Western Electric Coordinating Council; Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief Regional Reliability Standard, 66702-66708 [2010-27408]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(f) Comply with this AD within the
compliance times specified, unless already
Required Actions
(g) Within 60 days after the effective date
of this AD, do a complete inspection of the
flap system following the Inspection
Instructions section of Sierra Industries, Ltd.
Service Bulletin SI09–82 Series–1, Rev. IR,
dated September 8, 2010.
(h) Before further flight after the inspection
required in paragraph (g) of this AD where
any damage to the flap bellcrank or bellcrank
mounting structure is found, repair the
damage and modify the flap control system
following the Accomplishment Instructions
of Sierra Industries, Ltd. Service Bulletin
SI09–82 Series–1, Rev. IR, dated September
8, 2010.
(i) Within 180 days after the effective date
of this AD where damage to the flap
bellcrank or bellcrank mounting structure is
not found during the inspection required in
paragraph (g) of the AD, modify the flap
control system following the
Accomplishment Instructions of Sierra
Industries, Ltd. Service Bulletin SI09–82
Series–1, Rev. IR, dated September 8, 2010.
Alternative Methods of Compliance
(j)(1) The Manager, Fort Worth Airplane
Certification Office, FAA, has the authority to
approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested
using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, send your
request to your principal inspector or local
Flight Standards District Office, as
appropriate. If sending information directly
to the manager of the ACO, send it to the
attention of the person identified in the
Related Information section of this AD.
(2) Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your Principal Maintenance Inspector
or Principal Avionics Inspector, as
appropriate, or lacking a principal inspector,
your local Flight Standards District Office.
Related Information
(k) For more information about this AD,
contact Werner Koch, Aerospace Engineer,
Fort Worth Airplane Certification Office,
FAA, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth,
Texas 76137; phone: (817) 222–5133; fax:
(817) 222–5960; e-mail:
(l) For service information identified in
this AD, contact Sierra Industries, Ltd., 122
Howard Langford Drive, Uvalde, Texas
78801; telephone: 888–835–9377; e-mail:
info@sijet.com; Internet: https://
www.sijet.com. You may review copies of the
referenced service information at the FAA,
Small Airplane Directorate, 901 Locust,
Kansas City, Missouri 64106. For information
on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call 816–329–4148.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on
October 25, 2010.
John Colomy,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2010–27460 Filed 10–28–10; 8:45 am]
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Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM09–19–000]
Western Electric Coordinating Council;
Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled
Flow Relief Regional Reliability
October 21, 2010.
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Energy.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Under section 215 of the
Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to approve regional Reliability
Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 (Qualified
Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief)
submitted to the Commission for
approval by the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation. While we
propose to approve the regional
Reliability Standard, as discussed in
this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
IRO–006–WECC–1 raises some concerns
about which the Commission requests
additional information. Depending upon
the responses received, in the Final Rule
the Commission may, as a separate
action under section 215(d)(5) of the
FPA, direct the Western Electricity
Coordinating Council to develop
modifications to the regional Reliability
Standard to address the issues
Comments are due December 28,
Interested persons may
submit comments, identified by Docket
No. RM09–19–000, by any of the
following methods:
• Agency Web Site: https://
www.ferc.gov. Documents created
electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native
applications or print-to-PDF format and
not in a scanned format.
• Mail/Hand Delivery. Commenters
unable to file comments electronically
must mail or hand deliver an original
copy of their comments to: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
These requirements can be found on the
Commission’s Web site, see, e.g., the
‘‘Quick Reference Guide for Paper
Submissions,’’ available at https://
www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp or
via phone from FERC Online Support at
202–502–6652 or toll-free at 1–866–
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Mindi Sauter (Legal Information), Office
of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6830.
Danny Johnson (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Division
of Reliability Standards, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–8892.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
1. Under section 215 of the Federal
Power Act (FPA),1 the Commission
proposes to approve regional Reliability
Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 (Qualified
Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief)
submitted to the Commission for
approval by the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC), the
Commission-certified Electric
Reliability Organization (ERO). While
we propose to approve the regional
Reliability Standard, as discussed in
this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
IRO–006–WECC–1 raises some concerns
about which the Commission requests
additional information. Depending upon
the responses received, the Commission
may, in the Final Rule, direct the
Western Electricity Coordinating
Council (WECC) to develop
modifications to the regional Reliability
Standard to address the issues
I. Background
A. Section 215 of the FPA and NERC
Reliability Standard IRO–006
2. Section 215 of the FPA requires a
Commission-certified ERO to develop
mandatory and enforceable Reliability
Standards, which are subject to
Commission review and approval.2
Approved Reliability Standards are
enforced by the ERO, subject to
Commission oversight, or by the
Commission independently.
3. On March 16, 2007, the
Commission issued Order No. 693
approving 83 Reliability Standards
proposed by NERC, including
Reliability Standard IRO–006–3, titled
‘‘Reliability Coordination—
Transmission Loading Relief.’’ 3 In
1 16
U.S.C. 824o.
Commission certified NERC as the ERO in
July 2006. North American Electric Reliability
Corp., 116 FERC ¶ 61,062 (ERO Certification Order),
order on reh’g and compliance, 117 FERC ¶ 61,126
(2006), aff’d sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC, 564 F.3d
1342 (DC Cir. 2009).
3 Mandatory Reliability Standards for the BulkPower System, Order No. 693, FERC Stats. & Regs.
¶ 31,242, order on reh’g, Order No. 693–A, 120
FERC ¶ 61,053 (2007).
2 The
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
addition, the Commission directed the
ERO to develop modifications to IRO–
006–3 and other approved Reliability
Standards to address specific issues
identified by the Commission, pursuant
to section 215(d)(5) of the FPA.
4. NERC Reliability Standard IRO–
006–3 establishes a Transmission
Loading Relief (TLR) process for use in
the Eastern Interconnection to alleviate
loadings on the system by curtailing or
changing transactions based on their
priorities and according to different
levels of TLR procedures. Requirement
R2.2 provides that ‘‘the equivalent
Interconnection-wide transmission
loading relief procedure for use in the
Western Interconnection is the WECC
Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan.’’
This document provides detailed
instructions for addressing unscheduled
flows, e.g., parallel path flows, based on
the topography and configuration of the
Bulk-Power System in the Western
Interconnection. The Unscheduled Flow
Mitigation Plan identifies nine ‘‘steps’’ to
address unscheduled flows. In the first
three steps, the Mitigation Plan relies on
phase angle regulators, series capacitors,
and back-to-back DC lines to mitigate
contingencies without curtailing
transactions. Steps four and above
involve curtailment of transactions.
5. On March 19, 2009, the
Commission approved IRO–006–4,
which modified the prior version of the
Reliability Standard and addressed the
Commission’s directives from Order No.
693.4 The Commission subsequently
accepted an erratum to that Reliability
Standard that corrected the reference in
Requirement R1.2 to the Unscheduled
Flow Mitigation Plan (Mitigation Plan).5
B. WECC Delegation Agreement and
WECC Regional Reliability Standard
6. On April 19, 2007, the Commission
approved delegation agreements
between NERC and each of the eight
Regional Entities, including WECC.6
Pursuant to such agreements, the ERO
delegated responsibility to the Regional
Entities to enforce the mandatory,
Commission-approved Reliability
4 Modification of Interchange and Transmission
Loading Relief Reliability Standards; and Electric
Reliability Organization Interpretation of Specific
Requirements of Four Reliability Standards, Order
No. 713–A, 126 FERC ¶ 61,252 (2009).
5 North American Electric Reliability Corp.,
Docket No. RD09–9–000 (Dec. 10, 2009)
(unpublished letter order). Note that Reliability
Standard IRO–006–4.1, Requirement R1.2 refers to
the ‘‘WECC Unscheduled Flow Reduction
Procedure,’’ which is Attachment 1 to the Mitigation
Plan, the term we use herein.
6 See North American Electric Reliability Corp.,
119 FERC ¶ 61,060, order on reh’g, 120 FERC
¶ 61,260 (2007) (Delegation Agreement Order).
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Standards. In addition, the Commission
approved, as part of each delegation
agreement, a Regional Entity process for
developing regional Reliability
Standards. In the Delegation Agreement
Order, the Commission accepted WECC
as a Regional Entity organized on an
Interconnection-wide basis and
accepted WECC’s Standards
Development Manual, which sets forth
the process for development of WECC’s
Reliability Standards.7
7. On June 8, 2007, the Commission
approved eight WECC regional
Reliability Standards that apply in the
Western Interconnection, including
IRO–STD–006–0.8 The regional
Reliability Standard applies to
transmission operators, load-serving
entities and balancing authorities within
the Western Interconnection. Currently
effective IRO–STD–006–0 addresses the
mitigation of transmission overloads
due to unscheduled line flow on
specified paths. Specifically,
Requirement R1 of IRO–STD–006–0
states that:
WECC’s Unscheduled Flow Mitigation
Plan (Plan) * * * specifies that members
shall comply with requests from (Qualified)
Transfer Path Operators to take actions that
will reduce unscheduled flow on the
Qualified Path in accordance with the table
entitled ‘‘WECC Unscheduled Flow
Procedure Summary of Curtailment Actions,’’
which is located in Attachment 1 of the
The regional Reliability Standard then
provides excerpts from the plan that
describe actions entities must take to
address unscheduled flow.
8. The June 8, 2007 Order directed
WECC to develop certain modifications
to the eight WECC Reliability Standards
to address issues identified by the
Commission. With respect to IRO–STD–
006–0, the Commission directed WECC
to clarify the term ‘‘receiver’’ used in the
Reliability Standard. The Commission
also directed WECC to address concerns
raised by a commenter regarding
WECC’s inclusion of load-serving
entities, which may be unable to meet
the Reliability Standard’s requirements,
in the applicability section of the
Reliability Standard.10 The Commission
directed WECC to remove a Sanctions
Table (identifying a maximum penalty
of $10,000 per violation) that is
inconsistent with the NERC Sanctions
Guidelines. The Commission also
7 Id.
P 469–470.
American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,260 (June 8, 2007 Order).
9 Regional Reliability Standard IRO–STD–006–0,
available at https://www.wecc.biz/Standards/
10 June 8, 2007 Order, 119 FERC ¶ 61,260 at P
8 North
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directed WECC to address NERC’s
concerns regarding formatting, use of
standard terms, and the need for greater
specificity in the actions that a
responsible entity must take.
II. Petition for Proposed Regional
Reliability Standard IRO–006–WECC–1
A. Proposed Regional Reliability
9. In a June 17, 2009 filing, NERC
requests Commission approval of
proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO–006–WECC–1, which was
developed in response to the
Commission’s directives in the June 8,
2007 Order, to replace the currently
effective regional Standard.11 NERC
states that the purpose of IRO–006–
WECC–1 is to mitigate transmission
overloads due to unscheduled flow on
Qualified Transfer Paths. Under the
Reliability Standard, reliability
coordinators are responsible for
initiating schedule curtailments and
balancing authorities are responsible for
implementing the curtailments.
Specifically, proposed regional
Reliability Standard IRO–006–WECC–1
contains the following two
R.1. Upon receiving a request of Step 4 or
greater (see Attachment 1–IRO–006–WECC–
1) from the Transmission Operator of a
Qualified Transfer Path, the Reliability
Coordinator shall approve (actively or
passively) or deny that request within five
R.2. The Balancing Authorities shall
approve curtailment requests to the
schedules as submitted, implement
alternative actions, or a combination there of
that collectively meets the Relief
An attachment to IRO–006–WECC–1
summarizes the nine steps and related
actions to address unscheduled flows.
10. NERC states that the revised
regional Reliability Standard addresses
the Commission’s prior concerns by
removing load-serving entities as an
applicable entity, no longer referring to
receivers, and addressing formatting
changes required by NERC and the
Commission’s June 8, 2007 Order.
Further, NERC states the proposed
Reliability Standard is justified on the
basis that the regional Reliability
Standard’s requirements are more
stringent than those contained in the
associated NERC Reliability Standard
IRO–006–4. NERC explains that the
NERC Reliability Standard IRO–006–4
11 North American Electric Reliability Corp., June
17, 2009 Petition for Approval of Proposed Western
Electricity Coordinating Council Regional
Reliability Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 (NERC
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
requires a reliability coordinator
experiencing a potential or actual
System Operating Limit (SOL) or
Interconnection Reliability Operating
Limit (IROL) violation to take
appropriate actions to relieve
transmission loading using local or
Interconnection-wide procedures.
According to NERC, Requirement R1 of
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 goes
beyond the NERC requirements by
establishing a process to reduce
schedules that prevents potential
overloads during the next operating
hour. In addition, the proposed
Reliability Standard requires each
reliability coordinator to approve or
deny a request submitted by a Qualified
Transfer Path transmission operator
within five minutes. Requirement R2 of
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard requires each balancing
authority to approve curtailment
requests to the schedules as submitted,
implement alternative actions, or a
combination thereof, which collectively
meet the relief requirement.
B. Concerns Raised by NERC Regarding
the WECC Proposal
11. In the Petition, NERC explains
that, when WECC submitted IRO–006–
WECC–1 for NERC’s review, NERC was
concerned that the proposed Standard
no longer contains requirements that are
more stringent than the continent-wide
NERC Reliability Standard IRO–006–4,
which was the main justification for
consideration of IRO–006–WECC–1 as
the regional Reliability Standard.12
NERC states that, at the direction of the
NERC Board of Trustees, NERC staff met
several times with WECC staff to discuss
its concerns with the proposed regional
Reliability Standard.
1. Pre-Curtailment Actions
12. In its Petition, NERC expressed
several concerns. First, NERC was
concerned that the proposed Standard
only includes the curtailment portion of
the Mitigation Plan. In contrast, the
current regional Reliability Standard
IRO–STD–006–0 references WECC’s
Mitigation Plan, which contains
directions in steps one through three to
reduce flows through use of phase-angle
regulators, series capacitors, and backto-back DC lines before transaction
13. According to the NERC Petition,
WECC explained that the proposed
regional Reliability Standard contains
the curtailment portion of the Mitigation
Plan ‘‘because the remaining items
contain procedural requirements
12 Id
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explaining ‘how,’ not ‘what.’ ’’ 13 WECC
explained to NERC that two WECC
regional Reliability Standards work
together. Proposed IRO–006–WECC–1
prevents overloads during the next hour
by requiring applicable entities to
reduce schedules and adjust generation
patterns. In addition, regional
Reliability Standard TOP–007–WECC–1
(System Operating Limits), contains
instructions for mitigation of an actual,
real-time overload.14 According to
WECC, these regional Reliability
Standards, combined, ensure that the
transmission operator will utilize the
phase-angle regulators, series capacitors,
and back-to-back DC lines before
transaction curtailment.
14. In addition, NERC provided
additional supplemental information in
Exhibit C of its Petition regarding how
WECC envisions the implementation of
proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO–006–WECC–1. Exhibit C contains
the complete development record of
proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO–006–WECC–1 and includes
WECC’s undated response to NERC’s
concerns regarding the interaction
between TOP–007–WECC–1 and IRO–
15. Specifically, NERC raised a
concern that ‘‘IRO–006–WECC–1
removed a requirement for the
Transmission Operator (TOP) to request
relief through the WECC Qualified Path
Unscheduled Flow Relief Procedure
when a qualified transfer path exceeded
or was close to exceeding a System
Operating Limit (SOL).’’ In response,
WECC stated that ‘‘the requirements of
another WECC regional reliability
standard, TOP–STD–007–0 (interim
approved Tier 1 standard), as well as the
WECC proposed replacement regional
reliability standard TOP–007–WECC–1,
require the TOP to take actions to
ensure that SOLs are not exceeded.’’ 16
13 Id.
at 30.
petition for approval of regional
Reliability Standard TOP–007–WECC–1 is currently
pending before the Commission in Docket No.
15 The document is titled, ‘‘Interaction between
TOP–007–WECC–1 and IRO–006–WECC–1.’’
16 Exhibit C to NERC Petition, Interaction between
TOP–007–WECC–1 and IRO–006–WECC–1 at 1.
Requirement WR1 of the currently applicable
regional Reliability Standard, TOP–STD–007–0
provides, in part, that ‘‘Actual power flow and net
scheduled power flow over an interconnection or
transfer path shall be maintained within Operating
Transfer Capability Limits.’’ The NERC Glossary
defines Operating Transfer Capability Limit as ‘‘the
maximum value of the most critical system
operating parameter(s) which meets: (a)
Precontingency criteria as determined by
equipment loading capability and acceptable
voltage conditions, (b) transient criteria as
determined by equipment loading capability and
acceptable voltage conditions, (c) transient
14 NERC’s
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16. WECC further explained that
TOP–WECC–007–1 requires
Transmission Operators to keep path
flows and schedules at or below SOLs
for 40 identified paths. WECC stated
that ‘‘TOPs, in coordination with the
Reliability Coordinators, may select
from several methods’’ to reduce flows,
and provide several examples, such as
on path schedule curtailments, adjust
controllable devices (e.g., phase shifters,
series capacitors), use of the WECC
Mitigation Plan if the path experiencing
the loading is a qualified path, or local
procedures, as well as other examples.
WECC further explained that the ‘‘key
point’’ with respect to qualified paths,
‘‘is that it is TOP–007–WECC–1, not
IRO–006–WECC–1, that requires the
TOP to take actions to reduce flows to
within SOLs.’’ 17 In situations where the
Transmission Operator has taken action
to reduce the flows on qualified paths,
but the flows remain near or exceeding
the SOL, ‘‘IRO–006–WECC–1 requires
curtailment of Contributing Schedules
or provision of comparable relief
through other means, as identified in
the Unscheduled Flow Reduction
Procedure [a portion of the Mitigation
Plan].’’ 18 WECC further notes that
‘‘implementation of the [Mitigation Plan]
is one of the options available to the
TOP to prevent potential violations of
TOP–007–WECC–1. If the TOP is able to
take other actions to keep actual flows
within SOLs, the TOP may not need or
desire to utilize the [Mitigation Plan].
* * * However, if the TOP chooses the
[Mitigation Plan] as one of the
alternatives to manage flows, the
requirements of IRO–006–WECC–1
make it mandatory for entities with
Contributing Schedules to curtail these
schedules, upon approval by the
[reliability coordinator], to provide the
necessary relief.’’ 19 WECC summarizes
the interaction between the two regional
standards, stating that ‘‘IRO–006–
WECC–1 provides entities with the
necessary motivation to curtail off-path
schedules and adjust generation to
prevent and/or reduce qualified path
overloads, thus facilitating compliance
with TOP–007–WECC–1.’’ 20
performance criteria, and (d) post-contingency
loading and voltage criteria.’’
Proposed regional Reliability Standard TOP–007–
WECC–1, Requirement R1 provides that ‘‘When the
actual power flow exceeds an SOL for a
Transmission path, the Transmission Operators
shall take immediate action to reduce the actual
power flow across the path such that at no time
shall the power flow for the Transmission path
exceed the SOL for more than 30 minutes.’’
17 Exhibit C to Petition, Interaction between TOP–
007–WECC–1 and IRO–006–WECC–1 at 2.
18 Id. at 2–3.
19 Id. at 3.
20 Id. at 4.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
2. Role of Reliability Coordinator
17. NERC’s second concern with the
proposed regional Standard was with
regard to the role of the reliability
coordinator. According to the NERC
Petition, NERC staff requested
clarification regarding the role of the
reliability coordinator in initiating
curtailments. In the proposed Reliability
Standard, IRO–006–WECC–1, the
reliability coordinator is only obligated
to respond to a transmission operator’s
curtailment request. However, there is
no mention in either the proposed
Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 or TOP–
007–WECC–1 that the entity with the
wide-area view, the reliability
coordinator, can initiate curtailment
requests if needed for reliability. Nor do
they indicate what recourse the
transmission operator has if the
reliability coordinator denies the
request for curtailment. WECC
confirmed that the reliability
coordinator does not initiate
curtailments but, rather, approves the
transmission operator’s request for
curtailment. Requirement R1 of
proposed IRO–006–WECC–1 requires
the reliability coordinator to approve or
deny the request, which is
accomplished using the OATI webSAS
tool.21 Unless the reliability coordinator
denies the request for reliability reasons,
the webSAS tool, through
preprogrammed algorithms, identifies
the off-path schedules to curtail and
submits those curtailments to the
entities identified on the tags. WECC
also confirmed that the reliability
coordinator has the wide-area view and,
when a transmission operator requests
curtailment of off-path schedules, the
reliability coordinator may deny the
request for reliability reasons. In that
situation, the transmission operator, in
coordination with the reliability
coordinator, would then follow one of
the other WECC or local procedures for
reducing path flow.
18. NERC states that, as a result of
WECC’s clarification, the NERC Board of
Trustees approved proposed IRO–006–
WECC–1 on February 10, 2009.
III. Discussion
19. Under section 215(d)(2) of the
FPA, we propose to approve regional
Reliability Standard IRO–006–WECC–1,
as just, reasonable, not unduly
21 The webSAS (Security Analysis System) is a
proprietary Internet based application that is used
by WECC to analyze, initiate, communicate, and
provide compliance reports for implementation of
the Unscheduled Flow Reduction Procedure. It is
available by subscription through the vendor to
provide notification of Unscheduled Flow Events,
calculate and display required relief, and provide
a rapid method of transaction curtailments.
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discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest. In addition, we ask
WECC, the ERO, and other interested
entities to provide further clarification
regarding several aspects of the
proposed regional Reliability Standard.
Depending on the responses to our
concerns, we may determine that it is
appropriate to direct WECC to develop
modifications to the proposed regional
Reliability Standard under section
215(d)(5) of the FPA.
20. It is the Commission’s view that
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard adequately addresses a
number of the directives identified in
the June 8, 2007 Order and represents
improvement to the standard. For
example, it appears that IRO–006–
WECC–1 adequately addresses our
concern regarding use of the term
‘‘receiver’’ by removing the term, and
thereby eliminating potential confusion
that could result from the undefined
term. The proposed regional Reliability
Standard also provides additional
clarity by removing load-serving entities
from the applicability section of the
standard. This is beneficial since, as
noted by NERC and WECC, load-serving
entities may be unable to meet the
Reliability Standard’s requirements with
regard to curtailment procedures.
Further, unlike the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard, IRO–006–
WECC–1 would include reliability
coordinators as an applicable entity and
would address their role in curtailment
21. As indicated by NERC, proposed
IRO–006–WECC–1 appears to go beyond
the corresponding NERC Reliability
Standard by requiring a reliability
coordinator to approve or deny a request
submitted by a transmission operator
within five minutes.
22. The WECC Reliability Standard
also addresses formatting concerns,
including the use of standard terms,
conformance with NERC’s Violation
Severity Level and Violation Risk Factor
matrix, and the elimination of a WECC
sanction table (with a maximum penalty
of $10,000) and ‘‘Excuse of Performance’’
section in the currently effective WECC
standard that significantly differ from
NERC’s Sanction Guidelines. In
addition, IRO–006–WECC–1 ensures
that the requirements are part of the
regional Reliability Standard rather than
embedded in a filing. For these reasons,
we propose to approve the proposed
WECC Reliability Standard.
Commission Concerns
23. However, in addressing the
Commission’s directives, such as the
removal of load-serving entities and the
term ‘‘receivers,’’ it appears that WECC
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has raised some other concerns that
create possible conflicts or
inconsistencies between proposed IRO–
006–WECC–1 and NERC’s currently
effective IRO–006–4, as discussed
below. In modifying the regional
Reliability Standard, WECC has
eliminated the reference to the
Mitigation Plan, included in both the
NERC standard, IRO–006–4, and the
currently effective WECC standard. As
mentioned above, the Mitigation Plan
includes nine steps to address
unscheduled flows; steps four and
above requiring varying levels of
curtailments of transactions.
Requirement R1 of proposed IRO–006–
WECC–1 provides that ‘‘[u]pon receiving
a request of Step 4 or greater * * * from
the Transmission Operator of a
Qualified Transfer Path, the Reliability
Coordinator shall approve * * * or
deny that request within five minutes’’;
however, steps one through three are no
longer referenced in IRO–006–WECC–1
or in the related regional Standard TOP–
24. On the other hand, NERC
Reliability Standard IRO–006–4
continues to specifically reference the
Mitigation Plan with regard to
transmission loading relief in the
Western Interconnection. However, the
Mitigation Plan has not been updated to
include the requirement that the
reliability coordinator act on a request
for relief within five minutes, an
improvement contained in WECC’s
proposed IRO–006–WECC–1. Likewise,
the Mitigation Plan continues to
reference and require action by
‘‘receivers,’’ while that term is removed
from the proposed WECC regional
Reliability Standard, in conformance
with the Commission’s directive in the
June 8, 2007 Order.
25. Because of these dichotomies
between the proposed regional
Reliability Standard and the
corresponding NERC Standard, we have
several areas of concern regarding how
the proposed regional Standard would
work in practice to ensure Reliable
Operation in the Western
Interconnection. Specifically, we are
concerned with: (1) How entities will
know whether to follow the national or
regional Standard in a given situation;
(2) WECC’s and NERC’s reliance on
TOP–007–WECC–1 to ensure that
entities manage power flows using steps
one through three of the Mitigation Plan
prior to requesting curtailments; (3) how
the webSAS tool will work with respect
to the national and regional Standard;
and (4) the potential reliability impact
of reliability coordinators’ inability to
request curtailments.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
26. With regard to our first concern,
it is our understanding that in
responding to unscheduled flows on
qualified paths, entities would initially
follow the requirements of the current
regional TOP–007 Reliability Standard
(whichever version is in effect), which
would allow the option of using steps
one through three of the Mitigation
Plan. Although the requirement in the
current regional Reliability Standard
TOP–STD–007–0 does not specifically
require Transmission Operators to
perform steps one through three of the
Mitigation Plan, it requires
Transmission Operators to maintain
flow within Operating Transfer
Capability Limits, which gives the
Transmission Operator the authority to
take whatever actions necessary to
return within its Operating Transfer
Capability Limit or SOL (depending on
the version of the Standard).
Specifically, as described above, the
approved regional Reliability Standard
TOP–STD–007–0 does not allow for
operation exceeding an Operating
Transfer Capability Limit for longer than
a specified period of time. Additionally,
without prejudging the proposal
pending before us in Docket No. RM09–
9–000, we note that proposed regional
Standard TOP–WECC–007–0 does not
allow for operation exceeding an SOL
for longer than a specified period of
time and also requires a transmission
operator to take immediate action to
reduce such flows. Thus, as WECC
explained with respect to the proposed
TOP–007–WECC–1, one of the
Transmission Operator’s options for
ensuring that flows are maintained
within Operating Transfer Capability
Limits is to utilize steps one through
three. Both of these regional Reliability
Standards give the transmission
operator authority to use various means
to ensure that the system is returned to
within an SOL or IROL, including
utilizing the options listed within steps
one through three of the Mitigation Plan
if deemed appropriate. If those steps
prove ineffective, it is our
understanding that a transmission
operator may choose, if the path
qualifies, to request curtailments, which
would require reliability coordinators
and balancing authorities to follow steps
four through nine of the proposed
regional Standard, IRO–006–WECC–1.
Because of this, we are unclear how the
NERC IRO–006–4 national Reliability
Standard would interact with the
regional Reliability Standards, or if the
national and regional Standards are
duplicative. Accordingly, we request
comment from NERC, WECC, and other
interested entities regarding the
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interaction between the differing
requirements contained in the regional
versus national Reliability Standard. We
also seek comment on which of the
Standards’ requirements take
precedence and how NERC envisions
ensuring compliance and consistent
enforcement with regard to the
27. In a related vein, NERC indicates
that proposed IRO–006–WECC–1 is
more stringent than NERC Reliability
Standard IRO–006 and ‘‘goes beyond the
NERC Requirements by establishing a
process to reduce schedules that prevent
potential overloads during the next
operating hour.’’ 22 However, it is not
clear to the Commission why that same
benefit is not contained in the
Mitigation Plan, which is referenced in
the corresponding NERC Reliability
Standard. The Commission seeks
comment on this matter.
28. Our second concern is that, as
noted above, the portion of the
Mitigation Plan that the Commission
relied upon in determining that the
current regional Reliability Standard
IRO–STD–006–0 is more stringent than
the NERC Standard was contained
within the procedures for steps one
through three (i.e., use of phase-angle
regulators, series capacitors, and backto-back DC lines to mitigate
unscheduled flows before transaction
curtailment), which is no longer
referenced in proposed IRO–006–
WECC–1. The NERC Petition states that
another WECC regional Reliability
Standard, TOP–STD–007–0 or TOP–
007–WECC–1 (whichever is in effect),
works in conjunction with IRO–006–
WECC–1 to ensure these functions are
performed. However, TOP–STD–007–0
requires transmission operators to
ensure that power flows are maintained
within Operating Transfer Capability
Limits, but does not explicitly state that
they must perform steps one through
three of the Mitigation Plan. Similarly,
without prejudging the pending
proposal, it appears that TOP–007–
WECC–1 generally requires entities to
take action to reduce the actual flow to
within SOL levels in within set time
limits, but does not explicitly require
action based on the specific options set
forth in steps one through three of the
Mitigation Plan. NERC and WECC posit
that TOP–007–WECC–1 focuses on the
‘‘what’’ and not the ‘‘how.’’ Nonetheless,
the Commission is concerned whether
WECC’s reliance on TOP–STD–007–0 or
TOP–007–WECC–1 (whichever is in
effect) is an adequate replacement for
the currently required pre-curtailment
actions set forth and currently required
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Petition at 11.
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in steps one through three of the
Mitigation Plan. We request further
explanation from NERC and WECC on
this issue. Depending upon the response
and comments, the Commission may
determine it is appropriate to direct
NERC and WECC to include references
in IRO–006–WECC–1 to the specific
actions set forth in steps one through
three of the Mitigation Plan.
29. Third, as discussed above, NERC’s
Petition explains that the webSAS tool
uses preprogrammed algorithms to
calculate curtailments and, unless the
reliability coordinator actively denies
the request, webSAS approves the
curtailment within five minutes.23 We
request additional information regarding
how the webSAS program works in
relation to WECC’s proposed IRO–006–
WECC–1, as well as NERC’s currently
effective IRO–006–4, which is
incorporated by reference in the
Mitigation Plan. For example, we ask
that comments address how the
webSAS program incorporates the
process outlined in the Mitigation Plan.
We also seek comment regarding how
differences between the process detailed
in the Mitigation Plan, which remains
incorporated by reference in NERC’s
IRO–006–4, and the webSAS
programming could create conflicts with
respect to enforcement.
30. Fourth, the Commission is
concerned about the possibility that
automatic approval through the webSAS
tool may occur without reliability
coordinator review, as well as reliability
coordinators’ inability to request
curtailments, and the resultant affect on
reliability. Since, as the NERC Petition
indicated, reliability coordinators are
the only entities with the wide-area
view, it is the Commission’s view that
it is appropriate that reliability
coordinators, as the entity with the
highest level of authority to ensure
reliable operation of the Bulk-Power
System,24 have the ability to act to
ensure reliability if necessary. For
example, this is consistent with a
reliability coordinator’s ability to
initiate relief procedures without first
receiving a request from a transmission
operator as established in NERC
Reliability Standard IRO–001–1 25 and
IRO–006–4.26 We request comment on
these concerns.
Petition at 28–29.
NERC Glossary definition of ‘‘reliability
25 Reliability Standard IRO–001–1, Requirement
R3, provides that the reliability coordinator ‘‘shall
have clear decision-making authority to act and
direct actions * * * to preserve the integrity and
reliability of the Bulk Electric System.’’
26 Reliability Standard IRO–006–4, Requirement
R1 provides that a reliability coordinator
24 See
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
31. While we believe IRO–006–
WECC–1 generally is acceptable and
responsive to the directives in the June
8, 2007 Order, because of the issues
noted above, we observe that
maintaining both a regional difference
in the national Reliability Standard and
a regional Reliability Standard
addressing unscheduled flows may be
unnecessary and confusing. We believe
it might be more efficient and
appropriate to incorporate all the WECC
rules and procedures with respect to
unscheduled flow mitigation in a single
document. Thus, the Commission
requests comments regarding whether it
should direct WECC to either (1) revise
the Mitigation Plan referenced by IRO–
006–4 to incorporate all the WECC rules
and procedures, thus eliminating the
need for the regional Reliability
Standard; or (2) incorporate all the
WECC rules and procedures into IRO–
006–WECC–1 and TOP–007–WECC–1
while eliminating the regional
difference contained in NERC IRO–006–
32. We propose to approve proposed
regional Reliability Standard IRO–006–
WECC–1 as just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest. We also seek
comment from the ERO, WECC, and
other interested entities regarding the
Commission’s specific concerns
discussed above. The Commission may
determine in the Final Rule, after
considering such comments, that it is
appropriate to direct WECC to develop
additional modifications to IRO–006–
WECC–1 and/or to update the
Mitigation Plan.
IV. Information Collection Statement
33. The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) regulations require
approval of certain information
collection requirements imposed by
agency rules.27 Upon approval of a
collection(s) of information, OMB will
assign an OMB control number and an
expiration date. Respondents subject to
the filing requirements of this proposed
rule will not be penalized for failing to
respond to these collections of
information unless the collections of
information display a valid OMB
control number. The Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) 28 requires each
Federal agency to seek and obtain OMB
approval before undertaking a collection
of information directed to ten or more
persons, or imposed by agency rules.29
34. The Commission is submitting
these reporting requirements to OMB for
its review and approval under section
3507(d) of the PRA. Comments are
solicited on the Commission’s need for
this information, whether the
information will have practical utility,
the accuracy of provided burden
estimates, ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected, and any suggested methods
for minimizing the respondent’s burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques.
35. This Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking proposes to approve a new
regional Reliability Standard, IRO–006–
WECC–1, which will replace currently
effective regional Reliability Standard
IRO–STD–006–0 approved by the
Commission on June 8, 2007.30 Rather
than creating entirely new requirements,
the proposed regional Reliability
Standard instead modifies and improves
the existing regional Reliability
Standard governing qualified transfer
path unscheduled flow relief. Thus, this
proposed rulemaking imposes a
minimal additional burden on the
affected entities.
36. The proposed Reliability Standard
does not require responsible entities to
file information with the Commission.
However, it does require responsible
entities to develop, provide, and
maintain certain information for a
specified period of time, subject to
inspection by WECC. Specifically, the
proposed Reliability Standard requires
the reliability coordinator and balancing
authorities to document and maintain
information regarding actions taken in
response to requests to mitigate
Number of
Data collection FERC–725E
unscheduled flow. We believe our
approval of WECC regional Reliability
Standard IRO–006–WECC–1 will result
in a minimal increase in reporting
burdens as compared to current
practices in WECC.
37. Commission approval of proposed
regional Reliability Standard IRO–006–
WECC–1 would make the standard
mandatory and enforceable. Therefore,
the Commission will submit this
proposed rule to OMB for review and
approval of the reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Title: FERC 725E, Mandatory
Reliability Standards for the Western
Electric Coordinating Council.
Action: Proposed modification to
OMB Control No.: 1902–0246.
Respondents: Balancing Authorities
and Reliability Coordinator in the
Western Electricity Coordinating
Council (WECC).
Frequency of Responses: On occasion.
Necessity of the Information: This
proposed rule would approve a revised
Reliability Standard modifying the
existing requirement for entities to
respond to requests for curtailment. The
proposed Reliability Standard requires
entities to maintain documentation
evidencing their response to such
Internal review: The Commission has
reviewed the requirements pertaining to
proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO–006–WECC–1 and believes it to be
just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest. These requirements
conform to the Commission’s plan for
efficient information collection,
communication and management within
the energy industry. The Commission
has assured itself, by means of internal
review, that there is specific, objective
support for the burden estimates
associated with the information
Burden Estimate: The burden for the
requirements in this proposed rule
Number of
Hours per
Total annual
35 Balancing Authorities and 1 Reliability Coordinator-Reporting Requirement .............................................................................................................
35 Balancing Authorities and 1 Reliability Coordinator-Recordkeeping Requirement .....................................................................................................
Total ..........................................................................................................
experiencing a potential or actual system operating
limit or interconnection reliability operator limit
‘‘shall, with its authority and at its discretion, select
one or more procedures to provide transmission
loading relief.’’
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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27 5
CFR 1320.11.
U.S.C. 3501–20.
29 44 U.S.C. 3502(3)(A)(i), 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(3), 5
CFR 1320.11. The FERC–725E reporting
28 44
PO 00000
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requirements originally were approved by OMB on
30 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119
FERC ¶ 61,260.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Proposed Rules
38. Total Annual hours for Collection:
36 reporting + 36 recordkeeping = 72
Information Collection Costs: The
Commission seeks comments on the
costs to comply with these
requirements. It has projected the
average annualized cost to be $5,760, as
shown below:
Reporting = 36 hours @ $120/hour =
Recordkeeping = 36 hours @ $40/hour =
Total Costs = Reporting ($4,320) +
Recordkeeping ($1,440) = $5,760
39. Interested persons may obtain
information on the reporting
requirements by contacting: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426
[Attention: Ellen Brown, Office of the
Executive Director, Phone: (202) 502–
8663, fax: (202) 273–0873, e-mail:
DataClearance@ferc.gov]. Comments on
the requirements of the proposed rule
may also be sent to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget,
Washington, DC 20503 [Attention: Desk
Officer for the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission]. For security
reasons, comments should be sent by email to OMB at:
oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Please
reference OMB Control Number 1902–
0246 and the docket number of this
proposed rulemaking in your
V. Environmental Analysis
40. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
environment.31 The actions proposed
here fall within the categorical
exclusion in the Commission’s
regulations for rules that are clarifying,
corrective or procedural, for information
gathering, analysis, and
dissemination.32 Accordingly, neither
an environmental impact statement nor
environmental assessment is required.
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
41. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 33 generally requires a
description and analysis of final rules
that will have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. Most of the entities (i.e.,
reliability coordinators and balancing
31 Order No. 486, Regulations Implementing the
National Environmental Policy Act, 52 FR 47897
(Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783 (1987).
32 18 CFR 380.4(a)(5).
33 5 U.S.C. 601–12.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 223001
authorities) to which the requirements
of this Rule would apply do not fall
within the definition of small entities.34
The Commission estimates that only 2–
4 of the 35 balancing authorities (or a
maximum of 11.4%) are small. The
proposed Reliability Standard reflects a
modification of existing requirements.
Based on the foregoing, the Commission
certifies that this Rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Accordingly,
no regulatory flexibility analysis is
VII. Comment Procedures
42. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
notice to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due December 28, 2010.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM09–19–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments.
43. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
Web site at https://www.ferc.gov. The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software should be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
44. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically must send
an original copy of their comments to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
45. All comments will be placed in
the Commission’s public files and may
be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
VIII. Document Availability
46. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
34 The RFA definition of ‘‘small entity’’ refers to
the definition provided in the Small Business Act
(SBA), which defines a ‘‘small business concern’’ as
a business that is independently owned and
operated and that is not dominant in its field of
operation. See 15 U.S.C. 632. According to the SBA,
a small electric utility is defined as one that has a
total electric output of less than four million MWh
in the preceding year.
PO 00000
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document via the Internet through
FERC’s Home Page (https://www.ferc.gov)
and in FERC’s Public Reference Room
during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Eastern time) at 888 First
Street, NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC
47. From FERC’s Home Page on the
Internet, this information is available on
eLibrary. The full text of this document
is available on eLibrary in PDF and
Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access
this document in eLibrary, type the
docket number excluding the last three
digits of this document in the docket
number field.
48. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the FERC’s Web site during
normal business hours from FERC
Online Support at 202–502–6652 (toll
free at 1–866–208–3676) or e-mail at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or the
Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. E-mail the
Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010–27408 Filed 10–28–10; 8:45 am]
34 CFR Part 668
[Docket ID ED–2010–OPE–0012]
RIN 1840–AD04
Program Integrity: Gainful
Employment; Correction
Office of Postsecondary
Education, Department of Education
ACTION: Notice of public meeting
sessions; correction.
On October 18, 2010, we
published in the Federal Register (75
FR 63763) a notice announcing public
meeting sessions to receive oral
presentations and to interact with
commenters regarding comments that
were submitted to the Department of
Education in response to its Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking on Program
Integrity: Gainful Employment,
published in the Federal Register on
July 26, 2010 (75 FR 43616).
This document corrects the ending
date for members of the public to
register to attend—only—the public
meeting sessions that is listed in the
October 18, 2010 notice.
Leigh Arsenault, U.S. Department of
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 209 (Friday, October 29, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 66702-66708]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-27408]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM09-19-000]
Western Electric Coordinating Council; Qualified Transfer Path
Unscheduled Flow Relief Regional Reliability Standard
October 21, 2010.
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Energy.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: Under section 215 of the Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes to approve regional
Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 (Qualified Transfer Path
Unscheduled Flow Relief) submitted to the Commission for approval by
the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. While we propose
to approve the regional Reliability Standard, as discussed in this
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, IRO-006-WECC-1 raises some concerns
about which the Commission requests additional information. Depending
upon the responses received, in the Final Rule the Commission may, as a
separate action under section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, direct the Western
Electricity Coordinating Council to develop modifications to the
regional Reliability Standard to address the issues identified.
DATES: Comments are due December 28, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may submit comments, identified by Docket
No. RM09-19-000, by any of the following methods:
Agency Web Site: https://www.ferc.gov. Documents created
electronically using word processing software should be filed in native
applications or print-to-PDF format and not in a scanned format.
Mail/Hand Delivery. Commenters unable to file comments
electronically must mail or hand deliver an original copy of their
comments to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426. These
requirements can be found on the Commission's Web site, see, e.g., the
``Quick Reference Guide for Paper Submissions,'' available at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp or via phone from FERC Online
Support at 202-502-6652 or toll-free at 1-866-208-3676.
Mindi Sauter (Legal Information), Office of the General Counsel,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-6830.
Danny Johnson (Technical Information), Office of Electric Reliability,
Division of Reliability Standards, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
1. Under section 215 of the Federal Power Act (FPA),\1\ the
Commission proposes to approve regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-
WECC-1 (Qualified Transfer Path Unscheduled Flow Relief) submitted to
the Commission for approval by the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC), the Commission-certified Electric Reliability
Organization (ERO). While we propose to approve the regional
Reliability Standard, as discussed in this Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, IRO-006-WECC-1 raises some concerns about which the
Commission requests additional information. Depending upon the
responses received, the Commission may, in the Final Rule, direct the
Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to develop
modifications to the regional Reliability Standard to address the
issues identified.
\1\ 16 U.S.C. 824o.
I. Background
A. Section 215 of the FPA and NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006
2. Section 215 of the FPA requires a Commission-certified ERO to
develop mandatory and enforceable Reliability Standards, which are
subject to Commission review and approval.\2\ Approved Reliability
Standards are enforced by the ERO, subject to Commission oversight, or
by the Commission independently.
\2\ The Commission certified NERC as the ERO in July 2006. North
American Electric Reliability Corp., 116 FERC ] 61,062 (ERO
Certification Order), order on reh'g and compliance, 117 FERC ]
61,126 (2006), aff'd sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (DC
Cir. 2009).
3. On March 16, 2007, the Commission issued Order No. 693 approving
83 Reliability Standards proposed by NERC, including Reliability
Standard IRO-006-3, titled ``Reliability Coordination--Transmission
Loading Relief.'' \3\ In
[[Page 66703]]
addition, the Commission directed the ERO to develop modifications to
IRO-006-3 and other approved Reliability Standards to address specific
issues identified by the Commission, pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of
the FPA.
\3\ Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System,
Order No. 693, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,242, order on reh'g, Order
No. 693-A, 120 FERC ] 61,053 (2007).
4. NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-3 establishes a Transmission
Loading Relief (TLR) process for use in the Eastern Interconnection to
alleviate loadings on the system by curtailing or changing transactions
based on their priorities and according to different levels of TLR
procedures. Requirement R2.2 provides that ``the equivalent
Interconnection-wide transmission loading relief procedure for use in
the Western Interconnection is the WECC Unscheduled Flow Mitigation
Plan.'' This document provides detailed instructions for addressing
unscheduled flows, e.g., parallel path flows, based on the topography
and configuration of the Bulk-Power System in the Western
Interconnection. The Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan identifies nine
``steps'' to address unscheduled flows. In the first three steps, the
Mitigation Plan relies on phase angle regulators, series capacitors,
and back-to-back DC lines to mitigate contingencies without curtailing
transactions. Steps four and above involve curtailment of transactions.
5. On March 19, 2009, the Commission approved IRO-006-4, which
modified the prior version of the Reliability Standard and addressed
the Commission's directives from Order No. 693.\4\ The Commission
subsequently accepted an erratum to that Reliability Standard that
corrected the reference in Requirement R1.2 to the Unscheduled Flow
Mitigation Plan (Mitigation Plan).\5\
\4\ Modification of Interchange and Transmission Loading Relief
Reliability Standards; and Electric Reliability Organization
Interpretation of Specific Requirements of Four Reliability
Standards, Order No. 713-A, 126 FERC ] 61,252 (2009).
\5\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., Docket No. RD09-
9-000 (Dec. 10, 2009) (unpublished letter order). Note that
Reliability Standard IRO-006-4.1, Requirement R1.2 refers to the
``WECC Unscheduled Flow Reduction Procedure,'' which is Attachment 1
to the Mitigation Plan, the term we use herein.
B. WECC Delegation Agreement and WECC Regional Reliability Standard
6. On April 19, 2007, the Commission approved delegation agreements
between NERC and each of the eight Regional Entities, including
WECC.\6\ Pursuant to such agreements, the ERO delegated responsibility
to the Regional Entities to enforce the mandatory, Commission-approved
Reliability Standards. In addition, the Commission approved, as part of
each delegation agreement, a Regional Entity process for developing
regional Reliability Standards. In the Delegation Agreement Order, the
Commission accepted WECC as a Regional Entity organized on an
Interconnection-wide basis and accepted WECC's Standards Development
Manual, which sets forth the process for development of WECC's
Reliability Standards.\7\
\6\ See North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
61,060, order on reh'g, 120 FERC ] 61,260 (2007) (Delegation
Agreement Order).
\7\ Id. P 469-470.
7. On June 8, 2007, the Commission approved eight WECC regional
Reliability Standards that apply in the Western Interconnection,
including IRO-STD-006-0.\8\ The regional Reliability Standard applies
to transmission operators, load-serving entities and balancing
authorities within the Western Interconnection. Currently effective
IRO-STD-006-0 addresses the mitigation of transmission overloads due to
unscheduled line flow on specified paths. Specifically, Requirement R1
of IRO-STD-006-0 states that:
\8\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ] 61,260
(June 8, 2007 Order).
WECC's Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan (Plan) * * * specifies
that members shall comply with requests from (Qualified) Transfer
Path Operators to take actions that will reduce unscheduled flow on
the Qualified Path in accordance with the table entitled ``WECC
Unscheduled Flow Procedure Summary of Curtailment Actions,'' which
is located in Attachment 1 of the Plan.\9\
\9\ Regional Reliability Standard IRO-STD-006-0, available at
The regional Reliability Standard then provides excerpts from the plan
that describe actions entities must take to address unscheduled flow.
8. The June 8, 2007 Order directed WECC to develop certain
modifications to the eight WECC Reliability Standards to address issues
identified by the Commission. With respect to IRO-STD-006-0, the
Commission directed WECC to clarify the term ``receiver'' used in the
Reliability Standard. The Commission also directed WECC to address
concerns raised by a commenter regarding WECC's inclusion of load-
serving entities, which may be unable to meet the Reliability
Standard's requirements, in the applicability section of the
Reliability Standard.\10\ The Commission directed WECC to remove a
Sanctions Table (identifying a maximum penalty of $10,000 per
violation) that is inconsistent with the NERC Sanctions Guidelines. The
Commission also directed WECC to address NERC's concerns regarding
formatting, use of standard terms, and the need for greater specificity
in the actions that a responsible entity must take.
\10\ June 8, 2007 Order, 119 FERC ] 61,260 at P 70-71.
II. Petition for Proposed Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1
A. Proposed Regional Reliability Standard
9. In a June 17, 2009 filing, NERC requests Commission approval of
proposed regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1, which was
developed in response to the Commission's directives in the June 8,
2007 Order, to replace the currently effective regional Standard.\11\
NERC states that the purpose of IRO-006-WECC-1 is to mitigate
transmission overloads due to unscheduled flow on Qualified Transfer
Paths. Under the Reliability Standard, reliability coordinators are
responsible for initiating schedule curtailments and balancing
authorities are responsible for implementing the curtailments.
Specifically, proposed regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1
contains the following two Requirements:
\11\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., June 17, 2009
Petition for Approval of Proposed Western Electricity Coordinating
Council Regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 (NERC
R.1. Upon receiving a request of Step 4 or greater (see
Attachment 1-IRO-006-WECC-1) from the Transmission Operator of a
Qualified Transfer Path, the Reliability Coordinator shall approve
(actively or passively) or deny that request within five minutes.
R.2. The Balancing Authorities shall approve curtailment
requests to the schedules as submitted, implement alternative
actions, or a combination there of that collectively meets the
Relief Requirement.
An attachment to IRO-006-WECC-1 summarizes the nine steps and related
actions to address unscheduled flows.
10. NERC states that the revised regional Reliability Standard
addresses the Commission's prior concerns by removing load-serving
entities as an applicable entity, no longer referring to receivers, and
addressing formatting changes required by NERC and the Commission's
June 8, 2007 Order. Further, NERC states the proposed Reliability
Standard is justified on the basis that the regional Reliability
Standard's requirements are more stringent than those contained in the
associated NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-4. NERC explains that the
NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-4
[[Page 66704]]
requires a reliability coordinator experiencing a potential or actual
System Operating Limit (SOL) or Interconnection Reliability Operating
Limit (IROL) violation to take appropriate actions to relieve
transmission loading using local or Interconnection-wide procedures.
According to NERC, Requirement R1 of the proposed regional Reliability
Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 goes beyond the NERC requirements by
establishing a process to reduce schedules that prevents potential
overloads during the next operating hour. In addition, the proposed
Reliability Standard requires each reliability coordinator to approve
or deny a request submitted by a Qualified Transfer Path transmission
operator within five minutes. Requirement R2 of the proposed regional
Reliability Standard requires each balancing authority to approve
curtailment requests to the schedules as submitted, implement
alternative actions, or a combination thereof, which collectively meet
the relief requirement.
B. Concerns Raised by NERC Regarding the WECC Proposal
11. In the Petition, NERC explains that, when WECC submitted IRO-
006-WECC-1 for NERC's review, NERC was concerned that the proposed
Standard no longer contains requirements that are more stringent than
the continent-wide NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-4, which was the
main justification for consideration of IRO-006-WECC-1 as the regional
Reliability Standard.\12\ NERC states that, at the direction of the
NERC Board of Trustees, NERC staff met several times with WECC staff to
discuss its concerns with the proposed regional Reliability Standard.
\12\ Id 26-27.
1. Pre-Curtailment Actions
12. In its Petition, NERC expressed several concerns. First, NERC
was concerned that the proposed Standard only includes the curtailment
portion of the Mitigation Plan. In contrast, the current regional
Reliability Standard IRO-STD-006-0 references WECC's Mitigation Plan,
which contains directions in steps one through three to reduce flows
through use of phase-angle regulators, series capacitors, and back-to-
back DC lines before transaction curtailment.
13. According to the NERC Petition, WECC explained that the
proposed regional Reliability Standard contains the curtailment portion
of the Mitigation Plan ``because the remaining items contain procedural
requirements explaining `how,' not `what.' '' \13\ WECC explained to
NERC that two WECC regional Reliability Standards work together.
Proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 prevents overloads during the next hour by
requiring applicable entities to reduce schedules and adjust generation
patterns. In addition, regional Reliability Standard TOP-007-WECC-1
(System Operating Limits), contains instructions for mitigation of an
actual, real-time overload.\14\ According to WECC, these regional
Reliability Standards, combined, ensure that the transmission operator
will utilize the phase-angle regulators, series capacitors, and back-
to-back DC lines before transaction curtailment.
\13\ Id. at 30.
\14\ NERC's petition for approval of regional Reliability
Standard TOP-007-WECC-1 is currently pending before the Commission
in Docket No. RM09-14-000.
14. In addition, NERC provided additional supplemental information
in Exhibit C of its Petition regarding how WECC envisions the
implementation of proposed regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-
1. Exhibit C contains the complete development record of proposed
regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 and includes WECC's
undated response to NERC's concerns regarding the interaction between
TOP-007-WECC-1 and IRO-006-WECC-1.\15\
\15\ The document is titled, ``Interaction between TOP-007-WECC-
1 and IRO-006-WECC-1.''
15. Specifically, NERC raised a concern that ``IRO-006-WECC-1
removed a requirement for the Transmission Operator (TOP) to request
relief through the WECC Qualified Path Unscheduled Flow Relief
Procedure when a qualified transfer path exceeded or was close to
exceeding a System Operating Limit (SOL).'' In response, WECC stated
that ``the requirements of another WECC regional reliability standard,
TOP-STD-007-0 (interim approved Tier 1 standard), as well as the WECC
proposed replacement regional reliability standard TOP-007-WECC-1,
require the TOP to take actions to ensure that SOLs are not exceeded.''
\16\ Exhibit C to NERC Petition, Interaction between TOP-007-
WECC-1 and IRO-006-WECC-1 at 1.
Requirement WR1 of the currently applicable regional Reliability
Standard, TOP-STD-007-0 provides, in part, that ``Actual power flow
and net scheduled power flow over an interconnection or transfer
path shall be maintained within Operating Transfer Capability
Limits.'' The NERC Glossary defines Operating Transfer Capability
Limit as ``the maximum value of the most critical system operating
parameter(s) which meets: (a) Precontingency criteria as determined
by equipment loading capability and acceptable voltage conditions,
(b) transient criteria as determined by equipment loading capability
and acceptable voltage conditions, (c) transient performance
criteria, and (d) post-contingency loading and voltage criteria.''
Proposed regional Reliability Standard TOP-007-WECC-1,
Requirement R1 provides that ``When the actual power flow exceeds an
SOL for a Transmission path, the Transmission Operators shall take
immediate action to reduce the actual power flow across the path
such that at no time shall the power flow for the Transmission path
exceed the SOL for more than 30 minutes.''
16. WECC further explained that TOP-WECC-007-1 requires
Transmission Operators to keep path flows and schedules at or below
SOLs for 40 identified paths. WECC stated that ``TOPs, in coordination
with the Reliability Coordinators, may select from several methods'' to
reduce flows, and provide several examples, such as on path schedule
curtailments, adjust controllable devices (e.g., phase shifters, series
capacitors), use of the WECC Mitigation Plan if the path experiencing
the loading is a qualified path, or local procedures, as well as other
examples. WECC further explained that the ``key point'' with respect to
qualified paths, ``is that it is TOP-007-WECC-1, not IRO-006-WECC-1,
that requires the TOP to take actions to reduce flows to within SOLs.''
\17\ In situations where the Transmission Operator has taken action to
reduce the flows on qualified paths, but the flows remain near or
exceeding the SOL, ``IRO-006-WECC-1 requires curtailment of
Contributing Schedules or provision of comparable relief through other
means, as identified in the Unscheduled Flow Reduction Procedure [a
portion of the Mitigation Plan].'' \18\ WECC further notes that
``implementation of the [Mitigation Plan] is one of the options
available to the TOP to prevent potential violations of TOP-007-WECC-1.
If the TOP is able to take other actions to keep actual flows within
SOLs, the TOP may not need or desire to utilize the [Mitigation Plan].
* * * However, if the TOP chooses the [Mitigation Plan] as one of the
alternatives to manage flows, the requirements of IRO-006-WECC-1 make
it mandatory for entities with Contributing Schedules to curtail these
schedules, upon approval by the [reliability coordinator], to provide
the necessary relief.'' \19\ WECC summarizes the interaction between
the two regional standards, stating that ``IRO-006-WECC-1 provides
entities with the necessary motivation to curtail off-path schedules
and adjust generation to prevent and/or reduce qualified path
overloads, thus facilitating compliance with TOP-007-WECC-1.'' \20\
\17\ Exhibit C to Petition, Interaction between TOP-007-WECC-1
and IRO-006-WECC-1 at 2.
\18\ Id. at 2-3.
\19\ Id. at 3.
\20\ Id. at 4.
[[Page 66705]]
2. Role of Reliability Coordinator
17. NERC's second concern with the proposed regional Standard was
with regard to the role of the reliability coordinator. According to
the NERC Petition, NERC staff requested clarification regarding the
role of the reliability coordinator in initiating curtailments. In the
proposed Reliability Standard, IRO-006-WECC-1, the reliability
coordinator is only obligated to respond to a transmission operator's
curtailment request. However, there is no mention in either the
proposed Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 or TOP-007-WECC-1 that the entity with
the wide-area view, the reliability coordinator, can initiate
curtailment requests if needed for reliability. Nor do they indicate
what recourse the transmission operator has if the reliability
coordinator denies the request for curtailment. WECC confirmed that the
reliability coordinator does not initiate curtailments but, rather,
approves the transmission operator's request for curtailment.
Requirement R1 of proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 requires the reliability
coordinator to approve or deny the request, which is accomplished using
the OATI webSAS tool.\21\ Unless the reliability coordinator denies the
request for reliability reasons, the webSAS tool, through preprogrammed
algorithms, identifies the off-path schedules to curtail and submits
those curtailments to the entities identified on the tags. WECC also
confirmed that the reliability coordinator has the wide-area view and,
when a transmission operator requests curtailment of off-path
schedules, the reliability coordinator may deny the request for
reliability reasons. In that situation, the transmission operator, in
coordination with the reliability coordinator, would then follow one of
the other WECC or local procedures for reducing path flow.
\21\ The webSAS (Security Analysis System) is a proprietary
Internet based application that is used by WECC to analyze,
initiate, communicate, and provide compliance reports for
implementation of the Unscheduled Flow Reduction Procedure. It is
available by subscription through the vendor to provide notification
of Unscheduled Flow Events, calculate and display required relief,
and provide a rapid method of transaction curtailments.
18. NERC states that, as a result of WECC's clarification, the NERC
Board of Trustees approved proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 on February 10,
III. Discussion
19. Under section 215(d)(2) of the FPA, we propose to approve
regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1, as just, reasonable, not
unduly discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest. In
addition, we ask WECC, the ERO, and other interested entities to
provide further clarification regarding several aspects of the proposed
regional Reliability Standard. Depending on the responses to our
concerns, we may determine that it is appropriate to direct WECC to
develop modifications to the proposed regional Reliability Standard
under section 215(d)(5) of the FPA.
20. It is the Commission's view that the proposed regional
Reliability Standard adequately addresses a number of the directives
identified in the June 8, 2007 Order and represents improvement to the
standard. For example, it appears that IRO-006-WECC-1 adequately
addresses our concern regarding use of the term ``receiver'' by
removing the term, and thereby eliminating potential confusion that
could result from the undefined term. The proposed regional Reliability
Standard also provides additional clarity by removing load-serving
entities from the applicability section of the standard. This is
beneficial since, as noted by NERC and WECC, load-serving entities may
be unable to meet the Reliability Standard's requirements with regard
to curtailment procedures. Further, unlike the currently effective
regional Reliability Standard, IRO-006-WECC-1 would include reliability
coordinators as an applicable entity and would address their role in
curtailment procedures.
21. As indicated by NERC, proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 appears to go
beyond the corresponding NERC Reliability Standard by requiring a
reliability coordinator to approve or deny a request submitted by a
transmission operator within five minutes.
22. The WECC Reliability Standard also addresses formatting
concerns, including the use of standard terms, conformance with NERC's
Violation Severity Level and Violation Risk Factor matrix, and the
elimination of a WECC sanction table (with a maximum penalty of
$10,000) and ``Excuse of Performance'' section in the currently
effective WECC standard that significantly differ from NERC's Sanction
Guidelines. In addition, IRO-006-WECC-1 ensures that the requirements
are part of the regional Reliability Standard rather than embedded in a
filing. For these reasons, we propose to approve the proposed WECC
Reliability Standard.
Commission Concerns
23. However, in addressing the Commission's directives, such as the
removal of load-serving entities and the term ``receivers,'' it appears
that WECC has raised some other concerns that create possible conflicts
or inconsistencies between proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 and NERC's currently
effective IRO-006-4, as discussed below. In modifying the regional
Reliability Standard, WECC has eliminated the reference to the
Mitigation Plan, included in both the NERC standard, IRO-006-4, and the
currently effective WECC standard. As mentioned above, the Mitigation
Plan includes nine steps to address unscheduled flows; steps four and
above requiring varying levels of curtailments of transactions.
Requirement R1 of proposed IRO-006-WECC-1 provides that ``[u]pon
receiving a request of Step 4 or greater * * * from the Transmission
Operator of a Qualified Transfer Path, the Reliability Coordinator
shall approve * * * or deny that request within five minutes'';
however, steps one through three are no longer referenced in IRO-006-
WECC-1 or in the related regional Standard TOP-007-WECC-1.
24. On the other hand, NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006-4
continues to specifically reference the Mitigation Plan with regard to
transmission loading relief in the Western Interconnection. However,
the Mitigation Plan has not been updated to include the requirement
that the reliability coordinator act on a request for relief within
five minutes, an improvement contained in WECC's proposed IRO-006-WECC-
1. Likewise, the Mitigation Plan continues to reference and require
action by ``receivers,'' while that term is removed from the proposed
WECC regional Reliability Standard, in conformance with the
Commission's directive in the June 8, 2007 Order.
25. Because of these dichotomies between the proposed regional
Reliability Standard and the corresponding NERC Standard, we have
several areas of concern regarding how the proposed regional Standard
would work in practice to ensure Reliable Operation in the Western
Interconnection. Specifically, we are concerned with: (1) How entities
will know whether to follow the national or regional Standard in a
given situation; (2) WECC's and NERC's reliance on TOP-007-WECC-1 to
ensure that entities manage power flows using steps one through three
of the Mitigation Plan prior to requesting curtailments; (3) how the
webSAS tool will work with respect to the national and regional
Standard; and (4) the potential reliability impact of reliability
coordinators' inability to request curtailments.
[[Page 66706]]
26. With regard to our first concern, it is our understanding that
in responding to unscheduled flows on qualified paths, entities would
initially follow the requirements of the current regional TOP-007
Reliability Standard (whichever version is in effect), which would
allow the option of using steps one through three of the Mitigation
Plan. Although the requirement in the current regional Reliability
Standard TOP-STD-007-0 does not specifically require Transmission
Operators to perform steps one through three of the Mitigation Plan, it
requires Transmission Operators to maintain flow within Operating
Transfer Capability Limits, which gives the Transmission Operator the
authority to take whatever actions necessary to return within its
Operating Transfer Capability Limit or SOL (depending on the version of
the Standard). Specifically, as described above, the approved regional
Reliability Standard TOP-STD-007-0 does not allow for operation
exceeding an Operating Transfer Capability Limit for longer than a
specified period of time. Additionally, without prejudging the proposal
pending before us in Docket No. RM09-9-000, we note that proposed
regional Standard TOP-WECC-007-0 does not allow for operation exceeding
an SOL for longer than a specified period of time and also requires a
transmission operator to take immediate action to reduce such flows.
Thus, as WECC explained with respect to the proposed TOP-007-WECC-1,
one of the Transmission Operator's options for ensuring that flows are
maintained within Operating Transfer Capability Limits is to utilize
steps one through three. Both of these regional Reliability Standards
give the transmission operator authority to use various means to ensure
that the system is returned to within an SOL or IROL, including
utilizing the options listed within steps one through three of the
Mitigation Plan if deemed appropriate. If those steps prove
ineffective, it is our understanding that a transmission operator may
choose, if the path qualifies, to request curtailments, which would
require reliability coordinators and balancing authorities to follow
steps four through nine of the proposed regional Standard, IRO-006-
WECC-1. Because of this, we are unclear how the NERC IRO-006-4 national
Reliability Standard would interact with the regional Reliability
Standards, or if the national and regional Standards are duplicative.
Accordingly, we request comment from NERC, WECC, and other interested
entities regarding the interaction between the differing requirements
contained in the regional versus national Reliability Standard. We also
seek comment on which of the Standards' requirements take precedence
and how NERC envisions ensuring compliance and consistent enforcement
with regard to the Standards.
27. In a related vein, NERC indicates that proposed IRO-006-WECC-1
is more stringent than NERC Reliability Standard IRO-006 and ``goes
beyond the NERC Requirements by establishing a process to reduce
schedules that prevent potential overloads during the next operating
hour.'' \22\ However, it is not clear to the Commission why that same
benefit is not contained in the Mitigation Plan, which is referenced in
the corresponding NERC Reliability Standard. The Commission seeks
comment on this matter.
\22\ NERC Petition at 11.
28. Our second concern is that, as noted above, the portion of the
Mitigation Plan that the Commission relied upon in determining that the
current regional Reliability Standard IRO-STD-006-0 is more stringent
than the NERC Standard was contained within the procedures for steps
one through three (i.e., use of phase-angle regulators, series
capacitors, and back-to-back DC lines to mitigate unscheduled flows
before transaction curtailment), which is no longer referenced in
proposed IRO-006-WECC-1. The NERC Petition states that another WECC
regional Reliability Standard, TOP-STD-007-0 or TOP-007-WECC-1
(whichever is in effect), works in conjunction with IRO-006-WECC-1 to
ensure these functions are performed. However, TOP-STD-007-0 requires
transmission operators to ensure that power flows are maintained within
Operating Transfer Capability Limits, but does not explicitly state
that they must perform steps one through three of the Mitigation Plan.
Similarly, without prejudging the pending proposal, it appears that
TOP-007-WECC-1 generally requires entities to take action to reduce the
actual flow to within SOL levels in within set time limits, but does
not explicitly require action based on the specific options set forth
in steps one through three of the Mitigation Plan. NERC and WECC posit
that TOP-007-WECC-1 focuses on the ``what'' and not the ``how.''
Nonetheless, the Commission is concerned whether WECC's reliance on
TOP-STD-007-0 or TOP-007-WECC-1 (whichever is in effect) is an adequate
replacement for the currently required pre-curtailment actions set
forth and currently required in steps one through three of the
Mitigation Plan. We request further explanation from NERC and WECC on
this issue. Depending upon the response and comments, the Commission
may determine it is appropriate to direct NERC and WECC to include
references in IRO-006-WECC-1 to the specific actions set forth in steps
one through three of the Mitigation Plan.
29. Third, as discussed above, NERC's Petition explains that the
webSAS tool uses preprogrammed algorithms to calculate curtailments
and, unless the reliability coordinator actively denies the request,
webSAS approves the curtailment within five minutes.\23\ We request
additional information regarding how the webSAS program works in
relation to WECC's proposed IRO-006-WECC-1, as well as NERC's currently
effective IRO-006-4, which is incorporated by reference in the
Mitigation Plan. For example, we ask that comments address how the
webSAS program incorporates the process outlined in the Mitigation
Plan. We also seek comment regarding how differences between the
process detailed in the Mitigation Plan, which remains incorporated by
reference in NERC's IRO-006-4, and the webSAS programming could create
conflicts with respect to enforcement.
\23\ NERC Petition at 28-29.
30. Fourth, the Commission is concerned about the possibility that
automatic approval through the webSAS tool may occur without
reliability coordinator review, as well as reliability coordinators'
inability to request curtailments, and the resultant affect on
reliability. Since, as the NERC Petition indicated, reliability
coordinators are the only entities with the wide-area view, it is the
Commission's view that it is appropriate that reliability coordinators,
as the entity with the highest level of authority to ensure reliable
operation of the Bulk-Power System,\24\ have the ability to act to
ensure reliability if necessary. For example, this is consistent with a
reliability coordinator's ability to initiate relief procedures without
first receiving a request from a transmission operator as established
in NERC Reliability Standard IRO-001-1 \25\ and IRO-006-4.\26\ We
request comment on these concerns.
\24\ See NERC Glossary definition of ``reliability
\25\ Reliability Standard IRO-001-1, Requirement R3, provides
that the reliability coordinator ``shall have clear decision-making
authority to act and direct actions * * * to preserve the integrity
and reliability of the Bulk Electric System.''
\26\ Reliability Standard IRO-006-4, Requirement R1 provides
that a reliability coordinator experiencing a potential or actual
system operating limit or interconnection reliability operator limit
``shall, with its authority and at its discretion, select one or
more procedures to provide transmission loading relief.''
[[Page 66707]]
31. While we believe IRO-006-WECC-1 generally is acceptable and
responsive to the directives in the June 8, 2007 Order, because of the
issues noted above, we observe that maintaining both a regional
difference in the national Reliability Standard and a regional
Reliability Standard addressing unscheduled flows may be unnecessary
and confusing. We believe it might be more efficient and appropriate to
incorporate all the WECC rules and procedures with respect to
unscheduled flow mitigation in a single document. Thus, the Commission
requests comments regarding whether it should direct WECC to either (1)
revise the Mitigation Plan referenced by IRO-006-4 to incorporate all
the WECC rules and procedures, thus eliminating the need for the
regional Reliability Standard; or (2) incorporate all the WECC rules
and procedures into IRO-006-WECC-1 and TOP-007-WECC-1 while eliminating
the regional difference contained in NERC IRO-006-4.
32. We propose to approve proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO-006-WECC-1 as just, reasonable, not unduly discriminatory or
preferential, and in the public interest. We also seek comment from the
ERO, WECC, and other interested entities regarding the Commission's
specific concerns discussed above. The Commission may determine in the
Final Rule, after considering such comments, that it is appropriate to
direct WECC to develop additional modifications to IRO-006-WECC-1 and/
or to update the Mitigation Plan.
IV. Information Collection Statement
33. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations require
approval of certain information collection requirements imposed by
agency rules.\27\ Upon approval of a collection(s) of information, OMB
will assign an OMB control number and an expiration date. Respondents
subject to the filing requirements of this proposed rule will not be
penalized for failing to respond to these collections of information
unless the collections of information display a valid OMB control
number. The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) \28\ requires each Federal
agency to seek and obtain OMB approval before undertaking a collection
of information directed to ten or more persons, or imposed by agency
\27\ 5 CFR 1320.11.
\28\ 44 U.S.C. 3501-20.
\29\ 44 U.S.C. 3502(3)(A)(i), 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(3), 5 CFR
1320.11. The FERC-725E reporting requirements originally were
approved by OMB on 10/10/2007.
34. The Commission is submitting these reporting requirements to
OMB for its review and approval under section 3507(d) of the PRA.
Comments are solicited on the Commission's need for this information,
whether the information will have practical utility, the accuracy of
provided burden estimates, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected, and any suggested methods
for minimizing the respondent's burden, including the use of automated
information techniques.
35. This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes to approve a new
regional Reliability Standard, IRO-006-WECC-1, which will replace
currently effective regional Reliability Standard IRO-STD-006-0
approved by the Commission on June 8, 2007.\30\ Rather than creating
entirely new requirements, the proposed regional Reliability Standard
instead modifies and improves the existing regional Reliability
Standard governing qualified transfer path unscheduled flow relief.
Thus, this proposed rulemaking imposes a minimal additional burden on
the affected entities.
\30\ North American Electric Reliability Corp., 119 FERC ]
36. The proposed Reliability Standard does not require responsible
entities to file information with the Commission. However, it does
require responsible entities to develop, provide, and maintain certain
information for a specified period of time, subject to inspection by
WECC. Specifically, the proposed Reliability Standard requires the
reliability coordinator and balancing authorities to document and
maintain information regarding actions taken in response to requests to
mitigate unscheduled flow. We believe our approval of WECC regional
Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 will result in a minimal increase
in reporting burdens as compared to current practices in WECC.
37. Commission approval of proposed regional Reliability Standard
IRO-006-WECC-1 would make the standard mandatory and enforceable.
Therefore, the Commission will submit this proposed rule to OMB for
review and approval of the reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Title: FERC 725E, Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Western
Electric Coordinating Council.
Action: Proposed modification to FERC-725-E.
OMB Control No.: 1902-0246.
Respondents: Balancing Authorities and Reliability Coordinator in
the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC).
Frequency of Responses: On occasion.
Necessity of the Information: This proposed rule would approve a
revised Reliability Standard modifying the existing requirement for
entities to respond to requests for curtailment. The proposed
Reliability Standard requires entities to maintain documentation
evidencing their response to such requests.
Internal review: The Commission has reviewed the requirements
pertaining to proposed regional Reliability Standard IRO-006-WECC-1 and
believes it to be just, reasonable, not unduly discriminatory or
preferential, and in the public interest. These requirements conform to
the Commission's plan for efficient information collection,
communication and management within the energy industry. The Commission
has assured itself, by means of internal review, that there is
specific, objective support for the burden estimates associated with
the information requirements.
Burden Estimate: The burden for the requirements in this proposed
rule follow:
Number of Number of Hours per Total annual
Data collection FERC-725E respondents responses response hours
35 Balancing Authorities and 1 Reliability 36 1 1 36
Coordinator-Reporting Requirement..............
35 Balancing Authorities and 1 Reliability 36 1 1 36
Coordinator-Recordkeeping Requirement..........
Total....................................... .............. .............. .............. 72
[[Page 66708]]
38. Total Annual hours for Collection: 36 reporting + 36
recordkeeping = 72 hours.
Information Collection Costs: The Commission seeks comments on the
costs to comply with these requirements. It has projected the average
annualized cost to be $5,760, as shown below:
Reporting = 36 hours @ $120/hour = $4,320
Recordkeeping = 36 hours @ $40/hour = $1,440
Total Costs = Reporting ($4,320) + Recordkeeping ($1,440) = $5,760
39. Interested persons may obtain information on the reporting
requirements by contacting: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: Ellen Brown, Office
of the Executive Director, Phone: (202) 502-8663, fax: (202) 273-0873,
e-mail: DataClearance@ferc.gov]. Comments on the requirements of the
proposed rule may also be sent to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC
20503 [Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission]. For security reasons, comments should be sent by e-mail to
OMB at: oira_submission@omb.eop.gov. Please reference OMB Control
Number 1902-0246 and the docket number of this proposed rulemaking in
your submission.
V. Environmental Analysis
40. The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may
have a significant adverse effect on the human environment.\31\ The
actions proposed here fall within the categorical exclusion in the
Commission's regulations for rules that are clarifying, corrective or
procedural, for information gathering, analysis, and dissemination.\32\
Accordingly, neither an environmental impact statement nor
environmental assessment is required.
\31\ Order No. 486, Regulations Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. &
Regs. ] 30,783 (1987).
\32\ 18 CFR 380.4(a)(5).
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
41. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) \33\ generally
requires a description and analysis of final rules that will have
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Most of the entities (i.e., reliability coordinators and balancing
authorities) to which the requirements of this Rule would apply do not
fall within the definition of small entities.\34\ The Commission
estimates that only 2-4 of the 35 balancing authorities (or a maximum
of 11.4%) are small. The proposed Reliability Standard reflects a
modification of existing requirements. Based on the foregoing, the
Commission certifies that this Rule will not have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small entities. Accordingly, no regulatory
flexibility analysis is required.
\33\ 5 U.S.C. 601-12.
\34\ The RFA definition of ``small entity'' refers to the
definition provided in the Small Business Act (SBA), which defines a
``small business concern'' as a business that is independently owned
and operated and that is not dominant in its field of operation. See
15 U.S.C. 632. According to the SBA, a small electric utility is
defined as one that has a total electric output of less than four
million MWh in the preceding year.
VII. Comment Procedures
42. The Commission invites interested persons to submit comments on
the matters and issues proposed in this notice to be adopted, including
any related matters or alternative proposals that commenters may wish
to discuss. Comments are due December 28, 2010. Comments must refer to
Docket No. RM09-19-000, and must include the commenter's name, the
organization they represent, if applicable, and their address in their
43. The Commission encourages comments to be filed electronically
via the eFiling link on the Commission's Web site at https://www.ferc.gov. The Commission accepts most standard word processing
formats. Documents created electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native applications or print-to-PDF format
and not in a scanned format. Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
44. Commenters that are not able to file comments electronically
must send an original copy of their comments to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street,
NE., Washington, DC 20426.
45. All comments will be placed in the Commission's public files
and may be viewed, printed, or downloaded remotely as described in the
Document Availability section below. Commenters on this proposal are
not required to serve copies of their comments on other commenters.
VIII. Document Availability
46. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the
Internet through FERC's Home Page (https://www.ferc.gov) and in FERC's
Public Reference Room during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time) at 888 First Street, NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426.
47. From FERC's Home Page on the Internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is available on
eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing, printing, and/or
downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type the docket
number excluding the last three digits of this document in the docket
number field.
48. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the FERC's Web
site during normal business hours from FERC Online Support at 202-502-
6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-3676) or e-mail at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502-
8371, TTY (202) 502-8659. E-mail the Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2010-27408 Filed 10-28-10; 8:45 am]