Flaring Versus Venting To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Outer Continental Shelf; Public Workshop, 81950-81952 [2010-32674]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,
Regulation and Enforcement
30 CFR Part 250
[Docket ID: BOEM–2010–0042]
Flaring Versus Venting To Reduce
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the
Outer Continental Shelf; Public
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Regulation and
Enforcement (BOEMRE), Interior.
ACTION: Public workshop.
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Regulation and
Enforcement is announcing a workshop
to discuss possible new requirements on
flaring versus venting of natural gas in
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS),
when such atmospheric release of
natural gas is necessary and in
compliance with regulations. The main
focus of this workshop will be aimed at
the potential reduction of Greenhouse
Gas (GHG) emissions.
DATES: The workshop will be held on
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, from
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held
at 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd., New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Robin Vaughn at (504) 736–2675 or
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
Subpart K Rulemaking
On March 6, 2007, the U.S.
Department of the Interior (Department)
published a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPR) in the Federal
Register (72 FR 9884). This NPR
requested comments on proposed
revisions to 30 CFR part 250, subpart K,
Oil and Gas Production Requirements.
The Department conducted analyses to
assess the costs and benefits of requiring
flare/vent meters and of requiring
flaring instead of venting.
• The first analysis supported the
recommendation to require meters,
provided that the facilities process more
than 2,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).
This requirement was included in the
final rule, published on April 19, 2010,
in the Federal Register (75 FR 20271),
Oil and Gas Production Requirements,
at 30 CFR part 250, subpart K.
• The second analysis indicated that
a regulatory change to require flaring
instead of venting may be appropriate.
However, the cost of implementing this
requirement could be significant, and
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input from potentially affected parties is
necessary. We requested comments on
this issue in the proposed rule.
• Commenters pointed out that
converting existing facilities that are
equipped to vent natural gas to be able
to flare natural gas may require
significant redesign for safety.
• They also pointed out that there are
many factors in determining whether to
flare natural gas or vent natural gas
when designing a facility. These factors
include the operating philosophy,
nature and type of reservoir, facility
design limitations or capabilities,
operating practices, safety, and
• Industry comments also
recommended that, in addition to
considering requiring flaring instead of
venting, BOEMRE should work with
them to find ways to reduce overall
natural gas emissions.
• Industry representatives also stated
that a requirement for flaring instead of
venting should be only for new
Request for a Workshop
Commenters requested that BOEMRE
hold a workshop to discuss the issue.
BOEMRE plans to work directly with
interested parties to study the costs and
benefits (especially GHG benefits) of
requiring that companies flare the
natural gas, whenever possible, when
flaring or venting is necessary.
Therefore, we are holding a workshop
to discuss the issue of flaring instead of
venting. This workshop and additional
cost-benefit analysis will consider GHG
issues associated with flaring and
venting. The workshop will assist
BOEMRE to determine how to best
implement a General Accounting Office
(GAO) recommendation (see GAO
Report below).
Proposed Rulemaking
BOEMRE will decide how to move
forward with rulemaking on flaring
natural gas after we hold the workshop.
Our next step would likely be a
proposed rule.
GAO Report
In July 2004, the GAO issued a report
on world-wide emissions from vented
and flared natural gas titled, Natural
Gas Flaring and Venting—Opportunities
to Improve Data and Reduce Emissions
(GAO–04–809). This report is available
on the GAO Web site at: https://
This report reviewed the flaring and
venting data available, the extent of
flaring and venting, their contributions
to GHG emissions, and opportunities for
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the Federal Government to reduce
flaring and venting.
The report concluded that more
accurate records were needed on flaring
and venting to determine the amount of
the resource that is lost and the volume
of GHG emissions these practices
contribute to the atmosphere each year.
The report also stated that the impact of
methane (a naturally occurring gas
released during venting) on the earth’s
atmosphere is about 23 times greater
than that of carbon dioxide (a byproduct
of flaring). The GAO made two
recommendations to the Secretary of the
Interior: (1) consider the cost and
benefit of requiring that companies flare
the natural gas, whenever possible,
when flaring or venting is necessary;
and (2) consider the cost and benefit of
requiring that companies use flaring and
venting meters to improve oversight. In
addition, there was a recommendation
to the Secretary of Energy to consider
consulting with the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), BOEMRE, and
Bureau of Land Management, on how to
best collect separate statistics on flaring
and venting. In 2005, BOEMRE
performed a cost-benefit analysis on the
possible requirement to flare instead of
vent. The agency determined that it was
not appropriate to mandate flaring at
that time, but noted that this topic
would be pursued further. In light of
developments since 2005, BOEMRE has
determined that a workshop to hear
public concerns is appropriate and a
new cost-benefit analysis is needed.
Note also that the other two GAO
recommendations (to consider a
requirement to install flare/vent meters
and to consider a requirement to report
flare volumes separately from vent
volumes) were implemented via the
April 19, 2010, publication of
regulations at 30 CFR Part 250, subpart
K (75 FR 20271).
Oil and Gas Industry Contributions to
GHG Emissions in the Federal OCS
Most natural gas production involves
extracting natural gas from wells drilled
into underground gas reservoirs;
however, some natural gas is generated
as a by-product of oil production.
During oil and natural gas production,
it may become necessary to burn or
release natural gas for a number of
operational reasons, including safety.
These operations may be associated
with unloading or cleaning of a well,
production testing, or relieving system
pressure during equipment failure. The
controlled burning of natural gas is
called flaring, while the controlled
release of unburned gases directly into
the atmosphere is called venting. Most
flaring and venting occurs at the end of
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
a flare stack or boom which ensures that
natural gas can be safely disposed of in
emergency and shutdown situations. It
is virtually impossible to produce oil
and natural gas without any flaring or
venting, and it would be impractical to
shut in production every time an upset
occurs. It is estimated that operators in
the Gulf of Mexico OCS flare and vent
less than 0.5 percent of the gas
produced, making this area a world
leader in the conservation of natural gas
BOEMRE regulates air emissions as
mandated by the OCS Lands Act. Under
the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments,
BOEMRE has jurisdiction over Gulf of
Mexico OCS emission sources westward
of 87°30′ W longitude, and the EPA has
jurisdiction over those eastward of
87°30′ W longitude. The EPA also has
jurisdiction over emissions in the OCS
of Alaska, the Atlantic, and the Pacific.
BOEMRE regulates OCS emissions to
assure compliance with the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards and to
prevent significant air quality
deterioration in onshore areas. BOEMRE
regulates activities that have the
potential to affect air quality at the
onshore areas.
Both flaring and venting on the OCS
are highly regulated by BOEMRE.
Federal regulations at 30 CFR 250,
subpart K specify the limited
circumstances under which offshore oil
and gas operators may flare or vent
natural gas. In the Federal OCS,
BOEMRE requires operators to
continuously record these volumes and
report them each month. These
regulations strictly limit the amount of
time operators may flare or vent. In
some cases, operators request additional
time in order to complete equipment
repairs. BOEMRE evaluates each of
these requests on a case-by-case basis,
primarily focusing on environmental,
safety, and conservation aspects.
BOEMRE also performs onshore air
quality impacts analyses to prevent
significant onshore air quality
deterioration from OCS activities.
BOEMRE continuously strives to
improve its oversight of OCS flaring and
venting. New regulations, published in
April 2010, require operators to install
flare/vent meters on large platforms and
also to report gas flared separately from
gas vented. These regulatory changes
will provide more accurate
measurements of GHG emissions.
Given the existing restrictions on OCS
flaring and venting, there is minimal
opportunity to further reduce the overall
volume of gas flared and vented.
However, the global warming potential
of GHG emissions could be reduced if
BOEMRE were to require operators to
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flare instead of vent (when the release
of natural gas is necessary). Such a
requirement would reduce the global
warming potential of GHG emissions by
converting most methane to carbon
dioxide as it is released. The workshop
will address this topic.
It is difficult to estimate the impact
that flaring instead of venting would
have on GHG emissions until BOEMRE
gathers the more accurate data required
by new regulations (which require the
installation of flare/vent meters and the
separate reporting of flare and vent
volumes). Furthermore, it is impractical,
if not impossible, to eliminate all
venting. Even if 100 percent of the
released OCS gas could be flared instead
of vented, the impact on total U.S. GHG
emissions would be very small.
In 2008, U.S. GHG emissions totaled
7.668 x 109 tons of carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2e). Of that total, only
30.9 x 106 tons of CO2e, or 0.40 percent,
were related to OCS oil and gas
production (including platform and
non-platform sources), and flaring and
venting activities represent only a
fraction of that amount.
Based on several assumptions,
estimates, and existing analyses,
BOEMRE roughly approximated the
impact that might occur if it were to
mandate flaring over venting. These
estimates indicate that such a
requirement would reduce total U.S.
GHG emissions by less than 0.05
percent. However, the accuracy of these
estimates will improve over the next
few years now that regulations at 30
CFR part 250, subpart K have been
implemented. Reported OCS flare and
vent volumes could increase or decrease
based solely on improved reporting
accuracy. In any event, further analysis
may shed light on whether flaring rather
than venting natural gas is cost effective
from a GHG perspective, even if the
total amount of GHGs is small.
Workshop Presentations
In order to assist BOEMRE, assess the
need for regulations on this topic, and
ascertain the framework for any such
regulations, interested parties are
encouraged to register for the workshop
and present their recommendations on
the following topics:
• The impact of flaring versus venting
on GHG emissions;
• If BOEMRE requires flaring instead
of venting, whether this mandate should
apply to all (new and existing) facilities,
apply only to facilities emitting above a
certain threshold, and what acceptable
threshold levels should be;
• Technical and/or economical
feasibility of retrofitting some or all
existing facilities with flare tips;
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• Flare tip technology and/or
combustion efficiency;
• Emissions reduction;
• Existing worldwide best practices
that could reduce GHG emissions from
flaring and venting;
• Safety issues associated with
requiring flaring instead of venting on
OCS facilities;
• Variables and/or methods that
should be used to evaluate the cost
versus benefit of flaring instead of
venting; and
• Equipment (specific components)
that have to emit natural gas locally
instead of the gas being routed to a flare
tip due to safety, practical, or other
reasons, as well as acceptable/or
recommended volumes of natural gas
emissions that would be associated with
this equipment.
Note that the primary focus of this
workshop will be to receive feedback
from all interested and potentially
affected parties in advance of any
rulemaking. BOEMRE anticipates that
the agenda of the workshop will be
predominantly presentations by those
interested parties in order for BOEMRE
to receive their input. In order to
present at and/or attend this workshop,
you must register in advance.
Registration: There is no registration
fee for this workshop. However, to
assess the number of participants,
BOEMRE requests participants to
register with Ms. Robin Vaughn by
phone at (504) 736–2675, or by e-mail
at robin.vaughn@boemre.gov, prior to
the meeting. The deadline to register is
February 28, 2011. Seating is limited
and the number of attendees from each
organization may have to be restricted.
• BOEMRE encourages you to submit
your presentations and/or attend the
• We will also consider any questions
submitted in advance so that the
workshop can focus on key topics.
Please submit the above to Ms. Robin
Vaughn (robin.vaughn@boemre.gov) by
February 28, 2011. You may also submit
written comments for BOEMRE’s
consideration up to 30 days after the
conclusion of this workshop. Written
comments should be submitted to
https://www.regulations.gov. In the entry
entitled ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter
Docket ID BOEM–2010–0042 then click
search. Follow the instructions to
submit public comments and view
supporting and related materials
available for this notice. BOEMRE will
post all comments.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA) Statement
This Federal Register Notice does not
refer to or impose any information
collection subject to the PRA.
Dated: November 9, 2010.
L. Renee Orr,
Acting Associate Director for Offshore Energy
and Minerals Management.
[FR Doc. 2010–32674 Filed 12–28–10; 8:45 am]
Copyright Office
37 CFR Part 201
[Docket No. RM 2010–5]
Gap in Termination Provisions
Copyright Office, Library of
ACTION: Notice of inquiry: Extension of
comment period
The Copyright Office of the
Library of Congress is extending the
time in which comments can be filed in
response to its Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking to amend its regulations
governing notices of termination of
certain grants of transfers and licenses
of copyright under section 203 of the
Copyright Act of 1976.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before January 24, 2011.
ADDRESSES: The Copyright Office
strongly prefers that comments be
submitted electronically. A comment
page containing a comment form is
posted on the Copyright Office Web site
at https://www.copyright.gov/docs/
termination. The Web site interface
requires submitters to complete a form
specifying name and organization, as
applicable, and to upload comments as
an attachment via a browse button. To
meet accessibility standards, all
comments must be uploaded in a single
file in either the Adobe Portable
Document File (PDF) format that
contains searchable, accessible text (not
an image); Microsoft Word;
WordPerfect; Rich Text Format (RTF); or
ASCII text file format (not a scanned
document). The maximum file size is 6
megabytes (MB). The name of the
submitter and organization should
appear on both the form and the face of
the comments. All comments will be
posted publicly on the Copyright Office
Web site exactly as they are received,
along with names and organizations. If
electronic submission of comments is
not feasible, please contact the
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
VerDate Mar<15>2010
20:46 Dec 28, 2010
Jkt 223001
Copyright Office at 202–707–0796 for
special instructions.
David O. Carson, General Counsel,
Copyright GC/I&R, P.O. Box 70400,
Washington, DC 20024. Telephone:
(202) 707–8380. Telefax: (202) 707–
November 26, 2010, the Copyright
Office published a notice of proposed
rulemaking and request for comments
relating to recordation of notices of
termination of transfers of copyright
under Section 203 of the Copyright Act
in circumstances where a grant was
agreed to prior to January 1, 1978, but
the work in question was created on or
after January 1, 1978. The notice stated
that comments would be due on
December 27, 2010.
The Office has been contacted by
representatives of interested parties who
have stated that in light of the
complexity of the issues raised in the
notice and in light of the holidays, they
request an extension of time to submit
comments in order to more thoroughly
analyze the issues.
Although the Register of Copyrights
had hoped to issue a final rule by the
end of this year, the Office wants to
ensure that interested parties are given
sufficient time to formulate and submit
their views. Accordingly, the deadline
for submission of comments is being
extended to Monday, January 24, 2011.
Dated: December 22, 2010.
David O. Carson,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2010–32864 Filed 12–28–10; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Parts 85, 86, 1036, 1037, 1065,
1066, and 1068
National Highway Traffic Safety
49 CFR Parts 523, 534, and 535
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0162; FRL–9219–4;
NHTSA 2010–0079]
RIN 2060–AP61; RIN 2127–AK74
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards
and Fuel Efficiency Standards for
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and National Highway
PO 00000
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Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Proposed rules; correction.
NHTSA and EPA published
in the Federal Register of November 30,
2010, proposed rules to establish a
comprehensive Heavy-Duty National
Program that will increase fuel
efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions for on-road heavy-duty
vehicles, responding to the President’s
directive on May 21, 2010, to take
coordinated steps to produce a new
generation of clean vehicles. That
document inadvertently contained some
incorrect fuel consumption values in
NHTSA-specific tables in the preamble
that resulted from using an incorrect
conversion factor for determining CO2
emissions to equivalent fuel
consumption for gasoline fuel. That
document also contained some
rounding errors in NHTSA-specific
tables in the preamble. This document
corrects the rounding errors by adopting
a uniform rounding approach for all fuel
consumption equivalents for those
NHTSA-specific tables and makes the
appropriate corrections to the
Rebecca Yoon, Office of Chief Counsel,
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Telephone: (202) 366–2992.
and EPA published in the Federal
Register of November 30, 2010,
proposed rules to establish a
comprehensive Heavy-Duty National
Program that will increase fuel
efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions for on-road heavy-duty
vehicles, responding to the President’s
directive on May 21, 2010, to take
coordinated steps to produce a new
generation of clean vehicles. That
document inadvertently contained some
incorrect fuel consumption values in
NHTSA-specific tables in the preamble
that resulted from using an incorrect
conversion factor for determining CO2
emissions to equivalent fuel
consumption for gasoline fuel. The
correct values that should have been
used in the document are a factor of
1,018 grams of CO2 per gallon of diesel
for conversion of diesel fuel, and a
factor of 8,887 grams of CO2 per gallon
of gasoline for gasoline.
That document also contained some
rounding errors in NHTSA-specific
tables in the preamble. This document
corrects the rounding errors by adopting
a uniform rounding approach for all fuel
consumption equivalents and makes the
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 249 (Wednesday, December 29, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 81950-81952]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-32674]
[[Page 81950]]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
30 CFR Part 250
[Docket ID: BOEM-2010-0042]
Flaring Versus Venting To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the
Outer Continental Shelf; Public Workshop
AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
(BOEMRE), Interior.
ACTION: Public workshop.
SUMMARY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
is announcing a workshop to discuss possible new requirements on
flaring versus venting of natural gas in the Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS), when such atmospheric release of natural gas is necessary and in
compliance with regulations. The main focus of this workshop will be
aimed at the potential reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
DATES: The workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, from 9
a.m. to 12 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held at 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd., New
Orleans, Louisiana.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Robin Vaughn at (504) 736-2675 or
Subpart K Rulemaking
On March 6, 2007, the U.S. Department of the Interior (Department)
published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) in the Federal Register
(72 FR 9884). This NPR requested comments on proposed revisions to 30
CFR part 250, subpart K, Oil and Gas Production Requirements. The
Department conducted analyses to assess the costs and benefits of
requiring flare/vent meters and of requiring flaring instead of
The first analysis supported the recommendation to require
meters, provided that the facilities process more than 2,000 barrels of
oil per day (BOPD). This requirement was included in the final rule,
published on April 19, 2010, in the Federal Register (75 FR 20271), Oil
and Gas Production Requirements, at 30 CFR part 250, subpart K.
The second analysis indicated that a regulatory change to
require flaring instead of venting may be appropriate. However, the
cost of implementing this requirement could be significant, and input
from potentially affected parties is necessary. We requested comments
on this issue in the proposed rule.
Commenters pointed out that converting existing facilities
that are equipped to vent natural gas to be able to flare natural gas
may require significant redesign for safety.
They also pointed out that there are many factors in
determining whether to flare natural gas or vent natural gas when
designing a facility. These factors include the operating philosophy,
nature and type of reservoir, facility design limitations or
capabilities, operating practices, safety, and economics.
Industry comments also recommended that, in addition to
considering requiring flaring instead of venting, BOEMRE should work
with them to find ways to reduce overall natural gas emissions.
Industry representatives also stated that a requirement
for flaring instead of venting should be only for new facilities.
Request for a Workshop
Commenters requested that BOEMRE hold a workshop to discuss the
issue. BOEMRE plans to work directly with interested parties to study
the costs and benefits (especially GHG benefits) of requiring that
companies flare the natural gas, whenever possible, when flaring or
venting is necessary.
Therefore, we are holding a workshop to discuss the issue of
flaring instead of venting. This workshop and additional cost-benefit
analysis will consider GHG issues associated with flaring and venting.
The workshop will assist BOEMRE to determine how to best implement a
General Accounting Office (GAO) recommendation (see GAO Report below).
Proposed Rulemaking
BOEMRE will decide how to move forward with rulemaking on flaring
natural gas after we hold the workshop. Our next step would likely be a
proposed rule.
GAO Report
In July 2004, the GAO issued a report on world-wide emissions from
vented and flared natural gas titled, Natural Gas Flaring and Venting--
Opportunities to Improve Data and Reduce Emissions (GAO-04-809). This
report is available on the GAO Web site at: https://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04809.pdf. This report reviewed the flaring and venting data
available, the extent of flaring and venting, their contributions to
GHG emissions, and opportunities for the Federal Government to reduce
flaring and venting.
The report concluded that more accurate records were needed on
flaring and venting to determine the amount of the resource that is
lost and the volume of GHG emissions these practices contribute to the
atmosphere each year. The report also stated that the impact of methane
(a naturally occurring gas released during venting) on the earth's
atmosphere is about 23 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (a
byproduct of flaring). The GAO made two recommendations to the
Secretary of the Interior: (1) consider the cost and benefit of
requiring that companies flare the natural gas, whenever possible, when
flaring or venting is necessary; and (2) consider the cost and benefit
of requiring that companies use flaring and venting meters to improve
oversight. In addition, there was a recommendation to the Secretary of
Energy to consider consulting with the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), BOEMRE, and Bureau of Land Management, on how to best collect
separate statistics on flaring and venting. In 2005, BOEMRE performed a
cost-benefit analysis on the possible requirement to flare instead of
vent. The agency determined that it was not appropriate to mandate
flaring at that time, but noted that this topic would be pursued
further. In light of developments since 2005, BOEMRE has determined
that a workshop to hear public concerns is appropriate and a new cost-
benefit analysis is needed. Note also that the other two GAO
recommendations (to consider a requirement to install flare/vent meters
and to consider a requirement to report flare volumes separately from
vent volumes) were implemented via the April 19, 2010, publication of
regulations at 30 CFR Part 250, subpart K (75 FR 20271).
Oil and Gas Industry Contributions to GHG Emissions in the Federal OCS
Most natural gas production involves extracting natural gas from
wells drilled into underground gas reservoirs; however, some natural
gas is generated as a by-product of oil production. During oil and
natural gas production, it may become necessary to burn or release
natural gas for a number of operational reasons, including safety.
These operations may be associated with unloading or cleaning of a
well, production testing, or relieving system pressure during equipment
failure. The controlled burning of natural gas is called flaring, while
the controlled release of unburned gases directly into the atmosphere
is called venting. Most flaring and venting occurs at the end of
[[Page 81951]]
a flare stack or boom which ensures that natural gas can be safely
disposed of in emergency and shutdown situations. It is virtually
impossible to produce oil and natural gas without any flaring or
venting, and it would be impractical to shut in production every time
an upset occurs. It is estimated that operators in the Gulf of Mexico
OCS flare and vent less than 0.5 percent of the gas produced, making
this area a world leader in the conservation of natural gas resources.
BOEMRE regulates air emissions as mandated by the OCS Lands Act.
Under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, BOEMRE has jurisdiction over
Gulf of Mexico OCS emission sources westward of 87[deg]30' W longitude,
and the EPA has jurisdiction over those eastward of 87[deg]30' W
longitude. The EPA also has jurisdiction over emissions in the OCS of
Alaska, the Atlantic, and the Pacific. BOEMRE regulates OCS emissions
to assure compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
and to prevent significant air quality deterioration in onshore areas.
BOEMRE regulates activities that have the potential to affect air
quality at the onshore areas.
Both flaring and venting on the OCS are highly regulated by BOEMRE.
Federal regulations at 30 CFR 250, subpart K specify the limited
circumstances under which offshore oil and gas operators may flare or
vent natural gas. In the Federal OCS, BOEMRE requires operators to
continuously record these volumes and report them each month. These
regulations strictly limit the amount of time operators may flare or
vent. In some cases, operators request additional time in order to
complete equipment repairs. BOEMRE evaluates each of these requests on
a case-by-case basis, primarily focusing on environmental, safety, and
conservation aspects. BOEMRE also performs onshore air quality impacts
analyses to prevent significant onshore air quality deterioration from
OCS activities.
BOEMRE continuously strives to improve its oversight of OCS flaring
and venting. New regulations, published in April 2010, require
operators to install flare/vent meters on large platforms and also to
report gas flared separately from gas vented. These regulatory changes
will provide more accurate measurements of GHG emissions.
Given the existing restrictions on OCS flaring and venting, there
is minimal opportunity to further reduce the overall volume of gas
flared and vented. However, the global warming potential of GHG
emissions could be reduced if BOEMRE were to require operators to flare
instead of vent (when the release of natural gas is necessary). Such a
requirement would reduce the global warming potential of GHG emissions
by converting most methane to carbon dioxide as it is released. The
workshop will address this topic.
It is difficult to estimate the impact that flaring instead of
venting would have on GHG emissions until BOEMRE gathers the more
accurate data required by new regulations (which require the
installation of flare/vent meters and the separate reporting of flare
and vent volumes). Furthermore, it is impractical, if not impossible,
to eliminate all venting. Even if 100 percent of the released OCS gas
could be flared instead of vented, the impact on total U.S. GHG
emissions would be very small.
In 2008, U.S. GHG emissions totaled 7.668 x 10\9\ tons of carbon
dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Of that total, only 30.9 x 10\6\
tons of CO2e, or 0.40 percent, were related to OCS oil and
gas production (including platform and non-platform sources), and
flaring and venting activities represent only a fraction of that
Based on several assumptions, estimates, and existing analyses,
BOEMRE roughly approximated the impact that might occur if it were to
mandate flaring over venting. These estimates indicate that such a
requirement would reduce total U.S. GHG emissions by less than 0.05
percent. However, the accuracy of these estimates will improve over the
next few years now that regulations at 30 CFR part 250, subpart K have
been implemented. Reported OCS flare and vent volumes could increase or
decrease based solely on improved reporting accuracy. In any event,
further analysis may shed light on whether flaring rather than venting
natural gas is cost effective from a GHG perspective, even if the total
amount of GHGs is small.
Workshop Presentations
In order to assist BOEMRE, assess the need for regulations on this
topic, and ascertain the framework for any such regulations, interested
parties are encouraged to register for the workshop and present their
recommendations on the following topics:
The impact of flaring versus venting on GHG emissions;
If BOEMRE requires flaring instead of venting, whether
this mandate should apply to all (new and existing) facilities, apply
only to facilities emitting above a certain threshold, and what
acceptable threshold levels should be;
Technical and/or economical feasibility of retrofitting
some or all existing facilities with flare tips;
Flare tip technology and/or combustion efficiency;
Emissions reduction;
Existing worldwide best practices that could reduce GHG
emissions from flaring and venting;
Safety issues associated with requiring flaring instead of
venting on OCS facilities;
Variables and/or methods that should be used to evaluate
the cost versus benefit of flaring instead of venting; and
Equipment (specific components) that have to emit natural
gas locally instead of the gas being routed to a flare tip due to
safety, practical, or other reasons, as well as acceptable/or
recommended volumes of natural gas emissions that would be associated
with this equipment.
Note that the primary focus of this workshop will be to receive
feedback from all interested and potentially affected parties in
advance of any rulemaking. BOEMRE anticipates that the agenda of the
workshop will be predominantly presentations by those interested
parties in order for BOEMRE to receive their input. In order to present
at and/or attend this workshop, you must register in advance.
Registration: There is no registration fee for this workshop.
However, to assess the number of participants, BOEMRE requests
participants to register with Ms. Robin Vaughn by phone at (504) 736-
2675, or by e-mail at robin.vaughn@boemre.gov, prior to the meeting.
The deadline to register is February 28, 2011. Seating is limited and
the number of attendees from each organization may have to be
BOEMRE encourages you to submit your presentations and/or
attend the workshop.
We will also consider any questions submitted in advance
so that the workshop can focus on key topics.
Please submit the above to Ms. Robin Vaughn
(robin.vaughn@boemre.gov) by February 28, 2011. You may also submit
written comments for BOEMRE's consideration up to 30 days after the
conclusion of this workshop. Written comments should be submitted to
https://www.regulations.gov. In the entry entitled ``Enter Keyword or
ID,'' enter Docket ID BOEM-2010-0042 then click search. Follow the
instructions to submit public comments and view supporting and related
materials available for this notice. BOEMRE will post all comments.
[[Page 81952]]
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement
This Federal Register Notice does not refer to or impose any
information collection subject to the PRA.
Dated: November 9, 2010.
L. Renee Orr,
Acting Associate Director for Offshore Energy and Minerals Management.
[FR Doc. 2010-32674 Filed 12-28-10; 8:45 am]