Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska License Limitation Program, 15826-15841 [2011-6723]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current. Therefore, this regulation: (1) Is
not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
does not warrant preparation of a
regulatory evaluation as the anticipated
impact is so minimal. Since this is a
routine matter that will only affect air
traffic procedures and air navigation, it
is certified this rule, when promulgated,
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities under the criteria of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act. The FAA’s
authority to issue rules regarding
aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the
U.S. Code. Subtitle 1, Section 106
discusses the authority of the FAA
Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the
scope of the agency’s authority. This
rulemaking is promulgated under the
authority described in Subtitle VII, Part
A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it establishes
additional controlled airspace at Pueblo
Memorial Airport, Pueblo, CO.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
ANM CO E5 Pueblo, CO [Modified]
Pueblo Memorial Airport, CO
(Lat. 38°17′21″ N., long. 104°29′47″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within 21.8-mile radius
of the Pueblo Memorial Airport, and within
the 28.8-mile radius of Pueblo Memorial
Airport clockwise between the 070° and 133°
bearing from the airport; that airspace
extending upward from 1,200 feet above the
surface bounded on the north by lat.
38°30′00″ N., on the east by V–169, on the
south by V–210, on the west by a line from
lat. 37°37′26″ N., long. 105°00′02″ W.; to lat.
38°09′25″ N., long. 105°08′06″ W.; to lat.
38°05′51″ N., long. 105°30′49″ W.; to lat.
38°10′00″ N., long. 105°33′02″ W.; to lat.
38°30′00″ N., long. 105°33′02″ W.; that
airspace extending upward from 13,700 feet
MSL bounded by a line beginning at lat.
38°09′25″ N., long. 105°08′06″ W.; to lat.
37°37′26″ N., long. 105°00′02″ W.; to lat.
37°33′30″ N., long. 105°11′44″ W.; to lat.
38°05′51″ N., long. 105°30′49″ W.; thence to
point of beginning.
Issued in Seattle, Washington, on March 2,
Christine Mellon,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,
Western Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2011–6627 Filed 3–21–11; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
15 CFR Part 902
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
50 CFR Part 679
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska
License Limitation Program
[Docket No. 0912021424–1182–03]
RIN 0648–AY42
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
1. The authority citation for 14 CFR
Part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR Part 71.1 of the Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9U,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated August 18, 2010, and
effective September 15, 2010 is
amended as follows:
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NMFS issues regulations to
implement Amendment 86 to the
Fishery Management Plan for
Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. This
action adds a Pacific cod endorsement
on licenses issued under the License
Limitation Program (LLP) in specific
management areas if those licenses have
been used on vessels that met minimum
recent landing requirements using non-
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trawl gear, commonly known as fixed
gear. This action exempts vessels that
use jig gear from the requirement to
hold an LLP license, modifies the
maximum length designation on a
specific set of fixed gear licenses, and
allows entities representing specific
communities to receive a limited
number of fixed-gear licenses with
Pacific cod endorsements. This action is
intended to promote the goals and
objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act, the Fishery Management Plan, and
other applicable law.
DATES: Effective April 21, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of
Amendment 86, the Environmental
Assessment (EA), Regulatory Impact
Review (RIR), and the Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) for this
action are available from https:// or from the Alaska
Region Web site at https://
Written comments regarding the
burden-hour estimates or other aspects
of the collection-of-information
requirements contained in this final rule
may be submitted to NMFS, Alaska
Region, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK
99802–1668, Attn: Ellen Sebastian,
Records Officer; in person at NMFS,
Alaska Region, 709 West 9th Street,
Room 420A, Juneau, AK; and by e-mail
to, or
fax to 202–395–7285.
Glenn Merrill, 907–586–7228.
Background on the License Limitation
The National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) manages the groundfish
fisheries in the exclusive economic zone
of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
Management Area (BSAI) and the Gulf
of Alaska (GOA) under the fishery
management plans (FMPs) for
groundfish in the respective areas. The
North Pacific Fishery Management
Council (Council) recommended, and
NMFS approved, the FMPs under the
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.). Regulations
implementing the FMPs appear at 50
CFR part 679. General regulations
governing U.S. fisheries also appear at
50 CFR part 600.
The Council and NMFS have long
sought to control the amount of fishing
in the North Pacific Ocean to ensure
that fisheries are conservatively
managed and do not exceed established
biological thresholds. One of the
measures used by the Council and
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
NMFS is the license limitation program
(LLP), which limits access to the
groundfish, crab, and scallop fisheries
in the BSAI and GOA. The LLP is
intended to limit entry into federally
managed fisheries. For groundfish, the
LLP requires that persons hold and
assign a license for each vessel that is
used to fish in federally managed
fisheries, with some limited
exemptions. The Council initially
envisioned the LLP as an early step in
a long-term plan to establish a
comprehensive rationalization program
for groundfish in the North Pacific.
The LLP for groundfish fisheries was
recommended by the Council as
Amendments 39 and 41 to the BSAI and
GOA groundfish FMPs, respectively.
The Council adopted the LLP for
groundfish in June 1995, and NMFS
approved Amendments 39 and 41 on
September 12, 1997. NMFS published a
final rule to implement the LLP on
October 1, 1998 (63 FR 52642), and LLP
licenses were required for Federal
groundfish fisheries beginning on
January 1, 2000. The preamble to the
final rule implementing the groundfish
LLP and the EA/RIR/FRFA prepared for
this action describe the rationale and
specific provisions of the LLP in greater
detail (see ADDRESSES) and are not
repeated here. The key components of
the LLP are briefly summarized below.
The LLP for groundfish establishes
specific criteria that must be met to
allow a person to deploy a vessel to
directed fish in most federally managed
groundfish fisheries. An LLP license
must be assigned to each vessel that is
used to participate in directed fishing
for most groundfish species. The term
directed fishing and the specific
groundfish species for which an LLP
license is required are defined in
regulations at § 679.2. Exceptions to the
LLP license requirement apply if the
vessel is less than 26 feet length overall
(LOA) and fishing in the GOA; less than
32 feet LOA and fishing in the BSAI; or
less than 60 feet LOA, using jig gear in
the BSAI, and deploying no more than
five jigging machines (See § 679.4(k)(2)).
Under the LLP, NMFS issues licenses
that (1) endorse fishing activities in
specific regulatory areas in the BSAI
and GOA; (2) restrict the length of the
vessel on which the LLP license may be
used, known as the maximum length
overall (MLOA); (3) designate the
fishing gear that may be used on the
vessel (i.e., trawl or non-trawl gear
designations); and (4) designate the type
of vessel operation permitted (i.e., LLP
licenses designate whether the vessel to
which the LLP is assigned may operate
as a catcher vessel or as a catcher/
processor). The endorsements for
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specific regulatory areas, gear
designations, and vessel operational
types are non-severable from the LLP
license (i.e., once an LLP license is
issued, the components of the LLP
license cannot be transferred
independently). By creating LLP
licenses with these characteristics, the
Council and NMFS limited the ability of
a person to assign an LLP license that
was derived from the historic landing
activity of a vessel in one area using a
specific fishing gear, or operational
type, to be used in other areas, with
other gears, or with other operational
types in a manner that could expand
fishing capacity. The preamble to the
final rule implementing the groundfish
LLP provides a more detailed
explanation of the rationale for specific
provisions in the LLP (October 1, 1998;
63 FR 52642).
When the Council initially
recommended the LLP, the Council
intended that NMFS determine whether
a vessel met a minimum number of
landings to qualify the owner of that
vessel to receive an LLP license with a
specific gear, area, and operational type
endorsement. However, the regulations
that implemented the LLP used the
phrase ‘‘documented harvest’’ instead of
‘‘landing.’’ NMFS asserted that the
phrase documented harvest was
synonymous with the phrase landing,
and that the phrase documented harvest
provided additional clarity to the public
that the phrase landing did not. NMFS’
assertion that these two phrases were
synonymous was subsequently
challenged in court (Trojan Partnership
v. Gutierrez, 425 F. 3d 620 (9th Cir.
2005)). The Court held that these
phrases were not synonymous. In order
to be consistent with Council intent
when originally implementing the LLP,
as well as the specific criteria
recommended by the Council for this
action, this action uses landings, and
not documented harvests, as the basis
for determining whether an LLP license
holder will meet the regulatory
requirements for Amendment 86.
The regulatory areas for which LLP
licenses were issued include the Bering
Sea (BS), Aleutian Islands (AI);
Southeast Outside District (SEO);
Central Gulf of Alaska (CG), which
includes the West Yakutat District
adjacent to the SEO; and Western Gulf
of Alaska (WG). The documented
harvest requirements established in the
final rule implementing the LLP, for a
specific area differed depending on the
size of the vessel and the operational
type of the vessel. The phrase
‘‘documented harvest’’ is used in this
description of the qualifying criteria for
the LLP as originally implemented to be
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consistent with the terminology used in
that final rule (October 1, 1998; 63 FR
52642). For example, for a vessel owner
to receive an endorsement for non-trawl
gear in the CG with a catcher/processor
designation, a vessel must have met the
minimum documented harvest
requirements in the CG using non-trawl
gear and the documented harvests must
have been caught and processed
onboard the vessel.
In 2000, NMFS issued groundfish LLP
licenses with the appropriate regulatory
area endorsements, gear, vessel length,
and vessel operational type designations
based on the documented harvests of
vessels. NMFS issued more than 300
LLP licenses endorsed for trawl gear,
and more than 1,000 licenses for nontrawl gear for use in the BSAI and GOA.
Non-trawl gear is commonly known as
fixed gear and includes hook-and-line,
pot, and jig gear. In many cases trawl
and fixed gear LLP licenses were
endorsed for multiple regulatory areas
(e.g., WG, CG, and BS) if a vessel met
the minimum number of documented
harvests in more than one area.
Additionally, a number of LLP licenses
were also designated for both trawl and
fixed gear in cases where the vessel met
the documented harvests requirements
using both trawl and fixed gear.
After LLP licenses were initially
issued in 2000, NMFS became aware,
through public testimony from fishing
industry representatives and an
independent review of landings data,
that a substantial number of trawl and/
or fixed gear endorsed LLP licenses
were not being used for fishing in some,
or all, of the regulatory areas for which
they were endorsed. A variety of factors
could result in the lack of use of an LLP
license, including poor economic
conditions in groundfish fisheries,
choices by LLP license holders to focus
on fisheries such as salmon or halibut
that do not require the use of an LLP
license, or other reasons specific to a
license holder. LLP licenses that are
valid but are not currently being used
on a vessel are commonly known as
‘‘latent’’ LLP licenses.
In early 2007, the Council began
reviewing the use of trawl-endorsed LLP
licenses in the GOA and BSAI. In April
2008, after more than a year of review,
development of an analysis, and
extensive public comment, the Council
adopted Amendment 92 to the BSAI
FMP and Amendment 82 to the GOA
FMP, both of which modified the LLP
regarding eligibility criteria for trawl
endorsements on LLP licenses.
Amendments 92 and 82 removed trawl
endorsements from LLP licenses that
did not meet specific landing
requirements during 2000 through 2006.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
NMFS published a notice of availability
for Amendments 92 and 82 on
December 12, 2008 (73 FR 75659). A
proposed rule was published on
December 30, 2008 (73 FR 79773).
NMFS approved Amendments 92 and
82 on March 16, 2009, and published a
final rule implementing them on August
14, 2009 (74 FR 41080).
In late 2007, the Council began a
similar process of reviewing the use of
LLP licenses endorsed for fixed gear in
the GOA. This review was initiated
primarily at the request of active GOA
fixed gear fishery participants who were
concerned that holders of latent fixedgear endorsed LLP licenses could
resume fishing under the licenses in the
future and thereby adversely affect
active GOA fixed gear LLP licenses
holders’ fishing operations as well as
the biological health of the fishery.
Specifically, fixed-gear participants
were concerned about the potential
effects of additional effort in the GOA
Pacific cod fishery that could increase
competition and overcapacity in the
fishery. Pacific cod is the primary
fishery targeted by vessels using fixed
gear in the GOA. In both the CG and WG
regulatory areas, approximately onefourth of the eligible LLP licenses were
actively being used. The potential
overcapacity from the remaining latent
LLP licenses could have adverse effects
on management of the fisheries.
Increased fishery effort could make it
more difficult for NMFS to close
fisheries in a timely manner, thereby
exceeding the total allowable catch
(TAC) for a fishery.
During the development of this
action, the Council also received input
from the public requesting modification
to the LLP to establish minimum
landing requirements that must be met
to allow a vessel to continue to
participate in the Pacific cod fixed-gear
fisheries in the GOA consistent with the
approach adopted by the Council in
2002, under Amendment 67 to the FMP
for groundfish of the BSAI (April 15,
2002; 67 FR 18129). Amendment 67
established a Pacific cod endorsement
on LLP licenses that is required for
vessels using hook-and-line and pot gear
to participate in the directed fishery for
Pacific cod in the BSAI. The term
‘‘directed fishing’’ is defined in
regulation at § 679.2 and includes
retained catch of Pacific cod that
exceeds a minimum proportion of the
total retained catch onboard a vessel. In
April 2009, after more than a year of
review and extensive public comment,
the Council recommended
modifications to the LLP to revise
eligibility criteria for fixed gear
endorsements on LLP licenses. The
Council amended its final action in
December 2009 to incorporate a change
in the specific method used to allocate
Pacific cod endorsed LLP licenses for
specific persons (see the description
under Action 4 of this preamble for
additional detail).
Notice of Availability and Proposed
NMFS published the notice of
availability for Amendment 86 on July
2, 2010 (75 FR 38452), with a public
comment period that closed on August
31, 2010. NMFS published the proposed
rule for this action on July 23, 2010 (75
FR 43118), with a public comment
period that closed on September 7,
2010. Amendment 86 was approved by
NMFS on September 29, 2010. NMFS
received two public comments from two
unique persons on Amendment 86 and
the proposed rule; these are summarized
and responded to below. These
comments did not result in any
modification to the proposed rule.
Actions Implemented by Rule
This rule implements four different
actions, all of which were components
of the Council’s final action.
• Action 1: Establishes a GOA Pacific
cod endorsement for fixed gear LLP
• Action 2: Exempts certain vessels
using jig gear in the GOA from the
requirement to carry an LLP license.
• Action 3: Modifies the MLOA of
certain LLP licenses.
• Action 4: Allows specific GOA
community entities to request and
receive LLP licenses with a Pacific cod
The rationale and effects of these four
actions are described in detail in the
preamble to the proposed rule (July 23,
2010; 75 FR 43118), and are briefly
summarized here. For additional detail,
please see the proposed rule preamble
Action 1: Establishes a Pacific Cod
Endorsement for Fixed Gear LLP
This rule assigns Pacific cod
endorsements to LLP licenses that have
met minimum landing requirements
from January 1, 2002, through December
8, 2008, or that meet a specific
exemption described below. This action
preemptively reduces the potential
adverse effects of overharvesting the
GOA Pacific cod resource if latent LLP
license holders became active in the
Criteria for Assigning a Pacific Cod
This rule assigns a Pacific cod fishery
endorsement to an LLP license based on
landings in the directed Pacific cod
fishery in the GOA from January 1,
2002, through December 8, 2008, made
by vessels operating under the authority
of that LLP license. NMFS will assign
Pacific cod endorsements that are
designated for (1) hook-and-line, pot, or
jig gear; (2) specific GOA regulatory
areas (i.e., CG and WG); and (3) specific
operational types (i.e., catcher vessels or
catcher/processors). LLP licenses with
an MLOA of less than 60 feet have
different landing requirements
compared to LLP licenses with an
MLOA equal to or greater than 60 feet.
Table 1 summarizes the landing
requirement criteria that must be met for
each gear type, regulatory area,
operational type, and MLOA of the LLP
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Regulatory area
Gear type
Operational type of
Pacific cod endorsement
CG ...................................
Hook-and-line ..................
Catcher vessel ................................................
Jig* ..................................
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
Catcher vessel ................................................
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
Catcher vessel ................................................
< 60 feet ...........
≥ 60 feet ...........
All .....................
All .....................
All .....................
< 60 feet ...........
≥ 60 feet ...........
Pot ...................................
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Landing requirement
in the Pacific cod
directed fishery from
January 1, 2002,
through December 8,
10 metric tons (mt).
50 mt.
50 mt.
1 landing.
10 mt
50 mt.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
Landing requirement
in the Pacific cod
directed fishery from
January 1, 2002,
through December 8,
Operational type of
Pacific cod endorsement
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
All .....................
50 mt.
Hook-and-line ..................
Catcher vessel ................................................
Jig* ..................................
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
Catcher vessel ................................................
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
Catcher vessel ................................................
< 60 feet ...........
≥ 60 feet ...........
All .....................
All .....................
All .....................
< 60 feet ...........
≥ 60 feet ...........
All .....................
10 mt.
50 mt.
50 mt.
1 landing.
Regulatory area
WG ..................................
Gear type
Pot ...................................
Catcher/Processor ..........................................
10 mt.
50 mt.
50 mt.
* LLP licenses and Pacific cod endorsements will be required only if a vessel uses more than five jigging machines, five lines, and more than
30 hooks per line.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
A fixed gear LLP endorsement for
Pacific cod reduces the risk that vessel
operators could assign latent LLP
licenses to other vessels, effectively
reactivating those licenses and thereby
increasing the amount of fixed gear
effort in the Pacific cod fisheries. This
additional effort could increase the
harvest rate in the fixed-gear Pacific cod
fishery as well as adversely affect
currently active participants by
increasing competition, diluting their
potential gross revenues, and creating
incentives for harvesters to race for fish
in a potentially wasteful manner. This
action effectively removes the potential
for new effort in the fishery beyond
currently active participants, as defined
by this rule. This action provides
additional control on fishing effort in
the GOA Pacific cod fishery that is not
provided under the current structure of
the LLP.
This action does not include
modifications to SEO-endorsed licenses
because fishing effort in this regulatory
area is currently low. The risk of
additional effort in the fishery from
latent fixed gear LLP license holders
was deemed to be unlikely by the
Council given the relatively small
number of eligible LLP licenses and the
TAC for Pacific cod in the SEO. This
action does not include the BS or AI
regulatory areas because a Pacific cod
endorsement requirement has already
been established for LLP licenses using
fixed gear in these areas under
Amendment 67 to the BSAI FMP (April
15, 2002; 67 FR 18129).
Rationale for Landing Requirements
The Council considered a range of
options and alternatives to determine
the minimum number of landings
required to receive a Pacific cod
endorsement. The range of years was
selected by the Council based on the
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first year that NMFS could definitively
assign landings data to a specific LLP
license (2002), and a period year that
represented the last year for which
NMFS had data available on recent
participation in the Pacific cod fisheries
(December 8, 2008). The specific date of
December 8, 2008, corresponds to the
date that the Council selected as a
control date after which landings would
not be considered for purposes of
qualifying for a Pacific cod
endorsement. The Council
recommended a control date to ensure
that fishery participants did not engage
in fishing practices for the sole purpose
of qualifying for a Pacific cod
endorsement, and to ensure that fishery
landings represent sustained
participation in the directed Pacific cod
fishery. The Council balanced more
recent participation against
considerations of economic dependence
and historical fishing practices when
selecting the nearly 7-year time frame
from January 1, 2002, through December
8, 2008. Groundfish harvested
incidentally by vessels participating in
any other fishery are excluded for the
purpose of determining recent
participation for this action because it is
not considered directed fishing for
Pacific cod.
The Council recommended that only
catch from vessels fishing under the
Federal TAC in either the Federal or
parallel fishery would be included. The
Federal TAC may be harvested in
Federal waters, or in State of Alaska
waters under a ‘‘parallel fishery.’’ A
parallel fishery occurs when the State of
Alaska opens state waters concurrent
with the Federal fishing season to allow
vessels to access the Federal TAC in
both state and Federal waters. The
Council recommended including this
catch because both of these fisheries
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have participants that are subject to
Federal regulation, and vessels transit
between state and Federal waters when
harvesting Pacific cod that is assigned to
the TAC. Catch from vessels fishing in
the State of Alaska’s Guideline Harvest
Limit GHL Pacific cod fishery would not
be included as qualifying catch to meet
the requirements for a Pacific cod
endorsement because this catch is not
federally managed, is not subject to the
TAC, and is managed exclusively by the
State of Alaska.
After a review of groundfish catch
history, the Council determined that
different landing criteria should apply
to different gear types, vessel operation
types, and LLP MLOAs during the 7year period from January 1, 2002,
through December 8, 2008. The landing
criteria recommended by the Council
represent a minimal, but sufficient,
amount of participation in the Pacific
cod fishery to indicate some level of
dependence on the fishery. The Council
recommended that landing
requirements apply to each regulatory
area so that authority to fish Pacific cod
could be removed only for those
regulatory areas where minimum
landing requirements were not met.
Therefore, LLP licenses that were active
in more than one regulatory area might
meet the minimum landing
requirements in one area but not
another. The Council recommended this
action to accomplish the goal of
reducing the effects of potentially
hundreds of new entrants into the
Pacific cod fishery.
The preamble to the proposed rule,
and sections 2 and 3 of the EA/RIR/
FRFA prepared to support this rule
contain a detailed description of the
alternative landing requirements
considered, and the rationale for the
specific landing requirements chosen
for each of the fixed gear types (see
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
That discussion is not
repeated here.
Under this rule, a Pacific cod
endorsement is required on all LLP
licenses assigned to vessels using fixed
gear to directed fish for Pacific cod in
the WGOA and CGOA. Catcher vessels
that use jig gear and meet specific vessel
size and gear requirements will be
exempt from the requirement to use an
LLP license with a Pacific cod
endorsement. This exemption is
described in detail under Action 2.
Other than the exemption described
under Action 2, all vessels using fixed
gear that are required to have an LLP
license when fishing under the Federal
TAC in either Federal or state waters are
required to have a Pacific cod
endorsement on the LLP license when
directed fishing for Pacific cod.
However, this requirement does not
apply to vessels fishing in the Pacific
cod GHL fishery, which is managed
exclusively by the State of Alaska.
If a vessel, or vessels, to which an LLP
license has been assigned meets
minimum landings requirements
applicable to a type of fixed gear and
LLP license MLOA in a specific
regulatory area during the period
January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008, then the LLP license used on that
vessel, or vessels, will be assigned a
Pacific cod fixed gear endorsement for
those specific gear type(s) or specific
regulatory area(s). An LLP license
qualifies for more than one endorsement
(i.e., pot, hook-and-line, and/or jig) if it
has qualified landings using more than
one gear type.
In addition to issuing fixed gear
endorsements based on directed
harvests of Pacific cod during the
January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008, period, NMFS will issue Pacific
cod endorsements to a limited number
of LLP licenses that meet specific
conditions even if those LLP licenses
did not meet the minimum landing
requirements. Specifically, NMFS will
assign Pacific cod endorsements to LLP
licenses that currently (1) have a
catcher/processor endorsement; (2) were
assigned to vessels that did not meet
minimum landing requirements to
qualify for a Pacific cod endorsement for
catcher/processors using hook-and-line
gear in either regulatory area where
those LLP licenses are endorsed; and (3)
were assigned to vessels that
participated in industry efforts to reduce
halibut prohibited species catch in the
directed Pacific cod fishery in the GOA
during 2006, 2007, or 2008.
This provision is intended to ensure
that LLP license holders who decided
not to use their vessels in the GOA
during 2006, 2007, or 2008 will receive
a Pacific cod endorsement. Specifically,
this provision applies to LLP licenses
that did not fish in the GOA in order to
minimize halibut prohibited species
catch. Hook-and-line catcher/processors
minimize bycatch through voluntary
private contractual arrangements. NMFS
has a record of all LLP licenses that
were used on catcher/processor vessels
participating in the voluntary private
contractual arrangements from 2006
through 2008. A list of LLP licenses,
based on the best available catch data,
eligible for this exemption (and thus
able to receive an endorsement) appears
at table 2 of this preamble.
In some cases, an LLP license is
eligible to receive an endorsement if it
met the landing requirement in either
the CG or WG, and it qualifies for the
exemption in the other regulatory area
if it did not otherwise meet the landing
requirement in that area. Table 2 notes
whether an LLP license qualifies for the
exemption in an area, or qualifies under
the landing requirements in an area. An
LLP license is not eligible for an
endorsement exemption to a regulatory
area if that LLP license had not been
assigned an endorsement for that area
prior to this action.
LLP License No.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Eligible for CG endorsement exemption
Eligible for WG endorsement exemption
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
Yes ...................................................................
No (Qualifies under landing requirements) ......
No (Not eligible for an endorsement) ...............
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
Table 2 indicates that under this
exemption, NMFS will issue 12 CG and
three WG endorsements. An LLP license
that receives a Pacific cod hook-and-line
catcher/processor endorsement under
this exemption can only be assigned to
a vessel participating in the Pacific cod
offshore sector that is fishing in the
regulatory area of the GOA for which
the endorsement is received.
Regulations at § 679.2 define the inshore
and offshore sector for Pacific cod.
Current regulations assign the offshore
sector of the GOA Pacific cod fishery 10
percent of the TAC in the CG and WG.
The remaining 90 percent of the TAC
will be assigned for vessels in the
inshore sector.
In this rule, NMFS implements the
Council’s recommendation that LLP
licenses receiving an endorsement
under this provision ‘‘only be allowed to
participate in the offshore fishery’’ by
requiring that vessels fishing in a
regulatory area for which they receive
an endorsement under this exemption
register and fish only in the offshore
sector in that area.
The rule retains the requirement that
vessel owners elect annually on their
Federal Fisheries Permit application
whether to participate in the inshore or
the offshore sector of the GOA.
Therefore, a vessel operator who is
assigned an LLP license with a Pacific
cod endorsement exemption cannot
participate in the inshore sector in one
regulatory area and the offshore sector
in another regulatory area in the GOA
during the same calendar year.
This rule modifies regulations at
§ 679.7 to clarify that once an LLP
holder operates in either the inshore or
the offshore sector in the GOA, any
vessel to which that LLP license is
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assigned cannot participate in the sector
not selected for the remainder of the
calendar year. This modification
ensures that LLP license holders cannot
alternate activities between the inshore
and offshore sector, and potentially
disadvantage other fishery participants
who are only able to, or only choose to,
annually participate in one sector.
Additional detail on the inshore and
offshore sector management is provided
in the preamble to the proposed rule
(see ADDRESSES). That discussion is not
repeated here.
Determining Landings Assigned to an
LLP License
Starting in 2002, NMFS has required
that an LLP license designate a specific
vessel on which it was being used. This
requirement provides NMFS the
information necessary to assign landings
to a specific LLP, and allows NMFS to
verify the use of an LLP license on a
specific vessel. When information about
the use of an LLP license on a specific
vessel is combined with vessel landings
records, NMFS can determine how
many landings may be assigned to a
specific LLP license during the January
1, 2002, through December 8, 2008,
qualifying period. If an LLP license is
not assigned a sufficient amount or
number of landings in a specific
regulatory area by vessel operation type
and gear type for that MLOA, then
under this rule NMFS will not issue a
Pacific cod endorsement for that LLP
license, unless that LLP license is
eligible for an exemption from landing
requirements as previously described
for specific hook-and-line catcher/
processor endorsed LLP licenses.
If a vessel was designated on more
than one LLP license at the time of a
creditable landing, NMFS will assign
the credit for any of the vessel’s
landings to all LLP licenses assigned to,
or ‘‘stacked,’’ on that vessel at that time.
Therefore, NMFS may credit a single
landing to more than one LLP license.
Because NMFS’ catch accounting
system does not indicate how specific
landings should be assigned to multiple
LLP licenses assigned to a vessel at the
time a landing was made, this provision
should resolve any potential disputes
that could arise about the assignment of
specific landings.
In order to receive a Pacific cod
endorsement for either the CG or WG,
an LLP holder with a valid LLP license
will have to either demonstrate that it
had sufficient cumulative landings of
Pacific cod for fishing years 2002
through 2008, or that it landed a
sufficient total amount of fish during
that period, or that the LLP license
holder qualifies for such an
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endorsement pursuant to the exception
listed above.
Action 2: Exempt Certain Vessels Using
Jig Gear From the Requirement to Carry
an LLP License
The second action under this rule
exempts vessels using jig gear in the
GOA from the requirement to be
assigned an LLP license, provided those
vessels do not use more than five jigging
machines, more than one line per
machine, and more than 30 hooks on
any one line.
This exemption is similar to an
exemption that currently applies to jig
gear vessels operating in the BSAI.
Regulations at § 679.4 exempt vessels
less than 60 ft LOA using a maximum
of five jig machines, no more than one
line per jig machine, and no more than
15 hooks per line, from the
requirements of the LLP in the BSAI.
The restrictions on jig gear are
consistent with the gear allowed in the
GOA state waters Pacific cod jig
fisheries. State regulations allow the use
of up to 150 hooks for vessels
participating in the state GHL fishery.
Jig gear operators who meet the
landing threshold described under
Action 1 will receive a Pacific cod
endorsement for jig gear that allows a
vessel using an LLP license with this
endorsement to use more than five
jigging machines, more than five lines,
and more than 30 hooks per line.
Additional detail on the rationale for
the jig gear exemption is provided in the
preamble to the proposed rule (see
ADDRESSES). That discussion is not
repeated here.
Action 3: Modifies the MLOA of Certain
LLP Licenses
The third action under this rule
modifies the MLOA specified on certain
LLP licenses that are eligible to receive
a Pacific cod endorsement under two
different scenarios.
The first modification applies if (1) an
LLP license has a specified MLOA
greater than or equal to 60 feet; (2) that
LLP license was consistently assigned to
a single vessel under 60 feet LOA from
January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008; and (3) the vessel to which the
LLP license was assigned met the
landing thresholds applicable to LLP
licenses with a specified MLOA under
60 feet. If these criteria are met, NMFS
will issue a Pacific cod endorsement for
the applicable gear type to the LLP
license but modify the MLOA of the LLP
license to match the LOA of the vessel
to which the LLP license was assigned.
In no case can the resulting MLOA
specified on the LLP license be greater
than 60 feet. This modification ensures
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that vessel owners can continue to use
the vessel and LLP licenses in the
fisheries as they had during the January
1, 2002, through December 8, 2008, time
period and the LLP licenses receive a
Pacific cod endorsement applicable to
the length of the vessel to which the
LLP license was assigned. This
modification reduces the overall MLOA
specified on those LLP licenses that
meet these criteria.
To determine the MLOA that will be
specified on the LLP license, NMFS will
use the LOA of the vessel to which the
LLP license is assigned on the effective
date of this rule. If the LLP holder
disagrees with the LOA on file with
NMFS and wishes to provide data to
NMFS to establish a different LOA for
the vessel, this rule requires that the
LLP license holder provide a survey
conducted by a naval architect or
marine surveyor independent from the
vessel owner or LLP license holder to
verify the LOA of the vessel. A vessel
owner has 90 days from the effective
date of this rule to provide the survey
to NMFS. NMFS will not assign a
Pacific cod endorsement to an LLP
license holder with a greater vessel LOA
than that shown in NMFS’ record unless
a timely independent survey was
submitted and received by NMFS. If no
survey is provided within the 90-day
time frame, NMFS will reissue the LLP
license with the MLOA equal to the
LOA of the vessel to which the LLP
license was assigned based on the LOA
on file with NMFS. No LLP license that
receives a Pacific cod endorsement
under this provision can have an MLOA
greater than 60 feet under any
circumstance to ensure that the intent of
the Council’s recommendation is met.
This procedure provides an opportunity
for an LLP license holder to amend
NMFS’ official record consistent with
the appeals process described below in
this preamble.
This exemption applies only if an LLP
license had been continuously assigned
to a vessel under 60 feet LOA during
that period. The redesignation of the
MLOA on an LLP license that qualifies
under this provision effectively
prohibits the use of that LLP license on
larger vessels that may have greater
harvest capacity, but allows smaller
vessels that had been assigned that LLP
license to continue to operate in the
Pacific cod fishery.
The second modification of an LLP
MLOA applies if an LLP license (1) is
eligible to receive a pot catcher vessel
Pacific cod endorsement, and (2) has a
specified MLOA of less than 50 feet. If
these criteria are met, NMFS will
redesignate the MLOA of those LLP
licenses to be 50 feet. This modification
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ensures that a limited number of vessel
owners who had recently purchased
vessels that are longer than the MLOA
of the LLP license that is eligible to
receive the Pacific cod endorsement can
continue to use those LLP licenses on
their longer vessels. This
recommendation is consistent with the
Council’s goals of providing continuing
opportunities for recent fishery
participants and minimizing the
potential for active participants to
expand effort in the GOA Pacific cod
Additional detail on the rationale for
both MLOA modifications is provided
in the preamble to the proposed rule
(see ADDRESSES). That discussion is not
repeated here.
Action 4: Allows Specific Community
Entities To Request and Receive LLP
Licenses With a Pacific Cod
The fourth action under this rule
allows entities representing specific
communities in the WG and CG to
request a limited number of nontransferrable Pacific cod endorsed LLP
licenses. NMFS will issue licenses that
are endorsed for hook-and-line or pot
gear with an MLOA of 60 feet. Once the
community entity receives the LLP
license, the community entity can
assign that LLP license for use on a
vessel designated by the entity. Prior to
receiving the LLP license, the
community entity eligible to receive the
LLP license must submit a detailed plan
describing how it will assign the LLP
license to a specific vessel.
Previously, the Council
recommended, and the Secretary
approved, Amendment 66 to the GOA
FMP, which implemented management
measures to provide harvest
opportunities to specific communities
in the GOA (April 30, 2004; 69 FR
23681). Under Amendment 66, the
Council defined a specific suite of
smaller GOA communities that have
historically participated in GOA
fisheries but may lack some of the
infrastructure and population base that
could facilitate participation by
residents of those communities in GOA
fisheries, as compared to larger
communities. Under Amendment 66, a
community quota entity (CQE) was
authorized to purchase halibut and
sablefish quota share on behalf of the
community it represents, and assign the
resulting annual individual fishing
quota (IFQ) to specific members of the
community that meet minimum
residency standards and other
requirements. The CQE is intended to
serve the interests of the community as
a whole by providing access to fishery
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resources for residents of the
Communities eligible under
Amendment 66 (1) have a population of
less than 1,500 and at least 20 persons
based on the 2000 United States Census;
(2) are located on the GOA coast of the
North Pacific Ocean; (3) have direct
saltwater access; (4) lack direct road
access to communities with a
population greater than 1,500 persons;
(5) have historic participation in the
halibut and sablefish fisheries; and (6)
are listed in Table 21 to part 679.
Seventeen communities that meet these
criteria are located in the CG, and four
communities are located in the WG.
The Council chose to rely on the six
criteria listed above under Amendment
66 to determine coastal communities
that may benefit from the ability to
retain or expand participation
opportunities in the GOA Pacific cod
fishery for their residents. This rule
provides the CQEs that represent these
communities the opportunity to
enhance their access to fishery resources
by providing CQEs with a limited
number of Pacific cod endorsed fixedgear LLP licenses.
The Council recommended that if an
eligible community in the CG or WG
forms a CQE under existing regulations
at § 679.41(l)(3), that CQE could apply
to receive a specified number of Pacific
cod endorsed fixed-gear LLP licenses. If
a CQE submitted a complete application
for LLP licenses, NMFS will issue the
CQE new LLP licenses with the
applicable gear and area endorsements.
CQEs that have already formed and been
approved by NMFS are eligible to apply
to receive LLP licenses.
If new CQE communities are
identified that meet the criteria
established under Amendment 66, the
Council could choose to recommend
that those communities be included as
eligible to receive a Pacific cod
endorsed LLP license if those CQEs
represented a community in the CG or
WG. Adding new CQE communities and
specifying the number of Pacific cod
endorsed LLP licenses that a community
could receive would need to be
undertaken in future rulemaking. In
December 2010, the Council
recommended that three additional
communities be allowed to form CQE’s
based on the fact that they meet the
criteria established under Amendment
66. Those communities would need to
be added to the CQE eligibility list in
Table 21 to part 679 under separate
rulemaking. Only one of the three
communities, Cold Bay, is located in the
WG and would be eligible to receive a
non-transferable Pacific cod endorsed
LLP license. Cold Bay would not be
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eligible to receive an additional license
until subsequent rule making is
The Council clarified that a CQE can
request a Pacific cod endorsed LLP
license only for the area in which that
community is located. CQE
communities in the WG could receive
only WG endorsed LLP licenses, and
CQE communities in the CG could
receive only CG endorsed LLP licenses.
In order to receive LLP licenses, the
CQE must meet several requirements.
Prior to requesting LLP licenses, the
CQE must provide NMFS with a plan
for soliciting and determining recipients
of the LLP licenses issued to the CQE.
Specifically, CQEs need to provide
NMFS with (1) a statement describing
the procedures that will be used to
determine the distribution of LLP
licenses to residents of the community
represented by that CQE; (2) procedures
used to solicit requests from residents to
be assigned an LLP license; and (3)
criteria used to determine the
distribution of the use of LLP licenses
among qualified community residents
and the relative weighting of those
Second, once the CQE has submitted
the application to NMFS and the CQE
has selected a potential recipient to use
the LLP license, NMFS requires that the
CQE provide a letter of authorization to
the vessel operator listing the specific
person(s) and the specific vessel eligible
to use an LLP license held by the CQE
during a calendar year. An LLP license
issued to a CQE cannot designate more
than one vessel per calendar year. The
CQE can amend the authorization letter
to add additional persons authorized to
use the LLP license on a vessel. The
person designated to use the LLP license
issued to the CQE is required to be
onboard the vessel while the vessel is
used to directed fish for Pacific cod or
any other species authorized by that
license. A copy of the authorization
letter and any amendments to the
authorization letter must be provided to
NMFS, and a copy of that authorization
letter and any amendments must be
maintained onboard the vessel assigned
the CQE’s LLP license. Likewise, NMFS
requires that the authorization letter be
provided on or before the date that the
LLP license is used on a vessel during
a calendar year. Any amendments to the
authorization to designate new
authorized persons must be provided to
NMFS prior to those persons using the
CQE’s Pacific cod LLP.
As part of this authorization letter,
NMFS requires that the CQE attest that
the persons authorized to use the LLP
license meet residency requirements.
Specifically, the CQE must attest that
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the authorized person (1) is a citizen of
the United States; and (2) has
maintained a domicile in a CQE
community in the CG or WG eligible to
receive an LLP license endorsed for
Pacific cod for the 12 consecutive
months immediately preceding the time
when the assertion of residence is made;
and (3) is not claiming residency in
another community, state, territory, or
country, with an exception made for
residents of the Village of Seldovia.
Consistent with the definition of a
resident under Amendment 66,
residents of the Village of Seldovia shall
be considered to be eligible community
residents of the City of Seldovia for the
purposes of eligibility to serve as an
authorized vessel operator.
These requirements ensure that
residents of communities receive the
benefits of the LLP licenses issued to
CQEs. Only one vessel can use a specific
LLP license issued to a CQE per year to
eliminate the potential that an LLP
license could be used on multiple
vessels. A CQE may not designate more
than one vessel in cases of vessel loss.
Because a CQE can designate a new
vessel each year prior to the start of the
fishing season, the effect of restricting
the use of an LLP to only one vessel per
year would not be expected to be a longterm constraint on fishing operations.
The CQE must provide an
authorization letter assigning a specific
vessel and designating the person(s)
authorized use of the LLP license. The
authorization letter requires that the
CQE attest to individuals’ residency, but
does not require individuals to submit
proof of residency to NMFS in order to
use the LLP license issued to the CQE.
The Council identified the specific
communities that would be eligible to
receive LLP licenses if they formed a
CQE. Those communities are listed in
this final rule in Table 50 to part 679.
Several limitations apply to any LLP
license that a CQE would receive. These
include (1) all LLP licenses issued are
non-transferable; (2) a limited number of
LLP licenses can be issued to each CQE;
(3) the LLP licenses have an MLOA of
60 feet; and (4) the LLP licenses have
specific gear endorsements.
The number of LLP licenses that each
CQE can request on behalf of a
community is based on information
indicating the number of LLP licenses
held by residents of each eligible
community and the estimated number
of LLP licenses that will be extinguished
under the other provisions of this
The number of LLP licenses that each
CQE community can request is based on
the Council’s December 2009 action,
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and that number is listed in this final
rule at Table 50 to part 679.
This rule modifies regulations at
§ 679.7(i)(1)(i), which limit to 10 the
maximum number of LLP licenses that
a person may hold, to fully implement
the Council’s intent to allow CQEs to
provide harvest opportunities for local
residents. This rule amends regulations
at § 679.7(i) to prohibit the CQE
representing the City of Sand Point from
holding more than 14 groundfish LLP
licenses, rather than prohibiting the
CQE representing Sand Point from
holding more than 10 groundfish LLP
licenses. The limit on the number of
LLP licenses that a CQE may hold
includes all LLP licenses that a CQE
may receive under the provisions of this
rule, and any LLP licenses a CQE may
receive by transfer under the provisions
at § 679. The provision at 679.7(i)(1)(i)
is specific to Sand Point and not for all
The LLP licenses issued will have a
specified MLOA of 60 feet. The gear
endorsements on LLP licenses that can
be requested by a CQE generally
represent the overall harvest patterns by
vessels using hook-and-line and pot gear
within each regulatory area. NMFS will
issue LLP licenses endorsed only for pot
gear to CQEs representing communities
in the WG. CQEs representing
communities in the CG, including
Yakutat, have the option of selecting
what proportion of their LLP licenses
would have a pot endorsement or a
hook-and-line endorsement, provided
the CQE notified NMFS within six
months of the effective date of this rule
of their choice. Selection of gear type is
a one-time permanent choice. If a CQE
does not notify NMFS within this time
frame, then NMFS will issue any LLP
licenses that are requested by a CQE so
that half the LLP licenses issued to the
CQE are endorsed for pot gear and half
are endorsed for hook-and-line gear. In
cases where the total number of
groundfish licenses issued on behalf of
a community listed in Table 50 to part
679 is not even, NMFS will issue one
more groundfish license with a pot gear
Pacific cod endorsement than the
number of groundfish licenses with a
hook-and-line gear Pacific cod
CQEs must submit annual reports
consistent with the annual report
requirements established under
Amendment 66. CQE annual reports
must be submitted to NMFS and the
governing body of the community that
the CQE represents. The Council
requested that the CQE provide
information in the annual reports
describing the use of LLP licenses
during a calendar year. The annual
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report includes (1) the number of
community residents requesting an LLP
license from the CQE; (2) a description
of the distribution of LLP licenses
among community residents; (3) vessels
assigned to use the LLP licenses; (4) the
number and residency of crew
employed on a vessel using the LLP
license; and (5) the amount of payments
made to CQEs for use of the LLP
licenses, if any. These annual reports
are due by January 31 for the prior
fishing year for each community
represented by the CQE for which those
LLP licenses were granted.
NMFS did not establish an appeal
process for CQEs to receive LLP
licenses. NMFS is not removing or
otherwise restricting existing harvest
opportunities available to CQEs, so no
appeal process is required. This rule
allows CQEs to request LLP licenses
provided the specific requirements
detailed here are met. If those
conditions are not met, NMFS will not
issue LLP licenses to the CQEs. A
potential CQE does have an opportunity
to challenge and appeal the decision to
certify its designation for a specific
community. That provision is described
in regulation at § 679.41(l)(3).
Additional detail on the issuance of
Pacific cod endorsed LLP licenses to
CQEs is provided in the preamble to the
proposed rule (see ADDRESSES). That
discussion is not repeated here.
Process for Assigning New Pacific Cod
NMFS will create an official record
with all relevant information necessary
to assign landings to specific LLP
licenses. Prior to modifying any LLP
licenses, NMFS will notify all fixed gear
LLP license holders of the status of their
LLP license endorsements (i.e., the
endorsements for specific fixed gear,
operational types, and regulatory areas).
Should an LLP license holder disagree
with NMFS’ official record, NMFS will
provide an opportunity for a person to
submit information to rebut the
presumptions made by NMFS.
The official record created by NMFS
contains vessel landings data, and the
LLP licenses to which those landings
are attributed. Evidence of the number
and amount of landings in the Pacific
cod fishery is based only on legally
submitted NMFS weekly production
reports for catcher/processors and state
fish tickets for catcher vessels. In order
to ensure that landings in the directed
Pacific cod fishery are properly
attributed to an LLP license, NMFS will
assign any delivery of Pacific cod up to
seven days after the closure of the
Pacific cod season to an LLP license.
The seven-day period accommodates
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
any final deliveries. The official record
includes the records of the specific LLP
licenses assigned to vessels and other
relevant information necessary to
attribute landings to specific LLP
licenses. NMFS presumes the official
record is correct, and a person wishing
to challenge the presumptions in the
official record bears the burden of proof
through an evidentiary and appeals
process. Regulations pertaining to
appeals are described under § 679.43. A
description of the official record and the
appeals process is provided in the
preamble to the proposed rule (see
ADDRESSES). That discussion is not
repeated here.
Public Comment
NMFS received two comments during
the public comment period for
Amendment 86 and the proposed rule.
One comment provided a general
criticism of fishery management, and
was not relevant to Amendment 86 or
the proposed rule. A second public
comment noted that the proposed rule
is consistent with the principles of
Amendment 86, the needs, goals, and
objectives of the GOA Pacific Cod fixed
gear fishery, the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (MSA), and other applicable laws.
Neither comment raised issues requiring
a specific response.
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Changes From the Proposed Rule
NMFS makes two changes in the final
rule to clarify specific regulatory
provisions that were addressed in the
preamble to the proposed rule, but that
were not adequately described in the
regulatory text. The first change adds a
paragraph at § 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(C)(9) to
note that an LLP license with a Pacific
cod endorsement issued to a CQE may
not be assigned to more than one vessel
per calendar year. This addition is
consistent with text in the preamble and
the Council’s motion to the proposed
rule noting that ‘‘An LLP license issued
to a CQE could not designate more than
one vessel per calendar year’’ (July 23,
2010; 75 FR 43127). The preamble to the
proposed rule also notes:
The Council recommended that only one
vessel be allowed to use a specific LLP
license issued to a CQE per year to reduce
the potential that an LLP license could be
used on multiple vessels. Allowing multiple
vessels to use an LLP license in a given year
could increase competition for Pacific cod
resources in waters surrounding these
communities. The Council did not
recommend allowing a CQE to designate
more than one vessel in cases of vessel loss.
This restriction would not be expected to
prevent the ability of community residents to
access Pacific cod resources through a CQE
LLP license because a minimum of two LLP
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licenses can be issued to any one CQE.
Because a CQE can designate a new vessel
each year prior to the start of the fishing
season, the effect of restricting the use of an
LLP to only one vessel per year would not
be expected to be a long-term constraint on
fishing operations.
(July 23, 2010; 75 FR 43127)
The added regulatory text at
§ 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(C)(9) gives full effect
to the clear intent expressed in the
preamble to the proposed rule. This
added regulatory text is consistent with,
and a logical outgrowth of, the proposed
The second change to the regulatory
text adds text at § 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) to
specify that a CQE’s authorization letter,
or any subsequent amendments to that
letter, must be sent to NMFS. The added
text also specifies the address where
that letter must be sent. This addition is
consistent with the text in the preamble
to the proposed rule that notes:
NMFS would require that a copy of the
authorization letter and any amendments to
the authorization letter be provided to NMFS,
and a copy of that authorization letter and
any amendments would need to be
maintained onboard the vessel assigned the
CQE’s LLP license. Likewise, NMFS would
require that the authorization letter be
provided on or before the date that the LLP
license is used on a vessel during a calendar
year. NMFS would also require that any
amendments to the authorization to designate
new authorized persons be provided to
NMFS prior to those persons using the CQE’s
Pacific cod LLP.
(July 23; 2010, 75 FR 43127).
The regulatory text in the proposed
rule at § 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) noted that
the CQE must provide a copy of the
authorization letter and any
amendments to that letter to the vessel
operator, but failed to specify that
NMFS must also receive the
authorization letter and any
amendments. This final rule clarifies the
regulatory text at § 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) to
specify that that NMFS must also
receive the authorization letter and any
amendments. This clarification is
consistent with the clear intent
expressed in the preamble to the
proposed rule and is consistent with,
and a logical outgrowth of, the proposed
The Assistant Administrator for
Fisheries, NOAA, has determined that
this rule is consistent with Amendment
86 to the Fishery Management Plan for
Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska, the
MSA, and other applicable laws.
PO 00000
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Executive Order 12866
This rule has been determined to be
not significant for purposes of Executive
Order 12866.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
A FRFA was prepared as required by
section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 604). The FRFA describes
the economic impact this final rule will
have on small entities. The EA/RIR/
FRFA prepared for this final rule is
available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES).
The FRFA for this action explains the
need for, and objectives of, the rule;
notes that no public comments on the
initial regulatory flexibility analysis
were submitted; describes and estimates
the number of small entities to which
the rule will apply; describes projected
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
compliance requirements of the rule;
and describes the steps the agency has
taken to minimize the significant
economic impact on small entities,
including a statement of the factual,
policy, and legal reasons for selecting
the alternative adopted in the final rule
and why each one of the other
significant alternatives to the rule
considered by the agency that affect the
impact on small entities was rejected.
The need for and objectives of this
action; a summary of the comments and
responses; a description of the action,
its purpose, and its legal basis; and a
statement of the factual, policy, and
legal reasons for selecting the alternative
implemented by this action are
described elsewhere in this preamble
and are not repeated here.
The proposed rule was published in
the Federal Register on July 23, 2010
(75 FR 43118). An Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was
prepared and described in the
classification section of the preamble to
the rule. The public comment period
ended on September 7, 2010. NMFS
received two comments from two
individuals. None of the comments
directly addressed the IRFA.
The entities directly regulated by this
action are holders of LLP licenses
endorsed for fixed-gear activity who
conducted directed fishing for Pacific
cod in the GOA. NMFS estimates that
under this rule a maximum of 956
entities hold LLP licenses with fixedgear endorsements designated for
catcher vessel or catcher/processor
operations may be affected by this rule;
of these, an estimated 908 small entities
will be directly regulated by this action.
The Small Business Administration
(SBA) has established that a business
involved in fish harvesting is a small
business if it is independently owned
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
and operated, not dominant in its field
of operation (including its affiliates),
and if it has combined annual gross
receipts not in excess of $4.0 million for
all its affiliated operations worldwide. A
seafood processor is a small business if
it is independently owned and operated,
not dominant in its field of operation,
and employs 500 or fewer persons on a
full-time, part-time, temporary, or other
basis, at all its affiliated operations
worldwide. Because the SBA does not
have a size criterion for businesses that
are involved in both the harvesting and
processing of seafood products, NMFS
has in the past applied, and continues
to apply, SBA’s fish harvesting criterion
for these businesses because catcher/
processors are first and foremost fish
harvesting businesses. Therefore, a
business involved in both the harvesting
and processing of seafood products is a
small business if it meets the $4.0
million criterion for fish harvesting
operations. NMFS is reviewing its small
entity size classification for all catcher/
processors in the United States.
However, until new guidance is
adopted, NMFS will continue to use the
annual receipts standard for catcher/
processors. Even if additional catcher/
processors would have been identified
as small entities under a revised small
entity size classification, NMFS would
have analyzed the effect on small
entities using the same methods that
were used in the IRFA prepared for the
proposed rule. NMFS considered the
effects of the proposed rule and
attempted to reduce costs to all directly
regulated entities regardless of the
number of small entities.
prepared for this action analyzed
projected reporting, recordkeeping, and
other compliance requirements on
directly regulated entities. Under this
final rule, NMFS will require additional
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
compliance requirements. Specifically,
CQEs must submit an application to
receive fixed-gear LLP licenses endorsed
for Pacific cod, the selection of fixed
gear type by CQEs in the CG, a
description of the methods used to
assign any fixed gear LLP licenses
received, a letter of authorization for
persons using LLP licenses assigned to
a CQE, and an annual report detailing
the distribution and use of LLP licenses.
In addition, persons who qualify to
receive a fixed-gear endorsement for an
LLP license that was used under
specific conditions on a vessel that was
less than 60 feet LOA must submit a
vessel survey prior to receiving an
endorsement on that LLP license if they
disagree with existing LOA data held by
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:44 Mar 21, 2011
Jkt 223001
NMFS. Existing recordkeeping and
reporting requirements for registering
vessels in the inshore or offshore sector,
and the LLP appeals process have not
been modified.
The objective of this action is to limit
the number of potential participants in
Federal fixed-gear Pacific cod fisheries
in the GOA by assigning and requiring
Pacific cod endorsements on LLP
licenses, and to provide additional fixed
gear licenses that may be used on behalf
of specific GOA communities. NMFS
expects this action will reduce
uncertainty for active participants and
provide additional harvest opportunities
for residents of specific communities in
the Western and Central GOA and the
community of Yakutat whose residents
have historically participated in Central
GOA fisheries.
The Council’s preferred alternative for
this action, as implemented by this final
rule, will reduce the number of
potential participants in the directed
Pacific cod fishery using fixed gear.
NMFS estimates that a total of 1,227
fishery endorsements may be affected
under this action. These fixed gear
fishery endorsements are assigned to
LLP licenses held by an estimated 956
entities. As a result of this action, NMFS
estimates that 376 fishery endorsements
for directed fishing for Pacific cod will
be issued. It is not possible to determine
the precise number of the 956 entities
that will continue to hold fishery
endorsements for directed fishing for
Pacific cod.
As noted above, all or most of the
entities that are directly impacted by
this regulation are small entities. This
action likely will not have a significant
adverse impact on some of these entities
relative to the status quo alternative.
prepared for this action notes that this
action removes latent LLP licenses, but
would not be expected to adversely
affect active participants in the fixed
gear directed Pacific cod fishery. On
balance, these changes are not likely to
have a significant economic impact on
an LLP license holder.
The Council and NMFS considered
and analyzed two alternative
approaches for the management of
Pacific cod fishing by non-trawl LLP
licenses in the CG and WG in the EA/
RIR/IRFA: Alternative 1, status quo/no
action; and Alternative 2, the preferred
alternative, add a Pacific cod
endorsement on the CG and WG GOA
LLP licenses if minimum landing
requirements are met. Alternative 2
includes a provision to issue new
Pacific cod endorsed fixed gear LLP
licenses to non-profit CQEs,
representing specific communities in
PO 00000
Frm 00045
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
the CG and WG. These two alternatives
examined ranges of options for a varying
range of landing criteria and
mechanisms for assigning Pacific cod
endorsements. These alternative landing
criteria and mechanisms and the
options examined in the context of these
alternatives constitute the suite of
‘‘significant alternatives’’ for this action
for the purposes of the RFA.
During the development of this
action, the Council considered and
rejected alternatives that would have
allocated quota to specific fishery
participants, or allocated a portion of
the TAC to specific fishery sectors and
gear types. These alternatives were
considered to be overly broad to address
the goal of limiting the potential entry
of latent effort into the Pacific cod
directed fishery.
Compared with the status quo,
Alternative 2, and the associated suite of
elements and options comprising
Alternative 2, minimizes adverse
economic impacts on the directly
regulated small entities. The action
provides greater economic stability for
fixed-gear LLP license holders with
recent participation in the CG and WG
Pacific cod fisheries. Alternative 2
reduces the potential for substantial
increases in fishing effort from latent
LLP license holders, and provides
additional harvesting opportunities for
CQEs who hold fixed-gear LLP licenses.
In no case are these combined impacts
expected to be substantial. Alternative 2
does not assign Pacific cod fishery
endorsements to fixed-gear LLP licenses
that have had little or no participation
in Pacific cod fisheries in the CG and
WG since 2002. Therefore, the effect of
this action on those directly regulated
entities is expected to be minimal. The
effects should be minimal because the
holders of latent LLP licenses are not
expected to rely on the Pacific cod
resource or have substantial revenue
from this fishery given the lack of
consistent participation in the fishery
over a broad range of years.
Furthermore, the addition of new
Pacific cod endorsed fixed-gear licenses
and the removal of LLP requirements for
most vessels using jig gear may provide
additional harvest opportunities for
some catcher vessels in Federal waters.
Many vessels currently active in state
waters are catching fish assigned to the
Federal TAC under the parallel fishery.
It is not clear that these new Pacific cod
endorsed fixed-gear licenses would
substantially increase fishing effort.
Although none of the alternatives are
expected to have any significant
economic or socioeconomic impacts,
Alternative 2, the preferred alternative,
minimizes the potential negative
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
impacts, such as less control over
potential fishing effort in the GOA
Pacific cod fishery and greater risk that
the fishery could be subject to
overharvest that could arise under
Alternative 1, the status quo alternative.
NMFS has posted a small entity
compliance guide on its Web site at to satisfy
the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
requirement for a plain language guide
to assist small entities in complying
with this rule.
This rule contains a collection-ofinformation requirement subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act and which
has been approved by OMB under
Control Number 0648–0334. Public
reporting burden per response is
estimated to average four hours for an
appeal of an initial administrative
determination; 20 hours for a CQE to
apply to receive an LLP license and
select the applicable gear type of that
license if that CQE is operating in the
CG; 40 hours for the CQE annual report;
1 hour to submit a letter of authorization
for a vessel and vessel operator from a
CQE; and 1 hour to submit a vessel
length survey for LLP license holders
who qualify for a Pacific cod
endorsement for vessels less than 60 feet
LOA under specific conditions.
Estimates include the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.
Send comments regarding this burden
estimate, or any other aspect of this data
collection, including suggestions for
reducing the burden, to NMFS (see
ADDRESSEES), by e-mail to, or fax
to 202–395–7285. Notwithstanding any
other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any
person be subject to a penalty for failure
to comply with, a collection of
information subject to the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless
that collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
List of Subjects
15 CFR Part 902
Reporting and recordkeeping
50 CFR Part 679
Alaska, Fisheries, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: March 16, 2011.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
Chapter IX and 50 CFR Chapter VI as
1. The authority citation for part 902
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
2. In § 902.1, in the table in paragraph
(b), under the entry ‘‘50 CFR’’, add
entries in alphanumeric order for
‘‘679.7(a)(1),’’ ‘‘679.7(a)(7)(vii) through
(ix), 679.7(n)(1)(iv)’’, ‘‘679.7(a)(12),
679.7(k)(8)(i)’’, ‘‘679.7(a)(15),’’
‘‘679.7(a)(18), 679.7(n)(3)’’,
‘‘679.7(a)(20),’’ ‘‘679.7(a)(21) and (22),’’
‘‘679.7(b)(2),’’ ‘‘679.7(d),’’ ‘‘679.7(f),’’
‘‘679.7(f)(8)(ii),’’ ‘‘679.7(i),’’ ‘‘679.7(k),’’
‘‘679.7(l),’’ ‘‘679.7(n),’’ ‘‘679.7(n)(4)(ii),’’
and ‘‘679.7(o)’’ to read as follows:
§ 902.1 OMB control numbers assigned
pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, NMFS amends 15 CFR
(b) * * *
Current OMB control number (all numbers begin with
CFR part or section where the information collection requirement is located
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
50 CFR
679.7(a)(1) ......................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(7)(vii) through (ix), 679.7(n)(1)(iv) ....................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(12), 679.7(k)(8)(i) .............................................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(15) ....................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(18), 679.7(n)(3) ................................................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(20) ....................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(a)(21) and (22) .....................................................................................................................................................
679.7(b)(2) ......................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(d) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(f) ............................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(f)(8)(ii) ...................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(i) ............................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(k) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(l) ............................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(n) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(n)(4)(ii) ..................................................................................................................................................................
679.7(o) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:40 Mar 21, 2011
Jkt 223001
PO 00000
Frm 00046
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–0206 and –0514.
–0206, –0445, and –0514.
–0269 and –0272.
–0272 and –0334.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
3. The authority citation for 50 CFR
part 679 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 773 et seq.; 1801 et
seq.; 3631 et seq.; Pub. L. 108–447.
4. In § 679.4,
a. Redesignate paragraphs (k)(2)(iii)
and (k)(2)(iv) as paragraphs (k)(2)(iv)
and (k)(2)(v); and paragraphs (k)(10)
through (k)(12) as paragraphs (k)(11)
through (k)(13);
■ b. Revise paragraph (k)(3)(i), and
paragraph (k)(9) heading;
■ c. Add paragraphs (k)(2)(iii) and
The additions and revisions read as
§ 679.4
(k) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) A vessel may use a maximum of
five jig machines, one line per jig
machine, and a maximum of 30 hooks
per line, to conduct directed fishing for
license limitation groundfish in the
GOA without a groundfish license;
(3) * * *
(i) Vessel MLOA—(A) General. A
license may be used only on a vessel
named on the license, a vessel that
complies with the vessel designation
and gear designation specified on the
license, and a vessel that has an LOA
less than or equal to the MLOA
specified on the license;
(B) Modification of license MLOA for
groundfish licenses with a Pacific cod
endorsement in the GOA. (1) A
groundfish license with a specified
MLOA less than or equal to 50 feet prior
to April 21, 2011 that subsequently
receives a Pacific cod endorsement in
the GOA with a catcher vessel and pot
gear designation as specified under
paragraph (k)(10) of this section will be
redesignated with an MLOA of 50 feet
on the date that the Pacific cod
endorsement is assigned to that
groundfish license;
(2) A groundfish license with a
specified MLOA greater than or equal to
60 feet:
(i) That was continuously assigned to
a single vessel less than 60 feet LOA
from January 1, 2002, through December
8, 2008; and
(ii) That met the landing thresholds
applicable for a groundfish license with
a specified MLOA of less than 60 feet
for the specific gear designation(s) and
regulatory area(s) applicable to that
groundfish license as described in
paragraph (k)(10) of this section, will be
redesignated with an MLOA equal to the
LOA of the vessel to which that
groundfish license was assigned from
January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008, based on the LOA for that vessel
in NMFS’ non-trawl gear recent
participation official record on April 21,
2011, or as specified by a marine survey
conducted by an independent certified
And that license
has an MLOA
of * * *
And the license holder
harvested Pacific cod
with * * *
(A) Catcher vessel designation.
< 60 feet ...........
(B) Catcher vessel designation.
≥ 60 feet ...........
(C) Catcher vessel designation.
< 60 feet ...........
(D) Catcher vessel designation.
≥ 60 feet ...........
(E) Catcher vessel designation.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
If a license holder’s license has a * * *
< 60 feet ...........
pot gear ..........
(F) Catcher vessel designation.
≥ 60 feet ...........
pot gear ..........
(G) Catcher vessel designation.
< 60 feet ...........
pot gear ..........
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:40 Mar 21, 2011
Jkt 223001
PO 00000
Frm 00047
marine surveyor or naval architect
provided that the license holder
provides NMFS with a marine survey
conducted by an independent certified
marine surveyor or naval architect not
later than 90 days after April 21, 2011
that specifies the LOA of the vessel to
which that groundfish license was
(3) The MLOA specified on a
groundfish license under paragraph
(k)(3)(i)(B)(2) of this section may not
exceed 60 feet.
(9) Pacific cod endorsements in the
BSAI. * * *
(10) Pacific cod endorsements in the
Western and Central GOA—(i) General.
In addition to other requirements of this
part, and unless specifically exempted
in paragraph (k)(10)(iv) of this section,
a license holder must have a Pacific cod
endorsement on his or her groundfish
license to conduct directed fishing for
Pacific cod in the Western Gulf of
Alaska or Central Gulf of Alaska with
hook-and-line gear, pot gear, or jig gear
on a vessel using more than five jig
machines, more than one line per
machine, and more than 30 hooks per
line. A license holder can only use the
specific non-trawl gear(s) indicated on
his or her license to conduct directed
fishing for Pacific cod in the Western
Gulf of Alaska or Central Gulf of Alaska.
(ii) Eligibility requirements for a
Pacific cod endorsement. This table
provides eligibility requirements for
Pacific cod endorsements on an LLP
groundfish license:
Then the license holder must
demonstrate that he or
she * * *
From January
1, 2002,
through December 8,
2008, in * * *
To receive a Pacific cod endorsement that authorizes harvest in the directed Pacific cod
fishery with * * *
legally landed at least 10 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 10 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 10 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 10 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
hook-and-line gear in the Central Gulf of Alaska.
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
hook-and-line gear in the Central Gulf of Alaska.
hook-and-line gear in the
Western Gulf of Alaska.
hook-and-line gear in the
Western Gulf of Alaska.
pot gear in the Central Gulf of
pot gear in the Central Gulf of
pot gear in the Western Gulf
of Alaska.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
And that license
has an MLOA
of * * *
And the license holder
harvested Pacific cod
with * * *
(H) Catcher vessel designation.
≥ 60 feet ...........
pot gear ..........
(I) Catcher vessel designation.
any ....................
jig gear ...........
(J) Catcher vessel designation.
any ....................
jig gear ...........
(K) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
any ....................
(L) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
any ....................
(M) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
any ....................
pot gear ..........
(N) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
any ....................
pot gear ..........
(O) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
any ....................
jig gear ...........
(P) Catcher/Processor
vessel designation.
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
If a license holder’s license has a * * *
any ....................
jig gear ...........
(iii) Explanations for Pacific cod
endorsements. (A) All eligibility
amounts in the table at paragraph
(k)(10)(ii) of this section will be
determined based on round weight
(B) NMFS shall assign a legal landing
to a groundfish license in an area based
only on information contained in the
official record described in paragraph
(k)(10)(v) of this section.
(C) Notwithstanding the eligibility
amount in the table at paragraph
(k)(10)(ii) of this section, NMFS shall
assign a non-trawl Pacific cod
endorsement with a catcher/processor
and a hook-and-line gear designation in
the regulatory areas specified to those
groundfish licenses listed in Table 49 to
part 679;
(D) If a groundfish license meets the
criteria described in paragraph
(k)(3)(i)(B)(2) of this section and NMFS
has redesignated the MLOA of that
groundfish license based on those
criteria, then NMFS may assign a nontrawl Pacific cod endorsement with the
specific gear designation(s) and
regulatory area(s) applicable to the
redesignated MLOA of that groundfish
license based on the eligibility criteria
established in paragraph (k)(10)(ii) of
this section; and
(E) NMFS may issue groundfish
licenses with non-trawl Pacific cod
endorsements to CQEs as specified in
paragraph (k)(10)(vi) of this section.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:40 Mar 21, 2011
Jkt 223001
Then the license holder must
demonstrate that he or
she * * *
From January
1, 2002,
through December 8,
2008, in * * *
To receive a Pacific cod endorsement that authorizes harvest in the directed Pacific cod
fishery with * * *
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
at least one legal landing of
Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
at least one legal landing of
Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
legally landed at least 50 mt
of Pacific cod in the directed
Pacific cod fishery.
at least one legal landing in
the directed Pacific cod fishery.
at least one legal landing in
the directed Pacific cod fishery.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Central
Gulf of Alaska.
the Western
Gulf of Alaska.
pot gear in the Western Gulf
of Alaska.
(iv) Exemptions to Pacific cod
endorsements. Any vessel exempted
from the License Limitation Program at
paragraph (k)(2) of this section.
(v) Non-trawl gear recent
participation official record. (A) The
official record will contain all
information used by the Regional
Administrator to determine the
(1) The number of legal landings and
amount of legal landings assigned to a
groundfish license for purposes of the
non-trawl gear designation participation
requirements described in paragraph
(k)(10)(ii) of this section;
(2) All other relevant information
necessary to administer the
requirements described in paragraphs
(k)(3)(i)(B) and (k)(10) of this section.
(B) The official record is presumed to
be correct. A groundfish license holder
has the burden to prove otherwise.
(C) Only legal landings as defined in
§ 679.2 and documented on State of
Alaska fish tickets or NMFS weekly
production reports will be used to
assign legal landings to a groundfish
(D) If more than one groundfish
license holder is claiming the same legal
landing because their groundfish license
designated the vessel at the time that the
legal landing was made, then each
groundfish license for which the legal
landing is being claimed will be
credited with the legal landing.
PO 00000
Frm 00048
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
jig gear in the Central Gulf of
jig gear in the Western Gulf of
hook-and-line gear in the Central Gulf of Alaska.
hook-and-line gear in the
Western Gulf of Alaska.
pot gear in the Central Gulf of
pot gear in the Central Gulf of
jig gear in the Central Gulf of
jig gear in the Western Gulf of
(E) The Regional Administrator will
specify by letter a 30-day evidentiary
period during which an applicant may
provide additional information or
evidence to amend or challenge the
information in the official record. A
person will be limited to one 30-day
evidentiary period. Additional
information or evidence received after
the 30-day evidentiary period specified
in the letter has expired will not be
considered for purposes of the initial
administrative determination (IAD).
(F) The Regional Administrator will
prepare and send an IAD to the
applicant following the expiration of the
30-day evidentiary period if the
Regional Administrator determines that
the information or evidence provided by
the person fails to support the person’s
claims and is insufficient to rebut the
presumption that the official record is
correct, or if the additional information,
evidence, or revised application is not
provided within the time period
specified in the letter that notifies the
applicant of his or her 30-day
evidentiary period. The IAD will
indicate the deficiencies with the
information, or with the evidence
submitted in support of the information.
The IAD will also indicate which claims
cannot be approved based on the
available information or evidence. A
person who receives an IAD may appeal
pursuant to § 679.43. A person who
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
avails himself or herself of the
opportunity to appeal an IAD will
receive a non-transferable license
pending the final resolution of that
appeal, notwithstanding the eligibility
of that applicant for some claims based
on consistent information in the official
(vi) Issuance of non-trawl groundfish
licenses to CQEs. (A) Each CQE that has
been approved by the Regional
Administrator under the requirements
of § 679.41(l)(3) to represent a
community listed in Table 50 to part
679 may apply to receive groundfish
licenses on behalf of the communities
listed in Table 50 to part 679 that CQE
is designated to represent. In order to
receive a groundfish license, a CQE
must submit a complete application for
a groundfish license to the Regional
Administrator, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668,
Juneau, AK 99802. A CQE may not
apply for, and may not receive, more
than the maximum amount of
groundfish licenses designated in the
regulatory area specified for a
community listed in Table 50 to part
(B) The application for a CQE to
receive a groundfish license must
(1) Name of contact person(s) for the
CQE, NMFS person number, permanent
business mailing addresses, business
phone, business e-mail, and business
(2) A statement describing the
procedures that will be used to
determine the distribution of LLP
licenses to residents of the community
represented by that CQE;
(3) Procedures used to solicit requests
from residents to be assigned an LLP
(4) Criteria used to determine the
distribution of the use of LLP licenses
among qualified community residents
and the relative weighting of those
criteria; and
(5) The gear designation of groundfish
license for which the CQE is applying
provided that the community for which
the CQE is applying is eligible to receive
a groundfish license designated for the
Central Gulf of Alaska and the
application to receive a groundfish
license has been received by NMFS not
later than six months after April 21,
(C) A groundfish license approved for
issuance to a CQE by the Regional
Administrator for a community listed in
Table 50 to part 679:
(1) May not be transferred to any
person from the CQE;
(2) Will have only the regional
designation specified for that
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community as listed in Table 50 to part
(3) Will have an MLOA of 60 feet
specified on the license;
(4) Will have only a catcher vessel
(5) Will receive only a non-trawl gear
(6) Will be assigned a Pacific cod
endorsement with a non-trawl gear
designation as specified in paragraph
(k)(10)(vi)(D) of this section.
(7) May not be assigned to any vessel
other than the vessel specified for that
groundfish license in the annual CQE
authorization letter;
(8) May not be assigned for use by any
person(s) other than the person(s)
specified for that groundfish license in
the annual CQE authorization letter, or
any subsequent amendment to that
authorization letter that is made by the
CQE provided that NMFS receives that
amendment prior to that person using
that groundfish license aboard a vessel;
(9) May not be assigned to more than
one vessel per calendar year.
(D) The CQE must provide a copy of
the annual CQE authorization letter, and
any subsequent amendment to that
authorization letter that is made by the
CQE to NMFS and the vessel operator
prior to the person(s) designated in the
authorization letter using that
groundfish license aboard a vessel. The
vessel operator must maintain a copy of
the annual CQE authorization letter, and
any subsequent amendment to that
authorization letter that is made by the
CQE onboard the vessel when that
vessel is directed fishing for Pacific cod
under the authority of that groundfish
license. The authorization letter, and
any subsequent amendment to that
authorization letter must be sent to the
Regional Administrator, NMFS, P.O.
Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802.
(E) The CQE must attest in the annual
CQE authorization letter, or any
subsequent amendment to that
authorization letter, that the person(s)
using a groundfish license issued to a
(1) Is a citizen of the United States;
(2) Has maintained a domicile in a
CQE community in the Central GOA or
Western GOA eligible to receive an LLP
license endorsed for Pacific cod for the
12 consecutive months immediately
preceding the time when the assertion
of residence is made; and
(3) Is not claiming residency in
another community, state, territory, or
country, except that residents of the
Village of Seldovia shall be considered
to be eligible community residents of
the City of Seldovia for the purposes of
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eligibility to serve as an authorized
(F) Non-trawl Pacific cod gear
endorsements on groundfish licenses
approved for issuance to CQEs by the
Regional Administrator shall have the
following gear designations:
(1) NMFS will issue only pot gear
Pacific cod endorsements for groundfish
licenses with a Western Gulf of Alaska
designation to CQEs on behalf of a
community listed in Table 50 to part
(2) NMFS will issue either a pot gear
or a hook-and-line gear Pacific cod
endorsement for a groundfish license
with a Central Gulf of Alaska
designation to CQEs on behalf of a
community listed in Table 50 to part
679 based on the application for a
groundfish license as described in
paragraph (k)(10)(vi)(B) of this section
provided that application is received by
NMFS not later than six months after
April 21, 2011. If an application to
receive a groundfish license with a
Central Gulf of Alaska designation on
behalf of a community listed in Table 50
to part 679 is received later than six
months after April 21, 2011, NMFS will
issue an equal number of pot gear and
hook-and-line gear Pacific cod
endorsements for a groundfish license
issued to the CQE on behalf of a
community listed in Table 50 to part
679. In cases where the total number of
groundfish licenses issued on behalf of
a community listed in Table 50 to part
679 is not even, NMFS will issue one
more groundfish license with a pot gear
Pacific cod endorsement than the
number of groundfish licenses with a
hook-and-line gear Pacific cod
(G) By January 31, the CQE shall
submit a complete annual report on use
of groundfish licenses issued to the CQE
for the prior fishing year for each
community represented by the CQE to
the Regional Administrator, NMFS, P.O.
Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802, and to
the governing body of each community
represented by the CQE as identified in
Table 21 to this part. A complete annual
report contains the following
(1) The number of community
residents requesting a groundfish
(2) A description of the distribution of
groundfish licenses among community
(3) Vessels assigned to use the
groundfish licenses;
(4) The number and residency of crew
employed on a vessel using the LLP
license; and
(5) Any payments made to CQEs for
use of the LLP licenses. Consistent with
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
the timeline required for submission of
the CQE annual report for the use of
halibut and sablefish IFQ, these annual
reports are due by January 31 for the
prior fishing year for each community
represented by the CQE.
■ 5. In § 679.7,
■ A. Paragraphs (a)(7)(vii) through
(a)(7)(ix) are added;
■ B. Paragraph (i)(1)(i) is revised;
■ C. Paragraph (i)(1)(v) is added; and
■ D. Paragraph (i)(10) is added
The additions and revisions read as
§ 679.7
(a) * * *
(7) * * *
(vii) Operate a vessel in the ‘‘inshore
component of the GOA’’ as defined in
§ 679.2 during a calendar year if that
vessel is used to directed fish for Pacific
cod under the authority of a groundfish
license with a Pacific cod endorsement
in the regulatory area listed in Table 49
to part 679.
(viii) Use a vessel operating under the
authority of a groundfish license with a
Pacific cod endorsement to directed fish
for Pacific cod in the GOA apportioned
to the inshore component of the GOA as
specified under § 679.20(a)(6) if that
vessel has directed fished for Pacific cod
in the GOA apportioned to the offshore
component of the GOA during that
calendar year.
(ix) Use a vessel operating under the
authority of a groundfish license with a
Pacific cod endorsement to directed fish
for Pacific cod in the GOA apportioned
to the offshore component of the GOA
as specified under § 679.20(a)(6) if that
vessel has directed fished for Pacific cod
in the GOA apportioned to the inshore
component of the GOA during that
calendar year.
(i) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) Hold more than 10 groundfish
licenses in the name of that person at
any time, except as provided in
paragraphs (i)(1)(iii) and (i)(1)(v) of this
(v) The CQE representing the City of
Sand Point may not hold more than 14
groundfish licenses.
(10) Operate a vessel under the
authority of an LLP license issued to a
CQE to directed fish for Pacific cod in
the GOA if the person specified for that
groundfish license in the annual CQE
authorization letter, or any subsequent
amendment to that authorization letter,
is not onboard the vessel.
6. Tables 49 and 50 to Part 679 are
added to read as follows:
license * * *
Shall receive a Pacific cod
endorsement with a catcher/
processor and a hook-andline designation in the following regulatory area(s)
* * *
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska and
Western Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Central Gulf of Alaska.
Western Gulf of Alaska.
Western Gulf of Alaska.
Central GOA Pacific cod endorsed non-trawl groundfish license
number of
that may be
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
Western GOA Pacific cod endorsed non-trawl groundfish license
Akhiok ...........................................................................
Chenega Bay ................................................................
Chignik ..........................................................................
Chignik Lagoon .............................................................
Chignik Lake .................................................................
Halibut Cove .................................................................
Karluk ............................................................................
Larsen Bay ...................................................................
Nanwalek ......................................................................
Old Harbor ....................................................................
Ouzinkie ........................................................................
Port Graham .................................................................
Port Lions .....................................................................
Seldovia ........................................................................
Tyonek ..........................................................................
Tatitlek ..........................................................................
Yakutat ..........................................................................
Ivanof Bay .....................................................................
King Cove .....................................................................
Perryville .......................................................................
Sand Point ....................................................................
[FR Doc. 2011–6723 Filed 3–21–11; 8:45 am]
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number of
that may be
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 55 / Tuesday, March 22, 2011 / Rules and Regulations
17 CFR Part 230
Food and Drug Administration
General Rules and Regulations,
Securities Act of 1933
21 CFR Part 179
[Docket No. FDA–1999–F–0056; Formerly
Docket No. 1999F–4372]
CFR Correction
In Title 17 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Parts 200 to 239, revised as
of April 1, 2010, on page 686, in
§ 230.501, following paragraph (e)(3),
reinstate the Note to paragraph (e) to
read as follows:
§ 230.501 Definitions and terms used in
Regulation D.
(e) * * *
NOTE: The issuer must satisfy all the
other provisions of Regulation D for all
purchasers whether or not they are
included in calculating the number of
purchasers. Clients of an investment
adviser or customers of a broker or
dealer shall be considered the
‘‘purchasers’’ under Regulation D
regardless of the amount of discretion
given to the investment adviser or
broker or dealer to act on behalf of the
client or customer.
[FR Doc. 2011–6830 Filed 3–21–11; 8:45 am]
Irradiation in the Production,
Processing, and Handling of Food;
Confirmation of Effective Date
Food and Drug Administration,
Final rule; denial of requests for
a stay of effective date and for a hearing;
response to objections; confirmation of
effective date.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is denying
requests for a hearing on the final rule
that amended the food additive
regulations to provide for the safe use of
ionizing radiation for the control of
Vibrio species and other foodborne
pathogens in fresh or frozen molluscan
shellfish. After reviewing objections to
the final rule and requests for a hearing,
FDA has concluded that the objections
do not justify a hearing or otherwise
provide a basis for revoking the
regulation. FDA also is denying the
request for a stay of the effective date of
the amendment to the food additive
The August 16, 2005, effective
date for the final rule published at 70 FR
48057 is confirmed.
Lane A. Highbarger, Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS–
255), Food and Drug Administration,
5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park,
MD 20740, 301–436–1204.
19 CFR Part 141
Table of Contents
Bureau of Customs and Border
Entry of Merchandise
CFR Correction
In Title 19 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Parts 141 to 199, revised as
of April 1, 2010, on page 6, the second
general authority citation for part 141 is
Emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with RULES
[FR Doc. 2011–6840 Filed 3–21–11; 8:45 am]
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I. Introduction
II. Objections, Requests for a Hearing, and
Requests for a Stay
III. Standards for Granting a Hearing
IV. Analysis of Objections and Response to
Hearing Requests
A. Studies on Animals Fed Clams
B. Microbiological Safety of Molluscan
C. Reasonable Certainty of No Harm
D. Factors Unique to Molluscan Shellfish
E. Application of 100-Fold Safety Margin
for 2-Alkylcyclobutanones
F. Alleged Rejection of Published Evidence
G. Alleged Warnings on Potential Risks
H. Alleged Failure to Follow Critical
Guidelines for Food Additives
I. Wholesomeness
J. FDA Review Memoranda
K. Chemicals Formed in Irradiated Foods
V. Summary and Conclusion
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VI. References
I. Introduction
FDA published a notice in the Federal
Register of October 19, 1999 (64 FR
56351), announcing the filing of a food
additive petition (FAP 9M4682) by the
National Fisheries Institute and the
Louisiana Department of Agriculture
and Forestry. In the Federal Register of
August 16, 2005 (70 FR 48057), FDA
issued a final rule permitting the
irradiation of fresh or frozen molluscan
shellfish for the control of Vibrio spp.
and other food-borne pathogens. FDA
based its decision on data in the petition
and in its files. In the preamble to the
final rule, FDA outlined the basis for its
decision and responded to questions
raised in several comments from Public
Citizen and the Center for Food Safety
(PC/CFS). The preamble to the final rule
advised that objections to the final rule
and requests for a hearing were due
within 30 days of the publication date
(i.e., by September 15, 2005).
II. Objections, Requests for a Hearing,
and Requests for a Stay
Section 409(f)(1) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act)
(21 U.S.C. 348(f)(1)) provides that,
within 30 days after publication of an
order relating to a food additive
regulation, any person adversely
affected by such order may file
objections, specifying with particularity
the provisions of the order ‘‘deemed
objectionable, stating reasonable
grounds therefore, and requesting a
public hearing upon such objections.’’
Under part 171 (21 CFR part 171) in
§ 171.110 of the food additive
regulations, objections and requests for
a hearing are governed by part 12 (21
CFR part 12) of FDA’s regulations.
Under § 12.22(a), each objection must
meet the following conditions: (1) Must
be submitted on or before the 30th day
after the date of publication of the final
rule; (2) must be separately numbered;
(3) must specify with particularity the
provision of the regulation or proposed
order objected to; (4) must specifically
state each objection on which a hearing
is requested; failure to request a hearing
on an objection constitutes a waiver of
the right to a hearing on that objection;
and (5) must include a detailed
description and analysis of the factual
information to be presented in support
of the objection if a hearing is requested;
failure to include a description and
analysis for an objection constitutes a
waiver of the right to a hearing on that
Following publication of the final rule
permitting the irradiation of fresh or
frozen molluscan shellfish for the
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 55 (Tuesday, March 22, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15826-15841]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-6723]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
15 CFR Part 902
50 CFR Part 679
[Docket No. 0912021424-1182-03]
RIN 0648-AY42
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of
Alaska License Limitation Program
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: NMFS issues regulations to implement Amendment 86 to the
Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. This
action adds a Pacific cod endorsement on licenses issued under the
License Limitation Program (LLP) in specific management areas if those
licenses have been used on vessels that met minimum recent landing
requirements using non-trawl gear, commonly known as fixed gear. This
action exempts vessels that use jig gear from the requirement to hold
an LLP license, modifies the maximum length designation on a specific
set of fixed gear licenses, and allows entities representing specific
communities to receive a limited number of fixed-gear licenses with
Pacific cod endorsements. This action is intended to promote the goals
and objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act, the Fishery Management Plan, and other applicable law.
DATES: Effective April 21, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of Amendment 86, the Environmental
Assessment (EA), Regulatory Impact Review (RIR), and the Final
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) for this action are available
from or from the Alaska Region Web site at
Written comments regarding the burden-hour estimates or other
aspects of the collection-of-information requirements contained in this
final rule may be submitted to NMFS, Alaska Region, P.O. Box 21668,
Juneau, AK 99802-1668, Attn: Ellen Sebastian, Records Officer; in
person at NMFS, Alaska Region, 709 West 9th Street, Room 420A, Juneau,
AK; and by e-mail to, or fax to 202-395-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Glenn Merrill, 907-586-7228.
Background on the License Limitation Program
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) manages the groundfish
fisheries in the exclusive economic zone of the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands Management Area (BSAI) and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) under the
fishery management plans (FMPs) for groundfish in the respective areas.
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) recommended, and
NMFS approved, the FMPs under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
Regulations implementing the FMPs appear at 50 CFR part 679. General
regulations governing U.S. fisheries also appear at 50 CFR part 600.
The Council and NMFS have long sought to control the amount of
fishing in the North Pacific Ocean to ensure that fisheries are
conservatively managed and do not exceed established biological
thresholds. One of the measures used by the Council and
[[Page 15827]]
NMFS is the license limitation program (LLP), which limits access to
the groundfish, crab, and scallop fisheries in the BSAI and GOA. The
LLP is intended to limit entry into federally managed fisheries. For
groundfish, the LLP requires that persons hold and assign a license for
each vessel that is used to fish in federally managed fisheries, with
some limited exemptions. The Council initially envisioned the LLP as an
early step in a long-term plan to establish a comprehensive
rationalization program for groundfish in the North Pacific.
The LLP for groundfish fisheries was recommended by the Council as
Amendments 39 and 41 to the BSAI and GOA groundfish FMPs, respectively.
The Council adopted the LLP for groundfish in June 1995, and NMFS
approved Amendments 39 and 41 on September 12, 1997. NMFS published a
final rule to implement the LLP on October 1, 1998 (63 FR 52642), and
LLP licenses were required for Federal groundfish fisheries beginning
on January 1, 2000. The preamble to the final rule implementing the
groundfish LLP and the EA/RIR/FRFA prepared for this action describe
the rationale and specific provisions of the LLP in greater detail (see
ADDRESSES) and are not repeated here. The key components of the LLP are
briefly summarized below.
The LLP for groundfish establishes specific criteria that must be
met to allow a person to deploy a vessel to directed fish in most
federally managed groundfish fisheries. An LLP license must be assigned
to each vessel that is used to participate in directed fishing for most
groundfish species. The term directed fishing and the specific
groundfish species for which an LLP license is required are defined in
regulations at Sec. 679.2. Exceptions to the LLP license requirement
apply if the vessel is less than 26 feet length overall (LOA) and
fishing in the GOA; less than 32 feet LOA and fishing in the BSAI; or
less than 60 feet LOA, using jig gear in the BSAI, and deploying no
more than five jigging machines (See Sec. 679.4(k)(2)).
Under the LLP, NMFS issues licenses that (1) endorse fishing
activities in specific regulatory areas in the BSAI and GOA; (2)
restrict the length of the vessel on which the LLP license may be used,
known as the maximum length overall (MLOA); (3) designate the fishing
gear that may be used on the vessel (i.e., trawl or non-trawl gear
designations); and (4) designate the type of vessel operation permitted
(i.e., LLP licenses designate whether the vessel to which the LLP is
assigned may operate as a catcher vessel or as a catcher/processor).
The endorsements for specific regulatory areas, gear designations, and
vessel operational types are non-severable from the LLP license (i.e.,
once an LLP license is issued, the components of the LLP license cannot
be transferred independently). By creating LLP licenses with these
characteristics, the Council and NMFS limited the ability of a person
to assign an LLP license that was derived from the historic landing
activity of a vessel in one area using a specific fishing gear, or
operational type, to be used in other areas, with other gears, or with
other operational types in a manner that could expand fishing capacity.
The preamble to the final rule implementing the groundfish LLP provides
a more detailed explanation of the rationale for specific provisions in
the LLP (October 1, 1998; 63 FR 52642).
When the Council initially recommended the LLP, the Council
intended that NMFS determine whether a vessel met a minimum number of
landings to qualify the owner of that vessel to receive an LLP license
with a specific gear, area, and operational type endorsement. However,
the regulations that implemented the LLP used the phrase ``documented
harvest'' instead of ``landing.'' NMFS asserted that the phrase
documented harvest was synonymous with the phrase landing, and that the
phrase documented harvest provided additional clarity to the public
that the phrase landing did not. NMFS' assertion that these two phrases
were synonymous was subsequently challenged in court (Trojan
Partnership v. Gutierrez, 425 F. 3d 620 (9th Cir. 2005)). The Court
held that these phrases were not synonymous. In order to be consistent
with Council intent when originally implementing the LLP, as well as
the specific criteria recommended by the Council for this action, this
action uses landings, and not documented harvests, as the basis for
determining whether an LLP license holder will meet the regulatory
requirements for Amendment 86.
The regulatory areas for which LLP licenses were issued include the
Bering Sea (BS), Aleutian Islands (AI); Southeast Outside District
(SEO); Central Gulf of Alaska (CG), which includes the West Yakutat
District adjacent to the SEO; and Western Gulf of Alaska (WG). The
documented harvest requirements established in the final rule
implementing the LLP, for a specific area differed depending on the
size of the vessel and the operational type of the vessel. The phrase
``documented harvest'' is used in this description of the qualifying
criteria for the LLP as originally implemented to be consistent with
the terminology used in that final rule (October 1, 1998; 63 FR 52642).
For example, for a vessel owner to receive an endorsement for non-trawl
gear in the CG with a catcher/processor designation, a vessel must have
met the minimum documented harvest requirements in the CG using non-
trawl gear and the documented harvests must have been caught and
processed onboard the vessel.
In 2000, NMFS issued groundfish LLP licenses with the appropriate
regulatory area endorsements, gear, vessel length, and vessel
operational type designations based on the documented harvests of
vessels. NMFS issued more than 300 LLP licenses endorsed for trawl
gear, and more than 1,000 licenses for non-trawl gear for use in the
BSAI and GOA. Non-trawl gear is commonly known as fixed gear and
includes hook-and-line, pot, and jig gear. In many cases trawl and
fixed gear LLP licenses were endorsed for multiple regulatory areas
(e.g., WG, CG, and BS) if a vessel met the minimum number of documented
harvests in more than one area. Additionally, a number of LLP licenses
were also designated for both trawl and fixed gear in cases where the
vessel met the documented harvests requirements using both trawl and
fixed gear.
After LLP licenses were initially issued in 2000, NMFS became
aware, through public testimony from fishing industry representatives
and an independent review of landings data, that a substantial number
of trawl and/or fixed gear endorsed LLP licenses were not being used
for fishing in some, or all, of the regulatory areas for which they
were endorsed. A variety of factors could result in the lack of use of
an LLP license, including poor economic conditions in groundfish
fisheries, choices by LLP license holders to focus on fisheries such as
salmon or halibut that do not require the use of an LLP license, or
other reasons specific to a license holder. LLP licenses that are valid
but are not currently being used on a vessel are commonly known as
``latent'' LLP licenses.
In early 2007, the Council began reviewing the use of trawl-
endorsed LLP licenses in the GOA and BSAI. In April 2008, after more
than a year of review, development of an analysis, and extensive public
comment, the Council adopted Amendment 92 to the BSAI FMP and Amendment
82 to the GOA FMP, both of which modified the LLP regarding eligibility
criteria for trawl endorsements on LLP licenses. Amendments 92 and 82
removed trawl endorsements from LLP licenses that did not meet specific
landing requirements during 2000 through 2006.
[[Page 15828]]
NMFS published a notice of availability for Amendments 92 and 82 on
December 12, 2008 (73 FR 75659). A proposed rule was published on
December 30, 2008 (73 FR 79773). NMFS approved Amendments 92 and 82 on
March 16, 2009, and published a final rule implementing them on August
14, 2009 (74 FR 41080).
In late 2007, the Council began a similar process of reviewing the
use of LLP licenses endorsed for fixed gear in the GOA. This review was
initiated primarily at the request of active GOA fixed gear fishery
participants who were concerned that holders of latent fixed-gear
endorsed LLP licenses could resume fishing under the licenses in the
future and thereby adversely affect active GOA fixed gear LLP licenses
holders' fishing operations as well as the biological health of the
fishery. Specifically, fixed-gear participants were concerned about the
potential effects of additional effort in the GOA Pacific cod fishery
that could increase competition and overcapacity in the fishery.
Pacific cod is the primary fishery targeted by vessels using fixed gear
in the GOA. In both the CG and WG regulatory areas, approximately one-
fourth of the eligible LLP licenses were actively being used. The
potential overcapacity from the remaining latent LLP licenses could
have adverse effects on management of the fisheries. Increased fishery
effort could make it more difficult for NMFS to close fisheries in a
timely manner, thereby exceeding the total allowable catch (TAC) for a
During the development of this action, the Council also received
input from the public requesting modification to the LLP to establish
minimum landing requirements that must be met to allow a vessel to
continue to participate in the Pacific cod fixed-gear fisheries in the
GOA consistent with the approach adopted by the Council in 2002, under
Amendment 67 to the FMP for groundfish of the BSAI (April 15, 2002; 67
FR 18129). Amendment 67 established a Pacific cod endorsement on LLP
licenses that is required for vessels using hook-and-line and pot gear
to participate in the directed fishery for Pacific cod in the BSAI. The
term ``directed fishing'' is defined in regulation at Sec. 679.2 and
includes retained catch of Pacific cod that exceeds a minimum
proportion of the total retained catch onboard a vessel. In April 2009,
after more than a year of review and extensive public comment, the
Council recommended modifications to the LLP to revise eligibility
criteria for fixed gear endorsements on LLP licenses. The Council
amended its final action in December 2009 to incorporate a change in
the specific method used to allocate Pacific cod endorsed LLP licenses
for specific persons (see the description under Action 4 of this
preamble for additional detail).
Notice of Availability and Proposed Rule
NMFS published the notice of availability for Amendment 86 on July
2, 2010 (75 FR 38452), with a public comment period that closed on
August 31, 2010. NMFS published the proposed rule for this action on
July 23, 2010 (75 FR 43118), with a public comment period that closed
on September 7, 2010. Amendment 86 was approved by NMFS on September
29, 2010. NMFS received two public comments from two unique persons on
Amendment 86 and the proposed rule; these are summarized and responded
to below. These comments did not result in any modification to the
proposed rule.
Actions Implemented by Rule
This rule implements four different actions, all of which were
components of the Council's final action.
Action 1: Establishes a GOA Pacific cod endorsement for
fixed gear LLP licenses.
Action 2: Exempts certain vessels using jig gear in the
GOA from the requirement to carry an LLP license.
Action 3: Modifies the MLOA of certain LLP licenses.
Action 4: Allows specific GOA community entities to
request and receive LLP licenses with a Pacific cod endorsement.
The rationale and effects of these four actions are described in
detail in the preamble to the proposed rule (July 23, 2010; 75 FR
43118), and are briefly summarized here. For additional detail, please
see the proposed rule preamble (See ADDRESSES).
Action 1: Establishes a Pacific Cod Endorsement for Fixed Gear LLP
This rule assigns Pacific cod endorsements to LLP licenses that
have met minimum landing requirements from January 1, 2002, through
December 8, 2008, or that meet a specific exemption described below.
This action preemptively reduces the potential adverse effects of
overharvesting the GOA Pacific cod resource if latent LLP license
holders became active in the fishery.
Criteria for Assigning a Pacific Cod Endorsement
This rule assigns a Pacific cod fishery endorsement to an LLP
license based on landings in the directed Pacific cod fishery in the
GOA from January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008, made by vessels
operating under the authority of that LLP license. NMFS will assign
Pacific cod endorsements that are designated for (1) hook-and-line,
pot, or jig gear; (2) specific GOA regulatory areas (i.e., CG and WG);
and (3) specific operational types (i.e., catcher vessels or catcher/
processors). LLP licenses with an MLOA of less than 60 feet have
different landing requirements compared to LLP licenses with an MLOA
equal to or greater than 60 feet. Table 1 summarizes the landing
requirement criteria that must be met for each gear type, regulatory
area, operational type, and MLOA of the LLP license.
Table 1--Summary of Landing Requirements for a Fixed Gear Pacific Cod Endorsement
Landing requirement in the
Operational Pacific cod directed
Regulatory area Gear type type of MLOA of LLP fishery from January 1,
Pacific cod license 2002, through December 8,
endorsement 2008
CG.......................... Hook-and-line.. Catcher vessel. < 60 feet........... 10 metric tons (mt).
>= 60 feet.......... 50 mt.
Catcher/ All................. 50 mt.
Jig*........... Catcher vessel. All................. 1 landing.
Catcher/ All.................
Pot............ Catcher vessel. < 60 feet........... 10 mt
>= 60 feet.......... 50 mt.
[[Page 15829]]
Catcher/ All................. 50 mt.
WG.......................... Hook-and-line.. Catcher vessel. < 60 feet........... 10 mt.
>= 60 feet.......... 50 mt.
Catcher/ All................. 50 mt.
Jig*........... Catcher vessel. All................. 1 landing.
Catcher/ All.................
Pot............ Catcher vessel. < 60 feet........... 10 mt.
>= 60 feet.......... 50 mt.
Catcher/ All................. 50 mt.
* LLP licenses and Pacific cod endorsements will be required only if a vessel uses more than five jigging
machines, five lines, and more than 30 hooks per line.
A fixed gear LLP endorsement for Pacific cod reduces the risk that
vessel operators could assign latent LLP licenses to other vessels,
effectively reactivating those licenses and thereby increasing the
amount of fixed gear effort in the Pacific cod fisheries. This
additional effort could increase the harvest rate in the fixed-gear
Pacific cod fishery as well as adversely affect currently active
participants by increasing competition, diluting their potential gross
revenues, and creating incentives for harvesters to race for fish in a
potentially wasteful manner. This action effectively removes the
potential for new effort in the fishery beyond currently active
participants, as defined by this rule. This action provides additional
control on fishing effort in the GOA Pacific cod fishery that is not
provided under the current structure of the LLP.
This action does not include modifications to SEO-endorsed licenses
because fishing effort in this regulatory area is currently low. The
risk of additional effort in the fishery from latent fixed gear LLP
license holders was deemed to be unlikely by the Council given the
relatively small number of eligible LLP licenses and the TAC for
Pacific cod in the SEO. This action does not include the BS or AI
regulatory areas because a Pacific cod endorsement requirement has
already been established for LLP licenses using fixed gear in these
areas under Amendment 67 to the BSAI FMP (April 15, 2002; 67 FR 18129).
Rationale for Landing Requirements
The Council considered a range of options and alternatives to
determine the minimum number of landings required to receive a Pacific
cod endorsement. The range of years was selected by the Council based
on the first year that NMFS could definitively assign landings data to
a specific LLP license (2002), and a period year that represented the
last year for which NMFS had data available on recent participation in
the Pacific cod fisheries (December 8, 2008). The specific date of
December 8, 2008, corresponds to the date that the Council selected as
a control date after which landings would not be considered for
purposes of qualifying for a Pacific cod endorsement. The Council
recommended a control date to ensure that fishery participants did not
engage in fishing practices for the sole purpose of qualifying for a
Pacific cod endorsement, and to ensure that fishery landings represent
sustained participation in the directed Pacific cod fishery. The
Council balanced more recent participation against considerations of
economic dependence and historical fishing practices when selecting the
nearly 7-year time frame from January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008. Groundfish harvested incidentally by vessels participating in any
other fishery are excluded for the purpose of determining recent
participation for this action because it is not considered directed
fishing for Pacific cod.
The Council recommended that only catch from vessels fishing under
the Federal TAC in either the Federal or parallel fishery would be
included. The Federal TAC may be harvested in Federal waters, or in
State of Alaska waters under a ``parallel fishery.'' A parallel fishery
occurs when the State of Alaska opens state waters concurrent with the
Federal fishing season to allow vessels to access the Federal TAC in
both state and Federal waters. The Council recommended including this
catch because both of these fisheries have participants that are
subject to Federal regulation, and vessels transit between state and
Federal waters when harvesting Pacific cod that is assigned to the TAC.
Catch from vessels fishing in the State of Alaska's Guideline Harvest
Limit GHL Pacific cod fishery would not be included as qualifying catch
to meet the requirements for a Pacific cod endorsement because this
catch is not federally managed, is not subject to the TAC, and is
managed exclusively by the State of Alaska.
After a review of groundfish catch history, the Council determined
that different landing criteria should apply to different gear types,
vessel operation types, and LLP MLOAs during the 7-year period from
January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008. The landing criteria
recommended by the Council represent a minimal, but sufficient, amount
of participation in the Pacific cod fishery to indicate some level of
dependence on the fishery. The Council recommended that landing
requirements apply to each regulatory area so that authority to fish
Pacific cod could be removed only for those regulatory areas where
minimum landing requirements were not met. Therefore, LLP licenses that
were active in more than one regulatory area might meet the minimum
landing requirements in one area but not another. The Council
recommended this action to accomplish the goal of reducing the effects
of potentially hundreds of new entrants into the Pacific cod fishery.
The preamble to the proposed rule, and sections 2 and 3 of the EA/
RIR/FRFA prepared to support this rule contain a detailed description
of the alternative landing requirements considered, and the rationale
for the specific landing requirements chosen for each of the fixed gear
types (see
[[Page 15830]]
ADDRESSES). That discussion is not repeated here.
Under this rule, a Pacific cod endorsement is required on all LLP
licenses assigned to vessels using fixed gear to directed fish for
Pacific cod in the WGOA and CGOA. Catcher vessels that use jig gear and
meet specific vessel size and gear requirements will be exempt from the
requirement to use an LLP license with a Pacific cod endorsement. This
exemption is described in detail under Action 2. Other than the
exemption described under Action 2, all vessels using fixed gear that
are required to have an LLP license when fishing under the Federal TAC
in either Federal or state waters are required to have a Pacific cod
endorsement on the LLP license when directed fishing for Pacific cod.
However, this requirement does not apply to vessels fishing in the
Pacific cod GHL fishery, which is managed exclusively by the State of
If a vessel, or vessels, to which an LLP license has been assigned
meets minimum landings requirements applicable to a type of fixed gear
and LLP license MLOA in a specific regulatory area during the period
January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008, then the LLP license used on
that vessel, or vessels, will be assigned a Pacific cod fixed gear
endorsement for those specific gear type(s) or specific regulatory
area(s). An LLP license qualifies for more than one endorsement (i.e.,
pot, hook-and-line, and/or jig) if it has qualified landings using more
than one gear type.
In addition to issuing fixed gear endorsements based on directed
harvests of Pacific cod during the January 1, 2002, through December 8,
2008, period, NMFS will issue Pacific cod endorsements to a limited
number of LLP licenses that meet specific conditions even if those LLP
licenses did not meet the minimum landing requirements. Specifically,
NMFS will assign Pacific cod endorsements to LLP licenses that
currently (1) have a catcher/processor endorsement; (2) were assigned
to vessels that did not meet minimum landing requirements to qualify
for a Pacific cod endorsement for catcher/processors using hook-and-
line gear in either regulatory area where those LLP licenses are
endorsed; and (3) were assigned to vessels that participated in
industry efforts to reduce halibut prohibited species catch in the
directed Pacific cod fishery in the GOA during 2006, 2007, or 2008.
This provision is intended to ensure that LLP license holders who
decided not to use their vessels in the GOA during 2006, 2007, or 2008
will receive a Pacific cod endorsement. Specifically, this provision
applies to LLP licenses that did not fish in the GOA in order to
minimize halibut prohibited species catch. Hook-and-line catcher/
processors minimize bycatch through voluntary private contractual
arrangements. NMFS has a record of all LLP licenses that were used on
catcher/processor vessels participating in the voluntary private
contractual arrangements from 2006 through 2008. A list of LLP
licenses, based on the best available catch data, eligible for this
exemption (and thus able to receive an endorsement) appears at table 2
of this preamble.
In some cases, an LLP license is eligible to receive an endorsement
if it met the landing requirement in either the CG or WG, and it
qualifies for the exemption in the other regulatory area if it did not
otherwise meet the landing requirement in that area. Table 2 notes
whether an LLP license qualifies for the exemption in an area, or
qualifies under the landing requirements in an area. An LLP license is
not eligible for an endorsement exemption to a regulatory area if that
LLP license had not been assigned an endorsement for that area prior to
this action.
Table 2--LLP Licenses Qualifying for Hook-and-Line Catcher/Processor Endorsement Exemption
Eligible for CG
LLP License No. endorsement Eligible for WG endorsement exemption
LLG 1400....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 1713....................... Yes............... No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
LLG 1785....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 1916....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 2112....................... Yes............... Yes.
LLG 2783....................... Yes............... No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
LLG 2892....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 2958....................... Yes............... No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
LLG 3616....................... Yes............... No (Not eligible for an endorsement).
LLG 3617....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 3676....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 4823....................... Yes............... No (Qualifies under landing requirements).
LLG 2081....................... No (Qualifies Yes.
under landing
LLG 3090....................... No (Not eligible Yes.
for an
Table 2 indicates that under this exemption, NMFS will issue 12 CG
and three WG endorsements. An LLP license that receives a Pacific cod
hook-and-line catcher/processor endorsement under this exemption can
only be assigned to a vessel participating in the Pacific cod offshore
sector that is fishing in the regulatory area of the GOA for which the
endorsement is received. Regulations at Sec. 679.2 define the inshore
and offshore sector for Pacific cod. Current regulations assign the
offshore sector of the GOA Pacific cod fishery 10 percent of the TAC in
the CG and WG. The remaining 90 percent of the TAC will be assigned for
vessels in the inshore sector.
In this rule, NMFS implements the Council's recommendation that LLP
licenses receiving an endorsement under this provision ``only be
allowed to participate in the offshore fishery'' by requiring that
vessels fishing in a regulatory area for which they receive an
endorsement under this exemption register and fish only in the offshore
sector in that area.
The rule retains the requirement that vessel owners elect annually
on their Federal Fisheries Permit application whether to participate in
the inshore or the offshore sector of the GOA. Therefore, a vessel
operator who is assigned an LLP license with a Pacific cod endorsement
exemption cannot participate in the inshore sector in one regulatory
area and the offshore sector in another regulatory area in the GOA
during the same calendar year.
This rule modifies regulations at Sec. 679.7 to clarify that once
an LLP holder operates in either the inshore or the offshore sector in
the GOA, any vessel to which that LLP license is
[[Page 15831]]
assigned cannot participate in the sector not selected for the
remainder of the calendar year. This modification ensures that LLP
license holders cannot alternate activities between the inshore and
offshore sector, and potentially disadvantage other fishery
participants who are only able to, or only choose to, annually
participate in one sector. Additional detail on the inshore and
offshore sector management is provided in the preamble to the proposed
rule (see ADDRESSES). That discussion is not repeated here.
Determining Landings Assigned to an LLP License
Starting in 2002, NMFS has required that an LLP license designate a
specific vessel on which it was being used. This requirement provides
NMFS the information necessary to assign landings to a specific LLP,
and allows NMFS to verify the use of an LLP license on a specific
vessel. When information about the use of an LLP license on a specific
vessel is combined with vessel landings records, NMFS can determine how
many landings may be assigned to a specific LLP license during the
January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008, qualifying period. If an LLP
license is not assigned a sufficient amount or number of landings in a
specific regulatory area by vessel operation type and gear type for
that MLOA, then under this rule NMFS will not issue a Pacific cod
endorsement for that LLP license, unless that LLP license is eligible
for an exemption from landing requirements as previously described for
specific hook-and-line catcher/processor endorsed LLP licenses.
If a vessel was designated on more than one LLP license at the time
of a creditable landing, NMFS will assign the credit for any of the
vessel's landings to all LLP licenses assigned to, or ``stacked,'' on
that vessel at that time. Therefore, NMFS may credit a single landing
to more than one LLP license. Because NMFS' catch accounting system
does not indicate how specific landings should be assigned to multiple
LLP licenses assigned to a vessel at the time a landing was made, this
provision should resolve any potential disputes that could arise about
the assignment of specific landings.
In order to receive a Pacific cod endorsement for either the CG or
WG, an LLP holder with a valid LLP license will have to either
demonstrate that it had sufficient cumulative landings of Pacific cod
for fishing years 2002 through 2008, or that it landed a sufficient
total amount of fish during that period, or that the LLP license holder
qualifies for such an endorsement pursuant to the exception listed
Action 2: Exempt Certain Vessels Using Jig Gear From the Requirement to
Carry an LLP License
The second action under this rule exempts vessels using jig gear in
the GOA from the requirement to be assigned an LLP license, provided
those vessels do not use more than five jigging machines, more than one
line per machine, and more than 30 hooks on any one line.
This exemption is similar to an exemption that currently applies to
jig gear vessels operating in the BSAI. Regulations at Sec. 679.4
exempt vessels less than 60 ft LOA using a maximum of five jig
machines, no more than one line per jig machine, and no more than 15
hooks per line, from the requirements of the LLP in the BSAI. The
restrictions on jig gear are consistent with the gear allowed in the
GOA state waters Pacific cod jig fisheries. State regulations allow the
use of up to 150 hooks for vessels participating in the state GHL
Jig gear operators who meet the landing threshold described under
Action 1 will receive a Pacific cod endorsement for jig gear that
allows a vessel using an LLP license with this endorsement to use more
than five jigging machines, more than five lines, and more than 30
hooks per line.
Additional detail on the rationale for the jig gear exemption is
provided in the preamble to the proposed rule (see ADDRESSES). That
discussion is not repeated here.
Action 3: Modifies the MLOA of Certain LLP Licenses
The third action under this rule modifies the MLOA specified on
certain LLP licenses that are eligible to receive a Pacific cod
endorsement under two different scenarios.
The first modification applies if (1) an LLP license has a
specified MLOA greater than or equal to 60 feet; (2) that LLP license
was consistently assigned to a single vessel under 60 feet LOA from
January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008; and (3) the vessel to which
the LLP license was assigned met the landing thresholds applicable to
LLP licenses with a specified MLOA under 60 feet. If these criteria are
met, NMFS will issue a Pacific cod endorsement for the applicable gear
type to the LLP license but modify the MLOA of the LLP license to match
the LOA of the vessel to which the LLP license was assigned. In no case
can the resulting MLOA specified on the LLP license be greater than 60
feet. This modification ensures that vessel owners can continue to use
the vessel and LLP licenses in the fisheries as they had during the
January 1, 2002, through December 8, 2008, time period and the LLP
licenses receive a Pacific cod endorsement applicable to the length of
the vessel to which the LLP license was assigned. This modification
reduces the overall MLOA specified on those LLP licenses that meet
these criteria.
To determine the MLOA that will be specified on the LLP license,
NMFS will use the LOA of the vessel to which the LLP license is
assigned on the effective date of this rule. If the LLP holder
disagrees with the LOA on file with NMFS and wishes to provide data to
NMFS to establish a different LOA for the vessel, this rule requires
that the LLP license holder provide a survey conducted by a naval
architect or marine surveyor independent from the vessel owner or LLP
license holder to verify the LOA of the vessel. A vessel owner has 90
days from the effective date of this rule to provide the survey to
NMFS. NMFS will not assign a Pacific cod endorsement to an LLP license
holder with a greater vessel LOA than that shown in NMFS' record unless
a timely independent survey was submitted and received by NMFS. If no
survey is provided within the 90-day time frame, NMFS will reissue the
LLP license with the MLOA equal to the LOA of the vessel to which the
LLP license was assigned based on the LOA on file with NMFS. No LLP
license that receives a Pacific cod endorsement under this provision
can have an MLOA greater than 60 feet under any circumstance to ensure
that the intent of the Council's recommendation is met. This procedure
provides an opportunity for an LLP license holder to amend NMFS'
official record consistent with the appeals process described below in
this preamble.
This exemption applies only if an LLP license had been continuously
assigned to a vessel under 60 feet LOA during that period. The
redesignation of the MLOA on an LLP license that qualifies under this
provision effectively prohibits the use of that LLP license on larger
vessels that may have greater harvest capacity, but allows smaller
vessels that had been assigned that LLP license to continue to operate
in the Pacific cod fishery.
The second modification of an LLP MLOA applies if an LLP license
(1) is eligible to receive a pot catcher vessel Pacific cod
endorsement, and (2) has a specified MLOA of less than 50 feet. If
these criteria are met, NMFS will redesignate the MLOA of those LLP
licenses to be 50 feet. This modification
[[Page 15832]]
ensures that a limited number of vessel owners who had recently
purchased vessels that are longer than the MLOA of the LLP license that
is eligible to receive the Pacific cod endorsement can continue to use
those LLP licenses on their longer vessels. This recommendation is
consistent with the Council's goals of providing continuing
opportunities for recent fishery participants and minimizing the
potential for active participants to expand effort in the GOA Pacific
cod fishery.
Additional detail on the rationale for both MLOA modifications is
provided in the preamble to the proposed rule (see ADDRESSES). That
discussion is not repeated here.
Action 4: Allows Specific Community Entities To Request and Receive LLP
Licenses With a Pacific Cod Endorsement
The fourth action under this rule allows entities representing
specific communities in the WG and CG to request a limited number of
non-transferrable Pacific cod endorsed LLP licenses. NMFS will issue
licenses that are endorsed for hook-and-line or pot gear with an MLOA
of 60 feet. Once the community entity receives the LLP license, the
community entity can assign that LLP license for use on a vessel
designated by the entity. Prior to receiving the LLP license, the
community entity eligible to receive the LLP license must submit a
detailed plan describing how it will assign the LLP license to a
specific vessel.
Previously, the Council recommended, and the Secretary approved,
Amendment 66 to the GOA FMP, which implemented management measures to
provide harvest opportunities to specific communities in the GOA (April
30, 2004; 69 FR 23681). Under Amendment 66, the Council defined a
specific suite of smaller GOA communities that have historically
participated in GOA fisheries but may lack some of the infrastructure
and population base that could facilitate participation by residents of
those communities in GOA fisheries, as compared to larger communities.
Under Amendment 66, a community quota entity (CQE) was authorized to
purchase halibut and sablefish quota share on behalf of the community
it represents, and assign the resulting annual individual fishing quota
(IFQ) to specific members of the community that meet minimum residency
standards and other requirements. The CQE is intended to serve the
interests of the community as a whole by providing access to fishery
resources for residents of the community.
Communities eligible under Amendment 66 (1) have a population of
less than 1,500 and at least 20 persons based on the 2000 United States
Census; (2) are located on the GOA coast of the North Pacific Ocean;
(3) have direct saltwater access; (4) lack direct road access to
communities with a population greater than 1,500 persons; (5) have
historic participation in the halibut and sablefish fisheries; and (6)
are listed in Table 21 to part 679. Seventeen communities that meet
these criteria are located in the CG, and four communities are located
in the WG.
The Council chose to rely on the six criteria listed above under
Amendment 66 to determine coastal communities that may benefit from the
ability to retain or expand participation opportunities in the GOA
Pacific cod fishery for their residents. This rule provides the CQEs
that represent these communities the opportunity to enhance their
access to fishery resources by providing CQEs with a limited number of
Pacific cod endorsed fixed-gear LLP licenses.
The Council recommended that if an eligible community in the CG or
WG forms a CQE under existing regulations at Sec. 679.41(l)(3), that
CQE could apply to receive a specified number of Pacific cod endorsed
fixed-gear LLP licenses. If a CQE submitted a complete application for
LLP licenses, NMFS will issue the CQE new LLP licenses with the
applicable gear and area endorsements. CQEs that have already formed
and been approved by NMFS are eligible to apply to receive LLP
If new CQE communities are identified that meet the criteria
established under Amendment 66, the Council could choose to recommend
that those communities be included as eligible to receive a Pacific cod
endorsed LLP license if those CQEs represented a community in the CG or
WG. Adding new CQE communities and specifying the number of Pacific cod
endorsed LLP licenses that a community could receive would need to be
undertaken in future rulemaking. In December 2010, the Council
recommended that three additional communities be allowed to form CQE's
based on the fact that they meet the criteria established under
Amendment 66. Those communities would need to be added to the CQE
eligibility list in Table 21 to part 679 under separate rulemaking.
Only one of the three communities, Cold Bay, is located in the WG and
would be eligible to receive a non-transferable Pacific cod endorsed
LLP license. Cold Bay would not be eligible to receive an additional
license until subsequent rule making is completed.
The Council clarified that a CQE can request a Pacific cod endorsed
LLP license only for the area in which that community is located. CQE
communities in the WG could receive only WG endorsed LLP licenses, and
CQE communities in the CG could receive only CG endorsed LLP licenses.
In order to receive LLP licenses, the CQE must meet several
requirements. Prior to requesting LLP licenses, the CQE must provide
NMFS with a plan for soliciting and determining recipients of the LLP
licenses issued to the CQE. Specifically, CQEs need to provide NMFS
with (1) a statement describing the procedures that will be used to
determine the distribution of LLP licenses to residents of the
community represented by that CQE; (2) procedures used to solicit
requests from residents to be assigned an LLP license; and (3) criteria
used to determine the distribution of the use of LLP licenses among
qualified community residents and the relative weighting of those
Second, once the CQE has submitted the application to NMFS and the
CQE has selected a potential recipient to use the LLP license, NMFS
requires that the CQE provide a letter of authorization to the vessel
operator listing the specific person(s) and the specific vessel
eligible to use an LLP license held by the CQE during a calendar year.
An LLP license issued to a CQE cannot designate more than one vessel
per calendar year. The CQE can amend the authorization letter to add
additional persons authorized to use the LLP license on a vessel. The
person designated to use the LLP license issued to the CQE is required
to be onboard the vessel while the vessel is used to directed fish for
Pacific cod or any other species authorized by that license. A copy of
the authorization letter and any amendments to the authorization letter
must be provided to NMFS, and a copy of that authorization letter and
any amendments must be maintained onboard the vessel assigned the CQE's
LLP license. Likewise, NMFS requires that the authorization letter be
provided on or before the date that the LLP license is used on a vessel
during a calendar year. Any amendments to the authorization to
designate new authorized persons must be provided to NMFS prior to
those persons using the CQE's Pacific cod LLP.
As part of this authorization letter, NMFS requires that the CQE
attest that the persons authorized to use the LLP license meet
residency requirements. Specifically, the CQE must attest that
[[Page 15833]]
the authorized person (1) is a citizen of the United States; and (2)
has maintained a domicile in a CQE community in the CG or WG eligible
to receive an LLP license endorsed for Pacific cod for the 12
consecutive months immediately preceding the time when the assertion of
residence is made; and (3) is not claiming residency in another
community, state, territory, or country, with an exception made for
residents of the Village of Seldovia. Consistent with the definition of
a resident under Amendment 66, residents of the Village of Seldovia
shall be considered to be eligible community residents of the City of
Seldovia for the purposes of eligibility to serve as an authorized
vessel operator.
These requirements ensure that residents of communities receive the
benefits of the LLP licenses issued to CQEs. Only one vessel can use a
specific LLP license issued to a CQE per year to eliminate the
potential that an LLP license could be used on multiple vessels. A CQE
may not designate more than one vessel in cases of vessel loss. Because
a CQE can designate a new vessel each year prior to the start of the
fishing season, the effect of restricting the use of an LLP to only one
vessel per year would not be expected to be a long-term constraint on
fishing operations.
The CQE must provide an authorization letter assigning a specific
vessel and designating the person(s) authorized use of the LLP license.
The authorization letter requires that the CQE attest to individuals'
residency, but does not require individuals to submit proof of
residency to NMFS in order to use the LLP license issued to the CQE.
The Council identified the specific communities that would be
eligible to receive LLP licenses if they formed a CQE. Those
communities are listed in this final rule in Table 50 to part 679.
Several limitations apply to any LLP license that a CQE would
receive. These include (1) all LLP licenses issued are non-
transferable; (2) a limited number of LLP licenses can be issued to
each CQE; (3) the LLP licenses have an MLOA of 60 feet; and (4) the LLP
licenses have specific gear endorsements.
The number of LLP licenses that each CQE can request on behalf of a
community is based on information indicating the number of LLP licenses
held by residents of each eligible community and the estimated number
of LLP licenses that will be extinguished under the other provisions of
this action.
The number of LLP licenses that each CQE community can request is
based on the Council's December 2009 action, and that number is listed
in this final rule at Table 50 to part 679.
This rule modifies regulations at Sec. 679.7(i)(1)(i), which limit
to 10 the maximum number of LLP licenses that a person may hold, to
fully implement the Council's intent to allow CQEs to provide harvest
opportunities for local residents. This rule amends regulations at
Sec. 679.7(i) to prohibit the CQE representing the City of Sand Point
from holding more than 14 groundfish LLP licenses, rather than
prohibiting the CQE representing Sand Point from holding more than 10
groundfish LLP licenses. The limit on the number of LLP licenses that a
CQE may hold includes all LLP licenses that a CQE may receive under the
provisions of this rule, and any LLP licenses a CQE may receive by
transfer under the provisions at Sec. 679. The provision at
679.7(i)(1)(i) is specific to Sand Point and not for all CQE's.
The LLP licenses issued will have a specified MLOA of 60 feet. The
gear endorsements on LLP licenses that can be requested by a CQE
generally represent the overall harvest patterns by vessels using hook-
and-line and pot gear within each regulatory area. NMFS will issue LLP
licenses endorsed only for pot gear to CQEs representing communities in
the WG. CQEs representing communities in the CG, including Yakutat,
have the option of selecting what proportion of their LLP licenses
would have a pot endorsement or a hook-and-line endorsement, provided
the CQE notified NMFS within six months of the effective date of this
rule of their choice. Selection of gear type is a one-time permanent
choice. If a CQE does not notify NMFS within this time frame, then NMFS
will issue any LLP licenses that are requested by a CQE so that half
the LLP licenses issued to the CQE are endorsed for pot gear and half
are endorsed for hook-and-line gear. In cases where the total number of
groundfish licenses issued on behalf of a community listed in Table 50
to part 679 is not even, NMFS will issue one more groundfish license
with a pot gear Pacific cod endorsement than the number of groundfish
licenses with a hook-and-line gear Pacific cod endorsement.
CQEs must submit annual reports consistent with the annual report
requirements established under Amendment 66. CQE annual reports must be
submitted to NMFS and the governing body of the community that the CQE
represents. The Council requested that the CQE provide information in
the annual reports describing the use of LLP licenses during a calendar
year. The annual report includes (1) the number of community residents
requesting an LLP license from the CQE; (2) a description of the
distribution of LLP licenses among community residents; (3) vessels
assigned to use the LLP licenses; (4) the number and residency of crew
employed on a vessel using the LLP license; and (5) the amount of
payments made to CQEs for use of the LLP licenses, if any. These annual
reports are due by January 31 for the prior fishing year for each
community represented by the CQE for which those LLP licenses were
NMFS did not establish an appeal process for CQEs to receive LLP
licenses. NMFS is not removing or otherwise restricting existing
harvest opportunities available to CQEs, so no appeal process is
required. This rule allows CQEs to request LLP licenses provided the
specific requirements detailed here are met. If those conditions are
not met, NMFS will not issue LLP licenses to the CQEs. A potential CQE
does have an opportunity to challenge and appeal the decision to
certify its designation for a specific community. That provision is
described in regulation at Sec. 679.41(l)(3).
Additional detail on the issuance of Pacific cod endorsed LLP
licenses to CQEs is provided in the preamble to the proposed rule (see
ADDRESSES). That discussion is not repeated here.
Process for Assigning New Pacific Cod Endorsements
NMFS will create an official record with all relevant information
necessary to assign landings to specific LLP licenses. Prior to
modifying any LLP licenses, NMFS will notify all fixed gear LLP license
holders of the status of their LLP license endorsements (i.e., the
endorsements for specific fixed gear, operational types, and regulatory
areas). Should an LLP license holder disagree with NMFS' official
record, NMFS will provide an opportunity for a person to submit
information to rebut the presumptions made by NMFS.
The official record created by NMFS contains vessel landings data,
and the LLP licenses to which those landings are attributed. Evidence
of the number and amount of landings in the Pacific cod fishery is
based only on legally submitted NMFS weekly production reports for
catcher/processors and state fish tickets for catcher vessels. In order
to ensure that landings in the directed Pacific cod fishery are
properly attributed to an LLP license, NMFS will assign any delivery of
Pacific cod up to seven days after the closure of the Pacific cod
season to an LLP license. The seven-day period accommodates
[[Page 15834]]
any final deliveries. The official record includes the records of the
specific LLP licenses assigned to vessels and other relevant
information necessary to attribute landings to specific LLP licenses.
NMFS presumes the official record is correct, and a person wishing to
challenge the presumptions in the official record bears the burden of
proof through an evidentiary and appeals process. Regulations
pertaining to appeals are described under Sec. 679.43. A description
of the official record and the appeals process is provided in the
preamble to the proposed rule (see ADDRESSES). That discussion is not
repeated here.
Public Comment
NMFS received two comments during the public comment period for
Amendment 86 and the proposed rule. One comment provided a general
criticism of fishery management, and was not relevant to Amendment 86
or the proposed rule. A second public comment noted that the proposed
rule is consistent with the principles of Amendment 86, the needs,
goals, and objectives of the GOA Pacific Cod fixed gear fishery, the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), and
other applicable laws. Neither comment raised issues requiring a
specific response.
Changes From the Proposed Rule
NMFS makes two changes in the final rule to clarify specific
regulatory provisions that were addressed in the preamble to the
proposed rule, but that were not adequately described in the regulatory
text. The first change adds a paragraph at Sec. 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(C)(9)
to note that an LLP license with a Pacific cod endorsement issued to a
CQE may not be assigned to more than one vessel per calendar year. This
addition is consistent with text in the preamble and the Council's
motion to the proposed rule noting that ``An LLP license issued to a
CQE could not designate more than one vessel per calendar year'' (July
23, 2010; 75 FR 43127). The preamble to the proposed rule also notes:
The Council recommended that only one vessel be allowed to use a
specific LLP license issued to a CQE per year to reduce the
potential that an LLP license could be used on multiple vessels.
Allowing multiple vessels to use an LLP license in a given year
could increase competition for Pacific cod resources in waters
surrounding these communities. The Council did not recommend
allowing a CQE to designate more than one vessel in cases of vessel
loss. This restriction would not be expected to prevent the ability
of community residents to access Pacific cod resources through a CQE
LLP license because a minimum of two LLP licenses can be issued to
any one CQE. Because a CQE can designate a new vessel each year
prior to the start of the fishing season, the effect of restricting
the use of an LLP to only one vessel per year would not be expected
to be a long-term constraint on fishing operations.
(July 23, 2010; 75 FR 43127)
The added regulatory text at Sec. 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(C)(9) gives
full effect to the clear intent expressed in the preamble to the
proposed rule. This added regulatory text is consistent with, and a
logical outgrowth of, the proposed rule.
The second change to the regulatory text adds text at Sec.
679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) to specify that a CQE's authorization letter, or
any subsequent amendments to that letter, must be sent to NMFS. The
added text also specifies the address where that letter must be sent.
This addition is consistent with the text in the preamble to the
proposed rule that notes:
NMFS would require that a copy of the authorization letter and
any amendments to the authorization letter be provided to NMFS, and
a copy of that authorization letter and any amendments would need to
be maintained onboard the vessel assigned the CQE's LLP license.
Likewise, NMFS would require that the authorization letter be
provided on or before the date that the LLP license is used on a
vessel during a calendar year. NMFS would also require that any
amendments to the authorization to designate new authorized persons
be provided to NMFS prior to those persons using the CQE's Pacific
cod LLP.
(July 23; 2010, 75 FR 43127).
The regulatory text in the proposed rule at Sec.
679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) noted that the CQE must provide a copy of the
authorization letter and any amendments to that letter to the vessel
operator, but failed to specify that NMFS must also receive the
authorization letter and any amendments. This final rule clarifies the
regulatory text at Sec. 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(D) to specify that that NMFS
must also receive the authorization letter and any amendments. This
clarification is consistent with the clear intent expressed in the
preamble to the proposed rule and is consistent with, and a logical
outgrowth of, the proposed rule.
The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA, has determined
that this rule is consistent with Amendment 86 to the Fishery
Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska, the MSA, and
other applicable laws.
Executive Order 12866
This rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of
Executive Order 12866.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
A FRFA was prepared as required by section 604 of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 604). The FRFA describes the economic impact
this final rule will have on small entities. The EA/RIR/FRFA prepared
for this final rule is available from NMFS (see ADDRESSES). The FRFA
for this action explains the need for, and objectives of, the rule;
notes that no public comments on the initial regulatory flexibility
analysis were submitted; describes and estimates the number of small
entities to which the rule will apply; describes projected reporting,
recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements of the rule; and
describes the steps the agency has taken to minimize the significant
economic impact on small entities, including a statement of the
factual, policy, and legal reasons for selecting the alternative
adopted in the final rule and why each one of the other significant
alternatives to the rule considered by the agency that affect the
impact on small entities was rejected. The need for and objectives of
this action; a summary of the comments and responses; a description of
the action, its purpose, and its legal basis; and a statement of the
factual, policy, and legal reasons for selecting the alternative
implemented by this action are described elsewhere in this preamble and
are not repeated here.
The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on July 23,
2010 (75 FR 43118). An Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA)
was prepared and described in the classification section of the
preamble to the rule. The public comment period ended on September 7,
2010. NMFS received two comments from two individuals. None of the
comments directly addressed the IRFA.
The entities directly regulated by this action are holders of LLP
licenses endorsed for fixed-gear activity who conducted directed
fishing for Pacific cod in the GOA. NMFS estimates that under this rule
a maximum of 956 entities hold LLP licenses with fixed-gear
endorsements designated for catcher vessel or catcher/processor
operations may be affected by this rule; of these, an estimated 908
small entities will be directly regulated by this action.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has established that a
business involved in fish harvesting is a small business if it is
independently owned
[[Page 15835]]
and operated, not dominant in its field of operation (including its
affiliates), and if it has combined annual gross receipts not in excess
of $4.0 million for all its affiliated operations worldwide. A seafood
processor is a small business if it is independently owned and
operated, not dominant in its field of operation, and employs 500 or
fewer persons on a full-time, part-time, temporary, or other basis, at
all its affiliated operations worldwide. Because the SBA does not have
a size criterion for businesses that are involved in both the
harvesting and processing of seafood products, NMFS has in the past
applied, and continues to apply, SBA's fish harvesting criterion for
these businesses because catcher/processors are first and foremost fish
harvesting businesses. Therefore, a business involved in both the
harvesting and processing of seafood products is a small business if it
meets the $4.0 million criterion for fish harvesting operations. NMFS
is reviewing its small entity size classification for all catcher/
processors in the United States. However, until new guidance is
adopted, NMFS will continue to use the annual receipts standard for
catcher/processors. Even if additional catcher/processors would have
been identified as small entities under a revised small entity size
classification, NMFS would have analyzed the effect on small entities
using the same methods that were used in the IRFA prepared for the
proposed rule. NMFS considered the effects of the proposed rule and
attempted to reduce costs to all directly regulated entities regardless
of the number of small entities.
The EA/RIR/FRFA (see ADDRESSES) prepared for this action analyzed
projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements
on directly regulated entities. Under this final rule, NMFS will
require additional reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance
requirements. Specifically, CQEs must submit an application to receive
fixed-gear LLP licenses endorsed for Pacific cod, the selection of
fixed gear type by CQEs in the CG, a description of the methods used to
assign any fixed gear LLP licenses received, a letter of authorization
for persons using LLP licenses assigned to a CQE, and an annual re