Nominations for Members of the National Organic Standards Board, 18148-18149 [2011-7755]
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mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 63 / Friday, April 1, 2011 / Notices
information collection titled Data
Collection for Container Availability.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by May 31, 2011 to be assured
of consideration.
Additional Information or Comments:
Contact April Taylor, Transportation
Services Division, Transportation and
Marketing Program, Agricultural
Marketing Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, 1800 M Street, NW.—Room
3017 South, Washington, DC 20036,
telephone 202–295–7374, fax 202–694–
Title: Data Collection for Container
OMB Number: 0581–[New].
Expiration Date of Approval: [THREE
Type of Request: New request for
information collection.
Abstract: The Agricultural Marketing
Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1621–1627) directs
and authorizes the collection and
dissemination of marketing information
including adequate outlook information,
on a market area basis, for the purpose
of anticipating and meeting consumer
requirements aiding in the maintenance
of farm income and to bring about a
balance between production and
As part of the Agricultural Marketing
Service, the Transportation Services
Division (TSD) provides insightful
agricultural transportation information
and analysis to help move agricultural
products to market. TSD informs,
represents, and assists agricultural
shippers and government policymakers
through: Market reports, representation,
analysis, assistance, and responses to
inquiries. TSD collects data for its
analysis from public resources as well
as unique data sources to help the
agricultural exporters make the most out
of the transportation options available.
The new Data Collection for Container
Availability will provide U.S.
agricultural exporters with weekly data
detailing the availability of containers at
select locations around the country.
AMS will collect these data on a
voluntary basis from ocean container
carriers and then provide these up-todate data in an aggregate report on its
Web site. The goal of the report is to
provide more transparency in the
market for the location and availability
of marine shipping containers for U.S.
exporters. Exporters will be able to use
this tool to make more knowledgeable
decisions about which locations provide
the best chance for finding available
containers to move their products
VerDate Mar<15>2010
20:09 Mar 31, 2011
Jkt 223001
Estimate of Burden: Public reporting
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 1.61 hours per
Respondents: Ocean Container/Liner
Carriers and the Westbound
Transpacific Stabilization Agreement.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 52.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 1,759.26.
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Comments may be sent to April Taylor,
Transportation Services Division,
Transportation and Marketing Program,
Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 1800 M
Street, NW.—Room 3017 South,
Washington, DC 20036, telephone 202–
295–7374, fax 202–694–5948. All
comments received will be available for
public inspection during regular
business hours at the same address.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record.
Dated: March 28, 2011.
David R. Shipman,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural
Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2011–7757 Filed 3–31–11; 8:45 am]
Agricultural Marketing Service
[Doc. No. AMS–NOP–11–0006; NOP–11–03]
Nominations for Members of the
National Organic Standards Board
Agricultural Marketing Service,
ACTION: Notice.
PO 00000
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The Organic Foods
Production Act (OFPA) of 1990, as
amended, requires the establishment of
a National Organic Standards Board
(NOSB). The NOSB is a 15-member
board that is responsible for developing
and recommending to the Secretary a
proposed National List of Allowed and
Prohibited Substances. The NOSB also
advises the Secretary on all other
aspects of the National Organic
Program. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) is requesting
nominations to fill five (5) upcoming
vacancies on the NOSB. The positions
to be filled are: Organic producer
(1 position), organic handler
(1 position), consumer/public interest
(1 position), scientist (1 position), and
an environmentalist (1 position). The
Secretary of Agriculture will appoint a
person to each position to serve a 5-year
term of office that will commence on
January 24, 2012, and run until January
24, 2017. USDA encourages eligible
individuals who can demonstrate an
ability to represent minorities, women,
and persons with disabilities to apply
for membership on the NOSB.
DATES: Written nominations, with cover
letters and resumes, must be postmarked on or before July 17, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Nomination cover letters
and resumes should be sent to Ms.
Katherine E. Benham, Advisory Board
Specialist, USDA–AMS–NOP, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., Room
2651–So., Ag Stop 0268, Washington,
DC 20250, or via e-mail to
Ms. Katherine E. Benham, (202) 205–
7806; E-mail:; Fax:
(202) 205–7808.
of 1990, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6501 et
seq.), requires the Secretary to establish
an organic certification program for
producers and handlers of agricultural
products that have been produced using
organic methods. In developing this
program, the Secretary is required to
establish an NOSB. The purpose of the
NOSB is to assist in the development of
a proposed National List of Allowed and
Prohibited Substances and to advise the
Secretary on other aspects of the
National Organic Program.
The NOSB made recommendations to
the Secretary regarding establishment of
the initial organic program. It is
anticipated that the NOSB will continue
to make recommendations on various
matters, including recommendations on
substances it believes should be allowed
or prohibited for use in organic
production and handling.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 63 / Friday, April 1, 2011 / Notices
The NOSB is composed of 15
members; 4 organic producers, 2 organic
handlers, a retailer, 3 environmentalists,
3 public/consumer representatives, a
scientist, and a certifying agent.
Nominations are being sought to fill the
following five (5) upcoming NOSB
vacancies: organic producer (1 position),
organic handler (1 position), consumer/
public interest (1 position), scientist
(1 position), and an environmentalist
(1 position). Individuals desiring to be
appointed to the NOSB at this time must
be either an owner or operator of an
organic production operation, an owner
or operator of an organic handling
operation, an individual who represents
public interest or consumer interest
groups, an individual with expertise in
areas of environmental protection and
resource conservation, and an
individual with expertise in the fields of
toxicology, ecology, or biochemistry.
Selection criteria will include such
factors as: Demonstrated experience and
interest in organic production; organic
certification; support of consumer and
public interest organizations;
demonstrated experience with respect to
agricultural products produced and
handled on certified organic farms; and
such other factors as may be appropriate
for specific positions.
To nominate yourself or someone
else, please submit at a minimum, a
cover letter stating your interest and a
copy of the nominee’s resume. You may
also submit a list of endorsements or
letters of recommendation, if desired.
Nominees will be supplied with an
AD–755 background information form
that must be completed and returned to
USDA within 10 working days of its
receipt. Resumes and completed
background information forms are
required for a nominee to receive
consideration for appointment by the
Equal opportunity practices will be
followed in all appointments to the
NOSB in accordance with USDA
policies. To ensure that
recommendations of the National
Organic Standards Board take into
account the needs of the diverse groups
served by the Department, membership
shall include individuals who can
demonstrate an ability to represent
minorities, women, and persons with
The information collection
requirements concerning the
nomination process have been
previously cleared by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under
OMB Control No. 0505–0001.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
20:09 Mar 31, 2011
Jkt 223001
Dated: March 28, 2011.
David R. Shipman,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural
Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2011–7755 Filed 3–31–11; 8:45 am]
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket No. FSIS–2011–0005]
Codex Alimentarius Commission:
Meeting of the Codex Committee on
Food Labeling
Office of the Under Secretary
for Food Safety, USDA.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting and
request for comments.
The Office of the Under
Secretary for Food Safety, U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), and
the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), are sponsoring a public meeting
on April 25, 2011. The objective of the
public meeting is to provide information
and receive public comments on agenda
items and draft United States (U.S.)
positions that will be discussed at the
39th Session of the Codex Committee on
Food Labeling (CCFL) of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission (Codex),
which will be held in Quebec City,
Canada May 9–13, 2011. The Under
Secretary for Food Safety and FDA
recognize the importance of providing
interested parties the opportunity to
obtain background information on the
39th session of the CCFL and to address
items on the agenda.
DATES: The public meeting is scheduled
for April 25, 2011, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be
held at USDA, Jamie L. Whitten
Building, 1400 Independence Ave SW.,
Room 107–A, Washington, DC 20250.
Documents related to the 39th Session
of the CCFL will be accessible via the
World Wide Web at the following
address: https://
Barbara Schneeman, U.S. Delegate to
the 39th Session of the CCFL and FDA,
invites interested U.S. parties to submit
their comments electronically to the
following e-mail address:
Call-In Number: If you wish to
participate in the public meeting for the
39th session of the CCFL by conference
call, please use the following call-in
number and participant code listed
Call-in Number: 1–866–692–3158
Participant Code: 5986642
PO 00000
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For Further Information About the
39th Session of the CCFL Contact:
Barbara Schneeman, Ph.D., Director,
Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling
and Dietary Supplements, Center for
Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,
FDA, (HFS–800), 5100 Paint Branch
Parkway, College Park, MD 20740,
telephone: (301) 436–2373, fax: (301)
436–2636, e-mail:
For Further Information About the
Public Meeting Contact: Doreen ChenMoulec, U.S. Codex Office, 1400
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20250, telephone: (202)
205–7760, fax: (202) 720–3157, e-mail:
Codex was established in 1963 by two
United Nations organizations, the Food
and Agriculture Organization and the
World Health Organization (WHO).
Through adoption of food standards,
codes of practice, and other guidelines
developed by its committees, and by
promoting their adoption and
implementation by governments, Codex
seeks to protect the health of consumers
and ensure that fair practices are used
in trade.
The CCFL Committee on Food
Labeling is responsible for drafting
provisions on labeling applicable to all
foods; considering amending, if
necessary, and endorsing draft specific
provisions on labeling prepared by the
Codex Committees drafting standards,
codes of practice and guidelines;
studying specific labeling problems
assigned to it by Codex; studying
problems associated with the
advertisement of food with particular
reference to claims and misleading
The Committee is hosted by Canada.
Issues To Be Discussed at the Public
The following items on the agenda for
the 39th Session of the CCFL will be
discussed during the public meeting:
• Matters referred to the CCFL.
• Consideration of labeling provisions
in draft codex standards.
• Implementation of the WHO Global
Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and
(a) Draft Revision of the Guidelines on
Nutrition Labeling concerning the list of
nutrients that are always declared on a
voluntary or mandatory basis (at Step 7).
Recommendations on the declaration
of sodium (salt).
(b) Discussion paper on additional
conditions for nutrient content claims
and comparative claims in the
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 63 (Friday, April 1, 2011)]
[Pages 18148-18149]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-7755]
Agricultural Marketing Service
[Doc. No. AMS-NOP-11-0006; NOP-11-03]
Nominations for Members of the National Organic Standards Board
AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990, as amended,
requires the establishment of a National Organic Standards Board
(NOSB). The NOSB is a 15-member board that is responsible for
developing and recommending to the Secretary a proposed National List
of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. The NOSB also advises the
Secretary on all other aspects of the National Organic Program. The
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is requesting nominations to fill
five (5) upcoming vacancies on the NOSB. The positions to be filled
are: Organic producer (1 position), organic handler (1 position),
consumer/public interest (1 position), scientist (1 position), and an
environmentalist (1 position). The Secretary of Agriculture will
appoint a person to each position to serve a 5-year term of office that
will commence on January 24, 2012, and run until January 24, 2017. USDA
encourages eligible individuals who can demonstrate an ability to
represent minorities, women, and persons with disabilities to apply for
membership on the NOSB.
DATES: Written nominations, with cover letters and resumes, must be
post-marked on or before July 17, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Nomination cover letters and resumes should be sent to Ms.
Katherine E. Benham, Advisory Board Specialist, USDA-AMS-NOP, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., Room 2651-So., Ag Stop 0268, Washington, DC
20250, or via e-mail to
Ms. Katherine E. Benham, (202) 205-7806; E-mail:; Fax: (202) 205-7808.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The OFPA of 1990, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6501
et seq.), requires the Secretary to establish an organic certification
program for producers and handlers of agricultural products that have
been produced using organic methods. In developing this program, the
Secretary is required to establish an NOSB. The purpose of the NOSB is
to assist in the development of a proposed National List of Allowed and
Prohibited Substances and to advise the Secretary on other aspects of
the National Organic Program.
The NOSB made recommendations to the Secretary regarding
establishment of the initial organic program. It is anticipated that
the NOSB will continue to make recommendations on various matters,
including recommendations on substances it believes should be allowed
or prohibited for use in organic production and handling.
[[Page 18149]]
The NOSB is composed of 15 members; 4 organic producers, 2 organic
handlers, a retailer, 3 environmentalists, 3 public/consumer
representatives, a scientist, and a certifying agent. Nominations are
being sought to fill the following five (5) upcoming NOSB vacancies:
organic producer (1 position), organic handler (1 position), consumer/
public interest (1 position), scientist (1 position), and an
environmentalist (1 position). Individuals desiring to be appointed to
the NOSB at this time must be either an owner or operator of an organic
production operation, an owner or operator of an organic handling
operation, an individual who represents public interest or consumer
interest groups, an individual with expertise in areas of environmental
protection and resource conservation, and an individual with expertise
in the fields of toxicology, ecology, or biochemistry. Selection
criteria will include such factors as: Demonstrated experience and
interest in organic production; organic certification; support of
consumer and public interest organizations; demonstrated experience
with respect to agricultural products produced and handled on certified
organic farms; and such other factors as may be appropriate for
specific positions.
To nominate yourself or someone else, please submit at a minimum, a
cover letter stating your interest and a copy of the nominee's resume.
You may also submit a list of endorsements or letters of
recommendation, if desired.
Nominees will be supplied with an AD-755 background information
form that must be completed and returned to USDA within 10 working days
of its receipt. Resumes and completed background information forms are
required for a nominee to receive consideration for appointment by the
Equal opportunity practices will be followed in all appointments to
the NOSB in accordance with USDA policies. To ensure that
recommendations of the National Organic Standards Board take into
account the needs of the diverse groups served by the Department,
membership shall include individuals who can demonstrate an ability to
represent minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.
The information collection requirements concerning the nomination
process have been previously cleared by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under OMB Control No. 0505-0001.
Dated: March 28, 2011.
David R. Shipman,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2011-7755 Filed 3-31-11; 8:45 am]