Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing, 52756-52758 [2010-21347]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 166 / Friday, August 27, 2010 / Notices
Dated: August 23, 2010.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010–21328 Filed 8–26–10; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Funding
Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice of Intent to award a
Single Source Supplement Grant to the
National Center for Mental Health
Promotion and Youth Violence
Prevention at Educational Development
Corporation (EDC) of Newton,
This notice is to inform the
public that the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) intends to award
approximately $250,000 for up to fifteen
months to expand grant activities
funded under the Technical Assistance
Center for Mental Health Promotion and
Youth Violence Prevention to
implement a Back to School media
campaign targeted at the Gulf Coast
schools impacted by the Deepwater oil
spill. This is not a formal request for
applications. This award is contingent
upon the availability of funding.
Assistance will be provided only to the
current grantee of the Technical
Assistance Center for Mental Health
Promotion and Youth Violence
Prevention based on the receipt of a
satisfactory application that is approved
by an independent review group.
Funding Opportunity Title: SM–10–
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 93.243.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Authority: Sections 501(d)(5), 501(d)(18),
520A, 231, of the Public Health Service (PHS)
Act [42 U.S.C. 290aa; 42 U.S.C. 290bb–32, 42
U.S.C. 238, respectively].
Justification: Only an application
from the current grantee, National
Center for Mental Health Promotion and
Youth Violence Prevention at
Educational Development Corporation
(EDC), will be considered for funding
under this announcement. Fifteenmonths funding may become available
to implement a Back to School Media
Support for Gulf Coast States Impacted
by the Deepwater Oil Spill grant. The
current grantee will provide technical
assistance and is in a unique position to
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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address the needs of communities
rapidly. This Center currently provides
technical assistance and training to
strengthen the capacity of active Safe
Schools/Healthy Students grantees to
sustain the use of evidence-based
strategies for mental health promotion
and school violence prevention. There
is no other potential organization with
the required access and expertise.
Eligibility for this program
supplement is restricted to the current
grantee, National Center for Mental
Health Promotion and Youth Violence
Prevention at Educational Development
Corporation (EDC). Eligibility is limited
because the magnitude of the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill and its impact on the
residents of the Gulf Coast region have
led to an urgent need for disaster
behavioral health communications
services targeting school aged children,
youth and their families. This
supplement will serve to maximize
efficiencies created under the current
services infrastructure. It would be
inefficient and duplicative to fund
additional technical assistance services
for a Back to School Media Support for
Gulf Coast States Impacted by the
Deepwater Oil Spill grant through a
second organization.
Contact: Shelly Hara, Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 1 Choke Cherry Road,
Room 8–1095, Rockville, MD 20857;
telephone: (240) 276–2321; E-mail:
Dated: August 23, 2010.
Toian Vaughn,
SAMHSA Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–21339 Filed 8–26–10; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
Government-Owned Inventions;
Availability for Licensing
National Institutes of Health,
Public Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The inventions listed below
are owned by an agency of the U.S.
Government and are available for
licensing in the U.S. in accordance with
35 U.S.C. 207 to achieve expeditious
commercialization of results of
Federally-funded research and
development. Foreign patent
applications are filed on selected
inventions to extend market coverage
for companies and may also be available
for licensing.
PO 00000
Frm 00048
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Licensing information and
copies of the U.S. patent applications
listed below may be obtained by writing
to the indicated licensing contact at the
Office of Technology Transfer, National
Institutes of Health, 6011 Executive
Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville,
Maryland 20852–3804; telephone: 301/
496–7057; fax: 301/402–0220. A signed
Confidential Disclosure Agreement will
be required to receive copies of the
patent applications.
System and Method for Producing
Nondiffracting Light Sheets that
Improves the Performance of Selective
Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM)
Description of Invention: The
technology offered for licensing relates
to a system and method of producing
nondiffracting beams of light that
spatially overlap, but do not interfere
with each other when intersecting the
detection plane of an optical
arrangement. The system includes an
illumination source (i.e. ultrafast laser)
for transmitting a beam of light through
the optical arrangement that includes a
diffraction grating for diffracting the
light beam to produce beams of light
having different wavelengths, which are
then passed through an annular aperture
that transforms the beams of light into
nondiffracting beams having different
wavelengths. The method can be readily
utilized in Selective Plane Illumination
Microscopy (SPIM), a system that
provides optical sectioning of a sample
that is labeled with fluorescent dyes.
SPIM can provide quantitative threedimensional maps of the distribution of
a flurophore within the sample with
high spatiotemporal resolution and an
excellent signal-to-noise ratio. The
standard SPIM technique however
produces nonuniform axial resolution,
which is caused by the diffraction of the
laser beam through the sample, causing
degradation in the optical sectioning,
and forcing a compromise between field
of view and axial resolution.
Techniques for decoupling field of view
and axial resolution have previously
utilized nondiffracting beams (e.g.
Bessel beams) for sample illumination.
The resulting interference from multiple
nondiffracting beams degrades the
quality of optical sectioning and the
quality of the image. The present
technology utilizing nondiffracting
noninterfering beams is intended to
alleviate the problems associated with
the currently used SPIM techniques.
Applications: In Selective Plane
Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) used
for optical sectioning and imaging of
biological samples.
Development Status: Proof of concept
has been demonstrated.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 166 / Friday, August 27, 2010 / Notices
Inventors: Andrew York, Yicong Wu,
Hari Shroff (NIBIB)
Relevant Publications
1. Durnin J, Micheli J Jr, Eberly JH.
Diffraction-free beams. Phys Rev Lett.
1987 Apr 13;58(15):1499–1501.
2. Greger K, Swoger J, Stelzer EH.
Basic building units and properties of a
fluorescence single plane illumination
microscope. Rev Sci Instrum. 2007
Feb;78(2):023705. [PubMed: 17578115]
3. Fahrbach F, Rohrbach A.
Microscopy with Non-diffracting Beams.
Abstract at 2009 Focus on Microscopy
Conference, https://
4. Rohrbach A. Artifacts resulting
from imaging in scattering media: a
theoretical prediction. Opt Lett. 2009
Oct 1;34(19):3041–3043. [PubMed:
Patent Status: U.S. Provisional
Application No. 61/360,352 filed 30 Jun
2010, entitled ‘‘System and Method of
Producing Nondiffracting Light Sheets
by a Multiplicity of Spatially
Overlapping, Minimally Interfering
Nondiffracting Optical Beams’’ (HHS
Reference No. E–118–2010/0–US–01).
Licensing Status: Available for
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Licensing Contacts
• Uri Reichman, Ph.D., MBA; 301–
• Michael Shmilovich, Esq.; 301–
Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The NIBIB Section on High Resolution
Optical Imaging is seeking statements of
capability or interest from parties
interested in collaborative research to
further develop, evaluate, or
commercialize the nondiffracting Light
Sheets for SPIM. Please contact Hari
Shroff at 301–435–1995 or hari.shroff for more information.
Method of Producing Immortalized
Primary Human Keratinocytes for HPV
Investigation, Testing of Therapeutics,
and Skin Graft Generation
Description of Invention: One of the
major limitations of using cultured
keratinocytes for research studies is that
primary keratinocytes senesce after a
few passages. Keratinocytes from
specific anatomical sites are also
difficult to culture. Scientists at the NIH
have demonstrated that primary
keratinocytes, from several anatomical
sites, when treated with a smallmolecule inhibitor of the ROCK protein
maintain a proliferative state and
become immortal without genetic
modification to the cells. Keratinocytes
are also the host cells for human
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papillomaviruses (HPVs) and other
viruses and this technology enables the
study of those viruses that do not
immortalize cells. In addition, this
technology may enhance the quantity of
material available for skin grafts, as
current grafting techniques are limited
by the amount of donor material
immediately available. Thus, this
technology may provide an ideal model
environment for producing large
quantities of both normal and diseased
primary human keratinocytes from
small numbers of primary cells from
individual hosts or anatomical sites for
research purposes, testing of
therapeutics, skin graft generation and
HPV investigation.
• Promotion of sustained primary
human keratinocyte proliferation in
• Human skin graft cultures and
• Immortalization of both normal and
diseased cells from individual hosts.
• Immortalization of ‘‘difficult to
establish’’ keratinocytes from different
anatomical sites.
• In vitro assay for investigating the
full life cycle of HPV.
• In vitro screen for HPV inhibitors.
• Allows culture and immortalization
of many types of keratinocytes that are
difficult to establish and pass in culture.
• Allows isolation of diseased and
normal keratinocytes from individual
hosts for research and therapeutic
• Current HPV investigations are
limited by keratinocyte senescence.
• Skin graft generation is currently
dependent on slow culture of limited
quantities of donor material.
Development Status: Early stage: cellbased assays using primary human cells.
Market: Over 6 million individuals
become infected by genital HPV every
year and over 500,000 new cases of anal
and genital warts are diagnosed
annually in the United States (https:// At least 40,000
American burn victims are hospitalized
annually, including 25,000 admissions
to hospitals with specialized burn
centers ( and
skin grafts for diabetic ulcers are
increasing. Skin disease is very
prevalent and is estimated to affect
greater than 50% of individuals in
Western countries (Rea et al., British
Journal of Preventive and Social
Medicine 30: 107–14, 1976.
Inventors: Alison McBride (NIAID),
Sandra E. Chapman (NIAID), Jonathan
C. Vogel (NCI), Atsushi Terunuma
PO 00000
Frm 00049
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Sfmt 4703
Publication: Chapman S et al. Human
keratinocytes are efficiently
immortalized by a Rho kinase inhibitor.
J Clin Invest. 2010 Jul 1;120(7):2619–26.
[PubMed: 20516646].
Patent Status: PCT Patent Application
No. PCT/US2009/066844 filed 12 Apr
2009, which published as WO/2010/
065907 on 10 Jun 2010 (HHS Reference
No. E–055–2009/0–PCT–02).
Licensing Status: Available for
Licensing Contact: Jeffrey Clark Klein,
Ph.D.; 301–594–4697; kleinjc@mail.nih.
Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Viral
Diseases is seeking statements of
capability or interest from parties
interested in collaborative research to
further develop, evaluate, or
commercialize methods of producing
immortalized primary human
keratinocytes. Please contact Johanna
Schneider, Ph.D. at 301–451–9824 or for more
Novel Drugs for the Treatment of
Description of Invention: Because
psychosis and cognitive decline are
among the most common debilitating
afflictions of humans, the search for
new treatments is very important and
Researchers at the NIH have found
that genetic variations on the PIK3CD
gene are associated with schizophrenia
in Caucasian and African American
families and can affect normal human
cognition functions such as memory, IQ
and executive cognition. The inventors
have shown that an inhibitor of the
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110
delta (PIK3CD) enzyme, which is
encoded by the PIK3CD gene,
significantly improves a migratory
response that is critically impaired in
schizophrenic patients. This drug, as
well as other PIK3CD inhibitors, could
provide effective treatments of
psychosis and cognitive decline.
Applications: Novel target for
development of therapeutics of CNS
disorders including schizophrenia,
psychosis, and cognitive deficiency.
Development Status: Early stage: in
vivo rodent and in vitro human cells.
Market: According to BioPortfolio, the
world schizophrenia market was $12
billion in 2004. Schizophrenia affects
approximately 0.5% of both the U.S.
and world populations.
Inventors: Amanda J. Law and Daniel
R. Weinberger (NIMH).
Publication: In preparation.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 166 / Friday, August 27, 2010 / Notices
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with NOTICES
Patent Status: PCT Application No.
PCT/US2009/66867 filed 04 Dec 2009
(HHS Reference No. E–054–2009/0–
Licensing Status: Available for
Licensing Contact: Charlene Sydnor,
Ph.D.; 301–435–4689; sydnorc@mail.
Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The National Institute of Mental Health
Clinical Brain Disorders Branch is
seeking statements of capability or
interest from parties interested in
collaborative research to further
develop, evaluate, or commercialize the
development of PIK3CD inhibitors for
the treatment of CNS disorders
including schizophrenia, psychosis, and
cognitive deficiency. Please contact
Amanda Law at for
more information.
Fast Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Imaging (EPRI) Using CW–EPR
Spectrometer With Sinusoidal RapidScan and Digital Signal Processing
Description of Invention: Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Imaging
is an indispensable tool that may be
applied to a variety of disciplines for
evaluation of chemical species having
unpaired electrons such as free radicals
and transition metal ions. In Continuous
Wave (CW)–EPR the sample is
continuously irradiated with weak RF
radiation while sweeping the magnetic
field relatively slowly. Existing CW–
EPR techniques utilize a signal
detection method known as phasesensitive detection which results in data
acquisition times that are too long for in
vivo applications. The present
technology represents significant
improvements on conventional CW–
The subject technology includes three
approaches to collecting image data
with increased spatial, temporal and
spectral resolution and improved
sensitivity. Spectral data acquisition is
performed by a direct detection strategy
involving mixing a signal to base-band
and acquiring data with a fast-digitizer.
Projection data is acquired using a
sinusoidal magnetic field sweep under
gradient magnetic fields. Data collection
times are decreased with the utility of
rotating gradients.
Further improvement to the present
technology includes optimized DSP
(digital signal processing) transmit and
receive systems that decrease the analog
background noise and allow optimizing
the extent of signal averaging for
improved image quality.
Increased speed and sensitivity make
CW–EPR a potentially useful and
complementary tool to proton Magnetic
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Resonance Imaging for in vivo imaging.
The presently described improvements
to CW–EPR will allow changes of blood
perfusion and oxygenation in tumors to
be observed in nearly real-time, while
improved resolution will permit
angiogenesis in and around tumors to be
monitored in a non-invasive manner.
Additionally, rapid scan imaging
provides excellent temporal resolution
and will help quantify pharmacokinetics and metabolic degradation
kinetics of bioactive and redox sensitive
free radicals such as nitroxides.
commercialize the above rapid scanrotating gradients strategy for
performing routine in vivo
radiofrequency CW EPR imaging in
small animals. Please contact John D.
Hewes, PhD, at 301–435–3121 or hewesj for more information.
Dated: August 20, 2010.
Richard U. Rodriguez,
Director, Division of Technology Development
and Transfer, Office of Technology Transfer,
National Institutes of Health.
[FR Doc. 2010–21347 Filed 8–26–10; 8:45 am]
• Enhanced spatial, temporal, and
spectral resolution of Continuous WaveElectron Paramagnetic Resonance
• Real-time assessment of changes in
blood perfusion and oxygenation.
Development Status: Preliminary
experiments have been conducted and
the technology has been tested for
Inventors: Sankaran Subramanian et
al. (NCI).
Relevant Publication: Subramanian S,
Koscielniak JW, Devasahayam N,
Pursley RH, Pohida TJ, Krishna MC. A
new strategy for fast radiofrequency CW
EPR imaging: Direct detection with
rapid scan and rotating gradients. J
Magn Reson. 2007 Jun; 186(2):212–219.
[PubMed: 17350865].
Patent Status
• U.S. Provisional Application No.
60/818,052 filed 30 Jun 2006 (HHS
Reference No. E–221–2005/0–US–01).
• PCT Application No. PCT/US07/
00072371 filed 02 Jul 2007, which
published as WO 2008/091365 on 31 Jul
2008 (HHS Reference No. E–221–2005/
• U.S. Patent Application No. 12/
306,514 filed 23 Dec 2008 (HHS
Reference No. E–221–2005/1–US–02).
• U.S. Patent Application No. 12/
564,006 filed 21 Sep 2009 (HHS
Reference No. E–221–2005/2–US–01).
Licensing Status: Available for
Licensing Contacts
• Uri Reichman, PhD, MBA; 301–
• John Stansberry, PhD; 301–435–
Collaborative Research Opportunity:
The National Cancer Institute, Radiation
Biology Branch, is seeking statements of
capability or interest from parties
interested in collaborative research to
further develop improved hardware in
terms of higher gradient & sweep
frequencies and compatible AC
amplifiers and evaluate, or
PO 00000
Frm 00050
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
National Institutes of Health
Government-Owned Inventions;
Availability for Licensing
National Institutes of Health,
Public Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The inventions listed below
are owned by an agency of the U.S.
Government and are available for
licensing in the U.S. in accordance with
35 U.S.C. 207 to achieve expeditious
commercialization of results of
federally-funded research and
development. Foreign patent
applications are filed on selected
inventions to extend market coverage
for companies and may also be available
for licensing.
ADDRESSES: Licensing information and
copies of the U.S. patent applications
listed below may be obtained by writing
to the indicated licensing contact at the
Office of Technology Transfer, National
Institutes of Health, 6011 Executive
Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville,
Maryland 20852–3804; telephone: 301/
496–7057; fax: 301/402–0220. A signed
Confidential Disclosure Agreement will
be required to receive copies of the
patent applications.
An XMRV Tool Box: Expression
Plasmids, Genes, and Proteins for All
Components of the Xenotropic Murine
Leukemia Virus-Related Virus (XMRV)
Description of Invention: The
xenotropic murine leukemia virusrelated virus (XMRV) has been
implicated as a possible causative agent
of prostate cancer and chronic fatigue
syndrome (CFS). Scientists at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) and
Science Applications International
Corporation in Frederick, MD (SAIC–
Frederick) have developed sixty four
(64) protein expression plasmids for
components of XMRV. One or more
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 166 (Friday, August 27, 2010)]
[Pages 52756-52758]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-21347]
National Institutes of Health
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
AGENCY: National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S.
Government and are available for licensing in the U.S. in accordance
with 35 U.S.C. 207 to achieve expeditious commercialization of results
of Federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent
applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage
for companies and may also be available for licensing.
ADDRESSES: Licensing information and copies of the U.S. patent
applications listed below may be obtained by writing to the indicated
licensing contact at the Office of Technology Transfer, National
Institutes of Health, 6011 Executive Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville,
Maryland 20852-3804; telephone: 301/496-7057; fax: 301/402-0220. A
signed Confidential Disclosure Agreement will be required to receive
copies of the patent applications.
System and Method for Producing Nondiffracting Light Sheets that
Improves the Performance of Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy
Description of Invention: The technology offered for licensing
relates to a system and method of producing nondiffracting beams of
light that spatially overlap, but do not interfere with each other when
intersecting the detection plane of an optical arrangement. The system
includes an illumination source (i.e. ultrafast laser) for transmitting
a beam of light through the optical arrangement that includes a
diffraction grating for diffracting the light beam to produce beams of
light having different wavelengths, which are then passed through an
annular aperture that transforms the beams of light into nondiffracting
beams having different wavelengths. The method can be readily utilized
in Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM), a system that
provides optical sectioning of a sample that is labeled with
fluorescent dyes. SPIM can provide quantitative three-dimensional maps
of the distribution of a flurophore within the sample with high
spatiotemporal resolution and an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. The
standard SPIM technique however produces nonuniform axial resolution,
which is caused by the diffraction of the laser beam through the
sample, causing degradation in the optical sectioning, and forcing a
compromise between field of view and axial resolution. Techniques for
decoupling field of view and axial resolution have previously utilized
nondiffracting beams (e.g. Bessel beams) for sample illumination. The
resulting interference from multiple nondiffracting beams degrades the
quality of optical sectioning and the quality of the image. The present
technology utilizing nondiffracting noninterfering beams is intended to
alleviate the problems associated with the currently used SPIM
Applications: In Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM)
used for optical sectioning and imaging of biological samples.
Development Status: Proof of concept has been demonstrated.
[[Page 52757]]
Inventors: Andrew York, Yicong Wu, Hari Shroff (NIBIB)
Relevant Publications
1. Durnin J, Micheli J Jr, Eberly JH. Diffraction-free beams. Phys
Rev Lett. 1987 Apr 13;58(15):1499-1501.
2. Greger K, Swoger J, Stelzer EH. Basic building units and
properties of a fluorescence single plane illumination microscope. Rev
Sci Instrum. 2007 Feb;78(2):023705. [PubMed: 17578115]
3. Fahrbach F, Rohrbach A. Microscopy with Non-diffracting Beams.
Abstract at 2009 Focus on Microscopy Conference,
4. Rohrbach A. Artifacts resulting from imaging in scattering
media: a theoretical prediction. Opt Lett. 2009 Oct 1;34(19):3041-3043.
[PubMed: 19794809]
Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/360,352 filed 30
Jun 2010, entitled ``System and Method of Producing Nondiffracting
Light Sheets by a Multiplicity of Spatially Overlapping, Minimally
Interfering Nondiffracting Optical Beams'' (HHS Reference No. E-118-
Licensing Status: Available for licensing.
Licensing Contacts
Uri Reichman, Ph.D., MBA; 301-435-4616;
Michael Shmilovich, Esq.; 301-435-5019;
Collaborative Research Opportunity: The NIBIB Section on High
Resolution Optical Imaging is seeking statements of capability or
interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further
develop, evaluate, or commercialize the nondiffracting Light Sheets for
SPIM. Please contact Hari Shroff at 301-435-1995 or
for more information.
Method of Producing Immortalized Primary Human Keratinocytes for HPV
Investigation, Testing of Therapeutics, and Skin Graft Generation
Description of Invention: One of the major limitations of using
cultured keratinocytes for research studies is that primary
keratinocytes senesce after a few passages. Keratinocytes from specific
anatomical sites are also difficult to culture. Scientists at the NIH
have demonstrated that primary keratinocytes, from several anatomical
sites, when treated with a small-molecule inhibitor of the ROCK protein
maintain a proliferative state and become immortal without genetic
modification to the cells. Keratinocytes are also the host cells for
human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and other viruses and this technology
enables the study of those viruses that do not immortalize cells. In
addition, this technology may enhance the quantity of material
available for skin grafts, as current grafting techniques are limited
by the amount of donor material immediately available. Thus, this
technology may provide an ideal model environment for producing large
quantities of both normal and diseased primary human keratinocytes from
small numbers of primary cells from individual hosts or anatomical
sites for research purposes, testing of therapeutics, skin graft
generation and HPV investigation.
Promotion of sustained primary human keratinocyte
proliferation in vitro.
Human skin graft cultures and techniques.
Immortalization of both normal and diseased cells from
individual hosts.
Immortalization of ``difficult to establish''
keratinocytes from different anatomical sites.
In vitro assay for investigating the full life cycle of
In vitro screen for HPV inhibitors.
Allows culture and immortalization of many types of
keratinocytes that are difficult to establish and pass in culture.
Allows isolation of diseased and normal keratinocytes from
individual hosts for research and therapeutic purposes.
Current HPV investigations are limited by keratinocyte
Skin graft generation is currently dependent on slow
culture of limited quantities of donor material.
Development Status: Early stage: cell-based assays using primary
human cells.
Market: Over 6 million individuals become infected by genital HPV
every year and over 500,000 new cases of anal and genital warts are
diagnosed annually in the United States ( At
least 40,000 American burn victims are hospitalized annually, including
25,000 admissions to hospitals with specialized burn centers ( and skin grafts for diabetic ulcers are increasing.
Skin disease is very prevalent and is estimated to affect greater than
50% of individuals in Western countries (Rea et al., British Journal of
Preventive and Social Medicine 30: 107-14, 1976.
Inventors: Alison McBride (NIAID), Sandra E. Chapman (NIAID),
Jonathan C. Vogel (NCI), Atsushi Terunuma (NCI).
Publication: Chapman S et al. Human keratinocytes are efficiently
immortalized by a Rho kinase inhibitor. J Clin Invest. 2010 Jul
1;120(7):2619-26. [PubMed: 20516646].
Patent Status: PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2009/066844 filed
12 Apr 2009, which published as WO/2010/065907 on 10 Jun 2010 (HHS
Reference No. E-055-2009/0-PCT-02).
Licensing Status: Available for licensing.
Licensing Contact: Jeffrey Clark Klein, Ph.D.; 301-594-4697;
Collaborative Research Opportunity: The National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Viral Diseases is
seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in
collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize
methods of producing immortalized primary human keratinocytes. Please
contact Johanna Schneider, Ph.D. at 301-451-9824 or for more information.
Novel Drugs for the Treatment of Schizophrenia
Description of Invention: Because psychosis and cognitive decline
are among the most common debilitating afflictions of humans, the
search for new treatments is very important and timely.
Researchers at the NIH have found that genetic variations on the
PIK3CD gene are associated with schizophrenia in Caucasian and African
American families and can affect normal human cognition functions such
as memory, IQ and executive cognition. The inventors have shown that an
inhibitor of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 delta (PIK3CD)
enzyme, which is encoded by the PIK3CD gene, significantly improves a
migratory response that is critically impaired in schizophrenic
patients. This drug, as well as other PIK3CD inhibitors, could provide
effective treatments of psychosis and cognitive decline.
Applications: Novel target for development of therapeutics of CNS
disorders including schizophrenia, psychosis, and cognitive deficiency.
Development Status: Early stage: in vivo rodent and in vitro human
Market: According to BioPortfolio, the world schizophrenia market
was $12 billion in 2004. Schizophrenia affects approximately 0.5% of
both the U.S. and world populations.
Inventors: Amanda J. Law and Daniel R. Weinberger (NIMH).
Publication: In preparation.
[[Page 52758]]
Patent Status: PCT Application No. PCT/US2009/66867 filed 04 Dec
2009 (HHS Reference No. E-054-2009/0-PCT-02).
Licensing Status: Available for licensing.
Licensing Contact: Charlene Sydnor, Ph.D.; 301-435-4689;
Collaborative Research Opportunity: The National Institute of
Mental Health Clinical Brain Disorders Branch is seeking statements of
capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative
research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize the development
of PIK3CD inhibitors for the treatment of CNS disorders including
schizophrenia, psychosis, and cognitive deficiency. Please contact
Amanda Law at for more information.
Fast Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging (EPRI) Using CW-EPR
Spectrometer With Sinusoidal Rapid-Scan and Digital Signal Processing
Description of Invention: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
Imaging is an indispensable tool that may be applied to a variety of
disciplines for evaluation of chemical species having unpaired
electrons such as free radicals and transition metal ions. In
Continuous Wave (CW)-EPR the sample is continuously irradiated with
weak RF radiation while sweeping the magnetic field relatively slowly.
Existing CW-EPR techniques utilize a signal detection method known as
phase-sensitive detection which results in data acquisition times that
are too long for in vivo applications. The present technology
represents significant improvements on conventional CW-EPR.
The subject technology includes three approaches to collecting
image data with increased spatial, temporal and spectral resolution and
improved sensitivity. Spectral data acquisition is performed by a
direct detection strategy involving mixing a signal to base-band and
acquiring data with a fast-digitizer. Projection data is acquired using
a sinusoidal magnetic field sweep under gradient magnetic fields. Data
collection times are decreased with the utility of rotating gradients.
Further improvement to the present technology includes optimized
DSP (digital signal processing) transmit and receive systems that
decrease the analog background noise and allow optimizing the extent of
signal averaging for improved image quality.
Increased speed and sensitivity make CW-EPR a potentially useful
and complementary tool to proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging for in vivo
imaging. The presently described improvements to CW-EPR will allow
changes of blood perfusion and oxygenation in tumors to be observed in
nearly real-time, while improved resolution will permit angiogenesis in
and around tumors to be monitored in a non-invasive manner.
Additionally, rapid scan imaging provides excellent temporal resolution
and will help quantify pharmaco-kinetics and metabolic degradation
kinetics of bioactive and redox sensitive free radicals such as
Enhanced spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution of
Continuous Wave-Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging.
Real-time assessment of changes in blood perfusion and
Development Status: Preliminary experiments have been conducted and
the technology has been tested for feasibility.
Inventors: Sankaran Subramanian et al. (NCI).
Relevant Publication: Subramanian S, Koscielniak JW, Devasahayam N,
Pursley RH, Pohida TJ, Krishna MC. A new strategy for fast
radiofrequency CW EPR imaging: Direct detection with rapid scan and
rotating gradients. J Magn Reson. 2007 Jun; 186(2):212-219. [PubMed:
Patent Status
U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/818,052 filed 30 Jun
2006 (HHS Reference No. E-221-2005/0-US-01).
PCT Application No. PCT/US07/00072371 filed 02 Jul 2007,
which published as WO 2008/091365 on 31 Jul 2008 (HHS Reference No. E-
U.S. Patent Application No. 12/306,514 filed 23 Dec 2008
(HHS Reference No. E-221-2005/1-US-02).
U.S. Patent Application No. 12/564,006 filed 21 Sep 2009
(HHS Reference No. E-221-2005/2-US-01).
Licensing Status: Available for licensing.
Licensing Contacts
Uri Reichman, PhD, MBA; 301-435-4616;
John Stansberry, PhD; 301-435-5236;
Collaborative Research Opportunity: The National Cancer Institute,
Radiation Biology Branch, is seeking statements of capability or
interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further
develop improved hardware in terms of higher gradient & sweep
frequencies and compatible AC amplifiers and evaluate, or commercialize
the above rapid scan-rotating gradients strategy for performing routine
in vivo radiofrequency CW EPR imaging in small animals. Please contact
John D. Hewes, PhD, at 301-435-3121 or for more
Dated: August 20, 2010.
Richard U. Rodriguez,
Director, Division of Technology Development and Transfer, Office of
Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health.
[FR Doc. 2010-21347 Filed 8-26-10; 8:45 am]