Limiting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices, 59118-59136 [2010-23861]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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rerouted under paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, the railroad shall also establish
that the remaining risk arising from rail
operations on the track segment—
pertaining to events that can be
prevented or mitigated in severity by a
PTC system—is less than the average
equivalent risk per route mile on track
segments required to be equipped with
PTC because of annual gross tonnage
and the presence of PIH materials traffic
(excluding track segments also carrying
passenger traffic). Such average
equivalent risk shall be determined as of
a time prior to installation of PTC on the
line segments. This provision of the rule
requires a future rulemaking to finalize
and implement a risk evaluation
methodology. Lines identified for
removal subject to this provision will
not be required to be equipped with
PTC prior to the issuance of a final rule
detailing the methodology.
(i) FRA will develop a risk evaluation
methodology for the purpose of
conducting the analysis required
pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this
section. The risk evaluation
methodology will be finalized through a
separate rulemaking proceeding that
will permit all interested parties to
provide input on the specific
methodology and, whether that
methodology should be employed. If in
the rulemaking proceeding FRA
determines that a risk methodology
should not be employed, then FRA will
amend this final rule to eliminate the
residual risk provisions.
(ii) Any track segment qualifying for
consideration under paragraph (b)(3) of
this section and identified by the
railroad for requested removal from the
PTCIP shall be considered to be
‘‘pending for decision’’ until such time
as FRA has published the risk
evaluation methodology identified in
paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section. If a
final risk evaluation methodology is
employed, the railroad may be
requested to provide supplemental
information related to its request for
removal of specific lines. The railroad is
not required to commence installation
of PTC on any track segment ‘‘pending
for decision’’ under this paragraph, until
a final FRA determination is made.
AAMVA .............................................................
Advocates .........................................................
AIA ....................................................................
APTA ................................................................
ATA ...................................................................
ATU ...................................................................
CDL ...................................................................
CeRI ..................................................................
CMV ..................................................................
CTA ...................................................................
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(c) If a track segment qualifies for
removal from the PTCIP under
paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this
section but does not meet the test of
paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the
railroad may nevertheless request that
the PTCIP be amended to remove the
track segment based upon compensating
reductions in the risk related to PTCpreventable accidents based on
installation of PTC technology on one or
more track segments not otherwise
required to be equipped. Upon a proper
showing that the increment of risk
reduction is at least as great on the
substitute line as it would be on the line
sought to be excluded from the PTCIP,
FRA may approve the substitution.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
15, 2010.
Joseph C. Szabo,
[FR Doc. 2010–24102 Filed 9–24–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
49 CFR Parts 383, 384, 390, 391, and
[Docket No. FMCSA–2009–0370]
under State or local traffic laws or
ordinances that prohibit texting by CDL
drivers while operating a CMV,
including school bus drivers. Recent
research commissioned by FMCSA
shows that the odds of being involved
in a safety-critical event (e.g., crash,
near-crash, unintentional lane
deviation) is 23.2 times greater for CMV
drivers who engage in texting while
driving than for those who do not. This
rulemaking increases safety on the
Nation’s highways by reducing the
prevalence of or preventing certain
truck- and bus-related crashes, fatalities,
and injuries associated with distracted
The final rule is effective
October 27, 2010.
For access to the docket to
read background documents, including
those referenced in this document, or to
read comments received, go to https:// at any time and
insert FMCSA–2009–0370 in the
‘‘Keyword’’ box, and then click ‘‘Search.’’
You may also view the docket online by
visiting the Docket Management Facility
in Room W12–140, DOT Building, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. e.t.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
you have questions about this rule,
contact the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, Vehicle and Roadside
Operation Division, at 202–366–1225 or
RIN 2126–AB22
Limiting the Use of Wireless
Communication Devices
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration (FMCSA)
prohibits texting by commercial motor
vehicle (CMV) drivers while operating
in interstate commerce and imposes
sanctions, including civil penalties and
disqualification from operating CMVs in
interstate commerce, for drivers who fail
to comply with this rule. Additionally,
motor carriers are prohibited from
requiring or allowing their drivers to
engage in texting while driving. FMCSA
amends its commercial driver’s license
(CDL) regulations to add to the list of
disqualifying offenses a conviction
Table of Contents for Preamble
I. Abbreviations
II. Background
A. Legal Authority
B. Overview of Driver Distraction and
C. Support for a Texting Prohibition
D. Investigations and Studies on Driver
E. Existing Texting Prohibitions and
Restrictions by Federal, State, and Local
III. Discussion of Comments
IV. Discussion of Rule
V. Regulatory Analyses
I. Abbreviations
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.
Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.
American Insurance Association.
American Public Transportation Association.
American Trucking Associations, Inc.
Amalgamated Transit Union.
Commercial Driver’s License.
Cornell eRulemaking Initiative.
Commercial Motor Vehicle.
Chicago Transit Authority.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
CVSA ................................................................
DOT ..................................................................
FARS ................................................................
FMCSA .............................................................
FMCSRs ...........................................................
FR .....................................................................
FRA ...................................................................
GES ..................................................................
MCSAC .............................................................
MCSAP .............................................................
NAICS ...............................................................
NCSL ................................................................
NGA ..................................................................
NHTSA ..............................................................
NMVCCS ..........................................................
NPRM ...............................................................
NSC ..................................................................
NTSB ................................................................
OMB ..................................................................
OOIDA ..............................................................
PAR ..................................................................
TTD ...................................................................
TWU ..................................................................
UMA ..................................................................
VTTI ..................................................................
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance.
U.S. Department of Transportation.
Fatality Analysis Reporting System.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
Federal Register.
Federal Railroad Administration.
General Estimates System.
Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee.
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program.
North American Industry Classification System.
National Conference of State Legislators.
National Governors Association.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
National Safety Council.
National Transportation Safety Board.
Office of Management and Budget.
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, Inc.
Population Attributable Risk.
Transportation Trades Department, AFL–CIO.
Transportation Workers Union of America, AFL–CIO.
United Motorcoach Association.
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.
II. Background
Transportation to ‘‘prescribe regulations
on commercial motor vehicle safety.
The regulations shall prescribe
minimum safety standards for
commercial motor vehicles’’ (49 U.S.C.
31136(a)). Although this authority is
very broad, the 1984 Act also includes
specific requirements:
On April 1, 2010, FMCSA published
a notice of proposed rulemaking in the
Federal Register (75 FR 16391). FMCSA
reviewed the over 400 public comments
and made some changes in the final rule
in response. These changes are
described in part IV, Discussion of the
Final Rule, Section-by-Section, of the
A. Legal Authority
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FMCSA amends the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs): (1)
To prohibit texting using electronic
devices by certain drivers while
operating CMVs in interstate commerce;
(2) to provide sanctions for certain
drivers convicted of texting while
operating a CMV in interstate
commerce, including civil penalties
and/or disqualification from driving
CMVs, as defined in 49 CFR 390.5, for
a specified period of time; and (3) to
provide sanctions for CDL drivers
convicted of violating a State or local
traffic law or ordinance prohibiting
texting while operating a CMV,
specifically, a disqualification for a
specified period of time from operating
any CMV. The authority for this rule
derives from the Motor Carrier Safety
Act of 1984 (Pub. L. 98–554, Title II, 98
Stat. 2832, Oct. 30, 1984), 49 U.S.C.
chapter 311 (1984 Act), and the
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of
1986 (Title XII of Pub. L. 99–570, 100
Stat. 3207–170, Oct. 27, 1986), 49 U.S.C.
chapter 313 (1986 Act).
The 1984 Act provides authority to
regulate the safety of operations of CMV
drivers and motor carriers and vehicle
equipment. It requires the Secretary of
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At a minimum, the regulations shall ensure
that—(1) commercial motor vehicles are
maintained, equipped, loaded, and operated
safely; (2) the responsibilities imposed on
operators of commercial motor vehicles do
not impair their ability to operate the
vehicles safely; (3) the physical condition of
operators of commercial motor vehicles is
adequate to enable them to operate the
vehicles safely; and (4) the operation of
commercial motor vehicles does not have a
deleterious effect on the physical condition
of the operators. Id.
This rule is based primarily on 49
U.S.C. 31136(a)(1), which requires
regulations that ensure that CMVs are
operated safely, and secondarily on
section 31136(a)(2), to the extent that
drivers’ texting activities might impact
their ability to operate CMVs safely. The
changes improve the safety of drivers
operating CMVs. This rule does not
address the physical condition of
drivers (49 U.S.C. 31136(a)(3)), nor does
it impact possible physical effects
caused by driving CMVs (49 U.S.C.
The applicability to CMV drivers of
the relevant provisions of the FMCSRs
(49 CFR subtitle B, chapter III,
subchapter B), is governed by whether
the drivers involved are employees
operating a CMV. The 1984 Act defines
a CMV as a self-propelled or towed
vehicle used on the highways to
transport persons or property in
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interstate commerce that either: (1) Has
a gross vehicle weight/gross vehicle
weight rating of 10,001 pounds or
greater; (2) is designed or used to
transport more than 8 passengers
(including the driver) for compensation;
(3) is designed or used to transport more
than 15 passengers (including the
driver), not for compensation; or (4) is
transporting any quantity of hazardous
materials requiring placards to be
displayed on the vehicle (49 U.S.C.
31132(1)). All employees operating
CMVs are subject to the FMCSRs, except
those who are employed by Federal,
State, or local governments (49 U.S.C.
In addition to the statutory exemption
of government employees, there are
several other regulatory exemptions in
the FMCSRs that are authorized under
the 1984 Act, including, among others,
one for school bus operations and one
for CMVs designed or used to transport
between 9 and 15 passengers (including
the driver), not for direct compensation
(49 CFR 390.3(f)(1) and (3)—(7)). The
school bus operations exemption only
applies to interstate transportation of
school children and/or school personnel
between home and school. This
exemption is not based on any statutory
provisions, but is instead a discretionary
rule promulgated by the Agency.
Therefore, FMCSA has authority to
modify the exemption. Modification of
the school bus operations exemption
requires the Agency to find that such
action ‘‘is necessary for public safety,
considering all laws of the United States
and States applicable to school buses’’
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
(former 49 U.S.C. 31136(e)(1)).1
Likewise, FMCSA has authority to
modify the non-statutory exemption for
small passenger-carrying CMVs not for
direct compensation; however, FMCSA
is not required to make a finding that
such action is ‘‘necessary for public
safety.’’ 2 Other than transportation
covered by statutory exemptions,
FMCSA has authority to prohibit texting
by drivers operating CMVs, as defined
For any violations by CMV drivers or
employers of the requirements adopted
in this final rule, civil penalties may be
imposed on drivers, in an amount up to
$2,750, and on employers, in an amount
up to $11,000 (49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(A), 49
CFR 386.81 and Appendix B,
paragraphs (a)(3) and (4)).
Disqualification of a CMV driver for
violations of the Act and its regulations
is also within the scope of the Agency’s
authority under the 1984 Act. Such
disqualifications are specified by
regulation for other violations (49 CFR
391.15). In summary, both a texting
prohibition and associated sanctions,
including civil penalties and
disqualifications, are authorized by
statute and regulation for operators of
CMVs, as defined above, in interstate
commerce, with limited exceptions.
However, before prescribing any
regulations under the 1984 Act, FMCSA
must consider their costs and benefits
(49 U.S.C. 31136(c)(2)(A)).
The 1986 Act, which authorized
creation of the CDL program, is the basis
for State licensing programs for certain
large CMVs. There are several key
distinctions between the authority
conferred under the 1984 Act and that
under the 1986 Act. First, the CMV for
which a CDL is required is defined
under the 1986 Act, in part, as a motor
1 Former section 31136(e)(1) was amended by
section 4007(c) of the Transportation Equity Act for
the 21st Century, Public Law 105–178, 112 Stat.
107, 403 (June 9, 1998) (TEA–21). However, TEA–
21 also provides that the amendments made by
section 4007(c) ‘‘shall not apply to or otherwise
affect a waiver, exemption, or pilot program in
effect on the day before the date of enactment of
[TEA–21] under * * * section 31136(e) of title 49,
United States Code.’’ Section 4007(d), TEA–21, 112
Stat. 404 (set out as a note under 49 U.S.C. 31136).
The exemption for school bus operations in 49 CFR
390.3(f)(1) became effective on November 15, 1988,
and was adopted pursuant to section 206(f) of the
1984 Act, later codified as section 31136(e) (Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; General, 53 FR
18042–18043, 18053 (May 19, 1988) and section
1(e), Pub. L. 103–272, 108 Stat 1003 (July 5, 1994)).
Therefore, any action by FMCSA affecting the
school bus operations exemption would require the
Agency to comply with former section 31136(e)(1).
2 The exemption in 49 CFR 390.3(f)(6) was not
adopted until 2003, after the enactment of TEA–21.
See Safety Requirements for Operators of Small
Passenger-Carrying Commercial Motor Vehicles
Used In Interstate Commerce, at 68 FR 47860 (Aug.
12, 2003).
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vehicle operating ‘‘in commerce,’’ a term
separately defined to cover broadly both
interstate commerce and operations that
‘‘affect’’ interstate commerce (49 U.S.C.
31301(2), (4)). Also under the 1986 Act,
a CMV means a motor vehicle used in
commerce to transport passengers or
property that: (1) Has a gross vehicle
weight/gross vehicle weight rating of
26,000 pounds or greater; (2) is designed
to transport 16 or more passengers
including the driver; or (3) is used to
transport certain quantities of
‘‘hazardous materials,’’ as defined in 49
CFR 383.5 (49 U.S.C. 31301(4)). In
addition, a provision in the FMCSRs
implementing the 1986 Act recognizes
that all school bus drivers (whether
government employees or not) and other
government employees operating
vehicles requiring a CDL (i.e., vehicles
above 26,000 pounds in most States, or
designed to transport 16 or more
passengers) are subject to the CDL
standards set forth in 49 CFR 383.3(b).
There are several statutory and
regulatory exceptions from the CDL
requirements, which include the
following individuals: active duty
military service members who operate a
CMV for military purposes (a mandatory
exemption for the States to follow) (49
CFR 383.3(c)), farmers, firefighters, CMV
drivers employed by a unit of local
government for the purpose of snow/ice
removal, and persons operating a CMV
for emergency response activities (all of
which are permissive exemptions for
the States to implement at their
discretion) (49 CFR 383.3(d)). Certain
other drivers could be issued restricted
CDLs under 49 CFR 383.3(e)–(g), such
drivers may be covered by a texting
disqualification under the 1986 Act.
The 1986 Act does not expressly
authorize the Agency to adopt
regulations governing the safety of
operations of CMVs by drivers required
to obtain a CDL. Most of these drivers
are subject to safety regulations under
the 1984 Act, as described above. The
1986 Act, however, specifically
authorizes the disqualification of CDL
drivers for various types of offenses.
This is true even if drivers have not
obtained a CDL and are therefore
operating a CMV illegally. Related
rulemaking authority exists to include
serious traffic violations as grounds for
such disqualifications (49 U.S.C.
31301(12) and 31310).
Further, in addition to specifically
enumerated ‘‘serious traffic violations,’’
the 1986 Act allows FMCSA to
designate violations by rulemaking if
the underlying offense is based on the
CDL driver committing a violation of a
‘‘State or local law on motor vehicle
traffic control’’ (49 U.S.C. 31301(12)(G)).
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The FMCSRs state, however, that unless
and until a CDL driver is convicted of
the requisite number of specified
offenses within a certain time frame
(described below), the required
disqualification may not be applied (49
CFR 383.5 (defining ‘‘conviction’’ and
‘‘serious traffic violation’’) and
§ 383.51(c)).
Under the statute, a driver who, in a
3-year period, commits 2 serious traffic
violations involving a CMV operated by
the individual must be disqualified from
operating a CMV for at least 60 days. A
driver who, in a 3-year period, commits
3 or more serious traffic violations
involving a CMV operated by the
individual must be disqualified from
operating a CMV for at least 120 days
(49 U.S.C. 31310(e)(1)–(2)). FMCSA
determined that violations by CDL
drivers of State motor vehicle traffic
control laws prohibiting texting while
driving CMVs should result in a
disqualification under this provision,
because texting results in distracted
driving and increases the risk of CMV
crashes, fatalities, and injuries.
Consequently, under its statutory
authority to find that the violation of a
State texting law constitutes a serious
traffic violation for CMV drivers,
FMCSA may exercise its rulemaking
authority to address this major safety
risk by requiring the States to disqualify
CDL drivers who violate such laws.
FMCSA is authorized to carry out
these statutory provisions by delegation
from the Secretary of Transportation as
provided in 49 CFR 1.73(e) and (g).
B. Overview of Driver Distraction and
This rulemaking addresses one type of
driver distraction. Driver distraction can
be defined as the voluntary or
involuntary diversion of attention from
the primary driving tasks due to an
object, event, or person that shifts the
attention away from the fundamental
driving task. The diversion reduces a
driver’s situational awareness, decision
making, or performance; and it may
result in a crash, near-crash, or
unintended lane departure by the
In an effort to understand and
mitigate crashes associated with driver
distraction, the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) has been studying
the distracted driving issue with respect
to both behavioral and vehicle safety
countermeasures. Researchers and
writers classify distraction into various
categories, depending on the nature of
their work. In work involving
equipment such as vehicles, one
distraction classification system
includes three categories: visual (taking
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
one’s eyes off the road), physical (taking
one’s hands off the wheel), and
cognitive (thinking about something
other than the road/driving). Texting
while driving applies to these three
types of driver distraction (visual,
physical, and cognitive), and thus may
pose a considerably higher safety risk
than other sources of driver distraction.
Prevalence of Texting
Texting while driving is a relatively
new phenomenon among cell phone
and personal digital assistant (PDA)
users. DOT acknowledges that the
potential for the problem is increasing,
especially with young drivers on our
roadways, as noted in a Pew Research
Center Report, ‘‘Teens and Distracted
Driving.’’ 3 According to the CTIA—The
Wireless Association, the overall
number of text messages transmitted by
its members’ customers increased from
32.6 billion in the first 6 months of 2005
to 740 billion in the first 6 months of
2009. This represents a 2,200 percent
increase in 5 years. While FMCSA’s
research reveals significant insight into
the safety risks associated with texting
while driving, the Agency does not
have, at this time, data on the
prevalence of texting by motorists in
general or CMV drivers specifically.
Considering the increase in texting,
FMCSA maintains that texting by CMV
drivers while operating on public roads
has the potential of becoming a
widespread safety problem in the
absence of an explicit Federal
prohibition. FMCSA prohibits this
inherently unsafe practice to reduce the
risks of crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
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C. Support for a Texting Prohibition
Based on the response to the
Distracted Driving Summit, the
Secretary’s appearances on national
television and this rulemaking, FMCSA
determined there is a considerable
amount of public support for a ban on
texting while operating a motor vehicle.
It is likely that most Americans either
had firsthand experience with or know
someone who had a motor vehicle crash
or near-crash event involving a
distracted driver. With the
exponentially increasing use of
electronic devices, numerous crashes,
and other incidents related to distracted
driving in recent years, expedited
Federal action is required.
3 Madden, M. & Lenhart, A. (November 2009).
Teens and distracted driving. Pew Research
Center’s Pew Internet and American Lifer Project.
Available in the docket: FMCSA–2009–0370–0004.
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FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Safety Advisory
Committee’s Recommendation
Section 4144 of the Safe, Accountable,
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity
Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU),
Public Law 109–59, 119 Stat. 1144, 1748
(Aug. 10, 2005), required the Secretary
of Transportation to establish a Motor
Carrier Safety Advisory Committee
(MCSAC). The committee provides
advice and recommendations to the
FMCSA Administrator on motor carrier
safety programs and regulations and
operates in accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.
In its March 27, 2009, report to
FMCSA, ‘‘Developing a National Agenda
for Motor Carrier Safety,’’ MCSAC
recommended that FMCSA adopt new
Federal rules concerning distracted
driving, including texting.4 MCSAC
believed the available research shows
that cognitive distractions pose a safety
risk and that there will be increases in
crashes from cell phone use and texting
unless the problem is addressed.
Therefore, one of MCSAC’s
recommendations for the National
Agenda for Motor Carrier Safety was
that FMCSA initiate a rulemaking to
prohibit texting while driving.
Distracted Driving Summit
The information and feedback DOT
received during its Distracted Driving
Summit, held September 30–October 1,
2009, in Washington, DC, demonstrated
both a need and widespread support for
a ban against texting while driving.
Attendees included safety experts;
researchers; elected officials, including
four United States Senators and several
State legislators; safety advocacy groups;
senior law enforcement officials; the
telecommunications industry; and the
transportation industry. At the
conclusion of the Summit, Secretary
LaHood stated, ‘‘Keeping Americans safe
is without question the Federal
government’s highest priority—and that
includes safety on the road, as well as
on mass transit and rail.’’ 5 In addition,
the Secretary pledged to work with
Congress to ensure that the issue of
distracted driving is appropriately
Summit participants shared their
expertise, experiences, and ideas for
reducing distracted driving behaviors.
4 Parker,
David R., Chair, Motor Carrier Safety
Advisory Committee (March 27, 2009). Letter to
Rose A. McMurray on MCSAC national agenda for
motor vehicle safety. Retrieved August 24, 2010,
5 DOT press release 156–09, Thursday, October 1,
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They addressed the safety risk posed by
this growing problem across all modes
of surface transportation. At the
conclusion of the Summit, U.S.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood
announced a series of concrete actions
that the Obama Administration and
DOT are taking to address distracted
driving. On October 1, 2009, the
President issued Executive Order 13513
entitled ‘‘Federal Leadership on
Reducing Text Messaging While
Driving’’ (74 FR 51225; October 6, 2009),
which prohibited texting by Federal
employees (details are discussed later in
this preamble).
Actions following the Summit
included DOT’s plan to immediately
start rulemakings that would ban texting
and restrict, to the extent possible, the
use of cell phones by truck and
interstate bus operators, as well as to
initiate rulemaking by the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) to codify
provisions of the FRA’s Emergency
Order No. 26 regarding restricting
distracting electronic devices (see
discussion below in Part E). As a result
of the Summit, and based on data from
studies on distracted driving, FMCSA is
considering a number of actions to
combat distracted driving by CMV
General Public
Several surveys show that there is
public support for a texting prohibition.
For example, a survey in December 2008
by the AAA Foundation for Traffic
Safety determined that 94.1 percent of
drivers consider it unacceptable for a
driver to send text messages or e-mail
while driving; 86.7 percent consider text
messaging and e-mailing by drivers to
be a very serious threat to their personal
safety.6 A CBS News/New York Times
poll reported that 90 percent of
Americans think texting behind the
wheel should be outlawed. Over 94
percent of those who admit to texting or
e-mailing while driving acknowledge
that it makes them at least a little bit
more likely to be involved in a crash.7
Finally, a nationally representative
survey by Nationwide Insurance,
conducted in August 2009, found that
80 percent of Americans support laws
6 AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (October 12,
2009). Safety culture: text messaging and cell phone
use while driving. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
7 Connelly, M. (November 1, 2009). Many in U.S.
want texting at the wheel to be illegal. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
States that do not enact a law
prohibiting an individual from writing,
sending, or reading text messages while
Safety Advocacy Organizations
operating a motor vehicle.
Many safety advocacy groups have
ATA also conducted an opinion
voiced support for a prohibition on
survey of its safety committees on the
texting while driving. In January 2009,
use of ‘‘non-integrated electronic
the National Safety Council (NSC)
devices’’ and found that many motor
called for a nationwide prohibition on
carriers do not allow drivers to operate
all cell phone use while driving.9 NSC
any electronic devices at all while the
is focused on alerting the American
vehicle is moving, including
dispatching equipment. From the
public to the fact that different
responses of these industry leaders,
distractions have different levels of
ATA found that 67 percent of
crash risk. NSC stated that sending text
respondents had a policy restricting or
messages has a much higher risk than
limiting the use of portable electronic
most other actions that drivers take
devices while driving. United Parcel
while driving. Additionally, Advocates
Service, Inc. has an existing policy of no
for Highway and Auto Safety
distractions while behind the wheel
(Advocates) applauded DOT’s effort to
(e.g., two hands on the wheel and no
ban texting by truck and motor coach
two-way communication) and FedEx
does not allow drivers to use any
Transportation Industry Associations
electronic device while operating FedEx
The American Trucking Associations
vehicles.13 Additionally, ExxonMobil
(ATA) believe that the use of hand-held and Shell are examples of large
electronic devices and the act of texting companies that prohibit employees’ use
with such devices while a motor vehicle of any type of cell phone while driving
is in motion should be prohibited.11 In
during work hours.14 Because numerous
2009, ATA’s executive committee voted large commercial trucking operations
already have policies that prohibit the
overwhelmingly to support S.1536, the
use of electronic devices while driving,
‘‘Avoiding Life-Endangering and
Reckless Texting by Drivers Act of 2009 which would presumably include
(the ‘‘ALERT Drivers Act’’) a pending bill texting, a prohibition on texting is not
expected to have an adverse impact on
introduced by Senator Schumer on July
a majority of trucking fleets.
29, 2009, that seeks to prohibit texting
while driving by all motorists.12 The
School Bus Operations
ALERT Drivers Act also amends title 23,
School bus operations have been the
of the U.S. Code, to reduce the amount
of Federal highway funding available to focus of distracted driving policies;
many cities, towns, and counties
prohibit cell phone use or texting by
8 Gillespie, C. (August 31, 2009). New Nationwide
school bus operators. The National
Insurance survey shows overwhelming support for
laws banning texting while driving: Data suggests
Association of State Directors of Pupil
legislation alone will not solve the problem.
Transportation Services, in a letter to Retrieved January 11, 2010, from:
the U.S. Senate dated August 7, 2009, that it supports the ALERT
9 National Safety Council, (n.d.). Distracted
Drivers Act (S. 1536).15
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
prohibiting text messaging or e-mailing
while driving.8
driving. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from: https://
10 Gillan, J.S. (October 1, 2009). Safety Advocates
respond to U.S. DOT Secretary’s announcement on
measures to reduce distracted driving by
commercial operators. Retrieved August 24, 2010,
from the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
Web site:
11 American Trucking Associations (October 29,
2009). Addressing the problem of distracted
driving. Written testimony to the Subcommittee on
Highways and Transit, U.S. House of
Representatives’ Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
12 American Trucking Associations (October 14,
2009). ATA leaders vote overwhelmingly to support
anti-texting bill. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
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Transit Agencies
The importance of the distracted
driving issue has led virtually all transit
agencies to ban the use of cell phones
and electronic devices or specifically to
ban texting while operating a vehicle in
passenger service. For example, the
13 Halsey, A. (October 2, 2009). Obama Bans
Federal Employees From Texting While Driving. Retrieved August 24, 2010,
14 Insurance Information Institute (December
2009). Cellphones and driving. Retrieved August
24, 2010, from:
15 Hood, C., President of the National Association
of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services
(August 7, 2009). Letter to Senators Schumer,
Menendez, Hagan and Landrieu. Retrieved August
24, 2010, from:
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Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
prohibits texting by employees and
discharges offenders. Furthermore,
several large transit agencies
(Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority, CTA, and Greater Cleveland
Region Transit Authority) have
prohibited operators from carrying cell
phones or other electronic devices in
the cab, presumably prohibiting texting.
D. Investigations and Studies on Driver
On November 14, 2004, a motorcoach
crashed into a bridge overpass on the
George Washington Memorial Parkway
in Alexandria, Virginia. This crash was
the impetus for a National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
investigation and subsequent
recommendation (Safety
Recommendation H–06–27) to FMCSA
regarding cell phone use by passengercarrying CMVs. The NTSB determined
that one probable cause of the crash was
the use of a hands-free cell phone,
resulting in cognitive distraction;
therefore, the driver did not ‘‘see’’ the
low bridge warning signs.
In a letter to NTSB dated March 5,
2007, the Agency agreed to initiate a
study to assess:
• The potential safety benefits of
restricting cell phone use by drivers of
passenger-carrying CMVs,
• The applicability of an NTSB
recommendation to property-carrying
CMV drivers,
• Whether adequate data existed to
warrant a rulemaking, and
• The availability of statistically
meaningful data regarding cell phone
distraction. Subsequently, the report
‘‘Driver Distraction in Commercial
Vehicle Operations’’ was published on
October 1, 2009.
Driver Distraction in Commercial
Vehicle Operations (‘‘the VTTI
Study’’)—Olson et al., 200916
Under contract with FMCSA, the
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
(VTTI) completed its ‘‘Driver Distraction
in Commercial Vehicle Operations’’
study 17 and released the final report on
October 1, 2009. The purpose of the
study was to investigate the prevalence
16 Olson, R. L., Hanowski, R.J., Hickman, J.S., &
Bocanegra, J. (2009) Driver distraction in
commercial vehicle operations. (Document No.
FMCSA–RRR–09–042) Washington, DC: Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration, July 2009.
Available in the docket: FMCSA–2009–0370–0005.
17 The formal peer review of the ‘‘Driver
Distraction in Commercial Vehicle Operations Draft
Final Report’’ was completed by a team of three
technically qualified peer reviewers who are
qualified (via their experience and educational
background) to critically review driver distractionrelated research.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
of driver distraction in CMV safetycritical events (i.e., crashes, nearcrashes, lane departures, as explained in
the VTTI study) recorded in a
naturalistic data set that included over
200 truck drivers and 3 million miles of
data. The dataset was obtained by
placing monitoring instruments on
vehicles and recording the behavior of
drivers conducting real-world revenueproducing operations. The study found
that drivers were engaged in nondriving related tasks in 71 percent of
crashes, 46 percent of near-crashes, and
60 percent of all safety-critical events.
Tasks that significantly increased risk
included texting, looking at a map,
writing on a notepad, or reading.
Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to
identify tasks that were high risk. For a
given task, an odds ratio of ‘‘1.0’’
indicated the task or activity was
equally likely to result in a safetycritical event as it was a non-event or
baseline driving scenario. An odds ratio
greater than ‘‘1.0’’ indicated a safetycritical event was more likely to occur,
and odds ratios of less than ‘‘1.0’’
indicated a safety-critical event was less
likely to occur. The most risky behavior
identified by the research was ‘‘text
message on cell phone,’’ 18 with an odds
ratio of 23.2. This means that the odds
of being involved in a safety-critical
event are 23.2 times greater for drivers
who text message while driving than for
those who do not.
Texting drivers took their eyes off the
forward roadway for an average of 4.6
seconds during the 6-second interval
surrounding a safety-critical event. At
55 mph (or 80.7 feet per second), this
equates to a driver traveling 371 feet, the
approximate length of a football field,
including the end zones, without
looking at the roadway. At 65 mph (or
95.3 feet per second), the driver would
have traveled approximately 439 feet
without looking at the roadway. This
clearly creates a significant risk to the
safe operation of the CMV.
Other tasks that drew drivers’ eyes
away from the forward roadway in the
study involved the driver interacting
with technology: Calculator (4.4
seconds), dispatching device (4.1
seconds), and cell phone dialing (3.8
seconds). Technology-related tasks were
not the only ones with high visual
demands. Non-technology tasks with
high visual demands, including some
common activities, were: reading (4.3
seconds), writing (4.2 seconds), looking
at a map (3.9 seconds), and reaching for
an object (2.9 seconds).
The study further analyzed
population attributable risk (PAR),
which incorporates the frequency of
engaging in a task. If a task is done more
frequently by a driver or a group of
drivers, it will have a greater PAR
percentage. Safety could be improved
the most if a driver or group of drivers
were to stop performing a task with a
high PAR. The PAR percentage for
texting is 0.7 percent, which means that
0.7 percent of the incidence of safetycritical events is attributable to texting,
and thus, could be avoided by not
Odds ratio
Complex Tertiary** Task:
Text message on cell phone ............................................................................................................................
Other—Complex (e.g., clean side mirror) ........................................................................................................
Interact with/look at dispatching device ...........................................................................................................
Write on pad, notebook, etc. ............................................................................................................................
Use calculator ...................................................................................................................................................
Look at map ......................................................................................................................................................
Dial cell phone ..................................................................................................................................................
Read book, newspaper, paperwork, etc. .........................................................................................................
Moderate Tertiary** Task:
Use/reach for other electronic device ..............................................................................................................
Other—Moderate (e.g., open medicine bottle) .................................................................................................
Personal grooming ...........................................................................................................................................
Reach for object in vehicle ...............................................................................................................................
Look back in sleeper berth ...............................................................................................................................
Talk or listen to hand-held phone ....................................................................................................................
Eating ................................................................................................................................................................
Talk or listen to CB radio .................................................................................................................................
Talk or listen to hand-free phone .....................................................................................................................
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* Calculated for tasks where the odds ratio is greater than one.
** Non-driving related tasks.
A complete copy of the final report for
this study is included in the docket
referenced at the beginning of this
rulemaking notice.
In addition to FMCSA-sponsored
research, the Agency considered other
research reports and studies that
highlight the safety risks of distracted
driving, in general, or of texting,
specifically. These studies conclude that
texting is extremely risky and that it
impairs a driver’s ability to respond to
driving situations. Most of these studies
were small simulator studies, involving
young automobile drivers. However,
they provide support for the
conclusions of the comprehensive study
of CMV operations commissioned by
FMCSA and conducted by VTTI. One
limitation of the VTTI study was that
18 Although the final report does not elaborate on
texting, the drivers were engaged in the review,
preparation, and transmission of typed messages via
wireless phones.
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the data used were collected
naturalistically, and not in a controlled
environment; the ‘‘cognitive distraction’’
effects of driver behaviors could not
easily be determined. This information,
which includes ongoing research, is
summarized below.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Text Messaging During Simulated
Driving—Drews, et al., 2009 19
This research was designed to identify
the impact of text messaging on
simulated driving performance. Using a
high fidelity driving simulator,
researchers measured the performance
of 20 pairs of participants while: (1)
Only driving, and (2) driving and text
messaging. Participants followed a pace
car in the right lane, which braked 42
times, intermittently. Participants were
0.2 seconds slower in responding to the
brake onset when driving and text
messaging, compared to driving-only.
When drivers are concentrating on
texting, either reading or entering, their
reaction times to braking events are
significantly longer.
Driver Workload Effects of Cell Phone,
Music Player, and Text Messaging Tasks
With the Ford SYNC Voice Interface
Versus Handheld Visual-Manual
Interfaces (‘‘The Ford Study’’)—Shutko,
et al., 2009 20
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A recent study by Ford Motor
Company,21 involving 25 participants,
compared using a hands-free voice
interface to complete a task while
driving with using personal handheld
devices (cell phone and music player) to
complete the same task while driving.
Of particular interest were the results of
this study with regard to total eyes-offroad time when texting while driving.
The study found that texting, both
sending and reviewing a text, was
extremely risky. The median total eyesoff-road time when reviewing a text
message on a handheld cell phone while
driving was 11 seconds. The median
total eyes-off-road time when sending a
text message using a handheld cell
phone while driving was 20 seconds.
19 Drews, F.A., Yazdani, H., Godfrey, C.N.,
Cooper, J.M., & Strayer, D.L. (Dec. 16, 2009). Text
messaging during simulated driving. Salt Lake City,
Utah: The Journal of Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society Online First. Published as
doi:10.1177/0018720809353319. Available in the
docket: FMCSA–2009–0370–0006.
20 Shutko, J., Mayer, J., Laansoo, E., & Tijerina, L.
(2009). Driver workload effects of cell phone, music
player, and text messaging tasks with the Ford
SYNC voice interface versus handheld visualmanual interfaces (paper presented at SAE World
Congress & Exhibition, April 2009, Detroit, MI).
Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers
International. Available in the docket: FMCSA–
21 The Engineering Meetings Board has approved
this paper for publication. It has successfully
completed SAE’s peer review process under the
supervision of the session organizer. This process
requires a minimum of three (3) reviews by industry
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The Effects of Text Messaging on Young
Novice Driver Performance—Hosking, et
al., 200622
Hosking studied a very different
driver population, but obtained similar
results. This study used an advanced
driving simulator to evaluate the effects
of text messaging on 20 young, novice
Australian drivers. The participants
were between 18 and 21 years old, and
they had been driving 6 months or less.
Legislation in Australia prohibits handheld phones, but a large proportion of
the participants said that they use them
The young drivers took their eyes off
the road while texting, and they had a
harder time detecting hazards and safety
signs, as well as maintaining the
simulated vehicle’s position on the road
than they did when not texting. While
the participants did not reduce their
speed, they did try to compensate for
the distraction of texting by increasing
their following distance. Nonetheless,
retrieving and particularly sending text
messages had the following effects on
• Difficulty maintaining the vehicle’s
lateral position on the road.
• Harder time detecting hazards.
• Harder time detecting and
responding to safety signs.
• Up to 400 percent more time with
drivers’ eyes off the road than when not
The Effect of Text Messaging on Driver
Behavior: A Simulator Study — Reed
and Robbins, 200823
The RAC Foundation commissioned
this report 24 to assess the impact of text
messaging on driver performance and
the attitudes surrounding that activity in
the 17 to 24-year old driver category.
There were 17 participants in the study.
The results demonstrated that driving
was impaired by texting. Researchers
reported that ‘‘failure to detect hazards,
increased response times to hazards,
and exposure time to that risk have clear
implications for safety.’’ They reported
an increased stopping distance of 12.5
22 Hosking, S., Young, K., & Regan, M. (February
2006). The effects of text messaging on young
novice driver performance. Victoria, Australia:
Monash University Accident Research Centre.
Available in the docket: FMCSA–2009–0370–0008.
23 Reed, N. & Robbins, R. (2008). The effect of text
messaging on driver behaviour: A simulator study.
Report prepared for the RAC Foundation by
Transport Research Laboratory. Available in the
docket: FMCSA–2009–0370–0009.
24 The work described in this report was carried
out in the Human Factors and Simulation group of
the Transport Research Laboratory. Andrew Parkes
carried out the technical review and auditing of this
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meters, or three car lengths, and
increased variability of lane position.
Cell Phone Distraction in Commercial
Trucks and Buses: Assessing Prevalence
in Conjunction With Crashes and NearCrashes—Hickman25
The purpose of this research was to
conduct an analysis of naturalistic data
collected by DriveCam®. The
introduction of naturalistic driving
studies that record drivers (through
video and kinematic vehicle sensors) in
actual driving situations created a
scientific method to study driver
behavior under the daily pressures of
real-world driving conditions. The
research documented the prevalence of
distractions while driving a CMV,
including both trucks and buses, using
an existing naturalistic data set. This
data set came from 183 truck and bus
fleets comprising a total of 13,306
vehicles captured during a 90-day
period. There were 8,509 buses and
4,797 trucks. The data sets in the
current study did not include
continuous data; it only included
recorded events that met or exceeded a
kinematic threshold (a minimum g-force
setting that triggers the event recorder).
These recorded events included safetycritical events (e.g., hard braking in
response to another vehicle) and
baseline events (i.e., an event that was
not related to a safety-critical event,
such as a vehicle that traveled over train
tracks and exceeded the kinematic
threshold). A total of 1,085 crashes,
8,375 near-crashes, 30,661 crashrelevant conflicts, and 211,171 baselines
were captured in the dataset.
Odds ratios were calculated to show
a measure of association between
involvement in a safety-critical event
and performing non-driving related
tasks, such as dialing or texting. The
odds ratios show the odds of being
involved in a safety-critical event when
a non-driving related task is present
compared to situations when there is no
non-driving related task. The odds ratios
for text/e-mail/accessing the Internet
tasks were very high, indicating a strong
relationship between text/e-mail/
accessing the Internet while driving and
involvement in a safety-critical event.
Very few instances of this behavior were
observed during safety-critical events in
the current study and even fewer during
control events. Although truck and bus
drivers do not text frequently, the data
25 Hickman, J., Hanowski, R., & Bocanegra, J.
(2010). Distraction in Commercial Trucks and
Buses: Assessing Prevalence and Risk in
Conjunction with Crashes and Near-Crashes.
Washington, DC: FMCSA, September 2010. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
suggest that truck and bus drivers who
use their cell phone to text, e-mail, or
access the Internet are very likely to be
involved in a safety-critical event.
E. Existing Texting Prohibitions and
Restrictions by Federal, State, and Local
Executive Order 13513
The President immediately used the
feedback from the DOT Summit on
Distracted Driving and issued Executive
Order 13513, which ordered that:
Federal employees shall not engage in text
messaging (a) when driving a Government
Owned Vehicle, or when driving a Privately
Owned Vehicle while on official Government
business, or (b) when using electronic
equipment supplied by the Government
while driving.
The Executive Order is applicable to
the operation of CMVs by Federal
government employees carrying out
their duties and responsibilities, or
using electronic equipment supplied by
the government. This order also
encourages contractors to comply while
operating CMVs on behalf of the Federal
Regulatory Guidance
On January 27, 2010, FMCSA
published regulatory guidance
concerning the applicability of 49 CFR
390.17, Additional equipment and
accessories, to any CMV operator
engaged in ‘‘texting’’ on an electronic
device while driving a CMV in interstate
commerce (75 FR 4305). The guidance
interpreted § 390.17 as prohibiting
texting on electronic devices while
driving because it decreases the safety of
operations. As of the effective date of
this final rule, the guidance will be
withdrawn because this final rule makes
the guidance on texting no longer
necessary. The Agency does not intend
to remove the authority to cite drivers
under § 390.17 for unsafe operation of a
CMV. Section 390.17 still applies to any
use of additional equipment and
accessories that decreases the safety of
operation of the CMVs on which they
are used.
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Federal Railroad Administration
On October 7, 2008, FRA published
Emergency Order 26 (73 FR 58702).
Pursuant to FRA’s authority under 49
U.S.C. 20102 and 20103, the order,
which took effect on October 1, 2008,
restricts railroad operating employees
from using distracting electronic and
electrical devices while on duty. Among
other things, the order prohibits both
the use of cell phones and texting. FRA
cited numerous examples of the adverse
impact that electronic devices can have
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on safe operations. These examples
included fatal accidents that involved
operators who were distracted while
texting or talking on a cell phone. In
light of these incidents, FRA is
imposing restrictions on the use of such
electronic devices, both through its
order and a rulemaking that seeks to
codify the order. In a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) published May 18,
2010, FRA proposed to amend its
railroad communications regulations by
restricting the use of mobile telephones
and other distracting electronic devices
by railroad operating employees (75 FR
State Restrictions
Texting while driving is prohibited in
30 States, the District of Columbia, the
Virgin Islands, and Guam. A list of
States and Territories that have taken
such actions can be found at the
following DOT Web site: https://
Generally, the State requirements are
applicable to all drivers operating motor
vehicles within those jurisdictions,
including CMV operators. Because some
States do not currently prohibit texting
while driving, there is a need for a
Federal regulation to address the safety
risks associated with texting by CMV
drivers. This final rule restriction
provides uniform language applicable to
CMV drivers engaged in interstate
commerce, regardless of the presence or
absence of a State law or regulation.
Generally, State laws and regulations
remain in effect and could continue to
be enforced with regard to CMV drivers,
provided those laws and regulations are
compatible with the Federal
requirements. This rule does not affect
the ability of States to institute new
prohibitions on texting while driving.
For more information see the
Federalism section later in this
III. Discussion of Comments
FMCSA received approximately 400
comments in response to the NPRM.26
The commenters included associations
representing trucking, motorcoaches,
public transportation, highway safety,
the legal and law enforcement
communities, the insurance industry,
and bicyclists. Three unions
representing drivers submitted
comments, as well as representatives of
State governments. Commenters from
the general public included motorists
and bicyclists concerned with their
safety when operating around CMVs. In
addition, FMCSA received comments
from the new Cornell eRulemaking
26 See
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Initiative (CeRI), summarizing the
points raised by participants in a pilot
project called Regulation Room (https://
Most commenters supported the
proposal because of the potential safety
benefits for all vehicle and pedestrian
traffic sharing the roadway with CMVs.
Commenters felt that texting while
driving, especially while driving a CMV,
is dangerous and should be prohibited.
Many commenters cited crashes or nearcrashes with a distracted driver in
which they, or someone they knew,
were involved; in some cases a fatality
occurred. Many commenters felt that the
use of mobile telephones has become so
much a part of people’s lives that it will
be difficult to get people to stop using
these devices in vehicles. A few
commenters suggested that, just as with
seat belts, airbags, and driving while
impaired, the government must
establish regulations concerning texting
to protect public health and safety.
Only a few commenters did not
support a ban on texting. Some
commenters said that the responsibility
should be addressed by the States, with
guidance from the Federal government.
Several commenters suggested that the
Agency mandate outreach, education,
and company policies in lieu of a
The Agency approached the
distracted driving issue by taking action
on the riskiest issue first, by initiating
rulemaking to prohibit texting by CMV
drivers. The use of mobile telephones,
including texting, is occurring
increasingly. By approaching this
complex subject with a focus, on the
unsafe behavior regardless of the
technology, FMCSA received the
support of its stakeholders to act quickly
to stop texting in CMVs. Subsequently,
FMCSA will evaluate other aspects of
distracted driving and consider future
Dispatching Devices and Fleet
Management Systems
Many commenters were concerned
that FMCSA excepted texting on
dispatching devices from this
rulemaking. The American Association
for Justice believed that FMCSA should
go further and prohibit CMV operators
from using on-board computers while
driving. The Commercial Vehicle Safety
Alliance (CVSA) commented that
FMCSA should prohibit not only
dispatching devices, but many other
technologies that cause distractions.
NSC held that fleet management devices
and on-board and laptop systems should
not be exempt from the rule. Advocates
noted that it interpreted the NPRM to
prohibit all texting while driving, even
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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when using such systems as dispatch
devices and laptop computers. The
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers
Association (OOIDA) also stated that
small-business motor carriers use
different electronic devices, such as
laptops, to perform many of the same
functions served by fleet management
systems. OOIDA believed that it was not
fair to ban these devices and not other
dispatch or fleet management devices.
Some commenters agreed with the
proposed exception for other electronic
devices in this rulemaking. ATA
supported the exclusion of in-cab fleet
management systems, global positioning
systems, and navigation systems, while
noting that potential safety risks of
using these other systems are not fully
known. The American Moving and
Storage Association and the National
Solid Wastes Management Association
agreed that the prohibition should not
include the use of electronic
dispatching tools and fleet management
FMCSA Response:
Notwithstanding the position of
industry associations, the blanket
exception to the texting ban has been
revised to prohibit texting on a
dispatching device or a device that is
part of a fleet management system.
However, it does not prohibit use of the
other functions of such devices for
purposes other than texting, as defined
in the final rule. Texting on a
dispatching device is indistinguishable
from texting on another text-capable
device and is, therefore, prohibited in
this final rule. Texting is risky because
it causes the driver to remove his or her
eyes from the forward roadway,
regardless of the device used to text.
The Agency does not see any necessity
for drivers to read text messages or type
text responses on any device while the
vehicle is being operated on public
roads. Using a device, including a
dispatch device or in-cab fleet
management system, for functions other
than texting is not prohibited by this
rule. Consequently, the Agency is
revising the definition of texting and
clarifying the regulatory text to make it
clear that the rule prohibits texting on
any device.
Other Texting Exceptions
Several commenters requested
clarification of the definition of texting
and other activities that could be
considered a form of texting. Advocates
and the American Insurance Association
(AIA) were concerned with the
exception for ‘‘entering a telephone
number, an extension number, or
voicemail retrieval codes and
commands into an electronic device.
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* * *’’ They believe that the physical
actions required to enter a telephone
number and perform other excepted
tasks involve at least visual and
physical distraction, if not cognitive as
well. They appear to differ from text
messaging only in terms of duration. In
addition, AIA was concerned that these
exceptions, if not carefully provided for,
might undercut the ability of law
enforcement to effectively enforce the
ban. AHAS also stated that the Agency
should use the definition of texting
contained in E.O. 13513.
FMCSA Response:
The Agency agrees that drivers should
always concentrate on the road and,
therefore, does not condone any unsafe
activity while driving a CMV. In order
to respond quickly to an unsafe driving
behavior by CMV drivers on our
Nation’s highways, FMCSA chose to
address the texting issue first because
research indicates that it is a very
dangerous activity based on the VTTI
Small Passenger-Carrying Vehicles
Advocates commented that texting by
drivers operating small buses,
transporting 9 to 15 passengers
including a driver, who are not required
to have a CDL, would not be prohibited
by this regulation. Advocates also stated
that, given the serious safety problems
involving small buses and 15 passenger
vans used in interstate commerce,
leaving non-school bus passengercarrying CMVs without Federal
protection from texting while driving is
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA agrees that these drivers
should be included in the final rule;
and, in fact, most would have been
covered. On February 1, 2010, in
response to section 4136 of SAFETEA–
LU, FMCSA published a final rule that
removed the regulatory exception for
small vehicles transporting passengers
for direct compensation operated within
75 miles of the driver’s starting location
(Safety Requirements for Operators of
Small Passenger-Carrying Commercial
Motor Vehicles Used in Interstate
Commerce, 75 FR 4996). Drivers
employed by such carriers were covered
by the proposed texting rule, and are
still covered by this final rule. Beyond
that, however, the final rule will also
now cover drivers of small-passenger
carrying vehicles (designed or used to
transport 9–15 passengers), not
receiving direct compensation, that are
otherwise exempt from most of the
FMCSRs under 49 CFR 390.3(f)(6), for
example hotel and rental car shuttle
services. The Agency includes this
driver group in the final rule to cover as
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many vehicle drivers as possible, within
its statutory authority.
Enforcement Mechanisms
The Transportation Trades
Department, AFL CIO (TTD) and the
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU)
expressed concern that, although
proposed § 392.80 states that ‘‘no motor
carrier shall allow or require its drivers
to engage in texting while driving,’’ the
NPRM does not articulate any
enforcement mechanism to hold
employers responsible for violations of
the provision.
ATA also asked the Agency to modify
the regulatory text to more clearly
define the term ‘‘allow’’ in proposed
§ 392.80. For example, if the motor
carrier has a policy that prohibits
texting and has evidence that it has
imposed progressive discipline on
drivers found in violation of the policy,
the motor carrier should not be held
accountable for texting violations. The
United Motorcoach Association (UMA)
and the National Association of
Motorcoach Operators had similar
comments on part 392. UMA stated a
preference for language that directs
carriers to develop policy and training
that instructs drivers to comply with
Federal laws pertaining to texting while
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA believes that enforcement
mechanisms are already in place. Many
commenters may not realize that motor
carriers and employers that allow or
require their drivers to text would be
subject to civil penalties of up to
$11,000, as already provided in 49
U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(A), 49 CFR 386.81, and
Appendix B to 49 CFR part 386,
paragraph (a)(3). The prohibition as it
applies to motor carriers, to not ‘‘allow
or require its drivers to engage in texting
while driving,’’ is similar to other
regulations applicable to carriers and
employers, which have been in effect for
many decades (49 CFR 390.11).
Therefore, FMCSA does not believe a
clearer definition of ‘‘allow’’ is
necessary. FMCSA notes that neither the
industry nor unions have expressed
difficulty achieving compliance with
similar, if not identical, regulatory
language elsewhere in the FMCSRs.
In response to UMA and NAMO
comments, due to the serious nature of
texting while driving, FMCSA believes
a regulatory duty should be imposed on
the carrier directly. Carriers may
institute internal policies and programs,
including educational programs, to meet
this duty.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
School Bus Operations
ATU believed it is unnecessary to
extend the ban to public school bus
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA is precluded by statute from
applying the FMCSRs to employees of
Federal, State and local governments,
even when they are engaged in
transportation in interstate commerce
(49 U.S.C. 31132(2) and (3)). This would
include drivers of school buses
employed by such government entities.
However, drivers employed by private
entities providing school bus
transportation under contract to
government entities will be covered, if
they are engaged in interstate
transportation. In addition, both
government and private drivers of
school buses requiring a CDL would be
subject to the CDL disqualification if
they are convicted of 2 or more serious
traffic violations, which can include a
conviction for violating a State traffic
law prohibiting texting while driving.
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Transit Agencies
In response to a request in the NPRM,
comments were received from
representatives of several transit
industry interests (i.e., the American
Public Transportation Association
(APTA), ATU, Simi Valley Transit)
outlining existing policies that include
the prohibition of texting on any device,
personal or transit agency-specific,
while operating transit vehicles. APTA
expressed its support for the rule, and
provided its recommended practice that
outlines distractions that should be
prohibited, including personal
electronic devices, as well as other
common distractions such as reading
print material and consuming food.
ATU stated that it is unnecessary to
extend the ban on texting to transit
employees because virtually all transit
agencies already have a ban on the use
of cell phones and electronic devices
while operating a vehicle. ATU
commented that it is important to
recognize the differences between a
long-haul bus system and a local transit
system, and allow exceptions for transit
agencies, whether operated by Federal,
State, or local government. Simi Valley
Transit supports the prohibition and
notes that its operators are prohibited
from texting on any type of
communication systems in their
FMCSA Response:
It is unsafe to text while operating a
CMV regardless of the operating
differences among motorcoach, school
bus, or local transit system vehicles.
There have been instances where transit
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vehicles were involved in an incident or
crash while the driver was using a
mobile phone or electronic device and
that activity was noted as a possible
contributing factor. In June 2008, a
video of a San Antonio bus crash was
aired on major news networks. The
video shows a city bus driver texting at
the wheel moments before crashing into
a sport utility vehicle.
However, FMCSA acknowledges that
the government exemption applies to
many transit and school bus operations
and their drivers. These drivers are only
subject to the CDL disqualification if the
violation occurs in a State that has State
or local traffic laws prohibiting texting
while driving as a serious traffic offense.
However, the Agency included as many
passenger-carrying drivers as possible,
within the scope of its statutory
Preemption of State and Local Laws
In response to a request for comments
on both texting policies and their
enforcement and on the applicability of
State laws and local ordinances to
school bus drivers, the Transportation
Workers Union of America, AFL–CIO
(TWU) stated that ‘‘this proposal needs
to minimize the preemption and keep
guidelines leveled,’’ citing the
provisions of 49 U.S.C. 31136(c)(2)(B).
CVSA commented that the rules should
not preempt the States’ ability to take
additional measures with respect to
non-CDL commercial drivers operating
in intrastate commerce. They were
concerned that the proposed rules might
directly or indirectly require the States
to ‘‘categorize’’ all currently exempted
non-CDL drivers operating in intrastate
commerce into the regulations. CVSA
suggested that such actions should be
left to the States through their
individual laws as they deem
appropriate. Any intent to bring these
drivers into the regulations should be
accomplished through a separate
FMCSA Response:
In the most general sense, under longstanding principles, the FMCSRs
establish minimum safety regulations
that may be supplemented by the States,
as long as they are consistent with the
regulations. The NPRM described the
effect of the proposed rules in
accordance with provisions already in
the FMCSRs, which establish the basis
for the scope of any preemption (75 FR
at 16398). Specifically, 49 CFR 390.9
Except as otherwise specifically indicated,
subchapter B of this chapter [III of Title 49,
CFR] is not intended to preclude States or
subdivisions thereof from establishing or
enforcing State or local laws relating to
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safety, the compliance with which would not
prevent full compliance with these
regulations by the persons subject thereto.
This provision allows the States and
their subdivisions to enforce their laws
and regulations relating to safety, as
long as that would not preclude persons
subject to the FMCSRs from fully
complying with them. This provision
satisfies the requirements of 49 U.S.C.
31136(c)(2)(B) by minimizing
unnecessary preemption and allowing
the States to establish additional
regulations that do not prevent full
compliance with the FMCSRs. (See also
49 U.S.C. 31141(c).)
In the case of States receiving grants
under the Motor Carrier Safety
Assistance Program (MCSAP), however,
there has been a continuous progression
towards uniform CMV safety standards
for both interstate and intrastate
transportation since MCSAP was first
enacted as part of the Surface
Transportation Assistance Act of 1982,
§§ 401–404, Public Law 97–424, 96 Stat.
2097, 2154 (Jan. 6, 1983). The statute
directs the Agency to provide grants to
the States for, among other things, ‘‘the
enforcement of regulations, standards,
and orders of the [Federal] Government
on commercial motor vehicle safety
* * * and compatible State regulations,
standards and orders’’ (49 U.S.C.
Following the enactment of section
4002(l) of Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991,
Public Law 102–240, 105 Stat. 1914,
2144 (Dec. 19, 1991) (ISTEA), the
Agency utilized that statutory authority
to establish conditions for States that
received MCSAP grants to preempt
incompatible State regulation of CMV
safety (Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
Program, 57 FR 13572, 13579–81 (Apr.
16, 1992) (NPRM) and 57 FR 40946,
40951–52 (Sep. 8, 1992) (final rule)).
The Agency noted (at 57 FR 13580) that:
Section 4002(l) of the ISTEA directs the
Secretary to issue final regulations specifying
tolerance guidelines and standards for
ensuring compatibility of intrastate
commercial motor vehicle safety laws and
regulations with the Federal motor carrier
safety regulations under the MCSAP. The
[Agency] has always administered the
MCSAP in a way that would promote the
enforcement by State agencies regardless
whether the inspected commercial motor
vehicles, drivers or motor carriers were
involved in interstate or intrastate commerce.
The [Agency] has consistently taken the
position that this was the intent of MCSAP
as originally enacted in the STAA of 1982,
and this provision confirms that position.
The Agency has issued tolerance
guidelines that allow certain limited
departures from the Federal standards
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
by intrastate CMV regulations, and those
guidelines were first codified, along
with procedures for periodic State and
Agency review of compatibility, in the
1992 MCSAP final rule. (See 57 FR
40951–52, 40957–58 (former 49 CFR
350.11) and 40961–62 (49 CFR part 350,
former App. C).) In addition, the process
for determining compatibility of State
laws with Federal regulations and
standards under the authority of 49
U.S.C. 31141 was combined with the
process for reviewing State funding
under MCSAP (57 FR 40952).
More recently, FMCSA reiterated that:
[T]he congressional intent and purpose of
the MCSAP [is] to ensure uniformity of
regulations and enforcement among the
States. Since the inception of the program,
the agency has required each State to enforce
uniform motor carrier safety and hazardous
materials regulations for both interstate and
intrastate motor carriers and drivers. Safety
standards in one State must be compatible
with the requirements in another State in
order to foster a uniform national safety
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(Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
Program, 65 FR 15092, 15098 (Mar. 21,
2000)). The MCSAP rules adopted in
2000 recodified and strengthened the
tolerance guidelines, which are now
found at 49 CFR 350.339–350.345.
With regard to CVSA’s comments on
the preemption of State safety regulation
of intrastate CMV drivers, FMCSA did
not propose in this rulemaking any
departure from the compatibility
requirements for intrastate CMVs and
drivers that are an essential element of
MCSAP. As explained in the NPRM, the
States receiving MCSAP grants will be
required, as a condition of receiving the
grants, to adopt compatible regulations
with regard to texting by CMV drivers
in accordance with the requirements of
49 CFR part 350. At the same time,
those States have the ability, at their
discretion, to utilize the limited
variances from MCSAP compatibility
allowed by 49 CFR 350.341, which
FMCSA is not modifying in this
rulemaking. Section 350.341 sets the
boundaries for the allowable variances
from the uniform Federal standard
governing texting by CMV drivers for
intrastate motor carrier operations in the
States receiving MCSAP grants.
State Adoption
The National Conference of State
Legislators (NCSL) requested that DOT
provide States with more than 3 years
to adopt the necessary laws and
regulations. NCSL recommended that
these new requirements be ‘‘excluded
from the sanctions and withholds that
exist in the underlying statute and
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FMCSA Response:
The Agency does not believe the
request is appropriate given the safety
risks of texting while driving. Three
years is more than enough time to adopt
this regulation, even if a State
legislature meets every other year to
pass new legislation. The Agency has
consistently allowed a maximum of 3
years for adoption of MCSAP
compatible regulations (49 CFR
350.331(d)). With regard to CDL
regulations, FMCSA is only adding a
new offense to an existing category of
‘‘Serious Traffic Violations.’’ No new
penalties have to be created by State
legislatures; they already exist in State
statutes and laws for existing serious
traffic violations set forth in § 383.51.
Furthermore, States have consistently
demonstrated their ability to implement
more complex and expansive
regulations in the past in fewer than 3
Several commenters noted that
enforcement will be difficult and
highlighted the current lack of
enforcement of existing laws. Some
commenters were concerned that
enforcement may take place only after
there is a crash. To the extent possible,
CVSA felt that regulations should not be
prescriptive, but rather performancebased, and efforts should be made to use
existing authorities for enforcement.
Several commenters worried about the
mechanics of enforcement.
In addition, OOIDA commented that
an enforcement plan is necessary to
ensure that enforcement of a restriction
on texting conforms to the requirements
of the Fourth Amendment’s provisions
governing searches and seizures. OOIDA
is most concerned about explaining
what, if any, access enforcement
personnel would have to electronic
devices present in a CMV and to the
information stored on the devices.
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA does not believe that
questions about specific enforcement
procedures are a basis for not taking
action to restrict texting while driving.
Enforcement of this rule will involve a
period of familiarization for both
Federal and State enforcement agencies.
If FMCSA were considering a rule
allowing texting under certain
circumstances, performance-based
standards might be suitable; they are not
a viable option for this rule, which
requires specific restriction concerning
an activity that compromises safety. As
part of its continuing effort to combat
distracted driving, DOT kicked off pilot
programs in Hartford, Connecticut, and
Syracuse, New York, to test whether
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increased law enforcement efforts can
lead distracted drivers to put down their
cell phones and focus on the road.
During one week of the pilot program in
Hartford, police cited more that 2,000
drivers for talking on mobile phones
and 200 more for texting while driving.
With regard to the Fourth Amendment
issues raised by OOIDA, enforcement
activities related to the implementation
of the final rule that involve acquisition
of evidence will be governed by the
principles established in judicial
precedents interpreting and applying
the Fourth Amendment and related
statutory provisions, such as the
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
of 1986, Public Law No. 99–508, 100
Stat. 1848 (1986). It is FMCSA’s view
that these principles should address the
concerns raised by OOIDA.
Several commenters said that the
proposed penalties are not harsh
enough. AIA stated that, since research
shows that texting while driving can
have an effect that is the same as or
worse than severely intoxicated driving,
the CDL penalties for texting should be
identical to those applicable to
intoxicated driving. On the other hand,
TTD and ATU stated the proposal
correctly sanctions CDL holders for
texting while driving only when they
are ‘‘operating a CMV’’ and not ‘‘while
operating a vehicle for which a CDL is
not required.’’
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA, to a degree, is constrained by
the applicable statutes in establishing
new CDL qualifications. Under 49
U.S.C. 31310(e), a CDL driver may only
be disqualified for committing multiple
violations of ‘‘serious traffic violations
involving a commercial motor vehicle
operated by the’’ CDL driver. This has
always been interpreted as requiring
that the offense be committed while
operating a CMV (see 49 CFR 383.51,
Table 2). This is the statutory authority
that FMCSA must rely on to add texting
while operating a CMV to the list of
serious traffic violations to provide the
basis for a possible disqualification of a
CDL driver. On the other hand, a
different statutory provision, 49 U.S.C.
31310(g), requires longer
disqualifications of a CDL driver with
multiple convictions involving a motor
vehicle (other than a CMV) of either: (1)
A serious offense ‘‘that has resulted in
the revocation, cancellation, or
suspension of the individual’s license’’;
or (2) a ‘‘drug or alcohol related offense’’
(Cf. 49 CFR 383.51, Table 2).
FMCSA is unaware of any State law
that provides for the revocation,
cancellation, or suspension of a driver’s
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
license when the driver is convicted of
texting while driving a non-CMV.
Therefore, the longer disqualification
period provided in Section 31310(g) is
not available for application to texting
in violation of State or local traffic laws.
Section 31310(e) does allow FMCSA
to specify that the period of
disqualification should be ‘‘at least 60
days’’ for obtaining two convictions
within a 3-year period and ‘‘at least 120
days’’ for obtaining three or more
convictions within a 3-year period.
However, the Agency decided that the
penalties for texting should be similar to
the disqualification periods for other
traffic violations already in place for
CMV drivers. The Agency considered
the severity of the penalties in the
development of the NPRM. FMCSA
based its decision on the level of
severity of the current penalty for other
serious violations such as reckless
driving and speeding, as provided by 49
U.S.C. 31310(e) and 49 CFR 383.51(c).
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Use of Federal Civil Penalties and State
Some commenters, including the
League of American Bicyclists,
suggested that any fines collected be
routed toward awareness programs,
marketing campaigns, street safety, and
targeted traffic enforcement. Others
suggested providing the funds to
infrastructure programs for other modes
of transportation such as walking,
cycling, and public transportation.
FMCSA Response:
While the Agency agrees with the
view that bicyclists and pedestrians are
vulnerable to distracted driving
behaviors, the Agency does not have
discretion in the use of Federal civil
penalties. The Agency cannot control
the use of funds collected by local
enforcement agencies through fines
received from traffic violations. Its
authority to direct the use of fines and
penalties collected by State and local
enforcement agencies receiving MCSAP
grants is limited to ensuring that the
States provide ‘‘satisfactory assurances
the [State] has or will have the legal
authority * * * necessary to enforce’’
CMV safety regulations (49 U.S.C.
31102(b)(1)(C)). FMCSA is required by
statute to deposit all civil penalties it
collects in the Highway Trust Fund (49
U.S.C. 521(b)(10)).
Data and Research on Texting by CMV
While commenters generally agreed
that existing research shows that texting
may seriously compromise safety, some
commenters found the existing research
to be inadequate. Though ATA
supported the NPRM, it commented that
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regulations should be based solely on
research and facts. CVSA believed that
there needs to be more research on the
issue of distracted driving, especially as
it relates to crashes and the different
types of distractions—both technologyand non-technology-related. TWU noted
that the basis for this rule has been
overall statistics, but not specific data
on texting by CMV drivers.
FMCSA Response:
In response to the NPRM, the Agency
did not receive any additional research
data on texting from the public. The
Agency reviewed existing research and
other data and concluded that texting
while driving is a dangerous activity.
FMCSA has data on texting by CMV
drivers, included in the VTTI study that
FMCSA published in 2009, ‘‘Driver
Distraction in Commercial Vehicle
Operations.’’ FMCSA finds that the
results from that study provide
sufficient data to justify a prohibition
against texting. The data demonstrate
safety-critical events that occurred
while texting by CMV drivers.
There is no basis for deferring a ban
against texting until additional research
is completed. If the industry believes
texting should be allowed under certain
circumstances, the Agency welcomes
the opportunity to engage in an open
forum to identify those circumstances
and the research which indicates that
safety would not be compromised by the
visual, cognitive, and manual
distraction associated with texting.
FMCSA notes that the VTTI study was
peer reviewed. The study data
highlighted the need for action rather
than the need for additional research.
Because limited CMV-specific data is
available, the rule is based in part, but
not entirely, on research studies of all
driver types, as described extensively in
both the NPRM and previously in this
final rule. FMCSA supports further
research that examines distracted
driving by CMV drivers and DOT
continues to conduct research on
distracted driving.
FMCSA received multiple comments
on the necessity of public education,
outreach, and awareness campaigns.
CVSA commented that safety efforts on
distracted driving need to include
enforcement, engineering, and
education initiatives. CVSA stated that
DOT and the appropriate modal
administrations, as well as Transport
Canada, will need to make adequate
resources available to the States and
other jurisdictions for enforcement and
education activities. NSC urged FMCSA
to support the rule’s effectiveness with
high-visibility enforcement campaigns,
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proven to reduce unsafe driver
behaviors and boost compliance, in
order to raise awareness, a necessary
step with new rules and laws. Several
commenters suggested that the Agency
mandate certain training curricula and
company policies in lieu of a
FMCSA Response:
The Agency agrees that enforcement
and outreach efforts are essential to
increase public awareness. DOT
campaigns, such as those addressing
seat belt use and drunk driving, have
proven to reduce injuries and fatalities.
DOT already has in place campaigns to
educate all vehicle drivers on distracted
driving. Platforms for sharing
information include the Web site, as well as
outreach on radio and television, which
have proven to reduce unsafe driver
behaviors and boost compliance
For more information on research,
outreach, and education, the reader may
reference the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) Driver
Distraction Program. This program is a
plan to communicate NHTSA’s
priorities to the public with regard to
driver distraction safety challenges,
focusing on the long-term goal of
eliminating crashes that are attributable
to distraction. The complete overview
can be found at https://
6835_DriverDistractionPlan_414_v6_tag.pdf. The Secretary considers
preventing distracted driving a priority
for the Department and has put $50
million into his Fiscal Year 2011 Budget
for education, awareness, and outreach.
Effect of a Texting Ban on Small
OOIDA stated that FMCSA did not
identify nor analyze the effect of the
proposed rule on small businesses
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
FMCSA Response:
As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) the
Agency conducted an economic analysis
of the impact of this rule on small
entities and certified that a Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis is not necessary
because the rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
subject to the requirements of this rule
(See the Final Regulatory Evaluation in
the docket for this rulemaking).
Non-CMV Drivers
Many commenters, including unions,
trade associations and bicyclists
suggested that this texting prohibition
be applied to all vehicle drivers,
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
including passenger car drivers,
motorcyclists, and bicyclists.
FMCSA Response:
While FMCSA agrees that no vehicle
driver should text while driving,
FMCSA is limited by its statutory
authority in its ability to regulate
distracted driving. The Agency’s direct
authority is limited to drivers of CMVs
in interstate commerce (49 U.S.C.
31136(a)). The Agency cannot address
any aspects of distracted driving by nonCMV drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians,
or bicyclists.
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Limiting the Use of Cell Phones and
Other Interactive Devices in CMVs
Approximately 50 commenters
requested a complete ban on cell phones
while driving CMVs. Many commenters
believed that other electronic devices
should be limited in the current rule or
recommended such a course for future
rulemaking. There was also concern that
the proposed rule might not go far
enough in addressing broader issues
related to distracted driving. While
NTSB acknowledged that FMCSA views
the prohibition of texting as a first step
and plans to proceed with additional
rulemaking on this issue in the near
future, NTSB wanted to ensure that the
larger issue of cell phone use by drivers
of CMVs is adequately addressed.
A number of comments addressed
other electronic devices generally found
in CMVs, such as citizens band radios,
GPS devices, and laptop computers, and
stated that they should be prohibited by
FMCSA. TTD noted that FMCSA plans
to address the use of other electronic
devices in separate rulemaking
proceedings, although they had
concerns regarding motor vehicle
operators who, they say, ‘‘are often
required to be dispatched by citizens
band radio, global position devices, and
other electronic technologies.’’
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA acknowledges there are safety
concerns about the level of distraction
associated with cell phone use. Also, it
is the subject of both an NTSB (H–06–
27) and a MCSAC recommendation. The
use of cell phones and other electronic
devices by CMV drivers for functions
other than texting, however, is outside
the scope of consideration in this
rulemaking. In order to address
expeditiously the dangers of texting
while driving and prevent future
crashes, injuries, and fatalities, the
Agency chose to first focus on texting,
as an especially risky behavior that can
cause physical, visual, and cognitive
distraction. FMCSA will evaluate other
aspects of distracted driving and
consider future actions.
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Disabling Cell Phones
Many commenters suggested using
technology to limit a driver’s ability to
operate a mobile telephone when
driving by having the phone
automatically disabled in a moving
vehicle. CVSA stated that electronic
devices, whether they are built into the
dash or nomadic devices, need to have
an ‘‘in-motion’’ mode to prevent their
use (unless in emergency situations)
during vehicle movement. CeRI
commenters suggested requiring all cell
phones to be programmed to shut down
texting, e-mail, and internet functions
whenever the phone travels faster than
5 or 10 miles per hour (mph) and stated
that manufacturers should be required
to add such functionality to all cell
FMCSA Response:
Requiring that such capabilities be
installed is beyond the scope of this
rulemaking. However, carriers are free
to explore and implement such
capabilities as they see fit.
IV. Discussion of Rule
The general structure of this final rule
follows the outline contained in the
NPRM (75 FR 16399). Any changes from
the NPRM are described below.
Section-by-Section Analysis
Federal Prohibition Against Texting by
Interstate CMV Drivers
Section 390.3
The Agency determined that it has the
authority to modify several regulatory
exemptions in the FMCSRs, including
one for school bus operations and one
for CMVs designed or used to transport
between 9 and 15 passengers (including
the driver), not for direct compensation
(49 CFR 390(f)(1) and (6)). This action
is necessary for public safety regarding
school bus transportation by interstate
motor carriers. In addition, the Agency
determined that the rule should apply to
the operation by drivers of smallpassenger carrying vehicles (designed to
transport 9–15 passengers) that are not
receiving direct compensation that are
otherwise exempt from most of the
FMCSRs under 49 CFR 390.3(f)(6).
Section 390.5
The Agency adds new definitions for
the terms ‘‘electronic device’’ and
‘‘texting,’’ for general application. The
definition of ‘‘driving’’ is incorporated
into the prohibition of texting while
driving a CMV in new § 392.80, in order
to restrict the use of the term to texting
activities and to avoid limiting the
scope of the term as used in other
provisions of the FMCSRs.
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The Agency did not incorporate
explanatory adjectives such as
‘‘handheld,’’ ‘‘portable,’’ and ‘‘personal’’
that had been included in other
documents because the Agency wanted
to focus on the behavior—not the
device. After consideration of the
comments, the texting definition
clarifies that any non-texting functions,
which include functions on dispatching
devices, fleet management systems,
smart phones, and similar ‘‘multifunction’’ devices (e.g., Global
Positioning System, hours of service
tracking capabilities, and music
playing), are not prohibited by this
Section 391.2
FMCSA amends 49 CFR 391.2, which
provides certain exceptions to the
requirements of part 391 for custom
farm operations, apiarian industries,
and specific farm vehicle drivers, to
enable the Agency to make violations of
the Federal texting prohibition a
disqualifying offense for such drivers.
While the explicit Federal prohibition
against texting applies directly to these
drivers, the disqualification provision
would not apply without this
amendment to the current exception
under 49 CFR 391.2.
Section 391.15
The Agency adds a new paragraph (e)
to this section to provide for the
disqualification of any driver convicted
of two or more violations of the new
prohibition set forth in § 392.80 from
operating a CMV in interstate
commerce. The change mirrors the
corresponding new provisions
governing the disqualification of CDL
drivers in § 383.51(c). The required
number of convictions to cause a
disqualification and the period of
disqualification are the same: 60 days
for the second offense within 3 years
and 120 days for three or more offenses
within 3 years. In addition, the first and
each subsequent violation of such a
prohibition are subject to civil penalties
imposed on such drivers, in an amount
up to $2,750 (49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(A), 49
CFR 386.81 and App. B, ¶ A(4)).
Section 392.80
In this section the Agency prohibits
texting while driving a CMV, as defined
in 49 CFR 390.5. In addition, the first
and each subsequent violation of such a
prohibition are subject to civil penalties
imposed on such drivers, in an amount
up to $2,750 (49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(A), 49
CFR 386.81 and App. B, ¶ A(4)).
Furthermore, this rule states that motor
carriers must not allow nor require
drivers to text while driving. Employers
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
may also be subject to civil penalties in
an amount up to $11,000 (49 U.S.C.
521(b)(2)(A), 49 CFR 386.81 and
Appendix B, paragraphs (a)(3) and (4)).
FMCSA also includes a provision in this
section to apply this new prohibition to
‘‘school bus operations notwithstanding
the general exception in 49 CFR
390.3(f)(1).’’ Therefore, school bus
drivers who are employed by nongovernment entities and who transport
school children and/or school personnel
between home and school in interstate
commerce are subject to the prohibition.
FMCSA determined this rule is
necessary for public safety regarding
school bus transportation by interstate
motor carriers. A definition of driving is
included in the rule. In addition, the
Agency applies the rule to the operation
by drivers of small-passenger carrying
vehicles (designed to transport 9–15
passengers) that are not receiving direct
compensation that are otherwise exempt
from most of the FMCSRs under 49 CFR
The rule provides for a limited
exception to the texting while driving
prohibition to allow CMV drivers to text
if necessary to communicate with law
enforcement officials or other
emergency services.
Federal Disqualification Standard for
CDL Drivers
FMCSA adds new definitions for the
terms ‘‘electronic device’’ and ‘‘texting’’
for application in part 383. The Agency
adds a broad definition of electronic
device in order to cover the multitude
of devices that allow users to enter and
read text messages. However, the
Agency is not prohibiting the use of
such devices by CMV drivers for
purposes other than texting. The
definition of texting identifies the type
of activity that is covered by this rule.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
Section 383.51
In Table 2, FMCSA adds a new
serious traffic violation that will result
in a CDL driver being disqualified. This
serious traffic violation is a conviction
for violating a State or local law or
ordinance prohibiting texting while
driving a CMV. FMCSA adds a
description of what is considered
‘‘driving’’ for the purpose of this
disqualification. FMCSA notes that the
conviction must involve ‘‘texting’’ while
operating a CMV and excludes
convictions for texting by a CDL driver
while operating a vehicle for which a
CDL is not required. The Agency’s
decision is consistent with the
provisions of 49 U.S.C. 31310(e), which
indicates the serious traffic violation
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Section 384.301
New paragraph (e) of § 384.301
requires all States that issue CDLs to
implement the new provisions in
§ 383.51(c) that relate to disqualifying
CDL drivers for committing the new
serious traffic violation of texting while
driving a CMV as soon as practicable,
but not later than 3 years after the
effective date of this regulation.
State Compatibility
Section 383.5
VerDate Mar<15>2010
must occur while the driver is operating
a CMV that requires a CDL; the
operative provisions in the revised table
limit the types of violations that could
result in a disqualification accordingly.
Every State that issues CDLs is
required to impose this disqualification
on a driver required to have a CDL
issued by that State whenever that CDL
driver is convicted of the necessary
number of violations (for 60 days for the
second offense within 3 years and for
120 days for 3 or more offenses within
3 years) while operating in States where
such conduct is prohibited. This is the
case even if the State issuing the
disqualification does not have its own
law on motor vehicle traffic control
prohibiting texting while operating a
CMV. (See 49 U.S.C. 31310(e) and
31311(a)(15), and 49 CFR 384.218 and
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program
States that receive MCSAP grant
funds are required, as a condition of
receiving the grants, to adopt
regulations on texting that are
compatible with these final regulations
(49 U.S.C. 31102(a) and 49 CFR
350.201(a)). States under MCSAP will
have to adopt regulations compatible
with the prohibition on texting (in
§ 392.80) and the related
disqualification (in § 391.15(e))
applicable to both interstate and
intrastate transportation as soon as
practicable, but not later than 3 years
after the effective date of this regulation
(49 CFR 350.331(d)). If States do not
adopt compatible regulations
prohibiting texting while driving a CMV
and related disqualifications, they may
not receive full MCSAP grant funding.
Because States perform the
overwhelming majority of commercial
vehicle roadside inspections and
perform all traffic stops, enforcement of
the final rule would be carried out
primarily by the States. The requirement
for States to adopt and enforce
compatible rules does not, in and of
itself, establish enforcement priorities
for States. Each year, States submit to
FMCSA a Commercial Vehicle Safety
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Plan (CVSP) in which the States set
safety performance goals and priorities.
Therefore, FMCSA assumes that the
adoption of compatible State rules
would not necessarily result in
increased enforcement costs. The States
would include enforcement of a texting
ban in their CVSPs as warranted by their
analysis of truck and bus crash data, but
they would not be required to prioritize
enforcement based solely on the
issuance of this rule. States that
currently have texting prohibitions may
not incur much in costs, whereas states
that do not may have to allocate new
resources and undertake new expenses.
FMCSA did not quantify additional
costs that these states might bear as a
result of this rule. Participating States
may use MCSAP grant money for
enforcement of this rule.
CDL Program
States that issue CDLs are required to
adopt and implement the CDL
disqualification provisions that require
disqualification for two or more
convictions of violating a State or local
traffic law or ordinance prohibiting
texting while driving a CMV. States
should be in compliance as soon as
practicable, but not later than 3 years
after the effective date of these
regulations. If they do not comply, they
may be subject to the loss of up to 5
percent in the first year of substantial
non-compliance and up to 10 percent in
subsequent years of certain Federal-aid
highway amounts apportioned to the
State (49 U.S.C. 31311(a) and 31314).
V. Regulatory Analyses
FMCSA amends the FMCSRs to
restrict texting, including texting while
using dispatching devices and fleet
management systems, by certain drivers
while operating CMVs in interstate
commerce. The Agency also amends the
FMCSRs to impose sanctions, including
civil penalties and disqualification, on
such drivers who do not comply with
this final rule. The goal of the regulatory
revision is to prevent or reduce the
prevalence of truck and bus crashes,
fatalities, and injuries on our Nation’s
highways due to texting while driving.
In addition, the revisions will reduce
the financial and environmental
burdens associated with these crashes,
and promote the efficient movement of
traffic and commerce on interstate
Recent studies, including one
commissioned by FMCSA, show that
texting is among the riskiest behaviors
of the distracting activities that are
undertaken by CMV drivers. Because
texting while driving is a fairly recent
phenomenon, empirical research on its
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
impact on safety is limited. FMCSA
carefully evaluated all available
national-level crash data and found the
data do show that distracted driving
often results in crashes. While these
data do not identify the number of
fatalities or crashes attributable to
texting, there are numerous studies on
driver distraction in general. FMCSA
analyzed those studies and found that
many of their findings can be applied as
a supplementary explanation to a
texting prohibition. With regard to the
current data on texting, the regulatory
analysis focuses on one particular
study—‘‘Driver Distraction in
Commercial Vehicle Operations’’ (VTTI
Study)—which, though limited in scope
and application, does shed light on the
potential harm of texting while driving
Currently, FMCSA does not have
sufficient data that show an explicit
empirical link between texting and CMV
crashes. Therefore, the Agency
exercised its professional judgment
consistent with Office of Management
and Budget Circular A–4 (‘‘Regulatory
Analysis’’) and conducted a threshold
analysis. A threshold or break-even
analysis is called for when it is
impossible, or difficult, to express in
monetary units all of the important
benefits and costs of a rule. The most
efficient alternative will not necessarily
be the one with the largest quantified
and monetized net-benefit estimate. In
such cases, the Agency is required to
make a determination of how important
the non-quantified benefits or costs may
be in the context of the overall analysis.
The threshold analysis approach
therefore answers the question: How
small does the value of the nonquantified benefits (safety benefits in
terms of crash prevention) have to be in
order for the rule to yield zero net
benefits (i.e., break even)?
This regulatory evaluation considers
the following potential costs: (a) Loss in
carrier productivity due to time spent
while parking or pulling over to the side
of the roadway to perform texting
activities; (b) increased fuel usage due to
idling as well as exiting and entering the
travel lanes of the roadway; (c)
increased crash risk due to CMVs that
are parked on the side of the roadway
and exiting and entering the travel lanes
of the roadway; and (d) costs to the
The Agency estimates that this rule
will cost $3.8 million annually. Current
guidance from the Office of the
Secretary of Transportation (OST)
places the value of a statistical life at
$6.0 million. Consequently, the texting
restriction would have to eliminate at
most one fatality every year in order for
the benefits of this rule to at least equal
the costs. Given the unchecked
expansion of texting, FMCSA believes
the rule will save lives and prevent a
substantial number of crashes.
Therefore, the rule is justified based on
the safety benefits. The table below
presents a summary of the estimated
costs of this rule and a threshold
analysis of the number of fatalities that
would need to be avoided in order to
break even.
adjusts to the texting restriction and as
new (permissible) technologies arise
that compensate for the loss of the
texting functionality. FMCSA is
unaware of the specific future
technologies that might arise, but we
continue to research and monitor
technological changes in the market.
States are responsible for adopting
compatible State rules within three
years of the date of the final rule.
Because States perform the
overwhelming majority of commercial
vehicle roadside inspections and
perform all traffic stops, enforcement of
the final rule would be carried out
primarily by the States. The requirement
for States to adopt and enforce
compatible rules does not, in and of
itself, establish enforcement priorities
for States. Each year, States submit to
FMCSA a Commercial Vehicle Safety
Plan (CVSP) in which the States set
safety performance goals and priorities.
Therefore, FMCSA assumes that the
adoption of compatible State rules
would not necessarily result in
increased enforcement costs. The States
would include enforcement of a texting
SUMMARY OF COSTS AND THRESHOLD ban in their CVSPs as warranted by their
analysis of truck and bus crash data, but
they would not be required to prioritize
Lost Carrier Productivity (millions) ...
$0.3 enforcement based solely on the
Increased Fuel Consumption (milissuance of this rule. States that
lions) ..............................................
currently have texting prohibitions may
Parking, Entering, and Exiting Roadway Crashes (millions) ..................
$0.2 not incur much in costs, whereas states
Costs to the States ...........................
*$2.2 that do not may have to allocate new
resources and undertake new expenses.
Total Costs ................................
$3.8 FMCSA did not quantify additional
costs that these states might bear as a
Benefit of Eliminating One Fatality
result of this rule. Participating States
(millions) ........................................
Break-even Number of Lives Saved
<1 may use MCSAP grant money for
enforcement of this rule.
* One-time cost.
FMCSA also conducted a 10-year
The productivity losses, as well as
annualized projection of the discounted
other costs, were estimated for only one costs and benefits of the rule, in which
year, as the entire threshold analysis
the benefits are simply the value of
was performed as an undiscounted
statistical life saved (i.e., $6 million).
annual estimation. The loss of
The results, summarized below, show
productivity is expected to diminish,
that the net benefits, under both a 3%
(but not necessarily vanish within one
discount rate and a 7% discount rate,
year), as the motor carrier industry
are positive.
3% discount rate
10-Year discounting
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
Total Costs ...............................................................................................................................
Total Benefits* .........................................................................................................................
Net Benefits .............................................................................................................................
7% discount rate
* $6 million VSL.
FMCSA also conducted a sensitivity
analysis (the details of which are
contained in Appendix A of the
regulatory evaluation) whereby the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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extent of texting while using a
dispatching device or fleet management
system is varied. The results of that
analysis show an estimated minimum
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total cost of this rule of approximately
$1.4 million and an estimated maximum
total cost of approximately $2.0 million.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Assistance for Small Entities
Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory
Planning and Review) and DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures
FMCSA has determined that this
rulemaking action is a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
12866, Regulatory Planning and Review,
and significant under DOT regulatory
policies and procedures because of the
substantial Congressional and public
interest concerning the crash risks
associated with distracted driving, even
though the economic costs of the rule do
not exceed the $100 million annual
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(5 U.S.C. 601–612) requires Federal
agencies to consider the effects of the
regulatory action on small business and
other small entities and to minimize any
significant economic impact. The term
‘‘small entities’’ comprises small
businesses and not-for-profit
organizations that are independently
owned and operated and are not
dominant in their fields, and
governmental jurisdictions with
populations of less than 50,000. DOT
policy also requires an analysis of the
impact of all regulations on small
entities, and mandates that agencies
strive to lessen any adverse effects on
these businesses.
FMCSA has conducted an economic
analysis of the impact of this rule on
small entities and certifies that a
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not
necessary because the rule will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
subject to the requirements of this rule.
This rulemaking will affect all of the
approximately 493,480 27 small entities.
However, the direct costs of this rule
that small entities may incur are only
expected to be minimal. They consist of
the costs of lost productivity from
foregoing texting while on duty and fuel
usage costs for pulling to the side of the
road to idle the truck or passengercarrying vehicle and send or receive a
text message. The majority of motor
carriers are small entities. Therefore,
FMCSA will use the total cost of the
rule in the first year ($3.8 million)
applied to the number of small entities
(493,480) as a worst case evaluation
which would average $7.70 per carrier.
In subsequent years, the cost of the rule
per carrier is estimated to be $3.30.
27 This number represents 99% of 498,465, the
current number of interstate motor carriers with
recent activity (source: MCMIS data 6/17/2010).
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Under section 213(a) of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121),
FMCSA wants to assist small entities in
understanding this rule so that they can
better evaluate its effects on them and
participate in the rulemaking. If the rule
would affect your small business,
organization, or governmental
jurisdiction and you have questions
concerning its provisions or options for
compliance, please consult the FMCSA
personnel listed in the FOR FURTHER
rule. FMCSA will not retaliate against
small entities that question or complain
about this rule or any policy or action
Small businesses may send comments
on the actions of Federal employees
who enforce, or otherwise determine
compliance with, Federal regulations to
the Small Business and Agriculture
Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman
and the Regional Small Business
Regulatory Fairness Boards. The
Ombudsman evaluates these actions
annually and rates each agency’s
responsiveness to small business. If you
wish to comment on actions by
employees of FMCSA, call 1–888–REG–
FAIR (1–888–734–3247).
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their discretionary regulatory actions. In
particular, the Act addresses actions
that may result in the expenditure by a
State, local, or tribal government, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of
$140.8 million (which is the value of
$100 million in 2009 after adjusting for
inflation) or more in any 1 year. Though
this rule would not result in such
expenditure, FMCSA discusses the
effects of this rule elsewhere in this
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule would call for no new
collection of information under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501–3520).
Privacy Impact Assessment
FMCSA conducted a Privacy
Threshold Analysis (PTA) for the rule
on limiting the use of wireless
communication devices and determined
that it is not a privacy-sensitive
rulemaking because the rule will not
require any collection, maintenance, or
dissemination of Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) from or about members
of the public.
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Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
A rule has implications for federalism
under Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct
effect on State or local governments, on
the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of powers and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
FMCSA recognizes that, as a practical
matter, this rule may have an impact on
the States. Accordingly, the Agency
sought advice from the National
Governors Association (NGA), NCSL,
and the American Association of Motor
Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) on
the topic of texting by letters dated
December 18, 2009. (A copy of these
letters is available in the docket for this
rulemaking). In addition, FMCSA met
with representatives from NGA, NCSL,
and AAMVA on February 3, 2010, to
discuss FMCSA’s rulemaking initiatives.
The State interests that met with
FMCSA did not express any concerns,
then or later, with the proposed course
of action, and did not file any
For a full discussion of any
preemption issues, see section III.
Discussion of Comments, Preemption of
State and Local Laws.
Executive Order 12630 (Taking of
Private Property)
This rule would not effect a taking of
private property or otherwise have
taking implications under Executive
Order 12630, Governmental Actions and
Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Property Rights.
Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice
This rule meets applicable standards
in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive
Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to
minimize litigation, eliminate
ambiguity, and reduce burden.
Executive Order 13045 (Protection of
FMCSA analyzed this rule under
Executive Order 13045, Protection of
Children from Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks. This rule is not
an economically significant rule and
would not create an environmental risk
to health or risk to safety that might
disproportionately affect children.
Executive Order 13211 (Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use)
FMCSA analyzed this rule under
Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use. FMCSA
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
determined that it is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ under that order. Though
it is a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866, it is not
likely to have a significant adverse effect
on the supply, distribution, or use of
energy. The Administrator of the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs
has not designated it as a significant
energy action. Therefore, it does not
require a Statement of Energy Effects
under Executive Order 13211.
Technical Standards
The National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act (15 U.S.C. 272
note) directs agencies to use voluntary
consensus standards in their regulatory
activities unless the agency provides
Congress, through OMB, with an
explanation of why using these
standards would be inconsistent with
applicable law or otherwise impractical.
Voluntary consensus standards are
technical standards (e.g., specifications
of materials, performance, design, or
operation; test methods; sampling
procedures; and related management
systems practices) that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies.
The Agency is not aware of any
technical standards used to address
texting and therefore did not consider
any standards.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
National Environmental Policy Act
The Agency analyzed this rule for the
purpose of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.) and determined under our
environmental procedures Order 5610.1,
published March 1, 2004, in the Federal
Register (69 FR 9680), that this action
requires an Environmental Assessment
(EA) to determine if a more extensive
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
is required. FMCSA finds the impacts to
the environment do not warrant the
more extensive EIS, thus FMCSA issues
a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI). The findings of the EA reveal
that there are no significant positive or
negative impacts on the environment
expected to result from the rulemaking
action. There could be minor impacts on
emissions, hazardous materials spills,
solid waste, socioeconomics, and public
health and safety.
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FMCSA has also analyzed this rule
under section 176(c) of the Clean Air
Act (CAA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401
et seq.), and implementing regulations
promulgated by the Environmental
Protection Agency. Approval of this
action is exempt from the CAA’s general
conformity requirement since it would
not result in any potential increase in
emissions that is above the general
conformity rule’s de minimis emission
threshold levels (40 CFR 93.153(c)(2)).
Moreover, based on our analysis, it is
reasonably foreseeable that the rule
would not significantly increase total
CMV mileage, nor would it change the
routing of CMVs, how CMVs operate, or
the CMV fleet mix of motor carriers.
This action merely establishes
requirements to prohibit texting while
driving for CMV drivers and establishes
a procedure for disqualification.
List of Subjects
49 CFR Part 383
Administrative practice and
procedure, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse,
Highway safety, Motor carriers.
49 CFR Part 384
Administrative practice and
procedure, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse,
Highway safety, Motor carriers.
49 CFR Part 390
Highway safety, Intermodal
transportation, Motor carriers, Motor
vehicle safety, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
49 CFR Part 391
Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Drug
testing, Highway safety, Motor carriers,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Safety, Transportation.
49 CFR Part 392
Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Highway
safety, Motor carriers.
■ For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, FMCSA amends 49 CFR parts
383, 384, 390, 391, and 392 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 383
continues to read as follows:
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Authority: 49 U.S.C. 521, 31136, 31301 et
seq., and 31502; secs. 214 and 215 of Pub. L.
106–159, 113 Stat. 1766, 1767; sec. 1012(b)
of Pub. L. 107–56; 115 Stat. 397; sec. 4140
of Pub. L. 109–59, 119 Stat. 1144, 1726; and
49 CFR 1.73.
2. Amend § 383.5 by adding the
following definitions in alphabetical
§ 383.5
Electronic device includes, but is not
limited to, a cellular telephone; personal
digital assistant; pager; computer; or any
other device used to input, write, send,
receive, or read text.
Texting means manually entering
alphanumeric text into, or reading text
from, an electronic device.
(1) This action includes, but is not
limited to, short message service, emailing, instant messaging, a command
or request to access a World Wide Web
page, or engaging in any other form of
electronic text retrieval or entry, for
present or future communication.
(2) Texting does not include:
(i) Reading, selecting, or entering a
telephone number, an extension
number, or voicemail retrieval codes
and commands into an electronic device
for the purpose of initiating or receiving
a phone call or using voice commands
to initiate or receive a telephone call;
(ii) Inputting, selecting, or reading
information on a global positioning
system or navigation system; or
(iii) Using a device capable of
performing multiple functions (e.g., fleet
management systems, dispatching
devices, smart phones, citizens band
radios, music players, etc.) for a purpose
that is not otherwise prohibited in this
3. Amend § 383.51 by adding a new
paragraph (c)(9) to Table 2 to read as
§ 383.51
Disqualifications of Drivers.
(c) * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 2 TO § 383.51
If the driver operates a motor
vehicle and is convicted of:
(9) Violating a State or local law
or ordinance on motor vehicle
traffic control prohibiting
texting while driving.2
For a second conviction of any
combination of offenses in this
Table in a separate incident
within a 3-year period while
operating a CMV, a person required to have a CDL and a
CDL holder must be disqualified from operating a CMV for
For a second conviction of any
combination of offenses in this
Table in a separate incident
within a 3-year period while
operating a non-CMV, a CDL
holder must be disqualified
from operating a CMV, if the
conviction results in the revocation, cancellation, or suspension of the CDL holder’s license or non-CMV driving
privileges, for . . .
For a third or subsequent conviction of any combination of
offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year
period while operating a CMV,
a person required to have a
CDL and a CDL holder must
be disqualified from operating
a CMV for . . .
For a third or subsequent conviction of any combination of
offenses in this Table in a separate incident within a 3-year
period while operating a nonCMV, a CDL holder must be
disqualified from operating a
CMV, if the conviction results
in the revocation, cancellation,
or suspension of the CDL
holder’s license or non-CMV
driving privileges, for . . .
60 days ....................................
Not applicable .........................
120 days ..................................
Not applicable.
2 Driving, for the purpose of this disqualification, means operating a commercial motor vehicle, with the motor running, including while temporarily stationary because of traffic, a traffic control device, or other momentary delays. Driving does not include operating a commercial motor vehicle with or without the motor running
when the driver has moved the vehicle to the side of, or off, a highway, as defined in 49 CFR 390.5, and has halted in a location where the vehicle can safely remain
4. The authority citation for part 384
continues to read as follow:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 31136, 31301 et seq.,
and 31502; secs. 103 and 215 of Pub. L. 106–
159, 113 Stat. 1753, 1767; and 49 CFR 1.73.
5. Amend § 384.301 by adding a new
paragraph (e) to read as follows:
§ 384.301 Substantial compliance—
general requirements.
(e) A State must come into substantial
compliance with the requirements of
subpart B of this part in effect as of
October 27, 2010 as soon as practical,
but not later than October 28, 2013.
6. The authority citation for part 390
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 508, 13301, 13902,
31133, 31136, 31144, 31151, 31502, 31504;
sec. 204, Pub. L. 104–88, 109 Stat. 803, 941
(49 U.S.C. 701 note); sec. 114, Pub. L. 103–
311, 108 Stat. 1673, 1677; sec. 217, 229, Pub.
L. 106–159, 113 Stat. 1748, 1767, 1773; and
49 CFR 1.73.
7. Amend § 390.3 by revising
paragraph (f)(1) and (f)(6) to read as
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
§ 390.3
General applicability.
(f) * * *
(1) All school bus operations as
defined in § 390.5 except for the
provisions of §§ 391.15(e) and 392.80;
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:28 Sep 24, 2010
Jkt 220001
8. Amend § 390.5 by adding the
following definitions in alphabetical
(6) The operation of commercial
motor vehicles designed or used to
transport between 9 and 15 passengers
(including the driver), not for direct
compensation, provided the vehicle
does not otherwise meet the definition
of a commercial motor vehicle except
for the texting provisions of §§ 391.15(e)
and 392.80, and except that motor
carriers operating such vehicles are
required to comply with §§ 390.15,
390.19, and 390.21(a) and (b)(2).
§ 390.5
Electronic device includes, but is not
limited to, a cellular telephone; personal
digital assistant; pager; computer; or any
other device used to input, write, send,
receive, or read text.
Texting means manually entering
alphanumeric text into, or reading text
from, an electronic device.
(1) This action includes, but is not
limited to, short message service, emailing, instant messaging, a command
or request to access a World Wide Web
page, or engaging in any other form of
electronic text retrieval or electronic
text entry for present or future
(2) Texting does not include:
(i) Reading, selecting, or entering a
telephone number, an extension
number, or voicemail retrieval codes
and commands into an electronic device
for the purpose of initiating or receiving
a phone call or using voice commands
to initiate or receive a telephone call;
Frm 00079
Fmt 4700
9. The authority citation for part 391
continues to read as follows:
PO 00000
(ii) Inputting, selecting or reading
information on a global positioning
system or navigation system; or
(iii) Using a device capable of
performing multiple functions (e.g., fleet
management systems, dispatching
devices, smart phones, citizens band
radios, music players, etc.) for a purpose
that is not otherwise prohibited in part
Sfmt 4700
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 504, 508, 31133,
31136, and 31502; sec. 4007(b) of Pub. L.
102–240, 105 Stat. 2152; sec. 114 of Pub. L.
103–311, 108 Stat. 1673, 1677; sec. 215 of
Pub. L. 106–159, 113 Stat. 1767; and 49 CFR
10. Revise § 391.2 to read as follows:
§ 391.2
General exceptions.
(a) Farm custom operation. The rules
in this part except for § 391.15(e) do not
apply to a driver who drives a
commercial motor vehicle controlled
and operated by a person engaged in
custom-harvesting operations, if the
commercial motor vehicle is used to—
(1) Transport farm machinery,
supplies, or both, to or from a farm for
custom-harvesting operations on a farm;
(2) Transport custom-harvested crops
to storage or market.
(b) Apiarian industries. The rules in
this part except for § 391.15(e) do not
apply to a driver who is operating a
commercial motor vehicle controlled
and operated by a beekeeper engaged in
the seasonal transportation of bees.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 186 / Monday, September 27, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
(c) Certain farm vehicle drivers. The
rules in this part except for § 391.15(e)
do not apply to a farm vehicle driver
except a farm vehicle driver who drives
an articulated (combination)
commercial motor vehicle, as defined in
§ 390.5. For limited exemptions for farm
vehicle drivers of articulated
commercial motor vehicles, see
§ 391.67.
■ 11. Amend § 391.15 by adding a new
paragraph (e) to read as follows:
§ 391.15
Disqualification of drivers.
(e) Disqualification for violation of
prohibition of texting while driving a
commercial motor vehicle—
(1) General rule. A driver who is
convicted of violating the prohibition of
texting in § 392.80(a) of this chapter is
disqualified for the period of time
specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this
(2) Duration. Disqualification for
violation of prohibition of texting while
driving a commercial motor vehicle—
(i) Second violation. A driver is
disqualified for 60 days if the driver is
convicted of two violations of
§ 392.80(a) of this chapter in separate
incidents during any 3-year period.
(ii) Third or subsequent violation. A
driver is disqualified for 120 days if the
driver is convicted of three or more
violations of § 392.80(a) of this chapter
in separate incidents during any 3-year
12. The authority citation for part 392
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 13902, 31136, 31151,
31502; and 49 CFR 1.73.
13. Amend part 392 by adding a new
subpart H to read as follows:
Subpart H—Limiting the Use of
Electronic Devices
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with RULES
§ 392.80
Prohibition against texting.
(a) Prohibition. No driver shall engage
in texting while driving.
(b) Motor Carriers. No motor carrier
shall allow or require its drivers to
engage in texting while driving.
(c) Definition. For the purpose of this
section only, driving means operating a
commercial motor vehicle, with the
motor running, including while
temporarily stationary because of traffic,
a traffic control device, or other
momentary delays. Driving does not
include operating a commercial motor
vehicle with or without the motor
running when the driver moved the
vehicle to the side of, or off, a highway,
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:28 Sep 24, 2010
Jkt 220001
as defined in 49 CFR 390.5, and halted
in a location where the vehicle can
safely remain stationary.
(d) Exceptions. (1) School bus
operations and vehicles designed or
used to transport 9 to 15 passengers,
including the driver, not for direct
compensation. The provisions of
§ 390.3(f)(1) and (6) are not applicable to
this section.
(2) Emergency Use. Texting while
driving is permissible by drivers of a
commercial motor vehicle when
necessary to communicate with law
enforcement officials or other
emergency services.
Issued on: September 17, 2010.
Anne S. Ferro,
[FR Doc. 2010–23861 Filed 9–24–10; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 300
[Docket No. 080228336–0435–02]
RIN 0648–AW09
Implementation of Regional Fishery
Management Organizations’ Measures
Pertaining to Vessels That Engaged in
Illegal, Unreported, or Unregulated
Fishing Activities
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
NMFS publishes this final
rule to implement international
conservation and management measures
that pertain to vessels that have been
identified by any one of several regional
fishery management organizations
(RFMOs), identified below, as having
engaged in illegal, unreported, and
unregulated (IUU) fishing activities and
added to IUU vessel lists. The United
States is a member of, and obligated to
implement measures adopted by, the
International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT),
Commission for the Conservation of
Antarctic Marine Living Resources
(CCAMLR), Northwest Atlantic
Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Western
and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission (WCPFC), Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC),
and the Agreement on the International
Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP).
PO 00000
Frm 00080
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
This rule provides the NOAA Assistant
Administrator for Fisheries (Assistant
Administrator) with authority to restrict
entry into any port or place of the
United States of, and access to port
services by, foreign vessels on the IUU
vessel lists of the aforementioned
RFMOs. It also gives the Assistant
Administrator authority to prohibit such
vessels from engaging in commercial
transactions, including, but not limited
to, landing and transshipping products.
Furthermore, the rule prohibits persons
and business entities subject to U.S.
jurisdiction from providing certain
services to, or engaging in commercial
transactions with, such vessels.
DATES: Effective October 27, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Copies of supporting
documents that were prepared for this
final rule, such as the proposed rule, are
available via the Federal e-Rulemaking
portal, at
These documents are also available from
the Trade and Marine Stewardship
Division, Office of International Affairs,
NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910.
Ae Kim, Trade and Marine Stewardship
Division, Office of International Affairs,
NMFS ((phone) 301–713–9090, (fax)
301–713–9106, or (e-mail)
On January 11, 2010, NMFS
published a proposed rule in the
Federal Register (75 FR 1324) to address
vessels that are on the IUU vessel lists
maintained by RFMOs to which the
United States is a party. As mentioned
in the proposed rule, the effective
management of certain marine resources
is dependent on compliance with
conservation and management measures
of RFMOs. The vessels that are included
on the IUU vessels lists were identified
by RFMOs as having engaged in
activities that undermine the
effectiveness of conservation and
management measures. Examples of
such IUU fishing activity include:
• Fishing in an RFMO’s management
(or convention) area without
• Failing to record or declare their
catches, or making false reports;
• Using prohibited fishing gear in
contravention of conservation measures;
• Transshipping with, or
participating in joint operations with,
re-supplying, or re-fueling vessels
included in IUU vessel lists.
The proposed rule was open for
public comment through February 25,
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 186 (Monday, September 27, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 59118-59136]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-23861]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
49 CFR Parts 383, 384, 390, 391, and 392
[Docket No. FMCSA-2009-0370]
RIN 2126-AB22
Limiting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
prohibits texting by commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers while
operating in interstate commerce and imposes sanctions, including civil
penalties and disqualification from operating CMVs in interstate
commerce, for drivers who fail to comply with this rule. Additionally,
motor carriers are prohibited from requiring or allowing their drivers
to engage in texting while driving. FMCSA amends its commercial
driver's license (CDL) regulations to add to the list of disqualifying
offenses a conviction under State or local traffic laws or ordinances
that prohibit texting by CDL drivers while operating a CMV, including
school bus drivers. Recent research commissioned by FMCSA shows that
the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event (e.g., crash,
near-crash, unintentional lane deviation) is 23.2 times greater for CMV
drivers who engage in texting while driving than for those who do not.
This rulemaking increases safety on the Nation's highways by reducing
the prevalence of or preventing certain truck- and bus-related crashes,
fatalities, and injuries associated with distracted driving.
DATES: The final rule is effective October 27, 2010.
ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to read background documents,
including those referenced in this document, or to read comments
received, go to at any time and insert
FMCSA-2009-0370 in the ``Keyword'' box, and then click ``Search.'' You
may also view the docket online by visiting the Docket Management
Facility in Room W12-140, DOT Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. e.t., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions about this rule,
contact the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Vehicle and
Roadside Operation Division, at 202-366-1225 or
Table of Contents for Preamble
I. Abbreviations
II. Background
A. Legal Authority
B. Overview of Driver Distraction and Texting
C. Support for a Texting Prohibition
D. Investigations and Studies on Driver Distraction
E. Existing Texting Prohibitions and Restrictions by Federal,
State, and Local Governments
III. Discussion of Comments
IV. Discussion of Rule
V. Regulatory Analyses
I. Abbreviations
AAMVA................................ American Association of Motor
Vehicle Administrators.
Advocates............................ Advocates for Highway and Auto
AIA.................................. American Insurance Association.
APTA................................. American Public Transportation
ATA.................................. American Trucking Associations,
ATU.................................. Amalgamated Transit Union.
CDL.................................. Commercial Driver's License.
CeRI................................. Cornell eRulemaking Initiative.
CMV.................................. Commercial Motor Vehicle.
CTA.................................. Chicago Transit Authority.
[[Page 59119]]
CVSA................................. Commercial Vehicle Safety
DOT.................................. U.S. Department of
FARS................................. Fatality Analysis Reporting
FMCSA................................ Federal Motor Carrier Safety
FMCSRs............................... Federal Motor Carrier Safety
FR................................... Federal Register.
FRA.................................. Federal Railroad Administration.
GES.................................. General Estimates System.
MCSAC................................ Motor Carrier Safety Advisory
MCSAP................................ Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
NAICS................................ North American Industry
Classification System.
NCSL................................. National Conference of State
NGA.................................. National Governors Association.
NHTSA................................ National Highway Traffic Safety
NMVCCS............................... National Motor Vehicle Crash
Causation Survey.
NPRM................................. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
NSC.................................. National Safety Council.
NTSB................................. National Transportation Safety
OMB.................................. Office of Management and Budget.
OOIDA................................ Owner-Operator Independent
Drivers Association, Inc.
PAR.................................. Population Attributable Risk.
TTD.................................. Transportation Trades Department,
TWU.................................. Transportation Workers Union of
America, AFL-CIO.
UMA.................................. United Motorcoach Association.
VTTI................................. Virginia Tech Transportation
II. Background
On April 1, 2010, FMCSA published a notice of proposed rulemaking
in the Federal Register (75 FR 16391). FMCSA reviewed the over 400
public comments and made some changes in the final rule in response.
These changes are described in part IV, Discussion of the Final Rule,
Section-by-Section, of the preamble.
A. Legal Authority
FMCSA amends the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs):
(1) To prohibit texting using electronic devices by certain drivers
while operating CMVs in interstate commerce; (2) to provide sanctions
for certain drivers convicted of texting while operating a CMV in
interstate commerce, including civil penalties and/or disqualification
from driving CMVs, as defined in 49 CFR 390.5, for a specified period
of time; and (3) to provide sanctions for CDL drivers convicted of
violating a State or local traffic law or ordinance prohibiting texting
while operating a CMV, specifically, a disqualification for a specified
period of time from operating any CMV. The authority for this rule
derives from the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 (Pub. L. 98-554,
Title II, 98 Stat. 2832, Oct. 30, 1984), 49 U.S.C. chapter 311 (1984
Act), and the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (Title XII of
Pub. L. 99-570, 100 Stat. 3207-170, Oct. 27, 1986), 49 U.S.C. chapter
313 (1986 Act).
The 1984 Act provides authority to regulate the safety of
operations of CMV drivers and motor carriers and vehicle equipment. It
requires the Secretary of Transportation to ``prescribe regulations on
commercial motor vehicle safety. The regulations shall prescribe
minimum safety standards for commercial motor vehicles'' (49 U.S.C.
31136(a)). Although this authority is very broad, the 1984 Act also
includes specific requirements:
At a minimum, the regulations shall ensure that--(1) commercial
motor vehicles are maintained, equipped, loaded, and operated
safely; (2) the responsibilities imposed on operators of commercial
motor vehicles do not impair their ability to operate the vehicles
safely; (3) the physical condition of operators of commercial motor
vehicles is adequate to enable them to operate the vehicles safely;
and (4) the operation of commercial motor vehicles does not have a
deleterious effect on the physical condition of the operators. Id.
This rule is based primarily on 49 U.S.C. 31136(a)(1), which
requires regulations that ensure that CMVs are operated safely, and
secondarily on section 31136(a)(2), to the extent that drivers' texting
activities might impact their ability to operate CMVs safely. The
changes improve the safety of drivers operating CMVs. This rule does
not address the physical condition of drivers (49 U.S.C. 31136(a)(3)),
nor does it impact possible physical effects caused by driving CMVs (49
U.S.C. 31136(a)(4)).
The applicability to CMV drivers of the relevant provisions of the
FMCSRs (49 CFR subtitle B, chapter III, subchapter B), is governed by
whether the drivers involved are employees operating a CMV. The 1984
Act defines a CMV as a self-propelled or towed vehicle used on the
highways to transport persons or property in interstate commerce that
either: (1) Has a gross vehicle weight/gross vehicle weight rating of
10,001 pounds or greater; (2) is designed or used to transport more
than 8 passengers (including the driver) for compensation; (3) is
designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers (including the
driver), not for compensation; or (4) is transporting any quantity of
hazardous materials requiring placards to be displayed on the vehicle
(49 U.S.C. 31132(1)). All employees operating CMVs are subject to the
FMCSRs, except those who are employed by Federal, State, or local
governments (49 U.S.C. 31132(2)).
In addition to the statutory exemption of government employees,
there are several other regulatory exemptions in the FMCSRs that are
authorized under the 1984 Act, including, among others, one for school
bus operations and one for CMVs designed or used to transport between 9
and 15 passengers (including the driver), not for direct compensation
(49 CFR 390.3(f)(1) and (3)--(7)). The school bus operations exemption
only applies to interstate transportation of school children and/or
school personnel between home and school. This exemption is not based
on any statutory provisions, but is instead a discretionary rule
promulgated by the Agency. Therefore, FMCSA has authority to modify the
exemption. Modification of the school bus operations exemption requires
the Agency to find that such action ``is necessary for public safety,
considering all laws of the United States and States applicable to
school buses''
[[Page 59120]]
(former 49 U.S.C. 31136(e)(1)).\1\ Likewise, FMCSA has authority to
modify the non-statutory exemption for small passenger-carrying CMVs
not for direct compensation; however, FMCSA is not required to make a
finding that such action is ``necessary for public safety.'' \2\ Other
than transportation covered by statutory exemptions, FMCSA has
authority to prohibit texting by drivers operating CMVs, as defined
\1\ Former section 31136(e)(1) was amended by section 4007(c) of
the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, Public Law 105-
178, 112 Stat. 107, 403 (June 9, 1998) (TEA-21). However, TEA-21
also provides that the amendments made by section 4007(c) ``shall
not apply to or otherwise affect a waiver, exemption, or pilot
program in effect on the day before the date of enactment of [TEA-
21] under * * * section 31136(e) of title 49, United States Code.''
Section 4007(d), TEA-21, 112 Stat. 404 (set out as a note under 49
U.S.C. 31136). The exemption for school bus operations in 49 CFR
390.3(f)(1) became effective on November 15, 1988, and was adopted
pursuant to section 206(f) of the 1984 Act, later codified as
section 31136(e) (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; General,
53 FR 18042-18043, 18053 (May 19, 1988) and section 1(e), Pub. L.
103-272, 108 Stat 1003 (July 5, 1994)). Therefore, any action by
FMCSA affecting the school bus operations exemption would require
the Agency to comply with former section 31136(e)(1).
\2\ The exemption in 49 CFR 390.3(f)(6) was not adopted until
2003, after the enactment of TEA-21. See Safety Requirements for
Operators of Small Passenger-Carrying Commercial Motor Vehicles Used
In Interstate Commerce, at 68 FR 47860 (Aug. 12, 2003).
For any violations by CMV drivers or employers of the requirements
adopted in this final rule, civil penalties may be imposed on drivers,
in an amount up to $2,750, and on employers, in an amount up to $11,000
(49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(A), 49 CFR 386.81 and Appendix B, paragraphs
(a)(3) and (4)). Disqualification of a CMV driver for violations of the
Act and its regulations is also within the scope of the Agency's
authority under the 1984 Act. Such disqualifications are specified by
regulation for other violations (49 CFR 391.15). In summary, both a
texting prohibition and associated sanctions, including civil penalties
and disqualifications, are authorized by statute and regulation for
operators of CMVs, as defined above, in interstate commerce, with
limited exceptions. However, before prescribing any regulations under
the 1984 Act, FMCSA must consider their costs and benefits (49 U.S.C.
The 1986 Act, which authorized creation of the CDL program, is the
basis for State licensing programs for certain large CMVs. There are
several key distinctions between the authority conferred under the 1984
Act and that under the 1986 Act. First, the CMV for which a CDL is
required is defined under the 1986 Act, in part, as a motor vehicle
operating ``in commerce,'' a term separately defined to cover broadly
both interstate commerce and operations that ``affect'' interstate
commerce (49 U.S.C. 31301(2), (4)). Also under the 1986 Act, a CMV
means a motor vehicle used in commerce to transport passengers or
property that: (1) Has a gross vehicle weight/gross vehicle weight
rating of 26,000 pounds or greater; (2) is designed to transport 16 or
more passengers including the driver; or (3) is used to transport
certain quantities of ``hazardous materials,'' as defined in 49 CFR
383.5 (49 U.S.C. 31301(4)). In addition, a provision in the FMCSRs
implementing the 1986 Act recognizes that all school bus drivers
(whether government employees or not) and other government employees
operating vehicles requiring a CDL (i.e., vehicles above 26,000 pounds
in most States, or designed to transport 16 or more passengers) are
subject to the CDL standards set forth in 49 CFR 383.3(b).
There are several statutory and regulatory exceptions from the CDL
requirements, which include the following individuals: active duty
military service members who operate a CMV for military purposes (a
mandatory exemption for the States to follow) (49 CFR 383.3(c)),
farmers, firefighters, CMV drivers employed by a unit of local
government for the purpose of snow/ice removal, and persons operating a
CMV for emergency response activities (all of which are permissive
exemptions for the States to implement at their discretion) (49 CFR
383.3(d)). Certain other drivers could be issued restricted CDLs under
49 CFR 383.3(e)-(g), such drivers may be covered by a texting
disqualification under the 1986 Act.
The 1986 Act does not expressly authorize the Agency to adopt
regulations governing the safety of operations of CMVs by drivers
required to obtain a CDL. Most of these drivers are subject to safety
regulations under the 1984 Act, as described above. The 1986 Act,
however, specifically authorizes the disqualification of CDL drivers
for various types of offenses. This is true even if drivers have not
obtained a CDL and are therefore operating a CMV illegally. Related
rulemaking authority exists to include serious traffic violations as
grounds for such disqualifications (49 U.S.C. 31301(12) and 31310).
Further, in addition to specifically enumerated ``serious traffic
violations,'' the 1986 Act allows FMCSA to designate violations by
rulemaking if the underlying offense is based on the CDL driver
committing a violation of a ``State or local law on motor vehicle
traffic control'' (49 U.S.C. 31301(12)(G)). The FMCSRs state, however,
that unless and until a CDL driver is convicted of the requisite number
of specified offenses within a certain time frame (described below),
the required disqualification may not be applied (49 CFR 383.5
(defining ``conviction'' and ``serious traffic violation'') and Sec.
Under the statute, a driver who, in a 3-year period, commits 2
serious traffic violations involving a CMV operated by the individual
must be disqualified from operating a CMV for at least 60 days. A
driver who, in a 3-year period, commits 3 or more serious traffic
violations involving a CMV operated by the individual must be
disqualified from operating a CMV for at least 120 days (49 U.S.C.
31310(e)(1)-(2)). FMCSA determined that violations by CDL drivers of
State motor vehicle traffic control laws prohibiting texting while
driving CMVs should result in a disqualification under this provision,
because texting results in distracted driving and increases the risk of
CMV crashes, fatalities, and injuries. Consequently, under its
statutory authority to find that the violation of a State texting law
constitutes a serious traffic violation for CMV drivers, FMCSA may
exercise its rulemaking authority to address this major safety risk by
requiring the States to disqualify CDL drivers who violate such laws.
FMCSA is authorized to carry out these statutory provisions by
delegation from the Secretary of Transportation as provided in 49 CFR
1.73(e) and (g).
B. Overview of Driver Distraction and Texting
This rulemaking addresses one type of driver distraction. Driver
distraction can be defined as the voluntary or involuntary diversion of
attention from the primary driving tasks due to an object, event, or
person that shifts the attention away from the fundamental driving
task. The diversion reduces a driver's situational awareness, decision
making, or performance; and it may result in a crash, near-crash, or
unintended lane departure by the driver.
In an effort to understand and mitigate crashes associated with
driver distraction, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has
been studying the distracted driving issue with respect to both
behavioral and vehicle safety countermeasures. Researchers and writers
classify distraction into various categories, depending on the nature
of their work. In work involving equipment such as vehicles, one
distraction classification system includes three categories: visual
[[Page 59121]]
one's eyes off the road), physical (taking one's hands off the wheel),
and cognitive (thinking about something other than the road/driving).
Texting while driving applies to these three types of driver
distraction (visual, physical, and cognitive), and thus may pose a
considerably higher safety risk than other sources of driver
Prevalence of Texting
Texting while driving is a relatively new phenomenon among cell
phone and personal digital assistant (PDA) users. DOT acknowledges that
the potential for the problem is increasing, especially with young
drivers on our roadways, as noted in a Pew Research Center Report,
``Teens and Distracted Driving.'' \3\ According to the CTIA--The
Wireless Association, the overall number of text messages transmitted
by its members' customers increased from 32.6 billion in the first 6
months of 2005 to 740 billion in the first 6 months of 2009. This
represents a 2,200 percent increase in 5 years. While FMCSA's research
reveals significant insight into the safety risks associated with
texting while driving, the Agency does not have, at this time, data on
the prevalence of texting by motorists in general or CMV drivers
specifically. Considering the increase in texting, FMCSA maintains that
texting by CMV drivers while operating on public roads has the
potential of becoming a widespread safety problem in the absence of an
explicit Federal prohibition. FMCSA prohibits this inherently unsafe
practice to reduce the risks of crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
\3\ Madden, M. & Lenhart, A. (November 2009). Teens and
distracted driving. Pew Research Center's Pew Internet and American
Lifer Project. Available in the docket: FMCSA-2009-0370-0004.
C. Support for a Texting Prohibition
Based on the response to the Distracted Driving Summit, the
Secretary's appearances on national television and this rulemaking,
FMCSA determined there is a considerable amount of public support for a
ban on texting while operating a motor vehicle. It is likely that most
Americans either had firsthand experience with or know someone who had
a motor vehicle crash or near-crash event involving a distracted
driver. With the exponentially increasing use of electronic devices,
numerous crashes, and other incidents related to distracted driving in
recent years, expedited Federal action is required.
FMCSA's Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee's Recommendation
Section 4144 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law
109-59, 119 Stat. 1144, 1748 (Aug. 10, 2005), required the Secretary of
Transportation to establish a Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee
(MCSAC). The committee provides advice and recommendations to the FMCSA
Administrator on motor carrier safety programs and regulations and
operates in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. App. 2).
In its March 27, 2009, report to FMCSA, ``Developing a National
Agenda for Motor Carrier Safety,'' MCSAC recommended that FMCSA adopt
new Federal rules concerning distracted driving, including texting.\4\
MCSAC believed the available research shows that cognitive distractions
pose a safety risk and that there will be increases in crashes from
cell phone use and texting unless the problem is addressed. Therefore,
one of MCSAC's recommendations for the National Agenda for Motor
Carrier Safety was that FMCSA initiate a rulemaking to prohibit texting
while driving.
\4\ Parker, David R., Chair, Motor Carrier Safety Advisory
Committee (March 27, 2009). Letter to Rose A. McMurray on MCSAC
national agenda for motor vehicle safety. Retrieved August 24, 2010,
Distracted Driving Summit
The information and feedback DOT received during its Distracted
Driving Summit, held September 30-October 1, 2009, in Washington, DC,
demonstrated both a need and widespread support for a ban against
texting while driving. Attendees included safety experts; researchers;
elected officials, including four United States Senators and several
State legislators; safety advocacy groups; senior law enforcement
officials; the telecommunications industry; and the transportation
industry. At the conclusion of the Summit, Secretary LaHood stated,
``Keeping Americans safe is without question the Federal government's
highest priority--and that includes safety on the road, as well as on
mass transit and rail.'' \5\ In addition, the Secretary pledged to work
with Congress to ensure that the issue of distracted driving is
appropriately addressed.
\5\ DOT press release 156-09, Thursday, October 1, 2009.
Summit participants shared their expertise, experiences, and ideas
for reducing distracted driving behaviors. They addressed the safety
risk posed by this growing problem across all modes of surface
transportation. At the conclusion of the Summit, U.S. Transportation
Secretary Ray LaHood announced a series of concrete actions that the
Obama Administration and DOT are taking to address distracted driving.
On October 1, 2009, the President issued Executive Order 13513 entitled
``Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving'' (74 FR
51225; October 6, 2009), which prohibited texting by Federal employees
(details are discussed later in this preamble).
Actions following the Summit included DOT's plan to immediately
start rulemakings that would ban texting and restrict, to the extent
possible, the use of cell phones by truck and interstate bus operators,
as well as to initiate rulemaking by the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) to codify provisions of the FRA's Emergency Order
No. 26 regarding restricting distracting electronic devices (see
discussion below in Part E). As a result of the Summit, and based on
data from studies on distracted driving, FMCSA is considering a number
of actions to combat distracted driving by CMV drivers.
General Public
Several surveys show that there is public support for a texting
prohibition. For example, a survey in December 2008 by the AAA
Foundation for Traffic Safety determined that 94.1 percent of drivers
consider it unacceptable for a driver to send text messages or e-mail
while driving; 86.7 percent consider text messaging and e-mailing by
drivers to be a very serious threat to their personal safety.\6\ A CBS
News/New York Times poll reported that 90 percent of Americans think
texting behind the wheel should be outlawed. Over 94 percent of those
who admit to texting or e-mailing while driving acknowledge that it
makes them at least a little bit more likely to be involved in a
crash.\7\ Finally, a nationally representative survey by Nationwide
Insurance, conducted in August 2009, found that 80 percent of Americans
support laws
[[Page 59122]]
prohibiting text messaging or e-mailing while driving.\8\
\6\ AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (October 12, 2009). Safety
culture: text messaging and cell phone use while driving. Retrieved
August 24, 2010, from:
\7\ Connelly, M. (November 1, 2009). Many in U.S. want texting
at the wheel to be illegal. Retrieved August 24, 2010,
\8\ Gillespie, C. (August 31, 2009). New Nationwide Insurance
survey shows overwhelming support for laws banning texting while
driving: Data suggests legislation alone will not solve the problem. Retrieved January 11, 2010, from:
Safety Advocacy Organizations
Many safety advocacy groups have voiced support for a prohibition
on texting while driving. In January 2009, the National Safety Council
(NSC) called for a nationwide prohibition on all cell phone use while
driving.\9\ NSC is focused on alerting the American public to the fact
that different distractions have different levels of crash risk. NSC
stated that sending text messages has a much higher risk than most
other actions that drivers take while driving. Additionally, Advocates
for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) applauded DOT's effort to ban
texting by truck and motor coach drivers.\10\
\9\ National Safety Council, (n.d.). Distracted driving.
Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
\10\ Gillan, J.S. (October 1, 2009). Safety Advocates respond to
U.S. DOT Secretary's announcement on measures to reduce distracted
driving by commercial operators. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from the
Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Web site:,%202009.pdf.
Transportation Industry Associations
The American Trucking Associations (ATA) believe that the use of
hand-held electronic devices and the act of texting with such devices
while a motor vehicle is in motion should be prohibited.\11\ In 2009,
ATA's executive committee voted overwhelmingly to support S.1536, the
``Avoiding Life-Endangering and Reckless Texting by Drivers Act of 2009
(the ``ALERT Drivers Act'') a pending bill introduced by Senator
Schumer on July 29, 2009, that seeks to prohibit texting while driving
by all motorists.\12\ The ALERT Drivers Act also amends title 23, of
the U.S. Code, to reduce the amount of Federal highway funding
available to States that do not enact a law prohibiting an individual
from writing, sending, or reading text messages while operating a motor
\11\ American Trucking Associations (October 29, 2009).
Addressing the problem of distracted driving. Written testimony to
the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, U.S. House of
Representatives' Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
\12\ American Trucking Associations (October 14, 2009). ATA
leaders vote overwhelmingly to support anti-texting bill. Retrieved
August 24, 2010, from:
ATA also conducted an opinion survey of its safety committees on
the use of ``non-integrated electronic devices'' and found that many
motor carriers do not allow drivers to operate any electronic devices
at all while the vehicle is moving, including dispatching equipment.
From the responses of these industry leaders, ATA found that 67 percent
of respondents had a policy restricting or limiting the use of portable
electronic devices while driving. United Parcel Service, Inc. has an
existing policy of no distractions while behind the wheel (e.g., two
hands on the wheel and no two-way communication) and FedEx does not
allow drivers to use any electronic device while operating FedEx
vehicles.\13\ Additionally, ExxonMobil and Shell are examples of large
companies that prohibit employees' use of any type of cell phone while
driving during work hours.\14\ Because numerous large commercial
trucking operations already have policies that prohibit the use of
electronic devices while driving, which would presumably include
texting, a prohibition on texting is not expected to have an adverse
impact on a majority of trucking fleets.
\13\ Halsey, A. (October 2, 2009). Obama Bans Federal Employees
From Texting While Driving. Retrieved August 24,
2010, from:
\14\ Insurance Information Institute (December 2009). Cellphones
and driving. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from:
School Bus Operations
School bus operations have been the focus of distracted driving
policies; many cities, towns, and counties prohibit cell phone use or
texting by school bus operators. The National Association of State
Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, in a letter to the U.S.
Senate dated August 7, 2009, stated that it supports the ALERT Drivers
Act (S. 1536).\15\
\15\ Hood, C., President of the National Association of State
Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (August 7, 2009). Letter
to Senators Schumer, Menendez, Hagan and Landrieu. Retrieved August
24, 2010, from:
Transit Agencies
The importance of the distracted driving issue has led virtually
all transit agencies to ban the use of cell phones and electronic
devices or specifically to ban texting while operating a vehicle in
passenger service. For example, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
prohibits texting by employees and discharges offenders. Furthermore,
several large transit agencies (Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority, CTA, and Greater Cleveland Region Transit Authority) have
prohibited operators from carrying cell phones or other electronic
devices in the cab, presumably prohibiting texting.
D. Investigations and Studies on Driver Distraction
On November 14, 2004, a motorcoach crashed into a bridge overpass
on the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Alexandria, Virginia. This
crash was the impetus for a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
investigation and subsequent recommendation (Safety Recommendation H-
06-27) to FMCSA regarding cell phone use by passenger-carrying CMVs.
The NTSB determined that one probable cause of the crash was the use of
a hands-free cell phone, resulting in cognitive distraction; therefore,
the driver did not ``see'' the low bridge warning signs.
In a letter to NTSB dated March 5, 2007, the Agency agreed to
initiate a study to assess:
The potential safety benefits of restricting cell phone
use by drivers of passenger-carrying CMVs,
The applicability of an NTSB recommendation to property-
carrying CMV drivers,
Whether adequate data existed to warrant a rulemaking, and
The availability of statistically meaningful data
regarding cell phone distraction. Subsequently, the report ``Driver
Distraction in Commercial Vehicle Operations'' was published on October
1, 2009.
Driver Distraction in Commercial Vehicle Operations (``the VTTI
Study'')--Olson et al., 2009\16\
Under contract with FMCSA, the Virginia Tech Transportation
Institute (VTTI) completed its ``Driver Distraction in Commercial
Vehicle Operations'' study \17\ and released the final report on
October 1, 2009. The purpose of the study was to investigate the
[[Page 59123]]
of driver distraction in CMV safety-critical events (i.e., crashes,
near-crashes, lane departures, as explained in the VTTI study) recorded
in a naturalistic data set that included over 200 truck drivers and 3
million miles of data. The dataset was obtained by placing monitoring
instruments on vehicles and recording the behavior of drivers
conducting real-world revenue-producing operations. The study found
that drivers were engaged in non-driving related tasks in 71 percent of
crashes, 46 percent of near-crashes, and 60 percent of all safety-
critical events. Tasks that significantly increased risk included
texting, looking at a map, writing on a notepad, or reading.
\16\ Olson, R. L., Hanowski, R.J., Hickman, J.S., & Bocanegra,
J. (2009) Driver distraction in commercial vehicle operations.
(Document No. FMCSA-RRR-09-042) Washington, DC: Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration, July 2009. Available in the docket:
\17\ The formal peer review of the ``Driver Distraction in
Commercial Vehicle Operations Draft Final Report'' was completed by
a team of three technically qualified peer reviewers who are
qualified (via their experience and educational background) to
critically review driver distraction-related research.
Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to identify tasks that were high
risk. For a given task, an odds ratio of ``1.0'' indicated the task or
activity was equally likely to result in a safety-critical event as it
was a non-event or baseline driving scenario. An odds ratio greater
than ``1.0'' indicated a safety-critical event was more likely to
occur, and odds ratios of less than ``1.0'' indicated a safety-critical
event was less likely to occur. The most risky behavior identified by
the research was ``text message on cell phone,'' \18\ with an odds
ratio of 23.2. This means that the odds of being involved in a safety-
critical event are 23.2 times greater for drivers who text message
while driving than for those who do not.
\18\ Although the final report does not elaborate on texting,
the drivers were engaged in the review, preparation, and
transmission of typed messages via wireless phones.
Texting drivers took their eyes off the forward roadway for an
average of 4.6 seconds during the 6-second interval surrounding a
safety-critical event. At 55 mph (or 80.7 feet per second), this
equates to a driver traveling 371 feet, the approximate length of a
football field, including the end zones, without looking at the
roadway. At 65 mph (or 95.3 feet per second), the driver would have
traveled approximately 439 feet without looking at the roadway. This
clearly creates a significant risk to the safe operation of the CMV.
Other tasks that drew drivers' eyes away from the forward roadway
in the study involved the driver interacting with technology:
Calculator (4.4 seconds), dispatching device (4.1 seconds), and cell
phone dialing (3.8 seconds). Technology-related tasks were not the only
ones with high visual demands. Non-technology tasks with high visual
demands, including some common activities, were: reading (4.3 seconds),
writing (4.2 seconds), looking at a map (3.9 seconds), and reaching for
an object (2.9 seconds).
The study further analyzed population attributable risk (PAR),
which incorporates the frequency of engaging in a task. If a task is
done more frequently by a driver or a group of drivers, it will have a
greater PAR percentage. Safety could be improved the most if a driver
or group of drivers were to stop performing a task with a high PAR. The
PAR percentage for texting is 0.7 percent, which means that 0.7 percent
of the incidence of safety-critical events is attributable to texting,
and thus, could be avoided by not texting.
Table 1--Odds Ratio and Population Attributable Risk Percentage by
Selected Task
Task Odds ratio risk
Complex Tertiary** Task:
Text message on cell phone.......... 23.2 0.7
Other--Complex (e.g., clean side 10.1 0.2
Interact with/look at dispatching 9.9 3.1
Write on pad, notebook, etc......... 9.0 0.6
Use calculator...................... 8.2 0.2
Look at map......................... 7.0 1.1
Dial cell phone..................... 5.9 2.5
Read book, newspaper, paperwork, 4.0 1.7
Moderate Tertiary** Task:
Use/reach for other electronic 6.7 0.2
Other--Moderate (e.g., open medicine 5.9 0.3
Personal grooming................... 4.5 0.2
Reach for object in vehicle......... 3.1 7.6
Look back in sleeper berth.......... 2.3 0.2
Talk or listen to hand-held phone... 1.0 0.2
Eating.............................. 1.0 0
Talk or listen to CB radio.......... 0.6 *
Talk or listen to hand-free phone... 0.4 *
* Calculated for tasks where the odds ratio is greater than one.
** Non-driving related tasks.
A complete copy of the final report for this study is included in
the docket referenced at the beginning of this rulemaking notice.
In addition to FMCSA-sponsored research, the Agency considered
other research reports and studies that highlight the safety risks of
distracted driving, in general, or of texting, specifically. These
studies conclude that texting is extremely risky and that it impairs a
driver's ability to respond to driving situations. Most of these
studies were small simulator studies, involving young automobile
drivers. However, they provide support for the conclusions of the
comprehensive study of CMV operations commissioned by FMCSA and
conducted by VTTI. One limitation of the VTTI study was that the data
used were collected naturalistically, and not in a controlled
environment; the ``cognitive distraction'' effects of driver behaviors
could not easily be determined. This information, which includes
ongoing research, is summarized below.
[[Page 59124]]
Text Messaging During Simulated Driving--Drews, et al., 2009 \19\
This research was designed to identify the impact of text messaging
on simulated driving performance. Using a high fidelity driving
simulator, researchers measured the performance of 20 pairs of
participants while: (1) Only driving, and (2) driving and text
messaging. Participants followed a pace car in the right lane, which
braked 42 times, intermittently. Participants were 0.2 seconds slower
in responding to the brake onset when driving and text messaging,
compared to driving-only. When drivers are concentrating on texting,
either reading or entering, their reaction times to braking events are
significantly longer.
\19\ Drews, F.A., Yazdani, H., Godfrey, C.N., Cooper, J.M., &
Strayer, D.L. (Dec. 16, 2009). Text messaging during simulated
driving. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Journal of Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society Online First. Published as doi:10.1177/
0018720809353319. Available in the docket: FMCSA-2009-0370-0006.
Driver Workload Effects of Cell Phone, Music Player, and Text Messaging
Tasks With the Ford SYNC Voice Interface Versus Handheld Visual-Manual
Interfaces (``The Ford Study'')--Shutko, et al., 2009 \20\
A recent study by Ford Motor Company,\21\ involving 25
participants, compared using a hands-free voice interface to complete a
task while driving with using personal handheld devices (cell phone and
music player) to complete the same task while driving. Of particular
interest were the results of this study with regard to total eyes-off-
road time when texting while driving. The study found that texting,
both sending and reviewing a text, was extremely risky. The median
total eyes-off-road time when reviewing a text message on a handheld
cell phone while driving was 11 seconds. The median total eyes-off-road
time when sending a text message using a handheld cell phone while
driving was 20 seconds.
\20\ Shutko, J., Mayer, J., Laansoo, E., & Tijerina, L. (2009).
Driver workload effects of cell phone, music player, and text
messaging tasks with the Ford SYNC voice interface versus handheld
visual-manual interfaces (paper presented at SAE World Congress &
Exhibition, April 2009, Detroit, MI). Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers International. Available in the docket: FMCSA-
\21\ The Engineering Meetings Board has approved this paper for
publication. It has successfully completed SAE's peer review process
under the supervision of the session organizer. This process
requires a minimum of three (3) reviews by industry experts.
The Effects of Text Messaging on Young Novice Driver Performance--
Hosking, et al., 2006\22\
Hosking studied a very different driver population, but obtained
similar results. This study used an advanced driving simulator to
evaluate the effects of text messaging on 20 young, novice Australian
drivers. The participants were between 18 and 21 years old, and they
had been driving 6 months or less. Legislation in Australia prohibits
hand-held phones, but a large proportion of the participants said that
they use them anyway.
\22\ Hosking, S., Young, K., & Regan, M. (February 2006). The
effects of text messaging on young novice driver performance.
Victoria, Australia: Monash University Accident Research Centre.
Available in the docket: FMCSA-2009-0370-0008.
The young drivers took their eyes off the road while texting, and
they had a harder time detecting hazards and safety signs, as well as
maintaining the simulated vehicle's position on the road than they did
when not texting. While the participants did not reduce their speed,
they did try to compensate for the distraction of texting by increasing
their following distance. Nonetheless, retrieving and particularly
sending text messages had the following effects on driving:
Difficulty maintaining the vehicle's lateral position on
the road.
Harder time detecting hazards.
Harder time detecting and responding to safety signs.
Up to 400 percent more time with drivers' eyes off the
road than when not texting.
The Effect of Text Messaging on Driver Behavior: A Simulator Study --
Reed and Robbins, 2008\23\
The RAC Foundation commissioned this report \24\ to assess the
impact of text messaging on driver performance and the attitudes
surrounding that activity in the 17 to 24-year old driver category.
There were 17 participants in the study. The results demonstrated that
driving was impaired by texting. Researchers reported that ``failure to
detect hazards, increased response times to hazards, and exposure time
to that risk have clear implications for safety.'' They reported an
increased stopping distance of 12.5 meters, or three car lengths, and
increased variability of lane position.
\23\ Reed, N. & Robbins, R. (2008). The effect of text messaging
on driver behaviour: A simulator study. Report prepared for the RAC
Foundation by Transport Research Laboratory. Available in the
docket: FMCSA-2009-0370-0009.
\24\ The work described in this report was carried out in the
Human Factors and Simulation group of the Transport Research
Laboratory. Andrew Parkes carried out the technical review and
auditing of this report.
Cell Phone Distraction in Commercial Trucks and Buses: Assessing
Prevalence in Conjunction With Crashes and Near-Crashes--Hickman\25\
The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis of
naturalistic data collected by DriveCam[reg]. The introduction of
naturalistic driving studies that record drivers (through video and
kinematic vehicle sensors) in actual driving situations created a
scientific method to study driver behavior under the daily pressures of
real-world driving conditions. The research documented the prevalence
of distractions while driving a CMV, including both trucks and buses,
using an existing naturalistic data set. This data set came from 183
truck and bus fleets comprising a total of 13,306 vehicles captured
during a 90-day period. There were 8,509 buses and 4,797 trucks. The
data sets in the current study did not include continuous data; it only
included recorded events that met or exceeded a kinematic threshold (a
minimum g-force setting that triggers the event recorder). These
recorded events included safety-critical events (e.g., hard braking in
response to another vehicle) and baseline events (i.e., an event that
was not related to a safety-critical event, such as a vehicle that
traveled over train tracks and exceeded the kinematic threshold). A
total of 1,085 crashes, 8,375 near-crashes, 30,661 crash-relevant
conflicts, and 211,171 baselines were captured in the dataset.
\25\ Hickman, J., Hanowski, R., & Bocanegra, J. (2010).
Distraction in Commercial Trucks and Buses: Assessing Prevalence and
Risk in Conjunction with Crashes and Near-Crashes. Washington, DC:
FMCSA, September 2010.
Odds ratios were calculated to show a measure of association
between involvement in a safety-critical event and performing non-
driving related tasks, such as dialing or texting. The odds ratios show
the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event when a non-
driving related task is present compared to situations when there is no
non-driving related task. The odds ratios for text/e-mail/accessing the
Internet tasks were very high, indicating a strong relationship between
text/e-mail/accessing the Internet while driving and involvement in a
safety-critical event. Very few instances of this behavior were
observed during safety-critical events in the current study and even
fewer during control events. Although truck and bus drivers do not text
frequently, the data
[[Page 59125]]
suggest that truck and bus drivers who use their cell phone to text, e-
mail, or access the Internet are very likely to be involved in a
safety-critical event.
E. Existing Texting Prohibitions and Restrictions by Federal, State,
and Local Governments
Executive Order 13513
The President immediately used the feedback from the DOT Summit on
Distracted Driving and issued Executive Order 13513, which ordered
Federal employees shall not engage in text messaging (a) when
driving a Government Owned Vehicle, or when driving a Privately
Owned Vehicle while on official Government business, or (b) when
using electronic equipment supplied by the Government while driving.
The Executive Order is applicable to the operation of CMVs by
Federal government employees carrying out their duties and
responsibilities, or using electronic equipment supplied by the
government. This order also encourages contractors to comply while
operating CMVs on behalf of the Federal government.
Regulatory Guidance
On January 27, 2010, FMCSA published regulatory guidance concerning
the applicability of 49 CFR 390.17, Additional equipment and
accessories, to any CMV operator engaged in ``texting'' on an
electronic device while driving a CMV in interstate commerce (75 FR
4305). The guidance interpreted Sec. 390.17 as prohibiting texting on
electronic devices while driving because it decreases the safety of
operations. As of the effective date of this final rule, the guidance
will be withdrawn because this final rule makes the guidance on texting
no longer necessary. The Agency does not intend to remove the authority
to cite drivers under Sec. 390.17 for unsafe operation of a CMV.
Section 390.17 still applies to any use of additional equipment and
accessories that decreases the safety of operation of the CMVs on which
they are used.
Federal Railroad Administration
On October 7, 2008, FRA published Emergency Order 26 (73 FR 58702).
Pursuant to FRA's authority under 49 U.S.C. 20102 and 20103, the order,
which took effect on October 1, 2008, restricts railroad operating
employees from using distracting electronic and electrical devices
while on duty. Among other things, the order prohibits both the use of
cell phones and texting. FRA cited numerous examples of the adverse
impact that electronic devices can have on safe operations. These
examples included fatal accidents that involved operators who were
distracted while texting or talking on a cell phone. In light of these
incidents, FRA is imposing restrictions on the use of such electronic
devices, both through its order and a rulemaking that seeks to codify
the order. In a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) published May 18,
2010, FRA proposed to amend its railroad communications regulations by
restricting the use of mobile telephones and other distracting
electronic devices by railroad operating employees (75 FR 27672).
State Restrictions
Texting while driving is prohibited in 30 States, the District of
Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. A list of States and
Territories that have taken such actions can be found at the following
DOT Web site: Generally, the
State requirements are applicable to all drivers operating motor
vehicles within those jurisdictions, including CMV operators. Because
some States do not currently prohibit texting while driving, there is a
need for a Federal regulation to address the safety risks associated
with texting by CMV drivers. This final rule restriction provides
uniform language applicable to CMV drivers engaged in interstate
commerce, regardless of the presence or absence of a State law or
regulation. Generally, State laws and regulations remain in effect and
could continue to be enforced with regard to CMV drivers, provided
those laws and regulations are compatible with the Federal
requirements. This rule does not affect the ability of States to
institute new prohibitions on texting while driving. For more
information see the Federalism section later in this document.
III. Discussion of Comments
FMCSA received approximately 400 comments in response to the
NPRM.\26\ The commenters included associations representing trucking,
motorcoaches, public transportation, highway safety, the legal and law
enforcement communities, the insurance industry, and bicyclists. Three
unions representing drivers submitted comments, as well as
representatives of State governments. Commenters from the general
public included motorists and bicyclists concerned with their safety
when operating around CMVs. In addition, FMCSA received comments from
the new Cornell eRulemaking Initiative (CeRI), summarizing the points
raised by participants in a pilot project called Regulation Room
\26\ See 75 FR 16391 (April 1, 2010).
Most commenters supported the proposal because of the potential
safety benefits for all vehicle and pedestrian traffic sharing the
roadway with CMVs. Commenters felt that texting while driving,
especially while driving a CMV, is dangerous and should be prohibited.
Many commenters cited crashes or near-crashes with a distracted driver
in which they, or someone they knew, were involved; in some cases a
fatality occurred. Many commenters felt that the use of mobile
telephones has become so much a part of people's lives that it will be
difficult to get people to stop using these devices in vehicles. A few
commenters suggested that, just as with seat belts, airbags, and
driving while impaired, the government must establish regulations
concerning texting to protect public health and safety.
Only a few commenters did not support a ban on texting. Some
commenters said that the responsibility should be addressed by the
States, with guidance from the Federal government. Several commenters
suggested that the Agency mandate outreach, education, and company
policies in lieu of a prohibition.
The Agency approached the distracted driving issue by taking action
on the riskiest issue first, by initiating rulemaking to prohibit
texting by CMV drivers. The use of mobile telephones, including
texting, is occurring increasingly. By approaching this complex subject
with a focus, on the unsafe behavior regardless of the technology,
FMCSA received the support of its stakeholders to act quickly to stop
texting in CMVs. Subsequently, FMCSA will evaluate other aspects of
distracted driving and consider future actions.
Dispatching Devices and Fleet Management Systems
Many commenters were concerned that FMCSA excepted texting on
dispatching devices from this rulemaking. The American Association for
Justice believed that FMCSA should go further and prohibit CMV
operators from using on-board computers while driving. The Commercial
Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) commented that FMCSA should prohibit not
only dispatching devices, but many other technologies that cause
distractions. NSC held that fleet management devices and on-board and
laptop systems should not be exempt from the rule. Advocates noted that
it interpreted the NPRM to prohibit all texting while driving, even
[[Page 59126]]
when using such systems as dispatch devices and laptop computers. The
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) also stated that
small-business motor carriers use different electronic devices, such as
laptops, to perform many of the same functions served by fleet
management systems. OOIDA believed that it was not fair to ban these
devices and not other dispatch or fleet management devices.
Some commenters agreed with the proposed exception for other
electronic devices in this rulemaking. ATA supported the exclusion of
in-cab fleet management systems, global positioning systems, and
navigation systems, while noting that potential safety risks of using
these other systems are not fully known. The American Moving and
Storage Association and the National Solid Wastes Management
Association agreed that the prohibition should not include the use of
electronic dispatching tools and fleet management equipment.
FMCSA Response:
Notwithstanding the position of industry associations, the blanket
exception to the texting ban has been revised to prohibit texting on a
dispatching device or a device that is part of a fleet management
system. However, it does not prohibit use of the other functions of
such devices for purposes other than texting, as defined in the final
rule. Texting on a dispatching device is indistinguishable from texting
on another text-capable device and is, therefore, prohibited in this
final rule. Texting is risky because it causes the driver to remove his
or her eyes from the forward roadway, regardless of the device used to
text. The Agency does not see any necessity for drivers to read text
messages or type text responses on any device while the vehicle is
being operated on public roads. Using a device, including a dispatch
device or in-cab fleet management system, for functions other than
texting is not prohibited by this rule. Consequently, the Agency is
revising the definition of texting and clarifying the regulatory text
to make it clear that the rule prohibits texting on any device.
Other Texting Exceptions
Several commenters requested clarification of the definition of
texting and other activities that could be considered a form of
texting. Advocates and the American Insurance Association (AIA) were
concerned with the exception for ``entering a telephone number, an
extension number, or voicemail retrieval codes and commands into an
electronic device. * * *'' They believe that the physical actions
required to enter a telephone number and perform other excepted tasks
involve at least visual and physical distraction, if not cognitive as
well. They appear to differ from text messaging only in terms of
duration. In addition, AIA was concerned that these exceptions, if not
carefully provided for, might undercut the ability of law enforcement
to effectively enforce the ban. AHAS also stated that the Agency should
use the definition of texting contained in E.O. 13513.
FMCSA Response:
The Agency agrees that drivers should always concentrate on the
road and, therefore, does not condone any unsafe activity while driving
a CMV. In order to respond quickly to an unsafe driving behavior by CMV
drivers on our Nation's highways, FMCSA chose to address the texting
issue first because research indicates that it is a very dangerous
activity based on the VTTI study.
Small Passenger-Carrying Vehicles
Advocates commented that texting by drivers operating small buses,
transporting 9 to 15 passengers including a driver, who are not
required to have a CDL, would not be prohibited by this regulation.
Advocates also stated that, given the serious safety problems involving
small buses and 15 passenger vans used in interstate commerce, leaving
non-school bus passenger-carrying CMVs without Federal protection from
texting while driving is inappropriate.
FMCSA Response:
FMCSA agrees that these drivers should be included in the final
rule; and, in fact, most would have been covered. On February 1, 2010,
in response to section 4136 of SAFETEA-LU, FMCSA published a final rule
that removed the regulatory exception for small vehicles transporting
passengers for direct compensation operated within 75 miles of the
driver's starting location (Safety Requirements for Operators of Small
Passenger-Carrying Commercial Motor Vehicles Used in Interstate
Commerce, 75 FR 4996). Drivers employed by such carriers were covered
by the proposed texting rule, and are still covered by this final rule.
Beyond that, however, the final rule will also now cover drivers of
small-passenger carrying vehicles (designed or used to transport 9-15
passengers), not receiving direct compensation, that are otherwise
exempt from most of the FMCSRs under 49 CFR 390.3(f)(6), for example
hotel and rental car shuttle services. The