Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Requests for Expressions of Interest To Administer Pilot, 20699-20705 [2011-8782]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices 50075.2, HUD–50077, HUD–50077–CR, HUD–50077–SL. Members of the Affected Public: Local, Regional and State Body Corporate Politic Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) Governments.. Estimation of the total number of hours needed to prepare the information collection including number of respondents, frequency of response, and hours of response: The estimated number of burden hours needed to prepare the information collection is 45,612; estimated number of respondents is 3,969; the frequency of response for non-qualified PHAs is annually and once every 5 fiscal years for qualified PHAs. All PHAs may submit updated PHA Plans when amending or modifying any PHA policy, rule, regulation or other aspect of the plan. Status of the Proposed Information Collection: This is a revision of currently approved collection. Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended. Dated: April 5, 2011. Merrie Nichol-Dixon, Deputy Director for Office of Policy, Programs, and Legislative Initiatives. [FR Doc. 2011–8778 Filed 4–12–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–5514–N–01] Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Requests for Expressions of Interest To Administer Pilot Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research, HUD. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice announces HUD’s proposal to conduct a Fellowship Placement Pilot (fellowship program). The fellowship program is designed to assist local governments rebuild their capacity by training and placing highly motivated early to midcareer professionals into two-year fellowships to work in a mayor’s office or other offices of local government agencies. HUD intends to conduct the fellowship program in approximately six pilot cities. In choosing these pilot cities, HUD has conducted an extensive evaluation process and is in the final stages of selecting the pilot cities. Through a national competitive process, up to 30 fellows will be recruited for the initial class, where mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 each pilot city may receive up to five fellows. Fellows will receive stipends and will be mentored by staff located in each pilot city. To administer the fellowship program, HUD will select an eligible third party as defined in section II.B. Definitions of this notice. HUD solicits expressions of interest by eligible third parties to administer the fellowship program. Qualified eligible third parties that have expressed interest to HUD in administering the fellowship program will be invited to submit full applications for review and grant selection. While there is no match requirement for the fellowship program, HUD recognizes that the scope of work required of the program may exceed the funds that are available for this grant. Therefore, HUD expects that the selected third party will secure additional funding support from other philanthropic organizations to fulfill the scope of work for the fellowship program. (Please see section II.C.1 Leveraging for more information.) Funding for the fellowship program was made available to HUD through a private donation, which HUD is statutorily authorized to accept. DATES: Expressions of Interest Due Date: May 13, 2011. HUD will review the Expressions of Interest received from third parties. Only third parties determined eligible to apply will be notified by HUD no later than 30 days after Due Date to submit full applications. Interested Third Parties. Third parties interested in participating in the fellowship program are directed to submit their Expressions of Interest to FellowshpPlacementProgram@hud.gov by the Due Date. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kheng Mei Tan, Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone number 202–708–3815 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 800–877–8339. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ADDRESSES: I. Background In 2010, senior leadership from the White House, HUD, and other federal agencies have assessed ways to enhance technical assistance to help some of the nation’s most economically distressed cities so that they may begin to stabilize and rebuild their local economies. PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 20699 These cities, formerly key economic engines of regional and national prosperity have in the past several decades, undergone high poverty and unemployment rates, severe residential and commercial vacancies, long-term population loss, and have struggled to return to a place of economic productivity. The long term economic decline of these cities have constrained local resources, and precluded them from attracting, hiring and maintaining sufficient staff to support key operations and execute revitalization strategies. Moreover, rising government costs, declining revenue streams, and the requirement that state and local governments maintain a balanced budget continue to further these economic challenges. However, despite these significant challenges, these cities possess tremendous physical, commercial, and public assets that can be used to revive their local and regional economies. In an effort to ensure the economic health and well being of regional and national economies, these cities must be given the best opportunity possible to regain strength through leveraging their key assets and extensively partner with public and private sectors. In addition, the revitalization of these cities can be assisted by providing them with additional highly skilled staff with wide-ranging technical expertise in fields that include urban planning, workforce training, economic development, and human capital strategies. The fellowship program is one outcome of these Federal level discussions in 2010, and one component of a broader and new approach to making the federal investment model more flexible, targeted, tailored, and holistic in building local capacity in cities and regions facing long-term challenges. With this new method, these cities can more effectively build partnerships with businesses, non-profits, and other key economic players that will help attract critical private investment to create jobs, promote economic growth, and enhance community prosperity. As a result, this targeted assistance will help put these places on a path towards creating a customized and specific plan for longterm economic revitalization. II. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program A. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Overview As described in the Summary, the fellowship program will be a competitive program that provides funding for early to mid-career E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES 20700 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices professionals to work for two year terms in local government positions to supplement existing local capacity. HUD envisions that through a national competitive process, up to 30 fellows who are strongly committed to public service, will be selected for the initial fellowship class. Fellows will be deployed to pilot cities where they will support and assist local governments in their economic revitalization efforts. Fellows will receive stipends and will be mentored by staff located in each pilot city. The objectives of fellows assigned to selected pilot cities will be to: 1. Take on high-level responsibilities and be immersed in the core operations of the host city; 2. Engage in peer-to-peer learning opportunities and become active leaders in their host city; and 3. Be intensely engaged and committed to the redevelopment of the city so that they remain working in the city after the end of the program. HUD intends to conduct the fellowship program in approximately six pilot cities. Each pilot city may receive up to five fellows. As noted earlier in the Summary, HUD is in the final stages of selecting the pilot cities. When HUD selects the pilot cities, HUD will conduct a comprehensive city assessment for each pilot city to identify their key challenges and areas of capacity need. The city assessments also will provide useful information to help determine how fellows can be used to support each pilot city. HUD intends to complete the city assessments before the fellowship administrator is selected. Funding for the fellowship program is provided through a donation of $2.5 million by a private philanthropic organization, which HUD is authorized to accept under section 7(k) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3535(k)(1)). The donation was specifically provided to HUD to develop, manage, and implement a national fellowship program to enhance the capacity of some of the nation’s most economically distressed cities. In addition, 42 U.S.C. 3532(b) authorizes the Secretary of HUD to ‘‘exercise leadership at the direction of the President in coordinating Federal activities affecting housing and urban development’’ as well as to ‘‘provide technical assistance and information * * * to aid state, county, town, village, or other local governments in developing solutions to community and metropolitan development problems.’’ VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 B. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Administrator HUD is not seeking applications through this notice but is seeking expressions of interest from eligible third parties (Administrator) to administer the fellowship program. The selected Administrator will be responsible for two major activities of the fellowship program: 1. Manage and administer the fellowship program at the national and local level (Activity 1); and 2. Develop training curriculum and train fellows for the program (Activity 2). To be eligible for selection, the Administrator must be able to carry out both activities. The selected Administrator will be a single third party OR a partnership of third parties, as the term ‘‘third party’’ is defined below, along with other key definitions. Definitions: The following terms shall have the meaning indicated below: Administrator: The term ‘‘administrator’’ means a third party or partnership of third parties that will be responsible for all tasks associated with activities 1 and 2 described in this Expression of Interest. Third-party: The term ‘‘third party’’ means an educational institution, private and for-profit entity, or private or public nonprofit with a 501(c)(3) status. Partnership: The term ‘‘partnership’’ means any combination or grouping of two or more third-parties as previously defined. Examples of possible partnerships among third parties may include, but is not limited to, a partnership between: • A national or regional leadership institute and local universities or other local organization with relevant experience; or • A volunteer or community driven organization and college institution. Further, to differentiate among the tasks associated with Activity 1 and Activity 2, HUD will use the following terms: Activity 1 Local organization: The term ‘‘local organization’’ will refer to those third parties that will be tasked to work in each of the pilot cities. In addition, HUD will expand this definition of ‘‘local organization’’ to include an individual(s) who is a qualified independent consultant or professional expert that can effectively manage the work at the local level. Activity 2 Training Organization: The term ‘‘training organization’’ will refer to the PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 third parties that will assume all tasks associated with training as described in section II.C.2 of this Expression of Interest. Period of expenditure of fellowship program funds: The $2.5 million to be made available for the fellowship program is to be used by the Administrator over the course of 30 months from the date that funding is made available. HUD Headquarters will monitor the Administrator to ensure that the funds are efficiently utilized over the 30 month period. Cooperative agreement: Upon selection of an Administrator, HUD intends to execute a cooperative agreement with the Administrator that delineates the objectives, roles and responsibilities for HUD and the Administrator. HUD recognizes that the success of the fellowship program will require flexibility and adaptability in design and implementation. Therefore, the cooperative agreement will allow HUD to work closely with the Administrator to help fine tune activities as needed to ensure that activities are implemented in a manner that is consistent with the objectives of the fellowship program. HUD anticipates that it will have significant involvement in all aspects of the fellowship program’s planning, delivery, and follow-up. C. Primary Tasks of the Administrator HUD’s proposal for the fellowship program involves two major activities for the Administrator to carry out, as noted above. The following provides more details on these activities. 1. Activity 1: Manage and Implement the Fellowship Program at the National and Local Level Coordination with selected pilot cities: HUD recognizes that the fellowship program will require a local presence in each of the pilot cities. Therefore, the Administrator will be required to identify, coordinate and collaborate with a local organization in each of the pilot cities. (Note: Because HUD has not yet finalized its selection of the pilot cities, eligible third parties that have submitted their Expressions of Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to apply for the fellowship program will be required to outline a detailed plan that describes how they will identify, select and coordinate with local organizations in their applications.) HUD expects the relationship between the Administrator and local organizations to be sufficiently flexible to ensure that the program functions smoothly and successfully. The E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices Administrator will be responsible for the following six tasks: • Managing the overall operations of the fellowship program which includes paying fellow stipends, recruiting and selecting fellows, and coordinating with local organizations in each pilot city. • Working with the city to ensure that fellows are well integrated with their pilot city and working on high-level, strategic projects; • Helping to coordinate site visits with the training organization; • Identifying additional training and mentoring opportunities fellows may require as they progress through the program; and • Tracking and monitoring data to be used for evaluating the success of fellows and the fellowship program. • Securing additional support from philanthropic organizations to meet the objectives and scope of work in the fellowship program. mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES Note: Interested eligible third parties that are determined eligible to apply for the fellowship program will be asked to specify who (the Administrator or local organization) would be responsible for carrying out the five tasks described above. Payment of fellows: The Administrator will be responsible for paying fellows in the program. HUD plans to set-aside a portion of the $2.5 million to pay fellow stipends. HUD anticipates that fellow stipends will be $60,000 per year. In the best case scenario, the cost of the stipend is shared between the pilot city and the program. When the pilot city is selected, HUD will work with each pilot city in determining the cost share of the stipend. Recruitment and selection of fellows: The Administrator will be responsible for recruiting and selecting qualified fellows for the program. No HUD employees are eligible to participate in the fellowship program. The Administrator will be primarily responsible for marketing and advertising the program in places such as graduate programs, career listservs and public sector networks. HUD may also assist in advertising the program to increase the number of applicants. HUD recognizes that selecting the most qualified fellows is a critical element to ensuring the success of the fellowship program. As a result, the Administrator to be selected must have significant expertise in similar selection and recruitment experience, preferably for public service employment. HUD will work with Administrator to ensure that the types of fellows selected meet the needs and objectives of the fellowship program. HUD also has VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 developed general criteria for the types of qualifications anticipated for participation in the program. Please see the Appendix B for the list of fellow qualifications. HUD expects the Administrator to work closely with pilot cities to ensure that the skill sets of fellows recruited reflects the needs of the pilot cities. Before the recruitment process begins, HUD will connect the Administrator to the relevant pilot city officials to facilitate such coordination. Coordination with local organizations: The Administrator will coordinate their activities with local organizations to ensure that the objectives of the fellowship program are being met. This may include activities such as monitoring the work of the fellows and working with the pilot cities to identify potential projects. HUD does not want to be rigid in defining these roles and responsibilities. Rather, HUD expects the relationship between the Administrator and the local organizations to be flexible enough to ensure that the program operates smoothly and successfully. Mentorship of fellows: HUD recognizes that mentors will be critical to the success and retention of fellows in the program. HUD does not want to be rigid in defining the roles and responsibility of mentorship. Rather, HUD expects the selected Administrator to be adaptive, responsive and flexible enough to meet the needs of fellows. This would include ensuring that fellows work on challenging and strategic projects and are well-integrated and connected to their pilot city. Due to the complex nature of the work required of fellows to meet the intricate challenges of pilot cities, HUD anticipates that the roles and responsibilities of fellows will likely change as the program progresses. In addition, HUD does not have specific projects for fellows in mind. However, HUD, at minimum, expects that the work of fellows must be high-level, strategic projects that will help advance the economic goals of a pilot city. As described in section II.A Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Overview, the types of projects that fellows are expected to work on will be informed by a city assessment process of each pilot city that HUD will be undertaking separately. Please also review section D. Pilot Cities, City Assessments for more information on the city assessment process. Coordinating training activities: HUD expects the selected Administrator will work to identify opportunities for additional training which may include, but are not limited to conferences, PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 20701 workshops, or meetings. In addition, the Administrator will help coordinate site visits throughout the span of the fellowship program. Evaluation: HUD expects that the selected Administrator to collect data to help HUD evaluate the success of fellows and the program. HUD will provide the Administrator with a basic template to collect qualitative and quantitative information. In addition, HUD welcomes proposals from the Administrator on additional metrics for data collection. Leveraging: As described in the Summary, HUD will not have a match requirement for the fellowship program. However, HUD recognizes that the scope of work required of the program may exceed the funds that are available for this grant. Therefore, HUD expects that the selected Administrator will secure additional funding support from other philanthropic organizations to fulfill the scope of work for the fellowship program. (Note: Eligible third parties that have submitted their Expressions of Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to apply for the fellowship program will be required to explain how they plan to identify and secure additional financial support to meet the full scale of the fellowship program in their applications.) 2. Activity 2: Develop Training Curriculum and Train Fellows for the Fellowship Program HUD expects that fellows selected will likely enter the program with an array of skills and expertise, but notwithstanding skills and expertise, fellows will be expected to undergo orientation and training. The selected Administrator will either serve as the training organization or identify a training organization to assist with training selected fellows. In this discussion of Activity 2, training organization refers to the entity (either the Administrator or another third party) that will be responsible and conduct orientation and training. For this activity, the training organization would be required to complete the following tasks: a. Develop orientation materials for fellows entering the program; b. Develop or apply existing training curriculum that will equip fellows with the fundamental knowledge, tools and skills they would need to be successful in the program. c. Identify the locations of where fellows are to be trained and train fellows; and d. Coordinate with the national and local intermediaries on additional training fellows may need as they E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES 20702 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices progress through the program, as well as help to coordinate site visits. Orientation: The training organization will develop the materials and agenda to help orient the new class of fellows. The training organization will administer the orientation training and coordinate activities, guest speakers and attendees with HUD. Training: The training organization will be responsible for all aspects of training, which includes training fellows and developing the training curriculum for fellows. HUD expects that training courses should be practical in nature, and focus on leadership development and team building. Areas of focus will be wide-ranging in scope and may include, but are not limited to project management; bureaucratic navigation; finance and acquisition; data and monitoring; changing market conditions; urban planning and redevelopment; human and social capital development; and local government finance and budgeting. While HUD recognizes that the training of fellows will largely be ‘‘onthe-job’’ training, HUD expects that the training courses developed should make every effort to draw on real world experiences in the policies and practices of local government. Development of local training opportunities: The training organization will be responsible for developing or identifying additional local training opportunities for fellows. Responsibilities for the training organization may include, but are not limited to, coordinating site visits; developing workshops on a specific topic; and identifying and bringing in expert consultants or speakers to educate fellows. While HUD will not require a minimum number of training opportunities or site visits, HUD expects at least one site visit to be in a pilot city. The purpose of site visits is to help increase the knowledge and expertise of fellows in the program. Leveraging: HUD recognizes that the scope of work required of the fellowship program will exceed the funds that are available for this grant. Therefore, HUD expects that the training organization will secure additional funding support from other philanthropic organizations to fulfill the scope of work for the fellowship program. (Note: Eligible third parties that have submitted their Expressions of Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to apply for the fellowship program will be required to explain how they plan to identify and secure additional financial support to meet the full scale of the fellowship program in their applications.) VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 3. Reporting Requirements HUD will require the selected Administrator to report to the Government Technical Representative (GTR) who will be responsible for managing the fellowship program grant at HUD no less often than quarterly, unless otherwise specified in the cooperative agreement. As part of this required report to HUD, the selected Administrator will update the GTR with information on actual outputs and data related to outcomes achieved, and a narrative explanation of any disparity between projected and actual results. HUD will also require the selected Administrator to provide HUD with a final narrative report no more than three months from the end of the grant period. Indirect costs: Indirect costs, if applicable, are allowable based on an established approved indirect cost rate. Applicants should have on file, and submit to HUD as part of their grant application, a copy of their approved indirect cost rate agreement if they have one. Applicants that are selected for funding but do not have an approved indirect cost rate agreement established by the cognizant federal agency, and who want to charge indirect costs to the grant, will be required to establish a rate. In such cases, HUD will issue an award with a provisional rate and assist applicants with the process of establishing a final rate. D. Selected Pilot Cities As previously noted, HUD is in the final stages of selecting the pilot cities. HUD anticipates that it will select and announce the pilot cities before the selection of an Administrator. City assessments: When HUD selects the pilot cities, HUD will conduct a comprehensive city assessment. HUD intends to complete the city assessments before an Administrator is selected. The purpose of the city assessment is to identify the key challenges and areas of need for each pilot city. To help conduct these assessments, HUD will work closely with city mayors and their staff to examine areas such as staffing resources; internal decision making processes; fiscal and budget capacity; and economic development and housing projects. HUD expects that the selected Administrator, in close collaboration with each pilot city, will review the information from the city assessment to identify the types of work and projects for fellows. (HUD will provide the selected Administrator with the city assessments and connect them with each pilot city.) This will allow the selected Administrator to recruit and PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 match fellows according to the needs of each pilot city. HUD’s Coordination Role. When an Administrator is selected, HUD will take the lead role in coordinating all key aspects of the program between the Administrator and the pilot cities to ensure the successful implementation of program objectives. HUD’s role in coordination would include, but is not limited to: • Facilitating meetings between the third party and the pilot cities; • Negotiating, where appropriate, fellowship work responsibilities; • Hosting site visits in pilot city locations. A. Solicitation of Expressions of Interests Third parties interested in being selected as the Administrator for the fellowship program are invited to advise of their interest to HUD by must emailing such Expression of Interest to FellowshpPlacementProgram@hud.gov by the deadline set forth in the DATES section of this notice. HUD welcomes parties expressing an interest (but imposes no requirement to do so) to advise of reasons for the party’s interest in being an Administrator and a general description of the interested party’s capacity and experience in being the Administrator. Although Expressions of Interest are not being submitted through a public portal, Expressions of Interest should nevertheless not contain any proprietary information. Dated: April 6, 2011. Raphael W. Bostic, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research. Appendix A—Proposed Request for Qualifications (RFQ) [Note: HUD is not soliciting applications at this time] HUD proposes to rate the qualifications of an Administrator applicant on three rating factors described below, and eligible applicants, as determined through the solicitation of Expressions of Interest, will be asked to submit applications that address these factors. Only applicants (a single third party or a partnership of third parties) that can meet the competencies of both activities 1 and 2 should submit applications. If applying as a partnership, a lead applicant must be named in the application. The lead applicant also will be responsible for managing the scope of work in the activities applied for by the partnership. The total number of points possibly awarded for an application is 190 points. The applicant must answer all questions in the RFQ. Applicants that leave questions unanswered will be determined to have submitted incomplete applications, and their applications will not be considered. E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices The rating factors are described below. mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES I. Rating Factors Rating Factor 1: Demonstrated Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Staff (70 Points): A. Previous Experience (40 points) 1. General question (10 points): HUD is interested in the applicant’s demonstrated history of direct public service or placement of public servants within the last 24 months. This must include a brief explanation about the objectives, goals and work of the applicant, and any awards that the applicant has received for public service. In addition, please include any information on previous work, partnerships or collaborations with the federal or local government. If applying as a partnership, please provide a brief explanation for all third parties in the partnership. 2. The following questions relate ONLY to Activity 1 (15 points). Provide at least one example of recent experience within the last 24 months where the applicant has managed activities similar to the ones covered under Activity 1. The applicant’s explanation should include a discussion of the tasks undertaken, actual results achieved, and the specific skills and resources applied to each task listed below: a. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in working on projects that have required it to connect with other local networks, organizations and key individuals in cities. In addition, the applicant must explain how it has built and maintained these relationships with local networks, organizations and key individuals, and how integral this collaboration was to its project. b. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in attracting and recruiting talented individuals from around the country, including those from top universities or other career networks. c. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in managing staff and/or program participants remotely. 3. The following questions relate ONLY to Activity 2 (15 points). The applicant must provide at least one example of recent experience within the last 24 months where it has managed activities similar to the ones covered under Activity 2. The applicant’s explanation must include a discussion of the tasks undertaken, actual results achieved, and the specific skills and resources applied to each task listed below: a. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in developing training curriculum for a public service and/ or community or economic development program and how it has trained past participants. In addition, please include the length of training; the types of training past participants underwent (e.g. classroom instruction, site visits, workshops); and how it has recruited instructors and speakers to enhance the trainings. b. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in partnering with other organizations, individuals are institutions to develop training curriculum for a fellowship program. VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 B. Management Structure (30 points) Organization Structure (20 points): HUD is interested in understanding the applicant’s capacity to support the fellowship program in relation to ALL activities described in the RFQ. 1. The applicant must provide a description of its management structure, including an organizational chart that identifies all key management positions and the names and positions of staff managing ALL key tasks described in the RFQ that are associated with both activities described in the RFQ. The applicant must also describe the key staff and their specific roles and responsibilities for the management of its proposed activities. Please also include a one paragraph description that describes the previous experience as it relates to the assigned activities of all key staff. If applying as a partnership, the applicant must provide this information for each third party and also describe the management structure of the partnership and the role of each third party. The applicant also must explain briefly how the partnership will work together to ensure that the activities will be achieved successfully and how decisions will be made. 2. References (10 points). The applicant must include at least two references for recent work similar to the programs covered under the RFQ that has been undertaken by the applicant. If a partnership, the applicant must include two references for each third party in the partnership. At least one reference must be from an organization, individual or institution that you have worked with in the past 24 months applicable to the activity(s) you are applying for. This reference must be submitted in the form of a letter (one-page maximum) that includes a contact name, address, phone number and email address so that HUD may verify the information. A second reference may be taken from a brief newspaper or journal article, program evaluation, or a transcript from a reputable independent source other than you. No video or audio recording may be submitted. Rating Factor 2: Soundness of Approach (100 Points): A. Proposed Activities (85 points) 1. The applicant must briefly describe the activities it proposes to undertake in the RFQ application, including any additional activities it plans to undertake that will not be funded by the fellowship program. In addition, for Activity 1 (50 points), please address specifically in the proposal the following: a. HUD recognizes that key to the success of the fellowship program will be determined by the close collaboration and communication between the national and local third parties. While HUD has not selected the pilot cities, HUD would like the applicant to describe in detail: i. How it plans to identify and select the local organizations or individuals that it will work with to meet the objectives of Activity 1. ii. How it anticipates each local organization or individual will communicate and work with it to ensure the success of the fellowship program. PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 20703 iii. What it thinks the key responsibilities of the local organizations would be to accomplish the tasks associated with Activity 1. b. HUD is interested in learning where and how the applicant plans to market the program to secure the most qualified fellows. The applicant must explain its process of recruiting fellows for the program. The applicant must include a discussion of how it plans to market and reach out to various places to recruit qualified fellows. c. HUD is interested in learning the applicant’s process for selecting fellows. While HUD recognizes that some of the fellow selection will be based on the needs of the pilot cities, HUD is looking for an explanation of the applicant’s proposed selection process and any proposed criteria for fellows it may have in addition to the fellows criteria in Appendix B. Information in this process may include additional consultants and experts the applicant may hire, how it plans to conduct the interviews, and what additional criteria—given its understanding of fellowship programs—it may look for in fellows. d. HUD would like to know how the applicant plans to identify any additional training opportunities (including site visits, workshops, and conferences) for fellows in the program. e. HUD recognizes that mentoring fellows will be critical to the success of the program. Therefore, HUD expects the applicant to have a close mentor relationship with each fellow. The applicant must explain how it plans to mentor fellows one-on-one and in group settings, and how it plans to help them resolve or work through their challenges as they arise in the program. The applicant must also explain how it plans to identify high level, strategic projects for the fellows. f. The applicant must provide HUD with a list and description of possible metrics it thinks would be valuable to collect for evaluation. For Activity 2 (30 points), the applicant must address specifically in the proposal the following: The applicant must explain how it plans to develop training curriculum and how it plans to train fellows. The applicant must include a discussion on how its proposed training curriculum would advance and enhance leadership skills among fellows, and how its training curriculum would prepare fellows for the fellowship program. a. In addition, the applicant must include other organizations it may use to help develop the curriculum. The applicant must list the types of training it plans to have fellows undertake (e.g. workshops, classroom training, etc.) including potential instructors or speakers, and how it plans to recruit qualified instructors and speakers. The applicant must describe the type of materials it plans to develop to train fellows and if applicable, describe any certifications it might offer to fellows. b. The applicant must explain how it will develop the orientation training for fellows and include a description of the types of materials it plans to develop to train fellows. c. The applicant must describe the types of site visits it plans to undertake to enhance E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 20704 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices the learning experience of fellows. The applicant must also explain how it plans to identify, develop and/or implement any additional trainings it thinks would be helpful in the fellowship program. 2. Activity 1 & Activity 2 (5 points) As referenced in III.A.1.a Leveraging, HUD recognizes that the full cost of the program will likely exceed the $2.5 million granted under the RFQ. Nevertheless, HUD is requesting that the applicant indicate how it will use the $2.5 million by providing a list or table showing the amount of funds budgeted for each activity for years 1 and 2. If a partnership, the applicant must indicate also the responsible third party for each use and activity. a. In addition, as referenced in section III.A.1 Payment of Fellows, HUD recognizes that the cost of the fellow stipends under the fellowship program is unknown as HUD is in the process of negotiating stipend share between what the pilot cities and the fellowship program will each pay. For your budget, please include a category for fellow stipends for years 1 and 2. HUD anticipates that fellows will be paid $60,000 per year (for a total of $120,000 for years 1 and 2 for each fellow). Please assume that the program will pay 75 percent of this stipend for years 1 and 2 (this amounts to $45,000 for each year). Given your proposed budget, HUD wants to see the maximum number of fellows that could be funded with the $2.5 million grant. mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES B. Project Completion Schedule (5 points) 1. For the activity(s) the applicant is applying for, the applicant must briefly describe the project completion schedule, including milestones in each month for 24 months for the critical management actions for the applicant, start and end dates of each activity, and the expected metrics and results. C. Performance and Monitoring (10 points) 1. HUD grantees must have a plan for monitoring and funds control plan for all program activities to ensure successful performance. This includes an internal audit function. An internal audit function will continually examine potentially risky areas of program operations and management and provide regular and valuable feedback to program managers and to those who hold them accountable. This feedback will include identification of risky management practices and missing or ineffective internal controls, areas that are not in compliance with program requirements, and ineffective implementation of established policies. For the activity(s) the applicant is applying for in this factor, the applicant must: a. Describe your monitoring and funds control plan. b. Describe how you will meet the internal audit requirement. Specifically identify the position(s) and agency responsible for internal audit. Rating Factor 3: Leveraging of Other Funds (20 Points): HUD does not require matching funds to be awarded grants from the RFQ. However, as referenced in III.A.1.a Leveraging, HUD expects that the applicant that is awarded the grant will secure additional funding support from other VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 philanthropic organizations. As a result, HUD will put greater preference on applicants that can draw additional financial support. In this rating factor, HUD would like to know the applicant’s experience in securing philanthropic support and its ability to leverage existing funds. 1. In this factor, the applicant must describe its success in securing philanthropic support for projects similar or related to any or all of the activities the applicant is applying for in the RFQ. 2. The applicant must also describe its plans for reaching out to other philanthropic organizations or private institutions, and fundraising activities it plans to undertake if granted funds from the RFQ. 3. The applicant must indicate, where appropriate, if it currently has commitments of additional funds from other philanthropic organizations or private institutions and how those funds might be leveraged for this program. II. Award Administration Information A. Award Notices HUD will send written notifications to both successful and unsuccessful applicants. A notification sent to a successful applicant is not an authorization to begin performance. Upon notification that an applicant has been selected for award, HUD will request additional information to be submitted or may work with the applicant to amend information that was already submitted as part of the application. B. Code of Conduct After selection, but prior to award, applicants selected for funding will be required to provide HUD with their written Code of Conduct if they have not previously done so and it is not recorded on the HUD Web site at: https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/ grants/codeofconduct/cconduct.cfm. C. Administrative and National Policy Requirements After selection for funding but prior to award, applicants must submit financial and administrative information to comply with applicable requirements. These requirements are found in 24 CFR part 84 for all organizations, except states and local governments whose requirements are found in 24 CFR part 85. Cost principles requirements are found at OMB Circular A–122 for nonprofit organizations, OMB Circular A–21 for institutions of higher education, OMB Circular A–87 for states and local governments, and at 48 CFR 31.2 for commercial organizations. Applicants must submit a certification from an Independent Public Accountant or the cognizant government auditor, stating that the applicant’s financial management system meets prescribed standards for fund control and accountability. D. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 Applicants selected for funding will be required to report first sub-grant award and executive compensation information, where both their initial award is $25,000 or greater, as required by the Federal Funding PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109–282). The prime grant awardees will have until the end of the month plus one additional month after an award or sub-grant is obligated to fulfill the reporting requirement. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 calls for the establishment of a publicly available Web site to disclose the use of Federal finance assistance. a. The Act requires the reporting of the following data for first-tier sub-grants of $25,000 or more: (1) Name of entity receiving award. (2) Amount of award. (3) Funding agency. (4) NAICS code for contracts/CFDA program number for grants. (5) Program source. (6) Award title descriptive of the purpose of the funding action. (7) Location of the entity (including congressional district). (8) Place of performance (including congressional district). (9) Unique identifier of the entity and its parent; and. (10) Total compensation and names of top five executives (same thresholds as for primes). b. The Transparency Act also requires the reporting of the Total Compensation and Names of the top five executives in either the prime awardee or a sub-awardee’s organization if: (1) More than 80% of annual gross revenues are from the Federal government, and those revenues are greater than $25M annually; and (2) Compensation information is not already available through reporting to the SEC. The statute exempts from reporting any sub-awards less than $25,000 made to individuals or to an entity whose annual expenditures are less than $300,000. OMB has published Interim Final Guidance to agencies regarding the FFATA subrecipient reporting requirements in the Federal Register on September 14, 2010 (75FR55663.) E. Equal Employment Opportunity All contracts under the fellowship program shall contain a provision requiring compliance with E.O. 11246, ‘‘Equal Employment Opportunity,’’ as amended by E.O. 11375, ‘‘Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,’’ and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60, ‘‘Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor.’’ F. Additional Information This issuance does not direct, provide for assistance or loan and mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern or regulate, real property acquisition, disposition, leasing, rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or new construction, or establish, revise or provide for standards for construction or construction materials, manufactured housing, or occupancy. Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this issuance is categorically excluded from environmental review under E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 71 / Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / Notices the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).’’ Appendix B: Fellowship Placement Pilot Program—Fellows Criteria for Selection The fellows selection of the fellowship program will be open nationally to all qualified applicants. The Administrator will help develop the application and selection criteria for new recruits. The Administrator will conduct the competition for fellows. At minimum, core perquisites must require that candidates: • Have 3–5 years of work experience, where candidates with graduate degrees are preferred; • Make a 2 year commitment; • Have prior experience in the area of community development, economic development, community or other public service, or related field; • Be a problem solver, critical thinker and potential manager; • Have a proven track record of entrepreneurship or social entrepreneurship, ability to work through bureaucracies to get things done; and • Demonstrate a commitment and passion to public service. In addition, applicants will be asked to rank order their location choices, and to articulate their interest in, or connection to any particular location(s). The selected Administrator may explore giving preference to candidates that already live in a pilot city. The selection process for fellows may involve multiple rounds of review that will culminate to several in-person group interviews. After the in-person interviews, a selection committee will make the final selection decisions. Fellows that best match the needs of the pilot cities based on their existing area of knowledge and skill set will be selected for the program. To ensure fellows are properly matched to the needs of each pilot city, the selection process will include a review of the results from the city assessments that were initially conducted for each pilot city before selection. [FR Doc. 2011–8782 Filed 4–12–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS–R9–IA–2011–N074; 96300–1671– 0000–P5] Endangered Species Receipt of Applications for Permit Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of receipt of applications for permit. mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES AGENCY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species. With some SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:37 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 223001 exceptions, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits activities with listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that allows such activities. The ESA laws require that we invite public comment before issuing these permits. DATES: We must receive comments or requests for documents on or before May 13, 2011. ADDRESSES: Brenda Tapia, Division of Management Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Room 212, Arlington, VA 22203; fax (703) 358–2280; or e-mail DMAFR@fws.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brenda Tapia, (703) 358–2104 (telephone); (703) 358–2280 (fax); DMAFR@fws.gov (e-mail). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Public Comment Procedures A. How do I request copies of applications or comment on submitted applications? Send your request for copies of applications or comments and materials concerning any of the applications to the contact listed under ADDRESSES. Please include the Federal Register notice publication date, the PRTnumber, and the name of the applicant in your request or submission. We will not consider requests or comments sent to an e-mail or address not listed under ADDRESSES. If you provide an e-mail address in your request for copies of applications, we will attempt to respond to your request electronically. Please make your requests or comments as specific as possible. Please confine your comments to issues for which we seek comments in this notice, and explain the basis for your comments. Include sufficient information with your comments to allow us to authenticate any scientific or commercial data you include. The comments and recommendations that will be most useful and likely to influence agency decisions are: (1) Those supported by quantitative information or studies; and (2) Those that include citations to, and analyses of, the applicable laws and regulations. We will not consider or include in our administrative record comments we receive after the close of the comment period (see DATES) or comments delivered to an address other than those listed above (see ADDRESSES). 20705 address listed under ADDRESSES. The public may review documents and other information applicants have sent in support of the application unless our allowing viewing would violate the Privacy Act or Freedom of Information Act. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. II. Background To help us carry out our conservation responsibilities for affected species, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, section 10(a)(1)(A), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), and our regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17, require that we invite public comment before final action on these permit applications. III. Permit Applications A. Endangered Species Applicant: Oklahoma City Zoological Park, Oklahoma City, OK; PRT– 30321A The applicant requests a permit to import a captive-held male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) born in the wild from African Lion Safari & Game Farm Ltd., Ontario, Canada, for the purpose of enhancement of the survival of the species through propagation. Multiple Applicants The following applicants each request a permit to import the sport-hunted trophy of one male bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus pygargus) culled from a captive herd maintained under the management program of the Republic of South Africa, for the purpose of enhancement of the survival of the species. Applicant: Franklin Brown, Rainbow City, AL; PRT–33362A Applicant: David Phillips, St. Paul, MN; PRT–37678A Applicant: Carlos Ramirez, Houston, TX; PRT–38803A B. May I review comments submitted by others? Comments, including names and street addresses of respondents, will be available for public review at the Dated: April 8, 2011. Brenda Tapia, Program Analyst/Data Administrator, Branch of Permits, Division of Management Authority. [FR Doc. 2011–8861 Filed 4–12–11; 8:45 am] PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 BILLING CODE 4310–55–P E:\FR\FM\13APN1.SGM 13APN1


[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 71 (Wednesday, April 13, 2011)]
[Pages 20699-20705]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-8782]



[Docket No. FR-5514-N-01]

Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Requests for Expressions of 
Interest To Administer Pilot

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and 
Research, HUD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice announces HUD's proposal to conduct a Fellowship 
Placement Pilot (fellowship program). The fellowship program is 
designed to assist local governments rebuild their capacity by training 
and placing highly motivated early to midcareer professionals into two-
year fellowships to work in a mayor's office or other offices of local 
government agencies.
    HUD intends to conduct the fellowship program in approximately six 
pilot cities. In choosing these pilot cities, HUD has conducted an 
extensive evaluation process and is in the final stages of selecting 
the pilot cities.
    Through a national competitive process, up to 30 fellows will be 
recruited for the initial class, where each pilot city may receive up 
to five fellows. Fellows will receive stipends and will be mentored by 
staff located in each pilot city.
    To administer the fellowship program, HUD will select an eligible 
third party as defined in section II.B. Definitions of this notice. HUD 
solicits expressions of interest by eligible third parties to 
administer the fellowship program. Qualified eligible third parties 
that have expressed interest to HUD in administering the fellowship 
program will be invited to submit full applications for review and 
grant selection.
    While there is no match requirement for the fellowship program, HUD 
recognizes that the scope of work required of the program may exceed 
the funds that are available for this grant. Therefore, HUD expects 
that the selected third party will secure additional funding support 
from other philanthropic organizations to fulfill the scope of work for 
the fellowship program. (Please see section II.C.1 Leveraging for more 
    Funding for the fellowship program was made available to HUD 
through a private donation, which HUD is statutorily authorized to 

DATES: Expressions of Interest Due Date: May 13, 2011. HUD will review 
the Expressions of Interest received from third parties. Only third 
parties determined eligible to apply will be notified by HUD no later 
than 30 days after Due Date to submit full applications.

ADDRESSES: Interested Third Parties. Third parties interested in 
participating in the fellowship program are directed to submit their 
Expressions of Interest to FellowshpPlacementProgram@hud.gov by the Due 

Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 
451 7th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone number 202-708-
3815 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech 
impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free 
Federal Information Relay Service at 800-877-8339.


I. Background

    In 2010, senior leadership from the White House, HUD, and other 
federal agencies have assessed ways to enhance technical assistance to 
help some of the nation's most economically distressed cities so that 
they may begin to stabilize and rebuild their local economies.
    These cities, formerly key economic engines of regional and 
national prosperity have in the past several decades, undergone high 
poverty and unemployment rates, severe residential and commercial 
vacancies, long-term population loss, and have struggled to return to a 
place of economic productivity. The long term economic decline of these 
cities have constrained local resources, and precluded them from 
attracting, hiring and maintaining sufficient staff to support key 
operations and execute revitalization strategies. Moreover, rising 
government costs, declining revenue streams, and the requirement that 
state and local governments maintain a balanced budget continue to 
further these economic challenges.
    However, despite these significant challenges, these cities possess 
tremendous physical, commercial, and public assets that can be used to 
revive their local and regional economies. In an effort to ensure the 
economic health and well being of regional and national economies, 
these cities must be given the best opportunity possible to regain 
strength through leveraging their key assets and extensively partner 
with public and private sectors. In addition, the revitalization of 
these cities can be assisted by providing them with additional highly 
skilled staff with wide-ranging technical expertise in fields that 
include urban planning, workforce training, economic development, and 
human capital strategies.
    The fellowship program is one outcome of these Federal level 
discussions in 2010, and one component of a broader and new approach to 
making the federal investment model more flexible, targeted, tailored, 
and holistic in building local capacity in cities and regions facing 
long-term challenges. With this new method, these cities can more 
effectively build partnerships with businesses, non-profits, and other 
key economic players that will help attract critical private investment 
to create jobs, promote economic growth, and enhance community 
prosperity. As a result, this targeted assistance will help put these 
places on a path towards creating a customized and specific plan for 
long-term economic revitalization.

II. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program

A. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Overview

    As described in the Summary, the fellowship program will be a 
competitive program that provides funding for early to mid-career

[[Page 20700]]

professionals to work for two year terms in local government positions 
to supplement existing local capacity. HUD envisions that through a 
national competitive process, up to 30 fellows who are strongly 
committed to public service, will be selected for the initial 
fellowship class. Fellows will be deployed to pilot cities where they 
will support and assist local governments in their economic 
revitalization efforts. Fellows will receive stipends and will be 
mentored by staff located in each pilot city. The objectives of fellows 
assigned to selected pilot cities will be to:
    1. Take on high-level responsibilities and be immersed in the core 
operations of the host city;
    2. Engage in peer-to-peer learning opportunities and become active 
leaders in their host city; and
    3. Be intensely engaged and committed to the redevelopment of the 
city so that they remain working in the city after the end of the 
    HUD intends to conduct the fellowship program in approximately six 
pilot cities. Each pilot city may receive up to five fellows. As noted 
earlier in the Summary, HUD is in the final stages of selecting the 
pilot cities.
    When HUD selects the pilot cities, HUD will conduct a comprehensive 
city assessment for each pilot city to identify their key challenges 
and areas of capacity need. The city assessments also will provide 
useful information to help determine how fellows can be used to support 
each pilot city. HUD intends to complete the city assessments before 
the fellowship administrator is selected.
    Funding for the fellowship program is provided through a donation 
of $2.5 million by a private philanthropic organization, which HUD is 
authorized to accept under section 7(k) of the Department of Housing 
and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3535(k)(1)). The donation was 
specifically provided to HUD to develop, manage, and implement a 
national fellowship program to enhance the capacity of some of the 
nation's most economically distressed cities. In addition, 42 U.S.C. 
3532(b) authorizes the Secretary of HUD to ``exercise leadership at the 
direction of the President in coordinating Federal activities affecting 
housing and urban development'' as well as to ``provide technical 
assistance and information * * * to aid state, county, town, village, 
or other local governments in developing solutions to community and 
metropolitan development problems.''

B. Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Administrator

    HUD is not seeking applications through this notice but is seeking 
expressions of interest from eligible third parties (Administrator) to 
administer the fellowship program. The selected Administrator will be 
responsible for two major activities of the fellowship program:
    1. Manage and administer the fellowship program at the national and 
local level (Activity 1); and
    2. Develop training curriculum and train fellows for the program 
(Activity 2).

To be eligible for selection, the Administrator must be able to carry 
out both activities.
    The selected Administrator will be a single third party OR a 
partnership of third parties, as the term ``third party'' is defined 
below, along with other key definitions.
    Definitions: The following terms shall have the meaning indicated 
    Administrator: The term ``administrator'' means a third party or 
partnership of third parties that will be responsible for all tasks 
associated with activities 1 and 2 described in this Expression of 
    Third-party: The term ``third party'' means an educational 
institution, private and for-profit entity, or private or public 
nonprofit with a 501(c)(3) status.
    Partnership: The term ``partnership'' means any combination or 
grouping of two or more third-parties as previously defined. Examples 
of possible partnerships among third parties may include, but is not 
limited to, a partnership between:
     A national or regional leadership institute and local 
universities or other local organization with relevant experience; or
     A volunteer or community driven organization and college 

Further, to differentiate among the tasks associated with Activity 1 
and Activity 2, HUD will use the following terms:
Activity 1
    Local organization: The term ``local organization'' will refer to 
those third parties that will be tasked to work in each of the pilot 
cities. In addition, HUD will expand this definition of ``local 
organization'' to include an individual(s) who is a qualified 
independent consultant or professional expert that can effectively 
manage the work at the local level.
Activity 2
    Training Organization: The term ``training organization'' will 
refer to the third parties that will assume all tasks associated with 
training as described in section II.C.2 of this Expression of Interest.
    Period of expenditure of fellowship program funds: The $2.5 million 
to be made available for the fellowship program is to be used by the 
Administrator over the course of 30 months from the date that funding 
is made available. HUD Headquarters will monitor the Administrator to 
ensure that the funds are efficiently utilized over the 30 month 
    Cooperative agreement: Upon selection of an Administrator, HUD 
intends to execute a cooperative agreement with the Administrator that 
delineates the objectives, roles and responsibilities for HUD and the 
Administrator. HUD recognizes that the success of the fellowship 
program will require flexibility and adaptability in design and 
implementation. Therefore, the cooperative agreement will allow HUD to 
work closely with the Administrator to help fine tune activities as 
needed to ensure that activities are implemented in a manner that is 
consistent with the objectives of the fellowship program. HUD 
anticipates that it will have significant involvement in all aspects of 
the fellowship program's planning, delivery, and follow-up.

C. Primary Tasks of the Administrator

    HUD's proposal for the fellowship program involves two major 
activities for the Administrator to carry out, as noted above. The 
following provides more details on these activities.
1. Activity 1: Manage and Implement the Fellowship Program at the 
National and Local Level
    Coordination with selected pilot cities: HUD recognizes that the 
fellowship program will require a local presence in each of the pilot 
cities. Therefore, the Administrator will be required to identify, 
coordinate and collaborate with a local organization in each of the 
pilot cities. (Note: Because HUD has not yet finalized its selection of 
the pilot cities, eligible third parties that have submitted their 
Expressions of Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to apply 
for the fellowship program will be required to outline a detailed plan 
that describes how they will identify, select and coordinate with local 
organizations in their applications.)
    HUD expects the relationship between the Administrator and local 
organizations to be sufficiently flexible to ensure that the program 
functions smoothly and successfully. The

[[Page 20701]]

Administrator will be responsible for the following six tasks:
     Managing the overall operations of the fellowship program 
which includes paying fellow stipends, recruiting and selecting 
fellows, and coordinating with local organizations in each pilot city.
     Working with the city to ensure that fellows are well 
integrated with their pilot city and working on high-level, strategic 
     Helping to coordinate site visits with the training 
     Identifying additional training and mentoring 
opportunities fellows may require as they progress through the program; 
     Tracking and monitoring data to be used for evaluating the 
success of fellows and the fellowship program.
     Securing additional support from philanthropic 
organizations to meet the objectives and scope of work in the 
fellowship program.

    Note:  Interested eligible third parties that are determined 
eligible to apply for the fellowship program will be asked to 
specify who (the Administrator or local organization) would be 
responsible for carrying out the five tasks described above.

    Payment of fellows: The Administrator will be responsible for 
paying fellows in the program. HUD plans to set-aside a portion of the 
$2.5 million to pay fellow stipends. HUD anticipates that fellow 
stipends will be $60,000 per year. In the best case scenario, the cost 
of the stipend is shared between the pilot city and the program. When 
the pilot city is selected, HUD will work with each pilot city in 
determining the cost share of the stipend.
    Recruitment and selection of fellows: The Administrator will be 
responsible for recruiting and selecting qualified fellows for the 
program. No HUD employees are eligible to participate in the fellowship 
program. The Administrator will be primarily responsible for marketing 
and advertising the program in places such as graduate programs, career 
listservs and public sector networks. HUD may also assist in 
advertising the program to increase the number of applicants.
    HUD recognizes that selecting the most qualified fellows is a 
critical element to ensuring the success of the fellowship program. As 
a result, the Administrator to be selected must have significant 
expertise in similar selection and recruitment experience, preferably 
for public service employment. HUD will work with Administrator to 
ensure that the types of fellows selected meet the needs and objectives 
of the fellowship program. HUD also has developed general criteria for 
the types of qualifications anticipated for participation in the 
program. Please see the Appendix B for the list of fellow 
    HUD expects the Administrator to work closely with pilot cities to 
ensure that the skill sets of fellows recruited reflects the needs of 
the pilot cities. Before the recruitment process begins, HUD will 
connect the Administrator to the relevant pilot city officials to 
facilitate such coordination.
    Coordination with local organizations: The Administrator will 
coordinate their activities with local organizations to ensure that the 
objectives of the fellowship program are being met. This may include 
activities such as monitoring the work of the fellows and working with 
the pilot cities to identify potential projects. HUD does not want to 
be rigid in defining these roles and responsibilities. Rather, HUD 
expects the relationship between the Administrator and the local 
organizations to be flexible enough to ensure that the program operates 
smoothly and successfully.
    Mentorship of fellows: HUD recognizes that mentors will be critical 
to the success and retention of fellows in the program. HUD does not 
want to be rigid in defining the roles and responsibility of 
mentorship. Rather, HUD expects the selected Administrator to be 
adaptive, responsive and flexible enough to meet the needs of fellows. 
This would include ensuring that fellows work on challenging and 
strategic projects and are well-integrated and connected to their pilot 
    Due to the complex nature of the work required of fellows to meet 
the intricate challenges of pilot cities, HUD anticipates that the 
roles and responsibilities of fellows will likely change as the program 
progresses. In addition, HUD does not have specific projects for 
fellows in mind. However, HUD, at minimum, expects that the work of 
fellows must be high-level, strategic projects that will help advance 
the economic goals of a pilot city. As described in section II.A 
Fellowship Placement Pilot Program Overview, the types of projects that 
fellows are expected to work on will be informed by a city assessment 
process of each pilot city that HUD will be undertaking separately. 
Please also review section D. Pilot Cities, City Assessments for more 
information on the city assessment process.
    Coordinating training activities: HUD expects the selected 
Administrator will work to identify opportunities for additional 
training which may include, but are not limited to conferences, 
workshops, or meetings. In addition, the Administrator will help 
coordinate site visits throughout the span of the fellowship program.
    Evaluation: HUD expects that the selected Administrator to collect 
data to help HUD evaluate the success of fellows and the program. HUD 
will provide the Administrator with a basic template to collect 
qualitative and quantitative information. In addition, HUD welcomes 
proposals from the Administrator on additional metrics for data 
    Leveraging: As described in the Summary, HUD will not have a match 
requirement for the fellowship program. However, HUD recognizes that 
the scope of work required of the program may exceed the funds that are 
available for this grant. Therefore, HUD expects that the selected 
Administrator will secure additional funding support from other 
philanthropic organizations to fulfill the scope of work for the 
fellowship program. (Note: Eligible third parties that have submitted 
their Expressions of Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to 
apply for the fellowship program will be required to explain how they 
plan to identify and secure additional financial support to meet the 
full scale of the fellowship program in their applications.)

2. Activity 2: Develop Training Curriculum and Train Fellows for the 
Fellowship Program

    HUD expects that fellows selected will likely enter the program 
with an array of skills and expertise, but notwithstanding skills and 
expertise, fellows will be expected to undergo orientation and 
training. The selected Administrator will either serve as the training 
organization or identify a training organization to assist with 
training selected fellows. In this discussion of Activity 2, training 
organization refers to the entity (either the Administrator or another 
third party) that will be responsible and conduct orientation and 
training. For this activity, the training organization would be 
required to complete the following tasks:
    a. Develop orientation materials for fellows entering the program;
    b. Develop or apply existing training curriculum that will equip 
fellows with the fundamental knowledge, tools and skills they would 
need to be successful in the program.
    c. Identify the locations of where fellows are to be trained and 
train fellows; and
    d. Coordinate with the national and local intermediaries on 
additional training fellows may need as they

[[Page 20702]]

progress through the program, as well as help to coordinate site 
    Orientation: The training organization will develop the materials 
and agenda to help orient the new class of fellows. The training 
organization will administer the orientation training and coordinate 
activities, guest speakers and attendees with HUD.
    Training: The training organization will be responsible for all 
aspects of training, which includes training fellows and developing the 
training curriculum for fellows. HUD expects that training courses 
should be practical in nature, and focus on leadership development and 
team building. Areas of focus will be wide-ranging in scope and may 
include, but are not limited to project management; bureaucratic 
navigation; finance and acquisition; data and monitoring; changing 
market conditions; urban planning and redevelopment; human and social 
capital development; and local government finance and budgeting.
    While HUD recognizes that the training of fellows will largely be 
``on-the-job'' training, HUD expects that the training courses 
developed should make every effort to draw on real world experiences in 
the policies and practices of local government.
    Development of local training opportunities: The training 
organization will be responsible for developing or identifying 
additional local training opportunities for fellows. Responsibilities 
for the training organization may include, but are not limited to, 
coordinating site visits; developing workshops on a specific topic; and 
identifying and bringing in expert consultants or speakers to educate 
fellows. While HUD will not require a minimum number of training 
opportunities or site visits, HUD expects at least one site visit to be 
in a pilot city. The purpose of site visits is to help increase the 
knowledge and expertise of fellows in the program.
    Leveraging: HUD recognizes that the scope of work required of the 
fellowship program will exceed the funds that are available for this 
grant. Therefore, HUD expects that the training organization will 
secure additional funding support from other philanthropic 
organizations to fulfill the scope of work for the fellowship program. 
(Note: Eligible third parties that have submitted their Expressions of 
Interest to HUD, and are determined eligible to apply for the 
fellowship program will be required to explain how they plan to 
identify and secure additional financial support to meet the full scale 
of the fellowship program in their applications.)
3. Reporting Requirements
    HUD will require the selected Administrator to report to the 
Government Technical Representative (GTR) who will be responsible for 
managing the fellowship program grant at HUD no less often than 
quarterly, unless otherwise specified in the cooperative agreement. As 
part of this required report to HUD, the selected Administrator will 
update the GTR with information on actual outputs and data related to 
outcomes achieved, and a narrative explanation of any disparity between 
projected and actual results. HUD will also require the selected 
Administrator to provide HUD with a final narrative report no more than 
three months from the end of the grant period.
    Indirect costs: Indirect costs, if applicable, are allowable based 
on an established approved indirect cost rate. Applicants should have 
on file, and submit to HUD as part of their grant application, a copy 
of their approved indirect cost rate agreement if they have one. 
Applicants that are selected for funding but do not have an approved 
indirect cost rate agreement established by the cognizant federal 
agency, and who want to charge indirect costs to the grant, will be 
required to establish a rate. In such cases, HUD will issue an award 
with a provisional rate and assist applicants with the process of 
establishing a final rate.

D. Selected Pilot Cities

    As previously noted, HUD is in the final stages of selecting the 
pilot cities. HUD anticipates that it will select and announce the 
pilot cities before the selection of an Administrator.
    City assessments: When HUD selects the pilot cities, HUD will 
conduct a comprehensive city assessment. HUD intends to complete the 
city assessments before an Administrator is selected. The purpose of 
the city assessment is to identify the key challenges and areas of need 
for each pilot city. To help conduct these assessments, HUD will work 
closely with city mayors and their staff to examine areas such as 
staffing resources; internal decision making processes; fiscal and 
budget capacity; and economic development and housing projects.
    HUD expects that the selected Administrator, in close collaboration 
with each pilot city, will review the information from the city 
assessment to identify the types of work and projects for fellows. (HUD 
will provide the selected Administrator with the city assessments and 
connect them with each pilot city.) This will allow the selected 
Administrator to recruit and match fellows according to the needs of 
each pilot city.
    HUD's Coordination Role. When an Administrator is selected, HUD 
will take the lead role in coordinating all key aspects of the program 
between the Administrator and the pilot cities to ensure the successful 
implementation of program objectives. HUD's role in coordination would 
include, but is not limited to:
     Facilitating meetings between the third party and the 
pilot cities;
     Negotiating, where appropriate, fellowship work 
     Hosting site visits in pilot city locations.

A. Solicitation of Expressions of Interests

    Third parties interested in being selected as the Administrator for 
the fellowship program are invited to advise of their interest to HUD 
by must emailing such Expression of Interest to 
FellowshpPlacementProgram@hud.gov by the deadline set forth in the 
DATES section of this notice. HUD welcomes parties expressing an 
interest (but imposes no requirement to do so) to advise of reasons for 
the party's interest in being an Administrator and a general 
description of the interested party's capacity and experience in being 
the Administrator. Although Expressions of Interest are not being 
submitted through a public portal, Expressions of Interest should 
nevertheless not contain any proprietary information.

    Dated: April 6, 2011.
Raphael W. Bostic,
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research.

Appendix A--Proposed Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

[Note: HUD is not soliciting applications at this time]

    HUD proposes to rate the qualifications of an Administrator 
applicant on three rating factors described below, and eligible 
applicants, as determined through the solicitation of Expressions of 
Interest, will be asked to submit applications that address these 
factors. Only applicants (a single third party or a partnership of 
third parties) that can meet the competencies of both activities 1 
and 2 should submit applications. If applying as a partnership, a 
lead applicant must be named in the application. The lead applicant 
also will be responsible for managing the scope of work in the 
activities applied for by the partnership.
    The total number of points possibly awarded for an application 
is 190 points.
    The applicant must answer all questions in the RFQ. Applicants 
that leave questions unanswered will be determined to have submitted 
incomplete applications, and their applications will not be 

[[Page 20703]]

    The rating factors are described below.

I. Rating Factors

    Rating Factor 1: Demonstrated Capacity of the Applicant and 
Relevant Organizational Staff (70 Points):

A. Previous Experience (40 points)

    1. General question (10 points): HUD is interested in the 
applicant's demonstrated history of direct public service or 
placement of public servants within the last 24 months. This must 
include a brief explanation about the objectives, goals and work of 
the applicant, and any awards that the applicant has received for 
public service. In addition, please include any information on 
previous work, partnerships or collaborations with the federal or 
local government. If applying as a partnership, please provide a 
brief explanation for all third parties in the partnership.
    2. The following questions relate ONLY to Activity 1 (15 
points). Provide at least one example of recent experience within 
the last 24 months where the applicant has managed activities 
similar to the ones covered under Activity 1. The applicant's 
explanation should include a discussion of the tasks undertaken, 
actual results achieved, and the specific skills and resources 
applied to each task listed below:
    a. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in 
working on projects that have required it to connect with other 
local networks, organizations and key individuals in cities. In 
addition, the applicant must explain how it has built and maintained 
these relationships with local networks, organizations and key 
individuals, and how integral this collaboration was to its project.
    b. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in 
attracting and recruiting talented individuals from around the 
country, including those from top universities or other career 
    c. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in 
managing staff and/or program participants remotely.
    3. The following questions relate ONLY to Activity 2 (15 
points). The applicant must provide at least one example of recent 
experience within the last 24 months where it has managed activities 
similar to the ones covered under Activity 2. The applicant's 
explanation must include a discussion of the tasks undertaken, 
actual results achieved, and the specific skills and resources 
applied to each task listed below:
    a. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in 
developing training curriculum for a public service and/or community 
or economic development program and how it has trained past 
participants. In addition, please include the length of training; 
the types of training past participants underwent (e.g. classroom 
instruction, site visits, workshops); and how it has recruited 
instructors and speakers to enhance the trainings.
    b. The applicant must explain its demonstrated experience in 
partnering with other organizations, individuals are institutions to 
develop training curriculum for a fellowship program.

B. Management Structure (30 points)

    Organization Structure (20 points): HUD is interested in 
understanding the applicant's capacity to support the fellowship 
program in relation to ALL activities described in the RFQ.
    1. The applicant must provide a description of its management 
structure, including an organizational chart that identifies all key 
management positions and the names and positions of staff managing 
ALL key tasks described in the RFQ that are associated with both 
activities described in the RFQ. The applicant must also describe 
the key staff and their specific roles and responsibilities for the 
management of its proposed activities. Please also include a one 
paragraph description that describes the previous experience as it 
relates to the assigned activities of all key staff.
    If applying as a partnership, the applicant must provide this 
information for each third party and also describe the management 
structure of the partnership and the role of each third party. The 
applicant also must explain briefly how the partnership will work 
together to ensure that the activities will be achieved successfully 
and how decisions will be made.
    2. References (10 points). The applicant must include at least 
two references for recent work similar to the programs covered under 
the RFQ that has been undertaken by the applicant. If a partnership, 
the applicant must include two references for each third party in 
the partnership.
    At least one reference must be from an organization, individual 
or institution that you have worked with in the past 24 months 
applicable to the activity(s) you are applying for. This reference 
must be submitted in the form of a letter (one-page maximum) that 
includes a contact name, address, phone number and email address so 
that HUD may verify the information.
    A second reference may be taken from a brief newspaper or 
journal article, program evaluation, or a transcript from a 
reputable independent source other than you. No video or audio 
recording may be submitted.
    Rating Factor 2: Soundness of Approach (100 Points):

A. Proposed Activities (85 points)

    1. The applicant must briefly describe the activities it 
proposes to undertake in the RFQ application, including any 
additional activities it plans to undertake that will not be funded 
by the fellowship program.
    In addition, for Activity 1 (50 points), please address 
specifically in the proposal the following:
    a. HUD recognizes that key to the success of the fellowship 
program will be determined by the close collaboration and 
communication between the national and local third parties. While 
HUD has not selected the pilot cities, HUD would like the applicant 
to describe in detail:
    i. How it plans to identify and select the local organizations 
or individuals that it will work with to meet the objectives of 
Activity 1.
    ii. How it anticipates each local organization or individual 
will communicate and work with it to ensure the success of the 
fellowship program.
    iii. What it thinks the key responsibilities of the local 
organizations would be to accomplish the tasks associated with 
Activity 1.
    b. HUD is interested in learning where and how the applicant 
plans to market the program to secure the most qualified fellows. 
The applicant must explain its process of recruiting fellows for the 
program. The applicant must include a discussion of how it plans to 
market and reach out to various places to recruit qualified fellows.
    c. HUD is interested in learning the applicant's process for 
selecting fellows. While HUD recognizes that some of the fellow 
selection will be based on the needs of the pilot cities, HUD is 
looking for an explanation of the applicant's proposed selection 
process and any proposed criteria for fellows it may have in 
addition to the fellows criteria in Appendix B. Information in this 
process may include additional consultants and experts the applicant 
may hire, how it plans to conduct the interviews, and what 
additional criteria--given its understanding of fellowship 
programs--it may look for in fellows.
    d. HUD would like to know how the applicant plans to identify 
any additional training opportunities (including site visits, 
workshops, and conferences) for fellows in the program.
    e. HUD recognizes that mentoring fellows will be critical to the 
success of the program. Therefore, HUD expects the applicant to have 
a close mentor relationship with each fellow. The applicant must 
explain how it plans to mentor fellows one-on-one and in group 
settings, and how it plans to help them resolve or work through 
their challenges as they arise in the program. The applicant must 
also explain how it plans to identify high level, strategic projects 
for the fellows.
    f. The applicant must provide HUD with a list and description of 
possible metrics it thinks would be valuable to collect for 
    For Activity 2 (30 points), the applicant must address 
specifically in the proposal the following:
    The applicant must explain how it plans to develop training 
curriculum and how it plans to train fellows. The applicant must 
include a discussion on how its proposed training curriculum would 
advance and enhance leadership skills among fellows, and how its 
training curriculum would prepare fellows for the fellowship 
    a. In addition, the applicant must include other organizations 
it may use to help develop the curriculum. The applicant must list 
the types of training it plans to have fellows undertake (e.g. 
workshops, classroom training, etc.) including potential instructors 
or speakers, and how it plans to recruit qualified instructors and 
speakers. The applicant must describe the type of materials it plans 
to develop to train fellows and if applicable, describe any 
certifications it might offer to fellows.
    b. The applicant must explain how it will develop the 
orientation training for fellows and include a description of the 
types of materials it plans to develop to train fellows.
    c. The applicant must describe the types of site visits it plans 
to undertake to enhance

[[Page 20704]]

the learning experience of fellows. The applicant must also explain 
how it plans to identify, develop and/or implement any additional 
trainings it thinks would be helpful in the fellowship program.
    2. Activity 1 & Activity 2 (5 points) As referenced in III.A.1.a 
Leveraging, HUD recognizes that the full cost of the program will 
likely exceed the $2.5 million granted under the RFQ. Nevertheless, 
HUD is requesting that the applicant indicate how it will use the 
$2.5 million by providing a list or table showing the amount of 
funds budgeted for each activity for years 1 and 2. If a 
partnership, the applicant must indicate also the responsible third 
party for each use and activity.
    a. In addition, as referenced in section III.A.1 Payment of 
Fellows, HUD recognizes that the cost of the fellow stipends under 
the fellowship program is unknown as HUD is in the process of 
negotiating stipend share between what the pilot cities and the 
fellowship program will each pay. For your budget, please include a 
category for fellow stipends for years 1 and 2. HUD anticipates that 
fellows will be paid $60,000 per year (for a total of $120,000 for 
years 1 and 2 for each fellow). Please assume that the program will 
pay 75 percent of this stipend for years 1 and 2 (this amounts to 
$45,000 for each year). Given your proposed budget, HUD wants to see 
the maximum number of fellows that could be funded with the $2.5 
million grant.

B. Project Completion Schedule (5 points)

    1. For the activity(s) the applicant is applying for, the 
applicant must briefly describe the project completion schedule, 
including milestones in each month for 24 months for the critical 
management actions for the applicant, start and end dates of each 
activity, and the expected metrics and results.

C. Performance and Monitoring (10 points)

    1. HUD grantees must have a plan for monitoring and funds 
control plan for all program activities to ensure successful 
performance. This includes an internal audit function. An internal 
audit function will continually examine potentially risky areas of 
program operations and management and provide regular and valuable 
feedback to program managers and to those who hold them accountable. 
This feedback will include identification of risky management 
practices and missing or ineffective internal controls, areas that 
are not in compliance with program requirements, and ineffective 
implementation of established policies. For the activity(s) the 
applicant is applying for in this factor, the applicant must:
    a. Describe your monitoring and funds control plan.
    b. Describe how you will meet the internal audit requirement. 
Specifically identify the position(s) and agency responsible for 
internal audit.
    Rating Factor 3: Leveraging of Other Funds (20 Points): HUD does 
not require matching funds to be awarded grants from the RFQ. 
However, as referenced in III.A.1.a Leveraging, HUD expects that the 
applicant that is awarded the grant will secure additional funding 
support from other philanthropic organizations. As a result, HUD 
will put greater preference on applicants that can draw additional 
financial support. In this rating factor, HUD would like to know the 
applicant's experience in securing philanthropic support and its 
ability to leverage existing funds.
    1. In this factor, the applicant must describe its success in 
securing philanthropic support for projects similar or related to 
any or all of the activities the applicant is applying for in the 
    2. The applicant must also describe its plans for reaching out 
to other philanthropic organizations or private institutions, and 
fundraising activities it plans to undertake if granted funds from 
the RFQ.
    3. The applicant must indicate, where appropriate, if it 
currently has commitments of additional funds from other 
philanthropic organizations or private institutions and how those 
funds might be leveraged for this program.

II. Award Administration Information

A. Award Notices

    HUD will send written notifications to both successful and 
unsuccessful applicants. A notification sent to a successful 
applicant is not an authorization to begin performance. Upon 
notification that an applicant has been selected for award, HUD will 
request additional information to be submitted or may work with the 
applicant to amend information that was already submitted as part of 
the application.

B. Code of Conduct

    After selection, but prior to award, applicants selected for 
funding will be required to provide HUD with their written Code of 
Conduct if they have not previously done so and it is not recorded 
on the HUD Web site at: https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/codeofconduct/cconduct.cfm.

C. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

    After selection for funding but prior to award, applicants must 
submit financial and administrative information to comply with 
applicable requirements. These requirements are found in 24 CFR part 
84 for all organizations, except states and local governments whose 
requirements are found in 24 CFR part 85. Cost principles 
requirements are found at OMB Circular A-122 for nonprofit 
organizations, OMB Circular A-21 for institutions of higher 
education, OMB Circular A-87 for states and local governments, and 
at 48 CFR 31.2 for commercial organizations. Applicants must submit 
a certification from an Independent Public Accountant or the 
cognizant government auditor, stating that the applicant's financial 
management system meets prescribed standards for fund control and 

D. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006

    Applicants selected for funding will be required to report first 
sub-grant award and executive compensation information, where both 
their initial award is $25,000 or greater, as required by the 
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 
109-282). The prime grant awardees will have until the end of the 
month plus one additional month after an award or sub-grant is 
obligated to fulfill the reporting requirement. The Federal Funding 
Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 calls for the 
establishment of a publicly available Web site to disclose the use 
of Federal finance assistance.
    a. The Act requires the reporting of the following data for 
first-tier sub-grants of $25,000 or more:
    (1) Name of entity receiving award.
    (2) Amount of award.
    (3) Funding agency.
    (4) NAICS code for contracts/CFDA program number for grants.
    (5) Program source.
    (6) Award title descriptive of the purpose of the funding 
    (7) Location of the entity (including congressional district).
    (8) Place of performance (including congressional district).
    (9) Unique identifier of the entity and its parent; and.
    (10) Total compensation and names of top five executives (same 
thresholds as for primes).
    b. The Transparency Act also requires the reporting of the Total 
Compensation and Names of the top five executives in either the 
prime awardee or a sub-awardee's organization if:
    (1) More than 80% of annual gross revenues are from the Federal 
government, and those revenues are greater than $25M annually; and
    (2) Compensation information is not already available through 
reporting to the SEC.
    The statute exempts from reporting any sub-awards less than 
$25,000 made to individuals or to an entity whose annual 
expenditures are less than $300,000. OMB has published Interim Final 
Guidance to agencies regarding the FFATA subrecipient reporting 
requirements in the Federal Register on September 14, 2010 

E. Equal Employment Opportunity

    All contracts under the fellowship program shall contain a 
provision requiring compliance with E.O. 11246, ``Equal Employment 
Opportunity,'' as amended by E.O. 11375, ``Amending Executive Order 
11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,'' and as 
supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60, ``Office of Federal 
Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, 
Department of Labor.''

F. Additional Information

    This issuance does not direct, provide for assistance or loan 
and mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern or regulate, real 
property acquisition, disposition, leasing, rehabilitation, 
alteration, demolition, or new construction, or establish, revise or 
provide for standards for construction or construction materials, 
manufactured housing, or occupancy. Accordingly, under 24 CFR 
50.19(c)(1), this issuance is categorically excluded from 
environmental review under

[[Page 20705]]

the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).''

Appendix B: Fellowship Placement Pilot Program--Fellows Criteria for 

    The fellows selection of the fellowship program will be open 
nationally to all qualified applicants. The Administrator will help 
develop the application and selection criteria for new recruits. The 
Administrator will conduct the competition for fellows.
    At minimum, core perquisites must require that candidates:
     Have 3-5 years of work experience, where candidates 
with graduate degrees are preferred;
     Make a 2 year commitment;
     Have prior experience in the area of community 
development, economic development, community or other public 
service, or related field;
     Be a problem solver, critical thinker and potential 
     Have a proven track record of entrepreneurship or 
social entrepreneurship, ability to work through bureaucracies to 
get things done; and
     Demonstrate a commitment and passion to public service.
    In addition, applicants will be asked to rank order their 
location choices, and to articulate their interest in, or connection 
to any particular location(s). The selected Administrator may 
explore giving preference to candidates that already live in a pilot 
    The selection process for fellows may involve multiple rounds of 
review that will culminate to several in-person group interviews. 
After the in-person interviews, a selection committee will make the 
final selection decisions. Fellows that best match the needs of the 
pilot cities based on their existing area of knowledge and skill set 
will be selected for the program. To ensure fellows are properly 
matched to the needs of each pilot city, the selection process will 
include a review of the results from the city assessments that were 
initially conducted for each pilot city before selection.

[FR Doc. 2011-8782 Filed 4-12-11; 8:45 am]
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