Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Detergent Gasoline, 9013-9015 [2011-3516]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 32 / Wednesday, February 16, 2011 / Notices
technical information contact: Pamela
Moseley, Information Management
Division (7407M), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460–
0001; telephone number: (202) 564–
8956; fax number: (202) 564–8955; email address:
For general information contact: The
TSCA–Hotline, ABVI–Goodwill, 422
South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY
14620; telephone number: (202) 554–
1404; e-mail address: TSCA–
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
and subject to search. Visitors will be
provided an EPA/DC badge that must be
visible at all times in the building and
returned upon departure.
II. What action is the agency taking?
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Detergent Gasoline
Under EPA contract number GS–35F–
0601K, Order Number 1666, contractor
Electronic Consulting Services, Inc.,
2750 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 510,
Fairfax, VA will assist the Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)
by providing help desk support for
OPPTS/OPPT end users; supporting
installation/maintenance of servers and
operating system software (UNIX,
Linux, Windows XP/2003/2000/NT);
installing, maintaining, and
I. General Information
troubleshooting Agency standard
hardware and software; performing
A. Does this notice apply to me?
scheduled backups of servers; develop
This action is directed to the public
and maintain Lotus Notes and Oracle
in general. This action may, however, be
databases; perform occasional web and
of interest to all who manufacture,
database development for special
process, or distribute industrial
projects; and maintain hardware and
chemicals. Since other entities may also
software inventory of workstations. In
be interested, the Agency has not
accordance with 40 CFR 2.306(j), EPA
attempted to describe all the specific
has determined that under EPA contract
entities that may be affected by this
number GS–35F–0601K, Order Number
action. If you have any questions
1666 ECS will require access to CBI
regarding the applicability of this action
submitted to EPA under all sections of
to a particular entity, consult the
TSCA to perform successfully the duties
technical person listed under FOR
specified under the contract. ECS’
personnel will be given access to
B. How can I get copies of this document information submitted to EPA under all
sections of TSCA. Some of the
and other related information?
information may be claimed or
EPA has established a docket for this
determined to be CBI.
action under docket identification (ID)
EPA is issuing this notice to inform
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2003–0004.
all submitters of information under all
All documents in the docket are listed
sections of TSCA that EPA may provide
in the docket index available at https:// Although listed in ECS access to these CBI materials on a
need-to-know basis only. All access to
the index, some information is not
TSCA CBI under this contract will take
publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
place at EPA Headquarters in
information whose disclosure is
accordance with EPA’s TSCA CBI
restricted by statute. Certain other
Protection Manual.
material, such as copyrighted material,
Access to TSCA data, including CBI,
will be publicly available only in hard
will continue until September 30, 2011.
copy. Publicly available docket
If the contract is extended, this access
materials are available electronically at
will also continue for the duration of the, or, if only
extended contract without further
available in hard copy, at the OPPT
Docket. The OPPT Docket is located in
ECS’ personnel will be required to
the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) at Rm.
sign nondisclosure agreements and will
3334, EPA West Bldg., 1301
be briefed on appropriate security
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
procedures before they are permitted
DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
access to TSCA CBI.
hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding List of Subjects
legal holidays. The telephone number of
Environmental protection,
the EPA/DC Public Reading Room is
Confidential business information.
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
Dated: February 9, 2011.
number for the OPPT Docket is (202)
Matthew G. Leonard,
566–0280. Docket visitors are required
Director, Information Management Division,
to show photographic identification,
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
pass through a metal detector, and sign
[FR Doc. 2011–3526 Filed 2–15–11; 8:45 am]
the EPA visitor log. All visitor bags are
processed through an X-ray machine
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:10 Feb 15, 2011
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[EPA–HQ–OAR–2007–0595; FRL–9267–3]
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document
announces that EPA is planning to
submit a request to renew an existing
approved Information Collection
Request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). This
ICR is scheduled to expire on June 30,
2011. Before submitting the ICR to OMB
for review and approval, EPA is
soliciting comments on specific aspects
of the proposed information collection
as described below.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before April 18, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2007–0595 by one of the following
• Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
• E-mail:
• Fax: (202) 566–1741.
• Mail: Air and Radiation Docket,
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2007–
0595, Environmental Protection Agency,
Mailcode: 6102T, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
• Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center,
Public Reading Room, EPA West
Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Such deliveries are only accepted
during the Docket’s normal hours of
operation, and special arrangements
should be made for deliveries of boxed
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2007–
0595. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at https://, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through
or e-mail. The https:// Web site is an
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 32 / Wednesday, February 16, 2011 / Notices
‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an e-mail comment directly
to EPA without going through https:// your e-mail
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, EPA may not be
able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should avoid the use of
special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about EPA’s public docket visit the EPA
Docket Center homepage at https://
Jaimee Dong, Office of Transportation
and Air Quality, Mailcode: 6406J,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460; telephone number: (202)
343–9672; fax number: (202) 343–2802;
e-mail address:
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
How can I access the docket and/or
submit comments?
EPA has established a public docket
for this ICR under Docket ID No. EPA–
HQ–OAR–2007–0595, which is
available for online viewing at https://, or in person
viewing at the Air and Radiation Docket
in the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC),
EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA/DC Public Reading Room
is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST,
Monday through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Reading Room is 202–566–1744, and the
telephone number for the Air and
Radiation Docket is 202–566–1742.
Use to
obtain a copy of the draft collection of
information, submit or view public
comments, access the index listing of
the contents of the docket, and to access
those documents in the public docket
that are available electronically. Once in
the system, select ‘‘search,’’ then key in
the docket ID number identified in this
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:10 Feb 15, 2011
Jkt 223001
What information is EPA particularly
interested in?
Pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of
the PRA, EPA specifically solicits
comments and information to enable it
(i) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(ii) Evaluate the accuracy of the
Agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(iii) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(iv) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses. In
particular, EPA is requesting comments
from very small businesses (those that
employ less than 25) on examples of
specific additional efforts that EPA
could make to reduce the paperwork
burden for very small businesses
affected by this collection.
What should I consider when I prepare
my comments for EPA?
You may find the following
suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as
possible and provide specific examples.
2. Describe any assumptions that you
3. Provide copies of any technical
information and/or data you used that
support your views.
4. If you estimate potential burden or
costs, explain how you arrived at the
estimate that you provide.
5. Offer alternative ways to improve
the collection activity.
6. Make sure to submit your
comments by the deadline identified
under DATES.
7. To ensure proper receipt by EPA,
be sure to identify the docket ID number
assigned to this action in the subject
line on the first page of your response.
You may also provide the name, date,
and Federal Register citation.
What information collection activity or
ICR does this apply to?
Affected entities: Entities potentially
affected by this action are those who (1)
Manufacture gasoline, post-refinery
PO 00000
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component, or detergent additives, (2)
blend detergent additives into gasoline
or post-refinery component, or (3)
transport or receive a detergent additive,
gasoline, or post-refinery component.
Title: Detergent Gasoline: Certification
Requirements for Manufacturers of
Detergent Additives; Requirements for
Transferors and Transferees of Detergent
Additives; Requirements for Blenders of
Detergents into Gasoline or Post-refinery
Component; Requirements for
Manufacturers, Transferors, and
Transferees of Gasoline or Post-refinery
Component (40 CFR 80—Subpart G).
ICR numbers: EPA ICR No. 1655.07,
OMB Control No. 2060–0275.
ICR status: This ICR is currently
scheduled to expire on June 30, 2011.
An Agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information, unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. The OMB control numbers for
EPA’s regulations in title 40 of the CFR,
after appearing in the Federal Register
when approved, are listed in 40 CFR
part 9, are displayed either by
publication in the Federal Register or
by other appropriate means, such as on
the related collection instrument or
form, if applicable. The display of OMB
control numbers in certain EPA
regulations is consolidated in 40 CFR
part 9.
Abstract: Gasoline combustion results
in the formation of engine deposits that
contribute to increased emissions.
Detergent additives deter deposit
formation. The Clean Air Act requires
gasoline to contain a detergent additive.
The regulations at 40 CFR part 80
subpart G specify certification
requirements for manufacturers of
detergent additives, recordkeeping or
reporting requirements for blenders of
detergents into gasoline or post-refinery
component (any gasoline blending stock
or any oxygenate which is blended with
gasoline subsequent to the gasoline
refining process), and reporting or
recordkeeping requirements for
manufacturers, transferors, or
transferees of detergents, gasoline, or
post-refinery component (PRC). These
requirements ensure that (1) A detergent
is effective before it is certified by EPA,
(2) a certified detergent, at the minimum
concentration necessary to be effective
(known as the lowest additive
concentration (LAC)), is blended into
gasoline, and (3) only gasoline which
contains a certified detergent at its LAC
is delivered to the consumer. EPA
maintains a list of certified gasoline
detergents, which is publicly available.
As of November 2010, there were 324
certified detergents and 19 detergent
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 32 / Wednesday, February 16, 2011 / Notices
Burden Statement: The annual public
reporting and recordkeeping burden for
this collection of information is
estimated to average 60 hours per
response. Burden means the total time,
effort, or financial resources expended
by persons to generate, maintain, retain,
or disclose or provide information to or
for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions;
develop, acquire, install, and utilize
technology and systems for the purposes
of collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; adjust the
existing ways to comply with any
previously applicable instructions and
requirements which have subsequently
changed; train personnel to be able to
respond to a collection of information;
search data sources; complete and
review the collection of information;
and transmit or otherwise disclose the
EPA estimates that the average burden
for detergent certification is 60 hours
and $6,889, and that there will be
approximately three applications for
detergent certification each year for the
next three years. Thus, the annual
certification burden is estimated at 180
hours and $20,667. Most of the burden
is incurred by the blenders of detergent
into gasoline or PRC. The regulations
require that they generate and maintain
records of the amount of detergent
blended and the amount of gasoline into
which it is blended. These records are
known as volumetric additive
reconciliation (VAR) records and must
demonstrate that the proper amount of
a certified detergent has been used. For
blenders with automated equipment, the
annual burden is estimated at 150 hours
and $12,613. There are approximately
1300 blenders that use automated
equipment. Thus, the annual burden is
195,000 hours and $16.4 million. For
blenders with non-automated
equipment, the annual burden is
estimated at 500 hours and $42,040.
There are about 50 blenders in this
category, for an annual burden of 25,000
hours and $2,102,000. There are no
capital or start-up costs beyond those
incurred by industry at the program’s
inception in 1995. Operating and
maintenance (O&M) costs are in three
categories. First, the on-road engine
testing to demonstrate that the detergent
meets the deposit-control standards is
performed at contractor facilities.
However, just about all detergent
certifications are able to rely on
previous testing, so new testing is only
performed perhaps once a year at a cost
of $200,000. The second O&M cost is for
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copying and postage for the estimated
three submissions annually for
detergent certification and one
submission annually for research
notification. At an estimated $10 per
submission, the annual cost is $40. The
third O&M cost is for the storage of the
VAR records at the 1300 automated
detergent blending facilities and 50 nonautomated detergent blending facilities.
The estimated annual cost per facility is
$100, for a total of $135,000. The total
annual estimated burden for industry is
220,181 hours and $18.8 million.
Are there changes in the estimates from
the last approval?
The previous clearance consisted of
220,608 hours and $15,547,566 in total
costs. The changes are primarily due to
an update in labor costs.
What is the next step in the process for
this ICR?
EPA will consider the comments
received and amend the ICR as
appropriate. The final ICR package will
then be submitted to OMB for review
and approval pursuant to 5 CFR
1320.12. At that time, EPA will issue
another Federal Register notice
pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(a)(1)(iv) to
announce the submission of the ICR to
OMB and the opportunity to submit
additional comments to OMB. If you
have any questions about this ICR or the
approval process, please contact the
technical person listed under FOR
Dated: February 10, 2011.
Margo Tsirigotis Oge,
Director, Office of Transportation and Air
[FR Doc. 2011–3516 Filed 2–15–11; 8:45 am]
Reschedule—Meeting of the Local
Government Advisory Committee
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
Gulf Coast Ecosystem restoration efforts
and other issues of environmental
concern to elected officials. This is an
open meeting and all interested persons
are invited to participate. The
Committee will hear comments from the
public between 3:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 9, 2011. Individuals
or organizations wishing to address the
Committee will be allowed a maximum
of five minutes to present their point of
view. Also, written comments should be
submitted electronically to Please contact
the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) at
the number or e-mail listed below to
schedule agenda time. Time will be
allotted on a first come first serve basis,
and the total period for comments may
be extended if the number of requests
for appearances requires it.
ADDRESSES: The Local Government
Advisory Committee meeting will be
held by teleconference on Wednesday,
March 9, 2011, at 3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
(ET). The Committee’s meeting
summary will be available after the
meeting online at
ocir/scas and can be obtained by written
request to the DFO.
Frances Eargle, the Designated Federal
Officer for the Local Government
Advisory Committee (LGAC) at (202)
564–3115 or e-mail at
Information On Services for Those
with Disabilities: For information on
access or services for individuals with
disabilities, please contact Frances
Eargle at (202) 564–3115 or To request
accommodation of a disability, please
request it 10 days prior to the meeting,
to give EPA as much time as possible to
process your request.
Dated: February 8, 2011.
Frances Eargle,
Designated Federal Officer, Local Government
Advisory Committee.
[FR Doc. 2011–3518 Filed 2–15–11; 8:45 am]
The Local Government
Advisory Committee’s teleconference
originally scheduled on Tuesday,
February 22, 2011, 1:30–3 p.m. (ET) (76
FR 6785, published on Tuesday,
February 8, 2011) is rescheduled for
Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 3:30–4:30
(ET). The Committee will discuss the
recommendations of the Gulf Coast
Restoration Workgroup on ways EPA
can engage local government officials in
PO 00000
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Ocean Transportation Intermediary
License Applicants
Notice is hereby given that the
following applicants have filed with the
Federal Maritime Commission an
application for a license as a NonVessel-Operating Common Carrier
(NVO) and/or Ocean Freight Forwarder
(OFF)—Ocean Transportation
Intermediary (OTI) pursuant to section
19 of the Shipping Act of 1984 as
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 32 (Wednesday, February 16, 2011)]
[Pages 9013-9015]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-3516]
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0595; FRL-9267-3]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Detergent Gasoline
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that EPA is planning to
submit a request to renew an existing approved Information Collection
Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This ICR is
scheduled to expire on June 30, 2011. Before submitting the ICR to OMB
for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects
of the proposed information collection as described below.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before April 18, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2007-0595 by one of the following methods: Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: (202) 566-1741.
Mail: Air and Radiation Docket, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2007-0595, Environmental Protection Agency, Mailcode: 6102T, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center, Public Reading Room, EPA
West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20460. Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal
hours of operation, and special arrangements should be made for
deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2007-0595. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through
or e-mail. The Web site is an
[[Page 9014]]
``anonymous access'' system, which means EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless you provide it in the body of
your comment. If you send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without
going through your e-mail address will be
automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is
placed in the public docket and made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you include your name
and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA
may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form of encryption, and be free of
any defects or viruses. For additional information about EPA's public
docket visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jaimee Dong, Office of Transportation
and Air Quality, Mailcode: 6406J, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (202)
343-9672; fax number: (202) 343-2802; e-mail address:
How can I access the docket and/or submit comments?
EPA has established a public docket for this ICR under Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0595, which is available for online viewing at, or in person viewing at the Air and
Radiation Docket in the EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West, Room
3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC. The EPA/DC Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST, Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Reading
Room is 202-566-1744, and the telephone number for the Air and
Radiation Docket is 202-566-1742.
Use to obtain a copy of the draft
collection of information, submit or view public comments, access the
index listing of the contents of the docket, and to access those
documents in the public docket that are available electronically. Once
in the system, select ``search,'' then key in the docket ID number
identified in this document.
What information is EPA particularly interested in?
Pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA, EPA specifically
solicits comments and information to enable it to:
(i) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency,
including whether the information will have practical utility;
(ii) Evaluate the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden
of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(iii) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information
to be collected; and
(iv) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses. In particular, EPA is requesting comments from
very small businesses (those that employ less than 25) on examples of
specific additional efforts that EPA could make to reduce the paperwork
burden for very small businesses affected by this collection.
What should I consider when I prepare my comments for EPA?
You may find the following suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as possible and provide specific
2. Describe any assumptions that you used.
3. Provide copies of any technical information and/or data you used
that support your views.
4. If you estimate potential burden or costs, explain how you
arrived at the estimate that you provide.
5. Offer alternative ways to improve the collection activity.
6. Make sure to submit your comments by the deadline identified
under DATES.
7. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, be sure to identify the docket
ID number assigned to this action in the subject line on the first page
of your response. You may also provide the name, date, and Federal
Register citation.
What information collection activity or ICR does this apply to?
Affected entities: Entities potentially affected by this action are
those who (1) Manufacture gasoline, post-refinery component, or
detergent additives, (2) blend detergent additives into gasoline or
post-refinery component, or (3) transport or receive a detergent
additive, gasoline, or post-refinery component.
Title: Detergent Gasoline: Certification Requirements for
Manufacturers of Detergent Additives; Requirements for Transferors and
Transferees of Detergent Additives; Requirements for Blenders of
Detergents into Gasoline or Post-refinery Component; Requirements for
Manufacturers, Transferors, and Transferees of Gasoline or Post-
refinery Component (40 CFR 80--Subpart G).
ICR numbers: EPA ICR No. 1655.07, OMB Control No. 2060-0275.
ICR status: This ICR is currently scheduled to expire on June 30,
2011. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information, unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's
regulations in title 40 of the CFR, after appearing in the Federal
Register when approved, are listed in 40 CFR part 9, are displayed
either by publication in the Federal Register or by other appropriate
means, such as on the related collection instrument or form, if
applicable. The display of OMB control numbers in certain EPA
regulations is consolidated in 40 CFR part 9.
Abstract: Gasoline combustion results in the formation of engine
deposits that contribute to increased emissions. Detergent additives
deter deposit formation. The Clean Air Act requires gasoline to contain
a detergent additive. The regulations at 40 CFR part 80 subpart G
specify certification requirements for manufacturers of detergent
additives, recordkeeping or reporting requirements for blenders of
detergents into gasoline or post-refinery component (any gasoline
blending stock or any oxygenate which is blended with gasoline
subsequent to the gasoline refining process), and reporting or
recordkeeping requirements for manufacturers, transferors, or
transferees of detergents, gasoline, or post-refinery component (PRC).
These requirements ensure that (1) A detergent is effective before it
is certified by EPA, (2) a certified detergent, at the minimum
concentration necessary to be effective (known as the lowest additive
concentration (LAC)), is blended into gasoline, and (3) only gasoline
which contains a certified detergent at its LAC is delivered to the
consumer. EPA maintains a list of certified gasoline detergents, which
is publicly available. As of November 2010, there were 324 certified
detergents and 19 detergent manufacturers.
[[Page 9015]]
Burden Statement: The annual public reporting and recordkeeping
burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60
hours per response. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or
disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This
includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire,
install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of
collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information;
adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements which have subsequently changed; train
personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search
data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and
transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
EPA estimates that the average burden for detergent certification
is 60 hours and $6,889, and that there will be approximately three
applications for detergent certification each year for the next three
years. Thus, the annual certification burden is estimated at 180 hours
and $20,667. Most of the burden is incurred by the blenders of
detergent into gasoline or PRC. The regulations require that they
generate and maintain records of the amount of detergent blended and
the amount of gasoline into which it is blended. These records are
known as volumetric additive reconciliation (VAR) records and must
demonstrate that the proper amount of a certified detergent has been
used. For blenders with automated equipment, the annual burden is
estimated at 150 hours and $12,613. There are approximately 1300
blenders that use automated equipment. Thus, the annual burden is
195,000 hours and $16.4 million. For blenders with non-automated
equipment, the annual burden is estimated at 500 hours and $42,040.
There are about 50 blenders in this category, for an annual burden of
25,000 hours and $2,102,000. There are no capital or start-up costs
beyond those incurred by industry at the program's inception in 1995.
Operating and maintenance (O&M) costs are in three categories. First,
the on-road engine testing to demonstrate that the detergent meets the
deposit-control standards is performed at contractor facilities.
However, just about all detergent certifications are able to rely on
previous testing, so new testing is only performed perhaps once a year
at a cost of $200,000. The second O&M cost is for copying and postage
for the estimated three submissions annually for detergent
certification and one submission annually for research notification. At
an estimated $10 per submission, the annual cost is $40. The third O&M
cost is for the storage of the VAR records at the 1300 automated
detergent blending facilities and 50 non-automated detergent blending
facilities. The estimated annual cost per facility is $100, for a total
of $135,000. The total annual estimated burden for industry is 220,181
hours and $18.8 million.
Are there changes in the estimates from the last approval?
The previous clearance consisted of 220,608 hours and $15,547,566
in total costs. The changes are primarily due to an update in labor
What is the next step in the process for this ICR?
EPA will consider the comments received and amend the ICR as
appropriate. The final ICR package will then be submitted to OMB for
review and approval pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.12. At that time, EPA will
issue another Federal Register notice pursuant to 5 CFR
1320.5(a)(1)(iv) to announce the submission of the ICR to OMB and the
opportunity to submit additional comments to OMB. If you have any
questions about this ICR or the approval process, please contact the
technical person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
Dated: February 10, 2011.
Margo Tsirigotis Oge,
Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality.
[FR Doc. 2011-3516 Filed 2-15-11; 8:45 am]