Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Modifications to Renewable Fuel Standard Program, 79964-79978 [2010-31910]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Dated: December 2, 2010.
Robert Papp,
Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commandant.
Lisa P. Jackson,
Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection
errors and areas within the final RFS2
regulations that could benefit from
clarification or modification. In a direct
final rule and parallel notice of
proposed rulemaking published on May
10, 2010, EPA included language to
amend the regulations to make the
[FR Doc. 2010–32018 Filed 12–20–10; 8:45 am]
appropriate corrections, clarifications,
BILLING CODE 9110–04–P; 6560–50–P
and modifications. However, EPA
received adverse comment on a few
provisions in the direct final rule and,
on June 30, 2010, withdrew those
provisions prior to their effective date of
July 1, 2010. In today’s action, EPA is
40 CFR Part 80
addressing the comments received on
[EPA EPA–HQ–OAR–2005–0161; FRL–9241– the portions of the direct final rule that
were withdrawn and is taking final
action regarding the withdrawn
RIN 2060–AQ31
provisions based on consideration of the
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel
comments received.
Additives: Modifications to Renewable DATES: This final rule is effective on
Fuel Standard Program
January 1, 2011.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
AGENCY: Environmental Protection
docket for this action under Docket ID
Agency (EPA).
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2005–0161. All
ACTION: Final r ule.
documents in the docket are listed on
SUMMARY: EPA is finalizing amendments the http::// Web
site. Although listed in the index, some
to certain of the Renewable Fuel
Standard program regulations that were information is not publicly available,
e.g., CBI or other information whose
published on March 26, 2010, and that
disclosure is restricted by statute.
took effect on July 1, 2010 (‘‘the RFS2
Certain other material, such as
regulations’’). Following publication of
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the RFS2 regulations, promulgated in
the Internet and will be publicly
response to the requirements of the
available only in hard copy form.
Energy Independence and Security Act
of 2007, EPA discovered some technical Publicly available docket materials are
NAICS codesa
a North
SIC codesb
generally available either electronically
through or
in hard copy at the Air and Radiation
Docket, ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2005–
0161, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC. The Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
and the telephone number for the Air
and Radiation Docket is (202) 566–9744.
Megan Brachtl, Compliance and
Innovative Strategies Division, Office of
Transportation and Air Quality (6405J),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 20460;
telephone number: (202) 343–9473; fax
number: (202) 343–2802; e-mail
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
Entities potentially affected by this
final rule include those involved with
the production, importation,
distribution, and sale of transportation
fuels, including gasoline and diesel fuel
and renewable fuels such as ethanol and
biodiesel. Regulated categories and
entities affected by this action include:
Examples of potentially regulated parties
Petroleum refiners, importers.
Ethyl alcohol manufacturers.
Other basic organic chemical manufacturers.
Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers.
Petroleum bulk stations and terminals.
Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers.
Other fuel dealers.
American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Industrial Classification (SIC) system code.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
b Standard
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this action. This table lists
the types of entities that EPA is now
aware could potentially be regulated by
this action. Other types of entities not
listed in the table could also be
regulated. To determine whether your
activities would be regulated by this
action, you should carefully examine
the applicability criteria of Part 80,
subpart M of title 40 of the Code of
Federal Regulations. If you have any
questions regarding the applicability of
this action to a particular entity, consult
the person in the FOR FURTHER
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II. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2)
Program Amendments
EPA issued final regulations
implementing changes to the Renewable
Fuel Standard program required by
EISA on March 26, 2010, at 75 FR 14670
(‘‘the RFS2 regulations’’). Following
publication of the RFS2 regulations,
EPA discovered some technical errors
and areas that could benefit from
clarification or modification and, in
parallel proposed and direct final rules
published on May 10, 2010 (75 FR
26049, 75 FR 26026), included
amendments to the regulations to
correct these deficiencies. EPA received
adverse comment on a few of the
amendments and therefore, on June 30,
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2010, withdrew the portions of the
direct final rule that were the subject of
adverse comment (75 FR 37733). The
withdrawn provisions consist of the
—Certain of the amendments to
§ 80.1401, specifically those which
moved the definitions of ‘‘actual peak
capacity,’’ ‘‘baseline volume,’’ and
‘‘permitted capacity’’ from
§ 80.1403(a), revised the definition of
‘‘actual peak capacity’’ to clarify how
it is calculated, and revised the
definition of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ to
clarify the dates by which permits
used to establish a facility’s permitted
capacity must have been issued or
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
—§ 80.1425, which clarified that RINs
generated after July 1, 2010, may only
be generated and transferred using the
EPA Moderated Transaction System
(EMTS) and will not be identified by
a 38-digit code, and that the value of
EEEEEEEE in a batch-RIN will be
determined by the number of gallonRINs generated for the batch;
—§ 80.1426(d)(1), § 80.1426(f)(3)(iv),
and § 80.1426(f)(3)(v), which clarified
that a unique batch code in the RIN,
or its equivalent in EMTS, is used to
identify a batch of renewable fuel
from a given renewable fuel producer
or importer;
—Table 2 to § 80.1426, which clarified
the extent to which renewable fuel
producers must use advanced
technologies in order for their fuel to
qualify for certain pathways identified
in Table 1 to § 80.1426;
—§ 80.1426(f)(12), which clarified the
requirements for gas used for process
heat at a renewable fuel facility to be
considered biogas for purposes of
Table 1 to § 80.1426;
—§ 80.1452(b), which clarified that RINs
must be generated in EMTS within
five business days of being assigned to
a batch of renewable fuel and clarified
the information required to be
submitted via EMTS for each batch of
renewable fuel produced or imported;
—§ 80.1452(c), which clarified that
transactions involving RINs generated
on or after July 1, 2010, must be
conducted via EMTS within five
business days of a reportable event,
and clarified the meaning of the term
‘‘reportable event’’ and the
information required to be submitted
via EMTS for each transaction
involving RINs generated on or after
July 1, 2010.
EPA published a parallel proposed rule
(75 FR 26049) on the same day as the
direct final rule (75 FR 26026). The
proposed rule invited comment on the
provisions of the direct final rule and
indicated that a second comment period
would not be offered on the proposal in
the event that portions of the direct final
rule were withdrawn in response to
adverse comment. In this action, we are
responding to the comments received on
the portions of the direct final rule that
were subsequently withdrawn, and we
are taking final action regarding the
withdrawn provisions based on
consideration of these comments. We
are also finalizing a minor amendment
to § 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(M) which was
described in the preamble to the direct
final rule and was included in the
accompanying regulations, but the
amendatory language prefacing the
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regulation inadvertently omitted
reference to it. As a result, the Office of
the Federal Register did not codify the
amended regulation even though it was
included in the direct final rule. The
modification simply removes the words
‘‘of renewable fuel’’ to make the
regulatory language consistent with
other entries in the subparagraph. We
received no adverse comment on this
proposed amendment, and we consider
it a non-substantive technical
A. Permitted Capacity for Renewable
Fuel Production Facilities
In the final RFS2 regulations, we
specified in § 80.1403(a)(1) that the
‘‘baseline volume’’ of fuel that is exempt
from the 20 percent greenhouse gas
(GHG) reduction requirement at
grandfathered facilities described in
§§ 80.1403(c) and (d) would be
determined by their ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ or, if that could not be
determined, by their ‘‘actual peak
capacity.’’ In the registration provisions
at § 80.1450(b)(1)(v)(B), we identified
the permits that are relevant in
establishing ‘‘permitted capacity.’’
Specifically, for facilities that
commenced construction on or before
December 19, 2007, the final RFS2
regulations stated that ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ is based on permits issued or
revised no later than December 19,
2007. For ethanol facilities that
commenced construction after
December 19, 2007, and on or before
December 31, 2009, and that are fired
with natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof, the RFS2
regulations stated that ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ is based on permits issued or
revised no later than December 31,
In the final RFS2 regulations, we did
not include in the definition of
‘‘permitted capacity’’ references
identical to those placed in the
registration section to the latest issuance
dates of permits that could be used to
establish ‘‘permitted capacity.’’
Therefore, in the direct final rule
published at 75 FR 26026 (May 10,
2010), EPA modified the definition of
‘‘permitted capacity’’ to specify the same
dates for relevant permits as were
provided in the registration provisions
in the final RFS2 regulations. We
believed that such a revision would
improve the clarity of the regulations,
while not changing the substance of the
However, we received adverse
comments during and after the comment
period expressing concern over the
modified definition of ‘‘permitted
capacity,’’ which commenters stated
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posed ‘‘new constraints’’ on the
qualification of eligible fuel volumes
that could be exempt at grandfathered
facilities. One commenter described an
ethanol facility fired by natural gas, and
therefore potentially eligible for an
exemption from the 20 percent GHG
reduction requirement pursuant to
§ 80.1403(d), for which permits were
issued and construction completed prior
to December 31, 2009, and for which an
application for a permit revision seeking
an increase in permitted capacity was
submitted to the permitting authority in
2008. The commenter claimed that the
revised permit reflected the facility’s
original plant design, however the
permitting authority did not issue a
revised permit for the facility until
March 2010. According to the revised
definition of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ in the
regulations as amended by the direct
final rule and according to the original
registration requirements of the final
RFS2 regulations, permits issued or
revised after December 31, 2009, could
not be used to establish ‘‘permitted
capacity,’’ and therefore the additional
capacity in the revised permit could not
be included in the facility’s baseline
volume. The commenter explained that
many ethanol producers originally
applied for permits for their facilities
based on conservative initial production
volumes supported by their plant
designers’ emission guarantees, and that
after an initial period of operation,
performance testing, and fine tuning of
operations, they have found that they
could produce greater volumes. They
explained that many developers of
ethanol facilities, including their own,
sought to obtain construction permits
without going through EPA’s New
Source Review (NSR) program, and
were able to do so by obtaining
construction permits that specified less
than 100 tons per year of emissions even
though their facilities were capable of
emitting more and producing a
correspondingly greater volume of
renewable fuel. In May 2007, when EPA
changed to 250 tons per year the
emissions threshold that would trigger
NSR for ethanol production facilities,
these plants then found it in their
interest to seek increases in their
permitted capacity beyond that
specified in their earlier-issued permits,
since they could do so without
triggering NSR. The commenter argued
that ethanol facilities should be allowed
to use the capacity in such later-issued
permits, including their own March
2010 revised permit, to establish their
‘‘permitted capacity’’ under RFS2.
We also received additional
comments after the close of the
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
comment period from a collective group
of ethanol facilities in Illinois
referencing the initial commenter’s
comments that the cut-off dates in the
revised definition of ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ created restrictions for their
facilities that would prohibit them from
having the ‘‘inherent capacity’’ of their
facilities qualify for the grandfathering
exemption under RFS2. In addition, the
commenters referenced what they felt
was an inequitable allowance for
facilities located in states that did not
place production limits in their air
permits, who therefore were allowed to
use ‘‘actual peak capacity’’ (which is
based on actual production records 1) to
establish their baseline volume exempt
from the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement under RFS2. The
commenters further cited potential cost
effects if their full ‘‘inherent capacity’’
was not allowed to be included in the
exempt baseline volume, such as the
additional costs associated with either
plant modifications (presumably needed
to qualify their non-exempt fuel as
meeting the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement) or exporting the nonexempt volume of fuel for consumption
outside of the United States.
The commenters proposed revised
language for the definition of ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ that would allow an extended
time frame for facilities to seek permit
modifications to reflect their ‘‘inherent
capacity.’’ They proposed that EPA
modify the final RFS2 regulations to
allow facilities to use as their baseline
volume the capacity limits in permits
issued by regulatory authorities which
were applied for within three years after
start-up of a new or expanded facility
(but not less than one year after the
effective date of the final rule) and
issued within not more than two years
thereafter. The commenters also stated
that many facilities had no notice of
EPA’s time limitation on those permits
in either the proposed or final RFS2 rule
(74 FR 24904, published May 26, 2009,
and 75 FR 14670, published March 26,
2010) and therefore had inadequate
notice to make appropriate plans to
apply for and obtain new permits within
the RFS2 deadlines. They further
expressed concern that the permit cutoff date that restricts grandfathered
production capacity precedes the date of
1 Pursuant to § 80.1403(a)(3)(i) in the RFS2
regulations issued March 26, 2010, ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ is based on the last five calendar years
prior to 2008 for facilities qualifying under
§ 80.1403(c) unless no such capacity exists, in
which case it is based on any calendar year after
startup during the first three years of operation. For
facilities qualifying pursuant to § 80.1403(d),
‘‘actual peak capacity’’ is based on any calendar year
after start-up during the first three years of
operation, as specified in § 80.1403(a)(3)(ii).
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the proposed rule. They also cited a
statement made in the proposed RFS2
rule that EPA’s guiding principal is to
‘‘allow production increases within a
plant’s inherent capacity’’ (74 FR 24904,
24926, May 26, 2009). One commenter
also referred to EPA’s RFS2 Summary
and Analysis of Comments, p. 3–139
(Pub. No. EPA–420–R–10–003, February
2010), in which, they state, EPA
assumed that permitted capacity would
likely reflect maximum inherent
capacity. The commenter said that such
an assumption would be valid for some
situations, but not valid for others,
especially with the limitations EPA
intended to place on the date of permits
that could be used to establish
‘‘permitted capacity.’’
The Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 (EISA or ‘‘the Act’’)
provides that the 20 percent GHG
reduction requirement applies to ‘‘new
facilities’’ that commence construction
after the date of enactment. It also
provides that ‘‘for calendar years 2008
and 2009, any ethanol plant that is fired
with natural gas, biomass, or any
combination thereof is deemed to be in
compliance with [the] 20 percent
reduction requirement * * *’’ In the
proposed RFS2 rule we noted that the
term ‘‘new facility’’ is not defined in
EISA and, therefore, that EPA would
need to interpret the term in the context
of the RFS2 regulations. We also noted
ambiguity in the statutory section
related to ethanol facilities that
commenced construction in 2008 and
2009 and that are fired with natural gas
or biomass, in that the Act was not clear
as to whether these facilities should be
‘‘deemed compliant’’ with the 20 percent
GHG reduction requirement for only the
two years specified, or indefinitely. For
both types of facilities, we believe the
approach we are finalizing in this rule
provides an appropriate method of
implementing statutory requirements
that is consistent with the text and
objectives of the statute, while also
leading to a workable program.
First, with respect to ‘‘deemed
compliant’’ ethanol facilities fired with
natural gas or biomass for which
construction commenced after
enactment of EISA but on or before
December 31, 2009, we believe, as
discussed in the proposed RFS2 rule,
that Congress could have intended that
these facilities are only ‘‘deemed
compliant’’ for those two years or for a
longer or indefinite time period
(assuming they continued to be fired
with natural gas or biomass). The
ambiguity can be seen through a
comparison of the first sentence of EISA
Section 210(a) and the second sentence.
The first sentence provides that ‘‘for
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calendar year 2008, transportation fuel
sold or introduced into commerce in the
United States’’ that is produced by
facilities that commenced construction
after the date of enactment of EISA must
meet the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement. This sentence is very
specific, applying directly to
‘‘transportation fuel’’ that is ‘‘sold or
introduced into commerce’’ in 2008. The
second sentence in this section does not
specifically refer to fuel, but instead
refers to ‘‘any ethanol plant that is fired
with natural gas, biomass, or any
combination thereof’’ and provides that
such facilities are ‘‘deemed compliant’’
with the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirements of the Act. The sentence is
introduced by the words ‘‘[f]or 2008 and
2009.’’ Since fuel from facilities that
commenced construction prior to the
date of enactment is already exempt
from the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement by virtue of CAA Section
211(o)(2)(A)(i), the ‘‘deemed compliant’’
provision in the second sentence of
EISA 210(a) clearly applies to ethanol
facilities that commenced construction
after that date.
We believe the scope of the
exemption is ambiguous, however,
because Congress did not specifically
refer to fuel sold in specified years in
the second sentence, as they did in the
first sentence, but instead referred to
‘‘ethanol plants.’’ Because of this
construct, it is unclear exactly what fuel
should be covered by the exemption.
EPA identified two general approaches
to interpreting this provision in its
proposed rule: Either interpreting it to
provide a limited two year exemption,
or interpreting it to provide an
exemption for fuel produced by
qualifying facilities that would be of
equal duration to the exemption
provided in CAA Section 211(o)(2)(i) for
fuel from facilities that commenced
construction prior to EISA enactment.
We reasoned that it would be a harsh
result for investors in these new
facilities, and generally inconsistent
with the energy independence goals of
EISA, to interpret the Act such that
these facilities would only be
guaranteed two years of participation in
the RFS2 program. Therefore in our
final RFS2 regulations we provided an
indefinite exemption from the 20
percent GHG reduction requirement for
their baseline volumes (determined
through either ‘‘permitted capacity’’ or,
if ‘‘permitted capacity’’ cannot be
determined, ‘‘actual peak capacity’’)
provided that they continue to be fired
by natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof.
Contrary to the commenters’
assertions, nothing in EISA suggests that
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
these ‘‘deemed compliant’’ facilities
should be allowed to continually
expand their production beyond levels
achieved in 2008 and 2009 simply
because they could do so without
additional physical construction.
Rather, the approach EPA has adopted
of seeking to limit the exempt volume
at these grandfathered facilities to that
which was lawfully allowed in
applicable permits issued no later than
December 31, 2009, is fully consistent
with the statutory references to 2008
and 2009.
We believe it is consistent with the
statutory text to limit the grandfathered
production from ‘‘deemed compliant’’
facilities to the maximum volume
allowed under applicable permits in the
2008 to 2009 timeframe. We also believe
that this approach is supported by the
same policy considerations, discussed
below, that have led us to a similar
approach for facilities that commenced
construction prior to EISA enactment.
We have only deviated from this
concept with respect to those ‘‘deemed
compliant’’ facilities for which capacity
cannot be determined by reference to
applicable permits. Those facilities,
some of which may not have been
operational in the 2008 to 2009
timeframe, by necessity are allowed to
establish their baseline volume by
reference to actual production levels
(‘‘actual peak capacity’’) within a
specified time period after they
commence operations. For both
‘‘deemed compliant’’ facilities and
facilities that commenced construction
prior to EISA enactment, we believe that
allowing facilities to establish their
baseline volume by actual production
for any calendar year within the first
three years of operation is appropriate
because it allows a reasonable amount
of time to correct possible production
launch problems. This is an exception
to the general rule, and is allowed only
if permit limits are not available to
establish baseline volume.
While there may be instances, as
suggested by commenters, in which
facilities that use ‘‘actual peak capacity’’
to establish their baseline volume could
come closer to obtaining an exemption
for what the owner may consider their
‘‘inherent capacity’’ than those
establishing their baseline volume
through permit limits, EPA notes that
this need not always be the case. For
example, some plants, whose baseline
volume is established through ‘‘actual
peak capacity’’ because they do not have
a capacity stated on a permit, may not,
due to certain start-up problems or
market conditions, actually produce up
to their projected or potential capacity
during the first three years of operation.
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Nonetheless, they are required under
the final RFS2 regulations to use the
maximum annual production during
these first three years of operation to
establish their baseline volume.2 On the
other hand, some plants that applied for
permits reflecting a certain ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ that may have been based on
their facility’s projected maximum
capacity, but who in practice may not be
able to achieve this capacity or do not
do so for some period of time due to
market conditions, are allowed under
the final RFS2 regulations to use this
higher ‘‘permitted capacity’’ to establish
their baseline volume. In these
scenarios, baseline volume established
through ‘‘permitted capacity’’ may be
greater than the baseline volume that
could be achieved by a comparable
facility by reference to actual
production during the first three years
of operation. Thus, while it is true that
‘‘permitted capacity’’ does not always
reflect potential capacity, ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ also does not necessarily
reflect a facility’s potential capacity, as
demonstrated in our examples above.
Therefore, we disagree with the
commenters’ statement that facilities
using ‘‘actual peak capacity’’ to establish
their baseline volume have an unfair
advantage over facilities that must use
their ‘‘permitted capacity’’ to establish
their baseline volume.
With respect to facilities that
commenced construction before the date
of enactment of EISA, commenters also
state that EPA should interpret the EISA
grandfathering provisions to allow
volumes from such facilities to be
exempt up to the maximum of their
‘‘inherent capacity.’’ The statute does not
use the term ‘‘inherent capacity,’’ and
instead applies the 20 percent GHG
reduction requirement to ‘‘new facilities
that commence construction’’ after the
date of enactment. In the RFS2
rulemaking, EPA addressed the issue of
how to implement this grandfathering
provision by defining both the facilities
and their production volumes that
would be grandfathered, and
considering all other production
volumes to be subject to the 20 percent
GHG reduction threshold. EPA
identified the grandfathered volumes in
two steps. First, EPA identified the
facilities that could be considered
available for grandfathering by using
definitions of ‘‘facility’’ and ‘‘commence
construction’’ that were similar but not
identical to those used in EPA’s
2 We note that while some air permits may not
contain restrictions on plant capacity, most contain
restrictions on emission rates, fuel consumption,
throughputs, and sizes of vessels. Thus, there are
some limitations on capacity that are related to
restrictions on these parameters in the air permit.
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stationary source Prevention of
Significant Deterioration (PSD)
permitting program. After identifying
these facilities, EPA followed a second
step to identify what volumes at those
facilities would be grandfathered. In this
final rulemaking, EPA is addressing the
same issue of what volume should be
grandfathered as we did for the final
RFS2 rulemaking.
EPA rejected the approach of
determining that any and all volumes
produced at qualifying facilities should
be considered grandfathered. EPA also
rejected the approach specified in the
NPRM of requiring facilities to report on
expenses for replacements, additions,
and repairs so that EPA could determine
on a case-by-case basis if such activities
warranted considering the facility as
effectively ‘‘new’’ for purposes of the
grandfathering provisions. Instead, EPA
chose an approach that extends an
indefinite exemption to baseline
volumes at qualifying facilities, and
defines the grandfathered volume by
reference to ‘‘permitted capacity’’
contained in air permits that govern the
operation of a facility at the time of the
statutory deadline. If such capacity is
not stipulated in the permit, then the
baseline is established by ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ achieved within either the last
five calendar years prior to 2008 or, if
the plant is not yet in operation, the first
three years after start-up. The ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ or the actual operations
history of the plant would define a
baseline volume, and increases above
105 percent of this volume would be
considered production by a new facility.
These criteria are objective and their use
avoids the case-by-case decision-making
that would be required if less objective
criteria were applied.
In this rulemaking, EPA proposed to
clarify but not change this approach,
and commenters have suggested that
EPA now change the approach
substantially. EPA rejects this request
for a change in approach for many of the
same reasons given in the preamble to
the final RFS2 regulations.
First, EPA notes that the statute does
not define the terms ‘‘new facility’’ or
‘‘commence construction,’’ providing
EPA discretion to interpret these terms
in a reasonable fashion that promotes
the goals of the statute. EPA notes that
there were no objections to how EPA
defined the universe of facilities that
can produce grandfathered renewable
fuel in the proposed RFS2 regulations.
Rather, commenters raised issues
regarding what volumes and years of
production from these facilities (and
from any modifications or expansions to
the facilities) should be considered
grandfathered. The only issue raised in
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
the current set of comments, however, is
the extent to which volumes above
those allowed at the time of the
statutory deadlines should be
As in the RFS2 rulemaking, EPA is
faced with two basic approaches. The
first approach is raised by commenters
who suggest applying the concept of
‘‘maximum capacity’’ or ‘‘inherent
capacity’’ on a case-by-case basis. Some
commenters have suggested this could
be limited in time to a set number of
years in the future. Under this approach,
EPA would evaluate each permit
revision that occurs and would need to
determine if the changes undertaken
were within the ‘‘inherent capacity’’ of a
qualifying facility. If they were not, the
volumes would be considered produced
by a new facility for which construction
commenced after the statutory deadline.
EPA does not agree that this is either
a required or an appropriate approach.
EISA does not define the phrase ‘‘new
facilities that commence construction,’’
nor does it refer to or require that EPA
follow the approach suggested by the
commenters. As was the case in the
proposed and final RFS2 rules, EPA is
concerned about the lack of objectivity
and concreteness in applying a concept
such as ‘‘inherent capacity.’’ There is no
clear or concrete meaning to this term.
In practice, renewable fuel facilities can
and do evolve over time. A facility and
its operations are typically in a constant
state of flux to address changing
circumstances and to optimize
production under those circumstances.
These changing circumstances can
involve a full range of activities that
may include changes in equipment or
operations, with any of these changes
ranging from minor to major. Once one
aspect of facility design or operation
that constrains capacity is optimized,
another aspect becomes the constraining
factor. This process, which can include
what is often referred to as
debottlenecking, is iterative and can
continue indefinitely. Thus the terms
‘‘inherent capacity,’’ ‘‘nameplate
capacity,’’ and ‘‘design capacity’’ have
meaning only in a general or broad
sense. EPA does not believe it could
develop criteria that would fairly and
objectively define these terms. Without
such criteria, the case-by-case analysis
to implement such an approach would
be difficult to accomplish in a fair and
consistent manner, thus making such an
approach undesirable. Instead, EPA’s
approach is definitive, allowing in all
cases 105 percent of ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ or, if permit limits are not
available, 105 percent of ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ to establish baseline volumes.
The 105 percent factor allows a
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consistent and definitive allowance
beyond ‘‘permitted capacity’’ or ‘‘actual
peak capacity’’ measures. As stated in
the preamble to the final RFS2 rule, it
provides an allowance for
debottlenecking and minor changes that
may be brought about by normal
maintenance that is consistent with the
proper operation of a facility, while
being sufficiently small so as to not
encourage plant expansions that are
unrelated to debottlenecking and
normal maintenance procedures (75 FR
14670, 14689, March 26, 2010). EPA
believes that such an allowance is
consistent with the concept of applying
the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement to ‘‘new facilities that
commence construction’’ after EISA,
while not also introducing a difficult
case-by-case implementation approach
to the rules as suggested by the
Under the approach taken in the final
RFS2 rule and clarified in the direct
final rule, future changes in production
above 105 percent of the baseline
volume would be treated as production
by a new facility that commenced
construction after the statutory
deadline. Typically the increase in
production, whether caused by a permit
change or otherwise, would be the result
of changes made in order to increase
production, whether physical changes
in equipment or changes in operation.
These changes would make the plant
different in a way that would allow it to
produce more renewable fuel.
Implementation of these changes would
be considered construction, whether it
is from a process of physical
construction, physical replacement,
change in operation, redesign, or
reconfiguration. EPA broadly interprets
the terms ‘‘new’’ and ‘‘construction’’ in
the final RFS2 rule to encompass the
kinds of changes typically taken to
increase production.
EPA recognizes that the approach we
have taken in the final RFS2 rule
encompasses a broad variety of
physical, operational, and other
efficiency changes. EPA favors its
approach because it gives reasonable
meaning to the terms in EISA in a way
that provides clear and objective
criteria, and it avoids the problems and
complexities noted above with the caseby-case approach that tries to
implement an ‘‘inherent capacity’’
criterion. It is also a reasonable way to
further the goals of the grandfathering
provision and for evaluating future
increases in production.
By arguing that the ‘‘inherent
capacity’’ of a plant built before
enactment must be grandfathered
regardless of permit limitations on the
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date of enactment, commenters seem to
be equating the term ‘‘construction’’ in
the statute with ‘‘physical construction.’’
Their rationale is that if the increased
volumes are not derived from new
physical construction of a facility after
the date of enactment, then any and all
fuel from that grandfathered facility
must be covered by the exemption.
However, the term ‘‘construction’’ is not
defined in EISA and need not be viewed
in this manner. For example, Congress
defined the term ‘‘construction’’ in CAA
section 169(2) for the PSD program to
include ‘‘modifications’’ as defined in
CAA section 111(a)(4). That term is
defined in the statute to include ‘‘any
change in, or change in the method of
operation of, a stationary source which
increases the amount of any air
pollutant emitted by such source or
which results in the emission of any air
pollutant not previously emitted.’’ The
definition of ‘‘commence construction’’
adopted in the final RFS2 regulations
specifically incorporates by reference
the definition of ‘‘begin actual
construction’’ from the PSD regulations,
where the term ‘‘construction’’ is defined
as ‘‘any physical change or change in the
method of operation * * * that would
result in a change in emissions.’’ (See 40
CFR 80. 1403(a)(4), 52.21(b)(1) and
53.21(b)(8).) EPA’s treatment of postenactment ‘‘construction’’ under the
final RFS2 regulations to include
operational modifications leading to the
production of additional renewable fuel
is therefore comparable to the approach
adopted by Congress in the PSD
program with respect to modifications
that may lead to increased emissions.
The approach EPA adopted in the
final RFS2 rule, and which we reaffirm
today, reasonably promotes the goals of
this statutory provision. EPA’s analysis
as part of the RFS2 rulemaking showed
that the aggregate volumes of
grandfathered ethanol for the entire
industry would be approximately 15
billion gallons (74 FR 24904, 24925,
May 26, 2009). Given the volume
mandates and GHG reduction
thresholds for the other three categories
of renewable fuel (advanced biofuel,
biomass-based diesel, and cellulosic
biofuel), 15 billion gallons is (by
coincidence) approximately the
maximum amount of grandfathered
ethanol that could be used in the RFS2
program for compliance purposes.3 In
addition, EISA provides a considerable
benefit to facilities claiming exemption
from the 20 percent GHG reduction
threshold. Such an exemption is not
3 Table 1.1.1 from ‘‘Renewable Fuel Standard
Program (RFS2) Regulatory Impact Analysis’’ (EPA–
420–R–10–006); February 2010.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
provided to similar facilities for which
construction commences after the
statutory deadlines. The exemption
reasonably preserves the investment
decisions of owners made prior to the
time of enactment of EISA. Those
investment decisions were clearly based
on the practices of the facilities
constructed on or before the statutory
deadlines, including any permit-related
constraints in existence at the time. Any
future increases in production based on
future permit changes could generally
be an enhancement to the value of the
facility and would be based on future
decisions, not investment decisions
made prior to enactment of EISA.
We acknowledge the statement we
made in the proposal for the RFS2
regulations, referenced by one of the
commenters, that ‘‘our guiding
philosophy of protecting historical
business investments that were made to
comply with the provisions of RFS1 are
realized by allowing production
increases within a facility’s inherent
capacity,’’ (74 FR 24904, 24926, May 26,
2009). We need to point out, however,
that the statement was made in the
context of soliciting comment on
allowing a 10 percent tolerance level
above ‘‘permitted capacity’’ and, as
noted above, we proposed that
‘‘permitted capacity’’ would be
ascertained at the time of facility
registration. The 10 percent allowance
was, therefore, proposed for comment as
a straightforward and readilyimplementable mechanism to reflect in
grandfathered volumes as much of a
plant’s ‘‘inherent capacity’’ as practical
while avoiding case-by-case assessments
into the future indefinitely. In the same
paragraph in the proposal, we further
state that ‘‘at the same time, the
alternative of requiring compliance with
the 20% GHG reduction requirement for
increases in volume above 10% over the
baseline volume, [sic] would place new
volumes from grandfathered facilities on
a level playing field with product from
new grass roots facilities. We believe
that a level playing field for new
investments is fair and consistent with
the provisions of EISA,’’ (74 FR 24904,
24926, May 26, 2009).
Based on comments received on the
RFS2 proposed rule, we decided to
reject the 10 percent tolerance and ‘‘to
interpret the exemption of the baseline
volume of renewable fuel from the 20
percent GHG reduction requirement as
extending indefinitely.’’ We noted that
any tolerance provided could, therefore,
‘‘be present in the marketplace for a
considerable time period.’’ Furthermore,
we also stated that ‘‘increases in volume
of 10 percent or greater could be the
result of modifications other than
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debottlenecking,’’ and instead adopted a
5 percent tolerance level (75 FR 14670,
14689, March 26, 2010). We believe that
these statements from the preamble to
the RFS2 final rule are consistent with
the arguments we have set forth above.
We disagree with the commenters’
statement that facilities had inadequate
notice of the time limitations for permits
that could be used to establish baseline
volume that is exempt from the 20
percent GHG reduction requirement.
The preamble to the proposed rule
stated that ‘‘the facility registration
process * * * would be used to define
the baseline volume for individual
facilities. Owners and operators would
submit information substantiating the
nameplate capacity of the plant, as well
as historical annual peak capacity if
such is greater than nameplate
capacity,’’ (74 FR 24904, 24926, May 26,
2009). In the proposal, nameplate
capacity was defined in terms of
permitted capacity. Furthermore, in
discussing the facility registration
process, the preamble stated that ‘‘in
order to determine what production
volumes would be grandfathered and
thus deemed to be in compliance with
the 20% GHG threshold, we would
require * * * information necessary to
establish [a facility’s] renewable fuel
baseline volume * * * ’’ (74 FR 24904,
24942, May 26, 2009). These
discussions made it clear that the
baseline volume would be determined
in the registration process, and they did
not indicate that making such
determinations would be an ongoing
process into the future. Under the RFS2
proposal, registration was to occur by
January 1, 2010, or 60 days prior to
commencement of production,
whichever was later. The January 1,
2010, proposal date for the submission
of permits to establish baseline volume
with registration materials is fully
consistent with the provision in the
final rule that permits used to establish
‘‘permitted capacity’’ for ‘‘deemed
compliant’’ facilities must have been
issued no later than December 31, 2009,
and for other grandfathered facilities by
December 19, 2007. While the proposal
would have allowed grandfathered
facilities that commenced production
after January 1, 2010, additional time to
submit their registration materials, the
preamble discussion did not suggest
that this would afford them the
opportunity to use permits issued after
the relevant time periods referenced in
EISA for purposes of establishing
baseline volume. In addition, in
describing EPA’s basic proposal, EPA
explained that, for facilities that
commenced construction prior to EISA
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enactment, volumes greater than
baseline volume ‘‘which may typically
be due to expansions of the facility
which occur after December 19, 2007,
would be subject to the 20% GHG
reduction requirement in order for the
facility to generate RINs for the
incremental expanded volume. The
increased volume would be considered
as if produced from a ‘new facility’
which commenced construction after
December 19, 2007.’’ EPA believes that
these preamble statements provided
adequate notice to the regulated
community that EPA was considering
limitations on the dates of permits that
could be used to establish baseline
volume, and also believes that
commenters were reasonably apprised
based on the discussion of dates in the
preamble and the dates referenced in
the statute that the permit cut-off dates
ultimately selected for this purpose
were under consideration.
As stated previously, the definition of
‘‘permitted capacity’’ in the direct final
rule was revised to include the same
permit cut-off dates referenced in the
existing unamended registration section
in the final RFS2 regulations. The direct
final rule would not have established
these cut-off dates as new requirements,
but would merely have provided clarity
to the existing regulations by placing
references to permit dates in the
definition of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ that
are comparable to those that already
existed in § 80.1450(b)(1)(v)(B).
Commenters clearly had notice of these
permit cut-off dates in commenting on
the direct final rule, and brought their
concerns to EPA’s attention in the
context of this rulemaking. EPA has
considered these comments and has
decided not to revise the regulations in
the manner they have proposed, but
instead, for all of the reasons discussed
above, to finalize in this rule the same
definition of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ that
was included in the direct final rule and
parallel proposal.
EPA is also finalizing the
amendments included in the direct final
rule and parallel proposal that we did
not receive adverse comment on, but
that were tied to the revised definition
of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ and therefore
were also withdrawn in the June 30,
2010, notice (75 FR 37733). These
related amendments move the
definitions of ‘‘actual peak capacity,’’
‘‘baseline volume,’’ and ‘‘permitted
capacity’’ from their original locations at
§ 80.1403(a) to § 80.1401 in order to
consolidate them with other definitions
used in 40 CFR part 80, subpart M. They
revise the definition of ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ to clarify that actual peak
capacity for facilities that commenced
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
construction prior to December 19,
2007, but that did not have at least one
calendar year of actual production prior
to 2008, should be based on any
calendar year after startup during the
first three years of operation. They also
clarify that for facilities that commenced
construction after December 19, 2007,
but before January 1, 2010, that are fired
with natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof, ‘‘actual peak
capacity’’ is based on any calendar year
after startup during the first three years
of operation. These amendments, which
are closely tied to changes to the
definition of ‘‘permitted capacity’’ that
we are finalizing today, are also being
finalized as they were proposed at 75 FR
26049 (May 10, 2010).
B. Treatment of Renewable
Identification Numbers
In order to facilitate the transition
from RFS1 to RFS2, many of the final
RFS2 regulations clarified the
differences between how Renewable
Identification Numbers (RINs) are
treated under each program. However,
in the final RFS2 rule, the section on
product transfer documents (PTD)
requirements was not clear about the
information that must be on PTDs for
RINs under the RFS2 program, and we
issued several amendments to § 80.1453
in the direct final rule to clarify the PTD
requirements under RFS2. We did not
receive any adverse comment on these
In conjunction with the amendments
to § 80.1453, we proposed amendments
to § 80.1425, which provides a
description of the 38-digit RIN. The
amendments were meant to clarify that
RINs generated under RFS2 are not
identified by a 38-digit code, but rather
that most of the information contained
within the RFS1 38-digit code is entered
and made available in the EPA
Moderated Transaction System (EMTS)
as separate data elements. We also
proposed amendments to
§ 80.1426(d)(1), (f)(3)(iv), and (f)(3)(v) to
clarify that either the batch (BBBBB)
component of the RIN or its EMTSequivalent can be used to identify a
particular batch of renewable fuel.
We received adverse comment from
several parties on the proposed
amendments to § 80.1425, who took
issue with the elimination in EMTS of
components (start and end numbers) of
the RFS1 38-digit RIN. The commenters
expressed concern that the 38-digit code
was being abandoned and claimed this
proposed change would impact a
regulated party’s right and ability to
maintain an independent accounting of
their RINs at a unit (gallon-RIN) level.
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They also claimed that without this
information, attempts to manage RIN
transactions would be problematic for
the regulated community. Furthermore,
the commenters stated that they saw no
steps taken in the rulemaking process
that would have notified industry of
EPA’s intent to move away from the 38digit RIN.
In the preamble to the RFS2 NPRM,
we outlined the concept for EMTS and
described the circumstances
experienced under the RFS1 program
that led us to conclude that such a
system would be necessary and
preferable to the RFS1 approach to RIN
generation and transaction. We stated
that ‘‘in implementing RFS1, we found
that the 38-digit standardized RINs have
proven confusing to many parties in the
distribution chain. Parties have made
various errors in generating and using
RINs. * * * We have also seen incorrect
numbering of volume start and end
codes,’’ (74 FR 24974). In the preamble
to the NPRM, we also acknowledged
that ‘‘once an error is made within a
RIN, the error propagates throughout the
distribution system. Correcting an error
can require significant time and
resources and involve many steps,’’ (74
FR 24974). Finally, we noted that
‘‘incorrect RINs are invalid RINs. If
parties in the distribution system cannot
track down and correct the error made
by one of them in a timely manner, then
all downstream parties that trade the
invalid RIN will be in violation. Because
RINs are the basic unit of compliance
for the RFS1 program, it is important
that parties have confidence when
generating and using them,’’ (74 FR
We proposed and finalized EMTS in
the RFS2 rulemaking process as the
solution to address most, if not all, of
these issues, and to handle the
increasingly complex RIN generation
and transaction requirements under
RFS2 due to the increased volume
mandates and four categories of
renewable fuel. While the commenters
are correct that EMTS does not employ
the 38-digit RIN as it was originally
conceived for the RFS1 program, the
system is designed to allow users to
transact RINs in a generic way while
still maintaining the ability to know any
individual RIN’s source at a company
and facility level. We described this
change in the preambles to both the
proposed and final RFS2 regulations.
(See 74 FR 24975 and 75 FR 14733.)
Specifically, in the preamble to the final
RFS2 regulations, we stated, ‘‘one major
advantage of EMTS * * * is that the
system will simplify trading by allowing
RINs to be traded generically. Only
some specifying information will be
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needed to trade RINs, such as RIN
quantity, fuel type, RIN assignment, RIN
year, RIN price or price per gallon.
* * * The actual items of transactional
information covered under RFS2 are
very similar to those reported under
RFS1,’’ (75 FR 14733).
Indeed, all major components of the
RIN as conceived under the RFS1
program are used in EMTS with the
exception of the ‘‘S’’ and ‘‘E’’ starting and
ending RIN values. The S and E
components of the 38-digit RIN served
two purposes under RFS1. One was to
determine the number of gallon-RINs
contained in a batch-RIN segment,
calculated by subtracting the ending
RIN value from the starting RIN value.
The second use was to ensure that the
number of gallon-RINs represented by a
batch-RIN did not grow or decrease as
it was passed from buyer to seller, in
many cases multiple times. As noted
above, under RFS1, an overlap or
duplication of S and E codes between
transactions was an indication that
something had gone wrong during the
exchange of RIN information.
Under RFS2, EMTS performs
transactions of individual RINs (the
RFS1 equivalent of gallon-RINs) with a
simple reference to RIN quantity, and
the system does not use S and E
components. Being a closed system,
there is no opportunity for a RIN owner
to purposefully or accidentally increase
or decrease the number of RINs
originally associated with a batch of
renewable fuel. The original RIN
quantity may be subdivided into smaller
parts as the RINs and renewable fuel are
transferred from one party to another,
but EMTS accounts for the original total
number of RINs at all times. This feature
allows EMTS to manage RIN quantities
without the need for S and E
We believe that the comment we
received suggesting that a regulated
party’s right and ability to maintain an
independent accounting of their RINs at
a unit level would be negatively affected
by eliminating the use of the 38-digit
RIN is unfounded. In the preambles to
both the proposed and final RFS2 rules,
we discussed the fact that, like under
the RFS1 program, there is no ‘‘good
faith’’ provision with respect to RIN
ownership. To help companies manage
their RINs in such a ‘‘buyer beware’’
environment, we proposed and finalized
that a RIN purchaser can accept or reject
RINs from specific RIN generators or
from classes of RIN generators (74 FR
24975, 75 FR 14733). In practice, this
allowance has translated into a function
within EMTS that allows a RIN account
holder to block RINs generated by
specific companies and/or facilities.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
EMTS now also allows a RIN transferee
to review details of RINs offered by a
transferor, such as the RIN generators’
company and facility ID numbers, prior
to accepting or rejecting the transaction.
In this way, a RIN account holder can
protect himself or herself from being
transferred RINs generated by a
company with whom the RIN account
holder chooses not to do business, even
if indirectly. There is also a function
within EMTS that allows a RIN account
holder to transact unique, as opposed to
generic, RINs. Unique RINs carry
specific information related to the RIN
generator, date of production, and batch
number. As discussed above, EMTS is a
closed system, and the total number of
RINs associated with a particular batch
of renewable fuel cannot increase or
decrease even as the RINs are
subdivided and transferred to multiple
RIN owners. This fundamental
characteristic of EMTS, together with
the added features of being able to block
certain RINs and trade unique ones,
enhances the ability of any RIN account
holder to protect their interests.
As for the commenters’ concerns that
they were not notified of EPA’s intent to
move away from the 38-digit RIN during
the RFS2 rulemaking process, EPA
disagrees. As discussed above, EPA
introduced the concept and basic
functionality of EMTS in the preamble
to the RFS2 NPRM (74 FR 24904) and
development of the new system
commenced shortly thereafter. The
process of development and testing was
conducted openly and with significant
stakeholder input and participation,
including direct involvement by at least
one of the commenters. A number of
workshops, webinars and discussions
were held throughout the period
between publication of the NPRM and
issuance of the final RFS2 regulations.
In addition, presentation materials,
users’ guides, data schema, data
templates, and tutorials were offered for
interested parties to understand and
provide input on system design and
development. Based on this input, EPA
was able to successfully deploy EMTS
on July 1, 2010, concurrent with the
RFS2 regulations taking effect.
We believe that the transition from
the 38-digit RIN under RFS1 to the
generic RIN under RFS2 allows for
greater system flexibility and integrity,
while maintaining the detailed RIN
information necessary for regulated
parties to perform independent checks
on RINs they generate, receive, and
transfer. In addition, we believe that the
information presented throughout the
rulemaking process for RFS2 adequately
and transparently prepared regulated
parties for the transition to EMTS. For
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these reasons, we are finalizing the
amendment to the introductory text to
§ 80.1425 as it was set forth in the May
10, 2010, direct final rule and parallel
proposal (75 FR 26026, 75 FR 26049).
Specifically, we are amending the text
to clarify that RINs generated after July
1, 2010, may only be generated and
transferred using EMTS and will not be
identified by a 38-digit code. We are
also amending § 80.1425(i) to simply
clarify that the value of EEEEEEEE is a
number representing the last gallon-RIN
associated with a volume of renewable
In addition to the proposed
amendments to § 80.1425, we also
proposed amendments to
§ 80.1426(d)(1), (f)(3)(iv), and (f)(3)(v) to
clarify that either the batch (BBBBB)
component in the RIN or its EMTSequivalent would be used to identify a
particular batch of renewable fuel. A
commenter stated that the phrase ‘‘or its
equivalent in EMTS’’ when referring to
batch-identifying information in EMTS
is not clearly defined, and they
expressed concern that this language
would limit regulated companies from
properly certifying their data and would
inhibit the ability of accountants to
attest to their clients’ data. The
commenter also requested that the
language be clarified so that regulated
parties can certify their data and
accountants can reasonably rely on it.
Under RFS1, the BBBBB code was a
unique user-specified value that could
only contain numbers and had to
contain five digits. The requirement to
assign a ‘‘unique’’ batch number allowed
the regulated community and EPA to
determine which RINs were associated
with each volume of renewable fuel,
and it prevented double-counting by
requiring renewable fuel producers or
importers to generate one, and only one,
RIN for each volume of renewable fuel.
Because it could represent up to one
calendar month’s worth of renewable
fuel production (or importation) and up
to 99,999,999 gallons, RIN generators
frequently generated 12 batches in a
calendar year, one for each month. In
EMTS, the batch number is a unique
user-specified value that can contain up
to 20 alphanumeric or other characters.
It is a field required for RIN generation
and a RIN owner may view the batch
number associated with any RIN in their
possession. We believe that the larger
field format and ability to use letters as
well as other characters to identify a
batch in EMTS enhances a regulated
party’s ability to certify their RIN data—
either as RIN generators or as RIN
owners—and, in turn, allows a party’s
CPA to attest to the validity of such
data. At the same time, we agree with
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the comment that the proposed language
was vague and does not adequately
describe what the EMTS-equivalent of
the BBBBB code is. We are therefore not
finalizing the amendments to these
sections and will revert to the language
in the final RFS2 regulations that simply
refer to a ‘‘unique batch identifier,’’
which may be either the five-digit
BBBBB component or the EMTS batch
number of up to 20 characters.
C. Advanced Technologies for
Renewable Fuel Pathways
The final RFS2 rule includes two corn
ethanol pathways in Table 1 to
§ 80.1426 that require the use of one or
two advanced technologies at the
production facility as a prerequisite to
the generation of RINs. The five
advanced technologies available for this
purpose are listed in Table 2 to
§ 80.1426. In developing this list of
advanced technologies, EPA relied upon
modeling that included the use of one
or more advanced technologies at a base
corn-ethanol plant.4. In all cases, the
modeling assumed use of a given
advanced technology across 100 percent
of the ethanol production. The
pathways in Table 1 and the list of
advanced technologies in Table 2
represent the application of advanced
technologies to 100 percent of
production, consistent with the
modeling they were based on.
However, neither the list in Table 2
nor the pathway descriptions in Table 1
were explicit on this percent of usage.
As a result, some producers of corn
ethanol assumed that any degree of
implementation of advanced
technologies, even to the point of de
minimis GHG benefit, would be
acceptable and consistent with the letter
of the regulations. In the direct final rule
and parallel proposal published on May
10, 2010 (75 FR 26026, 75 FR 26049),
we announced a revision to Table 2 to
§ 80.1426 to clarify the degree to which
advanced technologies must be
implemented in order to represent a
valid advanced technology for the
generation of RINs. The announced
revision specified that the advanced
technologies must be applied to all
production at the corn ethanol facility.
In response to the direct final rule, we
received adverse comments from several
stakeholders objecting to the changes to
Table 2 to § 80.1426. As a result, we
withdrew the changes to Table 2 to
§ 80.1426 in a Federal Register notice
4 A base plant is one representing average energy
usage and no advanced technologies. See the
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the RFS2 final rule,
EPA–420–R–10–006, February 2010, Section
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
published on June 30, 2010 (75 FR
There were several alternative
approaches to advanced technologies
that were suggested by commenters,
including the creation of additional
pathways to add to Table 1 to § 80.1426.
EPA notes at the outset that the scope
of this rulemaking effort as it relates to
Tables 1 and 2 to § 80.1426 is to clarify
the regulatory language that identifies
the pathways and specifications for
advanced technologies that were
modeled as part of the RFS2 rulemaking
effort and that were determined to lead
to an appropriate level of GHG
reduction. EPA continues to evaluate
additional pathways on its own
initiative, and may approve the use of
additional pathways, as it recently did
for canola oil biodiesel.5 EPA has also
established a petition process in
§ 80.1416 to allow parties seeking the
addition of new pathways to Table 1 to
§ 80.1426 to bring those pathways to
EPA’s attention for evaluation. EPA
urges parties seeking EPA consideration
of new pathways to utilize that process.
While EPA will fully evaluate any
petitions for new pathways when and if
they are submitted to EPA pursuant to
§ 80.1416, EPA also provides in this
preamble some preliminary thoughts
regarding some of the commenters’
suggestions for new pathways, even
though they are beyond the scope of this
rulemaking effort.
One commenter suggested that EPA
incorporate into Table 2 an energybased metric for identifying the extent
to which each advanced technology
must be used at corn ethanol facilities
in order to be deemed to achieve a 20
percent GHG reduction. The commenter
suggested that this approach could be
accomplished by basing the metric on
the pathway in Table 1 to § 80.1426 that
specifies no greater that 50 percent
drying of distillers grains and solubles
(DGS) and no advanced technologies.
The premise of the comment is that any
combination of advanced technologies
that reduces energy usage by a specified
amount will achieve the 20 percent
GHG threshold. EPA rejects this
approach as an oversimplification that
is not currently consistent with the
modeling used by EPA in developing
the list of pathways and advanced
technologies in Tables 1 and 2 to
§ 80.1426. First, EPA’s modeling
assumed an industry average for the
various advanced technologies, and not
any specific brand or type of
technology. As such, the results cannot
be translated into the specific
equipment used and operated at a single
5 75
FR 59622, September 28, 2010.
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plant. The precision of the modeling
does not support an extrapolation down
to specific technology at a specific
plant, which would be required under
the commenter’s approach.
Second, EPA modeled various
scenarios, including a base plant with
100 percent drying of DGS, a base plant
with 100 percent wet DGS, and various
combinations of advanced technologies.
In some cases use of just one specific
technology such as CHP or corn oil
fractionation was modeled. In other
cases a base plant was modeled while
progressively adding different advanced
technologies. EPA’s modeling by
necessity did not cover the universe of
all possible combinations of advanced
technologies, and as such does not
allow for a precise quantification of
each advanced technology either by
itself or in combination with a second
advanced technology. The modeling
does provide clear indication that (1)
There can be interactive effects between
pairs of advanced technologies, (2)
advanced technologies can have
complex impacts, and the reductions in
GHG emissions are not all based on just
a simple linear reduction in energy use,
and (3) different combinations of
advanced technologies are likely to lead
to a range of results across the various
combinations. EPA’s conclusion in the
final RFS2 rulemaking was that the GHG
benefits of the use of advanced
technologies as specified in Tables 1
and 2 to § 80.1426 would in all cases
allow at least a limited degree of GHG
reduction beyond the 20 percent
threshold, with the exact degree of
reduction dependent on the specific
combination of advanced technologies
and drying of DGS. As a result, the
modeling performed by EPA to date
does not support specifying a simple
formula that could allow usage of
advanced technologies as a function of
measured reductions in energy usage.
Thus EPA believes there is not a
technical basis at this time for the
approach suggested by the commenter.
We also received a suggestion that the
table of advanced technologies be
modified to include the option of
‘‘energy efficient plant design’’ that
could be achieved through documented
low energy use. In this approach, EPA
would establish a level of energy input
per gallon of product that would reflect
achievement of the 20 percent GHG
reduction threshold, and industry
would be free to use any method to
achieve that required energy utilization
standard. Records of fuel and electricity
use in the facility would be submitted
to demonstrate attainment of the
standard. This suggestion is clearly
beyond the scope of this rulemaking
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effort, which is limited to clarifying the
regulatory language related to the
modeling and analyses that EPA
conducted as part of the RFS2
rulemaking. Although the commenter
suggested that the energy utilization
standard could be set using existing
modeling tied to an existing pathway in
Table 1 to § 80.1426, EPA believes that
this would not be technically justified
for the same reasons, described above,
that it would not be appropriate to use
this metric to establish specifications
regarding use of advanced technologies.
Thus, the suggested approach would
likely require new analyses to identify
an appropriate energy utilization
standard that would take into account
all possible direct and indirect effects
associated with multiple possible
permutations of facility technology and
practice. It could also require additional
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements as well as new formulas or
tabulated values in the regulations for
converting energy use into GHG
reductions. All such changes would
entail dramatically different approaches
to the identification of pathways that
achieve the necessary amount of GHG
reduction to qualify under the Act than
were finalized in the RFS2 rulemaking.
Therefore, we did not propose and are
not adopting the commenter’s suggested
approach in today’s rulemaking. Parties
advocating this approach are
encouraged to utilize the petition
process in § 80.1416 to request that EPA
further evaluate this concept and, in the
context of their petition, to address the
concerns that EPA noted above.
A number of commenters suggested
that application of advanced
technologies to 100 percent of the
production at a corn ethanol plant was
not feasible. One commenter pointed
out that common and legitimate
downtime for an advanced technology,
even if it is of a very short duration,
could preclude a corn ethanol producer
from generating any RINs if Table 2 to
§ 80.1426 requires application of an
advanced technology to all production
at a facility. Another commenter
suggested that advanced technologies be
required to be applied to 90 percent of
the production at a corn ethanol facility,
instead of 100 percent. In response, we
do recognize that there may be
occasions in which an advanced
technology must be halted or bypassed
for a short time for maintenance, repair,
or other reasons. To determine whether
the regulations could be modified to
address this concern, we reviewed the
original lifecycle GHG modeling for
corn ethanol plants that was done for
the RFS2 final rule. The modeling
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
indicates that use of the advanced
technologies as specified should in all
cases provide a minimum margin of
compliance beyond the 20 percent GHG
reduction threshold, and in some cases
a larger margin. Thus a small reduction
in the application of advanced
technologies should still ensure that the
20 percent GHG threshold is met. EPA
recognizes that this is a question of
degree and is basing this on expert
judgment and not specific new
modeling. As such, no more than a
small reduction in percent usage is
warranted absent further modeling. As a
result, we have modified the regulatory
requirements so that advanced
technologies must be applied to at least
90 percent of the production at a corn
ethanol facility. Moreover, we are
requiring that compliance with this 90
percent criterion be made over the
course of a calendar year, consistent
with the approach to the maximum
allowable fraction of DGS that can be
dried under certain corn ethanol
pathways in Table 1 to § 80.1426. This
approach relies on judgment based on
the lifecycle modeling that was
previously performed, as described
above, to provide some flexibility for
downtime of an advanced technology
while still requiring the requisite level
of GHG reduction.
Since compliance with the advanced
technologies in Table 2 to § 80.1426 is
determined on an annual basis, any
RINs that are generated based upon the
use of one or more of these technologies
could be considered invalid if the
technologies are not employed in
accordance with the specifications in
Table 2, including any requirement
based upon use of these technologies for
90 percent of production on a calendar
year basis. We note, however, that in
determining an appropriate remedy for
a violation arising from a renewable fuel
producer’s failure to properly employ
advanced technologies in accordance
with the specifications in Table 2 to
§ 80.1426, EPA may consider a number
of factors, including the volume of fuel
for which RINs were generated that was
produced without the advanced
technologies, the reasons that the
advanced technologies were not
employed, and efforts taken by the
renewable fuel producer to remedy the
harm caused by the violation.
Another suggested change would have
allowed GHG reductions for ethanol
volume that is grandfathered under
§ 80.1403 to be used as a credit for
ethanol volume that has not been
grandfathered. Such an approach could
mean that all the GHG reductions
associated with applying a given
advanced technology to an entire corn
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ethanol plant could be deemed to apply
to only the volume that is in excess of
the plant’s grandfathered baseline
volume. We do not believe that this
would be appropriate. Not only did we
not propose such an approach to
compliance with the 20 percent GHG
reduction threshold, but it would
amount to transferring GHG reductions
from grandfathered volume to nongrandfathered volume. In so doing, a
corn ethanol producer could claim that
its non-grandfathered ethanol met the
20 percent GHG reduction threshold
even if the plant as a whole did not and
there was no discernable difference in
plant operations between the
grandfathered and non-grandfathered
volume. The regulations do not allow
GHG reduction credits to be assumed for
grandfathered volume and then used to
offset the GHG emissions from the nongrandfathered portion of the facility’s
production. Non-grandfathered
production must be assessed separately.
Some commenters raised a concern
that the proposed language requiring
application of advanced technologies to
‘‘all’’ production at a facility necessarily
required that the advanced technologies
be applied to volumes that are
grandfathered and are not subject to the
20 percent GHG reduction threshold for
renewable fuel. This was not our
intention. Advanced technologies are
not required for volumes that are
grandfathered according to § 80.1403.
Thus, we have modified the regulations
to clarify that Tables 1 and 2 to
§ 80.1426 do not apply to volumes of
fuel for which RINs are generated
pursuant to § 80.1426(f)(6).
With regard to corn oil extraction, we
believe that the description in Table 2
to § 80.1426 requires additional
modification to more accurately reflect
the lifecycle modeling that was
conducted. For instance, some
commenters pointed out that the terms
‘‘thin stillage’’ and ‘‘distillers grains and
solubles’’ do not accurately describe the
byproduct categories to which corn oil
extraction can be applied. More
appropriate might be thin stillage and
wet cake, or alternatively just the whole
stillage which precedes the derivatives
thin stillage and wet cake. Our lifecycle
modeling assumed that corn oil
extraction was applied to all the
byproducts that are included in whole
stillage. However, after further
consideration, we believe that a more
straightforward approach to specifying
the required application of corn oil
extraction in the regulations would be to
identify the amount of oil that must be
extracted rather than the amount of
whole stillage to which the technology
must be applied. This approach is
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consistent with a suggestion from one
commenter and will result in the same
GHG reductions as our proposed
approach. This approach will also allow
corn-ethanol producers utilizing the
corn oil extraction advanced technology
to apply it to particular byproducts as
they see fit, providing only that the
requisite quantity of oil is extracted.
The lifecycle modeling that led us to
include corn oil fractionation in Table 2
to § 80.1426 assumed an oil extraction
rate of 1.48 pounds of oil per bushel of
corn. As described above, we have
determined that a 10 percent reduction
in the application of this advanced
technology can be accommodated while
still ensuring that the 20 percent GHG
threshold has been met. An oil
extraction rate of 1.33 pounds per
bushel represents 90 percent of the
value we assumed in developing Table
2 to § 80.1426. Thus, in today’s rule we
are modifying the description of corn oil
extraction to require a minimum of 1.33
pounds of oil to be extracted from whole
stillage or its derivatives per bushel of
corn that is processed into ethanol. This
oil extraction rate is substantially less
than the total amount of oils contained
in byproducts from corn ethanol
processing. As a result, we believe this
approach will address concerns from
some commenters that the proposed
language would have required all oil to
be removed from distillers grains,
potentially creating an unmarketable
product. Although one commenter
suggested a corn oil extraction rate of
1.0 pound per bushel, we do not believe
that this level of implementation of this
advanced technology would ensure that
the 20 percent GHG reduction threshold
has been met.
With regard to combined heat and
power (CHP), one commenter expressed
concern that the application of CHP to
all of the production at a corn ethanol
facility could require the installation of
new boilers sized to produce electricity.
The commenter argued that such actions
were unnecessary and would make CHP
commercially unviable. However, the
identification of advanced technologies
in Table 2 to § 80.1426 and the
calculation of their required usage rate
is designed to ensure that the 20 percent
GHG reduction threshold can be met.
The costs of implementation of CHP
were not considered in determining the
technical issue of the GHG reduction
threshold determination. However, we
have reviewed the modeling conducted
as part of the RFS2 rulemaking and have
determined that application of CHP to
90 percent of production at a corn
ethanol facility will achieve a 20
percent GHG reduction, and we have
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
modified Table 2 to § 80.1426
In conjunction with the modifications
to Table 2 to § 80.1426 as described
above, we are finalizing additional
recordkeeping and attest engagement
requirements to help ensure that RINs
are properly generated for corn ethanol
produced at facilities that employ
advanced technologies listed in Table 2
to § 80.1426. Specifically, we are
finalizing a requirement at
§ 80.1454(b)(3)(xi) that, for RINs
generated for ethanol produced from
corn starch at a facility using advanced
technologies in accordance with the
requirements in Tables 1 and 2 to
§ 80.1426, producers must maintain
documentation to demonstrate that
advanced technologies used to qualify
such ethanol for RIN generation were
employed at least 90 percent of the time
on a calendar year basis. In addition, we
are finalizing an amendment to the
attest engagement procedures for
renewable fuel producers at
§ 80.1464(b)(1)(iii) that, for RINs
generated for ethanol produced from
corn starch at a facility that used
advanced technologies in accordance
with the requirements in Tables 1 and
2 to § 80.1426, will require verification
that the advanced technologies used to
qualify such ethanol for RIN generation
were employed at least 90 percent of the
time on a calendar year basis. We
believe that these requirements are
natural outgrowths of the final changes
being made to Table 2 to § 80.1426 in
response to comments received on our
proposed amendments to this section,
and that these additional recordkeeping
and attestation requirements are
necessary to ensure compliance with
and enforceability of this aspect of the
RFS program.
D. Use of Biogas from a Dedicated
Pipeline at Renewable Fuel Production
EPA proposed to amend 40 CFR
80.1426(f)(12) to clarify the
requirements that must be met in order
for gas used for process heat at a
renewable fuel production facility to be
considered biogas for purposes of the
‘‘production process requirements’’
column of Table 1 to § 80.1426. In order
to differentiate the requirements
associated with biogas transported via a
dedicated pipeline versus those
associated with biogas transported via a
common carrier pipeline, we proposed
to subdivide the requirements under
§ 80.1426(f)(12). Thus revisions to
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i) were proposed to
describe the requirements for biogas
transported via a dedicated pipeline,
and revisions to § 80.1426(f)(12)(ii) were
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proposed to describe the requirements
for biogas transported via a common
carrier pipeline. In drafting the
proposed revised regulations applicable
to biogas in a dedicated pipeline in
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i), we mistakenly
included language in paragraph
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i)(D) that referred to
biogas placed in a common carrier
pipeline, and proposed requiring that
such pipeline ultimately serve the
renewable fuel producer’s facility. A
commenter rightfully expressed
confusion over the proposed
amendment at § 80.1426(f)(12)(i), since
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(ii) is the appropriate
section for references to biogas in a
common carrier pipeline. We received
no other comments on our proposed
changes to § 80.1426(f)(12).
EPA agrees that the amendment at
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i)(D) was proposed in
error and therefore is finalizing all
proposed amendments to
§ 80.1426(f)(12), with the exception of
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i)(D). We considered
retaining the provision by deleting the
words ‘‘common carrier’’ that modify the
reference to ‘‘pipeline.’’ However,
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i) already specifies that
the biogas discussed in this section is
‘‘directly transported to the facility.’’
Therefore, a modified
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(i)(D) is not necessary,
and we have simply deleted the
provision. We also noted a
typographical error and some
potentially confusing text in
§ 80.1426(f)(12)(ii)(C) and have taken
this opportunity to make the
appropriate corrections.
E. Time Limits for Reporting
Transactions in EMTS
The final RFS2 regulations require
any RIN generator to submit, via their
account in the EPA Moderated
Transaction System (EMTS),
information about any batch of
renewable fuel and the RINs generated
for it within five days of the production
or importation of the batch (see
§ 80.1452(b) at 75 FR 14887). Likewise,
the final RFS2 regulations also require
any party that engages in RIN
transactions to submit, via their EMTS
account, information about the
transaction within five business days
(see § 80.1452(c) at 75 FR 14887). These
transactional time limits were finalized
in order to strike a balance between the
need for EMTS to be a ‘‘real time’’
system and the need for some amount
of flexibility to accommodate existing
business practices related to conducting
renewable fuel and RIN transactions.
After the RFS2 regulations were
finalized, EPA received numerous
inquiries from regulated parties about
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whether the five day limit applied to
both the transactional buyer and seller
together, or whether each seller and
each buyer had five days to perform
their respective actions in EMTS. We
therefore proposed to amend
§ 80.1452(b) and (c) to clarify our
original intent with respect to when RIN
information needed to be submitted to
EMTS. Specifically, we proposed to
revise § 80.1452(b) to clarify that RIN
information must be entered into EMTS
within five business days of RINs being
assigned to a batch of renewable fuel
and to clarify the information required
to be submitted via EMTS for each such
batch. We also proposed to revise
§ 80.1452(c) to clarify that transactions
involving RINs generated on or after
July 1, 2010, must be conducted via
EMTS within five business days of a
reportable event, to clarify the meaning
of the term ‘‘reportable event,’’ and to
clarify the information required to be
submitted via EMTS for each
transaction involving RINs generated on
or after July 1, 2010.
We received one adverse comment on
the proposed amendatory language to
§ 80.1452(b) and (c) that expressed
concern over a buyer’s inability to check
the accuracy and validity of RINs that
may be received via a renewable fuel
product transfer document (PTD) and an
inability to prevent RINs with errors
from being traded further. As discussed
above, in addition to the adverse
comment, we received feedback from
regulated parties prior to the publication
of the direct final and parallel proposed
rules on May 10, 2010 (75 FR 26026, 75
FR 26049), that the five business day
requirement for both parties may be
acceptable on the seller’s side of the
transaction, but that it can prove
difficult for a buyer to confirm or send
transactional information within five
days of the PTD date. This difficulty
may be due to the fact that the PTD may
be generated and sent when the fuel is
shipped, and the shipping may take
longer than a week, or because all RINs
may be aggregated on one PTD that is
sent weekly or monthly along with
renewable fuel.
Based on the comment received as
part of this rulemaking and the
additional feedback received prior to
this rulemaking, we are finalizing an
amendment to § 80.1452(c) that will
increase the number of days a buyer has
to submit transactional information to
EMTS. Specifically, a buyer will have
ten business days from the date on the
PTD to submit information about a
transaction, including accepting a
transaction initiated by a seller, in
EMTS. The seller will still be required
to submit information within five
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
business days of the date on the PTD.
Thus the buyer will have a minimum of
five days, and a maximum of up to ten
days if the seller acts on the same date
as the date on the PTD, to enter the
required information into EMTS.
Although the comment makes
reference both to 80.1452(b) and (c), we
believe that the amendatory language to
§ 80.1452(c) alleviates the problem cited
by the commenter and therefore we are
finalizing the amendment to 80.1452(b),
to allow up to five business days after
RIN assignment for a RIN generator to
submit RIN information for a batch of
renewable fuel to EMTS, as proposed at
75 FR 26049 (May 10, 2010). We also
noted inconsistency and some
potentially confusing text at
§ 80.1452(b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(4), and (b)(5)
and have taken this opportunity to make
the appropriate corrections.
III. Statutory and Executive Order
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
Under Executive Order 12866, (58 FR
51735, October 4, 1993) the Agency
must determine whether the regulatory
action is ‘‘significant’’ and therefore
subject to OMB review and the
requirements of the Executive Order.
The Order defines ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ as one that is likely to
result in a rule that may:
(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the
economy, a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local, or tribal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees,
or loan programs or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in the Executive Order.
It has been determined that this action
is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under the terms of Executive Order
12866 and is therefore not subject to
OMB review.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
This action does not impose any new
information collection burden. The
corrections, clarifications, and
modifications to the final RFS2
regulations contained in this rule are
within the scope of the information
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collection requirements submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for the final RFS2 regulations.
OMB has previously approved the
information collection requirements
contained in the existing regulations at
40 CFR part 80, subpart M under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and has
assigned OMB control number 2060–
0640. The OMB control numbers for
EPA’s regulations in 40 CFR are listed
in 40 CFR part 9.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
For purposes of assessing the impacts
of today’s rule on small entities, small
entity is defined as: (1) A small business
as defined by the Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) regulations at 13
CFR 121.201; (2) a small governmental
jurisdiction that is a government of a
city, county, town, school district or
special district with a population of less
than 50,000; and (3) a small
organization that is any not-for-profit
enterprise which is independently
owned and operated and is not
dominant in its field.
After considering the economic
impacts of this final rule on small
entities, I certify that this action will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
This final rule will note impose any
requirements on small entities that were
not already considered under the final
RFS2 regulations, as it makes relatively
minor corrections and modifications to
those regulations.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This rule does not contain a Federal
mandate that may result in expenditures
of $100 million or more for State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or the private sector in any one year. We
have determined that this action will
not result in expenditures of $100
million or more for the above parties
and thus, this rule is not subject to the
requirements of sections 202 or 205 of
This rule is also not subject to the
requirements of section 203 of UMRA
because it contains no regulatory
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requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect small governments. It
only applies to gasoline, diesel, and
renewable fuel producers, importers,
distributors and marketers and makes
relatively minor corrections and
modifications to the RFS2 regulations.
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132. This action only
applies to gasoline, diesel, and
renewable fuel producers, importers,
distributors and marketers and makes
relatively minor corrections and
modifications to the RFS2 regulations.
Thus, Executive Order 13132 does not
apply to this action.
F. Executive Order 13175 (Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This final rule does not have tribal
implications, as specified in Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
2000). It applies to gasoline, diesel, and
renewable fuel producers, importers,
distributors and marketers. This action
makes relatively minor corrections and
modifications to the RFS regulations,
and does not impose any enforceable
duties on communities of Indian tribal
governments. Thus, Executive Order
13175 does not apply to this action.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
EPA interprets EO 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997) as applying only
to those regulatory actions that concern
health or safety risks, such that the
analysis required under section 5–501 of
the EO has the potential to influence the
regulation. This action is not subject to
EO 13045 because it does not establish
an environmental standard intended to
mitigate health or safety risks.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This rule is not subject to Executive
Order 13211 (66 FR 18355, May 22,
2001), because it is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law
104–113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note)
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus
standards in its regulatory activities
unless to do so would be inconsistent
with applicable law or otherwise
impractical. Voluntary consensus
standards are technical standards (e.g.,
materials specifications, test methods,
sampling procedures, and business
practices) that are developed or adopted
by voluntary consensus standards
bodies. NTTAA directs EPA to provide
Congress, through OMB, explanations
when the Agency decides not to use
available and applicable voluntary
consensus standards.
This action does not involve technical
standards. Therefore, EPA did not
consider the use of any voluntary
consensus standards.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations.
Executive Order (EO) 12898 (59 FR
7629, February 16, 1994) establishes
federal executive policy on
environmental justice. Its main
provision directs federal agencies, to the
greatest extent practicable and
permitted by law, to make
environmental justice part of their
mission by identifying and addressing,
as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs,
policies, and activities on minority
populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
EPA has determined that this final
rule will not have disproportionately
high and adverse human health or
environmental effects on minority or
low-income populations because it does
not affect the level of protection
provided to human health or the
environment. These technical
amendments do not relax the control
measures on sources regulated by the
RFS regulations and therefore will not
cause emissions increases from these
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
K. Congressional Review Act
The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
that before a rule may take effect, the
agency promulgating the rule must
submit a rule report, which includes a
copy of the rule, to each House of the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. EPA will submit a
report containing this rule and other
required information to the U.S. Senate,
the U.S. House of Representatives, and
the Comptroller General of the United
States prior to publication of the rule in
the Federal Register. A major rule
cannot take effect until 60 days after it
is published in the Federal Register.
This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
L. Clean Air Act Section 307(d)
This rule is subject to Section 307(d)
of the CAA. Section 307(d)(7)(B)
provides that ‘‘[o]nly an objection to a
rule or procedure which was raised with
reasonable specificity during the period
for public comment (including any
public hearing) may be raised during
judicial review.’’ This section also
provides a mechanism for the EPA to
convene a proceeding for
reconsideration, ‘‘[i]f the person raising
an objection can demonstrate to the EPA
that it was impracticable to raise such
objection within [the period for public
comment] or if the grounds for such
objection arose after the period for
public comment (but within the time
specified for judicial review) and if such
objection is of central relevance to the
outcome of the rule.’’ Any person
seeking to make such a demonstration to
the EPA should submit a Petition for
Reconsideration to the Office of the
Administrator, U.S. EPA, Room 3000,
Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, with
a copy to both the person(s) listed in the
CONTACT section, and the Director of the
Air and Radiation Law Office, Office of
General Counsel (Mail Code 2344A),
U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC 20460.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 80
Environmental protection, Fuel
additives, Gasoline, Imports, Motor
vehicle pollution, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: December 14, 2010.
Lisa P. Jackson,
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, 40 CFR part 80 is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 80
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7542, 7545, and
PO 00000
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2. Section 80.1401 is amended by
adding definitions of ‘‘Actual peak
capacity’’, ‘‘Baseline volume’’, and
‘‘Permitted capacity’’, in alphabetical
order to read as follows:
§ 80.1401
Actual peak capacity means 105% of
the maximum annual volume of
renewable fuels produced from a
specific renewable fuel production
facility on a calendar year basis.
(1) For facilities that commenced
construction prior to December 19,
2007, the actual peak capacity is based
on the last five calendar years prior to
2008, unless no such production exists,
in which case actual peak capacity is
based on any calendar year after startup
during the first three years of operation.
(2) For facilities that commenced
construction after December 19, 2007
and before January 1, 2010 that are fired
with natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof, the actual peak
capacity is based on any calendar year
after startup during the first three years
of operation.
(3) For all other facilities not included
above, the actual peak capacity is based
on the last five calendar years prior to
the year in which the owner or operator
registers the facility under the
provisions of § 80.1450, unless no such
production exists, in which case actual
peak capacity is based on any calendar
year after startup during the first three
years of operation.
Baseline volume means the permitted
capacity or, if permitted capacity cannot
be determined, the actual peak capacity
of a specific renewable fuel production
facility on a calendar year basis.
Permitted capacity means 105% of
the maximum permissible volume
output of renewable fuel that is allowed
under operating conditions specified in
the most restrictive of all applicable
preconstruction, construction and
operating permits issued by regulatory
authorities (including local, regional,
state or a foreign equivalent of a state,
and federal permits, or permits issued
by foreign governmental agencies) that
govern the construction and/or
operation of the renewable fuel facility,
based on an annual volume output on
a calendar year basis. If the permit
specifies maximum rated volume output
on an hourly basis, then annual volume
output is determined by multiplying the
hourly output by 8,322 hours per year.
(1) For facilities that commenced
construction prior to December 19,
2007, the permitted capacity is based on
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
permits issued or revised no later than
December 19, 2007.
(2) For facilities that commenced
construction after December 19, 2007
and before January 1, 2010 that are fired
with natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof, the permitted
capacity is based on permits issued or
revised no later than December 31,
(3) For facilities other than those
described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of
this definition, permitted capacity is
based on the most recent applicable
■ 3. Section 80.1403 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
(B) Entered into binding agreements
or contractual obligations, which cannot
be cancelled or modified without
substantial loss to the owner or
operator, to undertake a program of
actual construction of the facility.
(ii) For multi-phased projects, the
commencement of construction of one
phase does not constitute
commencement of construction of any
later phase, unless each phase is
mutually dependent for physical and
chemical reasons only.
(2) [Reserved]
■ 4. Section 80.1425 is amended by
revising the introductory text and
paragraph (i) to read as follows:
§ 80.1403 Which fuels are not subject to
the 20% GHG thresholds?
§ 80.1425 Renewable Identification
Numbers (RINs).
(a) For purposes of this section, the
following definitions apply:
(1) Commence construction, as
applied to facilities that produce
renewable fuel, means that:
(i) The owner or operator has all
necessary preconstruction approvals or
permits (as defined at 40 CFR
52.21(b)(10)), and has satisfied either of
the following:
(A) Begun, or caused to begin, a
continuous program of actual
construction on-site (as defined in 40
CFR 52.21(b)(11)).
RINs generated on or after July 1, 2010
shall not be generated as a 38-digit code,
but shall be identified by the
information specified in paragraphs (a)
through (i) of this section and
introduced into EMTS as data elements
during the generation of RINs pursuant
to § 80.1452(b). For RINs generated prior
to July 1, 2010, each RIN is a 38-digit
code of the following form:
(i) EEEEEEEE is a number
representing the last gallon-RIN
associated with a volume of renewable
■ 5. Section 80.1426 is amended as
■ a. By revising introductory text to
paragraph (f)(1).
■ b. By revising Table 2 to § 80.1426.
■ c. By revising paragraph (f)(12).
§ 80.1426 How are RINs generated and
assigned to batches of renewable fuel by
renewable fuel producers or importers?
(f) * * *
(1) Applicable pathways. D codes
shall be used in RINs generated by
producers or importers of renewable
fuel according to the pathways listed in
Table 1 to this section, subparagraph 6
of this section, or as approved by the
Administrator. In choosing an
appropriate D code, producers and
importers may disregard any incidental,
de minimis feedstock contaminants that
are impractical to remove and are
related to customary feedstock
production and transport. Tables 1 and
2 to this section do not apply to, and
impose no requirements with respect to,
volumes of fuel for which RINs are
generated pursuant to subparagraph 6 of
this section.
Corn oil fractionation that is applied to at least 90% of the corn used to produce ethanol on a calendar year basis.
Corn oil extraction that is applied to the whole stillage and/or derivatives of whole stillage and results in recovery of corn oil at an annual average rate equal to or greater than 1.33 pounds oil per bushel of corn processed into ethanol.
Membrane separation in which at least 90% of ethanol dehydration is carried out using a hydrophilic membrane on a calendar year basis.
Raw starch hydrolysis that is used for at least 90% of starch hydrolysis used to produce ethanol instead of hydrolysis using a traditional high
heat cooking process, calculated on a calendar year basis.
Combined heat and power such that, on a calendar year basis, at least 90% of the thermal energy associated with ethanol production (including
thermal energy produced at the facility and that which is derived from an off-site waste heat supplier), exclusive of any thermal energy used
for the drying of distillers grains and solubles, is used to produce electricity prior to being used to meet the process heat requirements of the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
(12) For purposes of Table 1 to this
section, process heat produced from
combustion of gas at a renewable fuel
facility is considered derived from
biomass if the gas is biogas.
(i) For biogas directly transported to
the facility without being placed in a
commercial distribution system, all of
the following conditions must be met:
(A) The producer has entered into a
written contract for the procurement of
a specific volume of biogas with a
specific heat content.
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(B) The volume of biogas was sold to
the renewable fuel production facility,
and to no other facility.
(C) The volume and heat content of
biogas injected into the pipeline and the
volume of gas used as process heat are
measured by continuous metering.
(ii) For biogas that has been gathered,
processed and injected into a common
carrier pipeline, all of the following
conditions must be met:
(A) The producer has entered into a
written contract for the procurement of
a specific volume of biogas with a
specific heat content.
PO 00000
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(B) The volume of biogas was sold to
the renewable fuel production facility,
and to no other facility.
(C) The volume of biogas that is
withdrawn from the pipeline is
withdrawn in a manner and at a time
consistent with the transport of fuel
between the injection and withdrawal
(D) The volume and heat content of
biogas injected into the pipeline and the
volume of gas used as process heat are
measured by continuous metering.
(E) The common carrier pipeline into
which the biogas is placed ultimately
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 244 / Tuesday, December 21, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
serves the producer’s renewable fuel
(iii) The process heat produced from
combustion of gas at a renewable fuel
facility described in paragraph (f)(12)(i)
of this section shall not be considered
derived from biomass if any other party
relied upon the contracted volume of
biogas for the creation of RINs.
6. Section 80.1451 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(M) to read
as follows:
§ 80.1451 What are the reporting
requirements under the RFS program?
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) * * *
(M) The type of co-products produced
with each batch.
■ 7. Section 80.1452 is amended as
■ a. By revising paragraphs (b)
introductory text, (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(4),
(b)(5), (b)(6), (b)(9), (b)(13), and (b)(15).
■ b. By revising paragraphs (c)
introductory text, (c)(4), (c)(5), and
(c) Starting July 1, 2010, each time
any party sells, separates, or retires RINs
generated on or after July 1, 2010, all the
following information must be
submitted to EPA via the submitting
party’s EMTS account within five (5)
business days of the reportable event.
Starting July 1, 2010, each time any
party purchases RINs generated on or
after July 1, 2010, all the following
information must be submitted to EPA
via the submitting party’s EMTS
account within ten (10) business days of
the reportable event. The reportable
event for a RIN purchase or sale occurs
on the date of transfer per
§ 80.1453(a)(4). The reportable event for
a RIN separation or retirement occurs on
the date of separation or retirement as
described in § 80.1429.
(4) The RIN status (Assigned or
(5) The D code of the RINs.
(7) The date of transfer per
§ 80.1453(a)(4), if applicable.
■ 8. Section 80.1454 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(3)(xi) and adding
a new paragraph (b)(3)(xii).
§ 80.1454 What are the recordkeeping
requirements under the RFS program?
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES
§ 80.1452 What are the requirements
related to the EPA Moderated Transaction
System (EMTS)?
(b) Starting July 1, 2010, each time a
domestic or foreign producer or
importer of renewable fuel assigns RINs
to a batch of renewable fuel pursuant to
§ 80.1426(e), all the following
information must be submitted to EPA
via the submitting party’s EMTS
account within five (5) business days of
the date of RIN assignment.
(1) The name of the renewable fuel
producer or importer.
(2) The EPA company registration
number of the renewable fuel or foreign
ethanol producer, as applicable.
(4) The EPA facility registration
number of the renewable fuel or foreign
ethanol producer, as applicable.
(5) The importer’s EPA facility
registration number if applicable.
(6) The D code of RINs generated for
the batch.
(9) The fuel type of the batch.
(13) The type and quantity of
feedstock(s) used for the batch.
(15) The type and quantity of coproducts produced with the batch of
renewable fuel.
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(b) * * *
(3) * * *
(xi) For RINs generated for ethanol
produced from corn starch at a facility
using a pathway in Table 1 to § 80.1426
that requires the use of one or more of
the advanced technologies listed in
Table 2 to § 80.1426, documentation to
demonstrate that employment of the
required advanced technology or
technologies was conducted in
accordance with the specifications in
Tables 1 and 2 to § 80.1426, including
any requirement for application to 90%
of the production on a calendar year
(xii) All commercial documents and
additional information related to details
of RIN generation.
■ 9. Section 80.1464 is amended by
revising paragraph (b)(1)(iii) to read as
§ 80.1464 What are the attest engagement
requirements under the RFS program?
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) Verify that the proper number of
RINs were generated and assigned
pursuant to the requirements of
§ 80.1426 for each batch of renewable
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4700
fuel produced or imported. For RINs
generated for ethanol produced from
corn starch at a facility using a pathway
in Table 1 to § 80.1426 that requires the
use of one or more of the advanced
technologies listed in Table 2 to
§ 80.1426, verify that the required
advanced technology or technologies
were employed in accordance with the
specifications in Tables 1 and 2 to
§ 80.1426, including any requirement
for application to 90% of the production
on a calendar year basis.
[FR Doc. 2010–31910 Filed 12–20–10; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
49 CFR Part 578
[Docket No. NHTSA–2010–0114; Notice 2]
RIN 2127–AK78
Civil Penalties
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
ACTION: Final Rule.
This document increases the
maximum civil penalty amounts for
related series of violations of the
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle
Safety Act, as amended (Vehicle Safety
Act) and increases the liability for a
violation of odometer disclosure or
other odometer requirements with
intent to defraud. This action is taken
pursuant to the Federal Civil Monetary
Penalty Inflation Adjustment Act of
1990, as amended by the Debt
Collection Improvement Act of 1996,
which requires NHTSA to review and,
as warranted, adjust penalties based on
inflation at least every four years.
DATES: This final rule is effective
January 20, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Petitions for reconsideration
should refer to the docket number and
be submitted to: Administrator, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., West
Building, Fourth Floor, Washington, DC
20590, with a copy to the DOT docket.
Copies to the docket may be submitted
electronically [identified by DOT Docket
ID Number NHTSA–2010–0114] by
visiting the following Web site:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search
the electronic form of all comments
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 244 (Tuesday, December 21, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 79964-79978]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-31910]
40 CFR Part 80
[EPA EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0161; FRL-9241-4]
RIN 2060-AQ31
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Modifications to
Renewable Fuel Standard Program
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final r ule.
SUMMARY: EPA is finalizing amendments to certain of the Renewable Fuel
Standard program regulations that were published on March 26, 2010, and
that took effect on July 1, 2010 (``the RFS2 regulations''). Following
publication of the RFS2 regulations, promulgated in response to the
requirements of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, EPA
discovered some technical errors and areas within the final RFS2
regulations that could benefit from clarification or modification. In a
direct final rule and parallel notice of proposed rulemaking published
on May 10, 2010, EPA included language to amend the regulations to make
the appropriate corrections, clarifications, and modifications.
However, EPA received adverse comment on a few provisions in the direct
final rule and, on June 30, 2010, withdrew those provisions prior to
their effective date of July 1, 2010. In today's action, EPA is
addressing the comments received on the portions of the direct final
rule that were withdrawn and is taking final action regarding the
withdrawn provisions based on consideration of the comments received.
DATES: This final rule is effective on January 1, 2011.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0161. All documents in the docket are listed on the
http::// Web site. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet
and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly
available docket materials are generally available either
electronically through or in hard copy at
the Air and Radiation Docket, ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2005-0161, EPA West,
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public
Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the Air
and Radiation Docket is (202) 566-9744.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Megan Brachtl, Compliance and
Innovative Strategies Division, Office of Transportation and Air
Quality (6405J), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., 20460; telephone number: (202) 343-9473; fax number: (202)
343-2802; e-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
Entities potentially affected by this final rule include those
involved with the production, importation, distribution, and sale of
transportation fuels, including gasoline and diesel fuel and renewable
fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. Regulated categories and entities
affected by this action include:
Examples of potentially
Category NAICS codes\a\ SIC codes\b\ regulated parties
Industry................................ 324110 2911 Petroleum refiners, importers.
Industry................................ 325193 2869 Ethyl alcohol manufacturers.
Industry................................ 325199 2869 Other basic organic chemical
Industry................................ 424690 5169 Chemical and allied products
merchant wholesalers.
Industry................................ 424710 5171 Petroleum bulk stations and
Industry................................ 424720 5172 Petroleum and petroleum products
merchant wholesalers.
Industry................................ 454319 5989 Other fuel dealers.
\a\ North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
\b\ Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system code.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this
action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware
could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities
not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether
your activities would be regulated by this action, you should carefully
examine the applicability criteria of Part 80, subpart M of title 40 of
the Code of Federal Regulations. If you have any questions regarding
the applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the
person in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above.
II. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) Program Amendments
EPA issued final regulations implementing changes to the Renewable
Fuel Standard program required by EISA on March 26, 2010, at 75 FR
14670 (``the RFS2 regulations''). Following publication of the RFS2
regulations, EPA discovered some technical errors and areas that could
benefit from clarification or modification and, in parallel proposed
and direct final rules published on May 10, 2010 (75 FR 26049, 75 FR
26026), included amendments to the regulations to correct these
deficiencies. EPA received adverse comment on a few of the amendments
and therefore, on June 30, 2010, withdrew the portions of the direct
final rule that were the subject of adverse comment (75 FR 37733). The
withdrawn provisions consist of the following:
--Certain of the amendments to Sec. 80.1401, specifically those which
moved the definitions of ``actual peak capacity,'' ``baseline volume,''
and ``permitted capacity'' from Sec. 80.1403(a), revised the
definition of ``actual peak capacity'' to clarify how it is calculated,
and revised the definition of ``permitted capacity'' to clarify the
dates by which permits used to establish a facility's permitted
capacity must have been issued or revised;
[[Page 79965]]
--Sec. 80.1425, which clarified that RINs generated after July 1,
2010, may only be generated and transferred using the EPA Moderated
Transaction System (EMTS) and will not be identified by a 38-digit
code, and that the value of EEEEEEEE in a batch-RIN will be determined
by the number of gallon-RINs generated for the batch;
--Sec. 80.1426(d)(1), Sec. 80.1426(f)(3)(iv), and Sec.
80.1426(f)(3)(v), which clarified that a unique batch code in the RIN,
or its equivalent in EMTS, is used to identify a batch of renewable
fuel from a given renewable fuel producer or importer;
--Table 2 to Sec. 80.1426, which clarified the extent to which
renewable fuel producers must use advanced technologies in order for
their fuel to qualify for certain pathways identified in Table 1 to
Sec. 80.1426;
--Sec. 80.1426(f)(12), which clarified the requirements for gas used
for process heat at a renewable fuel facility to be considered biogas
for purposes of Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426;
--Sec. 80.1452(b), which clarified that RINs must be generated in EMTS
within five business days of being assigned to a batch of renewable
fuel and clarified the information required to be submitted via EMTS
for each batch of renewable fuel produced or imported; and,
--Sec. 80.1452(c), which clarified that transactions involving RINs
generated on or after July 1, 2010, must be conducted via EMTS within
five business days of a reportable event, and clarified the meaning of
the term ``reportable event'' and the information required to be
submitted via EMTS for each transaction involving RINs generated on or
after July 1, 2010.
EPA published a parallel proposed rule (75 FR 26049) on the same day as
the direct final rule (75 FR 26026). The proposed rule invited comment
on the provisions of the direct final rule and indicated that a second
comment period would not be offered on the proposal in the event that
portions of the direct final rule were withdrawn in response to adverse
comment. In this action, we are responding to the comments received on
the portions of the direct final rule that were subsequently withdrawn,
and we are taking final action regarding the withdrawn provisions based
on consideration of these comments. We are also finalizing a minor
amendment to Sec. 80.1451(b)(1)(ii)(M) which was described in the
preamble to the direct final rule and was included in the accompanying
regulations, but the amendatory language prefacing the regulation
inadvertently omitted reference to it. As a result, the Office of the
Federal Register did not codify the amended regulation even though it
was included in the direct final rule. The modification simply removes
the words ``of renewable fuel'' to make the regulatory language
consistent with other entries in the subparagraph. We received no
adverse comment on this proposed amendment, and we consider it a non-
substantive technical correction.
A. Permitted Capacity for Renewable Fuel Production Facilities
In the final RFS2 regulations, we specified in Sec. 80.1403(a)(1)
that the ``baseline volume'' of fuel that is exempt from the 20 percent
greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction requirement at grandfathered facilities
described in Sec. Sec. 80.1403(c) and (d) would be determined by their
``permitted capacity'' or, if that could not be determined, by their
``actual peak capacity.'' In the registration provisions at Sec.
80.1450(b)(1)(v)(B), we identified the permits that are relevant in
establishing ``permitted capacity.'' Specifically, for facilities that
commenced construction on or before December 19, 2007, the final RFS2
regulations stated that ``permitted capacity'' is based on permits
issued or revised no later than December 19, 2007. For ethanol
facilities that commenced construction after December 19, 2007, and on
or before December 31, 2009, and that are fired with natural gas,
biomass, or a combination thereof, the RFS2 regulations stated that
``permitted capacity'' is based on permits issued or revised no later
than December 31, 2009.
In the final RFS2 regulations, we did not include in the definition
of ``permitted capacity'' references identical to those placed in the
registration section to the latest issuance dates of permits that could
be used to establish ``permitted capacity.'' Therefore, in the direct
final rule published at 75 FR 26026 (May 10, 2010), EPA modified the
definition of ``permitted capacity'' to specify the same dates for
relevant permits as were provided in the registration provisions in the
final RFS2 regulations. We believed that such a revision would improve
the clarity of the regulations, while not changing the substance of the
However, we received adverse comments during and after the comment
period expressing concern over the modified definition of ``permitted
capacity,'' which commenters stated posed ``new constraints'' on the
qualification of eligible fuel volumes that could be exempt at
grandfathered facilities. One commenter described an ethanol facility
fired by natural gas, and therefore potentially eligible for an
exemption from the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement pursuant to
Sec. 80.1403(d), for which permits were issued and construction
completed prior to December 31, 2009, and for which an application for
a permit revision seeking an increase in permitted capacity was
submitted to the permitting authority in 2008. The commenter claimed
that the revised permit reflected the facility's original plant design,
however the permitting authority did not issue a revised permit for the
facility until March 2010. According to the revised definition of
``permitted capacity'' in the regulations as amended by the direct
final rule and according to the original registration requirements of
the final RFS2 regulations, permits issued or revised after December
31, 2009, could not be used to establish ``permitted capacity,'' and
therefore the additional capacity in the revised permit could not be
included in the facility's baseline volume. The commenter explained
that many ethanol producers originally applied for permits for their
facilities based on conservative initial production volumes supported
by their plant designers' emission guarantees, and that after an
initial period of operation, performance testing, and fine tuning of
operations, they have found that they could produce greater volumes.
They explained that many developers of ethanol facilities, including
their own, sought to obtain construction permits without going through
EPA's New Source Review (NSR) program, and were able to do so by
obtaining construction permits that specified less than 100 tons per
year of emissions even though their facilities were capable of emitting
more and producing a correspondingly greater volume of renewable fuel.
In May 2007, when EPA changed to 250 tons per year the emissions
threshold that would trigger NSR for ethanol production facilities,
these plants then found it in their interest to seek increases in their
permitted capacity beyond that specified in their earlier-issued
permits, since they could do so without triggering NSR. The commenter
argued that ethanol facilities should be allowed to use the capacity in
such later-issued permits, including their own March 2010 revised
permit, to establish their ``permitted capacity'' under RFS2.
We also received additional comments after the close of the
[[Page 79966]]
comment period from a collective group of ethanol facilities in
Illinois referencing the initial commenter's comments that the cut-off
dates in the revised definition of ``permitted capacity'' created
restrictions for their facilities that would prohibit them from having
the ``inherent capacity'' of their facilities qualify for the
grandfathering exemption under RFS2. In addition, the commenters
referenced what they felt was an inequitable allowance for facilities
located in states that did not place production limits in their air
permits, who therefore were allowed to use ``actual peak capacity''
(which is based on actual production records \1\) to establish their
baseline volume exempt from the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement
under RFS2. The commenters further cited potential cost effects if
their full ``inherent capacity'' was not allowed to be included in the
exempt baseline volume, such as the additional costs associated with
either plant modifications (presumably needed to qualify their non-
exempt fuel as meeting the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement) or
exporting the non-exempt volume of fuel for consumption outside of the
United States.
\1\ Pursuant to Sec. 80.1403(a)(3)(i) in the RFS2 regulations
issued March 26, 2010, ``actual peak capacity'' is based on the last
five calendar years prior to 2008 for facilities qualifying under
Sec. 80.1403(c) unless no such capacity exists, in which case it is
based on any calendar year after startup during the first three
years of operation. For facilities qualifying pursuant to Sec.
80.1403(d), ``actual peak capacity'' is based on any calendar year
after start-up during the first three years of operation, as
specified in Sec. 80.1403(a)(3)(ii).
The commenters proposed revised language for the definition of
``permitted capacity'' that would allow an extended time frame for
facilities to seek permit modifications to reflect their ``inherent
capacity.'' They proposed that EPA modify the final RFS2 regulations to
allow facilities to use as their baseline volume the capacity limits in
permits issued by regulatory authorities which were applied for within
three years after start-up of a new or expanded facility (but not less
than one year after the effective date of the final rule) and issued
within not more than two years thereafter. The commenters also stated
that many facilities had no notice of EPA's time limitation on those
permits in either the proposed or final RFS2 rule (74 FR 24904,
published May 26, 2009, and 75 FR 14670, published March 26, 2010) and
therefore had inadequate notice to make appropriate plans to apply for
and obtain new permits within the RFS2 deadlines. They further
expressed concern that the permit cut-off date that restricts
grandfathered production capacity precedes the date of the proposed
rule. They also cited a statement made in the proposed RFS2 rule that
EPA's guiding principal is to ``allow production increases within a
plant's inherent capacity'' (74 FR 24904, 24926, May 26, 2009). One
commenter also referred to EPA's RFS2 Summary and Analysis of Comments,
p. 3-139 (Pub. No. EPA-420-R-10-003, February 2010), in which, they
state, EPA assumed that permitted capacity would likely reflect maximum
inherent capacity. The commenter said that such an assumption would be
valid for some situations, but not valid for others, especially with
the limitations EPA intended to place on the date of permits that could
be used to establish ``permitted capacity.''
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA or ``the
Act'') provides that the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement applies
to ``new facilities'' that commence construction after the date of
enactment. It also provides that ``for calendar years 2008 and 2009,
any ethanol plant that is fired with natural gas, biomass, or any
combination thereof is deemed to be in compliance with [the] 20 percent
reduction requirement * * *'' In the proposed RFS2 rule we noted that
the term ``new facility'' is not defined in EISA and, therefore, that
EPA would need to interpret the term in the context of the RFS2
regulations. We also noted ambiguity in the statutory section related
to ethanol facilities that commenced construction in 2008 and 2009 and
that are fired with natural gas or biomass, in that the Act was not
clear as to whether these facilities should be ``deemed compliant''
with the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement for only the two years
specified, or indefinitely. For both types of facilities, we believe
the approach we are finalizing in this rule provides an appropriate
method of implementing statutory requirements that is consistent with
the text and objectives of the statute, while also leading to a
workable program.
First, with respect to ``deemed compliant'' ethanol facilities
fired with natural gas or biomass for which construction commenced
after enactment of EISA but on or before December 31, 2009, we believe,
as discussed in the proposed RFS2 rule, that Congress could have
intended that these facilities are only ``deemed compliant'' for those
two years or for a longer or indefinite time period (assuming they
continued to be fired with natural gas or biomass). The ambiguity can
be seen through a comparison of the first sentence of EISA Section
210(a) and the second sentence. The first sentence provides that ``for
calendar year 2008, transportation fuel sold or introduced into
commerce in the United States'' that is produced by facilities that
commenced construction after the date of enactment of EISA must meet
the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement. This sentence is very
specific, applying directly to ``transportation fuel'' that is ``sold
or introduced into commerce'' in 2008. The second sentence in this
section does not specifically refer to fuel, but instead refers to
``any ethanol plant that is fired with natural gas, biomass, or any
combination thereof'' and provides that such facilities are ``deemed
compliant'' with the 20 percent GHG reduction requirements of the Act.
The sentence is introduced by the words ``[f]or 2008 and 2009.'' Since
fuel from facilities that commenced construction prior to the date of
enactment is already exempt from the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement by virtue of CAA Section 211(o)(2)(A)(i), the ``deemed
compliant'' provision in the second sentence of EISA 210(a) clearly
applies to ethanol facilities that commenced construction after that
We believe the scope of the exemption is ambiguous, however,
because Congress did not specifically refer to fuel sold in specified
years in the second sentence, as they did in the first sentence, but
instead referred to ``ethanol plants.'' Because of this construct, it
is unclear exactly what fuel should be covered by the exemption. EPA
identified two general approaches to interpreting this provision in its
proposed rule: Either interpreting it to provide a limited two year
exemption, or interpreting it to provide an exemption for fuel produced
by qualifying facilities that would be of equal duration to the
exemption provided in CAA Section 211(o)(2)(i) for fuel from facilities
that commenced construction prior to EISA enactment. We reasoned that
it would be a harsh result for investors in these new facilities, and
generally inconsistent with the energy independence goals of EISA, to
interpret the Act such that these facilities would only be guaranteed
two years of participation in the RFS2 program. Therefore in our final
RFS2 regulations we provided an indefinite exemption from the 20
percent GHG reduction requirement for their baseline volumes
(determined through either ``permitted capacity'' or, if ``permitted
capacity'' cannot be determined, ``actual peak capacity'') provided
that they continue to be fired by natural gas, biomass, or a
combination thereof.
Contrary to the commenters' assertions, nothing in EISA suggests
[[Page 79967]]
these ``deemed compliant'' facilities should be allowed to continually
expand their production beyond levels achieved in 2008 and 2009 simply
because they could do so without additional physical construction.
Rather, the approach EPA has adopted of seeking to limit the exempt
volume at these grandfathered facilities to that which was lawfully
allowed in applicable permits issued no later than December 31, 2009,
is fully consistent with the statutory references to 2008 and 2009.
We believe it is consistent with the statutory text to limit the
grandfathered production from ``deemed compliant'' facilities to the
maximum volume allowed under applicable permits in the 2008 to 2009
timeframe. We also believe that this approach is supported by the same
policy considerations, discussed below, that have led us to a similar
approach for facilities that commenced construction prior to EISA
enactment. We have only deviated from this concept with respect to
those ``deemed compliant'' facilities for which capacity cannot be
determined by reference to applicable permits. Those facilities, some
of which may not have been operational in the 2008 to 2009 timeframe,
by necessity are allowed to establish their baseline volume by
reference to actual production levels (``actual peak capacity'') within
a specified time period after they commence operations. For both
``deemed compliant'' facilities and facilities that commenced
construction prior to EISA enactment, we believe that allowing
facilities to establish their baseline volume by actual production for
any calendar year within the first three years of operation is
appropriate because it allows a reasonable amount of time to correct
possible production launch problems. This is an exception to the
general rule, and is allowed only if permit limits are not available to
establish baseline volume.
While there may be instances, as suggested by commenters, in which
facilities that use ``actual peak capacity'' to establish their
baseline volume could come closer to obtaining an exemption for what
the owner may consider their ``inherent capacity'' than those
establishing their baseline volume through permit limits, EPA notes
that this need not always be the case. For example, some plants, whose
baseline volume is established through ``actual peak capacity'' because
they do not have a capacity stated on a permit, may not, due to certain
start-up problems or market conditions, actually produce up to their
projected or potential capacity during the first three years of
operation. Nonetheless, they are required under the final RFS2
regulations to use the maximum annual production during these first
three years of operation to establish their baseline volume.\2\ On the
other hand, some plants that applied for permits reflecting a certain
``permitted capacity'' that may have been based on their facility's
projected maximum capacity, but who in practice may not be able to
achieve this capacity or do not do so for some period of time due to
market conditions, are allowed under the final RFS2 regulations to use
this higher ``permitted capacity'' to establish their baseline volume.
In these scenarios, baseline volume established through ``permitted
capacity'' may be greater than the baseline volume that could be
achieved by a comparable facility by reference to actual production
during the first three years of operation. Thus, while it is true that
``permitted capacity'' does not always reflect potential capacity,
``actual peak capacity'' also does not necessarily reflect a facility's
potential capacity, as demonstrated in our examples above. Therefore,
we disagree with the commenters' statement that facilities using
``actual peak capacity'' to establish their baseline volume have an
unfair advantage over facilities that must use their ``permitted
capacity'' to establish their baseline volume.
\2\ We note that while some air permits may not contain
restrictions on plant capacity, most contain restrictions on
emission rates, fuel consumption, throughputs, and sizes of vessels.
Thus, there are some limitations on capacity that are related to
restrictions on these parameters in the air permit.
With respect to facilities that commenced construction before the
date of enactment of EISA, commenters also state that EPA should
interpret the EISA grandfathering provisions to allow volumes from such
facilities to be exempt up to the maximum of their ``inherent
capacity.'' The statute does not use the term ``inherent capacity,''
and instead applies the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement to ``new
facilities that commence construction'' after the date of enactment. In
the RFS2 rulemaking, EPA addressed the issue of how to implement this
grandfathering provision by defining both the facilities and their
production volumes that would be grandfathered, and considering all
other production volumes to be subject to the 20 percent GHG reduction
threshold. EPA identified the grandfathered volumes in two steps.
First, EPA identified the facilities that could be considered available
for grandfathering by using definitions of ``facility'' and ``commence
construction'' that were similar but not identical to those used in
EPA's stationary source Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
permitting program. After identifying these facilities, EPA followed a
second step to identify what volumes at those facilities would be
grandfathered. In this final rulemaking, EPA is addressing the same
issue of what volume should be grandfathered as we did for the final
RFS2 rulemaking.
EPA rejected the approach of determining that any and all volumes
produced at qualifying facilities should be considered grandfathered.
EPA also rejected the approach specified in the NPRM of requiring
facilities to report on expenses for replacements, additions, and
repairs so that EPA could determine on a case-by-case basis if such
activities warranted considering the facility as effectively ``new''
for purposes of the grandfathering provisions. Instead, EPA chose an
approach that extends an indefinite exemption to baseline volumes at
qualifying facilities, and defines the grandfathered volume by
reference to ``permitted capacity'' contained in air permits that
govern the operation of a facility at the time of the statutory
deadline. If such capacity is not stipulated in the permit, then the
baseline is established by ``actual peak capacity'' achieved within
either the last five calendar years prior to 2008 or, if the plant is
not yet in operation, the first three years after start-up. The
``permitted capacity'' or the actual operations history of the plant
would define a baseline volume, and increases above 105 percent of this
volume would be considered production by a new facility. These criteria
are objective and their use avoids the case-by-case decision-making
that would be required if less objective criteria were applied.
In this rulemaking, EPA proposed to clarify but not change this
approach, and commenters have suggested that EPA now change the
approach substantially. EPA rejects this request for a change in
approach for many of the same reasons given in the preamble to the
final RFS2 regulations.
First, EPA notes that the statute does not define the terms ``new
facility'' or ``commence construction,'' providing EPA discretion to
interpret these terms in a reasonable fashion that promotes the goals
of the statute. EPA notes that there were no objections to how EPA
defined the universe of facilities that can produce grandfathered
renewable fuel in the proposed RFS2 regulations. Rather, commenters
raised issues regarding what volumes and years of production from these
facilities (and from any modifications or expansions to the facilities)
should be considered grandfathered. The only issue raised in
[[Page 79968]]
the current set of comments, however, is the extent to which volumes
above those allowed at the time of the statutory deadlines should be
As in the RFS2 rulemaking, EPA is faced with two basic approaches.
The first approach is raised by commenters who suggest applying the
concept of ``maximum capacity'' or ``inherent capacity'' on a case-by-
case basis. Some commenters have suggested this could be limited in
time to a set number of years in the future. Under this approach, EPA
would evaluate each permit revision that occurs and would need to
determine if the changes undertaken were within the ``inherent
capacity'' of a qualifying facility. If they were not, the volumes
would be considered produced by a new facility for which construction
commenced after the statutory deadline.
EPA does not agree that this is either a required or an appropriate
approach. EISA does not define the phrase ``new facilities that
commence construction,'' nor does it refer to or require that EPA
follow the approach suggested by the commenters. As was the case in the
proposed and final RFS2 rules, EPA is concerned about the lack of
objectivity and concreteness in applying a concept such as ``inherent
capacity.'' There is no clear or concrete meaning to this term. In
practice, renewable fuel facilities can and do evolve over time. A
facility and its operations are typically in a constant state of flux
to address changing circumstances and to optimize production under
those circumstances. These changing circumstances can involve a full
range of activities that may include changes in equipment or
operations, with any of these changes ranging from minor to major. Once
one aspect of facility design or operation that constrains capacity is
optimized, another aspect becomes the constraining factor. This
process, which can include what is often referred to as
debottlenecking, is iterative and can continue indefinitely. Thus the
terms ``inherent capacity,'' ``nameplate capacity,'' and ``design
capacity'' have meaning only in a general or broad sense. EPA does not
believe it could develop criteria that would fairly and objectively
define these terms. Without such criteria, the case-by-case analysis to
implement such an approach would be difficult to accomplish in a fair
and consistent manner, thus making such an approach undesirable.
Instead, EPA's approach is definitive, allowing in all cases 105
percent of ``permitted capacity'' or, if permit limits are not
available, 105 percent of ``actual peak capacity'' to establish
baseline volumes. The 105 percent factor allows a consistent and
definitive allowance beyond ``permitted capacity'' or ``actual peak
capacity'' measures. As stated in the preamble to the final RFS2 rule,
it provides an allowance for debottlenecking and minor changes that may
be brought about by normal maintenance that is consistent with the
proper operation of a facility, while being sufficiently small so as to
not encourage plant expansions that are unrelated to debottlenecking
and normal maintenance procedures (75 FR 14670, 14689, March 26, 2010).
EPA believes that such an allowance is consistent with the concept of
applying the 20 percent GHG reduction requirement to ``new facilities
that commence construction'' after EISA, while not also introducing a
difficult case-by-case implementation approach to the rules as
suggested by the commenters.
Under the approach taken in the final RFS2 rule and clarified in
the direct final rule, future changes in production above 105 percent
of the baseline volume would be treated as production by a new facility
that commenced construction after the statutory deadline. Typically the
increase in production, whether caused by a permit change or otherwise,
would be the result of changes made in order to increase production,
whether physical changes in equipment or changes in operation. These
changes would make the plant different in a way that would allow it to
produce more renewable fuel. Implementation of these changes would be
considered construction, whether it is from a process of physical
construction, physical replacement, change in operation, redesign, or
reconfiguration. EPA broadly interprets the terms ``new'' and
``construction'' in the final RFS2 rule to encompass the kinds of
changes typically taken to increase production.
EPA recognizes that the approach we have taken in the final RFS2
rule encompasses a broad variety of physical, operational, and other
efficiency changes. EPA favors its approach because it gives reasonable
meaning to the terms in EISA in a way that provides clear and objective
criteria, and it avoids the problems and complexities noted above with
the case-by-case approach that tries to implement an ``inherent
capacity'' criterion. It is also a reasonable way to further the goals
of the grandfathering provision and for evaluating future increases in
By arguing that the ``inherent capacity'' of a plant built before
enactment must be grandfathered regardless of permit limitations on the
date of enactment, commenters seem to be equating the term
``construction'' in the statute with ``physical construction.'' Their
rationale is that if the increased volumes are not derived from new
physical construction of a facility after the date of enactment, then
any and all fuel from that grandfathered facility must be covered by
the exemption. However, the term ``construction'' is not defined in
EISA and need not be viewed in this manner. For example, Congress
defined the term ``construction'' in CAA section 169(2) for the PSD
program to include ``modifications'' as defined in CAA section
111(a)(4). That term is defined in the statute to include ``any change
in, or change in the method of operation of, a stationary source which
increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted by such source or
which results in the emission of any air pollutant not previously
emitted.'' The definition of ``commence construction'' adopted in the
final RFS2 regulations specifically incorporates by reference the
definition of ``begin actual construction'' from the PSD regulations,
where the term ``construction'' is defined as ``any physical change or
change in the method of operation * * * that would result in a change
in emissions.'' (See 40 CFR 80. 1403(a)(4), 52.21(b)(1) and
53.21(b)(8).) EPA's treatment of post-enactment ``construction'' under
the final RFS2 regulations to include operational modifications leading
to the production of additional renewable fuel is therefore comparable
to the approach adopted by Congress in the PSD program with respect to
modifications that may lead to increased emissions.
The approach EPA adopted in the final RFS2 rule, and which we
reaffirm today, reasonably promotes the goals of this statutory
provision. EPA's analysis as part of the RFS2 rulemaking showed that
the aggregate volumes of grandfathered ethanol for the entire industry
would be approximately 15 billion gallons (74 FR 24904, 24925, May 26,
2009). Given the volume mandates and GHG reduction thresholds for the
other three categories of renewable fuel (advanced biofuel, biomass-
based diesel, and cellulosic biofuel), 15 billion gallons is (by
coincidence) approximately the maximum amount of grandfathered ethanol
that could be used in the RFS2 program for compliance purposes.\3\ In
addition, EISA provides a considerable benefit to facilities claiming
exemption from the 20 percent GHG reduction threshold. Such an
exemption is not
[[Page 79969]]
provided to similar facilities for which construction commences after
the statutory deadlines. The exemption reasonably preserves the
investment decisions of owners made prior to the time of enactment of
EISA. Those investment decisions were clearly based on the practices of
the facilities constructed on or before the statutory deadlines,
including any permit-related constraints in existence at the time. Any
future increases in production based on future permit changes could
generally be an enhancement to the value of the facility and would be
based on future decisions, not investment decisions made prior to
enactment of EISA.
\3\ Table 1.1.1 from ``Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2)
Regulatory Impact Analysis'' (EPA-420-R-10-006); February 2010.
We acknowledge the statement we made in the proposal for the RFS2
regulations, referenced by one of the commenters, that ``our guiding
philosophy of protecting historical business investments that were made
to comply with the provisions of RFS1 are realized by allowing
production increases within a facility's inherent capacity,'' (74 FR
24904, 24926, May 26, 2009). We need to point out, however, that the
statement was made in the context of soliciting comment on allowing a
10 percent tolerance level above ``permitted capacity'' and, as noted
above, we proposed that ``permitted capacity'' would be ascertained at
the time of facility registration. The 10 percent allowance was,
therefore, proposed for comment as a straightforward and readily-
implementable mechanism to reflect in grandfathered volumes as much of
a plant's ``inherent capacity'' as practical while avoiding case-by-
case assessments into the future indefinitely. In the same paragraph in
the proposal, we further state that ``at the same time, the alternative
of requiring compliance with the 20% GHG reduction requirement for
increases in volume above 10% over the baseline volume, [sic] would
place new volumes from grandfathered facilities on a level playing
field with product from new grass roots facilities. We believe that a
level playing field for new investments is fair and consistent with the
provisions of EISA,'' (74 FR 24904, 24926, May 26, 2009).
Based on comments received on the RFS2 proposed rule, we decided to
reject the 10 percent tolerance and ``to interpret the exemption of the
baseline volume of renewable fuel from the 20 percent GHG reduction
requirement as extending indefinitely.'' We noted that any tolerance
provided could, therefore, ``be present in the marketplace for a
considerable time period.'' Furthermore, we also stated that
``increases in volume of 10 percent or greater could be the result of
modifications other than debottlenecking,'' and instead adopted a 5
percent tolerance level (75 FR 14670, 14689, March 26, 2010). We
believe that these statements from the preamble to the RFS2 final rule
are consistent with the arguments we have set forth above.
We disagree with the commenters' statement that facilities had
inadequate notice of the time limitations for permits that could be
used to establish baseline volume that is exempt from the 20 percent
GHG reduction requirement. The preamble to the proposed rule stated
that ``the facility registration process * * * would be used to define
the baseline volume for individual facilities. Owners and operators
would submit information substantiating the nameplate capacity of the
plant, as well as historical annual peak capacity if such is greater
than nameplate capacity,'' (74 FR 24904, 24926, May 26, 2009). In the
proposal, nameplate capacity was defined in terms of permitted
capacity. Furthermore, in discussing the facility registration process,
the preamble stated that ``in order to determine what production
volumes would be grandfathered and thus deemed to be in compliance with
the 20% GHG threshold, we would require * * * information necessary to
establish [a facility's] renewable fuel baseline volume * * * '' (74 FR
24904, 24942, May 26, 2009). These discussions made it clear that the
baseline volume would be determined in the registration process, and
they did not indicate that making such determinations would be an
ongoing process into the future. Under the RFS2 proposal, registration
was to occur by January 1, 2010, or 60 days prior to commencement of
production, whichever was later. The January 1, 2010, proposal date for
the submission of permits to establish baseline volume with
registration materials is fully consistent with the provision in the
final rule that permits used to establish ``permitted capacity'' for
``deemed compliant'' facilities must have been issued no later than
December 31, 2009, and for other grandfathered facilities by December
19, 2007. While the proposal would have allowed grandfathered
facilities that commenced production after January 1, 2010, additional
time to submit their registration materials, the preamble discussion
did not suggest that this would afford them the opportunity to use
permits issued after the relevant time periods referenced in EISA for
purposes of establishing baseline volume. In addition, in describing
EPA's basic proposal, EPA explained that, for facilities that commenced
construction prior to EISA enactment, volumes greater than baseline
volume ``which may typically be due to expansions of the facility which
occur after December 19, 2007, would be subject to the 20% GHG
reduction requirement in order for the facility to generate RINs for
the incremental expanded volume. The increased volume would be
considered as if produced from a `new facility' which commenced
construction after December 19, 2007.'' EPA believes that these
preamble statements provided adequate notice to the regulated community
that EPA was considering limitations on the dates of permits that could
be used to establish baseline volume, and also believes that commenters
were reasonably apprised based on the discussion of dates in the
preamble and the dates referenced in the statute that the permit cut-
off dates ultimately selected for this purpose were under
As stated previously, the definition of ``permitted capacity'' in
the direct final rule was revised to include the same permit cut-off
dates referenced in the existing unamended registration section in the
final RFS2 regulations. The direct final rule would not have
established these cut-off dates as new requirements, but would merely
have provided clarity to the existing regulations by placing references
to permit dates in the definition of ``permitted capacity'' that are
comparable to those that already existed in Sec. 80.1450(b)(1)(v)(B).
Commenters clearly had notice of these permit cut-off dates in
commenting on the direct final rule, and brought their concerns to
EPA's attention in the context of this rulemaking. EPA has considered
these comments and has decided not to revise the regulations in the
manner they have proposed, but instead, for all of the reasons
discussed above, to finalize in this rule the same definition of
``permitted capacity'' that was included in the direct final rule and
parallel proposal.
EPA is also finalizing the amendments included in the direct final
rule and parallel proposal that we did not receive adverse comment on,
but that were tied to the revised definition of ``permitted capacity''
and therefore were also withdrawn in the June 30, 2010, notice (75 FR
37733). These related amendments move the definitions of ``actual peak
capacity,'' ``baseline volume,'' and ``permitted capacity'' from their
original locations at Sec. 80.1403(a) to Sec. 80.1401 in order to
consolidate them with other definitions used in 40 CFR part 80, subpart
M. They revise the definition of ``actual peak capacity'' to clarify
that actual peak capacity for facilities that commenced
[[Page 79970]]
construction prior to December 19, 2007, but that did not have at least
one calendar year of actual production prior to 2008, should be based
on any calendar year after startup during the first three years of
operation. They also clarify that for facilities that commenced
construction after December 19, 2007, but before January 1, 2010, that
are fired with natural gas, biomass, or a combination thereof, ``actual
peak capacity'' is based on any calendar year after startup during the
first three years of operation. These amendments, which are closely
tied to changes to the definition of ``permitted capacity'' that we are
finalizing today, are also being finalized as they were proposed at 75
FR 26049 (May 10, 2010).
B. Treatment of Renewable Identification Numbers
In order to facilitate the transition from RFS1 to RFS2, many of
the final RFS2 regulations clarified the differences between how
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) are treated under each program.
However, in the final RFS2 rule, the section on product transfer
documents (PTD) requirements was not clear about the information that
must be on PTDs for RINs under the RFS2 program, and we issued several
amendments to Sec. 80.1453 in the direct final rule to clarify the PTD
requirements under RFS2. We did not receive any adverse comment on
these amendments.
In conjunction with the amendments to Sec. 80.1453, we proposed
amendments to Sec. 80.1425, which provides a description of the 38-
digit RIN. The amendments were meant to clarify that RINs generated
under RFS2 are not identified by a 38-digit code, but rather that most
of the information contained within the RFS1 38-digit code is entered
and made available in the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) as
separate data elements. We also proposed amendments to Sec.
80.1426(d)(1), (f)(3)(iv), and (f)(3)(v) to clarify that either the
batch (BBBBB) component of the RIN or its EMTS-equivalent can be used
to identify a particular batch of renewable fuel.
We received adverse comment from several parties on the proposed
amendments to Sec. 80.1425, who took issue with the elimination in
EMTS of the SSSSSSSS and EEEEEEE components (start and end numbers) of
the RFS1 38-digit RIN. The commenters expressed concern that the 38-
digit code was being abandoned and claimed this proposed change would
impact a regulated party's right and ability to maintain an independent
accounting of their RINs at a unit (gallon-RIN) level. They also
claimed that without this information, attempts to manage RIN
transactions would be problematic for the regulated community.
Furthermore, the commenters stated that they saw no steps taken in the
rulemaking process that would have notified industry of EPA's intent to
move away from the 38-digit RIN.
In the preamble to the RFS2 NPRM, we outlined the concept for EMTS
and described the circumstances experienced under the RFS1 program that
led us to conclude that such a system would be necessary and preferable
to the RFS1 approach to RIN generation and transaction. We stated that
``in implementing RFS1, we found that the 38-digit standardized RINs
have proven confusing to many parties in the distribution chain.
Parties have made various errors in generating and using RINs. * * * We
have also seen incorrect numbering of volume start and end codes,'' (74
FR 24974). In the preamble to the NPRM, we also acknowledged that
``once an error is made within a RIN, the error propagates throughout
the distribution system. Correcting an error can require significant
time and resources and involve many steps,'' (74 FR 24974). Finally, we
noted that ``incorrect RINs are invalid RINs. If parties in the
distribution system cannot track down and correct the error made by one
of them in a timely manner, then all downstream parties that trade the
invalid RIN will be in violation. Because RINs are the basic unit of
compliance for the RFS1 program, it is important that parties have
confidence when generating and using them,'' (74 FR 24974).
We proposed and finalized EMTS in the RFS2 rulemaking process as
the solution to address most, if not all, of these issues, and to
handle the increasingly complex RIN generation and transaction
requirements under RFS2 due to the increased volume mandates and four
categories of renewable fuel. While the commenters are correct that
EMTS does not employ the 38-digit RIN as it was originally conceived
for the RFS1 program, the system is designed to allow users to transact
RINs in a generic way while still maintaining the ability to know any
individual RIN's source at a company and facility level. We described
this change in the preambles to both the proposed and final RFS2
regulations. (See 74 FR 24975 and 75 FR 14733.) Specifically, in the
preamble to the final RFS2 regulations, we stated, ``one major
advantage of EMTS * * * is that the system will simplify trading by
allowing RINs to be traded generically. Only some specifying
information will be needed to trade RINs, such as RIN quantity, fuel
type, RIN assignment, RIN year, RIN price or price per gallon. * * *
The actual items of transactional information covered under RFS2 are
very similar to those reported under RFS1,'' (75 FR 14733).
Indeed, all major components of the RIN as conceived under the RFS1
program are used in EMTS with the exception of the ``S'' and ``E''
starting and ending RIN values. The S and E components of the 38-digit
RIN served two purposes under RFS1. One was to determine the number of
gallon-RINs contained in a batch-RIN segment, calculated by subtracting
the ending RIN value from the starting RIN value. The second use was to
ensure that the number of gallon-RINs represented by a batch-RIN did
not grow or decrease as it was passed from buyer to seller, in many
cases multiple times. As noted above, under RFS1, an overlap or
duplication of S and E codes between transactions was an indication
that something had gone wrong during the exchange of RIN information.
Under RFS2, EMTS performs transactions of individual RINs (the RFS1
equivalent of gallon-RINs) with a simple reference to RIN quantity, and
the system does not use S and E components. Being a closed system,
there is no opportunity for a RIN owner to purposefully or accidentally
increase or decrease the number of RINs originally associated with a
batch of renewable fuel. The original RIN quantity may be subdivided
into smaller parts as the RINs and renewable fuel are transferred from
one party to another, but EMTS accounts for the original total number
of RINs at all times. This feature allows EMTS to manage RIN quantities
without the need for S and E components.
We believe that the comment we received suggesting that a regulated
party's right and ability to maintain an independent accounting of
their RINs at a unit level would be negatively affected by eliminating
the use of the 38-digit RIN is unfounded. In the preambles to both the
proposed and final RFS2 rules, we discussed the fact that, like under
the RFS1 program, there is no ``good faith'' provision with respect to
RIN ownership. To help companies manage their RINs in such a ``buyer
beware'' environment, we proposed and finalized that a RIN purchaser
can accept or reject RINs from specific RIN generators or from classes
of RIN generators (74 FR 24975, 75 FR 14733). In practice, this
allowance has translated into a function within EMTS that allows a RIN
account holder to block RINs generated by specific companies and/or
[[Page 79971]]
EMTS now also allows a RIN transferee to review details of RINs offered
by a transferor, such as the RIN generators' company and facility ID
numbers, prior to accepting or rejecting the transaction. In this way,
a RIN account holder can protect himself or herself from being
transferred RINs generated by a company with whom the RIN account
holder chooses not to do business, even if indirectly. There is also a
function within EMTS that allows a RIN account holder to transact
unique, as opposed to generic, RINs. Unique RINs carry specific
information related to the RIN generator, date of production, and batch
number. As discussed above, EMTS is a closed system, and the total
number of RINs associated with a particular batch of renewable fuel
cannot increase or decrease even as the RINs are subdivided and
transferred to multiple RIN owners. This fundamental characteristic of
EMTS, together with the added features of being able to block certain
RINs and trade unique ones, enhances the ability of any RIN account
holder to protect their interests.
As for the commenters' concerns that they were not notified of
EPA's intent to move away from the 38-digit RIN during the RFS2
rulemaking process, EPA disagrees. As discussed above, EPA introduced
the concept and basic functionality of EMTS in the preamble to the RFS2
NPRM (74 FR 24904) and development of the new system commenced shortly
thereafter. The process of development and testing was conducted openly
and with significant stakeholder input and participation, including
direct involvement by at least one of the commenters. A number of
workshops, webinars and discussions were held throughout the period
between publication of the NPRM and issuance of the final RFS2
regulations. In addition, presentation materials, users' guides, data
schema, data templates, and tutorials were offered for interested
parties to understand and provide input on system design and
development. Based on this input, EPA was able to successfully deploy
EMTS on July 1, 2010, concurrent with the RFS2 regulations taking
We believe that the transition from the 38-digit RIN under RFS1 to
the generic RIN under RFS2 allows for greater system flexibility and
integrity, while maintaining the detailed RIN information necessary for
regulated parties to perform independent checks on RINs they generate,
receive, and transfer. In addition, we believe that the information
presented throughout the rulemaking process for RFS2 adequately and
transparently prepared regulated parties for the transition to EMTS.
For these reasons, we are finalizing the amendment to the introductory
text to Sec. 80.1425 as it was set forth in the May 10, 2010, direct
final rule and parallel proposal (75 FR 26026, 75 FR 26049).
Specifically, we are amending the text to clarify that RINs generated
after July 1, 2010, may only be generated and transferred using EMTS
and will not be identified by a 38-digit code. We are also amending
Sec. 80.1425(i) to simply clarify that the value of EEEEEEEE is a
number representing the last gallon-RIN associated with a volume of
renewable fuel.
In addition to the proposed amendments to Sec. 80.1425, we also
proposed amendments to Sec. 80.1426(d)(1), (f)(3)(iv), and (f)(3)(v)
to clarify that either the batch (BBBBB) component in the RIN or its
EMTS-equivalent would be used to identify a particular batch of
renewable fuel. A commenter stated that the phrase ``or its equivalent
in EMTS'' when referring to batch-identifying information in EMTS is
not clearly defined, and they expressed concern that this language
would limit regulated companies from properly certifying their data and
would inhibit the ability of accountants to attest to their clients'
data. The commenter also requested that the language be clarified so
that regulated parties can certify their data and accountants can
reasonably rely on it.
Under RFS1, the BBBBB code was a unique user-specified value that
could only contain numbers and had to contain five digits. The
requirement to assign a ``unique'' batch number allowed the regulated
community and EPA to determine which RINs were associated with each
volume of renewable fuel, and it prevented double-counting by requiring
renewable fuel producers or importers to generate one, and only one,
RIN for each volume of renewable fuel. Because it could represent up to
one calendar month's worth of renewable fuel production (or
importation) and up to 99,999,999 gallons, RIN generators frequently
generated 12 batches in a calendar year, one for each month. In EMTS,
the batch number is a unique user-specified value that can contain up
to 20 alphanumeric or other characters. It is a field required for RIN
generation and a RIN owner may view the batch number associated with
any RIN in their possession. We believe that the larger field format
and ability to use letters as well as other characters to identify a
batch in EMTS enhances a regulated party's ability to certify their RIN
data--either as RIN generators or as RIN owners--and, in turn, allows a
party's CPA to attest to the validity of such data. At the same time,
we agree with the comment that the proposed language was vague and does
not adequately describe what the EMTS-equivalent of the BBBBB code is.
We are therefore not finalizing the amendments to these sections and
will revert to the language in the final RFS2 regulations that simply
refer to a ``unique batch identifier,'' which may be either the five-
digit BBBBB component or the EMTS batch number of up to 20 characters.
C. Advanced Technologies for Renewable Fuel Pathways
The final RFS2 rule includes two corn ethanol pathways in Table 1
to Sec. 80.1426 that require the use of one or two advanced
technologies at the production facility as a prerequisite to the
generation of RINs. The five advanced technologies available for this
purpose are listed in Table 2 to Sec. 80.1426. In developing this list
of advanced technologies, EPA relied upon modeling that included the
use of one or more advanced technologies at a base corn-ethanol
plant.\4\. In all cases, the modeling assumed use of a given advanced
technology across 100 percent of the ethanol production. The pathways
in Table 1 and the list of advanced technologies in Table 2 represent
the application of advanced technologies to 100 percent of production,
consistent with the modeling they were based on.
\4\ A base plant is one representing average energy usage and no
advanced technologies. See the Regulatory Impact Analysis for the
RFS2 final rule, EPA-420-R-10-006, February 2010, Section
However, neither the list in Table 2 nor the pathway descriptions
in Table 1 were explicit on this percent of usage. As a result, some
producers of corn ethanol assumed that any degree of implementation of
advanced technologies, even to the point of de minimis GHG benefit,
would be acceptable and consistent with the letter of the regulations.
In the direct final rule and parallel proposal published on May 10,
2010 (75 FR 26026, 75 FR 26049), we announced a revision to Table 2 to
Sec. 80.1426 to clarify the degree to which advanced technologies must
be implemented in order to represent a valid advanced technology for
the generation of RINs. The announced revision specified that the
advanced technologies must be applied to all production at the corn
ethanol facility. In response to the direct final rule, we received
adverse comments from several stakeholders objecting to the changes to
Table 2 to Sec. 80.1426. As a result, we withdrew the changes to Table
2 to Sec. 80.1426 in a Federal Register notice
[[Page 79972]]
published on June 30, 2010 (75 FR 37733).
There were several alternative approaches to advanced technologies
that were suggested by commenters, including the creation of additional
pathways to add to Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426. EPA notes at the outset
that the scope of this rulemaking effort as it relates to Tables 1 and
2 to Sec. 80.1426 is to clarify the regulatory language that
identifies the pathways and specifications for advanced technologies
that were modeled as part of the RFS2 rulemaking effort and that were
determined to lead to an appropriate level of GHG reduction. EPA
continues to evaluate additional pathways on its own initiative, and
may approve the use of additional pathways, as it recently did for
canola oil biodiesel.\5\ EPA has also established a petition process in
Sec. 80.1416 to allow parties seeking the addition of new pathways to
Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 to bring those pathways to EPA's attention for
evaluation. EPA urges parties seeking EPA consideration of new pathways
to utilize that process. While EPA will fully evaluate any petitions
for new pathways when and if they are submitted to EPA pursuant to
Sec. 80.1416, EPA also provides in this preamble some preliminary
thoughts regarding some of the commenters' suggestions for new
pathways, even though they are beyond the scope of this rulemaking
\5\ 75 FR 59622, September 28, 2010.
One commenter suggested that EPA incorporate into Table 2 an
energy-based metric for identifying the extent to which each advanced
technology must be used at corn ethanol facilities in order to be
deemed to achieve a 20 percent GHG reduction. The commenter suggested
that this approach could be accomplished by basing the metric on the
pathway in Table 1 to Sec. 80.1426 that specifies no greater that 50
percent drying of distillers grains and solubles (DGS) and no advanced
technologies. The premise of the comment is that any combination of
advanced technologies that reduces energy usage by a specified amount
will achieve the 20 percent GHG threshold. EPA rejects this approach as
an oversimplification that is not currently consistent with the
modeling used by EPA in developing the list of pathways and advanced
technologies in Tables 1 and 2 to Sec. 80.1426. First, EPA's modeling
assumed an industry average for the various advanced technologies, and
not any specific brand or type of technology. As such, the results
cannot be translated into the specific equipment used and operated at a