Draft Tribal Consultation Policy, 18583-18585 [2011-7833]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
all sample households for a six (6)
month period.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond/reply: Approximately 15,117
respondents will be eligible for the
PPCS each month from July to
December 2011. Of the eligible 90,700
persons, we expect approximately 80
percent or 72,600 of the eligible persons
will complete a PPCS interview. Of
those persons interviewed for the PPCS,
we estimate approximately 81.5 percent
or 59,100 will complete only the first
two (contact screener questions) survey
questions. The estimated time to
complete the control information on the
PPCS form, read the introductory
statement, and administer the first two
contact screener questions to the
respondents is approximately 2 minute
per person. Furthermore, we estimate
that the remaining 18.5 percent of the
interviewed persons or 13,400 persons
will report a face-to-face contact with
the police during the 12 month
reference period prior to the date of
interview. The time to ask the detailed
questions regarding the nature of the
contact is estimated to take an average
of 10 minutes. Respondents will be
asked to respond to this survey only
once during the six month period.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The Total estimated annual
burden hours are 4,193 hours.
If additional information is required
contact: Lynn Murray, Department
Clearance Officer, United States
Department of Justice, Justice
Management Division, Policy and
Planning Staff, Two Constitution
Square, 145 N. Street, NE., Suite 2E–
808, Washington, DC 20530.
Dated: March 30, 2011.
Lynn Murray,
Department Clearance Officer, PRA, U.S.
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2011–7917 Filed 4–1–11; 8:45 am]
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Sunshine Act Meetings
9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday,
April 15, 2011.
PLACE: University of Arizona Special
Collections, 1510 E. University
Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona, Meeting
Room C205.
STATUS: This meeting will be open to the
public, unless it is necessary for the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:47 Apr 01, 2011
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Board to consider items in executive
on the U.S. Institute for Environmental
Conflict Resolution; (2) A report from
the Udall Center for Studies in Public
Policy; (3) A report on the Native
Nations Institute; (4) Program Reports;
and (5) A Report from the Management
sessions with the exception of the
session listed below.
Executive session.
Ellen K. Wheeler, Executive Director,
130 South Scott Avenue, Tucson, AZ
85701, (520) 901–8500.
Dated: March 23, 2011.
Ellen K. Wheeler,
Executive Director, Morris K. Udall and
Stewart L. Udall Foundation, and Federal
Register Liaison Officer.
ONDCP Point of Contact
Tribal Review of Draft Consultation Policy
No Creation of Right or Benefit
Federal Register Notice
Review of Comments
Final Tribal Consultation Policy
1. Dates
Comments must be received by
ONDCP on or before 5 p.m. Friday June
3, 2011.
2. Addresses
Written comments may be submitted
through electronic mail at
TribalConsultation@ondcp.eop.gov or
via facsimile at (202) 395–5543 to
Executive Office of the President, Office
of National Drug Control Policy, Office
of Intergovernmental & Public Liaison,
c/o Office of Legal Counsel, Washington
DC 20503.
3. For Further Information Contact
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Mr. Tony Martinez, Associate
Director, Office of Intergovernmental &
Public Liaison, Office of National Drug
Control Policy, Executive Office of the
President, 750 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503;
MMartinez@ondcp.eop.gov; (202) 395–
5758 (This is not a toll-free number);
toll-free 1–888–395–6327.
Draft Tribal Consultation Policy
4. Supplementary Information
Executive Office of the
President, Office of National Drug
Control Policy.
ACTION: Notice of 60-day public
comment period.
The Office of National Drug Control
Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the
President, is responsible for setting and
monitoring Federal government policies
to reduce the demand for illegal drugs;
prevent the initiation of substance use
by young people; combat drug
production and trafficking; and, reduce
drug-related crime, violence, and
disease. In addition to its leadership
role in developing and coordinating
drug control policies, ONDCP is also a
central organizing body, managing the
anti-drug efforts and certifying the drug
control budgets of other Federal
government agencies.
As directed by President Obama in his
Memorandum of November 5, 2009, this
draft policy governs how the Office of
National Drug Control Policy will
comply with the letter and spirit of
Executive Order 13175 of November 6,
2000, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments.
[FR Doc. 2011–7303 Filed 4–1–11; 8:45 am]
Pursuant to Executive Order
13175, the Director, National Drug
Control Policy, is establishing a policy
governing how the Office of National
Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of
the President [ONDCP] will consult
with American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations and
urban Indian organizations regarding
Federal policies that directly affect
Indian Country and urban Indian
Table of Contents
1. Dates
2. Addresses
3. For further information contact
4. Supplementary Information
5. ONDCP Draft Consultation Policy
Guiding Principles
Tribal Consultation Process
ONDCP Annual National Tribal
Consultation Meetings
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Team
ONDCP Tribal Communication Plan
ONDCP Continuous Review and
ONDCP Intergovernmental Collaboration
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5. Draft Tribal Consultation Policy
The Office of National Drug Control
Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the
President, is responsible for setting and
monitoring Federal government policies
to reduce the demand for illegal drugs;
prevent the initiation of substance use
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
by young people; combat drug
production and trafficking; and, reduce
drug-related crime, violence, and
disease. In addition to its leadership
role in developing and coordinating
drug control policies, ONDCP is also a
central organizing body, managing the
anti-drug efforts and certifying the drug
control budgets of other Federal
government agencies.
As directed by President Obama in his
Memorandum of November 5, 2009, this
draft policy governs how the Office of
National Drug Control Policy will
comply with the letter and spirit of
Executive Order 13175 of November 6,
2000, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments. By
implementing this policy, ONDCP will
engage in meaningful and mutually
beneficial consultation with American
Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. ONDCP’s tribal
consultation activities will support
Indian self-determination and selfgovernance by giving tribes strong
voices in shaping the Federal policies
that directly affect their ability to govern
themselves and to provide for the
health, safety, and welfare of their
Guiding Principles
ONDCP acknowledges and accepts the
following definition of consultation:
Consultation is an enhanced form of
communication which emphasizes trust,
respect, and shared responsibility. It is
an open and free exchange of
information and opinion among parties
which leads to mutual understanding
and comprehension. Consultation is
integral to a deliberative process, which
results in an effective collaboration and
informed decision making.
ONDCP’s Tribal Consultation Policy
will provide for regular, meaningful,
and mutually-beneficial consultation
and collaboration to enhance ONDCP’s
relationships with American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations and urban Indian
organizations. The Policy will address
the concerns and responsibilities of
Federal and American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. Through creation and
implementation of this policy ONDCP:
• Commits to seeking to understand
the cultural values of American Indian
and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations to facilitate the
development of Federal drug control
policies which will be effective in
Indian country and beneficial to Native
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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• Recognizes the special legal status
of tribal governments;
• Respects tribal sovereignty and
supports tribal self-determination and
• Honors the United States trust
• Commits to improving
communications while maximizing
input from American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and
urban Indian organizations;
• Will consult on a government-togovernment basis with appropriate
representatives of American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
• Identifies ONDCP officials who are
knowledgeable about policies relevant
to tribal populations and are authorized
to speak for ONDCP; and
• Ensures ONDCP’s component heads
and program staff engage in consultation
in a manner consistent with this
ONDCP-wide policy.
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Process
1. Consultation will be initiated when
either ONDCP’s Director, Tribal Liaison
or an American Indian or Alaska Native
Tribe, tribal organization or urban
Indian organization requests in writing
consultation to discuss policy
development issues or implementation
or changes that will have a direct effect
upon Indian country or Native peoples.
2. Requests for consultation will
a. The subject matter requiring
b. The relevant policies, programs,
statutes, or proposed legislation
c. The American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations and/
or urban Indian organizations which
will be directly affected
3. Methods of Consultation.
ONDCP Tribal Consultation may
occur through a combination of one or
more of the following methods of
a. Correspondence: Written
communications exchanged between
ONDCP and directly affected American
Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and/or urban Indian
organizations. Correspondence should
provide an explanation of the issue(s)
and afford an opportunity for tribal
b. Meetings: Meetings with directly
affected American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and/
or urban Indian organizations to discuss
all relevant issues can take the form of
a single purpose meeting or a national
or regional forum, if appropriate.
Meetings can be face-to-face or using
PO 00000
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electronic technology, when available
and appropriate.
c. Federal Register: ONDCP
publication in the Federal Register may
be used to solicit comments from tribes,
with explicit instructions for submitting
comments and adequate time for
responses from directly affected
American Indian and Alaska Native
Tribes, tribal organizations, and/or
urban Indian organizations.
4. Reporting of Consultation Outcome:
ONDCP program offices will provide a
report on their consultation sessions,
summarizing the discussion,
recommendations, responses, and
soliciting feedback from directly
affected American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and/
or urban Indian organizations regarding
the consultation following the
conclusion of the tribal consultation
process. The ONDCP report will be
available on the ONDCP Web site at
tribal/consultation. Once ONDCP’s
Tribal Consultation Process is complete
and a proposed drug control policy is
approved and issued by ONDCP,
ONDCP will distribute the final policy
to directly affected American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and/or urban Indian
organizations. The final drug control
policy will also be posted on the
ONDCP Web site at https://
and linked to the Web sites of
appropriate national tribal and native
ONDCP Annual National Tribal
Consultation Meetings
Subject to appropriations, ONDCP
will endeavor to attend three annual
meetings of national tribal
organizations, including the annual
National Congress of American Indians
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Team
ONDCP will create a tribal
consultation team; which will include
representatives of ONDCP’s Office of the
Director; Office of Intergovernmental &
Public Liaison; Office of Legal Counsel;
Office of State, Local and Tribal Affairs;
Office of Demand Reduction; Office of
Supply Reduction; Office of Planning
and Budget; Office of Research and Data
Analysis; Office of Legislative Affairs;
and Office of Public Affairs. ONDCP’s
Associate Director for Intergovernmental
and Public Liaison or his/her designee
will lead ONDCP’s Tribal Consultation
Process and ONDCP’s Tribal
Consultation Team to review and
identify opportunities to strengthen and
improve ONDCP outreach to tribal
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
governments as well as tribal
communication and consultation.
Tribal Review of Draft Consultation
ONDCP Tribal Communication Plan
ONDCP will circulate the draft tribal
consultation policy to American Indian
and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations for review and comment.
ONDCP’s tribal consultation team will
consider the comments received and
revise the draft tribal consultation
policy, if necessary, in response to
In furtherance of the President’s goals
for tribal consultation and policy of
Federal transparency, ONDCP will
develop a communications plan,
including new media, for regularly
communicating with and requesting
input from American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and
urban Indian organizations about
Federal drug control policies which
directly affect them prior to ONDCP
ONDCP Continuous Review and
ONDCP will regularly review its
policies, actions, procedures, and
practices to identify Federal drug
control policies which directly affect
American Indian and Alaska Native
Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban
Indian organizations. These reviews will
identify opportunities to strengthen and
improve ONDCP’s tribal consultation
policy. ONDCP will also monitor its
practices to ensure effective and
consistent implementation of its tribal
consultation policy.
ONDCP Intergovernmental
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
ONDCP will participate in timely
recurring meetings with other Federal
drug control agencies subject to
Executive Order 13175, regarding
policies which directly affect American
Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian
organizations in order to streamline the
consultation process and create
consistent and effective mutually
beneficial communications with
American Indian and Alaska Native
Tribes, tribal organizations and urban
Indian organizations. These interagency
meetings will identify Federal drug
control issues arising within the
agencies which directly affect American
Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations and urban Indian
organizations and which need to be
communicated to the tribes or rise to the
level of consultation.
ONDCP Point of Contact
ONDCP designates its Associate
Director for Intergovernmental & Public
Liaison as the responsible official for
submitting progress reports and
ensuring ONDCP’s compliance with this
tribal consultation policy and related
action plans.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 223001
No Creation of Right or Benefit
This policy is not intended to, and
does not, create any right or benefit,
substantive or procedural, enforceable
by law or in equity by any party against
ONDCP or the United States, its
departments, agencies, or entities, its
officers, employees, or agents or any
other person. ONDCP shall carry out the
provisions of this policy to the extent
permitted by law and consistent with its
statutory authorities and enforcement
Federal Register Notice
ONDCP will publish this draft tribal
consultation policy in the Federal
Register and provide a 60-day comment
Review of Comments
ONDCP’s tribal consultation team will
review and consider the comments
received regarding the draft tribal
consultation policy and revise the draft
policy, if necessary, in response to
comments received.
Final Tribal Consultation Policy
ONDCP will issue its final tribal
consultation policy within 90 days of
the close of the comment period.
Dated: March 29, 2011.
Linda V. Priebe,
Deputy General Counsel, Office of National
Drug Control Policy.
[FR Doc. 2011–7833 Filed 4–1–11; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (ACRS); Meeting of the
ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced
Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR); Notice
of Meeting
The ACRS Subcommittee on
Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
(ABWR) will hold a meeting on April
21, 2011, Room T–2B1, 11545 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, MD.
PO 00000
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The entire meeting will be open to
public attendance, with the exception of
a portion that may be closed to protect
information that is proprietary pursuant
to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(4).
The agenda for the subject meeting
shall be as follows:
Thursday, April 21, 2011—8:30 a.m.
until 4 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting is to
review Chapters 1, 17 and 19 of the
Safety Evaluation Report (SER) with no
open items associated with the South
Texas Project Combined License
Application and the issue of Part 21
reports. The Subcommittee will hear
presentations by and hold discussions
with the Nuclear Innovation North
America (NINA), LLC, the NRC staff,
and other interested persons. The
Subcommittee will gather information,
analyze relevant issues and facts, and
formulate proposed positions and
actions, as appropriate, for deliberation
by the Full Committee.
Members of the public desiring to
provide oral statements and/or written
comments should notify the Designated
Federal Official, Maitri Banerjee
(Telephone 301–415–6973 or E-mail:
Maitri.Banerjee@nrc.gov) five days prior
to the meeting, if possible, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
Thirty five hard copies of each
presentation or handout should be
provided to the Designated Federal
Official thirty minutes before the
meeting. In addition, one electronic
copy of each presentation should be
e-mailed to the Designated Federal
Official one day before meeting. If an
electronic copy cannot be provided
within this timeframe, presenters
should provide the Designated Federal
Official with a CD containing each
presentation at least 30 minutes before
the meeting. Electronic recordings will
be permitted only during those portions
of the meeting that are open to the
public. Detailed procedures for the
conduct of and participation in ACRS
meetings were published in the Federal
Register on October 21, 2010, (75 FR
Detailed meeting agendas and meeting
transcripts are available on the NRC
Web site at https://www.nrc.gov/readingrm/doc-collections/acrs. Information
regarding topics to be discussed,
changes to the agenda, whether the
meeting has been canceled or
rescheduled, and the time allotted to
present oral statements can be obtained
from the Web site cited above or by
contacting the identified DFO.
Moreover, in view of the possibility that
the schedule for ACRS meetings may be
adjusted by the Chairman as necessary
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 64 (Monday, April 4, 2011)]
[Pages 18583-18585]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-7833]
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Draft Tribal Consultation Policy
AGENCY: Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug
Control Policy.
ACTION: Notice of 60-day public comment period.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Executive Order 13175, the Director, National Drug
Control Policy, is establishing a policy governing how the Office of
National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President [ONDCP]
will consult with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations and urban Indian organizations regarding Federal policies
that directly affect Indian Country and urban Indian communities.
Table of Contents
1. Dates
2. Addresses
3. For further information contact
4. Supplementary Information
5. ONDCP Draft Consultation Policy
Guiding Principles
Tribal Consultation Process
ONDCP Annual National Tribal Consultation Meetings
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Team
ONDCP Tribal Communication Plan
ONDCP Continuous Review and Evaluation
ONDCP Intergovernmental Collaboration
ONDCP Point of Contact
Tribal Review of Draft Consultation Policy
No Creation of Right or Benefit
Federal Register Notice
Review of Comments
Final Tribal Consultation Policy Publication
1. Dates
Comments must be received by ONDCP on or before 5 p.m. Friday June
3, 2011.
2. Addresses
Written comments may be submitted through electronic mail at
TribalConsultation@ondcp.eop.gov or via facsimile at (202) 395-5543 to
Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control
Policy, Office of Intergovernmental & Public Liaison, c/o Office of
Legal Counsel, Washington DC 20503.
3. For Further Information Contact
Mr. Tony Martinez, Associate Director, Office of Intergovernmental
& Public Liaison, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive
Office of the President, 750 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503;
MMartinez@ondcp.eop.gov; (202) 395-5758 (This is not a toll-free
number); toll-free 1-888-395-6327.
4. Supplementary Information
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive
Office of the President, is responsible for setting and monitoring
Federal government policies to reduce the demand for illegal drugs;
prevent the initiation of substance use by young people; combat drug
production and trafficking; and, reduce drug-related crime, violence,
and disease. In addition to its leadership role in developing and
coordinating drug control policies, ONDCP is also a central organizing
body, managing the anti-drug efforts and certifying the drug control
budgets of other Federal government agencies.
As directed by President Obama in his Memorandum of November 5,
2009, this draft policy governs how the Office of National Drug Control
Policy will comply with the letter and spirit of Executive Order 13175
of November 6, 2000, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal
5. Draft Tribal Consultation Policy
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive
Office of the President, is responsible for setting and monitoring
Federal government policies to reduce the demand for illegal drugs;
prevent the initiation of substance use
[[Page 18584]]
by young people; combat drug production and trafficking; and, reduce
drug-related crime, violence, and disease. In addition to its
leadership role in developing and coordinating drug control policies,
ONDCP is also a central organizing body, managing the anti-drug efforts
and certifying the drug control budgets of other Federal government
As directed by President Obama in his Memorandum of November 5,
2009, this draft policy governs how the Office of National Drug Control
Policy will comply with the letter and spirit of Executive Order 13175
of November 6, 2000, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments. By implementing this policy, ONDCP will engage in
meaningful and mutually beneficial consultation with American Indian
and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. ONDCP's tribal consultation activities will support
Indian self-determination and self-governance by giving tribes strong
voices in shaping the Federal policies that directly affect their
ability to govern themselves and to provide for the health, safety, and
welfare of their citizens.
Guiding Principles
ONDCP acknowledges and accepts the following definition of
Consultation is an enhanced form of communication which emphasizes
trust, respect, and shared responsibility. It is an open and free
exchange of information and opinion among parties which leads to mutual
understanding and comprehension. Consultation is integral to a
deliberative process, which results in an effective collaboration and
informed decision making.
ONDCP's Tribal Consultation Policy will provide for regular,
meaningful, and mutually-beneficial consultation and collaboration to
enhance ONDCP's relationships with American Indian and Alaska Native
Tribes, tribal organizations and urban Indian organizations. The Policy
will address the concerns and responsibilities of Federal and American
Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian
organizations. Through creation and implementation of this policy
Commits to seeking to understand the cultural values of
American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and
urban Indian organizations to facilitate the development of Federal
drug control policies which will be effective in Indian country and
beneficial to Native peoples;
Recognizes the special legal status of tribal governments;
Respects tribal sovereignty and supports tribal self-
determination and self-governance;
Honors the United States trust obligations;
Commits to improving communications while maximizing input
from American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations,
and urban Indian organizations;
Will consult on a government-to-government basis with
appropriate representatives of American Indian and Alaska Native
Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations;
Identifies ONDCP officials who are knowledgeable about
policies relevant to tribal populations and are authorized to speak for
ONDCP; and
Ensures ONDCP's component heads and program staff engage
in consultation in a manner consistent with this ONDCP-wide policy.
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Process
1. Consultation will be initiated when either ONDCP's Director,
Tribal Liaison or an American Indian or Alaska Native Tribe, tribal
organization or urban Indian organization requests in writing
consultation to discuss policy development issues or implementation or
changes that will have a direct effect upon Indian country or Native
2. Requests for consultation will identify:
a. The subject matter requiring consultation
b. The relevant policies, programs, statutes, or proposed
c. The American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations and/or urban Indian organizations which will be directly
3. Methods of Consultation.
ONDCP Tribal Consultation may occur through a combination of one or
more of the following methods of consultation:
a. Correspondence: Written communications exchanged between ONDCP
and directly affected American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and/or urban Indian organizations. Correspondence should
provide an explanation of the issue(s) and afford an opportunity for
tribal comment.
b. Meetings: Meetings with directly affected American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and/or urban Indian
organizations to discuss all relevant issues can take the form of a
single purpose meeting or a national or regional forum, if appropriate.
Meetings can be face-to-face or using electronic technology, when
available and appropriate.
c. Federal Register: ONDCP publication in the Federal Register may
be used to solicit comments from tribes, with explicit instructions for
submitting comments and adequate time for responses from directly
affected American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and/or urban Indian organizations.
4. Reporting of Consultation Outcome: ONDCP program offices will
provide a report on their consultation sessions, summarizing the
discussion, recommendations, responses, and soliciting feedback from
directly affected American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and/or urban Indian organizations regarding the
consultation following the conclusion of the tribal consultation
process. The ONDCP report will be available on the ONDCP Web site at
https://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/tribal/consultation. Once ONDCP's
Tribal Consultation Process is complete and a proposed drug control
policy is approved and issued by ONDCP, ONDCP will distribute the final
policy to directly affected American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes,
tribal organizations, and/or urban Indian organizations. The final drug
control policy will also be posted on the ONDCP Web site at https://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/tribal and linked to the Web sites of
appropriate national tribal and native organizations.
ONDCP Annual National Tribal Consultation Meetings
Subject to appropriations, ONDCP will endeavor to attend three
annual meetings of national tribal organizations, including the annual
National Congress of American Indians Conference.
ONDCP Tribal Consultation Team
ONDCP will create a tribal consultation team; which will include
representatives of ONDCP's Office of the Director; Office of
Intergovernmental & Public Liaison; Office of Legal Counsel; Office of
State, Local and Tribal Affairs; Office of Demand Reduction; Office of
Supply Reduction; Office of Planning and Budget; Office of Research and
Data Analysis; Office of Legislative Affairs; and Office of Public
Affairs. ONDCP's Associate Director for Intergovernmental and Public
Liaison or his/her designee will lead ONDCP's Tribal Consultation
Process and ONDCP's Tribal Consultation Team to review and identify
opportunities to strengthen and improve ONDCP outreach to tribal
[[Page 18585]]
governments as well as tribal communication and consultation.
ONDCP Tribal Communication Plan
In furtherance of the President's goals for tribal consultation and
policy of Federal transparency, ONDCP will develop a communications
plan, including new media, for regularly communicating with and
requesting input from American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal
organizations, and urban Indian organizations about Federal drug
control policies which directly affect them prior to ONDCP action.
ONDCP Continuous Review and Evaluation
ONDCP will regularly review its policies, actions, procedures, and
practices to identify Federal drug control policies which directly
affect American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations,
and urban Indian organizations. These reviews will identify
opportunities to strengthen and improve ONDCP's tribal consultation
policy. ONDCP will also monitor its practices to ensure effective and
consistent implementation of its tribal consultation policy.
ONDCP Intergovernmental Collaboration
ONDCP will participate in timely recurring meetings with other
Federal drug control agencies subject to Executive Order 13175,
regarding policies which directly affect American Indian and Alaska
Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations in
order to streamline the consultation process and create consistent and
effective mutually beneficial communications with American Indian and
Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations and urban Indian
organizations. These interagency meetings will identify Federal drug
control issues arising within the agencies which directly affect
American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations and
urban Indian organizations and which need to be communicated to the
tribes or rise to the level of consultation.
ONDCP Point of Contact
ONDCP designates its Associate Director for Intergovernmental &
Public Liaison as the responsible official for submitting progress
reports and ensuring ONDCP's compliance with this tribal consultation
policy and related action plans.
Tribal Review of Draft Consultation Policy
ONDCP will circulate the draft tribal consultation policy to
American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, tribal organizations, and
urban Indian organizations for review and comment. ONDCP's tribal
consultation team will consider the comments received and revise the
draft tribal consultation policy, if necessary, in response to
No Creation of Right or Benefit
This policy is not intended to, and does not, create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by law or in equity by
any party against ONDCP or the United States, its departments,
agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents or any other
person. ONDCP shall carry out the provisions of this policy to the
extent permitted by law and consistent with its statutory authorities
and enforcement mechanisms.
Federal Register Notice
ONDCP will publish this draft tribal consultation policy in the
Federal Register and provide a 60-day comment period.
Review of Comments
ONDCP's tribal consultation team will review and consider the
comments received regarding the draft tribal consultation policy and
revise the draft policy, if necessary, in response to comments
Final Tribal Consultation Policy Publication
ONDCP will issue its final tribal consultation policy within 90
days of the close of the comment period.
Dated: March 29, 2011.
Linda V. Priebe,
Deputy General Counsel, Office of National Drug Control Policy.
[FR Doc. 2011-7833 Filed 4-1-11; 8:45 am]