Malheur National Forest; Oregon; Malheur National Forest Site-Specific Invasive Plants Treatment Project, 18713-18715 [2011-7727]
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Federal Register
Vol. 76, No. 65
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Committees on Rulemaking,
Regulation, and Adjudication
Notice of public meetings.
Notice is hereby given of
public meetings of three committees of
the Assembly of the Administrative
Conference of the United States (ACUS).
Each committee will meet to discuss
recommendations for consideration by
the full Conference. Complete details
regarding each committee’s meeting,
related research reports, how to attend
(including information about remote
access and obtaining special
accommodations for persons with
disabilities), and how to submit
comments to the committee can be
found in the ‘‘Research’’ section of the
ACUS Web site, at
Comments may be submitted by email to, with the
name of the relevant committee in the
subject line, or by postal mail to ‘‘[Name
of Committee] Comments’’ at the address
given below.
ADDRESSES: The meetings will be held at
1120 20th Street, NW., Suite 706 South,
Washington, DC 20036.
Designated Federal Officer for the
individual committee, ACUS, 1120 20th
Street, NW., Suite 706 South,
Washington, DC 20036; Telephone 202–
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Committee on Rulemaking
The Committee on Rulemaking will
meet to consider a draft
recommendation concerning legal issues
agencies face in conducting eRulemaking.
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011,
from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Designated Federal Officer: Emily F.
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Committee on Regulation
The Committee on Regulation will
meet to consider a draft
recommendation addressing various
issues associated with the timing,
availability, confidentiality, and impact
of comments submitted during agency
Date: Monday, April 25, 2011, from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m.
Designated Federal Officer: Reeve T.
Committee on Adjudication
The Committee on Adjudication will
meet to consider a draft
recommendation on the use of video
hearings by Federal agencies, examining
the costs and benefits of video hearings
as they are currently being used and the
possibilities for expanding their use by
agencies. The Committee on
Adjudication will also hear from Lenni
B. Benson and Russell Wheeler,
consultants for the ACUS study on
Immigration Adjudication, who will
provide information about the plan for
the study and receive comments from
the committee.
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2011,
from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Designated Federal Officer: Funmi E.
Dated: March 31, 2011.
Jonathan R. Siegel,
Director of Research & Policy.
[FR Doc. 2011–8031 Filed 4–4–11; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Malheur National Forest; Oregon;
Malheur National Forest Site-Specific
Invasive Plants Treatment Project
Forest Service, USDA.
Correction—Notice of intent to
prepare an environmental impact
On March 31, 2006 the
Malheur National Forest published a
Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for a similar project (Federal Register
Vol. 72, No. 62, page 16281–1628).
There has been a delay in filing the 2006
draft EIS and the invasive plant
inventory and proposed action have
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been updated since then resulting in
this correction. The following
information is the updated Proposed
Action. The Forest Service proposes to
eradicate, control, or contain invasive
plants within the Malheur National
Forest. The Proposed Action is to treat
invasive plants using integrated
methods including chemical (herbicides
and adjuvants), physical treatments
(mechanical and manual treatment), and
biological controls. These treatments
will be used on existing infestations
(approximately 2,287 acres) or new
infestations, including new plant
species that currently are not found on
the Forest. Treatment could be
anywhere on Forest Service system
lands including rangelands, wilderness,
timber harvest areas, along roads and
road rights-of-way (including
decommissioned roads), along trail
routes, at dispersed and developed
recreation sites, and on other disturbed
sites (i.e. fires, flood events, and rock
sources) where invasive plants are
located. Mulching, seeding and planting
of competitive, desirable vegetation may
occur to restore treated sites.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope
of the analysis must be received by May
5, 2011. The draft environmental impact
statement is expected March 2012 and
the final environmental impact
statement is expected March 2013.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Teresa Raaf, Forest Supervisor, Malheur
National Forest, P.O. Box 909, John Day,
OR 97845. Comments may also be sent
via facsimile to 541–575–3002.
Electronic comments in acceptable plain
text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), or Word (.doc)
may be submitted to:
Please put ‘‘Malheur NF Invasive Plants
Treatment Project’’ occurs in the subject
Carole Holly, Project Leader, Phone
541–575–3026 or e-mail:
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action (Updated)
Invasive plants displace or alter
native plant communities and cause
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 65 / Tuesday, April 5, 2011 / Notices
long-lasting economic and ecological
problems within and outside the
National Forest. They can increase fire
hazards, degrade fish and wildlife
habitat, out-compete native plants,
impair water quality and watershed
health, and adversely affect a wide
variety of other resource values such as
scenic beauty and recreational
opportunities. Invasive plants can
spread rapidly across the landscape to
all land ownerships. Field inventories
have identified about 30 different
invasive plant species within the
boundaries of the Forest. Species of
greatest concern include Canada thistle,
houndstongue, diffuse knapweed,
Dalmatian toadflax, whitetop, and sulfur
cinquefoil, among others. Our ability to
prevent or minimize the adverse
impacts of these and other invasive
plants is greatest if populations can be
treated while they are small and in the
early stages of invasion. Additional
benefits of early stage treatments
include reduced treatment costs, less
chemical use, and less ground and
habitat disturbance. The purpose of
treating invasive plant infestations is to
maintain or improve the diversity,
function, and sustainability of desired
native plant communities and other
natural resources that can be adversely
impacted by invasive plant species.
Without action, invasive plant
populations will become increasingly
difficult and costly to control and will
further degrade forest and grassland
ecosystems. Invasive plants will
continue to expand and spread every
year without effective treatment (the R6
2005 FEIS estimated a rate of 8–12
percent per year; this rate may be
reduced due to adherence to prevention
standards in the R6 2005 ROD).
The Malheur National Forest has been
treating invasive plants without the
authorization to rapidly respond to new
infestations or the use of herbicides (an
exception is that herbicides have been
used in spot treatments totaling 10–20
acres/year along roads on the former
Snow Mountain Ranger District—
Ochoco National Forest). However,
many invasive target species require
herbicides for effective treatment.
Monitoring has shown physical
treatments alone cannot control invasive
species. A previous attempt to authorize
the use herbicides was made, but the
project was litigated and enjoined. In
December 2002, the U.S. District Court
(Blue Mountain Biodiversity Project v.
US Forest Service, CV 01–703–HA)
concluded that the Malheur National
Forest Environmental Assessment for
invasive plant control was insufficient
because it failed to address new
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information regarding herbicides and
the causes of the spread of invasive
The Pacific Northwest Region
Invasive Plant Program Preventing and
Managing Invasive Plants FEIS (referred
to as the R6 2005 FEIS) (USDA Forest
Service, 2005a) and Record of Decision
for Invasive Plant Program Management
(referred to as the R6 2005 ROD) (USDA
Forest Service 2005b). Vectors and
causes of invasive plant spread were
explored in detail and new standards for
prevention, site treatment and
restoration, and an updated list of
herbicides for effectively responding to
invasive plant threats were added.
The prevention standards have been
applied to land use decisions made
since the R6 2005 ROD was adopted.
However, the treatment and restoration
part of the Malheur invasive plant
control program is not consistent with
the 2005 standards and needs to be
updated. New and existing invasive
plant populations on the Malheur
National Forest require more timely,
effective and cost-efficient treatment
actions to comply with the intent of the
R6 2005 ROD (which was incorporated
into the Malheur Forest Plan).
In addition, after the R6 2005 ROD
signed, a new herbicide (aminopyralid)
became available. Aminopyralid (also
known as Milestone TM) is specifically
labeled for treatment of invasive plants
in forested settings. This herbicide is
effective on hard to control invasive
plant species such as hawkweed,
knapweed, and Canada thistle. It is
preferred by invasive plant specialists at
the state and county level.
Previous Public Outreach
The MNF scoped on this project
previously (a (NOI) to prepare an EIS
requesting public input was published
in the Federal Register Volume 71, No.
62/March 31, 2006 on pages 16281–
16282). Regional and local workload
prevented us from being able to
complete an EIS during the intervening
years. The new Proposed Action is
based on an updated inventory of
invasive plants that was recently
completed (February 2011).
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action is to treat
invasive plants using integrated
methods including chemical (herbicides
and adjuvants), physical treatments
(mechanical and manual treatment), and
biological controls. Treatment could be
anywhere on Forest Service system
lands including rangelands, wilderness,
timber harvest areas, along roads and
road rights-of-way (including
decommissioned roads), along trail
PO 00000
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routes, at dispersed and developed
recreation sites, and on other disturbed
sites (i.e. fires, flood events, and rock
sources) where invasive plants are
located. Mulching, seeding and planting
of competitive, desirable vegetation may
occur to restore treated sites. A map of
invasive plant locations can be found on
the Malheur National Forest Web site at
Based on surveys, inventories and
anecdotal reports accumulated over the
last several years, target invasive species
occupy approximately 2,287 acres on
the Forest. The infestations are broadly
distributed, often occurring in areas of
high spread potential (e.g., along roads).
There are likely additional invasive
plant sites that have not yet been
The Proposed Action would treat
existing infestations according to Forest
Plan standards. Specific project design
features would be implemented to
minimize unintended, adverse effects to
non-target plants, animals, water, and
people. New invasive plants detected on
the Forest (beyond the current
inventory) would also be treated using
an ‘‘Early Detection and Rapid Response
(EDRR)’’ process.
Ground based herbicide application
methods would be used based on
accessibility, topography, and the size of
treatment areas. No aerial treatment is
proposed. Spot and selective spraying
where individual and groups of plants
are targeted would be the primary
method of application; however some
herbicide broadcasting may occur from
ATV or trucks. Broadcast treatments
would occur when necessary based on
the size, density or distribution of target
species. ATVs may be used to facilitate
broadcast in otherwise inaccessible
areas. Ongoing monitoring of each site
would dictate the treatment method,
whether herbicides are needed, and the
type of continued or follow-up
treatments needed. Acreage treated
would average up to 2,300 acres per
year, with a total of 23,000 acres treated
over the life of the project (about 10
years). Herbicide treatments would be
done in accordance with label
advisories, USDA Forest Service
policies, and Forest Plan management
direction. Specific design features
would be applied to minimize or
eliminate the potential for invasive
plant treatments to adversely affect nontarget plants, animals, human health,
water quality, and aquatic organisms.
The R6 2005 ROD (now part of the
Malheur Forest Plan) authorized the use
of ten herbicide active ingredients. Each
of the ten herbicides is known to be
effective on the target species found on
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 65 / Tuesday, April 5, 2011 / Notices
the Forest. A given herbicide may be
effective on many target species but
each site would usually be treated with
only one of the ten approved herbicides
(some tank mixes may be used);
however, a different herbicide might be
used in a follow-up treatment. The more
herbicides choices in the toolbox, the
better the effect expected over time (R6
2005 FEIS page 4–18, 4–26).
A site-specific, non-significant
amendment to the Malheur Forest Plan
is also proposed to add an 11th
herbicide, aminopyralid, to the list of
authorized herbicides for use on the
Forest to treat invasive plants.
Aminopyralid was not labeled for
wildland use in 2005; however, the R6
2005 ROD Standard 16 acknowledges
that new herbicides may be added given
proper analysis. Aminopyralid has
undergone extensive risk assessment
since 2005. It is proposed for use
because it would increase the
effectiveness of treatment for some
broadleaf target species, and reduce
potential adverse impacts, compared to
herbicides authorized in the R6 2005
ROD. Aminopyralid is likely to be
effective on a large proportion of the
current target species acreage.
Possible Alternatives
The Forest Service is considering an
alternative of treating without the use of
aminopyralid and only using the 10
herbicides approved in the R6 2005
ROD. The No Action alternative will
also be considered, which would
continue the current non-herbicide
program on the Malheur National
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Responsible Official
The Responsible Official is the
Malheur National Forest Supervisor.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The Forest Supervisor will make the
following decisions based on the
interdisciplinary analysis: (1) Whether
or not to authorize site-specific invasive
plant treatments using herbicides and
other methods; (2) whether or not to
implement an Early Detection and
Rapid Response process for infestations
that are detected over the next 5 to 15
years; (3) what mitigation measures
(design features) are required and (4)
what monitoring and adaptive
management will occur.
Preliminary Issues
The following issues were identified
in scoping that occurred in 2006:
Human Health: The health of forestry
workers and the public may be at risk
from exposure to herbicides. Chemical
spray drift or contact by walking
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through recently sprayed areas may
increase the risk, particularly to people
who have heightened sensitivity to
chemicals. In addition, health
consequences could result from well
water and other drinking water
contaminated by herbicides.
Treatment Effectiveness: Existing
invasive species populations may
continue to expand and new
populations could become established
without using all methods aggressively.
Wildlife: Herbicides, particularly
when applied through broadcast
spraying, may harm terrestrial wildlife
Non-target Plants: Herbicides,
particularly when applied through
broadcast spraying, may harm nontarget plants.
Soil Biology: Herbicide use may harm
soil organisms or soil biology.
Fish and Water: Herbicide treatments
on riparian areas have the potential to
adversely affect water quality and
aquatic ecosystems.
Permits or Licenses Required
Pesticide application licenses will be
required for those implementing this
project. Pesticide Use Proposals for
wilderness herbicide applications need
to be signed by the Regional Forester;
otherwise Pesticide Use Proposals are
signed by the Forest Supervisor. This
project may involve riparian herbicide
application subject to a Department of
Environmental Quality water quality
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates a new
scoping process to guide the
development of the environmental
impact statement. Scoping comments
from 2006 are part of the record and will
be used to generate issues and
alternatives for detailed study in the
EIS. Scoping comments sent previously
need not be re-sent; new comments are
also welcome. No public meetings are
It is important that reviewers provide
their comments at such times and in
such manner that they are useful to the
agency’s preparation of the
environmental impact statement.
Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the
comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer’s concerns and
Comments received in response to
this solicitation, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action. Comments submitted
anonymously will be accepted and
considered; however, those who only
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submit anonymous comments will not
have standing to appeal the subsequent
decision under 36 CFR 215.
Dated: March 28, 2011.
Teresa Raaf,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2011–7727 Filed 4–4–11; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Prince William Sound Resource
Advisory Committee
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of meeting.
The Prince William Sound
Resource Advisory Committee will meet
in Whittier, Alaska. The committee is
meeting as authorized under the Secure
Rural Schools and Community SelfDetermination Act (Pub. L. 110–343)
and in compliance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
of the meeting is to review, discuss and
select projects to be funded thru the
Secure Rural Schools Act.
DATES: The meeting will be held April
22nd and April 23rd, 2011.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held on
the 15th floor of the Begich Towers Inc.
building located at 100 Kenai Street,
Whitter, AK. Written comments should
be sent to Teresa Benson P.O. Box 280,
Cordova, AK 99574. Comments may
also be sent via e-mail to, or via facsimile to
(907) 424–7214.
All comments, including names and
addresses when provided, are placed in
the record and are available for public
inspection and copying. The public may
inspect comments received at the
Cordova Ranger District (612 2nd Street,
Cordova, AK) or the Glacier Ranger
District (145 Forest Station Road,
Girdwood, AK).
Teresa Benson, Designated Federal
Official, c/o USDA Forest Service, P.O.
Box 280, Cordova, Alaska 99574,
telephone (907) 424–4742.
meeting is open to the public. The
following business will be conducted:
The Prince William Sound Resource
Advisory Committee (RAC) will be
discussing and voting on proposals that
have been received from communities of
the Prince William Sound. The
proposals that may receive funding
would enhance forest ecosystems or
restore and improve land health and
water quality on the Chugach National
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 65 (Tuesday, April 5, 2011)]
[Pages 18713-18715]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-7727]
Forest Service
Malheur National Forest; Oregon; Malheur National Forest Site-
Specific Invasive Plants Treatment Project
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Correction--Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact
SUMMARY: On March 31, 2006 the Malheur National Forest published a
Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) for a similar project (Federal Register Vol. 72, No. 62, page
16281-1628). There has been a delay in filing the 2006 draft EIS and
the invasive plant inventory and proposed action have been updated
since then resulting in this correction. The following information is
the updated Proposed Action. The Forest Service proposes to eradicate,
control, or contain invasive plants within the Malheur National Forest.
The Proposed Action is to treat invasive plants using integrated
methods including chemical (herbicides and adjuvants), physical
treatments (mechanical and manual treatment), and biological controls.
These treatments will be used on existing infestations (approximately
2,287 acres) or new infestations, including new plant species that
currently are not found on the Forest. Treatment could be anywhere on
Forest Service system lands including rangelands, wilderness, timber
harvest areas, along roads and road rights-of-way (including
decommissioned roads), along trail routes, at dispersed and developed
recreation sites, and on other disturbed sites (i.e. fires, flood
events, and rock sources) where invasive plants are located. Mulching,
seeding and planting of competitive, desirable vegetation may occur to
restore treated sites.
DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis must be received
by May 5, 2011. The draft environmental impact statement is expected
March 2012 and the final environmental impact statement is expected
March 2013.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Teresa Raaf, Forest Supervisor,
Malheur National Forest, P.O. Box 909, John Day, OR 97845. Comments may
also be sent via facsimile to 541-575-3002. Electronic comments in
acceptable plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), or Word (.doc) may be
submitted to: Please put
``Malheur NF Invasive Plants Treatment Project'' occurs in the subject
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carole Holly, Project Leader, Phone
541-575-3026 or e-mail:
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Purpose and Need for Action (Updated)
Invasive plants displace or alter native plant communities and
[[Page 18714]]
long-lasting economic and ecological problems within and outside the
National Forest. They can increase fire hazards, degrade fish and
wildlife habitat, out-compete native plants, impair water quality and
watershed health, and adversely affect a wide variety of other resource
values such as scenic beauty and recreational opportunities. Invasive
plants can spread rapidly across the landscape to all land ownerships.
Field inventories have identified about 30 different invasive plant
species within the boundaries of the Forest. Species of greatest
concern include Canada thistle, houndstongue, diffuse knapweed,
Dalmatian toadflax, whitetop, and sulfur cinquefoil, among others. Our
ability to prevent or minimize the adverse impacts of these and other
invasive plants is greatest if populations can be treated while they
are small and in the early stages of invasion. Additional benefits of
early stage treatments include reduced treatment costs, less chemical
use, and less ground and habitat disturbance. The purpose of treating
invasive plant infestations is to maintain or improve the diversity,
function, and sustainability of desired native plant communities and
other natural resources that can be adversely impacted by invasive
plant species. Without action, invasive plant populations will become
increasingly difficult and costly to control and will further degrade
forest and grassland ecosystems. Invasive plants will continue to
expand and spread every year without effective treatment (the R6 2005
FEIS estimated a rate of 8-12 percent per year; this rate may be
reduced due to adherence to prevention standards in the R6 2005 ROD).
The Malheur National Forest has been treating invasive plants
without the authorization to rapidly respond to new infestations or the
use of herbicides (an exception is that herbicides have been used in
spot treatments totaling 10-20 acres/year along roads on the former
Snow Mountain Ranger District--Ochoco National Forest). However, many
invasive target species require herbicides for effective treatment.
Monitoring has shown physical treatments alone cannot control invasive
species. A previous attempt to authorize the use herbicides was made,
but the project was litigated and enjoined. In December 2002, the U.S.
District Court (Blue Mountain Biodiversity Project v. US Forest
Service, CV 01-703-HA) concluded that the Malheur National Forest
Environmental Assessment for invasive plant control was insufficient
because it failed to address new information regarding herbicides and
the causes of the spread of invasive plants.
The Pacific Northwest Region Invasive Plant Program Preventing and
Managing Invasive Plants FEIS (referred to as the R6 2005 FEIS) (USDA
Forest Service, 2005a) and Record of Decision for Invasive Plant
Program Management (referred to as the R6 2005 ROD) (USDA Forest
Service 2005b). Vectors and causes of invasive plant spread were
explored in detail and new standards for prevention, site treatment and
restoration, and an updated list of herbicides for effectively
responding to invasive plant threats were added.
The prevention standards have been applied to land use decisions
made since the R6 2005 ROD was adopted. However, the treatment and
restoration part of the Malheur invasive plant control program is not
consistent with the 2005 standards and needs to be updated. New and
existing invasive plant populations on the Malheur National Forest
require more timely, effective and cost-efficient treatment actions to
comply with the intent of the R6 2005 ROD (which was incorporated into
the Malheur Forest Plan).
In addition, after the R6 2005 ROD signed, a new herbicide
(aminopyralid) became available. Aminopyralid (also known as Milestone
TM) is specifically labeled for treatment of invasive plants in
forested settings. This herbicide is effective on hard to control
invasive plant species such as hawkweed, knapweed, and Canada thistle.
It is preferred by invasive plant specialists at the state and county
Previous Public Outreach
The MNF scoped on this project previously (a (NOI) to prepare an
EIS requesting public input was published in the Federal Register
Volume 71, No. 62/March 31, 2006 on pages 16281-16282). Regional and
local workload prevented us from being able to complete an EIS during
the intervening years. The new Proposed Action is based on an updated
inventory of invasive plants that was recently completed (February
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action is to treat invasive plants using integrated
methods including chemical (herbicides and adjuvants), physical
treatments (mechanical and manual treatment), and biological controls.
Treatment could be anywhere on Forest Service system lands including
rangelands, wilderness, timber harvest areas, along roads and road
rights-of-way (including decommissioned roads), along trail routes, at
dispersed and developed recreation sites, and on other disturbed sites
(i.e. fires, flood events, and rock sources) where invasive plants are
located. Mulching, seeding and planting of competitive, desirable
vegetation may occur to restore treated sites. A map of invasive plant
locations can be found on the Malheur National Forest Web site at
Based on surveys, inventories and anecdotal reports accumulated over
the last several years, target invasive species occupy approximately
2,287 acres on the Forest. The infestations are broadly distributed,
often occurring in areas of high spread potential (e.g., along roads).
There are likely additional invasive plant sites that have not yet been
The Proposed Action would treat existing infestations according to
Forest Plan standards. Specific project design features would be
implemented to minimize unintended, adverse effects to non-target
plants, animals, water, and people. New invasive plants detected on the
Forest (beyond the current inventory) would also be treated using an
``Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR)'' process.
Ground based herbicide application methods would be used based on
accessibility, topography, and the size of treatment areas. No aerial
treatment is proposed. Spot and selective spraying where individual and
groups of plants are targeted would be the primary method of
application; however some herbicide broadcasting may occur from ATV or
trucks. Broadcast treatments would occur when necessary based on the
size, density or distribution of target species. ATVs may be used to
facilitate broadcast in otherwise inaccessible areas. Ongoing
monitoring of each site would dictate the treatment method, whether
herbicides are needed, and the type of continued or follow-up
treatments needed. Acreage treated would average up to 2,300 acres per
year, with a total of 23,000 acres treated over the life of the project
(about 10 years). Herbicide treatments would be done in accordance with
label advisories, USDA Forest Service policies, and Forest Plan
management direction. Specific design features would be applied to
minimize or eliminate the potential for invasive plant treatments to
adversely affect non-target plants, animals, human health, water
quality, and aquatic organisms.
The R6 2005 ROD (now part of the Malheur Forest Plan) authorized
the use of ten herbicide active ingredients. Each of the ten herbicides
is known to be effective on the target species found on
[[Page 18715]]
the Forest. A given herbicide may be effective on many target species
but each site would usually be treated with only one of the ten
approved herbicides (some tank mixes may be used); however, a different
herbicide might be used in a follow-up treatment. The more herbicides
choices in the toolbox, the better the effect expected over time (R6
2005 FEIS page 4-18, 4-26).
A site-specific, non-significant amendment to the Malheur Forest
Plan is also proposed to add an 11th herbicide, aminopyralid, to the
list of authorized herbicides for use on the Forest to treat invasive
plants. Aminopyralid was not labeled for wildland use in 2005; however,
the R6 2005 ROD Standard 16 acknowledges that new herbicides may be
added given proper analysis. Aminopyralid has undergone extensive risk
assessment since 2005. It is proposed for use because it would increase
the effectiveness of treatment for some broadleaf target species, and
reduce potential adverse impacts, compared to herbicides authorized in
the R6 2005 ROD. Aminopyralid is likely to be effective on a large
proportion of the current target species acreage.
Possible Alternatives
The Forest Service is considering an alternative of treating
without the use of aminopyralid and only using the 10 herbicides
approved in the R6 2005 ROD. The No Action alternative will also be
considered, which would continue the current non-herbicide program on
the Malheur National Forest.
Responsible Official
The Responsible Official is the Malheur National Forest Supervisor.
Nature of Decision To Be Made
The Forest Supervisor will make the following decisions based on
the interdisciplinary analysis: (1) Whether or not to authorize site-
specific invasive plant treatments using herbicides and other methods;
(2) whether or not to implement an Early Detection and Rapid Response
process for infestations that are detected over the next 5 to 15 years;
(3) what mitigation measures (design features) are required and (4)
what monitoring and adaptive management will occur.
Preliminary Issues
The following issues were identified in scoping that occurred in
Human Health: The health of forestry workers and the public may be
at risk from exposure to herbicides. Chemical spray drift or contact by
walking through recently sprayed areas may increase the risk,
particularly to people who have heightened sensitivity to chemicals. In
addition, health consequences could result from well water and other
drinking water contaminated by herbicides.
Treatment Effectiveness: Existing invasive species populations may
continue to expand and new populations could become established without
using all methods aggressively.
Wildlife: Herbicides, particularly when applied through broadcast
spraying, may harm terrestrial wildlife species.
Non-target Plants: Herbicides, particularly when applied through
broadcast spraying, may harm non-target plants.
Soil Biology: Herbicide use may harm soil organisms or soil
Fish and Water: Herbicide treatments on riparian areas have the
potential to adversely affect water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
Permits or Licenses Required
Pesticide application licenses will be required for those
implementing this project. Pesticide Use Proposals for wilderness
herbicide applications need to be signed by the Regional Forester;
otherwise Pesticide Use Proposals are signed by the Forest Supervisor.
This project may involve riparian herbicide application subject to a
Department of Environmental Quality water quality permit.
Scoping Process
This notice of intent initiates a new scoping process to guide the
development of the environmental impact statement. Scoping comments
from 2006 are part of the record and will be used to generate issues
and alternatives for detailed study in the EIS. Scoping comments sent
previously need not be re-sent; new comments are also welcome. No
public meetings are planned.
It is important that reviewers provide their comments at such times
and in such manner that they are useful to the agency's preparation of
the environmental impact statement. Therefore, comments should be
provided prior to the close of the comment period and should clearly
articulate the reviewer's concerns and contentions.
Comments received in response to this solicitation, including names
and addresses of those who comment, will be part of the public record
for this proposed action. Comments submitted anonymously will be
accepted and considered; however, those who only submit anonymous
comments will not have standing to appeal the subsequent decision under
36 CFR 215.
Dated: March 28, 2011.
Teresa Raaf,
Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 2011-7727 Filed 4-4-11; 8:45 am]