BOEMRE Information Collection Activity: 1010-0086, Sulphur Operations, Extension of a Collection; Submitted for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request, 54366-54369 [2010-22190]

Download as PDF 54366 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 7, 2010 / Notices response to the Federal Register notice and the comment was not germane to the collection of information. If you wish to comment in response to this notice, you may send your comments to the offices listed under the ADDRESSES section of this notice. The OMB has up to 60 days to approve or disapprove the information collection but may respond after 30 days. Therefore, to ensure maximum consideration, OMB should receive public comments by October 7, 2010. Public Comment Procedures: Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment–including your personal identifying information–may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. BOEMRE Information Collection Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz (202) 208–7744. Dated: August 30, 2010. Doug Slitor, Acting Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs. [FR Doc. 2010–22210 Filed 9–3–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Ocean Management, Regulation and Enforcement [Docket No. MMS–2010–OMM–0012] BOEMRE Information Collection Activity: 1010–0086, Sulphur Operations, Extension of a Collection; Submitted for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE), Interior. ACTION: Notice of extension of an information collection (1010–0086). AGENCY: To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), we are notifying the public that we have submitted to OMB an information collection request (ICR) to renew approval of the paperwork requirements in the regulations under 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur Operations. This notice also provides the public a second opportunity to comment on the paperwork burden of these regulatory requirements. wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 SUMMARY: VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:24 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220001 Submit written comments by October 7, 2010. ADDRESSES: Submit comments by either fax (202) 395–5806 or e-mail ( directly to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of the Interior (1010–0086). Please also submit a copy of your comments to BOEMRE by any of the means below. • Electronically: Go to https:// In the entry titled ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter docket ID MMS–2010–OMM–0012 then click search. Follow the instructions to submit public comments and view supporting and related materials available for this collection. The BOEMRE will post all comments. • E-mail: Mail or hand-carry comments to: Department of the Interior; Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement; Attention: Cheryl Blundon; 381 Elden Street, MS–4024; Herndon, Virginia 20170–4817. Please reference ICR 1010–0086 in your comment and include your name and return address. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl Blundon, Regulations and Standards Branch, (703) 787–1607. You may also contact Cheryl Blundon to obtain a copy, at no cost, of the regulations that require the subject collection of information. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur Operations. OMB Control Number: 1010–0086. Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), authorizes the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to prescribe rules and regulations to manage the mineral resources of the OCS. Such rules and regulations will apply to all operations conducted under a lease, right-of-use and easement, and pipeline right-ofway. Operations on the OCS must preserve, protect, and develop mineral resources in a manner that is consistent with the need to make such resources available to meet the Nation’s energy needs as rapidly as possible; to balance orderly energy resource development with protection of human, marine, and coastal environments; to ensure the public a fair and equitable return on the resources of the OCS; and to preserve and maintain free enterprise competition. Section 5(a) of the OCS Lands Act requires the Secretary to prescribe rules and regulations ‘‘to provide for the DATES: PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 prevention of waste, and conservation of the natural resources of the Outer Continental Shelf, and the protection of correlative rights therein’’ and to include provisions ‘‘for the prompt and efficient exploration and development of a lease area.’’ These authorities and responsibilities are among those delegated to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) to ensure that operations in the OCS will meet statutory requirements; provide for safety and protection of the environment; and result in diligent exploration, development, and production of OCS leases. This ICR addresses the regulations at 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur Operations, and any associated supplementary Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) intended to provide clarification, description, or explanation of these regulations. Currently, BOEMRE regulates one sulphur lease on the OCS, but it is not active. Therefore, this information collection and its relevant hours represent one respondent. Regulations implementing these responsibilities are under 30 CFR 250, subpart P. Responses are mandatory. No questions of a sensitive nature are asked. The BOEMRE protects information considered proprietary according to 30 CFR 250.197, ‘‘Data and information to be made available to the public or for limited inspection,’’ and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing regulations (43 CFR 2). The BOEMRE uses the information collected to ascertain the condition of drilling sites for the purpose of preventing hazards inherent in sulphur drilling and production operations and to evaluate the adequacy of equipment and/or procedures to be used during the conduct of drilling, well-completion, well-workover, and production operations. The BOEMRE uses the information to: • Ascertain that a discovered sulphur deposit can be classified as capable of production in paying quantities. • Ensure accurate and complete measurement of production to determine the amount of sulphur royalty payments due the United States; and that the sale locations are secure, production has been measured accurately, and appropriate follow-up actions are initiated. • Review expected oceanographic and meteorological conditions to ensure the integrity of the drilling unit (this information is submitted only if it is not otherwise available). • Review hazard survey data to ensure that the lessee or operator will E:\FR\FM\07SEN1.SGM 07SEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 7, 2010 / Notices not encounter geological conditions that present a hazard to operations. • Ensure the adequacy and safety of firefighting plans; the drilling unit is fit for the intended purpose; and the adequacy of casing for anticipated conditions. • Review log entries of crew meetings to verify that crew members are properly trained. • Review drilling, well-completion, well-workover diagrams and procedures, as well as production operation procedures to ensure the safety of the proposed sulphur drilling, well-completion, well-workover and proposed production operations. Citation 30 CFR 250 • Monitor environmental data during sulphur operations in offshore areas where such data are not already available to provide a valuable source of information to evaluate the performance of drilling rigs under various weather and ocean conditions. This information is necessary to make reasonable determinations regarding safety of operations and environmental protection. Frequency: Occasional; varies by section. Description of Respondents: Currently there are no active OCS sulphur lease operators. Our estimates are based on Reporting and recordkeeping requirement 54367 expected responses for one potential respondent. Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden: The estimated annual hour burden for this information collection is a total of 903 hours. The following chart details the individual components and estimated hour burdens. In calculating the burdens, we assumed that respondents perform certain requirements in the normal course of their activities. We consider these to be usual and customary and took that into account in estimating the burden. Average number of annual reponses Hour burden Annual burden hours Submittals/Notifications 1600; 1617 ........ 1617; 1618; 1619(b); 1622. Submit exploration or development and production plan .................. Submit forms MMS–123 (Application for Permit to Drill), MMS–124 (Application for Permit to Modify), Form MMS–125 (End of Operations Report). 1605(b)(3) ......... Submit and/or resubmit data and information on fitness of drilling unit. Submit results of additional surveys and soil borings upon request* 1605(d) .............. 1605(f) ............... 1608 .................. 1619(c), (d), (e) 1628(b), (d) ....... Submit application for installation of fixed drilling platforms or structures. Submit well casing and cementing plan or modification ................... Submit copies of records, logs, reports, charts, etc., upon request .. Submit application for design and installation features of sulphur production facilities and fuel gas safety system; certify new installation conforms to approved design. Notify BOEMRE of pre-production test and inspection of safety system and commencement of production. Submit application for method of production measurement .............. Burden covered under (1010–0151) Burden covered under (1010–0141) 0 0 4 ........................ 1 submission ........ 4 1 ........................ 1 submission ........ 1 Burden covered under (1010–0149). 0 5 ........................ 1 ........................ 4 ........................ 1 plan ................... 8 submissions ...... 1 application ......... 5 8 4 ........................... 2 notifications ....... 1 2 ........................ 1 application ......... 2 Subtotal ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 responses ....... 25 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 1 ........................ 8 ........................ 1 request .............. 2 requests ............ 1 16 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 1 ........................ 1 request .............. 1 4 ........................ 1 request .............. 4 2 ........................ 1 request .............. 2 Subtotal ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 responses ....... 29 1 lessee × 52 wks × 2 rigs = 104. 1 report ................. 26 1630(a)(6) ......... 1633(b) .............. Requests 1603(a) .............. 1605(e)(5) ......... 1607 .................. 1610(d)(7+8) ..... 1611(b); 1625(b) 1611(f); 1625(f) 1612 .................. 1615 .................. wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 1629(b)(3) ......... 1600 thru 1634 .. Request determination whether sulphur deposit can produce in paying quantities. Request copy of directional survey (by holder of adjoining lease)* .. Request establishment, amendment, or cancellation of field rules for drilling, well-completion, or well-workover. Request exception to ram-type blowout preventer (BOP) system components rated working pressure. Request exception to water-rated working pressure to test ram-type and annular BOPs and choke manifold. Request exception to recording pressure conditions during BOP tests on pressure charts.* Request exception to §§ 250.408/250.462 requirements for wellcontrol drills.* Request exception to blind-shear ram or pipe rams and inside BOP to secure wells. Request approval of firefighting systems; post firefighting system diagram. General departure and/or alternative compliance requests not specifically covered elsewhere in subpart P. Record/Retain 1604(f) ............... 1605(c) .............. VerDate Mar<15>2010 Check traveling-block safety device for proper operation weekly and after each drill-line slipping; enter results in log. Report oceanographic, meteorological, and drilling unit performance data upon request.* 15:24 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 ⁄ ...................... 14 1 ........................ E:\FR\FM\07SEN1.SGM 07SEN1 1 54368 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 7, 2010 / Notices Citation 30 CFR 250 Reporting and recordkeeping requirement Hour burden 1609(a) .............. Pressure test casing; record time, conditions of testing, and test results in log. 2 ........................ 1611(d)(3); 1625(d)(3). 1611(f), (g); 1625(f), (g). Record in driller’s report the date, time, and reason for postponing pressure testings. Conduct tests, actuations, inspections, maintenance, and crew drills of BOP systems at least weekly; record results in driller’s report; retain records for 2 years following completion of drilling activity. Pressure test diverter sealing element/valves weekly; actuate diverter sealing element/valves/control system every 24 hours; test diverter line for flow every 24 hours; record test times and results in driller’s report. 10 minutes ........ 1616(c) .............. Retain training records for lessee and drilling contractor personnel 1619(a); 1623(c) Retain records for each well and all well operations for 2 years; calculate well-control fluid volume and post near operators’ station. Conduct safety meetings prior to well-completion or well-workover operations; record date and time. Burden covered under 1010– 0128. 12 ...................... 1613(d) .............. Average number of annual reponses 6 ........................ 2 ........................ Annual burden hours 1 lessee × 60 tests/records = 60. 1 lessee × 6 recordings = 6. 1 lessee × 52 weeks = 52. 120 1 312 1 lessee (daily/ weekly during drilling) × 2 rigs × 52 weeks = 104. 0. 208 1 lessee ................ 12 50 Maintain information on approved design and installation features for the life of the facility. Retain pressure-recording charts used to determine operating pressure ranges for 2 years. Maintain records for each safety device installed for 2 years; make available for review. Conduct safety device training prior to production operations and periodically thereafter; record date and time. 1 ........................ 1 lessee × 50 meetings/ records = 50. 1 lessee ................ 12 ...................... 1 lessee ................ 12 1 ........................ 1 lessee ................ 1 1 ........................ 104 Report evidence of mishandling of produced sulphur or tampering or falsifying any measurement of production. 1 ........................ 1 lessee × 52 train/records × 2 rigs = 104. 1 report ................. Subtotal ..................................................................................................................................................... 486 responses ..... 849 Total Burden .............................................................................................................................................. 512 responses ..... 903 1621 .................. 1628(b), (d) ....... 1629(b)(1)(ii) ..... 1630(b) .............. 1631 .................. 1634(b) .............. 1 ........................ 1 1 * We included a minimal burden, but it has not been necessary to request these data and/or no submissions received for many years. Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden: We have identified no paperwork nonhour cost burdens associated with the collection of information. wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Until OMB approves a collection of information, you are not obligated to respond. Comments: Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) requires each agency ‘‘* * * to provide notice * * * and otherwise consult with members of the public and affected agencies concerning each proposed collection of information * * *’’ Agencies must specifically solicit comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the agency to perform its duties, including whether the information is useful; (b) evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:12 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220001 burden of the proposed collection of information; (c) enhance the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) minimize the burden on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. To comply with the public consultation process, on March 30, 2010, we published a Federal Register notice (75 FR 15718) announcing that we would submit this ICR to OMB for approval. The notice provided the required 60-day comment period. In addition, § 250.199 provides the OMB control number for the information collection requirements imposed by the 30 CFR 250 regulations. The regulations also inform the public that they may comment at any time on the collections of information and provide the address to which they should send comments. We have received no comments in response to these efforts. comments to the offices listed under the section of this notice. The OMB has up to 60 days to approve or disapprove the information collection but may respond after 30 days. Therefore, to ensure maximum consideration, OMB should receive public comments by October 7, 2010. ADDRESSES Public Availability of Comments: Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. BOEMRE Information Collection Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz (703) 787–1025. If you wish to comment in response to this notice, you may send your PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\07SEN1.SGM 07SEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 7, 2010 / Notices Dated: August 30, 2010. Doug Slitor, Acting Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs. SUMMARY: available for this collection. The BOEMRE will post all comments. • E-mail Mail or hand-carry comments to the Department of the Interior; Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement; Attention: Cheryl Blundon; 381 Elden Street, MS–4024; Herndon, Virginia 20170–4817. Please reference ICR 1010–NEW in your comment and include your name and return address. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Upcoming Projects Considering the Use of Outer Continental Shelf Sand, Gravel, and Shell Resources for Coastal Restoration and/or Beach Nourishment. OMB Control Number: 1010–NEW. Abstract: The BOEMRE, under the authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior, is authorized pursuant to section 8(k)(2) of the OCS Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(k)(2)) to convey rights to Outer Continental Shelf sand, gravel, and shell resources by noncompetitive negotiated agreement (NNA) for use in shore protection and beach and coastal restoration, or for use in construction projects funded in whole or part by or authorized by the Federal Government. Submit written comments by November 8, 2010. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To obtain information pertaining to this notice, contact: Colleen Finnegan at (703) 787–1275. Marine Minerals Program information and procedures for obtaining sand, gravel, and shell resources can be found on the BOEMRE Web site sandandgravel or by contacting the Marine Minerals Program at (703) 787– 1215. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by either of the following methods listed below. • Electronically: go to https:// In the entry titled ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID,’’ enter docket ID MMS–2010–OMM–0027 then click search. Follow the instructions to submit public comments and view supporting and related materials Background Since 1995, 22 shore protection or beach and coastal restoration projects have been completed using OCS sand resources. Recently, the program has seen an increase in projects and need for OCS resources due to the decreasing amounts of sand located in state waters. Because of this increase, the BOEMRE needed to develop a mechanism to plan for future projects and anticipated workload. Therefore, the BOEMRE will issue an annual call for information about resources and locations from interested parties to develop an annual NNA Project Schedule. The NNA Project Schedule will help BOEMRE determine appropriate future resource allocation, conduct environmental analyses, develop NNAs, and meet all necessary environmental and legal requirements. The BOEMRE has developed Proposed NNA Project Schedules for 2012 and 2013, based on information from a general solicitation of interest. This ICR addresses the additional information needed from States, local governments, Federal agencies, environmental and other interest organizations, and all other interested parties to finalize the 2012 and 2013 NNA Project Schedules. Given staff and funding resources currently available, the BOEMRE has determined it can process a maximum of six marine minerals requests per [FR Doc. 2010–22190 Filed 9–3–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–MR–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement [Docket ID: MMS–2010–OMM–0027] BOEMRE Information Collection Activity: 1010–NEW, Upcoming Projects Considering the Use of Outer Continental Shelf Sand, Gravel, and Shell Resources for Coastal Restoration and/or Beach Nourishment; NEW Collection; Comment Request Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE), Interior. ACTION: Notice of a new information collection (1010–NEW). AGENCY: To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), BOEMRE is inviting comments on a collection of information that we will submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The information collection request (ICR) concerns the paperwork requirements that respondents will submit to BOEMRE to obtain OCS sand, gravel, and shell resources for use in shore protection and beach and coastal restoration, which is considered a noncompetitive negotiated agreement program. wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 DATES: VerDate Mar<15>2010 15:24 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 54369 calendar year off the Atlantic and Florida coasts, two projects off the Gulf of Mexico coast, and two projects off the Pacific Coast. In the event the number of requested projects exceeds these limits, the BOEMRE will request the relevant states to prioritize their own projects based on several criteria including likelihood of project funding and progress of environmental work. After evaluating State responses and BOEMRE resources, BOEMRE plans to publish the Final 2012 NNA Project Schedule in November 2011. Information Submittal Procedures: The BOEMRE seeks information pertaining to upcoming shore protection and beach and coastal restoration projects that may consider the use of OCS material. The call for information will request interested parties to submit, in writing, a description of their proposed projects for which OCS resources will be used. The description must include the offshore borrow sites if known, the estimated date of construction, a short description of current project funding, and the name of a primary point of contact with that person’s mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address, as well as any additional information concerning the status of the project that would be useful to the BOEMRE. This information may include detailed maps and coordinates of desired sand resources and sites that would be nourished, a description of the environmental documents that have been completed to date concerning any portion of the project, and a description of the status of Federal, State, and/or local permits required for the project. We will protect information from respondents considered proprietary under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing regulations (43 CFR part 2). No items of a sensitive nature are collected. Responses are required to obtain or retain benefits. Frequency: Annually. Description of Respondents: Potential respondents comprise 9 states and 50 counties. Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden: The BOEMRE is requesting approximately 95 annual burden hours. In calculating the burdens, we assumed that respondents perform certain requirements in the normal course of their activities. We consider these to be usual and customary and took that into account in estimating the burden. Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden: We have identified no non-hour E:\FR\FM\07SEN1.SGM 07SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 172 (Tuesday, September 7, 2010)]
[Pages 54366-54369]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-22190]



Bureau of Ocean Management, Regulation and Enforcement

[Docket No. MMS-2010-OMM-0012]

BOEMRE Information Collection Activity: 1010-0086, Sulphur 
Operations, Extension of a Collection; Submitted for Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request

AGENCY: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement 
(BOEMRE), Interior.

ACTION: Notice of extension of an information collection (1010-0086).


SUMMARY: To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), we 
are notifying the public that we have submitted to OMB an information 
collection request (ICR) to renew approval of the paperwork 
requirements in the regulations under 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur 
Operations. This notice also provides the public a second opportunity 
to comment on the paperwork burden of these regulatory requirements.

DATES: Submit written comments by October 7, 2010.

ADDRESSES: Submit comments by either fax (202) 395-5806 or e-mail 
( directly to the Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of 
the Interior (1010-0086). Please also submit a copy of your comments to 
BOEMRE by any of the means below.
     Electronically: Go to In the 
entry titled ``Enter Keyword or ID,'' enter docket ID MMS-2010-OMM-0012 
then click search. Follow the instructions to submit public comments 
and view supporting and related materials available for this 
collection. The BOEMRE will post all comments.
     E-mail: Mail or hand-carry 
comments to: Department of the Interior; Bureau of Ocean Energy 
Management, Regulation and Enforcement; Attention: Cheryl Blundon; 381 
Elden Street, MS-4024; Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817. Please reference 
ICR 1010-0086 in your comment and include your name and return address.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl Blundon, Regulations and 
Standards Branch, (703) 787-1607. You may also contact Cheryl Blundon 
to obtain a copy, at no cost, of the regulations that require the 
subject collection of information.

    Title: 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur Operations.
    OMB Control Number: 1010-0086.
    Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act, as amended 
(43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), authorizes the 
Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to prescribe rules and 
regulations to manage the mineral resources of the OCS. Such rules and 
regulations will apply to all operations conducted under a lease, 
right-of-use and easement, and pipeline right-of-way. Operations on the 
OCS must preserve, protect, and develop mineral resources in a manner 
that is consistent with the need to make such resources available to 
meet the Nation's energy needs as rapidly as possible; to balance 
orderly energy resource development with protection of human, marine, 
and coastal environments; to ensure the public a fair and equitable 
return on the resources of the OCS; and to preserve and maintain free 
enterprise competition.
    Section 5(a) of the OCS Lands Act requires the Secretary to 
prescribe rules and regulations ``to provide for the prevention of 
waste, and conservation of the natural resources of the Outer 
Continental Shelf, and the protection of correlative rights therein'' 
and to include provisions ``for the prompt and efficient exploration 
and development of a lease area.'' These authorities and 
responsibilities are among those delegated to the Bureau of Ocean 
Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) to ensure that 
operations in the OCS will meet statutory requirements; provide for 
safety and protection of the environment; and result in diligent 
exploration, development, and production of OCS leases. This ICR 
addresses the regulations at 30 CFR 250, subpart P, Sulphur Operations, 
and any associated supplementary Notices to Lessees and Operators 
(NTLs) intended to provide clarification, description, or explanation 
of these regulations.
    Currently, BOEMRE regulates one sulphur lease on the OCS, but it is 
not active. Therefore, this information collection and its relevant 
hours represent one respondent.
    Regulations implementing these responsibilities are under 30 CFR 
250, subpart P. Responses are mandatory. No questions of a sensitive 
nature are asked. The BOEMRE protects information considered 
proprietary according to 30 CFR 250.197, ``Data and information to be 
made available to the public or for limited inspection,'' and the 
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing 
regulations (43 CFR 2).
    The BOEMRE uses the information collected to ascertain the 
condition of drilling sites for the purpose of preventing hazards 
inherent in sulphur drilling and production operations and to evaluate 
the adequacy of equipment and/or procedures to be used during the 
conduct of drilling, well-completion, well-workover, and production 
operations. The BOEMRE uses the information to:
     Ascertain that a discovered sulphur deposit can be 
classified as capable of production in paying quantities.
     Ensure accurate and complete measurement of production to 
determine the amount of sulphur royalty payments due the United States; 
and that the sale locations are secure, production has been measured 
accurately, and appropriate follow-up actions are initiated.
     Review expected oceanographic and meteorological 
conditions to ensure the integrity of the drilling unit (this 
information is submitted only if it is not otherwise available).
     Review hazard survey data to ensure that the lessee or 
operator will

[[Page 54367]]

not encounter geological conditions that present a hazard to 
     Ensure the adequacy and safety of firefighting plans; the 
drilling unit is fit for the intended purpose; and the adequacy of 
casing for anticipated conditions.
     Review log entries of crew meetings to verify that crew 
members are properly trained.
     Review drilling, well-completion, well-workover diagrams 
and procedures, as well as production operation procedures to ensure 
the safety of the proposed sulphur drilling, well-completion, well-
workover and proposed production operations.
     Monitor environmental data during sulphur operations in 
offshore areas where such data are not already available to provide a 
valuable source of information to evaluate the performance of drilling 
rigs under various weather and ocean conditions. This information is 
necessary to make reasonable determinations regarding safety of 
operations and environmental protection.
    Frequency: Occasional; varies by section.
    Description of Respondents: Currently there are no active OCS 
sulphur lease operators. Our estimates are based on expected responses 
for one potential respondent.
    Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden: The estimated 
annual hour burden for this information collection is a total of 903 
hours. The following chart details the individual components and 
estimated hour burdens. In calculating the burdens, we assumed that 
respondents perform certain requirements in the normal course of their 
activities. We consider these to be usual and customary and took that 
into account in estimating the burden.

                                      Reporting and
      Citation 30 CFR 250             recordkeeping           Hour burden      Average number of   Annual burden
                                       requirement                              annual reponses        hours
1600; 1617.....................  Submit exploration or       Burden covered under (1010-0151)                  0
                                  development and
                                  production plan.
1617; 1618; 1619(b); 1622......  Submit forms MMS-123        Burden covered under (1010-0141)                  0
                                  (Application for
                                  Permit to Drill), MMS-
                                  124 (Application for
                                  Permit to Modify),
                                  Form MMS-125 (End of
                                  Operations Report).
1605(b)(3).....................  Submit and/or resubmit   4.................  1 submission......               4
                                  data and information
                                  on fitness of drilling
1605(d)........................  Submit results of        1.................  1 submission......               1
                                  additional surveys and
                                  soil borings upon
1605(f)........................  Submit application for      Burden covered under (1010-0149).                 0
                                  installation of fixed
                                  drilling platforms or
1608...........................  Submit well casing and   5.................  1 plan............               5
                                  cementing plan or
1619(c), (d), (e)..............  Submit copies of         1.................  8 submissions.....               8
                                  records, logs,
                                  reports, charts, etc.,
                                  upon request.
1628(b), (d)...................  Submit application for   4.................  1 application.....               4
                                  design and
                                  installation features
                                  of sulphur production
                                  facilities and fuel
                                  gas safety system;
                                  certify new
                                  installation conforms
                                  to approved design.
1630(a)(6).....................  Notify BOEMRE of pre-    ..................  2 notifications...               1
                                  production test and
                                  inspection of safety
                                  system and
                                  commencement of
1633(b)........................  Submit application for   2.................  1 application.....               2
                                  method of production
    Subtotal................................................................  15 responses......              25
1603(a)........................  Request determination    1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  whether sulphur
                                  deposit can produce in
                                  paying quantities.
1605(e)(5).....................  Request copy of          1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  directional survey (by
                                  holder of adjoining
1607...........................  Request establishment,   8.................  2 requests........              16
                                  amendment, or
                                  cancellation of field
                                  rules for drilling,
                                  well-completion, or
1610(d)(7+8)...................  Request exception to     1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  ram-type blowout
                                  preventer (BOP) system
                                  components rated
                                  working pressure.
1611(b); 1625(b)...............  Request exception to     1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  water-rated working
                                  pressure to test ram-
                                  type and annular BOPs
                                  and choke manifold.
1611(f); 1625(f)...............  Request exception to     1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  recording pressure
                                  conditions during BOP
                                  tests on pressure
1612...........................  Request exception to     1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  Sec.  Sec.   250.408/
                                  250.462 requirements
                                  for well-control
1615...........................  Request exception to     1.................  1 request.........               1
                                  blind-shear ram or
                                  pipe rams and inside
                                  BOP to secure wells.
1629(b)(3).....................  Request approval of      4.................  1 request.........               4
                                  firefighting systems;
                                  post firefighting
                                  system diagram.
1600 thru 1634.................  General departure and/   2.................  1 request.........               2
                                  or alternative
                                  compliance requests
                                  not specifically
                                  covered elsewhere in
                                  subpart P.
    Subtotal................................................................  11 responses......              29
1604(f)........................  Check traveling-block    \1/4\.............  1 lessee x 52 wks               26
                                  safety device for                            x 2 rigs = 104.
                                  proper operation
                                  weekly and after each
                                  drill-line slipping;
                                  enter results in log.
1605(c)........................  Report oceanographic,    1.................  1 report..........               1
                                  meteorological, and
                                  drilling unit
                                  performance data upon

[[Page 54368]]

1609(a)........................  Pressure test casing;    2.................  1 lessee x 60                  120
                                  record time,                                 tests/records =
                                  conditions of testing,                       60.
                                  and test results in
1611(d)(3); 1625(d)(3).........  Record in driller's      10 minutes........  1 lessee x 6                     1
                                  report the date, time,                       recordings = 6.
                                  and reason for
                                  postponing pressure
1611(f), (g); 1625(f), (g).....  Conduct tests,           6.................  1 lessee x 52                  312
                                  actuations,                                  weeks = 52.
                                  maintenance, and crew
                                  drills of BOP systems
                                  at least weekly;
                                  record results in
                                  driller's report;
                                  retain records for 2
                                  years following
                                  completion of drilling
1613(d)........................  Pressure test diverter   2.................  1 lessee (daily/               208
                                  sealing element/valves                       weekly during
                                  weekly; actuate                              drilling) x 2
                                  diverter sealing                             rigs x 52 weeks =
                                  element/valves/control                       104.
                                  system every 24 hours;
                                  test diverter line for
                                  flow every 24 hours;
                                  record test times and
                                  results in driller's
1616(c)........................  Retain training records  Burden covered      0.................
                                  for lessee and           under 1010-0128.
                                  drilling contractor
1619(a); 1623(c)...............  Retain records for each  12................  1 lessee..........              12
                                  well and all well
                                  operations for 2
                                  years; calculate well-
                                  control fluid volume
                                  and post near
                                  operators' station.
1621...........................  Conduct safety meetings  1.................  1 lessee x 50                   50
                                  prior to well-                               meetings/records
                                  completion or well-                          = 50.
                                  workover operations;
                                  record date and time.
1628(b), (d)...................  Maintain information on  1.................  1 lessee..........               1
                                  approved design and
                                  installation features
                                  for the life of the
1629(b)(1)(ii).................  Retain pressure-         12................  1 lessee..........              12
                                  recording charts used
                                  to determine operating
                                  pressure ranges for 2
1630(b)........................  Maintain records for     1.................  1 lessee..........               1
                                  each safety device
                                  installed for 2 years;
                                  make available for
1631...........................  Conduct safety device    1.................  1 lessee x 52                  104
                                  training prior to                            train/records x 2
                                  production operations                        rigs = 104.
                                  and periodically
                                  thereafter; record
                                  date and time.
1634(b)........................  Report evidence of       1.................  1 report..........               1
                                  mishandling of
                                  produced sulphur or
                                  tampering or
                                  falsifying any
                                  measurement of
    Subtotal................................................................  486 responses.....             849
    Total Burden............................................................  512 responses.....            903
* We included a minimal burden, but it has not been necessary to request these data and/or no submissions
  received for many years.

    Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden: We have 
identified no paperwork non-hour cost burdens associated with the 
collection of information.
    Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) 
provides that an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of 
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. 
Until OMB approves a collection of information, you are not obligated 
to respond.
    Comments: Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501, et 
seq.) requires each agency ``* * * to provide notice * * * and 
otherwise consult with members of the public and affected agencies 
concerning each proposed collection of information * * *'' Agencies 
must specifically solicit comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the 
proposed collection of information is necessary for the agency to 
perform its duties, including whether the information is useful; (b) 
evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information; (c) enhance the quality, 
usefulness, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) 
minimize the burden on the respondents, including the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
    To comply with the public consultation process, on March 30, 2010, 
we published a Federal Register notice (75 FR 15718) announcing that we 
would submit this ICR to OMB for approval. The notice provided the 
required 60-day comment period. In addition, Sec.  250.199 provides the 
OMB control number for the information collection requirements imposed 
by the 30 CFR 250 regulations. The regulations also inform the public 
that they may comment at any time on the collections of information and 
provide the address to which they should send comments. We have 
received no comments in response to these efforts.
    If you wish to comment in response to this notice, you may send 
your comments to the offices listed under the ADDRESSES section of this 
notice. The OMB has up to 60 days to approve or disapprove the 
information collection but may respond after 30 days. Therefore, to 
ensure maximum consideration, OMB should receive public comments by 
October 7, 2010.
    Public Availability of Comments: Before including your address, 
phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information 
in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment--
including your personal identifying information--may be made publicly 
available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold 
your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot 
guarantee that we will be able to do so.
    BOEMRE Information Collection Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz 
(703) 787-1025.

[[Page 54369]]

     Dated: August 30, 2010.
Doug Slitor,
Acting Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs.
[FR Doc. 2010-22190 Filed 9-3-10; 8:45 am]
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