Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for a Long-Term Landscape Restoration and Management Plan To Restore and Manage the Forest, Grassland, and Riparian Ecosystems of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, 41575-41577 [2010-17371]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 136 / Friday, July 16, 2010 / Notices
a national securities exchange and if the
issuer has total assets of $10 million or
more and a class of equity security held
of record by 500 or more persons.
The Agencies invite comment on:
(a) Whether the collections of
information are necessary for the proper
performance of the Agencies’ functions,
including whether the information has
practical utility;
(b) The accuracy of the Agencies’
estimates of the burden of the
information collections, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
(c) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of
information collections on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be shared among the
Agencies. Unless otherwise afforded
confidential treatment pursuant to
Federal law, all comments will become
a matter of public record.
Dated: July 2, 2010.
Michele Meyer,
Assistant Director, Legislative and Regulatory
Activities Division, Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, July 6, 2010.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
Dated at Washington, DC, this 7th day of
July, 2010.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Valerie J. Best,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
Dated: July 9, 2010.
Ira L. Mills,
OTS Clearance Officer, Office of Chief
Counsel, Office of Thrift Supervision.
[FR Doc. 2010–17329 Filed 7–15–10; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 4810–33–P, 6210–01–P, 6714–01–P,
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Valles Caldera Trust
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for a
Long-Term Landscape Restoration and
Management Plan To Restore and
Manage the Forest, Grassland, and
Riparian Ecosystems of the Valles
Caldera National Preserve
Authority: The National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), CEQ Regulations
at 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508, The
18:00 Jul 15, 2010
Valles Caldera Trust.
Notice of Intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement.
Request for Comment
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Valles Caldera Preservation Act, Public Law
106–248, NEPA Procedures for the Valles
Caldera National Preserve, 68 CFR 42460.
Jkt 220001
SUMMARY: The Valles Caldera Trust
(VCT) a wholly owned government
corporation empowered to provide
management and administrative
services for the Valles Caldera National
Preserve (VCNP) intends to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
to analyze and disclose the potential
impacts of a proposed Landscape
Restoration and Management Plan
(LRMP) which includes mechanical
treatments, prescribed burning,
management of lightning caused
wildland fires (wildland fire use),
restoration or riparian areas, closure and
maintenance of roads and eradication of
noxious weeds and invasive plants. A
combination of these management
activities are being proposed over the
next 10-years as follows:
1. Mechanical Treatments—
Mechanical treatments are being
proposed on approximately 20,000 acres
over 10 years depending on funding and
possible adjustments based on
monitoring and evaluation of
treatments. These treatments include
tree cutting and removing or otherwise
disposing of the associated biomass.
Trees may be cut using chainsaws or
equipment. Feller-bunchers,
masticators, or small dozers equipped
with saw blades, are some of the more
common types of equipment employed.
Forest thinning will be implemented
under prescription parameters that will
specify the size, species and other
parameters that would determine
whether a tree will be cut or left. In
general, the forests of the preserve are
dominated by an excess of trees 7–16 in
diameter and these trees sizes would be
targeted for removal.
2. Prescribed Fire/Wildland Fire
Use—Prescribed fire is being proposed
in conjunction with the mechanical
treatment described above. In addition,
prescribed fire alone is being proposed
on nearly 59,000 acres of forest and
grassland ecosystems over a 10-year
period. The management of lightning
caused fires (wildland fire use) to
achieve resource benefits is also being
proposed. Wildland fire use would be
limited initially due to the current forest
condition but could increase over time
as forests are treated and wildfire risk is
reduced. The use of wildland fire is
being proposed as a tool for restoration
and management of the preserve’s
forests and grasslands and ultimately
proposes to reintroduce fire as a
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beneficial ecosystem process. The actual
acres treated with prescribed fire over
10 years would depend on funding,
environmental conditions—especially
weather, the completion of mechanical
treatments, and possible adjustments
due to monitoring and evaluation
3. Road Closure, Rehabilitation and
Maintenance—The closure and
rehabilitation of approximately 1000
miles of roads is being proposed over
the next 10 years. Administrative
closures would be the primary tool used
to close roads to motorized use,
allowing natural rehabilitation.
Approximately 150 miles of the road
network requires physical rehabilitation
to halt ongoing erosion. Some roads
would be reduced to a maintenance
level-1, rather than closed. This
designation allows non-motorized use
as well as temporary motorized use for
administrative actions such as forest
management, search and rescue, or
wildland fire management.
4. In combination with road
management actions as described above,
the trust is also proposing to restore
wetland and riparian areas throughout
the preserve. The wetland and wet
meadow systems containing the
preserves riparian areas, and streams
comprise just over 6,800 acres, mostly
within the open valle systems.
Restoration activities would include
stream bank and channel restoration to
address site specific erosion, placement
of log and fabric dams, gully plugs, or
Zuni bowl techniques to protect and
restore wetlands. Willow plantings or
placement of sod plugs are among
techniques proposed for improving
stream bank integrity.
5. Prevention and Eradication of
Noxious Weeds—Under the proposed
LRMP, current efforts to eradicate
Canada, musk, and bull thistle
populations would continue. This
includes continuing to mechanically
treat (cut, hoe and bag seed heads) musk
thistle in combination with the
application of the herbicide, clopyralid
to treat Canada and bull thistle. The
trust is also proposing to use clopyralid
to eradicate oxeye daisy
(Leucanthemum vulgare), and
glyphosate (Roundup), Imazipic
(Plateau), or the combination of both
(Journey) to eradicate cheatgrass
(Bromus tectorum) primarily in road
cuts and other disturbed areas. The VCT
is also proposing to implement
performance requirements to reduce the
risk of introducing new noxious weed
species or further spread of existing
6. No Treatment—Areas of the
preserve could remain untreated based
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 136 / Friday, July 16, 2010 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
on the existing condition, access,
available funding, priorities, and annual
weather or other conditions which affect
Based on initial analysis and public
comments, alternatives to the proposed
action will be developed. Action
alternatives will likely vary in the acres
treated by wildland fire and mechanical
methods but also may include other
actions not currently being considered.
Purpose and Need for Action: The
purpose of the proposed LRMP is to
move the current forest structure
towards the reference condition: the
condition that, to the best of our
knowledge, is resilient and sustainable
under expected climate and disturbance
events. Currently the condition of the
preserve’s forests is significantly
departed from the reference condition.
The riparian and grassland systems are
moderately departed from the reference
condition but, are at risk of being
directly and indirect affected by the
current condition of the forests.
The action is needed to meet the
purposes and goals identified in the
Valles Caldera Preservation Act (https://
docs/PL%20106–248.pdf), the
Management Principles adopted by the
VCT Board of Trustees in 2001, (https://
docs/MgmtPrinciples.pdf), and the
collaboratively developed goals and
objectives presented in the Southwest
Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest
Landscape Restoration Strategy (https://
You may submit comments
on the proposed LRMP by any of the
following methods:
include Landscape Restoration and
Management Plan as the subject.
Surface Mail: The Valles Caldera
Trust, P.O. Box 359 Jemez Springs, NM
Hand Delivery/Courier: Valles Caldera
Trust, 18161 State Highway 4, Jemez
Springs, New Mexico.
Agency Web site: Detailed information
on the existing condition of the
preserve’s ecosystems, the methodology
used to assess the existing condition,
including collaboration with the Santa
Fe National Forest and others on
landscape restoration across the
southwestern Jemez Mountains is
available on the trusts Web site, Select
feedback from these pages to provide
Marie E. Rodriguez, Natural Resource
Coordinator at, or 505/
Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) is
located in north-central New Mexico in
the Jemez Mountains, primarily in
Sandoval County with a small inclusion
in Rio Arriba County. The VCNP was
acquired by the Federal Government in
2000 with the signing of the Valles
Caldera Preservation Act (Pub. L. 106–
248). Besides acquisition of the land, the
law established the Valles Caldera
Trust, a wholly owned government
corporation and non-profit 501(c) 1
DATES: This scoping process will
organization to manage the Preserve.
culminate in the preparation of a draft
Management of the VCNP is considered
EIS which will be made available for
an experiment in public land
public comment. To ensure that the
management. The purposes and goals
Trust has an opportunity to fully
from Public Law 106–248 that are being
consider public comments in the
specifically addressed in the proposed
development of the alternatives and
LRMP include: the protection and
determining the scope of the analysis
preservation of the preserve’s natural
and to facilitate the prompt preparation
and cultural resources and values, the
of the draft EIS, comments regarding the multiple use and sustained yield of
proposed Landscape Restoration and
timber and forage resources, enhancing
Management Plan, are requested on or
the objectives on surrounding National
before August 18, 2010.
Forest System land, and providing
To receive future notices regarding
benefits to local communities and
planning and decision making for the
Since 2002, the Trust has been
LRMP, including the times and
gathering data and information in order
locations of public meetings, subscribe
to comprehensively assess the existing
to the Trust’s user maintained mailing
condition of preserve’s resources. This
list. To subscribe, access our Web site,, and select effort has yielded a 6-meter resolution
the ‘‘Mailing List’’ tab from the upper left map of the preserve’s ecosystems, a
delineation of individual stands as
corner of the home page. You will be
defined by structure and composition, a
asked to select one or more topics of
preserve-wide stratified sampling of the
interest. Check ‘‘Project Planning and
preserve’s forests which inventoried and
Decisions’’ to receive updates on this
permanently located nearly 600 forest
and other planning efforts.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:00 Jul 15, 2010
Jkt 220001
PO 00000
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field plots. Other inventory and
monitoring activities has included the
establishment of 41 permanent
monitoring sites in the preserve
grasslands and riparian areas, 2 sites
that measure forest processes (carbon
and water cycling), 5 climate stations,
and stations that measure bother water
quality and quantity as various
locations. The trust has also completed
inventories to identify the flora and
fauna species represented on the
preserve, threatened and endangered
wildlife species and habitats, and
studies to understand the population
and relationships of key wildlife
species. These inventories and studies
have been undertaken by the trust in
collaboration with other Federal and
well as state agencies, as well as many
universities, non-government
organizations, and volunteers. This
comprehensive baseline data provides
the basis for planning and implementing
a LRMP supported by a systematic
approach to adaptive management as
required in the NEPA procedures of the
Beginning in December 2008, the
Valles Caldera Trust, Santa Fe National
Forest, New Mexico Forest and
Watershed Restoration Institute, and
The Nature Conservancy began meeting
to strategize a collaborative effort to
manage and restore over 200,000 acres
in the upper Jemez River Watershed.
Through this collaborative effort we
were able to work across boundaries,
sharing data and specialists in support
of assessing the existing conditions.
Further efficiencies can be gained
through collaboratively implementing
management actions as well as
monitoring and evaluating activities
across boundaries.
The restoration partners worked
together to expand their collaboration to
federal, state and local agencies, nongovernment organizations, and
individual citizens interested in forest
restoration and management in the
Jemez Mountains. A three day workshop
was held February 9–11, 2010 in Santa
Fe, New Mexico to review and affirm
the current assessments and develop a
strategy to collaboratively restore the
ecosystems within the 210,000 acre
landscape including all of the VCNP.
The strategy included goals and
objectives for restoration, types of
restoration treatments that should be
considered, the priority of treatments, as
well as a strategy for monitoring and
evaluating the effectiveness and effects
of treatments. This strategy was
submitted for funding under the
Collaborative Forest Landscape
Restoration Program. Information on
that program as well as the strategy
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 136 / Friday, July 16, 2010 / Notices
submitted and all supporting
information are available on the Santa
Fe National Forest’s Web site, https://
docs.htm. The proposed LRMP was
based upon this collaborative strategy.
Responsible Official: Dennis Trujillo,
Preserve Manager, is designated as the
Responsible Official and will make the
implementing decision oversee
planning and implementation of the
proposed LRMP.
Dated: July 8, 2010.
Gary Bratcher,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2010–17371 Filed 7–15–10; 8:45 am]
VBA/VHA Musculoskeletal Forum:
Improving VA’s Disability Evaluation
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Department of Veterans Affairs.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
18:00 Jul 15, 2010
Jkt 220001
Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) will hold the Veterans
Benefits Administration (VBA)/Veterans
Health Administration (VHA)
Musculoskeletal Forum: Improving VA’s
Disability Criteria to capture public
comment and current medical science
information from presentations made by
subject matter experts. VA plans to use
this information to update the sections
of VA’s Schedule for Rating Disabilities
(VASRD) that pertain to diseases and
injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
See 38 CFR 4.40–4.73. Specifically,
diagnostic code descriptors and
evaluation criteria will be discussed.
Contingent upon available capacity and
time, individuals wishing to make oral
statements will be accommodated on a
first-come, first-served basis.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Capital Hilton, located at 1001 16th
Street, NW., in Washington, DC.
Brad Tuttle, VASRD Coordinator,
Compensation and Pension Service,
Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20420. Anyone wishing to attend the
meeting or seeking additional
information may also contact Mr. Tuttle
at (202) 461–9037 or, or Thomas
Kniffen at (202) 461–9725 or
Dated: July 8, 2010.
John R. Gingrich,
Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2010–17320 Filed 7–15–10; 8:45 am]
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Tuesday, August 10, 2010, from 7:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 136 (Friday, July 16, 2010)]
[Pages 41575-41577]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-17371]
Valles Caldera Trust
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for
a Long-Term Landscape Restoration and Management Plan To Restore and
Manage the Forest, Grassland, and Riparian Ecosystems of the Valles
Caldera National Preserve
Authority: The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA),
CEQ Regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500 through 1508, The Valles
Caldera Preservation Act, Public Law 106-248, NEPA Procedures for
the Valles Caldera National Preserve, 68 CFR 42460.
AGENCY: Valles Caldera Trust.
ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.
SUMMARY: The Valles Caldera Trust (VCT) a wholly owned government
corporation empowered to provide management and administrative services
for the Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) intends to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze and disclose the
potential impacts of a proposed Landscape Restoration and Management
Plan (LRMP) which includes mechanical treatments, prescribed burning,
management of lightning caused wildland fires (wildland fire use),
restoration or riparian areas, closure and maintenance of roads and
eradication of noxious weeds and invasive plants. A combination of
these management activities are being proposed over the next 10-years
as follows:
1. Mechanical Treatments--Mechanical treatments are being proposed
on approximately 20,000 acres over 10 years depending on funding and
possible adjustments based on monitoring and evaluation of treatments.
These treatments include tree cutting and removing or otherwise
disposing of the associated biomass. Trees may be cut using chainsaws
or equipment. Feller-bunchers, masticators, or small dozers equipped
with saw blades, are some of the more common types of equipment
employed. Forest thinning will be implemented under prescription
parameters that will specify the size, species and other parameters
that would determine whether a tree will be cut or left. In general,
the forests of the preserve are dominated by an excess of trees 7-16 in
diameter and these trees sizes would be targeted for removal.
2. Prescribed Fire/Wildland Fire Use--Prescribed fire is being
proposed in conjunction with the mechanical treatment described above.
In addition, prescribed fire alone is being proposed on nearly 59,000
acres of forest and grassland ecosystems over a 10-year period. The
management of lightning caused fires (wildland fire use) to achieve
resource benefits is also being proposed. Wildland fire use would be
limited initially due to the current forest condition but could
increase over time as forests are treated and wildfire risk is reduced.
The use of wildland fire is being proposed as a tool for restoration
and management of the preserve's forests and grasslands and ultimately
proposes to reintroduce fire as a beneficial ecosystem process. The
actual acres treated with prescribed fire over 10 years would depend on
funding, environmental conditions--especially weather, the completion
of mechanical treatments, and possible adjustments due to monitoring
and evaluation results.
3. Road Closure, Rehabilitation and Maintenance--The closure and
rehabilitation of approximately 1000 miles of roads is being proposed
over the next 10 years. Administrative closures would be the primary
tool used to close roads to motorized use, allowing natural
rehabilitation. Approximately 150 miles of the road network requires
physical rehabilitation to halt ongoing erosion. Some roads would be
reduced to a maintenance level-1, rather than closed. This designation
allows non-motorized use as well as temporary motorized use for
administrative actions such as forest management, search and rescue, or
wildland fire management.
4. In combination with road management actions as described above,
the trust is also proposing to restore wetland and riparian areas
throughout the preserve. The wetland and wet meadow systems containing
the preserves riparian areas, and streams comprise just over 6,800
acres, mostly within the open valle systems. Restoration activities
would include stream bank and channel restoration to address site
specific erosion, placement of log and fabric dams, gully plugs, or
Zuni bowl techniques to protect and restore wetlands. Willow plantings
or placement of sod plugs are among techniques proposed for improving
stream bank integrity.
5. Prevention and Eradication of Noxious Weeds--Under the proposed
LRMP, current efforts to eradicate Canada, musk, and bull thistle
populations would continue. This includes continuing to mechanically
treat (cut, hoe and bag seed heads) musk thistle in combination with
the application of the herbicide, clopyralid to treat Canada and bull
thistle. The trust is also proposing to use clopyralid to eradicate
oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), and glyphosate (Roundup), Imazipic
(Plateau), or the combination of both (Journey) to eradicate cheatgrass
(Bromus tectorum) primarily in road cuts and other disturbed areas. The
VCT is also proposing to implement performance requirements to reduce
the risk of introducing new noxious weed species or further spread of
existing species.
6. No Treatment--Areas of the preserve could remain untreated based
[[Page 41576]]
on the existing condition, access, available funding, priorities, and
annual weather or other conditions which affect implementation.
Based on initial analysis and public comments, alternatives to the
proposed action will be developed. Action alternatives will likely vary
in the acres treated by wildland fire and mechanical methods but also
may include other actions not currently being considered.
Purpose and Need for Action: The purpose of the proposed LRMP is to
move the current forest structure towards the reference condition: the
condition that, to the best of our knowledge, is resilient and
sustainable under expected climate and disturbance events. Currently
the condition of the preserve's forests is significantly departed from
the reference condition. The riparian and grassland systems are
moderately departed from the reference condition but, are at risk of
being directly and indirect affected by the current condition of the
The action is needed to meet the purposes and goals identified in
the Valles Caldera Preservation Act (, the Management Principles adopted
by the VCT Board of Trustees in 2001, (, and the collaboratively developed
goals and objectives presented in the Southwest Jemez Mountains
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy (
DATES: This scoping process will culminate in the preparation of a
draft EIS which will be made available for public comment. To ensure
that the Trust has an opportunity to fully consider public comments in
the development of the alternatives and determining the scope of the
analysis and to facilitate the prompt preparation of the draft EIS,
comments regarding the proposed Landscape Restoration and Management
Plan, are requested on or before August 18, 2010.
To receive future notices regarding planning and decision making
for the LRMP, including the times and locations of public meetings,
subscribe to the Trust's user maintained mailing list. To subscribe,
access our Web site,, and select the
``Mailing List'' tab from the upper left corner of the home page. You
will be asked to select one or more topics of interest. Check ``Project
Planning and Decisions'' to receive updates on this and other planning
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the proposed LRMP by any of the
following methods:
E-mail:; include Landscape Restoration
and Management Plan as the subject.
Surface Mail: The Valles Caldera Trust, P.O. Box 359 Jemez Springs,
NM 87025.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Valles Caldera Trust, 18161 State Highway 4,
Jemez Springs, New Mexico.
Agency Web site: Detailed information on the existing condition of
the preserve's ecosystems, the methodology used to assess the existing
condition, including collaboration with the Santa Fe National Forest
and others on landscape restoration across the southwestern Jemez
Mountains is available on the trusts Web site, Select feedback from these pages to provide
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Marie E. Rodriguez, Natural Resource
Coordinator at, or 505/661-3333.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP)
is located in north-central New Mexico in the Jemez Mountains,
primarily in Sandoval County with a small inclusion in Rio Arriba
County. The VCNP was acquired by the Federal Government in 2000 with
the signing of the Valles Caldera Preservation Act (Pub. L. 106-248).
Besides acquisition of the land, the law established the Valles Caldera
Trust, a wholly owned government corporation and non-profit 501(c) 1
organization to manage the Preserve. Management of the VCNP is
considered an experiment in public land management. The purposes and
goals from Public Law 106-248 that are being specifically addressed in
the proposed LRMP include: the protection and preservation of the
preserve's natural and cultural resources and values, the multiple use
and sustained yield of timber and forage resources, enhancing the
objectives on surrounding National Forest System land, and providing
benefits to local communities and businesses.
Since 2002, the Trust has been gathering data and information in
order to comprehensively assess the existing condition of preserve's
resources. This effort has yielded a 6-meter resolution map of the
preserve's ecosystems, a delineation of individual stands as defined by
structure and composition, a preserve-wide stratified sampling of the
preserve's forests which inventoried and permanently located nearly 600
forest field plots. Other inventory and monitoring activities has
included the establishment of 41 permanent monitoring sites in the
preserve grasslands and riparian areas, 2 sites that measure forest
processes (carbon and water cycling), 5 climate stations, and stations
that measure bother water quality and quantity as various locations.
The trust has also completed inventories to identify the flora and
fauna species represented on the preserve, threatened and endangered
wildlife species and habitats, and studies to understand the population
and relationships of key wildlife species. These inventories and
studies have been undertaken by the trust in collaboration with other
Federal and well as state agencies, as well as many universities, non-
government organizations, and volunteers. This comprehensive baseline
data provides the basis for planning and implementing a LRMP supported
by a systematic approach to adaptive management as required in the NEPA
procedures of the trust.
Beginning in December 2008, the Valles Caldera Trust, Santa Fe
National Forest, New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute,
and The Nature Conservancy began meeting to strategize a collaborative
effort to manage and restore over 200,000 acres in the upper Jemez
River Watershed. Through this collaborative effort we were able to work
across boundaries, sharing data and specialists in support of assessing
the existing conditions. Further efficiencies can be gained through
collaboratively implementing management actions as well as monitoring
and evaluating activities across boundaries.
The restoration partners worked together to expand their
collaboration to federal, state and local agencies, non-government
organizations, and individual citizens interested in forest restoration
and management in the Jemez Mountains. A three day workshop was held
February 9-11, 2010 in Santa Fe, New Mexico to review and affirm the
current assessments and develop a strategy to collaboratively restore
the ecosystems within the 210,000 acre landscape including all of the
VCNP. The strategy included goals and objectives for restoration, types
of restoration treatments that should be considered, the priority of
treatments, as well as a strategy for monitoring and evaluating the
effectiveness and effects of treatments. This strategy was submitted
for funding under the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration
Program. Information on that program as well as the strategy
[[Page 41577]]
submitted and all supporting information are available on the Santa Fe
National Forest's Web site, The proposed LRMP was based upon this collaborative
Responsible Official: Dennis Trujillo, Preserve Manager, is
designated as the Responsible Official and will make the implementing
decision oversee planning and implementation of the proposed LRMP.
Dated: July 8, 2010.
Gary Bratcher,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2010-17371 Filed 7-15-10; 8:45 am]