Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: 2011 Renewable Fuel Standards, 76790-76830 [2010-30296]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
40 CFR Part 80
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0133; FRL–9234–6]
RIN 2060–AQ16
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel
Additives: 2011 Renewable Fuel
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency is required to set the renewable
fuel standards each November for the
following year based on gasoline and
diesel projections from the Energy
Information Administration (EIA).
Additionally, EPA is required to set the
cellulosic biofuel standard each year
based on the volume projected to be
available during the following year, if
the projected volume is less than the
applicable volume provided in the
statute. These cellulosic biofuel volume
projections are to be based in part on
EIA projections as well as assessments
of production capability from industry.
This action establishes annual
percentage standards under Clean Air
Act section 211(o) for cellulosic biofuel,
biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel,
and renewable fuels that apply to all
gasoline and diesel produced or
imported in calendar year 2011. We
have determined that the applicable
1 North
volume of cellulosic biofuel on which
the percentage standard should be based
is 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent
gallons. We believe that available
volumes of cellulosic biofuel could be
significantly higher in 2012. This action
also finalizes two changes to the
Renewable Fuel Standard program
regulations: modifications to the
delayed RINs provision which provides
a temporary and limited means for
certain renewable fuel producers to
generate RINs after they have produced
and sold renewable fuel, and a new
process for parties to petition EPA to
authorize use of an aggregate approach
to compliance with the renewable
biomass provision for foreign feedstocks
akin to that applicable to the U.S.
Finally, this action makes two
administrative announcements, one
regarding the price for cellulosic biofuel
waiver credits for 2011, and another
regarding the status of the aggregate
compliance provision for domestic
DATES: This final rule is effective on
December 9, 2010.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0133. All
documents in the docket are listed on
the website.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically through or in hard copy at
the Air and Radiation Docket and
Information Center, EPA/DC, EPA West,
Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC. The Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744, and the telephone
number for the Air Docket is (202) 566–
MacAllister, Office of Transportation
and Air Quality, Assessment and
Standards Division, Environmental
Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood
Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105; Telephone
number: 734–214–4131; Fax number:
734–214–4816; E-mail address:, or
Assessment and Standards Division
Hotline telephone number: (734) 214–
4636; E-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
Entities potentially affected by this
final rule are those involved with the
production, distribution, and sale of
transportation fuels, including gasoline
and diesel fuel or renewable fuels such
as ethanol and biodiesel. Potentially
regulated categories include:
Examples of potentially regulated entities
Petroleum Refineries.
Ethyl alcohol manufacturing.
Other basic organic chemical manufacturing.
Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers.
Petroleum bulk stations and terminals.
Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers.
Other fuel dealers.
American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Industrial Classification (SIC) system code.
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2 Standard
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this final action. This table
lists the types of entities that EPA is
now aware could potentially be
regulated by this action. Other types of
entities not listed in the table could also
be regulated. To determine whether
your activities will be regulated by this
action, you should carefully examine
the applicability criteria in 40 CFR part
80. If you have any questions regarding
the applicability of this action to a
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particular entity, consult the person
listed in the preceding section.
Outline of This Preamble
I. Executive Summary
A. Statutory Requirements for Renewable
Fuel Volumes
B. Assessment of 2011 Cellulosic Biofuel
C. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable
D. Final Percentage Standards
E. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver
F. Assessment of the Aggregate Compliance
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II. Volume Production and Import Potential
for 2011
A. Cellulosic Biofuel
1. Domestic Cellulosic Biofuel
2. Imports of Cellulosic Biofuel
3. Projections From the Energy Information
4. Overall 2011 Volume Projections
5. Projections of Cellulosic Biofuel for 2012
B. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable
C. Biomass-Based Diesel
III. Percentage Standards for 2011
A. Background
B. Calculation of Standards
1. How are the standards calculated?
2. Small Refineries and Small Refiners
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
IV. Cellulosic Biofuel Technology
A. What pathways are currently valid for
the production of cellulosic biofuel?
B. Cellulosic Feedstocks
C. Emerging Technologies
1. Biochemical
a. Feedstock Handling
b. Biomass Pretreatment
c. Hydrolysis
i. Acid Hydrolysis
ii. Enzymatic Hydrolysis
d. Fuel Production
e. Fuel Separation
f. Process Variations
g. Current Status of Biochemical
Conversion Technology
h. Path to Commercialization
2. Thermochemical
a. Ethanol Based on a Thermochemical
b. Diesel and Naphtha Production Based on
a Thermochemical Platform
3. Hybrid Thermochemical/Biochemical
a. Biochemical Step Following
Thermochemical Step
b. Concurrent Biochemical and
Thermochemical Steps
4. Pyrolysis and Depolymerization
a. Pyrolysis Diesel Fuel and Gasoline
b. Catalytic Depolymerization
5. Catalytic Reforming of Sugars to
V. Changes to RFS Regulations
A. Delayed RIN Generation for New
B. Aggregate Compliance Approach for
Renewable Biomass From Foreign
1. Criteria and Considerations
2. Applicability of the Aggregate Approach
3. Data Sources
4. Petition Submission
5. Petition Process
VI. Annual Administrative Announcements
A. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver
B. Assessment of the Domestic Aggregate
Compliance Approach
VII. Comments Outside the Scope of This
VIII. Public Participation
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer
Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
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K. Congressional Review Act
X. Statutory Authority
I. Executive Summary
EPA issued comprehensive
regulations in 2007 to implement the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1)
program in Section 211(o) of the Clean
Air Act, as required by the Energy
Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). The
statutory requirements for the RFS
program were subsequently modified
through the Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007 (EISA), resulting in
the publication of revised regulatory
requirements (RFS2) on March 26,
2010.1 In general, the transition from the
RFS1 requirements of EPAct to the RFS2
requirements of EISA occurred on July
1, 2010.
EPA is required to determine and
publish the applicable annual
percentage standards for cellulosic
biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced
biofuel and total renewable fuel for each
compliance year by November 30 of the
previous year. The determination of the
applicable cellulosic biofuel standard
under RFS2 requires that EPA first
project the volume of cellulosic biofuel
production for the following year. If the
projected volume of cellulosic biofuel
production is less than the applicable
volume specified in Section
211(o)(2)(B)(i)(III) of the statute, EPA
must lower the required volume used to
set the annual cellulosic biofuel
percentage standard to the projected
available volume. If we lower the
applicable cellulosic biofuel volume, we
must also determine whether the
advanced biofuel and/or total renewable
fuel volumes should be reduced by the
same or a lesser amount. We provided
our volume projections and proposed
percentage standards for 2011 in a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
on July 20, 2010 (75 FR 42238). Today’s
action provides our final projection of
cellulosic biofuel production for 2011,
and final percentage standards for all
four categories of renewable fuel for
compliance year 2011. The final 2011
standards have been based upon
statutory requirements, comments
received in response to the NPRM, the
estimate of projected gasoline, diesel,
and biofuel volumes that the EIA
provided to EPA on October 20, 2010,
and other relevant information.
Today’s rule does not include an
assessment of the impacts of the
standards we are finalizing for 2011. All
of the impacts of the RFS2 program
associated with the applicable volumes
of biofuel specified in the statute were
1 75
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addressed in the RFS2 final rule
published on March 26, 2010.
Today’s notice also finalizes two
changes to the general RFS2 program
regulations. The first change modifies a
regulatory provision for ‘‘delayed RINs’’
that we implemented through a
previous action on September 28, 2010.2
This provision provides a temporary
and limited means for certain renewable
fuel producers to generate RINs after
they have produced and sold renewable
fuel. In today’s action we are modifying
this regulatory provision to be more
broadly applicable as described more
fully in Section V.A. The second
regulatory provision we are finalizing
today establishes a petition process and
criteria for EPA to use in determining
whether to authorize the use of an
aggregate approach to verify that
feedstocks from foreign countries meet
the definition of renewable biomass that
would be akin to that applicable to
producers using crops and crop residue
grown in the United States. Further
discussion of these provisions can be
found in Section V.B.
Finally, in today’s rulemaking we are
announcing the price for cellulosic
biofuel waiver credits, and are also
announcing the results of our annual
assessment of the aggregate compliance
approach for U.S. crops and crop
residue. These announcements are
provided in Section VI.
A. Statutory Requirements for
Renewable Fuel Volumes
The volumes of renewable fuel that
must be used under the RFS2 program
each year (absent an adjustment or
waiver by EPA) are specified in CAA
211(o)(2)(B). These volumes for 2011 are
shown in Table I.A–1.
[Billion gal]
Cellulosic biofuel .......
Biomass-based diesel
Advanced biofuel ......
Renewable fuel .........
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a 0.25
a This value assumes that all cellulosic
biofuel would be ethanol. If any portion of the
renewable fuel used to meet the cellulosic
biofuel volume mandate has a volumetric energy content greater than that for ethanol, this
value will be lower.
By November 30 of each year, the EPA
is required under CAA 211(o)(3)(B) to
determine and publish in the Federal
2 75
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Register percentage standards for the
following year that will ensure that the
applicable volumes of renewable fuel
are used. These standards are to be
based in part on transportation fuel (i.e.
gasoline and diesel) volume estimates
provided by the Energy Information
Administration (EIA). The calculation of
the percentage standards is based on the
formulas in 40 CFR 80.1405(c) which
express the required volumes of
renewable fuel as a volume percentage
of gasoline and diesel sold or
introduced into commerce in the 48
contiguous states plus Hawaii.
The statute requires the EPA to
determine whether the projected
volume of cellulosic biofuel production
for the following year is less than the
minimum applicable volume shown in
Table I.A–1. If this is the case, then the
standard for cellulosic biofuel must be
based upon the projected available
volume rather than the applicable
volume in the statute. In addition, if
EPA reduces the applicable volume of
cellulosic biofuel below the level
specified in the statute, the Act also
indicates that we may reduce the
applicable volume of advanced biofuels
and total renewable fuel by the same or
a lesser volume.
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B. Assessment of 2011 Cellulosic Biofuel
To estimate the projected available
volume of cellulosic biofuel in the U.S.
in 2011, we researched potential
production sources by company and
facility. This included sources that were
still in the planning stages, those that
were under construction, and those that
are already producing some volume of
cellulosic ethanol, cellulosic diesel, or
some other type of cellulosic biofuel.
We considered all pilot and
demonstration plants as well as
commercial plants. From this universe
of potential cellulosic biofuel sources
we identified the subset that had a
possibility of producing some volume of
qualifying cellulosic biofuel for use as
transportation fuel in 2011. Further
analysis and investigation allowed us to
determine which ones were actually in
a position to produce and make
available any commercial volumes of
cellulosic biofuel in 2011. In this
process we also considered factors such
as the current and expected state of
funding, the status of the technology
and contracts for feedstocks or product
sales, and progress towards construction
and production goals. This assessment
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formed the basis of our projection for
potentially available 2011 volumes.
In our assessment we evaluated both
domestic and foreign sources of
cellulosic biofuel. We determined that
five U.S. facilities have the potential to
make volumes of cellulosic biofuel
commercially available for
transportation use in the U.S. in 2011.
We also identified three international
facilities, two in Canada and one in
Germany, that we expect will produce
cellulosic biofuel in 2011. While these
facilities may also be able to produce
cellulosic volume in 2011, we
determined that they are unlikely to
make the fuel available to the U.S.
market. Based on our assessment for this
rulemaking, we are lowering the
applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel
for 2011 from the statutory volume of
250 million gallons to 6.0 million
ethanol-equivalent gallons. This volume
is the basis for the percentage standard
we are setting for cellulosic biofuel in
2011. As with any projections of future
production there is some uncertainty
associated with these volumes. These
uncertainties in our 2011 cellulosic
volume projection are discussed in more
detail in Section II.A. Nevertheless, we
believe that 6.0 million ethanolequivalent gallons represents a
reasonable projection of potential 2011
cellulosic production volume for use in
setting the standard.
EPA is currently aware of more than
20 facilities representing over 300
million gallons of production that are
targeting commercial production of
cellulosic biofuels in 2012. As a result,
although the cellulosic biofuel standard
we are setting for 2011 is considerably
less than the applicable volumes
established in EISA, EPA believes there
is reason for optimism when looking at
the plans for the cellulosic biofuel
industry in 2012 and beyond.
C. Advanced Biofuel and Total
Renewable Fuel
As described in Section I.A above, the
statute indicates that we may reduce the
applicable volume of advanced biofuel
and total renewable fuel if we determine
that the projected volume of cellulosic
biofuel production for 2011 falls short of
the statutory volume of 250 million
gallons. Since we are setting the
cellulosic biofuel standard significantly
below the statutory volume of 250
million gallons, we also needed to
evaluate whether we should lower the
required volumes for advanced biofuel
and total renewable fuel.
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We first considered whether it
appears likely that the required
biomass-based diesel volume of 0.8
billion gallons can be met with existing
biodiesel production potential in 2011,
as biodiesel is currently the
predominant form of biomass-based
diesel. As discussed in Section II.C, we
believe that the 0.8 billion gallon
standard can indeed be met. Since
biodiesel has an Equivalence Value of
1.5, 0.8 billion physical gallons of
biodiesel would provide 1.20 billion
ethanol-equivalent gallons that can be
counted towards the advanced biofuel
standard of 1.35 billion gallons. Of the
remaining 0.15 billion gallons (150
million gallons), 6.0 million gallons will
be met with cellulosic biofuel. Based on
our analysis as described in Section II.B,
we believe that there are sufficient
sources of other advanced biofuel, such
as additional biodiesel, renewable
diesel, or imported sugarcane ethanol,
such that the standard for advanced
biofuel can remain at the statutory level
of 1.35 billion gallons. We have also
determined that there is sufficient
qualifying domestic corn ethanol
production capacity to meet the balance
of the total renewable fuel standard that
is not satisfied with advanced biofuel.
Therefore, in today’s final rule neither
the 2011 volumes for advanced biofuel
nor total renewable fuel are being
lowered below the volumes specified in
the statute.
D. Final Percentage Standards
The renewable fuel standards are
expressed as a volume percentage, and
are used by each refiner, blender or
importer to determine their renewable
fuel volume obligations. The applicable
percentages are set so that if each
regulated party meets the percentages,
and if EIA projections of gasoline and
diesel use are accurate, then the amount
of renewable fuel, cellulosic biofuel,
biomass-based diesel, and advanced
biofuel used will meet the applicable
volumes required on a nationwide basis.
To calculate the percentage standard for
cellulosic biofuel for 2011, we have
used the volume of 6.0 million ethanolequivalent gallons (representing 6.6
million physical gallons). We are also
specifying that the applicable volumes
for biomass-based diesel, advanced
biofuel, and total renewable fuel for
2011 will be those specified in the
statute. These volumes are shown in
Table I.D–1.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Ethanol equivalent
Actual volume
Cellulosic biofuel ...................................................................
Biomass-based diesel ...........................................................
Advanced biofuel ..................................................................
Renewable fuel .....................................................................
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Four separate standards are required
under the RFS2 program, corresponding
to the four separate volume
requirements shown in Table I.D–1. The
specific formulas we use to calculate the
renewable fuel percentage standards are
contained in the regulations at § 80.1405
and repeated in Section III.B.1. The
percentage standards represent the ratio
of renewable fuel volume to nonrenewable gasoline and diesel volume.
The projected volumes of gasoline and
diesel used to calculate the standards
are provided by EIA. Because small
refiners and small refineries are also
regulated parties beginning in 2011 3,
there is no small refiner/refinery volume
adjustment to the 2011 standard as there
was for the 2010 standard. Thus, the
increase in the percentage standards
relative to 2010 appears smaller than
would otherwise be the case, since more
obligated parties will be participating in
the program. The final standards for
2011 are shown in Table I.D–2. Detailed
calculations can be found in Section III.
6.6 mill gal ............................................................................
0.80 bill gal ...........................................................................
1.35 bill gal ...........................................................................
13.95 bill gal .........................................................................
traded or banked for future use, and are
only allowed to be used to meet the
2011 cellulosic biofuel standard.
Moreover, unlike cellulosic biofuel
RINs, waiver credits may not be used to
meet either the advanced biofuel
standard or the total renewable fuel
standard. For the 2011 compliance
period, we are making cellulosic biofuel
waiver credits available to obligated
parties for end-of-year compliance
should they need them at a price of
$1.13 per credit. Further discussion is
provided in Section VI.A.
F. Assessment of the Aggregate
Compliance Approach
As part of the RFS2 regulations, EPA
established an aggregate compliance
approach for renewable fuel producers
who use planted crops and crop residue
from U.S. agricultural land. This
compliance approach relieved such
producers (and importers of such fuel)
of the individual recordkeeping and
reporting requirements otherwise
required of producers and importers to
verify that feedstocks used in the
production of RIN-qualifying renewable
fuel meet the definition of renewable
biomass. EPA determined that 402
million acres of U.S. agricultural land
Cellulosic biofuel ...........................
0.003 was available in 2007 (the year of EISA
Biomass-based diesel ..................
0.69 enactment) for production of crops and
Advanced biofuel ..........................
0.78 crop residue that would meet the
Renewable fuel .............................
8.01 definition of renewable biomass, and
determined that as long as this total
E. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel
number of acres is not exceeded, it is
Waiver Credits
unlikely that new land has been devoted
to crop production based on historical
Since we are reducing the required
trends and economic considerations. We
volume of cellulosic biofuel for 2011
indicated that we would conduct an
below the applicable volume specified
annual evaluation of total U.S. acreage
in the statute, EPA is required to offer
that is cropland, pastureland, or
biofuel waiver credits to obligated
conservation reserve program land, and
parties that can be purchased in lieu of
acquiring cellulosic biofuel RINs. These that if the value exceed 402 million
acres, producers using domesticallywaiver credits are not allowed to be
grown crops or crop residue to produce
3 The Department of Energy concluded that there
renewable fuel would be subject to
is no reason to believe that any small refinery
individual recordkeeping and reporting
would be disproportionately harmed by inclusion
to verify that their feedstocks meet the
in the RFS2 program for 2011 and beyond. See DOE
definition of renewable biomass.
report ‘‘EPACT 2005 Section 1501 Small Refineries
The RFS2 regulations provide that
Exemption Study’’ (January 2009). We will revisit
extensions to the exemption for small refineries if
EPA will make a finding concerning
DOE revises their study and provides a different
whether the 2007 baseline amount of
conclusion, or we determine that an individual
U.S. agricultural land has been
small refinery has demonstrated that it will suffer
exceeded in a given year and will
a disproportionate economic hardship under the
RFS program.
publish this finding in the Federal
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6.0 mill gal.
1.20 bill gal.
1.35 bill gal.
13.95 bill gal.
Register by November 30 of the same
year. Based on data provided by the
USDA, we have estimated that U.S.
agricultural land reached 398 million
acres in 2010, and thus did not exceed
the 2007 baseline acreage.
We also stated in the preamble to the
final RFS2 rule that if, at any point, EPA
finds that the total agricultural land is
greater than 397 million acres, EPA will
conduct further investigations to
evaluate validity of the domestic
aggregate compliance approach. The
total acreage estimate of 398 million
acres exceeds the trigger point for
further investigation, therefore EPA,
with the help of USDA, will conduct
further investigations into this matter.
Additional discussion on this matter
can be found in Section VI.B of this
II. Volume Production and Import
Potential for 2011
In order to project production
volumes of cellulosic biofuel in 2011 for
use in setting the percentage standards,
we collected information on individual
facilities that have the potential to
produce qualifying cellulosic biofuel
volumes for consumption as
transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet
fuel in the U.S. in 2011. We also
evaluated the production and import
potential for biomass-based diesels,
advanced biofuels, and other
conventional renewable fuels such as
corn-ethanol. This section describes the
volumes that we believe could
potentially be produced or imported in
2011. As with any projections of future
production there is some uncertainty
associated with these volumes. Many of
the uncertainties associated with our
projected volumes are also discussed in
this section. Section III describes the
derivation of the percentage standards
that will apply to obligated parties in
The 2011 volume projections in
today’s final rule are based on
information from a wide spectrum of
sources. For instance, EPA received
input on our assessment of 2011
production and import volumes from
other government organizations
including the Department of Energy
(DOE), Energy Information
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Administration (EIA), and United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA). The
EIA projections of gasoline, diesel,
biomass-based diesel, and cellulosic
biofuel provided to EPA on October 20,
2010 were particularly germane. These
EIA projections are discussed in more
detail in Section II.A.3.
We also received a number of
comments related to our proposed
volume projections and the associated
percentage standards. With regard to the
proposed cellulosic biofuel projections,
most commenters agreed that the
proposed range of 5—17.1 million
gallons (6.5—25.5 million ethanolequivalent gallons) was appropriate, but
no commenter suggested a specific
volume for 2011 or a clear methodology
for determining the appropriate volume.
However, several commenters provided
qualitative assessments. For instance,
refiners suggested that the low end of
the range would be more appropriate as
it would minimize the possibility that
obligated parties would be unable to
procure sufficient cellulosic biofuel
RINs to meet their obligations. They
further stated that the cellulosic biofuel
volume used to set the 2011 standard
should be based on existing production
volumes rather than a projection of
potential volume in 2011. In contrast,
several proponents of the advanced
biofuels industry stated that the
cellulosic biofuel standard should be set
as high as possible in order to establish
the market demand that investors seek
before funding cellulosic biofuel
projects. They argued that the cellulosic
biofuels industry is unlikely to grow
without support in the form of a high
cellulosic biofuel standard.
Since commenters did not provide
their own quantitative assessments of
projected cellulosic biofuel volumes for
us to consider, we based our assessment
of the production capabilities of
planned and existing biofuel production
facilities on projections provided by EIA
as well as data provided by other
government agencies and our own
contact with many of these companies.
In directing EPA to project cellulosic
biofuel production for purposes of
setting the annual cellulosic biofuel
standard, Congress did not specify what
degree of certainty should be reflected
in the projections. We believe that the
cellulosic biofuel standard should
provide an incentive for the industry to
grow according to the goals that
Congress established through EISA.
However, we also believe that the
cellulosic biofuel standard that we set
should be within the range of what can
be attained based on projected domestic
production and import potential. Any
estimate we use to set the cellulosic
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biofuel standard for 2011 will have
some uncertainty in terms of actual
attainment, and the level of such
uncertainty generally rises with the
volume mandate. Our intention is to
balance such uncertainty with the
objective of providing an incentive for
growth in the industry. To this end, we
explored the 2011 volumes for
individual companies as projected by
EIA to determine not only what volumes
might be anticipated, but more
importantly what volumes were
potentially attainable. Our final
projected available volume of cellulosic
biofuel for 2011 reflects these
considerations. Nevertheless, in the
event that the biofuel industry
ultimately fails to provide sufficient
volumes to meet the 2011 standard for
cellulosic biofuel, obligated parties can
purchase waiver credits from the EPA
under the provisions of § 80.1456. The
price for such waiver credits is being
established in today’s action in Section
In addition to the sources described
above, we had intended to use
information provided through the
Production Outlook Reports required
under § 80.1449 for all registered
renewable fuel producers and importers.
These reports were due to the Agency
by September 1, 2010. While these
reports were informative for the
companies that did submit them, most
potential cellulosic biofuel producers
had not yet registered under the RFS
program and therefore were not required
to submit Production Outlook Reports.
Moreover, only a small percentage of the
reports were both complete and correct
upon initial submission, and about onefourth of all registered producers and
importers failed to submit a report.
These issues are likely the result of this
being the first time that such reports
were due and remedial actions are
expected to lead to a more complete set
of valid reports later in 2010. However,
the Production Outlook Reports were of
limited value for development of the
biofuel volume projections that we used
to set the standards for 2011.
In our analysis, we have focused on
biofuel production as required by
Section 211(o)(7)(D)(i) of the Clean Air
Act. We have not considered the
demand for biofuels as a factor in
determining the appropriate volume of
cellulosic biofuel to require in 2011.
However, we note that the volumes of
cellulosic biofuel that we proposed and
the required volume we are finalizing
today are very small in terms of total
demand for biofuels, and are thus
unlikely to impact issues related to
demand for biofuels such as
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infrastructure for distributing or
consuming biofuels.
A. Cellulosic Biofuel
The task of projecting the volume of
cellulosic biofuels that could be
produced in 2011 is challenging.
Announcements of new projects,
changes in project plans, project delays,
and cancellations occur with great
regularity. Biofuel producers face not
only the challenge of the scale-up of
innovative, first-of-a-kind technology,
but also the challenge of securing
funding in a difficult economy.
In order to project cellulosic biofuel
production volumes for 2011, EPA has
tracked the progress of over 100
cellulosic biofuel production facilities.
From this large group of over 100
production facilities we identified 35
that had planned to begin cellulosic
biofuel production by early 2012. From
this smaller list of facilities we used
publically available information, as well
as information provided by DOE and
USDA, to determine which facilities
were the most likely candidates to
produce cellulosic biofuel and make it
commercially available in 2011. Each of
these companies was then contacted to
provide the most up to date information
possible on their current cellulosic
biofuel production plans for 2011. Our
estimate of the projected available
cellulosic biofuel volume for 2011 is
based on the information we received in
conversations with these companies as
well as our own assessment of the
potential for these facilities to produce
cellulosic biofuel in the volumes
indicated. Throughout this process EPA
engaged in discussions with EIA to
share information and insights into
potential cellulosic biofuel production
in 2011. For more details on EIA’s
cellulosic biofuel projections for 2011
and a discussion of the differences
between the projections made by EPA
and EIA see Section II.A.3.
A brief description of each of the
companies we believe has the potential
to produce cellulosic biofuel and make
it commercially available can be found
below. A more in-depth discussion of
the technologies used to produce
cellulosic biofuels can be found in
Section IV. Based on this information,
EPA projects that 6.6 million gallons of
cellulosic biofuel (corresponding to 6.0
million ethanol-equivalent RINs) could
be produced and made available in
2011. This is the number we used as the
basis for the percentage standard for
2011. The rest of this section describes
the analyses that we used as the basis
for this projected available production
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
1. Domestic Cellulosic Biofuel
Based on our assessment of the
cellulosic biofuel industry, we believe
that there are four companies in the
United States with the potential to
produce cellulosic alcohol and make it
commercially available in 2011. These
companies are DuPont Danisco,
Fiberight, KL Energy Corporation, and
Range Fuels. EPA also believes that a
fifth company, KiOR, will be in a
position to produce some cellulosic
diesel fuel in 2011. This section will
provide a brief description of each of
these companies and our assessment of
their potential fuel production in 2011
based on information we have acquired
to date.
DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol
(DDCE) began start up operations at a
small demonstration facility in Vonore,
Tennessee in early 2010. This facility
has a maximum production capacity of
250,000 gallons of ethanol per year and
uses an enzymatic hydrolysis process to
convert corn cobs into ethanol. DDCE
has indicated that they could produce
up to 150,000 gallons of ethanol in 2011
from the Vonore facility.
Fiberight is a company planning to
convert MSW to ethanol. Fiberight
purchased a small corn ethanol plant in
Blairstown, IA and has modified it to
produce ethanol from cellulosic
biomass. They use an enzymatic
hydrolysis process to convert the
cellulosic waste materials to simple
sugars and then to ethanol. Fiberight
plans to initially use a waste cellulose
stream from a paper recycling facility as
their primary feedstock, and eventually
complement that with a sorted MSW
stream. Fiberight started producing
ethanol in the summer of 2010 and
plans to ramp up to full production
capacity by late 2011. Fiberight has
provided month-by-month production
targets for 2011 to EPA. Based on these
targets their projected production
potential for 2011 is 2.8 million gallons
of cellulosic ethanol. While there is still
some uncertainty as to whether their
supply of waste cellulose from paper
recycling meets the regulatory definition
of renewable biomass, fuel from such
feedstock would only account for about
one-fifth of the total ethanol expected to
be produced by Fiberight in 2011.
Moreover, Fiberight’s choice of
feedstock for ethanol production could
change depending on whether waste
cellulose from paper recycling is
determined to meet the regulatory
definition of renewable biomass. For the
purposes of projecting potentially
available cellulosic volume for 2011,
therefore, we have included in our
estimates the portion that could be
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produced from waste cellulose from
paper recycling.
The third company that EPA is aware
of with the potential to produce
cellulosic ethanol in 2011 is KL Energy
Corporation. KL Energy has a
demonstration facility in Upton,
Wyoming that uses an enzymatic
hydrolysis process to convert wood
chips and wood waste to ethanol and
has just announced a partnership with
Petrobras for the construction of
additional facilities. The demonstration
facility has a maximum annual
production volume of 1.5 million
gallons and has been operational since
the fall of 2007. Since KL Energy
completed construction of this facility
they have been gradually ramping up
production and gathering information to
optimize this and future ethanol
production facilities. While production
levels from this facility have so far been
below capacity, KL has informed EPA
that they intend to produce up to
400,000 gallons of cellulosic ethanol
from their Upton, WY facility in 2011.
A fourth company that EPA expects
will produce cellulosic biofuel in 2011
is Range Fuels. Range has a facility in
Soperton, Georgia capable of processing
125 dry tons of feedstock per day. This
facility completed commissioning in the
second quarter of 2010 and began
producing cellulosic methanol in the
third quarter of 2010. Range initially
plans to use wood chips as their
feedstock, but will also investigate using
different types of woody biomass and
herbaceous energy crops. In Phase I of
this project, Range will predominantly
use a commercial methanol catalyst, but
they plan to produce some ethanol
using a proprietary mixed alcohol
catalyst. No approved pathway
currently exists under the RFS program
for the generation of RINs for methanol,
and the opportunities for using
methanol in the transportation fuel
market are limited. However, Range
does plan on adding capabilities in
Phase II that will increase the relative
production volume of ethanol versus
methanol. Moreover, EPA is evaluating
possible RIN-generating pathways for
cellulosic methanol, including the
potential for cellulosic methanol used in
the production of biodiesel to qualify for
the generation of cellulosic biofuel
At this time EPA projects that Range
Fuels will produce 0.1 million gallons
of ethanol and 2.9 million gallons of
methanol from this facility in 2011.
Given a methanol equivalence value of
0.75, this fuel represents 2.3 million
ethanol equivalent gallons. Based the
potential for Range to produce larger
proportions of ethanol, and the
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possibility that RIN-generating
pathways for cellulosic methanol could
be identified or approved we are
projecting production of 2.3 million
gallons of RIN-generating cellulosic
biofuel by Range Fuels in 2011.
The only company that EPA is aware
of that may be a producer of cellulosic
diesel in 2011 is KiOR. KiOR has
developed a catalytic pyrolysis
technology capable of converting
cellulosic biomass directly to a biocrude with a low oxygen content. KiOR
currently has a small pilot facility
capable of producing 10–15 barrels of
bio-crude per day in Houston, Texas. In
order for this fuel to be used as a
transportation fuel it would have to go
through further refining. This could
either be done at the KiOR facility if the
necessary equipment is installed, or at
an existing refinery. While KiOR is not
currently producing a finished
transportation fuel, this bio-oil could be
upgraded and be eligible for RIN
generation under the RFS program. EPA
projects that this facility can produce
0.2 million gallons of fuel, representing
0.3 million RINs in 2011.
In the proposed rule we also
discussed two other potential cellulosic
diesel producers, Bell BioEnergy and
Cello Energy. Since the publication of
the proposed rule the project that Bell
BioEnergy had been working on that
EPA had identified as a potential source
of cellulosic biofuel has been
terminated. They are currently
exploring other options for locations for
their first commercial facility, as well as
potential sources of funding. While we
are not counting on any volume from
Bell BioEnergy for the 2011 projected
available volume, it is feasible that they
could produce cellulosic diesel or jet
fuel in 2011 if they are able to identify
a suitable location for their facility and
secure the necessary funding in the near
The other cellulosic diesel company
discussed in the proposed rule is Cello
Energy. Cello has a structurally
complete facility in Bay Minette,
Alabama with an annual production
capacity of 20 million gallons of diesel
per year. While their facility is
structurally complete, they have
experienced feedstock preparation and
handling issues that need to be resolved
before they will be able to again attempt
start up and production. Litigation
related to contract issues has also
provided a set-back likely delaying any
potential production from Cello’s
facility. On October 20, 2010 Cello
Energy filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy,
therefore no volume from this facility
has been included in our projected
cellulosic biofuel volume for 2011.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
We are currently unaware of any
companies in the United States
planning on producing cellulosic
biofuel other than ethanol, methanol,
and diesel and making it commercially
available in 2011. EPA is currently
tracking the efforts of 10 companies that
plan to produce fuels such as butanol,
gasoline, jet fuel, dimethyl ether (DME),
and others. Many of these companies
have reported that they are still
developing their technologies and
waiting for funding, and that they are
not expecting to make any cellulosic
fuel commercially available until 2012
at the earliest. There are several
companies with small demonstration
facilities who intend to produce biofuels
from cellulosic feedstocks, but are
currently optimizing their technology
with sugar or starch feedstocks. EPA
anticipates that in the future this may be
a significant source of cellulosic biofuel,
however we have not counted these
potential volumes in our projections for
2. Imports of Cellulosic Biofuel
In addition to the companies located
in the United States, EPA is also aware
of three companies located in other
countries with the potential for
cellulosic biofuel production in 2011. If
this fuel is produced with renewable
biomass and imported into the United
States for use in transportation fuel, jet
fuel, or heating oil, it would be eligible
to participate in the RFS2 program.
However, for the reasons described
below, we have not included any
imported cellulosic biofuel in our
projections of available U.S. volume for
Iogen uses a steam explosion pretreatment process followed by
enzymatic hydrolysis to produce
cellulosic ethanol from wheat, oat, and
barley straw. They have a demonstration
facility with an annual production
capacity of 500,000 gallons of ethanol
located in Ontario, Canada. This facility
has been operational and producing
small volumes of ethanol since 2004. So
far all of the ethanol produced by this
facility has been used locally and in
racing and other promotional events. In
conversations with EPA Iogen has
indicated that they do not intend to
export any fuel to the United States
from this facility in 2011.
Another Canadian company with the
potential to produce cellulosic ethanol
in 2011 is Enerkem. Enerkem plans to
use a thermo-chemical process to gasify
separated MSW and other waste
products and then use a catalyst to
convert the synthesis (syn) gas into
methanol and ethanol. Enerkem
finished construction on a 1.3 million
gallon per year facility in Westbury,
Quebec in June 2010 and plans to begin
producing methanol and ethanol later in
2010. They are also planning a 10
million gallon per year facility in
Edmonton, Alberta, however production
from this facility is not expected until
2012. Enerkem has informed EPA that
they plan to market their products
locally, and do not intend any exports
to the United States.
A third international company that
may produce commercial volumes of
cellulosic biofuel in 2011 is Choren.
Choren has completed construction of a
facility in Freiberg, Germany with a
production capacity of 3.9 million
gallons of diesel fuel. This facility used
a thermochemical process to convert
biomass to syngas and then catalytically
converts the syngas to diesel fuel. The
facility is currently undergoing
commissioning and it is unclear when
they will begin commercial production.
Additionally, there is likely to be strong
local demand for the fuel. Due to these
factors, EPA is not projecting that any
fuel produced by Choren will be
imported into the U.S. in 2011.
While these facilities appear to be the
most likely sources of imported
cellulosic biofuel, it is possible that
cellulosic biofuels produced by other
foreign companies may be imported into
the United States. One strong candidate
as a potential source of cellulosic
biofuel imports is Brazil, due to its
established ethanol industry and history
of importing ethanol into the United
States. EPA is aware of several
companies planning commercial scale
production of cellulosic biofuel in
Brazil. It is unlikely these projects will
be completed in time to supply
cellulosic biofuel to the United States in
2011; however they may be a significant
source of cellulosic biofuel imports in
future years.
3. Projections From the Energy
Information Administration
Section 211(o)(3)(A) of the Clean Air
Act requires EIA to ‘‘* * * provide to
the Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency an estimate, with
respect to the following calendar year,
of the volumes of transportation fuel,
biomass-based diesel, and cellulosic
biofuel projected to be sold or
introduced into commerce in the United
States.’’ EIA provided these estimates to
us on October 20, 2010.4 With regard to
cellulosic biofuel, the EIA estimated
that the available volume in 2011 would
be 3.94 mill gallons based on their
assessment of the utilization of
production capacity. A summary of the
plants they considered is shown below
in Table II.A.3–1.
2011 Production
Online ....................
Online ....................
Online ....................
Online ....................
DuPont Danisco ....
Vonore, TN ............
Blairstown, IA ........
Upton, WY .............
Soperton, GA ........
Corn cobs, then
MSW .....................
Wood .....................
Wood Waste .........
Ethanol ..................
Fiberight .................
KL Energy ..............
Range ....................
Ethanol ..................
Ethanol ..................
Methanol, Ethanol
Total ...............
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES_2
Company name
While EIA’s projected cellulosic
biofuel production estimate for 2011 is,
with the exception of KiOR, based on an
evaluation of the same companies that
EPA evaluated, the production volume
assumed by EIA for each company is
lower in all cases. We believe that the
difference reflects EIA’s intention to
Facility status
estimate volumes that each company
has a high certainty of reaching in 2011.
As described in Section II.A above, we
have projected the volume of cellulosic
4 Letter from Richard Newell, EIA Administrator
to Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator October 20,
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
biofuel that we believe is attainable
given the issues that each company
faces, while recognizing that there is
some uncertainty in the projected
volumes. We believe that many or all of
the uncertainties associated with the
potential volume production at each
company can be resolved in a positive
We have considered EIA’s projection
of cellulosic biofuel production for 2011
in the context of setting the 2011
cellulosic biofuel standard, and we
believe that it represents a volume that
the industry is unlikely to fall below.
However, we believe that it is
appropriate to set the applicable volume
at a level that provides an incentive for
developing cellulosic biofuel facilities
to come on line as expeditiously as
possible, and to provide reasonable
assurance that there will be a market for
their product if they do. Moreover, we
also believe that CAA 211(o)(7)(D) is
best interpreted to vest the authority for
making the projection with EPA, since
it provides that the projection is
‘‘determined by the Administrator based
on the estimate provided [by EIA].’’ If
Congress intended that EPA simply
adopt EIA’s projection without an
independent evaluation, it would not
have specified that the projection is
‘‘determined’’ by EPA. Although the
statute provides that our determination
must be ‘‘based on the estimate
provided’’ by EIA, we believe that our
consideration of EIA’s estimate in
deriving our own projection satisfies
this statutory requirement. For the
reasons described above, we believe that
EPA’s projection takes into account
uncertainties in a manner that best
furthers the objectives of the statute.
4. Overall 2011 Volume Projections
The information EPA has gathered on
the potential cellulosic biofuel
producers in 2011, summarized above,
allows us to project the potential
production volume of each facility in
2011. After the appropriate equivalence
value has been applied to the volumes
from these facilities, the overall
projected ethanol-equivalent volume of
cellulosic biofuel for 2011 can be
totaled. This information is summarized
in Table II.A.4–1 below.
DuPont Danisco ....
Vonore, TN ............
Blairstown, IA ........
Upton, WY .............
Houston, TX ..........
Soperton, GA ........
Corn cobs, then
MSW .....................
Wood .....................
Wood Waste .........
Wood Waste .........
Ethanol ..................
Fiberight .................
KL Energy ..............
KiOR ......................
Range ....................
Ethanol ..................
Ethanol ..................
Diesel ....................
Methanol, Ethanol
Total ...............
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Company name
While the production volumes in
Table II.A.4–1 have some uncertainty,
we believe that a total volume of 6.0
million gallons is attainable. By basing
the 2011 cellulosic biofuel standard on
the attainable volumes rather than
discounting projected volumes to
account for uncertainty, we aim to avoid
the undesirable scenario in which
cellulosic biofuel production exceeds
the mandated volume. Such a scenario
would result in weak demand for
cellulosic biofuels and RINs.
Additionally, while obligated parties are
able to purchase cellulosic biofuel
waivers credits in the event that
production of cellulosic biofuel is
insufficient to meet the 2011 standard,
no mechanism exists for this standard to
be raised should cellulosic biofuel
production exceed the 2011 standard.
The intent of Congress in establishing
the RFS program through EISA was to
provide a reliable market for renewable
fuels and in doing so to spur growth in
the cellulosic biofuels industry. EPA
believes the projected available volume
finalized in this rule best reflects these
Three commenters (Abengoa, Growth
Energy, and Unica) supported the range
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of 6.5–25.5 million gallons that EPA
proposed in the NPRM. The
Biotechnology Industry Organization
and Dupont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol
commented that the EPA’s proposed
range was a reasonable estimate, but
encouraged EPA to consider ways the
RFS program can serve a risk mitigation
function for the cellulosic biofuel
industry. Two commenters, American
Petroleum Institute and National
Petrochemical & Refiners Association,
suggested that EPA consider only
companies that have demonstrated,
proven production records when setting
the cellulosic standard for the following
year. The Low Carbon Synthetic Fuels
Association suggested EPA set the
standard high enough so that any
cellulosic biofuel that might be
produced in 2011 in the U.S. or
internationally would be included in
the volume projections. They suggest
that this would mean using the high end
of the proposed volume, or even some
volume above the proposed range.
Based on our assessment of the
potential production capabilities of
individual companies as described
above, EPA is finalizing the cellulosic
biofuel standard for 2011 at 6.0 million
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Online ....................
ethanol-equivalent gallons of cellulosic
biofuel. This number represents the
volume of RIN-generating cellulosic
biofuel that we believe can be made
available for use as transportation fuel,
heating oil, or jet fuel in 2011. It
incorporates some reductions from the
annual production capacity of each
facility based on when fuel production
can begin and assumptions regarding a
ramp-up period to full production. We
believe that a production volume of 6.0
mill gal is attainable despite the
uncertainties, since none of the possible
impediments to attaining this volume
appear insurmountable. Moreover, by
setting the standard for cellulosic
biofuel based on the volumes that are
attainable, we are providing greater
incentives for producers to overcome
uncertainties and greater opportunities
for funding based on an established
There are also a variety of factors that
could lead to production volumes
greater than those listed in Table II.A.4–
1 and make up for potential shortfalls
elsewhere. For instance:
• For each of the facilities listed, with
the exception of KiOR, we are projecting
that their production will be some
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
volume less than the capacity of their
facility. It is possible, however, that
these companies could produce a
greater volume of fuel than they are
currently anticipating or has been
projected by EPA.
• It is possible that companies that
are currently targeting 2012 for
commercial production may produce
cellulosic biofuel ahead of schedule and
generate RINs in 2011. None of this
volume was included in our projection
for 2011.
• A high demand for cellulosic
biofuels may be sufficient to cause
companies to import fuel into the
United States, even if they currently
have no plans to do so. As described in
Section II.A.2 above, there are several
foreign producers that are either
producing cellulosic biofuel now, or
could potentially produce some
cellulosic biofuel volume in 2011.
Finally, we note that if the actual
volume of cellulosic biofuel RINs that
are available in 2011 falls short of the
6.0 million gallon RINs used to derive
the 2011 cellulosic biofuel standard,
obligated parties have other recourses:
• Purchase cellulosic biofuel waiver
credits from the EPA (see further
discussion in Section VI.A).
• Carry over a deficit from 2011 into
2012 according to § 80.1427(b).
5. Projections of Cellulosic Biofuel for
In addition to the companies
discussed above, EPA also assessed the
production capabilities of many other
companies to determine their ability to
produce cellulosic ethanol in 2011.
Many of these companies had at some
point planned to produce cellulosic
ethanol at commercial scale by 2011,
but due to a variety of factors have had
their plans delayed. Despite these
delays, the outlook for 2012 and later
years still looks promising.
Although the cellulosic biofuel
standard we are setting for 2011 is
considerably below the applicable
volumes established in EISA, EPA
believes there is reason for optimism
when looking at the plans for the
cellulosic biofuel industry in 2012 and
beyond. EPA is currently aware of more
than 20 facilities representing over 300
million gallons of production that are
targeting commercial production of
cellulosic biofuels in 2012. Many
companies, including Abengoa, AE
Biofuels, BlueFire Ethanol, Coskata,
Fulcrum, POET, and Vercipia, are
intending to begin bringing large scale
facilities online, with physical
capacities of between 10 and 100
million gallons of cellulosic biofuel per
year. There is also hope within the
industry that as these first-of-a-kind
technologies prove commercially viable
that new financing opportunities will
open up for both new facilities and
facility expansion alike. This could lead
to rapid growth in the cellulosic biofuel
industry as many companies, in
addition to those mentioned above, have
announced project plans that have been
put on hold until funding or project
partners can be found.
B. Advanced Biofuel and Total
Renewable Fuel
Under CAA 211(o)(7)(D)(i), EPA has
the discretion to reduce the applicable
volumes of advanced biofuel and total
renewable fuel in the event that the
projected volume of cellulosic biofuel
production is determined to be below
the applicable volume specified in the
statute. As described in Section II.A
above, we are indeed projecting the
volume of cellulosic biofuel production
for 2011 at significantly below the
statutory applicable volume of 250
million gallons. Therefore, we must
consider whether and to what degree to
lower the advanced biofuel and total
renewable fuel applicable volumes for
As described in the NPRM, because
cellulosic biofuel is used to satisfy both
the cellulosic biofuel standard and the
advanced biofuel standard, it is possible
that a required volume of cellulosic
biofuel for a given year that is less than
the volume specified in the statute
could lead to a situation where there is
insufficient volume of advanced
biofuels to satisfy the applicable volume
of advanced biofuel volume set forth in
the statute. However, it is also possible
that other advanced biofuels, such
biomass-based diesel, sugarcane
ethanol, or other biofuels, may be
available in sufficient volumes to make
up for the shortfall in cellulosic biofuel.
We believe that it would be consistent
with the energy security and greenhouse
gas reduction goals of EISA to use the
applicable volume of advanced biofuel
set forth in the statute to derive the
advanced biofuel standard if there are
sufficient volumes of advanced biofuels
available, even if those volumes do not
include the amount of cellulosic biofuel
that Congress may have desired.
If we were to maintain the advanced
biofuel, biomass-based diesel, and total
renewable fuel volume requirements at
the levels specified in the statute, while
also lowering the cellulosic biofuel
standard to 6.0 million gallons, then
1,206 million gallons of the 1,350
million gallon advanced biofuel
mandate would be satisfied
automatically through the satisfaction of
the cellulosic and biomass based diesel
standards. An additional 144 million
ethanol-equivalent gallons of additional
advanced biofuels would be needed. See
Table II.B–1.
[mill gallons]
Ethanol-equivalent volume
Total renewable fuel ..........................................................................................................................................
Conventional renewable fuel a ...........................................................................................................................
Total advanced biofuel ......................................................................................................................................
Cellulosic biofuel ................................................................................................................................................
Biomass-based diesel ........................................................................................................................................
Other advanced biofuel b ...................................................................................................................................
Physical volume
c 96–144
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES_2
a Predominantly
corn-starch ethanol.
to nearest million gallons for simplicity.
volume is a range because other advanced biofuel may be ethanol, biodiesel, or some combination of the two.
b Rounded
c Physical
The most likely sources of additional
advanced biofuel would be imported
sugarcane ethanol and biodiesel. To
determine if there are likely to be
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sufficient volumes of these biofuels to
meet the need for 144 million gallons of
other advanced biofuel, we examined
historical data on ethanol imports and
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EIA projections for 2011. For instance,
as shown in Table II.B–2 below, recent
annual import volumes of ethanol were
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
contribute to compliance with the
advanced biofuels standard in 2011,
such as diesel fuel additives made from
waste cooking oil or restaurant grease.
Given all of these potential sources, we
believe that there are likely to be
2007 ..........................................
439 sufficient volumes of advanced biofuels
2008 ..........................................
530 such that the advanced biofuel standard
2009 ..........................................
194 need not be lowered below the 1.35
billion gallon level specified in the Act.
Brazilian imports have made up a
Thus, we are not reducing the
sizeable portion of total ethanol
applicable volume of advanced biofuel
imported into the U.S. in the past, and
for 2011.
these volumes were predominantly
If we were reducing the applicable
produced from sugarcane. These
volume of advanced biofuel for 2011, it
historical import volumes demonstrate
would follow that there could be a
that Brazil has significant export
shortfall of RINs capable of satisfying
potential under the appropriate
the general renewable fuel volume
economic circumstances. However, as
requirements. However, we are not
shown above, ethanol import volumes
doing so, and thus there is no need to
decreased significantly in 2009.
lower the applicable volume of total
Moreover, they have dropped to nearly
renewable fuel below the statutory
zero in the first half of 2010 according
volume of 13.95 billion gallons.
to EIA’s Short Term Energy Outlook.
In response to the NPRM, biodiesel
Some have speculated that this decline
producers, advanced biofuel producers,
in imports is related to the cessation of
and UNICA (representing importers of
the duty drawback that became effective sugarcane ethanol) supported our
on October 1, 2008, and to changes in
proposal to maintain the applicable
world sugar prices.6 However, Brazil is
volume of advanced biofuel at 1.35 bill
second worldwide in the production of
gallons for 2011. They generally agreed
ethanol, reaching about 6.5 billion
that there exists sufficient potential
gallons in 2008.7 Thus, by establishing
sources of advanced biofuel to make up
an increased U.S. demand for 144
for the reduction of the applicable
million gallons of other advanced
volume of cellulosic biofuel for 2011,
biofuel in 2011, we believe it may once
and that the very existence of a demand
again be economical for Brazilian
for this volume will lead these sources
producers to export at least this volume to provide sufficient volume to meet
of sugarcane ethanol to the U.S.
that demand. Other commenters, such
Moreover, California’s Low Carbon Fuel as refiners and proponents of cornStandard goes into effect in 2011, and
ethanol, opposed our proposal for
may compel some refiners to import
leaving the 2011 applicable volume of
additional volumes of sugarcane ethanol advanced biofuel at 1.35 bill gallons on
from Brazil into California. These same
the grounds that other sources of
volumes could count towards the
advanced biofuel sufficient to make up
federal RFS2 program as well.
for the reduction in the applicable
We also examined the potential for
volume of cellulosic biofuel were too
excess biodiesel to help meet the need
for 144 million gallons of advanced
We disagree with the suggestion that
biofuel. The applicable volume of
volumes of other advanced biofuels are
biomass-based diesel established in the
too uncertain and that the applicable
statute for 2011 is 800 million gallons
volume of advanced biofuel should be
(which corresponds to 1,200 ethanol
lowered. As described above, we believe
equivalent gallons). As discussed more
that there are sufficient potential
fully in Section II.C below, we believe
sources of other advanced biofuel to
that the biodiesel industry has the
make up for the reduction in the
potential for producing significant
applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel.
volumes above 800 million gallons if
Moreover, our authority to lower the
demand for such volume exists.
advanced biofuel and/or total renewable
Finally, there are also other potential
fuel applicable volumes is discretionary,
sources of advanced biofuels that could
and we believe that actions to lower
these volumes should only be taken if
5 ‘‘Monthly U.S. Imports of Fuel Ethanol,’’ EIA,
it appears that insufficient volumes of
released 4/8/2010.
qualifying biofuel can be made
6 Lundell, Drake, ‘‘Brazilian Ethanol Export Surge
available, based on such circumstances
to End; U.S. Customs Loophole Closed Oct. 1,’’
Ethanol and Biodiesel News, Issue 45, November 4,
as insufficient production capacity,
insufficient feedstocks, competing
7 Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), ‘‘2008
markets, constrained infrastructure, or
World Fuel Ethanol Production,’’ https://
the like. Since this is not the case for, March 31,
2011, we do not believe that the
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higher than what would be needed in
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advanced biofuel applicable volume of
1.35 bill gallons or the total renewable
fuel applicable volume of 13.95 billion
gallons should be reduced.
Although refiners and proponents of
corn-ethanol agreed on the treatment of
advanced biofuel for 2011, they differed
in their views of how the total
renewable fuel standard should be
treated. Refiners stated that the
advanced biofuel standard and the total
renewable fuel standard should be
lowered in concert and by the same
amount. Proponents of corn-ethanol, on
the other hand, stated that the total
renewable fuel standard of 13.95 bill gal
should be maintained while the
advanced biofuel standard should be
lowered to reflect the projected
shortfall. They argued that excess
volumes of corn-ethanol were more
certain than excess volumes of
advanced biofuel, and that their
suggested approach would effectively
result in a demand for corn-ethanol
above 12.6 billion gallons (see Table
II.B–1). They further argued that this
approach would generate more GHG
reductions than if the advanced biofuel
and total renewable fuel standards were
lowered in concert. One commenter
explicitly opposed any changes to the
advanced biofuel and total renewable
fuel standards that would increase the
demand for corn-ethanol under RFS2
above 12.6 billion gallons (see Table
We agree that there is sufficient cornethanol production capacity and
feedstocks to produce more than 12.6
bill gallons in 2011. Indeed EIA projects
that corn-ethanol production in 2010
will exceed 13 billion gallons.8
However, as described above, we
disagree with the suggestion that there
is insufficient volume of advanced
biofuels to justify maintaining the
advanced biofuel applicable volume at
the level specified in the statute.
Moreover, since there is no need to
waive any portion of the advanced
biofuel applicable volume, there is
likewise no need to consider the
possibility of corn ethanol making up
for a shortfall in advanced biofuel
volumes. As a result, the demand for
corn ethanol will not be greater as a
result of today’s action than it would be
if all applicable volumes as specified in
the statute were used in deriving the
2011 standards.
C. Biomass-Based Diesel
While the statutory requirement that
we project volumes of cellulosic biofuel
for next year does not explicitly apply
to biomass-based diesel, we must, as
STEO, September 2010, Table 8.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
discussed above, determine whether the
required volumes of advanced biofuel
and/or total renewable fuel should be
reduced at the same time that we reduce
the required volume of cellulosic
biofuel. The amount of biomass-based
diesel that we project can be available
directly affects our consideration of
biodiesel production volumes for 2011,
we examined historical and recent
production and export rates as well as
the production potential of the industry.
As shown in Table II.C–1, domestic
production of biodiesel in 2007–2009
has ranged from 490 to 678 million
adjustments to the volumetric
requirements for advanced biofuel and
total renewable fuel discussed above in
Section II.B.
Although there are a variety of
potential fuel types that can qualify as
biomass-based diesel, biodiesel is by far
the predominant type. To project
[Source: EIA Monthly Energy Review, August 2010]
2007 .............................................................................................................................................
2008 .............................................................................................................................................
2009 .............................................................................................................................................
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES_2
The variations in production and net
exports appear to be correlated to
availability of the U.S. tax subsidy that
was effective from 2004 to 2009,
‘‘splash-and-dash’’ activities, and
European Union (EU) action to impose
duties on exported U.S. biodiesel. In
splash-and-dash, biodiesel producers
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took advantage of the U.S. tax credit for
biodiesel even though the biodiesel was
not consumed in the U.S., instead
exporting the biodiesel to Europe. As
can be seen in Figure II.C–1, the EU took
action beginning in March 2009 to apply
duties/tariffs to biodiesel from the U.S.
Exports of biodiesel from the U.S., as
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Net exports
well as domestic production volumes,
immediately fell following this EU
action. Production also fell following
the expiration of the biodiesel tax credit
at the end of 2009.
Although biodiesel production
appears to have been significantly
affected by both the EU tariff on
biodiesel from the U.S. and the
expiration of the biodiesel tax credit, the
fact that the U.S. biodiesel industry has
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produced higher volumes when it was
economic for it to do so suggests that the
industry may have the capability to
produce greater volumes in the future
under the appropriate circumstances.
According to information from the
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biodiesel industry, only 52 biodiesel
facilities with a production capacity
totalling 600 million gallons have been
idled. The total biodiesel production
capacity at facilities that are still
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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operating is 2.4 billion gallons.9
Ramping up production will require
some time and potentially some
reinvestment, but based on feedback
from industry we nevertheless believe
that it can occur in time to meet a
production goal of 800 million gallons.
In response to the NPRM, some
commenters suggested that the 2011
volume requirement for biomass-based
diesel should be lowered because the
biodiesel industry is expected to
produce insufficient volumes in 2010 to
meet the 2009/2010 biomass-based
diesel standard based on an applicable
volume of 1.15 billion gallons. This,
they argued, demonstrates that the
biodiesel industry cannot be expected to
meet demand of 800 million gallons in
2011. However, for the first five months
of 2010, the average production rate was
about 32 million gallons per month.10 If
this production rate continued through
the rest of 2010, the total annual
production of biodiesel would be
approximately 380 million gallons. As
described in EPA’s Question and
Answer document,11 EPA estimated that
the 1.15 bill gal standard for biomassbased diesel in 2010 would generate a
demand for about 345 mill gallons of
qualifying biodiesel and renewable
diesel in 2010. The remaining portion of
the 1.15 bill gal standard would be met
with previous-year RINs. Thus, an
annual production volume of 380
million gallons should be sufficient to
enable obligated parties to meet the
2010 biomass-based diesel standard if
exports are kept to a minimum. In fact
net exports of biodiesel have gone down
every year since 2008, due in part to
fewer cost-effective opportunities for
sale of biodiesel in Europe.
Moreover, we do not believe that the
activities of the biodiesel industry in
2009 and 2010 are necessarily an
appropriate indicator of its potential for
2011. A regulatory mandate for biomassbased diesel did not exist in 2009, and
the mandate for biomass-based diesel in
2010 was a unique circumstance that
allowed a significant number of 2008
and 2009 biodiesel RINs to be used for
compliance in 2010. Current biodiesel
production rates actually suggest that
the industry is positioned to put idled
capacity into production when demand
for greater volumes exist. For instance,
despite the expiration of the biodiesel
9 Plant List from Biodiesel Magazine (https://
10 EIA Monthly Energy Review for August 2010,
Table 10.4.
11 See question 6.7 in EPA’s ‘‘Questions and
Answers on Changes to the Renewable Fuel
Standard Program (RFS2)’’,
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tax credit at the end of 2009, monthly
domestic consumption of biodiesel was
actually higher in the first 5 months of
2010 than it was during the same period
in 2009. One possible reason for this is
that 2010 was the first year that the
biomass-based diesel standard was in
effect. Moreover, for the three years
prior to 2010, the monthly average
production in the second half of the
year was higher than in the first half of
the year. Thus, although the annual
production total for 2010 would be
projected to be 380 mill gal based on
monthly production rates between
January and May, it could be 500
million gallons or more by year’s end if
production rates increase in the second
half of the year as they have done in the
past. An increase in monthly biodiesel
production rates later in 2010 would
also be consistent with the fact that
obligated parties are not required to
demonstrate compliance with the 2010
biomass-based diesel standard until
February 28, 2011. Thus, the presence of
a requirement for biomass-based diesel
in 2010 seems to be providing the
incentive for greater consumption of
biodiesel, which in turn is encouraging
higher production volumes.
In addition to current production
rates, the biodiesel industry’s
production potential also supports a
finding that it can more than satisfy the
applicable volume of biomass based
diesel specified in the statute for 2011.
In July of 2010, over 1.8 billion gallons
of production capacity had been
registered under the RFS2 program.12 As
of September 2010, the aggregate
production capacity of biodiesel plants
in the U.S. was estimated at 2.6 billion
gallons per year across approximately
170 facilities.13 Indications from the
biodiesel industry are that idled
facilities can be brought back into
production with a relatively short
leadtime. Imports of biodiesel from
foreign countries also has the potential
to increase the volume available for
consumption in the U.S.
Finally, we believe that there will be
sufficient sources of qualifying
renewable biomass to more than meet
the needs of the biodiesel industry in
2011. The largest sources of feedstock
for biodiesel in 2011 are expected to be
soy oil, canola oil, rendered fats, and
potentially some corn oil extracted
during production of fuel ethanol, as
this technology continues to proliferate.
Moreover, comments we received from
a large rendering company after the May
2009 RFS2 proposed rule suggest that
there will be adequate fats and greases
feedstocks to supply biofuels
production as well as other historical
In order to meet a 2011 biomass-based
diesel volume requirement of 800
million gallons to be consumed in the
United States, approximately 725
million gal of biodiesel would need to
be consumed. This value accounts for
the production of 75 million gallons of
renewable diesel at one renewable
diesel facility in Geismar, Louisiana, set
to begin operations by 2011.15
Assuming net exports continue at a rate
equivalent to that in the first five
months of 2010, biodiesel production in
the U.S. would need to total
approximately 835 million gal in 2011.
Based on the modeling used by EIA to
project volumes for its Short-Term
Energy Outlook, EIA projects that the
800 mill gallon mandate would be
binding, and that this level of
consumption would be unlikely to
occur in the absence of a mandate.
However, the biodiesel industry has
demonstrated that it is capable of
meeting historic demand for biodiesel,
and is in a position to produce
significantly more than it has in recent
Based on our review of current
biodiesel production rates, the
production potential of the biodiesel
industry, and the availability of
qualifying feedstocks, we believe that
substantially more than the 800 million
gallons needed to satisfy the biomass
based diesel standard can be produced
in 2011. Today’s rule therefore includes
a final biomass-based diesel standard
that, as proposed, is based on the 800
million gallon applicable volume
specified in the Act. We also believe
that the excess production capacity can
be utilized to help satisfy the 2011
advanced biofuel standard we are
finalizing today.
In response to the NPRM, several
parties supported our proposal to set the
2011 standard based on the 800 million
gallon applicable volume specified in
the Act. One party requested that we
raise the biomass-based diesel standard
for 2011 above the 800 million gallon
statutory mandate based on the
significantly higher production capacity
in the industry. However, the statute
specifies the applicable volumes of
biomass based diesel that we are to use
12 Comments from National Biodiesel Board on
the July 20, 2010 NPRM. Submitted to docket EPA–
HQ–OAR–2010–0133 on August 19, 2010.
13 Figures taken from National Biodiesel Board’s
Member Plant List as of September 13, 2010. https://
14 See Federal Register v.74 n.99 p.24903.
Comments are available in docket EPA–HQ–OAR–
15 Project status updates are available via the
Syntroleum Web site,
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
in setting the annual standards through
2012. We do not have the authority to
raise the applicable volume above the
level specified in the statute for 2011.
Another commenter requested that
the standard for biomass-based diesel
should be tied to the biodiesel tax credit
and projections of likely consumption
in 2011 assuming no mandate. We
disagree. Demand for biomass-based
diesel will be a function of the RFS
standard we set for 2011. The authority
provided under CAA 211(o)(7)(A) to
waive any portion of the statutory
biomass-based diesel volume mandate is
limited to cases in which we determine
that the mandate would severely harm
the economy or environment, or that
there is inadequate domestic supply.
Under CAA 211(o)(7)(E) we may also
order a reduction in required use of
biomass based diesel if we find that
there is a significant renewable
feedstock disruption or other market
circumstances that would make the
price of biomass-based diesel fuel
increase significantly. No commenter
has suggested that any of these
conditions exist. The expiration of the
biodiesel tax credit is, by itself, an
insufficient basis for a waiver, and we
do not have the authority to waive a
portion of the standard based on
projections of what demand would be in
the absence of a mandate.
III. Percentage Standards for 2011
A. Background
The renewable fuel standards are
expressed as a volume percentage, and
are used by each obligated party to
determine their renewable volume
obligations (RVO). Since there are four
separate standards under the RFS2
program, there are likewise four
separate RVOs applicable to each
obligated party. Each standard applies
to the sum of all gasoline and diesel
produced or imported. The applicable
percentage standards are set so that if
each regulated party meets the
percentages, then the amount of
renewable fuel, cellulosic biofuel,
biomass-based diesel, and advanced
biofuel used will meet the volumes
required on a nationwide basis.
As discussed in Section II.A.4, the
cellulosic biofuel volume requirement
for 2011 is 6.6 million gallons (6.0
million ethanol equivalent gallons).
This volume is used as the basis for
setting the percentage standard for
cellulosic biofuel for 2011. We have also
decided that the advanced biofuel and
total renewable fuel volumes will not be
reduced below the volumes set forth in
the statute. The 2011 volumes used to
determine the four percentage standards
are shown in Table III.A–1.
Ethanol equivalent
Actual volume
Cellulosic biofuel ...................................................................
Biomass-based diesel ...........................................................
Advanced biofuel ..................................................................
Renewable fuel .....................................................................
B. Calculation of Standards
6.6 mill gal ............................................................................
0.80 bill gal ...........................................................................
1.35 bill gal ...........................................................................
13.95 bill gal .........................................................................
6.0 mill gal.
1.20 bill gal.
1.35 bill gal.
13.95 bill gal.
applicable to producers and importers
of gasoline and diesel (see § 80.1405):
1. How Are the Standards Calculated?
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The following formulas are used to
calculate the four percentage standards
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES_2
StdCB,i = The cellulosic biofuel standard for
year i, in percent.
StdBBD,i = The biomass-based diesel standard
(ethanol-equivalent basis) for year i, in
StdAB,i = The advanced biofuel standard for
year i, in percent.
StdRF,i = The renewable fuel standard for year
i, in percent.
RFVCB,i = Annual volume of cellulosic
biofuel required by section 211(o) of the
Clean Air Act for year i, in gallons.
RFVBBD,i = Annual volume of biomass-based
diesel required by section 211(o) of the
Clean Air Act for year i, in gallons.
RFVAB,i = Annual volume of advanced
biofuel required by section 211(o) of the
Clean Air Act for year i, in gallons.
RFVRF,i = Annual volume of renewable fuel
required by section 211(o) of the Clean
Air Act for year i, in gallons.
Gi = Amount of gasoline projected to be used
in the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii,
in year i, in gallons.
Di = Amount of diesel projected to be used
in the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii,
in year i, in gallons.
RGi = Amount of renewable fuel blended into
gasoline that is projected to be consumed
in the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii,
in year i, in gallons.
RDi = Amount of renewable fuel blended into
diesel that is projected to be consumed
in the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii,
in year i, in gallons.
GSi = Amount of gasoline projected to be
used in Alaska or a U.S. territory in year
i if the state or territory opts-in, in
RGSi = Amount of renewable fuel blended
into gasoline that is projected to be
consumed in Alaska or a U.S. territory in
year i if the state or territory opts-in, in
DSi = Amount of diesel projected to be used
in Alaska or a U.S. territory in year i if
the state or territory opts-in, in gallons.
RDSi = Amount of renewable fuel blended
into diesel that is projected to be
consumed in Alaska or a U.S. territory in
year i if the state or territory opts-in, in
GEi = The amount of gasoline projected to be
produced by exempt small refineries and
small refiners in year i, in gallons, in any
year they are exempt per §§ 80.1441 and
80.1442, respectively. For 2011, this
value is zero. See further discussion in
Section III.B.2 below.
DEi = The amount of diesel projected to be
produced by exempt small refineries and
small refiners in year i, in gallons, in any
year they are exempt per §§ 80.1441 and
80.1442, respectively. For 2011, this
value is zero. See further discussion in
Section III.B.2 below.
The four separate renewable fuel
standards for 2011 are based in part on
the 49-state gasoline and diesel
consumption volumes projected by EIA.
The projected volumes of gasoline,
ethanol, and biodiesel used to calculate
the final percentage standards are
provided by the EIA’s Short-Term
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Energy Outlook (STEO), while the
projected volume of transportation
diesel used to calculate the final
percentage standards is provided by the
most recent Annual Energy Outlook
(AEO). In the proposal, we used the
March 2010 issue of STEO and the Early
Release version of AEO2010. For this
final rule, we have used the volumes of
transportation fuel provided by EIA
under CAA 211(o)(3)(A) in a letter dated
October 20, 2010.16 This letter
aggregates volume projections from
several EIA sources including the most
recently available versions of STEO and
AEO. Gasoline and diesel volumes are
adjusted in the formulas to account for
renewable fuel contained in the STEO
and AEO projections. Beginning in
2011, gasoline and diesel volumes
produced by small refineries and small
refiners will generally no longer be
exempt, and thus there is no adjustment
to the gasoline and diesel volumes in
today’s final rule to account for such an
exemption. However, as discussed more
fully in Section III.B.2 below, depending
upon the results of a Congressionallymandated DOE study, it is possible that
the exemption for some small refineries
could be extended. In addition, we may
extend the exemption for individual
small refineries on a case-by-case basis
if they demonstrate disproportionate
economic hardship. If any small refinery
exemptions for 2011 are approved after
this final rulemaking, the parties in
question would be exempt but we
would not intend to modify the
applicable percentage standards and
announce new standards for 2011. EPA
believes the Act is best interpreted to
require issuance of a single annual
standard in November that is applicable
in the following calendar year, thereby
providing advance notice and certainty
to obligated parties regarding their
regulatory requirements. Periodic
revisions to the standards to reflect
waivers issued to small refineries or
refiners would be inconsistent with the
statutory text, and would introduce an
undesirable level of uncertainty for
obligated parties.
As described in the March 26, 2010
RFS2 final rule, the standards are
expressed in terms of energy-equivalent
gallons of renewable fuel, with the
cellulosic biofuel, advanced biofuel, and
total renewable fuel standards based on
ethanol equivalence and the biomassbased diesel standard based on biodiesel
equivalence. However, all RIN
generation is based on ethanolequivalence. More specifically, the
RFS2 regulations provide that
16 Letter from Richard Newell, EIA Administrator
to Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator.
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production or import of a gallon of
biodiesel will lead to the generation of
1.5 RINs. In order to ensure that demand
for 0.8 billion physical gallons of
biomass-based diesel will be created in
2011, the calculation of the biomassbased diesel standard provides that the
required volume be multiplied by 1.5
under the assumption that biodiesel will
predominate the biomass-based diesel
market. The net result is that a physical
gallon of biodiesel will be worth 1.0
gallons toward the biomass-based diesel
standard, but worth 1.5 gallons toward
the other standards.
The levels of the percentage standards
would be reduced if Alaska or a U.S.
territory chooses to participate in the
RFS2 program, as gasoline and diesel
produced in or imported into that state
or territory would then be subject to the
standard. Neither Alaska nor any U.S.
territory has chosen to participate in the
RFS2 program at this time, and thus the
value of the related terms in the
calculation of the standards is zero.
Note that the equation’s terms for
projected volumes of gasoline and diesel
use include gasoline and diesel that has
been blended with renewable fuel. In
the equation, the total renewable fuel
volume is subtracted from the total
gasoline and diesel volume to get total
non-renewable gasoline and diesel
volumes (because the gasoline and
diesel volumes provided by EIA include
renewable fuel use), The values of the
equation variables for 2011 are shown in
Table III.B.1–1.17 Terms not included in
this table have a value of zero.
RFVCB,2011 .....................................
RFVBBD,2011 ..................................
RFVAB,2011 ....................................
RFVRF,2011 .....................................
G2011 .............................................
D2011 ..............................................
RG2011 ...........................................
RD2011 ...........................................
Using the volumes shown in Table
III.B.1–1, we have calculated the
percentage standards for 2011 as shown
in Table III.B.1–2.
17 To determine the 49-state values for gasoline
and diesel, the amounts of these fuels used in
Alaska is subtracted from the totals provided by
DOE. The Alaska fractions are determined from the
most recent (2008) EIA State Energy Data,
Transportation Sector Energy Consumption
Estimates. The gasoline and distillate fuel oil
fractions are approximately 0.2% and 0.7%,
respectively. Ethanol use in Alaska is estimated at
5% of its gasoline consumption (based on the same
State data), and biodiesel use is assumed to be zero.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
the Committee intended DOE to
consider in the revised study. The Final
Conference Report to the Energy &
Water Development Appropriations Act
added that the conferees ‘‘support the
Cellulosic biofuel ...........................
0.003 study requested by the Senate on RFS
Biomass-based diesel ..................
0.69 and expect the Department to undertake
Advanced biofuel ..........................
0.78 the requested economic review.’’ DOE
Renewable fuel .............................
was directed to complete a reassessment
and issue a revised report by June 30,
2. Small Refineries and Small Refiners
2010. A revised study had not been
In CAA section 211(o)(9), enacted as
issued at the time of the RFS2 final
part of EPAct, Congress provided a
rulemaking, or at the time of this
temporary exemption to small refineries writing.
We have received three petitions from
(those refineries with a crude
small refineries requesting an extension
throughput of no more than 75,000
of their exemption from the RFS2
barrels of crude per day) through
requirements. In evaluating these
December 31, 2010. In RFS1, we
petitions, EISA requires that EPA
exercised our discretion under section
‘‘* * * consider the findings of the
211(o)(3)(B) and extended this
[DOE] study * * * and other economic
temporary exemption to the few
factors.’’ Although the DOE study issued
remaining small refiners that met the
in January 2009 would satisfy the
Small Business Administration’s (SBA)
statutory requirement that we consider
definition of a small business (1,500
the DOE study before acting, we believe
employees or less company-wide) but
did not meet the statutory small refinery that our evaluation of these three
definition as noted above. Because EISA petitions will be better informed if we
consider the findings of the forthcoming
did not alter the small refinery
revised DOE study. Since the revised
exemption in any way, the RFS2
study is not yet available, we have
program regulations exempt gasoline
assumed that all small refineries and
and diesel produced by small refineries
small refiners will be subject to the
and small refiners in 2010 from the
RFS2 standards in 2011 for the purposes
renewable fuels standard (unless the
of calculating those standards. If,
exemption was waived). See 40 CFR
subsequent to announcing the 2011
§ 80.1441.
Under the RFS program, Congress has standards, we make a determination that
provided two ways that small refineries one or more hardship petitions should
can receive an extension of the
be approved, we do not intend to revise
temporary exemption beyond 2010. One the 2011 standards applicable to other
is based on the results of a study
obligated parties to require that they
conducted by the Department of Energy make up for volumes that will not be
(DOE) to determine if small refineries
attained by the exempt refineries.
We received only three comments on
would face a disproportionate economic
the treatment of small refineries in the
hardship under the RFS program. The
RFS2 program, and all supported the
other is based on EPA evaluation of
inclusion of small refineries and small
claims of disproportionate economic
refiners as obligated parties beginning in
hardship, the DOE study, and other
economic factors on a case-by-case basis 2011. API additionally requested that
any consideration of extending the
in response to small refinery petitions.
In January 2009, DOE issued a Small
exemption for any small refinery into
Refineries Exemption Study which did
2011 also take into account the impact
not find that small refineries would face that such an action would have on other
a disproportionate economic hardship
refineries, specifically with regard to the
under the RFS program. The
ethanol blendwall. However, we do not
conclusions were based in part on the
believe that the extension of any small
expected robust availability of RINs;
refinery exemptions into 2011 will have
DOE further noted that, if the RIN
a significant impact on the ethanol
market were to change, individual
blendwall. Since the total volume of
refineries still have a statutory right to
renewable fuel required under RFS2 is
apply for relief on a case-by-case basis.
the same regardless of whether any
Subsequently, the Senate
small refineries are exempt or not, such
Appropriations Committee ‘‘directed
exemptions will have no impact on the
[DOE] to reopen and reassess the Small
relative volumes of ethanol and gasoline
Refineries Exemption Study by June 30, in the nationwide transportation fuels
2010,’’ listing a number of factors that
market. Thus, the timing of the onset of
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the nationwide blendwall will not be
affected by any small refinery
exemptions. We do recognize that any
exemption for a small refinery will
result in a proportionally higher
percentage standard for remaining
obligated parties, and that this will
affect the degree to which individual
obligated parties can acquire sufficient
RINs for compliance through blending
ethanol into gasoline that they produce.
This may be of particular concern to
obligated parties whose gasoline
production volume is higher than the
volume of gasoline that they market,
since such parties may have fewer
opportunities to blend renewable fuels
into their own gasoline and diesel. In
such cases, obligated parties also have
the option of marketing E85 for use in
FFVs, extending their operations to
include more gasoline marketing, or
purchasing RINs on the open market.
IV. Cellulosic Biofuel Technology
In projecting the volumes of cellulosic
biofuel for 2011, we conducted a
technical assessment of the production
technologies that are under
consideration by the broad universe of
companies we investigated. Many of
these companies are still in the research
phase, resolving outstanding issues with
specific technologies, and/or in the
design phase to implement those
technologies for the production of
commercial-scale volumes of cellulosic
biofuel. A subset of the companies we
investigated have moved beyond the
research and design phase and are
actively preparing for production. This
smaller group of companies formed the
basis for our projection of potential 2011
volumes of cellulosic biofuel.
This section discusses the full range
of cellulosic biofuel technologies being
considered among producers, with
reference to those individual companies
that are focusing on each technology
and those we project will be most likely
to use those technologies to produce
cellulosic biofuel in 2011.
A. What pathways are currently valid
for the production of cellulosic biofuel?
In determining the appropriate
volume of cellulosic biofuel on which to
base the percentage standard for 2011, it
is important to consider the ability of
the biofuel to generate cellulosic RINs
under the RFS2 program. As of this
writing, there are three valid pathways
available as shown in Table IV.A–1
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Fuel type
Production process requirements
Ethanol ........................
Cellulosic Biomass from crop residue, slash, pre-commercial
thinnings and tree residue, annual covercrops, switchgrass, and
miscanthus; cellulosic components of separated yard waste; cellulosic components of separated food waste; and cellulosic components of separated MSW.
Cellulosic Biomass from crop residue, slash, pre-commercial
thinnings and tree residue, annual covercrops, switchgrass, and
miscanthus; cellulosic components of separated yard waste; cellulosic components of separated food waste; and cellulosic components of separated MSW.
Cellulosic Biomass from crop residue, slash, pre-commercial
thinnings and tree residue, annual covercrops, switchgrass, and
miscanthus; cellulosic components of separated yard waste; cellulosic components of separated food waste; and cellulosic components of separated MSW.
Any .............................
3 (cellulosic biofuel).
Any .............................
7 (cellulosic diesel).
Fischer-Tropsch process.
3 (cellulosic biofuel).
Cellulosic Diesel, Jet
Fuel and Heating Oil.
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Cellulosic Naphtha ......
Of the five facilities that we currently
believe could contribute to the volume
of commercially available cellulosic
biofuel in 2011, four would produce
alcohols from cellulosic biomass and
one would produce diesel from
cellulosic biomass. None of the facilities
we have evaluated would produce
cellulosic naphtha through a FischerTropsch process. In 2011 the primary
biofuel Range fuels has indicated will be
produced from their facility is
methanol. While there is currently no
pathway for cellulosic methanol to
generate RINs, Range has engaged EPA
in discussion regarding the addition of
a pathway for cellulosic methanol.
Two of the facilities shown in Table
II.A.4–1, KL Energy and Range Fuels,
intend to use wood as the primary
feedstock. The only types of wood that
are currently allowed as a valid
feedstock are those derived from various
types of waste. If either of these two
companies choose to use trees from a
tree plantation instead of qualifying
waste wood, its pathway would not fall
into the any of the pathways currently
listed in Table 1 to § 80.1426. However,
as described more fully in Section V.A,
we are currently evaluating the lifecycle
GHG impacts of biofuel made from
pulpwood, including wood from tree
plantations. If such a pathway is
determined to meet the 60% GHG
threshold required for cellulosic biofuel,
it will be added to Table 1 to § 80.1426
and producers can then make use of it
to generate cellulosic RINs.
As described in Section II.A, Range
Fuels will begin making predominantly
methanol, and no approved pathway
currently exists under the RFS program
to generate RINs for methanol. However,
Range has been in discussions with EPA
concerning a petition under § 80.1416
for the generation of RINs for methanol
made from woody biomass as well as
the generation of cellulosic RINs for the
portion of biodiesel made from
cellulosic methanol. These pathways are
similar to pathways we have modeled in
the past. For the purposes of projecting
cellulosic volumes for 2011, we believe
that the methanol from Range Fuels has
the potential for being approved for
generation of cellulosic RINs and is
therefore appropriate for being included
in the volumes that we believe are
potentially attainable in 2011.
B. Cellulosic Feedstocks
Cellulosic biofuel technologies are
different from other biofuel technologies
because they convert the cellulose and
other very difficult to convert
compounds into biofuels. Unlike grain
feedstocks where the major
carbohydrate is starch (very simply
combined sugars), lignocellulosic
biomass is composed mainly of
cellulose (40–60%) and hemicellulose
(20–40%).18 Cellulose and
hemicellulose are made up of sugars
linked together in long chains called
polysaccharides. Once hydrolyzed, they
can be fermented into ethanol. The
remainder of cellulosic feedstocks
consists primarily of lignin, a complex
polymer which serves as a stiffening
and hydrophobic (water-repelling) agent
in cell walls. Currently, lignin cannot be
fermented into ethanol, but could be
burned as a by-product to generate
electricity. Thermochemical, pyrolysis
and depolymerization processing,
however, can convert some or even most
of the lignin, in addition to the
cellulosic and hemicellulose, into
C. Emerging Technologies
When evaluating the array of biofuel
technologies which could produce one
or more fuels from cellulosic feedstocks
that could qualify under RFS2, we
found that it is helpful to organize them
into fuel technology categories.
Organizing them into categories eases
the task of understanding the
technologies, and also simplifies our
evaluation of these technologies because
similar technologies likely have similar
cost and lifecycle impacts. The simplest
organization is by the fuel produced.
However, we frequently found that
additional subdivisions were also
helpful. Table IV.C–1 provides a list of
technologies, the fuels produced, and a
list of many of the companies which we
learned are pursuing the technology (or
something very similar to the
technology listed in the category). EPA
is currently tracking the progress of
more than 100 cellulosic biofuel
projects, many of which are not listed in
the following table. The inclusion of a
specific company in the table or
technical discussion that follows should
not be interpreted as an endorsement of
the listed company. The cellulosic
biofuel industry continues to progress at
a rapid pace and many companies not
listed in this assessment may still
produce significant volumes of
cellulosic fuel in future years.
18 DOE. ‘‘Biomass Program: ABC’s of Biofuels’’.
Accessed at:
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Technology category
Fuels produced
Biochemical ...................
Enzymatic Hydrolysis ................
Ethanol ......................................
Acid Hydrolysis ..........................
Ethanol ......................................
Dilute Acid, Steam Explosion of
(one step hydrolysis and fermentation) of Cellulose.
Conversion of Cellulose via carboxylic acid.
One step Conversion of Cellulose to distillate.
Ethanol ......................................
Abengoa, AE Fuels, DuPont Danisco, Florida
Crystals, Gevo, Poet, ICM, Iogen, BPI, Energy, Fiberight, KL Energy.
Agresti, Arkenol, Blue Fire, Pencor, Pangen,
Raven Biofuels.
Verenium, BP, Central Minnesota Ethanol Coop.
Ethanol ......................................
Mascoma, Qteros.
Ethanol, Gasoline, Jet Fuel,
Diesel Fuel.
Diesel, Jet Fuel or Naphtha ......
Terrabon, Swift Fuels.
Thermochemical/Catalytic conversion of syngas to alcohols.
Thermochemical w/Biochemical
Acid Hydrolysis of cellulose to
intermediate; hydrogenation
syngas from non-cellulose
Catalytic Depolymerization of
Pyrolysis of Cellulose ................
DME ...........................................
Thermochemical ............
Hybrid ............................
Depolymerization ...........
Other .............................
Catalytic Reforming of Sugars
from Cellulose.
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Of the technologies listed above,
many of them are considered to be
‘‘second generation’’ biofuels or new
biofuel technologies capable of meeting
either the advanced biofuel or cellulosic
biofuel RFS standard. The following
sections describe specific companies
and the new biofuel technologies which
the companies have developed or are
developing. This summary is not meant
to be a comprehensive list of all new
biofuel technologies, but rather a
description of some of the more
prominent of the new biofuel
technologies that serve to provide a
sense of the technology categories listed
above. The process technology
summaries are based on information
provided by the respective companies.
EPA has not been able to confirm all of
the information, statements, process
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Diesel Fuel and Naphtha ..........
Ethanol ......................................
Choren, Flambeau River Biofuels, Baard,
Clearfuels, Gulf Coast Energy, Rentech, TRI,
Nature’s Fuel.
Chemrec, New Page.
Ethanol ......................................
Range Fuels, Pearson Technologies, Fulcrum
Bioenergy, Enerkem, and Gulf Coast Energy.
Coskata, INEOS Bio, Lanzatech.
Ethanol, Other alcohols .............
Diesel, Jet Fuel or Naphtha ......
Cello Energy, Covanta, Green Power.
Diesel, Jet Fuel, or Gasoline .....
Petrobras, Univ. of Mass, KIOR.
Gasoline ....................................
conditions, and the process flow steps
necessary for any of these processes and
1. Biochemical
Biochemical conversion refers to a
broad grouping of processes that use
biological organisms to convert
cellulosic feedstocks into biofuels.
While no two processes are identical,
many of these processes follow a similar
basic pathway to convert cellulosic
materials to biofuel. The general process
of most biochemical cellulosic biofuel
processes consists of five main steps:
Feedstock handling, pretreatment,
hydrolysis, fermentation/fuel
conversion, and distillation/separation.
The feedstock handling step reduces the
particle size of the incoming feedstock
and removes any contaminants that may
negatively impact the rest of the
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process. In the pretreatment step the
structure of the lignin and
hemicellulose is disrupted, usually
using some combination of heat,
pressure, acid, or base, to allow for a
more effective hydrolysis of the
cellulosic material to simple sugars. In
the hydrolysis stage the cellulose and
any remaining hemicellulose is
converted into simple sugars, usually
using an enzyme or strong acid. In the
fermentation or fuel conversion step, the
simple sugars are converted to the
desired fuel by a biological organism. In
the final step the fuel that is produced
is separated from the water and other
byproducts by distillation or some other
means. A basic diagram of the
biochemical conversion process can be
found in Figure IV.C.1–1 below.
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While this diagram shows the
production of ethanol from cellulosic
biomass, it is possible to use the same
process to produce other fuels or
specialty chemicals using different
biological organisms.
The following sections will discuss
each of these steps in greater detail,
some of the variations to this general
process, and some of the advantages and
disadvantages of the biochemical
process of producing biofuel from
cellulosic materials as compared to
other fuel production processes.
Three of the five companies that EPA
believes may produce cellulosic biofuel
in 2011 plan to use a biochemical
process to produce biofuels. All three of
these companies, Dupont Danisco
Cellulosic Ethanol, Fiberight, and KL
energy, all plan to use an enzymatic
hydrolysis. One of the biggest appeals of
the biochemical pathway is the
relatively low capital costs of these
projects compared to other cellulosic
biofuel facilities. Biochemical projects
are also less dependent on economies of
scale for profitability, making smaller
and less capital intensive commercial
facilities more feasible.
a. Feedstock Handling
The first step of the biochemical
conversion process is to insure that the
biomass stream can be utilized by the
rest of the conversion process. This
most often takes the form of size
reduction, either by grinding or
chipping as appropriate for the type of
biomass. While this is a relatively
simple process it is essential to allow
the following steps of the process to
function as designed. It is also a
potentially energy intensive process. It
may be possible for biofuel producers to
purchase cellulosic material that is
already of the appropriate size, however
we believe that in the near term this is
unlikely and most biofuel producers
will have to invest in equipment to
reduce the size of the material they
receive as needed for their process. In
coming years, as the market for
cellulosic materials expands,
purchasing feedstock that has already
been ground or chipped may be possible
and cost effective, as these processes
increase the density of this material and
may reduce transportation costs. While
this may provide financial benefits for
the cellulosic biofuel producer, it will
not impact the lifecycle green house gas
emissions of the process.
In addition to size reduction, steps
must also be taken to remove any
material from the feedstock that might
be detrimental to the fuel production
process. Contaminants in the feedstock,
such as dirt, rocks, plastics, metals, and
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other non-biogenic materials, would at
best travel through the fuel production
process unchanged, resulting in reduced
fuel production capacity. Depending on
the type of contaminant they may also
be converted to undesired byproducts
that must be separated from the fuel.
They could also be toxic to the
biological organisms being used to
convert the sugars to fuel, necessitating
a shut down and restart of the plant.
Any of these scenarios would result in
a significant cost to the fuel producer.
Feedstocks such as agricultural
residues, wood chips, or herbaceous or
woody energy crops are likely to contain
far fewer contaminants than more
heterogeneous feedstocks such as
municipal solid waste (MSW).
b. Biomass Pretreatment
The purpose of the biomass
pretreatment stage is to disrupt the
structure of the cellulosic biomass to
allow for the hydrolysis of the cellulose
and hemicellulose into simple sugars.
The ideal pretreatment stage would
allow for a high conversion of the
cellulose and hemicellulose to simple
sugars, minimize the degradation of
these sugars to undesired forms that
reduce fuel yields and inhibit
fermentation, not require especially
large or expensive reaction vessels, and
be a relatively robust and simple
process. No single biomass pretreatment
method has yet been discovered that
meets all of these goals, but rather a
variety of options are being used by
various cellulosic fuel producers, each
with their own strengths and
weaknesses. Dilute acid pretreatment
and alkaline pretreatment are two
methods currently being used that
attack the hemicellulose and lignin
portions of the cellulosic biomass
respectively. Other methods, such as
steam explosion and ammonia fiber
expansion, seek to use high temperature
and pressure, followed by rapid
decompression to disrupt the structure
of the cellulosic biomass and allow for
a more efficient hydrolysis of the
cellulose and hemicellulose to simple
sugars. Each of these methods is
discussed in more detail in a technical
memo that has been added to the
docket.20 The cost and characteristics of
the cellulosic feedstock being processed
is likely to have a significant impact on
the pretreatment process that is used.
c. Hydrolysis
In the hydrolysis step the cellulose
and any remaining hemicellulose are
20 Wyborny, Lester. ‘‘In-Depth Assessment of
Advanced Biofuels Technologies.’’ Memo to the
docket, November 17, 2010.
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converted to simple sugars. There are
two main methods of hydrolysis: acid
hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis.
Acid hydrolysis is the oldest technology
for the conversion of cellulosic
feedstock to ethanol and can only be
used following an acid pretreatment
process. An alternative method is to use
a combination of enzymes to perform
the hydrolysis after the biomass has
been pretreated. This process is
potentially more effective at
hydrolyzing pretreated biomass but in
the past has not been economically
feasible due to the prohibitively high
cost of the enzymes. The falling cost of
these enzymes in recent years has made
the production of cellulosic biofuels
using enzymatic hydrolysis possible.
The lignin is largely unaffected by the
hydrolysis and fuel production steps but
is carried through these processes until
it is separated out in the fuel separation
step and burned for process energy or
sold as a co-product.
i. Acid Hydrolysis
Acid hydrolysis is a technique that
has been used for over 100 years to
convert cellulosic feedstocks into fuels.
In the acid hydrolysis process the lignin
and cellulose portions of the feedstock
that remain after the hemicellulose has
been dissolved, hydrolyzed, and
separated during the dilute acid
pretreatment process is treated with a
second acid stream. This second acid
treatment uses a less concentrated acid
than the pretreatment stage but at a
higher temperature, as high as 215 °C.
This treatment hydrolyzes the cellulose
into glucose and other six-carbon sugars
that are then fed to biological organisms
to produce the desired fuel. It is
necessary to hydrolyze the
hemicellulose and cellulose in two
separate steps to prevent the conversion
of the pentose sugars that result from
the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose from
being further converted into furfural and
other chemicals. This would not only
reduce the total production of sugars
from the cellulosic feedstock, but also
inhibit the production of fuel from the
sugars in later stages of the process.
The acidic solution containing the
sugars produced as a result of the
hydrolysis reaction must also be treated
so that this stream can be fed to the
biological organisms that will convert
these sugars into fuel. In order to
operate an acid hydrolysis process cost
effectively the acid must be recovered,
not simply neutralized. Methods
currently being used to recover this acid
include membrane separation and
continuous ion exchange. The
advantages of using an acid hydrolysis
are that this process is well understood
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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and capable of producing high sugar
yields from a wide variety of feedstocks.
Capital costs are high however, as
materials compatible with the acidic
streams must be extensively utilized.
The high temperatures necessary for
acid hydrolysis also result in
considerable energy costs.
ii. Enzymatic Hydrolysis
The enzymatic hydrolysis process
uses enzymes, rather than acids, to
hydrolyze the cellulose and any
remaining hemicellulose from the
pretreatment process. This process is
much more versatile than the acid
hydrolysis and can be used in
combination with any of the
pretreatment processes described above,
provided that the structure of the
lignocellulosic feedstock has been
disrupted enough to allow the enzymes
to easily access the hemicellulose and
cellulose. After the feedstock has gone
through pretreatment a cocktail of
cellulose enzymes is added. These
enzymes can be produced by the
cellulosic biofuel producer or purchased
from enzyme producers such as
Novozymes, Genencor, and others. The
exact mixture of enzymes used in the
enzymatic hydrolysis stage can vary
greatly depending on which of the
pretreatment stages is used as well as
the composition of the feedstock.
The main advantages of the enzymatic
hydrolysis process are a result of the
mild operating conditions. Because no
acid is used, special materials are not
required for the reaction vessels.
Enzymatic hydrolysis is carried out at
relatively low temperatures, usually
around 50° C, and atmospheric pressure
and therefore has low energy
requirements. These conditions also
result in less undesired reactions that
would reduce the production of sugars
and potentially inhibit fuel production.
Enzymatic hydrolysis works best with a
uniform feedstock, such as agricultural
residues or energy crops, where the
concentration and combination of
enzymes can be optimized for maximum
sugar production. If the composition of
the feedstock varies daily, as can be the
case with fuel producers utilizing MSW
or other waste streams, or even
seasonally, it will be more difficult to
ensure that the correct enzyme cocktail
is being used to carry out the hydrolysis
as efficiently as possible. The main
hurdle to using an enzymatic hydrolysis
has been and continues to be the costs
of the enzymes. Recent advances by
companies that produce enzymes for the
hydrolysis of cellulosic materials have
resulted in a drastic cost reduction of
these enzymes. If, as many researchers
and cellulosic biofuel producers expect,
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the cost of these enzymes continues to
fall it is likely that enzymatic hydrolysis
will be a lower cost option than acid
d. Fuel Production
After the cellulosic biomass has been
hydrolyzed to simple sugars, this sugar
solution is converted to fuel by
biological organisms. In some
biochemical fuel production processes
the sugars produced from the
fermentation of the hemicellulose,
which are mainly five-carbon sugars, are
converted to fuel in a separate reactor
and with a different set of organisms
than the sugars produced from the
cellulose hydrolysis, which are mainly
six-carbon sugars. Others processes,
however, produce fuel from the five and
six-carbon sugars in the same reaction
A wide range of biological organisms
can be used to convert the simple sugars
into fuel. These include yeasts, bacteria,
and other microbes, some of which are
naturally occurring and others that have
been genetically modified. The ideal
biological organism converts both five
and six-carbon sugars to fuel with a high
efficiency, is able to tolerate a range of
conditions, and is adaptable to process
sugar streams of varying compositions
that may result from variations in
feedstock. Many cellulosic biofuel
producers have their own proprietary
organism or organisms optimized to
produce the desired fuel from their
unique combination of feedstock,
pretreatment and hydrolysis processes,
and fuel conversion conditions. Other
cellulosic fuel producers license these
organisms from biotechnology
companies who specialize in their
discovery and production.
The different biological organisms
being considered for cellulosic biofuel
production are capable of producing
many different types of fuels. Most
cellulosic biofuel producers are working
with organisms that produce ethanol. In
many ways this is the simplest fuel to
produce from lignocellulosic biomass as
the production of ethanol from simple
sugars is a well understood process.
Others intend to produce butanol or
other alcohols that have higher energy
content. Butanol has the potential to be
blended into gasoline in greater
concentrations than ethanol and
therefore has a potentially greater
market as well as value due to its higher
energy content. Yields for butanol,
however, are currently lower per ton of
feedstock than ethanol.
Other cellulosic biofuel producers
intend to produce hydrocarbon fuels
very similar to gasoline, diesel, and jet
fuel. These fuels command a higher
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price than alcohols, have a greater
energy density, and can potentially be
blended into conventional gasoline and
diesel for use in any conventional
vehicles without strict blending limits.
They could also be transported by
existing pipelines and utilize the same
infrastructure as the petroleum industry.
Some of the processes being researched
by fuel producers result in a single
compound, such as iso-octane, that
would need to be blended into
petroleum gasoline in order to be used
as transportation fuel, while others
produce a range of hydrocarbons very
similar to those found in gasoline or
diesel fuel refined from petroleum and
could potentially be used in
conventional vehicles without blending.
The yields of fuel produced by these
organisms through biochemical
processes are currently significantly
lower than those processes that produce
ethanol and other alcohols.
e. Fuel Separation
In the fuel separation stage the fuel
produced is separated from the water,
lignin, any un-reacted hemicellulose
and cellulose, and any other compounds
remaining after the fuel production
stage. The complexity of this stage is
highly dependent on the type of fuel
produced. For processes producing
hydrocarbon fuels this stage can be as
simple as a settling tank, where the
hydrocarbons are allowed to float to the
top and are removed. Recovering the
ethanol is a much more difficult task. To
recover the ethanol, a distillation
process, nearly identical to that used in
the grain ethanol industry, is used. The
ethanol solution is first separated from
the solids before being sent to a
distillation column called a beer
column. The overheads of the beer
column are fed to a second distillation
column, called a rectifier for further
separation. The rectifier produces a
stream with an ethanol content of
approximately 96%. A molecular sieve
unit is then used to dehydrate this
stream to produce fuel grade ethanol
with purity greater than 99.5%.
Gasoline, natural gasoline, or some
other approved denaturant is then
added to the ethanol before the fuel is
stored. After the fuel has been recovered
the remaining lignin and solids are
dried and either burned on site to
provide process heat and electricity or
sold as a byproduct of the fuel
production process. The waste water is
either recycled or sent to a water
treatment facility.
The distillation of ethanol is a very
energy intensive process and new
technologies, such as membrane
separation, are being developed that
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
could potentially reduce the energy
intensity, and thus the cost, of the
ethanol dehydration process.
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f. Process Variations
While the process described above
outlines the general biochemical process
used by many cellulosic biofuel
producers, there are several prominent
variations being pursued. These
variations usually seek to simplify the
biochemical fuel production process by
combining several steps into a single
step or using other means to reduce the
capital or operating costs of the process.
Simultaneous Saccharification and
Fermentation (SSF), Simultaneous
Saccharification and Co-Fermentation
(SSCF), Consolidated Bio-Processing
(CBP), and Single Step Fuel Production
are all production methods being
developed by various biofuel
production companies to combine two
or more of the steps outlined above.
These process variations are discussed
in more detail in the aforementioned
technical memo to the docket. These
modifications are usually enabled by a
proprietary technology or biological
organism that makes these changes
g. Current Status of Biochemical
Conversion Technology
The biochemical cellulosic fuel
production industry is currently
transitioning from an industry
consisting mostly of small scale research
and optimization focused facilities to
one capable of producing fuel at a
commercial scale. Companies such as
Iogen, DuPont Danisco Cellulosic
Ethanol, Fiberight and KL Energy are
just beginning to market the fuel they
are producing at their first small scale
commercial fuel production facilities.
Many other facilities, including some
large scale facilities capable of
producing tens of millions of gallons of
fuel are planned to come online starting
in 2012 and in the following years.
There are many factors that are likely
to continue to drive the expansion of the
cellulosic biofuel industry. The
mandates put into place by the RFS2
program have created a demand for
cellulosic biofuels, and higher crude oil
prices can also make cellulosic biofuels
more economically attractive. The
biochemical production process also has
several important benefits including
relatively low capital costs, highly
selective fuel production, and flexibility
in the type of fuel produced.
While the poor worldwide economy
and tight credit markets has had a
negative impact on the biofuel industry
as a whole, the cellulosic biofuel
producers utilizing biochemical
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processes have not been as hard hit as
many others in the industry. This is
partially due to the relatively low
capital costs of biochemical production
plants as a result of the relative
simplicity and mild operating
conditions of these plants. Several
companies have been able to purchase
distressed grain ethanol plants and are
in the process of modifying them to
produce cellulosic ethanol, further
reducing the capital costs of their initial
facilities. Another advantage that
biochemical processes have over other
cellulosic fuel production processes is
their high selectivity in the fuels they
produce. Unlike chemical catalysts,
which often produce a range of products
and byproducts, biological organisms
often produce a single type of fuel,
which leads to very high fuel
production rates per unit of sugar.
Finally, there is a potential to further
decrease the production costs of
cellulosic biofuels using biochemical
processes. Unlike other production
methods such as gasification which are
relatively mature technologies,
biochemical production of fuels from
cellulosic feedstock is a young
technology. One of the major costs of
the biochemical fuel production
processes currently are the enzymes.
Great strides have been made recently in
reducing the cost of these enzymes, and
as the price of enzymes continues to fall
so will the operating costs of
biochemical fuel production processes.
h. Path to Commercialization
While there are many promising
qualities of the biochemical fuel
production process, we have identified
several different aspects of the process
which can be further improved. The
pretreatment process can be improved
to speed the conversion of cellulose and
hemicellulose to simple sugars and to
minimize the production of other
undesired compounds, especially those
that may inhibit the fuel production
process. The ability of the biological
fuel production organisms to process a
wide range of both five and six carbon
sugars can also be improved. Both these
improvements will increase the fuel
yield per ton of cellulosic feedstock,
reducing the operating costs of the
process. Finally, the enzyme production
process can be further optimized, which
would lower the price for enzymes and
improve the economics of hydrolyzing
cellulose to sugars.
Another opportunity for improvement
would be the profitable utilization of the
lignin portion of the cellulosic
feedstock. Unlike some of the other
cellulosic biofuel production processes,
the biochemical process does not
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convert the lignin to fuel. Cellulosic
feedstock can contain up to 40% lignin,
depending on the type of feedstock
used, so the effective utilization of this
lignin is an important component of the
profitability of the biochemical process.
One option for the use of the lignin is
to burn it to provide process heat and
electricity, as well as excess electricity
to the grid. While this would provide
value for the lignin, it would require
fairly expensive boilers and turbines
that increase the capital cost of the
facility. If the lignin cannot be used as
part of the fuel production process it
may be able to be marketed as a solid
fuel with high energy density and low
carbon intensity.
These various improvements to
cellulosic biofuel plants would make
biochemical processes more costcompetitive with petroleum and other
cellulosic biofuels. For more details on
the potential cost impacts of these
improvements, see the aforementioned
technical memo which has been added
to the docket of this rule.
2. Thermochemical
Thermochemical conversion involves
biomass being broken down into syngas
(primarily CO and H2) using heat and
upgraded to fuels using a combination
of heat and pressure in the presence of
catalysts.21 For generating the syngas,
thermochemical processes partially
oxidize biomass in the presence of a
gasifying agent, usually air, oxygen,
and/or steam. It is important to note that
these processing steps are also
applicable to other feedstocks (e.g., coal
or natural gas); the only difference is
that a renewable feedstock is used (i.e.,
biomass) to produce cellulosic biofuel.
The cellulosic biofuel produced can be
mixed alcohols, an optimized process to
produce only one alcohol such as
ethanol, or it can be diesel fuel and
naphtha. A thermochemical unit can
also complement a biochemical
processing plant to enhance the
economics of an integrated biorefinery
by converting lignin-rich, nonfermentable material left over from highstarch or cellulosic feedstocks
conversion.22 Compared to corn ethanol
or biochemical cellulosic ethanol plants,
the use of biomass gasification may
allow for greater flexibility to utilize
different biomass feedstocks at a
21 US. DOE. Technologies: Processing and
Conversion. Accessed at: https://
_conversion.html on October 28, 2008.
22 EERE, DOE, Thermochemical Conversion, &
Biochemical Conversion, Biomass Program
Thermochemical R&D. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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specific plant. Mixed biomass
feedstocks may also be used, based on
availability of long-term suppliers,
seasonal availability, harvest cycle, and
The general steps of the gasification
thermochemical process include:
Feedstock handling, gasification, gas
cleanup and conditioning, fuel
synthesis, and separation. Refer to
Figure IV.C.2–1 for a schematic of the
thermochemical cellulosic ethanol
production process through gasification.
For greater detail on the
thermochemical mixed-alcohols route,
refer to NREL technical
23 Aden, Andy, Mixed Alcohols from Woody
Biomass—2010, 2015, 2022, National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), September 23, 2009.
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which produces diesel fuel and naphtha
through a thermochemical process.
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Figure IV.C.2–2 is a block diagram of
a biomass to liquids (BTL) process
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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The first step in a thermochemical
plant is feedstock size reduction. The
particle size requirement for a
thermochemical process is around 10mm to 100-mm in diameter.24 Once the
feed is ground to the proper size, flue
gases from the char combustor and tar
reformer catalyst regenerator dry the
feed from the as-received moisture level
of around 30% to 50% moisture to the
level required by the gasifier.
The dried, ground feedstock is fed to
a gasification reactor for producing
syngas. There are two general classes of
gasifiers: Partial oxidation (POX) and
indirect gasifiers. Partial oxidation
gasifiers (directly-heated gasifiers) use
the exothermic reaction between oxygen
and organics to provide the heat
necessary to devolatilize biomass and to
convert residual carbon-rich chars.
Indirect gasifiers use steam to
accomplish gasification through heat
transfer from a hot solid or through a
heat transfer surface. Either the
byproduct char and/or a portion of the
product gas can be combusted with air
(external to the gasifier itself) to provide
the energy required for gasification. The
raw syngas produced from either type of
gasifier has a low to medium energy
content which consists mainly of CO,
H2, CO2, H2O, N2, and hydrocarbons.
Once the biomass is gasified and
converted to syngas, the syngas must be
cleaned and conditioned, as minor
components of tars, sulfur, nitrogen
oxides, alkali metals, and particulates
have the potential to negatively affect
the syngas conversion steps. Therefore,
unwanted impurities are removed in a
gas cleanup step and the gas
composition is further modified during
gas conditioning. Because this step is a
necessary part of the thermochemical
process, thermochemical plants are
good candidates for processing
municipal solid waste (MSW) which
may contain a significant amount of
toxic material. Gas conditioning steps
include sulfur polishing to remove trace
levels of H2S and a water-gas shift
reaction to adjust the final H2/CO ratio
for optimized fuel synthesis.
After cleanup and conditioning, the
‘‘clean’’ syngas is comprised of
essentially CO and H2. The syngas is
then converted into a liquid fuel by a
24 Lin Wei, Graduate Research Assistant, Lester O.
Pordesimo, Assistant Professor Willam D.
Batchelor, Professor, Department of Agricultural
and Biological Engineering, Mississippi State
University, MS 39762, USA, Ethanol Production
from Wood: Comparison of Hydrolysis
Fermentation and Gasification Biosynthesis, Paper
Number: 076036, Written for presentation at the
2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting.
Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN,
17–20 June 2007.
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catalytic process. The fuel producer has
the choice of producing diesel fuel or
alcohols from syngas by optimizing the
type of catalyst used and the H2/CO
ratio. Diesel fuel has historically been
the primary focus of such processes by
using a Fischer Tropsch reactor, as it
produces a high quality distillate
A carefully integrated conventional
steam cycle produces process heat and
electricity (excess electricity is
exported). Pre-heaters, steam generators,
and super-heaters generate steam that
drives turbines on compressors and
electrical generators. The heat balance
around a thermochemical unit or
thermochemical combined unit must be
carefully designed and tuned in order to
avoid unnecessary heat losses.25 These
facilities greatly increase the thermal
efficiency of these plants, but they add
to the very high capital costs of these
a. Ethanol Based on a Thermochemical
Conceptual designs and technoeconomic models have been developed
for ethanol production via mixed
alcohol synthesis using catalytic
processes. The proposed mixed alcohol
process produces a mixture of ethanol
along with higher normal alcohols (e.g.,
n-propanol, n-butanol, and n-pentanol).
The by-product higher normal alcohols
have value as commodity chemicals and
fuel additives.
The liquid from the low-pressure
separator is dehydrated in vapor-phase
molecular sieves, producing the
dehydrated mixed alcohol feed into a
methanol/ethanol overhead stream and
a mixed, higher molecular weight
alcohol bottom stream. The overhead
stream is further separated into a
methanol stream and an ethanol stream.
Two companies which are pursuing
ethanol based on a thermochemical
route are Range Fuels and Enerkem.
Range Fuels completed construction of
their first commercial facility in
Soperton, Georgia in the first quarter of
2010 and began the production of
cellulosic biofuel in the third quarter of
2010. In the first phase of operation.
Range will use wood chips as a
feedstock but they also plan to
investigate the possibility of using other
non-food biomass. In its initial phase,
the Range plant is expected to produce
up to 4 million gallons per year of
25 S. Phillips, A. Aden, J. Jechura, and D. Dayton,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,
Colorado 80401–3393, T. Eggeman, Neoterics
International, Inc., Thermochemical Ethanol via
Indirect Gasification and Mixed Alcohol Synthesis
of Lignocellulosic Biomass, Technical Report,
NREL/TP–510–41168, April 2007.
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primarily methanol as well as a small
quantity of ethanol which they intend to
sell into the transportation fuel market.
After the company is confident in its
operations, Range will begin efforts to
expand the plant and add additional
reaction capacity to increase production
of ethanol and other alcohols.
Enerkem is pursuing cellulosic
ethanol production via the
thermochemical route. The Canadianbased company was recently announced
as a recipient of a $50 million grant
from DOE to build a woody biomass-toethanol plant in Pontotoc, MS. The U.S.
plant is not scheduled to come online
until 2012, but Enerkem’s 1.3 MGY
demonstration plant in Westbury,
Quebec is currently operational.
According to the company, plant
construction in Westbury started in
October 2007 and it began producing
syngas in late 2009. After the successful
testing of the syngas unit, Enerkem
added methanol production capabilities
and began producing methanol in 2010.
The last step for the Westbury plant will
be for Enerkem to add a reactor to
convert the methanol to ethanol and
other higher order alcohols. While it is
unclear at this time whether any
cellulosic ethanol will be produced in
2011, Enerkem has informed EPA that
they do not intend to export any
cellulosic fuel to the United States. If
Enerkem does export some of its
cellulosic biofuel to the U.S., however,
it could be used to help to enable
refiners meet the 2011 cellulosic biofuel
b. Diesel and Naphtha Production Based
on a Thermochemical Platform
The cleaned and water-shifted syngas
is sent to the Fischer Tropsch (FT)
reactor where the carbon monoxide and
hydrogen are reacted over a catalyst.
Current FT catalysts include iron-based
catalysts and cobalt-based catalysts. The
FT reactor creates a syncrude, which is
a variety of hydrocarbons that boil over
a wide distillation range (a mix of heavy
and light hydrocarbons) which are
separated into various components
based on their vapor pressure. The
primary products resulting from this
separation are liquid petroleum gas
(LPG), naphtha, distillate, and wax
fractions. The heavier compounds are
hydrocracked to maximize the
production of diesel fuel. Conversely,
the naphtha material is very low in
octane; thus, it would either have to be
upgraded, blended down with high
octane blendstocks (i.e., ethanol), or
upgraded to a higher octane blendstock
to have much value for use in gasoline.
Choren is a European company which
is pursuing a thermochemical
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
technology for producing diesel fuel and
naphtha. The principal aspect of
Choren’s process is their patented threestage gasification reactor which includes
low temperature gasification, high
temperature gasification, and
endothermic entrained bed gasification.
Choren designed its gasification reactor
with three stages to more fully convert
the feedstock to syngas. Choren will be
building a commercial plant in Freiberg/
Saxony, Germany that is expected to be
operational in 2011 or 2012. Initially,
the plant will use biomass from nearby
forests, the wood-processing industry,
and straw from farmland. Although any
fuel produced in 2011 by its Freiberg/
Saxony plant and marketed
commercially would most likely be used
in Europe, it is possible that some of
that fuel could be exported to the U.S.
Choren is also planning to build a
commercial thermochemical/biomassto-liquids (BTL) plant in the U.S. after
their Freiberg/Saxony plant is
operational in Germany.
Baard Energy is a U.S. company
which plans on utilizing a
thermochemical technology for
producing diesel fuel and naphtha.
Baard, however, plans on primarily
combusting coal and cofiring biomass
with the coal. Cofiring the biomass with
the coal will make their first plant more
like the coal-to-liquids plants which are
operating today, which may help to
convince investors that this technology
is already tested. Baard’s coal and
biomass-to-liquids plant is not expected
to be operational until at least 2012.
One challenge for the companies
pursing the thermochemical route is the
significant capital costs associated with
these technologies. The capital costs are
very high because there are two
significant reactors required for each
plant—the gasification reactor and the
syngas-to-fuel reactor. Additionally, the
syngas must be cleaned to protect the
catalysts used in the downstream
syngas-to-fuel reactor which requires
additional capital costs. However,
because of this cleaning step, this
technology is a very good candidate for
processing MSW which may contain
toxic compounds. When considering the
cost savings for not having to pay the
tipping fees at municipal dumping
grounds, MSW feedstocks may avoid
almost all the purchase costs for MSW
feedstocks which would significantly
help offset the high capital costs.
3. Hybrid Thermochemical/Biochemical
Hybrid technologies include process
elements involving both the gasification
stage of a typical thermochemical
process, as well as the fermentation
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stage of a typical biochemical process
and therefore cannot be placed easily
into either category. For more specific
information regarding either
biochemical processes or
thermochemical, please see Sections
IV.C.1 and IV.C.2 respectively.
Currently, there are several strategies for
the production of ethanol through
hybrid processes. These strategies are
differentiated by the order in which the
thermochemical and biochemical steps
take place within the process, as well as
how the intermediate products from
each step are used.
While we do not expect significant
commercial production from hybrid
processes in 2011, there are several
companies pursing this approach for the
future. Examples of the first process
strategy, described in Section IV.C.3.a
below, include both INEOS Bio and
Coskata. As of December 4, 2009 INEOS
Bio (along with partner New Planet
Energy) has been selected for a $50MM
DOE grant for the construction of an 8
MGPY plant in River County, Florida.
This plant is projected to finish
construction in late 2011. Coskata is
currently running a 40,000 gallon per
year pilot plant that became operational
in 2009 in Madison, Pennsylvania.
Coskata is targeting to design and build
a 50 MGPY commercial plant that it
expects to be operational in 2012. A
company currently pursuing the second
process strategy, described in Section
IV.C.3.b below, is Zeachem Inc.
Zeachem is currently constructing a 250
KGPY demonstration plant in
Boardman, Oregon. They have received
a $25MM DOE grant and expect to have
a full commercial production facility
operational in 2013.
a. Biochemical Step Following
Thermochemical Step
One hybrid strategy involves the
gasification of all feedstock material to
syngas before being processed into
ethanol using a biochemical fermenter.
After gasification, the syngas stream is
cooled and bubbled into a fermenter
containing modified microorganisms,
usually bacteria or yeast. This fermenter
replaces the typical catalysts found after
gasification in a traditional
thermochemical process. Unlike
traditional fermentation (which break
down C5 and C6 sugars), these
microorganisms are engineered to
convert the carbon monoxide and
hydrogen contained in the syngas
stream directly into ethanol. After
fermentation, the effluent water/ethanol
stream from the fermenter is separated
similarly to a biochemical process,
usually using a combination of
distillation and molecular sieves. The
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separated water can then be recycled
back into the fermentation stage of the
process. Typical yields of ethanol are
predicted to be in the 100–120 gallon
per ton range.
Since gasification converts all
carbonaceous feedstock material to a
uniform syngas before fermentation,
there is a higher flexibility of feedstock
choices than if these materials were to
be fermented directly. In addition,
processing incoming feedstock with
gasification does not require the
addition of enzymes or acid hydrolysis
necessary in a biochemical process to
aid in the breakdown of cellulosic
materials. Fermenting syngas also
captures all available carbon contained
in the feedstock, including lignin that
would not be processed in a typical
biochemical fermentation. However,
more energy is lost as waste heat as well
as secondary carbon dioxide production
in the gasification process than would
be lost for biochemical feedstock
preparation. Using a fermenter in a
hybrid process replaces the catalyst
needed in a typical thermochemical
process. These microorganisms allow
for a higher variation of the incoming
syngas stream properties, avoid the
necessity of a water-shift reaction
preceding traditional catalytic
conversion, and are able to operate at
lower temperatures and pressures than
those required for a catalytic conversion
to ethanol. Microorganisms, unlike a
catalyst, are also self-sustaining and do
not require periodic replacement. They
are; however, susceptible to bacterial
and viral infections which requires
periodic cleaning of the fermentation
b. Concurrent Biochemical and
Thermochemical Steps
Another hybrid production strategy
involves gasification of the typically
unfermentable feedstock fraction
(lignin) concurrently with a typical
fermentation step for the cellulose and
hemicellulose fraction. These steps are
subsequently combined in a
hydrogenation reaction of the ligninbased syngas with the product of the
fermented stream. The feedstock first
undergoes acid hydrolysis to break
down the cellulose and hemicellulose.
Before fermentation, the unfermentable
portion of feedstock (lignin, ash and
other residue) is fractioned and sent to
a gasifier. Concurrently, the hydrolyzed
cellulose and hemicellulose is
fermented using an acetogen
microorganism. These acetogens occur
naturally, and therefore do not have to
be modified for this process. These
acetogens convert both five-carbon and
six-carbon sugars from the hydrolized
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
feedstock to acetic acid. This reaction
creates no carbon dioxide, unlike
traditional fermentation using yeast,
preserving the maximum amount of
carbon for the finished fuel. The acetic
acid stream then undergoes
esterification to create ethyl acetate.
Meanwhile, the syngas stream from the
gasification of lignin and other residue
is separated into its carbon monoxide
and hydrogen components. The carbon
monoxide stream can be further
combusted to provide process heat or
energy. The hydrogen stream is
combined with the ethyl acetate in a
hydrolysis reaction to form ethanol.
Acetic acid and ethyl acetate also form
the precursors to many other chemical
compounds and therefore may be sold
in addition to ethanol or further
converted to other compounds for sale
in the chemicals market. Typical yields
for this technology are predicted in the
130–150 gallon per ton range.
4. Pyrolysis and Depolymerization
Pyrolysis and depolymerization are
technologies which are capable of
creating biofuels from cellulose by
either thermally or catalytically
breaking them down into molecules
which fall within the boiling range of
transportation fuels. Pyrolysis
technologies are usually thought of as
being primarily a thermal technology,
however, newer pyrolysis technologies
are being developed which are
attempting to integrate the use of some
catalysts. These are all unique
processes, typically with single
companies developing the technologies,
so they are discussed separately below.
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a. Pyrolysis Diesel Fuel and Gasoline
Pyrolysis oils, or bio-oils, are
produced by thermally cracking
cellulosic biomass at lower
temperatures than the gasification
process, thus producing a liquid instead
of a synthesis gas.26 The reaction can
occur either with or without the use of
catalysts, but it occurs without any
additional oxygen being present. The
resulting oil which is produced must
have particulates and ash removed in
filtration to create a homogenous ‘‘dirty’’
crude oil type of product. This dirty
crude oil must be further upgraded to
hydrocarbon fuels via hydrotreating and
hydrocracking processing, which
reduces its total oxygen content and
cracks the heaviest of the hydrocarbon
compounds. While one of the finished
fuels produced by the pyrolysis process
26 DOE EERE Biomass Program. ‘‘Thermochemical
Conversion Processes: Pyrolysis’’ https://
thermochemical_processes.html, November 6, 2008.
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is diesel fuel, a significant amount of
gasoline would likely be produced as
well. There are two main reaction
pathways currently being explored: A
two step pyrolysis pathway, and a one
step pyrolysis pathway.
The simplest technology used for the
two-step pyrolysis approach is called
fast pyrolysis. The fast pyrolysis
technology uses sand in a fluidized bed
to transform bio-fuels into bio-oil. This
is purely a thermal process, where the
sand’s (or other solid’s) role is to
transfer heat to the biomass. For two
reasons, the bio-oils from fast pyrolysis
technologies must be upgraded. First,
fast pyrolysis oil is unstable, acidic,
viscous and may separate itself into two
phases so it must be immediately
upgraded or it will begin to degrade and
repolymerize. The second issue is that
pyrolysis bio-oil must be upgraded or it
won’t meet transportation fuel
Another approach to fast pyrolysis
being pursued by several companies
would be to substitute a catalyst in
place of sand and the catalyst would be
able to stabilize the resulting bio-oil in
addition to helping depolymerize the
biomass to liquids. Although the
resulting bio-oil is stable, it still has to
be upgraded into a transportation fuel,
since it would still have a high level of
oxygenated compounds.
The National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) is working on a ‘‘hot
filtration’’ technology that is intended to
stabilize bio-oil created using the fast
pyrolysis process for a very long period
of time (years). This would allow the
bio-oil to be stored and transported to
an upgrading facility without significant
It may be possible to use a
sophisticated catalyst (instead of sand)
in a single step pyrolysis reaction to
create pyrolysis oils that exhibit much
improved bio-oil properties. The
catalysts would not only be able to help
depolymerize cellulosic feedstocks, but
they produce a bio-oil which could
possibly be used directly as
transportation fuel. Thus, a second
upgrading step may not be necessary.
The difficulty encountered by this
technology is that catalysts which have
been used in the one step process are
relatively expensive and they degrade
quickly due to the metals which are
present in the biomass. Development
work on the two-step and one-step
pyrolysis processes is ongoing.
Dynamotive Energy Systems
Corporation is a Canadian company
which uses fast pyrolysis to convert dry
waste biomass and energy crops into
different products including bio-oil. The
bio-oil produced is polar due to its high
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oxygen content and it contains up to
25% water which is intimately mixed
and does not easily separate into
another phase with time. Since the biooil contains significant amounts of both
oxygen and water, it is not directly
useable as fuel in conventional vehicles
and would have to be converted via
another catalytic conversion processing
step. The additional catalytic step
envisioned by Dynamotive to upgrade
the bio-oil into a transportation fuel
would combust the material into a
synthesis gas which would then be
converted into diesel fuel or biomethanol via a catalytic reaction (the
BTL process). The diesel fuel produced
is expected to be compatible with
existing petroleum diesel fuels.
Dynamotive has two small
demonstration plants. One
demonstration plant is located in
Guelph, Ontario, Canada and its
capacity is 66,000 dry tons of biomass
a year with an energy output equivalent
to 130,000 barrels of oil. The other
demonstration plant is located in West
Lorne Ontario, Canada. Dynamotive
continues to work on a technology for
converting its bio-oil to transportation
fuels, although they have not
announced plans for building such a
facility due to funding limits. While
Dynamotive is expected to continue to
sell its fuel into the chemicals market,
it would be possible for Dynamotive to
set up an agreement with a refining
company which could upgrade its biooil to a #2 fuel oil or diesel fuel using
existing refinery hardware so that the
fuel would qualify under the RFS2
program and contribute to meeting the
2011 cellulosic biofuel standard.
Envergent is a company formed
through a joint venture between
Honeywell’s UOP and the Ensyn
Corporation. Although Ensyn has been
using fast pyrolysis for more than a
decade to produce specialty chemicals,
UOP is relying on its decades of
experience developing refining
technologies to convert the pyrolysis
oils into transportation fuels. Envergent
is also working with U.S. National
laboratories to further their technology.
Based on their current technology and
depending on the feedstock processed,
about 70% of the feedstock is converted
into liquid products. The gasoline range
products produced are high in octane,
while the diesel fuel products are low
in cetane. Envergen estimates that if it
was able to procure cellulosic
feedstocks at $70 per ton, their
technology would be competitive with
#2 fuel oil produced from crude oil
priced at about $40 per barrel.
Envergent is licensing this technology as
well as working with a U.S. oil company
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to test out this technology in a
commercial setting in the U.S.
Petrobras is a Brazilian oil company
also working to develop a pyrolysis
technology. Because of Petrobas’ work
in this area (and other areas on
biofuels), a Memorandum of
Understanding was signed by United
States’ Secretary of State and Brazil’s
External Relations Minister on March 9,
2007 to advance the cooperation on
biofuels. A second Memorandum of
Understanding was signed by
PETROBRAS and NREL in September
2008 aimed at collaborating to maximize
the benefit of their respective
institutional interests in second
generation biofuels. Petrobras is also
negotiating a Cooperation Agreement
with NREL to develop a two step
pyrolysis route to produce biofuels from
agricultural wastes such as sugar cane
bagasse, wood chips or corn stover.
Petrobras is optimistic that a catalytic
pyrolysis technology can be developed
that will produce a stable bio-oil
(pyrolysis oil). Petrobras is also hopeful
that a one-step pyrolysis technology can
be developed to convert biomass
directly to transportation fuels, but
believes that the two step process may
be more economically attractive.
b. Catalytic Depolymerization
There are several companies pursuing
catalytic depolymerization including
Covanta, Cello Energy and Green Power.
Covanta is currently operating 45
energy-from-waste facilities which
annually convert 20 million tons of
municipal solid waste materials into 9
million megawatt hours of electricity
and 10 billion pounds of steam, which
is sold to a variety of industries.
Covanta has secured license rights to a
catalytic depolymerization technology
developed by AlphaKat GmbH. Covanta
constructed an AlphaKat demonstration
plant in West Wareham, Massachusetts
designed to process 45 tons of waste per
day into renewable diesel fuel. If
successful, the total liquid fuel
production capacity of this
demonstration plant will be 1 million
gallons per year. This plant started up
in mid-2010 and after experimenting
with the technology to further
understand its capabilities, Covanta
expects to use the liquid distillate fuel
produced from this demonstration plant
within its own plant as heating oil and
nonroad diesel fuel.
The Cello-Energy process is also a
catalytic depolymerization technology.
At moderate pressure and temperature,
the Cello-Energy process catalytically
removes the oxygen and minerals from
the hydrocarbons that comprise finely
ground cellulose. This results in a
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mixture of short chain (3, 6 and 9
carbon) hydrocarbon compounds. These
short chain hydrocarbon compounds are
polymerized to form compounds that
boil in the diesel boiling range, though
the process can also be adjusted to
produce gasoline or jet fuel. The
resulting diesel fuel meets the ASTM
standards, is in the range of 50 to 55
cetane and typically contains a very low
concentration of sulfur.
The Cello process is reported to be on
the order of 82% efficient at converting
the feedstock energy content into the
energy content of the product, which is
very high compared to most of today’s
biochemical and thermochemical
processes which are on the order of 50%
efficient or less. Because of the
simplicity of the process, the capital
costs are very low. A 50 million gallon
per year plant is claimed to only incur
a total cost of $45 million. Because of
its high efficiency in converting
feedstocks into liquid fuel, the
production and operating costs are also
estimated to be very low.
In December 2008, Cello completed
construction of a 20 million gallon per
year commercial demonstration plant.
However, they are still working to
resolve process issues that have arisen
upon scaleup from their pilot plant.
However, we are doubtful that Cello
will be able to produce any volume of
cellulosic biofuel in 2011 as described
more fully in Section II.
The Green Power process catalytically
depolymerizes cellulosic feedstocks at
moderate temperatures into liquid
hydrocarbon fuels. The proposed
feedstock is municipal solid waste
(MSW) or other waste material such as
animal waste, plastics, agriculture
residue, woody biomass and sewage
waste. The feedstock is first ground to
a size finer than 5 mm. The feedstock
is placed along with a catalyst, some
lime which serves as a neutralizing
agent, and some fuel which provides a
liquid medium, into a reactor and
heated to around 350 degrees Celsius.
As described by the company, this
technology may fit the description for
catalyzed pyrolysis reactions described
above, but we have categorized this as
a separate catalytic depolymerization
technology due to its unique features. In
the reactor, the feedstock is catalytically
converted to liquid fuels which
primarily fall within the gasoline and
diesel fuel boiling ranges, although
these fuels may need further upgrading.
The liquid fuels are separated from any
solids which are present and are
distilled into typical fuel streams
including naphtha, diesel fuel,
kerosene, and fuel oil. According to
publically available information about
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this technology, the process reportedly
produces 120 gallons per ton of
feedstock introduced into the process. A
light hydrocarbon gas, which is mostly
methane, is also produced, but this gas
is expected to be burned in a turbine to
generate electricity and the waste heat
would be used for heating the process.
Some carbon dioxide may also be
formed and released from the process.
Greenpower completed construction
of a demonstration plant located in Fife,
Washington in March of 2008.
Greenpower is working on obtaining
additional funding and an air permit
through the State of Washington
Environmental Office. While we do not
expect that Greenpower will have its
plant operational in 2011, it is possible
that outstanding issues could be
resolved to allow this company to
produce renewable fuel that could help
refiners comply with the cellulosic
biofuel volume standard for 2011.
5. Catalytic Reforming of Sugars to
Virent Biorefining is pursuing a
process called ‘‘Bioforming’’ which
functions similar to the gasoline
reforming process used in the refining
industry. Hence, this is a significantly
different technology than the other
cellulosic biofuel technologies
discussed above. While refinery-based
catalytic reforming technologies raise
natural gasoline’s octane value and
produces aromatic compounds,
Bioforming reforms biomass-derived
sugars into hydrocarbons for blending
into gasoline and diesel fuel. The
process operates at moderate
temperatures and pressures. In March of
2010, Virent announced that they had
begun operating a larger pilot plant
capable of producing about 30 gallons
per day of high octane naphtha.
Commercialization of the Virent process
is expected to occur sometime after
For this technology to become a
cellulosic biofuel technology, it will be
necessary to link this reforming
technology with a technology which
breaks cellulose down into starch or
sugars. In parallel with its Bioforming
work, Virent is working on a technology
to break down cellulose into sugars
upstream of its technology which
reforms sugars to gasoline.
V. Changes to RFS Regulations
EPA proposed two revisions to the
general RFS program regulations. First,
we proposed to allow the generation of
‘‘delayed RINs’’ for fuel produced
between July 1, 2010 and December 31,
2010 using certain fuel pathways that
were not in Table 1 to § 80.1426 on July
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1, 2010, but which could possibly be
added after July 1 if they are determined
to meet the applicable GHG reduction
thresholds. Under the proposal, delayed
RINs could be generated only if the
pathways were indeed approved, and
only for quantities reflecting fuel
produced between July 1, 2010 and the
effective date of a new RIN-generating
pathway. In a previous action, we
finalized the provision for delayed RINs
for application only to biodiesel
produced from canola oil through
transesterification using natural gas or
biomass for process energy.27 In today’s
action we are modifying the delayed
RINs provision to make it more broadly
applicable to other renewable fuel
production pathways.
The second program modification that
we proposed would establish
procedures and evaluation criteria for
petitions requesting EPA authorization
of an aggregate compliance approach to
renewable biomass verification for
feedstocks grown in foreign countries,
akin to that applicable to crops and crop
residue grown within the U.S. In today’s
rule we are finalizing amendments to
the RFS regulations to implement this
A. Delayed RIN Generation for New
For the March 26, 2010 RFS2 final
rule (75 FR 14670), we attempted to
evaluate and model the lifecycle GHG
emissions associated with as many
renewable fuel production pathways as
possible so that producers and
importers of qualifying renewable fuels
could generate RFS2 RINs beginning on
July 1, 2010. However, we were not able
to complete the evaluation of all
pathways that we had planned. In the
preamble to the final RFS2 rule we
announced our intention to complete
the evaluation of three specific
pathways after release of the RFS2 final
rule: grain sorghum ethanol, pulpwood
biofuel, and palm oil biodiesel (see
Section V.C of the RFS2 final rule, 75
FR 14796). To this list we later added
biodiesel produced from canola oil as
this biofuel was produced under RFS1
and was also expected to participate in
the RFS2 program at the program’s
In the NPRM associated with today’s
final action, we proposed a new
regulatory provision that could
potentially allow RINs to be generated
for fuel produced on or after July 1,
2010 representing these four fuel
pathways even though they were not in
Table 1 to § 80.1426 as of July 1, 2010.
Under this proposed provision, RINs
27 75
FR 59622, September 28, 2010.
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could be generated only if the pathways
were indeed approved as valid RINgenerating pathways, and only for
volumes of fuel produced between July
1, 2010 and the effective date of a new
RIN-generating pathway added to Table
1 to § 80.1426. Somewhat different
procedures were proposed for the
generation of delayed RINs for volumes
for which RINs had never been
generated, and those for which RINs
with a D code of 6 had been generated
pursuant to § 80.1426(f)(6) by a
grandfathered facility. In a final rule
published on September 28, 2010, we
finalized regulatory provisions for these
‘‘delayed RINs’’ only for application to
biodiesel produced from canola oil
through transesterification using natural
gas or biomass for process energy, since
that action added only this one new
pathway to Table 1 to § 80.1426. In that
final action we also discussed many of
the comments received in response to
the proposed provision for delayed
RINs, our response to relevant
comments, and the resulting
modifications we made to the regulatory
However, we deferred for future
consideration one set of comments
related to delayed RINs in the
September 28, 2010 final rule which
established a new RIN-generating
pathway for biodiesel produced from
canola oil. In response to the NPRM,
two commenters requested that the
provision for delayed RINs be made
applicable to pathways other than the
four we proposed, such as pathways
utilizing camelina and winter barley.
We agree with these commenters that
the delayed RINs provision should not
necessarily be limited to fuel produced
by grain sorghum ethanol, pulpwood
biofuel, palm oil biodiesel, or canola oil
biodiesel (assuming they are ultimately
approved for RIN generation). As the
commenters suggested the same
rationale that justifies authorization of
delayed RINs for these pathways could
also justify the authorization of delayed
RINs for other pathways that were
commercially viable at the start of the
RFS2 program, but which EPA was
unable to address in time for RINs to be
generated at the start of the program.
Therefore, today’s final rule does not
limit the applicability of the delayed
RINs provision to any particular
pathways, but does include general
limitations that will ensure that the
provision is limited in scope to address
difficulties related to RFS2 program
startup. Among other provisions, in
today’s rule we are specifying that the
delayed RINs provision is limited to
biofuel pathways in use as of July 1,
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2010 for the primary purpose of
producing transportation fuel, heating
oil, or jet fuel for commercial sale. We
believe that this criterion, among others
discussed below, will properly define
those pathways for which fuel
producers should be accorded flexibility
in light of EPA’s inability to finalize its
assessments in time for RFS2 start-up,
and for which sufficient information
likely existed as of July 1, 2010, for EPA
to make lifecycle GHG emissions
The modified provisions will apply
equally to EPA approvals of new
pathways directly in response to
petitions submitted pursuant to
§ 80.1416, and to those pathways that
EPA approves through rulemaking. This
could include the three pathways that
were identified in the RFS2 final rule
(grain sorghum ethanol, pulpwood
biofuel, palm oil biodiesel) if they are
determined to meet the GHG thresholds,
or any other biofuel produced from a
pathway that was in use as of July 1,
2010 for the primary purpose of
producing transportation fuel, heating
oil, or jet fuel for commercial sale.
However, since the delayed RINs
provision is intended to address
program startup issues, we have
included provisions in this final rule to
ensure that the availability of the
provision will be of limited duration
and applicability as described below.
We proposed that delayed RINs
would be limited to pathways that are
approved by December 31, 2010. Under
the proposal, delayed RINs would have
only been available for volume
produced or imported in 2010. Since we
are modifying the delayed RINs
provision to make it applicable to other
biofuel pathways in addition to the four
we proposed, we believe it would be
appropriate to allow additional time for
producers and importers of biofuels
produced as of July 1, 2010 through
pathways not included in Table 1 to
§ 80.1426 to both satisfy the eligibility
requirements of the delayed RINs
provision, and to utilize it. Accordingly,
today’s rule makes delayed RINs
available for volumes produced or
imported by eligible parties in either
2010 or 2011. If we approve pathways
for sorghum ethanol, pulpwood biofuel,
or palm oil biodiesel in time for delayed
2010 and/or 2011 RINs to be used for
RFS2 compliance, we will specifically
add those pathways to the delayed RINs
provisions at § 80.1426(g) in our final
actions adding those fuel pathways to
Table 1 to § 80.1426. Fuels produced in
2010 or 2010 through other pathways
that EPA adds to Table 1 to § 80.1426 or
approves pursuant to § 80.1416 will be
eligible for delayed RINs if:
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
(1) EPA finds that the pathway was in
use as of July 1, 2010 for the primary
purpose of producing transportation
fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel for
commercial sale, and
(2) A complete petition seeking
approval of the pathway is submitted to
EPA pursuant to § 80.1416 by January
31, 2011.
These requirements are intended to
limit the availability of delayed RINs to
RIN-generating pathways that could
have participated in the RFS2 program
at its inception, and for which
producers and importers have taken
reasonable and timely measures to seek
EPA approval action. We believe, for
example, that parties should not be
accorded the flexibility to issue delayed
RINs if they have not actively pursued
EPA approval of their pathways in
timely manner pursuant to the petition
process in § 80.1416, and has therefore
limited the delayed RINs provision to
those pathways for which complete
petitions are submitted to EPA by
January 31, 2011.
The NPRM approach envisioned that
all RINs with a D code of 6 that are
retired, and all delayed RINs that are
generated, must be designated as 2010
RINs. However, since we are allowing
delayed RINs to be generated for
volumes produced in both 2010 and
2011, we believe that this requirement
would no longer be appropriate.
Therefore, we have modified the
delayed RINs provision so that the
generation year associated with delayed
RINs must correspond to the year in
which the corresponding volume was
produced. Delayed RINs generated to
represent volume produced in 2010
must be designated as 2010 RINs and
delayed RINs generated to represent
volume produced in 2011 must be
designated as 2011 RINs. Delayed RINs
that are generated as 2010 RINs will be
valid for use in complying with the
standards for calendar years 2010 or
2011, according to § 80.1427(a)(6) and
under the rollover restrictions provided
at § 80.1427(a)(5). Likewise, delayed
RINs that are generated as 2011 RINs
will be valid for use in complying with
the standards for calendar years 2011 or
2012. Since delayed RINs can only be
generated for volumes produced or
imported in 2010 or 2011, and a RIN is
only valid for compliance for two
compliance years, all delayed RINs will
be invalid for compliance with the
requirements of calendar year 2013 and
EPA recognizes that the delayed RINs
provision may not provide all biofuel
producers the opportunity to generate
RINs for all of their biofuel produced on
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and after July 1, 2010 if, for instance, a
new RIN-generating pathway is not
approved until after December 31, 2011.
EPA has structured the delayed RINs
provision in an attempt to reduce the
impact of EPA’s delay on such parties,
while maintaining as closely as possible
the relationship of RINs to actual fuel
production. Limiting the delayed RINs
provision to qualifying fuel produced in
2010 and 2011 appropriately ties the
provision to program start-up, and is
consistent with the 2-year valid life of
RINs. Nevertheless, EPA expects that it
will be able to complete its lifecycle
assessments of pathways for which
petitions are submitted by January 31,
2010 in time for producers using such
pathways to avail themselves of the
delayed RINs provision as structured in
today’s final rule.
Today’s delayed RIN provision also
provides that all requirements that
apply under the RFS2 rules with respect
to identifying fuels for which RINs may
be generated, the generation and use of
RINs, and recordkeeping and reporting,
also apply in the context of delayed
RINs unless specifically provided
otherwise in § 80.1426(g). For example,
the existing recordkeeping provisions
will require parties to maintain
documents related to the production
and transfer of the volumes of
renewable fuel for which they are
generating delayed RINs. The required
records are necessary to document that
the volumes of fuel for which delayed
RINs are generated qualify as renewable
fuel under the RFS2 program, e.g., that
the fuel was produced using feedstocks
that meet the definition of renewable
biomass, and using feedstocks, process
energy, and processes that conform to
the applicable pathway in Table 1 to
§ 80.1426 or approved pursuant to
§ 80.1416. Furthermore, the
requirements concerning the transfer of
renewable fuel for which parties are
generating delayed RINs is necessary to
ensure that the fuel was, in fact,
transferred by the delayed RINgenerating party.
B. Aggregate Compliance Approach for
Renewable Biomass From Foreign
As part of the NPRM, we proposed
new regulatory provisions to establish
procedures for submitting petitions to
request EPA authorization of an
aggregate compliance approach to
renewable biomass verification for
feedstocks grown in foreign countries,28
akin to that applicable to planted crops
and crop residue from existing
agricultural land within the U.S. In the
28 75
PO 00000
FR 42238, 42262, July 20, 2010.
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NPRM, we referenced the preamble
discussion in the final RFS2 regulations
in which we indicated that, while we
did not have sufficient data at the time
to make a finding that the aggregate
compliance approach adopted for
domestically-grown crops and crop
residues would be appropriate for
foreign-grown feedstocks, we would
consider applying the aggregate
compliance approach for renewable
biomass on a country by country basis
if adequate land use data becomes
In the NPRM, EPA proposed a process
by which entities might petition EPA for
approval of the aggregate compliance
approach for renewable fuel feedstocks
either in a foreign country as a whole or
in a specified geographical area within
a country. The proposed regulations
would have allowed petitioners to
request authorization of the aggregate
compliance approach for specific
feedstocks or for all planted crops and
crop residue, and EPA sought comment
on these options. The proposed
regulations also included a general
criterion and a number of
considerations that EPA would use in
evaluating petitions, and specified a list
of elements that would be required in a
petition. The preamble to the proposed
rule included a description of the
process by which EPA proposed to
make decisions concerning any
petitions received.
EPA received a number of comments
on the proposal and is finalizing an
approach similar to that which was
proposed, with some significant
modifications, as described below.
1. Criteria and Considerations
In developing the proposed
regulations, EPA relied substantially on
the approach we used to determine that
an aggregate compliance approach was
appropriate for planted crops and crop
residue from U.S. agricultural land. EPA
is finalizing an approach similar to that
which was proposed and that which
was applied to planted crops and crop
residue from U.S. agricultural land.
Petition approval for application of the
aggregate compliance approach will be
based on a finding by EPA that such an
approach can provide reasonable
assurance that planted crops and crop
residue from a given foreign country
meet the definition of renewable
biomass and will continue to meet the
definition of renewable biomass, as
demonstrated through the submission of
credible, reliable and verifiable data.
Based on our experience in making a
comparable finding for U.S.-grown
crops and crop residues, we are
finalizing a number of more specific
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
factors that EPA will consider when
determining whether this finding
should be made, as described below.
• Whether there has been a
reasonable identification of the ‘‘2007
baseline area of land,’’ defined as the
total amount of cropland, pastureland,
and land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land in
the country in question that was
actively managed or fallow and
nonforested on December 19, 2007,
taking into account the definitions of
terms such as ‘‘cropland,’’ ‘‘pastureland,’’
‘‘planted crop,’’ and ‘‘crop residue’’
included in the final RFS2 regulations.
• Whether information on the total
amount of cropland, pastureland, and
land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land in
the country in question for years
preceding and following calendar year
2007 shows that the 2007 baseline area
of land is not likely to be exceeded in
the future.
• Whether economic considerations,
legal constraints, historical land use and
agricultural practices and other factors
show that it is likely that producers of
planted crops and crop residue will
continue to use agricultural land within
the 2007 baseline area of land identified
into the future, as opposed to clearing
and cultivating land not included in the
2007 baseline area of land.
• Whether there is a reliable method
to evaluate on an annual basis whether
the 2007 baseline area of land is being
or has been exceeded.
• Whether a credible and reliable
entity has been identified to conduct
data gathering and analysis, including
annual identification of the aggregate
amount of cropland, pastureland, and
land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land, that
is needed for an annual EPA evaluation
of the aggregate compliance approach,
and whether the data, analyses, and
methodologies are publicly available.
• Whether the ministry (or ministries)
or department(s) of the national
government with primary expertise in
agricultural land use patterns, practices,
data, and statistics of the country in
question supports the petition and have
verified in writing the accuracy and
veracity of the information submitted in
the petition and agreed to review and
verify the data submitted on an annual
basis to facilitate EPA’s annual
assessment of the 2007 baseline area of
EPA requested comments on the
proposed general criteria and specific
considerations for approving the
aggregate compliance approach for nondomestically grown feedstocks. EPA
received a number of comments in
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support of the proposed general criteria,
stating that EPA has outlined a
straightforward, science-based approach
that is necessary to avoid unfairly
disadvantaging foreign renewable fuel
producers and to ensure availability of
adequate supplies of renewable fuel.
Commenters noted that the
establishment of a petition process for
applying the aggregate compliance
approach to foreign grown feedstocks
levels the playing field for foreign
renewable fuel producers and ensures
that the U.S. government is not posing
a barrier to trade contrary to its WTO
obligations. EPA also received
comments in opposition of the proposed
petition process that stated that the U.S.
aggregate compliance approach is not
sound, and that the data that would be
relied on to establish the aggregate
compliance approach for foreign
feedstocks would be even less reliable
than that used by EPA to support its
finding for the domestic aggregate
compliance approach. EPA also
received comments arguing that the use
of foreign feedstocks and importation of
foreign renewable fuels should be
disallowed under the RFS2 program.
EPA believes that the aggregate
compliance approach for renewable
biomass is an appropriate tool that, in
the right circumstances, can fully ensure
that the EISA renewable biomass
requirements are satisfied while easing
the burden on renewable fuel producers
and their feedstock suppliers. The logic
for the approach is described in the
preamble to the RFS2 rule. EPA believes
that in applying the criteria adopted
today for assessing petitions for
application of the aggregate approach to
foreign countries, and considering the
factors specified in the rule, that EPA
will be able to properly identify
situations where the aggregate
compliance approach can be
appropriately applied in foreign
countries. The public will have an
opportunity to review petitions, and to
apprise EPA of any concerns regarding
the data relied upon, or the logic and
rationale for application of the aggregate
compliance approach to a particular
EPA also believes that establishing the
aggregate compliance approach petition
process for planted crops and crop
residue from foreign countries is
appropriate and fair since the renewable
biomass verification process is currently
streamlined for producers using U.S.
planted crops and crop residue, and
EPA believes that it should clarify the
process and substantive considerations
needed to extend this streamlined
compliance approach to foreign planted
crops and crop residue. The aggregate
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compliance approach petition process
for planted crops and crop residue from
foreign countries is intended to provide
foreign renewable fuel producers with a
similar level of streamlining for
qualification of renewable biomass as
provided to domestic producers.
EPA disagrees with the commenter
that argues that the use of foreign
feedstocks and importation of foreign
fuels should be disallowed, as nothing
in the Clean Air Act (CAA) prevents
foreign products from being used
towards meeting the RFS2 requirements.
2. Applicability of the Aggregate
The aggregate compliance approach
for domestic agricultural feedstocks
applies to all planted crops and crop
residue that could be used in renewable
fuel production from existing
agricultural land in the U.S. EPA
solicited comment on whether the rules
establishing the aggregate compliance
approach petition process for foreign
feedstocks should allow petitions and
EPA approval for a single, or limited
number, of feedstocks, or for a limited
geographic area within a country, or
whether we should only allow petitions
and EPA approval at the national level
and for all planted crops and crop
The proposed rule spoke generally of
‘‘feedstocks,’’ and we received one
comment in support of our proposed
approach to allow petitions to be
submitted for specific feedstocks. In
particular, the commenter argued that
the reduced regulatory burden on U.S.grown corn should be extended to
Brazilian-grown sugarcane. We believe
that the rationale underlying the
comment is not fully accurate, as the
aggregate compliance approach in the
U.S. applies to all planted crops and
crop residue, not just corn. Upon further
consideration, EPA believes that it is
highly unlikely that data and analysis
could support application of the
aggregate approach to feedstocks other
than crops and crop residue.
Furthermore, we believe that the same
data and analysis would be needed to
justify application of the aggregate
compliance approach to individual
crops as would be needed to justify its
application to all planted crops and
crop residue within a given geographic
area. Thus, it would be most efficient,
and most consistent with the current
approach in the U.S., to authorize the
aggregate compliance approach for all
planted crops and crop residue within
a geographic area at one time, rather
than on a crop-by-crop basis. This
approach will simplify the regulations,
as it permits EPA to specify the data,
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analyses and considerations related
specifically to supporting the aggregate
compliance approach for those types of
feedstock. We have therefore modified
the final rule to specify that petitions
and EPA approval will apply to all
planted crops and crop residue from
existing agricultural land in a foreign
Several commenters supported the
application of the aggregate compliance
approach petition process on a national
basis, but not for a geographical subset
of a foreign country. These commenters
argued that applying the process on a
national basis is fair because it is
consistent with the U.S. aggregate
approach, which was applied on a
national level. Furthermore, the
commenters argue that geographical
subsets should not be allowed because
doing so would promote ‘‘cherry
picking’’ of data by private parties to
show that a certain region is not
experiencing conversion of forest and
ecologically sensitive lands, even when
on a national level, those lands are
decreasing. Commenters also argue that
local governments do not have the
enforcement capability and land
management policies that national
governments have.
In contrast, one commenter believed
that parties should be able to petition
for the aggregate compliance approach
to apply to specific geographical regions
within a foreign country, citing data
from Brazil implying that almost all
sugarcane is harvested from a certain
region and therefore the aggregate
compliance approach could successfully
be applied to that region only.
EPA agrees with those commenters
that believe that the aggregate
compliance approach petition process
should be allowed only at the national
level. Applying the petition process on
the national level is consistent with the
U.S. approach and will therefore
harmonize application of the approach
where it has been approved. Moreover,
EPA believes that national-scale land
use data is typically the most reliable
and transparent, and can more easily be
confirmed by the national government.
Furthermore, national level data most
accurately reflects the broader effects of
renewable fuel feedstock production on
land use patterns.
3. Data Sources
To make the aggregate compliance
determination for U.S. agricultural
lands, EPA obtained USDA data from
three independently gathered national
land use data sources (the Farm Service
Agency (FSA) Crop History Data, the
USDA Census of Agriculture (2007), and
the satellite-based USDA Crop Data
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Layer (CDL)). Please see Section
II.C.4.c.iii of the preamble to the final
RFS2 rule (75 FR 14701 (March 26,
2010)) for a more detailed description of
the data sources used. Using these data
sources, EPA was able to assess the area
of land (acreage) available in 2007 in the
United States for production of crops
and crop residues that meet the CAA
definition of renewable biomass. In the
case of a petition to apply the aggregate
compliance approach in a foreign
country, when considering the
information and data submitted by the
petitioner, EPA proposed and is
finalizing a requirement that data
supporting the petition be credible,
reliable and verifiable. EPA will
evaluate such information on a case-bycase basis, but expects that data
supporting petitions will be at least as
credible, reliable, and verifiable as the
USDA data used to make the
determination for U.S. agricultural land.
EPA noted in the preamble to the
proposed rule that when evaluating
whether the data relied on are credible,
reliable, and verifiable, EPA would take
into account whether the data is
submitted by, generated by, or approved
by the national government of the
foreign country in question, as well as
how comprehensive and accurate the
data source is. In the proposal, EPA
noted that it is important for the
national government of the country
seeking consideration to be involved in
the petitioning and data submittal
process, and sought comment on
whether participation by a foreign
government should be specifically
required. Commenters generally
supported requiring the national
government’s involvement in providing
and/or verifying the data used in both
the initial petition and in the annual
reassessments, but most did not believe
that the national government itself
needed to be the petitioner. EPA agrees
that, in order to ensure a robust and
credible data set and analysis, the
national government of the country from
which the petition is submitted should
be involved in the petition process and
the annual validation, but need not be
the party actually submitting the
petition. Thus, in today’s final rule, EPA
is requiring that the appropriate
ministry or department within the
national government submit a letter
confirming that they have reviewed and
verified the petition and the data
supporting it, and that the data support
a finding that planted crops and crop
residue from the country meet the
definition of renewable biomass and
will continue to do so. Furthermore,
EPA is requiring that the responsible
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national government ministry or
department will review and verify the
data submitted on an annual basis to
facilitate EPA’s annual evaluation of the
2007 baseline area of land in that
Additionally, EPA indicated in the
preamble to the proposed rule that it
intended to take into consideration
whether the data is publically available,
whether the data collection and analysis
methodologies and information on the
primary data source are available to
EPA, and whether the data has been
generated, analyzed, and/or approved or
endorsed by an independent third party.
Commenters generally agreed that data
used to support a petition must be
publicly available and transparent. EPA
agrees that this is highly preferable, so
EPA will consider this factor in
determining whether to grant a petition.
Several commenters suggested that
complete transparency requires the data
itself as well as the data analysis
conducted and methodology used by the
petitioner to be made available to the
public. EPA agrees that information that
is not privileged should be made
publicly available, and will publish
petitioners’ data sources, statistical
methodologies and analyses in the
public rulemaking docket as part of the
public notice and comment process to
the extent permissible by law (see below
for a more detailed description of the
public participation process).
EPA also proposed to take into
account the quality of the data that is
available on an annual basis for EPA’s
annual assessments of any approved
aggregate compliance approach, as well
as whether the petitioner has identified
an entity who will provide to EPA an
analysis of the data updates each year
following EPA’s approval of the
aggregate compliance approach for that
country. EPA believes that the data and
analyses used for the annual
assessments of any approved aggregate
compliance approach must be just as
robust and transparent as the data used
to establish the original baseline amount
of agricultural land. Some commenters
argue that the national government
should be required to play a role in the
ongoing land use tracking. As described
above, EPA believes it is important to
have the involvement of the national
government in reviewing the data and
analyses for the annual assessments.
Other commenters argue that the annual
verification should be conducted wholly
by an independent third party to ensure
accuracy and objectively. EPA has
addressed these comments in Section
V.B.4. below.
Furthermore, EPA proposed to
consider agricultural land use trends
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from several years preceding 2007, as
well as the years following 2007 to the
time the petition is submitted in order
to evaluate whether or not it is likely
that a 2007 baseline would be exceeded
in the future. We also proposed that
petitioners submit historical land use
data for the land in question, such as
satellite data, aerial photography,
census data, agricultural surveys or
agricultural economic modeling data.
EPA did not receive specific comments
on the consideration of agricultural land
use trends or on the requirement to
submit data on historical land use
trends. EPA believes that this
information would be useful in
assessing whether the 2007 baseline
area of land would likely be exceeded
in the future. Thus, as explained further
in Section V.B.4 below, EPA is
finalizing that, when evaluating
petitions, we will take into
consideration historical agricultural
land use trends in the country in
question, and we are requiring that
petitioners submit historical land use
data for the land in question.
Finally, EPA proposed to consider
whether there are laws in place in the
country for which the petition was
submitted that might prohibit or
incentivize the clearing of new
agricultural lands, and proposed to
consider the efficacy of these laws. EPA
also proposed to assess whether any
market factors are expected to drive an
increase in the demand for agricultural
land in the country for which the
petition was submitted. Commenters
generally supported EPA’s
consideration of these factors when
evaluating petitions, and thus EPA will
take them into account when assessing
petitions. For further discussion of this
issue, see Section V.B.4 which follows.
4. Petition Submission
EPA proposed a requirement that all
submittals, including the petition,
supporting documentation, and annual
data and analyses, be submitted in
English. One commenter argued that the
components of the petition should be
submitted both in English and in the
original language. We agree that it
would be useful and reasonable for EPA
to receive and make available to the
public the petition and all supporting
documents in English and their original
language (if not English) in order to
verify translation, particularly of
technical texts and data. Therefore we
are finalizing a requirement that all
petitions and supporting documentation
should be submitted in English and
their original language.
EPA also proposed that petitioners
submit specified information as part of
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their formal petition submission
package, or explain why such
information is not necessary for EPA to
consider their petition. EPA is finalizing
the list of information that will be
required, absent an explanation by the
petitioner as to why any of the
information is not necessary, with
modifications to reflect that petitions
will be considered only for all planted
crops and crop residue from foreign
countries in their entirety.
First, petitioners will need to submit
an assessment of the total amount of
land that is cropland, pastureland, or
land equivalent to USDA’s Conservation
Reserve Program land that was cleared
or cultivated prior to December 19,
2007, and that was actively managed or
fallow and nonforested on that date. For
example, in assessing the amount of
total existing agricultural land in the
U.S. on the enactment date of EISA,
EPA used FSA Crop History data to
show that there were 402 million acres
of agricultural land existing in the U.S.
in 2007.
As part of the assessment, the
petitioner will be required to submit to
EPA land use data that demonstrates
that the proposed 2007 baseline area of
land is agricultural land that was
cleared or cultivated prior to December
19, 2007 and that was actively managed
or fallow and nonforested on that date.
The data may include satellite imagery
or data, aerial photography, census data,
agricultural surveys, and/or agricultural
economic modeling data. As mentioned
above, the FSA crop history data used
for the U.S. aggregate compliance
approach determination consists of
annual records of farm-level land use
data that includes all cropland and
pastureland in the U.S. EPA also
considered USDA Census of Agriculture
data, which consists of a full census of
the U.S. agricultural sector once every
five years, as well as the USDA National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
Crop Data Layer (CDL), which is based
on satellite data.
In establishing the total amount of
existing agricultural land for the U.S.
aggregate compliance approach
determination, EPA relied on the RFS2
definitions of the relevant terms,
including planted crops, crop residue,
and agricultural land, which is defined
as consisting of cropland, pastureland
and Conservation Reserve Program
(CRP) 29 land. In the proposal, EPA
29 The CRP program is administered by U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency
and provides technical and financial assistance to
eligible farmers and ranchers to address soil, water,
and related natural resource concerns on their lands
in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective
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recognized that the CRP is only
applicable to U.S. agricultural land, and
thus solicited comment on whether the
final rules should allow EPA to consider
land that is equivalent or similar to US
CRP land as existing agricultural land
for purposes of RFS2-compliant
feedstock cultivation in a foreign
country, and whether EPA should be
able to make such a determination in
the context of a petition for application
of the aggregate approach to a foreign
country. Commenters noted that EPA
should consider foreign land categories
similar to CRP. EPA agrees, and has
modified the final regulation to include
specific references to ‘‘land that is
equivalent to U.S. Conservation Reserve
Program’’ land. One commenter also
suggested that EPA consider lands
falling outside of the definition of
‘‘existing agricultural land,’’ including
degraded land and land not under
primary forest. However, EPA disagrees
that the types of land considered should
extend beyond those that are equivalent
to the land types identified in the final
RFS2 definition of ‘‘existing agricultural
land.’’ If the land in question does not
meet the RFS2 definitions of ‘‘cropland’’
or ‘‘pastureland’’ in 40 CFR 80.1401, or
it is not equivalent to CRP land, then it
is not ‘‘existing agricultural land’’ from
which crops or crop residue that meet
the definition of ‘‘renewable biomass’’
can be obtained. Therefore, they will not
be counted towards the total amount of
existing agricultural land in a petition
for application of the aggregate
approach to a foreign country.
Second, EPA proposed that the
petitioner would also be required to
provide to EPA historical land use data,
covering the years from prior to 2007 to
the current year. For the U.S. aggregate
compliance approach determination,
EPA analyzed the FSA Crop History
data from the years 2005 through 2007
and the USDA Census of Agriculture
from 1997 through 2007, finding that
there was an overall trend of contraction
of agricultural land utilization in the
U.S. Commenters generally supported
this requirement. EPA believes that this
will be useful information in
considering the likelihood that the 2007
baseline area of land is likely to be
exceeded in the future, and is finalizing
a requirement that petitioners submit
historical land use data as part of their
Third, EPA proposed that the
petitioner would need to provide a
description of any applicable laws,
agricultural practices, economic
considerations, or other relevant factors
that had or may have an effect on
agricultural land use within the foreign
country. For the U.S. aggregate
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
compliance approach determination,
EPA took into account the CAA
renewable fuel obligations, the
unsuitability and high cost of
developing previously undeveloped
land for agricultural purposes, as well as
projected increases in crop yields on
existing agricultural land. Commenters
supported the relevance of this type of
information to EPA’s action on a
petition for application of the aggregate
approach to a foreign country.
Furthermore, another commenter
recommended that EPA consider the
efficacy and enforcement of any
applicable laws that may have an effect
on the use of the land in question. EPA
agrees, and has modified this element in
the final rule to require the submission
of information regarding the efficacy
and enforcement of relevant laws.
One commenter suggested that EPA
take into consideration the limitations
on feedstock growth posed by local
climate and soil quality. EPA
understands that in some circumstances
poor soil quality could be a factor that
influences land use practices and, in
particular, whether existing croplands
continue to be used for crop production
as opposed to former forestland. One of
the factors identified for EPA
consideration in today’s rule is whether
historical land use and agricultural
practices and/or other factors show that
it is likely that producers will continue
to use agricultural land within the 2007
baseline area of land. In addition, one of
the required submission elements is
‘‘agricultural practices, economic
considerations or other relevant factors
that had or may have an effect on the
use of agricultural land.’’ Thus, EPA
believes that the considerations raised
by the commenter can and will be
considered by EPA in evaluating
petition submittals. EPA urges the
commenter to participate in the public
notice and comment process that all
petitions submitted to EPA will be
subject to (see discussion of this subject
in Section V.B.5), and to provide any
information on these issues that the
commenter believes may be appropriate
for EPA evaluation at that time.
Among the ‘‘other relevant factors’’
that a petitioner must consider, there are
a variety of environmental conditions or
circumstances that may be relevant. For
• Local variability in weather
• Availability and quality of fresh water
as supplied by snow pack, rain, runoff
and inundations
• Frost and icing
• Severe winds and fires
• Hail and sleet
• Extended periods of rain or drought
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• Other extreme events
Predictions on the seasonal to
interannual (El Nino/La Nina) are
available to improve the information
included in the petition. Weather and
water predictions may also be important
for shorter term supply management
and volume production analyses.
Finally, EPA proposed and is
finalizing that the petitioner be required
to provide a plan describing an entity
who will, on a continuing yearly basis,
conduct any data gathering and analysis
necessary to assist EPA in its annual
assessment of any approved aggregate
approach. Additionally, EPA proposed
that the plan would describe the data,
the data source, and the schedule on
which the data would be updated and
made available to EPA and the public.
One commenter argued that the annual
verification should be conducted or
reviewed by an independent third party
financed by the petitioner through an
escrow account. EPA believes that
review of the initial and annual data by
a qualified independent third party
would add credibility and reliability to
the process, but does not believe it
should be required. EPA believes that
providing notice through the Federal
Register and opportunity for public
comment on each petition submitted
afford the public ample time to analyze
and comment on the data submitted by
the petitioner. Furthermore, EPA is
adding a requirement, described above,
for participation in the process by the
national government of the country for
which a petition is submitted, and EPA
will thoroughly scrutinize the
information submitted in the petition
prior to making any assessment.
Therefore, EPA is not finalizing a
requirement that the petition and the
annual updates be analyzed by an
independent third party, but EPA is
reiterating that participation by an
independent third party would add
credibility to a petition and to annual
5. Petition Process
EPA proposed to provide an
opportunity for public comment on
petitions for approval of an aggregate
compliance approach for a foreign
country. EPA proposed to publish a
Federal Register notice informing the
public of incoming petitions, with
information on how to view the
petitions and any supporting
information. Additionally, EPA
proposed to then accept public
comment on the petition. Once the
public comment period closes, EPA
proposed to make an assessment, taking
into account the information submitted
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in the petition as well as the comments
received, and then publish a decision in
the Federal Register to either approve or
deny the petitioner’s request.
EPA proposed that, if the petition has
been approved, the Federal Register
notice will specify an effective date at
which time producers using the
specified feedstocks from the specified
areas identified in EPA’s approval will
be subject to the aggregate compliance
approach requirements in 40 CFR
80.1454(g) in lieu of the otherwise
applicable individualized renewable
biomass recordkeeping and reporting
requirements. For the final rule, EPA
has made a minor modification to the
regulatory language in 40 CFR
80.1454(g) to clarify the recordkeeping
requirements from which renewable
fuel producers are exempted if their
feedstocks are subject to the aggregate
compliance approach. Producers using
feedstocks subject to the aggregate
compliance approach are exempted
from the renewable biomass
recordkeeping requirements in 40 CFR
80.1454(g)(2), but remain subject to the
recordkeeping requirements related to
feedstocks in 40 CFR 80.1454(b).
EPA sought and received comments
on this proposed petition process. Most
commenters agree that each petition
submitted should be subject to public
notice and comment procedures.
Several commenters argued that
although there should be a public notice
and comment period, it should not
cause undue delays in reviewing and
publishing a decision on the petitions.
One commenter requested that 60 days
be provided for public review of the
incoming petitions. Another commenter
also requested that EPA specify a
timeline for the public comment process
and the types of issues that will be
addressed during the process.
EPA agrees that public notice and
comment is necessary and important,
and is maintaining that process in
today’s final rule. Furthermore, EPA
intends that decisions on petitions will
be made within an amount of time that
is reasonable, yet sufficient to conduct
a thorough analysis of the incoming
data. EPA concurs that 60 days is a
reasonably practical amount of time for
public review and analysis of the
petition and associated data, so today’s
rule provides for a 60 day comment
period on each petition submitted.
EPA does not agree with the comment
that the public comments should be
restricted to certain issues. EPA will
evaluate all comments received to
determine if they are relevant to its
determination. The petitions and the
supporting data will be included in the
rulemaking docket in their entirety
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
(excepting only material that is claimed
to be confidential business information
or which is otherwise privileged), and
the public may comment on any aspect
of the petitions or the supporting
A commenter argued that the public
notice and comment procedure should
be included in the regulatory language,
and that any and all data and
calculations in the petitions should be
available to the public. EPA generally
agrees, and has included provisions
concerning public notice and comment
in the final regulatory language.
Furthermore, EPA will make available
in the docket all information submitted
in support of each petition unless the
material is claimed to be confidential
business information or is otherwise
legally prohibited from disclosure.
Additionally, EPA proposed three
circumstances that could lead EPA to
withdraw its approval of the aggregate
compliance approach for a foreign
country. We received one comment that
argued that EPA must withdraw its
approval under the three circumstances
identified in the proposed regulations at
§ 80.1457(e)(1)(i)-(iii). Although we
generally agree that the three
circumstances identified will likely lead
EPA to withdraw its approval, we
believe it is best to allow EPA the
discretion to evaluate these
circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore, we have retained in the final
rule the provision stating that EPA
‘‘may’’ withdraw its approval in the
circumstances identified, in which case
producers using planted crops or crop
residue from the country in question
would be subject to the individual
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements under §§ 80.1454(g) and
80.1451(d) beginning July 1 of the
following year.
Finally, EPA requested comment on
whether the burden associated with the
proposed petition process is reasonable,
and how it might be minimized while
still remaining adequately robust. One
commenter noted that the burden of the
petition process is reasonable as
proposed, and could be made more
stringent while remaining reasonable.
EPA believes the level of burden
associated with the proposed petition
process was reasonable and appropriate
and believes that the requirements set
forth in today’s final rule do not
significantly alter the proposed level of
VI. Annual Administrative
In the RFS2 final rule, we stated our
intent to make two announcements each
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• Set the price for cellulosic biofuel
waiver credits that will be made
available to obligated parties in the
event that we reduce the volume of
cellulosic biofuel below the applicable
volume specified in the Clean Air Act
(CAA), and
• Announce the results of our annual
assessment of the aggregate compliance
approach for U.S. planted crops and
crop residue.
The biofuel waiver credit price being
announced today was calculated in
accordance with the specifications in
§ 80.1456(d). Since the manner in which
EPA calculates the waiver credit price is
precisely set forth in EPA regulations
(which were issued through a noticeand-comment process), and since some
of the variables necessary to compute
the price have only recently become
available, EPA did not propose a waiver
credit price for comment. Similarly,
because EPA’s assessment of the
aggregate compliance approach
announced today was conducted using
data sources, methodology, and criteria
that were identified and explained in
the preamble to the RFS2 final rule, it
was not necessary to present a
preliminary annual assessment for
comment in the NPRM.
A. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel
Waiver Credits
Section 211(o)(7)(D) of the CAA
requires that whenever EPA sets the
applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel
at a level lower than that specified in
the Act, EPA is to provide a number of
cellulosic credits for sale that is no more
than the EPA-determined applicable
volume. Congress also specified the
formula for calculating the price for
such waiver credits: Adjusted for
inflation, the credits must be offered at
the price of the higher of 25 cents per
gallon or the amount by which $3.00 per
gallon exceeds the average wholesale
price of a gallon of gasoline in the
United States.30 The inflation
adjustment is for years after 2008. EPA
regulations provide that the inflation
adjustment is calculated by comparing
the most recent Consumer Price Index
for Al Urban Consumers (CPI–U) for the
‘‘All Items’’ expenditure category as
provided by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics that is available at the time
EPA sets the cellulosic biofuel standard
to the comparable value that was
30 More information on wholesale gasoline prices
can be found on the Department of Energy’s (DOE),
Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Web site
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reported soonest after December 31,
In contrast to its directions to EPA for
setting the price of a cellulosic biofuel
waiver credit, Congress afforded the
Agency considerable flexibility in
designing regulations specifying the
permissible uses of the credits. The
CAA states that EPA regulations ‘‘shall
include such provisions, including
limiting the credits’ uses and useful life,
as the Administrator deems appropriate
to assist market liquidity and
transparency, to provide appropriate
certainty for regulated entities and
renewable fuel producers, and to limit
any potential misuse of cellulosic
biofuel credits to reduce the use of other
renewable fuels, and for such other
purposes as the Administrator
determines will help achieve the goals
of this subsection.’’ The final RFS2
provides a detailed discussion of how
we designed the provisions for
cellulosic biofuel waiver credits in
keeping with the statutory language. In
short, 2011 cellulosic biofuel waiver
credits (or ‘‘waiver credits’’) are only
available for the 2011 compliance year.
Waiver credits will only be made
available to obligated parties, and they
are nontransferable and nonrefundable.
Further, obligated parties may only
purchase waiver credits up to the level
of their cellulosic biofuel RVO less the
number of cellulosic biofuel RINs that
they own. A company owning cellulosic
biofuel RINs and cellulosic waiver
credits may use both types of credits if
desired to meet their RVOs, but unlike
RINs obligated parties are not permitted
to carry waiver credits over to the next
calendar year. Obligated parties may not
use waiver credits to meet a prior year
deficit obligation. Finally, unlike
cellulosic biofuel RINs which may also
be used to meet an obligated party’s
advanced and total renewable fuel
obligations, waiver credits may only be
used to meet a cellulosic biofuel RVO.
An obligated party will still need to
additionally and separately acquire
RINs to meet their advanced biofuel and
total renewable fuel obligations.
For the 2011 compliance period, since
the applicable volume of cellulosic
biofuel used to set the annual cellulosic
biofuel standard is lower than the
volume for 2011 specified in the CAA,
we are making cellulosic waiver credits
available to obligated parties for end-ofyear compliance should they need them
at a price of $1.13 per gallon-RIN. To
calculate this price, EPA first
determined the average wholesale
31 See U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS), Consumer Price Index Web site at:
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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(refinery gate) price of gasoline using
the most recent 12 months of data
available from the EIA Web site on
September 30, 2010. Based on this data,
we calculated an average price of
gasoline for the period July 2009 to June
2010 of $1.97. In accordance with the
Act, we then calculated the difference of
the inflation-adjusted value of $3.00, or
$3.10, and $1.97, which yielded $1.13.
Next, we compared the value of $1.13 to
the inflation-adjusted value of $0.25, or
$0.26. The Act requires EPA to use the
greater of these two values as the price
for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits.
The derivation of this value is more
fully explained in a memorandum
submitted to the docket for this
rulemaking,32 and a more complete
description of the statutory
requirements and their application can
be found in the RFS2 final rule.33 The
price for the 2012 compliance period, if
necessary, will be set when we
announce the 2012 cellulosic biofuel
B. Assessment of the Domestic
Aggregate Compliance Approach
In order to implement the renewable
biomass requirements under the RFS2
program as set forth in the CAA, EPA
established general requirements for
renewable fuel producers to keep
records on the types and feedstocks they
use to produce their fuel, including
specific records related to the land from
which the feedstocks were harvested or
otherwise obtained, if they generate
RINs for the fuel produced from such
feedstocks. We also established
requirements for renewable fuel
producers to report on their feedstocks
on a quarterly basis. Similar
requirements apply to importers who
generate RINs for fuel produced outside
of the U.S.
In response to comments we received
on the RFS2 NPRM, we also finalized a
separate approach for renewable fuel
producers who use planted crops and
crop residue from U.S. agricultural land.
Producers who use such renewable
biomass need not maintain
documentation about the specific land
from which the feedstocks are
harvested, relieving them of the
individual recordkeeping and reporting
requirements. To enable this approach,
EPA established a baseline number of
acres for U.S. agricultural land in 2007
(the year of EISA enactment) and
determined that as long as this baseline
32 See memo to docket number EPA–HQ–OAR–
2010–0133 from Scott Christian, on the subject of
‘‘Calculating the price for cellulosic biofuel waiver
credits for compliance year 2011,’’ dated October
20, 2010.
33 75 FR 14726–14728.
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number of acres was not exceeded, it
was unlikely that new land outside of
the 2007 baseline would be devoted to
crop production based on historical
trends and economic considerations. We
therefore provided that renewable fuel
producers using planted crops or crop
residue from the U.S. as feedstock in
renewable fuel production need not
comply with the individual
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements related to documenting
that their feedstocks are renewable
biomass, unless EPA determines
through annual evaluations that the
2007 baseline acreage of agricultural
land has been exceeded.
In the final RFS2 regulations, we
stated that EPA will make a finding
concerning whether the 2007 baseline
amount of U.S. agricultural land has
been exceeded in a given year and will
publish this finding in the Federal
Register by November 30 of the same
year. If the baseline is found to have
been exceeded, then producers using
U.S. planted crops and crop residue as
feedstocks for renewable fuel
production would be required to
comply with individual recordkeeping
and reporting requirements to verify
that their feedstocks are renewable
biomass. We also stated that if, at any
point, EPA finds that the total
agricultural land is greater than 397
million acres, EPA will conduct further
investigations regarding the validity of
the aggregate compliance approach.
Based on data provided by the USDA
Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),
we have estimated that U.S. agricultural
land reached approximately 398 million
acres in 2010, and thus did not exceed
the 2007 baseline acreage.34 However,
this total acreage estimate is greater than
the 397 million acre trigger point for
further investigation, therefore EPA,
with the help of USDA, will look further
into the relevant data and review the
factors related to U.S. agricultural land
use over the coming months.
The data and methodologies
employed to make this determination
are described below.
1. Methodology
To set the 2007 baseline acreage for
U.S. agricultural land in the RFS2 final
rulemaking, we used USDA’s Farm
Service Agency’s (FSA’s) crop history
data for 2007, which was the most
complete, consistent, and reliable
dataset available to EPA. From the FSA
34 See memo to docket number EPA–HQ–OAR–
2010–0133 from Megan Brachtl, on the subject of
‘‘USDA data used for 2010 U.S. agricultural land
determination,’’ dated November 9, 2010.
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crop history data total acreage of 404.3
million acres, we subtracted 2.75
million acres, which represented the
amount of land enrolled in USDA’s
Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP) and
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP),
neither of which qualifies as existing
agricultural land. We therefore
established the 2007 baseline amount of
existing U.S. agricultural land at 402
million acres. This is the amount of land
we determined was available for the
production of planted crops and crop
residue in 2007 that would satisfy the
renewable biomass provisions of the
To calculate the 2010 U.S. agricultural
land acreage estimate, we followed a
similar calculation methodology. We
started with FSA crop history data for
2010, from which we derived a total
estimated acreage of 401.6 million acres.
We then subtracted the amount of land
estimated to be participating in the GRP
and WRP by the end of Fiscal Year
2010, 3.6 million acres, to yield an
estimate of approximately 398.0 million
acres of U.S. agricultural land in 2010.
The USDA data used to make this
calculation can be found in the docket
to this rule.
In the preamble to the final RFS2 rule,
we indicated that we would monitor
total U.S. agricultural land annually
using FSA crop history data as a
primary determinant and USDA’s
satellite-based crop data layer (CDL)
analyses as a secondary source to
validate our annual assessment. The
CDL data for 2009 were released at the
beginning of 2010, and the CDL data for
2010 is similarly expected in early 2011.
Because the schedule for the release of
2010 data falls after the date by which
the RFS2 regulations state the annual
U.S. agricultural land acreage
determination must be made, we will
use the 2009 and 2010 data, as
appropriate and feasible, to validate our
2010 assessment, as discussed below.
2. Further Investigation
EPA stated in the final RFS2 rule that
if we find that the total land used for the
production of crops is greater than 397
million acres, we will conduct further
investigations regarding the validity of
the aggregate compliance approach.
Because we estimate that total U.S.
agricultural land acreage in 2010 was
approximately 398 million acres, further
inquiry into the aggregate compliance
approach is warranted. This inquiry, to
be carried out by EPA with assistance
from USDA, will utilize other
agricultural data, including USDA’s
2009 and 2010 CDL data to the extent
feasible, to validate the data used to
make the U.S. agricultural land
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
determination for 2010. We will also
consider potential uncertainties in the
data used to make our determination.
We anticipate that this investigation
will be completed well before the
deadline for publishing next year’s
agricultural land acreage determination.
VII. Comments Outside the Scope of
This Rulemaking
In their comments responding to the
NPRM, a number of parties used the
opportunity to raise concerns that were
not directly related to the issues and
provisions we were addressing in the
NPRM, such as setting the cellulosic
biofuel standard, the proposed
provision for delayed RINs, and the
proposed provision for aggregate
compliance for renewable biomass from
foreign countries. Neither did these
comments address setting the price for
cellulosic biofuel credits or EPA’s
annual evaluation of the U.S. aggregate
compliance approach for renewable
biomass. Instead, they addressed issues
associated with the following:
• EPA’s petition process in § 80.1416
for approving new fuel pathways
• EPA’s ongoing lifecycle GHG
assessment for grain sorghum
• EPA’s economic analyses related to
expanded biofuels use and the impact
of tax credits and tariffs
• Possible legislative amendments and
possible EPA actions favored by
commenters that would promote
biofuel use
Some commenters also made requests
for clarification of key definitions while
others suggested modifications to the
provisions regarding the use of
cellulosic biofuel waiver credits. While
we are taking these comments under
consideration as we continue to
implement the RFS2 program, these
comments are outside the scope of
today’s action, and we are not providing
substantive responses to them at this
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VIII. Public Participation
Many interested parties participated
in the rulemaking process that
culminates with this final rule. This
process provided opportunity for
submitting written public comments
following the proposal that we
published on July 20, 2010 (75 FR
42238), and we considered these
comments in developing the final rule.
Comments and responses for issues
raised in the public comments are
included throughout this preamble.
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IX. Statutory and Executive Order
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review
Under Executive Order (EO) 12866
(58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this
action is a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
because it raises novel legal or policy
issues. Accordingly, EPA submitted this
action to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review under EO
12866 and any changes made in
response to OMB recommendations
have been documented in the docket for
this action.
The economic impacts of the RFS2
program on regulated parties, including
the impacts of the required volumes of
renewable fuel, were already addressed
in the RFS2 final rule promulgated on
March 26, 2010 (75 FR 14670). This
action sets the percentage standards
applicable in 2011 based on the
volumes that were analyzed in the RFS2
final rule or, for cellulosic biofuel, on a
lower volume that reflects EPA’s
projection of cellulosic biofuel
production volumes for 2011. The
delayed RINs provision and the petition
process for applying an aggregate
approach to foreign-grown crops and
crop residue have no adverse economic
impact on regulated parties since they
would either relieve a current restriction
related to generation of RINs, or would
reduce recordkeeping burdens for
parties successfully utilizing the
petition process. The announcement of
cellulosic biofuel waiver credit price
and EPA’s annual assessment of the U.S.
aggregate compliance approach also
impose no adverse economic impact.
The availability of cellulosic biofuel
waiver credits provides increased
flexibility to regulated parties, at a price
established by a formula set forth in the
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule contains new information
collection requirements which will be
submitted for approval to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under
the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq. These information
collection requirements are not
enforceable until OMB approves them.
The EPA ICR number 2398.02.
Specifically, this rule has a petition
provision that EPA will use to authorize
renewable fuel producers using foreigngrown feedstocks to use an aggregate
approach to comply with the renewable
biomass verification provisions, similar
to that applicable to producers using
crops and crop residue grown in the
United States. See discussion in Section
V.B. For this authorization, foreign
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based entities may petition EPA for
approval of the aggregate compliance
approach for crops and crop residue in
a foreign country. If approved by EPA,
such a petition will allow crops and
crop residue produced in the foreign
country to be counted as feedstock to
make renewable fuel under the RFS2
program without the otherwise
applicable recordkeeping requirements.
Other provisions in this regulation will
not impose any new information
collection burdens on regulated entities
beyond those already required under
RFS2. The RFS2 information collections
are identified by the following OMB
control numbers: 2060–0637 (expiring
March 31, 2013) and 2060–0640
(expiring July 31, 2013).
The information collection related to
this final rule is required in order for
EPA to evaluate and act on the petitions.
Respondents may assert claims of
business confidentiality (CBI) for any or
all of the information they submit. We
do not believe that most respondents
will characterize the information they
submit to us under this information
collection as CBI. However, any
information claimed as confidential will
be treated in accordance with 40 CFR
Part 2 and established Agency
procedures. Information that is received
without a claim of confidentiality may
be made available to the public without
further notice to the submitter under 40
CFR 2.203.
EPA estimates that there will be a
total of 15 respondents (petitioners),
each submitting one petition, for a total
of 15 responses (petitions). The
estimated burden annual burden,
assuming 15 respondents, will be 200
hours and annual cost is estimated at
$14,197. On a per respondent basis, EPA
estimates a total annual hour burden per
respondent of 13.33 hours and a total
annual cost burden per respondent is
$946.43. Burden is defined at 5 CFR
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
numbers for EPA’s regulations in 40
CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
For purposes of assessing the impacts
of today’s rule on small entities, small
entity is defined as: (1) A small business
as defined by the Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) regulations at 13
CFR 121.201; (2) a small governmental
jurisdiction that is a government of a
city, county, town, school district or
special district with a population of less
than 50,000; and (3) a small
organization that is any not-for-profit
enterprise which is independently
owned and operated and is not
dominant in its field.
After considering the economic
impacts of today’s rule on small entities,
we certify that this action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
This rule sets the annual standards for
four types of renewable fuel, modifies
the regulatory provision for the
generation of delayed RINs, and
establishes a process for parties to
petition EPA to allow an aggregate
approach to compliance with the
renewable biomass provision for
foreign-grown crops and crop residue
that would be similar to that used in the
U.S. Today’s action also includes two
administrative announcements: The
price in 2011 for cellulosic biofuel
waiver credits, and the results of EPA’s
annual assessment of the U.S. aggregate
compliance approach. The impacts of
the RFS2 program on small entities were
already addressed in the RFS2 final rule
promulgated on March 26, 2010 (75 FR
14670), and today’s action does not
impose any additional requirements or
burdens on small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This action contains no Federal
mandates under the provisions of Title
II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform
Act of 1995 (UMRA), 2 U.S.C. 1531–
1538 for State, local, or tribal
governments or the private sector. The
action imposes no enforceable duty on
any State, local or tribal governments or
the private sector. Therefore, this action
is not subject to the requirements of
sections 202 or 205 of the UMRA.
This action is also not subject to the
requirements of section 203 of UMRA
because it contains no regulatory
requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect small governments.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This rule does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
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distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132. Thus, Executive
Order 13132 does not apply to this rule.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This action does not have tribal
implications, as specified in Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
2000). This rule does not have tribal
implications, as this rule will be
implemented at the Federal level and
impose compliance costs only on
transportation fuel refiners, blenders,
marketers, distributors, importers, and
exporters. Tribal governments would be
affected only to the extent they purchase
and use regulated fuels. Thus, Executive
Order 13175 does not apply to this
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
EPA interprets EO 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997) as applying only
to those regulatory actions that concern
health or safety risks, such that the
analysis required under section 5–501 of
the EO has the potential to influence the
regulation. This action is not subject to
EO 13045 because it does not establish
an environmental standard intended to
mitigate health or safety risks and
because it implements specific
standards established by Congress in
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This rule is not a ‘‘significant energy
action’’ as defined in Executive Order
13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001)) because it is not likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law
104–113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note)
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus
standards in its regulatory activities
unless to do so would be inconsistent
with applicable law or otherwise
impractical. Voluntary consensus
standards are technical standards (e.g.,
materials specifications, test methods,
sampling procedures, and business
practices) that are developed or adopted
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by voluntary consensus standards
bodies. NTTAA directs EPA to provide
Congress, through OMB, explanations
when the Agency decides not to use
available and applicable voluntary
consensus standards.
This action does not involve technical
standards. Therefore, EPA is not
considering the use of any voluntary
consensus standards.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations
Executive Order (EO) 12898 (59 FR
7629 (Feb. 16, 1994)) establishes federal
executive policy on environmental
justice. Its main provision directs
federal agencies, to the greatest extent
practicable and permitted by law, to
make environmental justice part of their
mission by identifying and addressing,
as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs,
policies, and activities on minority
populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
EPA has determined that this rule will
not have disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental
effects on minority or low-income
populations because it does not affect
the level of protection provided to
human health or the environment. This
action does not relax the control
measures on sources regulated by the
RFS2 regulations and therefore will not
cause emissions increases from these
K. Congressional Review Act
The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
that before a rule may take effect, the
agency promulgating the rule must
submit a rule report, which includes a
copy of the rule, to each House of the
Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. EPA will submit a
report containing this rule and other
required information to the U.S. Senate,
the U.S. House of Representatives, and
the Comptroller General of the United
States prior to publication of the rule in
the Federal Register. A major rule
cannot take effect until 60 days after it
is published in the Federal Register.
This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2) and therefore
it is not subject to the Congressional
Review Act. Therefore, this rule will be
effective on the date of publication.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
X. Statutory Authority
Statutory authority for the rule
finalized today can be found in section
211 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.
7545. Additional support for the
procedural and compliance related
aspects of today’s rule, including the
recordkeeping requirements, come from
Sections 114, 208, and 301(a) of the
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7542, and
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 80
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Diesel fuel, Fuel
additives, Forest and forest products,
Gasoline, Oil imports, Labeling, Motor
vehicle pollution, Penalties, Petroleum,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: November 24, 2010.
Lisa P. Jackson,
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, 40 CFR part 80 is amended as
1. The authority citation for part 80
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7542, 7545, and
2. Section 80.1405 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 80.1405 What are the Renewable Fuel
(a) Renewable Fuel Standards for
(1) The value of the cellulosic biofuel
standard for 2011 shall be 0.003 percent.
(2) The value of the biomass-based
diesel standard for 2011 shall be 0.69
(3) The value of the advanced biofuel
standard for 2011 shall be 0.78 percent.
(4) The value of the renewable fuel
standard for 2011 shall be 8.01 percent.
■ 3. Section 80.1426 is amended by
revising paragraph (g) to read as follows:
§ 80.1426 How are RINs generated and
assigned to batches of renewable fuel by
renewable fuel producers or importers?
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(g) Delayed RIN generation.
(1) Parties who produce or import
renewable fuel may elect to generate
delayed RINs to represent renewable
fuel volumes that have already been
transferred to another party if those
renewable fuel volumes meet all of the
following requirements.
(i) The renewable fuel volumes can be
described by a new pathway that has
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been added to Table 1 to § 80.1426, or
approved by petition pursuant to
§ 80.1416, after July 1, 2010.
(A) For new pathways that EPA
approves in response to petitions
submitted pursuant to § 80.1416,
complete petitions must be received by
EPA by January 31, 2011.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) The renewable fuel volumes can
be described by a pathway that:
(A) Is biodiesel that is made from
canola oil through transesterification
using natural gas or biomass for process
energy; or
(B) EPA has determined was in use as
of July 1, 2010, for the primary purpose
of producing transportation fuel, heating
oil, or jet fuel for commercial sale.
(iii) The renewable fuel volumes were
not designated or intended for export
from the 48 contiguous states plus
Hawaii by the renewable fuel producer
or importer, and the producer or
importer of the renewable fuel volumes
does not know or have reason to know
that the volumes were exported from the
48 contiguous states plus Hawaii.
(2) When a new pathway is added to
Table 1 to § 80.1426 or approved by
petition pursuant to § 80.1416, EPA will
specify in its approval action the
effective date on which the new
pathway becomes valid for the
generation of RINs and whether the fuel
in question meets the requirements of
paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section.
(i) The effective date for the pathway
describing biodiesel that is made from
canola oil through transesterification
using natural gas or biomass for process
energy is September 28, 2010.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) Delayed RINs can only be
generated to represent renewable fuel
volumes produced in the 48 contiguous
states plus Hawaii or imported into the
48 contiguous states plus Hawaii
between July 1, 2010, and the earlier of
either of the following dates:
(i) The effective date (identified
pursuant to paragraph (g)(2) of this
section) of the new pathway through
which the fuel in question was
produced; or
(ii) December 31, 2011.
(4) Delayed RINs must be generated
no later than 60 days after the effective
date (identified pursuant to paragraph
(g)(2) of this section) of the pathway by
which the fuel in question was
(5) A party authorized pursuant to
paragraph (g)(1) of this section to
generate delayed RINs, and electing to
do so, who generated RINs pursuant to
80.1426(f)(6) for fuel produced through
a pathway described in paragraph (g)(1)
of this section, and transferred those
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RINs with renewable fuel volumes
between July 1, 2010 and the effective
date (identified pursuant to paragraph
(g)(2) of this section) of that pathway,
must retire a number of gallon-RINs
prior to generating delayed RINs.
(i) The number of gallon-RINs retired
by a party pursuant to this paragraph
must not exceed the number of gallonRINs originally generated by the party to
represent fuel described in paragraph
(g)(1) of this section that was produced
in the 48 contiguous states plus Hawaii
or imported into the 48 contiguous
states plus Hawaii, and transferred to
another party, between July 1, 2010 and
the earlier of either of the following
(A) The effective date (identified
pursuant to paragraph (g)(2) of this
section) of the new pathway through
which the fuel in question was
produced; or
(B) December 31, 2011.
(ii) Retired RINs must have a D code
of 6.
(iii) Retired RINs must have a K code
of 2.
(iv) Retired RINs must have been
generated in the same year as the gallonRINs originally generated by the party to
represent fuel described in paragraph
(g)(1) of this section.
(A) For gallon-RINs originally
generated in 2010 to represent fuel
described in paragraph (g)(1) of this
section, the generation year of retired
RINs shall be 2010.
(B) For gallon-RINs originally
generated in 2011 to represent fuel
described in paragraph (g)(1) of this
section, the generation year of retired
RINs shall be 2011.
(6) For parties that retire RINs
pursuant to paragraph (g)(5) of this
section, the number of delayed gallonRINs generated shall be equal to the
number of gallon-RINs retired in
accordance with paragraph (g)(5) of this
(7) A party authorized pursuant to
paragraph (g)(1) of this section to
generate delayed RINs, and electing to
do so, who did not generate RINs
pursuant to § 80.1426(f)(6) for renewable
fuel produced in the 48 contiguous
states plus Hawaii or imported into the
48 contiguous states plus Hawaii
between July 1, 2010 and the effective
date (identified pursuant to paragraph
(g)(2) of this section) of a new pathway
for the fuel in question, may generate a
number of delayed gallon-RINs for that
renewable fuel in accordance with
paragraph (f) of this section.
(i) The standardized volume of fuel
(Vs) used by a party to determine the
RIN volume (VRIN) under paragraph (f)
of this section shall be the standardized
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
volume of the fuel described in
paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section that
was produced in the 48 contiguous
states plus Hawaii or imported into the
48 contiguous states plus Hawaii by the
party, and transferred to another party,
between July 1, 2010 and the earlier of
either of the following dates:
(A) The effective date (identified
pursuant to paragraph (g)(2) of this
section) of the new pathway through
which the fuel in question was
produced; or
(B) December 31, 2011.
(ii) [Reserved]
(8) The renewable fuel for which
delayed RINs are generated must be
described by a pathway that satisfies the
requirements of paragraph (g)(1) of this
(9) All delayed RINs generated by a
renewable fuel producer or importer
must be generated within EMTS on the
same date.
(10) The generation year of delayed
RINs as designated in EMTS shall be the
year that the renewable fuel volumes
they represent were either produced or
imported into the 48 contiguous states
plus Hawaii.
(i) For renewable fuel volumes
produced or imported in 2010, the
generation year of delayed RINs shall be
2010 and the production date specified
in EMTS shall be 07/01/2010.
(ii) For renewable fuel volumes
produced or imported in 2011, the
generation year of delayed RINs shall be
2011 and the production date specified
in EMTS shall be 01/01/2011.
(11) Delayed RINs shall be generated
as assigned RINs in EMTS with a batch
number that begins with ‘‘DRN’’, and
then immediately separated by the RIN
(12) The D code that shall be used in
delayed RINs shall be the D code which
corresponds to the new pathway.
(13) Except as provided in this
paragraph (g), all other provisions in
this Subpart M that pertain to the
identification of fuels for which RINs
may be generated, the generation and
use of RINs, and recordkeeping and
reporting, are also applicable to delayed
■ 4. Section 80.1454 is amended as
■ a. By revising paragraph (g)
introductory text.
■ b. By revising paragraph (g)(1).
■ c. By revising paragraph (g)(2)
introductory text.
§ 80.1454 What are the recordkeeping
requirements under the RFS Program?
(g) Aggregate compliance with
renewable biomass requirement. Any
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producer or RIN-generating importer of
renewable fuel made from planted crops
or crop residue from existing U.S.
agricultural land as defined in
§ 80.1401, or from planted crops or crop
residue from existing agricultural land
in a country covered by a petition
approved pursuant to § 80.1457, is
covered by the aggregate compliance
approach and is not subject to the
recordkeeping requirements for planted
crops and crop residue at § 80.1454(g)(2)
unless EPA publishes a finding that the
2007 baseline amount of agricultural
land in the U.S. has been exceeded or,
for the aggregate compliance approach
in a foreign country, that the withdrawal
of EPA approval of the aggregate
compliance approach is warranted
pursuant to § 80.1457(e).
(1) EPA will make findings
concerning whether the 2007 baseline
amount of agricultural land in the U.S.
or other country covered by a petition
approved pursuant to § 80.1457 has
been exceeded and will publish these
findings in the Federal Register by
November 30 of the year preceding the
compliance period.
(2) If EPA finds that the 2007 baseline
amount of agricultural land in the U.S.
or other country covered by a petition
approved pursuant to § 80.1457 has
been exceeded, beginning on the first
day of July of the compliance period in
question any producer or RINgenerating importer of renewable fuel
made from planted crops or crop
residue in the country for which such a
finding is made must keep all the
following records:
■ 5. Section 80.1457 is added to read as
§ 80.1457 Petition process for aggregate
compliance approach for foreign countries.
(a) EPA may approve a petition for
application of the aggregate compliance
approach to planted crops and crop
residue from existing agricultural land
in a foreign country if EPA determines
that an aggregate compliance approach
will provide reasonable assurance that
planted crops and crop residue from the
country in question meet the definition
of renewable biomass and will continue
to meet the definition of renewable
biomass, based on the submission of
credible, reliable, and verifiable data.
(1) As part of its evaluation, EPA will
consider all of the following:
(i) Whether there has been a
reasonable identification of the ‘‘2007
baseline area of land,’’ defined as the
total amount of cropland, pastureland,
and land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land in
the country in question that was
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actively managed or fallow and
nonforested on December 19, 2007.
(ii) Whether information on the total
amount of cropland, pastureland, and
land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land in
the country in question for years
preceding and following calendar year
2007 shows that the 2007 baseline area
of land identified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)
of this section is not likely to be
exceeded in the future.
(iii) Whether economic
considerations, legal constraints,
historical land use and agricultural
practices and other factors show that it
is likely that producers of planted crops
and crop residue will continue to use
agricultural land within the 2007
baseline area of land identified in
paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section into
the future, as opposed to clearing and
cultivating land not included in the
2007 baseline area of land.
(iv) Whether there is a reliable
method to evaluate on an annual basis
whether the 2007 baseline area of land
identified in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this
section is being or has been exceeded.
(v) Whether a credible and reliable
entity has been identified to conduct
data gathering and analysis, including
annual identification of the aggregate
amount of cropland, pastureland, and
land that is equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land,
needed for the annual EPA evaluation
specified in § 80.1454(g)(1), and
whether the data, analyses, and
methodologies are publicly available.
(2) [Reserved]
(b) Any petition and all supporting
materials submitted under paragraph (a)
of this section must be submitted both
in English and its original language (if
other than English), and must include
all of the following or an explanation of
why it is not needed for EPA to consider
the petition:
(1) Maps or electronic data identifying
the boundaries of the land for which the
petitioner seeks approval of an aggregate
compliance approach.
(2) The total amount of land that is
cropland, pastureland, or land
equivalent to U.S. Conservation Reserve
Program land within the geographic
boundaries specified in paragraph (b)(1)
of this section that was cleared or
cultivated prior to December 19, 2007
and that was actively managed or fallow
and nonforested on that date, and
(3) Land use data that demonstrates
that the land identified in paragraph
(b)(1) of this section is cropland,
pastureland or land equivalent to U.S.
Conservation Reserve Program land that
was cleared or cultivated prior to
December 19, 2007, and that was
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with RULES_2
actively managed or fallow and
nonforested on that date, which may
include any of the following:
(i) Satellite imagery or data.
(ii) Aerial photography.
(iii) Census data.
(iv) Agricultural survey data.
(v) Agricultural economic modeling
(4) Historical land use data for the
land within the geographic boundaries
specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this
section to the current year, which may
include any of the following:
(i) Satellite imagery or data.
(ii) Aerial photography.
(iii) Census data.
(iv) Agricultural surveys.
(v) Agricultural economic modeling
(5) A description of any applicable
laws, agricultural practices, economic
considerations, or other relevant factors
that had or may have an effect on the
use of agricultural land within the
geographic boundaries specified in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section,
including information regarding the
efficacy and enforcement of relevant
laws and regulations.
(6) A plan describing how the
petitioner will identify a credible and
reliable entity who will, on a continuing
basis, conduct data gathering, analysis,
and submittal to assist EPA in making
an annual determination of whether the
criteria specified in paragraph (a) of this
section remains satisfied.
(7) A letter, signed by a national
government representative at the
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ministerial level or equivalent,
confirming that the petition and all
supporting data have been reviewed and
verified by the ministry (or ministries)
or department(s) of the national
government with primary expertise in
agricultural land use patterns, practices,
data, and statistics, that the data support
a finding that planted crops and crop
residue from the specified country meet
the definition of renewable biomass and
will continue to meet the definition of
renewable biomass, and that the
responsible national government
ministry (or ministries) or department(s)
will review and verify the data
submitted on an annual basis to
facilitate EPA’s annual evaluation of the
2007 baseline area of land specified in
§ 80.1454(g)(1) for the country in
(8) Any additional information the
Administrator may require.
(c) EPA will issue a Federal Register
notice informing the public of receipt of
any petition submitted pursuant to this
section and will provide a 60-day period
for public comment. If EPA approves a
petition it will issue a Federal Register
notice announcing its decision and
specifying an effective date for the
application of the aggregate compliance
approach to planted crops and crop
residue from the country. Thereafter, the
planted crops and crop residue from the
country will be covered by the aggregate
compliance approach set forth in
§ 80.1454(g), or as otherwise specified
pursuant to paragraph (d) of this
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(d) If EPA grants a petition to
establish an aggregate compliance
approach for planted crops and crop
residue from a foreign country, it may
include any conditions that EPA
considers appropriate in light of the
conditions and circumstances involved.
(e)(1) EPA may withdraw its approval
of the aggregate compliance approach
for the planted crops and crop residue
from the country in question if:
(i) EPA determines that the data
submitted pursuant to the plan
described in paragraph (b)(6) of this
section does not demonstrate that the
amount of cropland, pastureland and
land equivalent to U.S. Conservation
Reserve Program land within the
geographic boundaries covered by the
approved petition does not exceed the
2007 baseline area of land;
(ii) EPA determines based on other
information that the criteria specified in
paragraph (a) of this section is no longer
satisfied; or
(iii) EPA determines that the data
needed for its annual evaluation has not
been collected and submitted in a
timely and appropriate manner.
(2) If EPA withdraws its approval for
a given country, then producers using
planted crops or crop residue from that
country will be subject to the individual
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements of § 80.1454(b) through (d)
in accordance with the schedule
specified in § 80.1454(g).
[FR Doc. 2010–30296 Filed 12–8–10; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 236 (Thursday, December 9, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 76790-76830]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-30296]
[[Page 76789]]
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 80
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: 2011 Renewable Fuel Standards;
Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 75 , No. 236 / Thursday, December 9, 2010 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 76790]]
40 CFR Part 80
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0133; FRL-9234-6]
RIN 2060-AQ16
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: 2011 Renewable Fuel
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency is required to set the
renewable fuel standards each November for the following year based on
gasoline and diesel projections from the Energy Information
Administration (EIA). Additionally, EPA is required to set the
cellulosic biofuel standard each year based on the volume projected to
be available during the following year, if the projected volume is less
than the applicable volume provided in the statute. These cellulosic
biofuel volume projections are to be based in part on EIA projections
as well as assessments of production capability from industry. This
action establishes annual percentage standards under Clean Air Act
section 211(o) for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced
biofuel, and renewable fuels that apply to all gasoline and diesel
produced or imported in calendar year 2011. We have determined that the
applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel on which the percentage
standard should be based is 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent gallons. We
believe that available volumes of cellulosic biofuel could be
significantly higher in 2012. This action also finalizes two changes to
the Renewable Fuel Standard program regulations: modifications to the
delayed RINs provision which provides a temporary and limited means for
certain renewable fuel producers to generate RINs after they have
produced and sold renewable fuel, and a new process for parties to
petition EPA to authorize use of an aggregate approach to compliance
with the renewable biomass provision for foreign feedstocks akin to
that applicable to the U.S. Finally, this action makes two
administrative announcements, one regarding the price for cellulosic
biofuel waiver credits for 2011, and another regarding the status of
the aggregate compliance provision for domestic crops.
DATES: This final rule is effective on December 9, 2010.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0133. All documents in the docket are listed on the website. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
through or in hard copy at the Air and Radiation
Docket and Information Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202)
566-1744, and the telephone number for the Air Docket is (202) 566-
Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division,
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
48105; Telephone number: 734-214-4131; Fax number: 734-214-4816; E-mail
address:, or Assessment and Standards
Division Hotline telephone number: (734) 214-4636; E-mail address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
Entities potentially affected by this final rule are those involved
with the production, distribution, and sale of transportation fuels,
including gasoline and diesel fuel or renewable fuels such as ethanol
and biodiesel. Potentially regulated categories include:
Examples of
NAICS \1\ SIC \2\ potentially
Category codes codes regulated
Industry....................... 324110 2911 Petroleum
Industry....................... 325193 2869 Ethyl alcohol
Industry....................... 325199 2869 Other basic
organic chemical
Industry....................... 424690 5169 Chemical and
allied products
Industry....................... 424710 5171 Petroleum bulk
stations and
Industry....................... 424720 5172 Petroleum and
Industry....................... 454319 5989 Other fuel
\1\ North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
\2\ Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system code.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this
final action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now
aware could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of
entities not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine
whether your activities will be regulated by this action, you should
carefully examine the applicability criteria in 40 CFR part 80. If you
have any questions regarding the applicability of this action to a
particular entity, consult the person listed in the preceding section.
Outline of This Preamble
I. Executive Summary
A. Statutory Requirements for Renewable Fuel Volumes
B. Assessment of 2011 Cellulosic Biofuel Production
C. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable Fuel
D. Final Percentage Standards
E. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits
F. Assessment of the Aggregate Compliance Approach
II. Volume Production and Import Potential for 2011
A. Cellulosic Biofuel
1. Domestic Cellulosic Biofuel
2. Imports of Cellulosic Biofuel
3. Projections From the Energy Information Administration
4. Overall 2011 Volume Projections
5. Projections of Cellulosic Biofuel for 2012
B. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable Fuel
C. Biomass-Based Diesel
III. Percentage Standards for 2011
A. Background
B. Calculation of Standards
1. How are the standards calculated?
2. Small Refineries and Small Refiners
[[Page 76791]]
IV. Cellulosic Biofuel Technology Assessment
A. What pathways are currently valid for the production of
cellulosic biofuel?
B. Cellulosic Feedstocks
C. Emerging Technologies
1. Biochemical
a. Feedstock Handling
b. Biomass Pretreatment
c. Hydrolysis
i. Acid Hydrolysis
ii. Enzymatic Hydrolysis
d. Fuel Production
e. Fuel Separation
f. Process Variations
g. Current Status of Biochemical Conversion Technology
h. Path to Commercialization
2. Thermochemical
a. Ethanol Based on a Thermochemical Platform
b. Diesel and Naphtha Production Based on a Thermochemical
3. Hybrid Thermochemical/Biochemical Processes
a. Biochemical Step Following Thermochemical Step
b. Concurrent Biochemical and Thermochemical Steps
4. Pyrolysis and Depolymerization
a. Pyrolysis Diesel Fuel and Gasoline
b. Catalytic Depolymerization
5. Catalytic Reforming of Sugars to Gasoline
V. Changes to RFS Regulations
A. Delayed RIN Generation for New Pathways
B. Aggregate Compliance Approach for Renewable Biomass From
Foreign Countries
1. Criteria and Considerations
2. Applicability of the Aggregate Approach
3. Data Sources
4. Petition Submission
5. Petition Process
VI. Annual Administrative Announcements
A. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits
B. Assessment of the Domestic Aggregate Compliance Approach
VII. Comments Outside the Scope of This Rulemaking
VIII. Public Participation
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
K. Congressional Review Act
X. Statutory Authority
I. Executive Summary
EPA issued comprehensive regulations in 2007 to implement the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS1) program in Section 211(o) of the Clean
Air Act, as required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). The
statutory requirements for the RFS program were subsequently modified
through the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA),
resulting in the publication of revised regulatory requirements (RFS2)
on March 26, 2010.\1\ In general, the transition from the RFS1
requirements of EPAct to the RFS2 requirements of EISA occurred on July
1, 2010.
\1\ 75 FR 14670.
EPA is required to determine and publish the applicable annual
percentage standards for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel,
advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel for each compliance year by
November 30 of the previous year. The determination of the applicable
cellulosic biofuel standard under RFS2 requires that EPA first project
the volume of cellulosic biofuel production for the following year. If
the projected volume of cellulosic biofuel production is less than the
applicable volume specified in Section 211(o)(2)(B)(i)(III) of the
statute, EPA must lower the required volume used to set the annual
cellulosic biofuel percentage standard to the projected available
volume. If we lower the applicable cellulosic biofuel volume, we must
also determine whether the advanced biofuel and/or total renewable fuel
volumes should be reduced by the same or a lesser amount. We provided
our volume projections and proposed percentage standards for 2011 in a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on July 20, 2010 (75 FR 42238).
Today's action provides our final projection of cellulosic biofuel
production for 2011, and final percentage standards for all four
categories of renewable fuel for compliance year 2011. The final 2011
standards have been based upon statutory requirements, comments
received in response to the NPRM, the estimate of projected gasoline,
diesel, and biofuel volumes that the EIA provided to EPA on October 20,
2010, and other relevant information.
Today's rule does not include an assessment of the impacts of the
standards we are finalizing for 2011. All of the impacts of the RFS2
program associated with the applicable volumes of biofuel specified in
the statute were addressed in the RFS2 final rule published on March
26, 2010.
Today's notice also finalizes two changes to the general RFS2
program regulations. The first change modifies a regulatory provision
for ``delayed RINs'' that we implemented through a previous action on
September 28, 2010.\2\ This provision provides a temporary and limited
means for certain renewable fuel producers to generate RINs after they
have produced and sold renewable fuel. In today's action we are
modifying this regulatory provision to be more broadly applicable as
described more fully in Section V.A. The second regulatory provision we
are finalizing today establishes a petition process and criteria for
EPA to use in determining whether to authorize the use of an aggregate
approach to verify that feedstocks from foreign countries meet the
definition of renewable biomass that would be akin to that applicable
to producers using crops and crop residue grown in the United States.
Further discussion of these provisions can be found in Section V.B.
\2\ 75 FR 59622.
Finally, in today's rulemaking we are announcing the price for
cellulosic biofuel waiver credits, and are also announcing the results
of our annual assessment of the aggregate compliance approach for U.S.
crops and crop residue. These announcements are provided in Section VI.
A. Statutory Requirements for Renewable Fuel Volumes
The volumes of renewable fuel that must be used under the RFS2
program each year (absent an adjustment or waiver by EPA) are specified
in CAA 211(o)(2)(B). These volumes for 2011 are shown in Table I.A-1.
Table I.A-1--Required Volumes in the Clean Air Act for 2011
[Billion gal]
Actual equivalent
volume volume
Cellulosic biofuel............................... \a\ 0.25 0.25
Biomass-based diesel............................. 0.80 1.20
Advanced biofuel................................. 1.35 1.35
Renewable fuel................................... 13.95 13.95
\a\ This value assumes that all cellulosic biofuel would be ethanol. If
any portion of the renewable fuel used to meet the cellulosic biofuel
volume mandate has a volumetric energy content greater than that for
ethanol, this value will be lower.
By November 30 of each year, the EPA is required under CAA
211(o)(3)(B) to determine and publish in the Federal
[[Page 76792]]
Register percentage standards for the following year that will ensure
that the applicable volumes of renewable fuel are used. These standards
are to be based in part on transportation fuel (i.e. gasoline and
diesel) volume estimates provided by the Energy Information
Administration (EIA). The calculation of the percentage standards is
based on the formulas in 40 CFR 80.1405(c) which express the required
volumes of renewable fuel as a volume percentage of gasoline and diesel
sold or introduced into commerce in the 48 contiguous states plus
The statute requires the EPA to determine whether the projected
volume of cellulosic biofuel production for the following year is less
than the minimum applicable volume shown in Table I.A-1. If this is the
case, then the standard for cellulosic biofuel must be based upon the
projected available volume rather than the applicable volume in the
statute. In addition, if EPA reduces the applicable volume of
cellulosic biofuel below the level specified in the statute, the Act
also indicates that we may reduce the applicable volume of advanced
biofuels and total renewable fuel by the same or a lesser volume.
B. Assessment of 2011 Cellulosic Biofuel Production
To estimate the projected available volume of cellulosic biofuel in
the U.S. in 2011, we researched potential production sources by company
and facility. This included sources that were still in the planning
stages, those that were under construction, and those that are already
producing some volume of cellulosic ethanol, cellulosic diesel, or some
other type of cellulosic biofuel. We considered all pilot and
demonstration plants as well as commercial plants. From this universe
of potential cellulosic biofuel sources we identified the subset that
had a possibility of producing some volume of qualifying cellulosic
biofuel for use as transportation fuel in 2011. Further analysis and
investigation allowed us to determine which ones were actually in a
position to produce and make available any commercial volumes of
cellulosic biofuel in 2011. In this process we also considered factors
such as the current and expected state of funding, the status of the
technology and contracts for feedstocks or product sales, and progress
towards construction and production goals. This assessment formed the
basis of our projection for potentially available 2011 volumes.
In our assessment we evaluated both domestic and foreign sources of
cellulosic biofuel. We determined that five U.S. facilities have the
potential to make volumes of cellulosic biofuel commercially available
for transportation use in the U.S. in 2011. We also identified three
international facilities, two in Canada and one in Germany, that we
expect will produce cellulosic biofuel in 2011. While these facilities
may also be able to produce cellulosic volume in 2011, we determined
that they are unlikely to make the fuel available to the U.S. market.
Based on our assessment for this rulemaking, we are lowering the
applicable volume of cellulosic biofuel for 2011 from the statutory
volume of 250 million gallons to 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent
gallons. This volume is the basis for the percentage standard we are
setting for cellulosic biofuel in 2011. As with any projections of
future production there is some uncertainty associated with these
volumes. These uncertainties in our 2011 cellulosic volume projection
are discussed in more detail in Section II.A. Nevertheless, we believe
that 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent gallons represents a reasonable
projection of potential 2011 cellulosic production volume for use in
setting the standard.
EPA is currently aware of more than 20 facilities representing over
300 million gallons of production that are targeting commercial
production of cellulosic biofuels in 2012. As a result, although the
cellulosic biofuel standard we are setting for 2011 is considerably
less than the applicable volumes established in EISA, EPA believes
there is reason for optimism when looking at the plans for the
cellulosic biofuel industry in 2012 and beyond.
C. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable Fuel
As described in Section I.A above, the statute indicates that we
may reduce the applicable volume of advanced biofuel and total
renewable fuel if we determine that the projected volume of cellulosic
biofuel production for 2011 falls short of the statutory volume of 250
million gallons. Since we are setting the cellulosic biofuel standard
significantly below the statutory volume of 250 million gallons, we
also needed to evaluate whether we should lower the required volumes
for advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel.
We first considered whether it appears likely that the required
biomass-based diesel volume of 0.8 billion gallons can be met with
existing biodiesel production potential in 2011, as biodiesel is
currently the predominant form of biomass-based diesel. As discussed in
Section II.C, we believe that the 0.8 billion gallon standard can
indeed be met. Since biodiesel has an Equivalence Value of 1.5, 0.8
billion physical gallons of biodiesel would provide 1.20 billion
ethanol-equivalent gallons that can be counted towards the advanced
biofuel standard of 1.35 billion gallons. Of the remaining 0.15 billion
gallons (150 million gallons), 6.0 million gallons will be met with
cellulosic biofuel. Based on our analysis as described in Section II.B,
we believe that there are sufficient sources of other advanced biofuel,
such as additional biodiesel, renewable diesel, or imported sugarcane
ethanol, such that the standard for advanced biofuel can remain at the
statutory level of 1.35 billion gallons. We have also determined that
there is sufficient qualifying domestic corn ethanol production
capacity to meet the balance of the total renewable fuel standard that
is not satisfied with advanced biofuel. Therefore, in today's final
rule neither the 2011 volumes for advanced biofuel nor total renewable
fuel are being lowered below the volumes specified in the statute.
D. Final Percentage Standards
The renewable fuel standards are expressed as a volume percentage,
and are used by each refiner, blender or importer to determine their
renewable fuel volume obligations. The applicable percentages are set
so that if each regulated party meets the percentages, and if EIA
projections of gasoline and diesel use are accurate, then the amount of
renewable fuel, cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, and advanced
biofuel used will meet the applicable volumes required on a nationwide
basis. To calculate the percentage standard for cellulosic biofuel for
2011, we have used the volume of 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent gallons
(representing 6.6 million physical gallons). We are also specifying
that the applicable volumes for biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel,
and total renewable fuel for 2011 will be those specified in the
statute. These volumes are shown in Table I.D-1.
[[Page 76793]]
Table I.D-1--Final Volumes for 2011
Actual volume Ethanol equivalent volume
Cellulosic biofuel....................... 6.6 mill gal................ 6.0 mill gal.
Biomass-based diesel..................... 0.80 bill gal............... 1.20 bill gal.
Advanced biofuel......................... 1.35 bill gal............... 1.35 bill gal.
Renewable fuel........................... 13.95 bill gal.............. 13.95 bill gal.
Four separate standards are required under the RFS2 program,
corresponding to the four separate volume requirements shown in Table
I.D-1. The specific formulas we use to calculate the renewable fuel
percentage standards are contained in the regulations at Sec. 80.1405
and repeated in Section III.B.1. The percentage standards represent the
ratio of renewable fuel volume to non-renewable gasoline and diesel
volume. The projected volumes of gasoline and diesel used to calculate
the standards are provided by EIA. Because small refiners and small
refineries are also regulated parties beginning in 2011 \3\, there is
no small refiner/refinery volume adjustment to the 2011 standard as
there was for the 2010 standard. Thus, the increase in the percentage
standards relative to 2010 appears smaller than would otherwise be the
case, since more obligated parties will be participating in the
program. The final standards for 2011 are shown in Table I.D-2.
Detailed calculations can be found in Section III.
\3\ The Department of Energy concluded that there is no reason
to believe that any small refinery would be disproportionately
harmed by inclusion in the RFS2 program for 2011 and beyond. See DOE
report ``EPACT 2005 Section 1501 Small Refineries Exemption Study''
(January 2009). We will revisit extensions to the exemption for
small refineries if DOE revises their study and provides a different
conclusion, or we determine that an individual small refinery has
demonstrated that it will suffer a disproportionate economic
hardship under the RFS program.
Table I.D-2--Final Percentage Standards for 2011
Cellulosic biofuel........................................... 0.003
Biomass-based diesel......................................... 0.69
Advanced biofuel............................................. 0.78
Renewable fuel............................................... 8.01
E. 2011 Price for Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits
Since we are reducing the required volume of cellulosic biofuel for
2011 below the applicable volume specified in the statute, EPA is
required to offer biofuel waiver credits to obligated parties that can
be purchased in lieu of acquiring cellulosic biofuel RINs. These waiver
credits are not allowed to be traded or banked for future use, and are
only allowed to be used to meet the 2011 cellulosic biofuel standard.
Moreover, unlike cellulosic biofuel RINs, waiver credits may not be
used to meet either the advanced biofuel standard or the total
renewable fuel standard. For the 2011 compliance period, we are making
cellulosic biofuel waiver credits available to obligated parties for
end-of-year compliance should they need them at a price of $1.13 per
credit. Further discussion is provided in Section VI.A.
F. Assessment of the Aggregate Compliance Approach
As part of the RFS2 regulations, EPA established an aggregate
compliance approach for renewable fuel producers who use planted crops
and crop residue from U.S. agricultural land. This compliance approach
relieved such producers (and importers of such fuel) of the individual
recordkeeping and reporting requirements otherwise required of
producers and importers to verify that feedstocks used in the
production of RIN-qualifying renewable fuel meet the definition of
renewable biomass. EPA determined that 402 million acres of U.S.
agricultural land was available in 2007 (the year of EISA enactment)
for production of crops and crop residue that would meet the definition
of renewable biomass, and determined that as long as this total number
of acres is not exceeded, it is unlikely that new land has been devoted
to crop production based on historical trends and economic
considerations. We indicated that we would conduct an annual evaluation
of total U.S. acreage that is cropland, pastureland, or conservation
reserve program land, and that if the value exceed 402 million acres,
producers using domestically-grown crops or crop residue to produce
renewable fuel would be subject to individual recordkeeping and
reporting to verify that their feedstocks meet the definition of
renewable biomass.
The RFS2 regulations provide that EPA will make a finding
concerning whether the 2007 baseline amount of U.S. agricultural land
has been exceeded in a given year and will publish this finding in the
Federal Register by November 30 of the same year. Based on data
provided by the USDA, we have estimated that U.S. agricultural land
reached 398 million acres in 2010, and thus did not exceed the 2007
baseline acreage.
We also stated in the preamble to the final RFS2 rule that if, at
any point, EPA finds that the total agricultural land is greater than
397 million acres, EPA will conduct further investigations to evaluate
validity of the domestic aggregate compliance approach. The total
acreage estimate of 398 million acres exceeds the trigger point for
further investigation, therefore EPA, with the help of USDA, will
conduct further investigations into this matter. Additional discussion
on this matter can be found in Section VI.B of this preamble.
II. Volume Production and Import Potential for 2011
In order to project production volumes of cellulosic biofuel in
2011 for use in setting the percentage standards, we collected
information on individual facilities that have the potential to produce
qualifying cellulosic biofuel volumes for consumption as transportation
fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel in the U.S. in 2011. We also evaluated
the production and import potential for biomass-based diesels, advanced
biofuels, and other conventional renewable fuels such as corn-ethanol.
This section describes the volumes that we believe could potentially be
produced or imported in 2011. As with any projections of future
production there is some uncertainty associated with these volumes.
Many of the uncertainties associated with our projected volumes are
also discussed in this section. Section III describes the derivation of
the percentage standards that will apply to obligated parties in 2011.
The 2011 volume projections in today's final rule are based on
information from a wide spectrum of sources. For instance, EPA received
input on our assessment of 2011 production and import volumes from
other government organizations including the Department of Energy
(DOE), Energy Information
[[Page 76794]]
Administration (EIA), and United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA). The EIA projections of gasoline, diesel, biomass-based diesel,
and cellulosic biofuel provided to EPA on October 20, 2010 were
particularly germane. These EIA projections are discussed in more
detail in Section II.A.3.
We also received a number of comments related to our proposed
volume projections and the associated percentage standards. With regard
to the proposed cellulosic biofuel projections, most commenters agreed
that the proposed range of 5--17.1 million gallons (6.5--25.5 million
ethanol-equivalent gallons) was appropriate, but no commenter suggested
a specific volume for 2011 or a clear methodology for determining the
appropriate volume. However, several commenters provided qualitative
assessments. For instance, refiners suggested that the low end of the
range would be more appropriate as it would minimize the possibility
that obligated parties would be unable to procure sufficient cellulosic
biofuel RINs to meet their obligations. They further stated that the
cellulosic biofuel volume used to set the 2011 standard should be based
on existing production volumes rather than a projection of potential
volume in 2011. In contrast, several proponents of the advanced
biofuels industry stated that the cellulosic biofuel standard should be
set as high as possible in order to establish the market demand that
investors seek before funding cellulosic biofuel projects. They argued
that the cellulosic biofuels industry is unlikely to grow without
support in the form of a high cellulosic biofuel standard.
Since commenters did not provide their own quantitative assessments
of projected cellulosic biofuel volumes for us to consider, we based
our assessment of the production capabilities of planned and existing
biofuel production facilities on projections provided by EIA as well as
data provided by other government agencies and our own contact with
many of these companies. In directing EPA to project cellulosic biofuel
production for purposes of setting the annual cellulosic biofuel
standard, Congress did not specify what degree of certainty should be
reflected in the projections. We believe that the cellulosic biofuel
standard should provide an incentive for the industry to grow according
to the goals that Congress established through EISA. However, we also
believe that the cellulosic biofuel standard that we set should be
within the range of what can be attained based on projected domestic
production and import potential. Any estimate we use to set the
cellulosic biofuel standard for 2011 will have some uncertainty in
terms of actual attainment, and the level of such uncertainty generally
rises with the volume mandate. Our intention is to balance such
uncertainty with the objective of providing an incentive for growth in
the industry. To this end, we explored the 2011 volumes for individual
companies as projected by EIA to determine not only what volumes might
be anticipated, but more importantly what volumes were potentially
attainable. Our final projected available volume of cellulosic biofuel
for 2011 reflects these considerations. Nevertheless, in the event that
the biofuel industry ultimately fails to provide sufficient volumes to
meet the 2011 standard for cellulosic biofuel, obligated parties can
purchase waiver credits from the EPA under the provisions of Sec.
80.1456. The price for such waiver credits is being established in
today's action in Section VI.A.
In addition to the sources described above, we had intended to use
information provided through the Production Outlook Reports required
under Sec. 80.1449 for all registered renewable fuel producers and
importers. These reports were due to the Agency by September 1, 2010.
While these reports were informative for the companies that did submit
them, most potential cellulosic biofuel producers had not yet
registered under the RFS program and therefore were not required to
submit Production Outlook Reports. Moreover, only a small percentage of
the reports were both complete and correct upon initial submission, and
about one-fourth of all registered producers and importers failed to
submit a report. These issues are likely the result of this being the
first time that such reports were due and remedial actions are expected
to lead to a more complete set of valid reports later in 2010. However,
the Production Outlook Reports were of limited value for development of
the biofuel volume projections that we used to set the standards for
In our analysis, we have focused on biofuel production as required
by Section 211(o)(7)(D)(i) of the Clean Air Act. We have not considered
the demand for biofuels as a factor in determining the appropriate
volume of cellulosic biofuel to require in 2011. However, we note that
the volumes of cellulosic biofuel that we proposed and the required
volume we are finalizing today are very small in terms of total demand
for biofuels, and are thus unlikely to impact issues related to demand
for biofuels such as infrastructure for distributing or consuming
A. Cellulosic Biofuel
The task of projecting the volume of cellulosic biofuels that could
be produced in 2011 is challenging. Announcements of new projects,
changes in project plans, project delays, and cancellations occur with
great regularity. Biofuel producers face not only the challenge of the
scale-up of innovative, first-of-a-kind technology, but also the
challenge of securing funding in a difficult economy.
In order to project cellulosic biofuel production volumes for 2011,
EPA has tracked the progress of over 100 cellulosic biofuel production
facilities. From this large group of over 100 production facilities we
identified 35 that had planned to begin cellulosic biofuel production
by early 2012. From this smaller list of facilities we used publically
available information, as well as information provided by DOE and USDA,
to determine which facilities were the most likely candidates to
produce cellulosic biofuel and make it commercially available in 2011.
Each of these companies was then contacted to provide the most up to
date information possible on their current cellulosic biofuel
production plans for 2011. Our estimate of the projected available
cellulosic biofuel volume for 2011 is based on the information we
received in conversations with these companies as well as our own
assessment of the potential for these facilities to produce cellulosic
biofuel in the volumes indicated. Throughout this process EPA engaged
in discussions with EIA to share information and insights into
potential cellulosic biofuel production in 2011. For more details on
EIA's cellulosic biofuel projections for 2011 and a discussion of the
differences between the projections made by EPA and EIA see Section
A brief description of each of the companies we believe has the
potential to produce cellulosic biofuel and make it commercially
available can be found below. A more in-depth discussion of the
technologies used to produce cellulosic biofuels can be found in
Section IV. Based on this information, EPA projects that 6.6 million
gallons of cellulosic biofuel (corresponding to 6.0 million ethanol-
equivalent RINs) could be produced and made available in 2011. This is
the number we used as the basis for the percentage standard for 2011.
The rest of this section describes the analyses that we used as the
basis for this projected available production volume.
[[Page 76795]]
1. Domestic Cellulosic Biofuel
Based on our assessment of the cellulosic biofuel industry, we
believe that there are four companies in the United States with the
potential to produce cellulosic alcohol and make it commercially
available in 2011. These companies are DuPont Danisco, Fiberight, KL
Energy Corporation, and Range Fuels. EPA also believes that a fifth
company, KiOR, will be in a position to produce some cellulosic diesel
fuel in 2011. This section will provide a brief description of each of
these companies and our assessment of their potential fuel production
in 2011 based on information we have acquired to date.
DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol (DDCE) began start up operations
at a small demonstration facility in Vonore, Tennessee in early 2010.
This facility has a maximum production capacity of 250,000 gallons of
ethanol per year and uses an enzymatic hydrolysis process to convert
corn cobs into ethanol. DDCE has indicated that they could produce up
to 150,000 gallons of ethanol in 2011 from the Vonore facility.
Fiberight is a company planning to convert MSW to ethanol.
Fiberight purchased a small corn ethanol plant in Blairstown, IA and
has modified it to produce ethanol from cellulosic biomass. They use an
enzymatic hydrolysis process to convert the cellulosic waste materials
to simple sugars and then to ethanol. Fiberight plans to initially use
a waste cellulose stream from a paper recycling facility as their
primary feedstock, and eventually complement that with a sorted MSW
stream. Fiberight started producing ethanol in the summer of 2010 and
plans to ramp up to full production capacity by late 2011. Fiberight
has provided month-by-month production targets for 2011 to EPA. Based
on these targets their projected production potential for 2011 is 2.8
million gallons of cellulosic ethanol. While there is still some
uncertainty as to whether their supply of waste cellulose from paper
recycling meets the regulatory definition of renewable biomass, fuel
from such feedstock would only account for about one-fifth of the total
ethanol expected to be produced by Fiberight in 2011. Moreover,
Fiberight's choice of feedstock for ethanol production could change
depending on whether waste cellulose from paper recycling is determined
to meet the regulatory definition of renewable biomass. For the
purposes of projecting potentially available cellulosic volume for
2011, therefore, we have included in our estimates the portion that
could be produced from waste cellulose from paper recycling.
The third company that EPA is aware of with the potential to
produce cellulosic ethanol in 2011 is KL Energy Corporation. KL Energy
has a demonstration facility in Upton, Wyoming that uses an enzymatic
hydrolysis process to convert wood chips and wood waste to ethanol and
has just announced a partnership with Petrobras for the construction of
additional facilities. The demonstration facility has a maximum annual
production volume of 1.5 million gallons and has been operational since
the fall of 2007. Since KL Energy completed construction of this
facility they have been gradually ramping up production and gathering
information to optimize this and future ethanol production facilities.
While production levels from this facility have so far been below
capacity, KL has informed EPA that they intend to produce up to 400,000
gallons of cellulosic ethanol from their Upton, WY facility in 2011.
A fourth company that EPA expects will produce cellulosic biofuel
in 2011 is Range Fuels. Range has a facility in Soperton, Georgia
capable of processing 125 dry tons of feedstock per day. This facility
completed commissioning in the second quarter of 2010 and began
producing cellulosic methanol in the third quarter of 2010. Range
initially plans to use wood chips as their feedstock, but will also
investigate using different types of woody biomass and herbaceous
energy crops. In Phase I of this project, Range will predominantly use
a commercial methanol catalyst, but they plan to produce some ethanol
using a proprietary mixed alcohol catalyst. No approved pathway
currently exists under the RFS program for the generation of RINs for
methanol, and the opportunities for using methanol in the
transportation fuel market are limited. However, Range does plan on
adding capabilities in Phase II that will increase the relative
production volume of ethanol versus methanol. Moreover, EPA is
evaluating possible RIN-generating pathways for cellulosic methanol,
including the potential for cellulosic methanol used in the production
of biodiesel to qualify for the generation of cellulosic biofuel RINs.
At this time EPA projects that Range Fuels will produce 0.1 million
gallons of ethanol and 2.9 million gallons of methanol from this
facility in 2011. Given a methanol equivalence value of 0.75, this fuel
represents 2.3 million ethanol equivalent gallons. Based the potential
for Range to produce larger proportions of ethanol, and the possibility
that RIN-generating pathways for cellulosic methanol could be
identified or approved we are projecting production of 2.3 million
gallons of RIN-generating cellulosic biofuel by Range Fuels in 2011.
The only company that EPA is aware of that may be a producer of
cellulosic diesel in 2011 is KiOR. KiOR has developed a catalytic
pyrolysis technology capable of converting cellulosic biomass directly
to a bio-crude with a low oxygen content. KiOR currently has a small
pilot facility capable of producing 10-15 barrels of bio-crude per day
in Houston, Texas. In order for this fuel to be used as a
transportation fuel it would have to go through further refining. This
could either be done at the KiOR facility if the necessary equipment is
installed, or at an existing refinery. While KiOR is not currently
producing a finished transportation fuel, this bio-oil could be
upgraded and be eligible for RIN generation under the RFS program. EPA
projects that this facility can produce 0.2 million gallons of fuel,
representing 0.3 million RINs in 2011.
In the proposed rule we also discussed two other potential
cellulosic diesel producers, Bell BioEnergy and Cello Energy. Since the
publication of the proposed rule the project that Bell BioEnergy had
been working on that EPA had identified as a potential source of
cellulosic biofuel has been terminated. They are currently exploring
other options for locations for their first commercial facility, as
well as potential sources of funding. While we are not counting on any
volume from Bell BioEnergy for the 2011 projected available volume, it
is feasible that they could produce cellulosic diesel or jet fuel in
2011 if they are able to identify a suitable location for their
facility and secure the necessary funding in the near future.
The other cellulosic diesel company discussed in the proposed rule
is Cello Energy. Cello has a structurally complete facility in Bay
Minette, Alabama with an annual production capacity of 20 million
gallons of diesel per year. While their facility is structurally
complete, they have experienced feedstock preparation and handling
issues that need to be resolved before they will be able to again
attempt start up and production. Litigation related to contract issues
has also provided a set-back likely delaying any potential production
from Cello's facility. On October 20, 2010 Cello Energy filed for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy, therefore no volume from this facility has been
included in our projected cellulosic biofuel volume for 2011.
[[Page 76796]]
We are currently unaware of any companies in the United States
planning on producing cellulosic biofuel other than ethanol, methanol,
and diesel and making it commercially available in 2011. EPA is
currently tracking the efforts of 10 companies that plan to produce
fuels such as butanol, gasoline, jet fuel, dimethyl ether (DME), and
others. Many of these companies have reported that they are still
developing their technologies and waiting for funding, and that they
are not expecting to make any cellulosic fuel commercially available
until 2012 at the earliest. There are several companies with small
demonstration facilities who intend to produce biofuels from cellulosic
feedstocks, but are currently optimizing their technology with sugar or
starch feedstocks. EPA anticipates that in the future this may be a
significant source of cellulosic biofuel, however we have not counted
these potential volumes in our projections for 2011.
2. Imports of Cellulosic Biofuel
In addition to the companies located in the United States, EPA is
also aware of three companies located in other countries with the
potential for cellulosic biofuel production in 2011. If this fuel is
produced with renewable biomass and imported into the United States for
use in transportation fuel, jet fuel, or heating oil, it would be
eligible to participate in the RFS2 program. However, for the reasons
described below, we have not included any imported cellulosic biofuel
in our projections of available U.S. volume for 2011.
Iogen uses a steam explosion pre-treatment process followed by
enzymatic hydrolysis to produce cellulosic ethanol from wheat, oat, and
barley straw. They have a demonstration facility with an annual
production capacity of 500,000 gallons of ethanol located in Ontario,
Canada. This facility has been operational and producing small volumes
of ethanol since 2004. So far all of the ethanol produced by this
facility has been used locally and in racing and other promotional
events. In conversations with EPA Iogen has indicated that they do not
intend to export any fuel to the United States from this facility in
Another Canadian company with the potential to produce cellulosic
ethanol in 2011 is Enerkem. Enerkem plans to use a thermo-chemical
process to gasify separated MSW and other waste products and then use a
catalyst to convert the synthesis (syn) gas into methanol and ethanol.
Enerkem finished construction on a 1.3 million gallon per year facility
in Westbury, Quebec in June 2010 and plans to begin producing methanol
and ethanol later in 2010. They are also planning a 10 million gallon
per year facility in Edmonton, Alberta, however production from this
facility is not expected until 2012. Enerkem has informed EPA that they
plan to market their products locally, and do not intend any exports to
the United States.
A third international company that may produce commercial volumes
of cellulosic biofuel in 2011 is Choren. Choren has completed
construction of a facility in Freiberg, Germany with a production
capacity of 3.9 million gallons of diesel fuel. This facility used a
thermochemical process to convert biomass to syngas and then
catalytically converts the syngas to diesel fuel. The facility is
currently undergoing commissioning and it is unclear when they will
begin commercial production. Additionally, there is likely to be strong
local demand for the fuel. Due to these factors, EPA is not projecting
that any fuel produced by Choren will be imported into the U.S. in
While these facilities appear to be the most likely sources of
imported cellulosic biofuel, it is possible that cellulosic biofuels
produced by other foreign companies may be imported into the United
States. One strong candidate as a potential source of cellulosic
biofuel imports is Brazil, due to its established ethanol industry and
history of importing ethanol into the United States. EPA is aware of
several companies planning commercial scale production of cellulosic
biofuel in Brazil. It is unlikely these projects will be completed in
time to supply cellulosic biofuel to the United States in 2011; however
they may be a significant source of cellulosic biofuel imports in
future years.
3. Projections From the Energy Information Administration
Section 211(o)(3)(A) of the Clean Air Act requires EIA to ``* * *
provide to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency an
estimate, with respect to the following calendar year, of the volumes
of transportation fuel, biomass-based diesel, and cellulosic biofuel
projected to be sold or introduced into commerce in the United
States.'' EIA provided these estimates to us on October 20, 2010.\4\
With regard to cellulosic biofuel, the EIA estimated that the available
volume in 2011 would be 3.94 mill gallons based on their assessment of
the utilization of production capacity. A summary of the plants they
considered is shown below in Table II.A.3-1.
\4\ Letter from Richard Newell, EIA Administrator to Lisa
Jackson, EPA Administrator October 20, 2010.
Table II.A.3-1--EIA's Projected Cellulosic Biofuel Plant Production Estimates for 2011
Expected 2011
Company name Location Feedstock Fuel Capacity Facility status utilization Production
(MGY) (Percent) (MG)
DuPont Danisco.................. Vonore, TN......... Corn cobs, then Ethanol............ 0.25 Online............. 10 0.03
Fiberight....................... Blairstown, IA..... MSW................ Ethanol............ 6.0 Online............. 46 2.76
KL Energy....................... Upton, WY.......... Wood............... Ethanol............ 1.5 Online............. 10 0.15
Range........................... Soperton, GA....... Wood Waste......... Methanol, Ethanol.. 4 Online............. 25 1.0
Total....................... ................... ................... ................... ......... ................... ........... 3.94
While EIA's projected cellulosic biofuel production estimate for
2011 is, with the exception of KiOR, based on an evaluation of the same
companies that EPA evaluated, the production volume assumed by EIA for
each company is lower in all cases. We believe that the difference
reflects EIA's intention to estimate volumes that each company has a
high certainty of reaching in 2011. As described in Section II.A above,
we have projected the volume of cellulosic
[[Page 76797]]
biofuel that we believe is attainable given the issues that each
company faces, while recognizing that there is some uncertainty in the
projected volumes. We believe that many or all of the uncertainties
associated with the potential volume production at each company can be
resolved in a positive direction.
We have considered EIA's projection of cellulosic biofuel
production for 2011 in the context of setting the 2011 cellulosic
biofuel standard, and we believe that it represents a volume that the
industry is unlikely to fall below. However, we believe that it is
appropriate to set the applicable volume at a level that provides an
incentive for developing cellulosic biofuel facilities to come on line
as expeditiously as possible, and to provide reasonable assurance that
there will be a market for their product if they do. Moreover, we also
believe that CAA 211(o)(7)(D) is best interpreted to vest the authority
for making the projection with EPA, since it provides that the
projection is ``determined by the Administrator based on the estimate
provided [by EIA].'' If Congress intended that EPA simply adopt EIA's
projection without an independent evaluation, it would not have
specified that the projection is ``determined'' by EPA. Although the
statute provides that our determination must be ``based on the estimate
provided'' by EIA, we believe that our consideration of EIA's estimate
in deriving our own projection satisfies this statutory requirement.
For the reasons described above, we believe that EPA's projection takes
into account uncertainties in a manner that best furthers the
objectives of the statute.
4. Overall 2011 Volume Projections
The information EPA has gathered on the potential cellulosic
biofuel producers in 2011, summarized above, allows us to project the
potential production volume of each facility in 2011. After the
appropriate equivalence value has been applied to the volumes from
these facilities, the overall projected ethanol-equivalent volume of
cellulosic biofuel for 2011 can be totaled. This information is
summarized in Table II.A.4-1 below.
Table II.A.4-1--Projected Potential Volume of Cellulosic Biofuel Production in 2011
Projected Ethanol
Capacity potential equivalent
Company name Location Feedstock Fuel (MGY) Facility status volume gallons
(MG) (MG)
DuPont Danisco................... Vonore, TN.......... Corn cobs, then Ethanol............ 0.25 Online............. 0.15 0.15
Fiberight........................ Blairstown, IA...... MSW................ Ethanol............ 6 Online............. 2.8 2.8
KL Energy........................ Upton, WY........... Wood............... Ethanol............ 1.5 Online............. 0.4 0.4
KiOR............................. Houston, TX......... Wood Waste......... Diesel............. 0.2 Online............. 0.2 0.3
Range............................ Soperton, GA........ Wood Waste......... Methanol, Ethanol.. 4 Online............. 3.0 2.3
Total........................ .................... ................... ................... ......... ................... 6.6 6.0
While the production volumes in Table II.A.4-1 have some
uncertainty, we believe that a total volume of 6.0 million gallons is
attainable. By basing the 2011 cellulosic biofuel standard on the
attainable volumes rather than discounting projected volumes to account
for uncertainty, we aim to avoid the undesirable scenario in which
cellulosic biofuel production exceeds the mandated volume. Such a
scenario would result in weak demand for cellulosic biofuels and RINs.
Additionally, while obligated parties are able to purchase cellulosic
biofuel waivers credits in the event that production of cellulosic
biofuel is insufficient to meet the 2011 standard, no mechanism exists
for this standard to be raised should cellulosic biofuel production
exceed the 2011 standard. The intent of Congress in establishing the
RFS program through EISA was to provide a reliable market for renewable
fuels and in doing so to spur growth in the cellulosic biofuels
industry. EPA believes the projected available volume finalized in this
rule best reflects these intentions.
Three commenters (Abengoa, Growth Energy, and Unica) supported the
range of 6.5-25.5 million gallons that EPA proposed in the NPRM. The
Biotechnology Industry Organization and Dupont Danisco Cellulosic
Ethanol commented that the EPA's proposed range was a reasonable
estimate, but encouraged EPA to consider ways the RFS program can serve
a risk mitigation function for the cellulosic biofuel industry. Two
commenters, American Petroleum Institute and National Petrochemical &
Refiners Association, suggested that EPA consider only companies that
have demonstrated, proven production records when setting the
cellulosic standard for the following year. The Low Carbon Synthetic
Fuels Association suggested EPA set the standard high enough so that
any cellulosic biofuel that might be produced in 2011 in the U.S. or
internationally would be included in the volume projections. They
suggest that this would mean using the high end of the proposed volume,
or even some volume above the proposed range.
Based on our assessment of the potential production capabilities of
individual companies as described above, EPA is finalizing the
cellulosic biofuel standard for 2011 at 6.0 million ethanol-equivalent
gallons of cellulosic biofuel. This number represents the volume of
RIN-generating cellulosic biofuel that we believe can be made available
for use as transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel in 2011. It
incorporates some reductions from the annual production capacity of
each facility based on when fuel production can begin and assumptions
regarding a ramp-up period to full production. We believe that a
production volume of 6.0 mill gal is attainable despite the
uncertainties, since none of the possible impediments to attaining this
volume appear insurmountable. Moreover, by setting the standard for
cellulosic biofuel based on the volumes that are attainable, we are
providing greater incentives for producers to overcome uncertainties
and greater opportunities for funding based on an established demand.
There are also a variety of factors that could lead to production
volumes greater than those listed in Table II.A.4-1 and make up for
potential shortfalls elsewhere. For instance:
For each of the facilities listed, with the exception of
KiOR, we are projecting that their production will be some
[[Page 76798]]
volume less than the capacity of their facility. It is possible,
however, that these companies could produce a greater volume of fuel
than they are currently anticipating or has been projected by EPA.
It is possible that companies that are currently targeting
2012 for commercial production may produce cellulosic biofuel ahead of
schedule and generate RINs in 2011. None of this volume was included in
our projection for 2011.
A high demand for cellulosic biofuels may be sufficient to
cause companies to import fuel into the United States, even if they
currently have no plans to do so. As described in Section II.A.2 above,
there are several foreign producers that are either producing
cellulosic biofuel now, or could potentially produce some cellulosic
biofuel volume in 2011.
Finally, we note that if the actual volume of cellulosic biofuel
RINs that are available in 2011 falls short of the 6.0 million gallon
RINs used to derive the 2011 cellulosic biofuel standard, obligated
parties have other recourses:
Purchase cellulosic biofuel waiver credits from the EPA
(see further discussion in Section VI.A).
Carry over a deficit from 2011 into 2012 according to
Sec. 80.1427(b).
5. Projections of Cellulosic Biofuel for 2012
In addition to the companies discussed above, EPA also assessed the
production capabilities of many other companies to determine their
ability to produce cellulosic ethanol in 2011. Many of these companies
had at some point planned to produce cellulosic ethanol at commercial
scale by 2011, but due to a variety of factors have had their plans
delayed. Despite these delays, the outlook for 2012 and later years
still looks promising.
Although the cellulosic biofuel standard we are setting for 2011 is
considerably below the applicable volumes established in EISA, EPA
believes there is reason for optimism when looking at the plans for the
cellulosic biofuel industry in 2012 and beyond. EPA is currently aware
of more than 20 facilities representing over 300 million gallons of
production that are targeting commercial production of cellulosic
biofuels in 2012. Many companies, including Abengoa, AE Biofuels,
BlueFire Ethanol, Coskata, Fulcrum, POET, and Vercipia, are intending
to begin bringing large scale facilities online, with physical
capacities of between 10 and 100 million gallons of cellulosic biofuel
per year. There is also hope within the industry that as these first-
of-a-kind technologies prove commercially viable that new financing
opportunities will open up for both new facilities and facility
expansion alike. This could lead to rapid growth in the cellulosic
biofuel industry as many companies, in addition to those mentioned
above, have announced project plans that have been put on hold until
funding or project partners can be found.
B. Advanced Biofuel and Total Renewable Fuel
Under CAA 211(o)(7)(D)(i), EPA has the discretion to reduce the
applicable volumes of advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel in the
event that the projected volume of cellulosic biofuel production is
determined to be below the applicable volume specified in the statute.
As described in Section II.A above, we are indeed projecting the volume
of cellulosic biofuel production for 2011 at significantly below the
statutory applicabl