Idaho State University; Notice of Issuance of Director's Decision, 47646-47650 [2010-19407]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 151 / Friday, August 6, 2010 / Notices
opportunity for public comment on this
action. After obtaining and considering
public comment, NSF will prepare the
submission requesting OMB clearance
of this collection for no longer than
three years.
Comments are invited on (a) whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Agency,
including whether the information shall
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Agency’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
and (d) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information of
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
DATES: Written comments should be
received by October 5, 2010, to be
assured of consideration. Comments
received after that date will be
considered to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: Written comments
regarding the information collection and
requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request should be
addressed to Suzanne Plimpton, Reports
Clearance Officer, National Science
Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard,
Room 295, Arlington, VA 22230, or by
e-mail to
Suzanne Plimpton on (703) 292–7556 or
send e-mail to
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern time,
Monday through Friday.
Title of Collection: Implementation
Evaluation of the ADVANCE Program.
OMB Control No.: 3145–0209.
Expiration Date of Approval: October
31, 2012.
Abstract: The ADVANCE Program
was established by the National Science
Foundation in 2001 to address the
underrepresentation and inadequate
advancement of women on STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) faculties at postsecondary
institutions. The evaluation being
conducted by the Urban Institute
focuses on the implementation of
ADVANCE projects at institutions
throughout the nation. The three major
funding components—institutional
transformation, leadership, and
partnership awards—as well as all
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cohorts funded that completed their
funding cycles will be included. The
study will rely on a thorough review of
project documents, telephone
interviews with all grantees, and
detailed case studies at selected sites.
The goal of the evaluation will be to
identify models of implementation and,
depending on outcomes by model,
conduct case studies at selected
institutions to understand how
ADVANCE models operate and may be
effective in differing settings.
Respondents: Faculty and staff at
institutions of higher education
awarded an ADVANCE grant from NSF.
Estimated Number of Annual
Respondents: 151 (total).
1. Site visit interviews. Conduct
interviews in 6 sites selected for case
studies. Interview project staff,
administrators and faculty. Burden
calculated as follows: Approximately 8
interviews in each site + interview
recipients of leadership awards at case
study sites (if any).
Total respondents: 48 estimated
interviewees + 7 leadership and PAID
award recipients = 55
2. Site visit focus groups with faculty:
2 per site; 6 sites; 6–8 faculty in each;
total = 96
Burden on the Public: 149 hours
(maximum). Calculated as follows:
1. Site visit interviews: 48 interviews
of 1 hour duration = 48 hours and 7
interviews of 45 minutes duration =
5.25 hours (53)
2. Focus groups: 96 participants of 1
hour duration = 96 hours
Dated: August 3, 2010.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science
[FR Doc. 2010–19458 Filed 8–5–10; 8:45 am]
[NRC–2009–0522; Docket No. 50–284;
License No. R–110]
Idaho State University; Notice of
Issuance of Director’s Decision
Notice is hereby given that the
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, has issued a Director’s
Decision with regard to a petition dated
June 26, 2009 (Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Accession No.
ML092440721), filed by Dr. Kevan
Crawford, hereinafter referred to as the
‘‘petitioner.’’ Additionally, the petitioner
requested further enforcement action
against the licensee, during a
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transcribed conference call which
addressed the Petition Review Board
(PRB) on September 1, 2009 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML09244072),
supplementing the June 26, 2009,
Action Requested
The petitioner requested that the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
take the following enforcement actions:
(1) The reactor operating license
should be suspended immediately. All
continuing violations, including items
that Dr. Crawford alleged were
unresolved from the Notice of Violation
(NOV) 93–1 as well as 20 violations that
Dr. Crawford alleged to be concealed
must be reconciled with the regulatory
requirements immediately. The alleged
violations correspond to regulatory,
criminal, and ethical misconduct which
Dr. Crawford contends had impacted
public health and safety and the
environment of Pocatello, Idaho.
(2) The licensee should be fined for
all damages related to the violations and
cover-up of violations.
(3) The licensee should be required to
carry a 50-year $50,000,000 bond to
cover latent radiation injuries instead of
covering these injuries with unreliable
State budget allocations for contingency
(4) During the fall semester of 1993,
Dr. Crawford alleges that students
utilizing the reactor lab facilities were
handling irradiated samples without
permission. Furthermore he alleges that
the samples were handled without anticontamination clothing and no
radiological surveys were conducted,
although he states neither of which was
required. Dr. Crawford contends said
students proceeded to the local hospital
to visit friends in the neonatal unit.
Upon this basis, Dr. Crawford requests
every potential exposure and
contamination victim be identified
through facility records, located, and
informed of the potential risk to them
and their families. The Medical Center
in Pocatello, Idaho, should also be
informed so that they may do the same.
Those who were exposed should be
informed of the entire range of expected
symptoms and of their right to seek
compensation from the licensee.
(5) The following should warrant
immediate revocation of the operating
license due to the inability of the
licensee to account for, with
documentation, controlled byproduct
nuclear materials that were:
a. Released in clandestine,
undocumented shipments before August
4, 1993;
b. Possessed by individuals not
licensed to control the materials, and
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 151 / Friday, August 6, 2010 / Notices
were not certified to handle the
c. Without proper Title 49 Code of
Federal Regulations (49 CFR)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
certified containers;
d. Without proper labeling for
transport on public roads; and
e. Concealed via fraudulent Annual
Operating Reports in which the licensee
failed to address uncontrolled byproduct material distribution and
facility modifications and which were
never amended after NOV 93–1.
(6) The licensee must permanently
revoke the Broad Form License.
(7) The licensee must publicly
acknowledge that there was a loss of
control of Special Nuclear Material
(8) The licensee must publicly
acknowledge persons that served as an
accessory to concealing unlawful
distribution of controlled substances,
fraud (both Annual Operating Reports
and National Whistleblower Center),
loss of control of SNM, and child
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Petitioner’s Bases for the Requested
The petitioner, Dr. Crawford, stated
that during his tenure as the Reactor
Supervisor at the Idaho State University
research reactor from December 19,
1991 until March 12, 1993, he witnessed
regulatory, criminal, and ethical
violations associated with the operation
of the NRC licensed facility.
Furthermore, Dr. Crawford contends
that the NRC was grossly negligent in
concealing violations in the Notice of
Violation (NOV) (Inspection Report 50–
284/93–01) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML092600304) and that Idaho State
University continues to operate its
reactor in violation of regulatory
requirements. The petitioner provided a
detailed historical chronology of events
with regards to observed activity and
alleged acts of misconduct involving
staff who worked during the said period
of Dr. Crawford’s tenure.
Determination for NRC Review Under
10 CFR 2.206
On September 15, 2009, the NRC
Petition Review Board (PRB) convened
to discuss the petition under
consideration and determine whether it
met the criteria for further review under
the 10 CFR 2.206 process. The PRB
comprised NRC technical and
enforcement staff and legal counsel, and
it was chaired by an NRC senior-level
manager. The PRB determined that the
petition under consideration met the
criteria established in NRC Management
Directive 8.11, ‘‘Review Process for 10
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CFR 2.206 Petitions,’’ and was accepted
in part into the 10 CFR 2.206 process.
Issues that were not accepted into the
2.206 petition process did not satisfy the
criteria as specified in NRC
Management Directive (MD) 8.11,
‘‘Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206
Petitions.’’ In such instances: (1) The
incoming correspondence does not ask
for an enforcement-related action or
fails to provide sufficient facts to
support the petition, but simply alleges
wrongdoing, violations of NRC
regulations, or existence of safety
concerns and/or, (2) The petitioner
raises issues that have already been the
subject of NRC staff review and
evaluation, either on that facility, other
similar facilities, or on a generic basis,
for which a resolution has been
achieved, the issues have been resolved,
and the resolution is applicable to the
facility in question. Additionally,
portions of the petition raised several
concerns not within the jurisdiction of
The PRB’s final recommendation was
to accept for review, pursuant to 10 CFR
2.206, the following concerns from the
(1) Failure to conduct 10 CFR 50.59
safety review of the modification of the
Controlled Access Area by the addition
of an undocumented roof access for
siphon breaker experiment
implemented prior to 1991. The June 26,
2009, petition states that the
modification allowed random student
access to the roof of the reactor room.
(2) Release of controlled by-product
nuclear materials in containers not
certified in accordance with 10 CFR Part
71 for transport of such materials on
public roads and not labeled with the
required labeling.
(3) Failure to require the reactor
operator conducting the startup
procedures to wear protective clothing
during routine removal of the activated
startup channel detector from the
reactor core. In the petition Dr.
Crawford states that this was cited as an
Apparent Violation, but the NRC should
not have dropped this item in the final
(4) Routine unprotected handling of
an unshielded neutron source (reactor
start-up source) by licensed operators
and uncontrolled access by untrained
and unlicensed facility visitors to this
neutron source, violating the 10 CFR
Part 20 as low as is reasonably
achievable (ALARA) requirements.
On September 28, 2009, the petitioner
was contacted via telephone and was
provided the initial recommendations of
the PRB. Pursuant to NRC MD 8.11, Dr.
Crawford was afforded the opportunity
to comment on the recommendations
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and to provide any relevant additional
explanation and support for the request
in light of the PRB’s recommendations.
Through subsequent e-mail
communication, Dr. Crawford declined
the opportunity to respond to the PRB’s
recommendations or to provide further
information for support of the petition
request (ADAMS Accession Nos.
ML092720460 and ML092720824).
The PRB’s final recommendation for
the petition was documented in the
acknowledgment letter dated November
19, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No.
During the week of February 23–24,
2010, a non-routine inspection (Idaho
State University-NRC Non-Routine
Inspection Report No. 50–284/2010–
201, ADAMS Accession No.
ML100321367) was conducted at the
Idaho State University research reactor
to review logs, records, and observe the
performance of licensed activities,
pertinent to the issues accepted for Dr.
Crawford’s 2.206 Petition. Copies of
Inspection Report No. 50–284/2010–201
were provided to reactor facility staff at
the Idaho State University and to the
On March 19, 2010, the NRC sent a
copy of the Proposed Director’s Decision
(ADAMS Accession No. ML104917500)
to Dr. Crawford and to staff at Idaho
State University for comment. Neither
the petitioner nor the licensee
responded with comment.
The Director of the Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation has determined that
the request for enforcement action
against the Idaho State University AGN–
201M research reactor to be denied. The
reasons for this decision are explained
in the Director’s Decision pursuant to 10
CFR 2.206 (DD No. 10–03), the complete
text of which is available in ADAMS
(Accession No. ML100491750) for
inspection at the Commission’s Public
Document Room, located at One White
Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first
floor), Rockville, Maryland, and via the
NRC’s Web site ( on
the World Wide Web, under the ‘‘Public
Involvement’’ icon.
Summary of Staff Findings
The following lists the four issues
from Dr. Crawford’s petition which the
PRB accepted for review, pursuant to 10
CFR 2.206, and the associated
conclusion made during the inspection:
(1) Failure to conduct 10 CFR 50.59
safety review of the modification of the
Controlled Access Area by the addition
of an undocumented roof access for
siphon breaker experiment
implemented prior to 1991.
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 151 / Friday, August 6, 2010 / Notices
The inspectors reviewed numerous
records available onsite, dating from
1975 through the present, and
interviewed present and former licensee
facility employees. From these records
and interviews the inspectors
ascertained that the Siphon Breaker
Experiment (SBE) was an experiment
that did not involve, and was not
connected to, the licensee’s research
and test reactor. Because of the height
of the piping involved in the SBE, the
experiment was conducted inside the
Reactor Room. Some of the piping
extended out of the roof of the Reactor
Room (through a temporary penetration
in the equipment hatch cover plate)
while the bottom portion of the SBE
rested in the Gamma Irradiation pit.
This provided sufficient vertical space
for the experiment to be conducted but
also required people working on the
experiment to access the Reactor Room.
No 10 CFR 50.59 review of the SBE
was found among the records reviewed
by the inspectors. However, upon
reviewing the SBE as it was described,
evidence does not support that a 10 CFR
50.59 review was required, as the
facility Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for
the Idaho State AGN–201M Reactor did
not describe the equipment access hatch
in detail, aside from dimensions and
material composition. A 10 CFR 50.59
review by the licensee would have been
necessary if the modification would
have changed structures, systems, and
components as described in the SAR.
During the August 1989 timeframe,
there were concerns about the security
of the Reactor Room (Room 20) because
of various people needing access to the
area. These concerns were brought to
the attention of the Reactor Supervisor.
After a review of the practices and
security arrangements for operation of
the SBE, a temporary procedure was
implemented to restrict access to the
Reactor Room and to ensure that the
experimenters’ activities were in
compliance with the Physical Security
The inspectors also reviewed
numerous records available onsite,
dating from 1975 through the present,
and interviewed present and former
licensee facility employees concerning
the installation of the personnel roof
access ladder and hatch. This was an
issue Dr. Crawford identified during the
transcribed conference call with the
PRB on September 1, 2009 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML092650381). It was
noted by the inspectors that the ladder
and roof hatch were installed to provide
a secondary means of escape from the
Reactor Room in case of emergency.
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Through records review, it was noted
that during the meeting of the Reactor
Safety Committee (RSC) in 1989, the
installation of the emergency escape
ladder in either the Reactor Room or
Reactor Laboratory (Lab) was discussed,
as was the installation of a fire alarm
and smoke detector. The personnel roof
access hatch was also addressed in Rev.
3 and Rev. 4 of the Physical Security
Plan for the facility dated February 23,
1990, and January 27, 2003,
respectively. No 10 CFR 50.59 review of
the roof access hatch was found among
the records reviewed by the inspectors.
Regarding the SBE, evidence does not
support that a 10 CFR 50.59 review was
required since it was not a modification
to existing structures and/or equipment,
as described in the SAR.
The review of recent licensee 10 CFR
50.59 reviews demonstrated that the
licensee is aware of the 10 CFR 50.59
process and that various operating and
safety aspects of modifications to
existing structures and/or equipment
needed to be reviewed (and, if needed,
approved by the RSC, or the NRC if
applicable) prior to implementing the
Although no 10 CFR 50.59 reviews
were found covering the Siphon Breaker
Experiment or the personnel roof access
ladder and hatch, evidence does not
support that such a review was needed
since they were not modifications to the
existing structures and/or equipment, as
described in the SAR. In addition, the
inspectors became aware through record
review that the licensee acknowledged
and addressed the security aspects of
the SBE. Furthermore, the licensee
developed a procedure to restrict access
to the Reactor Room to be in compliance
with the Physical Security Plan during
the timeframe which the SBE was in
(2) Release of controlled by-product
nuclear materials in containers not
certified in accordance with 10 CFR Part
71 for transport of such materials on
public roads and not labeled with the
required labeling.
The inspectors reviewed various
records dating from 1975 through the
present and interviewed present and
former licensee facility employees.
From these records and interviews the
inspectors determined that radioactive
materials produced in the reactor were
(and are) typically used in the Reactor
Room or the adjacent Lab and then left
in/returned to the Reactor Room for
decay. On occasion radioactive material
is transferred to other individuals or
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groups for use elsewhere. In the past,
the NRC noted problems in this area as
documented in Inspection Report No.
50–284/93–01, dated November 4, 1993.
As a result, the licensee took various
actions to correct the problems and
deficiencies. One action was to revise
and improve the record keeping system
for tracking byproduct material. The
record system and the forms used in
tracking material were reviewed by the
inspectors. The material had either been
transferred to an authorized/licensed
individual or company as required or it
was held in the Reactor Room until it
had decayed to background or near
background activity levels. No
violations were noted.
Another action the licensee took as a
result of the problems in 1993 was to
revise the procedures for shipping
radioactive materials from the ISU
campus. In reviewing the current
shipping procedures used at ISU, it was
noted that radioactive material to be
shipped from the reactor facility is
required to be transferred to the campus
Technical Safety Office (TSO). A person
from that office, designated as the ISU
Certified Shipper, is responsible for
ensuring that the material is shipped in
accordance with the rules specified by
the DOT in 49 CFR Parts 171 through
180. If assistance is needed, a certified
shipper from the Idaho National
Laboratory is called in for advice and
consultation to ensure that all aspects of
the regulations are met including (but
not limited to): (1) Completion of the
appropriate shipping papers, (2) use and
marking of properly certified containers,
(3) attachment of the proper labeling,
and (4) use of appropriate placards for
the transport vehicle as needed.
The inspectors also conferred with
NRC inspectors from the Region IV
office concerning their review of the
radioactive material shipping program
at ISU. In 1993, inspectors from Region
IV indicated that they had reviewed the
ISU program for receiving, handling,
and shipping byproduct and source
material. Recent reviews noted no
violations during the last three
A review of the available records
indicated that no shipments of
radioactive material from the reactor
had been made in the past several years.
The NRC review did not find any
inappropriate release of material in
uncertified containers and not properly
labeled. Regarding present operations,
radioactive material to be shipped from
the reactor facility is required to be
transferred to the TSO and that office is
responsible for completing the transfer
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 151 / Friday, August 6, 2010 / Notices
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
or shipment. Shipments of radioactive
material are verified to be in compliance
with the regulations and, if needed,
with the help of a consultant. No
shipments of radioactive material from
or produced in the reactor have been
made in the past several years.
(3) Failure to require the reactor
operator conducting the startup
procedures to wear protective clothing
to routinely remove the activated
startup channel detector from the
reactor core. The June 26, 2009, letter
states that this was cited and
mishandled in the 93–1 Notice of
Violation (NRC Inspection Report 50–
NRC Inspection Report (50–284/93–
01) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML100490079) addressed the Apparent
Violation (50–284/9301–07), where the
inspectors noted that a radiation
detector was used in association with
Experimental Procedure 21 (EP–21),
‘‘Auto Reactivity Control System
Operation’’ and was placed in the
thermal column of the reactor, but not
surveyed when removed. The survey
would have determined if activation
products presented a radiological
hazard to persons handling the detector.
At the time, 10 CFR 20.201 (b),
‘‘Surveys’’ was cited as the basis for an
apparent violation for the licensee’s
failure to make reasonable surveys
under the circumstances to evaluate the
extent of radiation hazards that may be
The 93–1 NOV contains Enclosure
No. 4, ‘‘Idaho State University
Presentation’’ which was conducted by
the ISU reactor facility staff during the
NRC–ISU Enforcement Conference held
on October 8, 1993, which discussed the
licensee’s process for EP–21. The
supplemental information showed that
upon EP–21’s completion the ion
chamber was left in the thermal column
until another experiment requires the
thermal column to be altered, which at
that time the surveys would be taken to
determine radiation levels which would
be recorded in the operations log. Based
on the supplemental information
provided during the Enforcement
Conference, no citation was issued for
the apparent violation as surveys of the
ion chamber were conducted at the time
of thermal column alteration.
The inspectors interviewed facility
staff and determined that EP–21 has not
been employed since 1995, and
equipment is presently not in service at
the facility. The inspectors followed-up
on the current protocol with regards to
handling of the startup channel detector
(Channel No. 1). By verification of the
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procedure and through interviews with
facility staff, it was determined that
when reactor power reached the target
threshold (as stated in Operational
Procedure (OP)-1), an operator would
depress an automated raise switch
which would move the detector from an
area of high flux, to an area of lower flux
within the water tank. The Channel No.
1 detector is not removed from the water
tank where it would be reasonable to
conduct radiological surveys. The
Channel No. 1 detector is lowered back
into its fixed position by extending a
solenoid arm external to the water tank,
without direct contact of potentially
contaminated equipment.
The inspectors reviewed
contamination and radiation survey
records as required by TS Section 4.4c,
Radiation Safety manual (RSM) Sections
6.3 and 7.2, and Radiation Safety
Procedures (e.g., Experimental
Procedure-8). The inspectors reviewed
logs of reactor operating and shutdown
conditions, interviewed TSO staff, and
performed an independent radiation
survey and determined that readings
were consistent and comparable to those
with the licensee.
Supporting information from the 1993
NRC–ISU Enforcement Conference
provided is consistent with the 10 CFR
Part 20 requirements for conducting
reasonable surveys under the
circumstances to evaluate the extent of
radiation hazards that may be present.
Currently, the licensee does not employ
EP–21 and the equipment is not in
service at the facility. The present
handling of the startup channel detector
is performed in accordance with
procedure which does not require the
use of protective clothing. A review of
contamination and radiation survey logs
was performed without issue.
(4) Routine unprotected handling of
an unshielded neutron source (reactor
start-up source) by licensed operators
and uncontrolled access by untrained
and unlicensed facility visitors to this
neutron source, violating 10 CFR Part 20
ALARA requirements.
During the inspection period the
reactor was inoperable due to
maintenance of control systems. The
inspectors reviewed contamination and
radiation survey records as required by
TS Section 4.4c, Radiation Safety
Manual Sections 6.3 and 7.2, and
Radiation Safety Procedures (e.g., EP–8).
Additionally, the inspectors reviewed
logs of reactor operating and shutdown
conditions, interviewed TSO staff, and
performed an independent radiation
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survey and determined that readings
were consistent and comparable to those
with the licensee. During the last
Reactor Full Power Survey, conducted
on July 21, 2009, by ISU TSO staff, the
inspectors determined, through record
review, that the radiation level at the
reactor console during 4 W reactor
power was 0.4 mr/hr. Streaming
radiation from the one inch diameter
access hole or ‘‘glory hole’’ is shielded
by 12-inch thick, high density baryte
concrete blocks which reduce the
radiation levels. The level of radiation
on the unshielded side of the glory hole,
streaming away from reactor console,
was 70 mr/hr at a distance of 1 m.
The inspectors reviewed records for
leak checks of the 10 mCi Ra-Be source
which is used during reactor startup.
The records indicated that recorded
levels during analyses were below the
threshold for minimum detectable
activity of the liquid scintillation
The inspectors interviewed facility
staff and reviewed the reactor startup
procedure, OP–1. The procedure
provides guidance for the operator to
insert the Ra-Be startup source into the
glory hole, Thermal Column, or a beam
port as needed for startup, however the
procedure does not explicitly provide a
step for startup source removal and
storage. Reactor Operators are trained to
remove the startup source at the point
where the nominal rod height has been
established and power has stabilized.
The startup source is removed by hand
and is stored in a lead shielded storage
receptacle, known as a ‘‘pig’’ for
subsequent use.
The procedure does not explicitly
state a requirement for protective
clothing as the startup source does not
directly come in contact with the
operator during handling; it is currently
threaded onto the end of a 6 foot
aluminum rod which facilitates
placement into the reactor.
The NRC review did not find
unprotected handling of an unshielded
neutron source and uncontrolled access
to the source. No violations of 10 CFR
Part 20 were identified. Radiation
surveys performed by TSO staff during
reactor operations indicate consistent
dose rates on the order of 0.4 mr/hr at
the reactor console. Contamination
surveys, involving the leak check for the
Ra-Be startup source indicate levels
below the threshold for minimum
detectable activity of the liquid
scintillation counter. Handling of the
Ra-Be startup source is conducted in
accordance with the approved
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 151 / Friday, August 6, 2010 / Notices
A copy of the Director’s Decision will
be filed with the Secretary of the
Commission for the Commission’s
review in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206
of the Commission’s regulations. As
provided for by this regulation, the
Director’s Decision will constitute the
final action of the Commission 25 days
after the date of the decision, unless the
Commission, on its own motion,
institutes a review of the Director’s
Decision in that time.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 30th day
of July 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Eric J. Leeds,
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 2010–19407 Filed 8–5–10; 8:45 am]
International Product Change—Global
Expedited Package Services—NonPublished Rates
Actuarial Advisory Committee will hold
a meeting on September 23, 2010, at
9:30 a.m. at the office of the Chief
Actuary of the U.S. Railroad Retirement
Board, 844 North Rush Street, Chicago,
Illinois, on the conduct of the 25th
Actuarial Valuation of the Railroad
Retirement System. The agenda for this
meeting will include a discussion of the
assumptions to be used in the 25th
Actuarial Valuation. A report containing
recommended assumptions and the
experience on which the
recommendations are based will have
been sent by the Chief Actuary to the
Committee before the meeting.
The meeting will be open to the
public. Persons wishing to submit
written statements or make oral
presentations should address their
communications or notices to the RRB
Actuarial Advisory Committee, c/o
Chief Actuary, U.S. Railroad Retirement
Board, 844 North Rush Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60611–2092
Dated: August 2, 2010.
Beatrice Ezerski,
Secretary to the Board.
[FR Doc. 2010–19394 Filed 8–5–10; 8:45 am]
Postal ServiceTM
Neva R. Watson,
Attorney, Legislative.
[FR Doc. 2010–19488 Filed 8–5–10; 8:45 am]
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with NOTICES
Actuarial Advisory Committee With
Respect to the Railroad Retirement
Account; Notice of Public Meeting
Notice is hereby given in accordance
with Public Law 92–463 that the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:35 Aug 05, 2010
Jkt 220001
[Disaster Declaration #12244 and #12245]
Kentucky Disaster Number KY–00036
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Amendment 2.
This is an amendment of the
Presidential declaration of a major
disaster for Public Assistance Only for
the State of Kentucky (FEMA–1925–
DR), dated 07/23/2010.
Incident: Severe Storms, Flooding,
and Mudslides.
Incident Period: 07/17/2010 through
Effective Date: 07/30/2010.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 09/21/2010.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
Application Deadline Date: 04/25/2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing And
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street, SW., Suite 6050,
Washington, DC 20416.
of the President’s major disaster
PO 00000
Frm 00128
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Numbers 59002 and 59008)
James E. Rivera,
Associate Administrator for Disaster
[FR Doc. 2010–19416 Filed 8–5–10; 8:45 am]
[Disaster Declaration #12260 and #1226]
Oklahoma Disaster #OK–00042
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Notice.
This is a notice of an
Administrative declaration of a disaster
for the State of OKLAHOMA dated
Incident: Tornadoes, Severe Storms
and Flooding.
Incident Period: 07/06/2010 through
Effective Date: 08/03/2010.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 10/04/2010.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
Application Deadline Date: 05/03/2011.
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street, SW., Suite 6050,
Washington, DC 20416.
hereby given that as a result of the
Administrator’s disaster declaration,
applications for disaster loans may be
filed at the address listed above or other
locally announced locations.
The following areas have been
determined to be adversely affected by
the disaster:
Primary Counties:
Contiguous Counties:
Oklahoma: Canadian, Cleveland,
Kingfisher, Lincoln, Logan,
The Postal Service gives
notice of filing a request with the Postal
Regulatory Commission to add Global
Expedited Package Services Contracts—
Non-Published Rates to the Competitive
Products List pursuant to 39 U.S.C.
DATES: August 6, 2010.
Margaret M. Falwell, 703–292–3576.
United States Postal Service® hereby
gives notice that it has filed with the
Postal Regulatory Commission a Request
of the United States Postal Service to
add Global Expedited Package
Contracts—Non-Published Rates to the
Competitive Products List, and Notice of
Filing (Under Seal) of Contract and
Enabling Governors’ Decision.
Documents are available at https://, Docket Nos. MC2010–29
and CP2010–72.
declaration for Private Non-Profit
organizations in the State of Kentucky,
dated 07/23/2010, is hereby amended to
establish the incident period for this
disaster as beginning 07/17/2010 and
continuing through 07/30/2010.
All other information in the original
declaration remains unchanged.
The Interest Rates are:
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 151 (Friday, August 6, 2010)]
[Pages 47646-47650]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-19407]
[NRC-2009-0522; Docket No. 50-284; License No. R-110]
Idaho State University; Notice of Issuance of Director's Decision
Notice is hereby given that the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, has issued a Director's Decision with regard to a petition
dated June 26, 2009 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS) Accession No. ML092440721), filed by Dr. Kevan Crawford,
hereinafter referred to as the ``petitioner.'' Additionally, the
petitioner requested further enforcement action against the licensee,
during a transcribed conference call which addressed the Petition
Review Board (PRB) on September 1, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No.
ML09244072), supplementing the June 26, 2009, petition.
Action Requested
The petitioner requested that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) take the following enforcement actions:
(1) The reactor operating license should be suspended immediately.
All continuing violations, including items that Dr. Crawford alleged
were unresolved from the Notice of Violation (NOV) 93-1 as well as 20
violations that Dr. Crawford alleged to be concealed must be reconciled
with the regulatory requirements immediately. The alleged violations
correspond to regulatory, criminal, and ethical misconduct which Dr.
Crawford contends had impacted public health and safety and the
environment of Pocatello, Idaho.
(2) The licensee should be fined for all damages related to the
violations and cover-up of violations.
(3) The licensee should be required to carry a 50-year $50,000,000
bond to cover latent radiation injuries instead of covering these
injuries with unreliable State budget allocations for contingency
(4) During the fall semester of 1993, Dr. Crawford alleges that
students utilizing the reactor lab facilities were handling irradiated
samples without permission. Furthermore he alleges that the samples
were handled without anti-contamination clothing and no radiological
surveys were conducted, although he states neither of which was
required. Dr. Crawford contends said students proceeded to the local
hospital to visit friends in the neonatal unit. Upon this basis, Dr.
Crawford requests every potential exposure and contamination victim be
identified through facility records, located, and informed of the
potential risk to them and their families. The Medical Center in
Pocatello, Idaho, should also be informed so that they may do the same.
Those who were exposed should be informed of the entire range of
expected symptoms and of their right to seek compensation from the
(5) The following should warrant immediate revocation of the
operating license due to the inability of the licensee to account for,
with documentation, controlled byproduct nuclear materials that were:
a. Released in clandestine, undocumented shipments before August 4,
b. Possessed by individuals not licensed to control the materials,
[[Page 47647]]
were not certified to handle the materials;
c. Without proper Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR)
Department of Transportation (DOT) certified containers;
d. Without proper labeling for transport on public roads; and
e. Concealed via fraudulent Annual Operating Reports in which the
licensee failed to address uncontrolled by-product material
distribution and facility modifications and which were never amended
after NOV 93-1.
(6) The licensee must permanently revoke the Broad Form License.
(7) The licensee must publicly acknowledge that there was a loss of
control of Special Nuclear Material (SNM).
(8) The licensee must publicly acknowledge persons that served as
an accessory to concealing unlawful distribution of controlled
substances, fraud (both Annual Operating Reports and National
Whistleblower Center), loss of control of SNM, and child endangerment.
Petitioner's Bases for the Requested Action
The petitioner, Dr. Crawford, stated that during his tenure as the
Reactor Supervisor at the Idaho State University research reactor from
December 19, 1991 until March 12, 1993, he witnessed regulatory,
criminal, and ethical violations associated with the operation of the
NRC licensed facility. Furthermore, Dr. Crawford contends that the NRC
was grossly negligent in concealing violations in the Notice of
Violation (NOV) (Inspection Report 50-284/93-01) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML092600304) and that Idaho State University continues to operate its
reactor in violation of regulatory requirements. The petitioner
provided a detailed historical chronology of events with regards to
observed activity and alleged acts of misconduct involving staff who
worked during the said period of Dr. Crawford's tenure.
Determination for NRC Review Under 10 CFR 2.206
On September 15, 2009, the NRC Petition Review Board (PRB) convened
to discuss the petition under consideration and determine whether it
met the criteria for further review under the 10 CFR 2.206 process. The
PRB comprised NRC technical and enforcement staff and legal counsel,
and it was chaired by an NRC senior-level manager. The PRB determined
that the petition under consideration met the criteria established in
NRC Management Directive 8.11, ``Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206
Petitions,'' and was accepted in part into the 10 CFR 2.206 process.
Issues that were not accepted into the 2.206 petition process did
not satisfy the criteria as specified in NRC Management Directive (MD)
8.11, ``Review Process for 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions.'' In such instances:
(1) The incoming correspondence does not ask for an enforcement-related
action or fails to provide sufficient facts to support the petition,
but simply alleges wrongdoing, violations of NRC regulations, or
existence of safety concerns and/or, (2) The petitioner raises issues
that have already been the subject of NRC staff review and evaluation,
either on that facility, other similar facilities, or on a generic
basis, for which a resolution has been achieved, the issues have been
resolved, and the resolution is applicable to the facility in question.
Additionally, portions of the petition raised several concerns not
within the jurisdiction of NRC.
The PRB's final recommendation was to accept for review, pursuant
to 10 CFR 2.206, the following concerns from the petition:
(1) Failure to conduct 10 CFR 50.59 safety review of the
modification of the Controlled Access Area by the addition of an
undocumented roof access for siphon breaker experiment implemented
prior to 1991. The June 26, 2009, petition states that the modification
allowed random student access to the roof of the reactor room.
(2) Release of controlled by-product nuclear materials in
containers not certified in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71 for
transport of such materials on public roads and not labeled with the
required labeling.
(3) Failure to require the reactor operator conducting the startup
procedures to wear protective clothing during routine removal of the
activated startup channel detector from the reactor core. In the
petition Dr. Crawford states that this was cited as an Apparent
Violation, but the NRC should not have dropped this item in the final
(4) Routine unprotected handling of an unshielded neutron source
(reactor start-up source) by licensed operators and uncontrolled access
by untrained and unlicensed facility visitors to this neutron source,
violating the 10 CFR Part 20 as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA)
On September 28, 2009, the petitioner was contacted via telephone
and was provided the initial recommendations of the PRB. Pursuant to
NRC MD 8.11, Dr. Crawford was afforded the opportunity to comment on
the recommendations and to provide any relevant additional explanation
and support for the request in light of the PRB's recommendations.
Through subsequent e-mail communication, Dr. Crawford declined the
opportunity to respond to the PRB's recommendations or to provide
further information for support of the petition request (ADAMS
Accession Nos. ML092720460 and ML092720824).
The PRB's final recommendation for the petition was documented in
the acknowledgment letter dated November 19, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No.
During the week of February 23-24, 2010, a non-routine inspection
(Idaho State University-NRC Non-Routine Inspection Report No. 50-284/
2010-201, ADAMS Accession No. ML100321367) was conducted at the Idaho
State University research reactor to review logs, records, and observe
the performance of licensed activities, pertinent to the issues
accepted for Dr. Crawford's 2.206 Petition. Copies of Inspection Report
No. 50-284/2010-201 were provided to reactor facility staff at the
Idaho State University and to the petitioner.
On March 19, 2010, the NRC sent a copy of the Proposed Director's
Decision (ADAMS Accession No. ML104917500) to Dr. Crawford and to staff
at Idaho State University for comment. Neither the petitioner nor the
licensee responded with comment.
The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has
determined that the request for enforcement action against the Idaho
State University AGN-201M research reactor to be denied. The reasons
for this decision are explained in the Director's Decision pursuant to
10 CFR 2.206 (DD No. 10-03), the complete text of which is available in
ADAMS (Accession No. ML100491750) for inspection at the Commission's
Public Document Room, located at One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland, and via the NRC's Web site
( on the World Wide Web, under the ``Public
Involvement'' icon.
Summary of Staff Findings
The following lists the four issues from Dr. Crawford's petition
which the PRB accepted for review, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, and the
associated conclusion made during the inspection:
(1) Failure to conduct 10 CFR 50.59 safety review of the
modification of the Controlled Access Area by the addition of an
undocumented roof access for siphon breaker experiment implemented
prior to 1991.
[[Page 47648]]
The inspectors reviewed numerous records available onsite, dating
from 1975 through the present, and interviewed present and former
licensee facility employees. From these records and interviews the
inspectors ascertained that the Siphon Breaker Experiment (SBE) was an
experiment that did not involve, and was not connected to, the
licensee's research and test reactor. Because of the height of the
piping involved in the SBE, the experiment was conducted inside the
Reactor Room. Some of the piping extended out of the roof of the
Reactor Room (through a temporary penetration in the equipment hatch
cover plate) while the bottom portion of the SBE rested in the Gamma
Irradiation pit. This provided sufficient vertical space for the
experiment to be conducted but also required people working on the
experiment to access the Reactor Room.
No 10 CFR 50.59 review of the SBE was found among the records
reviewed by the inspectors. However, upon reviewing the SBE as it was
described, evidence does not support that a 10 CFR 50.59 review was
required, as the facility Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for the Idaho
State AGN-201M Reactor did not describe the equipment access hatch in
detail, aside from dimensions and material composition. A 10 CFR 50.59
review by the licensee would have been necessary if the modification
would have changed structures, systems, and components as described in
the SAR.
During the August 1989 timeframe, there were concerns about the
security of the Reactor Room (Room 20) because of various people
needing access to the area. These concerns were brought to the
attention of the Reactor Supervisor. After a review of the practices
and security arrangements for operation of the SBE, a temporary
procedure was implemented to restrict access to the Reactor Room and to
ensure that the experimenters' activities were in compliance with the
Physical Security Plan.
The inspectors also reviewed numerous records available onsite,
dating from 1975 through the present, and interviewed present and
former licensee facility employees concerning the installation of the
personnel roof access ladder and hatch. This was an issue Dr. Crawford
identified during the transcribed conference call with the PRB on
September 1, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML092650381). It was noted by
the inspectors that the ladder and roof hatch were installed to provide
a secondary means of escape from the Reactor Room in case of emergency.
Through records review, it was noted that during the meeting of the
Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) in 1989, the installation of the
emergency escape ladder in either the Reactor Room or Reactor
Laboratory (Lab) was discussed, as was the installation of a fire alarm
and smoke detector. The personnel roof access hatch was also addressed
in Rev. 3 and Rev. 4 of the Physical Security Plan for the facility
dated February 23, 1990, and January 27, 2003, respectively. No 10 CFR
50.59 review of the roof access hatch was found among the records
reviewed by the inspectors. Regarding the SBE, evidence does not
support that a 10 CFR 50.59 review was required since it was not a
modification to existing structures and/or equipment, as described in
the SAR.
The review of recent licensee 10 CFR 50.59 reviews demonstrated
that the licensee is aware of the 10 CFR 50.59 process and that various
operating and safety aspects of modifications to existing structures
and/or equipment needed to be reviewed (and, if needed, approved by the
RSC, or the NRC if applicable) prior to implementing the changes.
Although no 10 CFR 50.59 reviews were found covering the Siphon
Breaker Experiment or the personnel roof access ladder and hatch,
evidence does not support that such a review was needed since they were
not modifications to the existing structures and/or equipment, as
described in the SAR. In addition, the inspectors became aware through
record review that the licensee acknowledged and addressed the security
aspects of the SBE. Furthermore, the licensee developed a procedure to
restrict access to the Reactor Room to be in compliance with the
Physical Security Plan during the timeframe which the SBE was in use.
(2) Release of controlled by-product nuclear materials in
containers not certified in accordance with 10 CFR Part 71 for
transport of such materials on public roads and not labeled with the
required labeling.
The inspectors reviewed various records dating from 1975 through
the present and interviewed present and former licensee facility
employees. From these records and interviews the inspectors determined
that radioactive materials produced in the reactor were (and are)
typically used in the Reactor Room or the adjacent Lab and then left
in/returned to the Reactor Room for decay. On occasion radioactive
material is transferred to other individuals or groups for use
elsewhere. In the past, the NRC noted problems in this area as
documented in Inspection Report No. 50-284/93-01, dated November 4,
1993. As a result, the licensee took various actions to correct the
problems and deficiencies. One action was to revise and improve the
record keeping system for tracking byproduct material. The record
system and the forms used in tracking material were reviewed by the
inspectors. The material had either been transferred to an authorized/
licensed individual or company as required or it was held in the
Reactor Room until it had decayed to background or near background
activity levels. No violations were noted.
Another action the licensee took as a result of the problems in
1993 was to revise the procedures for shipping radioactive materials
from the ISU campus. In reviewing the current shipping procedures used
at ISU, it was noted that radioactive material to be shipped from the
reactor facility is required to be transferred to the campus Technical
Safety Office (TSO). A person from that office, designated as the ISU
Certified Shipper, is responsible for ensuring that the material is
shipped in accordance with the rules specified by the DOT in 49 CFR
Parts 171 through 180. If assistance is needed, a certified shipper
from the Idaho National Laboratory is called in for advice and
consultation to ensure that all aspects of the regulations are met
including (but not limited to): (1) Completion of the appropriate
shipping papers, (2) use and marking of properly certified containers,
(3) attachment of the proper labeling, and (4) use of appropriate
placards for the transport vehicle as needed.
The inspectors also conferred with NRC inspectors from the Region
IV office concerning their review of the radioactive material shipping
program at ISU. In 1993, inspectors from Region IV indicated that they
had reviewed the ISU program for receiving, handling, and shipping
byproduct and source material. Recent reviews noted no violations
during the last three inspections.
A review of the available records indicated that no shipments of
radioactive material from the reactor had been made in the past several
The NRC review did not find any inappropriate release of material
in uncertified containers and not properly labeled. Regarding present
operations, radioactive material to be shipped from the reactor
facility is required to be transferred to the TSO and that office is
responsible for completing the transfer
[[Page 47649]]
or shipment. Shipments of radioactive material are verified to be in
compliance with the regulations and, if needed, with the help of a
consultant. No shipments of radioactive material from or produced in
the reactor have been made in the past several years.
(3) Failure to require the reactor operator conducting the startup
procedures to wear protective clothing to routinely remove the
activated startup channel detector from the reactor core. The June 26,
2009, letter states that this was cited and mishandled in the 93-1
Notice of Violation (NRC Inspection Report 50-284/93-01).
NRC Inspection Report (50-284/93-01) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML100490079) addressed the Apparent Violation (50-284/9301-07), where
the inspectors noted that a radiation detector was used in association
with Experimental Procedure 21 (EP-21), ``Auto Reactivity Control
System Operation'' and was placed in the thermal column of the reactor,
but not surveyed when removed. The survey would have determined if
activation products presented a radiological hazard to persons handling
the detector. At the time, 10 CFR 20.201 (b), ``Surveys'' was cited as
the basis for an apparent violation for the licensee's failure to make
reasonable surveys under the circumstances to evaluate the extent of
radiation hazards that may be present.
The 93-1 NOV contains Enclosure No. 4, ``Idaho State University
Presentation'' which was conducted by the ISU reactor facility staff
during the NRC-ISU Enforcement Conference held on October 8, 1993,
which discussed the licensee's process for EP-21. The supplemental
information showed that upon EP-21's completion the ion chamber was
left in the thermal column until another experiment requires the
thermal column to be altered, which at that time the surveys would be
taken to determine radiation levels which would be recorded in the
operations log. Based on the supplemental information provided during
the Enforcement Conference, no citation was issued for the apparent
violation as surveys of the ion chamber were conducted at the time of
thermal column alteration.
The inspectors interviewed facility staff and determined that EP-21
has not been employed since 1995, and equipment is presently not in
service at the facility. The inspectors followed-up on the current
protocol with regards to handling of the startup channel detector
(Channel No. 1). By verification of the procedure and through
interviews with facility staff, it was determined that when reactor
power reached the target threshold (as stated in Operational Procedure
(OP)-1), an operator would depress an automated raise switch which
would move the detector from an area of high flux, to an area of lower
flux within the water tank. The Channel No. 1 detector is not removed
from the water tank where it would be reasonable to conduct
radiological surveys. The Channel No. 1 detector is lowered back into
its fixed position by extending a solenoid arm external to the water
tank, without direct contact of potentially contaminated equipment.
The inspectors reviewed contamination and radiation survey records
as required by TS Section 4.4c, Radiation Safety manual (RSM) Sections
6.3 and 7.2, and Radiation Safety Procedures (e.g., Experimental
Procedure-8). The inspectors reviewed logs of reactor operating and
shutdown conditions, interviewed TSO staff, and performed an
independent radiation survey and determined that readings were
consistent and comparable to those with the licensee.
Supporting information from the 1993 NRC-ISU Enforcement Conference
provided is consistent with the 10 CFR Part 20 requirements for
conducting reasonable surveys under the circumstances to evaluate the
extent of radiation hazards that may be present. Currently, the
licensee does not employ EP-21 and the equipment is not in service at
the facility. The present handling of the startup channel detector is
performed in accordance with procedure which does not require the use
of protective clothing. A review of contamination and radiation survey
logs was performed without issue.
(4) Routine unprotected handling of an unshielded neutron source
(reactor start-up source) by licensed operators and uncontrolled access
by untrained and unlicensed facility visitors to this neutron source,
violating 10 CFR Part 20 ALARA requirements.
During the inspection period the reactor was inoperable due to
maintenance of control systems. The inspectors reviewed contamination
and radiation survey records as required by TS Section 4.4c, Radiation
Safety Manual Sections 6.3 and 7.2, and Radiation Safety Procedures
(e.g., EP-8). Additionally, the inspectors reviewed logs of reactor
operating and shutdown conditions, interviewed TSO staff, and performed
an independent radiation survey and determined that readings were
consistent and comparable to those with the licensee. During the last
Reactor Full Power Survey, conducted on July 21, 2009, by ISU TSO
staff, the inspectors determined, through record review, that the
radiation level at the reactor console during 4 W reactor power was 0.4
mr/hr. Streaming radiation from the one inch diameter access hole or
``glory hole'' is shielded by 12-inch thick, high density baryte
concrete blocks which reduce the radiation levels. The level of
radiation on the unshielded side of the glory hole, streaming away from
reactor console, was 70 mr/hr at a distance of 1 m.
The inspectors reviewed records for leak checks of the 10 mCi Ra-Be
source which is used during reactor startup. The records indicated that
recorded levels during analyses were below the threshold for minimum
detectable activity of the liquid scintillation counter.
The inspectors interviewed facility staff and reviewed the reactor
startup procedure, OP-1. The procedure provides guidance for the
operator to insert the Ra-Be startup source into the glory hole,
Thermal Column, or a beam port as needed for startup, however the
procedure does not explicitly provide a step for startup source removal
and storage. Reactor Operators are trained to remove the startup source
at the point where the nominal rod height has been established and
power has stabilized. The startup source is removed by hand and is
stored in a lead shielded storage receptacle, known as a ``pig'' for
subsequent use.
The procedure does not explicitly state a requirement for
protective clothing as the startup source does not directly come in
contact with the operator during handling; it is currently threaded
onto the end of a 6 foot aluminum rod which facilitates placement into
the reactor.
The NRC review did not find unprotected handling of an unshielded
neutron source and uncontrolled access to the source. No violations of
10 CFR Part 20 were identified. Radiation surveys performed by TSO
staff during reactor operations indicate consistent dose rates on the
order of 0.4 mr/hr at the reactor console. Contamination surveys,
involving the leak check for the Ra-Be startup source indicate levels
below the threshold for minimum detectable activity of the liquid
scintillation counter. Handling of the Ra-Be startup source is
conducted in accordance with the approved procedure.
[[Page 47650]]
A copy of the Director's Decision will be filed with the Secretary
of the Commission for the Commission's review in accordance with 10 CFR
2.206 of the Commission's regulations. As provided for by this
regulation, the Director's Decision will constitute the final action of
the Commission 25 days after the date of the decision, unless the
Commission, on its own motion, institutes a review of the Director's
Decision in that time.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 30th day of July 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Eric J. Leeds,
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2010-19407 Filed 8-5-10; 8:45 am]