Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the Pacific Walrus as Endangered or Threatened, 7634-7679 [2011-2400]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
James MacCracken, Marine Mammals
Management, Alaska Regional Office
(see ADDRESSES); by telephone: 800–
362–5148; or by facsimile: 907–786–
3816. If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), please call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 800–877–8339.
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R7–ES–2009–0051; MO
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a
Petition to List the Pacific Walrus as
Endangered or Threatened
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce a 12-month
finding on a petition to list the Pacific
walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)
as endangered or threatened and to
designate critical habitat under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended. After review of all the
available scientific and commercial
information, we find that listing the
Pacific walrus as endangered or
threatened is warranted. Currently,
however, listing the Pacific walrus is
precluded by higher priority actions to
amend the Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Upon
publication of this 12-month petition
finding, we will add Pacific walrus to
our candidate species list. We will
develop a proposed rule to list the
Pacific walrus as our priorities allow.
We will make any determination on
critical habitat during development of
the proposed listing rule. Consistent
with section 4(b)(3)(C)(iii) of the
Endangered Species Act, we will review
the status of the Pacific walrus through
our annual Candidate Notice of Review.
DATES: The finding announced in this
document was made on February 10,
ADDRESSES: This finding and supporting
documentation are available on the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov at
Docket Number FWS–R7–ES–2009–
0051. A range map of the three walrus
subspecies and a more detailed map of
the Pacific walrus range are available at
the following Web site: https://
wmain.htm. Supporting documentation
we used in preparing this finding is
available for public inspection, by
appointment, during normal business
hours at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Alaska Regional Office, 1011
East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503.
Please submit any new information,
materials, comments, or questions
concerning this finding to the above
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Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act)
(16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), requires that,
for any petition to revise the Federal
Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants that contains
substantial scientific or commercial
information that listing the species may
be warranted, we make a finding within
12 months of the date of receipt of the
petition. In this finding, we will
determine whether the petitioned action
is: (a) Not warranted, (b) warranted, or
(c) warranted, but the immediate
proposal of a regulation implementing
the petitioned action is precluded by
other pending proposals to determine
whether species are endangered or
threatened, and expeditious progress is
being made to add or remove qualified
species from the Federal Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants. Section 4(b)(3)(C) of the Act
requires that we treat a petition for
which the requested action is found to
be warranted but precluded as though
resubmitted on the date of such finding,
that is, requiring a subsequent finding to
be made within 12 months. We must
publish these 12-month findings in the
Federal Register.
Previous Federal Actions
On February 8, 2008, we received a
petition dated February 7, 2008, from
the Center for Biological Diversity,
requesting that the Pacific walrus be
listed as endangered or threatened
under the Act and that critical habitat be
designated. The petition included
supporting information regarding the
species’ ecology and habitat use
patterns, and predicted changes in seaice habitats and ocean conditions that
may impact the Pacific walrus. We
acknowledged receipt of the petition in
a letter to the Center for Biological
Diversity, dated April 9, 2008. In that
letter, we stated that an emergency
listing was not warranted and that all
remaining available funds in the listing
program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 had
already been allocated to the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service’s (Service) highest
priority listing actions and that no
listing funds were available to further
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evaluate the Pacific walrus petition in
FY 2008.
On December 3, 2008, the Center for
Biological Diversity filed a complaint in
U.S. District Court for the District of
Alaska for declaratory judgment and
injunctive relief challenging the failure
of the Service to make a 90-day finding
on their petition to list the Pacific
walrus, pursuant to section 4(b)(3) of the
Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C.
1533(b)(3), and the Administrative
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 706(1). On May
18, 2009, a settlement agreement was
approved in the case of Center for
Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, et al. (3:08–cv–00265–
JWS), requiring us to submit our 90-day
finding on the petition to the Federal
Register by September 10, 2009. On
September 10, 2009, we made our 90day finding that the petition presented
substantial scientific information
indicating that listing the Pacific walrus
may be warranted (74 FR 46548). On
August 30, 2010, the Court approved an
amended settlement agreement
requiring us to submit our 12-month
finding to the Federal Register by
January 31, 2011. This notice constitutes
the 12-month finding on the February 7,
2008, petition to list the Pacific walrus
as endangered or threatened.
This 12-month finding is based on our
consideration and evaluation of the best
scientific and commercial information
available. We reviewed the information
provided in the petition submitted to
the Service by the Center for Biological
Diversity, information available in our
files, and other available published and
unpublished information. Additionally,
in response to our Federal Register
notice of September 10, 2009, requesting
information from the public, as well as
our September 10, 2010 press release,
and other outreach efforts requesting
new information from the public, we
received roughly 30,000 submissions,
which we have considered in making
this finding, including information from
the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission,
the State of Alaska, the Alaska North
Slope Borough, the Eskimo Walrus
Commission, the Humane Society of the
United States, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the American Petroleum
Institute, and many interested citizens.
We also consulted with recognized
Pacific walrus experts and Federal,
State, and Tribal agencies.
Species Information
Taxonomy and Species Delineation
The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is
the only living representative of the
family Odobenidae, a group of marine
carnivores that was highly diversified in
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
the late Miocene and early Pliocene
(Kohno 2006, pp. 416–419; Harington
2008, p. 26). Fossil evidence suggests
that the genus evolved in the North
Pacific Ocean and dispersed throughout
the Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic
during interglacial phases of the
Pleistocene (Harington and Beard 1992,
pp. 311–319; Dyke et al. 1999, p. 60;
Harington 2008, p. 27).
Three modern subspecies of walruses
are generally recognized (Wozencraft
2005, p. 525; Integrated Taxonomic
Information System, 2010, p. 1): The
Atlantic walrus (O. r. rosmarus), which
ranges from the central Canadian Arctic
eastward to the Kara Sea (Reeves 1978,
pp. 2–20); the Pacific walrus (O. r.
divergens), which ranges across the
Bering and Chukchi Seas (Fay 1982, pp.
7–21); and the Laptev walrus (O. r.
laptevi), which is represented by a
small, geographically isolated
population of walruses in the Laptev
Sea (Heptner et al. 1976, p. 34;
Vishnevskaia and Bychkov 1990, pp.
155–176; Andersen et al. 1998, p. 1323;
Wozencraft 2005, p. 595; Jefferson et al.
2008, p. 376). Atlantic and Pacific
walruses are genetically and
morphologically distinct from each
other (Cronin et al. 1994, p. 1035), likely
as a result of range fragmentation and
differentiation during glacial phases of
extensive Arctic sea-ice cover
(Harington 2008, p. 27). Although
geographically isolated and ecologically
distinct, walruses from the Laptev Sea
appear to be more closely related to
Pacific walruses (Lindqvist et al. 2009,
pp. 119–121).
Pacific walruses are ecologically
distinct from other walrus populations,
primarily because they undergo
significant seasonal migrations between
the Bering and the Chukchi Seas and
rely principally on broken pack ice
habitat to access offshore breeding and
feeding areas (Fay 1982, p. 279) (see
Species Distribution, below). In contrast,
Atlantic walruses, which are
represented by several small discrete
groups of animals distributed from the
central Canadian Arctic eastward to the
Kara Sea, exhibit smaller seasonal
movements and feed primarily in
coastal areas because the continental
shelf is narrow over much of their range.
The majority of productive feeding areas
used by Atlantic walruses are accessible
from the coast, and all age classes and
gender groups use terrestrial haulouts
during ice-free seasons (Born et al. 2003,
p. 356; COSEWIC 2006, p. 15; Laidre et
al. 2008, pp. S104, S115).
The Pacific walrus is generally
considered a single population,
although some heterogeneity has been
documented. Jay et al. (2008, p. 938)
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found some differences in the ratio of
trace elements in the teeth of Pacific
walruses sampled in winter from two
breeding areas (southeast Bering Sea
and St. Lawrence Island), suggesting
that the sampled animals had a history
of feeding in different regions. Scribner
et al. (1997, p. 180), however, found no
difference in mitochondrial and nuclear
DNA among Pacific walruses sampled
from different breeding areas. Pacific
walruses are identified and managed in
the United States and the Russian
Federation (Russia) as a single
population (Service 2010, p. 1).
Species Description
Walruses are readily distinguished
from other Arctic pinnipeds (aquatic
carnivorous mammals with all four
limbs modified into flippers, this group
includes seals, sea lions, and walruses)
by their enlarged upper canine teeth,
which form prominent tusks. The family
name Odobenidae (tooth walker), is
based on observations of walruses using
their tusks to pull themselves out of the
water. Males, which have relatively
larger tusks than females, also tend to
have broader skulls (Fay 1982, pp. 104–
108). Walrus tusks are used as offensive
and defensive weapons (Kastelein 2002,
p. 1298). Adult males use their tusks in
threat displays and fighting to establish
dominance during mating (Fay et al.
1984, p. 93), and animals of both sexes
use threat displays to establish and
defend positions on land or ice haulouts
(Fay 1982, pp. 134–138). Walruses also
use their tusks to anchor themselves to
ice floes when resting in the water
during inclement weather (Fay 1982,
pp. 134–138; Kastelein 2002, p. 1298).
The Pacific walrus is the largest
pinniped species in the Arctic. At birth,
calves are approximately 65 kilograms
(kg) (143 pounds (lb)) and 113
centimeters (cm) (44.5 inches (in)) long
(Fay 1982, p. 32). After the first 7 years
of life, the growth rate of female
walruses declines rapidly, and they
reach a maximum body size by
approximately 10 years of age. Adult
females can reach lengths of up to 3
meters (m) (9.8 feet (ft)) and weigh up
to 1,100 kg (2,425 lb). Male walrus tend
to grow faster and for a longer period of
time than females. They usually do not
reach full adult body size until they are
15 to 16 years of age. Adult males can
reach lengths of 3.5 m (11.5 ft) and can
weigh more than 2,000 kg (4,409 lb)
(Fay 1982, p. 33).
Walruses are social and gregarious
animals. They tend to travel in groups
and haul out of the water to rest on ice
or land in densely packed groups. On
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land or ice, in any season, walruses tend
to lie in close physical contact with
each other. Young animals often lie on
top of adults. Group size can range from
a few individuals up to several
thousand animals (Gilbert 1999, p. 80;
Kastelein 2002, p. 1298; Jefferson et al.
2008, p. 378). At any time of the year,
when groups are disturbed, stampedes
from a haulout can result in injuries and
mortalities. Calves and young animals
are particularly vulnerable to trampling
injuries (Fay 1980, pp. 227–227; Fay
and Kelly 1980, p. 226).
The reaction of walruses to
disturbance ranges from no reaction to
escape into the water, depending on the
circumstances (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 13–
14). Many factors play into the severity
of the response, including the age and
sex of the animals, the size and location
of the group (on ice, in water, on land),
their distance from the disturbance, and
the nature and intensity of the
disturbance (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 14,
114–119). Females with calves appear to
be most sensitive to disturbance, and
animals on shore are more sensitive
than those on ice (Fay et al. 1984, p.
114). A fright response caused by
disturbance can cause stampedes on a
haulout, resulting in injuries and
mortalities (Fay and Kelly 1980, pp.
Mating occurs primarily in January
and February in broken pack ice habitat
in the Bering Sea. Breeding bulls follow
herds of females and compete for access
to groups of females hauled out onto sea
ice (Fay 1982, pp. 193–194). Males
perform visual and acoustical displays
in the water to attract females and
defend a breeding territory.
Subdominant males remain on the
periphery of these aggregations and
apparently do not display. Intruders
into display areas are met with threat
displays and physical attacks.
Individual females leave the resting
herd to join a male in the water where
copulation occurs (Fay et al. 1984, pp.
89–99; Sjare and Stirling 1996, p. 900).
Gestation lasts 15 to 16 months (Fay
1982, p. 197) and pregnancies are
spaced at least 2 years apart (Fay 1982,
p. 206). Calving occurs on sea ice, most
typically in May, before the northward
spring migration (Fay 1982, pp. 199–
200). Mothers and newborn calves stay
mostly on ice floes during the first few
weeks of life (Fay et al. 1984, p. 12).
The social bond between the mother
and calf is very strong, and it is unusual
for a cow to become separated from her
calf (Fay 1982, p. 203). The calf
normally remains with its mother for at
least 2 years, sometimes longer, if not
supplanted by a new calf (Fay 1982, pp.
206–211). After separation from their
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
mother, young females tend to remain
with groups of adult females, whereas
young males gradually separate from the
females and begin to associate with
groups of other males. Individual social
status appears to be based on a
combination of body size, tusk size, and
aggressiveness. Individuals do not
necessarily associate with the same
group of animals and must continually
reaffirm their social status in each new
aggregation (Fay 1982, p. 135;
NAMMCO 2004, p. 43).
Species Distribution
Pacific walruses range across the
shallow continental shelf waters of the
northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea,
occasionally ranging into the East
Siberian Sea and Beaufort Sea (Fay
1982, pp. 7–21; Figure 1 in GarlichMiller et al. 2011). Waters deeper than
100 m (328 ft) and the extent of the pack
ice are factors that limit distribution to
the north (Fay 1982, p. 23). Walruses are
rarely spotted south of the Alaska
Peninsula and Aleutian archipelago;
however, migrant animals (mostly
males) are occasionally reported in the
North Pacific (Service 2010,
unpublished data).
Pacific walruses are highly mobile,
and their distribution varies markedly
in response to seasonal and interannual
variations in sea-ice cover. During the
January to March breeding season,
walruses congregate in the Bering Sea
pack ice in areas where open leads
(fractures in sea ice caused by wind drift
or ocean currents), polynyas (enclosed
areas of unfrozen water surrounded by
ice) or thin ice allow access to water
(Fay 1982, p. 21; Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89–
99). The specific location of winter
breeding aggregations varies annually
depending upon the distribution and
extent of ice. Breeding aggregations have
been reported southwest of St. Lawrence
Island, Alaska; south of Nunivak Island,
Alaska; and south of the Chukotka
Peninsula in the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia
(Fay 1982, p. 21; Mymrin et al. 1990, pp.
105–113; Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et
al. 2011).
In spring, as the Bering Sea pack ice
deteriorates, most of the population
migrates northward through the Bering
Strait to summer feeding areas over the
continental shelf in the Chukchi Sea.
However, several thousand animals,
primarily adult males, remain in the
Bering Sea during the summer months,
foraging from coastal haulouts in the
Gulf of Anadyr, Russia, and in Bristol
Bay, Alaska (Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller
et al. 2011).
Summer distributions (both males and
females) in the Chukchi Sea vary
annually, depending upon the extent of
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sea ice. When broken sea ice is
abundant, walruses are typically found
in patchy aggregations over continental
shelf waters. Individual groups may
range from less than 10 to more than
1,000 animals (Gilbert 1999, pp. 75–84;
Ray et al. 2006, p. 405). Summer
concentrations have been reported in
loose pack ice off the northwestern coast
of Alaska, between Icy Cape and Point
Barrow, and along the coast of
Chukotka, Russia, as far west as Wrangel
Island (Fay 1982, pp. 16–17; Gilbert et
al. 1992, pp. 1–33; Belikov et al. 1996,
pp. 267–269). In years of low ice
concentrations in the Chukchi Sea,
some animals range east of Point Barrow
into the Beaufort Sea; walruses have
also been observed in the Eastern
Siberian Sea in late summer (Fay 1982,
pp. 16–17; Belikov et al. 1996, pp. 267–
269). The pack ice of the Chukchi Sea
usually reaches its minimum extent in
September. In years when the sea ice
retreats north beyond the continental
shelf, walruses congregate in large
numbers (up to several tens of
thousands of animals in some locations)
at terrestrial haulouts on Wrangel Island
and other sites along the northern coast
of the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia, and
northwestern Alaska (Fay 1982, p. 17;
Belikov et al. 1996, pp. 267–269;
Kochnev 2004, pp. 284–288;
Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1–4; Kavry
et al. 2008, pp. 248–251).
In late September and October,
walruses that summered in the Chukchi
Sea typically begin moving south in
advance of the developing sea ice.
Satellite telemetry data indicate that
male walruses that summered at coastal
haulouts in the Bering Sea also begin to
move northward towards winter
breeding areas in November (Jay and
Hills 2005, p. 197). The male walruses’
northward movement appears to be
driven primarily by the presence of
females at that time of year (Freitas et
al. 2009, pp. 248–260).
Foraging and Prey
Walruses consume mostly benthic
(region at the bottom of a body of water)
invertebrates and are highly adapted to
obtain bivalves (Fay 1982, p. 139;
Bowen and Siniff 1999, p. 457; Born et
al. 2003, p. 348; Dehn et al. 2007, p.
176; Boveng et al. 2008, pp. 17–19;
Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, pp. 766–
767). Fish and other vertebrates have
occasionally been found in their
stomachs (Fay 1982, p. 153; Sheffield
and Grebmeier 2009, p. 767). Walruses
root in the bottom sediment with their
muzzles and use their whiskers to locate
prey items. They use their fore-flippers,
nose, and jets of water to extract prey
buried up to 32 cm (12.6 in) (Fay 1982,
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p. 163; Oliver et al. 1983, p. 504;
Kastelein 2002, p. 1298; Levermann et
al. 2003, p. 8). The foraging behavior of
walruses is thought to have a major
impact on benthic communities in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas (Oliver et al.
1983, pp. 507–509; Klaus et al. 1990, p.
480). Ray et al. (2006, pp. 411–413)
estimate that walruses consume
approximately 3 million metric tons
(3,307 tons) of benthic biomass
annually, and that the area affected by
walrus foraging is in the order of
thousands of square kilometers (sq km)
(thousands of square miles (sq mi))
annually. Consequently, walruses play a
major role in benthic ecosystem
structure and function, which Ray et al.
(2006, p. 415) suggested increased
nutrient flux and productivity.
The earliest studies of food habits
were based on examination of stomachs
from walruses killed by hunters. These
reports indicated that walruses were
primarily feeding on bivalves (clams),
and that non-bivalve prey was only
incidentally ingested (Fay 1982, p. 145;
Sheffield et al. 2001, p. 311). However,
these early studies did not take into
account the differential rate of digestion
of prey items (Sheffield et al. 2001, p.
311). Additional research indicates that
stomach contents include over 100 taxa
of benthic invertebrates from all major
phyla (Fay 1982, p. 145; Sheffield and
Grebmeier 2009, p. 764), and while
bivalves remain the primary component,
walruses are not adapted to a diet solely
of clams. Other prey items have similar
energetic benefits (Wacasey and
Atkinson 1987, pp. 245–247). Based on
analysis of the contents from fresh
stomachs of Pacific walruses collected
between 1975 and 1985 in the Bering
Sea and Chukchi Sea, prey consumption
likely reflects benthic invertebrate
composition (Sheffield and Grebmeier
2009, pp. 764–768). Of the large number
of different types of prey, statistically
significant differences between males
and females from the Bering Sea were
found in the occurrence of only two
prey items, and there were no
statistically significant differences in
results for males and females from the
Chukchi Sea (Sheffield and Grebmeier
2009, pp. 765). Although these data are
for Pacific walrus stomachs collected
25–35 years ago, we have no reason to
believe there has been a change in the
general pattern of prey use described
Walruses typically swallow
invertebrates without shells in their
entirety (Fay 1982, p. 165). Walruses
remove the soft parts of mollusks from
their shells by suction, and discard the
shells (Fay 1982, pp. 166–167). Born et
al. (2003, p. 348) reported that Atlantic
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
walruses consumed an average of 53.2
bivalves (range 34 to 89) per dive. Based
on caloric need and observations of
captive walruses, walruses require
approximately 29 to 74 kg (64 to 174
lbs) of food per day (Fay 1982, p. 160).
Adult males forage little during the
breeding period (Fay 1982, pp. 142,
159–161; Ray et al. 2006, p. 411), while
lactating females may eat two to three
times that of nonpregant, nonlactating
females (Fay 1982, p.159). Calves up to
1 year of age depend primarily on their
mother’s milk (Fay 1982, p. 138) and are
gradually weaned in their second year
(Fisher and Stewart 1997, pp. 1165–
Although walruses are capable of
diving to depths of more than 250 m
(820 ft) (Born et al. 2005, p. 30), they
usually forage in waters of 80 m (262 ft)
or less (Fay and Burns 1988, p. 239;
Born et al. 2003, p. 348; Kovacs and
Lydersen 2008, p. 138), presumably
because of higher productivity of their
benthic foods in shallow waters (Fay
and Burns 1988, pp. 239–240; Carey
1991, p. 869; Jay et al. 2001, p. 621;
Grebmeier et al. 2006b, pp. 334–346;
Grebmeier et al. 2006a, p. 1461).
Walruses make foraging trips from land
or ice haulouts that range from a few
hours up to several days and up to 100
kilometers (km) (60 miles (mi)) (Jay et
al. 2001, p. 626; Born et al. 2003, p. 349;
Ray et al. 2006, p. 406; Udevitz et al.
2009, p. 1122). Walruses tend to make
shorter and more frequent foraging trips
when sea ice is used as a foraging
platform compared to terrestrial
haulouts (Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122).
Satellite telemetry data for walruses in
the Bering Sea in April of 2004, 2005,
and 2006 showed they spent an average
of 46 hours in the water between resting
bouts on ice, which averaged 9 hours
(Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122). Because
females and young travel with the
retreating pack ice in the spring and
summer, they are passively transported
northward over feeding grounds across
the continental shelves of the Bering
and Chukchi Seas. Male walruses
appear to have greater endurance than
females, with foraging excursions from
land haulouts that can last up to 142
hours (about 6 days) (Jay et al. 2001, p.
Sea-Ice Habitats
The Pacific walrus is an icedependent species that relies on sea ice
for many aspects of its life history.
Unlike other pinnipeds, walruses are
not adapted for a pelagic existence and
must haul out on ice or land regularly.
Floating pack ice serves as a substrate
for resting between feeding bouts (Ray et
al. 2006, p. 404), breeding behavior (Fay
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et al. 1984, pp. 89–99), giving birth (Fay
1982, p. 199), and nursing and care of
young (Kelly 2001, pp. 43–55). Sea ice
provides access to offshore feeding areas
over the continental shelf of the Bering
and Chukchi Seas, passive
transportation to new feeding areas
(Richard 1990, p. 21; Ray et al. 2006, pp.
403–419), and isolation from terrestrial
predators (Richard 1990, p. 23; Kochnev
2004, p. 286; Ovsyanikov et al. 2007,
pp. 1–4). Sea ice provides an extensive
substrate upon which the risk of
predation and hunting is greatly
reduced (Kelly 2001, pp. 43–55; Fay
1982, p. 26).
Sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere is
comprised of first-year sea ice that
formed in the most recent autumnwinter period, and multi-year ice that
has survived at least one summer melt
season. Sea-ice habitats for walruses
include openings or leads that provide
access to the water and to food
resources. Walruses generally do not use
multi-year ice or highly compacted firstyear ice in which there is an absence of
persistent leads or polynyas (Richard
1990, p. 21). Expansive areas of heavy
ice cover are thought to play a
restrictive role in walrus distributions
across the Arctic and serve as a barrier
to the mixing of populations (Fay 1982,
p. 23; Dyke et al. 1999, pp. 161–163;
Harington 2008, p. 35). Walruses
generally do not occur farther south
than the maximum extent of the winter
pack ice, possibly due to their reliance
on sea ice for breeding and rearing
young (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89–99) and
isolation from terrestrial predators
(Kochnev 2004, p. 286; Ovsyanikov et
al. 2007, pp. 1–4), or because of the
higher densities of benthic invertebrates
in northern waters (Grebmeier et al.
2006a, pp. 1461–1463).
Walruses generally occupy first-year
ice that is greater than 20 cm (7.9 in)
thick and are not found in areas of
extensive, unbroken ice (Fay 1982, pp.
21, 26; Richard 1990, p. 23). Thus, in
winter they concentrate in areas of
broken pack ice associated with
divergent ice flow or along the margins
of persistent polynyas (Burns et al.
1981, pp. 781–797; Fay et al. 1984, pp.
89–99; Richard 1990, p. 23) in areas
with abundant food resources (Ray et al.
2006, p. 406). Females with young
generally spend the summer months in
pack ice habitats of the Chukchi Sea,
where they feed intensively between
bouts of resting and suckling their
young. Some authors have suggested
that the size and topography of
individual ice floes are important
features in the selection of ice haulouts,
noting that some animals have been
observed returning to the same ice floe
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between feeding bouts (Ray et al. 2006,
p. 406). However, it has also been noted
that walruses can and will exploit a
fairly broad range of ice types and ice
concentrations in order to stay in
preferred foraging or breeding areas
(Freitas et al. 2009, p. 247; Jay et al.
2010a, p. 300). Walruses tend to make
shorter foraging excursions when they
are using sea ice rather than land
haulouts (Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122),
presumably because it is more
energetically efficient for them to
haulout on ice near productive feeding
areas than forage from shore. Fay (1982,
p. 25) notes that several authors
reported that when walruses had the
choice of ice or land for a resting place,
ice was always selected.
Terrestrial Habitats (Coastal Haulouts)
When suitable sea ice is not available,
walruses haul out on land to rest. A
wide variety of substrates, ranging from
sand to boulders, are used. Isolated
islands, points, spits, and headlands are
occupied most frequently. The primary
consideration for a terrestrial haulout
site appears to be isolation from
disturbances and predators, although
social factors, learned behavior,
protection from strong winds and surf,
and proximity to food resources also
likely influence the choice of terrestrial
haulout sites (Richard 1990, p. 23).
Walruses tend to use established
haulout sites repeatedly and exhibit
some degree of fidelity to these sites (Jay
and Hills 2005, pp. 192–202), although
the use of coastal haulouts appears to
fluctuate over time, possibly due to
localized prey depletion (Garlich-Miller
and Jay 2000, pp. 58–65). Human
disturbance is also thought to influence
the choice of haulout sites; many
historic haulouts in the Bering Sea were
abandoned in the early 1900s when the
Pacific walrus population was subjected
to high levels of exploitation (Fay 1982,
p. 26; Fay et al. 1984, p. 231).
Adult male walruses use land-based
haulouts more than females or young,
and consequently, have a greater
geographical distribution through the
ice-free season. Many adult males
remain in the Bering Sea throughout the
ice-free season, making foraging trips
from coastal haulouts in Bristol Bay,
Alaska, and the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia
(Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011),
while females and juvenile animals
generally stay with the drifting ice pack
throughout the year (Fay 1982, pp. 8–
19). Females with dependent young may
prefer sea-ice habitats because coastal
haulouts pose greater risk from
trampling injuries and predation (Fay
and Kelly 1980, pp. 226–245;
Ovsyanikov et al. 1994, p. 80; Kochnev
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
2004, pp. 285–286; Ovsyanikov et al.
2007, pp. 1–4; Kavry et al. 2008, pp.
248–251; Mulcahy et al. 2009, p. 3).
Females may also prefer sea-ice habitats
because they may have difficulty
nourishing themselves while caring for
a young calf that has limited swimming
range (Cooper et al. 2006, p. 101; Jay
and Fischbach 2008, p. 1).
The numbers of male walruses using
coastal haulouts in the Bering Sea
during the summer months, and the
relative uses of different coastal haulout
sites in the Bering Sea have varied over
the past century. Harvest records
indicate that walrus herds were once
common at coastal haulouts along the
Alaska Peninsula and the islands of
northern Bristol Bay (Fay et al. 1984,
pp. 231–376). By the early 1950s, most
of the traditional haulout areas in the
Southern Bering Sea had been
abandoned, presumably due to hunting
pressure. During the 1950s and 1960s,
Round Island was the only regularly
used haulout in Bristol Bay, Alaska. In
1960, the State of Alaska established the
Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary,
which closed Round Island to hunting.
Peak counts of walruses at Round Island
increased from 1,000–2,000 animals in
the late 1950s (Frost et al. 1983, pp. 379)
to more than 10,000 animals in the early
1980s (Sell and Weiss, p. 12), but
subsequently declined to 2,000–5,000
over the past decade (Sell and Weiss
2010, p. 12). General observations
indicate that declining walrus counts at
Round Island may, in part, reflect a
redistribution of animals to other coastal
sites in the Bristol Bay region. For
example, walruses have been observed
increasingly regularly at the Cape
Seniavin haulout on the Alaska
Peninsula since the 1970s, and at Cape
Peirce and Cape Newenham in
northwest Bristol Bay since the early
1980s (Jay and Hills 2005, p. 193; Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
Traditional male summer haulouts
along the Bering Sea coast of Russia
include sites along the Kamchatka
Peninsula, the Gulf of Anadyr (most
notably Rudder and Meechkin spits),
and Arakamchechen Island (GarlichMiller and Jay 2000, pp. 58–65; Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011). Several
of the southernmost haulouts along the
coast of Kamchatka have not been
occupied in recent years, and the
number of animals in the Gulf of
Anadyr has also declined in recent years
(Kochnev 2005, p. 4). Factors
influencing abundance at Bering Sea
haulouts are poorly understood, but
may include changes in prey densities
near the haulouts, changes in
population size, disturbance levels, and
changing seasonal distributions (Jay and
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Hills 2005, p. 198) (presumably
mediated by sea-ice coverage or
Historically, coastal haulouts along
the Arctic (Chukchi Sea) coast have
been used less consistently during the
summer months than those in the
Bering Sea because of the presence of
pack ice (a preferred substrate) for much
of the year in the Chukchi Sea. Since the
mid-1990s, reductions of summer sea
ice coincided with a marked increase in
the use of coastal haulouts along the
Chukchi sea coast of Russia during the
summer months (Kochnev 2004, pp.
284–288; Kavry et al. 2008, pp. 248–
251). Large, mixed (composed of various
age and sex groups) herds of walruses,
up to several tens of thousands of
animals, began to use coastal haulouts
on Wrangel Island, Russia in the early
1990s, and several coastal haulouts
along the northern Chukotka coastline
of Russia have emerged in recent years,
likely as a result of reductions in
summer sea ice in the Chukchi Sea
(Kochnev 2004, pp. 284–288;
Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1–4; Kavry
et al. 2008, p. 248–251; Figure 1 in
Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
In 2007, 2009, and 2010, walruses
were also observed hauling out in large
numbers with mixed sex and age groups
along the Chukchi Sea coast of Alaska
in late August, September, and October
(Thomas et al. 2009, p. 1; Service 2010,
unpublished data). Monitoring studies
conducted in association with oil and
gas exploration suggest that the use of
coastal haulouts along the Arctic coast
of Alaska during the summer months is
dependent upon the availability of sea
ice. For example, in 2006 and 2008,
walruses foraging off the Chukchi Sea
coast of Alaska remained with the ice
pack over the continental shelf during
the months of August, September, and
October. However in 2007, 2009, and
2010, the pack ice retreated beyond the
continental shelf and large numbers of
walruses hauled out on land at several
locations between Point Barrow and
Cape Lisburne, Alaska (Ireland et al.
2009, p. xvi; Thomas et al. 2009, p. 1;
Service 2010, unpublished data; Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
Transitory coastal haulouts have also
been reported in late fall (October–
November) along the southern Chukchi
Sea coast, coinciding with the southern
migration. Mixed herds of walruses
frequently come to shore to rest for a
few days to weeks along the coast before
continuing on their migration to the
Bering Sea. Cape Lisburne, Alaska, and
Capes Serdtse-Kamen’ and Dezhnev,
Russia, are the most consistently used
haulouts in the Chukchi Sea at this time
of year (Garlich-Miller and Jay 2000, pp.
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58–67). Large mixed herds of walruses
have also been reported in late fall and
early winter at coastal haulouts in the
northern Bering Sea at the Punuk
Islands and Saint Lawrence Island,
Alaska; Big Diomede Island, Russia; and
King Island, Alaska, prior to the
formation of sea ice in offshore breeding
and feeding areas (Fay and Kelly 1980,
p. 226; Garlich-Miller and Jay 2000, pp.
58–67; Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et al.
Vital Rates
Walruses have the lowest rate of
reproduction of any pinniped species
(Fay 1982, pp. 172–209). Although male
walruses reach puberty at 6–7 years of
age, they are unlikely to successfully
compete for access to females until they
reach full body size at 15 years of age
or older (Fay 1982, p. 33; Fay et al.
1984, p. 96). Female walruses attain
sexual maturity at 4–7 years of age (Fay
1982, pp. 172–209), and the median age
of first birth ranges from approximately
8 to 10 years of age (Garlich-Miller et al.
2006, pp. 887–893). Because gestation
lasts 15–16 months, it extends through
the following breeding season and thus,
the minimum interval between
successful births is 2 years. Ovulation
may also be suppressed until the calf is
weaned, raising the birth interval to 3
years or more (Garlich-Miller and
Stewart 1999, p. 188). The age of sexual
maturity and birth rates may be densitydependent (Fay et al. 1989, pp. 1–16;
Fay et al. 1997, pp. 537–565; GarlichMiller et al. 2006, pp. 892–893).
The low birth rate of walruses is offset
in part by considerable maternal
investment in offspring (Fay et al. 1997,
p. 550). Assumed survival rates through
the first year of life range from 0.5 to 0.9
(Fay et al. 1997, p. 550). Survival rates
for juveniles through adults (i.e., 4–20
years old) have been assumed to be as
high as 0.96 to 0.99 per cent (DeMaster
1984, p. 78; Fay et al. 1997, p. 544),
declining to zero by 40 to 45 years
(Chivers 1999, p. 240). Using published
estimates of survival and reproduction,
Chivers (1999, pp. 239–247) developed
an individual age-based model of the
Pacific walrus population, which
yielded a maximum population growth
rate of 8 percent, but cautioned this
should not be considered to be an
estimate of the maximum growth rate
(Chivers 1999, p. 239). Thus, the 8
percent figure remains theoretical
because age-specific survival rates for
free-ranging walruses are poorly known.
Based on large sustained harvests in
the 18th and 19th centuries, Fay (1982,
p. 241) speculated that the pre-
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
exploitation population was represented
by a minimum of 200,000 animals.
Since that time, population size is
believed to have fluctuated in response
to varying levels of human exploitation.
Large-scale commercial harvests are
believed to have reduced the population
to 50,000–100,000 animals in the mid1950s (Fay et al. 1997, p. 539). The
population apparently increased rapidly
in size during the 1960s and 1970s in
response to harvest regulations that
limited the take of females (Fay et al.
1989, p. 4). Between 1975 and 1990,
visual aerial surveys jointly conducted
by the United States and Russia at 5year intervals produced population
estimates ranging from 201,039 to
290,000. Efforts to survey the Pacific
walrus population were suspended by
both countries after 1990, due to
unresolved problems with survey
methods that produced population
estimates with unknown bias and
unknown—but presumably large—
variances that severely limited their
utility (Speckman et al. 2010, p. 3).
In 2006, a joint U.S.-Russian survey
was conducted in the pack ice of the
Bering Sea, using thermal imaging
systems to detect walruses hauled out
on sea ice and satellite transmitters to
account for walruses in the water
(Speckman et al. 2010, p. 4). The
number of walruses within the surveyed
area was estimated at 129,000, with 95percent confidence intervals of 55,000
to 507,000 individuals. This is a
minimum estimate, as weather
conditions forced termination of the
survey before much of the southwest
Bering Sea was surveyed; animals were
observed in that region as the surveyors
returned to Anchorage, Alaska. Table 1
provides a summary of survey results.
Population size (with range or
confidence interval) a
129,000 (50,000–500,000)
(Udevitz et al. 2001, p. 614).
(Johnson et al. 1982, p. 3; Fedoseev 1984, p. 58).
(Udevitz et al. 2001, p. 614).
(Gilbert et al. 1992, p. 28).
(Speckman et al. 2010).
aDue to differences in methods, comparisons of estimates across years (population trends) are not possible. Most estimates did not provide a
range or confidence interval.
We acknowledge that these survey
results suggest to some that the walrus
population may be declining; however,
we do not believe the survey
methodologies support such a definitive
conclusion. Resource managers in
Russia have concluded that the
population has declined, and
accordingly, have reduced harvest
quotas in recent years (Kochnev 2004, p.
284; Kochnev 2005, p. 4; Kochnev,
2010, pers. comm.), based in part on the
lower abundance estimate generated
from the 2006 survey results. However,
past survey results are not directly
comparable among years due to
differences in survey methods, timing of
surveys, segments of the population
surveyed, and incomplete coverage of
areas where walruses may have been
present (Fay et al. 1997, p. 537); thus,
these results do not provide a basis for
determining trends in population size
(Hills and Gilbert 1994, p. 203; Gilbert
1999, pp. 75–84). Whether prior
estimates are biased low or high is
unknown, because of problems with
detecting individual animals on ice or
land, and in open water, and difficulties
counting animals in large, dense groups
(Speckman et al. 2010, p. 33). In
addition, no survey has ever been
completed within a timeframe that
could account for the redistribution of
individuals (leading to double counting
or undercounting), or before weather
conditions either delayed the effort or
completely terminated the survey before
the entire area of potentially occupied
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habitat had been covered (Speckman et
al. 2010). Due to these general problems,
as well as seasonal differences among
surveys (fall or spring) and
technological advancements that correct
for some problems, we do not believe
the survey results provide a reliable
basis for estimating a population trend.
Changes in the walrus population
have also been investigated by
examining changes in biological
parameters over time. Based on
evidence of changes in abundance,
distributions, condition indices, and
life-history parameters, Fay et al. (1989,
pp.1–16) and Fay et al. (1997, pp. 537–
565) concluded that the Pacific walrus
population increased greatly in size
during the 1960s and 1970s, and
postulated that the population was
approaching, or had exceeded, the
carrying capacity of its environment by
the early 1980s. Harvest increased in the
1980s: changes in the size, composition,
and productivity of the sampled walrus
harvest in the Bering Strait Region of
Alaska over this time frame are
consistent with this hypothesis (GarlichMiller et al. 2006, p. 892). Harvest levels
declined sharply in the early 1990s, and
increased reproductive rates and earlier
maturation in females occurred,
suggesting that density-dependent
regulatory mechanisms had been
relaxed and the population was likely
below carrying capacity (Garlich-Miller
et al. 2006, p. 893). However, GarlichMiller et al. (2006, pp. 892–893) also
noted that there are no data concerning
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the trend in abundance of the walrus
population or the status of its prey to
verify this hypothesis, and that whether
density-dependent changes in lifehistory parameters might have been
mediated by changes in population
abundance or changes in the carrying
capacity of the environment is
Summary of Information Pertaining to
the Five Factors
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533)
and implementing regulations (50 CFR
part 424) set forth the procedures for
adding species to, removing species
from, or reclassifying species on the
Federal Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Under
section 4(a)(1) of the Act, a species may
be determined to be endangered or
threatened based on any of the
following five factors:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
(B) Overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
(C) Disease or predation;
(D) The inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or
(E) Other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence.
In making this 12-month finding, we
considered and evaluated the best
available scientific and commercial
information. Information pertaining to
the Pacific walrus in relation to the five
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
factors provided in section 4(a)(1) of the
Act is discussed below.
In considering what factors might
constitute threats to a species, we must
look beyond the exposure of the species
to a particular stressor to evaluate
whether the species may respond to that
stressor in a way that causes actual
impacts to the species. If there is
exposure to a stressor and the species
responds negatively, the stressor may be
a threat and we attempt to determine
how significant a threat it is. The threat
is significant if it drives, or contributes
to, the risk of extinction of the species
such that the species warrants listing as
endangered or threatened as those terms
are defined in the Act. However, the
identification of stressors that could
impact a species negatively may not be
sufficient to compel a finding that the
species warrants listing. The
information must include evidence
sufficient to suggest that these stressors
are operative threats that act on the
species to the point that the species
meets the definition of endangered or
threatened under the Act. Also, because
an individual stressor may not be a
threat by itself, but could be in
conjunction with one or more other
stressors, our process includes
considering the combined effects of
To inform our analysis of threats to
the Pacific walrus, we also took into
consideration the results of two
Bayesian network modeling efforts; one
conducted by the Service (GarlichMiller et al. 2011), and the other
conducted by the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) (Jay et al. 2010b).
Although quantitative, empirical data
can be used in Bayesian networks, when
primarily qualitative data are available,
such as for the Pacific walrus, the
models are well suited to formalizing
and quantifying the opinions of experts
(Marcot et al. 2006, p. 3063). Bayesian
network models (also known as
Bayesian belief networks, reflecting the
importance of expert opinion)
graphically display the relevant
stressors, the interactions among
stressors, and the cumulative impact of
those stressors as they are integrated
through the network. In general terms,
the network is composed of input
variables that represent key
environmental correlates (e.g., sea-ice
loss, harvest, shipping) and response
variables, (e.g., population status).
Although we did not rely on the results
of the Bayesian models as the sole basis
for our conclusions in this finding, the
models corroborated the results of our
threats analysis. Results of the models
are presented in the five-factor analysis
below, where pertinent.
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Factor A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range
The following potential stressors that
may affect the habitat or range of the
Pacific walrus are discussed in this
section: (1) Loss of sea ice due to
climate change; and (2) effects on prey
species due to ocean warming and
ocean acidification.
Effects of Global Climate Change on SeaIce Habitats
The Pacific walrus depends on sea ice
for several aspects of its life history.
This section describes recent
observations and future projections of
sea-ice conditions in the Bering and
Chukchi Seas through the end of the
21st century. Following this
presentation on the changing ice
dynamics, we examine how these
changing ice conditions may affect the
Pacific walrus population.
The Arctic Ocean is covered primarily
by a mix of multi-year sea ice, whereas
more southerly regions, such as the
Bering Sea, are seasonal ice zones where
first-year ice is renewed every winter.
The observed and projected effects of
global warming vary in different parts of
the world, and the Arctic and Antarctic
regions are increasingly recognized as
being extremely vulnerable to current
and projected effects. For several
decades, the surface air temperatures in
the Arctic have warmed at
approximately twice the global rate
(Christensen et al. 2007, p. 904). The
observed and projected effects of
climate change are most extreme during
summer in northern high-latitude
regions, in large part due to the icealbedo (reflective property) feedback
mechanism, in which melting of snow
and sea ice lowers surface reflectivity,
thereby further increasing surface
warming from absorption of solar
Since 1979 (the beginning of the
satellite record of sea-ice conditions),
there has been an overall reduction in
the extent of Arctic sea ice (Parkinson
et al. 1999, p. 20837; Comiso 2002, p.
1956; Stroeve et al. 2005, pp. 1–4;
Comiso 2006, pp. 1–3; Meier et al. 2007,
p. 428; Stroeve et al. 2007, p. 1; Comiso
et al. 2008, p. 1; Stroeve et al. 2008, p.
13). Although the decline is a yearround trend, far greater reductions have
been noted in summer sea ice than in
winter sea ice. For example, from 1979
to 2009, the extent of September sea ice
seen Arctic wide has declined 11
percent per decade (Polyak et al. 2010,
p. 1797). In recent years, the trend in
Arctic sea-ice loss has accelerated
(Comiso et al. 2008, p. 1). In September
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2007, the extent of Arctic Ocean sea ice
reached a record low, approximately 50
percent lower than conditions in the
1950s through the 1970s, and 23 percent
below the previous record set in 2005
(Stroeve et al. 2008, p. 13). Minimum
sea-ice extent in 2010 was the third
lowest in the satellite record, behind
2007 and 2008 (second lowest), and
most of this loss occurred on the Pacific
side of the Arctic Ocean.
Of long-term significance is the loss of
over 40 percent of Arctic multi-year sea
ice over the last 5 years (Kwok et al.
2009, p. 1). Since 2004, there has been
a reversal in the volumetric and areal
contributions between first-year ice and
multi-year ice in regards to the total
volume and area of the Arctic Ocean
that they cover, with first-year ice now
predominating (Kwok et al. 2009, p. 16).
Export of ice through Fram Strait,
together with the decline in multi-year
ice coverage, suggests that recently there
has been near-zero replenishment of
multi-year ice (Kwok et al. 2009, p. 16).
The area of the Arctic Ocean covered by
ice predominantly older than 5 years
decreased by 56 percent between 1982
and 2007 (Polyak et al. 2010, p. 1759).
Within the central Arctic Ocean, old ice
has declined by 88 percent, and ice that
is at least 9 years old has essentially
disappeared (Markus et al. 2009, p. 13:
Polyak et al. 2010, p. 1759). In addition,
from 2005 to 2008 there was a thinning
of 0.6 m (1.9 ft) in multi-year ice
thickness. It is likely that the rapid
decline of sea ice in 2007 was in part
the result of thinner and lower coverage,
of the multi-year ice (Comiso et al. 2008,
p. 6). It would take many years to
restore the ice thickness through annual
growth, and the loss of multi-year ice
makes it unlikely that the age and
thickness composition of the ice pack
will return to previous climatological
conditions with continued global
warming. Further loss of sea ice will be
a major driver of changes across the
Arctic over the next decades, especially
in late summer and autumn (NOAA
2010, p. 77503).
Due to asymmetric geography of the
Arctic and the scale of weather patterns,
there is considerable regional variability
in sea-ice cover (Meier et al. 2007, p.
430), and although the early loss of
summer sea ice and volumetric ice loss
in the Arctic applies directly to the
Chukchi Sea, it cannot be directly
extrapolated to the seasonal ice zone of
the Bering Sea (NOAA 2010, p. 77503).
The contrasts between the two are
dramatic: The Bering Sea is one of the
most stable in terms of sea ice,
especially in the winter, and the
Chukchi Sea has had some of the most
dramatic losses of summer sea ice
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
(Meier et al., p. 431). Below, we describe
the sea-ice conditions in the Bering and
Chukchi Seas as they occur presently, as
well as recent trends and projections for
the future.
In March and April, at maximal seaice extent, the Chukchi Sea is typically
completely frozen, and ice cover in the
Bering Sea extends southward to a
latitude of approximately 58–60 degrees
north (Boveng et al. 2008, pp. 33–52).
The Bering Sea spans the marginal seaice zone, where ice gives way to water
at the southern edge, and around the
peripheries of persistent polynyas. Sea
ice in the Bering Sea is highly dynamic
and largely a wind-driven system
(Sasaki and Minobe 2005, pp. 1–2). Ice
cover is comprised of a variety of firstyear ice thicknesses, from young, very
thin ice to first-year floes that may be
upwards of 1.0-m (3.3-ft) thick (Burns et
al. 1980, p. 100; Zhang et al. 2010, p.
1729). Depending on wind patterns, a
variable (but relatively minor) fraction
of ice that drifts south through the
Bering Strait could be comprised of
some thicker ice floes that originated in
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas (Kozo et
al. 1987, pp. 193–195).
Ice melt in the Bering Sea usually
begins in late April and accelerates in
May, with the edge of the ice moving
northward until it passes through the
Bering Strait, typically in June. The
Bering Sea remains ice free for the
duration of the summer. Ice continues to
retreat northward through the Chukchi
Sea until September, when minimal seaice extent is reached.
Freeze-up begins in October, with the
ice edge progressing southward across
the Chukchi Sea. The ice edge usually
reaches the Bering Strait in November
and advances through the Strait in
December. The ice edge continues to
move southward across the Bering Sea
until its maximal extent is reached in
March. There is considerable year-toyear variation in the timing and extent
of ice retreat and formation (Boveng et
al. 2008, p. 37; Douglas 2010, p. 19).
Within various regions of the Arctic,
there is substantial variation in the
monthly trends of sea ice (Meier et al.
2007, p. 431). In the Bering Sea,
statistically significant monthly
reductions in the extent of sea ice over
the period 1979–2005 were documented
for March (¥4.8 percent), October
(¥42.9 percent), and November (¥20.3
percent), although the overall annual
decline (¥1.9 percent) is not
statistically significant (Meier et al.
2007, p. 431). The Bering Sea declines
were greatest in October and November,
the period of early freeze-up. In the
Chukchi Sea, statistically significant
monthly reductions were also
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documented for 1979 to 2005 for May
(¥0.19 percent), June (¥4.3 percent),
July (¥6.7 percent), August (¥15.4
percent), September (¥26.3 percent),
October (¥18.6 percent), and November
(¥8.0 percent): The overall annual
reduction (¥4.9 percent) is statistically
significant (Meier et al. 2007, p. 431). In
essence, the Chukchi Sea has shown
declines in all months when it is not
completely ice-covered, with greatest
declines in months of maximal melt and
early freeze-up (August, September, and
During the period 1979–2006, the
September sea-ice extent in the Chukchi
Sea decreased by 26 percent per decade
(Douglas 2010, p. 2). In recent years, sea
ice typically has retreated from
continental shelf regions of the Chukchi
Sea in August or September, with open
water conditions persisting over much
of the continental shelf through late
October. In contrast, during the
preceding 20 years (1979–1998), broken
sea-ice habitat persisted over
continental shelf areas of the Chukchi
Sea through the entire summer (Jay and
Fischbach 2008, p. 1).
From 1979 to 2007, there was a
general trend toward earlier onset of ice
melt and later onset of freeze-up in 9 of
10 Arctic regions analyzed by Markus et
al. (2009, pp. 1–14), the exception being
the Sea of Okhotsk. For the entire
Arctic, the melt season length has
increased by about 20 days over the last
30 years, due to the combined earlier
melt and later freeze-up. The largest
increases, of over 10 days per decade,
have been seen for Hudson Bay, the East
Greenland Sea, and the Laptev/East
Siberian Seas. From 1979 to 2007, there
was a general trend toward earlier onset
of ice melt and later onset of freeze-up
in both the Bering and Chukchi Seas:
For the Bering Sea, the onset of ice melt
occurred 1.0 day earlier per decade,
while in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas ice
melt occurred 3.5 days earlier per
decade. The onset of freeze-up in the
Bering Sea occurred 1.0 day later per
decade, while freeze-up in the Chukchi/
Beaufort Seas occurred 6.9 days later
per decade (Markus et al. 2009, p. 11).
Later freeze-up in the Arctic does not
necessarily mean that less seasonal sea
ice forms by winter’s end in the
peripheral seas, such as the Bering and
Chukchi Seas (Boveng et al. 2008, p.
35). For example, in 2007 (the year
when the record minimal Arctic
summer sea-ice extent was recorded),
the Chukchi Sea did not freeze until
early December and the Bering Sea
remained largely ice-free until the
middle of December (Boveng et al. 2008,
p. 35). However, rapid cooling and
advancing of sea ice in late December
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and early January resulted in most of the
eastern Bering Sea shelf being icecovered by mid-January, an advance of
900 km (559 mi), or 30 km per day (19
mi per day). Maximum ice extent
occurred in late March, with ice
covering much of the shelf, resulting in
a near record maximum ice extent. Ice
then slowly retreated, and the Bering
Sea was not ice-free until almost July.
Therefore, winter ice conditions are not
necessarily related to the summer-fall
ice conditions of the previous year.
Model Projections of Future Sea Ice
The analysis and synthesis of
information presented by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) in its Fourth Assessment
Report (AR4) in 2007 represents the
scientific consensus view on the causes
and future of climate change. The IPCC
AR4 used state-of-the-art AtmosphereOcean General Circulation Models
(GCMs) and a range of possible future
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
scenarios to project plausible outcomes
globally and regionally, including
projections of temperature and Arctic
sea-ice conditions through the 21st
The GCMs use the laws of physics to
simulate the main components of the
climate system (the atmosphere, ocean,
land surface, and sea ice) and to make
projections as to the response of these
components to future emissions of
GHGs. The IPCC used simulations from
about 2 dozen GCMs developed by 17
international modeling centers as the
basis for the AR4 (Randall et al. 2007,
pp. 596–599). The GCM results are
archived as part of the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project–Phase 3
(CMIP3) at the Program for Climate
Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
(PCMDI). The CMIP3 GCMs provide
projections of future effects that could
result from climate change, because they
are built on well-known dynamical and
physical principles, and they plausibly
simulate many large-scale aspects of
present-day conditions. However, the
coarse resolution of most current
climate models dictates careful
application on smaller spatial scales in
heterogeneous regions.
The IPCC AR4 used six ‘‘marker’’
scenarios from the Special Report on
Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (Carter et
al. 2007, p. 160) to develop climate
projections spanning a broad range of
GHG emissions through the end of the
21st century under clearly stated
assumptions about socioeconomic
factors that could influence the
emissions. The six ‘‘marker’’ scenarios
are classified according to their
emissions as ‘‘high’’ (A1F1, A2),
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
‘‘medium’’ (A1B and B2) and ‘‘low’’
(A1T, B1). The SRES made no judgment
as to which of the scenarios were more
likely to occur, and the scenarios were
not assigned probabilities of occurrence
(Carter et al. 2007, p. 160). The IPCC
focused on three of the marker
scenarios—B1, A1B, and A2—for its
synthesis of the climate modeling
efforts, because they represented ‘‘low,’’
‘‘medium,’’ and ‘‘high,’’ scenarios; this
choice stemmed from the constraints of
available computer resources that
precluded realizations of all six
scenarios by all modeling centers
(Meehl et al. 2007, p. 753). With regard
to these three emissions scenarios, the
IPCC Working Group I report noted:
‘‘Qualitative conclusions derived from
these three scenarios are in most cases
also valid for other SRES scenarios’’
(Meehl et al. 2007, p. 761). It is
important to note that the SRES
scenarios do not contain additional
climate initiatives (e.g., implementation
of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change or the
emissions targets of the Kyoto Protocol)
beyond current mitigation policies
(IPCC 2007, p. 22). The SRES scenarios
do, however, have built-in emissions
reductions that are substantial, based on
assumptions that a certain amount of
technological change and reduction of
emissions would occur in the absence of
climate policies; recent analysis shows
that two-thirds or more of all the energy
efficiency improvements and
decarbonization of energy supply
needed to stabilize GHGs is built into
the IPCC reference scenarios (Pielke et
al. 2008, p. 531).
There are three main contributors to
divergence in GCM climate projections:
Large natural variations, across-model
differences, and the range-in-emissions
scenarios (Hawkins and Sutton 2009, p.
1096). The first of these, variability from
natural variation, can be incorporated
by averaging the projections over
decades, or, preferably, by forming
ensemble averages from several runs of
the same model.
The second source of variation is
model to model differences in the way
that physical processes are incorporated
into the various GCMs. Because of these
differences, projections of future climate
conditions depend, to a certain extent,
on the choice of GCMs used.
Uncertainty in the amount of warming
out to mid-century is primarily a
function of these model-to-model
differences. The most common
approach to address the uncertainty and
biases inherent in individual models is
to use the median or mean outcome of
several predictive models (a multimodel ensemble) for inference.
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Excluding models that poorly simulate
observational data is also a common
approach to reducing the spread of
uncertainty among projections from
multi-model ensembles.
The third source of variation arises
from the range in plausible GHG
emissions scenarios. Conditions such as
surface air temperature and sea-ice area
are linked in the IPCC climate models
to GHG emissions by the physics of
radiation processes. When CO2 is added
to the atmosphere, it has a long
residence time and is only slowly
removed by ocean absorption and other
processes. Based on IPCC AR4 climate
models, expected global warming—
defined as the change in global mean
surface air temperature (SAT)—by the
year 2100 depends strongly on the
assumed emissions of CO2 and other
GHGs. By contrast, warming out to
about 2040–2050 will be largely due to
emissions that have already occurred
and those that will occur over the next
decade (Meehl 2007, p. 749). Thus,
conditions projected to mid-century are
less sensitive to assumed future
emission scenarios. For the second half
of the 21st century, however, and
especially by 2100, the choice of the
emission scenario becomes the major
source of variation among climate
projections and dominates over natural
variability and model-to-model
differences (IPCC 2007, pp. 44–46).
Because the SRES group and the IPCC
made no judgment on the likelihood of
any of the scenarios, and the scenarios
were not assigned probabilities of
occurrence, one option for representing
the full range of variability in potential
outcomes, would be to evaluate
projections from all models under all
marker scenarios for which sea-ice
projections are available to the scientific
community—A2, A1B, and B1. Another
typical procedure for projecting future
outcomes is to use an intermediate
scenario, such as A1B, to predict
changes, or one intermediate and one
high scenario (e.g., A1B and A2) to
capture a range of variability.
Several factors suggest that the A1B
scenario may be a particularly
appropriate choice of scenario to use for
projections of sea-ice declines in the
Arctic and its marginal seas. First, the
A1B scenario is widely used in
modeling because it is a ‘‘medium’’
emissions scenario characterized by a
future world of very rapid economic
growth, global population that peaks in
mid-century and declines thereafter,
rapid introduction of new and more
efficient technologies, and development
of energy technologies that are balanced
across energy sources, and it contains
no assumption of mitigation policies
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that may or not be realized. Thus, there
are a number of studies in the published
sea-ice literature that use the A1B
scenario and can, therefore, be used for
comparative purposes (e.g., Overland
and Wang 2007; Holland et al. 2010;
Wang et al. 2010). Second, both the A1B
and A2 scenarios project similar
declines in hemispheric sea-ice extent
out to 2100 (Meehl et al. 2007, Figure
10.13, p. 771); thus, little new
understanding is gained by using
projections from both scenarios (see
discussion of Douglas 2010 in
subsequent paragraphs). Third, model
projections based on the B1 scenario
appear to be overly conservative (Meehl
et al. 2007, Figure 10.13, p. 771), in that
sea ice is declining even faster than the
decline forecasted by the A1B scenario
(see discussion at end of this section).
Fourth, current global carbon emissions
appear to be tracking slightly above
(Raupach et al. 2007, Figure 1, p. 10289;
LeQuere et al. 2009, Figure 1a, p. 2;
Global Carbon Project 2010 at https://
2009_29November2010.pdf) or slightly
below (Manning et al. 2010, Figure 1, p.
377) the A1B trajectory at this point in
time. It may be reasonable to project this
or a higher trend in global carbon
emissions into the near future (Garnaut
et al. 2008, Figure 5, p. 392; Sheehan
2008, Figure 2, p. 220; but see caveat by
van Vuuren et al. 2010). Fifth, there is
a growing body of opinion that
stabilizing GHG emissions at levels well
below the A1B scenario (e.g., at 450
parts per million (ppm), equivalent to a
2 degree Celsius increase in
temperature) will be difficult in the
absence of substantial policy-mandated
mitigation (e.g., Garnaut et al. 2007, p.
398; den Elzen and Hohne 2008, p. 250;
Pielke et al. 2008, pp. 531–532;
Macintosh 2009, p. 3; den Elzen et al.
2010, p. 314; Tomassini et al. 2010, p.
418; Anderson and Bows 2011, p. 20),
largely as a result of continuing high
emissions in certain developed
countries, and recent and projected
growth in the economies and energy
demands of rapidly developing
countries (e.g., Garnaut et al. 2008, p.
392; Auffhammer and Carson 2008, p. 1;
Pielke et al. 2008, p. 532; U.S. Energy
Information Administration 2010, pp.
123–124, 128). Because of these factors,
we conclude that sea-ice projections
developed by using the A1B forcing
scenario provide an appropriate basis
for evaluating potential impacts to
habitat and related impacts to the
Pacific walrus population in the future.
Our analysis of sea-ice response to
global warming within the range of the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Pacific walrus (Bering and Chukchi
Seas) carefully considered the synthesis
of GCM projections presented by
Douglas (2010). We provide a broad
overview of the methods and findings of
the report by Douglas (2010), details of
which are available in the full report.
Douglas (2010, pp. 4–5) quantified
sea-ice projections (from the A2 and
A1B scenarios) by 18 CMIP3 GCM
models prepared for the IPCC fourth
reporting period, as well as 2 GCM
subsets which excluded models that
poorly simulated the 1979–2008
satellite record of Bering and Chukchi
sea-ice conditions. Analyses focused on
the annual cycle of sea-ice extent within
the range of the Pacific walrus
population, specifically the continental
shelf waters of the Bering and Chukchi
Seas. Models were selected for the two
subsets, respectively, when their
simulated mean ice extent and
seasonality during 1979–2008 were
within two standard deviations (SD2)
and one standard deviation (SD1) of the
observed means. In consideration of
observations of ice-free conditions
across the Chukchi Sea in recent years
in late summer, any models that failed
to simulate at least 1 ice-free month in
the Chukchi Sea were also excluded
from the Chukchi Sea subset ensembles.
Ice observations and the projections of
individual GCMs were pooled over 10year periods to integrate natural
variability (Douglas 2010, p. 5).
To quantify projected changes in
monthly sea-ice extent, Douglas (2010,
p. 31) compared future monthly sea-ice
projections for the Bering and Chukchi
Seas at mid-century (2045–2054) and
late-century (2090–2099) with two
decades from the observational record
(1979–1988 and 1999–2008). The
earliest observational period (1979–
1988), which coincides with a
timeframe during which the Pacific
walrus population was considered to be
occupying most of its historical range
(Fay 1982, pp. 7–21), provides a useful
baseline for examining projected
changes in sea-ice habitats.
Douglas (2010, p. 7) found that
projected median sea-ice extents under
both the A1B and A2 forcing scenarios
are qualitatively similar in the Bering
and Chukchi Seas in all seasons
throughout the 21st century. This
finding is consistent with the generally
similar declines in hemispheric sea-ice
extent between the A1B and A2
scenarios out to 2100 (Meehl et al. 2007,
Figure 10.13, p. 771). Thus, our decision
to focus on ice projections by the A1B
forcing scenario (as described above) is
further substantiated, as there would be
little insight gained by considering the
A2 scenario.
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The analysis of Douglas (2010, pp. 24,
31) yields mid-century projections that
indicate sea-ice extent in the Bering Sea
will decline for all months when sea ice
has historically been present, i.e., for
October through June. The most
pronounced reductions in Bering Sea
ice extent at mid-century in terms of the
percent change from baseline conditions
are expected in the months of June and
November, which reflects an
increasingly early onset of ice-free or
nearly ice-free conditions in the early
summer and later onset of sea-ice
development in the fall. In June, the
projected extent of sea ice is ¥63
percent of the 1979–1988 baseline level,
while the projected extent for November
is approximately is ¥88 percent of the
baseline level. By late century,
substantial declines in Bering Sea ice
extent are projected for all months, with
losses ranging from 57 percent in April,
to 100 percent loss of sea ice in
November (Douglas 2010, p. 31). The
onset of substantial freezing in the
Bering Sea is projected to be delayed
until January by late century, with little
or no ice projected to remain in May by
the end of the century (Douglas 2010,
pp. 8, 24, 31).
Historically, sea-ice cover has
persisted, to at least some extent, over
continental shelf waters of the Chukchi
Sea all 12 months of the year, although
the extent of sea ice has varied by
month. For example, for the 1979–1988
period, the median extent of sea ice
varied from about 50 percent in
September to essentially 100 percent
from late November through early May
(Douglas 2010, p. 19). A pattern of
extensive sea-ice cover (approaching
100 percent) in late winter and early
spring (February–April) is expected to
persist through the end of the century.
Projections of sea-ice loss during June
in the Chukchi Sea are relatively
modest; however, the sea ice is
projected to retreat rapidly during the
month of July (Douglas 2010, p. 12).
Model subset medians project a 2-month
ice-free season at mid-century and a 4month ice-free season at the end of the
century, centered around the month of
September (Douglas 2010, pp. 8, 22, 24),
with some models showing up to 5
months ice-free by end of the century
(Douglas 2010, pp. 12, 22, 24). In the
most recent observational decade (1999–
2008), the southern extent of the Arctic
ice pack has retreated and advanced
through the Bering Strait in the months
of June and November, respectively. By
the end of the century, these transition
months may shift to May (1 month
earlier) and January (2 months later),
respectively (Douglas 2010, pp. 12, 25–
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The projected loss of sea ice involves
uncertainty. In discussing this, Douglas
2010 (p. 11) states, in part: ‘‘Ice-free
conditions in the Chukchi Sea are
attained for a 3-month period (August–
October) at the end of the century (fig
7) with almost complete agreement
among models of the SD2 subset (fig 12).
Consequently, a higher degree of
confidence can accompany hypotheses
or decisions premised on this outcome
and timeframe.’’ Douglas also notes
there is greater confidence in
projections that the Chukchi Sea will
continue to be completely ice covered
during February–April at the end of
century, and that large uncertainties are
prevalent during the melt and freeze
seasons, particularly June, November,
and December (Douglas 2010, p. 11).
Several other investigations have
analyzed model projections of sea-ice
change in the Bering and Chukchi Seas
and reported results that are consistent
with those of Douglas (2010). Wang et
al. (2010, p. 258) investigated sea-ice
projections to mid-century for the
Bering Sea using a subset of models
selected on the basis of their ability to
simulate sea-ice area in the late 20th
century. Their projections show an
average decrease in March–April sea-ice
coverage of 43 percent by the decade
centered on 2050, with a reasonable
degree of consistency among models.
Boveng et al. (2008, pp. 39–40) analyzed
a subset of IPCC AR4 GCM models
(selected for accuracy in simulating
observed ice conditions) to evaluate
spring (April–June) conditions in the
Bering Sea out to 2050. Their analysis
suggested that by mid-century, a modest
decrease in the extent of sea ice in the
Bering Sea is expected during the month
of April, and that ice cover in May will
remain variable, with some years having
considerably reduced ice cover. June
sea-ice cover in the Bering Sea since the
1970s has been consistently low or
absent. Their models project that by
2050, ice cover in the Bering Sea will
essentially disappear in June, with only
a rare year when the ice cover exceeds
0.05 million sq km (0.03 million sq mi)
(Boveng et al. 2008, pp. 39–40), a
projection similar to that reported by
Douglas (2010, p. 24).
Boveng et al. (2009, pp. 44–54) used
a subset of IPCC AR4 models to further
investigate sea-ice coverage in the
eastern Bering Sea (the area of greatest
walrus distribution in the Bering Sea),
Bering Strait, and the Chukchi Sea out
to 2070. For the eastern Bering Sea, they
projected that sea-ice coverage will
decline in the spring and fall, with fall
declines exceeding those of spring. By
2050, average sea-ice extent in
November and December would be
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
approximately 14 percent of the 1980–
1999 mean, while sea-ice extent from
March to May would be about 70
percent of the 1980–1999 mean. For the
Bering Strait region, the model
projections indicated a longer ice-free
period by 2050, largely as a result of
decreasing ice coverage in November
and December. By 2050, they project
that the March–May sea-ice extent in
the Bering Strait region would be 80
percent of the 1980–1999 mean, while
November ice extent would be 20
percent of the mean for that reference
period. For the Chukchi Sea, Boveng et
al. (2009, pp. 49–50) reported a
projected reduction in sea-ice extent for
November by 2050, a slight decline for
June by 2070, and a clear reduction for
November and December by 2070.
Several authors note that sea-ice
extent in the Arctic is decreasing at a
rate faster than projected by most IPCCrecognized GCMs (Stroeve et al. 2007, p.
1; Overland and Wang 2007, p. 1; Wang
and Overland 2009, p. 1; Wang et al.
2010, p. 258), suggesting that GCM
projections of 21st century sea-ice losses
may be conservative (Douglas 2010, p.
11, and citations therein) and that icefree conditions in September in the
Arctic may likely be achieved sooner
than projected by most models using the
A1B forcing scenario. In describing the
‘‘faster than forecast’’ situation, Douglas
notes that the minimum ice extents in
the Arctic for the summers of 2007–
2009 were well below the previous
record set in 2005, and concurs that
serious consideration must be given to
the possibility that the CMIP3 GCM
projections collectively yield
conservative time frames for sea-ice
losses in this century (Douglas 2010, p.
11); i.e., the projected changes he
reports for the range of the Pacific
walrus may occur sooner than the
model projections indicate.
In conclusion, the actual loss of sea
ice in recent years in the Arctic has been
faster than previously forecast, current
GHG emissions are at or above those
expected under the A1B scenario that
we (and most scientists studying Arctic
sea ice) relied on, models converge in
predicting the extended absence of sea
ice in the Chukchi Sea at the end of the
century (Douglas 2010, pp. 12, 29), and
there has been a marked loss of sea ice
over the Chukchi Sea in the past decade.
The best scientific information available
gives us a high level of confidence that
despite some uncertainty among the
models, the projections are generally
consistent and provide a reliable basis
for us to conclude that sea-ice loss in
the range of the Pacific walrus has a
high likelihood of continuing.
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Effects of Changing Sea-Ice Conditions
on Pacific Walruses
The Pacific walrus is an icedependent species. Walruses are poorly
adapted to life in the open ocean and
must periodically haul out to rest.
Floating pack ice creates habitat from
which breeding behavior is staged (Fay
et al. 1984, p. 81), and it provides a
platform for calving (Fay 1982, p. 199),
access to offshore feeding areas over the
continental shelf of the Bering and
Chukchi Seas, passive transportation
among feeding areas (Ray et al. 2006,
pp. 404–407), and isolation from
terrestrial predators and hunters. In this
section, we first analyze the effects of
sea-ice loss on breeding and calving,
because these are essential life-history
events that depend on ice in specific
seasons. In the second part of this
section, we analyze how the anticipated
increasing use of coastal haulouts due to
the loss of sea-ice habitat may cause
localized prey depletion and affect
walrus foraging, as well as increase their
susceptibility to trampling, predation,
and hunting.
Effects of Sea-Ice Loss on Breeding and
During the January-to-March breeding
season, walruses congregate in the
Bering Sea pack ice (Fay 1982, pp. 8–
11, 193; Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89–99),
where the ice creates the stage for
breeding. Females congregate in herds
on the ice and the bulls station
themselves in the water alongside the
herd and perform visual and acoustical
displays (Fay 1982, p. 193). Breeding
aggregations have been reported
southwest of St. Lawrence Island,
Alaska, south of Nunivak Island, Alaska,
and south of the Chukotka Peninsula in
the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia (Fay 1982, p.
21; Mymrin et al. 1990, pp. 105–113). It
is unlikely that breeding is tied to a
specific geographic location, because of
the large seasonal and inter-annual
variability in sea-ice cover in the Bering
Sea at this time of year. Fay et al. (1984,
p. 80) indicate probable changes in the
locations of breeding aggregations based
on differing amounts of sea ice. We
anticipate that seasonal pack ice will
continue to form across large areas of
the northern Bering Sea, primarily in
January–March, and will persist in most
years through April (Douglas 2010, p.
The distribution of walruses during
the winter breeding season will likely
shift in the future in response to
changing patterns of sea-ice
development. Core areas of winter
abundance south of Saint Lawrence
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Island and the Gulf of Anadyr will
likely continue to have adequate ice
cover to support breeding aggregations
through mid-century, as the extent of
sea ice will still be relatively
substantial, although slightly
diminished from the current extent
(Douglas 2010, p. 25). Walruses
currently wintering in Northern Bristol
Bay will likely shift their distribution
northward in response to the projected
loss of seasonal pack ice in this region
(Douglas 2010, p. 25). By the end of the
century, winter sea-ice extent across the
Bering Sea is expected to be greatly
reduced, and the median sea-ice edge is
projected to be farther to the north
(Douglas 2010, p. 25). Based on these
projections, core areas of winter
abundance and breeding aggregations
will likely shift farther north.
Potentially, the breeding aggregations
may shift into areas north of the Bering
Strait in the southern Chukchi Sea in
some years by the end of the century
(Douglas 2010, pp. 24, 28).
Although the location of winter
breeding aggregations will likely shift in
response to projected reductions in seaice extent, sea-ice platforms for herds of
females will persist during the breeding
season; therefore, we conclude that
suitable conditions for breeding will
likely persist into the foreseeable future.
We have no information that indicates
that the specific location of the ice is
important, and sea ice is expected to
remain over shallow, food-rich areas.
Therefore, we do not consider changes
in sea-ice extent during the winter
breeding season to be a threat now or in
the foreseeable future.
Female walruses typically give birth
to a single calf in May on sea ice, shortly
before or during the northward spring
migration through the Bering Strait. By
mid-century, ice extent in the Bering
Strait Region is projected to be reduced
during the May calving season, and by
end of century, the Bering Sea is
projected to be largely sea-ice-free
during the month of May (Douglas 2010,
p. 25). As is the case with breeding, the
birth of a calf and the natal period in the
weeks that follow are probably not tied
to specific geographic locations. It is
reasonable to assume that suitable ice
conditions for calving and post-calving
activity on sea ice will persist into the
foreseeable future, even though the
location of favorable ice conditions is
likely to shift further to the north over
We conclude that changes in sea ice
during the spring calving season (April–
May) are not a threat now or in the
foreseeable future. We have no
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
information that indicates the specific
location of the ice is important, and sea
ice would remain over shallow, foodrich areas.
Summary of Effects of Sea-Ice Loss on
Breeding and Calving
Breeding and calving activities utilize
ice as a platform in the months of
January through May. Based on our
current understanding of these
activities, the specific location of the ice
is not important. Although sea-ice
extent is projected to move northward
over time, sea ice is expected to persist
in these months and be available for
these life history functions. Therefore,
we do not consider changes in sea-ice
extent to be a threat to breeding or
calving activities now or in the
foreseeable future.
Effects of Increasing Dependence on
Coastal Haulouts Due to Sea-Ice Loss
We begin this discussion with a
summary of sea-ice loss projections and
recent observations. We follow with an
analysis of the potential effects to
Pacific walrus from an increasing
dependence on coastal haulouts,
particularly in the Chukchi Sea, and
examine the use of coastal haulouts by
Atlantic walrus as a potential analog for
Pacific walrus coastal haulout use. We
analyze potential effects of increased
dependency on coastal haulouts
resulting from the loss of sea-ice
habitats. Some of the effects to Pacific
walrus that we have identified as a
result of increasing dependence on
coastal haulouts (i.e., trampling,
predation, and hunting) would typically
be discussed under other Factors. These
effects are discussed in this section in
the context of responses to declining sea
ice; however, it should be noted that we
also discuss predation under Factor C
(Disease or Predation), and hunting
under Factor B (Overutilization for
Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes) and Factor D
(The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory
Summary of Sea-Ice Loss Projections
Sea ice has historically persisted over
continental shelf regions of the Chukchi
Sea through the entire melt season. Over
the past decade, sea ice has begun to
retreat beyond shallow continental shelf
waters in late summer. The recent trend
of rapid ice loss from continental shelf
regions of the Chukchi Sea in July and
August is projected to persist, and will
likely accelerate in the future (Douglas
2010, p. 12). The onset of ice formation
in the fall over continental shelf regions
in the Chukchi and Bering Seas is
expected to be delayed, and by mid-
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century (2045–2054), ice-free conditions
over most continental shelf regions of
the Chukchi Sea are projected to persist
for 2 months (August–September). By
late century, ice-free (or nearly sea-icefree) conditions may persist for 3
months, and extend to 4 to 5 months in
some years (Douglas 2010, pp. 8, 12, 22,
27). The average number of ice-free
months in the Bering Sea is projected to
increase from the approximately 5.5
months currently, to approximately 6.5
and 8.5 months at mid- and end of
century, respectively (Douglas 2010, pp.
12, 27).
Observed and Expected Responses of
Pacific Walruses to Declining Sea-Ice
Adult male walruses make greater use
of coastal haulouts during ice-free
seasons than do females and dependent
young, and consequently, have a
broader distribution during ice-free
seasons. Several thousand bulls remain
in the Bering Sea through the ice-free
summer months, where they make
foraging excursions from coastal
haulouts in Bristol Bay, Alaska and the
Gulf of Anadyr, Russia. The size of these
haulouts has changed over time; for
example, at Round Island, the number
of hauled out walruses grew from about
3,000 animals in the late 1950s to about
12,000 in the early 1980s (Jay and Hills
2005, p. 193), and has subsequently
declined to 2,000–5,000 animals in the
past decade (Sell and Weiss 2010, p.
12). The reasons for changes in walrus
haulout use in the Bering Sea are poorly
understood. Factors that could affect use
of haulouts include; prey abundance
and distribution, walrus density, and
physical alteration or chronic
disturbance at the haulouts (Jay and
Hills 2005, p. 198). Tagged males
traveled up to 130 km (81 mi) to feed
from haulout sites in Bristol Bay (Jay
and Hills 2005, p. 198). Because the
benthic densities are poorly
documented, it is not possible to link
the changes in haulout use by males to
prey depletion. However, non-use of
areas with shallow depths closer to the
haulouts suggests prey was not adequate
for effective foraging (Jay and Hills
2005, p. 198). Males have an advantage
over females in that they are bigger and
stronger and have no responsibilities
related to the care of calves, and thus,
can travel as far as necessary to locate
food. Currently, males utilize terrestrial
haulouts for 5 months or more (Jay and
Hills 2005, p. 198). It is unlikely that the
projected increase in ice-free months in
the Bering Sea will alter male behavior
or survival rates at terrestrial haulouts
because the adult males that utilize
Bering Sea haulouts do not rely on sea
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ice as a foraging platform. Indirect
effects of global climate change on
walrus prey species in this region are
considered separately below in the
section: Effects of Global Climate
Change on Pacific Walrus Prey Species.
Most of the Pacific walrus population
(adult females, calves, juveniles, and
males that have not remained at coastal
haulouts in the Bering Sea) migrate
northward in spring following the
retreating pack ice through the Bering
Strait to summer feeding areas over the
continental shelf in the Chukchi Sea.
Historically, sufficient pack-ice habitat
has persisted over continental shelf
regions of the Chukchi Sea through the
summer months such that walruses in
the Chukchi Sea did not rely on coastal
haulouts with great frequency or in large
numbers. Over the past decade,
however, sea ice has begun to retreat
north beyond shallow continental shelf
waters of the Chukchi Sea in late
summer. This has caused walruses to
relocate to coastal haulouts, which they
use as sites for resting between foraging
excursions. The number of walruses
using land-based haulouts along the
Chukchi Sea coast during the summer
months, and the duration of haulout
use, has increased substantially over the
past decade, with up to several tens of
thousands of animals hauling out at
some locations along the coast of Russia
during ice-free periods (Ovsyanikov et
al. 2007, pp. 1–2; Kochnev 2008, p. 17–
20, Kavry et al. 2008, p. 248–251).
Coastal haulouts have also begun to
form along the Arctic coast of Alaska in
recent years (2007, 2009, and 2010)
when sea ice retreated north of the
continental shelf in late summer
(Service 2010, unpublished data). The
occupation of terrestrial haulouts along
the Chukchi Sea coast for extended
periods of time in late summer and fall
represents a relatively new and
significant change from traditional
habitat use patterns. The consequences
of this observed and projected shift in
habitat use patterns is the primary focus
of our analysis.
As sea ice withdraws from offshore
feeding areas over the continental shelf
of the Chukchi Sea, walruses are
expected to become increasingly
dependent on coastal haulouts as a
foraging base during the summer
months. With a delay the onset of ice
formation in the fall, and in the absence
of sea-ice cover in the southern Chukchi
Sea and northern Bering Sea in the
summer, walruses will likely remain at
coastal haulouts for longer periods of
time until sea ice reforms in the fall or
early winter. By the end of the century,
dependence on Chukchi Sea coastal
haulouts by mixed groups of walruses
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
for resting and as a foraging base may
extend from July into early winter
(December–January), when there may be
up to a 2-month delay in freeze-up
(Douglas 2010, pp. 12, 22). This
expectation is consistent with
observations made by Russian scientists
that some of the coastal haulouts along
the southern Chukchi Sea coast of
Russia have persisted in recent years
into December (Kochnev 2010, pers.
Increased dependence on coastal
haulouts creates the following potential
impacts for walruses: Changes in
foraging patterns and prey depletion;
increased vulnerability to mortality or
injury due to trampling, especially for
calves, juveniles, and females; greater
vulnerability to mortality or injury from
predation; and greater vulnerability to
mortality due to hunting. Each is
discussed in detail below.
Changes in Foraging Patterns and Prey
The loss of seasonal pack ice from
continental shelf areas of the Chukchi
Sea is expected to reduce access to
traditional foraging areas across the
continental shelf and increase
competition among individuals for food
resources in areas close to haulouts.
Information regarding the density of
walrus prey items accessible from
coastal haulouts is limited; however,
some haulouts have supported sizable
concentrations of animals (up to several
tens of thousands of animals) for
periods of up to 4 months in recent
years (Kochnev 2010, pers. comm.).
Many walrus prey species are slow
growing and potentially vulnerable to
overexploitation, and intensive foraging
from coastal haulouts by large numbers
of walruses may eventually result in
localized prey depletion (Ray et al.
2006, p. 412). A walrus requires
approximately 29 to 74 kg (64 to 174
lbs) of food per day (Fay 1982, p. 160),
and may consume 4,000 to 6,000 clams
in one feeding bout (Ray et al. 2006, pp.
408, 412); therefore, when large
numbers of walruses are concentrated
on coastal haulouts, a large amount of
prey (whether clams or other types of
prey) must be available to support them.
The presence of large numbers of
walruses at a coastal haulout over an
extended time period could eventually
lead to localized prey depletion. The
most likely response to localized prey
depletion will be for walruses to seek
out and colonize other terrestrial
haulouts that have suitable foraging
areas (Jay and Hills 2005, p. 198).
However, prey densities along the
Arctic coast are not uniform (Grebmeier
et al. 1989, p. 257; Feder et al. 1994, pp.
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176–177; Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p.
346), and many coastal areas which
provide the physical features of a
suitable haulout, may not have
sufficient food sources. A visual
comparison of areas of high benthic
production (e.g., Springer et al. 1996, p.
209; Dunton et al. 2005, p. 3468;
Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p. 346) and
areas that have supported large
terrestrial haulouts of walruses (e.g.,
Cape Inkigur, Cape Serdtse-Kamen)
indicates that walruses have historically
selected sites near areas of very high
benthic productivity. Benthic
productivity along part of the western
shore of Alaska (i.e., along the eastern
edge of the Chukchi Sea) is low because
of the nutrient-poor waters of the Alaska
Coastal Current, especially for instance,
in the Kotzebue Sound (Dunton et al.
2005, p. 3468; Dunton et al. 2006, p.
369; Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p. 346).
Consequently, the number of sites with
adequate food resources to support large
aggregations of walruses is likely
A consequence of prey depletion
could be an increased energetic cost to
locate sufficient food resources
(Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, p. 770;
Jay et al. 2010b, pp. 9–10). Energetic
costs to walruses will increase if they
have to travel greater distances to locate
prey, or foraging efficiency is reduced as
a consequence of lower prey densities
(Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, p. 770;
Jay et al. 2010b, pp. 9–10). Observations
by Russian scientists at haulouts along
the coast of Chukotka (along the western
side of the Chukchi Sea) in recent years
suggest that rates of calf mortality and
poor body condition of adult females are
inversely related to the persistence of
sea ice over offshore feeding areas and
the length of time that animals occupy
coastal haulouts (Nikiforov et al. 2007,
pp. 1–2; Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1–
3; Kochnev 2008, pp. 17–20; Kochnev et
al. 2008, p. 265). Over time, poor body
condition could lead to lower
reproductive rates, greater susceptibility
to disease or predation, and ultimately
higher mortality rates (Kochnev 2004,
pp. 285–286; Kochnev et al. 2008, p.
265; Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, p.
The energetic cost of swimming a long
distance is demonstrated by the
observations made in the summer of
2007, when the melt season in the
Chukchi Sea began slowly, and then
sea-ice retreat accelerated rapidly in
July and August. The continental shelf
of the Chukchi Sea was sea-ice-free by
mid-August; the ice edge eventually
retreated hundreds of miles north of the
shelf, and ice did not re-form over the
continental shelf until late October
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(National Snow and Ice Data Center,
2007). Ovsyanikov et al. (2007, pp. 2–3)
reported that many of the walruses
arriving at Wrangel Island, Russia, in
August 2007 were emaciated and weak,
some too exhausted to flee or defend
themselves from polar bears patrolling
the coast. The authors attributed the
poor condition of these animals to the
rapid retreat of sea ice off of the shelf
in July to waters too deep for walrus to
feed. They also noted that the exhausted
walruses could not find enough food
near the island for recovery (Ovsyanikov
et al. 2007, p. 3).
Females with dependent young are
likely to be disproportionally affected
by prey depletion and increased
reliance on coastal haulouts as a
foraging base. Females with dependent
young require two to three times the
amount of food needed by nonlactating
females (Fay 1982, p. 159). Over the past
decade, females and dependent calves
have responded to the loss of sea ice in
late summer by occupying coastal
haulouts along the coast of Chukotka,
Russia, and more recently (2007–2010)
haulouts along the coast of Alaska.
Females typically nurse their calves
between short foraging forays from seaice platforms situated over productive
forage areas (Ray et al. 2006, pp. 404–
407). Drifting ice provides walrus
passive transport and access to new
foraging areas with minimal effort. In
2007, radio-tagged females traveled on
average, 30.7 km (19 mi) on foraging
trips from several haulouts located
along the Chukotka coastline (Kochnev
et al. 2008, p. 265). Although we do not
know the average distance of foraging
trips taken from an ice platform, in
general, we would expect them to be
relatively short, because when the ice is
over productive prey areas, the female
only has to dive to the bottom and back
up to the ice (Ray et al. 2006, pp. 406–
407). Because calves do not have the
swimming endurance of adults, if
sufficient prey is not located within the
swimming distance of the calf, the
female either may not be able to obtain
adequate nutrition or the calf may be
abandoned when the female travels to
locations beyond the swimming
capability of the calf (Cooper et al. 2006,
pp. 98–102). Lack of adequate prey for
females could eventually lead to
reduced body condition, lower
reproductive success, and potentially
death. Abandoned calves could face
increased mortality from drowning,
starvation, or predation.
In summary, by the end of the 21st
century, ice-free conditions are expected
to persist across the continental shelf of
the Chukchi Sea for a period of up to
several months (Douglas 2010). Based
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
on the observed responses of walruses
to periods of low ice cover in the
Chukchi Sea in recent years, we expect
walruses to become increasingly
dependent on coastal haulouts as a
foraging base, with animals restricted to
coastal haulouts for most of the summer
and into the fall and early winter.
Walruses have the ability to use land in
addition to ice as a resting site and
foraging base, which will provide them
alternate, if not optimal (as explained
above), resting habitat. However, given
the concentration of large numbers of
animals in relatively small areas, the
large amount of prey needed to sustain
each walrus, and the increasing length
of time coastal haulouts will have to be
used due to sea-ice loss, the increased
dependence on coastal haulouts is
expected to result in increased
competition for food resources in areas
accessible from the coastal haulouts.
Because of the energetic demands of
lactation and limited mobility of calves,
female walruses with dependent young
are likely to be disproportionally
affected by changes in habitat use
patterns. Because near-shore food
resources are unlikely to be able to
support the current population,
walruses will be required to swim
farther to obtain prey, which will
increase energetic costs. Accordingly,
near-shore prey depletion will likely
result in a population decline over time.
It is unlikely that the projected increase
in ice-free months in the Bering Sea will
alter the behavior or survival rates of
males at terrestrial haulouts because
these males do not rely on sea ice as a
foraging platform. In addition, males
have an advantage over females in that
they are bigger and stronger and have no
responsibilities related to the care of
calves, and thus, can travel as far as
necessary to forage.
The degree to which depletion of food
resources near coastal haulouts will
limit population size will depend on a
variety of factors, including: The
location of coastal walrus haulouts, the
number of animals utilizing the
haulouts, the duration of time walruses
occupy the haulouts, and the robustness
of the prey base within range of those
haulouts. However, it is highly unlikely
that the current population can be
sustained from coastal haulouts alone.
In particular, females and their calves
will be susceptible to the increased
energetic demands of foraging from
coastal haulouts. We do not anticipate
effects to males using coastal haulouts
in the Bering Sea, because their current
behavior can continue unaltered into
the future. We do not have evidence that
prey depletion is currently having a
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population-level effect on the Pacific
walrus. Our concern is based on
projections of continued and more
extensive sea-ice loss that will force the
animals onto land. Therefore, we
conclude that loss of sea-ice habitat,
leading to dependence on coastal
haulouts and localized prey depletion,
will contribute to other negative impacts
associated with sea-ice loss, and is a
threat to the Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future.
Increased Vulnerability to Disturbances
and Trampling
Another consequence of greater
reliance on coastal haulouts is increased
levels of disturbances and increased
rates of mortalities and injuries
associated with trampling. Walruses
often flee land or ice haulouts in
response to disturbances. Disturbance
can come from a variety of sources,
either anthropogenic (e.g., hunters,
airplanes, ships) or natural (e.g.,
predators) (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 114–118,
Kochnev 2004, p. 286). Haulout
abandonment represents an increase in
energy expenditure and stress, and
disturbance events at densely packed
coastal haulouts can result in intraspecific trauma and mortalities
(COSEWIC 2006, pp. 25–26). Although
disturbance-related mortalities at allmale haulouts in the Bering Sea are
relatively uncommon (Fay and Kelly
1980, p. 244; Kochnev 2004, p. 285), the
situation at mixed haulouts is different;
because of their smaller size, calves,
juveniles, and females are more
susceptible to trampling injuries and
mortalities (Fay and Kelly 1980, pp.
226, 244). Females likely avoid using
terrestrial haulouts because their
offspring are vulnerable to predation
and trampling (Nikiforov et al. 2007, pp.
1–2; Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1–3;
Kochnev 2008, pp. 17–20; Kochnev et
al. 2008, p. 265).
When walruses are disturbed on ice
floes, escape into the water is relatively
easy because fewer animals are
concentrated in one area. In
comparison, aggregations of walruses on
land are often very large in number,
densely packed, and ‘‘layered’’ several
animals deep (Nikiforov et al. 2007, p.
2). The presence of some large males in
groups using Chukchi Sea coastal
haulouts increases the danger to calves,
juveniles, and females. Consequently,
the probability of direct mortality or
injury due to trampling during
stampedes is greater at terrestrial
haulouts than it is on pack ice (USFWS
1994, p. 12). Also, whether on ice or
land, calves may be abandoned as a
result of disturbance to a haulout (Fay
et al. 1984, p. 118).
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In addition, sources of disturbance are
expected to be greater at terrestrial
haulouts than in offshore pack ice
habitats, because the level of human
activity such as hunting, fishing,
boating, and air traffic is far greater
along the coast. Haulout abandonment
has been documented from these
sources (Fay et al. 1984; p. 114;
Kochnev 2004, pp. 285–286). There is
also a greater chance of disturbance
from terrestrial animals (Kochnev 2004,
p. 286). As sea ice declines, and both
polar bears and walruses are
increasingly forced onto land bordering
the Chukchi Sea, we anticipate that
there will be greater interaction between
the two species, especially during the
summer. We expect that one outcome of
increased interactions will be increased
walrus mortality due to predation
(discussed below). Of equal, or more
importance than predation is the
disturbance caused at a haulout through
the arrival or presence of a polar bear,
which can cause stampeding. Repeated
stampeding also increases energy
expenditure and stress levels, and may
cause walruses to abandon the haulout
(COSEWIC 2006, p. 25).
Losses that can occur when large
numbers of walruses use terrestrial
haulouts are illustrated by observations
in 2007, along the coast of Chukotka,
Russia. In response to summer sea-ice
loss in 2007, walruses began to arrive at
coastal haulouts in July, a month earlier
than previously recorded (Kochnev
2008, pp. 17–20). Coastal aggregations
ranged in size from 4,500 up to 40,000
animals (Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1–
2; Kochnev 2008, p. 17–20, Kavry et al.
2008, p. 248–251). Hunters from the
Russian coastal villages of Vankarem
and Ryrkaipii reported more than 1,000
walrus carcasses (mostly calves of the
year and aborted fetuses) at coastal
haulouts near the communities in
September 2007 (Nikiforov et al. 2007,
p. 1; Kochnev 2008, pp. 17–20). Noting
the near absence of calves amongst the
remaining animals, Kochnev (2008, pp.
17–20) estimated that most of the 2007
cohort using the site had been lost.
Approximately 1,500 walrus carcasses
(predominately adult females) were also
reported near Cape Dezhnev in late
October (Kochnev 2007, pers. comm.).
Russian investigators estimate that
between 3,000 and 10,000 animals died
along the Chukotka coastline during the
summer and fall of 2007, primarily from
trampling associated with disturbance
events at the haulouts (Kochnev 2010,
pers. comm.).
Relatively few large mortality events
at coastal haulouts have been
documented in the past, but they have
occurred (Fay 1982, p. 226). For
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
example, Fay and Kelly (1980, p. 230)
examined several hundred walrus
carcasses at coastal haulouts on St.
Lawrence Island and the Punuk Islands
in the fall of 1978. Approximately 15
percent of those carcasses were aborted
fetuses, 24 percent were calves, and the
others were older animals (mostly
females) ranging in age from 1 to 37
years old. The principal cause of death
was trampling, possibly from
disturbance-related stampedes or
battling bulls. As walruses become
increasingly dependent on coastal
haulouts, interactions with humans and
predators are expected to increase and
mortality events are likely to become
increasingly common. Long-term or
chronic levels of disturbance related
mortalities at coastal haulouts are likely
to have a more significant population
effect over time.
We recognize that Atlantic walruses
(including females and calves) utilize
coastal haulouts to a greater extent than
Pacific walruses, foraging from shore
along a relatively narrow coastal shelf;
a situation that is similar to what Pacific
walrus may experience in the future
during ice-free months in the Chukchi
Sea. However, Atlantic walrus occupy
an area with abundant remote islands
that are free or nearly free from
disturbance from humans or terrestrial
mammals. In essence, their insular
habitats function in a manner analogous
to the pack ice of the Pacific walrus,
providing a refugium from disturbance.
In contrast, when Pacific walruses are
restricted to terrestrial haulouts, they
face disturbance from a variety of
terrestrial predators and scavengers,
including bears, wolverines, wolves,
and feral dogs, and higher levels of
anthropogenic disturbances, because
their haulouts are at the edge of
continental land masses and there are
very few islands in the Bering and
Chukchi Seas. Sea ice, which has
typically acted as a refugium from
disturbance for Pacific walruses,
particularly for females and young in
the Chukchi Sea, will be lost entirely, or
almost entirely, for increasingly long
time periods annually in the foreseeable
future. Therefore, although use of
coastal haulouts is a form of adaptability
available to Pacific walruses, it comes
with negative impacts that are not
associated with coastal haulouts for
Atlantic walruses.
In summary, we anticipate that Pacific
walruses will become increasingly
dependent on coastal haulouts as sea ice
retreats earlier off the continental shelf
and the Bering and Chukchi Seas
become ice-free for increasingly longer
periods of time. The protection
normally provided to females and calves
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by the dispersal of smaller groups of
animals across a wide expanse of sea ice
will be lost during periods of ice-free or
nearly ice-free conditions. Significant
mortality events from trampling have
been documented at large haulouts, and
we anticipate that they will continue
with much greater frequency into the
foreseeable future, resulting in increased
mortality, particularly of calves and
females. Therefore, we conclude that
disturbances and trampling at haulouts
is a threat to the Pacific walrus now and
in the foreseeable future.
Increased Vulnerability to Predation and
As Pacific walruses become more
dependent on coastal haulouts, they
will become more susceptible to
predation and hunting (Kochnev 2004,
p. 286). Although hunting and predation
are discussed separately below (see
Factors B and C, respectively), we also
consider them here due to their
relationship to increased loss of sea-ice
Because of their large size and tusks,
adult walruses are much less
susceptible to predation than are young
animals or females. Females likely avoid
using terrestrial haulouts because their
offspring are vulnerable to predation
(Kochnev 2004, p. 286; Ovsyanikov et
al. 2007, pp. 1–4; Kelly 2009, p. 302).
Apparently, some polar bear routinely
rush herds to cause a stampede,
expecting that some calves will be left
behind (Nikulin 1941; Popove 1958,
1960; as cited in Fay et al. 1984, p. 119).
As sea ice declines in the foreseeable
future, increased use of terrestrial
habitats by both polar bears and
walruses will likely lead to increased
interaction between them, and most
likely an increase in mortality,
particularly of calves. We conclude that
loss of sea ice, which will force
increased overlap between these two
species, will increase mortality from
polar bears through direct take or
indirect take due to trampling during
stampedes. See the section on predation
in Factor C below, for further
Large concentrations of walruses on
shore for longer periods of time could
result in increased harvest levels if the
terrestrial haulouts form near coastal
villages and environmental conditions
allow access to haulouts. Kochnev
(2004, pp. 285–286) notes that many of
the haulouts along the Chukotka coast
are situated near coastal villages, and
hunting activities at the haulouts can
result in stampedes and cause
movements from one haulout to
another. Some communities in
Chukotka situated in close proximity to
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the new haulouts have responded by
developing hunting restrictions to limit
disturbances to resting animals (Patrol
2008, p. 1; Kavry 2010, pers. comm.;
Kochnev 2010 pers. comm.). See the
section on Subsistence Hunting in
Factor B below, for further information.
Summary of the Effects of Sea-Ice Loss
on Pacific Walruses
The Pacific walrus is an icedependent species. Changes in the
extent, volume, and timing of the sea-ice
melt and onset of freezing in the Bering
and Chukchi Seas have been
documented and described earlier in
this finding, there are reliable
projections that more extensive changes
will occur in the foreseeable future. We
expect these changes in sea ice will
cause significant changes in the
distribution and habitat-use patterns of
Pacific walruses. At this time we
anticipate that breeding behavior in
winter and calving in the early spring
will not be impacted by expected
changes to sea-ice conditions, although
the locations where these events occur
will most likely change as the location
of available sea ice shifts to the north.
With the loss of summer sea ice, the
most obvious change, which has already
been observed, will be a greater
dependence on terrestrial haulouts by
both sexes and all age groups. Although
walruses of both sexes are capable of
using terrestrial haulouts, historically,
adult males have used terrestrial
haulouts, particularly in the Bering Sea,
to a much greater extent than females,
calves, and juveniles. The loss of
summer sea ice means that walruses of
both sexes, but females and their young
in particular, will be using coastal
haulouts for longer periods of time. This
change is particularly notable in the
Chukchi Sea, which has historically had
sufficient sea ice in the summer so that
females and calves could remain over
the shallow continental shelf
throughout the summer. Since
approximately 2005, the Chukchi Sea
has become ice-free or nearly so during
part of the summer. This condition is
projected to increase over time, and may
occur faster than forecast. The
consequences of this shift from sea ice
to increasing use of land include: Risk
of localized prey depletion; increased
energetic costs to reach prey, resulting
in decreased body condition; calf
abandonment; increased mortality from
stampedes, especially to females,
juveniles, and calves; and potentially
increased exposure to predation and
hunting. These events are expected to
reduce survivorship.
As large numbers of animals are
concentrated at coastal haulouts, prey
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
may be locally depleted, and greater
distances will be required to obtain it.
Although males at haulouts in the
Bering Sea function for several months
each year from terrestrial haulouts,
females with calves do not typically use
terrestrial haulouts, and we expect the
loss of sea ice to have a greater impact
on them through the higher energetic
cost of obtaining food. It is likely that
these factors will lead to a population
decline over time, as fewer walruses can
be supported by the resources available
from terrestrial haulouts. In the
foreseeable future, as the duration of
ice-free periods over offshore
continental shelf regions of the Chukchi
Sea increases from 1 to up to 5 months
(July through November), we expect the
effects of prey depletion near terrestrial
haulouts will be heightened.
Periodic ice-free conditions, as are
currently occurring, are expected to lead
to higher mortality rates, primarily
through trampling at haulouts when
walruses congregate in large numbers.
Although of concern, if these events
happen sporadically, as has been the
case in the past, the population may be
able to recover between harsh years.
Although trampling mortalities have
been documented in the past, increasing
use of terrestrial haulouts, the higher
probability of disturbance occurring at
these haulouts, and in the near-term, the
very large numbers of animals using
particular haulouts, increases the
probability that mortality from
trampling will become a more regular
The increasing reliance of both polar
bears and walruses on terrestrial
environments during ice free periods
will likely result in increased
interactions between these two species.
Polar bear predation and associated
disturbances at densely crowded coastal
haulouts will likely contribute to
increased mortality levels, particularly
of calves, and may displace animals
from preferred feeding areas. Hunting
activity at coastal haulouts does not
appear to be a significant source of
mortality at the present time, but may
become more of a factor in the future.
Local hunting restrictions at coastal
haulouts have been established in some
communities in Chukotka to reduce
disturbance-related mortalities. The
efficacy of efforts to mitigate sources of
anthropogenic disturbances at coastal
walrus haulouts (including hunting,
boating and air traffic) will influence the
degree to which these factors will affect
the Pacific walrus population. See
Factors B and C for further discussion
on harvest and predation.
In conclusion, the loss of sea-ice
habitat creates several stressors on the
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Pacific walrus population. These
stressors include: localized prey
depletion; increased energetic costs to
reach prey, resulting in decreased body
condition; calf abandonment; increased
mortality from stampedes, especially to
females, juveniles, and calves; and
increased exposure to predation and
hunting. Because the Pacific walrus
range is large, and the animals are not
all in the same place at the same time,
not all stressors are likely to affect the
entire population in a given year.
However, all stressors represent
potential sources of increased mortality
over the current condition, in which
these stressors occur infrequently. In the
foreseeable future, as the frequency of
sea-ice loss in the summer and fall over
the continental shelves increases to a
near-annual event and the length of time
ice is absent over the continental shelf
increases from 1 to up to 5 months, we
expect the effects on walruses to be
heightened and a greater percentage of
the population to be affected. Increased
direct and indirect mortality,
particularly of calves, juveniles, and
females, will result in a declining
population over time. Consequently, we
conclude that the destruction,
modification, and curtailment of sea-ice
habitat is a threat to the Pacific walrus.
Outcome of Bayesian Network Analyses
Both the Service and USGS Bayesian
network analyses (Garlich-Miller et al.
2011; Jay et al. 2010b) considered
changes in sea ice projected through the
21st century. In both cases, the results
indicate that expected loss of sea ice is
an important risk factor for Pacific
walrus population status over time. The
USGS analysis deals more directly with
projected outcomes of the Pacific walrus
population, including the influence of
sea-ice loss under different potential
conditions (Jay et al. 2010b, p. 40). For
the normative sea ice run (see Jay et al.
2010b for details), the probability of
Pacific walruses becoming vulnerable,
rare, or extirpated increases over time,
from approximately 22 percent in 2050,
to about 35 percent by 2075, and 40
percent in 2095 (Jay et al. 2010b, p. 40).
A ‘‘worst case’’ influence run was also
evaluated. For the worst case, model
outputs were selected that have both the
greatest number of ice-free months and
the least ice extent for the Bering and
Chukchi Seas and, therefore, represent
the worst possible situation. The
outcome for the worst case influence
run for sea ice indicated that the
probability of Pacific walruses becoming
vulnerable, rare, or extirpated
approximately doubles at mid-century
to 40 percent, and reaches
approximately 45 percent at 2075 (Jay et
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al. 2010b, p. 40). At the end of 21st
century, the probability of Pacific
walruses becoming vulnerable, rare, or
extirpated in both the worst case
scenario and the normative run are
essentially equal, at about 40 percent; an
outcome that is due to the projected
amount of sea-ice loss being basically
the same under the worst case and
normative case by the end of the
century. We note, however, that the
models and emissions scenarios used by
the IPCC in 2007 were the basis for this
analysis. Thus, it is possible that the
‘‘worst case scenario’’ reflects the ‘‘faster
than forecast’’ loss of sea ice that may be
realized if sea-ice loss continues on the
current downward trend that began in
1979 (National Snow and Ice Data
Center, 2010). Regardless of which
trajectory will actually occur, the
modeling efforts show that the future
status of the Pacific walrus is linked to
sea ice, which already is declining
substantially, and more rapidly than
previously projected.
Effects of Global Climate Change on
Pacific Walrus Prey Species
The shallow, ice-covered waters of the
Bering and Chukchi Seas provide
habitat that supports some of the highest
benthic biomass in the world
(Grebmeier et al. 2006a, p. 1461; Ray et
al. 2006, p. 404). Sea-ice algae, pelagic
(open ocean) primary productivity, and
the benthos (organisms that live on or in
the sea floor) are tightly linked through
the sedimentation of organic particles
(Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p. 339). Sea-ice
algae provide a highly concentrated and
high-quality food source for plankton
food webs in the spring, which
translates to high-quality food for the
benthos such as clams (Grebmeier et al.
2006b, p. 339; McMahon et al. 2006, pp.
2–11; Gradinger 2009, p. 1211). Because
zooplankton, which also feed on the
algae, have correspondingly low
populations at this time in the spring,
much of the primary productivity of
algae falls to the sea floor, where it is
available to the benthic invertebrates
(Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p. 339).
Spatial distribution and abundance in
biomass in benthic habitat across the
Bering and Chukchi Seas is influenced
by a variety of ecological,
oceanographic, and geomorphic
features. In the subarctic region of the
Bering Sea (from the Bering Strait south
to latitude 50 degrees), benthic
organisms are preyed upon by demersal
fish (living near the bottom of the water
column) and epifaunal invertebrates
(those organisms living on top of the sea
floor rather than in it), whose
distribution is limited to the north by
cold water (less than 0 °C (32 °F))
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
resulting from seasonal sea-ice cover,
forming a temperature-mediated
ecological boundary. In the absence of
demersal fish and predatory
invertebrates, benthic-feeding whales,
walrus, and sea-birds are the primary
consumers in the Arctic region of the
Bering Sea (Grebmeier et al. 2006b, pp.
Within the Arctic region of the Bering
Sea, marginal sea-ice zones and areas of
polynyas appear to be ‘‘hot spots’’ of
high benthic diversity and productivity
(Grebmeier and Cooper 1995, p. 4439).
Benthic biomass is particularly high in
the northern Bering Sea, the southern
Chukchi Sea, and the Gulf of Anadyr.
However, the high diversity and
productivity of the benthic communities
is not seen in the Southern Beaufort Sea
shelf and areas of the eastern Chukchi
Sea, which are influenced by the
nutrient-poor Alaska coastal current
(Fay et al. 1977, p. 12; Grebmeier et al.
1989, p. 261; Feder et al. 1994, p. 176;
Smith et al. 1995, p. 243; Grebmeier et
al. 2006b, p. 346; Bluhm and Gradinger
2008, p. 2).
Ocean Warming
For the last several decades, surface
air temperatures throughout the Arctic,
over both land and water, have warmed
at a rate that exceeds the global average,
and they are projected to continue on
that path (Comiso and Parkinson 2004,
pp. 38–39; Christensen et al. 2007, p.
904; Lawrence et al. 2008, p. 1; Serreze
et al. 2009, pp. 11–12). In addition, the
subsurface and surface waters of the
Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas,
including the Bering and Chukchi Seas
have warmed (Steele and Boyd 1998, p.
10419; Zhang et al. 1998, p. 1745;
Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 309;
Stabeno et al. 2007, pp. 2607–2608;
Steele et al. 2008, p. 1; Mueter et al.
2009, p. 96). There are several
mechanisms working in concert to cause
these increases in ocean temperature,
including: Warmer air temperatures
(Comiso and Parkinson 2004, pp. 38–39;
Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 310), an
increase in the heat carried by currents
entering the Arctic from both the
Atlantic (Drinkwater et al., p. 25; Zhang
et al. 1998, p. 1745) and Pacific Oceans
(Stabeno et al. 2007, p. 2599; Woodgate
et al. 2010, p. 1–5), and a shorter ice
season, which decreases the albedo
(reflective property) of ice and snow
(Comiso and Parkinson 2004, p. 43;
Moline et al. 2008, p. 271; Markus et al.
2009, p. 13). Due to their biological
characteristics which include tolerance
of considerable variations in
temperature, direct effects to walrus are
not anticipated with warmer ocean
temperatures. Nevertheless, changes in
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the thermal dynamics of ocean
conditions may affect walrus indirectly
through impacts to their prey base.
Changes to density, abundance,
distribution, food quality, and species of
benthic invertebrates may occur
primarily through changes in habitat
related to sea ice.
Walruses are the top predator of a
relatively simple food web in which the
primary constituents are bacteria, seaice algae, phytoplankton (tiny floating
plants), and benthic invertebrates
(Horner 1976, p. 179; Lowry and Frost
1981, p. 820; Grebmeier and Dunton
2000, p. 65; Dunton et al. 2006, p. 370;
Aydin and Mueter 2007, p. 2507). Sea
ice is important to the Arctic food webs
because: (1) It is a substrate for ice algae
(Horner 1976, pp. 168–171; Kern and
Carey Jr. 1983, p. 161; Grainger et al.
1985, pp. 25–27; Melnikov 2000, pp.
79–81; Gradinger 2009, p. 1201); (2) it
influences nutrient supply and
phytoplankton bloom dynamics
(Lovvorn et al. 2005, p. 136); and (3) it
determines the extent of the cold-water
pool on the southern Bering shelf
(Aydin and Mueter 2007, p. 2503; Coyle
et al. 2007, p. 2900; Stabeno et al. 2007,
p. 2615; Mueter and Litzow 2008, p.
In the spring, ice algae form up to a
1-cm- (0.4-in-) thick layer on the
underside of the ice, but are also found
at the ice surface and throughout the ice
matrix (Horner 1976, pp. 168–171; Cota
and Horne 1989, p. 111; Gradinger et al.
2005, p. 176; Gradinger 2009, p. 1207).
Ice algae can be released into the water
through water turbulence below the ice,
through brine drainage through the ice,
or when the algal mats are sloughed as
the ice melts (Cota and Horne 1989, p.
117; Renaud et al. 2007, p. 7). As noted
above, sea-ice algae provide a highly
concentrated food source for the
benthos and the plankton (organisms
that float or drift in the water) food web
that is initiated once the ice melts
(Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p.339;
McMahon et al. 2006, pp. 1–2; Renaud
et al. 2007, pp. 8–9; Gradinger 2009, p.
1211). Areas of high primary
productivity support areas of high
invertebrate mass, which is food for
walruses (Grebmeier and McRoy 1989,
p. 87; Grebmeier et al. 2006b, p. 332;
Bluhm and Gradinger 2008, p. S87).
Spring ice melt plays an important
role in the timing, amount, and fate of
primary production over the Bering Sea
shelf, with late melting (as occurs now)
leading to greater delivery of food from
primary production to the benthos and
earlier melting (as is projected to occur
in the future) contributing food
primarily to the pelagic system (Aydin
and Mueter 2007, p. 2505; Coyle et al.
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2007, p. 2901). When ice is present from
late March to May (as occurs now), cold
surface temperatures, thinning ice, and
low-salinity melt water suppress wind
mixing, and cause the water column to
stratify, creating conditions that
promote a phytoplankton bloom. The
burst of phytoplankton, seeded in part
by ice algae, persists until ocean
nutrients are drawn down. Because it is
early in the season and water
temperatures are cold, zooplankton
populations are still low. Consequently,
the pulse of phytoplankton production
is not consumed by zooplankton, but
instead sinks to the sea floor, where it
provides abundant food for the benthos
(Coyle and Cooney 1988, p. 177; Coyle
and Pinchuk 2002, p. 177; Hunt and
Stabeno 2002, p. 11; Lovvorn et al.
2005, p. 136; Renaud et al. 2007, p. 9).
Blooms form a 20- to 50-km- (12–31 mi) wide belt off the ice edge and progress
north as the ice melts, creating a zone
of high productivity. In colder years in
the Bering Sea, when the ice extends to
the shelf edge, there is greater nutrient
resupply through shelf-edge eddies and
tidal mixing, creating a longer spring
bloom (Tynan and DeMaster 1997, pp.
The blooms that occur near the ice
edge make up approximately 50 to 65
percent of the total primary production
in Arctic waters (Coyle and Pinchuk
2002, p. 188; Bluhm and Gradinger
2008, p. S84). High benthic abundance
and biomass correspond to areas with
high deposition of phytodetritus (dead
algae) (Grebmeier et al. 1989, pp. 253–
254; Grebmeier and McRoy 1989, p. 79;
Tynan and DeMaster 1997, p. 315).
Regions with the highest masses of
benthic invertebrates occur in the
northern Bering Sea southwest of St.
Lawrence Island, Alaska; in the central
Gulf of Anadyr, Russia, north and south
of the Bering Strait; at a few offshore
sites in the East Siberian Sea; and in the
northeast sector of the Chukchi Sea
(Grebmeier and Dunton 2000, p. 61;
Dunton et al. 2005, pp. 3468, 3472;
Carmack et al. 2006, p. 165; Grebmeier
et al. 2006b, pp. 346–351; Aydin and
Mueter 2007, pp. 2505–2506; Bluhm
and Gradinger 2008, p. S86). As noted
above, the biomass of benthic
invertebrates is much less in the eastern
Chukchi Sea, which is under the
influence of the nutrient-poor Alaska
Coastal Current (Dunton et al. 2006, p.
When the ice melts early (before midMarch, as projected for the future),
conditions that promote the
phytoplankton bloom do not occur until
late May or June (Stabeno et al. 2007, p.
2612). The difference in timing is
important, because when the bloom
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
occurs later in the spring the surface
water temperatures are 2.2 °C (3.6 °F) to
more than 5 °C (9.4 °F) warmer (Hunt
and Stabeno 2002, p. 11); this, in turn,
is an important influence on the
metabolism of zooplankton. In cold
temperatures, zooplankton consume less
than 2 percent of the phytoplankton
production (Coyle and Cooney 1988, pp.
303–305; Coyle and Pinchuk 2002, p.
191). Warmer temperatures result in
increased zooplankton growth rates,
reduction in their time to maturity, and
increased production rates (Coyle and
Pinchuk 2002, p. 177; Hunt and Stabeno
2002, pp. 12–14). Zooplankton are
efficient predators of phytoplankton,
and when they are abundant, they can
remove nearly all the phytoplankton
available (Coyle and Pinchuk 2002, p.
191). Zooplankton are the primary food
for walleye pollock (Theragra
chalcogramma) and other planktivorous
fishes (Hunt and Stabeno 2002, pp. 14–
15). Consequently, when zooplankton
populations are high, instead of the
primary production being transmitted to
the benthos, it becomes tied up in
pelagic food webs. While this may be
beneficial for fish-eating mammals, it
reduces the amount of food delivered to
the benthos and, thus, may reduce the
amount of prey available to walrus
(Tynan and DeMaster 1997, p.316;
Carmack et al. 2006, p. 169; Grebmeier
et al. 2006a, p. 1462). Most models
project that sea-ice melt in the Bering
Sea will occur increasingly early in the
future, and will be 1 month earlier by
the end of the century (Douglas 2010, p.
12). This is consistent with recent
trends over the past two decades, and
particularly in the past few years. Based
on our current understanding of food
web dynamics in the Bering Sea, this
shift in timing would favor a shift to
pelagic food webs over benthic
production, consequently reducing the
amount of prey available to walrus.
The importance of ice algae is not
only in its role in seeding the spring
phytoplankton bloom, but also in its
nutritional value. As food supply to the
benthos is highly seasonal, synchrony of
reproduction with algal inputs insures
adequate high-quality food for
developing larvae or juveniles of
benthic organisms (Renaud et al. 2007,
p. 9). Ice algae have high concentrations
of essential fatty acids, some of which
cannot be synthesized by benthic
invertebrates and, therefore, must be
ingested in their diet (Arrigo and
Thomas 2004, p. 477; Klein Breteler et
al. 2005, pp. 125–126; McMahon et al.
2006, pp. 2, 5). Fatty acids in marine
fauna play an integral role in
physiological processes, including
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reproduction (Klein Breteler et al. 2005,
p. 126). Because ice algae are a much
better source of essential fatty acids than
phytoplankton, a loss in sea ice could
change the quality of food supplied to
areas that currently support high levels
of benthic biomass. These changes may
affect the success of invertebrate
reproduction and recruitment, which, in
turn, may affect the quantity and quality
of food available to walrus (Witbaard et
al. 2003, p. 81; McMahon et al. 2006,
pp. 10–12). By the end of the century,
the March (winter maximum) extent of
sea ice is projected to be approximately
half of contemporary conditions
(Douglas 2010, p. 8). We expect ice algae
will persist where ice is present;
however, because of the reduced ice
extent, current areas of high benthic
productivity may be reduced or shift
The eastern and western Bering Sea
shelves are fueled by nutrient-rich water
supplied from the deep water of the
Bering Sea (Sambrotto et al. 1984, pp.
1148–1149; Springer et al. 1996, p. 205).
Concentrations of nitrate, phosphate,
and silicate are among the highest
recorded in the world’s oceans and
contribute to the high benthic
productivity (Sambrotto et al. 1984, p.
1148; Grebmeier et al. 2006a, p. 1461;
Aydin and Mueter 2007, p. 2504). High
productivity on the northern BeringChukchi shelf is supported by the
delivery of nutrient-rich water via the
Anadyr Current that flows along the
western edge of the Bering Sea and
through the Bering Strait (Springer et al.
1996, p. 206; Aydin and Mueter 2007,
p. 2504). Thus, the movement of highly
productive water onto the northern
Bering Sea shelf supports persistent hot
spots of high benthic productivity,
which in turn support large populations
of benthic-feeding birds, walrus, and
gray whales (Aydin and Mueter 2007, p.
2506). This contrasts with the southern
subarctic region of the Bering Sea,
which is south of the current range of
the Pacific walrus, where the benthic
mass is largely consumed by upper
tropic-level demersal fish and epifaunal
invertebrates whose northern
distribution is limited by a pool of cold,
near-freezing water in the northern
region of the Bering Sea.
Benthic productivity on the northern
Bering Sea shelf has decreased over the
last two decades, coincident with a
reduction of northward flow of the
Anadyr current through the Bering
Strait (Grebmeier et al. 2006a, p. 1462).
Because of recent warming trends, the
northern Bering Sea shelf may be
undergoing a transition from an Arctic
to a more subarctic ecosystem with a
reduction in benthic prey populations
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and an increase in fish populations
(Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 310;
Grebmeier et al. 2006a, pp. 1462–1463).
The Bering Sea is a transition area
between Arctic and subarctic
ecosystems, with the boundary between
the two loosely concurrent with the
extent of the winter sea-ice cover
(Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 309). In
the eastern Bering Sea, reductions in sea
ice have been responsible for shrinking
a large subsurface pool of cold water
with water temperatures less than 2 °C
(3.6 °F) (Stabeno et al. 2007, p. 2605;
Mueter and Litzow 2008, p. 313). The
southern edge of the cold pool, which
defines the boundary region between
the Arctic and subarctic communities,
has retreated approximately 230 km
(143 mi) north since the early 1980s
(Mueter and Litzow 2008, p. 316).
The northward expansion of warmer
water has resulted in an increase in
pelagic species as subarctic fauna have
colonized newly favorable habitats
(Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 309;
Mueter and Litzow 2008, pp. 316–317).
Walleye pollock, a species common in
the subarctic, which avoid temperatures
less than 2° C (3.6 °F), have now moved
northward into the former Arctic zone.
Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), which
prefer cold temperatures, have also
moved north to remain in colder
temperatures (Stabeno et al. 2007, p.
2605). Because of the redistribution of
these species, benthic fauna will be
facing a new set of predators (Coyle et
al. 2007, pp. 2901–2902). The evidence
suggests that warming on the Bering Sea
shelf could alter patterns of energy flow
and food web relationships in the
benthic invertebrate community,
leading to overall reductions in biomass
of benthic invertebrates (Coyle et al.
2007, p. 2902).
Continued changes in the extent,
thickness, and timing of the melt of sea
ice are expected to create shifts in
production and species distributions
(Overland and Stabeno 2004, p. 316).
Because some residents of the benthos
are very long lived, it may take many
years of monitoring to observe change
(Coyle et al. 2007, p. 2902). Many
simultaneous changes (e.g., ocean
currents, temperature, sea-ice extent,
and wind patterns) are occurring in
walrus-occupied habitats, and thus may
impact walrus’ prey base. Rapid
warming might cause a major
restructuring of regional ecosystems
(Carmack and Wassmann 2006, p. 474;
Mackenzie and Schiedek 2007, p. 1344).
Mobile species such as fishes have the
ability to move to areas of thermal
preference and follow key forage species
(Mueter et al. 2009, p. 106); immobile
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
species such as bivalves must cope with
the conditions where they are.
Projections by Douglas (2010, pp. 7,
23) indicate that the March (yearly
maximum) sea-ice extent in the Bering
Sea will be about 25 percent less than
the 1979–1988 average by mid-century,
and 60 percent less by the end of the
century. In addition, spring melt of sea
ice will occur increasingly earlier, and
on average will be one month sooner by
the end of the century (Douglas 2010, p.
8). As described above, the earlier
spring melt may lead to a change in the
food web dynamics that favors pelagic
predators, which feed on zooplankton,
over the delivery of high quantities of
quality food to benthic invertebrates. In
addition, reductions in the extent of the
winter sea-ice cover may lead to a
further or more permanent expansion of
the subarctic ecosystem northward into
the Arctic. Although there is uncertainty
about the specific consequences of these
changes, the best available scientific
information suggests that because of the
likely decreases in the quantity and
quality of food delivered to benthic
invertebrates, and because of a potential
increase in predators from the south, the
amount and distribution of preferred
prey (bivalves) available to walrus in the
Bering Sea will likely decrease in the
foreseeable future as a result of the loss
of sea ice and ocean warming. The
extent to which this decrease may result
in a curtailment of the range of the
Pacific walrus or limit the walrus
population in the future is unknown,
and at this time we do not have
sufficient information to predict it with
reliability. The implications of the
available information, however, are that
impacts may include modification of
habitat that could contribute to a
reduction in the range of the Pacific
walrus at the southern edge of its
current distribution, as well as a
possible reduction in the walrus
population because of reduced prey.
Although our conclusion is based on the
best available science, we recognize that
its validity rests on ecological
hypotheses that are currently being
Ocean Acidification
Since the beginning of the industrial
revolution in the mid-18th century, the
release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from
human activities (‘‘anthropogenic CO2’’)
has resulted in an increase in
atmospheric CO2 concentrations, from
approximately 280 to approximately 390
ppm currently, with 30 percent of the
increase occurring in the last three
decades (NOAA, https://
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carbon-dioxide, downloaded 20 July
The global atmospheric concentration
of CO2 is now higher than experienced
for more than 800,000 years (Luthi et al.
2008, p. 379; Scripps 2011, p. 4). Over
the industrial era, the ocean has been a
sink for anthropogenic carbon
emissions, absorbing about one-third of
the atmospheric CO2 (Feely et al. 2004,
p. 362; Canadell et al. 2007, pp. 18867–
18868). When CO2 is absorbed by
seawater, chemical reactions occur that
reduce seawater pH (a measure of
acidity) and the concentration of
carbonate ions, in a process known as
‘‘ocean acidification.’’
Ocean acidification is a consequence
of rising atmospheric CO2 levels (The
Royal Society 2005, p.1; Doney et al.
2008, p. 170). Seawater carbonate
chemistry is governed by a series of
chemical reactions (CO2 dissolution,
acid/base chemistry, and calcium
carbonate dissolution) and biologically
mediated reactions (photosynthesis,
respiration, and calcium carbonate
precipitation) (Wootton et al. 2008, p.
18848; Bates and Mathis 2009, p. 2450).
The marine carbonate reactions allow
the ocean to absorb CO2 in excess of
potential uptake based on carbon
dioxide solubility alone (Denman et al.
2007, p. 529). Consequently, the pH of
ocean surface waters has already
decreased (become more acid) by about
0.1 units since the beginning of the
industrial revolution (Caldeira and
Wickett, 2003, p. 365; Orr et al. 2005, p.
The absorption of carbon dioxide by
seawater changes the chemical
equilibrium of the inorganic carbon
system and reduces the concentration of
carbonate ions. Carbonate ions are
required by organisms like clams, snails,
crabs, and corals to produce calcium
carbonate, the primary component of
their shells and skeletons. Decreasing
concentrations of carbonate ions may
place these species at risk (Green et al.
2004, p. 729–730; Orr et al. 2005, p. 685;
Gazeau et al. 2006 p. 1; Fabry et al.
2008, p. 419–420; Comeau et al. 2009,
p. 1877; Ellis et al. 2009, p. 41). Two
forms of calcium carbonate produced by
marine organisms are aragonite and
calcite. Aragonite, which is 50 percent
more soluble in seawater than calcite, is
of greatest importance in the Arctic
region because clams, mussels, snails,
crustaceans, and some zooplankton use
aragonite in their shells and skeletons
(Fritz 2001, p. 53; Fabry et al. 2008, p.
417; Steinacher et al. 2009, p. 515).
When seawater is saturated with
aragonite or calcite, the formation of
shells and skeletons is favored; when
undersaturated, the seawater becomes
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corrosive to these structures and it
becomes physiologically more difficult
for organisms to construct them (Orr et
al. 2005, p. 685; Gazeau et al. 2007, p.
2–5; Fabry et al. 2008, p. 415; Talmage
and Gobler 2009, p. 2076; Findlay et al.
2010, pp. 680–681). The waters of the
Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas are
among the most vulnerable to ocean
acidification, with undersaturation of
aragonite projected to occur locally
within a decade (Orr et al. 2005, p. 683;
Chierici and Fransson 2009, pp. 4972–
4973; Steinacher et al. 2009, p. 522). To
date, aragonite saturation has decreased
in the top 50 m (164 ft) in the Canadian
Basin (Yamamoto-Kawai et al. 2009, p.
1099), and under-saturated waters have
been documented on the Mackenzie
shelf (Chierici and Fransson 2009, p.
4974), Chukchi Sea (Bates and Mathis
2009, p. 2441), and Bering Sea (Fabry et
al. 2009, p. 164).
Factors that contribute to
undersaturation of seawater with
aragonite or calcite are: upwelling of
carbon dioxide-rich subsurface waters;
increased carbon dioxide concentrations
from anthropogenic CO2 uptake; cold
water temperatures; and fresher, less
saline water (Feely et al. 2008, p. 1491;
Chierici and Fransson 2009, p. 4966;
Yamamoto-Kawai et al. 2009, p. 1099).
The loss of sea ice (causing greater
ocean surface to be exposed to the
atmosphere), the retreat of the ice edge
past the continental shelf break that
favors upwelling, increased river runoff,
and increased sea ice and glacial melt
are forces that favor undersaturation
(Yamamoto-Kawai et al. 2009, pp. 1099–
1100; Bates and Mathis 2009, pp. 2446,
2449–2450). The projected increase of 3
to 5 months of ice-free conditions in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas by Douglas
(2010, p. 7) indicates the potential for
increased CO2 absorption in the Arctic
over the next century beyond what
would occur from predicted CO2
increases alone. However, there are
opposing forces that may mitigate
undersaturation to some extent,
including photosynthesis by
phytoplankton that may increase with
reduced sea ice, and warmer ocean
temperatures (Bates and Mathis 2009, p.
2451). However, according to Steinacher
et al. (2009, p. 530), the question is not
whether undersaturation will occur in
the Arctic, but how large an area will be
affected, how many months of the year
it will occur, and how large its
Because acid-base balance is critical
for all organisms, changes in carbon
dioxide concentrations and pH can
affect reproduction, larval development,
growth, behavior, and survival of all
marine organisms (Green et al. 1998, p.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
23; Kurihara and Shirayama 2004, pp.
163–165; Berge et al. 2006, p. 685; Fabry
et al. 2008, pp. 420–422; Kurihara 2008,
pp. 277–282; Portner 2008, pp. 209–211;
Ellis et al. 2009, pp. 44–45; Talmage and
Gobler 2009, p. 2076; Findlay et al.
2010, pp. 680–681). Portner (2008, p.
211) suggests that heavily calcified
marine groups may be among those with
the poorest capacity to regulate acidbase status. Although some animals
have been shown to be able to form a
shell in undersaturated conditions, it
comes at an energetic cost which may
translate to reduced growth rate
(Talmage and Gobler 2009, p. 2075;
Findlay et al. 2010, p. 679; Gazeau et al.
2010, p. 2938), muscle wastage (Portner
2008, p. 210), or potentially reduced
reproductive output. Because juvenile
bivalves have high mortality rates, if
aragonite undersaturation inhibits
planktonic larval bivalves from
constructing shells (Kurihara 2008, p.
277) or inhibits them from settling
(Hunt and Scheibling 1997, pp. 274,
278; Green et al. 1998, p. 26; Green et
al. 2004, p. 730; Kurihara 2008, p. 278),
the increased mortality would likely
have a negative effect on bivalve
The effects of ocean acidification on
walrus may be through changes in their
prey base, or indirectly through changes
in the food chain upon which their prey
depend. Walruses forage in large part on
calcifying invertebrates (Ray et al. 2006,
pp. 407–409; Sheffield and Grebmeier
2009, pp. 767–768; also see discussion
of diet, above). Aragonite
undersaturation has been documented
in the area occupied by Pacific walrus
(Bates and Mathis 2009, p. 2441; Fabry
et al. 2009, p. 164), and it is projected
to become widespread in the future
(Steinacher 2009, p. 530; Frolicher and
Joos 2010, pp. 13–14). Thus, it is
possible that mollusks and other
calcifying organisms may be negatively
affected through a variety of
mechanisms, described above. While
the effects of observed ocean
acidification on the marine organisms
are not yet documented, the progressive
acidification of oceans is expected to
have negative impacts on marine shellforming organisms in the future (The
Royal Society 2005, p. 21; Denman et al.
2007, p. 533; Doney et al. 2009, p. 176;
Kroeker et al. 2010, p. 9).
Uncertainty regarding the general
effects of ocean acidification has been
summarized by the Royal Society (2005,
p. 23): ‘‘Organisms will continue to live
in the oceans wherever nutrients and
light are available, even under
conditions arising from ocean
acidification. However, from the data
available, it is not known if organisms
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at the various levels in the food web
will be able to adapt or if one species
will replace another. It is also not
possible to predict what impacts this
will have on the community structure
and ultimately if it will affect the
services that the ecosystems provide.’’
Consequently, although we recognize
that effects to calcifying organisms,
which are important prey items for
Pacific walrus, will likely occur in the
foreseeable future from ocean
acidification, we do not know which
species may be able to adapt and thrive,
or the ability of the walrus to depend on
alternative prey items. As noted in the
introduction, the prey base of walrus
includes over 100 taxa of benthic
invertebrates from all major phyla
(Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, pp. 761–
777). Although walruses are highly
adapted for obtaining bivalves, they also
have the potential to switch to other
prey items if bivalves and other
calcifying invertebrate populations
decline. Whether other prey items
would fulfill walrus nutritional needs
over their life span is unknown
(Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, p. 770),
and there also is uncertainty about the
extent to which other suitable nonbivalve prey might be available, due to
uncertainty about the effects of ocean
acidification and the effects of ocean
Both Bayesian network models
(Garlich-Miller et al. 2010; Jay et al.
2010b) indicate that ocean warming and
ocean acidification are likely to have
little effect on Pacific walrus future
status, but these conclusions were
primarily because of the high degree of
uncertainty associated with these
factors. As described above, our analysis
indicates that earlier melting of ice in
the spring, a decreased extent of ice in
winter and spring, and warming of the
ocean may lead to changes in the
distribution, quality, and quantity of
food available to Pacific walrus over
time. In addition, in the future, ocean
acidification has the potential to have a
negative impact on calcifying
organisms, which currently represent a
large portion of the walrus’ diet. The
best available science does not indicate
that either of these factors will have a
positive impact on the availability,
quality, or quantity of food available to
the walrus in the future. However, we
are also unable to predict to what extent
these factors may limit the Pacific
walrus population in the future, in
terms of reduction in its range or
abundance, or the extent to which the
walrus may be able to adapt to a
changing prey base. Therefore, we
conclude that ocean warming and ocean
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acidification are not threats to the
Pacific walrus now or in the foreseeable
future, although we acknowledge that
the general indications are that impacts
appear more likely to be negative than
positive or neutral.
Summary of Factor A
We have analyzed the effects of the
loss of sea ice, ocean warming, and
ocean acidification as related to the
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of the
habitat or range of the Pacific walrus.
Although we are concerned about the
changes to walrus prey that may occur
from ocean acidification and warming,
and theoretically we understand how
those stressors might operate, ocean
dynamics are very complex and the
changing conditions and related
outcomes for these stressors are too
uncertain at this time for us to conclude
that these stressors are a threat to Pacific
walrus now or in the foreseeable future.
Because of the loss of sea ice, Pacific
walruses will be forced to rely on
terrestrial haulouts to a greater and
greater extent over time. Although
coastal haulouts have been traditionally
used by males, in the future both sexes
and all ages will be restricted to coastal
habitats for a much greater period of
time. This will expose all individuals,
but especially calves and females to
increased stress, energy expenditure,
and death or injury from disturbancecaused stampedes from terrestrial
haulouts. Calf abandonment, and
increased energy expenditure for
females and calves is likely to occur
from prey depletion near terrestrial
haulouts. Increased energy expenditure
could lead to decreased condition and
decreased survival. In addition, there
may be a small increase in direct
mortality or injury of calves and females
due to increased predation or hunting as
a result of greater use of terrestrial
haulouts. Although some of these
stressors are acting on the population
currently, we anticipate that their
magnitude will increase over time as
sea-ice loss over the continental shelf
occurs more frequently and more
extensively. Due to the projected
increases in sea-ice habitat loss and the
resultant stressors associated with
increased dependence on coastal
haulouts, as described above, we do not
anticipate the projected Pacific walrus
population decline to stabilize in the
foreseeable future. Rather, the best
scientific information available leads to
a conclusion that the Pacific walrus will
be increasingly at risk. Through our
analysis, we have concluded that loss of
sea ice, with its concomitant changes to
walrus distribution and life-history
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
patterns, will lead to a population
decline. Therefore, we conclude, based
on the best scientific and commercial
data available, that the present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range is a
threat to Pacific walrus.
Factor B. Overutilization for
Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes
The following potential factors that
may result in overutilization of Pacific
walrus are considered in this section: (1)
Recreation, scientific, or educational
purposes; (2) U.S. import/export; (3)
commercial harvest; and (4) subsistence
harvest. Under Factor A, we also discuss
the potential increase in subsistence
hunting associated with increasing
dependence of Pacific walrus on coastal
haulouts caused by the loss of sea-ice
Recreation, Scientific, or Educational
Overutilization for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes is
currently not considered a threat to the
Pacific walrus population. Recreational
(sport) hunting has been prohibited in
the United States since 1979. Russian
legislation also prohibits sport hunting
of Pacific walruses. The Marine
Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1361, et seq.)
(MMPA), allows the Service to issue a
permit authorizing the take of walrus for
scientific purposes in the United States,
provided that the research will further
a bona fide and necessary or desirable
scientific purpose. The Service must
consider the benefits to be derived from
the research and the effects of the taking
on the stock, and must consult with the
public, experts in the field, and the
United States Marine Mammal
Similarly, any take for an educational
purpose is allowed by the MMPA only
after rigorous review and with
appropriate justification. No permits
authorizing the take of walrus for
educational and public display
purposes have been requested in the
United States since the 1990s. The
Service has worked with the public
display community to place stranded
animals, which the Service has
determined cannot be returned to the
wild, at facilities for educational and
public display purposes. By placing
stranded walruses, which would
otherwise be euthanized, at facilities
that are able to care for and display the
animals, we believe needs for the
domestic public display community in
the United States have been, and will
continue to be, met. The Russian
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Federation intermittently authorizes the
taking of walrus from the wild for
scientific and educational purposes. For
example, in 2009, a collection permit
was issued for take of up to 40 walrus
calves from the wild to be used for
public display. This take was included
in the subsistence harvest quota, and is
therefore considered sustainable. We
have no information that would lead us
to believe this level of take from the
wild will increase in the foreseeable
Based on the above, we conclude that
utilization of walrus for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes is not
a threat to the Pacific walrus
population. Protections and regulatory
mechanisms in both the United States
and the Russian Federation have
stopped recreational hunting. In the
United States, the MMPA has effectively
ensured that any removal for scientific
or educational purposes has a bona fide
and necessary or desirable scientific
basis. In the Russian Federation, take for
scientific or educational purposes is
controlled by a quota. We believe the
United States and the Russian
Federation will continue to ensure that
any future removal of walrus for
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes will be consistent with the
long-term conservation of the species.
Therefore, we have determined, based
on the best scientific and commercial
data available, that the utilization of
Pacific walrus for recreational,
scientific, or educational purposes is not
a threat to the species now or in the
foreseeable future.
United States Import/Export
Based on data from the Service’s Law
Enforcement Management Information
System (LEMIS), in 2008 more than
16,000 walrus parts, products, and
derivatives (ivory jewelry, carvings,
bone carvings, ivory pieces, and tusks)
were imported into or exported from the
United States. Over 98 percent of those
specimens were from walrus that had
originated in the United States. Most of
these specimens were identified as
fossilized bone and ivory shards,
principally dug from historic middens
on St. Lawrence Island, or carvings from
such. Therefore, the harvest of the
source animals predates adoption of the
MMPA in 1972, and does not represent
a threat to the species.
Since the passage of the MMPA in
1972, ivory and bone can only be
exported from the United States after it
has been legally harvested, and
substantially altered to qualify as an
Alaska Native handicraft and as a
personal effect or as part of a cultural
exchange. Trade in raw post-MMPA
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walrus ivory is closely monitored by the
Service through existing import/export
regulations (Garlich-Miller et al. 2011,
Section 3.5.1 ‘‘International
Most of the walrus parts imported
into or exported from the United States
are derived from historic ivory and bone
shards, and parts from newly harvested
walrus are subject to the MMPA
requirements that limit U.S. trade to
Alaska Native handicrafts. Therefore,
we have determined, based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, that United States Import/
Export is not considered to be a threat
to the Pacific walrus now or in the
foreseeable future.
Commercial Harvest
Commercial harvest of the Pacific
walrus is prohibited in the U.S., and has
not occurred in Russia since 1991 (see
discussion below). Pacific walrus ivory
and meat was available on the
commercial market starting in the
seventeenth century (Fay 1957, p. 435;
Elliot 1982, p. 98). Since then,
commercial harvest levels have varied
in response to population size and
economic demand. Several of the larger
reductions in the Pacific walrus
population have been attributed to
unsustainable harvest levels, largely
driven by commercial hunting (Fay
1957, p. 437; Bockstoce and Botkin
1982, p. 183). Harvest regulations
enacted in the United States and Russia
in the 1950s and 1960s that reduced the
size of the harvest and provided
protection to females and calves
allowed the population to recover and
peak in the 1980s (Fay et al. 1989, p. 1).
Commercial harvest of marine
mammals in U.S. waters is currently
prohibited by the MMPA. Commercial
harvest was last conducted in Russia in
1991 (Garlich-Miller and Pungowiyi
1999, p. 59). Russian legislation still
allows for a commercial harvest,
although a decree from the Russian
Fisheries Ministry allocating a
commercial harvest quota would be
required prior to resumption of harvest
(Kochnev 2010, pers. comm.). Quota
recommendations are determined by
sustainable removal levels, which are
based on the total population and
productivity estimates (Garlich-Miller
and Pungowiyi 1999 p. 32). Therefore,
any potential future commercial harvest
in Russia is unlikely to become a threat
to the population.
Commercial hunting of Pacific walrus
is banned in the United States.
Regulatory protections in the Russian
Federation have been effective in
ensuring that any removal for
commercial purposes is consistent with
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
long-term conservation of the species.
Therefore, we have determined, based
on the best scientific and commercial
data available, that commercial harvest
is not a threat to Pacific walrus either
now or in the foreseeable future.
Pacific walrus have been an important
subsistence resource for coastal Alaskan
and Russian Natives for thousands of
years (Ray 1975, p. 10). In 1960, the
State of Alaska restricted the
subsistence harvest of female walrus to
seven per hunter per year in an effort to
recover the population from a reduced
state. Concurrently, Russia also
implemented harvest quotas and
prohibited shooting animals in the
water (to reduce lost animals) (Fay et al.
1989, p. 4). In 1961, the State of Alaska
further reduced the quota to five females
per hunter per year, still allowing an
unlimited number of males to be
hunted. The limit of five adult females
per hunter remained in effect until
1972, when passage of the Marine
Mammal Protection Act transferred
management responsibility to Federal
control (Fay et al. 1997, p. 548). As a
result of reducing the numbers of
females harvested, the population
increased substantially through the
1960s and 1970s, and by 1980 was
probably approaching the carrying
capacity of the habitat (Fay et al. 1989,
p. 4).
Total harvest removals (combined
commercial and subsistence harvests in
the United States and Russia), including
estimates of animals struck and lost, for
the 1960s and 1970s averaged 5,331 and
5,747 walrus per year. Between the
years of 1976 and 1979, the State of
Alaska managed the walrus population
under a federally imposed subsistence
harvest quota of 3,000 walrus per year.
Relinquishment of management
authority by Alaska to the Service in
1979 lifted this harvest quota (the
MMPA conditionally exempts Alaska
Natives from the take prohibitions; i.e.,
subsistence harvest must not be
conducted in a wasteful manner), which
may have also contributed to the
increased harvest rates in subsequent
years (USFWS 1994, p. 2). Specifically,
the 1980s saw an increase in harvest,
with a total removal estimate averaging
10,970 walrus per year (Service,
unpublished data). The increased
harvest rates in this decade may reflect
several factors, including the absence of
a harvest quota (USFWS 1994, p. 2),
commercial harvest in Russia, and
increased availability of walruses to
subsistence hunters coinciding with the
population reaching carrying capacity
(Fay and Kelly 1989, p. 1; Fay et al.
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1997, p. 558). The increase in harvest in
the 1980s was accompanied by an
increase in the proportion of females
harvested, and may have caused a
population decline (Fay et al. 1997, p.
549). Harvest levels in the 1990s were
about half those of the previous decade,
averaging 5,787 walrus per year. The
2000–2008 average annual removal,
which was 5,285 walrus per year, was
about 9 percent lower than the removal
in the 1990s (Service, unpublished
data). In the United States for the years
2004–2008, the communities of Gambell
and Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island,
Alaska, have accounted for 84 percent of
the reported U.S. harvest and 43 percent
of the harvest rangewide (GarlichMiller, et al. 2011, Section
‘‘Regional Harvest Patterns’’). The St.
Lawrence Island average reported
harvest, not corrected for animals that
are struck and lost or hunter
noncompliance with the Marking
Tagging and Reporting Program, (the
struck and lost correction and the MTRP
are discussed below) for 2004–2008 is
988 animals (Service, unpublished
The lack of information on population
status or trends makes it difficult to
quantify sustainable removal levels for
the Pacific walrus population (GarlichMiller et al. 2011, Section
‘‘Harvests Sustainability’’). Recent
(2003–2007) annual harvest removals in
the United States and Russia have
ranged from 4,960 to 5,457 walrus per
year, representing approximately 4
percent of the minimum population
estimate of 129,000 animals (FWS 2010,
p. 2). These levels are lower than those
experienced in the early 1980s (8,000–
10,000 per year) that led to a population
decline (Fay et al. 1989 pp. 3–4).
Chivers et al. (1999, p. 239) modeled
walrus population dynamics and
estimated the maximum net
productivity rate (Rmax) for the Pacific
walrus population at 8 percent per year.
Wade (1998, p. 21) notes that one half
of Rmax (4 percent for Pacific walruses)
is a reasonably conservative (i.e.,
sustainable) potential biological removal
(PBR) level for marine mammal
populations below carrying capacity,
because it provides a reserve for
population growth or recovery. The PBR
level, as defined under the MMPA, is
the maximum number of animals, not
including natural mortalities, that may
be removed from a marine mammal
stock while allowing that stock to reach
or maintain its optimum sustainable
population. Changes in productivity
rates or population size could
eventually result in unsustainable
harvest levels if harvest rates do not
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adjust in concert with changes in
population status or trend.
There are no Statewide harvest quotas
in Alaska; however, some local harvest
management programs have been
developed. Round Island, within the
Walrus Island State Game Sanctuary,
was a traditional hunting area of several
Bristol Bay communities prior to the
development of the game sanctuary.
Access to Round Island is controlled by
the State of Alaska via a permit system.
To continue the traditional hunt, the
local communities proposed a
cooperative agreement, which resulted
in a quota of 20 walrus and a 40-day
hunting season in the fall (Chythlook
and Fall 1998, p. 5). The management
agreement was negotiated by the
Service, Bristol Bay Native Association/
Qayassiq Walrus Commission, the
Eskimo Walrus Commission, and Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADFG),
and sanctioned in a signed
memorandum of understanding. The
State of Alaska issues hunting access
permits only during the open season. If
the quota is reached, additional hunting
access could be denied and existing
permits could be revoked. Recent
harvests at Round Island have ranged
from zero to two walruses per year. No
walrus were harvested on Round Island
in 2009 or 2010. Bristol Bay hunters also
hunt elsewhere in the area without
restriction, and may be shifting hunting
efforts to islands outside the State game
sanctuary as the monetary cost of
traveling to Round Island is often
With an interest in reviving
traditional law, advancing the idea of
self-regulation of the subsistence
harvest, and initiating a local
management infrastructure due to
concern about changing sea-ice
dynamics and the walrus population,
the Native Villages of Gambell and
Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island have
recently formed Marine Mammal
Advisory Committees (MMAC), and
implemented local ordinances
establishing a limit of four walruses per
hunting trip. Walruses that are struck
and lost (wounded and not retrieved), as
well as calves, do not count against this
limit. In addition, there is no limit on
the number of trips, so the effectiveness
of this ordinance in limiting total
harvest is dependent on the total
number of hunting trips. Factors such as
subsistence needs, social mores,
distance of walrus from the village,
weather, success of previous trips,
needs of immediate and extended
family members, and monetary cost of
making a trip all play a part in the
number of trips a hunting party makes.
The spring hunting season of 2010 was
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
the first to have the trip-limit
ordinances in place. We estimate that 91
percent of the hunting trips were in
compliance with the ordinance by
taking no more than four adult/subadult
walrus per trip (Service, unpublished
Subsistence harvest reporting in the
United States is required under section
109(i) of the MMPA, and is
administered through a Marking,
Tagging, and Reporting Program (MTRP)
codified at 50 CFR 18.23(f). The MTRP
requires Alaska Native hunters to report
the harvest of walrus and present the
ivory for tagging within 30 days of
harvest. The Service also administers
the Walrus Harvest Monitor Project
(WHMP), which is an observer-based
data-collection program conducted in
the communities of Gambell and
Savoonga during the spring harvest.
This program is designed to collect
harvest data and biological samples. Not
all harvest in the United States is
reported through the MTRP (regulatory
program). The Service uses the WHMP
(observer-based) harvest data to
supplement MTRP data to develop a
correction factor for noncompliance to
estimate the number of walrus
harvested, but not reported through the
MTRP. The MTRP-reported harvest data
(Statewide) is corrected for
noncompliance (unreported harvest),
and that total is then corrected to
account for animals struck and lost
(estimated at 42 percent of the walrus
that are shot). Current accuracy of the
struck and lost estimate is unknown and
should be re-estimated (USFWS 2010, p.
4). Compliance rates with the MTRP
vary considerably from year to year,
with estimates ranging from a low of 60
percent to a high of 100 percent.
Subsistence harvest in Chukotka,
Russia, is controlled through a quota
system. An annual subsistence quota is
issued through a decree by the Russian
Federal Fisheries Agency. Quota
recommendations are based on
sustainable removal levels
(approximately 4 percent of the
population based on population and
productivity estimates) (Garlich-Miller
and Pungowiyi 1999 p. 32). Because the
population is shared with the United
States, Russian quota recommendations
have generally been 2 percent or less of
the estimated total population (GarlichMiller and Pungowiyi 1999, p. 32;
Kochnev 2010, pers. comm.). Russian
harvest quotas are set annually and
recent quota reductions in Russia of
approximately 57 percent from 2003–
2010 have been in response to a
presumed population decline based in
part on observed haulout mortalities
from trampling and results from various
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population surveys. According to
Kochnev (2004, p. 286), all the Pacific
walrus haulouts of the Arctic coast of
Chukotka, Russia, are characterized by a
high disturbance level. The majority of
these haulouts in Chukotka are near
coastal villages, and used by local
subsistence hunters (Kochnev 2004, p.
The harvest reporting program in
Russia is administered by the Russian
Agricultural Department. The harvest in
Russia has been traditionally conducted
by hunting teams from each village.
Team leaders are required to submit two
harvest reports per month. However,
walrus hunting by individual hunters
(those not part of a harvest team) has
increased since the inception of the
Russian Federation, and there is no
official mechanism for individuals to
report their harvest; as a result, Russian
harvest estimates are biased low to an
unknown degree (Kochnev 2010, pers.
comm.). In addition, the Russians do not
adjust their harvest estimates for
animals that are struck and lost. The
Service assumes that the Russian struck
and lost rate is comparable to the U.S.
rate, and applies the struck and lost
correction factor of 42 percent to the
Russian harvest data when estimating
total subsistence harvest levels. This
correction provides a more accurate
estimate of the number of animals
removed from the population due to
Subsistence removals of walrus in the
United States are closely tied to social
and traditional customs, subsistence
needs, sea-ice dynamics, weather, and
monetary costs related to hunting. We
predict that the range-wide walrus
population will be smaller in the future,
due to changes in summer sea-ice cover
and associated impacts; thus, fewer
walrus overall will be available for
harvest. However, in the Bering Strait
region, winter and spring sea ice is
expected to persist through midcentury; walrus will likely continue to
be locally abundant in numbers that
would enable harvest to continue at
levels similar to current ones, over time.
Because these animals would be
available to local subsistence hunters
around St. Lawrence Island and other
Bering Strait villages, the Pacific walrus
would remain an important subsistence
resource. Subsistence harvest of walrus
is extremely important to several Alaska
Native cultures. The primary factor
influencing the number of walrus
harvested each year will be the general
availability of walruses in the Bering
Strait region.
Given current and projected sea-ice
conditions, and without additional
Tribal, State or Federal hunting
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regulations to limit or restructure the
harvest, we do not expect harvest
pressure in the Bering Strait region to
change appreciably in the foreseeable
future (Garlich-Miller et al. 2011,
Section ‘‘Climate Change’’). The
St. Lawrence Island Tribal Governments
and subsistence hunters have recently
taken steps to modify their harvest
patterns through the formation of
Marine Mammal Advisory Committees,
and the adoption of local ordinances
limiting the number of walrus harvested
per hunting trip by Tribal members.
These are substantial efforts on the part
of the Tribes and subsistence hunters,
and the Service looks forward to
continuing to work through the comanagement structure (which allows for
cooperative efforts between the Service,
Alaska Natives, and State agencies;
MMPA sec. 119(b)(4)) to ensure that the
harvest of the Pacific walrus remains
sustainable for future generations.
However, the current measures to
regulate the subsistence harvest do not
limit the harvest of females or provide
limits on the total number of walruses
harvested and, therefore, are not wholly
sufficient to ensure that harvest in the
Bering Strait region will be sustainable
long term. The tribal ordinances are
structured in such a way that the Marine
Mammal Advisory Committees could
enact additional regulations in the
future to address efficiency (reduce the
number of animals that are struck and
lost), restructure the sex ratio of the
harvest, or impose quotas upon their
Tribal members, or enact other measures
to manage the harvest.
In the Bristol Bay and the YukonKuskokwim regions of Alaska, levels of
subsistence harvest of walrus may
decline slightly, in light of declines in
southern Bering Sea ice in the winter
(subsistence hunters search for walrus
that are resting on ice floes) and a recent
trend of fewer male walrus remaining in
Bristol Bay during the summer.
However, harvest in these regions is
already so low—averaging 5 and 18
walrus reported as harvested per year,
respectively, for 2004 through 2008
(Service, unpublished data)—that it
likely does not have an appreciable
effect on the population. Future harvest
patterns and levels are not anticipated
to change significantly in either region
(Garlich-Miller et al. 2011, Section ‘‘Climate Change’’).
In the North Slope region of Alaska,
reported subsistence harvest averaged
48 walrus per year from 2004–2008. As
summer sea ice in the Chukchi Sea
recedes out over deep arctic basin
waters, it is anticipated that coastal
haulouts will form along the Chukchi
coast into the foreseeable future. Large
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
concentrations of walrus on shore for
longer periods of time could afford
opportunity for additional harvest. The
potential for hunting activity to create a
stampede resulting in injuries or
mortalities, or to displace animals from
preferred forage areas (Kochnev 2004, p.
285) is of greater concern than the direct
mortalities associated with harvest.
Although the potential for increased
harvest exists, we do not expect the
harvest to increase based on the fact that
these communities’ subsistence focus is
on bowhead and beluga whales, due to
a strong cultural connection and
tradition as a whaling culture. North
Slope coastal communities also have
access to a wider array of resources than
island communities and rely much more
heavily on other marine mammals,
seabirds, fish and terrestrial mammals to
meet their subsistence needs (MMS
2007, p. IV–186). Due to the presence of
the oil industry, North Slope
communities also have a stronger
economic base than the Bering Strait
communities, and therefore do not rely
as heavily on ivory carving as a source
of cash in the local economy.
As stated above, barring additional
Tribal or Federal regulations governing
harvest, we predict that subsistence
harvest is likely to continue at or near
current levels, even as the walrus
population declines in response to loss
of summer sea ice. This is because
walrus are expected to continue to
remain locally abundant and available
for subsistence harvest in the Bering
Strait region in the winter and spring.
Over time, depending on how quickly
the population declines, future harvest
levels will need to be reduced as
population size declines, or subsistence
harvest will become unsustainable.
Therefore, we have determined that if
subsistence harvest continues at current
levels, as expected, it represents a threat
to the walrus population in the
foreseeable future. Although it is
difficult to quantify sustainable removal
levels because of the lack of information
on Pacific walrus population status and
trends, we have determined that the
current harvest of approximately 4
percent is at a sustainable level based on
a minimum population estimate of
129,000. Therefore, we do not consider
the current level of subsistence harvest
to be a threat to Pacific walrus at the
present time. Our identification of
subsistence harvest as a threat to the
species in the foreseeable future is tied
to expected population declines related
to threats associated with reduced
summer sea ice, and is based on the best
scientific and commercial data
available, including scientific
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projections to the end of the 21st
Although we have suggested that
overall harvest must adjust with
population size, there are strategies
other than a numerical quota that could
be utilized in an effort to assure
sustainability over the long term. The
co-management structure and the St.
Lawrence Island Tribal ordinances
provide an effective means to address
improvements in hunting efficiency,
and modification of the sex structure of
the harvest. Improving hunting
efficiency by reducing the number of
animals which are struck and lost could
potentially reduce the total number of
walrus removed from the population
due to subsistence harvest. Adult
breeding-age females are the most
important cohort of the population. An
overall reduction in the number of
females removed annually while still
allowing an unlimited number of males
to be harvested has had a positive effect
on a declining population in the past
and could be an effective means of
managing harvests for sustainability into
the future.
Our conclusion that subsistence
harvest is a threat in the foreseeable
future is supported by the BN models
prepared by the Service and USGS. The
sensitivity analyses of both models
identified subsistence harvest as one of
the major drivers of model predictions.
The two models involved different
assumptions relative to subsistence
harvest levels. In the Service model, we
assumed, for the reasons described
above, that subsistence harvest levels
would remain relatively constant over
time, even as the walrus population
declined in response to reduced sea-ice
conditions. In the USGS model, Jay et
al. (2010b, p. 15) assumed that future
harvest rates would be proportional to
walrus population size. However, these
authors acknowledge that if in the
future, the walrus population declines,
but harvest continues at the current
level, the population-level stress caused
by the harvest would effectively
increase (Jay et al. 2010b, p. 16), thereby
amplifying the impact of subsistence
harvest on the population. In the
Service model, maintaining the harvest
at replacement levels (sustainable)
reduced the probabilities of negative
effects by about 19 percent compared to
a higher harvest (Garlich-Miller et al.
2011, Table 8). Results from the USGS
model suggest that although minimizing
harvest from current levels may have
little positive effect on population
outcomes in the future, harvests of high
(greater than 4 percent of the
population) and very high levels (greater
than 6 percent) could add significantly
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to the adverse effects of future sea-ice
conditions on population outcomes
through the end of the century (Jay et al.
2010b, p. 16).
Summary of Factor B
As discussed above, scientific and
educational utilization of walruses is
currently at low levels, regulated both
domestically and in the Russian
Federation, and is not a threat to the
Pacific walrus now or in the foreseeable
future. Recreational (sport) hunting of
Pacific walrus is prohibited under the
MMPA and by Russian legislation;
therefore, it is not a threat to the Pacific
walrus now or in the foreseeable future.
United States import/export is not a
threat to the Pacific walrus now or in
the foreseeable future because Pacific
walrus specimens exported from or
imported into the United States consist
mostly of fossilized bone and ivory
shards, and any other walrus ivory can
only be imported into or exported from
the United States after it has been
legally harvested and substantially
altered to qualify as a Native handicraft.
Commercial hunting of Pacific walrus in
the United States is prohibited under
the MMPA. Commercial hunting in
Russia has not occurred since 1991 and
could not resume unless a harvest quota
based on sustainability were
established; therefore, it is unlikely that
Russian commercial harvest will be a
threat to the Pacific walrus population.
Over the past 50 years, Pacific walrus
population annual harvest removals
have varied from 3,200 to 16,000 per
year. Over the past decade, subsistence
harvest removals in the United States
and Russia have averaged
approximately 5,000 per year. Recent
harvest levels are significantly lower
than historical highs, although the lack
of information on population status and
trend make it difficult to quantify
sustainable removal levels. Anticipated
reductions in population size in
response to losses in sea-ice habitats
and associated impacts underscore the
need for reliable population information
as a basis for evaluating the
sustainability of future harvest levels.
Research leading to a better
understanding of population responses
to changing ice conditions and
modeling efforts to examine the impact
of various removal levels are currently
under way by USGS and others.
Subsistence harvest levels in Russia
are presently controlled under a quota
system based upon the 2006 population
estimate. The Russian quota has been
reduced recently in response to the loss
of several thousand calves at terrestrial
haulouts as a result of trampling events
in recent years and their belief that the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
population is in decline. Although the
subsistence walrus harvest in Alaska is
not regulated under a quota system, the
MMPA provides for the development of
voluntary co-management agreements
with Alaska Native organizations.
Notably, hunting ordinances were
implemented in 2010 in Alaska’s two
primary hunting communities,
providing a promising mechanism for
self regulation of harvests. While it is
premature to evaluate the efficacy of
such local ordinances over the long
term, the recent establishment of these
local management programs offers a
tangible framework for additional
harvest management, as necessary. The
existing harvest reporting and
monitoring programs provide
information on harvest program
effectiveness and also provide data on
harvest trends and composition. In
conjunction with information on
population status and trends, this
information will be used to evaluate
future harvest management strategies.
Additionally, a multi-party agreement
between the Service, State of Alaska,
and two Alaska native groups includes
a defined hunting season and a quota for
the Round Island State Game Sanctuary.
We wish to underscore the
importance of the efforts the Alaska
Native community has undertaken to
manage subsistence harvest, and we are
hopeful that community-based harvest
regulations to improve efficiency
(reduce animals that are struck and
lost), adjust the sex structure of the
harvest (reduce the overall take of
females), or limit the total number of
walrus taken will be developed in the
future. The Service prefers to develop
community-based harvest regulations.
To that end, we will continue working
directly with the subsistence hunting
community and the Eskimo Walrus
Commission to continually refine
harvest monitoring and reporting and to
share information on population status
and trend from both traditional
ecological knowledge and western
science. We recognize that to improve
our ability to manage the walrus
harvest, the refinement of methods to
estimate walrus abundance and trend,
productivity, and habitat carrying
capacity is needed. Our longstanding
co-management agreement between the
Service and the Eskimo Walrus
Commission provides an important
forum for continued dialogue about
these harvest-related issues and a
mechanism for developing further
harvest management options.
In summary, although the Service
supports efforts by subsistence
communities to implement voluntary
programs with the goal of sustainable
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Pacific walrus harvests, we
acknowledge that there are currently no
regulatory mechanisms in place to
assure the sustainability of subsistence
harvests. In the absence of such
regulatory mechanisms, we do not
expect harvest levels in the Bering Strait
region to change appreciably in the
foreseeable future. Subsistence harvest
is predicted to continue at similar
levels, independent of future walrus
population trends. Barring additional
Tribal or Federal harvest management
actions, we anticipate that the
proportion of animals harvested will
increase relative to the overall
population, and this continued level of
subsistence harvest will become
unsustainable. Therefore, although we
do not identify current subsistence
harvest as a threat to the walrus
population at the present time, we have
determined that this continued level of
subsistence harvest will become a threat
to the walrus population, as it declines
in the foreseeable future. Based on the
best scientific and commercial data
available, we find that overutilization in
the form of subsistence harvest at
current levels, is likely to threaten the
Pacific walrus in the foreseeable future.
Factor C. Disease or Predation
Future disease and predation
dynamics may be tied to environmental
changes associated with changes in sea
ice and other environmental parameters
that influence disease vectors and
exposure, and predation opportunities.
Our ability to reliably predict the
potential level and influence of disease
and predation is tied to our ability to
predict environmental change and is
related to our understanding of sea-ice
dynamics. Under Factor A, we also
discussed the potential increase in
predation by polar bears associated with
increasing dependence of Pacific walrus
on coastal haulouts caused by the loss
of sea-ice habitat.
Infectious viruses and bacteria have
the capacity to impact marine mammals,
particularly when first introduced to a
population (Duignan et al. 1994, p. 90;
Osterhaus et al. 1997, p. 838; HamLamme et al. 1999, p. 607; Calle et al.
2002, p. 98; Burek et al. 2008, p. 129).
Pacific walrus have had exposure to
several pathogens, such as Caliciviruses
(Fay et al. 1984, p. 140; Smith et al.
1983, p. 86; Barlough et al. 1986, p.
166), Leptospirosis (Calle et al. 2002, p.
96), and Influenza A virus (Calle et al.
2002, p. 95–96), none of which have
resulted in large die-offs of animals.
Additionally, the introduction of new
viruses to populations of marine
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mammals may be the result of changing
distribution patterns of the host
(Duignan et al. 1994, p. 90; Dobson and
Carper 1993; p. 1096). For example,
phocine distemper virus (PDV) was
recently found in the North Pacific
(Goldstein et al., 2009 p. 2009), and
while antibodies to PDV have been
found in Atlantic walrus (Duignan et al.
1994, p. 90; Nielson et al. 2000, p. 510),
as yet there has been no evidence of
exposure in Pacific walruses.
Parasites are common among
pinnipeds, and their infestations result
in various effects to individuals and
populations, ranging from mild to
severe (Fay 1982, p. 228; Dubey 2003, p.
275). For example, the ectoparasite
Antarctophthirus trichchi is an
anopluran (sucking) louse that lives in
the skin folds of walruses (Fay 1982, p.
228), causing external itching, but no
serious health issues (Fay 1982, p. 228).
Endoparasites, protozoa, and
helminthes (microorganisms and
parasitic worms) also may impact
populations, as they rely on locating
suitable hosts to complete all or part of
their life cycle. Of the 17 species of
helminthes known to parasitize Pacific
walrus, 2 species are endemic (Fay
1982, p. 228; Rausch 2005, p. 134): The
cestode Diphyllobothrium fayi, found
only in the small intestine, and the
nematode Anisakis rosmari, found only
in stomachs (Heptner and Naumov
1976, p. 52).
Trichinella spiralis nativa (Rausch et
al. 2007, p. 1249) infects Pacific
walruses at a rate of about 1.5 percent
(Bukina and Kolevatova 2007, p. 14).
While the possibility of contracting
Trichinosis from infected walrus has
been an issue of concern to some
subsistence hunters for decades,
Trichinella does not appear to cause any
ill effects in walrus (Rausch et al. 2007,
p. 1249).
The intracellular parasite Toxoplasma
gondii is a significant cause of
encephalitis in sea otters and harbor
seals (Dubey et al. 2003, p. 276), and
heart, liver, intestine and lung lesions in
sea lions (Dubey et al. 2003, p. 281). It
has been isolated from at least 10
species of marine mammals, including
walrus (Dubey et al. 2003, p. 278). Of
the 53 Pacific walruses tested between
1976 and 1998, about 5.6 percent were
positive for T. gondii (Dubey et al. 2003,
p. 278). T. gondii has also been
documented in some walrus prey (e.g.,
seals and bivalves; Fay 1982, p. 146;
Lowry and Fay 1984, p. 12; Dubey et al.
2003, p. 278; Lindsay et al. 2004, p.
1055; Jensen et al. 2009, p. 1); however,
it will not likely play a significant role
in the health of the Pacific walrus
population, because they have a history
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
of exposure and no large walrus
mortality events have been attributed to
this organism.
Neospora caninum is a protozoan
parasite that was found in 3 of 53
walruses (Dubey et al. 2003, p. 281).
The health implication for N. caninum
exposure in walruses is unknown, but
the potential for exposure appears low.
In summary, the occurrence and
effects of diseases and parasites on
Pacific walrus appear to be minor in
terms of potential population-level
effects. Several diseases and parasites
appear at chronically low levels;
however, no outbreaks resulting in large
die-offs have been observed. A changing
climate may increase exposure of walrus
to new organisms. Additionally,
increased use of terrestrial haulouts may
escalate the risk of transmission of
disease (Fay 1974, p. 394). This
potential stressor is part of the USGS
Bayesian network model, which linked
lower-shelf ice availability to walrus
crowding and incidence of disease and
parasites in the population, by
increasing the walrus haulout sizes and
concentrating their locations (Jay et al.
2010b, p. 9). However, sensitivity
analysis did not identify disease and
predation as having a significant effect
on model outcomes (Jay et al. 2010b, p.
86). In addition, increased exposure to
disease or parasites has yet to be
documented, and there are no clear
transmission vectors that would change
the level of exposure. At this time,
disease and parasites are not considered
to be threats to the Pacific walrus
population, and no evidence exists that
they will be in the foreseeable future.
Because of their large size and
formidable tusks, adult walruses have
few natural predators. Polar bears
(Ursus maritimus) and killer whales
(Orcinus orca) tend to prey on walruses
only opportunistically and focus
primarily on younger animals.
However, when suitable sea-ice
platforms are not available, Pacific
walruses haul out onto land, where they
become vulnerable to terrestrial
predators and associated stampede
events. Walrus carcasses accumulating
at coastal haulouts provide scavenging
opportunities that may attract bears
(Ovsyanikov 2003, p. 13). Brown bears,
wolverines, and feral dogs have also
been observed scavenging at coastal
haulouts in Chukotka, Russia, in recent
years (Kochnev 2010, pers. comm.) and
contribute to disturbances at these
haulout sites. Programs have been
established in recent years at some
coastal haulouts in Chukotka, Russia, to
mitigate disturbance-related mortalities
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that include collection of walrus
carcasses and establishment of polar
bear feeding areas away from the
haulouts and villages (Kavry 2010, pers.
The increase in walrus carcasses at
coastal haulouts in Chukotka in recent
years is likely playing an important role
in shifting habitat-use patterns of some
polar bears and their progeny (Kochnev
2006, p. 1). Walrus carcasses now
represent an important food resource for
polar bears on Wrangel Island in
autumn and early winter (Kochnev
2002, p. 137). Polar bears begin to
appear near walrus haulouts on Wrangel
Island in early August, about a month
prior to the arrival of walruses (Kochnev
2002, p. 137). In the 1990s, the number
of polar bears coming ashore on
Wrangel Island peaked in late October,
averaging 50 bears (Kochnev 2002, p.
137). However, in 2007, approximately
500–600 polar bears were stranded on
Wrangel Island (Ovsyanikov and
Menyushina 2007, p. 1), along with
herds of walruses (up to 15,000 in one
group); some of the walruses were in
poor condition and polar bears were
able to kill them relatively easily. At
least 11 cases of polar bear predation on
motherless calves were also observed
(Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, p. 1).
Because the summer/fall open-water
period is projected to increase in the
foreseeable future, polar bears are also
predicted to spend more time on land.
As a result, we anticipate that there will
be greater interaction between the two
species, and terrestrial walrus haulouts
may become important feeding areas for
polar bears. The presence of polar bears
along the coast during the ice-free
season will likely influence patterns of
haulout use by walrus, and may play a
significant role in the selection of
coastal haulout sites (Garlich-Miller et
al. 2011, Section ‘‘Polar Bears’’).
We anticipate walrus to respond to this
expected increase in interaction with
polar bears by shifting to other coastal
haulout locations. However, if walrus
are forced to move to other locations to
avoid predation by polar bears, the
walrus may be displaced from preferred
haulout locations with adequate prey
resources to other areas that may or may
not have less-suitable foraging habitat. It
is also possible that walrus will be
forced to move to different haulout
locations more frequently, with
increased energetic costs to them.
Kochnev (2004, p. 286) asserted that
when Pacific walrus migrate in autumn,
from haulout to haulout on the Arctic
coast of Chukotka, Russia, the increased
pressure from humans and animal
predators prevents walruses from
getting adequate rest at the coastal
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haulouts, and some of the animals die
in stampedes caused by disturbance
events. The magnitude of these potential
energetic costs would be determined by
the frequency and distance of the shifts
in location. Although predation by polar
bears on Pacific walrus has been
observed, no population-level effects
have been documented to date;
therefore, polar bear predation is not
currently a threat to the Pacific walrus.
As sea ice declines and Pacific walrus
spend more time on coastal haulouts,
however, it is likely that polar bear
predation will increase. However, we
cannot reliably predict the level of such
predation. Although we have identified
these issues as stressors for Pacific
walrus, we are not able to conclude with
sufficient reliability that they will rise to
the level of a threat to the Pacific walrus
population in the foreseeable future.
Although sea-ice habitats also provide
some protection against killer whales,
which have limited ability to penetrate
far into the ice pack, accounts of killer
whale predation on walrus have been
observed by Russian scientists and
Alaskan Natives (Fay 1982, pp. 216–
220). Some observers suggest that killer
whales primarily prey upon the
youngest animals, and instances of
killer whale predation on adult walruses
have also been documented (Fay and
Stoker 1982, p. 2). The mortality from
killer whale predation is unknown, but
an interpretation of an examination of
52 walrus carcasses that washed ashore
on St. Lawrence Island in 1951 (Fay
1982, p. 220) suggested that 17 walrus
(33 percent) died from injuries
consistent with killer whale predation.
Fay and Kelly reported that 2 of 15 (13
percent) animals they examined had
likely been killed by killer whales (Fay
and Kelly 1980, p. 235). The potential
for killer whales to expand their range
and begin to target walruses at northern
haulouts exists; however, this remains
speculative at this time. Reduced
availability of sea ice may lead to
walruses spending more time in the
water where they may be more
susceptible to predation by killer whales
(Boveng et al. 2009, p. 169). However,
there is no evidence that killer whale
predation has ever limited the Pacific
walrus population, and there is no
evidence of increased presence of killer
whales in the Bering or Chukchi seas;
therefore, killer whale predation is not
a threat to the Pacific walrus now and
is unlikely to be a threat in the
foreseeable future.
Sensitivity analyses of both BN
models found that disease and
predation had very little effect on model
outcomes. For the Service model,
disease and predation altered model
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
outcomes by 1.2 and 2.2 percent,
respectively (Garlich-Miller et al. 2011,
Table 8). For the USGS model, disease
and predation accounted for less than 1
percent of entropy (variation) reduction
(Jay et al. 2010b, p. 85–86).
Summary of Factor C
Disease and predation are not
considered to represent threats to the
Pacific walrus population at this time.
Although a changing climate may
increase exposure of walrus to new
pathogens, there are no clear
transmission vectors that would change
levels of exposure, and no evidence
exists that disease will become a threat
in the foreseeable future. As walruses
and polar bears become increasingly
dependent on coastal haulouts, we
expect interactions between the two
species to increase. The presence of
polar bears stranded along the coast
during the ice-free season will likely
influence patterns of haulout use and
may play a significant role in the
selection of coastal haulout sites. There
is no evidence that killer whale
predation has ever limited the Pacific
walrus population, and there is no
evidence of increased presence of killer
whales in the Bering or Chukchi seas.
The net effect of future predation levels
on the population cannot be reliably
predicted, because of uncertainties
relative to distribution of walrus and
their potential predators and the amount
of potential overlap, and the degree to
which these predators would target
Pacific walrus. The best available
scientific information indicates that the
effect of predation on Pacific walrus
may be a source of concern in the
foreseeable future, particularly at the
localized scale, where walrus congregate
at coastal haulouts. However, we do not
anticipate predation to be a threat to the
entire population. Therefore, we
conclude, based on the best scientific
and commercial data available, that
disease and predation are not threats to
the Pacific walrus now, nor are they
likely to become threats to the
population in the foreseeable future.
Factor D. The Inadequacy of Existing
Regulatory Mechanisms
In determining whether the
inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms
constitutes a threat to the Pacific walrus,
we focused our analysis on the specific
laws and regulations aimed at
addressing the two primary threats to
the walrus–the loss of sea-ice habitat
under Factor A and subsistence harvest
under Factor B. These specific
regulatory mechanisms are described
below. Although none of the other
stressors on walrus rise to the level of
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a threat, we also provide an overview of
additional laws and regulations
containing protective measures for the
Regulatory Mechanisms To Address
Sea-Ice Loss
As explained under Factor A, a
primary threat to the survival of the
Pacific walrus is the projected loss of
sea-ice habitat due to a warming climate
and its consequences for walrus
populations. Currently, there are no
regulatory mechanisms in place that
effectively address GHG emissions,
climate change, and associated sea-ice
National and international regulatory
mechanisms to comprehensively
address the causes of climate change are
continuing to be developed.
International efforts to address climate
change began with the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), which was signed in
May 1992. The UNFCCC states as its
objective the stabilization of GHG
concentrations in the atmosphere at a
level that would prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the
climate system, but it does not impose
any mandatory and enforceable
restrictions on GHG emissions. The
Kyoto Protocol, negotiated in 1997,
became the first agreement added to the
UNFCCC to set GHG emissions targets
for signatory counties, but the targets are
not mandated. The Climate Change Act
of 2008 established a long-term target to
cut emissions in the United Kingdom
(UK) by 80 percent by 2050 and by 34
percent in 2020 compared to 1990
levels, but the law does not pertain to
any emissions outside the UK. Other
international laws, regulations, or other
legally binding requirements imposing
limits on GHG emissions to further the
goals set forth in the UNFCCC and the
Kyoto Protocol have not yet been
In the United States, efforts to address
climate change focus on the Clean Air
Act and a number of voluntary actions
and programs. Specifically, the Clean
Air Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.),
as amended, requires the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and
enforce regulations to protect the
general public from exposure to
airborne contaminants hazardous to
human health. In 2007, the Supreme
Court ruled that gases that cause global
warming are ‘‘pollutants’’ under the
Clean Air Act, and that the EPA has the
authority to regulate carbon dioxide and
other heat-trapping gases
(Massachusetts et al. v. EPA 2007 (Case
No. 05–1120)). On December 29, 2009,
the EPA adopted a regulation to require
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reporting of greenhouse gas emissions
from fossil fuel suppliers and industrial
gas suppliers, direct greenhouse gas
emitters, and manufacturers of heavy
duty and off-road vehicles and engines
(EPA 2009, p. 56260). The rule does not
actually regulate greenhouse gas
emissions, however; but it merely
requires that emissions above certain
thresholds be monitored and reported
(EPA 2009, p. 56260). On December 7,
2009, the EPA found that the current
and projected concentrations of six
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
threaten public health and welfare
under section 202(a) of the Clean Air
Act. This finding by itself does not
impose any requirements on any
industry or other entities to limit
greenhouse gas emissions. While the
finding could be considered a
prerequisite for any future regulations
developed by the EPA to reduce GHG
emissions, no such regulations exist at
this time. In addition, it is unknown
whether any regulations will be adopted
in the future as a result of the finding,
or how effective such regulations would
be in addressing GHG emissions and
climate change.
Summary of Regulatory Mechanisms To
Address Sea-Ice Loss
Based on our analysis (above), we
conclude that there are no known
regulatory mechanisms in place at the
national or international level that are
likely to effectively reduce or limit GHG
emissions. This conclusion is
corroborated by the projections we used
to assess risks to sea ice from GHG
emissions, as described earlier in this
finding. Therefore, the lack of
mechanisms to regulate GHG emissions
is already included in our risk
assessment in Factor A, which shows
that, without additional regulation, GHG
emissions and corresponding sea-ice
losses are likely to increase in the
foreseeable future. Thus, we conclude
that regulatory mechanisms do not
currently exist to effectively address the
loss of sea-ice habitat.
Regulatory Mechanisms To Ensure
Harvest Sustainability
While current harvest levels are
considered sustainable, subsistence
harvest has been identified as a threat to
the Pacific walrus within the foreseeable
future. As explained in Factor B,
subsistence harvest is expected to
continue at current levels, while the
walrus population is projected to
decline with the continued loss of sea
ice and associated impacts. Barring
additional Tribal or Federal regulations,
we anticipate that the proportion of
animals harvested will increase relative
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
to the overall population. As a result,
the current level of subsistence harvest
will likely become unsustainable in the
foreseeable future. To address this
threat, regulatory mechanisms will need
to be developed and implemented to
ensure that future harvest levels are
reduced in proportion to the declining
walrus population such that subsistence
harvest levels are sustainable. To
determine whether such regulatory
mechanisms currently exist, we
evaluated the various international and
domestic laws and regulations,
cooperative agreements, and local
ordinances relevant to the subsistence
harvest of walrus.
In Russia, the Pacific walrus is a
protected species managed primarily by
the Fisheries Department within the
Ministry of Agriculture. The subsistence
harvest of walrus in Russia is
authorized, but it is controlled through
a quota system. Under the Russian ‘‘Law
on Fishery and Protection of Aquatic
Biological Resources,’’ the harvest of
walrus is based upon the total annual
catch (TAC) of walrus (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations 2007, p. 4). The TAC takes into
account the total population and
productivity, based in part on the
recommendations of scientists from the
Pacific Research Fisheries Center
(Chukotka Branch-ChukotTINRO)
regarding a sustainable removal level
(Kochnev, 2010 pers. comm.). The 2010
quota has been set at 1,300 animals
(Kochnev, 2010 pers. comm.).
In the United States, section 101(b) of
the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1371(b)) provides
an exemption for the continued
nonwasteful harvest of walrus by coastal
Alaska Natives for subsistence and
handicraft purposes. Pursuant to
Section 101(b)(3), regulations limiting
the subsistence harvest of walrus may
be adopted, but only if a determination
is first made that the species or stock
has been depleted, following notice and
determination by substantial evidence
on the record following an agency
hearing before an administrative law
judge. To date, no determination has
ever been made that the species or stock
has been depleted, and thus, no
regulations establishing limits on the
subsistence harvest of Pacific walrus in
the United States have been adopted.
Subsistence harvest reporting in the
United States is required under section
109(i) of the MMPA. This requirement
is administered through the Marking,
Tagging, and Reporting Program (MTRP)
and requires Alaska Native hunters to
report the harvest of all walrus and
present the ivory for tagging within 30
days of harvest. Since its
implementation in 1988, the Service has
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used the program to improve its
understanding of subsistence harvest by
recruiting, training, and outfitting
village residents to collect harvest data
and tag tusks. Pursuant to the program,
the Service has also maintained a
walrus harvest reporting database and
developed and implemented important
outreach and education programs.
In addition to the MTRP, the Service
also administers the Walrus Harvest
Monitoring Program, which is an
observer-based data collection program
conducted in the communities of
Gambell and Savoonga during the
spring harvest. The program is designed
to collect basic biological information
on harvested walrus, collect biological
samples for research, and supplement
the MTRP data set, to allow the Service
to more accurately account for the
unreported segment of the harvest. The
Service law enforcement office
simultaneously conducts an
enforcement program designed to
enforce the nonwasteful take provision
of the MMPA.
Some local harvest management
programs have been adopted in addition
to the above subsistence harvest data
collection programs. Through a 1997
cooperative agreement between the
Service, Bristol Bay Native Association/
Qayassiq Walrus Commission, the
Eskimo Walrus Commission, and ADFG,
the subsistence harvest of walrus at
Round Island, a traditional hunting area
now located within the Walrus Island
State Game Sanctuary, is restricted to a
40-day fall hunting season and a quota
of 20 walrus (Chythlook and Fall 1998,
pp. 4, 5). The harvest level in this area
has ranged from zero to two per year
and represents a very minor portion of
the harvest in the United States.
Similarly, out of a desire to revive
traditional law, to advance the idea of
self regulation of the subsistence
harvest, and to initiate a local
management infrastructure, the Native
villages of Gambell and Savoonga on St.
Lawrence Island have recently formed
Marine Mammal Advisory Committees
(MMAC) and implemented local
ordinances establishing a limit of four
walruses per hunting trip. The scope of
these ordinances is limited, however, as
walruses that are struck and lost and
walrus calves do not count against this
limit of four walruses per trip, and the
number of trips is not restricted.
Additionally, there is no quota on the
total number of walruses that may be
Summary of Regulatory Mechanisms To
Ensure Harvest Sustainability
After evaluating the laws, regulations,
cooperative agreements, and local
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ordinances described above, we
conclude that adequate regulatory
mechanisms are not currently in place
to address the threat that continued
levels of subsistence harvest pose to the
Pacific walrus as the population
declines in the foreseeable future. The
Russian harvest is currently regulated
with a quota system, based on the
sustainability of the harvest. In Alaska,
no Statewide quota exists. An annual
quota does exist on Round Island, but
the number of walrus harvested in this
area is miniscule in relation to the
overall harvest. In the Bering Strait
Region, where the vast majority of U.S.
harvest (84 percent) and 43 percent of
the rangewide harvest occurs, local
ordinances recently adopted by two
Native villages reflect the appreciation
of the Native community for the
important role of self-regulation in
managing the subsistence harvest, and
will serve as a starting point for future
cooperative efforts and the development
of harvest management strategies in the
future. There are currently no tribal,
Federal, or State regulations in place to
ensure the likelihood that, as the
population of walrus declines in
response to changing sea-ice conditions,
the subsistence harvest of walrus will
occur at a reduced and sustainable level.
As a result, we conclude that current
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate
to prevent subsistence harvest from
becoming unsustainable in the
foreseeable future. Therefore, we
conclude that current regulatory
mechanisms do not remove or reduce
the threat to the Pacific walrus from
future subsistence harvest.
Regulatory Mechanisms To Address
Other Stressors
A number of regulatory mechanisms
directed specifically at protecting and
conserving the walrus and its habitat are
in place at the international, national,
and local level. These mechanisms may
be useful in minimizing the adverse
effects to walrus from potential stressors
other than sea-ice loss and subsistence
harvest, such as the take of walrus for
scientific or educational purposes,
commercial harvest, human
disturbance, and oil spills. Because
none of these other stressors rise to the
level of a threat to the Pacific walrus, we
acknowledge that the protections
discussed here are not essential to our
determination of the adequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms to
address threats to the walrus.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
International Agreements
The Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora
The Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES) is a treaty
aimed at protecting species that are or
may be affected by international trade.
The CITES regulates international trade
in animals and plants by listing species
in one of three appendices. The level of
monitoring and regulation to which an
animal or plant species is subject
depends on the appendix in which the
species is listed. At the request of
Canada, the walrus was listed at the
species level in Appendix III, which
includes species that are subject to
regulation in at least one country, and
for which that country has asked the
other CITES Party countries for
assistance in controlling and monitoring
international trade in that species. For
exportation of walrus specimens from
Canada, an export permit may be issued
by the Canadian Management Authority
if it finds that the specimen was legally
obtained. The import of walrus
specimens into countries that are parties
to CITES requires the presentation of a
certificate or origin and, if the import
was from Canada, an export permit. All
countries within the range of the
walrus—that is, the United States
(Pacific walrus); the Russian Federation
(Pacific and Laptev Walrus), Canada,
Norway, Greenland (Denmark), and
Sweden (Atlantic walrus) are members
to the CITES and have provisions in
place to monitor international trade in
walrus specimens.
Domestic Regulatory Mechanisms
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
The Marine Mammal Protection Act
of 1972, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) (MMPA) was enacted to protect
and conserve marine mammals so that
they continue to be significant
functioning elements of the ecosystem
of which they are a part. The MMPA
sets forth a national policy to prevent
marine mammal species or population
stocks from diminishing to the point
where they are no longer a significant
functioning element of the ecosystems.
The MMPA places an emphasis on
habitat and ecosystem protection. The
habitat and ecosystem goals set forth in
the MMPA include: (1) Management of
marine mammals to ensure they do not
cease to be a significant element of the
ecosystem of which they are a part; (2)
protection of essential habitats,
including rookeries, mating grounds,
and areas of similar significance ‘‘from
the adverse effects of man’s action’’; (3)
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recognition that marine mammals ‘‘affect
the balance of marine ecosystems in a
manner that is important to other
animals and animal products,’’ and that
marine mammals and their habitats
should therefore be protected and
conserved; and (4) direction that the
primary objective of marine mammal
management is to maintain ‘‘the health
and stability of the marine ecosystem.’’
Congressional intent to protect marine
mammal habitat is also reflected in the
definitions section of the MMPA. The
terms ‘‘conservation’’ and ‘‘management’’
of marine mammals are specifically
defined to include habitat acquisition
and improvement.
The MMPA established a general
moratorium on the taking and importing
of marine mammals, as well as a
number of prohibitions that are subject
to a number of exceptions. Some of
these exceptions include take for
scientific purposes, for purposes of
public display, and for subsistence use
by Alaska Natives, as well as
unintentional take incidental to
conducting otherwise lawful activities.
The Service, prior to issuing a permit
authorizing the taking or importing of a
walrus, or a walrus part or product, for
scientific or public display purposes,
reviews each request, provides an
opportunity for public comment, and
consults with the U.S. Marine Mammal
Commission (MMC), as described at 50
CFR 18.31. The Service has determined
that there is sufficient rigor under the
regulations at 50 CFR 18.30 and 18.31
to ensure that any activities so
authorized are consistent with the
conservation of this species and are not
a threat to the species.
Take is defined in the MMPA to
include the ‘‘harassment’’ of marine
mammals. ‘‘Harassment’’ includes any
act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance
that ‘‘has the potential to injure a marine
mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild’’ (Level A harassment), or ‘‘has the
potential to disturb a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild by
causing disruption of behavioral
patterns, including, but not limited to,
migration, breathing, nursing, breeding,
feeding, or sheltering’’ (Level B
harassment) (16 U.S.C. 1362(18)(A)).
The MMPA contains provisions for
evaluating and permitting incidental
take of marine mammals, provided the
total take would have no more than a
negligible effect on the population or
stock. Specifically, under Section
101(a)(5) of the MMPA, citizens of the
United States who engage in a specified
activity other than commercial fishing
(which is specifically and separately
addressed under the MMPA) within a
specified geographical region may
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petition the Secretary of the Interior to
authorize the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals within that region for
a period of not more than 5 consecutive
years (16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)). The
Secretary ‘‘shall allow’’ the incidental
taking if the Secretary finds that ‘‘the
total of such taking during each fiveyear (or less) period concerned will
have no more than a negligible impact
on such species or stock and will not
have an unmitigable adverse impact on
the availability of such species or stock
for taking for subsistence uses’’ (16
U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)(i)). If the Secretary
makes the required findings, the
Secretary also prescribes regulations
that specify: (1) Permissible methods of
taking; (2) means of affecting the least
practicable adverse impact on the
species, their habitat, and their
availability for subsistence uses; and (3)
requirements for monitoring and
reporting. (16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)(ii)).
The regulatory process does not
authorize the activities themselves, but
authorizes the incidental take of the
marine mammals in conjunction with
otherwise legal activities.
Regulations authorizing the nonlethal
incidental take of walrus from certain
oil and gas activities in the Beaufort and
Chukchi Seas are currently in place.
These regulations are based on a
determination that the effects of such
activities, including noise, physical
obstructions, human encounters, and oil
spills, are likely to be sufficiently
limited in time and scale that they
would have no more than a negligible
impact on the stock (USFWS 2008, pp.
33212, 33226). General operating
conditions required to be imposed in
specific authorizations include: (1)
Restrictions on industrial activities,
areas, and time of year; (2) restrictions
on seismic surveys to mitigate potential
cumulative impacts on resting, feeding,
and migrating walrus; and (3)
development of a site-specific plan of
operation and a site-specific monitoring
plan to enumerate and document any
animals that may be disturbed. These
and other safeguards and coordination
with industry called for under the
MMPA have been useful in helping to
minimize industry effects on walrus.
A similar process exists for the
promulgation of regulations authorizing
the incidental take of small numbers of
marine mammals where the take will be
limited to harassment (16 U.S.C.
1371(a)(5)(D)). These authorizations,
referred to as Incidental Harassment
Authorizations, are limited to 1 year and
require a finding by the Department that
the taking will have no more than a
negligible impact on the species or stock
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
and will not have immitigable adverse
impact on the availability of such
species or stock for taking for
subsistence uses. There are currently no
incidental harassment authorizations in
place for the walrus.
As discussed under Factor E, shipping
and anthropogenic noises are expected
to increase in the Chukchi and Beaufort
Seas in the future, and could impact the
walrus or its habitat. Under the MMPA,
however, disturbance of walrus from
such otherwise lawful human activity is
generally prohibited. While the MMPA
does allow for the incidental taking of
walrus, any such authorizations for
increasing shipping activities or
anthropogenic noise from industry
would be required to be based on a
determination that impacts to the
Pacific walrus would be negligible and
would not have an immitigable adverse
impact on the availability of Pacific
walrus for the taking for subsistence
uses, consistent with the procedures
outlined previously regarding the
promulgation of take regulations and
incidental harassment authorizations.
Similarly, the potential for
commercial fishing to expand into the
Chukchi and Beaufort Seas could
impact the Pacific walrus, as discussed
later in this finding. However, the
MMPA has protections in place to limit
any potential incidental impacts of
future commercial fisheries.
Specifically, section 118 of the MMPA
(16 U.S.C. 1387) calls for commercial
fisheries to reduce any incidental
mortality or serious injury of marine
mammals to insignificant levels
approaching zero. In its 2004 report to
Congress regarding the commercial
fisheries’ progress toward reducing
mortality and serious injury of marine
mammals, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
concluded that: (1) Most fisheries have
achieved levels of incidental mortality
consistent with the Zero Mortality Rate
Goal; (2) substantial progress has been
made in reducing incidental mortality
through Take Reduction Plans; and
(3) additional information will be
needed for most fisheries and stocks of
marine mammals to accurately assess
whether mortality incidental to
commercial fishing is at insignificant
levels approaching a zero mortality and
serious injury rate (NOAA 2004,
Executive Summary). Thus, while
commercial fishing could expand in the
future, such expansions would need to
be consistent with existing fisheries
elsewhere in the United States that must
limit their impacts to marine mammals.
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Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands
Act (OCSLA) (43 U.S.C. 331 et seq.)
established Federal jurisdiction over
submerged lands on the outer
continental shelf (OCS) seaward for 5
km (3 mi) in order to expedite
exploration and development of oil and
gas resources. The OCSLA is
implemented by the Bureau of Ocean
Energy, Management, Regulation and
Enforcement (formerly the Minerals
Management Service) of the Department
of the Interior. The OCSLA mandates
that orderly development of OCS energy
resources be balanced with protection of
human, marine, and coastal
environments. Specifically, Title II of
the OCSLA provides for the cancellation
of leases or permits if continued activity
is likely to cause serious harm to life,
including fish and other aquatic life. It
also requires economic, social, and
environmental values of the renewable
and nonrenewable resources to be
considered in management of the OCS.
Through consistency determinations,
any license or permit issued under the
OCSLA must be consistent with State
coastal management plans (see also the
Coastal Zone Management Act below).
Thus, the OCSLA helps to increase the
likelihood that projects on the OCS do
not adversely impact Pacific walruses or
their habitats.
Oil Pollution Act of 1990
The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA)
(33 U.S.C. 2701) provides enhanced
capabilities for oil spill response and
natural resource damage assessment by
the Service. The OPA requires the
Service to consult on developing a fish
and wildlife response plan for the
National Contingency Plan, provide
input to Area Contingency Plans, review
Facility and Tank Vessel Contingency
Plans, and conduct damage assessments
for the purpose of obtaining damages for
the restoration of natural resources
injured from oil spills. However, we
note that there are limited abilities to
respond to a catastrophic oil spill event
described in the plan (Alaska Regional
Response Team 2002, pp. G–71, G–72).
The U.S. Coast Guard, despite planning
efforts, has limited offshore capability to
respond in the event of a large oil spill
in northern or western Alaska, and we
only marginally understand the science
of recovering oil in broken ice
(O’Rourke 2010, p. 23).
Coastal Zone Management Act
The Coastal Zone Management Act of
1972 (CZMA) (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.)
was enacted to ‘‘preserve, protect,
develop, and where possible, to restore
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or enhance the resources of the Nation’s
coastal zone.’’ The CZMA provides for
the submission of a State program
subject to Federal approval. The CZMA
requires that Federal actions be
conducted in a manner consistent with
the State’s Coastal Zone Management
Plan (CZMP) to the maximum extent
practicable. Federal agencies planning
or authorizing an activity that affects
any land or water use or natural
resource of the coastal zone must
provide a consistency determination to
the appropriate State agency. The
CZMA applies to walrus habitats of
northern and western Alaska. In Alaska,
consistency determinations are
reviewed for compliance with the
Alaska Coastal Management Program
(Alaska Stat. section 46.39–40). The
Alaska Coastal Management Plan is
developed in partnership with Alaska’s
natural resource agencies, the Alaska
Department of Environmental
Conservation, the ADFG, and the
Department of Natural Resources
(Alaska Coastal Management Plan 2005,
p. A85). The CZMA applies to walrus
habitats of northern and western Alaska
by ensuring that any permitted actions
are consistent with the State of Alaska’s
CZMP, which, among other things, sets
standards that require exposed high
energy coasts to be managed so as to
avoid, minimize, or mitigate significant
adverse impacts to the mix and
transport of sediments. As such, these
requirements provide potential
protection to current or future coastal
Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act
The Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA) (16
U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) created or expanded
National Parks and National Wildlife
Refuges in Alaska, including the
expansion of the Togiak National
Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and the Alaska
Maritime NWR. One of the purposes of
these National Wildlife Refuges under
the ANILCA is the conservation of
marine mammals and their habitat.
Walrus haulouts at Cape Peirce and
Cape Newenham are located within
Togiak NWR while haulouts at Cape
Lisburne occur in the Alaska Maritime
NWR. Access to the Cape Peirce is
tightly controlled through a permitted
visitor program. Refuge staff require that
visitors must remain out of sight,
downwind, and a minimum of 107 m
(100 yards) from walruses. Visitors are
advised that disturbances to walruses or
seals are a violation of the MMPA
(Miller 2010, pers. comm.). Cape
Newenham has no established refuge
visitor program, because public access is
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
extremely limited due to the presence of
Department of Defense lands
surrounding the Cape. As discussed
under Factor A above, the change in the
nature and location of walrus haulouts
in response to changing ice conditions
is anticipated into the foreseeable
future. Significant portions of the
Chukchi Sea coastal zone in Alaska are
National Wildlife Refuge lands created
under ANILCA, and they have the
ability to provide haulout locations that
are free from human disturbance.
Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act
The Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) (33 U.S.C.
1401 et seq.) was enacted in part to
‘‘prevent or strictly limit the dumping
into ocean waters of any material that
would adversely affect human health,
welfare, or amenities, or the marine
environment, ecological systems, or
economic potentialities.’’ The MPRSA
does not itself regulate the take of
walrus; however, it does help maintain
water quality, which likely benefits
walrus prey.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
The Magnuson Fishery Conservation
and Management Act in 1976 (renamed
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(MSFCMA)) (16 U.S.C. 1800 et seq.)
established the North Pacific Fishery
Management Council (NPFMC), one of
eight regional councils established by
the MSFCMA to oversee management of
the U.S. fisheries. With jurisdiction over
the 2,331,000-sq-km (900,000-sq-mi)
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off
Alaska, the NPFMC has primary
responsibility for groundfish
management in the Gulf of Alaska
(GOA) and Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands (BSAI), including Pacific cod
(Gadus macrocephalus), pollock,
mackerel (Pleurogrammus
monopterygius), sablefish (Anoplopoma
fimbria), and rockfish (Sebastolobus and
Sebastes species) species harvested
mainly by trawlers, hook and line,
longliners, and pot fishermen. In 2009,
the NPFMC released its Fishery
Management Plan for Fish Resources of
the Arctic Management Area, covering
all U.S. waters north of the Bering Strait.
Management policy for this region is to
prohibit all commercial harvest of fish
until sufficient information is available
to support the sustainable management
of a commercial fishery (NPFMC 2009,
p. 3). The policy helps to protect walrus
from potential impacts of commercial
fishery activities.
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Additionally, the Sustainable
Fisheries Act of 1996 amended the
MSFCMA, requiring the NOAA to
describe and identify Essential Fish
Habitat, which includes those waters
and substrates necessary to fish for
spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth
to maturity. ‘‘Waters’’ include aquatic
areas and their associated physical,
chemical, and biological properties.
‘‘Substrate’’ includes sediment
underlying the waters. ‘‘Necessary’’
means the habitat required to support a
sustainable fishery and the managed
species’ contribution to a healthy
ecosystem. Spawning, breeding, feeding,
or growth to maturity covers all habitat
types utilized by a species throughout
its life cycle, and includes not only the
water column but also the benthos
layers. The NOAA’s ‘‘Final Rule for the
implementation of the Fisheries of the
Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska;
Groundfish Fisheries of the Bering Sea
and Aleutian Islands Management
Area,’’ published July 25, 2008 (NOAA
2008, p. 43362), protects areas adjacent
to walrus haulouts and feeding areas
from potential impacts of trawl
fisheries. For example, the St. Lawrence
Island Habitat Conservation Area closes
waters around the St. Lawrence Island
to federally permitted vessels using
nonpelagic trawl gear. Such closures
provide important refuge for the walrus,
but, more importantly, protect feeding
habitat from disturbance.
Russian Federation
The walrus in Russia is a protected
species managed primarily by the
Fisheries Department within the
Ministry of Agriculture. Regulations
regarding the subsistence harvest of
walrus were discussed previously.
There is currently no commercial
harvest of walrus authorized in Russia
(Kochnev 2010, pers. comm.).
Important terrestrial haulout sites in
Russia are also protected, and human
disturbance is minimized. For example,
Wrangel Island, an area which has seen
large influxes of walrus, as discussed
above, has been a nature reserve since
1979 and prohibits human disturbance
(United Nations Environmental Program
2005, p. 1). Additionally, the haulouts at
Cape Kozhevnikov near the village of
Ryrkaipyi and Cape Vankarem near the
village of Vankarem were recently
granted protections by the Government
of Chukotka to minimize disturbance,
and a local conservation organization
known as the ‘‘UMKY Patrol’’ has
organized a quiet zone and
implemented visitor guidelines to
reduce disturbance (Patrol 2008, p. 1;
Kavry 2010, pers. comm.).
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State of Alaska
While the Service has the primary
authority to manage Pacific walrus in
the United States, the State of Alaska
has regulatory programs that
compliment Federal regulations and
work in concert to provide conservation
for walrus and their habitats. For
example, as discussed above, the State’s
Coastal Zone Management Plan works to
ensure that beach integrity is
maintained. Additionally, oil and gas
lease permits issued by the State of
Alaska in State waters or along the
coastal plain contain specific
requirements for Pacific walrus that, for
example, prohibit above-ground leaserelated facilities and structures within 1
mile inland from the coast, in an area
extending 1 mile northeast and 1 mile
southwest of the Cape Seniavin walrus
haulout (ADNR 2005, p. 3). In addition,
walrus and their habitats are protected
in various State special-use areas. For
example, the Walrus Island State Game
Sanctuary is a State of Alaska–managed
conservation area with regulations in
place that allow only limited access to
the sanctuary, prohibit any disturbance
of walrus, and limit access to beaches
and water. These regulations protect
walrus and their haulouts (5 AAC
92.066, Permit for access to Walrus
Islands State Game Sanctuary).
Summary of Factor D
As explained in Factor A, the sea-ice
habitat of the Pacific walrus has been
modified by the warming climate, and
sea-ice losses are projected to continue
into the foreseeable future. There
currently are no regulatory mechanisms
in place to effectively reduce or limit
GHG emissions. This situation was
considered as part of our analysis in
Factor A. Accordingly, there are no
existing regulatory mechanisms to
effectively address loss of sea-ice
As explained in Factor B, harvest,
while currently sustainable, is identified
as a threat within the foreseeable future
because we anticipate that harvest levels
will continue at current levels while the
population declines due to sea-ice loss;
as a result, the proportion of animals
harvested will increase. Harvest in
Russia is managed for sustainability
through a quota system. Harvest in the
United States is well-monitored and
limited to subsistence harvest by Alaska
Natives, with further restrictions on use
and sale of walrus parts; however, the
U.S. harvest is not directly limited by
quota. Emerging local harvest
management efforts offer a promising
approach to developing harvest
management initiatives. Effectiveness of
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
such measures can be evaluated with
existing harvest monitoring and
reporting programs. In the Bering Strait
Region, where the vast majority of U.S.
harvest and 43 percent of the rangewide
harvest occurs, local ordinances
recently adopted by two Native villages
reflect the important role of selfregulation in managing the subsistence
harvest, and will be important in the
development of harvest management
strategies in the future. However, there
are currently no tribal, Federal, or State
regulations in place to ensure the
likelihood that, as the population of
walrus declines in response to changing
sea-ice conditions, the subsistence
harvest of walrus will occur at a
reduced and sustainable level. As a
result, we conclude that current
regulatory mechanisms are inadequate
to address the threat of subsistence
harvest becoming unsustainable in the
foreseeable future, as the Pacific walrus
population declines due to sea-ice
habitat loss and associated impacts.
While laws and regulations exist that
help to minimize the effect of other
stressors on the Pacific walrus, there are
no regulatory mechanisms currently in
place that adequately address the
primary threats of habitat loss due to
sea-ice declines (Factor A) and
subsistence harvest (Factor B). As a
result, we conclude that the existing
regulatory mechanisms do not remove
or reduce the threats to the Pacific
walrus from the loss of sea-ice habitat
and overutilization.
Factor E. Other Natural or Manmade
Factors Affecting Its Continued
We evaluated other factors that may
have an effect on the Pacific walrus,
including pollution and contaminants;
oil and gas exploration, development,
and production; commercial fisheries
interactions; shipping; oil spills; and
icebreaking activities. The potential
effects of many of the stressors under
this factor are tied directly to changes in
sea ice. Potential increases in
commercial shipping due to the opening
of shipping lanes that have been
unavailable in the past are one example.
In addition, oil and gas exploration and
development activities are in part
dependent on ice conditions, as is the
potential for expanding commercial
fisheries. Because the potential effects of
these stressors are related to sea-ice
losses, our ability to reliably predict the
potential level and influence of these
stressors is tied to our ability to predict
environmental changes associated with
sea-ice losses, as discussed previously
under Factor A.
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Pollution and Contaminants
Understanding the potential effects of
contaminants on walruses is
confounded by the wide range of
contaminants present, each with
different chemical properties and
biological effects, and the differing
geographic, temporal, and ecological
exposure regimes. Nevertheless,
Robards et al. (2009, p. 1) in their
assessment of contaminant information
available for Pacific walruses conclude
that Pacific walruses contain generally
low contaminant levels; however, an
absence of data limited definitive
conclusions about the effects current
contaminant had on Pacific walruses.
Of particular concern in the Arctic are
persistent organic pollutants (POPs),
because they do not break down in the
environment and are toxic. ‘‘Legacy’’
POPs (those no longer used in the
United States) include polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine
pesticides such as DDT, chlordanes,
toxaphene, and mirex. POPS with
continued use include
hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs).
Although numerous POPs have been
detected in the Arctic environment,
concentrations of POPs found in Pacific
walrus are relatively low (Seagars and
Garlich-Miller 2001, p. 129; Taylor et al.
1989, pp. 465–468) because walruses
generally feed at relatively lower trophic
levels than other marine mammals. In
1981, Atlantic walruses had the lowest
concentrations of organochlorines in
any pinniped measured (Born et al.
1981, p. 255), and recent data show
walruses had much lower levels of
brominated compounds and
perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSA) than
other Arctic marine mammals (Letcher
et al., 2010, In press). Some Atlantic
walrus individuals and populations
specialize in feeding on pelagic fish and
ringed seals, moving them higher in the
food chain than the Pacific walrus,
resulting in greater POP concentrations
(Dietz et al. 2000, p. 221). For example,
PCBs and DDT concentrations in Pacific
walruses were lower than
concentrations found in Atlantic
walruses from Greenland and Hudson
Bay, Canada, collected in the 1980s
(Muir et al. 1995, p. 335).
Heavy metals of concern in Arctic
marine mammals include mercury (Hg),
cadmium, and lead. Defining mercury
trends is complicated by mercury’s
complex environmental chemistry,
although in general anthropogenic
mercury is increasing in the Arctic, as
it is globally (AMAP 2005, p. 17),
primarily due to combustion processes.
Temporally, mercury concentrations in
fossils and fresh walrus teeth collected
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at Nunavut in the Eastern Canadian
Arctic were no higher in the 1980s and
1990s compared to A.D. 1200–1500,
‘‘indicating an absence of industrial Hg
in the species at this location.’’ Increases
of mercury were seen in beluga teeth
from the Beaufort Sea over the same
time span (Outridge et al. 2002, p. 123).
There was also no change in mercury in
walruses from Greenland from 1973 to
2000 (Riget et al. 2007, p. 76). Born et
al. (1981, p. 225) found low methyl
mercury accumulation in Atlantic
walruses compared to seals in
Greenland and the eastern Canadian
The presence of cadmium has been of
concern to subsistence hunters who eat
Pacific walruses, though it does not
appear to be having effects on walrus
health. Mollusks accumulate cadmium,
so it is not surprising that walruses had
relatively high levels. However,
Lipscomb (1995, p. 1) found no
histopathological (effects of disease on
tissue) effects in Pacific walrus liver and
kidney tissues, although liver
concentrations were great enough to
cause concern about contamination
levels, walrus health, and the
consumption of walrus. Over the time
period 1981 to 1991, cadmium in Pacific
walrus liver declined from 41.2 to 19.9
milligrams/kg dry weight (Robards
2006, p. 24).
Radionuclide (a radioactive
substance) sources include atmospheric
fallout from Chernobyl, nuclear
weapons testing, and nuclear waste
dumps in Russia (Hamilton et al. 2008,
p. 1161). Pacific walrus muscle had
non-naturally occurring cesium 137
levels lower than did bearded seals
(Erignathus barbatus) sampled from the
same area, and lower than seals from
Greenland sampled one to two decades
earlier (Hamilton et al. 2008, p. 1162).
Barring new major accidents or releases,
with decay of anthropogenic
radionuclides from fallout and
Chernobyl and improved regulation and
cleanup of waste sources, radionuclide
activities are expected to continue to
decline in Arctic biota (AMAP 2009, p.
Tributyltin (TBT; from ship
antifouling paints) is ubiquitous in the
marine environment (Takahashi et al.
1999, p. 50; Strand and Asmund 2003,
p. 31), although TBT and its toxic
metabolites are found at greatest
concentrations in harbors and near
shore shipping channels (Takahashi et
al. 1999, p. 52; Strand and Asmund
2003, p. 34). Pacific walruses will likely
see increased exposure to this
contaminant class as shipping increases
in their habitats as a result of longer icefree seasons due to climate change.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Climate-related change will affect
long-range and oceanic transport of
contaminants, and may provide
additional sources of contaminants.
Increasing water temperatures may
increase methylation of mercury, which
increases the availability of mercury for
bioaccumulation (Sunderland et al.
2009, p. 1) and may release
contaminants from melting pack ice
(Metcalf and Robards 2008, p. S153). It
is projected that Cesium 137 from
nuclear weapons testing fallout and
Chernobyl may be liberated from storage
in trees as the incidence of forest fires
increases due to climate change (AMAP
2009, p. 66).
Although few data exist with which to
evaluate the status of the Pacific walrus
population in relation to contaminants,
information available indicates that
Pacific walruses have generally low
concentrations of contaminants of
concern. Further, based on the general
observations of a lack of effect on
individual animals, there is currently no
evidence of population-level effects in
walruses from contaminants of any type.
Climate change, with projected
increases in mobilization of
contaminants to and within the Arctic,
combined with potential changes in
Pacific walrus prey base, may lead to
increased exposure. However, potential
effects are likely to be limited by the
trophic status and distribution of
walruses: As benthic feeders that
specialize on prey lower in the food
web, walruses would have a low rate of
bioaccumulation and therefore limited
exposure to contaminants. Based on our
estimation of low current contaminant
loads and the likelihood of minimal
future exposure as walruses feed on
lower trophic levels, we conclude that
contaminants are not a threat now and
are not likely to be a threat to the Pacific
walrus population in the foreseeable
Oil and Gas Exploration, Development,
and Production
Oil and gas related activities have
been conducted in the Beaufort and
Chukchi Seas since the late 1960s, with
most activity occurring in the Beaufort
Sea (USFWS 2008, p. 33212). Three
existing projects are located off the coast
of Alaska in the Beaufort Sea (Endicott,
Northstar, and Oooguruk). Current and
foreseeable future activity in the
Chukchi Sea is related to Lease Sale
193, the first Chukchi Sea lease sale
since 1991 (MMS 2008, p. 1). While no
development of leases issued pursuant
to the lease sale has occurred to date,
future activity is anticipated. Our ability
to predict effects of these activities on
walrus is based, in part, on reasonably
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foreseeable development scenarios
prepared for this lease sale, which
project exploration, development, and
production activities to last through
roughly 2049 (USFWS, Final Biological
Opinion for Beaufort and Chukchi Sea
Program Area Lease Sales and
Associated Seismic Surveys and
Exploratory Drilling, Anchorage, Alaska,
September 3, 2009, pp. 10–11).
In the Chukotka Russia region, the oil
and gas industry is targeting regions of
the Bering and Chukchi Seas for
exploration. Recently, there has been
renewed interest in exploring for oil and
gas in the Russian Chukchi Sea, as new
evidence suggests that the region may
harbor large reserves. In 2006, seismic
exploration was conducted in the
Russian Chukchi to explore for
economically viable oil and gas reserves
(Frantzen 2007, p. 1).
Currently, Pacific walruses do not
normally range into the Beaufort Sea,
although individuals and small groups
have been observed there. From 1994 to
2004, industry monitoring programs
recorded a total of 9 walrus sightings,
involving a total of 10 animals. No
disturbance events or lethal takes have
been reported to date (USFWS 2008, p.
33212). Because of the small numbers of
walruses encountered by past and
present oil and gas activity in the
Beaufort Sea, impacts to the Pacific
walrus population appear to have been
minimal (USFWS 2008, p. 33212). Even
with less ice, it is unlikely that walrus
numbers will increase significantly in
the Beaufort Sea, as habitat is limited by
a relatively narrow continental shelf,
which results in deep and lessproductive waters. Therefore, we do not
anticipate significant interactions with,
or impacts from, oil and gas activities in
the Beaufort Sea on the Pacific walrus
Pacific walruses are seasonally
abundant in the Chukchi Sea.
Exploratory oil and gas operations in the
Chukchi Sea have routinely
encountered Pacific walruses; however,
potential impacts to walruses are
regulated through the MMPA.
Specifically, incidental take regulations
(ITRs) have been promulgated for the
non-lethal, incidental take of walruses
from oil and gas exploration activities in
the Chukchi Sea, including geophysical,
seismic, exploratory drilling and
associated support activities for the 5year period ending in June 2013. In a
detailed analysis of the effects of such
activities, including noise, physical
obstructions, human encounters, and oil
spills, the Service concluded that
exploration activities would be
sufficiently limited in time and scope
that they would result in the take of
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only small numbers of walruses with no
more than a negligible impact on the
stock (73 FR 33212 (2008)). Prior to
commencing exploration activities,
operators are currently required by the
Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management,
Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE,
formerly MMS) to obtain letters of
authorization (LOA) pursuant to the
ITRs or an incidental harassment
authorization (IHA) (Wall 2011, pers.
comm.). If operators commence
operations without such authorization,
their operations may be shut down,
(Wall 2011, pers. comm.), and any take
of walrus would be in violation of the
While we anticipate oil and gas
exploration activities to occur in the
Chukchi Sea in the foreseeable future,
we expect industry to request that the
ITRs be renewed, so that any non-lethal,
incidental take associated with
exploration is authorized under the
MMPA. The ITRs could not be renewed,
and LOAs could not be issued, unless a
determination were made that the
activities would result in the take of
only small numbers of walrus and have
a negligible impact on the stock.
Monitoring studies performed to date
have documented minimal effects of
various exploration activities on
walruses (USFWS 2008, p. 33212). In
1989 and 1990, aerial surveys and
vessel-based observations of walruses
were carried out to examine the
animals’ response to drilling operations
at three Chukchi Sea prospects. Aerial
surveys documented several thousand
walruses (a small percentage of the
estimated population) in the vicinity of
the drilling prospects. The monitoring
reports concluded that: (1) Walrus
distributions were closely linked with
pack ice; (2) pack ice was near active
drill prospects for relatively short time
periods; and (3) ice passing near active
prospects contained relatively few
animals. Walruses either avoided areas
of operations or were passively carried
away by the ice floes, and because only
a small proportion of the population
was near the operations, and for short
periods of time, the effects of the
drilling operations on walruses were
limited in time, area, and proportion of
the population (USFWS 2008, p. 33212).
However, if walrus are forced to avoid
areas of operations and associated
disturbance by abandoning ice haulouts
and swimming to other areas, they will
likely experience increased energetic
costs related to active swimming as
opposed to passive transport on ice
Disturbances caused by vessel and air
traffic may cause walrus groups to
abandon land or ice haulouts. One study
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
suggests that walruses may be tolerant
of ship activities; Brueggeman et al.
(1991, p. 139) reported that 75 percent
of walruses encountered by vessels in
the Chukchi Sea exhibited no reaction
to ship activities within 1 km (0.6 mi)
or less. This conclusion is corroborated
by another study, which reported
observations that walruses in water
generally show little concern about
potential disturbance from approaching
vessels and will dive or swim away if
a vessel is nearing a collision with them
(Fay et al. 1984, p. 118).
Open-water seismic exploration,
which produces underwater sounds
typically with air gun arrays, may
potentially affect marine mammals.
Walruses produce a variety of sounds
(grunts, rasps, clicks), which range in
frequency from 0.1 to 10.0 Hertz (Hz,
sine wave of a sound) (Richardson et al.
1995, p. 108). The effects of seismic
surveys on walrus hearing and
communications have not been studied.
Seismic surveys in the Beaufort and
Chukchi Seas will not impact
vocalizations associated with breeding
activity (one of the most important
times of communication), because
walruses do not currently breed in the
open water areas that are subject to
survey. Injury from seismic surveys
would likely occur only if animals
entered the zone immediately
surrounding the sound source (Southall
et al. 2007, p. 441). Walrus behavioral
responses to dispersal and diving
vessels associated with seismic surveys
were monitored in the Chukchi Sea OCS
in 2006. Based upon the transitory
nature of the survey vessels, and the
behavioral reactions of the animals to
the passage of the vessels, we conclude
that the interactions resulted in
temporary changes in animal behavior
with no lasting impacts to the species
(Ireland et al. 2009, pp. xiii–xvi).
Future seismic surveys are anticipated
to have minimal impacts to walrus.
Surveys will occur in areas of open
water, where walrus densities are
relatively low. Monitoring requirements
(vessel-based observers) and mitigation
measures (operations are halted when
close to walrus) in U.S. waters are
expected to minimize any potential
interactions with large aggregations of
walruses. Because seismic operations
likely would not be concentrated in any
one area for extended periods, any
impacts to walruses would likely be
relatively short in duration and have a
negligible overall impact on the Pacific
walrus population.
Currently, there are no active offshore
oil and gas developments in the U.S.
Bering or Chukchi Seas. Therefore, the
risk of an oil spill is low at the present
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time. The potential for an oil spill
increases as offshore oil and gas
development and shipping activities
increase. No large oil spills have
occurred in areas inhabited by walruses;
however, a large oil spill could result in
acute mortalities and chronic exposure
that could substantially reduce the
Pacific walrus population for many
years (Garlich-Miller et al. 2011, Section ‘‘Oil Spills’’). A spill that oiled
coastal haulouts occupied by females
and calves could be particularly
significant and could have the potential
to impact benthic communities upon
which walruses depend. As discussed
below, oil spill cleanup in the brokenice and open-water conditions that
characterize walrus habitat would be
more difficult than in other areas,
primarily because effective strategies
have yet to be developed. The Coast
Guard has no offshore response
capability in northern or western Alaska
(O’Rourke 2010, p. 23).
According to BOEMRE, if oil and gas
development of leases issued pursuant
to Chukchi Lease Sale 193 occurs, the
chance of one or more large oil spills
(greater than or equal to 1,000 barrels)
occurring over the production life of the
development is between 35 and 40
percent (MMS 2007, p. IV–156).
However, the estimated probability that
oil reserves sufficient for development
will be discovered range from 1 to 10
percent (MMS 2007, p. IV–156),
reducing the chance of a large oil spill
to 0.33 to 4 percent.
Our analysis of oil and gas
development potential and subsequent
risks was based on the analysis
BOEMRE (MMS 2007, p. 1–631)
conducted for the Chukchi Sea lease
sales. Following the Deepwater Horizon
incident in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore
oil and gas activities have come under
increased scrutiny. Policy and
management changes are under way
within the Department of the Interior
that will likely affect the timing and
scope of future offshore oil and gas
activities. In addition, BOEMRE has
been restructured to increase the
effectiveness of oversight activities,
eliminate conflicts of interest, and
increase environmental protections
(USDOI 2010, p. 1). As a result, we
anticipate that the potential for a
significant oil spill will remain small;
however, we recognize that should a
spill occur, there are no effective
strategies for oil spill cleanup in the
broken-ice conditions that characterize
walrus habitat. In addition, the potential
impacts to Pacific walrus from a spill
could be significant, particularly if
subsequent cleanup efforts are
ineffective. Potential impacts would be
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greatest if walrus are aggregated in
coastal haulouts where oil comes to
shore. Overall, the chance of a large oil
spill occurring in the Pacific walrus’
range in the foreseeable future, however,
is considered low.
In summary, oil and gas activities
have occurred sporadically throughout
the range of the Pacific walrus. Specific
studies on the effects of exploratory
drilling activities and associated
shipping and seismic surveys have
documented minimal effects on
walrus—namely, transitory behavioral
changes that were temporary in nature.
Exploration activities are currently
regulated under the MMPA, and the
take of walrus during exploration
activities is only authorized if operators
have first obtained an LOA or an IHA.
These authorizations are only issued for
the non-lethal, incidental take of walrus,
where the activities are considered
likely to result in the take of small
numbers of walrus with a negligible
impact on the stock. We expect that
future exploration to be similarly
regulated under the MMPA. Therefore,
we conclude that impacts of oil and gas
exploration likely to occur over the
foreseeable future will have minimal
effects on walruses. Further, although a
significant oil spill in the Chukchi Sea
from exploration, development or
production activities could have a
detrimental impact on Pacific walrus,
depending on timing and location, the
potential for such a spill is low. As a
result, we conclude that oil and gas
exploration, development, and
production are not threats to the Pacific
walrus now, nor are they likely to
become threats in the foreseeable future.
Commercial Fisheries
Commercial fisheries occur primarily
in ice-free waters and during the openwater season, which limits the overlap
between fishery operations and
walruses. Where they do overlap,
fisheries may impact Pacific walruses
through interactions that result in the
incidental take of walrus or through
competition for prey resources or
destruction of benthic prey habitat. A
complete list of fisheries is published
annually by NOAA Fisheries. The most
recent edition (NOAA 2009a, p. 58859),
showed about nine fisheries that have
the potential to occur within the range
of the Pacific walrus.
Currently, incidental take in the form
of mortality from commercial fishing is
low. Pacific walruses occasionally
interact with trawl and longline gear of
groundfish fisheries. In Alaska each
year, fishery observers monitor a
percentage of commercial fisheries and
report injury and mortality of marine
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
mammals affected incidental to these
operations. Incidental mortality to
Pacific walruses during 2002–2006 was
recorded for only one fishery, the Bering
Sea/Aleutian Island flatfish trawl
fishery, which is a Category II
Commercial Fishery with 34 vessels or
persons. During the years 2002–2006,
observer coverage for this fishery
averaged 64.7 percent. The mean
number of observed mortalities was 1.8
walrus per year, with a range of 0 to 3
walrus per year. The total estimated
annual fishery-related incidental
mortality in Alaska was 2.66 walrus per
year (USFWS 2010, pp. 3–4).
In addition to incidental take from
fishing activities, however, fishery
vessel traffic has the potential to take
Pacific walruses through collisions and
disturbance of resting, foraging, or
travelling behaviors. We consider the
likelihood of collisions between fishing
vessels and walruses to be very low,
however, as we unaware of any
documented ship strikes, and it has
been observed that walruses typically
dive or swim off to the side if a shipping
vessel comes close to colliding with
them (Fay et al. 1984, p. 118). Fisheries
occurring near terrestrial haulouts may
affect animals approaching, leaving, or
resting at the haulouts.
The Bristol Bay region in the Bering
Sea is home to some of the largest U.S.
land haulouts and several fisheries. For
some haulouts, regulations are in place
to minimize disturbance. Round Island
is buffered from all fishing activities by
a 0-to-3-nautical-mile ‘‘no transit’’
closure. Capes Peirce and Newenham
and Round Island are buffered from
fishing activities in Federal waters from
3 to 12 nautical miles; however, this
buffer only applies to vessels with
Federal fisheries permits. The haulout at
Hagemeister Island has no protection
zone in either Federal or State waters.
Large catcher/processer vessels
associated with the yellowfin sole
fishery, as well as smaller fishing
vessels 32 ft or less in length routinely
pass between the haulout and the
mainland to a site for offloading product
to foreign vessels. Anecdotal reports
indicate potential disturbance of
walruses using the Hagemeister haulout
(Wilson and Evans 2009b, p. 28). To
address concerns of disturbance
associated with the yellowfin sole fleet,
the Service has engaged the North
Pacific Fisheries Management Council
to examine alternatives to provide
increased protection for the haulout at
Hagemeister Island (Wilson and Evan
2009a, pp. 1–23); however, no specific
measures have been implemented. The
haulout at Cape Seniavin currently has
no Federal or State protection zones. No
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Federal fisheries occur near Cape
Seniavin, but State of Alaska–managed
salmon fisheries do occur in the
immediate vicinity and pose a potential
for disturbance. In general, however,
within Bristol Bay, the proportion of
walruses potentially affected is small
relative to the population. The
population is also comprised
predominantly of males, which are less
susceptible to trampling injuries as a
result of disturbance; however, repeated
disturbance events have the potential to
result in haulout abandonment.
State-managed nearshore herring and
salmon gillnet fisheries also have the
potential to take walruses. The ADFG
does not have an observer or selfreporting program to record marine
mammal interactions, but it is believed
that gear interactions with walruses
have not occurred in the recent past
(Murphy 2010, pers. comm.; Sands
2010, pers. comm.). Spotter planes used
in the spring herring fishery in Bristol
Bay have the potential to cause
disturbance at terrestrial haulouts. To
mitigate this potential, the Service
developed and distributed guidelines
for appropriate use of aircraft within the
vicinity of Bristol Bay walrus haulouts
(USFWS 2009, p. 1), and these were in
effect during the fishing season.
In summary, given the current low
rates of walrus encounters and deaths
associated with commercial fishing, we
expect that any increase in the level of
fishery-related mortality to walrus will
occur at a very low level relative to the
total walrus population. Similarly,
although walrus may be subject to
disturbance from commercial fishing,
the proportion of walrus affected is low,
and efforts are under way to minimize
the impacts. Accordingly, we do not
consider fishery-related take of walrus
to be a threat to the Pacific walrus
population now or in the foreseeable
Commercial fisheries may also impact
walruses through competition for prey
resources or destruction of benthic prey
habitat. With regard to competition,
there is little overlap between
commercial fish species and Pacific
walrus prey species. The principal prey
items consumed by weaned walruses
are bivalves, gastropods, and polychaete
worms (Fay 1982, p. 145; Sheffield and
Grebmeier 2009, p. 767). Fay (1982, pp.
153–154) notes that the scarcity in
walruses of endoparasites of known fish
origin indicates that walruses rarely
ingest fish. Fay (1982, pp. 152,154) also
notes that various authors have reported
occasionally finding several different
crab species in walrus stomachs, but
apparently at low frequency. Thus,
direct competition for prey from
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commercial fisheries does not appear to
be a threat to the Pacific walrus
population now or in the foreseeable
Commercial fisheries—specifically
pelagic (mid-water trawl) and
nonpelagic (bottom trawl) fisheries—
have the potential to indirectly affect
walruses through destruction or
modification of benthic prey or their
habitat. Pelagic or mid-water trawls
make frequent contact with the bottom,
as evidenced by the presence of benthic
species (e.g., crabs, halibut) that are
brought up as bycatch. NFMS estimates
that approximately 44 percent of the
area shadowed by the gear receives
bottom contact from the footrope (NMFS
2005, pp. B–11). The majority of the
pelagic trawl effort in the eastern Bering
Sea is directed at walleye pollock in
waters of 50–300 m (164–960 ft) (Olsen
2009, p. 1). The area north of Unimak
Island along the continental shelf edge
receives high fishing effort (Olsen 2009,
p. 1). This puts the majority of pelagic
fishing effort on the periphery of
walrus-preferred habitat, as walruses are
usually found over the continental shelf
in waters of 100 m (328 ft) or less (Fay
and Burns 1988, pp. 239–240; Jay et al.
2001, p. 621).
Nonpelagic fisheries also have the
potential to indirectly affect walruses by
destroying or modifying benthic prey or
their habitat, or both. The predominant
effects of nonpelagic trawl include
‘‘smoothing of sediments, moving and
turning of rocks and boulders,
resuspension and mixing of sediments,
removal of sea grasses, damage to corals,
and damage or removal of epigenetic
organisms’’ (Mecum 2009, p. 57).
Numerous studies on the effects of trawl
gear on infauna have been conducted,
and all note a reduction in mass
(Brylinsky et al. 1994, p. 650; Bergman
and van Santbrink 2000, p. 1321;
McConnaughey et al. 2000, p. 1054;
Kenchington et al. 2001, p. 1043). Two
such studies comparing microfaunal
populations between unfished and
heavily fished areas in the eastern
Bering Sea reported that, overall, the
heavily trawled and untrawled areas
were significantly different. In relation
to walrus prey, the abundance of
neptunid snails was significantly lower
in the heavily trawled area, and mean
body size was smaller, as was the trend
for a number of bivalve species
(Macoma, Serripes, Tellina), indicating
a general decline in these species. The
abundance of Mactromeris was greater
in the heavily trawled area, but mean
body size was smaller (McConnaughey
et al. 2000, pp. 1381–1382;
McConnaughey et al. 2005, pp. 430–
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
The areas open to nonpelagic
trawling, however, are limited. The
Final Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) for Essential Fish Habitat
Identification and Conservation in
Alaska concluded that nonpelagic
trawling in the southern Bering Sea has
long-term effects on benthic habitat
features, but little impact on fish stock
productivity. The EIS concludes that the
reduction of infaunal and epifanual prey
for managed fish species would be 0 to
3 percent (NMFS 2005, p. 10; Mecum
2009, p. 47). While not a direct measure
of impacts to walrus prey, the analysis
provides some insight on the level of
impact to benthic species and indicates
that impacts are likely to be minimal.
Nonpelagic trawls are designed to
remain on the bottom of the ocean floor,
but they may bring up walrus prey items
as bycatch, albeit in very small
quantities. Wilson and Evans (2009, p.
15) report bycatch of walrus prey items
in the nonpelagic trawl fishery in the
Northern Bristol Bay Trawl Area
(NBBTA). Data were collected through
the NMFS Fisheries Observer program
and are aggregated for the years 2001 to
2009. Bivalves (mussels, oysters,
scallops, and clams) accounted for 334
kg (735 lb) of the 457 kg (1005 lb) (73
percent) of total bycatch reported;
snails, which are consumed by
walruses, were listed as a bycatch
species, but no amounts were reported.
This level of bycatch is very low relative
to the total amount of prey consumed by
walrus. The NMFS is currently
developing regulations to require the
use of modified nonpelagic trawl gear in
the Bering Sea subarea for the flatfish
fishery and for nonpelagic trawl gear
fishing in the northern Bering Sea
subarea (Brown 2010, pers. comm.),
which will likely reduce impacts on
walrus prey. When implemented, the
regulations will reopen an area within
the NBSRA to modified gear nonpelagic
trawl fishing (Brown 2010, pers. comm.;
Mecum 2009, pp. 1–194).
Ecosystem shifts in the Bering Sea are
expected to extend the distribution of
fish populations northward and, along
with this shift, nonpelagic bottom trawl
fisheries are also expected to move
northward (NOAA 2009b, p. 1). Because
we currently lack information on
benthic habitats and community ecology
of the northern Bering Sea, we are
unable to forecast the specific impacts
that may occur from nonpelagic bottom
trawling within this area (NOAA 2009b,
p. 1) and how it may affect the Pacific
Commercial fisheries in all U.S.
waters north of the Bering Strait are
covered by the Fishery Management
Plan for Fish Resources of the Arctic
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Management Area, which was released
by the NPFMC in 2009. Management
policy for this region is to prohibit all
commercial harvest of fish until
sufficient information is available to
support the sustainable management of
a commercial fishery (NPFMC 2009,
p. 3). At some point, the Arctic
Management Area may be opened to
commercial fishing, but to date the
NPFMC has taken a conservative stance.
It is unclear whether the Arctic
Management Area will open to
commercial fishing at all, and if so,
when it would be opened. If commercial
fishing does open up in this area,
however, we would work with the
NPFMC to ensure that any necessary
measures to minimize negative effects to
Pacific walrus are implemented.
Accordingly, although commercial
fisheries—specifically pelagic and
nonpelagic trawl fisheries—have the
potential to indirectly affect walruses
through destruction or modification of
benthic prey or their habitat, those
fisheries do not appear to be a threat to
Pacific walrus now or in the foreseeable
future, because of limited overlap
between the areas currently open to
trawling and areas of walrus prey
habitat as well as ongoing efforts to
minimize detrimental impacts to walrus
prey and benthic habitat.
In summary, we find that commercial
fisheries have limited overlap with
walrus distribution, and reported direct
takes are nominal. Indirect effects on
walruses are also limited, with some
site-specific potential effects to walrus
near terrestrial haulouts in Bristol Bay.
Indirect effects to prey and benthic
habitats due to various types of trawls
occur, but are limited with respect to
overlap with the range of walrus and
walrus feeding habitat. We did not
identify any direct competition for prey
resources between walruses and
fisheries. In addition, as fisheries
currently do not occur in the Chukchi
Sea, they are not considered a serious
threat to walrus at this time. We
recognize the potential future interest by
the fishing industry to initiate fisheries
further north as fish distribution
changes in association with predicted
changes in ocean conditions. However,
based on the limited fishing-related
impacts to walrus that have occurred in
other areas to date, and the active
engagement of the NPFMC through the
Arctic Fisheries Management Plan, we
conclude that commercial fishing is not
now a threat to Pacific walrus and is not
likely to become a threat in the
foreseeable future.
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Commercial shipping and marine
transportation vessels include oil and
gas tankers, container ships, cargo ships,
cruise ships, research vessels,
icebreakers, and commercial fishing
vessels. These vessels may travel to or
from destinations within the Arctic
(destination traffic), or may use the
Arctic as a passageway between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
(nondestination traffic). While the level
of shipping activity is currently limited,
the potential exists for increased activity
in the future if changes in sea-ice
patterns open new shipping lanes and
result in a longer navigable season.
Whether, and to what extent, marine
transportation levels may change in the
Arctic depends on a number of factors,
including the extent of sea-ice melt,
global trade dynamics, infrastructure
development, the safety of Arctic
shipping lanes, the marine insurance
industry, and ship technology. Given
these uncertainties, forecasts of future
shipping levels in the Arctic are highly
speculative (Arctic Council 2009, p. 1).
Two major shipping lanes in the
Arctic intersect the range of Pacific
walrus: The Northwest Passage, which
runs parallel to the Alaskan Coast
through the Bering Strait up through the
Canadian Arctic Archipelago; and the
Northern Sea Route, which refers to a
segment of the Northeast Passage
paralleling the Russian Coast through
the Bering Strait and into the Bering Sea
(Garlich-Miller et al. 2011, Section ‘‘Scope and Scale of Shipping’’).
Shipping levels in the Northwest
Passage and Northern Sea Route are
highly dependent on the extent of seaice cover. Walrus occur along both of
these routes where they pass through
the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and
Chukchi Sea. Given the dependence of
shipping activities on the absence of sea
ice, shipping levels are seasonally
variable. Almost all activity occurs in
June through September, and to a lesser
extent, October and November, and
April and May. Most walrus are in the
Chukchi Sea during the height of the
shipping season, although at times they
are associated with sea ice or terrestrial
haulouts. There is currently no
commercial shipping or marine
transportation in December through
March (Arctic Council 2009, p. 85).
Based on predicted sea-ice loss
(Douglas 2010, p. 12), the navigation
period in the Northern Sea Route is
forecast to increase from 20–30 days to
90–100 days per year by 2100. Other
factors that may lead to increased vessel
traffic in the Arctic, in addition to
reduced sea ice, include increased oil
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
and gas development, Arctic community
population growth and associated
development, and increased tourism
(Brigham and Ellis 2004, pp. 8–9; Arctic
Council 2009, p. 5).
No quantitative analyses of changes in
shipping levels currently exist. Both the
Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment
(AMSA) and the Arctic Marine
Transport Workshop note that the
greatest potential for increased shipping
and marine transportation is the
potential use of the Arctic as an
alternative trade route connecting the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The
Northwest Passage is not considered a
viable Arctic throughway, given that the
oldest and thickest sea ice in the Arctic
is pushed into the western edge of the
Canadian Arctic Archipelago, making
the passage dangerous to navigate
(Arctic Council 2009, p. 93). However,
the passage was open in 2007 and 2010,
due to ice-free conditions.
The broad range of future shipping
scenarios described in the AMSA and
the Arctic Marine Transport Workshop
underscore the uncertainties regarding
future shipping levels. The AMSA notes
that while the reduction in sea ice will
provide the opportunity for increased
shipping levels, ultimately it is
economic factors, such as the feasibility
of utilizing the Northern Sea Route as an
alternative connection between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, that will
determine future shipping levels (Arctic
Council 2009, pp. 120–121).
Increased shipping in the Bering and
Chukchi Seas has the potential to
impact Pacific walrus during the spring,
summer, and fall seasons. An increase
in shipping will result in increased
potential for disturbance in the water
and at terrestrial haulouts. According to
Garlich-Miller et al. (2011, Section ‘‘Summer/Fall’’), recent trends
suggest that most of the Pacific walrus
population will be foraging in open
water from coastal haulouts along the
Chukotka coast during the shipping
season. Because the Northern Sea Route
passes through this area, it is reasonable
to expect walruses may be encountered
along this route (Garlich-Miller et al.
2011, Figure 9). According to one study,
however, walruses may be tolerant of
ship activities, as 75 percent of walruses
encountered by vessels in the Chukchi
Sea exhibited no reaction to ship
activities within 1 km (0.6 mi) or less
(Brueggeman et al. 1991, p. 139). This is
confirmed by another study, which
noted that walruses in water have been
observed to generally show little
concern about potential disturbance
from approaching vessels, unless the
ship came in very close proximity to
them, in which case they dove or swam
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off to the side (Fay et al. 1984, p. 118).
Therefore, we expect disturbance to
walruses from shipping to be minimal.
In situations where negligible impacts to
a small number of walrus are
anticipated from repeated displacement
from a preferred feeding area, for
example, or noise disturbance at
haulouts, incidental take regulations
could potentially be developed for U.S.
vessels to permit take caused by
shipping activities, which are subject to
the MMPA. These activities likely
would require mandatory monitoring
and mitigation measures designed to
minimize effects to walrus through
vessel-based observers to avoid
collisions and disturbance.
As a result, shipping is not currently
a threat to the Pacific walrus
population, because shipping occurs at
low levels, and shipping in support of
other activities (e.g., oil and gas
exploration) is sufficiently regulated
and mitigated by MMPA incidental take
regulations. Shipping may increase in
the future, but shipping lanes are
typically limited to narrow corridors,
and disturbance from such activities is
expected to be low. Moreover, given the
uncertainties identified related to
potential future shipping activities, we
conclude that increased shipping
activities are unlikely to cause
population-level effects to the Pacific
walrus in the foreseeable future. In
addition, take provisions of the MMPA
can be effective in regulating shipping
that may disturb haulouts and interrupt
foraging activity in U.S. waters.
Oil Spills
To date, there have been relatively
few oil spills caused by marine vessel
travel in the Bering and Chukchi seas.
Within the seasonal range of walrus,
there were approximately six vessel oil
spill incidents between 1995 and 2004:
two caused by fires, two by machinery
damage or failure, one by grounding,
and one by damage to the vessel. These
incidents were small in scale and did
not cause widespread impacts to walrus
or their habitat. In general, the pattern
of past vessel incidents corresponds to
areas of high vessel traffic. Given
anticipated increases in marine vessel
travel within the range of Pacific walrus
due to sea-ice decline, it is likely that
the number of vessel incidents will
increase in the foreseeable future.
Oil spill response for walruses, and
for wildlife in general, can be broken
into three phases (Alaska Regional
Response Team 2002, p. G1). Phase One
is focused on eliminating the source of
the spill, containing the spilled oil, and
protecting environmentally sensitive
areas. Phase Two involves efforts to
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herd or haze potentially affected
wildlife away from the spill area. Phase
Three, the most involved and most
infrequently undertaken phase of oil
spill response for wildlife, includes the
capture and rehabilitation of oiled
Even under the most stringent control
systems, some tanker spills, pipeline
leaks, and other accidents are likely to
occur from equipment leaks or human
error (O’Rourke 2010, p. 16). The history
of oil spills and response in the
Aleutian Islands raises concerns for
potential spills in the Arctic region:
‘‘The past 20 years of data on response
to spills in the Aleutians has also shown
that almost no oil has been recovered
during events where attempts have been
made by the responsible parties or
government agencies, and that in many
cases, weather and other conditions
have prevented any response at all’’
(O’Rourke 2010, p. 23). Moreover, the
Commander of the Coast Guard’s 17th
District, which covers Alaska, noted in
an online journal that ‘‘ * * * we are not
prepared for a major oil spill [over
100,000 gallons] in the Arctic
environment. The Coast Guard currently
has no offshore response capability in
northern or western Alaska and we only
dimly understand the science of
recovering oil in broken ice’’ (O’Rourke
2010, p. 23). The behavior of oil spills
in cold and icy waters is not well
understood (O’Rourke 2010, p. 23).
Cleaning up oil spills in ice-covered
waters will be more difficult than in
other areas, primarily because effective
strategies have yet to be developed.
The Arctic conditions present several
hurdles to oil cleanup efforts. In colder
water temperatures, there are fewer
organisms to break down the oil through
microbial degradation and oil
evaporates at a slower rate. Although
slower evaporation may allow for more
oil to be recovered, evaporation removes
the lighter, more toxic hydrocarbons
that are present in crude oil (O’Rourke
2010, p. 24). The longer the oil remains
in an ecosystem, the more opportunity
there is for exposure. Oil spills may get
trapped in ice, evaporating only when
the ice thaws, and in some cases, oil
could remain in the ice for years. Icy
conditions enhance emulsification—the
process of forming different states of
water in oil, often described as
‘‘mousse.’’ Emulsification creates oil
cleanup challenges by increasing the
volume of the oil/water mixture and the
mixture’s viscosity (resistance to flow).
The latter change creates particular
problems for conventional removal and
pumping cleanup methods (O’Rourke
2010, p. 24). Moreover, two of the major
nonmechanical recovery methods—in-
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
situ burning and dispersant
application—may be limited by the
Arctic conditions and lack of logistical
support such as aircraft, vessels, and
other infrastructure (O’Rourke 2010,
p. 24).
As stated earlier, vessel-related spills
were, and will likely continue to be,
small in scale with localized impact to
walrus and their habitat. A large-scale
spill could have a major impact on the
Pacific walrus population, depending
on the spill and location relative to
coastal aggregations. However, at
present the chance of a large oil spill
occurring in the Pacific walrus’ range in
the foreseeable future is considered low.
Because most oil spills will have only
localized impact to walrus, and the
chance of a large-scale spill occurring in
the walrus’ range in the foreseeable
future is low, oil spills do not appear to
be a threat to Pacific walrus now or in
the foreseeable future.
Icebreaking Activities
Icebreaking activities can create noise
that causes marine mammals to avoid
areas where these activities are
occurring. Further, icebreaking activities
may increase the risk of oil spills by
increasing vessel traffic in ice-filled
waters. Given that marine mammals,
including walrus, have been found to
concentrate in and around temporary
breaks in the ice created by icebreakers,
there may be greater environmental
impact associated with an oil spill
involving an icebreaker or a vessel
operating in a channel cleared by an
Currently, Russian and Canadian
icebreakers are used along the Northern
Sea Route and within the Canadian
Arctic Archipelago to clear passageways
utilized by commercial shipping vessels
(Arctic Council 2009, p. 74), primarily
in the summer months. The United
States does not currently engage in
icebreaking activities for navigational
purposes in the Arctic (NRC 2005, p.
16). There are no current U.S. or State
of Alaska regulations on icebreaking
activities, mainly because icebreaking
along the Alaskan Coast is minimal and
usually carried out by the Coast Guard.
However, in the last few years, oil and
gas exploration activities in the Beaufort
and Chukchi Seas have used privately
contracted icebreakers in support of
their operations.
Icebreaking activities may increase in
the future, given increases in
commercial shipping and marine
transportation. In particular, the
establishment of the Northern Sea Route
as a viable alternative trade route
connecting the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans is contingent on, among other
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factors, the availability of a reliable
government or private icebreaking fleet
to clear the entire Route and provide
predictable open shipping lanes (Arctic
Marine Transport Workshop 2004, p. 1;
Arctic Council 2009, p. 20). Although
there are no current regulations on
icebreaking activities in the Arctic,
voluntary guidelines addressing
icebreaking activities could be included
as part of unified, multilateral
regulation on Arctic shipping.
According to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) is
considering developing icebreaking
Icebreaking is currently not a threat to
the Pacific walrus population, because
of the limited amount of icebreaking
activity, current regulations associated
with shipping in support of other
activities (e.g., oil and gas
development), and the relatively narrow
corridors in which the activities occur.
Shipping activity and associated
icebreaking are predicted to increase in
the future, but the magnitude and rate
of increase are unknown and dependent
on both economic and environmental
factors. Given the uncertainties
identified related to potential future
shipping activities, the available
information does not enable us to
conclude that these activities will cause
population-level effects to the Pacific
walrus in the foreseeable future.
Both the Service and USGS BN
models included oil and gas
development, commercial fisheries, and
shipping as stressors (Garlich-Miller et
al. 2011, Section 3.8.5 ‘‘Other Natural or
Human Factors’’; Jay et al. 2010b, p. 37).
The USGS model also included air
traffic and shipping activities
simultaneously (Jay et al. 2010b, p. 37).
In both models, these stressors had little
influence on model outcomes (GarlichMiller et al. 2011 Section 3.8.5 ‘‘Other
Natural or Human Factors’’; Jay et al.
2010b, pp. 85–86, respectively).
Summary of Factor E
Based on our estimation of low
current contaminant loads and the
likelihood of minimal future exposure
as walruses feed on lower trophic levels,
we conclude that contaminants are not
a threat now and are not likely to be a
threat to the Pacific walrus population
in the foreseeable future. Oil and gas
exploration, development, and
production are currently not a threat to
the Pacific walrus and are not expected
to be in the foreseeable future, due to
the anticipated increased scrutiny oil
and gas development will undergo in
the future, the continued application of
incidental take regulations, and the low
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risk of an oil spill. Commercial fishing
is also currently not a threat to walrus,
as it occurs only on the periphery of the
walrus’ range and results in minimal
impacts on the population. We
recognize the potential future interest by
the fishing industry to initiate fisheries
further north as fish distribution
changes in association with predicted
changes in ocean conditions. However,
based on the limited fishing-related
impacts to walrus that have occurred in
other areas to date, and the active
engagement of the NPFMC through the
Arctic Fisheries Management Plan, we
conclude that commercial fishing is not
now, and is not likely to become, a
threat to Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future. Shipping is not
currently a threat to the Pacific walrus
population, because it occurs at low
levels, and shipping in support of other
activities (e.g., oil and gas exploration)
is sufficiently regulated and mitigated
by MMPA incidental take regulations.
Shipping may increase in the future, but
shipping lanes are typically limited to
narrow corridors, and disturbance from
such activities is expected to be low.
Moreover, given the uncertainties
identified related to potential future
shipping activities, we conclude that
increased shipping activities are
unlikely to cause population-level
effects to the Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future. In addition, take
provisions of the MMPA can be effective
in regulating shipping in U.S. waters
that may disturb haulouts and interrupt
foraging activity. Because most oil spills
will have only localized impact to
walrus, and the chance of a large-scale
spill occurring in the walrus’ range in
the foreseeable future is considered low,
oil spills do not appear to be a threat to
Pacific walrus now or in the foreseeable
future. Finally, shipping activity and
associated icebreaking is predicted to
increase in the future, but the
magnitude and rate of increase are
unknown and dependent on both
economic and environmental factors.
Based on the best information available
at this time, we are unable to conclude
that these shipping activities will be a
threat to the Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future, in light of the
uncertainties in projecting the
magnitude and rate of increase of these
activities in the future.
Therefore, based on our review of the
best commercial and scientific data
available, we conclude that none of the
potential stressors identified and
discussed under Factor E (‘‘Other
Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting
Its Continued Existence of the Pacific
Walrus’’) is a threat to the Pacific walrus
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
now, or is likely to become a threat in
the foreseeable future.
As required by the Act, we considered
each of the five factors under section
4(a)(1)(A) in assessing whether the
Pacific walrus is endangered or
threatened throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. We
carefully examined the best scientific
and commercial information available
regarding the past, present, and future
threats faced by the Pacific walrus. We
considered the information provided in
the petition submitted to the Service by
the Center for Biological Diversity;
information available in our files; other
available published and unpublished
information; information submitted to
the Service in response to our Federal
Register notice of September 10, 2009;
and information submitted to the
Service in response to our public news
release requesting information on
September 10, 2010. We also consulted
with recognized Pacific walrus experts
and other Federal, State, and Tribal
In our analysis of Factor A, we
identified and evaluated the risks of
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of habitat
or range of the Pacific walrus from (1)
loss of sea ice due to climate change and
(2) effects on prey species due to ocean
warming and ocean acidification. We
examined the likely responses and
effects of changing sea-ice conditions in
the Bering and Chukchi Seas on Pacific
walruses. Pacific walrus is an icedependent species. Individuals use ice
for many aspects of their life history
throughout the year, and because of the
projected loss of sea ice over the 21st
century, we have identified the loss of
sea ice and associated effects to be a
threat to the Pacific walrus population.
Although we anticipate that sufficient
ice will remain, so that breeding
behavior and calving will still occur in
association with sea ice, the locations of
these activities will likely change in
response to changing ice patterns. The
greatest change in sea ice, walrus
distribution, and behavioral responses is
expected to occur in the summer (June–
August) and fall (October and
November), when sea-ice loss is
projected to be the greatest.
Based on the best scientific
information available, in the foreseeable
future, we anticipate that there will be
a 1–5-month period in which sea ice
will typically retreat northward off of
the Chukchi continental shelf. The
Chukchi Sea is projected to be ice-free
in September every year by midcentury. However, loss of sea ice is
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occurring faster than forecast and, on
average, sea ice has retreated off the
continental shelf for approximately 1
month per year during the last decade.
At mid-century, model subsets project a
2-month ice-free season in the Chukchi
Sea, and a 4-month ice-free season at the
end of the century, centered on the
month of September (Douglas 2010, p.
8), with some models indicating there
will be 5 ice-free months. Based on the
current rate of sea-ice loss, and the
current rate of GHG increases, these
changes may occur earlier in the century
than currently projected.
Through our analysis, we have
concluded that loss of sea ice, with its
concomitant changes to walrus
distribution and life-history patterns,
will lead to a population decline, and is
a threat to Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future. We base this
conclusion on the fact that, over time,
walruses will be forced to rely on
terrestrial haulouts to an increasingly
greater extent. Although coastal
haulouts have been traditionally used
more frequently by males than by
females with calves, in the future both
sexes and all ages will be restricted to
coastal habitats for a much greater
period of time. This will expose all
individuals, but especially calves,
juveniles, and females, to increased
levels of stress from depletion of prey,
increased energetic costs to obtain prey,
trampling injuries and mortalities, and
predation. Although some of these
stressors are currently acting on the
population, we anticipate that their
magnitude will increase over time as
sea-ice loss over the continental shelf
occurs regularly and more extensively.
Given this persistent and increasing
threat of sea-ice loss, we conclude that
this anticipated Pacific walrus
population decline will continue into
the foreseeable future.
Under Factor A, we also analyzed the
effects of ocean warming and ocean
acidification on Pacific walrus.
Although we are concerned about the
changes to the walrus prey base that
may occur from ocean acidification and
warming, and theoretically we
understand how those stressors might
operate, ocean dynamics are very
complex and the specific outcomes for
these stressors are too unreliable at this
time for us to conclude that they are a
threat to Pacific walrus now or in the
foreseeable future. We therefore
conclude that these stressors do not rise
to the level of a threat, now or in the
foreseeable future.
In our analysis of Factor B, we
identified and evaluated the risks to
Pacific walrus from overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
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educational purposes. Under Factor B,
we considered four potential risks to the
Pacific walrus from overutilization
relating to (1) Recreation, scientific, or
educational purposes; (2) United States
import/export; (3) commercial harvest;
and (4) subsistence harvest. We found
that recreational, scientific, and
educational utilization of walruses is
currently at low levels and is not
projected to be a threat in the
foreseeable future. United States import/
export is not considered to be a threat
to Pacific walrus now or in the
foreseeable future, because most
specimens imported into or exported
from the United States are fossilized
bone and ivory shards, and any other
walrus ivory can only be imported into
or exported from the United States after
it has been legally harvested and
substantially altered to qualify as a
Native handicraft. Commercial and
sport hunting of Pacific walrus in the
United States is prohibited under the
MMPA. Russian legislation also
prohibits sport hunting of Pacific
walruses. Commercial hunting in Russia
has not occurred since 1991, and
resumption would require the issuance
of a governmental decree. In addition,
any future commercial harvest in Russia
must be based on a sustainable quota;
therefore, it is unlikely that any
potential future Russian commercial
harvest will become a threat to the
Pacific walrus population.
With regard to the subsistence harvest
of walrus, subsistence harvest in
Chukotka, Russia, is controlled through
a quota system. An annual subsistence
quota is issued through a decree by the
Russian Federal Fisheries Agency.
Quota recommendations are based on
what is thought to be a sustainable
removal level (approximately 4 percent
of the population), based on the total
population and productivity estimates.
However, there are no U.S. quotas on
subsistence harvest. Although at present
it is difficult to quantify sustainable
removal levels because of the lack of
information on Pacific walrus
population status and trends, we
determined that 4 percent is a
conservative sustainable harvest level.
The current level of subsistence harvest
rangewide is about 4 percent of the 2006
population estimate. Therefore, we do
not consider the current level of
subsistence harvest to be a threat to
Pacific walrus at the present time.
Pacific walrus are an important
subsistence resource in the Bering Strait
region, and we expect Pacific walrus to
continue to remain available for harvest
there, even as sea-ice conditions change.
Because there are no U.S. subsistence
harvest quotas, we do not expect harvest
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
levels in the Bering Strait region to
change appreciably in the foreseeable
future, unless regulations are put in
place to restrict harvest by limiting the
number of walrus that may be taken.
There are two paths that could result in
harvest quotas: (1) Self-regulation
activities by Alaska Natives; and (2)
implementation of procedures in the
MMPA. Neither of these is currently in
place, except for one quota on Round
Island, as discussed below. Instead, we
predict that subsistence harvest is likely
to continue at similar levels to those
currently, even as the walrus population
declines in response to loss of summer
sea ice. Over time, as the proportion of
animals harvested increases relative to
the overall population, this continued
level of subsistence harvest likely will
become unsustainable. Therefore, we
determine that subsistence harvest is a
threat to the walrus population in the
foreseeable future.
In our analysis of Factor C, we
identified and evaluated the risks to
Pacific walrus from disease and
predation, and we determined that
neither component currently, or in the
foreseeable future, represents threats to
the Pacific walrus population. Although
a changing climate may increase
exposure of walrus to new pathogens,
there are no clear transmission vectors
that would change levels of exposure,
and no evidence exists that disease will
become a threat in foreseeable future.
As the use of coastal haulouts by both
walruses and polar bears during
summer increases, we expect
interactions between the two species to
also increase, and terrestrial walrus
haulouts may become important feeding
areas for polar bears. The presence of
polar bears along the coast during the
ice-free season will likely influence
patterns of haulout use as walrus shift
to other coastal haulout locations. These
movements may result in increased
energetic costs to walrus, but it is not
possible to predict the magnitude of
these costs. Although predation by polar
bears on Pacific walrus has been
observed, the lack of documented
population-level effects leads us to
conclude that polar bear predation is
not currently a threat to the Pacific
walrus. As sea ice declines and Pacific
walrus spend more time on coastal
haulouts, however, it is likely that polar
bear predation will increase. However,
we cannot reliably predict the level of
predation in the future, and therefore
we are not able to conclude with
sufficient reliability that it will rise to
the level of a threat to the Pacific walrus
population in the foreseeable future.
There is no evidence that killer whale
predation has ever limited the Pacific
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walrus population, and there is no
evidence of increased presence of killer
whales in the Bering or Chukchi Seas;
therefore, killer whale predation is not
a threat to the Pacific walrus now, and
it is unlikely to become a threat in the
foreseeable future.
In our analysis under Factor D, we
identified and evaluated the risks from
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms by focusing our analysis on
the specific laws and regulations aimed
at addressing the two primary threats to
the walrus—the loss of sea-ice habitat
and subsistence harvest. As discussed
previously under Factor A, GHG
emissions have contributed to a
warming climate and the loss of sea-ice
habitat for the Pacific walrus. There are
currently no regulatory mechanisms in
place to reduce or limit GHG emissions.
This situation was considered as part of
our analysis in Factor A. Accordingly,
there are no existing regulatory
mechanisms to effectively address seaice loss.
With regard to the other main threat
to the walrus, subsistence harvest, there
is currently no limit on the number of
walrus that may be taken for subsistence
purposes rangewide. While the
subsistence harvest in Russia is
controlled through a quota system, no
national or Statewide quota exists in the
United States. One local quota restricts
the number of walrus that may be taken
on Round Island (Alaska), but the
harvest level in this area represents only
a very minor portion of the harvest
rangewide. Local ordinances recently
adopted by two Native communities in
the Bering Strait region, where 84
percent of the harvest in the United
States and 43 percent of the rangewide
harvest occurs, contain provisions
aimed at restricting the number of
hunting trips that may be taken for
subsistence purposes. While these
ordinances provide an important
framework for future co-management
initiatives and the potential
development of future localized harvest
limits, we acknowledge that no limits
currently exist on the total number of
walrus that may be taken in the Bering
Strait region or rangewide. Nor are there
other restrictions in place to ensure the
likelihood that, as the population of
walrus declines in response to changing
sea-ice conditions, the subsistence
harvest of walrus will occur at a
reduced level. As a result, we determine
that the existing regulatory mechanisms
are inadequate to address the threat of
subsistence harvest to the Pacific walrus
in the foreseeable future.
In our analysis under Factor E, we
evaluated other factors that may have an
effect on the Pacific walrus, including
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pollution and contaminants; oil and gas
exploration, development, and
production; commercial fisheries
interactions; shipping; oil spills; and
icebreaking activities. Based on our
estimation of low current contaminant
loads and the likelihood of minimal
future exposure as walruses feed on
lower trophic levels, we conclude that
contaminants are not a threat now and
are not likely to be a threat to the Pacific
walrus population in the foreseeable
future. Oil and gas development is
currently not a threat to the Pacific
walrus and is not expected to be in the
foreseeable future due to the anticipated
increased scrutiny oil and gas
development will undergo in the future,
the continued application of incidental
take regulations, and the low risk of an
oil spill. Commercial fishing is also
currently not a threat to walrus as it
occurs only on the periphery of the
species’ range and results in minimal
impacts on the population. We
recognize the potential future interest by
the fishing industry to initiate fisheries
further north as fish distribution
changes in association with predicted
changes in ocean conditions. However,
based on the limited fishing-related
impacts to walrus that have occurred in
other areas to date, and the active
engagement of the NPFMC through the
Arctic Fisheries Management Plan, we
conclude that commercial fishing is not
now a threat to Pacific walrus, and is
not likely to become a threat in the
foreseeable future. Shipping is not
currently a threat to the Pacific walrus
population, because it occurs at low
levels, and shipping in support of other
activities (e.g., oil and gas exploration)
is sufficiently regulated and mitigated
by MMPA incidental take regulations.
Shipping may increase in the future, but
given the uncertainties identified
related to potential future shipping
activities, the available information does
not allow us to conclude that these
activities will cause population-level
effects to the Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future. In addition, take
provisions of the MMPA can be effective
in regulating shipping in U.S. waters
that may disturb haulouts and interrupt
foraging activity. Because most oil spills
will have only localized impact to
walrus, and the chance of a large-scale
spill occurring in the walrus’ range in
the foreseeable future is considered low,
oil spills do not appear to be a threat to
Pacific walrus now or in the foreseeable
future. Finally, shipping activity and
associated icebreaking are predicted to
increase in the future, but the
magnitude and rate of increase are
unknown and dependent on both
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
economic and environmental factors.
Given the uncertainties identified
related to potential future shipping
activities, the available information does
not enable us to conclude that
icebreaking will cause population-level
effects to the Pacific walrus in the
foreseeable future. Therefore, we
determine that none of the potential
stressors identified and discussed under
Factor E is a threat to the Pacific walrus
now, or is likely to become a threat in
the foreseeable future.
In summary, we identify loss of sea
ice in the summer and fall and
associated impacts (Factor A) and
subsistence harvest (Factor B) as the
primary threats to the Pacific walrus in
the foreseeable future. These
conclusions are supported by the
Bayesian Network models prepared by
USGS and the Service. Our Factor D
analysis determined that existing
regulatory mechanisms are currently
inadequate to address these threats.
These threats are of sufficient
imminence, intensity, and magnitude to
cause substantial losses of abundance
and an anticipated population decline
of Pacific walrus that will continue into
the foreseeable future.
Therefore, on the basis of the best
scientific and commercial information
available, we find that the petitioned
action to list the Pacific walrus is
warranted. We will make a
determination on the status of the
species as threatened or endangered
when we prepare a proposed listing
determination. However, as explained
in more detail below, an immediate
proposal of a regulation implementing
this action is precluded by higher
priority listing actions, and expeditious
progress is being made to add or remove
qualified species from the Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants.
We reviewed the available
information to determine if the existing
and foreseeable threats render the
species at risk of extinction at this time
such that issuing an emergency
regulation temporarily listing the
species under section 4(b)(7) of the Act
is warranted. We determined that
issuing an emergency regulation
temporarily listing the species is not
warranted for this species at this time,
because the threats acting on the species
are not immediately impacting the
entire species across its range to the
point where the species will be
immediately lost. However, if at any
time we determine that issuing an
emergency regulation temporarily
listing the Pacific walrus is warranted,
we will initiate this action at that time.
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Listing Priority Number
The Service adopted guidelines on
September 21, 1983 (48 FR 43098), to
establish a rational system for utilizing
available resources for the highest
priority species when adding species to
the Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants or reclassifying
species listed as threatened to
endangered status. These guidelines,
titled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened
Species Listing and Recovery Priority
Guidelines,’’ address the immediacy and
magnitude of threats, and the level of
taxonomic distinctiveness. The system
places greatest importance on the
immediacy and magnitude of threats,
but also factors in the level of taxonomic
distinctiveness by assigning priority in
descending order to monotypic genera
(genus with one species), full species,
and subspecies (or equivalently, distinct
population segments of vertebrates).
As a result of our analysis of the best
available scientific and commercial
information, we assigned the Pacific
walrus a Listing Priority Number (LPN)
of 9, based on the moderate magnitude
and imminence of threats. These threats
include the present or threatened
destruction, modification or curtailment
of Pacific walrus habitat due to loss of
sea-ice habitat; and overutilization due
to subsistence harvest. In addition,
existing regulatory mechanisms fail to
address these threats. These threats
affect the entire population, are ongoing,
and will continue to occur into the
foreseeable future. Our rationale for
assigning the Pacific walrus an LPN of
9 is outlined below.
Under the Service’s Guidelines, the
magnitude of threat is the first criterion
we look at when establishing a listing
priority. The guidelines indicate that
species with the highest magnitude of
threat are those species facing the most
severe threats to their continued
existence. These species receive the
highest listing priority. As discussed in
the finding, the Pacific walrus is being
impacted by two primary threats; the
loss of sea-ice habitat, and subsistence
harvest. The main threat to the Pacific
walrus is the loss of sea-ice habitat due
to climate change. Sea-ice losses have
been observed to date and are projected
to continue through the end of the 21st
century. The loss of sea-ice habitat,
while affecting individual walrus or
localized populations, does not appear
to be currently resulting in significant
population-level effects. However, the
modeled projections of the loss of seaice habitat and the associated impacts
on the Pacific walrus are expected to
greatly increase within the foreseeable
future, thereby resulting in significant
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population-level effects. Because the
threat of the loss of sea-ice habitat is not
having significant effects currently, but
is projected to, we have determined the
magnitude of this threat is moderate,
and not high.
Subsistence harvest is also identified
as a threat to the Pacific walrus. Harvest
is currently occurring at sustainable
levels. With the loss of sea-ice habitat
and the projected associated population
decline, and because subsistence
harvest is expected to continue at
current levels, we concluded that
subsistence harvest would have a
population-level effect on the species in
the future. Because harvest is occurring
at sustainable levels now, but may
become unsustainable in the foreseeable
future due to the projected population
decline, we have determined the
magnitude of the threat of subsistence
harvest is considered to be moderate,
and not high.
Under our Guidelines, the second
criterion we consider in assigning a
listing priority is the immediacy of
threats. This criterion is intended to
ensure that species that face actual,
identifiable threats are given priority
over those species for which threats are
only potential or species that are
intrinsically vulnerable but are not
known to be presently facing such
threats. We have determined that loss of
sea-ice habitat is affecting the Pacific
walrus population currently and is
expected to continue and likely
intensify in the foreseeable future.
Similarly, we have determined that
subsistence harvest is presently
occurring and expected to continue at
current levels into the foreseeable
future, even as the Pacific walrus
population declines due to sea-ice loss.
Because both the loss of sea-ice habitat
and subsistence harvest are presently
occurring, we consider the threats to be
The third criterion in our guidelines
is intended to devote resources to those
species representing highly distinctive
or isolated gene pools as reflected by
taxonomy, with the highest priority
given to monotypic genera, followed by
species and then subspecies. The Pacific
walrus is a valid subspecies and
therefore receives a lower priority than
species or a monotypic genus. As
discussed, the threats affecting the
Pacific walrus are of moderate
magnitude and imminent. Accordingly
we have assigned the Pacific walrus an
LPN of 9, pursuant to our guidelines.
We will continue to monitor the
threats to the Pacific walrus, as well as
the species’ status, on an annual basis,
and should the magnitude or the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
imminence of the threats change, we
will revisit our assessment of the LPN.
Preclusion and Expeditious Progress
Preclusion is a function of the listing
priority of a species in relation to the
resources that are available and the cost
and relative priority of competing
demands for those resources. Thus, in
any given fiscal year (FY), multiple
factors dictate whether it will be
possible to undertake work on a listing
proposal regulation or whether
promulgation of such a proposal is
precluded by higher-priority listing
The resources available for listing
actions are determined through the
annual Congressional appropriations
process. The appropriation for the
Listing Program is available to support
work involving the following listing
actions: Proposed and final listing rules;
90-day and 12-month findings on
petitions to add species to the Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants (Lists) or to change the status
of a species from threatened to
endangered; annual ‘‘resubmitted’’
petition findings on prior warrantedbut-precluded petition findings as
required under section 4(b)(3)(C)(i) of
the Act; critical habitat petition
findings; proposed and final rules
designating critical habitat; and
litigation-related, administrative, and
program-management functions
(including preparing and allocating
budgets, responding to Congressional
and public inquiries, and conducting
public outreach regarding listing and
critical habitat). The work involved in
preparing various listing documents can
be extensive and may include, but is not
limited to: Gathering and assessing the
best scientific and commercial data
available and conducting analyses used
as the basis for our decisions; writing
and publishing documents; and
obtaining, reviewing, and evaluating
public comments and peer review
comments on proposed rules and
incorporating relevant information into
final rules. The number of listing
actions that we can undertake in a given
year also is influenced by the
complexity of those listing actions; that
is, more complex actions generally are
more costly. The median cost for
preparing and publishing a 90-day
finding is $39,276; for a 12-month
finding, $100,690; for a proposed rule
with critical habitat, $345,000; and for
a final listing rule with critical habitat,
the median cost is $305,000.
We cannot spend more than is
appropriated for the Listing Program
without violating the Anti-Deficiency
Act (see 31 U.S.C. 1341(a)(1)(A)). In
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addition, in FY 1998 and for each fiscal
year since then, Congress has placed a
statutory cap on funds which may be
expended for the Listing Program, equal
to the amount expressly appropriated
for that purpose in that fiscal year. This
cap was designed to prevent funds
appropriated for other functions under
the Act (for example, recovery funds for
removing species from the Lists), or for
other Service programs, from being used
for Listing Program actions (see House
Report 105–163, 105th Congress, 1st
Session, July 1, 1997).
Since FY 2002, the Service’s budget
has included a critical habitat subcap to
ensure that some funds are available for
other work in the Listing Program (‘‘The
critical habitat designation subcap will
ensure that some funding is available to
address other listing activities’’ (House
Report No. 107–103, 107th Congress, 1st
Session, June 19, 2001)). From FY 2002
to FY 2006, the Service has had to use
virtually the entire critical habitat
subcap to address court-mandated
designations of critical habitat, and
consequently none of the critical habitat
subcap funds have been available for
other listing activities. In some FYs
since 2006, we have been able to use
some of the critical habitat subcap funds
for proposed listing determinations for
high-priority candidate species. In other
FYs, while we were unable to use any
of the critical habitat subcap funds to
fund proposed listing determinations,
we did use some of this money to fund
the critical habitat portion of some
proposed listing determinations so that
the proposed listing determination and
proposed critical habitat designation
could be combined into one rule,
thereby being more efficient in our
work. At this time, for FY 2011, we do
not know if we will be able to use some
of the critical habitat subcap funds to
fund proposed listing determinations.
We make our determinations of
preclusion on a nationwide basis to
ensure that the species most in need of
listing will be addressed first and also
because we allocate our listing budget
on a nationwide basis. Through the
listing cap, the critical habitat subcap,
and the amount of funds needed to
address court-mandated critical habitat
designations, Congress and the courts
have, in effect, determined the amount
of money available for other listing
activities nationwide (i.e., actions other
than critical habitat designation).
Therefore, the funds in the listing cap,
other than those needed to address
court-mandated critical habitat for
already listed species, set the limits on
our determinations of preclusion and
expeditious progress.
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Congress identified the availability of
resources as the only basis for deferring
the initiation of a rulemaking that is
warranted. The Conference Report
accompanying Pub. L. 97–304
(Endangered Species Act Amendments
of 1982), which established the current
statutory deadlines and the warrantedbut-precluded finding, states that the
amendments were ‘‘not intended to
allow the Secretary to delay
commencing the rulemaking process for
any reason other than that the existence
of pending or imminent proposals to list
species subject to a greater degree of
threat would make allocation of
resources to such a petition [that is, for
a lower-ranking species] unwise.’’
Although that statement appeared to
refer specifically to the ‘‘to the
maximum extent practicable’’ limitation
on the 90-day deadline for making a
‘‘substantial information’’ finding, that
finding is made at the point when the
Service is deciding whether or not to
commence a status review that will
determine the degree of threats facing
the species, and therefore the analysis
underlying the statement is more
relevant to the use of the warranted-butprecluded finding, which is made when
the Service has already determined the
degree of threats facing the species and
is deciding whether or not to commence
a rulemaking.
In FY 2011, on December 22, 2010,
Congress passed a continuing resolution
which provides funding at the FY 2010
enacted level through March 4, 2011.
Until Congress appropriates funds for
FY 2011 at a different level, we will
fund listing work based on the FY 2010
amount. Thus, at this time in FY 2011,
the Service anticipates an appropriation
of $22,103,000 based on FY 2010
appropriations. Of that, the Service
anticipates needing to dedicate
$11,632,000 for determinations of
critical habitat for already listed species.
Also $500,000 is appropriated for
foreign species listings under the Act.
The Service thus has $9,971,000
available to fund work in the following
categories: compliance with court orders
and court-approved settlement
agreements requiring that petition
findings or listing determinations be
completed by a specific date; section 4
(of the Act) listing actions with absolute
statutory deadlines; essential litigationrelated, administrative, and listing
program-management functions; and
high-priority listing actions for some of
our candidate species. In FY 2010 the
Service received many new petitions
and a single petition to list 404 species.
The receipt of petitions for a large
number of species is consuming the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Service’s listing funding that is not
dedicated to meeting Court-ordered
commitments. Absent some ability to
balance effort among listing duties
under existing funding levels, it is
unlikely that the Service will be able to
make expeditious progress on candidate
species in FY 2011.
In 2009, the responsibility for listing
foreign species under the Act was
transferred from the Division of
Scientific Authority, International
Affairs Program, to the Endangered
Species Program. Therefore, starting in
FY 2010, we used a portion of our
funding to work on the actions
described above for listing actions
related to foreign species. In FY 2011,
we anticipate using $1,500,000 for work
on listing actions for foreign species
which reduces funding available for
domestic listing actions, however,
currently only $500,000 has been
allocated. Although there are currently
no foreign species issues included in
our high-priority listing actions at this
time, many actions have statutory or
court-approved settlement deadlines,
thus increasing their priority. The
budget allocations for each specific
listing action are identified in the
Service’s FY 2011 Allocation Table (part
of our record).
For the above reasons, funding a
proposed listing determination for the
Pacific walrus is precluded by courtordered and court-approved settlement
agreements, listing actions with absolute
statutory deadlines, and work on
proposed listing determinations for
those candidate species with a higher
listing priority (i.e., candidate species
with LPNs of 1–8).
Based on our September 21, 1983,
guidance for assigning an LPN for each
candidate species (48 FR 43098), we
have a significant number of species
with an LPN of 2. Using this guidance,
we assign each candidate an LPN of 1
to 12, depending on the magnitude of
threats (high or moderate to low),
immediacy of threats (imminent or
nonimminent), and taxonomic status of
the species (in order of priority:
monotypic genus (a species that is the
sole member of a genus); species, or part
of a species (subspecies, distinct
population segment, or significant
portion of the range)). The lower the
listing priority number, the higher the
listing priority (that is, a species with an
LPN of 1 would have the highest listing
Because of the large number of highpriority species, we have further ranked
the candidate species with an LPN of 2
by using the following extinction-risk
type criteria: International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) Red list status/rank,
Heritage rank (provided by
NatureServe), Heritage threat rank
(provided by NatureServe), and species
currently with fewer than 50
individuals, or 4 or fewer populations.
Those species with the highest IUCN
rank (critically endangered), the highest
Heritage rank (G1), the highest Heritage
threat rank (substantial, imminent
threats), and currently with fewer than
50 individuals, or fewer than 4
populations, originally comprised a
group of approximately 40 candidate
species (‘‘Top 40’’). These 40 candidate
species have had the highest priority to
receive funding to work on a proposed
listing determination. As we work on
proposed and final listing rules for those
40 candidates, we apply the ranking
criteria to the next group of candidates
with an LPN of 2 and 3 to determine the
next set of highest-priority candidate
species. Finally, proposed rules for
reclassification of threatened species to
endangered are lower priority, since as
listed species, they are already afforded
the protection of the Act and
implementing regulations. However, for
efficiency reasons, we may choose to
work on a proposed rule to reclassify a
species to endangered if we can
combine this with work that is subject
to a court-determined deadline.
With our workload so much bigger
than the amount of funds we have to
accomplish it, it is important that we be
as efficient as possible in our listing
process. Therefore, as we work on
proposed rules for the highest priority
species in the next several years, we are
preparing multi-species proposals when
appropriate, and these may include
species with lower priority if they
overlap geographically or have the same
threats as a species with an LPN of 2.
In addition, we take into consideration
the availability of staff resources when
we determine which high-priority
species will receive funding to
minimize the amount of time and
resources required to complete each
listing action.
As explained above, a determination
that listing is warranted but precluded
must also demonstrate that expeditious
progress is being made to add and
remove qualified species to and from
the Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants. As with our
‘‘precluded’’ finding, the evaluation of
whether progress in adding qualified
species to the Lists has been expeditious
is a function of the resources available
for listing and the competing demands
for those funds. (Although we do not
discuss it in detail here, we are also
making expeditious progress in
removing species from the list under the
Recovery program in light of the
resource available for delisting, which is
funded by a separate line item in the
budget of the Endangered Species
Program. So far during FY 2011, we
have completed one delisting rule.)
Given the limited resources available for
listing, we find that we are making
expeditious progress in FY 2011 in the
Listing program. This progress included
preparing and publishing the following
Publication date
10/6/2010 ..............
Endangered Status for the Altamaha Spinymussel and
Designation of Critical Habitat.
12-month Finding on a Petition to list the Sacramento
Splittail as Endangered or Threatened.
Endangered Status and Designation of Critical Habitat
for Spikedace and Loach Minnow.
90-Day Finding on a Petition to List the Bay Springs
Salamander as Endangered.
Determination of Endangered Status for the Georgia
Pigtoe Mussel, Interrupted Rocksnail, and Rough
Hornsnail and Designation of Critical Habitat.
Listing the Rayed Bean and Snuffbox as Endangered ...
12–Month Finding on a Petition to List Cirsium wrightii
(Wright’s Marsh Thistle) as Endangered or Threatened.
Proposed Listing Endangered ...........
75 FR 61664–61690
Notice of 12-month petition finding,
Not warranted.
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding,
Not substantial.
Final Listing Endangered ...................
75 FR 62070–62095
10/7/2010 ..............
10/28/2010 ............
11/2/2010 ..............
11/2/2010 ..............
11/2/2010 ..............
11/4/2010 ..............
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:13 Feb 09, 2011
Jkt 223001
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
FR pages
Proposed Listing Endangered ...........
Notice of 12-month petition finding,
Warranted but precluded.
Sfmt 4702
75 FR 66481–66552
75 FR 67341–67343
75 FR 67511–67550
75 FR 67551–67583
75 FR 67925–67944
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Publication date
12/14/2010 ............
12/14/2010 ............
Endangered Status for Dunes Sagebrush Lizard ...........
12-month Finding on a Petition to List the North American Wolverine as Endangered or Threatened.
12-Month Finding on a Petition to List the Sonoran Population of the Desert Tortoise as Endangered or
12-Month Finding on a Petition to List Astragalus
microcymbus and Astragalus schmolliae as Endangered or Threatened.
Listing Seven Brazilian Bird Species as Endangered
Throughout Their Range.
90-Day Finding on a Petition to List the Red Knot subspecies Calidris canutus roselaari as Endangered.
Spectaclecase Mussels.
Proposed Listing Endangered ...........
Notice of 12-month petition finding,
Warranted but precluded.
Notice of 12-month petition finding,
Warranted but precluded.
75 FR 77801–77817
75 FR 78029–78061
Notice of 12-month petition finding,
Warranted but precluded.
75 FR 78513–78556
Final Listing Endangered ...................
75 FR 81793–81815
Notice of 90-day Petition Finding,
Not substantial.
Proposed Listing Endangered ...........
76 FR 304–311
12/14/2010 ............
12/15/2010 ............
12/28/2010 ............
1/4/2011 ................
1/19/2011 ..............
Our expeditious progress also
includes work on listing actions that we
funded in FY 2010 and FY 2011, but
have not yet been completed to date.
These actions are listed below. Actions
in the top section of the table are being
conducted under a deadline set by a
court. Actions in the middle section of
the table are being conducted to meet
statutory timelines, that is, timelines
required under the Act. Actions in the
bottom section of the table are highpriority listing actions. These actions
include work primarily on species with
an LPN of 2, and, as discussed above,
selection of these species is partially
based on available staff resources, and
when appropriate, include species with
FR pages
75 FR 78093–78146
76 FR 3392–3420
a lower priority if they overlap
geographically or have the same threats
as the species with the high priority.
Including these species together in the
same proposed rule results in
considerable savings in time and
funding compared to preparing separate
proposed rules for each of them in the
Actions Subject to Court Order/Settlement Agreement
Flat-tailed horned lizard .....................................................................................................................................
Mountain plover4 ................................................................................................................................................
Solanum conocarpum ........................................................................................................................................
Thorne’s Hairstreak butterfly3 ............................................................................................................................
Hermes copper butterfly3 ...................................................................................................................................
4 parrot species (military macaw, yellow-billed parrot, red-crowned parrot, scarlet macaw)5 ..........................
4 parrot species (blue-headed macaw, great green macaw, grey-cheeked parakeet, hyacinth macaw)5 .......
4 parrot species (crimson shining parrot, white cockatoo, Philippine cockatoo, yellow-crested cockatoo)5 ....
Utah prairie dog (uplisting) .................................................................................................................................
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
Actions With Statutory Deadlines
Casey’s june beetle ............................................................................................................................................
Southern rockhopper penguin—Campbell Plateau population ..........................................................................
6 Birds from Eurasia ..........................................................................................................................................
5 Bird species from Colombia and Ecuador ......................................................................................................
Queen Charlotte goshawk .................................................................................................................................
5 species southeast fish (Cumberland darter, rush darter, yellowcheek darter, chucky madtom, and laurel
Ozark hellbender4 ..............................................................................................................................................
Altamaha spinymussel3 ......................................................................................................................................
3 Colorado plants (Ipomopsis polyantha (Pagosa Skyrocket), Penstemon debilis (Parachute Beardtongue),
and Phacelia submutica (DeBeque Phacelia))4.
Salmon crested cockatoo ...................................................................................................................................
6 Birds from Peru & Bolivia ...............................................................................................................................
Loggerhead sea turtle (assist National Marine Fisheries Service)5 ..................................................................
2 mussels (rayed bean (LPN = 2), snuffbox No LPN)5 .....................................................................................
Mt Charleston blue5 ...........................................................................................................................................
CA golden trout4 ................................................................................................................................................
Black-footed albatross ........................................................................................................................................
Mount Charleston blue butterfly .........................................................................................................................
Mojave fringe-toed lizard1 ..................................................................................................................................
Kokanee—Lake Sammamish population1 .........................................................................................................
Cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl1 .........................................................................................................................
Northern leopard frog .........................................................................................................................................
Tehachapi slender salamander ..........................................................................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:13 Feb 09, 2011
Jkt 223001
PO 00000
Frm 00045
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Final listing determination.
Proposed listing determination.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Coqui Llanero .....................................................................................................................................................
12-month petition finding/Proposed
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
Dusky tree vole ..................................................................................................................................................
3 MT invertebrates (mist forestfly (Lednia tumana), Oreohelix sp. 3, Oreohelix sp. 31) from 206 species petition.
5 UT plants (Astragalus hamiltonii, Eriogonum soredium, Lepidium ostleri, Penstemon flowersii, Trifolium
friscanum) from 206 species petition.
5 WY plants (Abronia ammophila, Agrostis rossiae, Astragalus proimanthus, Boechere (Arabis) pusilla,
Penstemon gibbensii) from 206 species petition.
Leatherside chub (from 206 species petition) ...................................................................................................
Frigid ambersnail (from 206 species petition)3 ..................................................................................................
Platte River caddisfly (from 206 species petition)5 ............................................................................................
Gopher tortoise—eastern population .................................................................................................................
Grand Canyon scorpion (from 475 species petition) .........................................................................................
Anacroneuria wipukupa (a stonefly from 475 species petition)4 .......................................................................
Rattlesnake-master borer moth (from 475 species petition)3 ............................................................................
3 Texas moths (Ursia furtiva, Sphingicampa blanchardi, Agapema galbina) (from 475 species petition) .......
2 Texas shiners (Cyprinella sp., Cyprinella lepida) (from 475 species petition) ...............................................
3 South Arizona plants (Erigeron piscaticus, Astragalus hypoxylus, Amoreuxia gonzalezii) (from 475 species petition).
5 Central Texas mussel species (3 from 475 species petition) ........................................................................
14 parrots (foreign species) ...............................................................................................................................
Berry Cave salamander1 ....................................................................................................................................
Striped Newt1 .....................................................................................................................................................
Fisher—Northern Rocky Mountain Range1 .......................................................................................................
Mohave Ground Squirrel1 ..................................................................................................................................
Puerto Rico Harlequin Butterfly3 ........................................................................................................................
Western gull-billed tern ......................................................................................................................................
Ozark chinquapin (Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis)4 .....................................................................................
HI yellow-faced bees ..........................................................................................................................................
Giant Palouse earthworm ..................................................................................................................................
Whitebark pine ...................................................................................................................................................
OK grass pink (Calopogon oklahomensis)1 .......................................................................................................
Ashy storm-petrel5 .............................................................................................................................................
Honduran emerald .............................................................................................................................................
Southeastern pop snowy plover & wintering pop. of piping plover1 .................................................................
Eagle Lake trout1 ...............................................................................................................................................
Smooth-billed ani1 ..............................................................................................................................................
32 Pacific Northwest mollusks species (snails and slugs)1 ..............................................................................
42 snail species (Nevada & Utah) .....................................................................................................................
Peary caribou .....................................................................................................................................................
Plains bison ........................................................................................................................................................
Spring Mountains checkerspot butterfly .............................................................................................................
Spring pygmy sunfish .........................................................................................................................................
Bay skipper ........................................................................................................................................................
Unsilvered fritillary ..............................................................................................................................................
Texas kangaroo rat ............................................................................................................................................
Spot-tailed earless lizard ....................................................................................................................................
Eastern small-footed bat ....................................................................................................................................
Northern long-eared bat .....................................................................................................................................
Prairie chub ........................................................................................................................................................
10 species of Great Basin butterfly ...................................................................................................................
6 sand dune (scarab) beetles ............................................................................................................................
Golden-winged warbler4 .....................................................................................................................................
Sand-verbena moth ............................................................................................................................................
404 Southeast species .......................................................................................................................................
Franklin’s bumble bee4 ......................................................................................................................................
2 Idaho snowflies (straight snowfly & Idaho snowfly)4 ......................................................................................
American eel4 .....................................................................................................................................................
Gila monster (Utah population)4 ........................................................................................................................
Arapahoe snowfly4 .............................................................................................................................................
Leona’s little blue4 ..............................................................................................................................................
Aztec gilia5 .........................................................................................................................................................
White-tailed ptarmigan5 ......................................................................................................................................
San Bernardino flying squirrel5 ..........................................................................................................................
Bicknell’s thrush5 ................................................................................................................................................
Chimpanzee .......................................................................................................................................................
Sonoran talussnail5 ............................................................................................................................................
2 AZ Sky Island plants (Graptopetalum bartrami & Pectis imberbis)5 ..............................................................
I’iwi5 ....................................................................................................................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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PO 00000
Frm 00046
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
12-month petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
90-day petition finding.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Proposed Rules
High-Priority Listing Actions
19 Oahu candidate
(16 plants, 3 damselflies) (15 with LPN = 2, 3 with LPN = 3, 1 with LPN = 9)
19 Maui-Nui candidate species2 (16 plants, 3 tree snails) (14 with LPN = 2, 2 with LPN = 3, 3 with LPN =
2 Arizona springsnails2 (Pyrgulopsis bernadina (LPN = 2), Pyrgulopsis trivialis (LPN = 2)) ............................
Chupadera springsnail2 (Pyrgulopsis chupaderae (LPN = 2) ...........................................................................
8 Gulf Coast mussels (southern kidneyshell (LPN = 2), round ebonyshell (LPN = 2), Alabama pearlshell
(LPN = 2), southern sandshell (LPN = 5), fuzzy pigtoe (LPN = 5), Choctaw bean (LPN = 5), narrow
pigtoe (LPN = 5), and tapered pigtoe (LPN = 11))4.
Umtanum buckwheat (LPN = 2) and white bluffs bladderpod (LPN = 9)4 ........................................................
Grotto sculpin (LPN = 2)4 ..................................................................................................................................
2 Arkansas mussels (Neosho mucket (LPN = 2) & Rabbitsfoot (LPN = 9))4 ...................................................
Diamond darter (LPN = 2)4 ................................................................................................................................
Gunnison sage-grouse (LPN = 2)4 ....................................................................................................................
Miami blue (LPN = 3)3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 Texas salamanders (Austin blind salamander (LPN = 2), Salado salamander (LPN = 2), Georgetown salamander (LPN = 8), Jollyville Plateau (LPN = 8))3.
5 SW aquatics (Gonzales Spring Snail (LPN = 2), Diamond Y springsnail (LPN = 2), Phantom springsnail
(LPN = 2), Phantom Cave snail (LPN = 2), Diminutive amphipod (LPN = 2))3.
2 Texas plants (Texas golden gladecress (Leavenworthia texana) (LPN = 2), Neches River rose-mallow
(Hibiscus dasycalyx) (LPN = 2))3.
FL bonneted bat (LPN = 2)3 ..............................................................................................................................
21 Big Island (HI) species5 (includes 8 candidate species—5 plants & 3 animals; 4 with LPN = 2, 1 with
LPN = 3, 1 with LPN = 4, 2 with LPN = 8).
12 Puget Sound prairie species (9 subspecies of pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama ssp.) (LPN = 3),
streaked horned lark (LPN = 3), Taylor’s checkerspot (LPN = 3), Mardon skipper (LPN = 8))3.
2 TN River mussels (fluted kidneyshell (LPN = 2), slabside pearlymussel (LPN = 2))5 ...................................
Jemez Mountain salamander (LPN = 2) 5 ..........................................................................................................
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
Proposed listing.
1 Funds
for listing actions for these species were provided in previous FYs.
funds for these high-priority listing actions were provided in FY 2008 or 2009, due to the complexity of these actions and competing
priorities, these actions are still being developed.
3 Partially funded with FY 2010 funds and FY 2011 funds.
4 Funded with FY 2010 funds.
5 Funded with FY 2011 funds.
2 Although
We have endeavored to make our
listing actions as efficient and timely as
possible, given the requirements of the
relevant law and regulations and
constraints relating to workload and
personnel. We are continually
considering ways to streamline
processes or achieve economies of scale,
such as by batching related actions
together. Given our limited budget for
implementing section 4 of the Act, these
actions described above collectively
constitute expeditious progress.
The Pacific walrus will be added to
the list of candidate species upon
publication of this 12-month finding.
We will continue to monitor the status
of this population as new information
becomes available. This review will
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 223001
determine if a change in status is
warranted, including the need to make
prompt use of emergency-listing
We intend that any proposed listing
determination for the Pacific walrus will
be as accurate as possible. Therefore, we
will continue to accept additional
information and comments from all
concerned governmental agencies, the
scientific community, the subsistence
community, industry, or any other
interested party concerning this finding.
References Cited
A complete list of references cited is
available on the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov and upon request
from the Alaska Marine Mammals Office
(see ADDRESSES section).
Dated: January 21, 2011.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
PO 00000
Frm 00047
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
The primary authors of this notice are
the staff members of the Marine
Mammals Management Office and the
Fisheries and Ecological Services
Division of the Alaska Regional Office.
The authority for this section is
section 4 of the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
[FR Doc. 2011–2400 Filed 2–9–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 28 (Thursday, February 10, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 7634-7679]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-2400]
[[Page 7633]]
Vol. 76
No. 28
February 10, 2011
Part II
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a
Petition to List the Pacific Walrus as Endangered or Threatened;
Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 28 / Thursday, February 10, 2011 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 7634]]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R7-ES-2009-0051; MO 92210-0-0008-B2]
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding
on a Petition to List the Pacific Walrus as Endangered or Threatened
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition finding.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce a 12-month
finding on a petition to list the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus
divergens) as endangered or threatened and to designate critical
habitat under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. After
review of all the available scientific and commercial information, we
find that listing the Pacific walrus as endangered or threatened is
warranted. Currently, however, listing the Pacific walrus is precluded
by higher priority actions to amend the Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Upon publication of this 12-month
petition finding, we will add Pacific walrus to our candidate species
list. We will develop a proposed rule to list the Pacific walrus as our
priorities allow. We will make any determination on critical habitat
during development of the proposed listing rule. Consistent with
section 4(b)(3)(C)(iii) of the Endangered Species Act, we will review
the status of the Pacific walrus through our annual Candidate Notice of
DATES: The finding announced in this document was made on February 10,
ADDRESSES: This finding and supporting documentation are available on
the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket Number FWS-R7-ES-
2009-0051. A range map of the three walrus subspecies and a more
detailed map of the Pacific walrus range are available at the following
Web site: https://alaska.fws.gov/fisheries/mmm/walrus/wmain.htm.
Supporting documentation we used in preparing this finding is available
for public inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Regional Office, 1011 East
Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503. Please submit any new information,
materials, comments, or questions concerning this finding to the above
Management, Alaska Regional Office (see ADDRESSES); by telephone: 800-
362-5148; or by facsimile: 907-786-3816. If you use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), please call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (Act) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), requires that, for any petition
to revise the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and
Plants that contains substantial scientific or commercial information
that listing the species may be warranted, we make a finding within 12
months of the date of receipt of the petition. In this finding, we will
determine whether the petitioned action is: (a) Not warranted, (b)
warranted, or (c) warranted, but the immediate proposal of a regulation
implementing the petitioned action is precluded by other pending
proposals to determine whether species are endangered or threatened,
and expeditious progress is being made to add or remove qualified
species from the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants. Section 4(b)(3)(C) of the Act requires that we treat a
petition for which the requested action is found to be warranted but
precluded as though resubmitted on the date of such finding, that is,
requiring a subsequent finding to be made within 12 months. We must
publish these 12-month findings in the Federal Register.
Previous Federal Actions
On February 8, 2008, we received a petition dated February 7, 2008,
from the Center for Biological Diversity, requesting that the Pacific
walrus be listed as endangered or threatened under the Act and that
critical habitat be designated. The petition included supporting
information regarding the species' ecology and habitat use patterns,
and predicted changes in sea-ice habitats and ocean conditions that may
impact the Pacific walrus. We acknowledged receipt of the petition in a
letter to the Center for Biological Diversity, dated April 9, 2008. In
that letter, we stated that an emergency listing was not warranted and
that all remaining available funds in the listing program for Fiscal
Year (FY) 2008 had already been allocated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service's (Service) highest priority listing actions and that no
listing funds were available to further evaluate the Pacific walrus
petition in FY 2008.
On December 3, 2008, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a
complaint in U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska for
declaratory judgment and injunctive relief challenging the failure of
the Service to make a 90-day finding on their petition to list the
Pacific walrus, pursuant to section 4(b)(3) of the Endangered Species
Act, 16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(3), and the Administrative Procedure Act, 5
U.S.C. 706(1). On May 18, 2009, a settlement agreement was approved in
the case of Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, et al. (3:08-cv-00265-JWS), requiring us to submit our 90-day
finding on the petition to the Federal Register by September 10, 2009.
On September 10, 2009, we made our 90-day finding that the petition
presented substantial scientific information indicating that listing
the Pacific walrus may be warranted (74 FR 46548). On August 30, 2010,
the Court approved an amended settlement agreement requiring us to
submit our 12-month finding to the Federal Register by January 31,
2011. This notice constitutes the 12-month finding on the February 7,
2008, petition to list the Pacific walrus as endangered or threatened.
This 12-month finding is based on our consideration and evaluation
of the best scientific and commercial information available. We
reviewed the information provided in the petition submitted to the
Service by the Center for Biological Diversity, information available
in our files, and other available published and unpublished
information. Additionally, in response to our Federal Register notice
of September 10, 2009, requesting information from the public, as well
as our September 10, 2010 press release, and other outreach efforts
requesting new information from the public, we received roughly 30,000
submissions, which we have considered in making this finding, including
information from the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, the State of
Alaska, the Alaska North Slope Borough, the Eskimo Walrus Commission,
the Humane Society of the United States, the Center for Biological
Diversity, the American Petroleum Institute, and many interested
citizens. We also consulted with recognized Pacific walrus experts and
Federal, State, and Tribal agencies.
Species Information
Taxonomy and Species Delineation
The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is the only living representative of
the family Odobenidae, a group of marine carnivores that was highly
diversified in
[[Page 7635]]
the late Miocene and early Pliocene (Kohno 2006, pp. 416-419; Harington
2008, p. 26). Fossil evidence suggests that the genus evolved in the
North Pacific Ocean and dispersed throughout the Arctic Ocean and North
Atlantic during interglacial phases of the Pleistocene (Harington and
Beard 1992, pp. 311-319; Dyke et al. 1999, p. 60; Harington 2008, p.
Three modern subspecies of walruses are generally recognized
(Wozencraft 2005, p. 525; Integrated Taxonomic Information System,
2010, p. 1): The Atlantic walrus (O. r. rosmarus), which ranges from
the central Canadian Arctic eastward to the Kara Sea (Reeves 1978, pp.
2-20); the Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens), which ranges across the
Bering and Chukchi Seas (Fay 1982, pp. 7-21); and the Laptev walrus (O.
r. laptevi), which is represented by a small, geographically isolated
population of walruses in the Laptev Sea (Heptner et al. 1976, p. 34;
Vishnevskaia and Bychkov 1990, pp. 155-176; Andersen et al. 1998, p.
1323; Wozencraft 2005, p. 595; Jefferson et al. 2008, p. 376). Atlantic
and Pacific walruses are genetically and morphologically distinct from
each other (Cronin et al. 1994, p. 1035), likely as a result of range
fragmentation and differentiation during glacial phases of extensive
Arctic sea-ice cover (Harington 2008, p. 27). Although geographically
isolated and ecologically distinct, walruses from the Laptev Sea appear
to be more closely related to Pacific walruses (Lindqvist et al. 2009,
pp. 119-121).
Pacific walruses are ecologically distinct from other walrus
populations, primarily because they undergo significant seasonal
migrations between the Bering and the Chukchi Seas and rely principally
on broken pack ice habitat to access offshore breeding and feeding
areas (Fay 1982, p. 279) (see Species Distribution, below). In
contrast, Atlantic walruses, which are represented by several small
discrete groups of animals distributed from the central Canadian Arctic
eastward to the Kara Sea, exhibit smaller seasonal movements and feed
primarily in coastal areas because the continental shelf is narrow over
much of their range. The majority of productive feeding areas used by
Atlantic walruses are accessible from the coast, and all age classes
and gender groups use terrestrial haulouts during ice-free seasons
(Born et al. 2003, p. 356; COSEWIC 2006, p. 15; Laidre et al. 2008, pp.
S104, S115).
The Pacific walrus is generally considered a single population,
although some heterogeneity has been documented. Jay et al. (2008, p.
938) found some differences in the ratio of trace elements in the teeth
of Pacific walruses sampled in winter from two breeding areas
(southeast Bering Sea and St. Lawrence Island), suggesting that the
sampled animals had a history of feeding in different regions. Scribner
et al. (1997, p. 180), however, found no difference in mitochondrial
and nuclear DNA among Pacific walruses sampled from different breeding
areas. Pacific walruses are identified and managed in the United States
and the Russian Federation (Russia) as a single population (Service
2010, p. 1).
Species Description
Walruses are readily distinguished from other Arctic pinnipeds
(aquatic carnivorous mammals with all four limbs modified into
flippers, this group includes seals, sea lions, and walruses) by their
enlarged upper canine teeth, which form prominent tusks. The family
name Odobenidae (tooth walker), is based on observations of walruses
using their tusks to pull themselves out of the water. Males, which
have relatively larger tusks than females, also tend to have broader
skulls (Fay 1982, pp. 104-108). Walrus tusks are used as offensive and
defensive weapons (Kastelein 2002, p. 1298). Adult males use their
tusks in threat displays and fighting to establish dominance during
mating (Fay et al. 1984, p. 93), and animals of both sexes use threat
displays to establish and defend positions on land or ice haulouts (Fay
1982, pp. 134-138). Walruses also use their tusks to anchor themselves
to ice floes when resting in the water during inclement weather (Fay
1982, pp. 134-138; Kastelein 2002, p. 1298).
The Pacific walrus is the largest pinniped species in the Arctic.
At birth, calves are approximately 65 kilograms (kg) (143 pounds (lb))
and 113 centimeters (cm) (44.5 inches (in)) long (Fay 1982, p. 32).
After the first 7 years of life, the growth rate of female walruses
declines rapidly, and they reach a maximum body size by approximately
10 years of age. Adult females can reach lengths of up to 3 meters (m)
(9.8 feet (ft)) and weigh up to 1,100 kg (2,425 lb). Male walrus tend
to grow faster and for a longer period of time than females. They
usually do not reach full adult body size until they are 15 to 16 years
of age. Adult males can reach lengths of 3.5 m (11.5 ft) and can weigh
more than 2,000 kg (4,409 lb) (Fay 1982, p. 33).
Walruses are social and gregarious animals. They tend to travel in
groups and haul out of the water to rest on ice or land in densely
packed groups. On land or ice, in any season, walruses tend to lie in
close physical contact with each other. Young animals often lie on top
of adults. Group size can range from a few individuals up to several
thousand animals (Gilbert 1999, p. 80; Kastelein 2002, p. 1298;
Jefferson et al. 2008, p. 378). At any time of the year, when groups
are disturbed, stampedes from a haulout can result in injuries and
mortalities. Calves and young animals are particularly vulnerable to
trampling injuries (Fay 1980, pp. 227-227; Fay and Kelly 1980, p. 226).
The reaction of walruses to disturbance ranges from no reaction to
escape into the water, depending on the circumstances (Fay et al. 1984,
pp. 13-14). Many factors play into the severity of the response,
including the age and sex of the animals, the size and location of the
group (on ice, in water, on land), their distance from the disturbance,
and the nature and intensity of the disturbance (Fay et al. 1984, pp.
14, 114-119). Females with calves appear to be most sensitive to
disturbance, and animals on shore are more sensitive than those on ice
(Fay et al. 1984, p. 114). A fright response caused by disturbance can
cause stampedes on a haulout, resulting in injuries and mortalities
(Fay and Kelly 1980, pp. 241-244).
Mating occurs primarily in January and February in broken pack ice
habitat in the Bering Sea. Breeding bulls follow herds of females and
compete for access to groups of females hauled out onto sea ice (Fay
1982, pp. 193-194). Males perform visual and acoustical displays in the
water to attract females and defend a breeding territory. Subdominant
males remain on the periphery of these aggregations and apparently do
not display. Intruders into display areas are met with threat displays
and physical attacks. Individual females leave the resting herd to join
a male in the water where copulation occurs (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89-
99; Sjare and Stirling 1996, p. 900). Gestation lasts 15 to 16 months
(Fay 1982, p. 197) and pregnancies are spaced at least 2 years apart
(Fay 1982, p. 206). Calving occurs on sea ice, most typically in May,
before the northward spring migration (Fay 1982, pp. 199-200). Mothers
and newborn calves stay mostly on ice floes during the first few weeks
of life (Fay et al. 1984, p. 12).
The social bond between the mother and calf is very strong, and it
is unusual for a cow to become separated from her calf (Fay 1982, p.
203). The calf normally remains with its mother for at least 2 years,
sometimes longer, if not supplanted by a new calf (Fay 1982, pp. 206-
211). After separation from their
[[Page 7636]]
mother, young females tend to remain with groups of adult females,
whereas young males gradually separate from the females and begin to
associate with groups of other males. Individual social status appears
to be based on a combination of body size, tusk size, and
aggressiveness. Individuals do not necessarily associate with the same
group of animals and must continually reaffirm their social status in
each new aggregation (Fay 1982, p. 135; NAMMCO 2004, p. 43).
Species Distribution
Pacific walruses range across the shallow continental shelf waters
of the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, occasionally ranging into
the East Siberian Sea and Beaufort Sea (Fay 1982, pp. 7-21; Figure 1 in
Garlich-Miller et al. 2011). Waters deeper than 100 m (328 ft) and the
extent of the pack ice are factors that limit distribution to the north
(Fay 1982, p. 23). Walruses are rarely spotted south of the Alaska
Peninsula and Aleutian archipelago; however, migrant animals (mostly
males) are occasionally reported in the North Pacific (Service 2010,
unpublished data).
Pacific walruses are highly mobile, and their distribution varies
markedly in response to seasonal and interannual variations in sea-ice
cover. During the January to March breeding season, walruses congregate
in the Bering Sea pack ice in areas where open leads (fractures in sea
ice caused by wind drift or ocean currents), polynyas (enclosed areas
of unfrozen water surrounded by ice) or thin ice allow access to water
(Fay 1982, p. 21; Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89-99). The specific location of
winter breeding aggregations varies annually depending upon the
distribution and extent of ice. Breeding aggregations have been
reported southwest of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska; south of Nunivak
Island, Alaska; and south of the Chukotka Peninsula in the Gulf of
Anadyr, Russia (Fay 1982, p. 21; Mymrin et al. 1990, pp. 105-113;
Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
In spring, as the Bering Sea pack ice deteriorates, most of the
population migrates northward through the Bering Strait to summer
feeding areas over the continental shelf in the Chukchi Sea. However,
several thousand animals, primarily adult males, remain in the Bering
Sea during the summer months, foraging from coastal haulouts in the
Gulf of Anadyr, Russia, and in Bristol Bay, Alaska (Figure 1 in
Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
Summer distributions (both males and females) in the Chukchi Sea
vary annually, depending upon the extent of sea ice. When broken sea
ice is abundant, walruses are typically found in patchy aggregations
over continental shelf waters. Individual groups may range from less
than 10 to more than 1,000 animals (Gilbert 1999, pp. 75-84; Ray et al.
2006, p. 405). Summer concentrations have been reported in loose pack
ice off the northwestern coast of Alaska, between Icy Cape and Point
Barrow, and along the coast of Chukotka, Russia, as far west as Wrangel
Island (Fay 1982, pp. 16-17; Gilbert et al. 1992, pp. 1-33; Belikov et
al. 1996, pp. 267-269). In years of low ice concentrations in the
Chukchi Sea, some animals range east of Point Barrow into the Beaufort
Sea; walruses have also been observed in the Eastern Siberian Sea in
late summer (Fay 1982, pp. 16-17; Belikov et al. 1996, pp. 267-269).
The pack ice of the Chukchi Sea usually reaches its minimum extent in
September. In years when the sea ice retreats north beyond the
continental shelf, walruses congregate in large numbers (up to several
tens of thousands of animals in some locations) at terrestrial haulouts
on Wrangel Island and other sites along the northern coast of the
Chukotka Peninsula, Russia, and northwestern Alaska (Fay 1982, p. 17;
Belikov et al. 1996, pp. 267-269; Kochnev 2004, pp. 284-288; Ovsyanikov
et al. 2007, pp. 1-4; Kavry et al. 2008, pp. 248-251).
In late September and October, walruses that summered in the
Chukchi Sea typically begin moving south in advance of the developing
sea ice. Satellite telemetry data indicate that male walruses that
summered at coastal haulouts in the Bering Sea also begin to move
northward towards winter breeding areas in November (Jay and Hills
2005, p. 197). The male walruses' northward movement appears to be
driven primarily by the presence of females at that time of year
(Freitas et al. 2009, pp. 248-260).
Foraging and Prey
Walruses consume mostly benthic (region at the bottom of a body of
water) invertebrates and are highly adapted to obtain bivalves (Fay
1982, p. 139; Bowen and Siniff 1999, p. 457; Born et al. 2003, p. 348;
Dehn et al. 2007, p. 176; Boveng et al. 2008, pp. 17-19; Sheffield and
Grebmeier 2009, pp. 766-767). Fish and other vertebrates have
occasionally been found in their stomachs (Fay 1982, p. 153; Sheffield
and Grebmeier 2009, p. 767). Walruses root in the bottom sediment with
their muzzles and use their whiskers to locate prey items. They use
their fore-flippers, nose, and jets of water to extract prey buried up
to 32 cm (12.6 in) (Fay 1982, p. 163; Oliver et al. 1983, p. 504;
Kastelein 2002, p. 1298; Levermann et al. 2003, p. 8). The foraging
behavior of walruses is thought to have a major impact on benthic
communities in the Bering and Chukchi Seas (Oliver et al. 1983, pp.
507-509; Klaus et al. 1990, p. 480). Ray et al. (2006, pp. 411-413)
estimate that walruses consume approximately 3 million metric tons
(3,307 tons) of benthic biomass annually, and that the area affected by
walrus foraging is in the order of thousands of square kilometers (sq
km) (thousands of square miles (sq mi)) annually. Consequently,
walruses play a major role in benthic ecosystem structure and function,
which Ray et al. (2006, p. 415) suggested increased nutrient flux and
The earliest studies of food habits were based on examination of
stomachs from walruses killed by hunters. These reports indicated that
walruses were primarily feeding on bivalves (clams), and that non-
bivalve prey was only incidentally ingested (Fay 1982, p. 145;
Sheffield et al. 2001, p. 311). However, these early studies did not
take into account the differential rate of digestion of prey items
(Sheffield et al. 2001, p. 311). Additional research indicates that
stomach contents include over 100 taxa of benthic invertebrates from
all major phyla (Fay 1982, p. 145; Sheffield and Grebmeier 2009, p.
764), and while bivalves remain the primary component, walruses are not
adapted to a diet solely of clams. Other prey items have similar
energetic benefits (Wacasey and Atkinson 1987, pp. 245-247). Based on
analysis of the contents from fresh stomachs of Pacific walruses
collected between 1975 and 1985 in the Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, prey
consumption likely reflects benthic invertebrate composition (Sheffield
and Grebmeier 2009, pp. 764-768). Of the large number of different
types of prey, statistically significant differences between males and
females from the Bering Sea were found in the occurrence of only two
prey items, and there were no statistically significant differences in
results for males and females from the Chukchi Sea (Sheffield and
Grebmeier 2009, pp. 765). Although these data are for Pacific walrus
stomachs collected 25-35 years ago, we have no reason to believe there
has been a change in the general pattern of prey use described here.
Walruses typically swallow invertebrates without shells in their
entirety (Fay 1982, p. 165). Walruses remove the soft parts of mollusks
from their shells by suction, and discard the shells (Fay 1982, pp.
166-167). Born et al. (2003, p. 348) reported that Atlantic
[[Page 7637]]
walruses consumed an average of 53.2 bivalves (range 34 to 89) per
dive. Based on caloric need and observations of captive walruses,
walruses require approximately 29 to 74 kg (64 to 174 lbs) of food per
day (Fay 1982, p. 160). Adult males forage little during the breeding
period (Fay 1982, pp. 142, 159-161; Ray et al. 2006, p. 411), while
lactating females may eat two to three times that of nonpregant,
nonlactating females (Fay 1982, p.159). Calves up to 1 year of age
depend primarily on their mother's milk (Fay 1982, p. 138) and are
gradually weaned in their second year (Fisher and Stewart 1997, pp.
Although walruses are capable of diving to depths of more than 250
m (820 ft) (Born et al. 2005, p. 30), they usually forage in waters of
80 m (262 ft) or less (Fay and Burns 1988, p. 239; Born et al. 2003, p.
348; Kovacs and Lydersen 2008, p. 138), presumably because of higher
productivity of their benthic foods in shallow waters (Fay and Burns
1988, pp. 239-240; Carey 1991, p. 869; Jay et al. 2001, p. 621;
Grebmeier et al. 2006b, pp. 334-346; Grebmeier et al. 2006a, p. 1461).
Walruses make foraging trips from land or ice haulouts that range from
a few hours up to several days and up to 100 kilometers (km) (60 miles
(mi)) (Jay et al. 2001, p. 626; Born et al. 2003, p. 349; Ray et al.
2006, p. 406; Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122). Walruses tend to make
shorter and more frequent foraging trips when sea ice is used as a
foraging platform compared to terrestrial haulouts (Udevitz et al.
2009, p. 1122). Satellite telemetry data for walruses in the Bering Sea
in April of 2004, 2005, and 2006 showed they spent an average of 46
hours in the water between resting bouts on ice, which averaged 9 hours
(Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122). Because females and young travel with
the retreating pack ice in the spring and summer, they are passively
transported northward over feeding grounds across the continental
shelves of the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Male walruses appear to have
greater endurance than females, with foraging excursions from land
haulouts that can last up to 142 hours (about 6 days) (Jay et al. 2001,
p. 630).
Sea-Ice Habitats
The Pacific walrus is an ice-dependent species that relies on sea
ice for many aspects of its life history. Unlike other pinnipeds,
walruses are not adapted for a pelagic existence and must haul out on
ice or land regularly. Floating pack ice serves as a substrate for
resting between feeding bouts (Ray et al. 2006, p. 404), breeding
behavior (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89-99), giving birth (Fay 1982, p. 199),
and nursing and care of young (Kelly 2001, pp. 43-55). Sea ice provides
access to offshore feeding areas over the continental shelf of the
Bering and Chukchi Seas, passive transportation to new feeding areas
(Richard 1990, p. 21; Ray et al. 2006, pp. 403-419), and isolation from
terrestrial predators (Richard 1990, p. 23; Kochnev 2004, p. 286;
Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1-4). Sea ice provides an extensive
substrate upon which the risk of predation and hunting is greatly
reduced (Kelly 2001, pp. 43-55; Fay 1982, p. 26).
Sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere is comprised of first-year sea
ice that formed in the most recent autumn-winter period, and multi-year
ice that has survived at least one summer melt season. Sea-ice habitats
for walruses include openings or leads that provide access to the water
and to food resources. Walruses generally do not use multi-year ice or
highly compacted first-year ice in which there is an absence of
persistent leads or polynyas (Richard 1990, p. 21). Expansive areas of
heavy ice cover are thought to play a restrictive role in walrus
distributions across the Arctic and serve as a barrier to the mixing of
populations (Fay 1982, p. 23; Dyke et al. 1999, pp. 161-163; Harington
2008, p. 35). Walruses generally do not occur farther south than the
maximum extent of the winter pack ice, possibly due to their reliance
on sea ice for breeding and rearing young (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89-99)
and isolation from terrestrial predators (Kochnev 2004, p. 286;
Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1-4), or because of the higher densities of
benthic invertebrates in northern waters (Grebmeier et al. 2006a, pp.
Walruses generally occupy first-year ice that is greater than 20 cm
(7.9 in) thick and are not found in areas of extensive, unbroken ice
(Fay 1982, pp. 21, 26; Richard 1990, p. 23). Thus, in winter they
concentrate in areas of broken pack ice associated with divergent ice
flow or along the margins of persistent polynyas (Burns et al. 1981,
pp. 781-797; Fay et al. 1984, pp. 89-99; Richard 1990, p. 23) in areas
with abundant food resources (Ray et al. 2006, p. 406). Females with
young generally spend the summer months in pack ice habitats of the
Chukchi Sea, where they feed intensively between bouts of resting and
suckling their young. Some authors have suggested that the size and
topography of individual ice floes are important features in the
selection of ice haulouts, noting that some animals have been observed
returning to the same ice floe between feeding bouts (Ray et al. 2006,
p. 406). However, it has also been noted that walruses can and will
exploit a fairly broad range of ice types and ice concentrations in
order to stay in preferred foraging or breeding areas (Freitas et al.
2009, p. 247; Jay et al. 2010a, p. 300). Walruses tend to make shorter
foraging excursions when they are using sea ice rather than land
haulouts (Udevitz et al. 2009, p. 1122), presumably because it is more
energetically efficient for them to haulout on ice near productive
feeding areas than forage from shore. Fay (1982, p. 25) notes that
several authors reported that when walruses had the choice of ice or
land for a resting place, ice was always selected.
Terrestrial Habitats (Coastal Haulouts)
When suitable sea ice is not available, walruses haul out on land
to rest. A wide variety of substrates, ranging from sand to boulders,
are used. Isolated islands, points, spits, and headlands are occupied
most frequently. The primary consideration for a terrestrial haulout
site appears to be isolation from disturbances and predators, although
social factors, learned behavior, protection from strong winds and
surf, and proximity to food resources also likely influence the choice
of terrestrial haulout sites (Richard 1990, p. 23). Walruses tend to
use established haulout sites repeatedly and exhibit some degree of
fidelity to these sites (Jay and Hills 2005, pp. 192-202), although the
use of coastal haulouts appears to fluctuate over time, possibly due to
localized prey depletion (Garlich-Miller and Jay 2000, pp. 58-65).
Human disturbance is also thought to influence the choice of haulout
sites; many historic haulouts in the Bering Sea were abandoned in the
early 1900s when the Pacific walrus population was subjected to high
levels of exploitation (Fay 1982, p. 26; Fay et al. 1984, p. 231).
Adult male walruses use land-based haulouts more than females or
young, and consequently, have a greater geographical distribution
through the ice-free season. Many adult males remain in the Bering Sea
throughout the ice-free season, making foraging trips from coastal
haulouts in Bristol Bay, Alaska, and the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia (Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011), while females and juvenile animals
generally stay with the drifting ice pack throughout the year (Fay
1982, pp. 8-19). Females with dependent young may prefer sea-ice
habitats because coastal haulouts pose greater risk from trampling
injuries and predation (Fay and Kelly 1980, pp. 226-245; Ovsyanikov et
al. 1994, p. 80; Kochnev
[[Page 7638]]
2004, pp. 285-286; Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1-4; Kavry et al. 2008,
pp. 248-251; Mulcahy et al. 2009, p. 3). Females may also prefer sea-
ice habitats because they may have difficulty nourishing themselves
while caring for a young calf that has limited swimming range (Cooper
et al. 2006, p. 101; Jay and Fischbach 2008, p. 1).
The numbers of male walruses using coastal haulouts in the Bering
Sea during the summer months, and the relative uses of different
coastal haulout sites in the Bering Sea have varied over the past
century. Harvest records indicate that walrus herds were once common at
coastal haulouts along the Alaska Peninsula and the islands of northern
Bristol Bay (Fay et al. 1984, pp. 231-376). By the early 1950s, most of
the traditional haulout areas in the Southern Bering Sea had been
abandoned, presumably due to hunting pressure. During the 1950s and
1960s, Round Island was the only regularly used haulout in Bristol Bay,
Alaska. In 1960, the State of Alaska established the Walrus Islands
State Game Sanctuary, which closed Round Island to hunting. Peak counts
of walruses at Round Island increased from 1,000-2,000 animals in the
late 1950s (Frost et al. 1983, pp. 379) to more than 10,000 animals in
the early 1980s (Sell and Weiss, p. 12), but subsequently declined to
2,000-5,000 over the past decade (Sell and Weiss 2010, p. 12). General
observations indicate that declining walrus counts at Round Island may,
in part, reflect a redistribution of animals to other coastal sites in
the Bristol Bay region. For example, walruses have been observed
increasingly regularly at the Cape Seniavin haulout on the Alaska
Peninsula since the 1970s, and at Cape Peirce and Cape Newenham in
northwest Bristol Bay since the early 1980s (Jay and Hills 2005, p.
193; Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
Traditional male summer haulouts along the Bering Sea coast of
Russia include sites along the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Gulf of Anadyr
(most notably Rudder and Meechkin spits), and Arakamchechen Island
(Garlich-Miller and Jay 2000, pp. 58-65; Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller et
al. 2011). Several of the southernmost haulouts along the coast of
Kamchatka have not been occupied in recent years, and the number of
animals in the Gulf of Anadyr has also declined in recent years
(Kochnev 2005, p. 4). Factors influencing abundance at Bering Sea
haulouts are poorly understood, but may include changes in prey
densities near the haulouts, changes in population size, disturbance
levels, and changing seasonal distributions (Jay and Hills 2005, p.
198) (presumably mediated by sea-ice coverage or temperature).
Historically, coastal haulouts along the Arctic (Chukchi Sea) coast
have been used less consistently during the summer months than those in
the Bering Sea because of the presence of pack ice (a preferred
substrate) for much of the year in the Chukchi Sea. Since the mid-
1990s, reductions of summer sea ice coincided with a marked increase in
the use of coastal haulouts along the Chukchi sea coast of Russia
during the summer months (Kochnev 2004, pp. 284-288; Kavry et al. 2008,
pp. 248-251). Large, mixed (composed of various age and sex groups)
herds of walruses, up to several tens of thousands of animals, began to
use coastal haulouts on Wrangel Island, Russia in the early 1990s, and
several coastal haulouts along the northern Chukotka coastline of
Russia have emerged in recent years, likely as a result of reductions
in summer sea ice in the Chukchi Sea (Kochnev 2004, pp. 284-288;
Ovsyanikov et al. 2007, pp. 1-4; Kavry et al. 2008, p. 248-251; Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
In 2007, 2009, and 2010, walruses were also observed hauling out in
large numbers with mixed sex and age groups along the Chukchi Sea coast
of Alaska in late August, September, and October (Thomas et al. 2009,
p. 1; Service 2010, unpublished data). Monitoring studies conducted in
association with oil and gas exploration suggest that the use of
coastal haulouts along the Arctic coast of Alaska during the summer
months is dependent upon the availability of sea ice. For example, in
2006 and 2008, walruses foraging off the Chukchi Sea coast of Alaska
remained with the ice pack over the continental shelf during the months
of August, September, and October. However in 2007, 2009, and 2010, the
pack ice retreated beyond the continental shelf and large numbers of
walruses hauled out on land at several locations between Point Barrow
and Cape Lisburne, Alaska (Ireland et al. 2009, p. xvi; Thomas et al.
2009, p. 1; Service 2010, unpublished data; Figure 1 in Garlich-Miller
et al. 2011).
Transitory coastal haulouts have also been reported in late fall
(October-November) along the southern Chukchi Sea coast, coinciding
with the southern migration. Mixed herds of walruses frequently come to
shore to rest for a few days to weeks along the coast before continuing
on their migration to the Bering Sea. Cape Lisburne, Alaska, and Capes
Serdtse-Kamen' and Dezhnev, Russia, are the most consistently used
haulouts in the Chukchi Sea at this time of year (Garlich-Miller and
Jay 2000, pp. 58-67). Large mixed herds of walruses have also been
reported in late fall and early winter at coastal haulouts in the
northern Bering Sea at the Punuk Islands and Saint Lawrence Island,
Alaska; Big Diomede Island, Russia; and King Island, Alaska, prior to
the formation of sea ice in offshore breeding and feeding areas (Fay
and Kelly 1980, p. 226; Garlich-Miller and Jay 2000, pp. 58-67; Figure
1 in Garlich-Miller et al. 2011).
Vital Rates
Walruses have the lowest rate of reproduction of any pinniped
species (Fay 1982, pp. 172-209). Although male walruses reach puberty
at 6-7 years of age, they are unlikely to successfully compete for
access to females until they reach full body size at 15 years of age or
older (Fay 1982, p. 33; Fay et al. 1984, p. 96). Female walruses attain
sexual maturity at 4-7 years of age (Fay 1982, pp. 172-209), and the
median age of first birth ranges from approximately 8 to 10 years of
age (Garlich-Miller et al. 2006, pp. 887-893). Because gestation lasts
15-16 months, it extends through the following breeding season and
thus, the minimum interval between successful births is 2 years.
Ovulation may also be suppressed until the calf is weaned, raising the
birth interval to 3 years or more (Garlich-Miller and Stewart 1999, p.
188). The age of sexual maturity and birth rates may be density-
dependent (Fay et al. 1989, pp. 1-16; Fay et al. 1997, pp. 537-565;
Garlich-Miller et al. 2006, pp. 892-893).
The low birth rate of walruses is offset in part by considerable
maternal investment in offspring (Fay et al. 1997, p. 550). Assumed
survival rates through the first year of life range from 0.5 to 0.9
(Fay et al. 1997, p. 550). Survival rates for juveniles through adults
(i.e., 4-20 years old) have been assumed to be as high as 0.96 to 0.99
per cent (DeMaster 1984, p. 78; Fay et al. 1997, p. 544), declining to
zero by 40 to 45 years (Chivers 1999, p. 240). Using published
estimates of survival and reproduction, Chivers (1999, pp. 239-247)
developed an individual age-based model of the Pacific walrus
population, which yielded a maximum population growth rate of 8
percent, but cautioned this should not be considered to be an estimate
of the maximum growth rate (Chivers 1999, p. 239). Thus, the 8 percent
figure remains theoretical because age-specific survival rates for
free-ranging walruses are poorly known.
Based on large sustained harvests in the 18th and 19th centuries,
Fay (1982, p. 241) speculated that the pre-
[[Page 7639]]
exploitation population was represented by a minimum of 200,000
animals. Since that time, population size is believed to have
fluctuated in response to varying levels of human exploitation. Large-
scale commercial harvests are believed to have reduced the population
to 50,000-100,000 animals in the mid-1950s (Fay et al. 1997, p. 539).
The population apparently increased rapidly in size during the 1960s
and 1970s in response to harvest regulations that limited the take of
females (Fay et al. 1989, p. 4). Between 1975 and 1990, visual aerial
surveys jointly conducted by the United States and Russia at 5-year
intervals produced population estimates ranging from 201,039 to
290,000. Efforts to survey the Pacific walrus population were suspended
by both countries after 1990, due to unresolved problems with survey
methods that produced population estimates with unknown bias and
unknown--but presumably large--variances that severely limited their
utility (Speckman et al. 2010, p. 3).
In 2006, a joint U.S.-Russian survey was conducted in the pack ice
of the Bering Sea, using thermal imaging systems to detect walruses
hauled out on sea ice and satellite transmitters to account for
walruses in the water (Speckman et al. 2010, p. 4). The number of
walruses within the surveyed area was estimated at 129,000, with 95-
percent confidence intervals of 55,000 to 507,000 individuals. This is
a minimum estimate, as weather conditions forced termination of the
survey before much of the southwest Bering Sea was surveyed; animals
were observed in that region as the surveyors returned to Anchorage,
Alaska. Table 1 provides a summary of survey results.
Table 1--Estimates of Pacific Walrus Population Size, 1975-2006.
Population size (with range
Year or confidence interval) \a\ Reference
1975................................... 214,687 (Udevitz et al. 2001, p. 614).
1980................................... 250,000-290,000 (Johnson et al. 1982, p. 3; Fedoseev 1984, p. 58).
1985................................... 242,366 (Udevitz et al. 2001, p. 614).
1990................................... 201,039 (Gilbert et al. 1992, p. 28).
2006................................... 129,000 (50,000-500,000) (Speckman et al. 2010).
\a\Due to differences in methods, comparisons of estimates across years (population trends) are not possible. Most estimates did not provide a range or
confidence interval.
We acknowledge that these survey results suggest to some that the
walrus population may be declining; however, we do not believe the
survey methodologies support such a definitive conclusion. Resource
managers in Russia have concluded that the population has declined, and
accordingly, have reduced harvest quotas in recent years (Kochnev 2004,
p. 284; Kochnev 2005, p. 4; Kochnev, 2010, pers. comm.), based in part
on the lower abundance estimate generated from the 2006 survey results.
However, past survey results are not directly comparable among years
due to differences in survey methods, timing of surveys, segments of
the population surveyed, and incomplete coverage of areas where
walruses may have been present (Fay et al. 1997, p. 537); thus, these
results do not provide a basis for determining trends in population
size (Hills and Gilbert 1994, p. 203; Gilbert 1999, pp. 75-84). Whether
prior estimates are biased low or high is unknown, because of problems
with detecting individual animals on ice or land, and in open water,
and difficulties counting animals in large, dense groups (Speckman et
al. 2010, p. 33). In addition, no survey has ever been completed within
a timeframe that could account for the redistribution of individuals
(leading to double counting or undercounting), or before weather
conditions either delayed the effort or completely terminated the
survey before the entire area of potentially occupied habitat had been
covered (Speckman et al. 2010). Due to these general problems, as well
as seasonal differences among surveys (fall or spring) and
technological advancements that correct for some problems, we do not
believe the survey results provide a reliable basis for estimating a
population trend.
Changes in the walrus population have also been investigated by
examining changes in biological parameters over time. Based on evidence
of changes in abundance, distributions, condition indices, and life-
history parameters, Fay et al. (1989, pp.1-16) and Fay et al. (1997,
pp. 537-565) concluded that the Pacific walrus population increased
greatly in size during the 1960s and 1970s, and postulated that the
population was approaching, or had exceeded, the carrying capacity of
its environment by the early 1980s. Harvest increased in the 1980s:
changes in the size, composition, and productivity of the sampled
walrus harvest in the Bering Strait Region of Alaska over this time
frame are consistent with this hypothesis (Garlich-Miller et al. 2006,
p. 892). Harvest levels declined sharply in the early 1990s, and
increased reproductive rates and earlier maturation in females
occurred, suggesting that density-dependent regulatory mechanisms had
been relaxed and the population was likely below carrying capacity
(Garlich-Miller et al. 2006, p. 893). However, Garlich-Miller et al.
(2006, pp. 892-893) also noted that there are no data concerning the
trend in abundance of the walrus population or the status of its prey
to verify this hypothesis, and that whether density-dependent changes
in life-history parameters might have been mediated by changes in
population abundance or changes in the carrying capacity of the
environment is unknown.
Summary of Information Pertaining to the Five Factors
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and implementing regulations
(50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for adding species to,
removing species from, or reclassifying species on the Federal Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Under section 4(a)(1) of
the Act, a species may be determined to be endangered or threatened
based on any of the following five factors:
(A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
(B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes;
(C) Disease or predation;
(D) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or
(E) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued
In making this 12-month finding, we considered and evaluated the
best available scientific and commercial information. Information
pertaining to the Pacific walrus in relation to the five
[[Page 7640]]
factors provided in section 4(a)(1) of the Act is discussed below.
In considering what factors might constitute threats to a species,
we must look beyond the exposure of the species to a particular
stressor to evaluate whether the species may respond to that stressor
in a way that causes actual impacts to the species. If there is
exposure to a stressor and the species responds negatively, the
stressor may be a threat and we attempt to determine how significant a
threat it is. The threat is significant if it drives, or contributes
to, the risk of extinction of the species such that the species
warrants listing as endangered or threatened as those terms are defined
in the Act. However, the identification of stressors that could impact
a species negatively may not be sufficient to compel a finding that the
species warrants listing. The information must include evidence
sufficient to suggest that these stressors are operative threats that
act on the species to the point that the species meets the definition
of endangered or threatened under the Act. Also, because an individual
stressor may not be a threat by itself, but could be in conjunction
with one or more other stressors, our process includes considering the
combined effects of stressors.
To inform our analysis of threats to the Pacific walrus, we also
took into consideration the results of two Bayesian network modeling
efforts; one conducted by the Service (Garlich-Miller et al. 2011), and
the other conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Jay et al.
2010b). Although quantitative, empirical data can be used in Bayesian
networks, when primarily qualitative data are available, such as for
the Pacific walrus, the models are well suited to formalizing and
quantifying the opinions of experts (Marcot et al. 2006, p. 3063).
Bayesian network models (also known as Bayesian belief networks,
reflecting the importance of expert opinion) graphically display the
relevant stressors, the interactions among stressors, and the
cumulative impact of those stressors as they are integrated through the
network. In general terms, the network is composed of input variables
that represent key environmental correlates (e.g., sea-ice loss,
harvest, shipping) and response variables, (e.g., population status).
Although we did not rely on the results of the Bayesian models as the
sole basis for our conclusions in this finding, the models corroborated
the results of our threats analysis. Results of the models are
presented in the five-factor analysis below, where pertinent.
Factor A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range
The following potential stressors that may affect the habitat or
range of the Pacific walrus are discussed in this section: (1) Loss of
sea ice due to climate change; and (2) effects on prey species due to
ocean warming and ocean acidification.
Effects of Global Climate Change on Sea-Ice Habitats
The Pacific walrus depends on sea ice for several aspects of its
life history. This section describes recent observations and future
projections of sea-ice conditions in the Bering and Chukchi Seas
through the end of the 21st century. Following this presentation on the
changing ice dynamics, we examine how these changing ice conditions may
affect the Pacific walrus population.
The Arctic Ocean is covered primarily by a mix of multi-year sea
ice, whereas more southerly regions, such as the Bering Sea, are
seasonal ice zones where first-year ice is renewed every winter. The
observed and projected effects of global warming vary in different
parts of the world, and the Arctic and Antarctic regions are
increasingly recognized as being extremely vulnerable to current and
projected effects. For several decades, the surface air temperatures in
the Arctic have warmed at approximately twice the global rate
(Christensen et al. 2007, p. 904). The observed and projected effects
of climate change are most extreme during summer in northern high-
latitude regions, in large part due to the ice-albedo (reflective
property) feedback mechanism, in which melting of snow and sea ice
lowers surface reflectivity, thereby further increasing surface warming
from absorption of solar radiation.
Since 1979 (the beginning of the satellite record of sea-ice
conditions), there has been an overall reduction in the extent of
Arctic sea ice (Parkinson et al. 1999, p. 20837; Comiso 2002, p. 1956;
Stroeve et al. 2005, pp. 1-4; Comiso 2006, pp. 1-3; Meier et al. 2007,
p. 428; Stroeve et al. 2007, p. 1; Comiso et al. 2008, p. 1; Stroeve et
al. 2008, p. 13). Although the decline is a year-round trend, far
greater reductions have been noted in summer sea ice than in winter sea
ice. For example, from 1979 to 2009, the extent of September sea ice
seen Arctic wide has declined 11 percent per decade (Polyak et al.
2010, p. 1797). In recent years, the trend in Arctic sea-ice loss has
accelerated (Comiso et al. 2008, p. 1). In September 2007, the extent
of Arctic Ocean sea ice reached a record low, approximately 50 percent
lower than conditions in the 1950s through the 1970s, and 23 percent
below the previous record set in 2005 (Stroeve et al. 2008, p. 13).
Minimum sea-ice extent in 2010 was the third lowest in the satellite
record, behind 2007 and 2008 (second lowest), and most of this loss
occurred on the Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean.
Of long-term significance is the loss of over 40 percent of Arctic
multi-year sea ice over the last 5 years (Kwok et al. 2009, p. 1).
Since 2004, there has been a reversal in the volumetric and areal
contributions between first-year ice and multi-year ice in regards to
the total volume and area of the Arctic Ocean that they cover, with
first-year ice now predominating (Kwok et al. 2009, p. 16). Export of
ice through Fram Strait, together with the decline in multi-year ice
coverage, suggests that recently there has been near-zero replenishment
of multi-year ice (Kwok et al. 2009, p. 16). The area of the Arctic
Ocean covered by ice predominantly older than 5 years decreased by 56
percent between 1982 and 2007 (Polyak et al. 2010, p. 1759). Within the
central Arctic Ocean, old ice has declined by 88 percent, and ice that
is at least 9 years old has essentially disappeared (Markus et al.
2009, p. 13: Polyak et al. 2010, p. 1759). In addition, from 2005 to
2008 there was a thinning of 0.6 m (1.9 ft) in multi-year ice
thickness. It is likely that the rapid decline of sea ice in 2007 was
in part the result of thinner and lower coverage, of the multi-year ice
(Comiso et al. 2008, p. 6). It would take many years to restore the ice
thickness through annual growth, and the loss of multi-year ice makes
it unlikely that the age and thickness composition of the ice pack will
return to previous climatological conditions with continued global
warming. Further loss of sea ice will be a major driver of changes
across the Arctic over the next decades, especially in late summer and
autumn (NOAA 2010, p. 77503).
Due to asymmetric geography of the Arctic and the scale of weather
patterns, there is considerable regional variability in sea-ice cover
(Meier et al. 2007, p. 430), and although the early loss of summer sea
ice and volumetric ice loss in the Arctic applies directly to the
Chukchi Sea, it cannot be directly extrapolated to the seasonal ice
zone of the Bering Sea (NOAA 2010, p. 77503). The contrasts between the
two are dramatic: The Bering Sea is one of the most stable in terms of
sea ice, especially in the winter, and the Chukchi Sea has had some of
the most dramatic losses of summer sea ice
[[Page 7641]]
(Meier et al., p. 431). Below, we describe the sea-ice conditions in
the Bering and Chukchi Seas as they occur presently, as well as recent
trends and projections for the future.
In March and April, at maximal sea-ice extent, the Chukchi Sea is
typically completely frozen, and ice cover in the Bering Sea extends
southward to a latitude of approximately 58-60 degrees north (Boveng et
al. 2008, pp. 33-52). The Bering Sea spans the marginal sea-ice zone,
where ice gives way to water at the southern edge, and around the
peripheries of persistent polynyas. Sea ice in the Bering Sea is highly
dynamic and largely a wind-driven system (Sasaki and Minobe 2005, pp.
1-2). Ice cover is comprised of a variety of first-year ice
thicknesses, from young, very thin ice to first-year floes that may be
upwards of 1.0-m (3.3-ft) thick (Burns et al. 1980, p. 100; Zhang et
al. 2010, p. 1729). Depending on wind patterns, a variable (but
relatively minor) fraction of ice that drifts south through the Bering
Strait could be comprised of some thicker ice floes that originated in
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas (Kozo et al. 1987, pp. 193-195).
Ice melt in the Bering Sea usually begins in late April and
accelerates in May, with the edge of the ice moving northward until it
passes through the Bering Strait, typically in June. The Bering Sea
remains ice free for the duration of the summer. Ice continues to
retreat northward through the Chukchi Sea until September, when minimal
sea-ice extent is reached.
Freeze-up begins in October, with the ice edge progressing
southward across the Chukchi Sea. The ice edge usually reaches the
Bering Strait in November and advances through the Strait in December.
The ice edge continues to move southward across the Bering Sea until
its maximal extent is reached in March. There is considerable year-to-
year variation in the timing and extent of ice retreat and formation
(Boveng et al. 2008, p. 37; Douglas 2010, p. 19).
Within various regions of the Arctic, there is substantial
variation in the monthly trends of sea ice (Meier et al. 2007, p. 431).
In the Bering Sea, statistically significant monthly reductions in the
extent of sea ice over the period 1979-2005 were documented for March
(-4.8 percent), October (-42.9 percent), and November (-20.3 percent),
although the overall annual decline (-1.9 percent) is not statistically
significant (Meier et al. 2007, p. 431). The Bering Sea declines were
greatest in October and November, the period of early freeze-up. In the
Chukchi Sea, statistically significant monthly reductions were also
documented for 1979 to 2005 for May (-0.19 percent), June (-4.3
percent), July (-6.7 percent), August (-15.4 percent), September (-26.3
percent), October (-18.6 percent), and November (-8.0 percent): The
overall annual reduction (-4.9 percent) is statistically significant
(Meier et al. 2007, p. 431). In essence, the Chukchi Sea has shown
declines in all months when it is not completely ice-covered, with
greatest declines in months of maximal melt and early freeze-up
(August, September, and October).
During the period 1979-2006, the September sea-ice extent in the
Chukchi Sea decreased by 26 percent per decade (Douglas 2010, p. 2). In
recent years, sea ice typically has retreated from continental shelf
regions of the Chukchi Sea in August or September, with open water
conditions persisting over much of the continental shelf through late
October. In contrast, during the preceding 20 years (1979-1998), broken
sea-ice habitat persisted over continental shelf areas of the Chukchi
Sea through the entire summer (Jay and Fischbach 2008, p. 1).
From 1979 to 2007, there was a general trend toward earlier onset
of ice melt and later onset of freeze-up in 9 of 10 Arctic regions
analyzed by Markus et al. (2009, pp. 1-14), the exception being the Sea
of Okhotsk. For the entire Arctic, the melt season length has increased
by about 20 days over the last 30 years, due to the combined earlier
melt and later freeze-up. The largest increases, of over 10 days per
decade, have been seen for Hudson Bay, the East Greenland Sea, and the
Laptev/East Siberian Seas. From 1979 to 2007, there was a general trend
toward earlier onset of ice melt and later onset of freeze-up in both
the Bering and Chukchi Seas: For the Bering Sea, the onset of ice melt
occurred 1.0 day earlier per decade, while in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas
ice melt occurred 3.5 days earlier per decade. The onset of freeze-up
in the Bering Sea occurred 1.0 day later per decade, while freeze-up in
the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas occurred 6.9 days later per decade (Markus et
al. 2009, p. 11).
Later freeze-up in the Arctic does not necessarily mean that less
seasonal sea ice forms by winter's end in the peripheral seas, such as
the Bering and Chukchi Seas (Boveng et al. 2008, p. 35). For example,
in 2007 (the year when the record minimal Arctic summer sea-ice extent
was recorded), the Chukchi Sea did not freeze until early December and
the Bering Sea remained largely ice-free until the middle of December
(Boveng et al. 2008, p. 35). However, rapid cooling and advancing of
sea ice in late December and early January resulted in most of the
eastern Bering Sea shelf being ice-covered by mid-January, an advance
of 900 km (559 mi), or 30 km per day (19 mi per day). Maximum ice
extent occurred in late March, with ice covering much of the shelf,
resulting in a near record maximum ice extent. Ice then slowly
retreated, and the Bering Sea was not ice-free until almost July.
Therefore, winter ice conditions are not necessarily related to the
summer-fall ice conditions of the previous year.
Model Projections of Future Sea Ice
The analysis and synthesis of information presented by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Fourth
Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007 represents the scientific consensus
view on the causes and future of climate change. The IPCC AR4 used
state-of-the-art Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (GCMs) and
a range of possible future greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios to
project plausible outcomes globally and regionally, including
projections of temperature and Arctic sea-ice conditions through the
21st century.
The GCMs use the laws of physics to simulate the main components of
the climate system (the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and sea ice)
and to make projections as to the response of these components to
future emissions of GHGs. The IPCC used simulations from about 2 dozen
GCMs developed by 17 international modeling centers as the basis for
the AR4 (Randall et al. 2007, pp. 596-599). The GCM results are
archived as part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-Phase 3
(CMIP3) at the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
(PCMDI). The CMIP3 GCMs provide projections of future effects that
could result from climate change, because they are built on well-known
dynamical and physical principles, and they plausibly simulate many
large-scale aspects of present-day conditions. However, the coarse
resolution of most current climate models dictates careful application
on smaller spatial scales in heterogeneous regions.
The IPCC AR4 used six ``marker'' scenarios from the Special Report
on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) (Carter et al. 2007, p. 160) to develop
climate projections spanning a broad range of GHG emissions through the
end of the 21st century under clearly stated assumptions about
socioeconomic factors that could influence the emissions. The six
``marker'' scenarios are classified according to their emissions as
``high'' (A1F1, A2),
[[Page 7642]]
``medium'' (A1B and B2) and ``low'' (A1T, B1). The SRES made no
judgment as to which of the scenarios were more likely to occur, and
the scenarios were not assigned probabilities of occurrence (Carter et
al. 2007, p. 160). The IPCC focused on three of the marker scenarios--
B1, A1B, and A2--for its synthesis of the climate modeling efforts,
because they represented ``low,'' ``medium,'' and ``high,'' scenarios;
this choice stemmed from the constraints of available computer
resources that precluded realizations of all six scenarios by all
modeling centers (Meehl et al. 2007, p. 753). With regard to these
three emissions scenarios, the IPCC Working Group I report noted:
``Qualitative conclusions derived from these three scenarios are in
most cases also valid for other SRES scenarios'' (Meehl et al. 2007, p.
761). It is important to note that the SRES scenarios do not contain
additional climate initiatives (e.g., implementation of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or the emissions targets
of the Kyoto Protocol) beyond current mitigation policies (IPCC 2007,
p. 22). The SRES scenarios do, however, have built-in emissions
reductions that are substantial, based on assumptions that a certain
amount of technological change and reduction of emissions would occur
in the absence of climate policies; recent analysis shows that two-
thirds or more of all the energy efficiency improvements and
decarbonization of energy supply needed to stabilize GHGs is built into
the IPCC reference scenarios (Pielke et al. 2008, p. 531).
There are three main contributors to divergence in GCM climate
projections: Large natural variations, across-model differences, and
the range-in-emissions scenarios (Hawkins and Sutton 2009, p. 1096).
The first of these, variability from natural variation, can be
incorporated by averaging the projections over decades, or, preferably,
by forming ensemble averages from several runs of the same model.
The second source of variation is model to model differences in the
way that physical processes are incorporated into the various GCMs.
Because of these differences, projections of future climate conditions
depend, to a certain extent, on the choice of GCMs used. Uncertainty in
the amount of warming out to mid-century is primarily a function of
these model-to-model differences. The most common approach to address
the uncertainty and biases inherent in individual models is to use the
median or mean outcome of several predictive models (a multi-model
ensemble) for inference. Excluding models that poorly simulate
observational data is also a common approach to reducing the spread of
uncertainty among projections from multi-model ensembles.
The third source of variation arises from the range in plausible
GHG emissions scenarios. Conditions such as surface air temperature and
sea-ice area are linked in the IPCC climate models to GHG emissions by
the physics of radiation processes. When CO2 is added to the
atmosphere, it has a long residence time and is only slowly removed by
ocean absorption and other processes. Based on IPCC AR4 climate models,
expected global warming--defined as the change in global mean surface
air temperature (SAT)--by the year 2