Ameren Missouri; Combined License Application for Callaway Plant Unit 2; Exemption, 3927-3929 [2011-1263]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 14 / Friday, January 21, 2011 / Notices Dated: December 13, 2010. Victor M. Fortuno, President and General Counsel, Legal Services Corporation. mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting the electronic submissions of responses. [FR Doc. 2010–32294 Filed 1–20–11; 9:45 am] BILLING CODE P Alice Whelihan, National Endowment for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Room 726, Washington, DC 20506–0001, telephone (202) 682–5574 (this is not a toll-free number), fax (202) 682–5603. ADDRESSES: NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES National Endowment for the Arts; Proposed Collection: Comment Request ACTION: [FR Doc. 2011–1167 Filed 1–20–11; 8:45 am] Notice. The National Endowment for the Arts, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(A)]. This program helps ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the National Endowment for the Arts, on behalf of the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities, is soliciting comments concerning renewal of the Application for Domestic Indemnity. A copy of this collection request can be obtained by contacting the office listed below in the ADDRESSES section of this notice. DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office listed in the ADDRESSES section below on or before April 1, 2011. The National Endowment for the Arts is particularly interested in comments which: —Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; —Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; —Enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and —Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic, SUMMARY: WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES Kathleen Edwards, Director, Administrative Services. VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:45 Jan 20, 2011 Jkt 223001 BILLING CODE 7536–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. 52–037; NRC–2008–0556] Ameren Missouri; Combined License Application for Callaway Plant Unit 2; Exemption 1.0 Background Union Electric Company, doing business as Ameren UE, submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) a Combined License (COL) Application for a single unit of AREVA NP’s U.S. EPR in accordance with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), subpart C of part 52, ‘‘Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants.’’ This reactor is to be identified as Callaway Plant (Callaway), Unit 2, and located at the current Callaway County, Missouri site of the Callaway Power Plant. The Callaway, Unit 2, COL application is based upon and linked to the U.S. EPR reference COL (RCOL) application for UniStar’s Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 3 (CCNPP3). The NRC docketed the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application on December 12, 2008. In its letter to the NRC dated April 28, 2009, Ameren informed that it was suspending its efforts to build a nuclear power plant in Missouri. Subsequently, by letter dated June 23, 2009, Ameren requested the NRC to suspend all review activities relating to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application. The NRC informed Ameren by letter dated June 29, 2009, that it had suspended all review activities relating to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application. The NRC is currently performing a detailed review of the CCNPP3 RCOL application, as well as AREVA NP’s application for design certification of the U.S. EPR. PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 2.0 3927 Request/Action The regulations specified in 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) require that an applicant for a combined license under 10 CFR part 52 shall, during the period from docketing of a COL application until the Commission makes a finding under 10 CFR 52.103(g) pertaining to facility operation, submit an annual update to the application’s Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), which is a part of the application. On February 25, 2009, Ameren submitted Revision 1 to the COL application, including updates to the FSAR. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii), the next annual update would be due in December 2010. Union Electric Company, doing business as Ameren Missouri (Ameren) as of October 1, 2010, as noted in its letter to the NRC dated October 26, 2010, has requested a one-time exemption from the 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) requirements to submit the scheduled 2010 and 2011 COL application FSAR updates, and proposed for approval of a new submittal deadline of December 31, 2012, for the next FSAR update. In summary, the requested exemption is a one-time schedule change from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). The exemption would allow Ameren to submit the next FSAR update at a later date, but still in advance of NRC’s reinstating its review of the application and in any event, by December 31, 2012. The current FSAR update schedule could not be changed, absent the exemption. Ameren requested the exemption by letter dated October 26, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Number ML103090556). 3.0 Discussion Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the NRC may, upon application by any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, including Section 50.71(e)(3)(iii) when: (1) the exemptions are authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security; and (2) special circumstances are present. As relevant to the requested exemption, special circumstances exist if: (1) ‘‘Application of the regulation in the particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii)); (2) ‘‘Compliance would result in undue hardship or other costs that are significantly in excess of those contemplated when the regulation was E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES 3928 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 14 / Friday, January 21, 2011 / Notices adopted, or that are significantly in excess of those incurred by others similarly situated’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(iii)); or (3) ‘‘The exemption would provide only temporary relief from the applicable regulation and the licensee has made good faith efforts to comply with the regulation’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(v)). The review of the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application FSAR has been suspended since June 29, 2009. Since the COL application FSAR is directly linked to the CCNPP3 RCOL application, many changes in the RCOL application require an associated change to the COL application FSAR and, because the NRC review of the COL application is suspended, the updates to the FSAR will not be reviewed by the NRC staff until the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application review is resumed. Thus, the optimum time to prepare a revision to the COL application FSAR is sometime prior to Ameren requesting the NRC to resume its review. To prepare and submit a COL application FSAR update when the review remains suspended and in the absence of any decision by Ameren to request the NRC to resume the review would require Ameren to spend significant time and effort and would be of no value, particularly due to the fact that the RCOL application and the U.S. EPR FSAR are still undergoing periodic revisions and updates. Furthermore, the adjudicatory proceedings related to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application were terminated by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) after agreements were made between Ameren, the NRC, and the petitioners for intervention, as documented in ‘‘AMERENUE (Callaway Plant Unit 2) MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (Approving Settlement Agreement and Terminating Contested Adjudicatory Proceeding) LBP–09–23 (August 28, 2009)’’ (ML092400189). Ameren commits to submit the next FSAR update prior to any request to the NRC to resume review of the COL application and, in any event, by December 31, 2012. Ameren would need to identify all committed changes to the RCOL application since the last revisions to the RCOL application and the U.S. EPR FSAR in order to prepare a COL application FSAR revision that accurately and completely reflects the committed changes to the RCOL application as well as the U.S. EPR FSAR. The requested one-time exemption to defer submittal of the next update to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application FSAR would provide only temporary relief from the regulations of 10 CFR VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:45 Jan 20, 2011 Jkt 223001 50.71(e)(3)(iii). Ameren has made good faith efforts to comply with 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) by submitting Revision 1 to the COL application dated February 25, 2009, prior to requesting the review suspension. Revision 1 incorporated information provided in prior supplements and standardized language with the RCOL application. Authorized by Law: The exemption is a one-time schedule exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). The exemption would allow Ameren to submit the next Callaway Unit 2 COL application FSAR update on or before December 31, 2012, in lieu of the required scheduled submittals in December 2010, and December 2011. As stated above, 10 CFR 50.12 allows the NRC to grant exemptions. The NRC staff has determined that granting Ameren the requested one-time exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) will provide only temporary relief from this regulation and will not result in a violation of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or the NRC’s regulations. Therefore, the exemption is authorized by law. No Undue Risk to Public Health and Safety: The underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) is to provide for a timely and comprehensive update of the FSAR associated with a COL application in order to support an effective and efficient review by the NRC staff and issuance of the NRC staff’s safety evaluation report. The requested exemption is solely administrative in nature, in that it pertains to the schedule for submittal to the NRC of revisions to an application under 10 CFR part 52, for which a license has not been granted. In addition, since the review of the application has been suspended, any update to the application submitted by Ameren will not be reviewed by the NRC at this time. Based on the nature of the requested exemption as described above, no new accident precursors are created by the exemption; thus, neither the probability nor the consequences of postulated accidents are increased. Therefore, there is no undue risk to public health and safety. Consistent with Common Defense and Security: The requested exemption would allow Ameren to submit the next FSAR update prior to requesting the NRC to resume the review and, in any event, on or before December 31, 2012. This schedule change has no relation to security issues. Therefore, the common defense and security is not impacted by this exemption. PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Special Circumstances: Special circumstances, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2), are present whenever: (1) ‘‘Application of the regulation in the particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii)); (2) ‘‘Compliance would result in undue hardship or other costs that are significantly in excess of those contemplated when the regulation was adopted, or that are significantly in excess of those incurred by others similarly situated’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(iii)); or (3) ‘‘The exemption would provide only temporary relief from the applicable regulation and the licensee has made good faith efforts to comply with the regulation’’ (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(v)). The underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) is to provide for a timely and comprehensive update of the FSAR associated with a COL application in order to support an effective and efficient review by the NRC staff and issuance of the NRC staff’s safety evaluation report. As discussed above, the requested one-time exemption is solely administrative in nature, in that it pertains to a one-time schedule change for submittal of revisions to an application under 10 CFR Part 52, for which a license has not been granted. The requested one-time exemption will permit Ameren time to carefully review the most recent revisions of the CCNPP3 RCOL application as well as the U.S. EPR FSAR, and fully incorporate these revisions into a comprehensive update of the Callaway, Unit 2, FSAR associated with the COL application. This one-time exemption will support the NRC staff’s effective and efficient review of the COL application when resumed, as well as issuance of the safety evaluation report, and therefore does not affect the underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). Under the circumstances that Ameren has suspended its pursuit of the COL, the NRC has suspended its review of the application, and the adjudicatory proceedings have been terminated by ASLB, application of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) would result in Ameren spending significant time and effort in incorporating changes made to the RCOL application into the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application, but not achieve the underlying purpose of that rule; granting a one-time exemption from 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) would provide only temporary relief; and Ameren has made good faith efforts to comply with the regulation; therefore, the special circumstances required by 10 CFR E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM 21JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 14 / Friday, January 21, 2011 / Notices 50.12(a)(2) for the granting of an exemption from 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) exist. 4.0 Conclusion Accordingly, the NRC has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to the public health and safety, and is consistent with the common defense and security. Also, special circumstances are present. Therefore, the NRC hereby grants Ameren a one-time exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) pertaining to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application to allow submittal of the next FSAR update prior to any request to the NRC to resume the review and, in any event, no later than December 31, 2012. Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the NRC has determined that the granting of this exemption will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment (76 FR 800). This exemption is effective upon issuance. Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day of January 2011. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Joseph Colaccino, Chief, EPR Projects Branch, Division of New Reactor Licensing, Office of New Reactors. [FR Doc. 2011–1263 Filed 1–20–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P call (recording)—(301) 415–1292. Contact person for more information: Rochelle Bavol, (301) 415–1651. * * * * * The NRC Commission Meeting Schedule can be found on the Internet at: * * * * * The NRC provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in these public meetings, or need this meeting notice or the transcript or other information from the public meetings in another format (e.g. braille, large print), please notify Angela Bolduc, Chief, Employee/Labor Relations and Work Life Branch, at 301– 492–2230, TDD: 301–415–2100, or by email at Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. * * * * * This notice is distributed electronically to subscribers. If you no longer wish to receive it, or would like to be added to the distribution, please contact the Office of the Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301–415–1969), or send an e-mail to Dated: January 14, 2011. Richard J. Laufer, Technical Coordinator, Office of the Secretary. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [FR Doc. 2011–1331 Filed 1–19–11; 4:15 pm] [NRC–2011–0006] AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETINGS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Week of January 24, 2011. PLACE: Commissioners’ Conference Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. STATUS: Public and Closed. ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED: DATE: WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES Week of January 24, 2011 Monday, January 24, 2011 12:55 p.m. Affirmation Session (Public Meeting) (Tentative) Request by Petitioners for a Suspension of Renewal Proceedings Pending Completion of Rulemaking in Docket No. PRM–54–6. (Tentative) This meeting will be Webcast live at the Web address— * * * * * * The schedule for Commission meetings is subject to change on short notice. To verify the status of meetings, 13:45 Jan 20, 2011 understandings concerning executive compensation that is based on or otherwise relates to the acquisition, merger, consolidation, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of an issuer, and requires enhanced disclosure of these golden parachute arrangements. Item 2: The Commission will consider whether to propose rule amendments that would implement Section 413(a) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act regarding the definition of ‘‘accredited investor.’’ Item 3: The Commission will consider whether to propose a rule under the Advisers Act establishing reporting obligations for advisers to private funds to implement the requirements of Sections 404 and 406 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. At times, changes in Commission priorities require alterations in the scheduling of meeting items. For further information and to ascertain what, if any, matters have been added, deleted or postponed, please contact: The Office of the Secretary at (202) 551–5400. Dated: January 18, 2011. Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2011–1295 Filed 1–19–11; 11:15 am] BILLING CODE 8011–01–P SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION BILLING CODE 7590–01–P [Release No. 34–63721; File No. SR–CBOE– 2011–001] SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Relating to PULSe Fees Sunshine Act Notice VerDate Mar<15>2010 3929 Jkt 223001 Sunshine Act Meeting Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, Public Law 94–409, that the Securities and Exchange Commission will hold an Open Meeting on January 25, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., in the Auditorium, Room L–002. The subject matter of the Open Meeting will be: Item 1: The Commission will consider whether to adopt rules to implement Section 951 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which requires shareholder advisory votes to approve the compensation of executives, or say-onpay votes, and the frequency of shareholder say-on-pay votes. Section 951 also requires shareholder advisory votes to approve certain agreements and PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 January 14, 2011. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on January 3, 2011, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’ or the ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have been prepared by CBOE. The Exchange has designated this proposal as one establishing or changing a due, fee, or other charge imposed by CBOE under Section 1 15 2 17 E:\FR\FM\21JAN1.SGM U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. 21JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 14 (Friday, January 21, 2011)]
[Pages 3927-3929]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-1263]



[Docket No. 52-037; NRC-2008-0556]

Ameren Missouri; Combined License Application for Callaway Plant 
Unit 2; Exemption

1.0 Background

    Union Electric Company, doing business as Ameren UE, submitted to 
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) a Combined License (COL) 
Application for a single unit of AREVA NP's U.S. EPR in accordance with 
the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 
CFR), subpart C of part 52, ``Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals 
for Nuclear Power Plants.'' This reactor is to be identified as 
Callaway Plant (Callaway), Unit 2, and located at the current Callaway 
County, Missouri site of the Callaway Power Plant. The Callaway, Unit 
2, COL application is based upon and linked to the U.S. EPR reference 
COL (RCOL) application for UniStar's Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power 
Plant, Unit 3 (CCNPP3). The NRC docketed the Callaway, Unit 2, COL 
application on December 12, 2008. In its letter to the NRC dated April 
28, 2009, Ameren informed that it was suspending its efforts to build a 
nuclear power plant in Missouri. Subsequently, by letter dated June 23, 
2009, Ameren requested the NRC to suspend all review activities 
relating to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application. The NRC informed 
Ameren by letter dated June 29, 2009, that it had suspended all review 
activities relating to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application. The NRC 
is currently performing a detailed review of the CCNPP3 RCOL 
application, as well as AREVA NP's application for design certification 
of the U.S. EPR.

2.0 Request/Action

    The regulations specified in 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) require that 
an applicant for a combined license under 10 CFR part 52 shall, during 
the period from docketing of a COL application until the Commission 
makes a finding under 10 CFR 52.103(g) pertaining to facility 
operation, submit an annual update to the application's Final Safety 
Analysis Report (FSAR), which is a part of the application.
    On February 25, 2009, Ameren submitted Revision 1 to the COL 
application, including updates to the FSAR. Pursuant to 10 CFR 
50.71(e)(3)(iii), the next annual update would be due in December 2010. 
Union Electric Company, doing business as Ameren Missouri (Ameren) as 
of October 1, 2010, as noted in its letter to the NRC dated October 26, 
2010, has requested a one-time exemption from the 10 CFR 
50.71(e)(3)(iii) requirements to submit the scheduled 2010 and 2011 COL 
application FSAR updates, and proposed for approval of a new submittal 
deadline of December 31, 2012, for the next FSAR update.
    In summary, the requested exemption is a one-time schedule change 
from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). The exemption would 
allow Ameren to submit the next FSAR update at a later date, but still 
in advance of NRC's reinstating its review of the application and in 
any event, by December 31, 2012. The current FSAR update schedule could 
not be changed, absent the exemption. Ameren requested the exemption by 
letter dated October 26, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and 
Management System (ADAMS) Accession Number ML103090556).

3.0 Discussion

    Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the NRC may, upon application by any 
interested person or upon its own initiative, grant exemptions from the 
requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, including Section 50.71(e)(3)(iii) 
when: (1) the exemptions are authorized by law, will not present an 
undue risk to public health or safety, and are consistent with the 
common defense and security; and (2) special circumstances are present. 
As relevant to the requested exemption, special circumstances exist if: 
(1) ``Application of the regulation in the particular circumstances 
would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is not necessary 
to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule'' (10 CFR 
50.12(a)(2)(ii)); (2) ``Compliance would result in undue hardship or 
other costs that are significantly in excess of those contemplated when 
the regulation was

[[Page 3928]]

adopted, or that are significantly in excess of those incurred by 
others similarly situated'' (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(iii)); or (3) ``The 
exemption would provide only temporary relief from the applicable 
regulation and the licensee has made good faith efforts to comply with 
the regulation'' (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(v)).
    The review of the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application FSAR has been 
suspended since June 29, 2009. Since the COL application FSAR is 
directly linked to the CCNPP3 RCOL application, many changes in the 
RCOL application require an associated change to the COL application 
FSAR and, because the NRC review of the COL application is suspended, 
the updates to the FSAR will not be reviewed by the NRC staff until the 
Callaway, Unit 2, COL application review is resumed. Thus, the optimum 
time to prepare a revision to the COL application FSAR is sometime 
prior to Ameren requesting the NRC to resume its review. To prepare and 
submit a COL application FSAR update when the review remains suspended 
and in the absence of any decision by Ameren to request the NRC to 
resume the review would require Ameren to spend significant time and 
effort and would be of no value, particularly due to the fact that the 
RCOL application and the U.S. EPR FSAR are still undergoing periodic 
revisions and updates. Furthermore, the adjudicatory proceedings 
related to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application were terminated by the 
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) after agreements were made 
between Ameren, the NRC, and the petitioners for intervention, as 
documented in ``AMERENUE (Callaway Plant Unit 2) MEMORANDUM AND ORDER 
(Approving Settlement Agreement and Terminating Contested Adjudicatory 
Proceeding) LBP-09-23 (August 28, 2009)'' (ML092400189). Ameren commits 
to submit the next FSAR update prior to any request to the NRC to 
resume review of the COL application and, in any event, by December 31, 
2012. Ameren would need to identify all committed changes to the RCOL 
application since the last revisions to the RCOL application and the 
U.S. EPR FSAR in order to prepare a COL application FSAR revision that 
accurately and completely reflects the committed changes to the RCOL 
application as well as the U.S. EPR FSAR.
    The requested one-time exemption to defer submittal of the next 
update to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL application FSAR would provide only 
temporary relief from the regulations of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). 
Ameren has made good faith efforts to comply with 10 CFR 
50.71(e)(3)(iii) by submitting Revision 1 to the COL application dated 
February 25, 2009, prior to requesting the review suspension. Revision 
1 incorporated information provided in prior supplements and 
standardized language with the RCOL application.
    Authorized by Law:
    The exemption is a one-time schedule exemption from the 
requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). The exemption would allow 
Ameren to submit the next Callaway Unit 2 COL application FSAR update 
on or before December 31, 2012, in lieu of the required scheduled 
submittals in December 2010, and December 2011. As stated above, 10 CFR 
50.12 allows the NRC to grant exemptions. The NRC staff has determined 
that granting Ameren the requested one-time exemption from the 
requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) will provide only temporary 
relief from this regulation and will not result in a violation of the 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or the NRC's regulations. 
Therefore, the exemption is authorized by law.
    No Undue Risk to Public Health and Safety:
    The underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) is to provide for 
a timely and comprehensive update of the FSAR associated with a COL 
application in order to support an effective and efficient review by 
the NRC staff and issuance of the NRC staff's safety evaluation report. 
The requested exemption is solely administrative in nature, in that it 
pertains to the schedule for submittal to the NRC of revisions to an 
application under 10 CFR part 52, for which a license has not been 
granted. In addition, since the review of the application has been 
suspended, any update to the application submitted by Ameren will not 
be reviewed by the NRC at this time.
    Based on the nature of the requested exemption as described above, 
no new accident precursors are created by the exemption; thus, neither 
the probability nor the consequences of postulated accidents are 
increased. Therefore, there is no undue risk to public health and 
    Consistent with Common Defense and Security:
    The requested exemption would allow Ameren to submit the next FSAR 
update prior to requesting the NRC to resume the review and, in any 
event, on or before December 31, 2012. This schedule change has no 
relation to security issues. Therefore, the common defense and security 
is not impacted by this exemption.
    Special Circumstances:
    Special circumstances, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2), are 
present whenever: (1) ``Application of the regulation in the particular 
circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is 
not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule'' (10 CFR 
50.12(a)(2)(ii)); (2) ``Compliance would result in undue hardship or 
other costs that are significantly in excess of those contemplated when 
the regulation was adopted, or that are significantly in excess of 
those incurred by others similarly situated'' (10 CFR 
50.12(a)(2)(iii)); or (3) ``The exemption would provide only temporary 
relief from the applicable regulation and the licensee has made good 
faith efforts to comply with the regulation'' (10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(v)).
    The underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) is to provide for 
a timely and comprehensive update of the FSAR associated with a COL 
application in order to support an effective and efficient review by 
the NRC staff and issuance of the NRC staff's safety evaluation report. 
As discussed above, the requested one-time exemption is solely 
administrative in nature, in that it pertains to a one-time schedule 
change for submittal of revisions to an application under 10 CFR Part 
52, for which a license has not been granted. The requested one-time 
exemption will permit Ameren time to carefully review the most recent 
revisions of the CCNPP3 RCOL application as well as the U.S. EPR FSAR, 
and fully incorporate these revisions into a comprehensive update of 
the Callaway, Unit 2, FSAR associated with the COL application. This 
one-time exemption will support the NRC staff's effective and efficient 
review of the COL application when resumed, as well as issuance of the 
safety evaluation report, and therefore does not affect the underlying 
purpose of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii). Under the circumstances that Ameren 
has suspended its pursuit of the COL, the NRC has suspended its review 
of the application, and the adjudicatory proceedings have been 
terminated by ASLB, application of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) would result 
in Ameren spending significant time and effort in incorporating changes 
made to the RCOL application into the Callaway, Unit 2, COL 
application, but not achieve the underlying purpose of that rule; 
granting a one-time exemption from 10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) would 
provide only temporary relief; and Ameren has made good faith efforts 
to comply with the regulation; therefore, the special circumstances 
required by 10 CFR

[[Page 3929]]

50.12(a)(2) for the granting of an exemption from 10 CFR 
50.71(e)(3)(iii) exist.

4.0 Conclusion

    Accordingly, the NRC has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, 
the exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to 
the public health and safety, and is consistent with the common defense 
and security. Also, special circumstances are present. Therefore, the 
NRC hereby grants Ameren a one-time exemption from the requirements of 
10 CFR 50.71(e)(3)(iii) pertaining to the Callaway, Unit 2, COL 
application to allow submittal of the next FSAR update prior to any 
request to the NRC to resume the review and, in any event, no later 
than December 31, 2012.
    Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the NRC has determined that the granting 
of this exemption will not have a significant effect on the quality of 
the human environment (76 FR 800).
    This exemption is effective upon issuance.

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day of January 2011.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Joseph Colaccino,
Chief, EPR Projects Branch, Division of New Reactor Licensing, Office 
of New Reactors.
[FR Doc. 2011-1263 Filed 1-20-11; 8:45 am]
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