, speakers may be asked
questions to help ensure that DOE fully understands the comments or
suggestions. A presiding officer will establish the order of speakers
and provide any additional procedures necessary to conduct the meeting.
A stenographer will record the proceedings, including all oral comments
Issued in Washington, DC, this 26th day of April 2011.
Victor K. Der,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy.
[FR Doc. 2011-10448 Filed 4-28-11; 8:45 am]