Proposed Consolidated Vaccine Information Materials for Multiple Infant Vaccines, 82402-82405 [2010-32965]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 250 / Thursday, December 30, 2010 / Notices
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Evaluation and Quality Assurance
• How should the HRA standards be
evaluated and updated with respect to
individual and population-level
(practice-based panel management)
health outcomes?
Procedure: Interested persons may
present data, information, or views
orally or in writing, on topics listed in
this Federal Register notice. Written
submissions for the public comment
period may be made to the contact
person on or before January 18, 2011.
Oral presentations from the public will
be scheduled during 30-minute public
comment periods at the end of each half
day of proceedings, i.e., from 11:30 a.m.
to 12 noon and 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 and
Wednesday, February 2, 2011. Those
individuals interested in making formal
oral comments should notify the contact
person and submit a brief statement of
the general nature of the comments they
wish to present and the names and
addresses of proposed participants on or
before January 11, 2011. Each
commenter will be limited to 3–5
minutes. The CDC is not responsible for
providing access to electrical outlets.
Individuals who have not submitted
comments ahead of time will have the
opportunity to sign up to comment
during registration on the day of the
forum. However, if time does not allow
for all interested parties to comment,
individuals who have submitted their
comments ahead of time will be given
preference. If the number of participants
requesting to comment is greater than
can be reasonably accommodated, the
CDC may conduct a lottery to determine
the speakers for the scheduled open
public comment sessions. The contact
person will notify interested persons
regarding their request to comment by
January 18, 2011.
Public forum participants not
receiving an opportunity to comment
during the open public comment period
may submit their comments to OPTH
mailbox at:
CDC will make all comments it receives
available to the public without change,
including personal information you may
provide, which includes the name of the
person submitting the comment or
signing the comment on behalf of an
organization, business, or any such
entity. If anyone does not wish to have
this information published, then that
information should not be included
when submitting the comment.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:35 Dec 29, 2010
Jkt 223001
Dated: December 21, 2010.
Tanja Popovic,
Deputy Associate Director for Science,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2010–32963 Filed 12–29–10; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Proposed Consolidated Vaccine
Information Materials for Multiple
Infant Vaccines
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice with comment period.
Under the National
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)
(42 U.S.C. 300aa–26), the CDC must
develop vaccine information materials
that all health care providers are
required to give to patients/parents prior
to administration of specific vaccines.
CDC seeks written comment on a
proposed new vaccine information
statement that consolidates the six
vaccine information statements for the
following childhood vaccines: DTaP,
Haemophilus influenzae type b,
inactivated polio vaccine,
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine,
hepatitis B, and rotavirus. This
consolidated Vaccine Information
Statement is available to be used by
vaccination providers as an alternative
to providing the six individual Vaccine
Information Statements for the same
DATES: Written comments are invited
and must be received on or before
February 28, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be addressed to Jennifer Hamborsky,
National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention,
Mailstop E–52, 1600 Clifton Road, NE.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
Wolfe, National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases,
Mailstop E–52, 1600 Clifton Road, NE.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333, telephone (404)
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
of 1986 (Pub. L. 99–660), as amended by
section 708 of Public Law 103–183,
added section 2126 to the Public Health
Service Act. Section 2126, codified at 42
U.S.C. 300aa–26, requires the Secretary
of Health and Human Services to
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develop and disseminate vaccine
information materials for distribution by
all health care providers in the United
States to any patient (or to the parent or
legal representative in the case of a
child) receiving vaccines covered under
the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program.
Development and revision of the
vaccine information materials, also
known as Vaccine Information
Statements (VIS), have been delegated
by the Secretary to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Section 2126 requires that the materials
be developed, or revised, after notice to
the public, with a 60-day comment
period, and in consultation with the
Advisory Commission on Childhood
Vaccines, appropriate health care
provider and parent organizations, and
the Food and Drug Administration. The
law also requires that the information
contained in the materials be based on
available data and information, be
presented in understandable terms, and
(1) A concise description of the
benefits of the vaccine,
(2) A concise description of the risks
associated with the vaccine,
(3) A statement of the availability of
the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program, and
(4) Such other relevant information as
may be determined by the Secretary.
The vaccines initially covered under
the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program were diphtheria,
tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps,
rubella and poliomyelitis vaccines.
Since April 15, 1992, any health care
provider in the United States who
intends to administer one of these
covered vaccines is required to provide
copies of the relevant vaccine
information materials prior to
administration of any of these vaccines.
Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib), varicella (chickenpox),
pneumococcal conjugate, hepatitis A,
meningococcal conjugate and
polysaccharide, rotavirus, human
papillomavirus (HPV), and trivalent
influenza vaccines have subsequently
been added to the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program. Use of
the Vaccine Information Statements
applicable to all of these vaccines,
except meningococcal, rotavirus and
HPV, is also required. (Interim versions
of Vaccine Information Statements for
meningococcal, rotavirus and HPV
vaccines are available for discretionary
use pending completion of the statutory
process for finalizing VISs applicable to
those vaccines.) Instructions for use of
the vaccine information materials and
copies of the materials can be found on
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 250 / Thursday, December 30, 2010 / Notices
the CDC Web site at: https://www.cdc.
Proposed Consolidated Vaccine
Information Materials
With six vaccines recommended for
infants from birth through 6 months of
age—all covered by the National
Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program—CDC, as required under 42
U.S.C. 300aa–26, developed Vaccine
Information Statements for each of those
vaccines. In addition, CDC published, in
2008, an alternative consolidated
Vaccine Information Statement covering
those six vaccines in one document,
which providers can choose to use
instead of the existing individual
Vaccine Information Statements for the
same vaccines. The attached document
is an update of this consolidated
Vaccine Information Statement.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Development of Vaccine Information
The vaccine information materials
referenced in this notice are being
developed in consultation with the
Advisory Commission on Childhood
Vaccines, the Food and Drug
Administration, and parent and health
care provider groups.
In addition, we invite written
comment on the proposed vaccine
information materials that follow,
entitled ‘‘Your Baby’s First Vaccines:
What You Need to Know.’’ Comments
submitted will be considered in
finalizing these materials.
Proposed Multi-Vaccine Vaccine
Information Statement:
Your Baby’s First Vaccines: What You
Need to Know
Many Vaccine Information Statements
are available in Spanish and other
languages. See https://www.immunize.
org/vis Hojas de Informacian Sobre
Vacunas estan disponibles en Espanol
y en muchos otros idiomas. Visite
Babies get six vaccines between birth
and 6 months of age, with at least one
‘‘booster’’ dose given later.
These vaccines protect your baby
from 8 serious diseases.
Your baby will get these vaccines today:
b DTaP b Polio b Hib
b Rotavirus b Hepatitis B
b PCV13
(Provider: Check appropriate boxes.)
Ask your doctor about ‘‘combination
vaccines,’’ which can reduce the number
of shots your baby needs by combining
several vaccines in one shot. These
combination vaccines are as safe and
effective as these vaccines given
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Jkt 223001
About This Vaccine Information
Please read this Vaccine Information
Statement (VIS) before your baby gets
his or her immunizations, and take it
home with you afterward. Ask your
doctor, nurse, or other healthcare
professional if you have any questions.
This VIS tells you about the benefits
and risks of these 6 vaccines. It also
contains information about reporting an
adverse reaction and about the National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,
and how to get more information about
vaccines and vaccine-preventable
diseases. (Individual VISs are also
available for these six vaccines.)
How Vaccines Work
Most medicines are designed to treat
diseases. Vaccines are designed to
prevent diseases, by producing
immunity. A child who is immune to a
disease will not get sick from it.
Immunity from Disease: Before
vaccines, a child had to get sick to get
immunity. When a child gets sick with
a disease, like measles or whooping
cough, her immune system produces
protective ‘‘antibodies,’’ which keep her
from getting the same disease again. But
getting sick the first time is unpleasant,
and it can be dangerous or even fatal.
Immunity from Vaccines: Vaccines
are made with the same bacteria or
viruses that cause disease, but they have
been weakened or killed to make them
safe. A child’s immune system responds
to a vaccine by producing antibodies,
just the same as it would if the child
were infected with the actual disease.
This means he will develop immunity
in the same way * * * but without
having to get sick first.
Vaccine benefits: Why get vaccinated?
Your baby’s first vaccines protect him
from 8 serious diseases, caused by
viruses and bacteria. These diseases
have injured and killed millions of
children (and adults) over the years.
Polio killed more than 1,000 people a
year, and paralyzed tens of thousands
more in the early 1950s. Hib disease was
once the leading cause of bacterial
meningitis in children under 5 years of
age. About 15,000 people a year died
from diphtheria before there was a
vaccine. Most children have at least one
rotavirus infection before their 5th
These diseases might be uncommon
today, but if we stopped vaccinating
they would come back. This has
happened in the past, and even today
disease rates go up when vaccination
rates go down. For example in 2010
California had more pertussis cases than
in any year since 1947.
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8 Diseases Prevented by Childhood
1. Diphtheria
You can get it from contact with an
infected person.
Signs and symptoms include a thick
covering in the back of the throat that
can make it hard to breathe.
It can lead to breathing problems,
heart failure, and death.
2. Tetanus (Lockjaw)
You can get it from a cut or wound.
It does not spread from person to
Signs and symptoms include painful
tightening of the muscles, usually all
over the body.
It can lead to stiffness of the jaw that
prevents swallowing or even opening
the mouth. Of every 5 people who get
tetanus, 1 dies.
3. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
You can get it from contact with an
infected person.
Signs and symptoms include violent
coughing spells that can make it hard
for an infant to eat, drink, or breathe.
These spells can last for weeks.
It can lead to pneumonia, seizures,
brain damage, and death.
4. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
You can get it from contact with an
infected person.
Signs and symptoms. There may not
be any signs or symptoms in mild cases.
It can lead to meningitis (infection of
the brain and spinal cord coverings);
pneumonia; infections of the blood,
joints, bones, and covering of the heart;
brain damage; deafness; and death.
5. Hepatitis B
You can get it from blood or body
fluids of an infected person. Babies can
get it at birth if the mother is infected,
or through a cut or wound.
Signs and symptoms include
tiredness, diarrhea and vomiting,
jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), and pain
in muscles, joints and stomach.
It can lead to liver damage, liver
cancer, and death.
6. Polio
You can get it from close contact with
an infected person. It enters the body
through the mouth.
Signs and symptoms can include
cold-like illness, or there may be no
signs or symptoms at all.
It can lead to paralysis (can’t move an
arm or leg), or death (by paralyzing the
breathing muscles).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 250 / Thursday, December 30, 2010 / Notices
7. Pneumococcal Disease
You can get it from contact with an
infected person.
Signs and symptoms include fever,
chills, cough, and chest pain.
It can lead to meningitis (infection of
the brain and spinal cord coverings),
blood infections, ear infections,
pneumonia, deafness, brain damage,
and death.
8. Rotavirus
You can get it from contact with other
children who are infected.
Signs and symptoms include diarrhea
(sometimes severe), vomiting and fever.
It can lead to dehydration,
hospitalization (up to about 70,000 a
year), and death.
Routine Baby Vaccines
Number of
Recommended ages
Other information
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
Hepatitis B ..........................................
5 ..................
2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15–
18 months, 4–6 years.
Birth, 1–2 months, 6–18 months .......
Polio ...................................................
4 ..................
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
3 or 4 ...........
PCV13 (pneumococcal) .....................
4 ..................
Rotavirus ............................................
2 or 3 ...........
Some children should not get pertussis vaccine.
These children should get a vaccine called DT.
A child might receive a 4th dose if ‘‘combination’’
vaccines are used.
A child might receive a 5th dose if ‘‘combination’’
vaccines are used.
There are 2 types of Hib vaccine. With one type
the 6-month dose is not needed.
Older children with certain chronic diseases may
also need this vaccine.
Rotavirus vaccine is given as drops that are
swallowed. There are 2 types of rotavirus vaccine. With one type the 6-month dose is not
needed. A virus called porcine circovirus is
present in both vaccines. There is no evidence
that it is a safety risk. For information ask your
doctor or visit
3 ..................
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
An annual dose of flu vaccine is also
recommended for children 6 months of
age and older.
Most babies can get all of these
vaccines. But some babies should not
get certain vaccines because of allergies
or other health conditions. Your doctor
can advise you.
If your child ever had a serious
reaction, such as a life-threatening
allergic reaction, after a dose of vaccine,
she should not get another dose of that
vaccine. Tell your doctor if your child
has any severe allergies. (Serious
reactions to vaccines and severe
allergies are rare.)
If your child ever had any of these
reactions after a dose of DTaP vaccine:
—A brain or nervous system disease
within 7 days,
—Non-stop crying for 3 hours or more,
—A seizure or collapse,
—A fever of over 105 °F.
Talk to your doctor before getting
DTaP vaccine.
If your child has:
—A life-threatening allergy to the
antibiotics neomycin, streptomycin,
or polymyxin B,
Talk to your doctor before getting
Polio vaccine.
If your child has:
—A life-threatening allergy to yeast,
Talk to your doctor before getting
Hepatitis B or PCV13 vaccine.
If your child has:
—SCID (Severe Combined
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2 months, 4 months, 6–18 months,
4–6 years.
2 months, 4 months, (6 months), 12–
15 months.
2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12–
15 months.
2 months, 4 months, (6 months) .......
— A weakened immune system for any
other reason,
—Ongoing digestive problems,
—Recently gotten a blood transfusion or
other blood product,
—Ever had intussusception (an
uncommon type of bowel
Talk to your doctor before getting
Rotavirus vaccine.
If your child has:
—Ever had a severe reaction after any
vaccine containing diphtheria toxoid
(such as DTaP),
Talk to your doctor before getting
PCV13 or DTaP vaccine.
If your child is sick on the day her
vaccinations are scheduled, your doctor
might want to reschedule them after she
recovers. A child with a mild cold or
low fever can usually be vaccinated the
same day, but for a more serious illness
it might be better to wait.
Vaccines can cause side effects, like
any medicine. The risk of a serious
reaction, such as a severe allergic
reaction, or death, is extremely low.
Mild Reactions: Most vaccine
reactions are mild ‘‘local’’ reactions:
Tenderness, redness, or swelling where
the shot was given; or a mild fever.
These affect about 1 child in 4. They
appear soon after the shot is given and
go away within a day or two.
Other Reactions: Severe allergic
reactions to a substance in a vaccine
happen very rarely—less than once in a
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million shots. They generally occur
within minutes or hours after the
vaccination. Individual vaccines have
been associated with other mild
problems, or with moderate or serious
DTaP Vaccine
Mild Problems: Fussiness (up to 1
child in 3); tiredness or poor appetite
(up to 1 child in 10); vomiting (up to 1
child in 50); swelling of the entire arm
or leg for 1–7 days (up to 1 child in
30)—usually after the 4th or 5th dose.
Moderate Problems: Seizure (1 child
in 14,000); non-stop crying for 3 hours
or longer (up to 1 child in 1,000); fever
over 105 °F (1 child in 16,000).
Serious problems: Long term seizures,
coma, lowered consciousness, and
permanent brain damage have been
reported. These are so rare it is hard to
tell if they are caused by the vaccine.
Polio Vaccine/Hepatitis B Vaccine/Hib
These vaccines have not been
associated with mild problems other
than local reactions. These vaccines
have not been associated with problems
other than mild local reactions.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Mild Problems: During studies of the
vaccine, some children became fussy or
drowsy or lost their appetite.
Rotavirus Vaccine
Mild Problems: Children who get
rotavirus vaccine are slightly more
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 250 / Thursday, December 30, 2010 / Notices
likely than other children to be irritable
or to have mild, temporary diarrhea or
vomiting. This happens within the first
week after getting a dose of the vaccine.
Serious Problems: Some studies have
shown a small increase in cases of
intussusception during the week after
the first dose. Intussusception is a type
of bowel blockage that is treated in a
hospital. In some cases surgery might be
required. The estimated risk is 1 case
per 100,000 infants.
What if my child has a severe reaction?
What should I look for?
Any unusual condition, such as a
high fever or behavior changes. Signs of
a severe allergic reaction can include
difficulty breathing, hoarseness or
wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a
fast heart beat or dizziness.
What should I do?
Call a doctor, or get the person to a
doctor right away.
Tell the doctor what happened, the
date and time it happened, and when
the vaccination was given.
Ask your doctor to report the reaction
by filing a Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS) form. Or you
can file this report through the VAERS
Web site at, or
by calling 1–800–822–7967. VAERS
does not provide medical advice.
The National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program
The National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program (VICP) was
created in 1986.
People who believe they may have
been injured by a vaccine can learn
about the program and about filing a
claim by calling 1–800–338–2382, or
visiting the VICP Web site at https://
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
For More Information
• Ask your doctor. They can give you
the vaccine package insert or suggest
other sources of information.
• Call your local or state health
• Contact the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC):
—Call 1–800–232–4636 (1–800–CDC–
INFO) or
—Visit CDC’s Web site at https://www.
Department of Health and Human
Centers for Disease Control and
Vaccine Information Statement
(00/00/0000) (Proposed)
42 U.S.C. 300aa–26
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:35 Dec 29, 2010
Jkt 223001
Dated: December 21, 2010.
Tanja Popovic,
Deputy Associate Director for Science,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[FR Doc. 2010–32965 Filed 12–29–10; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority
Part F of the Statement of
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority for the
Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), (last amended
at 75 FR 14176–14178, dated March 24,
2010) is amended to change the title of
the Office of Executive Operations and
Regulatory Affairs to the Office of
Strategic Operations and Regulatory
Affairs, to reflect the establishment of a
new Federal Coordinated Health Care
Office and to update the organization for
CMS, as follows:
(1) Under Part F, CMS, FC. 10
Organizations, change the title of the
Office of Executive Operations and
Regulatory Affairs (FCF) to the Office of
Strategic Operations and Regulatory
Affairs (FCF).
(2) Under Part F, CMS, FC. 10
Organizations, insert the following new
Office after the Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Innovation (FCP): ‘‘Federal
Coordinated Health Care Office (FCQ).’’
(3) Under Part F, CMS, FC. 20
Functions, change the title of the Office
of Executive Operations and Regulatory
Affairs (FCF) to the Office of Strategic
Operations and Regulatory Affairs
(4) Under Part F, CMS, FC. 20
Functions, insert the following after the
description of the Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Innovation (FCP):
Federal Coordinated Health Care Office
• Manages the implementation and
operation of the Federal Coordinated
Health Care Office mandated in section
2602 of the Affordable Care Act,
ensuring more effective integration of
benefits under Medicare and Medicaid
for individuals eligible for both
programs and improving coordination
between the Federal Government and
States in the delivery of benefits for
such individuals.
• Monitors and reports on annual
total expenditures, health outcomes and
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access to benefits for all dual eligible
individuals, including subsets of the
• Coordinates with the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to
provide technical assistance and
programmatic guidance related to the
testing of various delivery system,
payment, service and/or technology
models to improve care coordination,
reduce costs, and improve the
beneficiary experience for individuals
dually eligible for Medicare and
• Performs policy and program
analysis of Federal and State statutes,
policies, rules and regulations
impacting the dual eligible population.
• Makes recommendations on
eliminating administrative and
regulatory barriers between the
Medicare and Medicaid programs.
• Develops tools, resources and
educational materials to increase dual
eligibles’ understanding of and
satisfaction with coverage under the
Medicare and Medicaid programs.
• Provides technical assistance to
States, health plans, physicians and
other relevant entities of individuals
with education and tools necessary for
developing integrated programs for dual
eligible beneficiaries.
• Consults with the Medicare
Payment Advisory Commission and the
Medicaid and CHIP Payment Advisory
Commission with respect to policies
relating to the enrollment in and
provision of benefits to dual eligible
beneficiaries under Medicare and
• Studies the provision of drug
coverage for new full benefit dual
eligible individuals.
• Develops policy and program
recommendations to eliminate cost
shifting between the Medicare and
Medicaid program and among related
health care providers.
• Develops annual report containing
recommendations for legislation that
would improve care coordination and
benefits for dual eligible individuals.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101.
Dated: December 7, 2010.
Kathleen Sebelius,
[FR Doc. 2010–32957 Filed 12–27–10; 4:15 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 250 (Thursday, December 30, 2010)]
[Pages 82402-82405]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-32965]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Proposed Consolidated Vaccine Information Materials for Multiple
Infant Vaccines
AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice with comment period.
SUMMARY: Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) (42
U.S.C. 300aa-26), the CDC must develop vaccine information materials
that all health care providers are required to give to patients/parents
prior to administration of specific vaccines. CDC seeks written comment
on a proposed new vaccine information statement that consolidates the
six vaccine information statements for the following childhood
vaccines: DTaP, Haemophilus influenzae type b, inactivated polio
vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, hepatitis B, and rotavirus.
This consolidated Vaccine Information Statement is available to be used
by vaccination providers as an alternative to providing the six
individual Vaccine Information Statements for the same vaccines.
DATES: Written comments are invited and must be received on or before
February 28, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to Jennifer Hamborsky,
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Mailstop E-52, 1600 Clifton Road, NE.,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Skip Wolfe, National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Mailstop E-52, 1600 Clifton
Road, NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30333, telephone (404) 639-8809.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of
1986 (Pub. L. 99-660), as amended by section 708 of Public Law 103-183,
added section 2126 to the Public Health Service Act. Section 2126,
codified at 42 U.S.C. 300aa-26, requires the Secretary of Health and
Human Services to develop and disseminate vaccine information materials
for distribution by all health care providers in the United States to
any patient (or to the parent or legal representative in the case of a
child) receiving vaccines covered under the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program.
Development and revision of the vaccine information materials, also
known as Vaccine Information Statements (VIS), have been delegated by
the Secretary to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Section 2126 requires that the materials be developed, or revised,
after notice to the public, with a 60-day comment period, and in
consultation with the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines,
appropriate health care provider and parent organizations, and the Food
and Drug Administration. The law also requires that the information
contained in the materials be based on available data and information,
be presented in understandable terms, and include:
(1) A concise description of the benefits of the vaccine,
(2) A concise description of the risks associated with the vaccine,
(3) A statement of the availability of the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program, and
(4) Such other relevant information as may be determined by the
The vaccines initially covered under the National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program were diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles,
mumps, rubella and poliomyelitis vaccines. Since April 15, 1992, any
health care provider in the United States who intends to administer one
of these covered vaccines is required to provide copies of the relevant
vaccine information materials prior to administration of any of these
vaccines. Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), varicella
(chickenpox), pneumococcal conjugate, hepatitis A, meningococcal
conjugate and polysaccharide, rotavirus, human papillomavirus (HPV),
and trivalent influenza vaccines have subsequently been added to the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Use of the Vaccine
Information Statements applicable to all of these vaccines, except
meningococcal, rotavirus and HPV, is also required. (Interim versions
of Vaccine Information Statements for meningococcal, rotavirus and HPV
vaccines are available for discretionary use pending completion of the
statutory process for finalizing VISs applicable to those vaccines.)
Instructions for use of the vaccine information materials and copies of
the materials can be found on
[[Page 82403]]
the CDC Web site at:
Proposed Consolidated Vaccine Information Materials
With six vaccines recommended for infants from birth through 6
months of age--all covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program--CDC, as required under 42 U.S.C. 300aa-26, developed Vaccine
Information Statements for each of those vaccines. In addition, CDC
published, in 2008, an alternative consolidated Vaccine Information
Statement covering those six vaccines in one document, which providers
can choose to use instead of the existing individual Vaccine
Information Statements for the same vaccines. The attached document is
an update of this consolidated Vaccine Information Statement.
Development of Vaccine Information Materials
The vaccine information materials referenced in this notice are
being developed in consultation with the Advisory Commission on
Childhood Vaccines, the Food and Drug Administration, and parent and
health care provider groups.
In addition, we invite written comment on the proposed vaccine
information materials that follow, entitled ``Your Baby's First
Vaccines: What You Need to Know.'' Comments submitted will be
considered in finalizing these materials.
* * * * *
Proposed Multi-Vaccine Vaccine Information Statement:
Your Baby's First Vaccines: What You Need to Know
Many Vaccine Information Statements are available in Spanish and other
languages. See Hojas de Informaci[aacute]n
Sobre Vacunas est[aacute]n disponibles en Espa[ntilde]ol y en muchos
otros idiomas. Visite
Babies get six vaccines between birth and 6 months of age, with at
least one ``booster'' dose given later.
These vaccines protect your baby from 8 serious diseases.
Your baby will get these vaccines today:
[ballot] DTaP [ballot] Polio [ballot] Hib
[ballot] Rotavirus [ballot] Hepatitis B
[ballot] PCV13
(Provider: Check appropriate boxes.)
Ask your doctor about ``combination vaccines,'' which can reduce
the number of shots your baby needs by combining several vaccines in
one shot. These combination vaccines are as safe and effective as these
vaccines given separately.
About This Vaccine Information Statement
Please read this Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) before your
baby gets his or her immunizations, and take it home with you
afterward. Ask your doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional if
you have any questions.
This VIS tells you about the benefits and risks of these 6
vaccines. It also contains information about reporting an adverse
reaction and about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,
and how to get more information about vaccines and vaccine-preventable
diseases. (Individual VISs are also available for these six vaccines.)
How Vaccines Work
Most medicines are designed to treat diseases. Vaccines are
designed to prevent diseases, by producing immunity. A child who is
immune to a disease will not get sick from it.
Immunity from Disease: Before vaccines, a child had to get sick to
get immunity. When a child gets sick with a disease, like measles or
whooping cough, her immune system produces protective ``antibodies,''
which keep her from getting the same disease again. But getting sick
the first time is unpleasant, and it can be dangerous or even fatal.
Immunity from Vaccines: Vaccines are made with the same bacteria or
viruses that cause disease, but they have been weakened or killed to
make them safe. A child's immune system responds to a vaccine by
producing antibodies, just the same as it would if the child were
infected with the actual disease. This means he will develop immunity
in the same way * * * but without having to get sick first.
Vaccine benefits: Why get vaccinated?
Your baby's first vaccines protect him from 8 serious diseases,
caused by viruses and bacteria. These diseases have injured and killed
millions of children (and adults) over the years. Polio killed more
than 1,000 people a year, and paralyzed tens of thousands more in the
early 1950s. Hib disease was once the leading cause of bacterial
meningitis in children under 5 years of age. About 15,000 people a year
died from diphtheria before there was a vaccine. Most children have at
least one rotavirus infection before their 5th birthday.
These diseases might be uncommon today, but if we stopped
vaccinating they would come back. This has happened in the past, and
even today disease rates go up when vaccination rates go down. For
example in 2010 California had more pertussis cases than in any year
since 1947.
8 Diseases Prevented by Childhood Vaccines
1. Diphtheria
You can get it from contact with an infected person.
Signs and symptoms include a thick covering in the back of the
throat that can make it hard to breathe.
It can lead to breathing problems, heart failure, and death.
2. Tetanus (Lockjaw)
You can get it from a cut or wound. It does not spread from person
to person.
Signs and symptoms include painful tightening of the muscles,
usually all over the body.
It can lead to stiffness of the jaw that prevents swallowing or
even opening the mouth. Of every 5 people who get tetanus, 1 dies.
3. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
You can get it from contact with an infected person.
Signs and symptoms include violent coughing spells that can make it
hard for an infant to eat, drink, or breathe. These spells can last for
It can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, and death.
4. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
You can get it from contact with an infected person.
Signs and symptoms. There may not be any signs or symptoms in mild
It can lead to meningitis (infection of the brain and spinal cord
coverings); pneumonia; infections of the blood, joints, bones, and
covering of the heart; brain damage; deafness; and death.
5. Hepatitis B
You can get it from blood or body fluids of an infected person.
Babies can get it at birth if the mother is infected, or through a cut
or wound.
Signs and symptoms include tiredness, diarrhea and vomiting,
jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), and pain in muscles, joints and
It can lead to liver damage, liver cancer, and death.
6. Polio
You can get it from close contact with an infected person. It
enters the body through the mouth.
Signs and symptoms can include cold-like illness, or there may be
no signs or symptoms at all.
It can lead to paralysis (can't move an arm or leg), or death (by
paralyzing the breathing muscles).
[[Page 82404]]
7. Pneumococcal Disease
You can get it from contact with an infected person.
Signs and symptoms include fever, chills, cough, and chest pain.
It can lead to meningitis (infection of the brain and spinal cord
coverings), blood infections, ear infections, pneumonia, deafness,
brain damage, and death.
8. Rotavirus
You can get it from contact with other children who are infected.
Signs and symptoms include diarrhea (sometimes severe), vomiting
and fever.
It can lead to dehydration, hospitalization (up to about 70,000 a
year), and death.
Routine Baby Vaccines
Vaccine Number of doses Recommended ages Other information
DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and 5...................... 2 months, 4 months, 6 Some children should not
pertussis. months, 15-18 months, get pertussis vaccine.
4-6 years. These children should get
a vaccine called DT.
Hepatitis B........................ 3...................... Birth, 1-2 months, 6- A child might receive a
18 months. 4th dose if
``combination'' vaccines
are used.
Polio.............................. 4...................... 2 months, 4 months, 6- A child might receive a
18 months, 4-6 years. 5th dose if
``combination'' vaccines
are used.
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) 3 or 4................. 2 months, 4 months, (6 There are 2 types of Hib
months), 12-15 months. vaccine. With one type
the 6-month dose is not
PCV13 (pneumococcal)............... 4...................... 2 months, 4 months, 6 Older children with
months, 12-15 months. certain chronic diseases
may also need this
Rotavirus.......................... 2 or 3................. 2 months, 4 months, (6 Rotavirus vaccine is given
months). as drops that are
swallowed. There are 2
types of rotavirus
vaccine. With one type
the 6-month dose is not
needed. A virus called
porcine circovirus is
present in both vaccines.
There is no evidence that
it is a safety risk. For
information ask your
doctor or visit rotavirus.
An annual dose of flu vaccine is also recommended for children 6
months of age and older.
Most babies can get all of these vaccines. But some babies should
not get certain vaccines because of allergies or other health
conditions. Your doctor can advise you.
If your child ever had a serious reaction, such as a life-
threatening allergic reaction, after a dose of vaccine, she should not
get another dose of that vaccine. Tell your doctor if your child has
any severe allergies. (Serious reactions to vaccines and severe
allergies are rare.)
If your child ever had any of these reactions after a dose of DTaP
--A brain or nervous system disease within 7 days,
--Non-stop crying for 3 hours or more,
--A seizure or collapse,
--A fever of over 105 [deg]F.
Talk to your doctor before getting DTaP vaccine.
If your child has:
--A life-threatening allergy to the antibiotics neomycin, streptomycin,
or polymyxin B,
Talk to your doctor before getting Polio vaccine.
If your child has:
--A life-threatening allergy to yeast,
Talk to your doctor before getting Hepatitis B or PCV13 vaccine.
If your child has:
--SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency),
-- A weakened immune system for any other reason,
--Ongoing digestive problems,
--Recently gotten a blood transfusion or other blood product,
--Ever had intussusception (an uncommon type of bowel obstruction),
Talk to your doctor before getting Rotavirus vaccine.
If your child has:
--Ever had a severe reaction after any vaccine containing diphtheria
toxoid (such as DTaP),
Talk to your doctor before getting PCV13 or DTaP vaccine.
If your child is sick on the day her vaccinations are scheduled,
your doctor might want to reschedule them after she recovers. A child
with a mild cold or low fever can usually be vaccinated the same day,
but for a more serious illness it might be better to wait.
Vaccines can cause side effects, like any medicine. The risk of a
serious reaction, such as a severe allergic reaction, or death, is
extremely low.
Mild Reactions: Most vaccine reactions are mild ``local''
reactions: Tenderness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given;
or a mild fever. These affect about 1 child in 4. They appear soon
after the shot is given and go away within a day or two.
Other Reactions: Severe allergic reactions to a substance in a
vaccine happen very rarely--less than once in a million shots. They
generally occur within minutes or hours after the vaccination.
Individual vaccines have been associated with other mild problems, or
with moderate or serious problems:
DTaP Vaccine
Mild Problems: Fussiness (up to 1 child in 3); tiredness or poor
appetite (up to 1 child in 10); vomiting (up to 1 child in 50);
swelling of the entire arm or leg for 1-7 days (up to 1 child in 30)--
usually after the 4th or 5th dose.
Moderate Problems: Seizure (1 child in 14,000); non-stop crying for
3 hours or longer (up to 1 child in 1,000); fever over 105 [deg]F (1
child in 16,000).
Serious problems: Long term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness,
and permanent brain damage have been reported. These are so rare it is
hard to tell if they are caused by the vaccine.
Polio Vaccine/Hepatitis B Vaccine/Hib Vaccine
These vaccines have not been associated with mild problems other
than local reactions. These vaccines have not been associated with
problems other than mild local reactions.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Mild Problems: During studies of the vaccine, some children became
fussy or drowsy or lost their appetite.
Rotavirus Vaccine
Mild Problems: Children who get rotavirus vaccine are slightly more
[[Page 82405]]
likely than other children to be irritable or to have mild, temporary
diarrhea or vomiting. This happens within the first week after getting
a dose of the vaccine.
Serious Problems: Some studies have shown a small increase in cases
of intussusception during the week after the first dose.
Intussusception is a type of bowel blockage that is treated in a
hospital. In some cases surgery might be required. The estimated risk
is 1 case per 100,000 infants.
What if my child has a severe reaction?
What should I look for?
Any unusual condition, such as a high fever or behavior changes.
Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing,
hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heart beat or
What should I do?
Call a doctor, or get the person to a doctor right away.
Tell the doctor what happened, the date and time it happened, and
when the vaccination was given.
Ask your doctor to report the reaction by filing a Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System (VAERS) form. Or you can file this report
through the VAERS Web site at, or by calling
1-800-822-7967. VAERS does not provide medical advice.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) was created
in 1986.
People who believe they may have been injured by a vaccine can
learn about the program and about filing a claim by calling 1-800-338-
2382, or visiting the VICP Web site at
For More Information
Ask your doctor. They can give you the vaccine package
insert or suggest other sources of information.
Call your local or state health department.
Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
--Call 1-800-232-4636 (1-800-CDC-INFO) or
--Visit CDC's Web site at
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Vaccine Information Statement
(00/00/0000) (Proposed)
42 U.S.C. 300aa-26
Dated: December 21, 2010.
Tanja Popovic,
Deputy Associate Director for Science, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
[FR Doc. 2010-32965 Filed 12-29-10; 8:45 am]