Sulfuryl Fluoride; Proposed Order Granting Objections to Tolerances and Denying Request for a Stay, 3422-3449 [2011-917]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2005–0174; FRL–8857–9]
Sulfuryl Fluoride; Proposed Order
Granting Objections to Tolerances and
Denying Request for a Stay
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed Order.
In this document, EPA is
making available its proposed resolution
of objections and a stay request with
regard to sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride
tolerances promulgated in 2004 and
2005 under section 408(d) of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
The objections and stay request were
filed by the Fluoride Action Network,
the Environmental Working Group, and
Beyond Pesticides. Notwithstanding the
fact that this document is a proposed
resolution, and regulatory assessment
requirements do not apply, EPA is
inviting public comment on all aspects
of the proposed resolution of objections,
including the underlying scientific
Comments must be received on
or before April 19, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPP–2005–0174, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001.
• Delivery: OPP Regulatory Public
Docket (7502P), Environmental
Protection Agency, Rm. S–4400, One
Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777
S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. Deliveries
are only accepted during the Docket
Facility’s normal hours of operation
(8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays).
Special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information. The
Docket Facility telephone number is
(703) 305–5805.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
docket ID number EPA–HQ–OPP–2005–
0174. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the docket
without change and may be made
available on-line at https://, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
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claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through or
e-mail. The Web site is
an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
or contact information unless you
provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an e-mail comment directly
to EPA without going through, your e-mail address
will be automatically captured and
included as part of the comment that is
placed in the docket and made available
on the Internet. If you submit an
electronic comment, EPA recommends
that you include your name and other
contact information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD–ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
of encryption, and be free of any defects
or viruses.
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the docket index available
at Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy
form. Publicly available docket
materials are available either in the
electronic docket at https://, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the OPP
Regulatory Public Docket in Rm.
S–4400, One Potomac Yard (South
Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington,
VA. The hours of operation of this
Docket Facility are from 8:30 a.m. to 4
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The Docket Facility
telephone number is (703) 305–5805.
Meredith Laws, Registration Division
(7505P), Office of Pesticide Programs,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460–0001; telephone number:
703–308–7038; e-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
You may be potentially affected by
this action if you are an agricultural
producer, food manufacturer, pesticide
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manufacturer, or consumer. Potentially
affected entities may include, but are
not limited to:
• Food manufacturing (NAICS code
311), e.g., grain and oilseed milling;
animal food manufacturing; flour
milling; bread and bakery product
manufacturing; cookie, cracker, and
pasta manufacturing; snack food
• Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS
code 32532), e.g., pesticide
manufacturers; commercial applicators.
• Community Food Services (NAICS
code 624210), e.g., food banks.
• Farm Product Warehousing and
Storage (NAICS code 493130), e.g., grain
elevators, private and public food
warehousing and storage.
This listing is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
affected by this action. Other types of
entities not listed in this unit could also
be affected. The North American
Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) codes have been provided to
assist you and others in determining
whether this action might apply to
certain entities. If you have any
questions regarding the applicability of
this action to a particular entity, consult
the person listed under FOR FURTHER
B. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through or e-mail. Clearly mark
the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When submitting comments, remember
i. Identify the document by docket ID
number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal
Register date and page number).
ii. Follow directions. The Agency may
ask you to respond to specific questions
or organize comments by referencing a
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
or section number.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
iii. Explain why you agree or disagree;
suggest alternatives and substitute
language for your requested changes.
iv. Describe any assumptions and
provide any technical information and/
or data that you used.
v. If you estimate potential costs or
burdens, explain how you arrived at
your estimate in sufficient detail to
allow for it to be reproduced.
vi. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns and suggest
vii. Explain your views as clearly as
possible, avoiding the use of profanity
or personal threats.
viii. Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
C. What are the acronyms used in this
The following is a list of acronyms
used in this order:
CAA—Clean Air Act
CAAA—Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
CSFII—Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by
CUE—Critical Use Exemption
EPA—Environmental Protection Agency
FACA—Federal Advisory Committee Act
FAN—Fluoride Action Network
FDA—Food and Drug Administration
FIFRA—Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act
FFDCA—Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
FQPA—Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
IOM—Institute of Medicine
LOAEL—Lowest Observed Adverse Effect
MCL—Maximum contaminant level
MCLG—Maximum contaminant level goal
MOE—Margin of Exposure
MRID—Master Record Identification
NAS—National Academy of Sciences
NOAEL—No Observed Adverse Effect Level
NPDWR—National Public Drinking Water
NRC—National Research Council
NRDC—Natural Resources Defense Council
OPP—EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs
OW—EPA’s Office of Water
PAD—Population Adjusted Dose
ppm—parts per million
RED—Reregistration Eligibility Decision
RfD—Reference Dose
SDWA—Safe Drinking Water Act
SMCL—Secondary maximum contaminant
SOP—Standard Operating Procedure
USDA—United States Department of
II. Introduction
A. What action is the agency taking?
In this document, EPA is making
available for comment a proposed order
granting objections and denying a stay
request with regard to tolerances
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established for sulfuryl fluoride and
fluoride in 2004 (69 FR 3240, January
23, 2004) (FRL–7342–1) and 2005 (70
FR 40899, July 15, 2005) (FRL–7723–7)
under FFDCA section 408 (21 U.S.C.
346a). (See 40 CFR 180.145(c); 180.575).
These objections were first filed by the
Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and
Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition
Against the Misuse of Pesticides. (Ref.
1). FAN and Beyond Pesticides also
requested a hearing on their objections.
At a later date, FAN and Beyond
Pesticides were joined by the
Environmental Working Group
(hereinafter the three parties are referred
to as ‘‘the Objectors’’) (Refs. 2 and 3).
The Objectors argue that the sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride tolerances should
not have been established by EPA
because aggregate exposure to fluoride
is unsafe under FFDCA section 408. The
stay request as to the tolerances was
filed by the Objectors in June, 2006,
following release of a report by the
National Research Council (NRC) of the
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
concerning the risk of fluoride. (71 FR
38125, July 5, 2006) (FRL–8075–6).
After reviewing the objections and the
NRC Report, EPA is proposing to grant
the objections because it agrees that
aggregate exposure to fluoride for
certain major identifiable population
subgroups does not meet the safety
standard in FFDCA section 408. Because
EPA is proposing to grant the Objectors’
objections a hearing is not warranted.
Finally, EPA is proposing to deny the
Objectors’ request for a stay because the
risks from continued sulfuryl fluoride
use in the short term is insignificant
while the environmental and economic
consequences from a sudden
withdrawal of sulfuryl fluoride, a
methyl bromide replacement, are
B. What is the agency’s authority for
taking this action?
The procedure for filing objections to
tolerance actions and EPA’s authority
for acting on such objections is
contained in section 408(g) of FFDCA
(21 U.S.C. 346a(g)) and regulations at 40
CFR part 178. That same authority
governs hearing and stay requests.
III. Statutory and Regulatory
In this Unit, EPA provides
background on the relevant statutes and
regulations governing the Objectors’
objections, requests for hearing, and
request for a stay as well as on pertinent
Agency policies and practices.
Unit III.A. summarizes the
requirements and procedures in section
408 of FFDCA and applicable
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regulations pertaining to pesticide
tolerances, including the procedures for
objecting to EPA tolerance actions and
the substantive standards for evaluating
the safety of pesticide tolerances. This
unit also discusses the closely-related
statute under which EPA regulates the
sale, distribution, and use of pesticides,
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S.C. 136
et seq.).
Unit III.B. provides an overview of the
risk assessment process followed by
EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP). It contains an explanation of how
EPA identifies the hazards posed by
pesticides, how EPA determines the
level of exposure to pesticides that pose
a concern (level of concern), how EPA
measures human exposure to pesticides,
and how hazard, level of concern
conclusions, and human exposure
estimates are combined to evaluate risk.
Further, this unit presents background
information on two Agency policies
with particular relevance to this action.
Unit III.C. provides a brief overview of
the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
and the Montreal Protocol on
Substances that Deplete the Ozone
Layer (Montreal Protocol) and Title VI
of the Clean Air Act (CAA) addressing
Stratospheric Ozone Protection. These
statutory schemes and international
treaty are relevant to this proceeding
because EPA regulates fluoride, a
sulfuryl fluoride degradate, under
SDWA, and because sulfuryl fluoride
has played an important role in the
United States fulfilling its obligations
under the Montreal Protocol and CAA.
Specifically, sulfuryl fluoride is a
substitute for the ozone-depleting
pesticide, methyl bromide.
A. FFDCA/FIFRA and Applicable
1. In general. EPA establishes
maximum residue limits, or
‘‘tolerances,’’ for pesticide residues in
food under section 408 of FFDCA. (21
U.S.C. 346a). Without such a tolerance
or an exemption from the requirement
of a tolerance, a food containing a
pesticide residue is ‘‘adulterated’’ under
section 402 of FFDCA and may not be
legally moved in interstate commerce.
(21 U.S.C. 331, 342). Monitoring and
enforcement of pesticide tolerances are
carried out by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Section 408 was substantially rewritten
by the Food Quality Protection Act of
1996 (FQPA), which added the
provisions establishing a detailed safety
standard for pesticides, additional
protections for infants and children, and
the estrogenic substances screening
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
program. (Pub. L. 104–170, 110 Stat.
1489 (1996)).
EPA also regulates pesticides under
FIFRA (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.). While
FFDCA authorizes the establishment of
legal limits for pesticide residues in
food, FIFRA requires the approval of
pesticides prior to their sale and
distribution, (7 U.S.C. 136a(a)), and
establishes a registration regime for
regulating the use of pesticides. FIFRA
regulates pesticide use in conjunction
with its registration scheme by requiring
EPA review and approval of pesticide
labeling and specifying that use of a
pesticide inconsistent with its labeling
is a violation of Federal law. (7 U.S.C.
136j(a)(2)(G)). In the FQPA, Congress
integrated action under the two statutes
by requiring that the safety standard
under FFDCA be used as a criterion in
FIFRA registration actions as to
pesticide uses which result in dietary
risk from residues in or on food, (7
U.S.C. 136(bb)), and directing that EPA
coordinate, to the extent practicable,
revocations of tolerances with pesticide
cancellations under FIFRA. (21 U.S.C.
2. Safety standard for pesticide
tolerances. A pesticide tolerance may
only be promulgated by EPA if the
tolerance is ‘‘safe.’’ (21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(A)(i)). ‘‘Safe’’ is defined by the
statute to mean that ‘‘there is a
reasonable certainty that no harm will
result from aggregate exposure to the
pesticide chemical residue, including
all anticipated dietary exposures and all
other exposures for which there is
reliable information.’’ (21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(A)(ii)). Section 408(b)(2)(D)
directs EPA, in making a safety
determination, to:
Consider, among other relevant factors—
* * *
* * *available information concerning the
aggregate exposure levels of consumers (and
major identifiable subgroups of consumers)
to the pesticide chemical residue and to other
related substances, including dietary
exposure under the tolerance and all other
tolerances in effect for the pesticide chemical
residue, and exposure from other nonoccupational sources.* * *
(21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(D)(v), (vi) and
(viii)). EPA must also consider, in
evaluating the safety of tolerances,
‘‘safety factors which * * * are
generally recognized as appropriate for
the use of animal experimentation data.’’
(21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(D)(ix).
Risks to infants and children are given
special consideration. Specifically,
section 408(b)(2)(C)(i)(II) requires that
EPA assess the risk to pesticides based
on ‘‘available information concerning
the special susceptibility of infants and
children to the pesticide chemical
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residues, including neurological
differences between infants and
children and adults, and effects of in
utero exposure to pesticide
chemicals.* * * ’’ (21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(C)(i)(II)). This provision also
creates a presumption that EPA will use
an additional safety factor for the
protection of infants and children.
Specifically, it directs that ‘‘[i]n the case
of threshold effects, * * * an
additional tenfold margin of safety for
the pesticide chemical residue and other
sources of exposure shall be applied for
infants and children to take into account
potential pre- and post-natal toxicity
and completeness of the data with
respect to exposure and toxicity to
infants and children.’’ (21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(C)). EPA is permitted to ‘‘use
a different margin of safety for the
pesticide chemical residue only if, on
the basis of reliable data, such margin
will be safe for infants and children.’’
(Id.). The additional safety margin for
infants and children is referred to
throughout this Order as the ‘‘children’s
safety factor.’’
3. Procedures for establishing,
amending, or revoking tolerances.
Tolerances are established, amended, or
revoked by rulemaking under the
unique procedural framework set forth
in FFDCA. Generally, a tolerance
rulemaking is initiated by the party
seeking to establish, amend, or revoke a
tolerance by means of filing a petition
with EPA. (See 21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(1)).
EPA publishes in the Federal Register a
notice of the petition filing and requests
public comment. (21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(3)).
After reviewing the petition, and any
comments received on it, EPA may issue
a final rule establishing, amending, or
revoking the tolerance, issue a proposed
rule to do the same, or deny the
petition. (21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(4)).
Once EPA takes final action on the
petition by either establishing,
amending, or revoking the tolerance or
denying the petition, any person may
file objections with EPA and seek an
evidentiary hearing on those objections.
(21 U.S.C. 346a(g)(2)). Objections and
hearing requests must be filed within 60
days. (Id.). The statute provides that
EPA shall ‘‘hold a public evidentiary
hearing if and to the extent the
Administrator determines that such a
public hearing is necessary to receive
factual evidence relevant to material
issues of fact raised by the objections.’’
(21 U.S.C. 346a(g)(2)(B)). EPA
regulations make clear that hearings will
only be granted where it is shown that
there is ‘‘a genuine and substantial issue
of fact,’’ the requestor has identified
evidence ‘‘which, if established, resolve
one or more of such issues in favor of
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the requestor,’’ and the issue is
‘‘determinative’’ with regard to the relief
requested. (40 CFR 178.32(b)). EPA’s
final order on the objections and
requests for hearing is subject to judicial
review. (21 U.S.C. 346a(h)(1)). The
statute directs that tolerance regulations
shall take effect upon publication unless
EPA specifies otherwise. (40 U.S.C.
346a(g)(1)). EPA is authorized to stay
the effectiveness of the tolerance if
objections are filed. (Id.).
B. EPA Risk Assessment for
Tolerances—Policy and Practice
1. The safety determination—risk
assessment. To assess risk of a pesticide
tolerance, EPA combines information on
pesticide toxicity with information
regarding the route, magnitude, and
duration of exposure to the pesticide.
The risk assessment process involves
four distinct steps:
(1) Identification of the toxicological
hazards posed by a pesticide;
(2) Determination of the ‘‘level of
concern’’ with respect to human
exposure to the pesticide;
(3) Estimation of human exposure to
the pesticide; and
(4) Characterization of risk posed to
humans by the pesticide based on
comparison of human exposure to the
level of concern.
a. Hazard identification. In evaluating
toxicity or hazard, EPA reviews toxicity
data, typically from studies with
laboratory animals, to identify any
adverse effects on the test subjects.
Where available and appropriate, EPA
will also take into account studies
involving humans, including human
epidemiological studies. For most
pesticides, the animal toxicity database
usually consists of studies investigating
a broad range of endpoints including
gross and microscopic effects on organs
and tissues, functional effects on bodily
organs and systems, effects on blood
parameters (such as red blood cell
count, hemoglobin concentration,
hematocrit, and a measure of clotting
potential), effects on the concentrations
of normal blood chemicals (including
glucose, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen,
creatinine, total protein, total bilirubin,
albumin, hormones, and enzymes such
as alkaline phosphatase, alanine
aminotransfersase and cholinesterases),
and behavioral or other gross effects
identified through clinical observation
and measurement. EPA examines
whether adverse effects are caused by
different durations of exposure ranging
from short-term (acute) to long-term
(chronic) pesticide exposure and
different routes of exposure (oral,
dermal, inhalation). Further, EPA
evaluates potential adverse effects in
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
different age groups (adults as well as
fetuses and juveniles). (Ref. 4 at 8–10).
EPA also considers whether the
adverse effect has a threshold—a level
below which exposure has no
appreciable chance of causing the
adverse effect. For effects that have no
threshold, EPA assumes that any
exposure to the substance increases the
risk that the adverse effect may occur.
b. Level of concern/dose-response
analysis. Once a pesticide’s potential
hazards are identified, EPA determines
a toxicological level of concern for
evaluating the risk posed by human
exposure to the pesticide. In this step of
the risk assessment process, EPA
essentially evaluates the levels of
exposure to the pesticide at which
effects might occur. An important aspect
of this determination is assessing the
relationship between exposure (dose)
and response (often referred to as the
dose-response analysis). EPA follows
differing approaches to identifying a
level of concern for threshold and nonthreshold hazards.
i. Threshold effects. In examining the
dose-response relationship for a
pesticide’s threshold effects, EPA
evaluates an array of toxicity studies on
the pesticide. In each of these studies,
EPA attempts to identify the lowest
observed adverse effect level (LOAEL)
and the no observed adverse effect level
(NOAEL), which by definition is the
next lower tested dose level below the
LOAEL. Generally, EPA will use the
lowest NOAEL from the available
studies as a starting point (called ‘‘the
Point of Departure’’) in estimating the
level of concern for humans. (Ref. 4 at
9 (The Point of Departure ‘‘is simply the
toxic dose that serves as the ‘starting
point’ in extrapolating a risk to the
human population.’’)). At times,
however, EPA will use a LOAEL from a
study as the Point of Departure when no
NOAEL is identified in that study and
the LOAEL is close to, or lower than,
other relevant NOAELs. The Point of
Departure is in turn used in choosing a
level of concern. EPA will make
separate determinations as to the Points
of Departure, and correspondingly
levels of concern, for both short and
long exposure periods as well as for the
different routes of exposure (oral,
dermal, and inhalation).
In recent years, EPA has increasingly
used a more scientifically sophisticated
approach to choosing the Point of
Departure. This approach, called a
benchmark dose, or BMD, estimates a
point along a dose-response curve that
corresponds to a specific response level.
(Ref. 5). For example, a BMD10
represents a 10% change from the
background or typical value for the
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response of concern. In contrast to the
NOAEL/LOAEL approach, a BMD is
calculated using a range of dose
response data and thus better accounts
for the variability and uncertainty in the
experimental results due to
characteristics of the study design, such
as dose selection, dose spacing, and
sample size. In addition to a BMD, EPA
generally also calculates a ‘‘confidence
limit’’ in the BMD. Confidence limits
express the uncertainty in a BMD that
may be due to sampling and/or
experimental error. The lower
confidence limit on the dose used as the
BMD is termed the BMDL, which the
Agency often uses as the Point of
Departure. Use of the BMDL for deriving
the Point of Departure rewards better
experimental design and procedures
that provide more precise estimates of
the BMD, resulting in tighter confidence
intervals. It also provides a health
protective conservative estimate of the
safe dose. Numerous scientific peer
review panels over the last decade have
supported the Agency’s application of
the BMD approach as a scientifically
supportable method for deriving Points
of Departure in human health risk
assessment, and as an improvement
over the historically applied approach
of using NOAELs or LOAELs. (Refs. 6
and 7).
In estimating and describing the level
of concern, the Point of Departure is at
times used differently depending on
whether the risk assessment addresses
dietary or non-dietary exposures. For
dietary risks, EPA uses the Point of
Departure to calculate an acceptable
level of exposure or reference dose
(RfD). The RfD is calculated by dividing
the Point of Departure by all applicable
safety or uncertainty factors. Typically,
EPA uses a baseline safety/uncertainty
factor of 100X in assessing pesticide
risk. That value includes a factor of 10
(10X) where EPA is using data from
laboratory animals to account for the
possibility that humans potentially have
greater sensitivity to the pesticide than
animals and another factor of 10X to
account for potential variations in
sensitivity among members of the
human population. Additional safety
factors may be added to address data
deficiencies or concerns raised by the
existing data. Under the FQPA, an
additional safety factor of 10X is
presumptively applied to protect infants
and children, unless reliable data
support selection of a different factor.
This FQPA additional safety factor
largely replaces pre-FQPA EPA practice
regarding additional safety factors. (Ref.
8 at 4–11).
In implementing FFDCA section 408,
EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, also
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calculates a variant of the RfD referred
to as a Population Adjusted Dose (PAD).
APAD is the RfD divided by any portion
of the FQPA safety factor that does not
correspond to one of the traditional
additional safety factors used in general
Agency risk assessments. (Id. at 13–16).
The reason for calculating PADs is so
that other parts of the Agency, which
are not governed by FFDCA section 408,
can, when evaluating the same or
similar substances, easily identify
which aspects of a pesticide risk
assessment are a function of the
particular statutory commands in
FFDCA section 408. Today, RfDs and
PADs are generally calculated for both
acute and chronic dietary risks although
traditionally RfDs and PADs were only
calculated for chronic risks. Throughout
this document general references to
OPP’s calculated safe dose are denoted
as an RfD/PAD.
For non-dietary, and combined
dietary and non-dietary, risk
assessments of threshold effects, the
toxicological level of concern is not
expressed as an RfD/PAD but rather in
terms of an acceptable (or target) margin
of exposure (MOE) between human
exposure and the Point of Departure.
The ‘‘margin’’ of interest is the ratio
between human exposure and the Point
of Departure which is calculated by
dividing human exposure into the Point
of Departure. An acceptable MOE is
generally considered to be a margin at
least as high as the product of all
applicable safety factors for a pesticide.
For example, if a pesticide needs a 10X
factor to account for potential interspecies differences, 10X factor for
potential intra-species differences, and
10X factor for the FQPA children’s
safety provision, the safe or target MOE
would be a MOE of at least 1,000. What
that means is that for the pesticide in
the example to meet the safety standard,
human exposure to the pesticide would
generally have to be at least 1,000 times
smaller than the Point of Departure.
Like RfD/PADs, specific target MOEs are
selected for exposures of different
durations. For non-dietary exposures,
EPA typically examines short-term,
intermediate-term, and long-term
exposures. Additionally, target MOEs
may be selected based on both the
duration of exposure and the various
routes of non-dietary exposure—dermal,
inhalation, and oral.
ii. Non-threshold effects. For risk
assessments for non-threshold effects,
EPA does not use the RfD/PAD or MOE
approach to choose a level of concern if
quantification of the risk is deemed
appropriate. Rather, EPA calculates the
slope of the dose-response curve for the
non-threshold effects from relevant
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
studies frequently using a linear, lowdose extrapolation model that assumes
that any amount of exposure will lead
to some degree of risk. This doseresponse analysis will be used in the
risk characterization stage to estimate
the risk to humans of the non-threshold
c. Estimating human exposure. Risk is
a function of both hazard and exposure.
Thus, equally important to the risk
assessment process as determining the
hazards posed by a pesticide and the
toxicological level of concern for those
hazards is estimating human exposure.
Under FFDCA section 408, EPA is
concerned not only with exposure to
pesticide residues in food but also
exposure resulting from pesticide
contamination of drinking water
supplies and from use of pesticides in
the home or other non-occupational
settings. (See 21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(D)(vi)). Additionally, EPA
must take into account nonoccupational exposure from ‘‘other
related substances.’’ (Id.).
i. Exposure from food. There are two
critical variables in estimating exposure
in food:
• The types and amount of food that
is consumed; and
• The residue level in that food.
Consumption is estimated by EPA based
on scientific surveys of individuals’
food consumption in the United States
conducted by the USDA. (Ref. 4 at 12).
Information on residue values comes
from a range of sources including crop
field trials, data on pesticide reduction
(or concentration) due to processing,
cooking, and other practices,
information on the extent of usage of the
pesticide, and monitoring of the food
supply. (Id. at 17).
In assessing exposure from pesticide
residues in food, EPA, for efficiency’s
sake, follows a tiered approach in which
it, in the first instance, assesses
exposure using the worst case
assumptions that 100% of the crop or
commodity in question is treated with,
or exposed to, the pesticide and 100%
of the food from that crop or commodity
contains pesticide residues at the
tolerance level. (Id. at 11). When such
an assessment shows no risks of
concern, a more complex risk
assessment is unnecessary. By avoiding
a more complex risk assessment, EPA’s
resources are conserved and regulated
parties are spared the cost of any
additional studies that may be needed.
If, however, a first tier assessment
suggests there could be a risk of
concern, EPA then attempts to refine its
exposure assumptions to yield a more
realistic picture of residue values
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through use of data on the percent of the
crop or commodity actually treated
with, or exposed to, the pesticide and
data on the level of residues that may be
present on the treated crop or
commodity. These latter data are used to
estimate what has been traditionally
referred to by EPA as ‘‘anticipated
Use of percent crop/commodity
treated data and anticipated residue
information is appropriate because
EPA’s worst-case assumptions of 100%
treatment and residues at tolerance
value significantly overstate residue
values. There are several reasons why
this is true. First, all growers of a
particular crop would rarely choose to
apply the same pesticide to that crop
(some may apply no pesticide; some
may apply an alternative pesticide);
generally, the proportion of the crop
treated with a particular pesticide is
significantly below 100%. (70 FR 46706,
46731, August 10, 2005) (FRL–7727–4).
This is true with food and structural
fumigants such as sulfuryl fluoride as
well, especially with regard to the
structural fumigant use in food
processing facilities because such use
incurs infrequently and only potentially
affects a small portion of the food
processed in the facility. Second, the
tolerance value represents a high end or
worst case value. Tolerance values are
chosen only after EPA has evaluated
data from experimental trials in which
the pesticide has been used in a manner,
consistent with the draft FIFRA label,
that is likely to produce the highest
residue in the crop or food in question
(e.g., maximum application rate,
maximum number of applications,
minimum pre-harvest interval between
last pesticide application and harvest).
(Refs. 4 and 9). These experimental
trials are generally conducted in several
locations and involve multiple samples.
(Id. at 5, 7 and Tables 1 and 5). The
results from such experimental trials
invariably show that the residue levels
for a given pesticide use will vary from
as low as non-detectable to measurable
values in the parts per million (ppm)
range with the majority of the values
falling at the lower part of the range. (70
FR 46731) (FRL–7727–4). EPA uses a
statistical procedure to analyze the
experimental trial results and identify
the upper bound of expected residue
values. This upper bound value is
typically used as the tolerance value.
(Ref. 10). There may be some
commodities from a treated crop or
commodity that approach the tolerance
value where the maximum label rates
are followed, but most generally fall
significantly below the tolerance value.
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If less than the maximum legal rate is
applied, residues will be even lower.
Third, residue values measured at the
time of treatment do not take into
account the lowering of residue values
that frequently occurs as a result of
degradation over time and through food
processing and cooking.
EPA uses several techniques to refine
residue value estimates. (Ref. 4 at 17–
28). First, where appropriate, EPA will
take into account all the residue values
reported in the experimental trials,
either through use of an average or
individually. Second, EPA will consider
data showing what portion of the crop
or commodity is not treated with, or
exposed to, the pesticide. Third, data
can be produced showing pesticide
degradation and decline over time, and
the effect of commercial and consumer
food handling and processing practices.
Finally, EPA can consult monitoring
data gathered by the FDA, the USDA, or
pesticide registrants, on pesticide levels
in food at points in the food distribution
chain distant from the farm, including
retail food establishments.
Another critical component of the
exposure assessment is how data on
consumption patterns are combined
with data on pesticide residue levels in
food. Traditionally, EPA has calculated
exposure by simply multiplying average
consumption by average residue values
for estimating chronic risks and highend consumption by maximum residue
values for estimating acute risks. Using
average residues is a realistic approach
for chronic risk assessment due to the
fact that variations in residue levels and
consumption amounts average out over
time especially given the nationwide
market for food in the United States.
Using average values is inappropriate
for acute risk assessments, however,
because in assessing acute exposure
situations it matters how much of each
treated food a given consumer eats in
the short-term and what the residue
levels are in the particular foods
consumed. Yet, using maximum residue
values for acute risk assessment tends to
greatly overstate exposure because it is
unlikely that a person would consume
at a single meal multiple food
components bearing high-end residues.
To take into account the variations in
short-term consumption patterns and
food residue values for acute risk
assessments, EPA uses probabilistic
modeling techniques for estimating
exposure when more simplistic models
appear to show risks of concerns.
All of these refinements to the
exposure assessment process, from use
of food monitoring data through
probabilistic modeling, can have
dramatic effects on the level of exposure
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
predicted, typically reducing worst case
estimates by at least 1 or 2 orders of
magnitude. (Ref. 11 at 16–17; 70 FR
46706, 46732, August 10, 2005) (FRL–
ii. Exposure from water. EPA may use
either or both field monitoring data and
mathematical water exposure models to
generate pesticide exposure estimates in
drinking water. Monitoring and
modeling are both important tools for
estimating pesticide concentrations in
water and can provide different types of
information. Monitoring data can
provide estimates of pesticide
concentrations in water that are
representative of specific agricultural or
residential pesticide practices and
under environmental conditions
associated with a sampling design.
Although monitoring data can provide a
direct measure of the concentration of a
pesticide in water, it does not always
provide a reliable estimate of exposure
because sampling may not occur in
areas with the highest pesticide use,
and/or the sampling may not occur
when the pesticides are being used.
In estimating pesticide exposure
levels in drinking water, EPA most
frequently uses mathematical water
exposure models. EPA’s models are
based on extensive monitoring data and
detailed information on soil properties,
crop characteristics, and weather
patterns. (69 FR 30042, 30058–30065,
May 26, 2004) (FRL–7355–7). These
models calculate estimated
environmental concentrations of
pesticides using laboratory data that
describe how fast the pesticide breaks
down to other chemicals and how it
moves in the environment. These
concentrations can be estimated
continuously over long periods of time,
and for places that are of most interest
for any particular pesticide. Modeling is
a useful tool for characterizing
vulnerable sites, and can be used to
estimate peak concentrations from
infrequent, large storms.
Unlike assessments of exposure to
pesticides in food, assessments of
exposure to pesticides in drinking water
conducted under FIFRA and FFDCA
section 408 do not assume there is a
nationwide market for drinking water. A
person’s source of drinking water is
primarily local and often the pesticide
use is quite localized as well. Thus,
generally EPA assesses drinking water
exposure to pesticides under FIFRA and
FFDCA section 408 based on the most
vulnerable watersheds and not on a
national or even regional average. (See
74 FR 59608, 59618–59619, 59658,
November 18, 2009) (FRL–8797–6).
Further, these assessments commonly
use high-end residue estimates from
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models and assume average
consumption levels.
In the case of fluoride, however, the
primary source of exposure is not from
pesticide use. Additionally, as described
in Unit V.A.2., EPA has an extensive
monitoring database from across the
United States on fluoride levels in
drinking water. These factors have been
taken into account in how EPA has
conducted its FFDCA section 408 risk
assessment for fluoride.
d. Risk characterization. The final
step in the risk assessment is risk
characterization. In this step, EPA
combines information from the first
three steps (hazard identification, level
of concern/dose-response analysis, and
human exposure assessment) to
quantitatively estimate the risks posed
by a pesticide. Separate
characterizations of risk are conducted
for different durations of exposure.
Additionally, separate and, where
appropriate, aggregate characterizations
of risk are conducted for the different
routes of exposure (dietary and nondietary).
For threshold risks, EPA estimates
risk in one of two ways. Where EPA has
calculated a RfD/PAD, risk is estimated
by expressing human exposure as a
percentage of the RfD/PAD. Exposures
lower than 100% of the RfD/PAD are
generally not of concern. Alternatively,
EPA may express risk by comparing the
MOE between estimated human
exposure and the Point of Departure
with the acceptable or target MOE. As
described previously, the acceptable or
target MOE is the product of all
applicable safety factors. To calculate
the actual MOE for a pesticide,
estimated human exposure to the
pesticide is divided into the Point of
Departure. In contrast to the RfD/PAD
approach, higher MOEs denote lower
risk. Accordingly, if the target MOE for
a pesticide is 100, MOEs equal to or
exceeding 100 would generally not be of
As a conceptual matter, the RfD/PAD
and MOE approaches are fundamentally
equivalent. For a given risk and given
exposure of a pesticide, if exposure to
a pesticide were found to be acceptable
under an RfD/PAD analysis it would
also pass under the MOE approach, and
vice-versa. However, for any specific
pesticide, risk assessments for different
exposure durations or routes may yield
different results. This is a function not
of the choice of the RfD/PAD or MOE
approach but of the fact that the levels
of concern and the levels of exposure
may differ depending on the duration
and route of exposure.
For non-threshold risks (generally,
cancer risks), EPA uses the slope of the
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dose-response curve for a pesticide in
conjunction with an estimation of
human exposure to that pesticide to
estimate the probability of occurrence of
additional adverse effects. Under
FFDCA section 408, for non-threshold
cancer risks, EPA generally considers
cancer risk to be negligible if the
probability of increased cancer cases
falls within the range of 1 in 1 million.
EPA describes this quantitative standard
as a ‘‘range’’ because it does not want to
impart a false precision to numerical
cancer risk estimates. EPA seeks to
identify risks differing significantly
from a 1 in 1 million risk and that
involves both a quantitative as well as
qualitative assessment of what a risk
estimate represents.
2. EPA policy on the children’s safety
factor. As the previous brief summary of
EPA’s risk assessment practice
indicates, the use of safety factors plays
a critical role in the process. This is true
for traditional 10X safety factors to
account for potential differences
between animals and humans when
relying on studies in animals (interspecies safety factor) and potential
differences among humans (intraspecies safety factor) as well as the
FQPA’s additional 10X children’s safety
In applying the children’s safety
factor provision, EPA has interpreted it
as imposing a presumption in favor of
applying an additional 10X safety factor.
(Ref. 8 at 4, 11). Thus, EPA generally
refers to the additional 10X factor as a
presumptive or default 10X factor. EPA
has also made clear, however, that this
presumption or default in favor of the
additional 10X is only a presumption.
The presumption can be overcome if
reliable data demonstrate that a different
factor is safe for children. (Id.). In
determining whether a different factor is
safe for children, EPA focuses on the
three factors listed in section
408(b)(2)(C)—the completeness of the
toxicity database, the completeness of
the exposure database, and potential
pre- and post-natal toxicity. In
examining these factors, EPA strives to
make sure that its choice of a safety
factor, based on a weight-of-theevidence evaluation, does not
understate the risk to children. (Id. at
24–25, 35).
C. SDWA and the Montreal Protocol/
1. SDWA. SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300f et
seq.) was enacted to assure that water
supply systems serving the public meet
minimum national standards for the
protection of public health and to
protect the underground sources of
drinking water upon which the public
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
relies. (See generally A Legislative
History of the Safe Drinking Water Act,
Committee Print, 97th Cong., 2d Sess.
(1982) at 533–541). Under SDWA, EPA
is authorized to set ‘‘National primary
drinking water regulations’’ (NPDWRs)
governing contaminants which the
Administrator determines may have an
adverse effect on the health of persons.
NPDWRs apply to ‘‘public water
systems’’ nationwide and include
monitoring and reporting requirements.
(42 U.S.C. 300g–1).
‘‘Public water systems’’ are defined as
systems that provide water to the public
through pipes or other constructed
conveyances for human consumption
and that have at least 15 service
connections or regularly serve at least
25 individuals. (42 U.S.C. 300f(4)(A)).
By regulation, EPA has interpreted
‘‘regularly serve at least 25 individuals’’
to mean providing water to an average
of at least 25 individuals daily at least
60 days of the year. (40 CFR 141.2).
There are over 160,000 public water
systems in the United States. The vast
majority of these systems (95%) are
small (i.e. serve populations of 3,300
persons or less) and these systems only
serve about 10% of the population.
Many of these small systems rely on
groundwater as a water source. The
largest 2% of the public water systems
serve 80% of the population and
include the large metropolitan water
systems such as in New York City,
Washington, DC, Boston and Chicago.
Most of these systems rely on surface
waters as their primary water source.
Public drinking water systems provide
water to roughly 85 to 90% of the U.S.
In promulgating a NPDWR for a
contaminant, EPA must establish both a
maximum contaminant level goal
(MCLG) for that contaminant as well as
either a maximum contaminant level
(MCL) or a treatment technology
requirement. (42 U.S.C. 300g–1(a)(3)
and 300g–1(b)(4)(7)). MCLGs are not
regulatory requirements and do not
impose any obligations on public water
systems. Rather, MCLGs are health goals
that are to be set at a level at which, in
the Administrator’s judgment, ‘‘no
known or anticipated adverse effects on
the health of persons occur and which
allows for an adequate margin of safety.’’
(42 U.S.C. 300g–1(b)(4)(A)).
A MCL sets a level of the contaminant
not to be exceeded by public water
systems and, with some exceptions is to
be set as close to the MCLG as is
‘‘feasible.’’ (42 U.S.C. 300g–1(b)(4)(B)).
The Act defines feasible to mean
‘‘feasible with the use of the best
technology, treatment techniques or
other means which the Administrator
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finds * * * are available (taking costs
into consideration).’’ (42 U.S.C. 300g–
(b)(4)(D)). The legislative history for this
provision makes it clear that
‘‘feasibility’’ is to be defined relative to
‘‘what may reasonably be afforded by
large metropolitan or regional public
water systems.’’ (A Legislative History of
the Safe Drinking Water Act, Committee
Print, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. (1982) at 550.
MCLs appear at 40 CFR part 141,
subparts B and G).
A treatment technique requirement
imposes an obligation on public water
systems to use an identified treatment
technology and it must ‘‘prevent known
or anticipated adverse effects on the
health of persons to the extent feasible.’’
(42 U.S.C. 300g–1(b)(7)(A). EPA may
establish treatment technique
requirements in lieu of an MCL only if
it is not economically or technologically
feasible to ascertain the level of the
contaminant. (Id.).
SDWA also authorizes EPA to set
‘‘secondary’’ drinking water standards or
‘‘SMCLs.’’ Such standards specify levels
which are necessary to protect ‘‘the
public welfare,’’ (42 U.S.C. 300f(2)), but
are not Federally enforceable (see A
Legislative History of the Safe Drinking
Water Act, Committee Print, 97th Cong.,
2d Sess. (1982) at 557). For example,
such a contaminant level might be one
which adversely affects the odor or
appearance of water so that a large
number of people discontinue using that
source. SMCLs may vary by geography
or other circumstances. EPA has
established SMCLs for 15 contaminants,
which are intended to be guidelines for
the States. (40 CFR part 143).
Every 6 years, EPA is required to
review and revise ‘‘as appropriate’’ its
existing drinking water standards. (42
U.S.C. 300g–1(b)(9)).
There is a long history of regulation
of fluoride under SDWA. In 1975, EPA
established a MCL for fluoride at a level
varying between 1.4 milligrams (mg)/
liter (L) and 2.4 mg/L depending on
annual ambient air temperature. (40 FR
59566, December 24, 1975). These levels
were set to prevent objectionable dental
fluorosis. In 1981, South Carolina
petitioned EPA to revoke the fluoride
MCL arguing that dental fluorosis is
merely a cosmetic effect not an adverse
health effect. (See 50 FR 20164, May 14,
1985). In response to that petition, EPA
took a series of actions. First, in 1985,
EPA established a MCLG for fluoride at
4 mg/L. (50 FR 47142, November 14,
1985) (At that time MCLGs were termed
‘‘recommended maximum contaminant
levels’’ (RMCLs) under SDWA.). The
MCLG was set to protect against
crippling skeletal fluorosis, an adverse
health effect associated with high levels
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of fluoride exposure. EPA concluded
that dental fluorosis, which had formed
the basis for the earlier MCL, was not an
adverse health effect under SDWA but
only a cosmetic effect. Second, in 1986,
EPA established a MCL for fluoride at 4
mg/L, again based on the crippling
skeletal fluorosis endpoint. (51 FR
11396, April 2, 1986). Finally, also in
1986, EPA established a SMCL for
fluoride at 2 mg/L to protect against
objectionable dental fluorosis. (Id.).
Judicial review of the MCLG was sought
by both the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC) and by South Carolina.
(NRDC v. EPA, 812 F.2d 721 (DC Cir.
1987)). NRDC argued that the level was
too high because, among other reasons,
the MCLG should have been set on
dental fluorosis. Taking the opposite
position, South Carolina claimed that no
MCLG at all was appropriate because
the evidence did not support that
fluoride caused any adverse health
effects. The DC Circuit upheld EPA’s
regulation ruling that EPA had
reasonably interpreted SDWA term
adverse health effect to be limited to
functional impairments and that EPA
had reasonably concluded that effects of
dental fluorosis were cosmetic in nature
and did not result in functional
impairment. South Carolina’s challenge
was dismissed based on the court’s
conclusion that EPA had made a
‘‘permissible administrative judgment’’
based on the evidence before it. (Id. at
Subsequent to these rulemakings, EPA
has on two occasions asked NAS to
reevaluate the potential risks of fluoride
exposure in regard to the MCLG/MCL.
The NRC Report on the second request
is discussed extensively in Unit IV.D.
2. The Montreal Protocol/CAA and
methyl bromide. The Montreal Protocol
is the international agreement aimed at
reducing and eliminating the
production and consumption of
stratospheric ozone-depleting
substances. The stratospheric ozone
layer protects humans from
overexposure to harmful ultraviolet
radiation. The United States was one of
the original signatories to the 1987
Montreal Protocol and the United States
ratified the Protocol in April, 1988.
Congress then enacted the Clean Air Act
Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 which
included Title VI on Stratospheric
Ozone Protection, codified as 42 U.S.C.
Chapter 85, Subchapter VI, to ensure
that the United States could satisfy its
obligations under the Montreal Protocol.
EPA issued regulations in 40 CFR part
82 to implement this legislation and has
since modified and updated the
regulations as needed. In 2009, the
Montreal Protocol became the first
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
universally ratified international
environmental treaty.
Methyl bromide was added to the
Montreal Protocol as an ozone-depleting
substance in 1992 through the
Copenhagen Amendment to the
Protocol. The Parties to the Montreal
Protocol (Parties) agreed that each
developed country’s level of methyl
bromide production and consumption
in 1991 should be the baseline for
establishing a freeze. Under the
Montreal Protocol and Title VI of the
CAAA the term ‘‘consumption’’ is a
calculated amount equal to production
plus imports minus exports. EPA
published a final rule in the Federal
Register on December 10, 1993 (58 FR
65018), listing methyl bromide as a
Class I, Group VI controlled substance,
freezing U.S. production and
consumption at this 1991 baseline level
of 25,528,270 kilograms, and setting
forth the percentage of baseline
allowances for methyl bromide granted
to companies in each control period
(each calendar year) until 2001, when
the complete phase-out would occur.
This phase-out date was established in
response to a petition filed in 1991
under sections 602(c)(3) and 606(b) of
CAAA of 1990, requesting that EPA list
methyl bromide as a Class I substance
and phase out its production and
consumption. This date was consistent
with section 602(d) of CAAA of 1990,
which, for newly listed Class I ozonedepleting substances, provides that ‘‘no
extension [of the phase-out schedule in
section 604] under this subsection may
extend the date for termination of
production of any class I substance to a
date more than 7 years after January 1
of the year after the year in which the
substance is added to the list of class I
At the Seventh Meeting of the Parties
(MOP) in 1995, the Parties made
adjustments to the methyl bromide
control measures and agreed to
reduction steps and a 2010 phase-out
date for industrialized countries with
exemptions permitted for critical uses.
At that time, the United States
continued to have a 2001 phase-out date
in accordance with section 602(d) of
CAAA of 1990. At the Ninth MOP in
1997, the Parties agreed to further
adjustments to the phase-out schedule
for methyl bromide in industrialized
countries, with reduction steps leading
to a 2005 phase-out.
In October 1998, the U.S. Congress
amended CAA to conform the U.S.
schedule to the schedule specified
under the Protocol for developed
countries by requiring EPA to move the
date for ending production to January 1,
2005 and authorizing EPA to provide
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certain exemptions. These amendments
were contained in section 764 of the
1999 Omnibus Consolidated and
Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 105–277,
October 21, 1998) and were codified in
section 604 of CAA. (42 U.S.C. 7671c).
The amendment that specifically
addresses the critical use exemption
(CUE) appears at section 604(d)(6), 42
U.S.C. 7671c(d)(6). EPA revised the
phase-out schedule for methyl bromide
production and consumption in a direct
final rulemaking on November 28, 2000
(65 FR 70795) (FRL–6906–4), which
allowed for the phased reduction in
methyl bromide consumption specified
under the Protocol and extended the
phase-out to 2005. EPA again amended
the regulations to allow for an
exemption for quarantine and
preshipment purposes with an interim
final rule on July 19, 2001 (66 FR
37752)(FRL–7014–5) and with a final
rule on January 2, 2003 (68 FR
On December 23, 2004 (69 FR
76982)(FRL–7850–8), EPA published a
final rule that established the framework
for the CUE; set forth a list of approved
critical uses for 2005; and specified the
amount of methyl bromide that could be
supplied in 2005 from stocks and new
production or import to meet the needs
of approved critical uses. EPA
subsequently published rules applying
the CUE framework to the 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, and 2010 control periods.
Since its introduction in 2004,
sulfuryl fluoride has served as an
alternative to methyl bromide with
regard to methyl bromide’s use as a
post-harvest commodity fumigant and
fumigant for food processing
warehouses and facilities. Introduction
of sulfuryl fluoride has played a
significant role in the United States’
reduction of the postharvest methyl
bromide CUEs by almost 80% over the
last 6 years.
IV. Regulatory History of Sulfuryl
A. In General
Sulfuryl fluoride is a fumigant that is
used to kill insect pests, rodents, birds,
and snakes. It is used both for the
treatment of structures as well as stored
food. Sulfuryl fluoride was initially
registered under FIFRA as Vikane®, a
fumigant to treat drywood termites and
other wood boring insects in 1959. More
recently, sulfuryl fluoride was identified
as a potential alternative for uses of
methyl bromide as a food fumigant and
as a fumigant of food processing
facilities. It was registered under the
name of ProFume® by Dow
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AgroSciences for these uses in 2004 and
2005. Sulfuryl fluoride has achieved
significant penetration of several methyl
bromide markets. EPA and Dow
AgroSciences have concluded that
sulfuryl fluoride is used in
approximately 40% of mills and food
processing facilities and is used on
100% of cocoa beans. More recently,
sulfuryl fluoride has been used
extensively in fumigating walnuts and
dried fruit other than raisins.
Sulfuryl fluoride rapidly breaks down
to form sulfate and the fluoride anion.
B. 2004 Registration and Tolerances
In 2004, EPA registered sulfuryl
fluoride for use as a direct fumigant of
various grains and dried fruits under
FIFRA and established corresponding
tolerances under FFDCA section 408.
(69 FR 3240, January 23, 2004)(FRL–
7342–1). Tolerances were established
for both the parent chemical, sulfuryl
fluoride, and the breakdown product,
fluoride. (For convenience, both the
sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride tolerances
established in association with the use
of sulfuryl fluoride are, hereinafter,
referred to in this document as sulfuryl
fluoride tolerances.) Separate risk
assessments were conducted for sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride.
In assessing the risk of fluoride, EPA
relied on the MCLG that had been
established under SDWA to establish a
RfD-like value for fluoride. Established
in 1986, the fluoride MCLG is 4 mg/L
and is based on the adverse effect of
crippling skeletal fluorosis. (40 CFR
141.41). As was the case with the
MCLG, EPA determined that dental
fluorosis was not an adverse effect and
thus was not an appropriate benchmark
for evaluating the safety of fluoride
under FFDCA. EPA also determined
that, ‘‘given the wealth of reliable
human data on fluoride,’’ the
presumptive additional 10X children’s
safety factor could be removed. (69 FR
3253) (FRL–7342–1). Using the MCLG in
combination with high-end water
consumption information and body
weights for age subgroups from infants
through adults, EPA calculated safe
fluoride levels on a milligram of
fluoride per kilogram of body weight per
day (mg/kg/day) basis. (69 FR 3248)
(FRL–7342–1). These RfD-like values
were compared to estimated aggregate
exposure levels to fluoride from
numerous sources: From use of the
pesticides sulfuryl fluoride and cryolite
on food; from natural and artificial
levels of fluoride in drinking water;
from background levels of fluoride in
beverages, food, and ambient air; and
from fluoride in dental products.
Because aggregate exposure for each of
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
the age-based population subgroups fell
below the calculated RfD-like values,
EPA concluded that the tolerances were
Although FAN did not submit
comments on the notice announcing
Dow AgroSciences’ petition for
tolerances, FAN had submitted
objections to an earlier sulfuryl fluoride
tolerance action. That earlier tolerance
action was the establishment of
temporary tolerances for sulfuryl
fluoride on various grains and dried
fruits in conjunction with an
experimental use permit for sulfuryl
fluoride under FIFRA section 5. (7
U.S.C. 136c). Sulfuryl fluoride was
never used under that experimental
permit and the temporary tolerances
were revoked with the establishment of
the 2004 tolerances. However, EPA
treated the FAN objections as comments
on the petition for tolerances and
responded to them in detail in
promulgating the 2004 tolerances. (Refs.
13, 14 and 15). Because EPA recognized
that the NAS was undertaking a
comprehensive evaluation of the latest
data on fluoride, EPA noted that its
review of the data submitted by FAN
was preliminary and subject to
reevaluation once the NRC Report was
complete. (Ref. 14).
On March 23, 2004, FAN, joined by
Beyond Pesticides, filed objections to
the 2004 tolerances and requested a
hearing on those objections. (See Unit
C. 2005 Registration and Tolerances
In 2005, EPA registered sulfuryl
fluoride for use as a direct fumigant on
additional commodities and also as a
structural fumigant for food processing
facilities under FIFRA and established
corresponding tolerances under FFDCA
section 408. (70 FR 40899, July 15,
2005) (FRL–7723–7). Again, EPA relied
on the MCLG in assessing the aggregate
risk to fluoride, taking into account the
additional fluoride exposure from the
new uses. (Id. at 40905). EPA also
assessed fluoride risk using the Point of
Departure suggested by NAS’ Institute of
Medicine for evaluating the risk of
crippling skeletal fluorosis. (Id. at
40906). Under both approaches, EPA
concluded that the tolerances were safe.
FAN submitted comments on the
notice announcing Dow AgroSciences’
petition for tolerances. EPA prepared a
detailed response to these comments.
(Ref. 16).
On September 13, 2005, FAN, joined
by Beyond Pesticides and the
Environmental Working Group, filed
objections to the 2005 tolerances and
requested a hearing on those objections.
(See Unit IV.D.).
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D. The 2006 NRC Report
In 2003, EPA’s Office of Water (OW)
asked the NRC to review new research
on fluoride to determine whether the
MCLG and SMCL for fluoride
established under SDWA adequately
protect the public health. (Ref. 17 at xii).
Specifically, EPA asked NRC ‘‘to review
toxicologic, epidemiologic, and clinical
data on fluoride—particularly data
published since NRC’s previous (1993)
report—and exposure data on orally
ingested fluoride from drinking water
and other sources * * *, ’’ and ‘‘to
evaluate independently the scientific
basis of EPA’s MCLG of 4 mg/L and
SMCL of 2 mg/L in drinking water and
the adequacy of those guidelines to
protect children and others from
adverse health effects.’’ (Id. at 2). NRC
was also asked to identify data gaps and
to make recommendations for future
research relevant to setting the MCLG
and SMCL for fluoride.’’ (Id.).
NRC completed its report in March
2006. Its overall conclusions were that:
(1) ‘‘EPA’s MCLG of 4 mg/L should be
lowered;’’ (2) further study was needed
to assess the protectiveness of the SMCL
of 2 mg/L; and (3) ‘‘EPA should update
the risk assessment of fluoride to
include new data on health risks and
better estimates of total exposure
(relative source contribution) in
individuals and to use current
approaches to quantifying risk,
considering susceptible subpopulations,
and characterizing uncertainties and
variability.’’ (Id. at 352).
NRC’s decision as to the MCLG was
driven by its concern regarding the
fluoride exposure levels that produce
the following effects: Severe enamel
fluorosis (referred to in this document
generally as severe dental fluorosis);
clinical stage II skeletal fluorosis; and
bone fractures. (Id.). Previously, all
forms of dental fluorosis had been
regarded merely as cosmetic effects and
thus not properly considered in setting
a MCLG. In the 2006 Report, NRC stated
that: ‘‘The damage to teeth caused by
severe enamel fluorosis is a toxic effect
that the majority of the committee
judged to be consistent with prevailing
risk assessment definitions of adverse
health effects.’’ (Id. at 127). NRC
reasoned as follows:
Severe enamel fluorosis is characterized by
enamel loss and pitting. This damage
compromises enamel’s protective barrier and
can make the teeth more susceptible to
environmental stresses and to caries
formation because it allows bacteria, plaque,
and food particles to become entrapped in
the enamel. Caries is dental decay caused by
bacterial infection. When the infection goes
unchecked, cavities may form that can cause
toothache and tooth sensitivity to
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temperature and sweets. If cavities are
untreated, the infection can lead to abscess,
destruction of bone, and spread of the
infection to other parts of the body. While
increased risk of caries has not been firmly
established, the majority of the committee
found that destruction of the enamel and the
clinical practice of treating the condition
even in the absence of caries provide
additional lines of evidence for concluding
that severe enamel fluorosis is an adverse
health effect.
(Id. at 346) (citation omitted).
Two of the 12 members of the NRC
committee ‘‘did not agree that severe
enamel fluorosis should now be
considered an adverse health effect’’ and
would have characterized it as an
‘‘adverse dental effect.’’ (Id.).
Nonetheless, these two committee
members concurred in the overall NRC
conclusion that the MCLG should
protect against this effect. Specifically,
the Report stated: ‘‘Despite their
disagreement on characterization of the
condition, these two members
concurred with the committee’s
conclusion that the MCLG should
prevent the occurrence of this unwanted
condition.’’ (Id.). Turning to the level of
exposure that can cause severe dental
fluorosis, NRC concluded that such
fluorosis occurs at an ‘‘appreciable
frequency’’ in communities with water
supplies containing at or near 4 mg/L
but that ‘‘the prevalence of severe
enamel fluorosis would be reduced to
nearly zero by bringing the water
fluoride levels in these communities
down to below 2 mg/L.’’ (Id. at 127–
As to skeletal fluorosis, NRC
concluded that the MCLG should not be
based solely on stage III (crippling)
skeletal fluorosis but also take into
account stage II skeletal fluorosis (the
stage before mobility is significantly
affected). Although the data on what
level of fluoride exposure was need to
cause stage II skeletal fluorosis was
inconclusive, NRC ventured that the
data ‘‘suggest[] that the MCLG might not
protect all individuals from the adverse
stages of the condition.’’ (Id. at 347).
NRC advised that ‘‘more research is
needed to clarify the relationship
between fluoride ingestion, fluoride
concentrations in bone, and stage of
skeletal fluorosis.’’ (Id.).
NRC found the evidence on the level
of fluoride exposure which could lead
to an increased risk of bone fracture to
be somewhat more compelling. There
was general agreement by NRC with the
proposition ‘‘that there is scientific
evidence that under certain conditions
fluoride can weaken bone and increase
the risk of fractures.’’ (Id. at 348).
Further, ‘‘the majority of the committee
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
concluded that lifetime exposure to
fluoride at drinking water
concentrations of 4 mg/L or higher is
likely to increase fracture rates in the
population, compared with exposure to
1 mg/L, particularly in some
demographic subgroups that are prone
to accumulate fluoride into their bones
(e.g., people with renal disease).’’ (Id.).
Three members of the NRC committee
reached a more tempered conclusion
suggesting that ‘‘the evidence only
supported a conclusion that the MCLG
might not be protective against bone
fracture.’’ (Id.) (emphasis in original).
Turning to the SMCL, NRC noted that,
even if this standard now only
addresses, at worst, moderate dental
fluorosis, the 2 mg/L ‘‘SMCL does not
completely prevent the occurrence of
moderate enamel fluorosis.’’ (Id. at 352).
Specifically, NRC found that ‘‘[p]ast
evidence indicated an incidence range
of 4% to 15% (50 FR 20164 [1985]).’’
(Ref. 17 at 130). NRC indicated that
‘‘[t]he prevalence of moderate cases that
would be classified as being of aesthetic
concern (discoloration of the front teeth)
is not known but would be lower than
15%.’’ (Id.). In the end, NRC
recommended further study of U.S.
communities with drinking water
fluoride levels of greater than 1 mg/L to
better characterize the degree and
consequences of moderate dental
fluorosis and the levels at which these
effects occur. (Id. at 352–353).
NRC also examined in detail whether
fluoride caused reproductive,
developmental, neurotoxic,
neurobehavioral, or cancer effects or
had adverse effects on the endocrine,
gastrointestinal, renal, hepatic, and
immune systems. Although NRC
recommended further study with regard
to many of these effects, it did not
conclude that any of these potential
effects warranted a lowering of the
A substantial portion of the NRC
Report is devoted to examining fluoride
exposure in the United States. NRC
considered exposures from drinking
water; background levels in food,
beverages, soil, and air; residues in food
from pesticide usage; and dental
products. Drinking water was generally
the most significant source but certain
age groups’ exposures from background
levels in food and water and from dental
products were not insubstantial. (Id. at
60, Fig.2–1). NRC summarized the
information on fluoride levels in water
from public systems as follows:
Of the 144 million people with fluoridated
public water supplies in 1992, approximately
10 million (7%) received naturally
fluoridated water, the rest had artificially
fluoridated water. Of the population with
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artificially fluoridated water in 1992, more
than two-thirds had a water fluoride
concentration of 1.0 mg/L, with almost onequarter having lower concentrations and
about 5% having concentrations up to 1.2
Of the approximately 10 million people
with naturally fluoridated public water
supplies in 1992, approximately 67% had
fluoride concentrations ≤ 1.2 mg/L.
Approximately 14% had fluoride
concentrations between 1.3 and 1.9 mg/L and
another 14% had between 2.0 and 3.9 mg/L;
2% (just over 200,000 persons) had natural
fluoride concentrations equal to or exceeding
4.0 mg/L.
(Id. at 25) (citations omitted).
As to persons who rely on private
water sources, NRC noted:
Little information is available on the
fluoride content of private water sources, but
the variability can reasonably be expected to
be high and to depend on the region of the
country. Fluoride measured in well water in
one study in Iowa ranged from 0.06 to 7.22
mg/L (mean, 0.45 mg/L); home-filtered well
water contained 0.02–1.00 mg/L (mean, 0.32
mg/L). Hudak (1999) determined median
fluoride concentrations for 237 of 254 Texas
counties (values were not determined for
counties with fewer than five observations).
Of the 237 counties, 84 have median
groundwater fluoride concentrations
exceeding 1 mg/L; of these, 25 counties
exceed 2 mg/L and five exceed 4 mg/L.
Residents in these areas (or similar areas in
other States) who use groundwater from
private wells are likely to exceed current
guidelines for fluoride intake.
(Id. at 25–26).
E. The Objectors’ Objections and
Hearing Requests
1. Procedural history. The Objectors
have filed several sets of objections and
hearing requests on the 2004 and 2005
tolerance actions as a result of various
preliminary responses by EPA to FAN’s
requests for hearing. As noted, the
Objectors filed objections and hearing
requests on March 23, 2004, as to the
2004 tolerance action. On June 4, 2005,
EPA responded by letter to the
Objectors’ hearing request noting
numerous potential flaws in the request
and giving the Objectors 90 days to
respond to the issues raised. On July 15,
2005, EPA issued additional tolerances
for sulfuryl fluoride/fluoride and on
September 13, 2005, the Objectors
submitted objections and hearing
requests as to these tolerances. Then, on
December 16, 2005, Objectors submitted
a revised set of objections and hearing
requests in response to EPA’s earlier
letter. EPA responded to the December
16, 2005 filing on February 13, 2006,
seeking further clarification on several
issues and giving the Objectors 90 days
to respond. On November 6, 2006, the
Objectors filed a second set of revised
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objections and hearing requests that
consolidated their objections to both the
2004 and 2005 tolerance actions. (Ref.
The Objectors have made two
additional filings with EPA. First, on
June 1, 2006, the Objectors filed with
EPA a motion for a stay of 2004 and
2005 tolerance actions. (Ref. 2). This
stay request was largely in response to
the NRC Report on fluoride. Second, in
February 2009, the Objectors filed a
collection of 18 studies addressing
potential effects of fluoride exposure on
IQ levels in children. (Ref. 18).
2. Consolidated objections and
hearing requests. The Objectors’
consolidated objections and hearing
requests filed in November, 2006, raise
six main arguments:
• The fluoride MCLG is not protective
of the effects of fluoride on teeth and
• The fluoride MCLG is not protective
of other neurotoxic, endocrine, and
renal effects of fluoride;
• EPA has not adequately protected
• EPA cannot determine the safety of
sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride in the
absence of a developmental
neurotoxicity study;
• EPA has underestimated exposure
to fluoride; and
• EPA has committed procedural
errors in violation of the Administrative
Procedures Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 551 et
The Objectors argue that the 4 mg/L
MCLG for fluoride does not provide
adequate protection against severe
dental fluorosis, pre-crippling skeletal
fluorosis, and increased risk of bone
fractures. The Objectors cite to
government and literature studies
documenting the significant
consequences from severe dental
fluorosis: ‘‘The enamel of the teeth
become so porous that the teeth are
‘prone to fracture and wear’ (ATSDR
2003), ‘subject to extensive mechanical
breakdown of the surface’ (Aoba &
Fejerskov 2002), with a ‘friable enamel
that can result in loss of dental function’
(Burt & Eklund 1999).’’ (Ref. 3 at 16). On
pre-crippling skeletal fluorosis, the
Objectors assert that pre-crippling
skeletal fluorosis can be a painful
condition for some people. (Id. at 19).
Finally, the Objectors cite to many
studies on the risk of increased bone
fractures from fluoride exposure that
allegedly show that these increased
risks occur at fluoride exposure levels
lower than those in communities with
drinking water levels of 4 mg/L. (Id. at
The Objectors also argue that the 4
mg/L MCLG for fluoride does not
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
protect against fluoride’s effects on the
brain, the endocrine system, and the
kidneys. The Objectors cited a study in
rats allegedly showing brain damage at
a fluoride exposure level in water of 1
ppm [1 mg/L] and epidemiological
studies showing reductions in IQ levels
in children at a fluoride exposure level
of 0.9 ppm [0.9 mg/L] in iodinedeficient areas and 1.8 ppm [1.8 mg/L]
in areas with sufficient iodine in the
diet. (Id. at 25–26). As to the endocrine
system, the Objectors reference the NRC
Report’s conclusion that fluoride is an
‘‘endocrine disruptor’’ and argue that
fluoride can have adverse effects on
insulin secretion and on the thyroid. (Id.
at 31–35). The Objectors argue that
fluoride can affect insulin secretion
where drinking water contains 4 mg/L
or less of fluoride, (Id. at 33), and that
NRC has concluded that thyroid effects
can occur at exposure levels as low as
0.01–0.03 mg/kg/day for iodinedeficient humans, (Id. at 35). As to the
kidneys, the Objectors claim that data
show that adverse effects can occur
when exposure levels in water are at the
1 and 2 mg/L level. (Id. at 38–39).
With regard to the safety of children,
the Objectors assert that EPA, without
basis or explanation, has applied a
significantly less protective RfD to
infants and children than the RfD
applicable to adults. The Objectors note
that prior to the promulgation of the
2004 fluoride tolerances EPA had
utilized a RfD of 0.114 mg/kg/day for all
population age groups. (Id. at 59). The
Objectors point out, however, that, in
both the 2004 and 2005 tolerance
actions, EPA increased the RfD for
several of the infant and children age
groups to levels that are allegedly as
much as 10 times higher than the RfD
for adults. This higher RfD for infants
and children, the Objectors argue, is
inconsistent with the statutory
requirement for providing an additional
margin of safety for infants and
children, the basic toxicological
principle that bodyweight affects the
impact of a chemical, data showing
adverse effects at levels below the RfD
levels, and data showing that children’s
bones are more sensitive to fluoride
than adult’s bones. (Id. at 58–67).
Further, the Objectors assert that EPA
failed to take into account, in its
decision on the safety of fluoride to
infants and children, the uncertainty in
the database concerning fluoride’s
neurotoxic effects, and fluoride’s effects
on the endocrine system. (Id. at 68–70).
A developmental neurotoxicity study
on sulfuryl fluoride, the Objectors
claim, is critical to understanding the
potential harmful effects of sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride. They argue that
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EPA’s reasons for waiving the study lack
merit and that a developmental
neurotoxicity study is mandated given
NRC’s conclusion that fluoride is
neurotoxic and that effects on the brain,
including rare and severe effects, were
seen in animal studies with sulfuryl
fluoride. (Id. at 72–79).
Turning to human exposure to
fluoride, the Objectors argue that EPA
has underestimated fluoride exposure
and corrected fluoride values show that
some people are exposed to unsafe
levels of fluoride. The Objectors claim
EPA made numerous errors in
estimating fluoride exposure: (1) EPA
underestimated average fluoride levels
in water, (Id. at 81–82); (2) EPA
considered only average water and food
consumption levels instead of taking
into account the full range of
consumption amounts, (Id. at 82–84,
105–106); (3) EPA underestimated
fluoride exposures from toothpaste, (Id.
at 88–91); and (4) EPA had insufficient
data to estimate residues of fluoride on
food from fumigation with sulfuryl
fluoride (Id. at 106). The Objectors
contend that a risk assessment using
corrected exposure values will show
that hundreds of thousands of people
exceed the 0.114 mg/kg/day RfD and
that millions of people would exceed a
RfD set based on an endpoint of severe
dental fluorosis. (Id. at 86, 94–95).
Finally, the Objectors claim that EPA
has made several procedural errors that
violate the dictates of the APA. First, the
Objectors argue that EPA has
unreasonably delayed responding to
their objections and hearing requests
filed in March 2004. Second, the
Objectors argue that EPA erred by not
making its risk assessment available at
the time of issuance of the 2005
tolerance action. Third, EPA’s failure to
place all requested documents in the
record, according to the Objectors, has
thwarted full public participation.
Fourth, the Objectors assert it was a
procedural error for EPA to issue
sulfuryl fluoride tolerances without first
obtaining the advice of NRC.
The Objectors have also sought an
adjudicatory hearing on each of these
objections. In support of their hearing
request, the Objectors have submitted
all the data referenced in their
consolidated objections.
F. The Objectors’ Stay Request
On June 1, 2006, the Objectors filed a
motion with EPA seeking a stay of the
effectiveness of the 2004 and 2005 final
rules establishing sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances. A stay of the effectiveness of
these rules would essentially ban use of
sulfuryl fluoride because if the
tolerances are not effective then any
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sulfuryl fluoride or fluoride residue
remaining in treated foods would render
the food adulterated under FFDCA and
subject to seizure. This stay request
appears to have been triggered by the
March 2006 release of the NRC Report
on fluoride. (Ref. 2 at 4). The Objectors
argued they were entitled to a stay
because they had demonstrated (1) that
they were likely to prevail on the merits
of their objections; (2) the tolerances
posed an imminent, substantial and
irreparable harm; (3) no other parties
would be substantially harmed by a
stay; and (4) the public interest
supported a stay. (Id. at 2). EPA held a
30-day comment period on the stay
request. (71 FR 38125, July 5, 2006)
To support their likelihood of success
on the merits argument, the Objectors
make similar arguments to those
contained in their consolidated
objections. As to irreparable harm, the
Objectors cite to the NRC Report
claiming it linked fluoride not just to
adverse effects on bones and teeth but
also to interactive and synergistic toxic
effects with other chemicals, cancer,
and diabetes, as well as adverse effects
on the brain, thyroid, pineal gland,
kidney, liver, and the endocrine,
immune, gastrointestinal, and
reproduction systems. (Ref. 2 at 11, 13–
15). Further, the Objectors cite to the
‘‘high levels of fluoride from pesticides’’
arguing that ‘‘[a]s a result of these broadreaching, staggeringly high fluoride
tolerances, EPA’s own data show that
sulfuryl fluoride will become the second
largest daily source of fluoride in the
US.’’ (Id. at 3, 35). The Objectors assert
that other parties, including Dow
AgroSciences, will not be substantially
harmed ‘‘in view of the overwhelming
concern for public health at the heart of
the statute.’’ (Id. at 36). Finally, the
Objectors argue the public interest
favors a stay because a stay would
protect the public health. (Id. at 37).
G. Comments of Dow AgroSciences
Dow AgroSciences has filed two sets
of comments on these matters. First,
Dow AgroSciences filed comments on
the Objectors’ request for a stay of the
effectiveness of the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances during the public comment
period during mid-2006. (Ref. 19).
Second, in October 2006, Dow
AgroSciences submitted a memorandum
to EPA arguing that the Objectors’ were
not entitled to a hearing on their
objections. (Ref. 20).
1. Comments on stay request. In its
comments, Dow AgroSciences offered a
series of reasons as to why a stay was
not warranted. First, Dow AgroSciences
argues that EPA should follow the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
already-established process for how the
sulfuryl fluoride/fluoride tolerances
would be reviewed in light of the NRC
Report. This process, according to Dow
AgroSciences, involves an analysis of
the NRC Report by EPA’s OW followed
by a re-evaluation of the tolerances by
EPA’s OPP. (Ref. 19 at 6–7). Dow
AgroSciences asserts that ‘‘[a]bandoning
now a process established by the
Agency and relied upon by SF
registrants and the scientific community
would be arbitrary, unfair and
unwarranted.’’ (Id. at 7).
Second, Dow AgroSciences argues
that the stay request is delinquent
because it was not filed within 60 days
of issuance of the final tolerance
actions. (Id. at 8). Dow AgroSciences
bases this claim on the statutory
requirement that objections to a
tolerance must be filed within 60 days
of issuance.
Third, Dow AgroSciences claims that
a stay of the tolerance action is
inappropriate because the stay request
does not address ‘‘the underlying
ProFume registration under FIFRA
* * *.’’ (Id. at 10). According to Dow
AgroSciences, ‘‘[b]ypassing the hearing
rights and other procedural
requirements provided by FIFRA would
deny Dow AgroSciences and other
adversely affected parties their due
process rights under the U.S.
Constitution.’’ (Id. at 9).
Fourth, Dow AgroSciences argues that
the NRC Report only indicates a concern
for ‘‘that small, localized segment of the
population exposed to high natural
fluoride levels.’’ (Id. at 12). Such ‘‘an
exceedingly small, isolated number of
individuals,’’ Dow AgroSciences
contends, would not constitute a ‘‘major
identifiable’’ subgroup which is the
regulatory focus under FFDCA section
408. (Id.).
Fifth, Dow AgroSciences challenged
the Objectors’ claims that the NRC
Report showed that there is a safety
concern with fluoride. Dow
AgroSciences noted that as to many
potential health effects the NAS had
either concluded that no risks were
present from exposure in drinking water
at 4 mg/L or there was insufficient data
showing effects and more study was
necessary. (Id. at 14). With regard to
fluoride’s effects on the risk of bone
fractures, Dow AgroSciences argues that
EPA had previously dismissed the value
of two studies on which NRC relied and
implies that NRC did not give proper
weight to a recent study from the
University of Michigan. (Id. at 15–16).
Further, Dow AgroSciences claims that
NRC actually had little concern for a
potential link between fluoride and
stage II skeletal fluorosis. According to
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Dow AgroSciences, NRC emphasized
insufficiency of data on this effect and
merely called for more research. (Id. at
18). Finally, Dow AgroSciences
contends that NRC stepped beyond its
competence in offering advice on the
legal conclusion of whether severe
dental fluorosis is an adverse health
effect. (Id. at 19). Dow AgroSciences
notes that a prior NRC panel had
declined to make this ultimate
conclusion and that a prior court ruling
had indicated this was a question of
statutory interpretation under SDWA.
(Id. at 19–20). Switching tacks, Dow
AgroSciences then argues there is a
dispute within the scientific community
as to whether severe dental fluorosis is
an adverse effect. (Id. at 20).
Sixth, Dow AgroSciences argues that
EPA is not authorized to consider
exposure to fluoride from artificial
fluoridation of public water supplies in
evaluating the safety of the sulfuryl
fluoride/fluoride tolerances. (Id. at 21).
Although acknowledging that FFDCA
section 408 directs EPA to consider
‘‘aggregate exposure’’ to both pesticides
and other related substances, Dow
AgroSciences contends that ‘‘[i]t is
unnecessarily strained and
counterintuitive to set tolerances for
pesticides in or on food by looking at
the therapeutic use of chemically
related substances in humans.’’ (Id.). As
support for this proposition, Dow
AgroSciences asserts that the definition
of ‘‘pesticide chemical residue’’ limits
EPA to considering pesticide chemicals
and their degradates and metabolites.
Further, Dow AgroSciences claims that
the most plausible reading of the term
‘‘other related substances’’ is that this
term covers other related ‘‘pesticidal’’
substances. ( 22).
Finally, Dow AgroSciences claims
that EPA overestimated exposure to
fluoride from use of sulfuryl fluoride.
Specifically, Dow AgroSciences states
that its records show that sulfuryl
fluoride has been utilized less
extensively than EPA projected and at
lower rates than EPA expected. (Id. at
34–35). When more realistic values are
used in the exposure assessment, Dow
AgroSciences contends that fluoride
exposure from use of sulfuryl fluoride
declines by over 80%. (Id. at 35).
2. Comments on the hearing requests.
In a memorandum submitted to EPA in
October 2006, Dow AgroSciences
offered several reasons as to why the
Objectors were not entitled to a hearing
on their claims. First, Dow
AgroSciences argues that many of the
issues raised by the Objectors fail to
state a material issue of fact because
they are contingent in nature or
otherwise fail to raise a disputed matter.
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(Ref. 20 at 9). Second, Dow
AgroSciences claims that a number of
the Objectors’ issues dispute science
policy determinations by EPA and thus
do not constitute a matter of fact to be
resolved at a hearing. (Id. at 11). For
example, Dow AgroSciences identifies
EPA conclusions regarding issues such
as what constitutes a ‘‘conservative
assumption,’’ a ‘‘significant
subpopulation,’’ or an ‘‘adverse health
effect’’ as decisions based on policy, as
opposed to factual, reasons. Third, Dow
AgroSciences asserts that the Objectors’
claim of procedural errors by EPA is a
legal issue not appropriate for a hearing.
Fourth, Dow AgroSciences argues that
many of the Objectors’ claims are ‘‘no
more than mere disagreements with
Agency determinations made in earlier
stages of the rulemaking process.’’ (Id. at
12–13). According to Dow
In many instances, Objectors support their
issues by citing to studies that have already
been reviewed by EPA and have, either
expressly or effectively, been found
scientifically inadequate, procedurally
flawed, or lacking in the requisite amount of
empirical support. Objectors cite to these
studies in spite of the clear edict that ‘‘[m]ere
differences in the weight or credence given
to particular scientific studies * * * are
insufficient’’ to prompt EPA to hold a
hearing. [citation omitted]. Clearly, Objectors
disagree with EPA’s interpretations of these
studies, but such disagreement is irrelevant
in the Agency’s decision to grant a hearing
on the objections submitted.
(Id. at 13).
Fifth, Dow AgroSciences contends
that the Objectors have not submitted
sufficient evidence in support of their
claims based on Dow AgroSciences’
conclusion that the NRC Report, upon
which the Objectors rely, does not in
fact substantiate the Objectors’ position.
(Id.) Finally, even where the NRC
Report does support the Objectors’
claims, Dow AgroSciences asserts that a
hearing is not appropriate because the
NRC Report was performed under the
aegis of SDWA to review the fluoride
MCLG and SMCL and not the sulfuryl
fluoride/fluoride tolerances and because
the NRC Report did not generate new
data but simply reviewed studies
already examined by EPA. (Id. at 17–
18). Dow AgroSciences concludes that
the ‘‘NRC’s differences in opinion on the
three issues detailed below [bone
fracture, skeletal fluorosis, severe dental
fluorosis] are just that—mere differences
of opinion—and should be evaluated as
such.’’ (Id. at 18).
V. EPA’s Proposed Response to the
EPA is proposing to grant the
objections to the establishment of the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
sulfuryl fluoride/fluoride tolerances
based on EPA’s agreement with the
Objectors that (1) fluoride risks should
be assessed based upon a more sensitive
endpoint than crippling skeletal
fluorosis; and (2) assessing fluoride risks
on a more sensitive endpoint shows that
aggregate exposure to fluoride for major
identifiable subgroups does not meet the
safety standard in FFDCA section 408.
In reaching this conclusion, EPA has
taken into account, in addition to the
arguments and data submitted by the
Objectors, the 2006 NRC Report on
fluoride, the detailed analysis of that
Report and followup peer-reviewed
assessment of fluoride by EPA’s OW,
and a revised risk assessment of fluoride
performed by EPA’s OPP in light of the
NRC Report, and usage information
submitted by Dow AgroSciences. (All of
these materials have been included in
the docket for this action.). The
conclusions of the NRC Report are
described in Unit IV.D. In Units V.A.
and V.B., EPA summarizes OW’s
reassessment of fluoride risk undertaken
on the recommendation of NRC, OPP’s
revised fluoride risk assessment, and
sets forth EPA’s proposed findings on
the safety of the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances. Unit V.C. addresses
comments from Dow AgroSciences
pertaining to the safety of fluoride, and
in particular, the conclusions of the
NRC Report on fluoride safety. EPA is
inviting public comment on all aspects
of this proposal, including the
underlying scientific documents
discussed in Units V.A and V.B.
A. OW’s Reassessment of Fluoride Risk
One of the principal conclusions of
the NRC Report was that EPA ‘‘should
update the risk assessment of fluoride to
include new data on health risks and
better estimates of total exposure
(relative source contribution) in
individuals and to use current
approaches to quantifying risk,
considering susceptible subpopulations,
and characterizing uncertainties and
variability.’’ (Ref. 17 at 352). As the NRC
Report was prepared in the context of
evaluating the fluoride MCLG and
SMCL for drinking water, EPA’s OW
took the lead in preparing this revised
fluoride risk assessment. OW’s risk
assessment was broken into two parts:
(1) A dose-response analysis directed at
establishing a RfD for fluoride; and (2)
an exposure and relative source
contribution analysis that catalogued
and estimated the various sources of
fluoride exposure and characterized the
risk of that exposure. EPA’s OPP
contributed information on exposure to
fluoride from use of the pesticides
sulfuryl fluoride and cryolite (which
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also breaks down to fluoride). Both parts
of the OW risk assessment were
subjected to an external peer review by
scientific experts.
1. Dose-response analysis. OW’s doseresponse analysis focused on
‘‘examining available dose-response data
for the critical noncancer effects of
fluoride on teeth and bone identified by
NRC (2006) as adverse health effects.’’
(Ref. 21 at 1). For the most part, OW
relied on the extensive database of
epidemiological studies evaluating the
relationship between the level of
fluoride in drinking water and severe
dental fluorosis, dental caries, and stage
II skeletal fluorosis. OW noted a
preference for older studies because
determination of fluoride exposure
levels in more recent studies is made
more difficult by ‘‘the widespread use of
fluoride-containing dentifrices and
mouth rinses, the use of fluoride
supplements in early childhood, and the
potential presence of fluoride in
processed foods and beverages (a result
of the use of fluoridated water in the
preparation of these products).’’ (Id. at
a. Dental fluorosis. OW reviewed
dozens of epidemiological studies
bearing on the relationship of fluoride
exposure to severe dental fluorosis. OW
concluded that these studies supported
the NRC Report conclusion that ‘‘the
weight of evidence indicates that the
threshold for severe dental fluorosis
occurs at a water fluoride level of about
2 mg/L.’’ (Id. at 35). OW also concluded
that one study in particular, Dean
(1942), provided the best data set for
conducting a dose-response analysis.
(Id.). In reaching this conclusion, OW
undertook a detailed examination of the
strengths and weaknesses of the study.
OW summarized the strengths as
[The study was selected] due to its large
size and geographic scale (22 U.S.
communities in 10 States; 5824 children),
range of fluoride concentrations evaluated
(from 0.0 to 14.1 mg/L), and selection of an
appropriate age class (school children
primarily between the ages of 9 and 14; an
age class in which a very high percentage of
permanent teeth have erupted). In addition,
every tooth per subject was examined using
the same scoring protocol, and the
community water supplies were tested for
fluoride content by the same chemist. This
dataset is sufficiently large and robust to
support statistical analysis, the protocol is
sound, and there were few alternate sources
of commercially available fluoride (e.g.,
mouthwash, detrifrice, etc.) or fluoridated
community water supplies to confound the
dental fluorosis data collected by Dean (1942)
at the time this study was conducted (late
1930’s and early 1940’s).
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(Id. at 92) (citations and internal crossreferences omitted). Study weaknesses,
identified by OW, included the lack of
data on water intake amounts and
fluoride exposure from food and the fact
that the analytical method used for
measuring fluoride was not as sensitive
to fluoride and free from sensitivity to
interfering substances as current
fluoride methods. (Id. at 12–13).
Additionally, although the time period
of the study (late 1930’s through early
1940’s) makes assessing fluoride
exposure levels relatively easier than it
is today, the time period also raises
uncertainties due to differences between
the late 1930’s/early 1940’s and today
with regard to ‘‘dental hygiene, dietary
intakes, body weights and puberty/
hormonal condition (e.g., age of
menarche).’’ (Id. at 13). OW concluded
that the lack of information relating to
exposure from food and water could be
overcome, to a large extent, by other
data. (Id. at 103–105; Appendix C). As
to the analytical method, OW found that
it was ‘‘sensitive to small increments of
fluoride over a range of 0.0 ppm to 3.0
ppm, the critical range for assessing the
threshold for severe [dental] fluorosis.
* * * ’’ (Id. at 13). A full discussion of
the study can be found in the OW’s
dose-response report. (Id. at 10–13, 87–
94, 103–107).
OW also reviewed a smaller set of
studies examining the relationship
between dental fluorosis and dental
caries and the relationship between
fluoride levels in drinking water and
dental caries. These data were examined
to assess whether ‘‘[t]he relationship
between caries and fluoride exposure
displays the U-shaped dose-response
that characterizes many nutrients where
there are adverse effects with intakes
that are below those that confer a benefit
and adverse effects with intakes that are
greater than those with benefit.’’ (Id. at
37). After closely examining all of the
data, OW concluded:
Although the data are supportive of NRC
(2006) conclusions regarding enamel pitting
they are moderately rather than strongly
consistent with the hypothesis that the
pitting of the enamel leads to an increased
risk for caries. Socioeconomic status,
availability of dental care, and personal
dental hygiene habits are likely to confound
the results from individual studies of the
caries relationship. For this reason, OW has
selected the pitting of the dental enamel as
the critical effect for the dose-response
analysis. EPA finding on the caries
association is consistent with NRC (2006)
that the ‘‘available evidence is mixed but
generally supportive’’.
(Id. at 64).
b. Skeletal fluorosis. After reviewing
the limited data available on the
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
relationship between fluoride exposure
and stage II skeletal fluorosis, OW
concluded that ‘‘the currently available
data are not sufficiently robust to
support a dose-response analysis of the
effects of fluoride in drinking water on
the skeletal fluorosis.’’ (Id. at 84).
Specifically, OW found that the limited
data ‘‘suggested that a daily fluoride
dose in excess of 10 mg may be required
to produce signs of stage II skeletal
fluorosis (except possibly in the case of
individuals with renal disease).’’ (Id. at
83). OW also noted that the NRC Report
called attention to the fact that a
drinking water fluoride level of 4 mg/L
can result in bone fluoride levels similar
to those associated with stage II or III
skeletal fluorosis; however, OW
concluded that ‘‘because of
inconsistencies in the entire data set, it
is unlikely that bone fluoride
concentration can be used in a doseresponse analysis of skeletal fluorosis.’’
(Id. at 65).
c. Bone fractures. OW found that
more data were available on fluoride’s
potential effect on bone fractures than
skeletal fluorosis. OW concluded that
these data (1) ‘‘in general, support the
conclusions of NRC that relative risk of
fracture increases with increasing
fluoride concentration * * *.’’ (Id. at
84); and (2) ‘‘indicate[ ] that exposure
to concentrations of fluoride in drinking
water of 4 mg/L and above is suggestive
of and appears to be positively
associated with increased relative risk of
bone fractures in susceptible
populations when compared to
populations exposed to 1 mg F/L.’’ (Id.
at 86). Nonetheless, OW also
determined that ‘‘there is no clear
evidence that fluoride will cause * * *
bone fractures at levels as low as those
associated with severe dental fluorosis.’’
(Id. at 86). In a parallel to fluoride’s
effect on the frequency of dental caries,
OW noted that there are some data
suggesting that there is a U-shaped doseresponse curve for fluoride’s effect on
the risk of bone fracture. Agreeing with
the NRC Report, OW stated that fluoride
in drinking water at 1 mg/L may result
in a reduction of bone fractures
compared to either higher or lower
fluoride exposures. (Id. at 84).
d. Quantification of dose response.
OW’s examination of the data on severe
dental fluorosis, stage II skeletal
fluorosis, and bone fractures led it to
conclude that severe dental fluorosis
was the adverse effect due to fluoride
exposure likely to occur at the lowest
exposure level. (Id. at 87). As indicated
previously, OW also identified the 1942
Dean study as presenting the most
useful data for conducting a doseresponse assessment. (Id.). To confirm
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the appropriateness of using the data
from the Dean study for a dose-response
analysis, OW analyzed the data under a
statistical procedure known as
categorical analysis. That analysis
showed that ‘‘fluoride concentration in
this dataset is significantly and
positively associated with severity of
effect (c2 = 1101.86, p <0.0001).’’ (Id. at
89). OW then used the Benchmark Dose
approach to compute a benchmark dose
(BMD) and a benchmark dose
confidence limit (BMDL) for severe
dental fluorosis at various severe dental
fluorosis response rates. The lowest
response rate of severe dental fluorosis
within the range of probability that the
dataset could support was severe dental
fluorosis affecting at least 0.5% of the
population exposed to fluoride at a
particular level in drinking water. (Id. at
90–91). At a severe dental fluorosis
response rate of 0.5%, the BMD for the
concentration of fluoride in drinking
water was 2.14 mg/L and the BMDL was
1.87 mg/L. OW ran various sensitivity
analyses to confirm these results
including comparing them to the
NOAEL/LOAEL approach. These
analyses supported the use of the BMDL
from the Dean study data.
To establish a RfD, it was necessary to
convert the 1.87 mg/L fluoride
concentration in drinking water into an
exposure value in terms of milligram of
exposure per kilogram of body weight
per day (mg/kg/day) and to take into
account any other sources of fluoride
exposure (also in terms of mg/kg/day).
Because the Dean study did not record
drinking water intakes or body weight,
OW converted the 1.87 mg/L level using
more recent data on drinking water
intake and body weight. OW calculated
exposure values from consumption of
drinking water containing 1.87 mg/L for
different age groups of children and at
different levels of water intake within
those age groups. After examining the
range of values produced by this
exercise, OW chose the value of 0.07
mg/kg/day as the contribution of
drinking water to the fluoride RfD at the
time of the Dean (1942) study (values
ranged from 0.04 mg/kg/day to 0.19 mg/
kg/day). That value was chosen because
it was the most protective value
assuming average water intake that
provided some margin of safety above
the IOM’s minimum adequate intake
level for fluoride of 0.05 mg/kg/day. (Id.
at 101–102). OW concluded that the
only other meaningful fluoride exposure
at the time of the Dean study was from
fluoride in food and OW estimated that
exposure level to be 0.01 mg/kg/day
based on data collected in the same time
period of the Dean study. (Id. at 104).
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Combining these two values yields 0.08
mg/kg/day. Because the 0.08 mg/kg/day
value only marginally exceeds the
adequate intake value of fluoride and
the value was primarily derived from a
human study with a large sample size,
OW determined that no safety or
uncertainty factors were needed in
computing the RfD for fluoride. (Id. at
105–106) Thus, 0.08 mg/kg/day was
chosen as the fluoride RfD. Although
the RfD is based on the endpoint of
severe dental fluorosis in children, OW
concluded that ‘‘the RfD is applicable to
the entire population since it is
protective for the endpoints of severe
fluorosis of primary teeth, skeletal
fluorosis and increased risk of bone
fractures in adults.’’ (Id. at 107).
OW described its confidence in the
RfD as ‘‘medium.’’ (Id.). OW’s degree of
confidence turned on its analysis of the
data in the Dean study. On one hand,
OW noted that the Dean study was:
• Internally consistent as evidenced
by the BMD stability when end points
at the high and low end of the curve
were removed,
• Supported by later studies on some
of the same water sources showing
similar concentrations,
• Used average concentration values
from 12 consecutive months for all but
the three systems with the highest
prevalence of severe dental fluorosis,
thereby compensating for potential
individual and seasonal variation,
• Based on water quality data from
the same time period, and not likely to
have been compromised by high levels
of interfering substances.
(Id. at 106–107) On the other hand, OW
found that some uncertainty flowed
from its reliance on the Dean study
because of the difficulties encountered
in converting the concentrationresponse data to dose estimates for the
RfD derivation. (Id. at 107).
2. Exposure assessment. In evaluating
exposure to fluoride, OW focused on the
following potentially significant
• Drinking water from public
drinking water systems;
• Solid foods and beverages such as
milk and juices not from concentrate;
• Residues from the use of sulfuryl
• Beverages prepared with
commercial water which in some cases
may have been fluoridated;
• Infant formula made from
powdered concentrate;
• Toothpaste; and
• Incidentally ingested soil.
OW determined fluoride exposure from
ambient air, dietary supplements, dental
treatments, and pharmaceuticals was
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
minimal or too episodic to be of
consideration for assessing long-term
exposure. (Ref. 22).
OW evaluated fluoride levels in
drinking water based on the largest and
most comprehensive set of drinking
water compliance monitoring data ever
compiled and analyzed by the Agency.
The data include records from
approximately 136,000 public drinking
water systems, many of which include
reports of fluoride concentrations. The
data span 8 years (1998–2005), with up
to quarterly sample analysis for fluoride,
depending on the system and reporting
requirements. This amounts to
approximately 7,000 to 12,000 quarterly
samples depicting fluoride residues.
There was an increase in the number of
States reporting for the subset of data
from 2002–2005; therefore, OW focused
on those data when estimating exposure
to fluoride from drinking water. For that
time period, the average of the quarterly
means is 0.87 ppm and the average for
the quarterly 90th percentile values is
1.43 ppm. OW has also sub-sampled the
monitoring data to focus on systems that
had at least one detection equal to or
greater than 2 ppm fluoride. Those
systems represent 4.6 to 8.3% of the
reporting systems, annually, during the
2002–2005 time frame and, over the
4-year reporting period, served
approximately 10 million people. For
water consumption information, OW
relied on data from the CSFII for those
consumers reporting consumption of
drinking water. OW estimated fluoride
exposure amounts for mean and 90th
percentile consumers of drinking water
from public systems considering both
mean and 90th percentile fluoride
levels. These values ranged from 0.26
mg/day for infants (mean consumption
(all consumers), mean fluoride value) to
1.99 mg/day for adults (90th percentile
consumption (consumers-only and
mean fluoride level . (Ref. at 68–69,
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Tables 3–5 and 3–6). For 90th percentile
consumers consuming mean fluoride
levels, the values ranged from 0.63 mg/
day for children 1 to 3 years old to 1.74
mg/day for adults. (Id. at 94, Table 6–
For exposure to fluoride from food,
milk, and non-concentrated juices, OW
relied on market basket data, dietary
surveys, and national food consumption
data, for various age groups. OW
estimated that fluoride exposure from
these sources ranged from 0.25 mg/day
for infants to 0.47 mg/day for teenagers.
(Id. at 90, Table 6–1).
Fluoride exposure from residues of
sulfuryl fluoride in food was estimated
by OPP based on usage data and residue
data relevant to both sulfuryl fluoride’s
use as a direct commodity fumigant and
as a structural fumigant. Estimated
exposure values ranged from 0.03 mg/
day for infants to 0.09 mg/day for
children 7 to 10 years old. (Id. at 96,
Table 6–5).
OW estimated fluoride exposure from
beverages other than milk and nonconcentrated juices from various studies
and national consumption data, where
appropriate. Fluoride exposure levels
from beverages ranged from 0.36 mg/day
for 1–<4 year olds to 0.60 mg/day for 7
to 11 year olds. (Id. at 92, Table 6–2).
Fluoride exposure from toothpaste
was estimated by OW using studies that
measure fluoride intake by subtracting
the amount of toothpaste left on the
toothbrush after brushing and the
amount expectorated from the amount
initially placed on the toothbrush. OW
found a high level of uncertainty with
these data because ‘‘the confidence
bounds around the mean values are
indicative of high inter-individual
variability,’’ and because the studies
were conducted not long after release of
FDA recommendations ‘‘for children to
use only a pea-sized amount of
toothpaste when brushing.’’ (Id. at 94).
OW also relied on data showing that
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generally young children only brushed
their teeth once per day. Toothpaste
label directions send different signals on
this point, both recommending for
children 2 years of age and older that
teeth should be brushed ‘‘preferably
after each meal or at least twice a day’’
and stating that for younger children a
dentist or doctor should be consulted.
21 CFR 355.50(d)(1). Estimated fluoride
exposure values ranged from 0.07 mg/
day for 0.5 to 1 year olds to 0.34 mg/
day for 1 to 4 year olds. (Id. at 94, Table
OW concluded that other sources of
fluoride exposure (e.g., air, dental
treatments) were insignificant with the
exception of exposure to children
through consumption of soil. Fluoride
concentrations in the soil in the United
States range from less than 10 ppm to
70,000 ppm, with mean or typical levels
in the 300–430 ppm range. (Id. at 86).
Assuming mean levels of fluoride in the
soil, OW estimated fluoride exposure for
children less than 1 year old to be 0.02
mg/day and for children in the 0–14 age
group to be 0.04 mg/day. (Id. at 95).
3. Risk characterization. In
characterizing the risk from fluoride for
the purpose of evaluating the fluoride
MCLG, OW compared the revised
fluoride RfD (0.08 mg/kg/day) to the
significant sources of fluoride exposure
described previously. OW used average
exposure values as to all sources of
exposure other than drinking water. For
drinking water, OW, examined several
different variations of concentration
level and consumption level, but
principally relied on the approach in
long-held OW policy in establishing
national drinking water standards that
recommends use of average fluoride
concentrations in water and 90th
percentile consumption levels. (Id. at
107–110). OW’s characterization of risk
using these assumptions is shown in
Figure 1.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
When examining Figure [1] it is important
to remember that the RfD represents an
exposure that is estimated to provide the
anticaries benefits from fluoride without
causing severe dental fluorosis in 99.5% of
the children who drink water with 0.87
mg/L F at a 90th percentile intake level and
have average intakes from other media during
the period of secondary tooth formation.
Based on the dose-response for severe dental
fluorosis in EPA (2010a) only 0.5% or fewer
of children consistently ingesting fluoride at
a level equivalent to the RfD for a several
month period would be at risk of
experiencing severe dental fluorosis in two or
more teeth.
(Id. at 104–105).
OW noted that the data show both
that fluoride exposure has increased
over time and that the incidence of all
types of dental fluorosis has also
increased. According to OW, ‘‘The
prevalence of dental fluorosis has
increased from 10–12% in the areas
with about 1 mg/L in drinking water at
the time of Dean to 23% in 1986/87 and
to 32% in the 1999–2002 NHANES
(Id. at 108) (citations omitted).
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OW summarized its overall
conclusions as follows:
• Some young children are being
exposed to fluoride up to about age 7 at
levels that increase the risk for severe
dental fluorosis.
• The contribution of residential tap
water to total ingested fluoride is lower
that it was in the past.
• Use of fluoridated water for
commercial beverage production has
likely resulted in increased dietary
fluoride in purchased beverages, adding
to the risk for over-exposure.
• The increase of fluoride in solid
foods because of fluoridated commercial
process water is more variable than that
for beverages.
• Incidental toothpaste ingestion is an
important source of fluoride exposure in
children up to about 4-years of age.
However, use of fluoridated toothpaste
is not recommended for children under
age 2 according to FDA guidance and
package labeling suggesting the need for
greater parental awareness of the FDA
(2009) recommendations.
• Ambient air, soils, and sulfuryl
fluoride residues in foods are minor
contributions to total fluoride exposure.
(Id. at 108–109).
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B. OPP’s Revised Fluoride Risk
In light of the revised fluoride risk
assessment by EPA’s OW, EPA’s OPP
has conducted a revised aggregate
assessment of fluoride exposure and risk
under FFDCA section 408. (Ref. 23).
EPA is inviting public comment on all
aspects of the revised aggregate
1. Hazard/dose-response assessment.
OPP agrees with OW’s choice of severe
dental fluorosis as the endpoint for
assessing chronic risk from fluoride
exposure. As noted, both OW and OPP
had treated several dental fluorosis as a
cosmetic effect and not an adverse
health effect. Following the NRC Report
and the re-examination of this issue by
both OW and OPP, EPA has concluded
that severe dental fluorosis is an adverse
effect due to the fact that the pitting it
causes in the permanent teeth is a
structural defect to the teeth. As OW’s
analysis explains:
Pitting of the enamel is a structural defect
that weakens the barrier between the oral
environment and the dentin of the teeth. It
is progressive in that the enamel can flake off
from the sides of the pits allowing them to
become progressively larger. Furthermore,
the dentin of teeth with severe dental
(Id. at 105, Figure 8–1).
OW explained the meaning of Figure
1 in the following manner:
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
fluorosis is hypomineralized and structurally
variant increasing the importance of the
enamel’s protective function.
(Ref. 21 at 64) (citations omitted).
OPP also agrees with OW’s choice of
0.08 mg/kg/day as a NOAEL for severe
dental fluorosis relying on the Dean
study, and the use of that value as a
Point of Departure for calculating the
RfD. Further, OPP concurs that neither
an inter- or intra-species safety factor
should be used in the RfD calculation.
An inter-species factor is unnecessary
because the endpoint is from a human
epidemiological study; an intra-species
factor is not needed given the
extensiveness of the data and the fact
that it studied the subpopulations of
concern, children of different ages.
Given these findings, OPP concludes
that the Objectors were correct in
contesting the reliance on the endpoint
of crippling skeletal fluorosis to set a
RfD for fluoride. OPP agrees that the RfD
should be based on a more sensitive
endpoint—severe dental fluorosis. It
follows that the Objectors were also
correct to object to use of childrenspecific RfD values based on the
endpoint of crippling skeletal fluorosis.
A RfD based on the Dean study is
appropriate for children, however,
because such a RfD is derived from data
on the effects of fluoride on children.
2. Exposure assessment. OPP’s
revised exposure analysis depends
heavily on OW’s Relative Source
Contribution Analysis. A brief
description of how that data and
analysis have been incorporated into a
FFDCA section 408 risk assessment is
provided in the following sections.
a. Fluoride from sulfuryl fluoride. In
the exposure assessments for the 2004
and 2005 tolerance actions, EPA
conducted a somewhat refined exposure
assessment of fluoride exposure in food
from use of sulfuryl fluoride as both a
commodity fumigant and as a structural
fumigant for food handling facilities.
Taking into account comments OPP has
received from Dow AgroSciences, OPP
has further refined this aspect of the
exposure assessment. (Ref. 24). The
three main refinements are:
(1) OPP used a regression analysis to
estimate residue values of fluoride in
food that occur from actual use rates
rather than assuming residue values as
measured under maximum application
(2) OPP used a probabilistic analysis
to estimate residues resulting from
possible sequential treatment of food
(e.g., fumigation of raw commodity,
incidental treatment during fumigation
of structure, fumigation of the processed
commodity) rather than conservatively
assuming that 100% of food was
sequentially treated; and
(3) OPP used more extensive data on
the percent of food treated with sulfuryl
fluoride. EPA used methyl bromide
usage as the basis for estimating the
percent usage of sulfuryl fluoride
because sulfuryl fluoride was
introduced as a replacement for methyl
bromide. The refinements to this aspect
of the exposure assessment result in a
reduction of estimated exposure values
to fluoride from sulfuryl fluoride use of
roughly an order of magnitude.
Consistent with its well-established
practice for chronic exposure
assessments, OPP assessed exposure to
fluoride residues in food based on
average residue values and average food
consumption values. Given the national
food distribution patterns in the United
States, exposure to foods with different
residue levels average out over time.
Further, because different people eat
different foods in different amounts, it
would dramatically overstate exposure
to assume that a single person
consumed all foods at a high end
consumption value. The revised
exposure values for fluoride from
sulfuryl fluoride are presented in Table
Average estimated exposure
Age range, years
SF structural a
0.5–<1 ............................
1–<4 ...............................
4–<7 ...............................
7–<11 .............................
11–<14 ...........................
14+ .................................
a Reflecting
b Reflecting
SF structural a
SF food b
residues resulting from fumigation of structures that may contain human food products.
residues resulting from intentional fumigation of human foods.
(Ref. 23 at 10, Table 1).
b. Fluoride from cryolite. Previously,
OPP estimated fluoride exposure from
use of the pesticide cryolite using
residue data from cyrolite field trials
and data on the percent of food treated
with cryolite. Since cryolite has been in
use for years, cryolite residues in food
are captured by the monitoring data OW
collected on fluoride data in food
generally. As discussed in the next
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SF food b
Average estimated exposure
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section, OPP is using this monitoring
data in its exposure assessment and thus
a separate assessment of fluoride from
cryolite would result in doublecounting.
c. Fluoride in food and beverages.
OPP is relying on the comprehensive
OW analysis of the extensive fluoride
monitoring data in published literature
in estimating fluoride exposure from
foods and beverages. The food
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monitoring data predates sulfuryl
fluoride use and thus does not capture
those residue levels. Consistent with
how it conducts chronic exposure
assessments for pesticide residues in
food, OPP has used central-tendency
values in estimating exposure. Exposure
estimates for fluoride from background
levels in food (including cryolite
residues) and in prepared beverages are
presented in Table 2.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Age range, years
Estimated fluoride exposure
Body weight,
Solid food *
0.5–<1 ......................
1–<4 .........................
4–<7 .........................
7–<11 .......................
11–<14 .....................
14+ ...........................
Estimated fluoride exposure
Solid food *
* Solid food includes milk as well as fruit and vegetable juices not made from concentrate. These are not categorized as beverages in the FDA
Total Diet Study (Egan et al., 2007). For the age range 0.5–<1 year, all fluoride was considered to be from powdered formula and falls into the
food category.
(Ref. 23 at 15, Table 6).
d. Fluoride from public drinking water
systems. People are exposed to fluoride
from public drinking water both by
direct consumption of the water and
from indirect consumption of the water
after its use in the preparation of foods
and beverages in the home. References
in this section to drinking water
exposure are intended to capture both of
these types of exposure. Exposure to
fluoride from water containing fluoride
residues that is used in the commercial
preparation of food and beverages is
accounted for in the estimates of
fluoride in food and beverages. (See
Unit V.B.2.c). To estimate exposure,
OPP has coupled average, per-capita
consumption from the CSFII with the
fluoride concentrations for the water
systems described previously. The CSFII
consumption estimates include drinking
water (direct water) and water used for
in-home preparation of foods and
beverages (indirect water).
In the earlier exposure assessments,
OPP assumed that fluoride in drinking
water was present at 2 mg/L. Extensive
monitoring data on fluoride levels in
drinking water, however, have now
been collected and analyzed by OW in
conducting its Relative Source Analysis
in response to the NRC Report. OPP has
relied on these data in estimating
exposure. (Ref. 23 at 10–15).
Generally, OPP estimates pesticide
exposure from drinking water by
focusing on watersheds that are likely to
have high end residue levels. This
approach is based on several factors.
First, pesticide residues in watersheds
can have widely different values based
on their regional relationship with
agricultural areas and environmental
factors (e.g., soil type, rainfall amount).
Second, consumption of drinking water,
unlike food, is mainly a local
phenomenon—i.e., tap water is not an
amalgam from drinking water systems
around the country. Thus, focusing on
watersheds with high-end residue levels
is critical to fulfilling EPA’s statutory
obligation to consider aggregate
exposure to ‘‘major identifiable
subgroups of consumers * * *.’’ (21
U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(D)(vi)). Accordingly,
in the first instance, OPP has used OW’s
drinking water monitoring data to
identify drinking water systems with
high-end fluoride levels. OPP has
focused on water systems that have had
at least one measured fluoride value of
greater than 2 mg/L, at least one
measured value of greater than 3 mg/L,
and at least one measured value of
greater than 4 mg/L. These groupings of
water systems were used because of the
significant population groups served by
these systems—from well over 1 million
to roughly 10 million. OPP believes it is
reasonable to use average monitoring
values from these groups of water
systems because of the relative stability
of fluoride levels in water. Importantly,
these average values bracket OPP’s prior
assumption of 2 mg/L with the average
values ranging from 1.76 mg/L to 2.58
Given the unusual circumstances of
fluoride—not only are there multiple
sources in addition to pesticidal sources
but several sources are the result of
intentional actions designed to result in
wide-spread national exposure—OPP
believes that OW’s approach to
assessing fluoride exposure in its
Relative Source Analysis under SDWA
has relevance to its aggregate exposure
analysis under FFDCA section 408.
OW’s Relative Source Analysis focuses
on high-end water consumers who are
exposed to average exposures calculated
on a national basis. Because the
population concerned here is so large,
roughly 300 million people, even
looking at high-end consumers (OW’s
traditional approach is to use the 90th
percentile) represents consideration of a
large population subgroup.
Table 3 provides exposure estimates
for fluoride in drinking water from both
OPP and OW approaches.
Fluoride concentration in drinking water (mg/L); consumption percentile
Age range, years
0.5–<1 ..........................................................................................
1–<4 .............................................................................................
4–<7 .............................................................................................
7–<11 ...........................................................................................
11–<14 .........................................................................................
14+ ...............................................................................................
1 Includes drinking water as well as water for in-home preparation of foods and beverages. Estimates are based on 90th percentile consumer
only or average per capita consumption, as indicated, and do not include fluoride from toothpaste, from soil, or from sulfuryl fluoride.
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(Ref. 23 at 11, Table 3; 14, Table 5).
e. Fluoride from toothpaste. OW has
comprehensively reanalyzed the data on
fluoride exposure from toothpaste
taking into consideration all available
studies. The results of that analysis are
presented in Table 4.
Estimated fluoride exposure
Estimated fluoride exposure
Age range, years
1 brushing
per day
0.5¥<1 ............................................................................................
1¥<4 ...............................................................................................
4¥<7 ...............................................................................................
7¥<11 .............................................................................................
11¥<14 ...........................................................................................
14+* ..................................................................................................
2 brushings
per day
1 brushing
per day
2 brushings
per day
* No data were available for this age group. The exposure estimate is one half that of the 11 to 14 year group.
(Ref. 23 at 16, Table 7).
OW was also able to identify limited
data on the frequency of teeth brushing
by children. Those data are presented in
Table 5.
Percentages *
Age (years)
1 time/day
Simard et al., 1989 ..............................................................................
Simard et al., 1991 ..............................................................................
Levy et al., 1997 ..................................................................................
Franzman et al., 2006 ..........................................................................
2 to 5
1 to 2
2 times/day
3 times/day
* Some studies also reported those brushing their teeth less than once per day and more than three times per day. In these cases the percentages do not add up to 100%.
(Ref. 22 at 81, Table 4–10). Based on the
fact that a substantial portion of
children brush two or more times per
day and that brushing twice per day is
consistent with health care
recommendations, OPP is assuming two
brushings per day in its assessment.
f. Fluoride from soil. Young children
are exposed to fluoride from inadvertent
consumption of soil. OPP estimated
fluoride exposure from soil using
standard EPA estimates on soil
consumption and assuming average
fluoride residues in soil. These
estimates are presented in Table 6.
0.5–<1 .....
1–<4 ........
4–<7 ........
7–<11 ......
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Estimated fluoride exposure *
Estimated fluoride exposure *
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to the BMDL for severe dental fluorosis.
OW reasoned that uncertainty factors
were not warranted due to the extensive
human epidemiological data on the
effects of fluoride, including extensive
Estimated fluo- Estimated fluo- data on children, the population of
ride exposure * ride exposure * greatest concern. Decisions on pesticide
tolerances, however, require OPP to
apply special provisions for protection
11–<14 ....
of children. Specifically, section
14+ ..........
408(b)(2)(C) of FFDCA provides that
* Assumes soil and dust contains 400 ppm EPA shall apply an additional tenfold
(10X) margin of safety for infants and
children in the case of threshold effects
(Ref. 23 at 17, Table 8).
to account for prenatal and postnatal
g. Other sources of fluoride exposure.
toxicity and the completeness of the
Although people are also potentially
database on toxicity and exposure
exposed to fluoride from fluoride in
unless EPA determines based on reliable
ambient air, fluoride dental treatments,
data that a different margin of safety
and pharmaceuticals, among other
will be safe for infants and children. In
things, OW concluded that these
making determinations on this
sources of exposure are insignificant
children’s safety factor, OPP has focused
compared to other sources of fluoride
on the statutory factors of data
exposure. Accordingly, OPP is not
completeness with regard to toxicity
including such exposures in its
and exposure and evidence bearing on
aggregate assessment. (Ref. 23 at 16).
3. Children’s safety factor. In choosing pre- and post-natal toxicity.
a revised RfD for fluoride, OW did not
As with so many other aspects of the
apply any uncertainty or safety factors
fluoride risk assessment, application of
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the children’s safety factor provision to
fluoride presents unique issues. OPP
considered the following factors in
determining whether reliable data show
that an additional safety factor other
than the default 10X value would be
a. Toxicity data. As a result of the
decades-long water fluoridation
program in the United States as well as
the substantial areas with high natural
levels of fluoride in drinking water, OPP
has an epidemiological dataset for
fluoride that is far more extensive than
for any other pesticide. EPA also has an
extensive set of animal data on sulfuryl
fluoride and to the extent that sulfuryl
fluoride breaks down to the fluoride
anion during testing, these studies
capture the effects of fluoride (dental
fluorosis was observed in a number of
studies). On the other hand, OPP has
recently requested additional studies on
sulfuryl fluoride, a developmental
neurotoxicity study and an
immunotoxicity study, and the NRC
Report identified several areas, notably
brain and endocrine effects, where
further study would be useful. On the
whole, however, OPP concludes that the
completeness of the database with
regard to fluoride exceeds what is
generally available even on the most
well-studied pesticides.
b. Exposure data. OPP has an
extremely extensive database on
fluoride levels in drinking water due to
the water monitoring data OW has
collected. OPP also has reliable data on
fluoride exposure from sulfuryl fluoride
and on background levels of fluoride in
food. To the extent sulfuryl fluoride has
not replaced methyl bromide as a
fumigant the fluoride estimate from
sulfuryl fluoride overstates exposure.
There is some uncertainty as to the
amount of fluoride exposure from
toothpaste. There are several factors
here: Data on fluoride exposure from
toothpaste are less extensive and are
highly variable; the data may not reflect
the latest recommendations on the
amount of toothpaste children should
use; label directions for adults and
children 2 years old and above state that
teeth should be brushed ‘‘thoroughly,
preferably after each meal or at least
twice a day;’’ and label directions for
children below 2 years of age state that
a dentist or doctor should be consulted.
However, by assuming two brushings
per day and relying on studies that may
have used greater amounts of toothpaste
than is used today as well as focusing
on high-end exposure groups for
drinking water, OPP believes it has
addressed any uncertainties regarding
fluoride exposure from toothpaste.
c. Pre- and post-natal toxicity. Not
only does OPP have extensive data
identifying fluoride’s effects in humans
and the dose at which those effects
occur, but fluoride, unlike most
pesticides or their metabolites, is
considered a human nutrient. Fluoride’s
classification as a nutrient—especially
its role at certain doses in protecting
teeth—cannot be ignored in the safety
factor calculation. OPP is averse to
choosing a safety factor that would
result in the choice of a PAD that
indicates that fluoride is harmful at
levels below the adequate intake level
for beneficial effects. The Objectors have
raised concerns about potential other
effects of fluoride—for example, brain,
endocrine, kidney, and reproductive
effects. Nonetheless, data on these
effects generally either shows effects
only at considerably higher levels than
the levels causing severe dental
fluorosis or are very equivocal.
On balance, the extensiveness of the
data on toxicity of fluoride and human
exposure to it, the clear data defining
the safe level for the effect of concern on
children, and fluoride’s status as a
human nutrient at levels only slightly
below the level that is protective against
severe dental fluorosis lead OPP to
conclude that reliable data show that an
additional safety factor for the
protection of children is not necessary.
Accordingly, OPP has not used an
additional safety factor in its fluoride
risk assessment. Hence, the PAD for
fluoride is equivalent to the RfD (0.08
mg/kg/day). (Ref. 23 at 9).
4. Risk characterization. To
characterize the risk of fluoride, OPP
has aggregated exposure to fluoride from
sulfuryl fluoride, background levels in
food (including from cryolite),
beverages, drinking water, toothpaste,
and soil, and compared that aggregated
exposure to the PAD. In evaluating
exposure to major identifiable
subgroups of consumers, OPP believes
that for fluoride it is appropriate to
consider the aggregate exposure of at
least four different subgroups:
a. Communities served by a water
system with at least one sample
showing fluoride levels greater than 2
mg/L (2 mg/L communities);
b. Communities served by a water
system with at least one sample
showing fluoride levels greater than 3
mg/L (3 mg/L communities);
c. Communities served by a water
system with at least one sample
showing fluoride levels greater than 4
mg/L (4 mg/L communities); and
d. High-end water consumers
The aggregate exposure of these
subgroups relative to the RfD/PAD is
shown in Table 7:
Age groups
0.5–<1 ......................................................
1–<4 .........................................................
4–<7 .........................................................
7–<11 .......................................................
11–<14 .....................................................
14+ ...........................................................
(Ref. 23 at 21, Table 9).
This risk assessment shows that
aggregate fluoride exposure to young
children exceeds the RfD/PAD under
various different methods of identifying
major population subgroups. In
evaluating this assessment at least two
other factors are relevant. First, the
assessment of the 2–4 mg/L
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High-end water
2 mg/L community
3 mg/L community
4 mg/L community
communities deviates from OPP’s
traditional approach to assessing
exposure in drinking water in that it
averages exposures from systems that
are surface water-based and systems that
are groundwater-based. EPA generally
assesses drinking water exposure on the
higher value from surface water or
groundwater because people get the
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majority of their drinking water
exposure from one location. For
fluoride, focusing only on groundwaterbased systems would modestly increase
the exposure estimate. Second, this
assessment does not take into account
those people that depend on private
drinking water wells and not public
drinking water systems. Drinking water
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
wells in certain portions of the United
States can have fluoride levels
exceeding those used in the assessments
discussed previously.
Based on these assessments, EPA
cannot conclude that there is a
reasonable certainty of no harm for
certain major identifiable groups of
consumers from aggregate exposure to
fluoride. Therefore, EPA cannot make
the required finding that the sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride tolerances are
‘‘safe’’ and is proposing to grant the
Objectors’ objections to the
establishment of the sulfuryl fluoride
and fluoride tolerances promulgated on
January 23, 2004, and July 15, 2005.
C. Comments From Dow AgroSciences
As noted previously, Dow
AgroSciences has filed comments
contesting the Objectors’ claims
regarding the safety of fluoride. First,
Dow AgroSciences argues that the
Objectors have only potentially shown
that small, localized groups of people
are exposed to unsafe levels of fluoride
and such small groups do not constitute
a ‘‘major identifiable’’ subgroup under
FFDCA. EPA disagrees with Dow
AgroSciences that the groups of people
exposed at levels that exceed the RfD
are not major identifiable subgroups of
consumers. As noted previously, the
subgroups OPP relies upon include at
least 1 million, and in some cases, many
millions of people. Although the
individuals within these subgroups
facing unacceptable risks from aggregate
fluoride exposure are limited to infants
and children up to the age of 7, the
persons at risk remain substantial.
Second, Dow AgroSciences challenges
whether the NRC Report showed that
there is a more sensitive endpoint than
crippling skeletal fluorosis. Dow
AgroSciences’ comments on this issue
focused on the endpoints of bone
fracture, stage II skeletal fluorosis, and
severe dental fluorosis.
1. Bone fracture. Dow AgroSciences
argued that the NRC Report did not
place sufficient weight on a 2005
observational study from the University
of Michigan (Sowers) and placed too
much weight on two other studies
(Alarcon and Li) that were judged
unreliable by OPP. OW undertook a
comprehensive review of all of the
available data. Like NRC, it found
certain weaknesses in the 2005 Sowers
study but overall considered it along
with the Li study and several other
studies to be one of the key studies for
assessing the risk of bone fractures. The
Alarcon study was given less weight.
Also similar to the NRC Report, OW
concluded that ‘‘the available data
indicate that exposure to concentrations
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of fluoride in drinking water of 4 mg/
L and above is suggestive of and appears
to be positively associated with
increased relative risk of bone fractures
in susceptible populations when
compared to populations exposed to 1
mg mg/L.’’ (Ref. 21 at 86). OW also
noted, however, that ‘‘there are
insufficient data to conclude that this
increase in relative risk would also
apply if comparisons were made to
groups exposed to negligible fluoride
concentrations or if comparisons were
made based on total fluoride intake
rather than on the basis of drinking
water concentrations.’’ (Id.). Ultimately,
OW concluded that the fluoride RfD
should be based on severe dental
fluorosis and that this endpoint was
protective of any risk of bone fractures
and thus a more definite resolution of
this issue is unnecessary.
2. Stage II skeletal fluorosis. Dow
AgroSciences emphasized that the NRC
Report’s finding on fluoride’s link to
stage II skeletal fluorosis were
equivocal. OW’s conclusions on stage II
skeletal fluorosis were similar to those
of NRC. OW found that ‘‘[t]he results of
the limited epidemiological studies and
case histories suggest that a daily
fluoride dose in excess of 10 mg may be
required to produce signs of stage II
skeletal fluorosis (except possibly in the
case of individuals with renal disease).’’
(Ref. 21 at 83). But OW concluded that
‘‘the currently available data are not
sufficiently robust to support a doseresponse analysis of the effects of
fluoride in drinking water on skeletal
fluorosis.’’ (Id.). As with risk of bone
fractures, because OW determined that
the fluoride RfD should be based on
severe dental fluorosis and that this
endpoint was protective of any risk of
stage II skeletal fluorosis, a more
definite resolution of this issue is
3. Severe dental flurosis. Dow
AgroSciences challenged the
competency of NRC to make the legal
conclusion that severe dental fluorosis
is an adverse health effect and also
argued that there is dispute within the
scientific community regarding the
adversity of severe dental fluorosis.
Without question, it is EPA that is
charged with interpreting SDWA and
making legal findings in
implementation of that Act.
Nonetheless, EPA does not view NRC as
stepping beyond its scientific advisory
role in its report. OW has previously
defined adverse health effects as
involving functional impairment and
NRC focused on whether the data
showed functional impairment in
reaching a conclusion on whether
severe dental fluorosis is an adverse
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health effect. For example, the NRC
Report states:
One of the functions of tooth enamel is to
protect the dentin and, ultimately, the pulp
from decay and infection. Severe enamel
fluorosis compromises this health-protective
function by causing structural damage to the
tooth. The damage to teeth caused by severe
enamel fluorosis is a toxic effect that the
majority of the committee judged to be
consistent with prevailing risk assessment
definitions of adverse health effects.
(Ref. 17 at 127) (emphasis added).
Finally, while there may be a dispute
within the scientific community about
how to characterize the adversity of
severe dental fluorosis, there does not
appear to be any significant dispute over
the science question of whether severe
dental fluorosis results in the pitting of
dental enamel. As Dow AgroSciences
has pointed out, it is EPA’s
responsibility to make the legal
determination of whether this effect
should be categorized as an adverse
health effect.
Third, Dow AgroSciences argues that
EPA is not authorized to aggregate
fluoride added to drinking water for
therapeutic purposes with fluoride from
sulfuryl fluoride because fluoride from
water fluoridation is neither a ‘‘pesticide
chemical’’ under FFDCA nor an ‘‘other
related substance.’’ Dow AgroSciences
claims that FFDCA’s reference to ‘‘other
related substances’’ means other related
‘‘pesticidal’’ substances. EPA disagrees
with Dow AgroSciences’ interpretation
of FFDCA section 408 for several
reasons. First, there is no exclusion from
the aggregate exposure requirements for
substances that have a therapeutic effect
at certain levels. Second, there is no
serious dispute that at certain levels
exposure to fluoride is not therapeutic
but harmful, and Dow AgroSciences
cannot be contending that exposure to
fluoride for water fluoridation does not
aggregate within the body with fluoride
from other exposures. Third, a
significant portion of the U.S.
population is exposed to fluoride in
water that is naturally-occurring rather
than added for therapeutic purposes.
Finally, EPA has previously rejected
attempts to limit the plain meaning of
‘‘other related substances’’ and does not
believe that Dow AgroSciences has
offered any compelling legal, policy, or
scientific reasoning for adopting an
interpretation that would bar EPA from
considering the full effects of aggregate
exposure to a substance. (See 69 FR
30042, 30073, May 26, 2004)(FRL–
Dow AgroSciences also claims that
EPA overestimated exposure to fluoride
from use of sulfuryl fluoride. EPA agrees
with this comment and, as described
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
previously, EPA has incorporated
information from Dow AgroSciences on
sulfuryl fluoride usage in its sulfuryl
fluoride/fluoride exposure assessment.
VI. EPA’s Proposed Response to
Requests for Hearing
Because EPA is agreeing with the
Objectors that the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances do not meet the safety
standard and is proposing to grant their
objections to the establishment of those
tolerances, no further action is needed
with regard to the Objectors’ hearing
requests. At this point, there is no
material dispute of fact with regard to
the Objectors’ claims that warrants a
VII. EPA’s Proposed Response to
Request for a Stay and EPA’s Proposed
Expiration Date for Tolerances
Following release of the NRC Report,
the Objectors filed a motion with EPA
requesting a stay of the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances. (Ref. 2). In arguing for a stay,
the Objectors relied on the four factors
contained in Virginia Petroleum Jobbers
Ass’n v. FPC, 259 F.2d 921 (DC Cir.
(1) Has the petitioner made a strong
showing that it is likely to prevail on the
(2) Has the petitioner shown that
without such relief it will be irreparably
(3) Would issuance of the stay
substantially harm other parties
interested in the proceedings;
(4) Wherein lies the public interest.
In prior tolerance proceedings EPA
has indicated it would consider the
criteria in FDA’s regulations pertaining
to stay requests. (See, e.g., 61 FR 39528,
39540, July 29, 1996). Those regulations
provide that a stay shall be granted if a
petitioner can show all of the following:
(1) The petitioner will otherwise
suffer irreparable injury.
(2) The petitioner’s case is not
frivolous and is being pursued in good
(3) The petitioner has demonstrated
sound public policy grounds supporting
the stay.
(4) The delay resulting from the stay
is not outweighed by public health or
other public interests.
(21 CFR 10.35).
The criteria under either approach are
quite similar. Thus, in evaluating the
stay request EPA will concentrate on an
amalgam of the four factors:
• What are the merits of the
Objectors’ claims;
• Have the Objectors’ shown that
irreparable harm will occur in the
absence of a stay;
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• Would a stay substantially harm
other parties or cause other effects on
the public health; and
• Wherein lies the public interest.
EPA also believes that these factors
are relevant in choosing an effective
date for its proposed grant of the
A. Merits of the Objectors’ Claims
As indicated, EPA agrees with the
Objectors that the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances do not meet the safety
standard when aggregate fluoride
exposure is considered and thus this
factor supports granting the stay and
making EPA’s proposed grant of the
objections effective relatively quickly.
B. Irreparable Harm to Objectors
The Objectors argue that the public is
irreparably harmed by the sulfuryl
fluoride tolerances because aggregate
exposure to fluoride poses a long litany
of threats to health. According to the
Objectors, the NRC Report linked
fluoride not just to adverse effects on
bones and teeth but also other effects
ranging from neurological impacts to
cancer. (Ref. 2 at 11, 13–15). The weight
of this argument, however, is
undermined by two factors.
First, it is beyond dispute that NRC,
after a comprehensive evaluation of all
of the possible adverse effects of
fluoride, recommended that OW lower
the fluoride MCLG due to only three
very specific health risks: severe dental
fluorosis; stage II skeletal fluorosis; and
bone fractures. (Ref. 17 at 345–346, 352).
Although the NAS recommended
further research on some of the other
health risks cited by the Objectors, the
NAS did not find sufficient evidence on
any of them to support a lowering of the
Second, and more importantly, the
threat that fluoride poses to teeth and
bones is due to aggregate exposure to
fluoride not the fluoride in food
resulting from use of sulfuryl fluoride
when viewed in isolation. Use of
sulfuryl fluoride is responsible for a tiny
fraction of aggregate fluoride exposure.
For example, for the most highlyexposed age groups in the populations
examined in the revised risk
assessment, fluoride from sulfuryl
fluoride accounts for about 2 to 3% of
aggregate fluoride exposure. Given the
aggregate level of fluoride exposure,
termination of the use of sulfuryl
fluoride would not change the fact that
aggregate fluoride levels would still
exceed the safe level for highly-exposed
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C. Harm to Others/Other Public Health
1. Overview. Immediate termination of
sulfuryl fluoride tolerances will lead to
some combination of the following
negative consequences depending how
food processors and distributors for the
various affected commodities respond:
an increase in the use of inventories of
the stratospheric ozone-depleting
pesticide, methyl bromide; a disruption
in the amount and availability of certain
commodities; an increase in
contamination of commodities with
insect parts and waste posing potential
health risks; and/or increased short-term
and long-term costs for food processors,
distributors, and consumers. To the
extent that methyl bromide cannot be
obtained in sufficient quantities to fill
the void left by the absence of sulfuryl
fluoride, the other potential negative
impacts will be heightened.
In the following discussion, EPA first
describes the likely effects that would
occur in individual food markets if
sulfuryl fluoride use is terminated. Then
EPA presents more general information
on the availability of methyl bromide,
the potential disruption that can occur
when food is contaminated with insect
parts and waste, and potential health
effects from such contamination.
2. Likely effects in specific markets.
OPP analyzed three uses of sulfuryl
fluoride that provide a representative
view of how the food industries relying
on sulfuryl fluoride may respond to a
loss of that pesticide and the impacts of
that response:
• Use of sulfuryl fluoride as a
structural treatment in flour mills;
• Use of sulfuryl fluoride as a food
fumigant for cocoa beans; and
• Use of sulfuryl fluoride as a food
fumigant for walnuts.
Each of these uses is discussed in more
detail in the next section. (Refs. 25 and
a. Flour mills. Generally, flour mills
and other food processing facilities are
fumigated two to three times per year to
control insect populations (the primary
pests are the red flour beetle and the
confused flour beetle). In the absence of
sulfuryl fluoride, there are potentially
three possible alternative options whose
costs and efficacy differ from sulfuryl
fluoride: (1) Use of another chemical
pesticide; (2) use of non-chemical
controls; or (3) complete removal of all
food from the facility during fumigation
with sulfuryl fluoride.
i. Chemical control. The only
chemical alternative for use throughout
food processing facilities is methyl
bromide. As explained later in this
document, mills and food processing
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
structures that do not have approved
critical uses for a given year may not
obtain methyl bromide produced under
a critical use exemption. To the extent
facilities have an approved critical use
or can obtain methyl bromide from prephase-out inventories, mills will likely
switch to methyl bromide if sulfuryl
fluoride uses are immediately
eliminated. Costs for use of methyl
bromide and sulfuryl fluoride appear to
be fairly similar at this time. No other
chemical pesticides are a viable
alternative. Phosphine is a commonlyused food fumigant that could be used
in some portions of a flour mill;
however, phosphine is highly corrosive
to silver and copper metals and their
alloys and thus cannot be used in the
production areas of mills that contain
electronic and electrical equipment
which heavily rely on these metals. In
terms of total area, the portion of a mill
devoted to production is substantial and
a failure to effectively dis-infest the
production area would quickly result in
re-infestation of the entire facility. Thus,
phosphine is not an alternative to the
use of sulfuryl fluoride. (Ref. 25 at 6–7).
ii. Non-chemical control. The leading
non-chemical control option for use in
flour mills is temperature manipulation.
Either heat or cold can be used to
destroy insect pests. Use of cooling to
control pests in flour mills, however, is
unlikely because cold temperatures can
damage electronic equipment in
production areas. Use of heat is a more
likely option. Temperatures of 120–130
degrees Fahrenheit will kill most storedproduct insect pests. Heat, however,
would not be appropriate for mills
principally constructed of wood because
heat at these levels will shrink, crack,
and warp wood. This can result in
structural damage to the facility and
may also render the heat treatment
ineffective due to leakage of heat from
the facility. Approximately 25% of the
total number of flour mills in the United
States fall in this category. These tend
to be the older and smaller mills and
thus probably represent less than 25%
of mill capacity. Newer mills are
generally constructed primarily of
concrete or similar materials which
would be appropriate for use with heat
disinfestation techniques. Initially, use
of heat will involve higher costs due to
capital investment in heaters and plant
modifications. However, in the long run,
use of heat may be less costly than
chemical pesticides. Switching to heat
will also require transition time for the
industry. Not only will mills have to
purchase (or rent) heaters but
modifications may be necessary to the
mill to insure that heat is evenly
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distributed. Individual mills will have
to go through a trial and error process
to determine how the heating technique
can be effective in each unique facility.
Because disinfestations are commonly
needed only two to three times per year,
mills are likely to need an extended
transition time to implement the
technology effectively. If chemical
alternatives are not available during that
timeframe, processed food contaminated
with insect parts and waste due to
failure of initial attempts at heat
disinfestation will have to be destroyed.
(Ref. 25 at 6).
iii. Product removal. A third option
that combines chemical and nonchemical control would be complete
removal of all food from a facility before
fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride.
Currently, the sulfuryl fluoride label
requires that food in facilities be
minimized prior to fumigation. Only
food that is not practical to remove may
remain during the fumigation. Removal
of food is also essential to the efficacy
of sulfuryl fluoride. However, if all food
is removed such that use of sulfuryl
fluoride would not result in fluoride
residues in food, no pesticide tolerance
would be needed for this use and
aggregate exposure to fluoride would
not be increased. Currently, Canada has
imposed restrictions on the use of
sulfuryl fluoride for the fumigation of
food processing facilities that are
designed to insure that no residues
result in food. Two obstacles remain,
however, to adoption of this alternative.
First, OPP’s analysis of this alternative
indicates there may be substantial costs.
Second, at this time, sulfuryl fluoride’s
FIFRA label does not contain
application instructions sufficient to
eliminate residues on food. Thus, if the
objections are granted as is proposed,
EPA will pursue cancellation of all uses
associated with the tolerances which are
removed. Unless Dow AgroSciences, the
registrant for sulfuryl fluoride, were to
seek an amendment of its registration
that imposes label restrictions insuring
no residues in food, and OPP can
determine that the proposed registration
changes would achieve that result, this
use would not be available to flour mills
in the United States. (Ref. 25 at 10).
b. Fumigation of cocoa and walnuts.
Any food that is stored, processed, or
packaged is subject to attack by insects,
generally beetles or moths. Phosphine is
the dominant fumigant in the
commodity market for use against such
pests because it is efficacious, costeffective, and easy to apply. However,
phosphine fumigation takes 4 to 7 days
to be effective. A fumigant that can work
much more quickly, such as sulfuryl
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fluoride, is used when rapid fumigation
is necessary.
Fumigation of harvested walnuts to
destroy pests is primarily used for inshell walnuts. Fumigation can kill pests
in in-shell walnuts that are otherwise
eliminated from shelled walnuts by
shelling and processing of the nutmeat.
The available data indicate that a high
percentage of in-shell walnuts are
fumigated one or more times.
Fumigation is primarily not conducted
with phosphine because, at peak harvest
time, existing fumigation chambers do
not have sufficient capacity to allow
timely fumigation. Although historically
most of this rapid fumigation was done
with methyl bromide under a CUE,
more recent information suggests that
the industry is using sulfuryl fluoride
almost entirely. (Ref. 26 at 4).
For cocoa beans, rapid fumigation is
necessary due to the circumstances
where fumigation is conducted. Cocoa
beans are imported to the United States
from Africa and South America. Upon
arrival, they are taken to a warehouse at
the port and fumigated under
tarpaulins. To minimize risk to port
employees, fumigations typically occur
over weekends when the ports and
warehouses are closed. One hundred
percent of cocoa beans are fumigated
with sulfuryl fluoride. (Id. at 5). In 2009,
approximately $1.2 billion worth of
cocoa beans were imported to the
United States.
The primary chemical alternative to
sulfuryl fluoride for walnuts and cocoa
is phosphine. However, as indicated,
there are insufficient fumigation
chambers for walnuts at peak harvest
time. For cocoa, existing facilities do not
allow for use of phosphine because they
are part of an ongoing port operation
and cannot be shut down for more than
2 days at a time and often contain other
articles that may be affected by
phosphine’s corrosive properties. Nonchemical alternatives either take too
long (cold, modified atmosphere), may
damage the stored commodity (heat),
lack market acceptability (irradiation),
or are largely untested for the
commodities and pests in question
(heat). Construction of fumigation
chambers for walnuts and cocoa may
take several years. (Id. at 5).
EPA requests information on whether
other commodities treated in the United
States or other imported commodities
would be affected by elimination of
sulfuryl fluoride.
3. Availability of methyl bromide. Due
to the constraints of CAA and the
Montreal Protocol, pesticide users
would have very limited ability to use
methyl bromide in lieu of sulfuryl
fluoride if the sulfuryl fluoride
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
tolerances were abruptly withdrawn.
Methyl bromide is an ozone depleting
substance whose production has been
banned under the Clean Air Act for
domestic use since 2005. Along with
other developed countries, the United
States is also subject to the methyl
bromide production phase-out under
the Montreal Protocol. Production of
methyl bromide for U.S. use other than
for quarantine and preshipment
purposes is not allowed under the
Montreal Protocol and EPA’s Clean Air
Act implementing regulations unless the
Parties to the Montreal Protocol agree to
authorize additional new production for
uses that have been demonstrated to be
critical under the criteria adopted by the
The criteria for critical use
exemptions (CUEs) are demanding and
not easily met. Under Decision IX/6 of
the Parties to the Montreal Protocol ‘‘a
use of methyl bromide should qualify as
‘critical’ only if the nominating Party
determines that: (i) The specific use is
critical because the lack of availability
of methyl bromide for that use would
result in a significant market disruption;
and (ii) there are no technically and
economically feasible alternatives or
substitutes available to the user that are
acceptable from the standpoint of
environment and public health and are
suitable to the crops and circumstances
of the nomination.’’ Decision IX/6 para.
1(a). Additionally, Decision IX/6
specifies that:
[P]roduction and consumption, if any, of
methyl bromide for critical uses should be
permitted only if:
(i) All technically and economically
feasible steps have been taken to minimize
the critical use and any associated emission
of methyl bromide;
(ii) Methyl bromide is not available in
sufficient quantity and quality from existing
stocks of banked or recycled methyl bromide,
also bearing in mind the developing
countries’ need for methyl bromide;
(iii) It is demonstrated that an appropriate
effort is being made to evaluate,
commercialize and secure national regulatory
approval of alternatives and
substitutes.* * *
Decision IX/6 para. 1(b).
EPA’s stratospheric protection
regulations contain essentially the same
criteria (40 CFR 82.3). Decisions on
these criteria are made following a
careful review by both the United States
and the Parties to the Montreal
Protocol.1 Importantly, because the CUE
1 Before U.S. production may legally occur, a
specific use must receive a CUE through the
authorization of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
and then through EPA’s regulations. The CUE
process takes three years to complete for one
control period (one calendar year). Methyl bromide
users who wished to obtain a CUE to allow
production in 2011 submitted their applications to
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process is an exception to the phase-out,
it has been implemented in a manner
that recognizes the importance of the
technical substantiation of critical need
relative to the criteria agreed upon by
the Parties. Between the 2005 and 2011
CUE Nominations, the United States
post harvest CUE amount authorized by
the Parties has declined by nearly 80%
(784,936 kilograms (kg) to 161,394 kg).
(Ref. 27). Given the potential availability
of alternatives in a few years, taking into
consideration the full suite of chemical
and non-chemical pest control options
for post harvest uses, technical and
economic substantiation for methyl
bromide would be limited under CUE
criteria for uses that had transitioned to
sulfuryl fluoride.
Finally, the ability of any given user
group to use methyl bromide will also
be constrained in any given year by a
number of other factors. First, it is
impermissible for any person to sell
critical use methyl bromide to an end
user without receiving a certification
that it will be used for an approved
critical use. (40 CFR 82.4(p)(1)(i)).
Second, although there is no legal
restriction on a non-critical user
purchasing and using pre-phase-out
stocks (the quantity of stored methyl
bromide produced prior to the U.S.
phase-out in 2005), (75 FR 23167,
23181, May 3, 2010) (FRL–9144–5),
whether or not such stocks could be
commercially obtained quickly given
long-term contracting for stocks is
another question. In any event, prephase-out inventory has declined
substantially and it is unclear at this
time how much of it could be purchased
for use in the post-harvest market.
Thus, in the short-term, production
and import of methyl bromide is
restricted with no opportunities for
immediate change. In the longer term,
given the historical trajectory of the
critical use exemption under the
Montreal Protocol, there likely will be
less, not more, methyl bromide
available. Current users of sulfuryl
fluoride may attempt to purchase
EPA in 2008. The U.S. Government reviewed those
applications and submitted a Critical Use
Nomination to the United Nations Environment
Programme Ozone Secretariat in early 2009. During
2009, the Methyl Bromide Technical Options
Committee (MBTOC) and the Technology and
Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), which are
independent advisory bodies to the Parties to the
Montreal Protocol, reviewed the Critical Use
Nomination and made recommendations to the
Parties. In the fall of 2009, the Parties met and
approved CUEs for the following post-harvest uses
in the U.S.: mills and food processing structures;
country ham; dried fruit; and nuts. In 2010, EPA
initiated notice-and-comment rulemaking to exempt
the approved uses from its regulatory ban on methyl
bromide production. The final rule will address
what uses qualify for the exemption in 2011 and
what amounts may be produced or imported for
approved critical uses.
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methyl bromide from pre-phase-out
inventories if sulfuryl fluoride becomes
unavailable; however, the feasibility of
obtaining significant quantities from
this source is uncertain.
4. Disruption of the marketplace.
Food containing insect parts and waste
may be considered adulterated under
FFDCA section 402(a)(4) and subject to
seizure by FDA. (21 U.S.C. 342(a)(4); see
21 CFR 110.110 (Defect Action Levels)).
As the recent recall of the infant formula
Similac shows, contamination with
insect parts can result in extensive
disruption of the market for consumers
and significant costs for the food
industry. (Ref. 28 (‘‘Worried parents
have bombarded the maker of Similac
with phone calls and peppered
Facebook and Twitter pages over fears
about insects in the top-selling baby
formula after millions of cans were
recalled.’’); Refs. 29 and 30 (reporting
that recall involved ‘‘up to 5 million
Similac-brand powder formulas’’ and
‘‘Abbot expects to lose $100 million in
connection with the recall.’’)).
5. Harm to health. There is a real
potential for adverse human health
impacts if sulfuryl fluoride is not
available for treatment of food
commodities, food mills, and other food
processing facilities where sulfuryl
fluoride is used. Without sulfuryl
fluoride, there would be re-infestation of
those commodities or facilities if
facilities are not able to find suitable
alternatives and thus more
contamination of food products by the
pests controlled by sulfuryl fluoride.
Contamination would include whole
insects, insect body parts, and insect
waste, mainly from various flour
beetles, moths, and cockroaches. Some
of these contaminants (e.g., from
cockroaches) have been identified as
allergens. (Ref. 31). Other beetles have
been associated with gastrointestinal
illness and discomfort. (Ref. 32 and 33).
Contamination also could include foodborne pathogens that cause disease,
such as E. coli or Salmonella,
introduced by flies that would no longer
be controlled by sulfuryl fluoride. (Id.)
6. Conclusion. In the absence of
sulfuryl fluoride tolerances, current
sulfuryl fluoride users will, in the first
instance, turn to methyl bromide if
methyl bromide can be obtained. Users’
ability to obtain methyl bromide will
depend on a complex mix of factors
including: when a final decision is
made on the sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances; whether the use is an
approved critical use for a given year
and, if so, the amount of methyl
bromide available either from new
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
production or from pre-phase-out
inventory under the CUE Rule for that
year; and whether users have access to
pre-phase-out inventory sold for noncritical exemption uses. To the extent
that methyl bromide is used as a
sulfuryl fluoride replacement, such a
reversion to a stratospheric-ozone
depleting chemical is a negative public
health impact because it will add to
damage to the ozone layer and
contribute to additional health effects
caused by exposure to ultraviolet
radiation, including skin cancers and
If both sulfuryl fluoride and methyl
bromide are unavailable, or supplies are
limited, there is likely to be some
disruption of the food supply as to the
affected commodities and/or there is a
greater likelihood of contaminated food
being released for public consumption.
The extent of disruption and/or
contamination varies based on the type
of processing facility and the
commodities involved. For newer flour
mills and other food processing
facilities (i.e., ones made principally of
concrete), use of heat should eventually
be a successful alternative to sulfuryl
fluoride. In the interim, food may
become contaminated with insect parts
and waste as facility owners use trial
and error in adapting heat technology to
their individual facilities.
Older processing facilities constructed
mainly of wood may have no options
other than to cease production unless
Dow AgroSciences seeks and obtains a
registration amendment for sulfuryl
fluoride that insures that sulfuryl
fluoride is used in a manner not
resulting in residues in food. Even so, it
is unknown whether use of sulfuryl
fluoride under such an approach is
economically feasible. EPA expects
similar impacts on other food handling
facilities that rely on sulfuryl fluoride or
methyl bromide fumigation to control
As to cocoa, impacts are likely to be
very substantial. Currently, 100% of the
imported cocoa in the United States is
disinfested using sulfuryl fluoride. The
likelihood of switching to methyl
bromide is quite low. As of June 29,
2007 for the 2009 CUE control period,
cocoa bean users of methyl bromide
ceased seeking CUEs. Cocoa is not
currently an approved critical use, and
thus any methyl bromide produced
under a CUE cannot be used on cocoa.
Cocoa importers’ only avenue for using
methyl bromide would be to purchase
methyl bromide from the dwindling prephase-out inventories. Eventually,
fumigation chambers for phosphine
could be constructed for cocoa but it
may be a matter of years before they are
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operational and phosphine use is not
feasible at existing sulfuryl fluoride
fumigation sites. In the absence of an
alternative to sulfuryl fluoride for
disinfestation of cocoa, cocoa imports
(which in 2009 were valued at
approximately $1.2 billion) would be
lost due to either destruction or refusal
of shipments by warehouse operators to
comply with FDA regulations. Walnuts
may also face significant impacts
because of the need for rapid fumigation
with either methyl bromide or sulfuryl
fluoride. Without sulfuryl fluoride or
methyl bromide, a significant portion of
the crop may be lost simply due to
insufficient fumigation capacity given
the relatively long time needed for
fumigation with phosphine. Other
commodities facing a similar situation
to walnuts include dried fruits other
than raisins.
D. The Public Interest
Determining where the public interest
lies in this matter involves a complex
weighing of inter-related environmental
and health impacts and cost effects
upon commercial interests and
consumers. OPP attempts to capture
each of these impacts in the following
summary, some of which have been
described previously. Others are
discussed for the first time because they
do not neatly fit under factors discussed
1. Harm from fluoride exposure.
Aggregate exposure to fluoride exceeds
the safe level for several major
identifiable population subgroups. Of
principal concern here are children up
to the age of 7.
2. Sulfuryl fluoride’s contribution to
fluoride exposure. Use of sulfuryl
fluoride results in a minimal
contribution to fluoride exposure.
Elimination of sulfuryl fluoride does not
solve, or even significantly decrease, the
fluoride aggregate exposure problems
identified earlier.
3. Increase in the use of methyl
bromide inventories. There is a
worldwide consensus that the use of
chemicals that deplete the stratospheric
ozone, such as methyl bromide, should
be eliminated. Termination of sulfuryl
fluoride will increase demand for
methyl bromide and may result in an
increase of use of methyl bromide
4. Impacts on the food supply. To the
extent that neither methyl bromide nor
sulfuryl fluoride is available, there are
likely to be impacts on the food supply,
either through disruption of food
availability or contamination of food
with insect parts and waste, because
other feasible alternatives to sulfuryl
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fluoride and methyl bromide will not be
immediately available.
5. Other atmospheric effects of
sulfuryl fluoride. EPA acknowledges
that recent research has identified the
potential for sulfuryl fluoride to
contribute to the greenhouse effect;
however there does not appear to be
consensus yet in the scientific
community on its global warming
6. International consequences. As
explained previously, the United States
agreed to end domestic production of
methyl bromide in 2005, along with
other developed countries that are
Parties to the Montreal Protocol. Since
2005, the United States has—along with
a handful of other developed
countries—been requesting limited
continued amounts of methyl bromide
to satisfy needs that Parties agree to be
‘critical’. Also since 2005, U.S. requests
for continued uses have been large,
relative to those of other countries. At
the beginning of the post-phase-out
period, in 2005, 17 developed countries
requested and obtained such
exemptions; currently, the United States
is one of only four developed countries
that have not yet eliminated methyl
bromide CUEs. (Ref. 27). The United
States historically used a majority of the
world’s methyl bromide; therefore, the
challenge faced by U.S. agriculture in
this transition has been formidable.
Still, enormous progress has been made
in adopting alternatives for all major
uses, allowing the United States to
substantially reduce the size and
number of its CUE requests. Sulfuryl
fluoride has been an important
component to this process. A sudden
reversal by the United States in its
efforts to reduce the use of methyl
bromide may have broad ramifications
on the success of the treaty. U.S.
authorizations have been reduced
further by the Parties to the Montreal
Protocol, based on recommendations
from the relevant technical committees
of the Montreal Protocol. Rapid
termination of sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances would be at odds with the
careful, deliberate, and well-established
CUE process. The process is protracted
and the relevant criteria demand
technical justifications that require time
to develop and substantiate. In reality,
the multi-step CUE process is not
designed with the expectation that it
would allow a Party to the Montreal
Protocol requesting a CUE for a given
year to rapidly adjust either to the
introduction of a new alternative or to
the withdrawal of an existing
alternative. An additional international
consequence is that the lack of sulfuryl
fluoride to treat imported commodities
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
such as cocoa could lead to shipments
of imported commodities being rejected
and trade with some economically
vulnerable countries may be negatively
E. Conclusion
Taking all of these factors into
account involves weighing EPA’s
proposed conclusion that Objectors’
have meritorious objections and the
potential beneficial impacts on the
public interest if a stay was granted
against the negative impacts on the
public interest from a stay approval. The
beneficial impacts from granting a stay
would be a slight reduction in fluoride
exposure and other potential
atmospheric effects. On the other hand,
granting a stay would potentially cause
the following negative impacts:
1. A possible increase in use of
methyl bromide inventories, with
attendant negative known atmospheric
2. An undermining of the substantial
progress made in reducing methyl
bromide critical use exemptions in the
postharvest market and potential
disruption in implementation of an
important international treaty, and
3. Significant impacts on several food
industries and related effects on the
public, including potential health
effects on the public.
Despite the health risks posed by overall
aggregate fluoride exposure and the
Objectors’ likelihood of success on the
merits, OPP believes that each of the
potential negative impacts on the public
interest outweigh the beneficial public
effects from a stay. Viewed in this light,
EPA concludes that the public interest
strongly, in fact overwhelmingly,
supports denial of the Objectors’ stay
VIII. Proposed Effective Date of Order
EPA proposes to make this order
effective 60 days following publication.
However, EPA is also proposing a
staggered implementation for
withdrawal of the affected tolerances in
40 CFR 180.145(c) and 180.575 taking
into account the discussion in Unit VII.
concerning the Objectors’ stay request.
This staggered implementation is
proposed to be accomplished by
including an expiration/revocation date
in 40 CFR 180.145(c) and 180.575 for
each of the tolerances not proposed for
withdrawal upon the effective date of
the order. Given the potential disruption
or contamination of some commodities
in the food supply, severely limited
availability of methyl bromide, and
prospect of difficulties in implementing
an important international treaty, EPA is
proposing to withdraw tolerances under
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the following implementation or
phaseout schedule:
1. Tolerances for canceled uses:
immediately. For uses that have been
removed from the sulfuryl fluoride
registration, there is no reason the
proposed order should not take effect
upon the effective date of the order.
These tolerances are: Dried eggs; milk,
2. Tolerances for commodities where
there is little to no use of sulfuryl
fluoride: 90 days. EPA’s analysis and
information from Dow AgroSciences
indicate that sulfuryl fluoride is not
currently used in significant amounts, if
at all, on numerous commodities for
which direct fumigation is allowed
under the sulfuryl fluoride registration.
EPA is proposing a termination of
tolerances associated with these uses 90
days from the effective date of the order.
Ninety days should be sufficient for all
affected parties to come into compliance
with the revised situation. Tolerances in
this category are: barley, bran,
postharvest; barley, flour, postharvest;
barley, grain, postharvest; barley,
pearled barley, postharvest; cattle, meat,
dried; cheese; coconut, postharvest;
coffee, bean, green, postharvest; corn,
field, flour, postharvest; corn, field,
grain, postharvest; corn, field, grits,
postharvest; corn, field, meal,
postharvest; corn, pop, grain,
postharvest; cotton, undelinted seed,
postharvest; ginger, postharvest; grain,
aspirated fractions, postharvest; grape,
raisin, postharvest; herbs and spices
group 19, postharvest; hog, meat; millet,
grain, postharvest; nut, pine,
postharvest; nut, tree, Group 14,
postharvest (revised to cover only
walnuts, postharvest); oat, flour,
postharvest; oat, grain, postharvest; oat,
groat/rolled oats; peanut, postharvest;
pistachio, postharvest; sorghum, grain,
postharvest; triticale, grain, postharvest;
vegetable, legume, group 6, postharvest;
wheat, bran, postharvest; wheat, flour,
postharvest; wheat, germ, postharvest;
wheat, grain postharvest; wheat, milled
byproducts, postharvest; wheat, shorts,
3. Tolerances for commodities directly
treated where there is significant
sulfuryl fluoride use and no readilyavailable alternative: 3 years. For
several commodities, sulfuryl fluoride is
used on all, or a substantial portion, of
the crop and there is no readilyavailable alternative. These
commodities are cocoa, walnuts, and
dried fruits other than raisins. Although
there is a feasible alternative available
for sulfuryl fluoride in the long-term,
phosphine, in the short-term that
alternative is not available due to the
lack of fumigation capacity. The
PO 00000
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situation for cocoa is perhaps the most
dire in that 100% of the crop is treated,
the space used for sulfuryl fluoride
fumigation is not appropriate for
phosphine use, and, given that cocoa is
not currently an approved critical use,
methyl bromide produced under a CUE
may not be used on cocoa. While not
facing quite such catastrophic
consequences, walnuts are nonetheless
in essentially the same situation because
the only realistic treatment option in the
near term (i.e., methyl bromide) can
only be obtained, if at all, from prephase-out inventories or from
production under the sharply-limited
postharvest CUE, and another
alternative will not be available until
additional fumigation capacity is
created. The situation appears similar
for dried fruits other than raisins as
well; however, EPA requests that
information be submitted during the
comment period documenting the
amount of sulfuryl fluoride use on dried
fruits and the availability of alternatives
including the availability of capacity for
alternative fumigations. EPA is
proposing termination of tolerances
associated with these uses 3 years from
the effective date of the order.
Construction of fumigation chambers
may take several years.
4. Tolerances for commodities
receiving residues from incidental
treatment during structural
fumigation—3 years. The situation for
foods requiring tolerances as a result of
incidental treatment from structural
fumigations is more complicated.
Different types of facilities will face
different hurdles in transitioning from
sulfuryl fluoride to other methods of
pest control. For most facilities, use of
heat may prove an adequate pest control
strategy. However, implementation of
heat technology is not expected to be
seamless and the availability of sulfuryl
fluoride as a backup to avoid potential
disruption or contamination is
important. OPP expects that, after the
first year, use of sulfuryl fluoride in
these facilities will be the exception
rather than the rule as the technology
comes online and facility operators gain
experience with it. In other words,
sulfuryl fluoride would only be used
when difficulties arise in perfecting the
use of heat technology in individual
facilities. Given the cost of sulfuryl
fluoride treatment, facility operators,
having invested in heat technology, will
have a strong incentive to avoid use of
sulfuryl fluoride unless absolutely
necessary. A relatively short transition
period may be appropriate for these
facilities. For wooden structures,
however, where heat is not an option,
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
no chemical or non-chemical alternative
is immediately available. These
facilities face an uncertain future with
perhaps the best alternative being
pursuit by Dow AgroSciences of
restrictions on the sulfuryl fluoride
registration that would eliminate the
possibility of residues in food and thus
permit continued use of sulfuryl
fluoride as a structural fumigant in food
handling facilities. Nonetheless, even
this approach is in question due to
feasibility issues. Thus, to some degree,
owners of wooden food handling
facilities face the most serious
consequences of any producer group
and, due to their relatively large share
of the market, there could be similarly
serious consequences for the public. For
that reason, EPA is proposing
termination of tolerances associated
with these uses 3 years from the
effective date of the order. To insure
that this extended transition period will
not encourage owners of concrete
facilities to maintain the status quo,
EPA plans to pursue registration
modifications for sulfuryl fluoride that
differentiate between sulfuryl fluoride
use in concrete and wooden structures.
EPA’s goal would be to allow sulfuryl
fluoride use in concrete facilities for a
period no longer than necessary to
accomplish the transition to heat
EPA specifically requests comment on
the potential impacts from the loss of
sulfuryl fluoride including any available
and additional information on pest
control alternatives to sulfuryl fluoride.
Such information is important to EPA’s
decision on the proposed effective dates
for this order. Further, EPA recognizes
that sulfuryl fluoride is only one of
many sources of exposure to fluoride.
To the extent that new information
indicates that overall fluoride exposure
has decreased, including as a result of
other government actions, EPA would
consider revisiting the determinations
in this proposed order.
IX. Request for Public Comment
EPA requests public comment on all
aspects of this proposed order: Its
hazard, exposure, and risk assessments
of fluoride; its evaluation of the factors
bearing on whether a stay should be
granted; and its proposed effective dates
for the order.
X. Regulatory Assessment
As indicated previously, this action
announces the Agency’s proposed order
regarding objections filed under section
408 of FFDCA. As such, this action is an
adjudication and not a rule. The
regulatory assessment requirements
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18:19 Jan 18, 2011
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imposed on rulemaking do not,
therefore, apply to this action.
XI. Submission to Congress and the
Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act, (5
U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, does not apply to
this order because this action is not a
rule for purposes of 5 U.S.C. 804(3).
XII. References
As indicated under ADDRESSES, a
docket has been established for this
rulemaking under docket ID number
EPA–HQ–OPP–2005–0174. The
following is a listing of the documents
that are specifically referenced in this
document. The docket includes these
documents and other information
considered, including documents that
are referenced within the documents
that are included in the docket, even if
the referenced document is not
physically located in the docket. For
assistance in locating these other
documents, please consult the technical
contact listed under FOR FURTHER
1. Fluoride Action Network and Beyond
Pesticides/National Coalition Against the
Misuse of Pesticides, Written Objections and
Request for Hearing in the matter of: Sulfuryl
Fluoride; Pesticide Tolerance; Final Rule.
(March 23, 2004).
2. Motion of Objectors for Stay of Final
Rules Establishing Tolerances For Residues
of Sulfuryl Fluoride and Fluoride Anion;
(Docket Nos. OPP–2005–0174 and OPP–
2003–0373) (June 1, 2006).
3. Objectors’ Consolidated Objections to
Final Rules Establishing Tolerances for
Residues of Sulfuryl Fluoride and Fluoride
Anion (November 6, 2006).
4. USEPA, A User’s Guide to Available
EPA Information on Assessing Exposure to
Pesticides in Food (June 21, 2000).
5. USEPA. Office of Research and
Development. 2000. Benchmark Dose
Technical Guidance Document. Draft report.
Risk Assessment Forum, Office of Research
and Development, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. Washington, DC. EPA/
6. FIFRA Science Advisory Panel. 2002.
Methods Used to Conduct a Preliminary
Cumulative Risk Assessment for
Organophosphate Pesticides. Final Report
from the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel
Meeting of February 5–7, 2002 (Report dated
March 19, 2002). FIFRA Scientific Advisory
Panel, Office of Science Coordination and
Policy, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and
Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. Washington, DC. SAP
Report 2002–01.
7. FIFRA Science Advisory Panel. 2005b.
Final report on Preliminary N-Methyl
Carbamate Cumulative Risk Assessment.
Final Report from the FIFRA Scientific
Advisory Panel Meeting of August 23–25,
2005 (Report dated October 13, 2005).
PO 00000
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Available at:
8. Office of Pesticide Programs, USEPA,
Office of Pesticide Programs’ Policy on the
Determination of the Appropriate FQPA
Safety Factor(s) For Use in the Tolerance
Setting Process (February 28, 2002).
9. USEPA, Residue Chemistry Test
Guidelines: OPPTS 860.1500 Crop Field
Trials (August 1996).
10. Office of Pesticide Programs, USEPA
and Pest Regulatory Management Agency,
Health Canada, NAFTA Guidance Document
for Guidance for Setting Pesticide Tolerances
Based on Field Trial Data (September 28,
11. Office of Pesticide Programs, USEPA,
Choosing a Percentile of Acute Dietary
Exposure as a Threshold of Regulatory
Concern (March 16, 2000).
12. Office of Pesticide Programs, USEPA,
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
Residential Exposure Assessments (Draft
December 19, 1997).
13. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and
Toxic Substances, USEPA, ‘‘Response To
Public Comments Concerning The Use Of
Sulfuryl Fluoride As A Post-Harvest
Fumigant’’ (January 16, 2004).
14. Baetcke et al., Office of Pesticide
Programs, USEPA, ‘‘A Preliminary Evaluation
of Articles Related to Fluoride Cited by the
Fluoride Action Network (FAN) as
Objections to the Sulfuryl Fluoride Pesticide
Tolerance Rule’’ (November 18, 2003).
15. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and
Toxic Substances, USEPA, Memorandum
from Vicki L. Dellarco to Dennis McNeilly,
Review of Five Recent Papers on Fluoride
Submitted by the Fluoride Action Network
(January 8, 2004).
16. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and
Toxic Substances, USEPA, ‘‘Response to
Public Comments Concerning the Use of
Sulfuryl Fluoride In Food Handling
Facilities’’ (July 14, 2005).
17. National Research Council of the
National Academies, ‘‘Fluoride in Drinking
Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s
Standards’’ (March 2006).
18. Objectors’ Submission to Docket: 18 IQ
Studies (posted February 17, 2009).
19. Dow AgroSciences LLC, ‘‘Response to
Request for Public Comments; Sulfuryl
Fluoride; Request for Stay of Tolerances;
Public Docket Identification Numbers: EPA–
HQ–OPP–2005–0174 and EPA–HQ–OPP–
2003–0373 (August 4, 2006).
20. Dow AgroSciences LLC, Memorandum,
‘‘Standard for Granting a Hearing under the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
Concerning Objections to Tolerances
Established by EPA for Profume TM Gas
Fumigant’’ (October 31, 2006).
21. Health and Ecological Criteria Division,
Office of Water, USEPA, ‘‘Fluoride: DoseResponse Analysis for Non-cancer Effects’’
(December 2010).
22. Health and Ecological Criteria Division,
Office of Water, USEPA, ‘‘Fluoride: Exposure
and Relative Source Contribution Analysis’’
(December 2010).
23. Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
Prevention, US EPA, Memorandum from
Michael A. Doherty to Meredith Laws,
‘‘Sulfuryl Fluoride—Revised Human Health
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Risk Assessment for Fluoride to Incorporate
New Hazard and Exposure Information’’
(January 7, 2011).
24. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and
Toxic Substances, US EPA, Memorandum
from Colwell A. Cook, Jonathan Becker, and
Elisa Rim to Kable Davis/Venus Eagle and
Michael Doherty/Christina Swartz, ‘‘Revised
Assessment of Percent Commodity Treated
Values used in the Registrant’s Dietary
Exposure Assessment for Fluoride (DP#
361041)’’ (May 1, 2009).
25. Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
Prevention, US EPA, Memorandum from
Michelle Ranville and Colwell Cook to
Meredith Laws, ‘‘Assessment of Impacts on
Flour Mills Operators of a Stay in Sulfuryl
Fluoride Food Tolerances’’ (January 7, 2011).
26. Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
Prevention, US EPA, Memorandum from
Colwell Cook and Michelle Ranville to
Meredith Laws, ‘‘Assessment of Impacts of a
Stay of Food Tolerances for Sulfuryl Fluoride
on Selected Post-Harvest Commodities’’
(January 7, 2011).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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27. Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
Prevention, US EPA, Memorandum from
Colwell Cook and Michelle Ranville to
Jonathan Fleuchaus, Post Harvest Methyl
Bromide Grant to the United States by the
Parties to the Montreal Protocol, 2005–2011
(December 16, 2010).
28. Washington Post, ‘‘Bugs in Baby
Formula? Parents Worried About Recall’’
(September 24, 2010) (available at https://
29. U.S. FDA Consumer Update, ‘‘Abbott
Recalls Some Similac Formulas (September
23, 2010) (available at
30. Washington Post, ‘‘Bug Contamination
Sparks Baby Formula Recall’’ (September 23,
2010) (available at https://
31. Olsen et al., Regulatory Action Criteria
for Filth and Other Extraneous Materials, V.
PO 00000
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Strategy for Evaluating Hazardous and
Nonhazardous Filth (Jan. 12, 2001).
32. U.S. FDA Consumer Update, ‘‘Abbott
Recalls Some Similac Formulas’’ (September
23, 2010) (available at
33. Olsen, Alan, FDA Teamwork Uncovers
Insect Infestation, FDA Consumer, Vol. 25,
Jul.–Aug. 1991).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Agricultural commodities, Pesticides
and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: January 7, 2011.
Steve Bradbury,
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2011–917 Filed 1–18–11; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 12 (Wednesday, January 19, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3422-3449]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-917]
[[Page 3421]]
Part V
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 180
Sulfuryl Fluoride; Proposed Order Granting Objections to Tolerances and
Denying Request for a Stay; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2011 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 3422]]
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0174; FRL-8857-9]
Sulfuryl Fluoride; Proposed Order Granting Objections to
Tolerances and Denying Request for a Stay
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed Order.
SUMMARY: In this document, EPA is making available its proposed
resolution of objections and a stay request with regard to sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride tolerances promulgated in 2004 and 2005 under
section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The
objections and stay request were filed by the Fluoride Action Network,
the Environmental Working Group, and Beyond Pesticides. Notwithstanding
the fact that this document is a proposed resolution, and regulatory
assessment requirements do not apply, EPA is inviting public comment on
all aspects of the proposed resolution of objections, including the
underlying scientific evaluations.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 19, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0174, by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public
Docket (7502P), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001.
Delivery: OPP Regulatory Public Docket (7502P),
Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South
Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. Deliveries are only
accepted during the Docket Facility's normal hours of operation (8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays).
Special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed
information. The Docket Facility telephone number is (703) 305-5805.
Instructions: Direct your comments to docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-
2005-0174. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the docket without change and may be made available on-line at, including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes information claimed to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise protected through or e-
mail. The Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system,
which means EPA will not know your identity or contact information
unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an e-
mail comment directly to EPA without going through,
your e-mail address will be automatically captured and included as part
of the comment that is placed in the docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic
files should avoid the use of special characters, any form of
encryption, and be free of any defects or viruses.
Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the docket index
available at Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet
and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly
available docket materials are available either in the electronic
docket at, or, if only available in hard
copy, at the OPP Regulatory Public Docket in Rm. S-4400, One Potomac
Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. The hours of
operation of this Docket Facility are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The Docket Facility telephone
number is (703) 305-5805.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Meredith Laws, Registration Division
(7505P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone
number: 703-308-7038; e-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
You may be potentially affected by this action if you are an
agricultural producer, food manufacturer, pesticide manufacturer, or
consumer. Potentially affected entities may include, but are not
limited to:
Food manufacturing (NAICS code 311), e.g., grain and
oilseed milling; animal food manufacturing; flour milling; bread and
bakery product manufacturing; cookie, cracker, and pasta manufacturing;
snack food manufacturing.
Pesticide manufacturing (NAICS code 32532), e.g.,
pesticide manufacturers; commercial applicators.
Community Food Services (NAICS code 624210), e.g., food
Farm Product Warehousing and Storage (NAICS code 493130),
e.g., grain elevators, private and public food warehousing and storage.
This listing is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides
a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this
action. Other types of entities not listed in this unit could also be
affected. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)
codes have been provided to assist you and others in determining
whether this action might apply to certain entities. If you have any
questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular
entity, consult the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through or e-mail. Clearly mark the part or all of the
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or
CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as
CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket.
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments. When submitting comments,
remember to:
i. Identify the document by docket ID number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal Register date and page number).
ii. Follow directions. The Agency may ask you to respond to
specific questions or organize comments by referencing a Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) part or section number.
[[Page 3423]]
iii. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and
substitute language for your requested changes.
iv. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information
and/or data that you used.
v. If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you
arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be
vi. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns and
suggest alternatives.
vii. Explain your views as clearly as possible, avoiding the use of
profanity or personal threats.
viii. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
C. What are the acronyms used in this order?
The following is a list of acronyms used in this order:
CAA--Clean Air Act
CAAA--Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
CSFII--Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals
CUE--Critical Use Exemption
EPA--Environmental Protection Agency
FACA--Federal Advisory Committee Act
FAN--Fluoride Action Network
FDA--Food and Drug Administration
FIFRA--Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FFDCA--Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
FQPA--Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
IOM--Institute of Medicine
LOAEL--Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
MCL--Maximum contaminant level
MCLG--Maximum contaminant level goal
MOE--Margin of Exposure
MRID--Master Record Identification
NAS--National Academy of Sciences
NOAEL--No Observed Adverse Effect Level
NPDWR--National Public Drinking Water Regulations
NRC--National Research Council
NRDC--Natural Resources Defense Council
OPP--EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs
OW--EPA's Office of Water
PAD--Population Adjusted Dose
ppm--parts per million
RED--Reregistration Eligibility Decision
RfD--Reference Dose
SDWA--Safe Drinking Water Act
SMCL--Secondary maximum contaminant level
SOP--Standard Operating Procedure
USDA--United States Department of Agriculture
II. Introduction
A. What action is the agency taking?
In this document, EPA is making available for comment a proposed
order granting objections and denying a stay request with regard to
tolerances established for sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride in 2004 (69
FR 3240, January 23, 2004) (FRL-7342-1) and 2005 (70 FR 40899, July 15,
2005) (FRL-7723-7) under FFDCA section 408 (21 U.S.C. 346a). (See 40
CFR 180.145(c); 180.575). These objections were first filed by the
Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition
Against the Misuse of Pesticides. (Ref. 1). FAN and Beyond Pesticides
also requested a hearing on their objections. At a later date, FAN and
Beyond Pesticides were joined by the Environmental Working Group
(hereinafter the three parties are referred to as ``the Objectors'')
(Refs. 2 and 3). The Objectors argue that the sulfuryl fluoride and
fluoride tolerances should not have been established by EPA because
aggregate exposure to fluoride is unsafe under FFDCA section 408. The
stay request as to the tolerances was filed by the Objectors in June,
2006, following release of a report by the National Research Council
(NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concerning the risk of
fluoride. (71 FR 38125, July 5, 2006) (FRL-8075-6).
After reviewing the objections and the NRC Report, EPA is proposing
to grant the objections because it agrees that aggregate exposure to
fluoride for certain major identifiable population subgroups does not
meet the safety standard in FFDCA section 408. Because EPA is proposing
to grant the Objectors' objections a hearing is not warranted. Finally,
EPA is proposing to deny the Objectors' request for a stay because the
risks from continued sulfuryl fluoride use in the short term is
insignificant while the environmental and economic consequences from a
sudden withdrawal of sulfuryl fluoride, a methyl bromide replacement,
are considerable.
B. What is the agency's authority for taking this action?
The procedure for filing objections to tolerance actions and EPA's
authority for acting on such objections is contained in section 408(g)
of FFDCA (21 U.S.C. 346a(g)) and regulations at 40 CFR part 178. That
same authority governs hearing and stay requests.
III. Statutory and Regulatory Background
In this Unit, EPA provides background on the relevant statutes and
regulations governing the Objectors' objections, requests for hearing,
and request for a stay as well as on pertinent Agency policies and
Unit III.A. summarizes the requirements and procedures in section
408 of FFDCA and applicable regulations pertaining to pesticide
tolerances, including the procedures for objecting to EPA tolerance
actions and the substantive standards for evaluating the safety of
pesticide tolerances. This unit also discusses the closely-related
statute under which EPA regulates the sale, distribution, and use of
pesticides, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA) (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.).
Unit III.B. provides an overview of the risk assessment process
followed by EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP). It contains an
explanation of how EPA identifies the hazards posed by pesticides, how
EPA determines the level of exposure to pesticides that pose a concern
(level of concern), how EPA measures human exposure to pesticides, and
how hazard, level of concern conclusions, and human exposure estimates
are combined to evaluate risk. Further, this unit presents background
information on two Agency policies with particular relevance to this
Unit III.C. provides a brief overview of the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol) and Title VI of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
addressing Stratospheric Ozone Protection. These statutory schemes and
international treaty are relevant to this proceeding because EPA
regulates fluoride, a sulfuryl fluoride degradate, under SDWA, and
because sulfuryl fluoride has played an important role in the United
States fulfilling its obligations under the Montreal Protocol and CAA.
Specifically, sulfuryl fluoride is a substitute for the ozone-depleting
pesticide, methyl bromide.
A. FFDCA/FIFRA and Applicable Regulations
1. In general. EPA establishes maximum residue limits, or
``tolerances,'' for pesticide residues in food under section 408 of
FFDCA. (21 U.S.C. 346a). Without such a tolerance or an exemption from
the requirement of a tolerance, a food containing a pesticide residue
is ``adulterated'' under section 402 of FFDCA and may not be legally
moved in interstate commerce. (21 U.S.C. 331, 342). Monitoring and
enforcement of pesticide tolerances are carried out by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA). Section 408 was substantially rewritten by the Food Quality
Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA), which added the provisions establishing
a detailed safety standard for pesticides, additional protections for
infants and children, and the estrogenic substances screening
[[Page 3424]]
program. (Pub. L. 104-170, 110 Stat. 1489 (1996)).
EPA also regulates pesticides under FIFRA (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.).
While FFDCA authorizes the establishment of legal limits for pesticide
residues in food, FIFRA requires the approval of pesticides prior to
their sale and distribution, (7 U.S.C. 136a(a)), and establishes a
registration regime for regulating the use of pesticides. FIFRA
regulates pesticide use in conjunction with its registration scheme by
requiring EPA review and approval of pesticide labeling and specifying
that use of a pesticide inconsistent with its labeling is a violation
of Federal law. (7 U.S.C. 136j(a)(2)(G)). In the FQPA, Congress
integrated action under the two statutes by requiring that the safety
standard under FFDCA be used as a criterion in FIFRA registration
actions as to pesticide uses which result in dietary risk from residues
in or on food, (7 U.S.C. 136(bb)), and directing that EPA coordinate,
to the extent practicable, revocations of tolerances with pesticide
cancellations under FIFRA. (21 U.S.C. 346a(l)(1)).
2. Safety standard for pesticide tolerances. A pesticide tolerance
may only be promulgated by EPA if the tolerance is ``safe.'' (21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(A)(i)). ``Safe'' is defined by the statute to mean that
``there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from
aggregate exposure to the pesticide chemical residue, including all
anticipated dietary exposures and all other exposures for which there
is reliable information.'' (21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(A)(ii)). Section
408(b)(2)(D) directs EPA, in making a safety determination, to:
Consider, among other relevant factors--* * *
* * *available information concerning the aggregate exposure levels
of consumers (and major identifiable subgroups of consumers) to the
pesticide chemical residue and to other related substances,
including dietary exposure under the tolerance and all other
tolerances in effect for the pesticide chemical residue, and
exposure from other non-occupational sources.* * *
(21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(D)(v), (vi) and (viii)). EPA must also consider,
in evaluating the safety of tolerances, ``safety factors which * * *
are generally recognized as appropriate for the use of animal
experimentation data.'' (21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(D)(ix).
Risks to infants and children are given special consideration.
Specifically, section 408(b)(2)(C)(i)(II) requires that EPA assess the
risk to pesticides based on ``available information concerning the
special susceptibility of infants and children to the pesticide
chemical residues, including neurological differences between infants
and children and adults, and effects of in utero exposure to pesticide
chemicals.* * * '' (21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(C)(i)(II)). This provision
also creates a presumption that EPA will use an additional safety
factor for the protection of infants and children. Specifically, it
directs that ``[i]n the case of threshold effects, * * * an additional
tenfold margin of safety for the pesticide chemical residue and other
sources of exposure shall be applied for infants and children to take
into account potential pre- and post-natal toxicity and completeness of
the data with respect to exposure and toxicity to infants and
children.'' (21 U.S.C. 346a(b)(2)(C)). EPA is permitted to ``use a
different margin of safety for the pesticide chemical residue only if,
on the basis of reliable data, such margin will be safe for infants and
children.'' (Id.). The additional safety margin for infants and
children is referred to throughout this Order as the ``children's
safety factor.''
3. Procedures for establishing, amending, or revoking tolerances.
Tolerances are established, amended, or revoked by rulemaking under the
unique procedural framework set forth in FFDCA. Generally, a tolerance
rulemaking is initiated by the party seeking to establish, amend, or
revoke a tolerance by means of filing a petition with EPA. (See 21
U.S.C. 346a(d)(1)). EPA publishes in the Federal Register a notice of
the petition filing and requests public comment. (21 U.S.C.
346a(d)(3)). After reviewing the petition, and any comments received on
it, EPA may issue a final rule establishing, amending, or revoking the
tolerance, issue a proposed rule to do the same, or deny the petition.
(21 U.S.C. 346a(d)(4)).
Once EPA takes final action on the petition by either establishing,
amending, or revoking the tolerance or denying the petition, any person
may file objections with EPA and seek an evidentiary hearing on those
objections. (21 U.S.C. 346a(g)(2)). Objections and hearing requests
must be filed within 60 days. (Id.). The statute provides that EPA
shall ``hold a public evidentiary hearing if and to the extent the
Administrator determines that such a public hearing is necessary to
receive factual evidence relevant to material issues of fact raised by
the objections.'' (21 U.S.C. 346a(g)(2)(B)). EPA regulations make clear
that hearings will only be granted where it is shown that there is ``a
genuine and substantial issue of fact,'' the requestor has identified
evidence ``which, if established, resolve one or more of such issues in
favor of the requestor,'' and the issue is ``determinative'' with
regard to the relief requested. (40 CFR 178.32(b)). EPA's final order
on the objections and requests for hearing is subject to judicial
review. (21 U.S.C. 346a(h)(1)). The statute directs that tolerance
regulations shall take effect upon publication unless EPA specifies
otherwise. (40 U.S.C. 346a(g)(1)). EPA is authorized to stay the
effectiveness of the tolerance if objections are filed. (Id.).
B. EPA Risk Assessment for Tolerances--Policy and Practice
1. The safety determination--risk assessment. To assess risk of a
pesticide tolerance, EPA combines information on pesticide toxicity
with information regarding the route, magnitude, and duration of
exposure to the pesticide. The risk assessment process involves four
distinct steps:
(1) Identification of the toxicological hazards posed by a
(2) Determination of the ``level of concern'' with respect to human
exposure to the pesticide;
(3) Estimation of human exposure to the pesticide; and
(4) Characterization of risk posed to humans by the pesticide based
on comparison of human exposure to the level of concern.
a. Hazard identification. In evaluating toxicity or hazard, EPA
reviews toxicity data, typically from studies with laboratory animals,
to identify any adverse effects on the test subjects. Where available
and appropriate, EPA will also take into account studies involving
humans, including human epidemiological studies. For most pesticides,
the animal toxicity database usually consists of studies investigating
a broad range of endpoints including gross and microscopic effects on
organs and tissues, functional effects on bodily organs and systems,
effects on blood parameters (such as red blood cell count, hemoglobin
concentration, hematocrit, and a measure of clotting potential),
effects on the concentrations of normal blood chemicals (including
glucose, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen, creatinine, total protein,
total bilirubin, albumin, hormones, and enzymes such as alkaline
phosphatase, alanine aminotransfersase and cholinesterases), and
behavioral or other gross effects identified through clinical
observation and measurement. EPA examines whether adverse effects are
caused by different durations of exposure ranging from short-term
(acute) to long-term (chronic) pesticide exposure and different routes
of exposure (oral, dermal, inhalation). Further, EPA evaluates
potential adverse effects in
[[Page 3425]]
different age groups (adults as well as fetuses and juveniles). (Ref. 4
at 8-10).
EPA also considers whether the adverse effect has a threshold--a
level below which exposure has no appreciable chance of causing the
adverse effect. For effects that have no threshold, EPA assumes that
any exposure to the substance increases the risk that the adverse
effect may occur.
b. Level of concern/dose-response analysis. Once a pesticide's
potential hazards are identified, EPA determines a toxicological level
of concern for evaluating the risk posed by human exposure to the
pesticide. In this step of the risk assessment process, EPA essentially
evaluates the levels of exposure to the pesticide at which effects
might occur. An important aspect of this determination is assessing the
relationship between exposure (dose) and response (often referred to as
the dose-response analysis). EPA follows differing approaches to
identifying a level of concern for threshold and non-threshold hazards.
i. Threshold effects. In examining the dose-response relationship
for a pesticide's threshold effects, EPA evaluates an array of toxicity
studies on the pesticide. In each of these studies, EPA attempts to
identify the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) and the no
observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), which by definition is the next
lower tested dose level below the LOAEL. Generally, EPA will use the
lowest NOAEL from the available studies as a starting point (called
``the Point of Departure'') in estimating the level of concern for
humans. (Ref. 4 at 9 (The Point of Departure ``is simply the toxic dose
that serves as the `starting point' in extrapolating a risk to the
human population.'')). At times, however, EPA will use a LOAEL from a
study as the Point of Departure when no NOAEL is identified in that
study and the LOAEL is close to, or lower than, other relevant NOAELs.
The Point of Departure is in turn used in choosing a level of concern.
EPA will make separate determinations as to the Points of Departure,
and correspondingly levels of concern, for both short and long exposure
periods as well as for the different routes of exposure (oral, dermal,
and inhalation).
In recent years, EPA has increasingly used a more scientifically
sophisticated approach to choosing the Point of Departure. This
approach, called a benchmark dose, or BMD, estimates a point along a
dose-response curve that corresponds to a specific response level.
(Ref. 5). For example, a BMD10 represents a 10% change from
the background or typical value for the response of concern. In
contrast to the NOAEL/LOAEL approach, a BMD is calculated using a range
of dose response data and thus better accounts for the variability and
uncertainty in the experimental results due to characteristics of the
study design, such as dose selection, dose spacing, and sample size. In
addition to a BMD, EPA generally also calculates a ``confidence limit''
in the BMD. Confidence limits express the uncertainty in a BMD that may
be due to sampling and/or experimental error. The lower confidence
limit on the dose used as the BMD is termed the BMDL, which the Agency
often uses as the Point of Departure. Use of the BMDL for deriving the
Point of Departure rewards better experimental design and procedures
that provide more precise estimates of the BMD, resulting in tighter
confidence intervals. It also provides a health protective conservative
estimate of the safe dose. Numerous scientific peer review panels over
the last decade have supported the Agency's application of the BMD
approach as a scientifically supportable method for deriving Points of
Departure in human health risk assessment, and as an improvement over
the historically applied approach of using NOAELs or LOAELs. (Refs. 6
and 7).
In estimating and describing the level of concern, the Point of
Departure is at times used differently depending on whether the risk
assessment addresses dietary or non-dietary exposures. For dietary
risks, EPA uses the Point of Departure to calculate an acceptable level
of exposure or reference dose (RfD). The RfD is calculated by dividing
the Point of Departure by all applicable safety or uncertainty factors.
Typically, EPA uses a baseline safety/uncertainty factor of 100X in
assessing pesticide risk. That value includes a factor of 10 (10X)
where EPA is using data from laboratory animals to account for the
possibility that humans potentially have greater sensitivity to the
pesticide than animals and another factor of 10X to account for
potential variations in sensitivity among members of the human
population. Additional safety factors may be added to address data
deficiencies or concerns raised by the existing data. Under the FQPA,
an additional safety factor of 10X is presumptively applied to protect
infants and children, unless reliable data support selection of a
different factor. This FQPA additional safety factor largely replaces
pre-FQPA EPA practice regarding additional safety factors. (Ref. 8 at
In implementing FFDCA section 408, EPA's Office of Pesticide
Programs, also calculates a variant of the RfD referred to as a
Population Adjusted Dose (PAD). APAD is the RfD divided by any portion
of the FQPA safety factor that does not correspond to one of the
traditional additional safety factors used in general Agency risk
assessments. (Id. at 13-16). The reason for calculating PADs is so that
other parts of the Agency, which are not governed by FFDCA section 408,
can, when evaluating the same or similar substances, easily identify
which aspects of a pesticide risk assessment are a function of the
particular statutory commands in FFDCA section 408. Today, RfDs and
PADs are generally calculated for both acute and chronic dietary risks
although traditionally RfDs and PADs were only calculated for chronic
risks. Throughout this document general references to OPP's calculated
safe dose are denoted as an RfD/PAD.
For non-dietary, and combined dietary and non-dietary, risk
assessments of threshold effects, the toxicological level of concern is
not expressed as an RfD/PAD but rather in terms of an acceptable (or
target) margin of exposure (MOE) between human exposure and the Point
of Departure. The ``margin'' of interest is the ratio between human
exposure and the Point of Departure which is calculated by dividing
human exposure into the Point of Departure. An acceptable MOE is
generally considered to be a margin at least as high as the product of
all applicable safety factors for a pesticide. For example, if a
pesticide needs a 10X factor to account for potential inter-species
differences, 10X factor for potential intra-species differences, and
10X factor for the FQPA children's safety provision, the safe or target
MOE would be a MOE of at least 1,000. What that means is that for the
pesticide in the example to meet the safety standard, human exposure to
the pesticide would generally have to be at least 1,000 times smaller
than the Point of Departure. Like RfD/PADs, specific target MOEs are
selected for exposures of different durations. For non-dietary
exposures, EPA typically examines short-term, intermediate-term, and
long-term exposures. Additionally, target MOEs may be selected based on
both the duration of exposure and the various routes of non-dietary
exposure--dermal, inhalation, and oral.
ii. Non-threshold effects. For risk assessments for non-threshold
effects, EPA does not use the RfD/PAD or MOE approach to choose a level
of concern if quantification of the risk is deemed appropriate. Rather,
EPA calculates the slope of the dose-response curve for the non-
threshold effects from relevant
[[Page 3426]]
studies frequently using a linear, low-dose extrapolation model that
assumes that any amount of exposure will lead to some degree of risk.
This dose-response analysis will be used in the risk characterization
stage to estimate the risk to humans of the non-threshold effect.
c. Estimating human exposure. Risk is a function of both hazard and
exposure. Thus, equally important to the risk assessment process as
determining the hazards posed by a pesticide and the toxicological
level of concern for those hazards is estimating human exposure. Under
FFDCA section 408, EPA is concerned not only with exposure to pesticide
residues in food but also exposure resulting from pesticide
contamination of drinking water supplies and from use of pesticides in
the home or other non-occupational settings. (See 21 U.S.C.
346a(b)(2)(D)(vi)). Additionally, EPA must take into account non-
occupational exposure from ``other related substances.'' (Id.).
i. Exposure from food. There are two critical variables in
estimating exposure in food:
The types and amount of food that is consumed; and
The residue level in that food.
Consumption is estimated by EPA based on scientific surveys of
individuals' food consumption in the United States conducted by the
USDA. (Ref. 4 at 12). Information on residue values comes from a range
of sources including crop field trials, data on pesticide reduction (or
concentration) due to processing, cooking, and other practices,
information on the extent of usage of the pesticide, and monitoring of
the food supply. (Id. at 17).
In assessing exposure from pesticide residues in food, EPA, for
efficiency's sake, follows a tiered approach in which it, in the first
instance, assesses exposure using the worst case assumptions that 100%
of the crop or commodity in question is treated with, or exposed to,
the pesticide and 100% of the food from that crop or commodity contains
pesticide residues at the tolerance level. (Id. at 11). When such an
assessment shows no risks of concern, a more complex risk assessment is
unnecessary. By avoiding a more complex risk assessment, EPA's
resources are conserved and regulated parties are spared the cost of
any additional studies that may be needed. If, however, a first tier
assessment suggests there could be a risk of concern, EPA then attempts
to refine its exposure assumptions to yield a more realistic picture of
residue values through use of data on the percent of the crop or
commodity actually treated with, or exposed to, the pesticide and data
on the level of residues that may be present on the treated crop or
commodity. These latter data are used to estimate what has been
traditionally referred to by EPA as ``anticipated residues.''
Use of percent crop/commodity treated data and anticipated residue
information is appropriate because EPA's worst-case assumptions of 100%
treatment and residues at tolerance value significantly overstate
residue values. There are several reasons why this is true. First, all
growers of a particular crop would rarely choose to apply the same
pesticide to that crop (some may apply no pesticide; some may apply an
alternative pesticide); generally, the proportion of the crop treated
with a particular pesticide is significantly below 100%. (70 FR 46706,
46731, August 10, 2005) (FRL-7727-4). This is true with food and
structural fumigants such as sulfuryl fluoride as well, especially with
regard to the structural fumigant use in food processing facilities
because such use incurs infrequently and only potentially affects a
small portion of the food processed in the facility. Second, the
tolerance value represents a high end or worst case value. Tolerance
values are chosen only after EPA has evaluated data from experimental
trials in which the pesticide has been used in a manner, consistent
with the draft FIFRA label, that is likely to produce the highest
residue in the crop or food in question (e.g., maximum application
rate, maximum number of applications, minimum pre-harvest interval
between last pesticide application and harvest). (Refs. 4 and 9). These
experimental trials are generally conducted in several locations and
involve multiple samples. (Id. at 5, 7 and Tables 1 and 5). The results
from such experimental trials invariably show that the residue levels
for a given pesticide use will vary from as low as non-detectable to
measurable values in the parts per million (ppm) range with the
majority of the values falling at the lower part of the range. (70 FR
46731) (FRL-7727-4). EPA uses a statistical procedure to analyze the
experimental trial results and identify the upper bound of expected
residue values. This upper bound value is typically used as the
tolerance value. (Ref. 10). There may be some commodities from a
treated crop or commodity that approach the tolerance value where the
maximum label rates are followed, but most generally fall significantly
below the tolerance value. If less than the maximum legal rate is
applied, residues will be even lower. Third, residue values measured at
the time of treatment do not take into account the lowering of residue
values that frequently occurs as a result of degradation over time and
through food processing and cooking.
EPA uses several techniques to refine residue value estimates.
(Ref. 4 at 17-28). First, where appropriate, EPA will take into account
all the residue values reported in the experimental trials, either
through use of an average or individually. Second, EPA will consider
data showing what portion of the crop or commodity is not treated with,
or exposed to, the pesticide. Third, data can be produced showing
pesticide degradation and decline over time, and the effect of
commercial and consumer food handling and processing practices.
Finally, EPA can consult monitoring data gathered by the FDA, the USDA,
or pesticide registrants, on pesticide levels in food at points in the
food distribution chain distant from the farm, including retail food
Another critical component of the exposure assessment is how data
on consumption patterns are combined with data on pesticide residue
levels in food. Traditionally, EPA has calculated exposure by simply
multiplying average consumption by average residue values for
estimating chronic risks and high-end consumption by maximum residue
values for estimating acute risks. Using average residues is a
realistic approach for chronic risk assessment due to the fact that
variations in residue levels and consumption amounts average out over
time especially given the nationwide market for food in the United
States. Using average values is inappropriate for acute risk
assessments, however, because in assessing acute exposure situations it
matters how much of each treated food a given consumer eats in the
short-term and what the residue levels are in the particular foods
consumed. Yet, using maximum residue values for acute risk assessment
tends to greatly overstate exposure because it is unlikely that a
person would consume at a single meal multiple food components bearing
high-end residues. To take into account the variations in short-term
consumption patterns and food residue values for acute risk
assessments, EPA uses probabilistic modeling techniques for estimating
exposure when more simplistic models appear to show risks of concerns.
All of these refinements to the exposure assessment process, from
use of food monitoring data through probabilistic modeling, can have
dramatic effects on the level of exposure
[[Page 3427]]
predicted, typically reducing worst case estimates by at least 1 or 2
orders of magnitude. (Ref. 11 at 16-17; 70 FR 46706, 46732, August 10,
2005) (FRL-7727-4).
ii. Exposure from water. EPA may use either or both field
monitoring data and mathematical water exposure models to generate
pesticide exposure estimates in drinking water. Monitoring and modeling
are both important tools for estimating pesticide concentrations in
water and can provide different types of information. Monitoring data
can provide estimates of pesticide concentrations in water that are
representative of specific agricultural or residential pesticide
practices and under environmental conditions associated with a sampling
design. Although monitoring data can provide a direct measure of the
concentration of a pesticide in water, it does not always provide a
reliable estimate of exposure because sampling may not occur in areas
with the highest pesticide use, and/or the sampling may not occur when
the pesticides are being used.
In estimating pesticide exposure levels in drinking water, EPA most
frequently uses mathematical water exposure models. EPA's models are
based on extensive monitoring data and detailed information on soil
properties, crop characteristics, and weather patterns. (69 FR 30042,
30058-30065, May 26, 2004) (FRL-7355-7). These models calculate
estimated environmental concentrations of pesticides using laboratory
data that describe how fast the pesticide breaks down to other
chemicals and how it moves in the environment. These concentrations can
be estimated continuously over long periods of time, and for places
that are of most interest for any particular pesticide. Modeling is a
useful tool for characterizing vulnerable sites, and can be used to
estimate peak concentrations from infrequent, large storms.
Unlike assessments of exposure to pesticides in food, assessments
of exposure to pesticides in drinking water conducted under FIFRA and
FFDCA section 408 do not assume there is a nationwide market for
drinking water. A person's source of drinking water is primarily local
and often the pesticide use is quite localized as well. Thus, generally
EPA assesses drinking water exposure to pesticides under FIFRA and
FFDCA section 408 based on the most vulnerable watersheds and not on a
national or even regional average. (See 74 FR 59608, 59618-59619,
59658, November 18, 2009) (FRL-8797-6). Further, these assessments
commonly use high-end residue estimates from models and assume average
consumption levels.
In the case of fluoride, however, the primary source of exposure is
not from pesticide use. Additionally, as described in Unit V.A.2., EPA
has an extensive monitoring database from across the United States on
fluoride levels in drinking water. These factors have been taken into
account in how EPA has conducted its FFDCA section 408 risk assessment
for fluoride.
d. Risk characterization. The final step in the risk assessment is
risk characterization. In this step, EPA combines information from the
first three steps (hazard identification, level of concern/dose-
response analysis, and human exposure assessment) to quantitatively
estimate the risks posed by a pesticide. Separate characterizations of
risk are conducted for different durations of exposure. Additionally,
separate and, where appropriate, aggregate characterizations of risk
are conducted for the different routes of exposure (dietary and non-
For threshold risks, EPA estimates risk in one of two ways. Where
EPA has calculated a RfD/PAD, risk is estimated by expressing human
exposure as a percentage of the RfD/PAD. Exposures lower than 100% of
the RfD/PAD are generally not of concern. Alternatively, EPA may
express risk by comparing the MOE between estimated human exposure and
the Point of Departure with the acceptable or target MOE. As described
previously, the acceptable or target MOE is the product of all
applicable safety factors. To calculate the actual MOE for a pesticide,
estimated human exposure to the pesticide is divided into the Point of
Departure. In contrast to the RfD/PAD approach, higher MOEs denote
lower risk. Accordingly, if the target MOE for a pesticide is 100, MOEs
equal to or exceeding 100 would generally not be of concern.
As a conceptual matter, the RfD/PAD and MOE approaches are
fundamentally equivalent. For a given risk and given exposure of a
pesticide, if exposure to a pesticide were found to be acceptable under
an RfD/PAD analysis it would also pass under the MOE approach, and
vice-versa. However, for any specific pesticide, risk assessments for
different exposure durations or routes may yield different results.
This is a function not of the choice of the RfD/PAD or MOE approach but
of the fact that the levels of concern and the levels of exposure may
differ depending on the duration and route of exposure.
For non-threshold risks (generally, cancer risks), EPA uses the
slope of the dose-response curve for a pesticide in conjunction with an
estimation of human exposure to that pesticide to estimate the
probability of occurrence of additional adverse effects. Under FFDCA
section 408, for non-threshold cancer risks, EPA generally considers
cancer risk to be negligible if the probability of increased cancer
cases falls within the range of 1 in 1 million. EPA describes this
quantitative standard as a ``range'' because it does not want to impart
a false precision to numerical cancer risk estimates. EPA seeks to
identify risks differing significantly from a 1 in 1 million risk and
that involves both a quantitative as well as qualitative assessment of
what a risk estimate represents.
2. EPA policy on the children's safety factor. As the previous
brief summary of EPA's risk assessment practice indicates, the use of
safety factors plays a critical role in the process. This is true for
traditional 10X safety factors to account for potential differences
between animals and humans when relying on studies in animals (inter-
species safety factor) and potential differences among humans (intra-
species safety factor) as well as the FQPA's additional 10X children's
safety factor.
In applying the children's safety factor provision, EPA has
interpreted it as imposing a presumption in favor of applying an
additional 10X safety factor. (Ref. 8 at 4, 11). Thus, EPA generally
refers to the additional 10X factor as a presumptive or default 10X
factor. EPA has also made clear, however, that this presumption or
default in favor of the additional 10X is only a presumption. The
presumption can be overcome if reliable data demonstrate that a
different factor is safe for children. (Id.). In determining whether a
different factor is safe for children, EPA focuses on the three factors
listed in section 408(b)(2)(C)--the completeness of the toxicity
database, the completeness of the exposure database, and potential pre-
and post-natal toxicity. In examining these factors, EPA strives to
make sure that its choice of a safety factor, based on a weight-of-the-
evidence evaluation, does not understate the risk to children. (Id. at
24-25, 35).
C. SDWA and the Montreal Protocol/CAA
1. SDWA. SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.) was enacted to assure that
water supply systems serving the public meet minimum national standards
for the protection of public health and to protect the underground
sources of drinking water upon which the public
[[Page 3428]]
relies. (See generally A Legislative History of the Safe Drinking Water
Act, Committee Print, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. (1982) at 533-541). Under
SDWA, EPA is authorized to set ``National primary drinking water
regulations'' (NPDWRs) governing contaminants which the Administrator
determines may have an adverse effect on the health of persons. NPDWRs
apply to ``public water systems'' nationwide and include monitoring and
reporting requirements. (42 U.S.C. 300g-1).
``Public water systems'' are defined as systems that provide water
to the public through pipes or other constructed conveyances for human
consumption and that have at least 15 service connections or regularly
serve at least 25 individuals. (42 U.S.C. 300f(4)(A)). By regulation,
EPA has interpreted ``regularly serve at least 25 individuals'' to mean
providing water to an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least
60 days of the year. (40 CFR 141.2). There are over 160,000 public
water systems in the United States. The vast majority of these systems
(95%) are small (i.e. serve populations of 3,300 persons or less) and
these systems only serve about 10% of the population. Many of these
small systems rely on groundwater as a water source. The largest 2% of
the public water systems serve 80% of the population and include the
large metropolitan water systems such as in New York City, Washington,
DC, Boston and Chicago. Most of these systems rely on surface waters as
their primary water source. Public drinking water systems provide water
to roughly 85 to 90% of the U.S. population.
In promulgating a NPDWR for a contaminant, EPA must establish both
a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) for that contaminant as well as
either a maximum contaminant level (MCL) or a treatment technology
requirement. (42 U.S.C. 300g-1(a)(3) and 300g-1(b)(4)(7)). MCLGs are
not regulatory requirements and do not impose any obligations on public
water systems. Rather, MCLGs are health goals that are to be set at a
level at which, in the Administrator's judgment, ``no known or
anticipated adverse effects on the health of persons occur and which
allows for an adequate margin of safety.'' (42 U.S.C. 300g-1(b)(4)(A)).
A MCL sets a level of the contaminant not to be exceeded by public
water systems and, with some exceptions is to be set as close to the
MCLG as is ``feasible.'' (42 U.S.C. 300g-1(b)(4)(B)). The Act defines
feasible to mean ``feasible with the use of the best technology,
treatment techniques or other means which the Administrator finds * * *
are available (taking costs into consideration).'' (42 U.S.C. 300g-
(b)(4)(D)). The legislative history for this provision makes it clear
that ``feasibility'' is to be defined relative to ``what may reasonably
be afforded by large metropolitan or regional public water systems.''
(A Legislative History of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Committee Print,
97th Cong., 2d Sess. (1982) at 550. MCLs appear at 40 CFR part 141,
subparts B and G).
A treatment technique requirement imposes an obligation on public
water systems to use an identified treatment technology and it must
``prevent known or anticipated adverse effects on the health of persons
to the extent feasible.'' (42 U.S.C. 300g-1(b)(7)(A). EPA may establish
treatment technique requirements in lieu of an MCL only if it is not
economically or technologically feasible to ascertain the level of the
contaminant. (Id.).
SDWA also authorizes EPA to set ``secondary'' drinking water
standards or ``SMCLs.'' Such standards specify levels which are
necessary to protect ``the public welfare,'' (42 U.S.C. 300f(2)), but
are not Federally enforceable (see A Legislative History of the Safe
Drinking Water Act, Committee Print, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. (1982) at
557). For example, such a contaminant level might be one which
adversely affects the odor or appearance of water so that a large
number of people discontinue using that source. SMCLs may vary by
geography or other circumstances. EPA has established SMCLs for 15
contaminants, which are intended to be guidelines for the States. (40
CFR part 143).
Every 6 years, EPA is required to review and revise ``as
appropriate'' its existing drinking water standards. (42 U.S.C. 300g-
There is a long history of regulation of fluoride under SDWA. In
1975, EPA established a MCL for fluoride at a level varying between 1.4
milligrams (mg)/liter (L) and 2.4 mg/L depending on annual ambient air
temperature. (40 FR 59566, December 24, 1975). These levels were set to
prevent objectionable dental fluorosis. In 1981, South Carolina
petitioned EPA to revoke the fluoride MCL arguing that dental fluorosis
is merely a cosmetic effect not an adverse health effect. (See 50 FR
20164, May 14, 1985). In response to that petition, EPA took a series
of actions. First, in 1985, EPA established a MCLG for fluoride at 4
mg/L. (50 FR 47142, November 14, 1985) (At that time MCLGs were termed
``recommended maximum contaminant levels'' (RMCLs) under SDWA.). The
MCLG was set to protect against crippling skeletal fluorosis, an
adverse health effect associated with high levels of fluoride exposure.
EPA concluded that dental fluorosis, which had formed the basis for the
earlier MCL, was not an adverse health effect under SDWA but only a
cosmetic effect. Second, in 1986, EPA established a MCL for fluoride at
4 mg/L, again based on the crippling skeletal fluorosis endpoint. (51
FR 11396, April 2, 1986). Finally, also in 1986, EPA established a SMCL
for fluoride at 2 mg/L to protect against objectionable dental
fluorosis. (Id.). Judicial review of the MCLG was sought by both the
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and by South Carolina. (NRDC
v. EPA, 812 F.2d 721 (DC Cir. 1987)). NRDC argued that the level was
too high because, among other reasons, the MCLG should have been set on
dental fluorosis. Taking the opposite position, South Carolina claimed
that no MCLG at all was appropriate because the evidence did not
support that fluoride caused any adverse health effects. The DC Circuit
upheld EPA's regulation ruling that EPA had reasonably interpreted SDWA
term adverse health effect to be limited to functional impairments and
that EPA had reasonably concluded that effects of dental fluorosis were
cosmetic in nature and did not result in functional impairment. South
Carolina's challenge was dismissed based on the court's conclusion that
EPA had made a ``permissible administrative judgment'' based on the
evidence before it. (Id. at 725).
Subsequent to these rulemakings, EPA has on two occasions asked NAS
to reevaluate the potential risks of fluoride exposure in regard to the
MCLG/MCL. The NRC Report on the second request is discussed extensively
in Unit IV.D.
2. The Montreal Protocol/CAA and methyl bromide. The Montreal
Protocol is the international agreement aimed at reducing and
eliminating the production and consumption of stratospheric ozone-
depleting substances. The stratospheric ozone layer protects humans
from overexposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation. The United States
was one of the original signatories to the 1987 Montreal Protocol and
the United States ratified the Protocol in April, 1988. Congress then
enacted the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 which included
Title VI on Stratospheric Ozone Protection, codified as 42 U.S.C.
Chapter 85, Subchapter VI, to ensure that the United States could
satisfy its obligations under the Montreal Protocol. EPA issued
regulations in 40 CFR part 82 to implement this legislation and has
since modified and updated the regulations as needed. In 2009, the
Montreal Protocol became the first
[[Page 3429]]
universally ratified international environmental treaty.
Methyl bromide was added to the Montreal Protocol as an ozone-
depleting substance in 1992 through the Copenhagen Amendment to the
Protocol. The Parties to the Montreal Protocol (Parties) agreed that
each developed country's level of methyl bromide production and
consumption in 1991 should be the baseline for establishing a freeze.
Under the Montreal Protocol and Title VI of the CAAA the term
``consumption'' is a calculated amount equal to production plus imports
minus exports. EPA published a final rule in the Federal Register on
December 10, 1993 (58 FR 65018), listing methyl bromide as a Class I,
Group VI controlled substance, freezing U.S. production and consumption
at this 1991 baseline level of 25,528,270 kilograms, and setting forth
the percentage of baseline allowances for methyl bromide granted to
companies in each control period (each calendar year) until 2001, when
the complete phase-out would occur. This phase-out date was established
in response to a petition filed in 1991 under sections 602(c)(3) and
606(b) of CAAA of 1990, requesting that EPA list methyl bromide as a
Class I substance and phase out its production and consumption. This
date was consistent with section 602(d) of CAAA of 1990, which, for
newly listed Class I ozone-depleting substances, provides that ``no
extension [of the phase-out schedule in section 604] under this
subsection may extend the date for termination of production of any
class I substance to a date more than 7 years after January 1 of the
year after the year in which the substance is added to the list of
class I substances.''
At the Seventh Meeting of the Parties (MOP) in 1995, the Parties
made adjustments to the methyl bromide control measures and agreed to
reduction steps and a 2010 phase-out date for industrialized countries
with exemptions permitted for critical uses. At that time, the United
States continued to have a 2001 phase-out date in accordance with
section 602(d) of CAAA of 1990. At the Ninth MOP in 1997, the Parties
agreed to further adjustments to the phase-out schedule for methyl
bromide in industrialized countries, with reduction steps leading to a
2005 phase-out.
In October 1998, the U.S. Congress amended CAA to conform the U.S.
schedule to the schedule specified under the Protocol for developed
countries by requiring EPA to move the date for ending production to
January 1, 2005 and authorizing EPA to provide certain exemptions.
These amendments were contained in section 764 of the 1999 Omnibus
Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (Pub. L.
105-277, October 21, 1998) and were codified in section 604 of CAA. (42
U.S.C. 7671c). The amendment that specifically addresses the critical
use exemption (CUE) appears at section 604(d)(6), 42 U.S.C.
7671c(d)(6). EPA revised the phase-out schedule for methyl bromide
production and consumption in a direct final rulemaking on November 28,
2000 (65 FR 70795) (FRL-6906-4), which allowed for the phased reduction
in methyl bromide consumption specified under the Protocol and extended
the phase-out to 2005. EPA again amended the regulations to allow for
an exemption for quarantine and preshipment purposes with an interim
final rule on July 19, 2001 (66 FR 37752)(FRL-7014-5) and with a final
rule on January 2, 2003 (68 FR 238)(FRL-7434-1).
On December 23, 2004 (69 FR 76982)(FRL-7850-8), EPA published a
final rule that established the framework for the CUE; set forth a list
of approved critical uses for 2005; and specified the amount of methyl
bromide that could be supplied in 2005 from stocks and new production
or import to meet the needs of approved critical uses. EPA subsequently
published rules applying the CUE framework to the 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, and 2010 control periods.
Since its introduction in 2004, sulfuryl fluoride has served as an
alternative to methyl bromide with regard to methyl bromide's use as a
post-harvest commodity fumigant and fumigant for food processing
warehouses and facilities. Introduction of sulfuryl fluoride has played
a significant role in the United States' reduction of the postharvest
methyl bromide CUEs by almost 80% over the last 6 years.
IV. Regulatory History of Sulfuryl Fluoride
A. In General
Sulfuryl fluoride is a fumigant that is used to kill insect pests,
rodents, birds, and snakes. It is used both for the treatment of
structures as well as stored food. Sulfuryl fluoride was initially
registered under FIFRA as Vikane[supreg], a fumigant to treat drywood
termites and other wood boring insects in 1959. More recently, sulfuryl
fluoride was identified as a potential alternative for uses of methyl
bromide as a food fumigant and as a fumigant of food processing
facilities. It was registered under the name of ProFume[supreg] by Dow
AgroSciences for these uses in 2004 and 2005. Sulfuryl fluoride has
achieved significant penetration of several methyl bromide markets. EPA
and Dow AgroSciences have concluded that sulfuryl fluoride is used in
approximately 40% of mills and food processing facilities and is used
on 100% of cocoa beans. More recently, sulfuryl fluoride has been used
extensively in fumigating walnuts and dried fruit other than raisins.
Sulfuryl fluoride rapidly breaks down to form sulfate and the
fluoride anion.
B. 2004 Registration and Tolerances
In 2004, EPA registered sulfuryl fluoride for use as a direct
fumigant of various grains and dried fruits under FIFRA and established
corresponding tolerances under FFDCA section 408. (69 FR 3240, January
23, 2004)(FRL-7342-1). Tolerances were established for both the parent
chemical, sulfuryl fluoride, and the breakdown product, fluoride. (For
convenience, both the sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride tolerances
established in association with the use of sulfuryl fluoride are,
hereinafter, referred to in this document as sulfuryl fluoride
tolerances.) Separate risk assessments were conducted for sulfuryl
fluoride and fluoride.
In assessing the risk of fluoride, EPA relied on the MCLG that had
been established under SDWA to establish a RfD-like value for fluoride.
Established in 1986, the fluoride MCLG is 4 mg/L and is based on the
adverse effect of crippling skeletal fluorosis. (40 CFR 141.41). As was
the case with the MCLG, EPA determined that dental fluorosis was not an
adverse effect and thus was not an appropriate benchmark for evaluating
the safety of fluoride under FFDCA. EPA also determined that, ``given
the wealth of reliable human data on fluoride,'' the presumptive
additional 10X children's safety factor could be removed. (69 FR 3253)
(FRL-7342-1). Using the MCLG in combination with high-end water
consumption information and body weights for age subgroups from infants
through adults, EPA calculated safe fluoride levels on a milligram of
fluoride per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg/day) basis. (69 FR
3248) (FRL-7342-1). These RfD-like values were compared to estimated
aggregate exposure levels to fluoride from numerous sources: From use
of the pesticides sulfuryl fluoride and cryolite on food; from natural
and artificial levels of fluoride in drinking water; from background
levels of fluoride in beverages, food, and ambient air; and from
fluoride in dental products. Because aggregate exposure for each of
[[Page 3430]]
the age-based population subgroups fell below the calculated RfD-like
values, EPA concluded that the tolerances were safe.
Although FAN did not submit comments on the notice announcing Dow
AgroSciences' petition for tolerances, FAN had submitted objections to
an earlier sulfuryl fluoride tolerance action. That earlier tolerance
action was the establishment of temporary tolerances for sulfuryl
fluoride on various grains and dried fruits in conjunction with an
experimental use permit for sulfuryl fluoride under FIFRA section 5. (7
U.S.C. 136c). Sulfuryl fluoride was never used under that experimental
permit and the temporary tolerances were revoked with the establishment
of the 2004 tolerances. However, EPA treated the FAN objections as
comments on the petition for tolerances and responded to them in detail
in promulgating the 2004 tolerances. (Refs. 13, 14 and 15). Because EPA
recognized that the NAS was undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of
the latest data on fluoride, EPA noted that its review of the data
submitted by FAN was preliminary and subject to reevaluation once the
NRC Report was complete. (Ref. 14).
On March 23, 2004, FAN, joined by Beyond Pesticides, filed
objections to the 2004 tolerances and requested a hearing on those
objections. (See Unit IV.D.).
C. 2005 Registration and Tolerances
In 2005, EPA registered sulfuryl fluoride for use as a direct
fumigant on additional commodities and also as a structural fumigant
for food processing facilities under FIFRA and established
corresponding tolerances under FFDCA section 408. (70 FR 40899, July
15, 2005) (FRL-7723-7). Again, EPA relied on the MCLG in assessing the
aggregate risk to fluoride, taking into account the additional fluoride
exposure from the new uses. (Id. at 40905). EPA also assessed fluoride
risk using the Point of Departure suggested by NAS' Institute of
Medicine for evaluating the risk of crippling skeletal fluorosis. (Id.
at 40906). Under both approaches, EPA concluded that the tolerances
were safe.
FAN submitted comments on the notice announcing Dow AgroSciences'
petition for tolerances. EPA prepared a detailed response to these
comments. (Ref. 16).
On September 13, 2005, FAN, joined by Beyond Pesticides and the
Environmental Working Group, filed objections to the 2005 tolerances
and requested a hearing on those objections. (See Unit IV.D.).
D. The 2006 NRC Report
In 2003, EPA's Office of Water (OW) asked the NRC to review new
research on fluoride to determine whether the MCLG and SMCL for
fluoride established under SDWA adequately protect the public health.
(Ref. 17 at xii). Specifically, EPA asked NRC ``to review toxicologic,
epidemiologic, and clinical data on fluoride--particularly data
published since NRC's previous (1993) report--and exposure data on
orally ingested fluoride from drinking water and other sources * * *,
'' and ``to evaluate independently the scientific basis of EPA's MCLG
of 4 mg/L and SMCL of 2 mg/L in drinking water and the adequacy of
those guidelines to protect children and others from adverse health
effects.'' (Id. at 2). NRC was also asked to identify data gaps and to
make recommendations for future research relevant to setting the MCLG
and SMCL for fluoride.'' (Id.).
NRC completed its report in March 2006. Its overall conclusions
were that: (1) ``EPA's MCLG of 4 mg/L should be lowered;'' (2) further
study was needed to assess the protectiveness of the SMCL of 2 mg/L;
and (3) ``EPA should update the risk assessment of fluoride to include
new data on health risks and better estimates of total exposure
(relative source contribution) in individuals and to use current
approaches to quantifying risk, considering susceptible subpopulations,
and characterizing uncertainties and variability.'' (Id. at 352).
NRC's decision as to the MCLG was driven by its concern regarding
the fluoride exposure levels