Announcement of Grant Application Deadlines and Funding Levels, 18513-18516 [2011-7829]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
meeting as authorized under the Secure
Rural Schools and Community SelfDetermination Act (Pub. L. 110–343)
and in compliance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act. The purpose
is to discuss general information, review
proposals, review updates on current or
completed Title II projects, and to set
next meeting agenda.
The meeting will be held on May
3, 2011, beginning at 6 p.m. and ending
at approximately 9 p.m.
Rural Utilities Service
Announcement of Grant Application
Deadlines and Funding Levels
Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
Notice of Funds Availability
The meeting will be held at
the Janet Huckabee Arkansas River
Valley Nature Center, 8300 Wells Lake
Road, Barling, Arkansas.
Written comments should be sent to:
Caroline Mitchell, Committee
Coordinator, USDA, Ouachita National
Forest, P.O. Box 1270, Hot Springs, AR
71902. Comments may also be sent via
e-mail to or
via facsimile to 501–321–5399.
All comments, including names and
addresses when provided, are placed in
the record and are available for public
inspection and copying. The public may
inspect comments received at 100
Reserve Street, Hot Springs, AR 71901.
Visitors are encouraged to call ahead to
501–321–5202 to facilitate entry into the
Caroline Mitchell, Committee
Coordinator, USDA, Ouachita National
Forest, P.O. Box 1270, Hot Springs, AR
71902. (501–321–5318). Individuals
who use telecommunication devices for
the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 8
p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday
through Friday.
meeting is open to the public.
Committee discussion is limited to
Forest Service staff, Committee
members, and elected officials.
However, persons who wish to bring
matters to the attention of the
Committee may file written statements
with the Committee staff before or after
the meeting. Individuals wishing to
speak or propose agenda items must
send their names and proposals to Bill
Pell, DFO, P.O. Box 1270, Hot Springs,
AR 71902.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Dated: March 29, 2011.
Bill Pell,
Designated Federal Official.
[FR Doc. 2011–7873 Filed 4–1–11; 8:45 am]
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18:47 Apr 01, 2011
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The Rural Utilities Service
(RUS), an agency of the United States
Department of Agriculture, announces
the Delta Health Care Services Grant
Program application window. In
addition to announcing the application
window, RUS announces the
availability of $3,000,000 in grant funds
to be competitively awarded for the
Delta Health Care Services Grant
You may submit completed
applications for grants according to the
following deadlines:
• Paper copies must carry proof of
shipping no later than June 3, 2011 to
be eligible for grant funding. Late
applications are not eligible for grant
• Electronic copies must be received
by June 3, 2011.
You may obtain application
guides and materials for the Delta
Health Care Services grants the
following ways:
• The Internet at the RUS
Telecommunications Programs
Web site: https://
• You may also request application
guides and materials from RUS by
contacting, RUS Office of the Program
Advisor at (202) 720–8427.
You may submit:
• Completed paper applications for
Delta Health Care Services grants to the
Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave.,
SW., Room 2919, STOP 1541,
Washington, DC 20250–1550.
Applications should be marked
‘‘Attention: Program Advisor—
Telecommunications Program.’’
• Electronic grant applications at (,
following the instructions you find on
that Web site.
Craig R. Wulf, Program Advisor—
Telecommunications Program, Rural
Utilities Service, 1400 Independence
Ave., SW., Room 2919, STOP 1541,
Washington, DC 20250–1550; telephone:
202–720–8427, fax: 202–720–2734.
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EO 13175 Consultations and
Coordination With Indian Tribal
To introduce tribes and tribal leaders
in the Delta Region to this program
USDA hosted a teleconference on
December 7, 2010. USDA extended an
invitation to Tribal Leaders of the six
Federally recognized Tribes in
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama on
November 30, 2010. Through this call
USDA aimed to review, discuss, and
open the door for consultation on this
program, in case the tribes brought
forward any unanticipated concerns
regarding the draft NOFA provisions of
the Delta Health Care Services Grant
Program, authorized under Section
379G of the Consolidated Farm and
Rural Development Act. Three of the six
tribes participated on the teleconference
on December 7, 2010. It was explained
that eligible grant applicants are limited
to consortiums or groups of regional
institutions of higher education,
academic health and research institutes,
and economic development entities
located in the Delta Region that have
experience in addressing the health care
issues in the region. It was also
articulated that eligible consortiums
may include participation with Indian
Tribes. The Tribal Leaders did not
express any perceived negative impact
regarding the draft, and were given
appropriate Rural Development contact
information should they have any future
concerns regarding the NOFA. As a
result of this teleconference, USDA has
assessed the impact of this NOFA on
Indian Tribal Governments in the Delta
Region, and has concluded that this
NOFA will not negatively affect the
Federally recognized Tribes in the
region, or impose substantial direct
compliance costs on Indian Tribal
Governments, nor preempt tribal law.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act
requires Federal Agencies to seek and
obtain Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval before
undertaking a collection of information
directed to ten or more persons. In
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35), the agency conducted an
analysis to determine the universe of
respondents that could meet the
eligibility requirements to apply for the
Delta Health Care Services Grant
Program. It was determined that the
eligible number of entities in the Delta
Region was fewer than nine and in
accordance with 5 CFR 1320 the agency
has not obtained OMB approval of the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
information collection associated with
this NOFA.
Federal Agency: Rural Utilities
Service (RUS).
Funding Opportunity Title: Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program.
Announcement Type: Initial
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.874.
Due Date for Applications: June 3,
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
I. Funding Opportunity: Brief introduction to
the Delta Health Care Services Grant
II. Definitions: Sets forth the key statutory
terms and other terms.
III. Award Information: Available funds and
minimum amounts.
IV. Eligibility Information: Who is eligible,
what kinds of projects are eligible, what
criteria determine basic eligibility.
V. Application and Submission Information:
Where to get application materials, what
constitutes a completed application, how
and where to submit applications,
deadlines, items that are eligible.
VI. Application Review Information:
Considerations and preferences, scoring
criteria, review standards, selection
VII. Award Administration Information:
Award notice information, award
recipient reporting requirements.
VIII. Agency Contacts: Web, phone, fax, email, contact name.
I. Funding Opportunity
Advanced telecommunications
services play a vital role in the
economic development, education, and
health care of rural America. The Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program is
designed to provide financial assistance
to address the continued unmet health
needs in the Delta Region through
cooperation among health care
professionals, institutions of higher
education, research institutions, and
other individuals and entities in the
Delta Region. Grant funds may be
utilized for the development of health
care services; health education
programs; health care job training
programs; and for the development and
expansion of public health-related
facilities in the Delta Region. Grants will
be awarded to eligible entities in the
Delta Region serving communities of no
more than 50,000 inhabitants to help to
address the long standing and unmet
health needs of the region.
II. Definitions
The terms and conditions provided in
this NOFA are applicable to and for
purposes of this NOFA only.
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Consortium means a combination or
group of regional institutions of higher
education, academic health and
research institutes, and economic
development entities located in the
Delta Region that have experience in
addressing the health care issues in the
Delta Region means the 252 counties
and parishes within the states of
Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and
Tennessee that are served by the Delta
Regional Authority. (The Delta Region
may be adjusted by future Federal
Distance learning means a
telecommunications link to an end user
through the use of equipment to:
Provide educational programs,
instruction, or information originating
in one area, whether rural or not, to
students and teachers who are located
in rural areas; or connect teachers and
students, located in one rural area with
teachers and students that are located in
a different rural area.
Rural area means any area of the
United States not included within (a)
the boundaries of any incorporated or
unincorporated city, village, or borough
having a population in excess of 50,000
inhabitants and (b) any urbanized area
contiguous and adjacent to a city or
town described in clause (a).
RUS, or the Agency, means the Rural
Utilities Service.
Telemedicine means a
telecommunications link to an end user
through the use of eligible equipment
which electronically links medical
professionals at separate sites in order to
exchange health care information in
audio, video, graphic, or other format
for the purpose of providing improved
health care services primarily to
residents of rural areas.
III. Award Information
Each entity applying which is not
exempted must be registered in the
Central Contractors Registration (CCR)
prior to submitting an application or
Plan for financial assistance and
maintain an active CCR registration
(review and update on an annual basis)
and provide its Dun and Bradstreet
(D&B) Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) number.
RUS is making $3,000,000 available
for competitive grants in the Delta
Region. The minimum grant amount is
Delta Health Care Services grants
cannot be renewed. Award documents
specify the term of each award. The
Agency will make awards and execute
documents appropriate to the project
prior to any advance of funds to
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successful applicants. The Agency will
consider a one-time request to extend
the period for up to 1 year during which
grant funding is available.
IV. Eligibility Information
A. Who is eligible for grants?
1. A Consortium, as defined in section
II of this NOFA.
2. At least one member of the
Consortium must be legally organized as
an incorporated organization, or other
legal entity, and have legal authority to
contract with the Government.
Individuals are not eligible for Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program
financial assistance directly.
3. At least one member of the
Consortium must have legal capacity
and authority to carry out the purposes
of the projects in its application, and to
enter into contracts and to otherwise
comply with applicable Federal statutes
and regulations.
B. What are the basic eligibility
requirements for a project?
1. To be eligible for a grant; the
project must serve a rural area in the
Delta Region, as defined in this NOFA.
2. Grant funds may be used to finance
any of the following:
a. Develop health care services;
b. Develop health education
c. Develop health care job training
d. Develop and expand public healthrelated facilities in the Delta Region to
address longstanding and unmet health
needs of the region.
3. Applicants are strongly encouraged
to emphasize distance learning and/or
telemedicine projects in their proposed
use of grant funds.
4. All facilities constructed or leased
with grant funds must be new
5. The total amount for salaries and
wages, administrative expenses, and
recurring operating costs may not
exceed 20 percent of the grant funds.
6. Matching contribution: There is no
requirement for matching funds in this
7. Facilities constructed or acquired
before the completed application is
approved by RUS are not eligible for
grant funds.
V. Application and Submission
A. Where To Get Application
The application guide and copies of
necessary forms and samples for the
Delta Health Care Services Grant
Program are available from these
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
• The Internet at https://
•, or,
• For paper copies of these materials:
call (202) 720–8427.
B. How and Where To Submit an
You may file an application in either
paper or electronic format. Whether you
file a paper or an electronic application,
you will need a DUNS number.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
1. DUNS Number
As required by the OMB, all
applicants for grants must supply a Dun
and Bradstreet Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) number
when applying. The Standard Form 424
(SF–424) contains a field for you to use
when supplying your DUNS number.
Obtaining a DUNS number costs
nothing and requires a short telephone
call to Dun and Bradstreet. Please see
request_duns_number.jsp for more
information on how to obtain a DUNS
number or how to verify your
organization’s number.
2. Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
(a) In accordance with 2 CFR part 25,
applicants, whether applying
electronically or by paper, must be
registered in the CCR prior to submitting
an application. Applicants may register
for the CCR at https:// or
by calling 1–877–252–2700. Completing
the CCR registration process takes up to
five business days, and applicants are
strongly encouraged to begin the process
well in advance of the deadline
specified in this notice.
(b) The CCR registration must remain
active, with current information, at all
times during which an entity has an
application under consideration by an
agency or has an active Federal Award.
To remain registered in the CCR
database after the initial registration, the
applicant is required to review and
update, on an annual basis from the date
of initial registration or subsequent
updates, its information in the CCR
database to ensure it is current, accurate
and complete.
For paper applications, send or
deliver the applications by the U.S.
Postal Service (USPS) or courier
delivery services to the RUS receipt
point set forth below. RUS will not
accept applications by fax or e-mail.
Mail or ensure delivery of an original
paper application (no stamped,
photocopied, or initialed signatures)
and one copy by the June 3, 2011 to the
following address:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Program Advisor, Telecommunications
Program, Rural Utilities Service, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., STOP
1541, Room 2919, Washington, DC
The application and any materials
sent with it become Federal records by
law and cannot be returned to you.
C. What constitutes a completed
1. Detailed information on each item
required can be found in the Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program
application guide. The program’s
application guide provides specific
guidance on each of the items listed and
also provides all necessary forms and
sample worksheets.
2. A completed application must
include the following: documentation,
studies, reports, and information listed
below, in form satisfactory to RUS.
Applications should be prepared in
conformance with applicable USDA
regulations including 7 CFR parts 3015,
3016, and 3019. Applicants must use
the application guide for this program
containing instructions and all
necessary forms, as well as other
important information, in preparing
their application. Completed
applications must include the following:
a. An Application for Federal
Assistance. A completed Standard Form
(SF) 424.
b. Evidence of eligibility. Evidence of
the applicant’s eligibility to apply under
this Notice, demonstrating that the
applicant is a consortium as defined in
this Notice.
c. A project abstract. A one-page
summary not to exceed one page,
suitable for dissemination to the public
and to Congress.
d. Executive summary. An executive
summary of the project describing its
purpose, not to exceed two pages.
e. Scoring documentation. The grant
applicant must address and provide
documentation on how it meets each of
the scoring criteria, specifically the
rurality of the project area and
communities served, the community
needs and benefits derived from the
project, and project management and
organization capability.
f. Service area maps. Maps with
sufficient detail to show the area that
will benefit from the proposed facilities
and services, and the location of
facilities purchased with grant funds.
g. Scope of work. The scope of work
must include (1) the specific activities
and services, such as programs and
training, to be performed under the
project, (2) the facilities to be purchased
or constructed, in addition to who will
carry out the activities and services, and
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specific time frames for completion and
(3) documentation regarding how the
applicant solicited input for the project
from local governments, public health
care providers, and other entities in the
Delta Region.
h. Budget. The applicant must
provide a budget showing the line item
costs for all capital and operating
expenditures eligible for the grant
funds, and other sources of funds
necessary to complete the project.
i. Financial information and
sustainability. The applicant must
provide current financial statements and
a narrative description demonstrating
sustainability of the project, all of which
show sufficient resources and expertise
to undertake and complete the project
and how the project will be sustained
following completion.
j. Statement of experience. The
applicant must provide a written
narrative describing its demonstrated
capability and experience in addressing
the health care issues in the Delta
Region and in managing and operating
a project similar to the proposed project.
k. Evidence of legal authority and
existence. At least one member of the
Consortium must provide evidence of
its legal existence and authority to enter
into a grant agreement with the Rural
Utilities Service and perform the
activities proposed under the grant
l. Compliance with other Federal
statutes. The applicant must provide
evidence or certification that it is in
compliance with all applicable Federal
statutes and regulations, including, but
not limited to the following (sample
certifications are provided in the
application guide.):
(1) Equal Opportunity and
(2) Architectural barriers;
(3) Flood hazard area precautions;
(4) Uniform Relocation Assistance
and Real Property Acquisition Policies
Act of 1970;
(5) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998
(41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.);
(6) Debarment, Suspension; and Other
Responsibility Matters—Primary
Covered Transactions;
(7) Lobbying for Contracts, Grants,
Loans, and Cooperative Agreements (31
U.S.C. 1352).
m. Environmental impact and historic
preservation. The applicant must
provide details of the project’s impact
on the environment and historic
preservation, and comply with 7 CFR
part 1794, which contains the Agency’s
policies and procedures for
implementing a variety of Federal
statutes, regulations, and executive
orders generally pertaining to the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 64 / Monday, April 4, 2011 / Notices
protection of the quality of the human
environment. This must be contained in
a separate section entitled
‘‘Environmental Impact of the Project’’
and must include the Environmental
Questionnaire/Certification describing
the impact of the project. The
Environmental Questionnaire/
Certification is available on the RUS
Telecommunications Programs Web site
utp_deltahealthcare.html. Submission
of the Environmental Questionnaire/
Certification alone does not constitute
compliance with 7 CFR part 1794.
VI. Application Review Information
A. Criteria
1. Grant applications are scored
competitively and subject to the criteria
listed below.
2. Grant application scoring criteria
are detailed in the Delta Health Care
Services Grant Application Guide.
There are 100 points available, broken
down as follows:
a. The Rurality of the Project area and
communities served. (up to 40 points);
b. The Community Needs and
Benefits Derived from the project. (up to
45 points); and
c. The Project Management and
Organization capability. (up to 15
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
B. Grant Review Standards
1. All applications for grants must be
delivered to RUS at the address
specified in this notice, or submitted
electronically to
( to be eligible for funding.
RUS will review each application for
conformance with the provisions of this
part. RUS may contact the applicant for
additional information or clarification.
2. Applications conforming with this
part will be evaluated competitively by
RUS employees, and will be awarded
points as described in the Delta Health
Care Services Grant Application Guide.
Applications will be ranked and grants
awarded in rank order until all grant
funds are expended.
3. Regardless of the score an
application receives, if RUS determines
that the Project is technically or
financially infeasible, the Agency will
notify the applicant, in writing, and the
application will be returned and will
not be considered for funding.
C. Scoring Guidelines
1. The applicant’s self scores in
Rurality will be checked and, if
necessary, corrected by RUS.
2. The Community Needs and
Benefits derived from the project score
will be determined by RUS based on
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information presented in the
application. The Community Needs and
Benefits score is a subjective score based
on the reviewer’s assessment of the
supporting arguments made in the
application. The score aims to assess
how the project’s purpose and goals
benefit the residents in the Delta Region.
3. The Project Management and
Organization Capability score will be
determined by RUS based on
information presented in the
application. RUS will evaluate the
applicant’s experience, past
performance, and accomplishments
addressing health care issues to ensure
effective project implementation.
D. Selection Process
Grant applications are ranked by final
score. RUS selects applications based on
those rankings, subject to availability of
funds. Rural Development has the
authority to limit the number of
applications selected in any one state, or
from any applicant.
VII. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
RUS recognizes that each funded
project is unique, and therefore may
attach conditions to different projects’
award documents. The Agency
generally notifies applicants whose
projects are selected for awards by
faxing an award letter. The Agency
follows the award letter with a grant
agreement that contains all the terms
and conditions for the grant. An
applicant must execute and return the
grant agreement, accompanied by any
additional items required by the grant
B. Administrative and National Policy
The items listed in Section V of this
notice and the Delta Health Care
Services Grant Application Guide and
accompanying materials implement the
appropriate administrative and national
policy requirements.
C. Performance Reporting
All recipients of Delta Health Care
Services Grant Program financial
assistance must provide annual
performance activity reports to RUS
until the project is complete and the
funds are expended. A final
performance report is also required; the
final report may serve as the last annual
report. The final report must include an
evaluation of the success of the project.
D. Recipient and Subrecipient Reporting
The applicant must have the
necessary processes and systems in
place to comply with the reporting
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requirements for first-tier sub-awards
and executive compensation under the
Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act of 2006 in the event
the applicant receives funding unless
such applicant is exempt from such
reporting requirements pursuant to 2
CFR part 170, 170.110(b). The reporting
requirements under the Transparency
Act pursuant to 2 CFR part 170 are as
1. First Tier Sub-Awards of $25,000 or
more in non-Recovery Act funds (unless
they are exempt under 2 CFR part 170)
must be reported by the Recipient to no later than the
end of the month following the month
the obligation was made.
2. The Total Compensation of the
Recipient’s Executives (5 most highly
compensated executives) must be
reported by the Recipient (if the
Recipient meets the criteria under 2 CFR
part 170) to by the
end of the month following the month
in which the award was made.
3. The Total Compensation of the
Subrecipient’s Executives (5 most
highly compensated executives) must be
reported by the Subrecipient (if the
Subrecipient meets the criteria under 2
CFR part 170) to the Recipient by the
end of the month following the month
in which the subaward was made.
VIII. Agency Contacts
A. Web site: https://
The Web site maintains up-to-date
resources and contact information for
the Delta Health Care Services Grant
B. Phone: 202–720–8427.
C. Fax: 202–720–2734.
D. Main point of contact: Program
Advisor, Telecommunications Program,
Dated: March 28, 2011.
Jonathan Adelstein,
Administrator, Rural Utilities Service,
[FR Doc. 2011–7829 Filed 4–1–11; 8:45 am]
Senior Executive Service; Combined
Performance Review Board (PRB)
Armed Forces Retirement
Notice of Members of the Armed
Forces Retirement Home Review Board
Pursuant to U.S.C. 431(c)(4),
this notice announces the appointment
of members of the combined PRB for the
Armed Forces Retirement Home. The
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 64 (Monday, April 4, 2011)]
[Pages 18513-18516]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-7829]
Rural Utilities Service
Announcement of Grant Application Deadlines and Funding Levels
AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA).
SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United
States Department of Agriculture, announces the Delta Health Care
Services Grant Program application window. In addition to announcing
the application window, RUS announces the availability of $3,000,000 in
grant funds to be competitively awarded for the Delta Health Care
Services Grant Program.
DATES: You may submit completed applications for grants according to
the following deadlines:
Paper copies must carry proof of shipping no later than
June 3, 2011 to be eligible for grant funding. Late applications are
not eligible for grant funding.
Electronic copies must be received by June 3, 2011.
ADDRESSES: You may obtain application guides and materials for the
Delta Health Care Services grants the following ways:
The Internet at the RUS Telecommunications Programs
Web site:
You may also request application guides and materials from
RUS by contacting, RUS Office of the Program Advisor at (202) 720-8427.
You may submit:
Completed paper applications for Delta Health Care
Services grants to the Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Room 2919, STOP 1541,
Washington, DC 20250-1550. Applications should be marked ``Attention:
Program Advisor--Telecommunications Program.''
Electronic grant applications at
(, following the instructions you find on that Web site.
Telecommunications Program, Rural Utilities Service, 1400 Independence
Ave., SW., Room 2919, STOP 1541, Washington, DC 20250-1550; telephone:
202-720-8427, fax: 202-720-2734.
EO 13175 Consultations and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments
To introduce tribes and tribal leaders in the Delta Region to this
program USDA hosted a teleconference on December 7, 2010. USDA extended
an invitation to Tribal Leaders of the six Federally recognized Tribes
in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama on November 30, 2010. Through
this call USDA aimed to review, discuss, and open the door for
consultation on this program, in case the tribes brought forward any
unanticipated concerns regarding the draft NOFA provisions of the Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program, authorized under Section 379G of
the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act. Three of the six
tribes participated on the teleconference on December 7, 2010. It was
explained that eligible grant applicants are limited to consortiums or
groups of regional institutions of higher education, academic health
and research institutes, and economic development entities located in
the Delta Region that have experience in addressing the health care
issues in the region. It was also articulated that eligible consortiums
may include participation with Indian Tribes. The Tribal Leaders did
not express any perceived negative impact regarding the draft, and were
given appropriate Rural Development contact information should they
have any future concerns regarding the NOFA. As a result of this
teleconference, USDA has assessed the impact of this NOFA on Indian
Tribal Governments in the Delta Region, and has concluded that this
NOFA will not negatively affect the Federally recognized Tribes in the
region, or impose substantial direct compliance costs on Indian Tribal
Governments, nor preempt tribal law.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires Federal Agencies to seek and
obtain Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval before
undertaking a collection of information directed to ten or more
persons. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35), the agency conducted an analysis to determine the
universe of respondents that could meet the eligibility requirements to
apply for the Delta Health Care Services Grant Program. It was
determined that the eligible number of entities in the Delta Region was
fewer than nine and in accordance with 5 CFR 1320 the agency has not
obtained OMB approval of the
[[Page 18514]]
information collection associated with this NOFA.
Federal Agency: Rural Utilities Service (RUS).
Funding Opportunity Title: Delta Health Care Services Grant
Announcement Type: Initial announcement.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.874.
Due Date for Applications: June 3, 2011.
I. Funding Opportunity: Brief introduction to the Delta Health Care
Services Grant Program.
II. Definitions: Sets forth the key statutory terms and other terms.
III. Award Information: Available funds and minimum amounts.
IV. Eligibility Information: Who is eligible, what kinds of projects
are eligible, what criteria determine basic eligibility.
V. Application and Submission Information: Where to get application
materials, what constitutes a completed application, how and where
to submit applications, deadlines, items that are eligible.
VI. Application Review Information: Considerations and preferences,
scoring criteria, review standards, selection information.
VII. Award Administration Information: Award notice information,
award recipient reporting requirements.
VIII. Agency Contacts: Web, phone, fax, e-mail, contact name.
I. Funding Opportunity
Advanced telecommunications services play a vital role in the
economic development, education, and health care of rural America. The
Delta Health Care Services Grant Program is designed to provide
financial assistance to address the continued unmet health needs in the
Delta Region through cooperation among health care professionals,
institutions of higher education, research institutions, and other
individuals and entities in the Delta Region. Grant funds may be
utilized for the development of health care services; health education
programs; health care job training programs; and for the development
and expansion of public health-related facilities in the Delta Region.
Grants will be awarded to eligible entities in the Delta Region serving
communities of no more than 50,000 inhabitants to help to address the
long standing and unmet health needs of the region.
II. Definitions
The terms and conditions provided in this NOFA are applicable to
and for purposes of this NOFA only.
Consortium means a combination or group of regional institutions of
higher education, academic health and research institutes, and economic
development entities located in the Delta Region that have experience
in addressing the health care issues in the region.
Delta Region means the 252 counties and parishes within the states
of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Missouri, and Tennessee that are served by the Delta Regional
Authority. (The Delta Region may be adjusted by future Federal
Distance learning means a telecommunications link to an end user
through the use of equipment to: Provide educational programs,
instruction, or information originating in one area, whether rural or
not, to students and teachers who are located in rural areas; or
connect teachers and students, located in one rural area with teachers
and students that are located in a different rural area.
Rural area means any area of the United States not included within
(a) the boundaries of any incorporated or unincorporated city, village,
or borough having a population in excess of 50,000 inhabitants and (b)
any urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to a city or town described
in clause (a).
RUS, or the Agency, means the Rural Utilities Service.
Telemedicine means a telecommunications link to an end user through
the use of eligible equipment which electronically links medical
professionals at separate sites in order to exchange health care
information in audio, video, graphic, or other format for the purpose
of providing improved health care services primarily to residents of
rural areas.
III. Award Information
Each entity applying which is not exempted must be registered in
the Central Contractors Registration (CCR) prior to submitting an
application or Plan for financial assistance and maintain an active CCR
registration (review and update on an annual basis) and provide its Dun
and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number.
RUS is making $3,000,000 available for competitive grants in the
Delta Region. The minimum grant amount is $50,000.
Delta Health Care Services grants cannot be renewed. Award
documents specify the term of each award. The Agency will make awards
and execute documents appropriate to the project prior to any advance
of funds to successful applicants. The Agency will consider a one-time
request to extend the period for up to 1 year during which grant
funding is available.
IV. Eligibility Information
A. Who is eligible for grants?
1. A Consortium, as defined in section II of this NOFA.
2. At least one member of the Consortium must be legally organized
as an incorporated organization, or other legal entity, and have legal
authority to contract with the Government. Individuals are not eligible
for Delta Health Care Services Grant Program financial assistance
3. At least one member of the Consortium must have legal capacity
and authority to carry out the purposes of the projects in its
application, and to enter into contracts and to otherwise comply with
applicable Federal statutes and regulations.
B. What are the basic eligibility requirements for a project?
1. To be eligible for a grant; the project must serve a rural area
in the Delta Region, as defined in this NOFA.
2. Grant funds may be used to finance any of the following:
a. Develop health care services;
b. Develop health education programs;
c. Develop health care job training programs;
d. Develop and expand public health-related facilities in the Delta
Region to address longstanding and unmet health needs of the region.
3. Applicants are strongly encouraged to emphasize distance
learning and/or telemedicine projects in their proposed use of grant
4. All facilities constructed or leased with grant funds must be
new equipment.
5. The total amount for salaries and wages, administrative
expenses, and recurring operating costs may not exceed 20 percent of
the grant funds.
6. Matching contribution: There is no requirement for matching
funds in this program.
7. Facilities constructed or acquired before the completed
application is approved by RUS are not eligible for grant funds.
V. Application and Submission Information
A. Where To Get Application Information
The application guide and copies of necessary forms and samples for
the Delta Health Care Services Grant Program are available from these
[[Page 18515]]
The Internet at, or,
For paper copies of these materials: call (202) 720-8427.
B. How and Where To Submit an Application
You may file an application in either paper or electronic format.
Whether you file a paper or an electronic application, you will need a
DUNS number.
1. DUNS Number
As required by the OMB, all applicants for grants must supply a Dun
and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number when
applying. The Standard Form 424 (SF-424) contains a field for you to
use when supplying your DUNS number. Obtaining a DUNS number costs
nothing and requires a short telephone call to Dun and Bradstreet.
Please see
for more information on how to obtain a DUNS number or how to verify
your organization's number.
2. Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
(a) In accordance with 2 CFR part 25, applicants, whether applying
electronically or by paper, must be registered in the CCR prior to
submitting an application. Applicants may register for the CCR at or by calling 1-877-252-2700.
Completing the CCR registration process takes up to five business days,
and applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the process well in
advance of the deadline specified in this notice.
(b) The CCR registration must remain active, with current
information, at all times during which an entity has an application
under consideration by an agency or has an active Federal Award. To
remain registered in the CCR database after the initial registration,
the applicant is required to review and update, on an annual basis from
the date of initial registration or subsequent updates, its information
in the CCR database to ensure it is current, accurate and complete.
For paper applications, send or deliver the applications by the
U.S. Postal Service (USPS) or courier delivery services to the RUS
receipt point set forth below. RUS will not accept applications by fax
or e-mail. Mail or ensure delivery of an original paper application (no
stamped, photocopied, or initialed signatures) and one copy by the June
3, 2011 to the following address:
Program Advisor, Telecommunications Program, Rural Utilities Service,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW., STOP 1541, Room 2919, Washington, DC
The application and any materials sent with it become Federal
records by law and cannot be returned to you.
C. What constitutes a completed application?
1. Detailed information on each item required can be found in the
Delta Health Care Services Grant Program application guide. The
program's application guide provides specific guidance on each of the
items listed and also provides all necessary forms and sample
2. A completed application must include the following:
documentation, studies, reports, and information listed below, in form
satisfactory to RUS. Applications should be prepared in conformance
with applicable USDA regulations including 7 CFR parts 3015, 3016, and
3019. Applicants must use the application guide for this program
containing instructions and all necessary forms, as well as other
important information, in preparing their application. Completed
applications must include the following:
a. An Application for Federal Assistance. A completed Standard Form
(SF) 424.
b. Evidence of eligibility. Evidence of the applicant's eligibility
to apply under this Notice, demonstrating that the applicant is a
consortium as defined in this Notice.
c. A project abstract. A one-page summary not to exceed one page,
suitable for dissemination to the public and to Congress.
d. Executive summary. An executive summary of the project
describing its purpose, not to exceed two pages.
e. Scoring documentation. The grant applicant must address and
provide documentation on how it meets each of the scoring criteria,
specifically the rurality of the project area and communities served,
the community needs and benefits derived from the project, and project
management and organization capability.
f. Service area maps. Maps with sufficient detail to show the area
that will benefit from the proposed facilities and services, and the
location of facilities purchased with grant funds.
g. Scope of work. The scope of work must include (1) the specific
activities and services, such as programs and training, to be performed
under the project, (2) the facilities to be purchased or constructed,
in addition to who will carry out the activities and services, and
specific time frames for completion and (3) documentation regarding how
the applicant solicited input for the project from local governments,
public health care providers, and other entities in the Delta Region.
h. Budget. The applicant must provide a budget showing the line
item costs for all capital and operating expenditures eligible for the
grant funds, and other sources of funds necessary to complete the
i. Financial information and sustainability. The applicant must
provide current financial statements and a narrative description
demonstrating sustainability of the project, all of which show
sufficient resources and expertise to undertake and complete the
project and how the project will be sustained following completion.
j. Statement of experience. The applicant must provide a written
narrative describing its demonstrated capability and experience in
addressing the health care issues in the Delta Region and in managing
and operating a project similar to the proposed project.
k. Evidence of legal authority and existence. At least one member
of the Consortium must provide evidence of its legal existence and
authority to enter into a grant agreement with the Rural Utilities
Service and perform the activities proposed under the grant
l. Compliance with other Federal statutes. The applicant must
provide evidence or certification that it is in compliance with all
applicable Federal statutes and regulations, including, but not limited
to the following (sample certifications are provided in the application
(1) Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination;
(2) Architectural barriers;
(3) Flood hazard area precautions;
(4) Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Policies Act of 1970;
(5) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998 (41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.);
(6) Debarment, Suspension; and Other Responsibility Matters--
Primary Covered Transactions;
(7) Lobbying for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative
Agreements (31 U.S.C. 1352).
m. Environmental impact and historic preservation. The applicant
must provide details of the project's impact on the environment and
historic preservation, and comply with 7 CFR part 1794, which contains
the Agency's policies and procedures for implementing a variety of
Federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders generally
pertaining to the
[[Page 18516]]
protection of the quality of the human environment. This must be
contained in a separate section entitled ``Environmental Impact of the
Project'' and must include the Environmental Questionnaire/
Certification describing the impact of the project. The Environmental
Questionnaire/Certification is available on the RUS Telecommunications
Programs Web site at: Submission of the Environmental Questionnaire/
Certification alone does not constitute compliance with 7 CFR part
VI. Application Review Information
A. Criteria
1. Grant applications are scored competitively and subject to the
criteria listed below.
2. Grant application scoring criteria are detailed in the Delta
Health Care Services Grant Application Guide. There are 100 points
available, broken down as follows:
a. The Rurality of the Project area and communities served. (up to
40 points);
b. The Community Needs and Benefits Derived from the project. (up
to 45 points); and
c. The Project Management and Organization capability. (up to 15
B. Grant Review Standards
1. All applications for grants must be delivered to RUS at the
address specified in this notice, or submitted electronically to ( to be eligible for funding. RUS will
review each application for conformance with the provisions of this
part. RUS may contact the applicant for additional information or
2. Applications conforming with this part will be evaluated
competitively by RUS employees, and will be awarded points as described
in the Delta Health Care Services Grant Application Guide. Applications
will be ranked and grants awarded in rank order until all grant funds
are expended.
3. Regardless of the score an application receives, if RUS
determines that the Project is technically or financially infeasible,
the Agency will notify the applicant, in writing, and the application
will be returned and will not be considered for funding.
C. Scoring Guidelines
1. The applicant's self scores in Rurality will be checked and, if
necessary, corrected by RUS.
2. The Community Needs and Benefits derived from the project score
will be determined by RUS based on information presented in the
application. The Community Needs and Benefits score is a subjective
score based on the reviewer's assessment of the supporting arguments
made in the application. The score aims to assess how the project's
purpose and goals benefit the residents in the Delta Region.
3. The Project Management and Organization Capability score will be
determined by RUS based on information presented in the application.
RUS will evaluate the applicant's experience, past performance, and
accomplishments addressing health care issues to ensure effective
project implementation.
D. Selection Process
Grant applications are ranked by final score. RUS selects
applications based on those rankings, subject to availability of funds.
Rural Development has the authority to limit the number of applications
selected in any one state, or from any applicant.
VII. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
RUS recognizes that each funded project is unique, and therefore
may attach conditions to different projects' award documents. The
Agency generally notifies applicants whose projects are selected for
awards by faxing an award letter. The Agency follows the award letter
with a grant agreement that contains all the terms and conditions for
the grant. An applicant must execute and return the grant agreement,
accompanied by any additional items required by the grant agreement.
B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
The items listed in Section V of this notice and the Delta Health
Care Services Grant Application Guide and accompanying materials
implement the appropriate administrative and national policy
C. Performance Reporting
All recipients of Delta Health Care Services Grant Program
financial assistance must provide annual performance activity reports
to RUS until the project is complete and the funds are expended. A
final performance report is also required; the final report may serve
as the last annual report. The final report must include an evaluation
of the success of the project.
D. Recipient and Subrecipient Reporting
The applicant must have the necessary processes and systems in
place to comply with the reporting requirements for first-tier sub-
awards and executive compensation under the Federal Funding
Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 in the event the applicant
receives funding unless such applicant is exempt from such reporting
requirements pursuant to 2 CFR part 170, 170.110(b). The reporting
requirements under the Transparency Act pursuant to 2 CFR part 170 are
as follows:
1. First Tier Sub-Awards of $25,000 or more in non-Recovery Act
funds (unless they are exempt under 2 CFR part 170) must be reported by
the Recipient to no later than the end of the month
following the month the obligation was made.
2. The Total Compensation of the Recipient's Executives (5 most
highly compensated executives) must be reported by the Recipient (if
the Recipient meets the criteria under 2 CFR part 170) to by the end of the month following the month in which the
award was made.
3. The Total Compensation of the Subrecipient's Executives (5 most
highly compensated executives) must be reported by the Subrecipient (if
the Subrecipient meets the criteria under 2 CFR part 170) to the
Recipient by the end of the month following the month in which the
subaward was made.
VIII. Agency Contacts
A. Web site: The Web
site maintains up-to-date resources and contact information for the
Delta Health Care Services Grant Program.
B. Phone: 202-720-8427.
C. Fax: 202-720-2734.
D. Main point of contact: Program Advisor, Telecommunications
Program, RUS.
Dated: March 28, 2011.
Jonathan Adelstein,
Administrator, Rural Utilities Service,
[FR Doc. 2011-7829 Filed 4-1-11; 8:45 am]