Mortgagee Review Board: Administrative Actions, 81287-81292 [2010-32443]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
entity approved by HUD. These entities
must submit annual audit and actuarial
reviews to HUD annually.
OMB Control Number: 2577–0218.
Agency Form Numbers: Form 52735
and 52735–AS Combined, HUD–272–I,
HUD–4117, HUD–4119.
Members of Affected Public: State,
Local, and Tribal.
Estimation of the total numbers of
hours needed to prepare the information
collection including number of
respondents, frequency of responses,
and hours of response: An estimation of
the total number of hours needed to
prepare the information collection is
366, the estimated number of
respondents is 144, the frequency
response is one time, and the estimated
number of hours per response is 366.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended.
Dated: December 20, 2010.
Colette Pollard,
Departmental Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–32461 Filed 12–23–10; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–5374–N–23]
Buy American Exceptions Under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111–05, approved
February 17, 2009) (Recovery Act), and
implementing guidance of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), this
notice advises that certain exceptions to
the Buy American requirement of the
Recovery Act have been determined
applicable for work using Capital Fund
Recovery Formula and Competition
(CFRFC) grant funds. Specifically, an
exception was granted to the Chicago
Housing Authority for the purchase and
installation of through-the-wall air
conditioners, floor-mounted water
closets, and low voltage electrical
components at the Dearborn Homes
Dominique G. Blom, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Public Housing
Investments, Office of Public Housing
Investments, Office of Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and
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Urban Development, 451 7th Street,
SW., Room 4130, Washington, DC
20410–4000, telephone number 202–
402–8500 (this is not a toll-free
number). Persons with hearing- or
speech-impairments may access this
number through TTY by calling the tollfree Federal Information Relay Service
at 800–877–8339.
1605(a) of the Recovery Act provides
that none of the funds appropriated or
made available by the Recovery Act may
be used for a project for the
construction, alteration, maintenance, or
repair of a public building or public
work unless all of the iron, steel, and
manufactured goods used in the project
are produced in the United States.
Section 1605(b) provides that the Buy
American requirement shall not apply
in any case or category in which the
head of a Federal department or agency
finds that: (1) Applying the Buy
American requirement would be
inconsistent with the public interest; (2)
iron, steel, and the relevant
manufactured goods are not produced in
the U.S. in sufficient and reasonably
available quantities or of satisfactory
quality, or (3) inclusion of iron, steel,
and manufactured goods will increase
the cost of the overall project by more
than 25 percent. Section 1605(c)
provides that if the head of a Federal
department or agency makes a
determination pursuant to section
1605(b), the head of the department or
agency shall publish a detailed written
justification in the Federal Register.
In accordance with section 1605(c) of
the Recovery Act and OMB’s
implementing guidance published on
April 23, 2009 (74 FR 18449), this notice
advises the public that, on November
24, 2010, upon request of the Chicago
Housing Authority, HUD granted an
exception to applicability of the Buy
American requirements with respect to
work, using CFRFC grant funds, in
connection with the Dearborn project.
The exception was granted by HUD on
the basis that the relevant manufactured
goods (through-the-wall air
conditioners, floor-mounted water
closets, and low voltage electrical
components) are not produced in the
U.S. in sufficient and reasonably
available quantities or of satisfactory
Dated: December 17, 2010.
Sandra B. Henriquez,
Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian
[FR Doc. 2010–32446 Filed 12–23–10; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. FR–5436–N–02]
Mortgagee Review Board:
Administrative Actions
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
Commissioner, Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice.
In compliance with Section
202(c) of the National Housing Act, this
notice advises of the cause and
description of administrative actions
taken by HUD’s Mortgagee Review
Board against HUD-approved
Nancy A. Murray, Secretary to the
Mortgagee Review Board, 451 Seventh
Street SW., Room B–133/3150,
Washington, DC 20410–8000; telephone
(202) 708–2224. A Telecommunications
Device for Hearing- and SpeechImpaired Individuals (TTY) is available
at (800) 877–8339 (Federal Information
Relay Service).
202(c)(5) of the National Housing Act
(added by Section 142 of the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development Reform Act of 1989,
Public Law 101–235, approved
December 15, 1989), requires that HUD
‘‘publish a description of and the cause
for administrative action against a HUDapproved mortgagee’’ by the
Department’s Mortgagee Review Board
(Board). In compliance with the
requirements of Section 202(c)(5), this
notice advises of actions that have been
taken by the Board from April 15, 2010
to July 2, 2010.
I. Settlement Agreements, Civil Money
Penalties, Withdrawals of FHA
Approval, Suspensions, Probations,
Reprimands, and Administrative
1. Alethes, LLC, Lakeway, TX [Docket
No. 09–9891–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Alethes, LLC’s
(Alethes) FHA approval for a period of
three years and impose a $7,500 civil
money penalty.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Alethes originated an FHA
mortgage after termination of its
origination approval agreement; Alethes
failed to comply with HUD’s annual
recertification requirements by failing to
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
submit acceptable audited financial
2. Atlantic Pacific Mortgage
Corporation, Pembroke Pines, FL
[Docket No. 10–1607–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately and permanently withdraw
Atlantic Pacific Mortgage Corporation’s
(Atlantic) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Atlantic retained and/or
employed an owner, director, officer
and/or employee who had been indicted
for a criminal offense.
3. First Rate Capital Corporation,
Melville, NY [Docket No. 10–1001–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw First Rate
Capital Corporation’s (First Rate) FHA
approval for a period of one year.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: First Rate failed to notify HUD of
the closure of its home office location.
4. Gold Star Home Mortgage, LLC, St.
Joseph, MO [Docket No. 10–1686–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Gold Star Home
Mortgage, LLC’s (Gold Star) FHA
approval for a period of one year.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Gold Star failed to notify HUD of
an action taken against it by the state of
Missouri; Gold Star submitted a false
certification to HUD on its Annual
Certification Report.
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5. Marathon Financial Corporation,
Southfield, MI [Docket No. 09–9889–
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately and permanently withdraw
Marathon Financial Corporation’s
(Marathon) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Marathon retained and/or
employed an owner, director, officer
and/or employee who had been indicted
for a criminal offense; Marathon failed
to submit its annual recertification fee,
Yearly Verification Report, and
acceptable audited financial statements.
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6. Nationwide Equities Corporation,
Mahwah, NJ [Docket No. 09–9916–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
voted to impose a $20,500 civil money
penalty against Nationwide Equities
Corporation (Nationwide).
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Nationwide failed to implement a
Quality Control (QC) plan and conduct
QC reviews in a timely manner.
7. Precision Financial, Inc., Syosset, NY
[Docket No. 09–9897–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Precision
Financial, Inc.’s (Precision) FHA
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Precision failed to notify HUD
that it had voluntarily surrendered its
state license to originate mortgages.
8. Sacramento Mortgage, Inc.,
Sacramento, CA [Docket No. 08–8097–
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
voted to issue a letter of reprimand and
impose a $7,500 civil money penalty
against Sacramento Mortgage, Inc.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Sacramento used advertisements
containing inaccurate and misleading
FHA program information.
9. Tucson Mortgage Company, LLC,
Tucson, AZ [Docket No. 10–1602–MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Tucson Mortgage
Company, LLC’s (Tucson) FHA approval
and impose a $7,500 civil money
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Tucson failed to notify HUD of a
Cease and Desist order issued against it
by the Arizona Department of Financial
Institutions; Tucson failed to notify
HUD of the surrender of its licenses.
10. Turbo International Corporation
d/b/a USA Mortgage, Las Vegas, NV
[Docket No. 10–1599–MR ]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Turbo
International Corporation’s d/b/a USA
Mortgage (Turbo) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
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HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Turbo failed to notify HUD that its
state license had expired; Turbo failed
to submit its annual certification,
recertification fee, and acceptable
audited financial statements.
11. 1st Alliance Mortgage LLC, Houston,
TX [Docket No. 09–9624–MR]
Action: On April 16, 2010, the Board
accepted 1st Alliance Mortgage LLC’s
(1st Alliance) offer to settle by paying a
civil money penalty in the amount of
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: 1st Alliance engaged in prohibited
branch arrangements; 1st Alliance made
false certifications to HUD on loan
application forms HUD–92900–A in 708
instances; 1st Alliance failed to
implement and maintain a Quality
Control (QC) plan and conduct QC
reviews; 1st Alliance failed to report
compensation to employees on IRS form
W–2; 1st Alliance charged unallowable
and/or unearned duplicative fees to
borrowers; 1st Alliance failed to ensure
that fees paid outside of closing were
listed on the HUD–1 Settlement
12. Polaris Home Funding Corporation,
Grandville, MI [Docket No. 09–9915–
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board
accepted Polaris Home Funding
Corporation’s (Polaris) offer to settle by
paying a civil money penalty in the
amount of $44,000 and indemnifying
FHA on seven loans.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Polaris violated HUD/FHA
staffing requirements; Polaris had
numerous loan origination and
underwriting deficiencies.
13. Viewpoint Bank, Plano, TX [Docket
No. 10–1019–MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
assess a $505,400 administrative
payment against Viewpoint Bank
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Viewpoint had numerous loan
origination and underwriting
deficiencies; Viewpoint failed to ensure
that its employees worked for
Viewpoint exclusively, including failure
to ensure that employees did not have
outside employment in a related field.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
14. Great Country Mortgage Bankers
Corporation, Coral Gables, FL [Docket
No. 10–1129–MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
permanently withdraw Great Country
Mortgage Bankers Corporation’s (Great
Country) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Great Country failed to conduct
targeted Quality Control reviews; Great
Country had numerous loan origination
and underwriting deficiencies; Great
Country failed to ensure that their
employees worked for Great Country
exclusively; Great Country failed to
address discrepancies prior to approval
of the insurance endorsement.
15. WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP, Plano,
TX [Docket No. 10–1573–MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board
voted to impose a $223,000 civil money
penalty against WR Starkey Mortgage,
LLP (WR Starkey) and accept WR
Starkey’s offer to indemnify HUD on 32
mortgages. WR Starkey also agreed to
reimburse HUD for 11 of the 32
mortgages that resulted in claims in the
amount of $756,406.76.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: WR Starkey had numerous loan
origination and underwriting
deficiencies; WR Starkey failed to
timely remit Upfront Mortgage
Insurance Premiums; WR Starkey
allowed a Credit Watch terminated
branch to originate loans; WR Starkey
failed to ensure that loans met property
eligibility requirements; WR Starkey
failed to comply with property flipping
guidelines; WR Starkey failed to ensure
that construction-to-permanent
mortgage program requirements were
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17. Birmingham Bancorp Mortgage
Corporation, West Bloomfield, MI
[Docket No. 10–1792–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
immediately withdraw Birmingham
Bancorp Mortgage Corporation’s
(BBMC) FHA approval for a period of
five years. On July 2, 2010, the Board
terminated the withdrawal action and
accepted BBMC’s settlement offer of
$815,913.13 (this amount included
principal and interest totaling
$770,913.13 for indemnification on 16
loans and a civil money penalty of
Cause: The Board took the original
action based on the following violations
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of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: BBMC failed to honor the terms
of six executed indemnification
agreements when BBMC failed to remit
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: AMC misused the official HUD
seal on its Web site.
18. Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.,
Calabasas, CA [Docket No. 09–9846–
22. Equity Source Home Loans, LLC,
Morganville, NJ [Docket No. 10–1719–
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
voted to impose a $7,000 civil money
penalty against Equity Source Home
Loans, LLC (Equity Source).
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Equity Source misused the names
of FHA and HUD, misused the FHA
seal, and disseminated a simulated
government form implying HUD/FHA or
government endorsement.
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from
Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.
(Countrywide) to pay a civil money
penalty of $141,500, buy down the
principal on loans totaling $93,263.02,
indemnify HUD/FHA on loans, and
surrender its FHA approval. In addition,
Countrywide’s parent company, Bank of
America, will maintain its FHA
approval and honor the indemnification
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Countrywide had loan origination
and underwriting deficiencies;
Countrywide failed to provide complete
loan origination files.
19. Best Interest Rate Mortgage
Company, LLC, Haddon Township, NJ
[Docket No. 10–1879–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
permanently withdraw Best Interest
Rate Mortgage Company, LLC’s
(BIRMCO) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: BIRMCO failed to notify HUD that
it had been excluded from doing
business in Idaho and Colorado;
BIRMCO improperly used a simulated
government form implying endorsement
by FHA; BIRMCO failed to obtain
required state licenses to operate in the
States of Idaho and Colorado.
20. Housing Solutions, Inc., Scottsdale,
AZ [Docket No. 10–1608–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
approved an administrative action to
permanently withdraw Housing
Solutions, Inc.’s (HSI) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: HSI failed to notify HUD of the
closure of its home office and that it is
no longer in business.
21. Action Mortgage Corporation,
Cranston, RI [Docket No. 10–1855–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from Action
Mortgage Corporation (AMC) to pay a
civil money penalty of $2,500.
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23. NFM, Inc., Linthicum Heights, MD
[Docket No. 10–1712–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
voted to impose a $5,000 civil money
penalty against NFM, Inc. (NFM).
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: NFM misused the name and seal
of the FHA and disseminated
advertisements implying HUD/FHA
24. Silver Key Lending & Investment
Group, Downers Grove, IL [Docket No.
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
voted to impose a $3,500 civil money
penalty against Silver Key Lending &
Investment Group (Silver Key).
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Silver Key misused the seal of the
FHA and disseminated advertisements
implying HUD/FHA endorsement.
25. Access Mortgage Corporation, New
Haven, CT [Docket No. 09–9438–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from Access
Mortgage Corporation (Access) to pay a
civil money penalty of $3,500.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Access failed to notify HUD/FHA
within ten business days of a change in
its ‘‘doing business as’’ name.
26. American Advisors Group, Irvine,
CA [Docket No. 10–1822–MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from
American Advisors Group (AAG) to pay
a civil money penalty of $3,500.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: AAG’s advertisements
misrepresented HUD’s Home Equity
Conversion Mortgage program.
27. Acceptance Capital Mortgage
Corporation, Spokane, WA [Docket No.
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from
Acceptance Capital Mortgage
Corporation (Acceptance) to pay a civil
money penalty of $14,000.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violations of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Acceptance allowed a separate
legal entity to operate as a branch of
Acceptance; Acceptance allowed loans
to be originated by loan officers who
were also employed by other companies
in the real estate industry.
28. Oxford Lending Group, L.P.,
Columbus, OH [Docket No. 10–1687–
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board
accepted a settlement offer from Oxford
Lending Group, L.P. (Oxford) to pay a
civil money penalty of $3,500.
Cause: The Board took this action
based on the following violation of
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by
HUD: Oxford improperly used a
simulated government form implying
endorsement by FHA or the
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II. Lenders That Failed To Meet
Requirements for Annual
Recertification of HUD/FHA Approval
Action: The Board voted to
immediately withdraw FHA approval
for a period of one year for each of the
lenders listed below.
Cause: The Board took this action
because the lenders were not in
compliance with the HUD’s annual
recertification requirements.
1. American Home Advisors, Inc., Dana
Point, CA
2. At Home Mortgage Brokers, Inc.,
Phoenix, AZ
3. Bridge Mortgage, Inc., Villa Rica, GA
4. Coastline Mortgage Consultants, LLC,
Wilmington, NC
5. Denton County Mortgage Corp., Tyler,
6. Fidelity Homes and Loans, Inc.,
Federal Way, WA
7. Legacy Mortgage LLC, Green Bay, WI
8. Oceanfront Mortgage, Inc., San Diego,
9. Alabama Home Mortgage Lending,
Birmingham, AL
10. C Bass ABS LLC, New York, NY
11. Castle Home Mortgage Corp., Union,
12. City State Bank, Central City, IA
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13. CoFinancial, Inc., Milford, MI
14. Credit Based Asset Servicing, New
York, NY
15. DMI Funding, Inc. (Title I), Boise, ID
16. DMI Funding, Inc. (Title II), Boise,
17. Gordon Lending Corporation,
Dublin, OH
18. Great Harbor Financial Service,
Guilford, CT
19. HBM No. One, LLC, Burlington, NC
20. Integrity One Mortgage, Inc., Penns
Grove, NJ
21. Mortgage Process Center, Fair Oaks,
22. NVX, LLC, Falls Church, VA
23. Powell Financial Services, Inc., San
Diego, CA
24. Prosperity Bank St. Augustine, St.
Augustine, FL
25. Quickdraw Real Estate Services,
Inc., Mill Creek, WA
26. Solutions Financial Group, Inc.,
Tukwila, WA
27. Three Rivers Financial Services,
Inc., Fort Wayne, IN
28. Trinity Financial, Inc., Verona, PA
29. 1st Integrity Mortgage, Inc., Towson,
30. Alliance Financing Mortgage
Corporation, Mount Prospect, IL
31. American Mortgage Group LLC,
Humble, TX
32. American Mortgage Solutions LLC,
Burr Ridge, IL
33. Amerinet Financial LLC, Upper
Marlboro, MD
34. Apex Funding Inc., Santa Ana, CA
35. Baycal Financial Corporation,
Burlingame, CA
36. Benchmark Mortgage Corporation,
Schaumburg, IL
37. Broadway Federal Savings and Loan,
Los Angeles, CA
38. Building and Loan Mortgage
Company, Lenexa, KS
39. C Bass Funding LLC, New York, NY
40. C Bass Funding X LLC, New York,
41. Capital Mortgage LLC, Miami, FL
42. Capitol City Bank & Trust Company,
Atlanta, GA
43. CCSF LLC, Henderson, NV
44. Champion Mortgage LLC, Corpus
Christi, TX
45. Clayson-Mitchell Mortgage Services
LC, Salt Lake City, UT
46. Columbia First Mortgage Inc., Battle
Ground, WA
47. Community Finance Group Inc.,
Crystal, MN
48. Community Resource Bank, N.A.,
Columbia, SC
49. Consumer Lending Inc., Verona, NJ
50. Creative Mortgage Services Inc.,
Martinez, GA
51. CWA Financial Services Inc.,
Milledgeville, GA
52. Design Development Mortgage LLC,
Fort Collins, CO
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53. Direct Mortgage Inc., Norcross, GA
54. Dynamic International Funding,
Denver, CO
55. East Shore Mortgage LLC, Madison,
56. EDVA Realty Services Inc., Tarzana,
57. Element Financial, LLC, Suwanee,
58. Ellis Mortgage Company, Poplar
Grove, IL
59. E-Tek Capital LLC, Gibbsboro, NJ
60. Emcore Mortgage, LLC, Atlanta, GA
61. Ethical Mortgage Lending LLC,
Grove City, OH
62. Evergreen Pacific Mortgage Inc.,
Eugene, OR
63. Fairfield Financial Mortgage Group,
Danbury, CT
64. Firstbank—West Branch, West
Branch, MI
65. First Boulder Valley Bank, Boulder,
66. First Choice Mortgage Corporation,
Stafford, VA
67. First Choice Mortgage Services LLC,
Memphis, TN
68. First Primacy Mortgage Corporation,
Bel Air, MD
69. First Sierra Mortgage Inc.,
Sacramento, CA
70. Focus Financial and Mortgage
Corporation, Wauconda, IL
71. Fortes Financial Inc., San Diego, CA
72. Founders Mortgage Inc., Edmond,
73. Genesis Mortgage Company LLC,
Kingwood, TX
74. Gordon Lending Corporation,
Dublin, OH
75. Hamilton Mortgage Group LLC,
Ridgefield, CT
76. Heights Mortgage Connection Inc.,
Harker Heights, TX
77. Hometown Community Bank,
Braselton, GA
78. Interstate Capital Corporation, Coral
Springs, FL
79. JBJ LLC, Henderson, NV
80. Keystone Mortgage Inc., Puyallup,
81. LAA Enterprises Inc., Lakeland, FL
82. Lend Select Mortgage, LLC, Mount
Laurel, NJ
83. Lowery Mortgage Inc., Cornelius, NC
84. Madison Funding Inc., Baltimore,
85. Magnolia Homes Loans, Inc.,
Oxnard, CA
86. Maximum Mortgage Concepts, West
Bridgewater, MA
87. MBS Mortgage Company LLC,
Wixom, MI
88. McLaughlin Financial Inc., Salem,
89. Metropolitan Mortgage Inc.,
Providence, RI
90. MidAmerica Mortgage Corporation,
New Hope, MN
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
91. MMA Mortgage Investment
Corporation, Tampa, FL
92. Mortgage Connection of Evansville
Inc., Evansville, IN
93. Mortgage Pros Ltd, Elmhurst, IL
94. Namorex, LLC, Wilton, NH
95. New Hope Community Development
Federal Credit Union, Birmingham,
96. North Florida Funding Inc.,
Jacksonville, FL
97. Northpark Community Credit Union,
Indianapolis, IN
98. Old Providence Mortgage Company,
Farmington, UT
99. Paraiso LLC, Atlanta, GA
100. Paramount Bank, Lexington, KY
101. Pledged Property IV LLC, New
York, NY
102. Popular Mortgage Corp., (Title I),
Hialeah, FL
103. Popular Mortgage Corp., (Title II),
Hialeah, FL
104. Price Financial Services Inc.,
Rochester, MN
105. Primary Access America
Corporation, Mission Viejo, CA
106. Prime Alliance Bank, Wood Cross,
107. Prime Source Mortgage, Inc.,
Scottsdale, AZ
108. Priority Mortgage, Inc., Wayne, IN
109. Pronto Mortgage Lenders Corp.,
Hialeah Gardens, FL
110. Provident Capital Mortgage, Inc.,
Cranston, RI
111. R & S Financial Inc., Plymouth, MA
112. Residential Mortgage Services Inc.
(Title I), Lexington, KY
113. Residential Mortgage Services Inc.
(Title II), Lexington, KY
114. Results One Mortgage Corp.,
Elmhurst, IL
115. Samsara Mortgage Services Inc.,
Oakbrook, IL
116. San Juan Mountains Credit Union,
Montrose, CO
117. Schyndel Investments Inc., Layton,
118. Security Mortgage Corporation,
Phoenix, AZ
119. Silver Sierra Mortgage Inc.,
Cameron Park, AZ
120. Signature Mortgage, LLC,
Huntsville, AL
121. Source 1 Capital Mortgage
Corporation, Clifton, NJ
122. South Ross Mortgage LLC,
Lancaster, SC
123. Trinity Mortgage Company Inc.,
Fort Wayne, IN
124. United Financial Management
Group Inc., Clarks Summit, PA
125. VIP Mortgage Corporation,
Danvers, MA
126. Wakefield Lending Company LLC,
Raleigh, NC
127. Wonder State Mortgage Inc., Little
Rock, AR
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:15 Dec 23, 2010
Jkt 223001
III. Lenders That Failed to Timely Meet
Requirements for Annual
Recertification of HUD/FHA Approval
and Have Cured
Action: The Board voted to give the
lenders below an opportunity to settle.
The settlements required each lender to
pay a $7,500, $3,500, or $1,000 civil
money penalty without admitting fault
or liability.
Cause: The Board took this action
because the lenders failed to timely
comply with the HUD’s annual
recertification requirements, however,
they are now in compliance.
1. 3rd Generation Mortgage, LLC,
Bayville, NJ, 10–1930–MRT
2. American Capital Mortgage Bankers,
Ltd., Floral Park, NY, 10–1348–
3. Apex Mortgage, LLC, Meridian, ID,
4. Capital Funding and Mortgage Group,
Inc., Suwanee, GA, 10–1478–MRT
5. Centrue Bank, Ottawa, IL, 10–1416–
6. Citizens State Bank, New Baltimore,
MI, 10–1473–MRT
7. CLO Funding Corporation,
Piscataway, NJ, 10–4448–MRT
8. Empire Financial Services Inc.,
Rockville, MD, 10–1521–MRT
9. Golden Mortgage Corporation,
Bridgewater, NJ, 10–1485–MRT
10. Home Mortgage Solutions, LLC,
Midlothian, VA, 10–1247–MRT
11. Home Owners Financial Services,
Los Angeles, CA, 10–1353–MRT
12. LA Mortgage Services, Inc., Clarks
Green, PA, 10–1045–MRT
13. Landon Financial, Inc., Margate, FL,
14. Lighthouse Home Loans, Inc.,
Salem, OR, 10–1495–MRT
15. Lincoln Financial, Inc., Wayne, NJ,
16. Mortgages Unlimited, Inc., Liberal,
KS, 10–1357–MRT
17. PC Funding, Inc., Cerritos, CA, 10–
18. Plum Creek Funding, Inc., Parker,
CO, 10–1519–MRT
19. Raustin Mortgage Services LLC,
Grandville, MI, 10–1214–MRT
20. RJ Financial Services, Inc., San
Antonio, TX, 10–1488–MRT
21. Robert P. Lenz & Associates, Inc.,
Matthews, NC, 10–1569–MRT
22. Seaside Home Mortgage, Inc.,
Sebastian, FL, 10–1568–MRT
23. Sun Mortgage Corp. of Missouri,
Inc., Saint Louis, MO, 10–1552–
24. Terra Ferma Mortgage, Inc.,
Houston, TX, 10–1900–MRT
25. Your Money Center, LLC, Hartwell,
GA, 10–1449–MRT
26. AAA Financial Corp., Coral Springs,
FL, 10–1932–MRT
PO 00000
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27. Advantis Credit Union, Portland,
OR, 10–1933, MRT
28. American Mortgage Group, Inc.,
Shawnee, OK, 10–1934, MRT
29. Becker Real Estate Services, Inc.,
Lynbrook, NY, 10–1935–MRT
30. Carson Bank (f/k/a Mulvane State
Bank), Mulvane, KS, 10–1936–MRT
31. CBRE HMF, Inc., Atlanta, GA, 10–
32. Coral Mortgage Bankers Corporation,
Chesterfield, MO, 10–1938–MRT
33. Constitution Trust Mortgage Corp.,
Plainville, MA, 10–1906–MRT
34. Custom Equity Mortgage, LLC, St.
Louis, MO, 10–1939–MRT
35. DATCU Credit Union, Denton, TX,
36. Financial Dynamics Funding Corp.,
Jericho, NY, 10–1941–MRT
37. Great Florida Lending, Inc., Miami,
FL, 10–1942–MRT
38. Heritage Bank and Trust, Columbia,
TN, 10–1943–MRT
39. Home First Mortgage, Birmingham,
AL, 10–1944–MRT
40. Infinity Lending Group, Tustin, CA,
41. IZT Mortgage, Inc. d/b/a Ameritech
Mortgage, Walnut Creek, CA, 10–
42. Lexington Investment Mortgage Co.,
Lexington, KY, 10–1907–MRT
43. Lincoln Mortgage Associates, LLC,
Lansdale, PA, 10–1946–MRT
44. Metropolitan Mortgage Broker, LLC,
Philadelphia, PA, 10–1947–MRT
45. Mortgage 1st, Inc., Ridgeland, MS,
46. Mortgage Options of America, Inc.,
Winchester, MA, 10–1949–MRT
47. Northern Funding Corporation,
Clifton Park, NY, 10–1412–MRT
48. Organization Matters, Inc., Apple
Valley, CA, 10–1950–MRT
49. PLB Lending LLC, Washington, MI,
50. Valley Financial, Inc., Corning, CA,
51. Wellington Funding Group LLC,
Scottsdale, AZ, 10–1955–MRT
52. WF and K Mortgage, Inc., Dunmore,
PA, 10–1956–MRT
53. ACE Cash Express Home Loans LLC,
Irving, TX, 10–1969–MRT
54. Advocate Equities Corp., Brooklyn,
NY, 10–1427–MRT
55. Alliance Capital Corporation,
Oklahoma City, OK, 10–1970–MRT
56. American Security Financial
Corporation, Modesto, CA, 10–
57. Ameristate Bancorp Inc.,
Youngstown, OH, 10–1971–MRT
58. Associated Capital Resources Inc.,
Phoenix, AZ, 10–1616–MRT
59. Assured Funding Corporation,
Jackson, TN, 10–1248–MRT
60. Bank of Bridger, Bridger, MT, 09–
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 247 / Monday, December 27, 2010 / Notices
61. Boulder West Financial Services,
Lafayette, CO, 10–1428–MRT
62. Central Bank and Trust, Lander, WY,
63. Creative Mortgage Partners LLC,
Maplewood, MN, 09–9128–MRT
64. Crossline Capital Inc., Irvine, CA,
65. Elite Financial Investments Inc.,
Oakbrook, IL, 10–1122–MRT
66. Enterprise Community Investment
Inc., Columbia, MD, 09–9137, MRT
67. First American Dream Mortgage Inc.,
Chicago, IL, 10–1360–MRT
68. First Financial Bank N.A., Hamilton,
OH, 09–9204–MRT
69. First Mortgage Group LLC,
Woodstock, GA, 10–1972–MRT
70. First Star Funding Corp., Olympia
Fields, IL, 10–1707–MRT
71. Freedom One Funding Inc., Clifton
Park, NY, 10–1557–MRT
72. FRMP Inc., Loveland, CO, 10–1431–
73. Grow Mortgage Company, LLC,
Franklin, KY, 10–1368–MRT
74. HD Legacy Inc., Placentia, CA, 10–
75. Home Worx Mortgage LLC, Edmond,
76. KBA Financial Group LLC d/b/a
First Homeland Mortgage, South
Orange, NJ 09–9812–MRT
77. Midwest Mortgage Partners LLC,
Clive, IA, 10–1466–MRT
78. Mortgage Strategies Inc., Benicia,
CA, 10–1973–MRT
79. Mountain State Lending Associates,
Inc., Weirton, WV, 10–1903–MRT
80. Nationside Mortgage Inc.,
Gaithersburg, MD, 10–1114–MRT
81. Potomac Mortgage Capital Inc., Great
Falls, VA, 09–9857–MRT
82. Prestige Home Mortgage LLC,
Owings Mills, MD, 10–1426–MRT
83. Professional Financial Mortgage Inc.,
Southfield, MI, 10–1314–MRT
84. Rowlett Mortgage Lending Ltd.,
Garland, TX, 10–1338–MRT
85. Rudkin Enterprises LLC, Little Rock,
AR, 10–1232–MRT
86. Society Financial Corp., Farmington,
CT, 10–1419–MRT
87. Superior Lending Associates LC,
Orem, UT, 10–1974–MRT
88. Wilmington Finance Inc., Plymouth
Meeting, PA, 10–1975–MRT
Dated: December 20, 2010.
David H. Stevens,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal
Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 2010–32443 Filed 12–23–10; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:15 Dec 23, 2010
Jkt 223001
[Docket No. FR–5420–N–03]
Notice of Regulatory Waiver Requests
Granted for the Third Quarter of
Calendar Year 2010
Office of the General Counsel,
Section 106 of the Department
of Housing and Urban Development
Reform Act of 1989 (the HUD Reform
Act) requires HUD to publish quarterly
Federal Register notices of all
regulatory waivers that HUD has
approved. Each notice covers the
quarterly period since the previous
Federal Register notice. The purpose of
this notice is to comply with the
requirements of section 106 of the HUD
Reform Act. This notice contains a list
of regulatory waivers granted by HUD
during the period beginning on July 1,
2010, and ending on September 30,
general information about this notice,
contact Camille E. Acevedo, Associate
General Counsel for Legislation and
Regulations, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 7th Street,
SW., Room 10282, Washington, DC
20410–0500, telephone 202–708–1793
(this is not a toll-free number). Persons
with hearing- or speech-impairments
may access this number through TTY by
calling the toll-free Federal Information
Relay Service at 800–877–8339.
For information concerning a
particular waiver that was granted and
for which public notice is provided in
this document, contact the person
whose name and address follow the
description of the waiver granted in the
accompanying list of waivers that have
been granted in the second quarter of
calendar year 2010.
106 of the HUD Reform Act added a
new section 7(q) to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development Act
(42 U.S.C. 3535(q)), which provides
1. Any waiver of a regulation must be
in writing and must specify the grounds
for approving the waiver;
2. Authority to approve a waiver of a
regulation may be delegated by the
Secretary only to an individual of
Assistant Secretary or equivalent rank,
and the person to whom authority to
waive is delegated must also have
authority to issue the particular
regulation to be waived;
3. Not less than quarterly, the
Secretary must notify the public of all
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
waivers of regulations that HUD has
approved, by publishing a notice in the
Federal Register. These notices (each
covering the period since the most
recent previous notification) shall:
a. Identify the project, activity, or
undertaking involved;
b. Describe the nature of the provision
waived and the designation of the
c. Indicate the name and title of the
person who granted the waiver request;
d. Describe briefly the grounds for
approval of the request; and
e. State how additional information
about a particular waiver may be
Section 106 of the HUD Reform Act
also contains requirements applicable to
waivers of HUD handbook provisions
that are not relevant to the purpose of
this notice.
This notice follows procedures
provided in HUD’s Statement of Policy
on Waiver of Regulations and Directives
issued on April 22, 1991 (56 FR 16337).
In accordance with those procedures
and with the requirements of section
106 of the HUD Reform Act, waivers of
regulations are granted by the Assistant
Secretary with jurisdiction over the
regulations for which a waiver was
requested. In those cases in which a
General Deputy Assistant Secretary
granted the waiver, the General Deputy
Assistant Secretary was serving in the
absence of the Assistant Secretary in
accordance with the office’s Order of
This notice covers waivers of
regulations granted by HUD from July 1,
2010, through September 30, 2010. For
ease of reference, the waivers granted by
HUD are listed by HUD program office
(for example, the Office of Community
Planning and Development, the Office
of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity,
the Office of Housing, and the Office of
Public and Indian Housing, etc.). Within
each program office grouping, the
waivers are listed sequentially by the
regulatory section of title 24 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) that is
being waived. For example, a waiver of
a provision in 24 CFR part 58 would be
listed before a waiver of a provision in
24 CFR part 570.
Where more than one regulatory
provision is involved in the grant of a
particular waiver request, the action is
listed under the section number of the
first regulatory requirement that appears
in 24 CFR and that is being waived. For
example, a waiver of both § 58.73 and
§ 58.74 would appear sequentially in the
listing under § 58.73.
Waiver of regulations that involve the
same initial regulatory citation are in
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 247 (Monday, December 27, 2010)]
[Pages 81287-81292]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-32443]
[Docket No. FR-5436-N-02]
Mortgagee Review Board: Administrative Actions
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing
Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with Section 202(c) of the National Housing Act,
this notice advises of the cause and description of administrative
actions taken by HUD's Mortgagee Review Board against HUD-approved
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy A. Murray, Secretary to the
Mortgagee Review Board, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room B-133/3150,
Washington, DC 20410-8000; telephone (202) 708-2224. A
Telecommunications Device for Hearing- and Speech-Impaired Individuals
(TTY) is available at (800) 877-8339 (Federal Information Relay
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 202(c)(5) of the National Housing
Act (added by Section 142 of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development Reform Act of 1989, Public Law 101-235, approved December
15, 1989), requires that HUD ``publish a description of and the cause
for administrative action against a HUD-approved mortgagee'' by the
Department's Mortgagee Review Board (Board). In compliance with the
requirements of Section 202(c)(5), this notice advises of actions that
have been taken by the Board from April 15, 2010 to July 2, 2010.
I. Settlement Agreements, Civil Money Penalties, Withdrawals of FHA
Approval, Suspensions, Probations, Reprimands, and Administrative
1. Alethes, LLC, Lakeway, TX [Docket No. 09-9891-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Alethes, LLC's (Alethes) FHA approval
for a period of three years and impose a $7,500 civil money penalty.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Alethes originated an FHA
mortgage after termination of its origination approval agreement;
Alethes failed to comply with HUD's annual recertification requirements
by failing to
[[Page 81288]]
submit acceptable audited financial statements.
2. Atlantic Pacific Mortgage Corporation, Pembroke Pines, FL [Docket
No. 10-1607-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately and permanently withdraw Atlantic Pacific
Mortgage Corporation's (Atlantic) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Atlantic retained and/or
employed an owner, director, officer and/or employee who had been
indicted for a criminal offense.
3. First Rate Capital Corporation, Melville, NY [Docket No. 10-1001-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw First Rate Capital Corporation's (First
Rate) FHA approval for a period of one year.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: First Rate failed to notify HUD
of the closure of its home office location.
4. Gold Star Home Mortgage, LLC, St. Joseph, MO [Docket No. 10-1686-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Gold Star Home Mortgage, LLC's (Gold
Star) FHA approval for a period of one year.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Gold Star failed to notify HUD
of an action taken against it by the state of Missouri; Gold Star
submitted a false certification to HUD on its Annual Certification
5. Marathon Financial Corporation, Southfield, MI [Docket No. 09-9889-
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately and permanently withdraw Marathon Financial
Corporation's (Marathon) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Marathon retained and/or
employed an owner, director, officer and/or employee who had been
indicted for a criminal offense; Marathon failed to submit its annual
recertification fee, Yearly Verification Report, and acceptable audited
financial statements.
6. Nationwide Equities Corporation, Mahwah, NJ [Docket No. 09-9916-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board voted to impose a $20,500
civil money penalty against Nationwide Equities Corporation
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Nationwide failed to implement
a Quality Control (QC) plan and conduct QC reviews in a timely manner.
7. Precision Financial, Inc., Syosset, NY [Docket No. 09-9897-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Precision Financial, Inc.'s (Precision)
FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Precision failed to notify HUD
that it had voluntarily surrendered its state license to originate
8. Sacramento Mortgage, Inc., Sacramento, CA [Docket No. 08-8097-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board voted to issue a letter of
reprimand and impose a $7,500 civil money penalty against Sacramento
Mortgage, Inc. (Sacramento).
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Sacramento used advertisements
containing inaccurate and misleading FHA program information.
9. Tucson Mortgage Company, LLC, Tucson, AZ [Docket No. 10-1602-MR]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Tucson Mortgage Company, LLC's (Tucson)
FHA approval and impose a $7,500 civil money penalty.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Tucson failed to notify HUD of
a Cease and Desist order issued against it by the Arizona Department of
Financial Institutions; Tucson failed to notify HUD of the surrender of
its licenses.
10. Turbo International Corporation d/b/a USA Mortgage, Las Vegas, NV
[Docket No. 10-1599-MR ]
Action: On April 15, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Turbo International Corporation's d/b/a
USA Mortgage (Turbo) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Turbo failed to notify HUD that
its state license had expired; Turbo failed to submit its annual
certification, recertification fee, and acceptable audited financial
11. 1st Alliance Mortgage LLC, Houston, TX [Docket No. 09-9624-MR]
Action: On April 16, 2010, the Board accepted 1st Alliance Mortgage
LLC's (1st Alliance) offer to settle by paying a civil money penalty in
the amount of $150,000.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: 1st Alliance engaged in
prohibited branch arrangements; 1st Alliance made false certifications
to HUD on loan application forms HUD-92900-A in 708 instances; 1st
Alliance failed to implement and maintain a Quality Control (QC) plan
and conduct QC reviews; 1st Alliance failed to report compensation to
employees on IRS form W-2; 1st Alliance charged unallowable and/or
unearned duplicative fees to borrowers; 1st Alliance failed to ensure
that fees paid outside of closing were listed on the HUD-1 Settlement
12. Polaris Home Funding Corporation, Grandville, MI [Docket No. 09-
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board accepted Polaris Home Funding
Corporation's (Polaris) offer to settle by paying a civil money penalty
in the amount of $44,000 and indemnifying FHA on seven loans.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Polaris violated HUD/FHA
staffing requirements; Polaris had numerous loan origination and
underwriting deficiencies.
13. Viewpoint Bank, Plano, TX [Docket No. 10-1019-MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to assess a $505,400 administrative payment against Viewpoint
Bank (Viewpoint).
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Viewpoint had numerous loan
origination and underwriting deficiencies; Viewpoint failed to ensure
that its employees worked for Viewpoint exclusively, including failure
to ensure that employees did not have outside employment in a related
[[Page 81289]]
14. Great Country Mortgage Bankers Corporation, Coral Gables, FL
[Docket No. 10-1129-MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to permanently withdraw Great Country Mortgage Bankers
Corporation's (Great Country) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Great Country failed to conduct
targeted Quality Control reviews; Great Country had numerous loan
origination and underwriting deficiencies; Great Country failed to
ensure that their employees worked for Great Country exclusively; Great
Country failed to address discrepancies prior to approval of the
insurance endorsement.
15. WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP, Plano, TX [Docket No. 10-1573-MR]
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board voted to impose a $223,000 civil
money penalty against WR Starkey Mortgage, LLP (WR Starkey) and accept
WR Starkey's offer to indemnify HUD on 32 mortgages. WR Starkey also
agreed to reimburse HUD for 11 of the 32 mortgages that resulted in
claims in the amount of $756,406.76.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: WR Starkey had numerous loan
origination and underwriting deficiencies; WR Starkey failed to timely
remit Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premiums; WR Starkey allowed a Credit
Watch terminated branch to originate loans; WR Starkey failed to ensure
that loans met property eligibility requirements; WR Starkey failed to
comply with property flipping guidelines; WR Starkey failed to ensure
that construction-to-permanent mortgage program requirements were met.
17. Birmingham Bancorp Mortgage Corporation, West Bloomfield, MI
[Docket No. 10-1792-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to immediately withdraw Birmingham Bancorp Mortgage
Corporation's (BBMC) FHA approval for a period of five years. On July
2, 2010, the Board terminated the withdrawal action and accepted BBMC's
settlement offer of $815,913.13 (this amount included principal and
interest totaling $770,913.13 for indemnification on 16 loans and a
civil money penalty of $45,000).
Cause: The Board took the original action based on the following
violations of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: BBMC failed to honor
the terms of six executed indemnification agreements when BBMC failed
to remit payment.
18. Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., Calabasas, CA [Docket No. 09-9846-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer
from Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (Countrywide) to pay a civil money
penalty of $141,500, buy down the principal on loans totaling
$93,263.02, indemnify HUD/FHA on loans, and surrender its FHA approval.
In addition, Countrywide's parent company, Bank of America, will
maintain its FHA approval and honor the indemnification agreements.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Countrywide had loan
origination and underwriting deficiencies; Countrywide failed to
provide complete loan origination files.
19. Best Interest Rate Mortgage Company, LLC, Haddon Township, NJ
[Docket No. 10-1879-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to permanently withdraw Best Interest Rate Mortgage Company,
LLC's (BIRMCO) FHA approval.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: BIRMCO failed to notify HUD
that it had been excluded from doing business in Idaho and Colorado;
BIRMCO improperly used a simulated government form implying endorsement
by FHA; BIRMCO failed to obtain required state licenses to operate in
the States of Idaho and Colorado.
20. Housing Solutions, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ [Docket No. 10-1608-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board approved an administrative
action to permanently withdraw Housing Solutions, Inc.'s (HSI) FHA
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: HSI failed to notify HUD of the
closure of its home office and that it is no longer in business.
21. Action Mortgage Corporation, Cranston, RI [Docket No. 10-1855-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer
from Action Mortgage Corporation (AMC) to pay a civil money penalty of
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: AMC misused the official HUD
seal on its Web site.
22. Equity Source Home Loans, LLC, Morganville, NJ [Docket No. 10-1719-
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board voted to impose a $7,000 civil
money penalty against Equity Source Home Loans, LLC (Equity Source).
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Equity Source misused the names
of FHA and HUD, misused the FHA seal, and disseminated a simulated
government form implying HUD/FHA or government endorsement.
23. NFM, Inc., Linthicum Heights, MD [Docket No. 10-1712-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board voted to impose a $5,000 civil
money penalty against NFM, Inc. (NFM).
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: NFM misused the name and seal
of the FHA and disseminated advertisements implying HUD/FHA
24. Silver Key Lending & Investment Group, Downers Grove, IL [Docket
No. 10-1848-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board voted to impose a $3,500 civil
money penalty against Silver Key Lending & Investment Group (Silver
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Silver Key misused the seal of
the FHA and disseminated advertisements implying HUD/FHA endorsement.
25. Access Mortgage Corporation, New Haven, CT [Docket No. 09-9438-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer
from Access Mortgage Corporation (Access) to pay a civil money penalty
of $3,500.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Access failed to notify HUD/FHA
within ten business days of a change in its ``doing business as'' name.
26. American Advisors Group, Irvine, CA [Docket No. 10-1822-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer
from American Advisors Group (AAG) to pay a civil money penalty of
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
[[Page 81290]]
HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: AAG's advertisements
misrepresented HUD's Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program.
27. Acceptance Capital Mortgage Corporation, Spokane, WA [Docket No.
Action: On May 20, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer from
Acceptance Capital Mortgage Corporation (Acceptance) to pay a civil
money penalty of $14,000.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violations
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Acceptance allowed a separate
legal entity to operate as a branch of Acceptance; Acceptance allowed
loans to be originated by loan officers who were also employed by other
companies in the real estate industry.
28. Oxford Lending Group, L.P., Columbus, OH [Docket No. 10-1687-MR]
Action: On June 17, 2010, the Board accepted a settlement offer
from Oxford Lending Group, L.P. (Oxford) to pay a civil money penalty
of $3,500.
Cause: The Board took this action based on the following violation
of HUD/FHA requirements alleged by HUD: Oxford improperly used a
simulated government form implying endorsement by FHA or the
II. Lenders That Failed To Meet Requirements for Annual Recertification
of HUD/FHA Approval
Action: The Board voted to immediately withdraw FHA approval for a
period of one year for each of the lenders listed below.
Cause: The Board took this action because the lenders were not in
compliance with the HUD's annual recertification requirements.
1. American Home Advisors, Inc., Dana Point, CA
2. At Home Mortgage Brokers, Inc., Phoenix, AZ
3. Bridge Mortgage, Inc., Villa Rica, GA
4. Coastline Mortgage Consultants, LLC, Wilmington, NC
5. Denton County Mortgage Corp., Tyler, TX
6. Fidelity Homes and Loans, Inc., Federal Way, WA
7. Legacy Mortgage LLC, Green Bay, WI
8. Oceanfront Mortgage, Inc., San Diego, CA
9. Alabama Home Mortgage Lending, Birmingham, AL
10. C Bass ABS LLC, New York, NY
11. Castle Home Mortgage Corp., Union, NJ
12. City State Bank, Central City, IA
13. CoFinancial, Inc., Milford, MI
14. Credit Based Asset Servicing, New York, NY
15. DMI Funding, Inc. (Title I), Boise, ID
16. DMI Funding, Inc. (Title II), Boise, ID
17. Gordon Lending Corporation, Dublin, OH
18. Great Harbor Financial Service, Guilford, CT
19. HBM No. One, LLC, Burlington, NC
20. Integrity One Mortgage, Inc., Penns Grove, NJ
21. Mortgage Process Center, Fair Oaks, CA
22. NVX, LLC, Falls Church, VA
23. Powell Financial Services, Inc., San Diego, CA
24. Prosperity Bank St. Augustine, St. Augustine, FL
25. Quickdraw Real Estate Services, Inc., Mill Creek, WA
26. Solutions Financial Group, Inc., Tukwila, WA
27. Three Rivers Financial Services, Inc., Fort Wayne, IN
28. Trinity Financial, Inc., Verona, PA
29. 1st Integrity Mortgage, Inc., Towson, MD
30. Alliance Financing Mortgage Corporation, Mount Prospect, IL
31. American Mortgage Group LLC, Humble, TX
32. American Mortgage Solutions LLC, Burr Ridge, IL
33. Amerinet Financial LLC, Upper Marlboro, MD
34. Apex Funding Inc., Santa Ana, CA
35. Baycal Financial Corporation, Burlingame, CA
36. Benchmark Mortgage Corporation, Schaumburg, IL
37. Broadway Federal Savings and Loan, Los Angeles, CA
38. Building and Loan Mortgage Company, Lenexa, KS
39. C Bass Funding LLC, New York, NY
40. C Bass Funding X LLC, New York, NY
41. Capital Mortgage LLC, Miami, FL
42. Capitol City Bank & Trust Company, Atlanta, GA
43. CCSF LLC, Henderson, NV
44. Champion Mortgage LLC, Corpus Christi, TX
45. Clayson-Mitchell Mortgage Services LC, Salt Lake City, UT
46. Columbia First Mortgage Inc., Battle Ground, WA
47. Community Finance Group Inc., Crystal, MN
48. Community Resource Bank, N.A., Columbia, SC
49. Consumer Lending Inc., Verona, NJ
50. Creative Mortgage Services Inc., Martinez, GA
51. CWA Financial Services Inc., Milledgeville, GA
52. Design Development Mortgage LLC, Fort Collins, CO
53. Direct Mortgage Inc., Norcross, GA
54. Dynamic International Funding, Denver, CO
55. East Shore Mortgage LLC, Madison, CT
56. EDVA Realty Services Inc., Tarzana, CA
57. Element Financial, LLC, Suwanee, GA
58. Ellis Mortgage Company, Poplar Grove, IL
59. E-Tek Capital LLC, Gibbsboro, NJ
60. Emcore Mortgage, LLC, Atlanta, GA
61. Ethical Mortgage Lending LLC, Grove City, OH
62. Evergreen Pacific Mortgage Inc., Eugene, OR
63. Fairfield Financial Mortgage Group, Danbury, CT
64. Firstbank--West Branch, West Branch, MI
65. First Boulder Valley Bank, Boulder, MT
66. First Choice Mortgage Corporation, Stafford, VA
67. First Choice Mortgage Services LLC, Memphis, TN
68. First Primacy Mortgage Corporation, Bel Air, MD
69. First Sierra Mortgage Inc., Sacramento, CA
70. Focus Financial and Mortgage Corporation, Wauconda, IL
71. Fortes Financial Inc., San Diego, CA
72. Founders Mortgage Inc., Edmond, OK
73. Genesis Mortgage Company LLC, Kingwood, TX
74. Gordon Lending Corporation, Dublin, OH
75. Hamilton Mortgage Group LLC, Ridgefield, CT
76. Heights Mortgage Connection Inc., Harker Heights, TX
77. Hometown Community Bank, Braselton, GA
78. Interstate Capital Corporation, Coral Springs, FL
79. JBJ LLC, Henderson, NV
80. Keystone Mortgage Inc., Puyallup, WA
81. LAA Enterprises Inc., Lakeland, FL
82. Lend Select Mortgage, LLC, Mount Laurel, NJ
83. Lowery Mortgage Inc., Cornelius, NC
84. Madison Funding Inc., Baltimore, MD
85. Magnolia Homes Loans, Inc., Oxnard, CA
86. Maximum Mortgage Concepts, West Bridgewater, MA
87. MBS Mortgage Company LLC, Wixom, MI
88. McLaughlin Financial Inc., Salem, MA
89. Metropolitan Mortgage Inc., Providence, RI
90. MidAmerica Mortgage Corporation, New Hope, MN
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91. MMA Mortgage Investment Corporation, Tampa, FL
92. Mortgage Connection of Evansville Inc., Evansville, IN
93. Mortgage Pros Ltd, Elmhurst, IL
94. Namorex, LLC, Wilton, NH
95. New Hope Community Development Federal Credit Union, Birmingham, AL
96. North Florida Funding Inc., Jacksonville, FL
97. Northpark Community Credit Union, Indianapolis, IN
98. Old Providence Mortgage Company, Farmington, UT
99. Paraiso LLC, Atlanta, GA
100. Paramount Bank, Lexington, KY
101. Pledged Property IV LLC, New York, NY
102. Popular Mortgage Corp., (Title I), Hialeah, FL
103. Popular Mortgage Corp., (Title II), Hialeah, FL
104. Price Financial Services Inc., Rochester, MN
105. Primary Access America Corporation, Mission Viejo, CA
106. Prime Alliance Bank, Wood Cross, UT
107. Prime Source Mortgage, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ
108. Priority Mortgage, Inc., Wayne, IN
109. Pronto Mortgage Lenders Corp., Hialeah Gardens, FL
110. Provident Capital Mortgage, Inc., Cranston, RI
111. R & S Financial Inc., Plymouth, MA
112. Residential Mortgage Services Inc. (Title I), Lexington, KY
113. Residential Mortgage Services Inc. (Title II), Lexington, KY
114. Results One Mortgage Corp., Elmhurst, IL
115. Samsara Mortgage Services Inc., Oakbrook, IL
116. San Juan Mountains Credit Union, Montrose, CO
117. Schyndel Investments Inc., Layton, UT
118. Security Mortgage Corporation, Phoenix, AZ
119. Silver Sierra Mortgage Inc., Cameron Park, AZ
120. Signature Mortgage, LLC, Huntsville, AL
121. Source 1 Capital Mortgage Corporation, Clifton, NJ
122. South Ross Mortgage LLC, Lancaster, SC
123. Trinity Mortgage Company Inc., Fort Wayne, IN
124. United Financial Management Group Inc., Clarks Summit, PA
125. VIP Mortgage Corporation, Danvers, MA
126. Wakefield Lending Company LLC, Raleigh, NC
127. Wonder State Mortgage Inc., Little Rock, AR
III. Lenders That Failed to Timely Meet Requirements for Annual
Recertification of HUD/FHA Approval and Have Cured
Action: The Board voted to give the lenders below an opportunity to
settle. The settlements required each lender to pay a $7,500, $3,500,
or $1,000 civil money penalty without admitting fault or liability.
Cause: The Board took this action because the lenders failed to
timely comply with the HUD's annual recertification requirements,
however, they are now in compliance.
1. 3rd Generation Mortgage, LLC, Bayville, NJ, 10-1930-MRT
2. American Capital Mortgage Bankers, Ltd., Floral Park, NY, 10-1348-
3. Apex Mortgage, LLC, Meridian, ID, 10-1298-MRT
4. Capital Funding and Mortgage Group, Inc., Suwanee, GA, 10-1478-MRT
5. Centrue Bank, Ottawa, IL, 10-1416-MRT
6. Citizens State Bank, New Baltimore, MI, 10-1473-MRT
7. CLO Funding Corporation, Piscataway, NJ, 10-4448-MRT
8. Empire Financial Services Inc., Rockville, MD, 10-1521-MRT
9. Golden Mortgage Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ, 10-1485-MRT
10. Home Mortgage Solutions, LLC, Midlothian, VA, 10-1247-MRT
11. Home Owners Financial Services, Los Angeles, CA, 10-1353-MRT
12. LA Mortgage Services, Inc., Clarks Green, PA, 10-1045-MRT
13. Landon Financial, Inc., Margate, FL, 10-1258-MRT
14. Lighthouse Home Loans, Inc., Salem, OR, 10-1495-MRT
15. Lincoln Financial, Inc., Wayne, NJ, 10-1379-MRT
16. Mortgages Unlimited, Inc., Liberal, KS, 10-1357-MRT
17. PC Funding, Inc., Cerritos, CA, 10-1924-MRT
18. Plum Creek Funding, Inc., Parker, CO, 10-1519-MRT
19. Raustin Mortgage Services LLC, Grandville, MI, 10-1214-MRT
20. RJ Financial Services, Inc., San Antonio, TX, 10-1488-MRT
21. Robert P. Lenz & Associates, Inc., Matthews, NC, 10-1569-MRT
22. Seaside Home Mortgage, Inc., Sebastian, FL, 10-1568-MRT
23. Sun Mortgage Corp. of Missouri, Inc., Saint Louis, MO, 10-1552-MRT
24. Terra Ferma Mortgage, Inc., Houston, TX, 10-1900-MRT
25. Your Money Center, LLC, Hartwell, GA, 10-1449-MRT
26. AAA Financial Corp., Coral Springs, FL, 10-1932-MRT
27. Advantis Credit Union, Portland, OR, 10-1933, MRT
28. American Mortgage Group, Inc., Shawnee, OK, 10-1934, MRT
29. Becker Real Estate Services, Inc., Lynbrook, NY, 10-1935-MRT
30. Carson Bank (f/k/a Mulvane State Bank), Mulvane, KS, 10-1936-MRT
31. CBRE HMF, Inc., Atlanta, GA, 10-1937-MRT
32. Coral Mortgage Bankers Corporation, Chesterfield, MO, 10-1938-MRT
33. Constitution Trust Mortgage Corp., Plainville, MA, 10-1906-MRT
34. Custom Equity Mortgage, LLC, St. Louis, MO, 10-1939-MRT
35. DATCU Credit Union, Denton, TX, 10-1940-MRT
36. Financial Dynamics Funding Corp., Jericho, NY, 10-1941-MRT
37. Great Florida Lending, Inc., Miami, FL, 10-1942-MRT
38. Heritage Bank and Trust, Columbia, TN, 10-1943-MRT
39. Home First Mortgage, Birmingham, AL, 10-1944-MRT
40. Infinity Lending Group, Tustin, CA, 10-1053-MRT
41. IZT Mortgage, Inc. d/b/a Ameritech Mortgage, Walnut Creek, CA, 10-
42. Lexington Investment Mortgage Co., Lexington, KY, 10-1907-MRT
43. Lincoln Mortgage Associates, LLC, Lansdale, PA, 10-1946-MRT
44. Metropolitan Mortgage Broker, LLC, Philadelphia, PA, 10-1947-MRT
45. Mortgage 1st, Inc., Ridgeland, MS, 10-1948-MRT
46. Mortgage Options of America, Inc., Winchester, MA, 10-1949-MRT
47. Northern Funding Corporation, Clifton Park, NY, 10-1412-MRT
48. Organization Matters, Inc., Apple Valley, CA, 10-1950-MRT
49. PLB Lending LLC, Washington, MI, 10-1951-MRT
50. Valley Financial, Inc., Corning, CA, 10-1953-MRT
51. Wellington Funding Group LLC, Scottsdale, AZ, 10-1955-MRT
52. WF and K Mortgage, Inc., Dunmore, PA, 10-1956-MRT
53. ACE Cash Express Home Loans LLC, Irving, TX, 10-1969-MRT
54. Advocate Equities Corp., Brooklyn, NY, 10-1427-MRT
55. Alliance Capital Corporation, Oklahoma City, OK, 10-1970-MRT
56. American Security Financial Corporation, Modesto, CA, 10-1511-MRT
57. Ameristate Bancorp Inc., Youngstown, OH, 10-1971-MRT
58. Associated Capital Resources Inc., Phoenix, AZ, 10-1616-MRT
59. Assured Funding Corporation, Jackson, TN, 10-1248-MRT
60. Bank of Bridger, Bridger, MT, 09-9138-MRT
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61. Boulder West Financial Services, Lafayette, CO, 10-1428-MRT
62. Central Bank and Trust, Lander, WY, 10-1471-MRT
63. Creative Mortgage Partners LLC, Maplewood, MN, 09-9128-MRT
64. Crossline Capital Inc., Irvine, CA, 10-1481-MRT
65. Elite Financial Investments Inc., Oakbrook, IL, 10-1122-MRT
66. Enterprise Community Investment Inc., Columbia, MD, 09-9137, MRT
67. First American Dream Mortgage Inc., Chicago, IL, 10-1360-MRT
68. First Financial Bank N.A., Hamilton, OH, 09-9204-MRT
69. First Mortgage Group LLC, Woodstock, GA, 10-1972-MRT
70. First Star Funding Corp., Olympia Fields, IL, 10-1707-MRT
71. Freedom One Funding Inc., Clifton Park, NY, 10-1557-MRT
72. FRMP Inc., Loveland, CO, 10-1431-MRT
73. Grow Mortgage Company, LLC, Franklin, KY, 10-1368-MRT
74. HD Legacy Inc., Placentia, CA, 10-1061-MRT
75. Home Worx Mortgage LLC, Edmond, OK
76. KBA Financial Group LLC d/b/a First Homeland Mortgage, South
Orange, NJ 09-9812-MRT
77. Midwest Mortgage Partners LLC, Clive, IA, 10-1466-MRT
78. Mortgage Strategies Inc., Benicia, CA, 10-1973-MRT
79. Mountain State Lending Associates, Inc., Weirton, WV, 10-1903-MRT
80. Nationside Mortgage Inc., Gaithersburg, MD, 10-1114-MRT
81. Potomac Mortgage Capital Inc., Great Falls, VA, 09-9857-MRT
82. Prestige Home Mortgage LLC, Owings Mills, MD, 10-1426-MRT
83. Professional Financial Mortgage Inc., Southfield, MI, 10-1314-MRT
84. Rowlett Mortgage Lending Ltd., Garland, TX, 10-1338-MRT
85. Rudkin Enterprises LLC, Little Rock, AR, 10-1232-MRT
86. Society Financial Corp., Farmington, CT, 10-1419-MRT
87. Superior Lending Associates LC, Orem, UT, 10-1974-MRT
88. Wilmington Finance Inc., Plymouth Meeting, PA, 10-1975-MRT
Dated: December 20, 2010.
David H. Stevens,
Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 2010-32443 Filed 12-23-10; 8:45 am]