Pipeline Safety: Establishing Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure or Maximum Operating Pressure Using Record Evidence, and Integrity Management Risk Identification, Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation, 1504-1507 [2011-208]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 6 / Monday, January 10, 2011 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
provisions of Federal transit laws (49
U.S.C. 5323(b), and 5324), the projectlevel air quality conformity regulation of
the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) (40 CFR part 93), the
section 404(b)(1) guidelines of EPA (40
CFR part 230), the regulation
implementing section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act (36
CFR part 800), the regulation
implementing section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act (50 CFR part
402), section 4(f) of the Department of
Transportation Act (23 CFR part 774),
and Executive Orders 12898 on
environmental justice, 11988 on
floodplain management, and 11990 on
the protection of the wetlands.
The FTA regulations implementing
NEPA, as well as provisions of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for
Users (SAFETEA–LU), requires that
FTA and METRO (1) invite other
Federal and non-Federal agencies and
Native American Tribes that may have
an interest in the proposed project to
become ‘‘participating agencies;’’ (2)
provide an opportunity for involvement
by participating agencies and the public
to help define the purpose and need,
and the range of alternatives for
consideration; and (3) establish a plan
for coordinating public and agency
participation in, and comment on, the
environmental review. It is possible that
FTA and METRO will not be able to
identify all Federal and non-Federal
agencies and Native American Tribes
that may have such an interest. Any
Federal or non-Federal agency or Native
American Tribe interested in the
proposed project that does not receive
an invitation to become a participating
agency should notify at the earliest
opportunity the Project Manager
identified above under ADDRESSES.
Paperwork Reduction
The Paperwork Reduction Act seeks,
in part, to minimize the cost to the
taxpayer of the creation, collection,
maintenance, use, dissemination, and
disposition of information. Consistent
with this goal and with principles of
economy and efficiency in government,
it is FTA policy to limit insofar as
possible distribution of complete
printed sets of environmental
documents. Accordingly, unless a
specific request for a complete printed
set of environmental documents is
received (preferably in advance of
printing), FTA and its grantees will
distribute only the executive summary
of the environmental document together
with a Compact Disc of the complete
environmental document. A complete
printed set of the environmental
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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document will be available for review at
the libraries and governments offices in
the project area; an electronic copy of
the complete environmental document
will also be available on the project Web
site at https://www.ridemetro.org.
Blas M. Uribe,
FTA Deputy Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2011–149 Filed 1–7–11; 8:45 am]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
[Docket No. PHMSA–2010–0381
Pipeline Safety: Establishing Maximum
Allowable Operating Pressure or
Maximum Operating Pressure Using
Record Evidence, and Integrity
Management Risk Identification,
Assessment, Prevention, and
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
ACTION: Notice; issuance of Advisory
PHMSA is issuing an
Advisory Bulletin to remind operators
of gas and hazardous liquid pipeline
facilities of their responsibilities, under
Federal integrity management (IM)
regulations, to perform detailed threat
and risk analyses that integrate accurate
data and information from their entire
pipeline system, especially when
calculating Maximum Allowable
Operating Pressure (MAOP) or
Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP),
and to utilize these risk analyses in the
identification of appropriate assessment
methods, and preventive and mitigative
Alan Mayberry by phone at 202–366–
5124 or by e-mail at
alan.mayberry@dot.gov. All materials in
this docket may be accessed
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov. General
information about the PHMSA Office of
Pipeline Safety (OPS) can be obtained
by accessing OPS’s Internet home page
at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline.
PHMSA’s goal is to improve the
overall integrity of pipeline systems and
reduce risks. To adequately evaluate
risk, it is necessary to identify and
evaluate the physical and operational
characteristics of each individual
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pipeline system. To that end, the
Hazardous Liquid and Gas Transmission
Pipeline Integrity Management (IM)
Programs were created with the
following objectives:
• Ensuring the quality of pipeline
integrity in areas with a higher potential
for adverse consequences (high
consequence areas or HCAs);
• Promoting a more rigorous and
systematic management of pipeline
integrity and risk by operators;
• Maintaining the government’s
prominent role in the oversight of
pipeline operator integrity plans and
programs; and
• Increasing the public’s confidence
in the safe operation of the nation’s
pipeline network.
The IM regulations supplement
PHMSA’s prescriptive safety regulations
with requirements that are intelligent,
performance based and processoriented. One of the fundamental tenets
of the IM program is that pipeline
operators must be aware of the physical
attributes of their pipeline as well as the
physical environment that it
transverses. These programs reflect the
recognition that each pipeline is unique
and has its own specific risk profile that
is dependent upon the pipelines
attributes, its geographical location,
design, operating environment, the
commodity being transported, and many
other factors. This information is a vital
component in an operator’s ability to
identify and evaluate the risks to its
pipeline and identify the appropriate
assessment tools, set the schedule for
assessments of the integrity of the
pipeline segments and identify the need
for additional preventive and mitigative
measures such as lowering operating
pressures. If this information is
unknown, or unknowable, a more
conservative approach to operations is
An IM program must go beyond
simply assessing pipeline segments and
repairing defects. Improving operator IM
programs, the analytical processes
involved in identifying and responding
to risk, and the application of
assessment and development of
preventive and mitigative measures is
also a critical objective. In addition, the
ability to integrate and analyze threat
and integrity related data from many
sources is essential for enhanced safety
and proactive integrity management.
However, some operators are not
sufficiently aware of their pipeline
attributes nor are they adequately or
consistently assessing threats and risks
as a part of their IM programs.
Over the past several years, PHMSA
inspections and investigations have
revealed deficiencies in individual
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 6 / Monday, January 10, 2011 / Notices
operators’ risk analysis approaches, the
integration of data into these risk
assessments, the abilities to adequately
support the selection of assessment
methods, identification and
implementation of preventive and
mitigative measures, and maintenance
of up-to-date risk information and
findings about their pipeline segments.
In particular, operators’ programs fail to
adequately address stress corrosion
cracking, seam failure, or internal
corrosion in their threat identification
and risk assessments. The actual use of
threat and risk information to determine
assessment methods, to evaluate other
preventive and mitigative measures, and
to use those measures during periodic
evaluation have been found to be
deficient. Inspections and investigations
have revealed examples where
assessment methods, specific tools, and
schedules were not based on a rigorous
assessment of the type of threats posed
by the pipeline segment, including
consideration of the age, design, pipe
material including seam type, coating,
welding technique, cathodic protection,
soil type, surrounding environment,
operational history, or other relevant
factors. Finally, inspections and
investigations indicate that efforts to
collect and integrate risk information
can be inappropriately narrow, lack
verification and fail to take into account
relevant risk information and lessons
learned from other parts of their system.
In recent pipeline accident
investigations, NTSB and PHMSA have
discovered indications that operator
oversight of IM programs has been
lacking and thereby failed to detect
flaws and deficiencies in their
programs. The level of self-evaluation
and oversight currently being exercised
by some pipeline operators is not
uniformly applied. The NTSB is also
concerned that pipeline operators
throughout the United States may have
discrepancies in their records that could
potentially compromise the safe
operation of their pipelines. NTSB has
recommended that operators diligently
and objectively scrutinize the
effectiveness of their programs, identify
areas for improvement, and implement
corrective measures.
On January 3, 2011, NTSB
recommended that PHMSA inform the
pipeline industry of the circumstances
leading up to and the consequences of
the September 9, 2010, pipeline rupture
in San Bruno, California, to ensure that
both PHMSA and NTSB findings and
recommendations with respect to the
verification of records used to establish
or adjust MAOP or MOP are
expeditiously incorporated into the IM
programs for pipeline operators. The
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pipeline rupture in San Bruno, CA
involved a 30-inch-diameter natural gas
transmission pipeline owned and
operated by Pacific Gas and Electric
Company (PG&E). The rupture occurred
in a residential area killing eight people,
injuring many more, and causing
substantial property damage. The
rupture created a crater about 72 feet
long by 26 feet wide. A ruptured pipe
segment about 28 feet long was found
about 100 feet away from the crater. The
resulting fire destroyed 37 homes and
damaged 18. NTSB’s preliminary
findings indicate that the pipeline
operator did not have an accurate basis
for the MAOP calculation.
There are several methods available
for establishing MAOP or MOP. A
hydrostatic pressure test that stresses
the pipe to a designated percent of the
desired MAOP or MOP, without failure,
is generally the most effective method.
Hydrostatic testing requirements and
restrictions for natural gas pipelines are
specified in Title 49 CFR Part 192,
Subpart J. Similar requirements for
hazardous liquid pipelines are found in
49 CFR Part 195, Subpart E. Although
hydrostatic testing is recognized to be
the most direct and effective
methodology for validating a MAOP or
MOP, its implementation requires that
operating lines be shut down, which
may adversely affect customers
dependent on the natural gas supplied
by the pipeline, particularly if the pipe
fails during the test, which could
necessitate a protracted shutdown.
Consequently, operators prefer to use
available design, construction,
inspection, testing, and other related
records to calculate the valid MAOP or
MOP. However, this method is
susceptible to error if pipeline records
are inaccurate. With respect to the
portion of the pipeline that failed in the
September 9, 2010, San Bruno incident,
PG&E used available design,
construction, inspection, testing, and
other related records to calculate the
MAOP. The NTSB’s examination of the
ruptured pipe segment and review of
PG&E records revealed that although the
as-built drawings and alignment sheets
mark the pipe as seamless API 5L Grade
X42 pipe, the pipeline in the area of the
rupture was constructed with
longitudinal seam-welded pipe. The
ruptured pipe segment was constructed
of five sections of pipe, some of which
were short pieces measuring about four
feet long, containing different
longitudinal seam welds of various
types, including single- and doublesided welds. Consequently, the short
pieces of pipe of unknown
specifications in the ruptured pipe
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segment may not have been as strong as
the seamless API 5L Grade X42 steel
pipe listed in PG&E’s records. PG&E’s
records also identify Consolidated
Western Steel Corporation as the
manufacturer of the accident segment of
Line 132. However, after physical
inspection of the ruptured section,
investigators were unable to confirm the
manufacturing source of some of the
pieces of ruptured pipe.
Integrity Management Regulatory
For hazardous liquid pipelines,
§ 195.452 establishes requirements for
IM programs in HCAs. Section
195.452(b)(1) requires that each operator
of a hazardous liquid pipeline ‘‘develop
a written IM program that addresses the
risks on each segment of pipeline.’’
Section 195.452(e) defines the minimum
list of risk factors that must be included
in the risk assessments used to schedule
segment assessments. Appendix C
provides additional guidance on these
risk factors. Section 195.452(f) defines
the required elements of an IM program.
These elements include an analysis that
integrates all available information
about the integrity of the entire pipeline
and the consequences of a failure,
including data gathered during previous
integrity assessments and data gathered
in conjunction with other maintenance
inspections and investigations. These
elements also include an identification
of additional preventive and mitigative
measures to protect the HCAs
(§ 195.452(i)), including conducting a
risk analysis in which an operator must
evaluate the likelihood of a pipeline
release and how it could affect the
HCAs. Preventive and mitigative
measures to be evaluated based on risk
factors include, but are not limited to,
leak detection system modifications and
installation of additional Emergency
Flow Restricting Devices.
For natural gas pipelines, Subpart O
of 49 CFR Part 192 establishes the
requirements for IM programs in HCAs.
Section 192.911(c) requires that IM
programs include ‘‘[a]n identification of
threats to each covered pipeline
segment, which must include data
integration and a risk assessment.’’ This
section further requires ‘‘[a]n operator
must use the threat identification and
risk assessment to prioritize covered
segments for assessment (§ 192.917) and
to evaluate the merits of additional
preventive and mitigative measures
(§ 192.935) for each covered segment.’’
Section 192.917(b) requires an operator
to integrate existing data and
information on the entire pipeline that
could be relevant to a covered segment.
In performing this data gathering and
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 6 / Monday, January 10, 2011 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
integration, an operator must follow the
requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S,
section 4. At a minimum, an operator
must gather and evaluate the set of data
specified in Appendix A to ASME/ANSI
B31.8S, and consider both on the
covered segment and similar noncovered segments, past incident history,
corrosion control records, continuing
surveillance records, patrolling records,
maintenance history, internal inspection
records, operating stress levels, past
pressure test information, soil
characteristics, and all other conditions
specific to each pipeline. Section
192.917(c) states that an operator must
conduct a risk assessment that follows
ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, and
considers the identified threats for each
covered segment. An operator must use
the risk assessment to prioritize the
covered segments for the baseline and
periodic reassessments, and to
determine what additional preventive
and mitigative measures are needed for
the covered segment. Sections 192.919
and 192.921(a) further require that the
operator explain why the particular
assessment method for each segment
was selected to address the identified
threats to each covered segment.
Specifically, § 192.921(a) requires the
operator to select the method or
methods best suited to address the
identified threats to the covered
segment (pipeline), which include
internal inspection tool[s], pressure test,
direct assessment, or other technology
that an operator demonstrates can
provide an equivalent understanding of
the condition of the pipeline. More than
one assessment method may be required
to address all the threats to the covered
pipeline segment. Section 192.935
requires that an operator take additional
measures beyond those already required
by Part 192 to prevent a pipeline failure
and to mitigate the consequences of a
pipeline failure in a HCA. An operator
must base the additional measures on
the threats the operator has identified to
each pipeline segment. This section
requires that an operator conduct, in
accordance with one of the risk
assessment approaches in ASME/ANSI
B31.8S, section 5, a risk analysis of its
pipeline to identify additional measures
to protect the HCA and enhance public
Advisory Bulletin (ADB–11–01)
To: Owners and Operators of
Hazardous Liquid and Gas Pipeline
Subject: Establishing Maximum
Allowable Operating Pressure or
Maximum Operating Pressure Using
Record Evidence, and Integrity
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Management Risk Identification,
Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation.
Advisory: To further enhance the
Department’s safety efforts and
implement the NTSB’s January 3, 2011,
recommendation to PHMSA [P–10–1],
PHMSA is issuing this Advisory
Bulletin concerning establishing MAOP
and MOP using record evidence and
integrity management; threat and risk
identification; risk assessment; risk
information collection, accuracy and
integration, and identification and
implementation of preventive and
mitigative measures.
I. Establishing MAOP or MOP Using
Record Evidence
As PHMSA and NTSB recommended,
operators relying on the review of
design, construction, inspection, testing
and other related data to calculate
MAOP or MOP must assure that the
records used are reliable. An operator
must diligently search, review and
scrutinize documents and records,
including but not limited to, all as-built
drawings, alignment sheets, and
specifications, and all design,
construction, inspection, testing,
maintenance, manufacturer, and other
related records. These records shall be
traceable, verifiable, and complete. If
such a document and records search,
review, and verification cannot be
satisfactorily completed, the operator
cannot rely on this method for
calculating MAOP or MOP. Copies of
the recommendations issued by NTSB
to PHMSA, PG&E, and the California
Public Utilities Commission, are
available in the public docket and at
PHMSA’s Web site: https://
II. Performing Risk Identification,
Assessment, Data Accuracy, Prevention,
and Mitigation
Pipeline operators are reminded of
their responsibilities to identify pipeline
integrity threats, perform rigorous risk
analyses, integrate information, and
identify, evaluate, and implement
preventive and mitigative measures as
required by the Federal pipeline safety
regulations. Operators should
thoroughly review their current IM
programs and make any changes
necessary to become fully compliant
with the Federal pipeline safety
regulations. Future, PHMSA inspections
will place emphasis on the areas noted
in this Advisory Bulletin.
Operators are also advised that
PHMSA and its State partners intend to
sponsor a public workshop on threat
and risk identification, risk assessment,
risk information collection and
integration, and identification of
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preventive and mitigative measures. The
purpose of the workshop will be to
expand the industry’s knowledge base
about effective IM programs. At this
workshop, PHMSA will discuss the
progress it has seen and the challenges
remaining. Operators with demonstrably
effective programs will be invited to
share information. Public participation
will be encouraged.
A. Risk and Threat Identification
PHMSA emphasizes the need for
operators to be fully cognizant of the
physical and operational characteristics
of their systems, understand the threats
to their systems, and the risks posed by
their systems. Each operator is
ultimately responsible for identifying all
risk factors and cannot rely solely on the
factors in § 195.452(e) and Appendix C
of Part 195 or § 192.917. Any operator
of a hazardous liquid or gas
transmission pipeline that is not fully
cognizant of the location, pipe material
and seam type, coating, cathodic
protection history, repair history,
previous pressure testing, or operational
pressure history, and other assessment
information, incident data, soil type and
environment, operational history, or
other key risk factors of a pipeline
operating at or above 30% SMYS should
(1) institute an aggressive program as
soon as possible to obtain this
information, (2) assess the risks, and
(3) take the proper mitigative measures
based upon the operator’s IM program
risk findings. In addition, if these
operators do not have verified
information on key risk factors, an
immediate and interim mitigation
measure that should be strongly
considered is a pressure reduction to 80
percent of the operating pressure for the
previous month, hydro testing the
pipeline or creating a remediation
program to identify threat risks.
Operators of transmission pipelines
operating below 30% SMYS should also
conduct an integrity threat and risk
review of these pipelines to ensure
safety in HCAs. PHMSA will require an
operator that has not adequately
identified all threats to take mitigative
B. Risk Assessment
Operators are advised to re-examine
the basis for their IM assessment, as
well as their MAOP or MOP
calculations and documentation to meet
Federal regulations in 49 CFR Parts 192
and 195. Operators must consider all
significant risk factors in their risk
assessments; conduct risk assessments
capable of supporting identification of
preventive and mitigative measures;
integrate into their threat and risk
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 6 / Monday, January 10, 2011 / Notices
assessments all relevant risk
information from prior integrity
assessments, inspections, investigations,
and incidents with design, construction,
operational and maintenance data; to
critically analyze the integrated data
and incorporate the analysis into their
risk assessments and integrity-related
decision making; update and maintain
their risk information; and to ensure
that the risk information is made
available throughout the organization in
a form that can effectively support
decisions on integrity assessment
methods, tools, process and procedure
changes, and schedule during the
required periodic evaluations of
pipeline integrity. PHMSA and its State
partners intend to verify that operators
have taken these actions during the
course of future pipeline safety
inspections and investigations.
C. Data Accuracy
Operators must review and scrutinize
pipeline infrastructure documents and
records, including but not limited to, all
as-built drawings, alignment sheets,
specifications, and all design,
construction, inspection, testing,
material manufacturer, operational
maintenance data, and other related
records, to ensure company records
accurately reflect the pipeline’s physical
and operational characteristics. These
records should be traceable, verifiable,
and complete to meet §§ 192.619 and
195.302. Incomplete or partial records
are not an adequate basis for
establishing MAOP or MOP using this
method. If such a document and records
search, review, and verification cannot
be satisfactorily completed, the operator
may need to conduct other activities
such as in-situ examination, pressure
testing, and nondestructive testing or
otherwise verify the characteristics of
the pipeline when identifying and
assessing threats or risks.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
D. Risk Mitigation and Prevention
PHMSA advises operators to
implement a robust IM process that
includes methods best suited to address
the threats and risks identified
(§ 192.921(a) and § 195.452(f)).
Operators must use post assessment and
continuing evaluation processes to
evaluate program effectiveness in
identifying threats, addressing threat
preventative and mitigative measures,
and providing internal IM program
feedback of assessment findings so the
assessment process can be updated
based upon threat findings.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 223001
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 4,
Jeffrey D. Wiese,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2011–208 Filed 1–7–11; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
Release of Waybill Data
The Surface Transportation Board has
received a request from Michael Behe
representing FRN, LLC (WB604–9–
1/03/11) for permission to use certain
data from the Board’s 2009 Carload
Waybill Sample. A copy of this request
may be obtained from the Office of
The waybill sample contains
confidential railroad and shipper data;
therefore, if any parties object to these
requests, they should file their
objections with the Director of the
Board’s Office of Economics within
14 calendar days of the date of this
notice. The rules for release of waybill
data are codified at 49 CFR 1244.9.
Contact: Scott Decker, (202) 245–
Andrea Pope-Matheson,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2011–155 Filed 1–7–11; 8:45 am]
Departmental Offices; Privacy Act of
1974, as Amended
Departmental Offices, Treasury.
Notice of Proposed Privacy Act
System of Records.
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the
Departmental Offices, U.S. Department
of the Treasury (‘‘Treasury’’) gives notice
of the establishment of a Privacy Act
System of Records.
DATES: Comments must be received no
later than February 9, 2011. The new
system of records will be effective
February 9, 2011 unless the comments
received result in a contrary
Comments should be sent to
Claire Stapleton, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau Implementation
Team, 1801 L Street, NW., Washington,
DC 20036. Comments will be made
available for inspection upon written
request. Treasury will make such
comments available for public
PO 00000
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inspection and copying in Treasury’s
Library, Room 1428, Main Treasury
Building, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20220, on official
business days between the hours of
10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time. You
can make an appointment to inspect
comments by telephoning (202) 622–
0990. All comments, including
attachments and other supporting
materials, will become part of the public
record and subject to public disclosure.
You should submit only information
that you wish to make available
Claire Stapleton, Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau Implementation
Team, 1801 L. Street, NW., Washington,
DC 20036, (202) 435–7220.
The DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (‘‘Act’’), Public Law 111–
203, Title X, established the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Once fully operational, CFPB will
administer, enforce and implement
Federal consumer financial protection
laws, and, among other powers, will
have authority to protect consumers
from unfair, deceptive, and abusive
practices when obtaining consumer
financial products or services. The Act
grants Treasury certain ‘‘interim
authority’’ to help stand up the agency.
The CFPB implementation team,
currently within Treasury, will maintain
the records covered by this notice.
The new systems of records described
in this notice, Treasury/DO.315—CFPB
Implementation Team Consumer
Inquiry and Complaint Database, will be
used to collect, respond to, and refer
consumer inquiries and complaints
concerning consumer financial products
and services. A description of the new
system of records follows this Notice.
The report of a new system of records
has been submitted to the Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform of
the House of Representatives, the
Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and
the Office of Management and Budget,
pursuant to Appendix I to OMB Circular
A–130, ‘‘Federal Agency
Responsibilities for Maintaining
Records About Individuals,’’ dated
November 30, 2000, and the Privacy
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a(r).
The system of records entitled,
Implementation Team Consumer
Inquiry and Complaint Database’’ is
published in its entirely below.
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 6 (Monday, January 10, 2011)]
[Pages 1504-1507]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-208]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
[Docket No. PHMSA-2010-0381
Pipeline Safety: Establishing Maximum Allowable Operating
Pressure or Maximum Operating Pressure Using Record Evidence, and
Integrity Management Risk Identification, Assessment, Prevention, and
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA);
ACTION: Notice; issuance of Advisory Bulletin.
SUMMARY: PHMSA is issuing an Advisory Bulletin to remind operators of
gas and hazardous liquid pipeline facilities of their responsibilities,
under Federal integrity management (IM) regulations, to perform
detailed threat and risk analyses that integrate accurate data and
information from their entire pipeline system, especially when
calculating Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) or Maximum
Operating Pressure (MOP), and to utilize these risk analyses in the
identification of appropriate assessment methods, and preventive and
mitigative measures.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Mayberry by phone at 202-366-5124
or by e-mail at alan.mayberry@dot.gov. All materials in this docket may
be accessed electronically at https://www.regulations.gov. General
information about the PHMSA Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) can be
obtained by accessing OPS's Internet home page at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline.
PHMSA's goal is to improve the overall integrity of pipeline
systems and reduce risks. To adequately evaluate risk, it is necessary
to identify and evaluate the physical and operational characteristics
of each individual pipeline system. To that end, the Hazardous Liquid
and Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Management (IM) Programs were
created with the following objectives:
Ensuring the quality of pipeline integrity in areas with a
higher potential for adverse consequences (high consequence areas or
Promoting a more rigorous and systematic management of
pipeline integrity and risk by operators;
Maintaining the government's prominent role in the
oversight of pipeline operator integrity plans and programs; and
Increasing the public's confidence in the safe operation
of the nation's pipeline network.
The IM regulations supplement PHMSA's prescriptive safety
regulations with requirements that are intelligent, performance based
and process-oriented. One of the fundamental tenets of the IM program
is that pipeline operators must be aware of the physical attributes of
their pipeline as well as the physical environment that it transverses.
These programs reflect the recognition that each pipeline is unique and
has its own specific risk profile that is dependent upon the pipelines
attributes, its geographical location, design, operating environment,
the commodity being transported, and many other factors. This
information is a vital component in an operator's ability to identify
and evaluate the risks to its pipeline and identify the appropriate
assessment tools, set the schedule for assessments of the integrity of
the pipeline segments and identify the need for additional preventive
and mitigative measures such as lowering operating pressures. If this
information is unknown, or unknowable, a more conservative approach to
operations is dictated.
An IM program must go beyond simply assessing pipeline segments and
repairing defects. Improving operator IM programs, the analytical
processes involved in identifying and responding to risk, and the
application of assessment and development of preventive and mitigative
measures is also a critical objective. In addition, the ability to
integrate and analyze threat and integrity related data from many
sources is essential for enhanced safety and proactive integrity
management. However, some operators are not sufficiently aware of their
pipeline attributes nor are they adequately or consistently assessing
threats and risks as a part of their IM programs.
Over the past several years, PHMSA inspections and investigations
have revealed deficiencies in individual
[[Page 1505]]
operators' risk analysis approaches, the integration of data into these
risk assessments, the abilities to adequately support the selection of
assessment methods, identification and implementation of preventive and
mitigative measures, and maintenance of up-to-date risk information and
findings about their pipeline segments. In particular, operators'
programs fail to adequately address stress corrosion cracking, seam
failure, or internal corrosion in their threat identification and risk
assessments. The actual use of threat and risk information to determine
assessment methods, to evaluate other preventive and mitigative
measures, and to use those measures during periodic evaluation have
been found to be deficient. Inspections and investigations have
revealed examples where assessment methods, specific tools, and
schedules were not based on a rigorous assessment of the type of
threats posed by the pipeline segment, including consideration of the
age, design, pipe material including seam type, coating, welding
technique, cathodic protection, soil type, surrounding environment,
operational history, or other relevant factors. Finally, inspections
and investigations indicate that efforts to collect and integrate risk
information can be inappropriately narrow, lack verification and fail
to take into account relevant risk information and lessons learned from
other parts of their system.
In recent pipeline accident investigations, NTSB and PHMSA have
discovered indications that operator oversight of IM programs has been
lacking and thereby failed to detect flaws and deficiencies in their
programs. The level of self-evaluation and oversight currently being
exercised by some pipeline operators is not uniformly applied. The NTSB
is also concerned that pipeline operators throughout the United States
may have discrepancies in their records that could potentially
compromise the safe operation of their pipelines. NTSB has recommended
that operators diligently and objectively scrutinize the effectiveness
of their programs, identify areas for improvement, and implement
corrective measures.
On January 3, 2011, NTSB recommended that PHMSA inform the pipeline
industry of the circumstances leading up to and the consequences of the
September 9, 2010, pipeline rupture in San Bruno, California, to ensure
that both PHMSA and NTSB findings and recommendations with respect to
the verification of records used to establish or adjust MAOP or MOP are
expeditiously incorporated into the IM programs for pipeline operators.
The pipeline rupture in San Bruno, CA involved a 30-inch-diameter
natural gas transmission pipeline owned and operated by Pacific Gas and
Electric Company (PG&E). The rupture occurred in a residential area
killing eight people, injuring many more, and causing substantial
property damage. The rupture created a crater about 72 feet long by 26
feet wide. A ruptured pipe segment about 28 feet long was found about
100 feet away from the crater. The resulting fire destroyed 37 homes
and damaged 18. NTSB's preliminary findings indicate that the pipeline
operator did not have an accurate basis for the MAOP calculation.
There are several methods available for establishing MAOP or MOP. A
hydrostatic pressure test that stresses the pipe to a designated
percent of the desired MAOP or MOP, without failure, is generally the
most effective method. Hydrostatic testing requirements and
restrictions for natural gas pipelines are specified in Title 49 CFR
Part 192, Subpart J. Similar requirements for hazardous liquid
pipelines are found in 49 CFR Part 195, Subpart E. Although hydrostatic
testing is recognized to be the most direct and effective methodology
for validating a MAOP or MOP, its implementation requires that
operating lines be shut down, which may adversely affect customers
dependent on the natural gas supplied by the pipeline, particularly if
the pipe fails during the test, which could necessitate a protracted
shutdown. Consequently, operators prefer to use available design,
construction, inspection, testing, and other related records to
calculate the valid MAOP or MOP. However, this method is susceptible to
error if pipeline records are inaccurate. With respect to the portion
of the pipeline that failed in the September 9, 2010, San Bruno
incident, PG&E used available design, construction, inspection,
testing, and other related records to calculate the MAOP. The NTSB's
examination of the ruptured pipe segment and review of PG&E records
revealed that although the as-built drawings and alignment sheets mark
the pipe as seamless API 5L Grade X42 pipe, the pipeline in the area of
the rupture was constructed with longitudinal seam-welded pipe. The
ruptured pipe segment was constructed of five sections of pipe, some of
which were short pieces measuring about four feet long, containing
different longitudinal seam welds of various types, including single-
and double-sided welds. Consequently, the short pieces of pipe of
unknown specifications in the ruptured pipe segment may not have been
as strong as the seamless API 5L Grade X42 steel pipe listed in PG&E's
records. PG&E's records also identify Consolidated Western Steel
Corporation as the manufacturer of the accident segment of Line 132.
However, after physical inspection of the ruptured section,
investigators were unable to confirm the manufacturing source of some
of the pieces of ruptured pipe.
Integrity Management Regulatory Provisions
For hazardous liquid pipelines, Sec. 195.452 establishes
requirements for IM programs in HCAs. Section 195.452(b)(1) requires
that each operator of a hazardous liquid pipeline ``develop a written
IM program that addresses the risks on each segment of pipeline.''
Section 195.452(e) defines the minimum list of risk factors that must
be included in the risk assessments used to schedule segment
assessments. Appendix C provides additional guidance on these risk
factors. Section 195.452(f) defines the required elements of an IM
program. These elements include an analysis that integrates all
available information about the integrity of the entire pipeline and
the consequences of a failure, including data gathered during previous
integrity assessments and data gathered in conjunction with other
maintenance inspections and investigations. These elements also include
an identification of additional preventive and mitigative measures to
protect the HCAs (Sec. 195.452(i)), including conducting a risk
analysis in which an operator must evaluate the likelihood of a
pipeline release and how it could affect the HCAs. Preventive and
mitigative measures to be evaluated based on risk factors include, but
are not limited to, leak detection system modifications and
installation of additional Emergency Flow Restricting Devices.
For natural gas pipelines, Subpart O of 49 CFR Part 192 establishes
the requirements for IM programs in HCAs. Section 192.911(c) requires
that IM programs include ``[a]n identification of threats to each
covered pipeline segment, which must include data integration and a
risk assessment.'' This section further requires ``[a]n operator must
use the threat identification and risk assessment to prioritize covered
segments for assessment (Sec. 192.917) and to evaluate the merits of
additional preventive and mitigative measures (Sec. 192.935) for each
covered segment.'' Section 192.917(b) requires an operator to integrate
existing data and information on the entire pipeline that could be
relevant to a covered segment. In performing this data gathering and
[[Page 1506]]
integration, an operator must follow the requirements in ASME/ANSI
B31.8S, section 4. At a minimum, an operator must gather and evaluate
the set of data specified in Appendix A to ASME/ANSI B31.8S, and
consider both on the covered segment and similar non-covered segments,
past incident history, corrosion control records, continuing
surveillance records, patrolling records, maintenance history, internal
inspection records, operating stress levels, past pressure test
information, soil characteristics, and all other conditions specific to
each pipeline. Section 192.917(c) states that an operator must conduct
a risk assessment that follows ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, and
considers the identified threats for each covered segment. An operator
must use the risk assessment to prioritize the covered segments for the
baseline and periodic reassessments, and to determine what additional
preventive and mitigative measures are needed for the covered segment.
Sections 192.919 and 192.921(a) further require that the operator
explain why the particular assessment method for each segment was
selected to address the identified threats to each covered segment.
Specifically, Sec. 192.921(a) requires the operator to select the
method or methods best suited to address the identified threats to the
covered segment (pipeline), which include internal inspection tool[s],
pressure test, direct assessment, or other technology that an operator
demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition
of the pipeline. More than one assessment method may be required to
address all the threats to the covered pipeline segment. Section
192.935 requires that an operator take additional measures beyond those
already required by Part 192 to prevent a pipeline failure and to
mitigate the consequences of a pipeline failure in a HCA. An operator
must base the additional measures on the threats the operator has
identified to each pipeline segment. This section requires that an
operator conduct, in accordance with one of the risk assessment
approaches in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 5, a risk analysis of its
pipeline to identify additional measures to protect the HCA and enhance
public safety.
Advisory Bulletin (ADB-11-01)
To: Owners and Operators of Hazardous Liquid and Gas Pipeline
Subject: Establishing Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure or
Maximum Operating Pressure Using Record Evidence, and Integrity
Management Risk Identification, Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation.
Advisory: To further enhance the Department's safety efforts and
implement the NTSB's January 3, 2011, recommendation to PHMSA [P-10-1],
PHMSA is issuing this Advisory Bulletin concerning establishing MAOP
and MOP using record evidence and integrity management; threat and risk
identification; risk assessment; risk information collection, accuracy
and integration, and identification and implementation of preventive
and mitigative measures.
I. Establishing MAOP or MOP Using Record Evidence
As PHMSA and NTSB recommended, operators relying on the review of
design, construction, inspection, testing and other related data to
calculate MAOP or MOP must assure that the records used are reliable.
An operator must diligently search, review and scrutinize documents and
records, including but not limited to, all as-built drawings, alignment
sheets, and specifications, and all design, construction, inspection,
testing, maintenance, manufacturer, and other related records. These
records shall be traceable, verifiable, and complete. If such a
document and records search, review, and verification cannot be
satisfactorily completed, the operator cannot rely on this method for
calculating MAOP or MOP. Copies of the recommendations issued by NTSB
to PHMSA, PG&E, and the California Public Utilities Commission, are
available in the public docket and at PHMSA's Web site: https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline/regs/ntsb.
II. Performing Risk Identification, Assessment, Data Accuracy,
Prevention, and Mitigation
Pipeline operators are reminded of their responsibilities to
identify pipeline integrity threats, perform rigorous risk analyses,
integrate information, and identify, evaluate, and implement preventive
and mitigative measures as required by the Federal pipeline safety
regulations. Operators should thoroughly review their current IM
programs and make any changes necessary to become fully compliant with
the Federal pipeline safety regulations. Future, PHMSA inspections will
place emphasis on the areas noted in this Advisory Bulletin.
Operators are also advised that PHMSA and its State partners intend
to sponsor a public workshop on threat and risk identification, risk
assessment, risk information collection and integration, and
identification of preventive and mitigative measures. The purpose of
the workshop will be to expand the industry's knowledge base about
effective IM programs. At this workshop, PHMSA will discuss the
progress it has seen and the challenges remaining. Operators with
demonstrably effective programs will be invited to share information.
Public participation will be encouraged.
A. Risk and Threat Identification
PHMSA emphasizes the need for operators to be fully cognizant of
the physical and operational characteristics of their systems,
understand the threats to their systems, and the risks posed by their
systems. Each operator is ultimately responsible for identifying all
risk factors and cannot rely solely on the factors in Sec. 195.452(e)
and Appendix C of Part 195 or Sec. 192.917. Any operator of a
hazardous liquid or gas transmission pipeline that is not fully
cognizant of the location, pipe material and seam type, coating,
cathodic protection history, repair history, previous pressure testing,
or operational pressure history, and other assessment information,
incident data, soil type and environment, operational history, or other
key risk factors of a pipeline operating at or above 30% SMYS should
(1) institute an aggressive program as soon as possible to obtain this
information, (2) assess the risks, and (3) take the proper mitigative
measures based upon the operator's IM program risk findings. In
addition, if these operators do not have verified information on key
risk factors, an immediate and interim mitigation measure that should
be strongly considered is a pressure reduction to 80 percent of the
operating pressure for the previous month, hydro testing the pipeline
or creating a remediation program to identify threat risks. Operators
of transmission pipelines operating below 30% SMYS should also conduct
an integrity threat and risk review of these pipelines to ensure safety
in HCAs. PHMSA will require an operator that has not adequately
identified all threats to take mitigative measures.
B. Risk Assessment
Operators are advised to re-examine the basis for their IM
assessment, as well as their MAOP or MOP calculations and documentation
to meet Federal regulations in 49 CFR Parts 192 and 195. Operators must
consider all significant risk factors in their risk assessments;
conduct risk assessments capable of supporting identification of
preventive and mitigative measures; integrate into their threat and
[[Page 1507]]
assessments all relevant risk information from prior integrity
assessments, inspections, investigations, and incidents with design,
construction, operational and maintenance data; to critically analyze
the integrated data and incorporate the analysis into their risk
assessments and integrity-related decision making; update and maintain
their risk information; and to ensure that the risk information is made
available throughout the organization in a form that can effectively
support decisions on integrity assessment methods, tools, process and
procedure changes, and schedule during the required periodic
evaluations of pipeline integrity. PHMSA and its State partners intend
to verify that operators have taken these actions during the course of
future pipeline safety inspections and investigations.
C. Data Accuracy
Operators must review and scrutinize pipeline infrastructure
documents and records, including but not limited to, all as-built
drawings, alignment sheets, specifications, and all design,
construction, inspection, testing, material manufacturer, operational
maintenance data, and other related records, to ensure company records
accurately reflect the pipeline's physical and operational
characteristics. These records should be traceable, verifiable, and
complete to meet Sec. Sec. 192.619 and 195.302. Incomplete or partial
records are not an adequate basis for establishing MAOP or MOP using
this method. If such a document and records search, review, and
verification cannot be satisfactorily completed, the operator may need
to conduct other activities such as in-situ examination, pressure
testing, and nondestructive testing or otherwise verify the
characteristics of the pipeline when identifying and assessing threats
or risks.
D. Risk Mitigation and Prevention
PHMSA advises operators to implement a robust IM process that
includes methods best suited to address the threats and risks
identified (Sec. 192.921(a) and Sec. 195.452(f)). Operators must use
post assessment and continuing evaluation processes to evaluate program
effectiveness in identifying threats, addressing threat preventative
and mitigative measures, and providing internal IM program feedback of
assessment findings so the assessment process can be updated based upon
threat findings.
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 4, 2011.
Jeffrey D. Wiese,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2011-208 Filed 1-7-11; 8:45 am]