Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products and Certain Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Final Determination Concerning the Potential for Energy Conservation Standards for High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps, 37975-37990 [2010-16041]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 75, No. 126
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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10 CFR Part 431
[Docket No. EE–DET–03–001]
RIN 1904–AA86
Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products and Certain
Commercial and Industrial Equipment:
Final Determination Concerning the
Potential for Energy Conservation
Standards for High-Intensity Discharge
(HID) Lamps
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final determination.
SUMMARY: Based on the best available
information, the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) has determined that
energy conservation standards for
certain high-intensity discharge (HID)
lamps are technologically feasible and
economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings. By
notice and comment rulemaking, this
final determination initiates the process
of establishing test procedures and
potential energy conservation standards
for this equipment. Pursuant to court
order, this final determination must be
made by June 30, 2010.
DATES: This rule is effective August 2,
ADDRESSES: For access to the docket
(EE–DET–03–001) to reach background
documents, the technical support
document (TSD), or comments received,
go to the U.S. Department of Energy,
Resource Room of the Building
Technologies Program, Sixth Floor, 950
L’Enfant Plaza, SW., Washington, DC
20024, (202) 586–2945, between 9 a.m.
and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. Please call Ms.
Brenda Edwards at the above telephone
number for additional information about
visiting the Resource Room. Copies of
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certain documents in this proceeding
may be obtained from the Office of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy’s Web site at https://
Linda Graves, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies, EE–2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 586–1851. E-mail:; or Ms.
Jennifer Tiedeman, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
GC–71, 1000 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 287–6111. E-mail: mail
I. Summary of the Determination
A. Legal Authority
B. Background
1. Scope of Coverage
2. Definitions
3. Effects on Small Businesses
II. Discussion of the Analysis of HighIntensity Discharge Lamps
A. Purpose and Content
B. Methodology
1. Market and Technology Assessment
2. Engineering Analysis
3. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
4. National Energy Savings Analysis
5. National Consumer Impacts Analysis
C. Analytical Results
1. Engineering Analysis
2. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
3. National Energy Savings and Consumer
D. Discussion
1. Technological Feasibility
2. Significance of Energy Savings
3. Economic Justification
III. Conclusion
A. Final Determination
B. Future Proceedings
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
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J. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under the Information Quality
Bulletin for Peer Review
V. Approval of the Office of the Assistant
I. Summary of the Determination
The Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (EPCA or the Act; 42 U.S.C. 6291 et
seq.) requires DOE to issue a final
determination regarding whether energy
conservation standards for HID lamps
would be technologically feasible,
economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings. DOE
has determined that such standards are
technologically feasible, economically
justified, and would likely result in
significant energy savings. Thus, DOE
issues a positive final determination
In its analysis for this final
determination, DOE evaluated potential
standards for HID that would lead to a
migration from less efficient probe-start
metal halide (MH) lamps to more
efficient pulse-start MH (PMH) lamps
and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps.
Both PMH and HPS lamps are existing
HID technologies that are technically
feasible. Further, based on this analysis,
DOE has determined that a potential
standard setting a level that eliminates
inefficient probe-start MH lamps likely
would be economically justified and
likely would result in significant energy
savings. DOE received comments from
three different interested parties
regarding the April 27, 2010, notice of
proposed determination (NOPD).
Without exception, the commenters
were supportive of the proposed
positive determination and of
establishing energy conservation
standards for HID lamps.
DOE has determined that standards
for HID lamps would be expected to be
economically justified from the
perspective of an individual consumer.
According to DOE’s analysis, there is at
least one set of standard levels for HID
lamps that would reduce the life-cycle
cost (LCC) of ownership for the typical
consumer (i.e., the increase in
equipment cost resulting from a
standard would be more than offset by
energy cost savings over the life of the
lamp-and-ballast system). In response to
the NOPD, DOE received comments
regarding the LCC analysis, with two of
the commenters stating that cost inputs
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
and resulting LCC values for baseline
and substitute HID lighting systems
were too high. (ACEE, No. 22 at p. 2;
SDG&E No. 23 at p. 3) 1 DOE examined
a large set of cost data in estimating HID
lighting system costs for the proposed
determination, and did not collect
additional data as a result of these
comments. If DOE had collected more
data and found that its cost estimates
were, in fact, too high, this finding
would not have changed DOE’s
conclusion that energy conservation
standards for HID lamps would
potentially be economically justified.
However, DOE will conduct a more indepth evaluation of equipment cost
inputs for the LCC analysis in an
upcoming energy conservation
standards rulemaking.
DOE also concludes that standards
would be cost-effective from a national
perspective. The national net present
value (NPV) from standards could be as
much as $30.0 billion in 2010$ for
products purchased during the 30-year
analysis period (2017 to 2046),
assuming an annual real discount rate of
3 percent. This forecast considers only
the direct financial costs and benefits of
standards to consumers, specifically the
increased equipment costs of HID lamps
and the associated energy cost savings.
In its determination analysis, DOE did
not monetize or otherwise characterize
any other potential costs and benefits of
standards, such as manufacturer
impacts or power plant emission
reductions. Additional effects will be
examined in a future analysis of the
economic justification of particular
standard levels in the context of a
standards rulemaking that would set
specific energy conservation
DOE’s analysis also indicates that
standards would likely result in
significant cumulative energy savings
over the 30-year analysis period (2017–
2046) of at least 11.4 quads. These
savings are equivalent to the electricity
consumption of approximately 57
million U.S. homes during 1 year. This
is a much higher estimate than that
announced by DOE in the NOPD. For
the NOPD analysis, DOE presented a
full range of potential energy savings in
chapter 6 of the TSD (section 6.2), and
reported the lowest of these results in
the notice, which was the initial 2.8
1 A notation in the form ‘‘ACEE, No. 22 at p. 2’’
refers to (1) a statement that was submitted by the
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
and is recorded in the docket ‘‘Energy Conservation
Program for Commercial and Industrial Equipment:
High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps,’’ Docket
Number EERE–2006–DET–0112 as comment
number 22; and (2) a passage that appears on page
2 of that document.
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quads estimate that represented the
physical energy savings discounted at a
7-percent discount rate. 75 FR 22031,
22032 (April 27, 2010). However, DOE
refined its analyses during the comment
period—which included a correction to
a technical error in the spreadsheet
calculation—and is now highlighting
the undiscounted physical energy
savings of 11.4 quads, in an effort to be
more consistent with other DOE
determinations 2. (See, e.g., the nonclass A external power supplies rule, 75
FR 27179 (May 14, 2010).) Further
documentation supporting the analyses
described in this notice is contained in
a separate TSD, available from the
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy’s Web site at https://
A. Legal Authority
The National Energy Conservation
Policy Act of 1978 amended EPCA to
add a Part C to Title III of EPCA,3 which
established an energy conservation
program for certain industrial
equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6311–6317) The
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT
1992), Public Law 102–486, 106 Stat.
2776, also amended EPCA and
expanded Title III to include HID lamps.
Specifically, EPACT 1992 amended
section 346 of EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6317) to
provide that the Secretary of Energy (the
Secretary) must prescribe testing
requirements and energy conservation
standards for those HID lamps for which
the Secretary determines that energy
conservation standards ‘‘would be
technologically feasible and
economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings.’’ (42
U.S.C. 6317(a)(1).)
Pursuant to these requirements of
EPCA, because DOE has made a positive
final determination, DOE must proceed
to establish testing requirements for
those HID lamps to which today’s final
determination applies. (42 U.S.C.
6317(a)(1).) Subsequently, DOE will
conduct a rulemaking to establish
appropriate energy conservation
standards. During the standards
rulemaking, DOE will decide whether
and at what level(s) to promulgate
energy conservation standards. The
2 Discounting is an economic and financial
concept that reflects the fact that often the value of
a quantity in the future is less than the value today.
For financial estimates, DOE highlights discounted
values to reflect the time value of money, while for
non-financial physical quantities, DOE highlights
undiscounted sums and calculates the discounted
sums as a sensitivity.
3 For editorial reasons, Part C, Certain Industrial
Equipment, was redesignated as Part A–1 in the
U.S. Code.
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decision will be based on an in-depth
consideration, with the assistance of
public participation, of the
technological feasibility, economic
justification, and energy savings of
specific potential standard levels in the
context of the criteria and procedures
for prescribing new or amended
standards established by section 325(o)
and (p) of EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(p).)
B. Background
DOE conducted previous analyses
estimating the likely range of energy
savings and economic benefits that
would result from energy conservation
standards for HID lamps, and published
draft reports describing its analyses in
2003 4 and 2004.5 The draft reports and
their corresponding technical support
documents (referred to as the 2003 TSD
and 2004 TSD in today’s notice) were
made available for public comment on
the Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy’s Web site at http;//
The reports made no recommendation
concerning the determination that DOE
should make. Parties that submitted
comments after the 2003 draft report
included the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), the
California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans), Delta Power Supply (Delta),
Edison Electric Institute, National
Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA), the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation (PennDOT), and Ms.
Lucinda Seigel. DOE received comments
after the 2004 draft report from ACEEE,
Benya Lighting Design (Benya), and
NEMA. Those comments were
discussed where applicable in the
In advance of today’s final
determination, DOE published a TSD on
the aforementioned web site in
conjunction with the NOPD, which was
published in the Federal Register on
April 27, 2010 (75 FR 22031). In
response to the NOPD, DOE received
comments from ACEEE, NEMA, and San
Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E).
All three interested parties were
supportive of the proposed positive
4 In June of 2003, DOE published the Draft
Framework for Determination Analysis of Energy
Conservation Standards for High-Intensity
Discharge Lamps. This report can be found at:
5 In December of 2004, DOE published the HighIntensity Discharge Lamps Analysis of Potential
Energy Savings. This report can be found at:
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
determination and of the establishment
of energy conservation standards for
HID lamps. Where specific comments
were received, they are addressed
1. Scope of Coverage
For purposes of today’s final
determination, DOE limited its analyses
to HID technologies. DOE received
comments in response to its previous
draft reports regarding alternative nonHID technologies including induction
and fluorescent lamps. 75 FR 22031,
22033 (April 27, 2010). In comments
submitted in response to the NOPD,
both ACEEE and SDG&E recommended
considering non-HID sources that
compete with HID lighting systems.
(ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) SDG&E
specifically identified light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) and electronic HID
ballasts. (SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 3)
However, as stated in the NOPD, nonHID lamp technologies (including
electronic HID ballasts) are outside the
scope of the determination process 75
FR 22031, 22033 (April 27, 2010). DOE
will consider the effects of non-HID
lamp technologies (e.g., the penetration
of LED products in the HID lighting
market, and their effects on future HID
lamp shipments) as part of the future
energy conservation standards
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
2. Definitions
In the NOPD, DOE listed the already
codified definitions applicable to the
determination, including those for ‘‘HID
lamp,’’ ‘‘mercury vapor (MV) lamp,’’ and
‘‘MH lamp.’’ DOE also proposed a
definition for HPS lamp, to be inserted
into Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) 431.452, and
included the definition in the list of
items for comment. 75 FR 22031, 22033
(April 27, 2010) In comments on the
NOPD, NEMA recommended a
definition for ‘‘HPS lamps’’ from
American National Standard Institute
(ANSI) C82.9–1996, ‘‘American National
Standard for High-Intensity Discharge
and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps,
Ballasts and Transformers.’’ (NEMA, No.
21 at p. 3) Under subsection 3.27,
‘‘Definitions,’’ ANSIC82.9–1996 defines
‘‘HPS lamp’’ as ‘‘[a] high-intensity
discharge (HID) lamp in which the
major portion of the light is produced
from radiation from sodium vapor
operating at a partial pressure of about
6.67 × 103 pascals (50 torr) or greater.’’
DOE will consider this proposed
definition when developing test
procedures and potential energy
conservation standards for HID lamps.
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3. Effects on Small Businesses
In the NOPD, DOE requested
comment on the possible effect of
energy conservation standards for HID
lamps on small businesses. NEMA
commented that the full cost of all the
components involved (e.g., lamp,
ballast, or new fixture) would need to be
cost effective for large and small
businesses alike. Further, NEMA
indicated that the energy savings from a
required replacement HID system under
new standards should pay for the new
equipment in less than 3 years, and that
payback periods (PBPs) exceeding 3
years would have negative effects on
small businesses. NEMA also noted that
the color quality of replacement HID
systems must be appropriate for their
intended lighting applications, and that
eliminating cost-effective lamp types
with desired color qualities would also
negatively affect small businesses.
(NEMA, No. 21 at p. 3) In the upcoming
energy conservation standards
rulemaking, DOE will consider the
comments from NEMA in developing
both HID lamp equipment classes and
detailed inputs for its LCC analysis, and
in identifying potentially affected
consumer types for its LCC subgroup
II. Discussion of the Analysis of HighIntensity Discharge Lamps
A. Purpose and Content
DOE analyzed the feasibility of
achieving significant energy savings
from energy conservation standards for
HID lamps, and presents the results of
the related market and technology
assessments, engineering analysis, and
economic analyses in a TSD for this
final determination. In subsequent
analyses for the energy conservation
standards rulemaking, DOE will perform
the analyses required by EPCA. These
analyses will involve more precise and
detailed information that DOE will
develop during the standards
rulemaking process and will detail the
effects of proposed energy conservation
standards for HID lamps.
B. Methodology
To address EPCA requirements that
DOE determine whether energy
conservation standards for HID lamps
would be technologically feasible,
economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings (42
U.S.C. 6317(b)(1)), DOE’s analysis
consisted of five component analyses:
(1) A market and technology assessment
to characterize where and how HID
lamps are used; (2) an engineering
analysis to estimate the relationship
between product costs and energy use;
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(3) an LCC analysis to estimate the costs
and benefits to users from increased
efficacy 6 in HID lamps; (4) a national
energy savings analysis to estimate the
potential energy savings on a national
scale; and (5) a national consumer
impacts analysis to estimate potential
economic costs and benefits that would
result from improving energy efficacy in
the considered HID lamps. These
separate analyses are briefly addressed
1. Market and Technology Assessment
In support of today’s final
determination, DOE conducted research
into the market for considered HID
lamps, including national annual
shipments, the current range of lamp
efficacies, lamp applications and
utilization, market structure, and
distribution channels. In the NOPD,
DOE requested data and comments on
several analysis inputs. 75 FR 22031,
22042 (April, 27, 2010). NEMA
responded that it would work with DOE
during the rulemaking process for an
energy conservation standard to provide
additional data for the following
analysis inputs:
• Equipment (including lamp, ballast,
and fixture) lifetimes;
• Present-year shipments estimates;
• Present-year efficiency
• Market-growth forecasts; and
• Usage profiles. (NEMA, No. 21 at p.
NEMA also provided specific
comments regarding a single efficacy
metric (i.e., lumens per watt) for HID
lamps, and technology options for
increasing HID lighting system
efficiency. NEMA commented that
factors such as lamp operating position,
arc tube shielding for open-fixture
operation, and directional (i.e., reflector)
lamp designs will affect lamp efficacies
and should be considered in an energy
conservation standard. In particular,
NEMA suggested that lumens per watt
is not an appropriate efficacy metric for
directional lamps, and that an
appropriate metric has not yet been
developed. DOE will consider these
factors in developing test procedures
and equipment classes in the upcoming
energy conservation standards
rulemaking. With respect to HID lampand-ballast system efficacy, NEMA
referenced its whitepaper LSD 54–2010,
‘‘The Strengths and Potentials of Metal
6 ‘‘Efficacy,’’ expressed in units of lumens per
watt, is used here to characterize the efficiency with
which a lamp or lamp-and-ballast system produces
light. ‘‘Efficiency’’ is unitless, and is used as a
general term (e.g., ‘‘energy efficiency’’) or to
characterize lamp ballasts, which do not produce
light (e.g., ‘‘higher efficiency ballast designs’’).
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Halide Lighting Systems,’’ as a possible
resource for information about HID
system efficacy improvements. (NEMA,
No. 21 at pp. 2–4) DOE evaluated the
whitepaper and found that it does not
contain additional data that would
substantially affect the analytical results
of the preliminary determination
For today’s final determination, in
response to DOE’s request, NEMA
provided data on HID lamp shipments,
subcategorized by HPS, MV, and MH
lamp data from its member
manufacturers, for the 5-year period
from 2003 to 2008. NEMA provided data
for 1990 to 2002 to DOE in previous
efforts related to today’s final
determination. Based on its market
research, DOE found that HID lamps are
typically used in commercial,
industrial, and municipal applications
with differing electricity tariffs. DOE
estimates that, on average, HID lamps
are used in applications (e.g., municipal
(exterior) and industrial) that typically
operate 12 hours per day or more.
DOE has concluded, as stated in the
NOPD, that dimming of HID lamps is
not common. 75 FR 22031, 22034 (April
27, 2010). DOE examined NEMA’s
Lighting Systems Division Document
LSD 14–2002, ‘‘Guidelines on the
Application of Dimming High Intensity
Discharge Lamps,’’ to evaluate typical
practices for HID dimming. LSD 14–
2002 notes the four applicable dimming
issues related to this final
determination: (1) That that dimming
ballasts are relatively new to the HID
lighting market (having only been
commercially available since the 1990s);
(2) that HID lamps should not be
dimmed below 50 percent of the rated
lamp wattage; (3) that color, life and
efficacy are negatively affected by
dimming; and (4) that few standards
exist for dimming of HID lamp-andballast systems (NEMA recommends
that users evaluate dimming systems in
the field to ensure adequate
performance.) Given these barriers to
the dimming of HID lamps in typical
applications, DOE has assumed that HID
lamps are operating at full power for the
purpose of the analysis supporting this
final determination. NEMA commented
that these statements about dimming are
true, but that dimming is becoming
increasingly important and that
legislation (both adopted and pending)
features HID dimming. (NEMA, No. 21
at p. 2) As addressed in chapter 2 of the
TSD (section 2.4), California requires
that indoor metal halide luminaires
manufactured after January 1, 2010
comply with at least one enhanced
efficiency option (including more
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efficient ballasts or a dimming ballast) 7;
and draft legislation before Congress
would require that certain outdoor
luminaires (including those using HID
sources) manufactured after January 1,
2016 be dimmable. DOE acknowledges
that dimming is becoming more
prevalent with HID systems, but has
decided that consideration of dimming
at this time would not substantially alter
the results of the determination analysis
because of its currently small market
share. DOE will consider relevant
aspects of dimming in the test
procedure and energy conservation
standards rulemaking process.
Several comments provided in
response to the 2004 draft report
addressed elements of the HID lamp
market and how standards promulgated
by DOE might affect the market.
Specifically, Benya commented that
standards that effectively banned MV
lamps could be warranted and
beneficial. (Benya, No. 14 at p. 1)
ACEEE commented that DOE should
focus on replacing probe-start MH with
pulse-start MH, in addition to possibly
introducing standards for MV lamps.
(ACEEE, No. 16 at p. 1)
Pursuant to EPCA, MV ballasts,
except for those with specialty
applications (e.g., reprographics), can no
longer be manufactured or imported as
of January 1, 2008. (42 U.S.C. 6295(ee);
10 CFR 431.286) Consequently, the
analysis for this final determination
assumes that any MV lamp shipments
will service existing MV ballasts only,
and that MV lamp shipments will
decline as a result.
Moreover, regulations currently in
effect in six states (Arizona, California,
New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and
Washington) limit the use of probe-start
MH technologies by banning fixtures in
the wattage range of 150–500 from
having probe-start ballasts. DOE’s
analysis for today’s final determination
includes information regarding the
impact of State regulations, and
considers market trends in both MV and
probe-start MH technologies. In light of
this background, DOE agrees with
ACEEE’s comment that pulse-start MH
lamps should be considered as a
substitute for both MV and probe-start
MH lamps, and addressed this option in
its analysis.
A key factor in the relative
performance of different HID lamp
technologies is the lamp lifetime.
Manufacturers publish the life rating for
HID lamps known as B50 (i.e., the point
at which 50 percent of a population of
lamps is still operating). DOE received
information regarding lamp and ballast
7 CAL.
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lifetimes in comments received in
response to the 2003 draft report.
Specifically, DOE received comments
that MV and HPS lamps were typically
relamped (i.e., replaced) every 4 years,
and MH lamps typically every 2 years.
Allegheny further suggested that the
lamp life is generally the rated lamp life
by the manufacturer. (Caltrans, No. 8 at
p. 2; Allegheny, No. 12 at p. 1) Typical
life of HID lamps varies with lamp type
and wattage, and ranges from 8,000 to
greater than 24,000 hours, according to
the manufacturer catalog data surveyed
and included in chapter 3 of the TSD
(sections 3.3–3.5). In determining
annual maintenance costs, DOE used
median rated lamp lifetime as the basis
for relamping schedules.
DOE used the industry-accepted,
widely-cited life of magnetic ballasts of
50,000 hours. After the 2003 draft
report, Allegheny noted that MV ballast
lifetimes are 12 years or greater.
(Allegheny, No. 12 at p. 1) Allegheny
did not provide the corresponding
typical annual operating hours for the
MV ballast, however. In the 2003 draft
report, DOE assumed that MV lamps
were used primarily for fixed
(stationary) outdoor lighting (see
chapter 2 of the 2003 TSD). DOE retains
this assumption for today’s final
determination, and assumes an average
daily operation of 12 hours (a typical
‘‘dusk to dawn’’ operating scenario), or
annual operation of 4,380 hours for MV
systems (see TSD chapter 2, section 2.2).
By extension, 12 years of dusk-to-dawn
operation would total 52,560 hours;
therefore, Allegheny’s 12-year ballast
lifetime is consistent with DOE’s
assumed lifetime of 50,000 hours.
The life of the light fixture (also
known as a luminaire) varies but
generally lasts as long as the ballast.
After reviewing the NOPD, ACEEE
recommended additional research on
the frequency of ballast replacement
versus fixture replacement to inform the
analysis. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) During
the MH lamp fixture public meeting on
January 26, 2010, interested parties
commented that, for an exterior fixture
the ballast would routinely be replaced
many times before the fixture would be
replaced. (Philips, Metal Halide Lamp
Fixture Energy Conservation Standard
(EERE–2009–BT–STD–0018, RIN 1904–
AC00), Framework Document Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 1.2.005 at p. 92)
DOE agrees with the commenters that
the collection of more lifetime data will
be useful for the evaluation of relevant
standards, and DOE will more fully
evaluate replacement frequencies for
lamps, ballasts, and fixtures in the test
procedure and energy conservation
standards rulemaking.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Another factor that can affect the
energy usage of an HID lighting system
is the energy usage of the ballast. DOE
analyzed the system (lamp and ballast)
power since particular lamp
technologies are usually associated with
a technology-specific ballast design.
DOE evaluated manufacturer data,
across multiple manufacturers, on
ballast performance for multiple HID
ballast designs, including constantwattage autotransformer, constantwattage isolated, high-reactance
autotransformer, and magnetically
regulated electronic ballasts. Based on
its evaluation, DOE determined that the
variation in ballast input power across
ballast designs for a given lamp wattage
is relatively small when compared to
the variation in energy use among
different HID lighting system
For this final determination, DOE
analyzed a range of lamp capacities. At
least two conventions exist for
characterizing HID lamp capacity: (1)
Input power and (2) lumen (i.e., light)
output. DOE categorized representative
HID lamps based on the lumen output
(measured in mean lumens) of the
analyzed baseline lamp types because as
lamps become more efficient, the input
power should decrease as the user
service (i.e., lumen output) stays the
same or increases. Lamp lumen output
directly correlates with illumination
levels produced by lighting equipment
and is, therefore, a more relevant
measure for lighting applications than
wattage, which does not predict
illumination levels. The analyzed
equipment classes correspond with
medium-wattage HID lamps (defined as
between 150 and 500 watts (W)), which
was the primary wattage range
considered in the 2004 draft report.
However, because DOE considers lumen
output instead of wattage as a more
appropriate measure of lamp utility
from a consumer perspective, it uses
lumen output as the basis for
categorization in today’s final
determination as shown in Table II.1 of
this notice, which provides the
engineering analysis results.
2. Engineering Analysis
In the engineering analysis, DOE
identified representative baseline HID
lighting systems and energy-efficient
substitutes within each lumen output
category. Both the baseline system and
the energy-efficient substitutes have
different input power ratings (i.e., the
wattage required by the lamp-andballast system), with the input power
rating decreasing with the increased
efficacy of the substitute. The
engineering analysis outputs of cost and
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energy consumption are critical inputs
to subsequent financial cost-benefit
calculations for individual consumers,
performed in the LCC and the national
impacts analysis. DOE developed enduser prices, including a contractor markup rate and average national sales tax
for analyzed lamp, lamp-and-ballast,
and luminaire designs.
DOE did not include MV lamps in the
engineering analysis for today’s final
determination. DOE forecasts that MV
lamp shipments will decline to zero by
the compliance date of a potential HID
lamps standard, assumed as 2017,
because of the statutory ban on the
importation and manufacture of MV
ballasts after January 1, 2008. (42 U.S.C.
6295(ee)) Consequently, DOE did not
analyze MV baseline lamps in its LCC
analysis because MV fixtures are no
longer a viable purchase option.
However, DOE did consider the existing
MV fixtures in the existing HID installed
base when it performed its national
energy savings/national consumer
benefits analysis. This installed base of
MV systems will age and is expected to
be replaced with other HID technologies
over time.
DOE has examined other currently
available commercial equipment for
replacing the least efficacious (baseline)
HID sources—MV and probe-start MH
lamps. ACEEE noted, in response to the
2003 draft report, that any potential
standard should address the
replacement of probe-start MH lamps
with pulse-start MH lamps. (ACEEE, No.
11 at p. 2) Typical substitutes used to
replace both MV or probe-start MH
technologies include HPS and pulsestart MH lamps. HPS lamps are among
the most efficacious electric light
sources, and are a viable substitute in
applications where energy efficiency
and/or lower first cost is considered
more important than color quality.
Pulse-start MH is the most efficient
broad spectrum (‘‘white light’’) HID
technology and has a higher first cost
than both MV and HPS. In response to
the NOPD, ACEEE commented that
further analysis should include
accounting for savings gained from
eliminating the least efficacious pulsestart MH and HPS lamps. (ACEEE, No.
22 at p. 2) DOE acknowledges that
elimination of these lamp types may
provide additional energy savings, but
notes that an exhaustive exploration of
all possible standards is not required for
a positive final determination today.
During an energy conservation
standards analysis, DOE will examine
equipment classes for all HID lamps, not
just the representative set of lamps
considered in today’s notice. NEMA
commented that DOE should not
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assume that HPS is a suitable substitute
for MH in all applications due to color
quality. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 2) DOE
agrees with NEMA and does not assume
that HPS lamps are suitable for all
applications. When evaluating potential
energy conservation standards, DOE
divides covered equipment into classes
by the energy used, capacity, or other
performance-related features that impact
efficiency, and other factors such as the
utility of the product to users. (42 U.S.C.
6295(q)) DOE typically establishes
different energy conservation standards
for different equipment classes, and will
evaluate the efficacy and utility of
different MH and HPS lamp designs in
developing proposed equipment classes.
For the determination analysis, DOE
assumed that lower efficacy MH lamps
are replaced by a combination of higher
efficiency MH and HPS lighting
DOE assumes in the analysis
supporting the final determination that
changes in lamp technology will lead to
changes in the entire lamp system. DOE
therefore used a systems approach in
analyzing the representative equipment
types because both lamps and ballasts
determine a system’s energy use and
lumen output. Accordingly, the analysis
paired lamps with corresponding
ballasts to develop representative lampand-ballast systems, in order to estimate
the actual energy usage and lumen
output of operating lamps. In response
to the NOPD, NEMA commented that
they agreed with this approach. (NEMA,
No. 21 at p. 4)
In the engineering analysis, DOE
considered only magnetic ballasts
because they are the most common
ballast used in HID lighting systems.
DOE estimated that magnetic ballasts
constitute over 90 percent of HID
ballasts currently sold, and an even
higher percentage of the installed HID
ballast stock. Electronic ballasts entered
the market at the end of the 1990s and
still occupy less than a 10-percent
market share because of a variety of
technical and operational barriers that
are discussed in some detail in chapter
3 of the TSD (section 3.7). In its
comments, NEMA stated that greater
savings will result from the application
of electronic HID ballasts and/or
intelligent controls rather than from
increasing lamp efficacies. (NEMA, No.
21 at p. 4) While DOE appreciates
NEMA’s comment, EPCA specifically
directs DOE to prescribe energy
conservation standards for HID lamps,
and does not provide DOE with the
authority to regulate HID ballasts. (42
U.S.C. 6317(a)(2).) DOE notes that it is
currently developing energy
conservation standards for MH lamp
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
fixtures that focus on MH lamp ballast
efficiency and other performance
elements in the context of a separate
rulemaking. (EERE–2009–BT–STD–
0018, RIN 1904–AC00) Additionally, the
Energy Independence Security Act of
2007 (EISA 2007) mandates minimum
ballast efficiencies for MH fixtures sold
after January 1, 2009. (42 U.S.C.
6295(hh)(1).) Further, as noted above,
MV ballasts can no longer be
manufactured or imported. (42 U.S.C.
6295(ee); 10 CFR 431.286)
In summary, DOE acknowledges that
HID lamp efficacy is in part a function
of lamp-and-ballast system design, and
identified representative HID systems
for its analysis. DOE specifically
excluded MV systems from its analysis
due to the aforementioned existing
EPCA ban on MV ballasts and the
anticipated resulting disappearance of
MV lamps from the market. Although
DOE acknowledges the effects of HID
ballast design on overall system
efficacy, DOE is only required by EPCA
to address potential HID lamp efficacy
standards. DOE will consider relevant
aspects of ballast design (e.g., electrical
characteristics, magnetic versus
electronic design, dimming capability)
and their impacts on HID lamps in the
test procedure and energy conservation
rulemaking process.
3. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
DOE conducted an initial LCC
analysis to estimate the net financial
benefit to users from potential energy
conservation standards that would
increase the efficacy of HID lamps. The
LCC analysis compared the additional
initial cost of a more efficacious lamp
and related fixture to the discounted
value of electricity savings over the life
of the fixture ballast. DOE’s LCC
analysis used the following five inputs:
(1) Estimated average annual operating
hours and lamp lifetimes, (2) estimated
average prices for lamps and fixtures, (3)
representative maintenance costs, (4)
electricity prices paid by users of HID
lamps, and (5) the discount rate. For the
purpose of today’s final determination,
DOE used current national average
electricity prices for commercial and
industrial applications, obtained from
the Energy Information Administration’s
(EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2010 AEO
2010)’’ 8 to calculate impacts on the
average HID lamp user. The LCC
analysis does not include MV lamps
because MV ballasts can no longer be
imported or manufactured after January
1, 2008 (see TSD chapter 2, section 2.4
and chapter 5, section 5.2). Accordingly,
8 All AEO publications are available online at
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DOE assumed that when MV ballasts
fail, consumers will have to switch to
another HID technology.
The LCC analysis not only evaluated
the replacement of the HID lamp but
also those cases in which the whole
system would need to be replaced.
Given the specificity of HID lamp-andballast combinations, DOE assumed that
replacement of baseline HID systems
with energy-efficient substitutes would,
at a minimum, require a new lamp-andballast system. In some cases, the
physical and operational characteristics
of the replacement lamp-and-ballast
system may also require replacement of
the entire fixture. Consequently, DOE
treated lamp-and-ballast and fixture
replacement as economic issues in the
LCC analysis, which considered the
installed cost of the lamp, lamp-andballast system, and fixture. In analyzing
the lighting system, the ballast has the
longer lifetime and therefore represents
the lifetime of the system (which may
have the lamp replaced several times
before the ballast is replaced). DOE
therefore set the LCC analysis period
equal to the lifetime of the fixture
ballast in years (i.e., 50,000 hours
divided by the assumed annual
operating hours, which equals
approximately 9 years and 12 years for
interior and exterior applications,
respectively). This approach is
consistent with the LCC methodology
that DOE used in the 2003 draft report
(see 2003 TSD chapter 5, section 5.4).
DOE assigned annual operating hours
to representative equipment based on
two alternative operating scenarios.
Exterior lighting applications (e.g.,
parking lot lighting) were assumed for
the commercial operating scenario,
where HID lamps with poorer color
quality (e.g., HPS) are a viable substitute
for lamps with better color quality,
depending on energy efficiency and/or
first cost requirements. Interior lighting
applications were assumed for the
industrial operating scenario, where
‘‘white light’’ substitutes with higher
color quality (e.g., pulse-start MH) are
assumed to be mandatory.
DOE obtained information on hours of
operation for the different scenarios
from industry publications that provide
guidance for installers and lighting
engineers. Based upon these sources,
DOE estimated 4,200 hours per year of
operation for exterior applications and
5,840 hours per year for interior
applications. A more detailed
discussion of the data sources and the
derivation of these estimates are
provided in chapter 5 of the TSD
(section 5.1).
In the LCC analysis, DOE also
included maintenance costs in the
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estimation of the LCC of HID lighting
systems. DOE assumed $225 for each
exterior relamping and $74 for each
interior relamping, and requested
comment on these values in the NOPD.
Chapter 5 of the TSD provides the
rationale for how both the exterior and
interior maintenance costs were
derived. No substantive comments were
received; therefore, DOE will consider
using these maintenance values in the
energy conservation standards
For the LCC analysis, DOE estimated
average commercial and industrial
electricity prices using the 2017 to 2030
forecasts set forth in EIA’s AEO 2010.
DOE used the average price for the
relevant end-use sector (i.e., commercial
or industrial) over the course of the 30year analysis period (2017–2046). In the
NOPD, DOE requested comment as to
whether, in the energy conservation
standards rulemaking analysis, DOE’s
analysis should include the minimum,
mean, and maximum energy tariffs for
the relevant end use sectors. DOE did
not receive any comments relating to
this issue, and will consider evaluating
minimum, mean, and maximum energy
tariffs in the energy conservation
standards rulemaking.
In the LCC analysis, the discount rate
determines the relative value of future
energy savings compared to increases in
first costs that may arise from a
potential energy conservation standard.
DOE estimates the cost of capital for
commercial and industrial companies
by examining both debt and equity
capital, and develops an appropriately
weighted average of the cost to the
company of equity and debt financing.
The resulting average discounted
industrial and commercial discount
rates used in the LCC analysis are 7.6
percent and 7.0 percent, respectively
(see TSD chapter 5, section 5.1). DOE
did not receive any comments on the
use of the discount rates in response to
the NOPD. DOE notes that these
commercial and industrial sector
discount rates are the same as those
used in the final rule for general service
fluorescent and incandescent reflector
lamps. 74 FR 34080, 34113 (July 14,
2009). In the energy conservation
standards rulemaking for HID lamps,
DOE will review current economic data
in developing updated discount rates, as
In the 2003 draft report, DOE used
available retail catalog pricing for HID
lamp and fixture prices. In response,
NEMA commented that retail price
catalogs are not a good source of actual
cost information, and recommended
hiring an energy service company to
solicit bids on prices. (NEMA, No. 6 at
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
p. 4) DOE considered this comment, but
concludes that although that there may
be inaccuracies in list prices, there is a
greater risk that there may be distortions
in bid prices that would create data that
are unrepresentative of future costs.
Currently, the country is experiencing a
deep recession in which bid prices are
likely to be deflated substantially when
compared to average economic
conditions. This situation is likely to
distort any bid price data that DOE
would solicit. For the purposes of
today’s final determination, DOE
therefore assumes that catalog price data
are more representative than bid price
data, and used recent catalog data
(accessed online between August 2009
and April 2010) for its LCC analysis (see
TSD chapter 5, section 5.1). In a future
energy conservation standards
rulemaking, DOE will consider multiple
sources for pricing data.
For today’s final determination, DOE
estimated the base purchase price of
representative HID lamps, ballasts, and
fixtures using current prices available
on both the W.W. Grainger, Inc. and
Goodmart Web sites 9 10. DOE notes that
it also used this approach for estimating
base pricing in the Small Electric Motor
Determination. 71 FR 38799, 38803 (July
10, 2006). These online retailer price
catalogs were selected because they
offer a wide range of products (i.e.,
lamps, ballasts, and fixtures) for
multiple types of HID lamps and
wattages. The referenced Web sites are
also publicly available (requiring no
special log in to access the data) and
offer product information that can be
applied to the full range of HID lighting
system technologies and components.
DOE considered using both municipal
and State procurement contracts as
sources of pricing data, but eliminated
these data from consideration in the
determination analysis. Specifically,
municipal procurement contracts for
HID lamps can provide price data, but
do not contain price data for other
components of the lamp system needed
for the analysis. DOE also evaluated
State procurement contracts for fixtures
but found them to be too highly variable
to be useful. Chapter 5 of the TSD
(section 5.1) presents the price data that
DOE obtained from all sources,
including RS–Means, State procurement
contracts, Grainger, and Goodmart.
In its analysis, DOE observed that HID
prices vary by region, manufacturer,
quantity, type, and quality (and that end
users pay different prices). Therefore,
DOE attempted to select price data for
different lighting system options that
(last accessed April 16,
10 (last accessed April
16, 2010).
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were directly comparable. DOE also
added a contractor mark-up of 13
percent and a sales tax of 7 percent in
calculating equipment prices (see TSD
chapter 5, section 5.1). As stated in the
NOPD, the contractor markup value was
recommended by ACEEE in response to
the 2003 draft report, and DOE found
the value consistent with other lighting
rules. 75 FR 22031, 22037 (April 27,
2010). DOE proposed using an average
national sales tax of 7 percent in the
NOPD. 75 FR 22031, 22037 (April 27,
2010) DOE received no comments
regarding this proposal. A 7-percent
sales tax is consistent with the rate used
in the recent non-class A external power
supplies final determination. 75 FR
27170, 271741 (May 14, 2010). In the
NOPD, DOE invited comment on its
selection and analysis of the available
HID lighting system price data. ACEEE
and SDG&E recommended that DOE
revisit the product price assumptions in
the LCC because the prices presented in
chapter 5 of the NOPD TSD (section 5.1)
were high. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2;
SDG&E No. 23 at p. 3) DOE will conduct
a more in-depth evaluation of
equipment pricing in an energy
conservation standards rulemaking, as a
refined analysis would not change the
outcome of today’s positive final
Depending on when different parts of
an HID lighting system are replaced, the
costs of switching to improved efficacy
lamps can involve lamp-and-ballast
replacement, or replacement of the
entire fixture. For example, an original
fixture may not physically
accommodate the new ballast required
by an improved efficacy lamp, thereby
necessitating fixture replacement. The
analysis underlying today’s final
determination includes lamp-andballast and fixture replacement costs
when calculating the LCC for HID
lamps. In the NOPD, DOE also requested
comment regarding equipment costs
related to increasing lamp efficacy.
NEMA responded that the lighting
industry anticipates higher lamp costs
with increasing efficacy. (NEMA, No. 21
at p. 4) DOE acknowledges this general
cost-efficacy relationship, as illustrated
in chapter 5 of the TSD, with higher
prices for pulse-start MH lamps
compared with probe-start MH lamps.
4. National Energy Savings Analysis
To estimate national energy savings
for HID lamps sold from 2017 through
2046, DOE calculated the estimated
energy usage of the analyzed lamp-andballast systems in a base case (absent a
standard) and a standards case. As
discussed in chapter 6 of the TSD
(section 6.1), DOE calculated the
installed base of HID lamps using
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historical lamp shipments data provided
by NEMA. Projected shipments were
based on the lamp lifetimes, system
energy use, and operating scenarios
developed for the LCC analysis, as well
as estimated market and substitution
trends in the base case and standards
case. For this initial analysis, DOE did
not address the effects of emerging, nonHID lighting technologies (e.g., LEDs) on
HID lamp shipments, but notes that an
exhaustive shipments analysis is not
required for a positive determination.
DOE intends to address emerging
technologies in its more robust
shipments analysis as part of the energy
conservation standards rulemaking
In response to the NOPD, DOE
received a comment from SDG&E
regarding shipment projections starting
in 2017. SDG&E recommended that DOE
‘‘revise the assumption that new MH
fixtures sold in 2017 will contain probestart ballasts.’’ (SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 2)
ACEEE also recommended that DOE
revise its assumptions for MH lamp
shipments. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) DOE
acknowledges that both existing Federal
and State legislation, as discussed in the
TSD, will affect the installation of
probe-start MH fixtures (see NOPD TSD
chapter 2, section 2.4). The State bans
on ballasts for probe-start MH lamps, as
well as more stringent Federal ballast
efficiency requirements for probe-start
MH lamps, will affect shipments of
fixtures containing probe-start MH
lamps. However, DOE’s shipment
projections were not based on new
probe-start MH fixtures being sold in
2017. As discussed in chapter 2 of the
NOPD TSD (section 2.1), the majority of
existing installed MH fixtures
(estimated at 35 million as of 2002)
contain probe-start ballasts. These
legacy fixtures will require replacement
lamps even without replacement of the
ballast. Such replacement shipments are
reflected in DOE’s shipment projections
in the analysis for this determination.11
DOE will further refine the lamp
shipment projections as part of the
energy conservation standards
rulemaking process, consulting fixture
shipments data gathered in the MH
lamp fixture rulemaking as appropriate.
To estimate potential energy savings
from the proposed energy conservation
standards case, DOE used a spreadsheet
model that calculated total end-use
electricity savings in each year of the
30-year analysis period (2017–2046).
The model features an equipmentretirement function to calculate the
11 Shipment projections presented in National
Energy Savings/Net Present Value spreadsheet at
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
number of units sold in a given year, or
vintage, which would still be in
operation in future years. For example,
some of the HID lamps sold in 2030 will
operate through 2035. DOE calculated
primary energy (i.e., energy used by the
power plant) savings associated with
end-use electricity (i.e., site energy used
by the lamp-and-ballast system) savings
using data from EIA’s AEO 2010. These
data provided a factor, or an average
multiplier, for relating end-use
electricity to primary energy use for
each year from 2017 to 2030. DOE
extrapolated the trend in these years to
derive factors for 2031 to 2046. Energy
use in both the potential standards case
and base case are calculated for all
equipment categories and converted to
quads. The difference in energy use
between every equipment category in
these two cases is summed across all
years of the analysis period. A more
detailed discussion of the national
energy savings model, data sources, and
results is provided in chapter 6 of the
TSD (section 6.1).
5. National Consumer Impacts Analysis
DOE estimated the national economic
effect on end-users in terms of the NPV
of cumulative benefits during the 30year analysis period (2017–2046). It
considered the effects under the same
range of scenarios as it did for
estimating national energy savings. It
also used the new equipment costs and
energy savings for each energy
efficiency level that it applied in the
LCC analysis. To simplify the analysis,
DOE estimated the value of energy
savings using the average AEO 2010
forecast electricity price from 2017 to
2030. To estimate the trend in electricity
prices after 2030, DOE extrapolated its
forecasted electricity prices for 2031 to
2046 by applying the average rate of
price change during 2020–2030. As
discussed in chapter 6 of the TSD
(section 6.1), DOE discounted future
costs and benefits by using a 3-percent
and 7-percent discount rate,
respectively, according to the
‘‘Guidelines and Discount Rates for
Benefit Analysis of Federal Programs’’
issued by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). (Circular No. A–94,
September 2003).
C. Analytical Results
1. Engineering Analysis
As described above, DOE conducted
separate analyses examining ten
representative HID lamp types: Probestart MH (175, 250, 360, and 400-watt),
PMH (150, 175, and 320-watt), and HPS
(100, 150, and 250-watt). These lamp
types are categorized by mean lumen
output in Table II.1, with some PMH
and HPS lamp types appearing in more
than one lumen output category.
probe-start MH
Approximate lumen output
mean lumens*
Energy efficient
option 1, PMH
Energy efficient
option 2, HPS
In the engineering analysis, for a lamp
to be considered a suitable option, its
replacement had to produce at least 90
percent of the mean lumen output of the
baseline system and draw less power
than the baseline lamp-and-ballast
system. As detailed in chapter 4 of the
TSD (section 4.3), power was
determined by the lamp-and-ballast
input, based in part on the
representative ballast type chosen for
each option.
2. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
Table II.2 to Table II.5 present the
results for medium wattage probe-start
MH lamps and higher-efficiency
substitute HID lamps in a lamp-only
replacement scenario. In this scenario, a
failed baseline lamp is replaced either
with an identical baseline lamp, or with
a substitute lamp-and-ballast system.
These analyses were based on
representative, incremental lamp and
fixture prices as well as maintenance
costs. The upcoming energy
conservation standards rulemaking will
yield more detailed results than did the
representative analyses conducted.
Generally, the LCC of a high-efficiency
lamp and ballast replacement is higher
than the LCC of an inefficient lamp-only
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
175 W MH
Ballast Price .....................................................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00008
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Substitute 1
150 W PMH
175 W MH
Substitute 2
100 W HPS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
250 W MH
Ballast Price .....................................................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
175 W PMH
250 W MH
Substitute 2
150 W HPS
360 W MH
Ballast Price .....................................................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
360 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
400 W MH
Ballast Price .....................................................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Table II.6 through Table II.9 present
the results for medium wattage probestart MH lamps and higher-efficiency
substitute HID lamps in a new
construction or fixture replacement
scenario. In this scenario, a consumer
selects either a baseline or substitute
fixture and lamp. In the exterior lighting
cases, the HPS substitutes have a lower
LCC. These analyses were based on
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
400 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
representative and incremental lamp
and fixture prices as well as
maintenance costs.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
175 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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PO 00000
Frm 00009
Fmt 4700
Substitute 1
150 W PMH
Sfmt 4700
175 W MH
Substitute 2
100 W HPS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
175 W MH
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
150 W PMH
175 W MH
Substitute 2
100 W HPS
250 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
175 W PMH
250 W MH
Substitute 2
150 W HPS
360 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
360 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
400 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
NEMA requested a third set of tables
showing the LCC when a lamp in an
existing fixture must be replaced, but
the more efficacious lamp (with ballast)
cannot be installed in the existing
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fixture. This scenario requires purchase
of an entirely new fixture, not just a
lamp and ballast. (NEMA, No. 21 at p.
4) DOE acknowledges that, in some
cases, the ballast for a more efficacious
PO 00000
Frm 00010
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
400 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
lamp might not fit either mechanically
or electrically in the existing fixture,
and that a new fixture containing the
more efficacious lamp be installed. DOE
refers the reader to the tables below.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Table II.10 through II.13 present the
results for medium wattage probe-start
MH lamps and higher-efficiency
substitute HID lamps where the lamp
has failed and a lamp and ballast cannot
be retrofitted into the existing fixture. In
this scenario, a consumer either replaces
the baseline lamp in the fixture or
replaces the fixture with a new
substitute fixture and lamp. In this case,
the LCC savings is less than in the
alternative scenarios presented in
previous tables. DOE gave this
replacement scenario its proportional
weight in the national impact analysis,
which aggregated consumer impacts
from all cases into national cost and
benefit estimates.
175 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
150 W PMH
175 W MH
Substitute 2
100 W HPS
250 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
150 W PMH
250 W MH
Substitute 2
150 W HPS
360 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
360 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
400 W MH
Fixture Price (incl. ballast) ...............................................................................
Lamp Price .......................................................................................................
Total First Cost ................................................................................................
Incremental First Cost .....................................................................................
Annual Operating Cost ....................................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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PO 00000
Frm 00011
Fmt 4700
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
Sfmt 4700
400 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
400 W MH
Annual Operating Cost Differential ..................................................................
LCC (7% Discount Rate) .................................................................................
LCC Savings ....................................................................................................
PBP (years) .....................................................................................................
DOE concluded that whether or not
there are net LCC savings from a
potential HID lamp standard depends
on the details of the lamp capacity and
the installation scenario. Given the
widely varying results that depend on
specific installation details, DOE
evaluated the total net consumer impact
of the standard based on the national
impact analysis which proportionally
weighed the different installation cases
based on two factors: (1) The fraction of
lamp sales subject to each type of
installation and (2) the relative
frequency of each specific lamp
substitution scenario. Although some
replacements would have negative LCC,
today’s final determination indicates
that standards for HID lamps would
likely result in positive total net
consumer impacts and cumulative
energy savings.
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
3. National Energy Savings and
Consumer Impacts
DOE estimated national energy
savings and consumer effects of energy
conservation standards for the
considered HID lamps using its own
initial engineering analysis data. DOE
assumed that energy conservation
standards would take effect in 2017, and
estimated the cumulative energy savings
and NPV impacts relative to a base case
and a standards case.
As summarized in chapter 6 of the
TSD (section 6.2), the results using
DOE’s analysis of design options
indicate cumulative energy savings for
medium-wattage HID lamps of 11.4
quads (undiscounted), and a
corresponding NPV of $30.0 billion
(2010$) at a 3-percent discount rate, and
$13.7 billion at a 7-percent discount rate
over the 30-year analysis period (2017–
In estimating the NPV, DOE estimated
the fractions of replacements that would
employ the different technologies and
would be either a lamp-only or a total
fixture replacement. While some
replacements would have negative LCC,
on a national scale these replacements
are outweighed by those lamp and
fixture replacements that would have
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positive economic impacts on
In response to the NOPD, SDG&E
commented that the magnitude of the
savings of 2.8 quads seemed large in
relation to the two other determinations
(Small Electric Motors 71 FR 38799,
38806 (July 10, 2006) and Non-Class A
External Power Supplies 74 FR 56928,
56929 (November 3, 2009)) mentioned
in the NOPD. (SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 3;
75 FR 22031, 22040 (April 27, 2010)).
DOE agrees that the potential savings
from an HID lamps rulemaking is large
in comparison with the Small Electric
Motors and External Power Supplies
determinations. Yet, as previously
indicated, the potential energy savings
could be as great as 11.4 quads when
not factoring in a discount rate, as
opposed to the 2.8 quads originally
published. DOE has carefully
considered publishing this higher
revised number and, based upon the
data available, DOE believes that, over
30 years, 11.4 quads is a reasonable
initial (undiscounted) estimate. For
purposes of comparison, the general
service fluorescent and incandescent
reflector lamp final rule found
undiscounted energy savings of as much
as 12 quads over a 30 year analysis
period. 74 FR 34080, 34083 (July 14,
2009). Neither ACEEE nor NEMA
commented on the magnitude of
potential energy savings for today’s final
D. Discussion
1. Technological Feasibility
Section 346(a)(1) of EPCA (42 U.S.C.
6317(a)(1)) mandates that DOE
determine whether energy conservation
standards for HID lamps would be
‘‘technologically feasible.’’ DOE
determines that energy conservation
standards for HID lamps are
technologically feasible because they
can be satisfied with HID lighting
systems that are currently available on
the market.
2. Significance of Energy Savings
Section 346(a)(1) of EPCA mandates
that DOE determine whether energy
PO 00000
Frm 00012
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Substitute 1
320 W PMH
400 W MH
Substitute 2
250 W HPS
conservation standards for HID lamps
would result in ‘‘significant energy
savings.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1)) The term
‘‘significant’’ is not defined in the Act.
However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia in Natural
Resources Defense Council v.
Herrington, 768 F.2d 1355, 1373 (DC
Cir. 1985), indicated that Congress
intended ‘‘significant’’ energy savings to
be interpreted in a manner consistent
with section 325 of the Act (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(3)(B)) as savings that were not
‘‘genuinely trivial.’’ Applying this test,
DOE found in its 2010 final
determination for Non-Class A External
Power Supplies that an energy
conservation standard for the product
that would save as much as 0.14 quad
of energy over a 30-year period (2013–
2042) amounted to ‘‘significant energy
savings’’ within the meaning of EPCA. In
this previous determination, DOE noted
that these savings were equivalent to the
annual electricity needs of 1.1 million
U.S. homes. 75 FR 27170, 27179 (May
14, 2010). In today’s final
determination, DOE finds that the
estimated energy savings of 11.4 quads
over 30 years for the considered HID
lamps are equivalent to the annual
electricity needs of 57 million U.S.
homes. As a result, DOE concludes that
the potential savings are not ‘‘genuinely
trivial,’’ and thus determines that
potential energy conservation standards
for HID lamps would result in
significant energy savings under EPCA.
3. Economic Justification
Section 346(b)(1) of EPCA requires
that energy conservation standards for
HID lamps be economically justified.
(42 U.S.C. 6317(b)(1)) In the NOPD, DOE
aggregated the results from the LCC
analyses to estimate national energy
savings and national economic impacts.
DOE estimated that the NPV of the
consumer costs and benefits from a
potential standard are $30.0 billion and
$13.7 billion at 3-percent and 7-percent
discount rates, respectively. As noted
above, both ACEEE and SDG&E
commented that the prices used in the
LCC analyses seemed high. (ACEEE, No.
22 at p. 2; SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 3)
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
However, this does not negate the fact
that potential energy conservation
standards would be economically
justified. If lower prices were used in
the LCC analyses, NPV savings would
only be expected to be greater. DOE will
review component prices in the energy
conservation standards rulemaking;
however, the use of prices that may be
at the high end of the range of possible
price estimates is prudent for a
determination analysis, and helps
ensure that the conclusion regarding the
positive economic justification has a
high degree of certainty. Therefore, DOE
has determined that potential energy
conservation standards for HID lamps
would be expected to be economically
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
III. Conclusion
A. Final Determination
Based on its analysis of the available
information, DOE has determined that
energy conservation standards for
certain HID lamps appear to be
technologically feasible and
economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings.
Consequently, DOE will initiate the
development of energy efficiency test
procedures and energy conservation
standards for certain HID lamps.
All of the design options addressed in
this final determination document are
technologically feasible. DOE’s data and
available manufacturer data show that
the considered HID lamp technologies
are available to all manufacturers. These
technologies include different methods
of starting the lamps (e.g., pulse versus
probe-start) and different lamp
components (e.g., arc tube composition
and design for HPS versus MH). The
lamp manufacturers that DOE consulted
produce at least one or more types of
these higher efficacy lamps. DOE’s
review of available HID lamps from
manufacturers (including EYE, GE,
OSRAM SYLVANIA, Philips, Venture,
and Ushio) is presented in spreadsheet
format on the DOE’s Web site at https://
DOE has determined that potential
energy conservation standards for HID
lamps are expected to be economically
justified. The estimated aggregate NPV
of consumer costs and benefits from a
potential standard are expected to be
$30.0 billion (2010$) at a 3-percent
discount rate and $13.7 billion at a 7percent discount rate over the 30-year
analysis period (2017–2046). DOE has
not produced detailed estimates of the
potential adverse effects of a national
standard on manufacturers or on
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individual categories of users. Instead,
DOE is relying on the presence of
existing, more efficacious products in
the market today as an indicator of the
probable economic feasibility for
manufacturers of producing more
efficacious lamps if required by
Finally, the scenarios examined in
DOE’s analysis show the potential for
significant energy savings, with the
combined savings for medium-wattage
HID lamps over the 30-year analysis
period (2017–2046) of at least 11.4
quads. The 11.4 quads estimated in this
final determination is an undiscounted
value, and is substantially higher than
the discounted value of 2.8 quads
estimated in the NOPD, although both
values represent the same physical
quantity and would constitute
significant energy savings. 75 FR 22031,
22040 (April 27, 2010).
During the energy conservation
standards rulemaking process, DOE will
perform a detailed analysis of the effect
of possible standards on manufacturers
as well as a more disaggregated
assessment of their possible impacts on
user subgroups.
B. Future Proceedings
In terms of the three responses to the
NOPD, all commenters encouraged DOE
to establish an energy conservation
standard for HID lamps. ACEEE offered
support for the proposed positive
determination and encouraged DOE to
move forward with a rulemaking to
establish standards for HID lamps.
(ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 1) NEMA stated
that ‘‘industry supports cost-effective
HID lamp standards that conserve
energy.’’ (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 2) SDG&E
encouraged DOE to issue a positive final
determination and open a new
rulemaking to consider energy
conservation standards for HID lamps.
(SDG&E No. 23 at p. 1) Each of the
commenters also included suggestions
regarding the efficacy metric for HID
lamps of lumens per watt. NEMA
recommended that standards be based
on initial lumens per watt, but
suggested that DOE consider lumen
maintenance factors and reliability, as
different ballasts can affect the lumen
maintenance of the system. Finally,
NEMA commented that lumens per watt
is not an appropriate metric for
directional lamps and a different unit of
measure will be needed. (NEMA, No. 21
at p. 2) ACEEE reiterated its comments
related to the 2003 and 2004 draft
reports, that ACEEE supports minimum
efficiency standards for HID lamps.
(ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 1) As stated in the
NOPD, ACEEE referenced a 60 lumens
per watt minimum efficacy requirement
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
in response to the 2003 draft report. 75
FR 22031, 22033 (April 27, 2010).
NEMA indicated that industry would
expect conservation standards at the
very least to eliminate MV lamps.
(NEMA, No. 21 at p. 2) Further, SDG&E
commented that substantial savings
would be realized with efficiency
standards that eliminate less efficient
HID lamps, such as probe-start MH and
MV lamps. (SDG&E No. 23 at p. 1)
Moving forward, SDG&E encouraged
DOE to consider combining future HID
lamp rulemaking with the current MH
lamp fixture rulemaking. (SDG&E, No.
23 at p. 2) ACEEE suggested that DOE
explore the potential of combining the
rulemaking related to HID lighting
systems into a single rulemaking with
MH lamp fixtures. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p.
1) Finally, NEMA commented that the
industry believes that DOE will achieve
much greater energy savings from HID
systems with electronic ballasts and/or
intelligent controls as compared to
savings gained through potential
standards that increase HID lamp
efficacies. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 4)
In response to the suggestion of a
combined rulemaking, DOE, in fact, has
considered a combined rule, but a
combination of the HID lamps rule with
the MH lamp fixture rule would be
problematic for the reasons that follow.
First, the MH lamp fixture rule covers
only metal halide fixtures and, thus,
does not overlap entirely with an HID
lamp rule because neither HPS nor MV
lamps would be covered. Second, the
MH lamp fixture rule also applies only
to new fixtures. Both ACEEE and
SDG&E in their comments noted that
probe-start MH ballast technology has
been banned effectively in new fixtures
by EISA 2007 due to the high efficiency
levels mandated for those types of
ballasts and banned outright in multiple
State regulations. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p.
2; SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 2) However, DOE
notes that probe-start MH lamps can
still be shipped for replacement
applications. A potential HID lamps rule
that were to set an efficacy level higher
than probe-start MH would likely yield
significant energy savings (see TSD
chapter 6, section 6.2). The MH lamp
fixture rule would limit inefficient
technologies in new fixtures, and the
lamps rule would be expected to hasten
the transition away from inefficient
technologies in existing equipment. As
DOE moves forward with a possible HID
energy conservation standard, the
analysis will be compared and
combined with the MH lamp fixture
rule where possible.
Given today’s positive final
determination, DOE will begin the
process of establishing test procedure
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
requirements for HID lamps, which is
expected to result in the publication of
a proposed rule. During the test
procedure rulemaking process, DOE will
consider the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) document
ANSI C78.389–2004, ‘‘American
National Standard for Electric Lamps—
High Intensity Discharge—Methods of
Measuring Characteristics,’’ and the
following Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America (IESNA)
Lighting Measurement (LM) documents:
LM–47–01, ‘‘IESNA Approved Method
for Life-Testing of HID Lamps,’’ and
LM–51–00, ‘‘IESNA Approved Method
for the Electrical and Photometric
Measurements of High Intensity
Discharge Lamps.’’
DOE will also begin a proceeding to
consider establishment of energy
conservation standards for HID lamps.
DOE will collect information about
design options, inputs on the
engineering and LCC analyses, and
potential impacts on the manufacturers
and consumers of HID lamps. DOE will
evaluate whether potential energy
conservation standards are
technologically feasible, economically
justified, and would likely result in
significant energy savings in accordance
with the requirements of EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)) Depending on the
outcome of these analyses, as well as on
other factors set forth in EPCA, DOE
will determine which, if any, standards
would be appropriate for this
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
This final determination is not subject
to review under Executive Order 12866,
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review.’’ 58
FR 51735 (October 4, 1993).
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
B. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq., as amended by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996), requires
preparation of an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis for any rule that, by
law, must be proposed for public
comment, unless the agency certifies
that the proposed rule, if promulgated,
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. A regulatory flexibility analysis
examines the impact of the rule on
small entities and considers alternative
ways of reducing negative effects. Also,
as required by Executive Order 13272,
‘‘Proper Consideration of Small Entities
in Agency Rulemaking,’’ 67 FR 53461
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(August 16, 2002), DOE published
procedures and policies on February 19,
2003 to ensure that the potential impact
of its rules on small entities are properly
considered during the DOE rulemaking
process. 68 FR 7990 (February 19, 2003).
DOE has made its procedures and
policies available on the Office of the
General Counsel’s Web site at https://
DOE reviewed today’s final
determination under the provisions of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the
policies and procedures published on
February 19, 2003.
When adopted, today’s final
determination will set no standards; it
will only positively determine that
future standards may be warranted and
should be explored in an energy
conservation standards rulemaking.
Economic impacts on small entities
would be considered in the context of
such a future rulemaking. On the basis
of the foregoing, DOE certifies that this
final determination has no significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Accordingly,
DOE has not prepared a regulatory
flexibility analysis for this proceeding.
DOE will transmit this certification and
supporting statement of factual basis to
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration for
review under 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
at this time. Accordingly, neither an
environmental assessment nor an
environmental impact statement is
C. Review Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995
This proceeding determines that the
development of energy conservation
standards for HID lamps may be
warranted and, accordingly, will impose
no new information or recordkeeping
requirements on the public. Therefore,
OMB clearance is not required under
the Paperwork Reduction Act. (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’
64 FR 43255 (August 10, 1999), imposes
certain requirements on agencies
formulating and implementing policies
or regulations that preempt State law or
that have Federalism implications. The
Executive Order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States and to assess carefully the
necessity for such actions. The
Executive Order also requires agencies
to have an accountable process to
ensure meaningful and timely input by
State and local officials in developing
regulatory policies that have Federalism
implications. On March 14, 2000, DOE
published a statement of policy
describing the intergovernmental
consultation process that it will follow
in developing such regulations. 65 FR
13735 (March 14, 2000). DOE has
examined today’s final determination
and concludes that it would not have
substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the Federal
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. EPCA governs and
prescribes Federal preemption of State
regulations as to energy conservation
standards for the equipment that is the
subject of today’s final determination.
States can petition DOE for exemption
from such preemption to the extent
permitted and based on criteria set forth
in EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6297) No further
action is required by Executive Order
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
In this notice, DOE positively
determines that future standards may be
warranted, and environmental impacts,
if any, will be explored in a subsequent
energy conservation standards
rulemaking. DOE has determined that
review under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), Public Law 91–190, codified at
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., is not required
at this time. NEPA review can only be
initiated ‘‘as soon as environmental
impacts can be meaningfully evaluated.’’
(10 CFR 1021.213(b)) Because this final
determination only concludes that
future standards may be warranted, but
does not propose or set any standard,
DOE has determined that there are no
environmental impacts to be evaluated
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
With respect to the review of existing
regulations and the promulgation of
new regulations, section 3(a) of
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform,’’ 61 FR 4729 (February 7, 1996),
imposes on Federal agencies the duty to:
(1) Eliminate drafting errors and
ambiguity; (2) write regulations to
minimize litigation; (3) provide a clear
legal standard for affected conduct
rather than a general standard; and (4)
promote simplification and burden
reduction. Section 3(b) of Executive
Order 12988 specifically requires that
Executive agencies make every
reasonable effort to ensure that the
regulation specifies the following: (1)
The preemptive effect, if any; (2) any
effect on existing Federal law or
regulation; (3) a clear legal standard for
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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affected conduct while promoting
simplification and burden reduction; (4)
the retroactive effect, if any; (5)
definitions of key terms; and (6) other
important issues affecting clarity and
general draftsmanship under any
guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order
12988 requires Executive agencies to
review regulations in light of applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b) to
determine whether these standards are
met, or whether it is unreasonable to
meet one or more of them. DOE
completed the required review and
determined that to the extent permitted
by law, this determination meets the
relevant standards of Executive Order
G. Review Under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L.
104–4, codified at 2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.)
requires each Federal agency to assess
the effects of Federal regulatory actions
on State, local, and Tribal governments
and the private sector. For regulatory
actions likely to result in a rule that may
cause expenditures by State, local, and
Tribal governments in the aggregate, or
by the private sector of $100 million or
more in any one year (adjusted annually
for inflation), section 202 of UMRA
requires a Federal agency to publish a
written statement that estimates the
resulting costs, benefits, and other
effects on the national economy. (2
U.S.C. 1532(a) and (b)) UMRA requires
a Federal agency to develop an effective
process to permit timely input by
elected officers of State, local, and
Tribal governments on a proposed
‘‘significant intergovernmental
mandate.’’ UMRA also requires an
agency plan for giving notice and
opportunity for timely input to small
governments that may be potentially
affected before establishing any
requirement that might significantly or
uniquely affect them. On March 18,
1997, DOE published a statement of
policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under
UMRA. 62 FR 12820 (March 18, 1997).
This policy is also available online at
Today’s final determination will not
result in the expenditure of $100
million or more in a given year by the
HID lamp manufacturers affected by this
rulemaking. This is because today’s
final determination sets no standards; it
only positively determines that future
standards may be warranted and should
be explored in an energy conservation
standards rulemaking. The final
determination also does not contain a
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Federal intergovernmental mandate.
Thus, DOE is not required by UMRA to
prepare a written statement assessing
the costs, benefits, and other effects of
the determination on the national
H. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999
Section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule
that may affect family well-being. This
determination does not have any impact
on the autonomy or integrity of the
family as an institution. Accordingly,
DOE has concluded that it is not
necessary to prepare a Family
Policymaking Assessment.
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
DOE has determined under Executive
Order 12630, ‘‘Governmental Actions
and Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Property Rights,’’ 53 FR 8859
(March 15, 1988), that this
determination does not result in any
takings that might require compensation
under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S.
J. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001
The Treasury and General
Government Appropriation Act, 2001
(44 U.S.C. 3516, note) requires agencies
to review most disseminations of
information they make to the public
under guidelines established by each
agency pursuant to OMB general
guidelines. The OMB’s guidelines were
published at 67 FR 8452 (February 22,
2002), and DOE’s guidelines were
published at 67 FR 62446 (October 7,
2002). DOE has reviewed today’s notice
under the OMB and DOE guidelines and
has concluded that it is consistent with
applicable policies in those guidelines.
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use,’’ 66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to
prepare and submit to OMB a Statement
of Energy Effects for any proposed
significant energy action. A ‘‘significant
energy action’’ is defined as any action
by an agency that promulgates a final
rule or is expected to lead to
promulgation of a final rule, and that:
(1) Is a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866 or any
successor order; and (2) is likely to have
PO 00000
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a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy; or
(3) is designated by the administrator of
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs as a significant energy action.
For any proposed significant energy
action, the agency must give a detailed
statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use if the
proposal is implemented, and of
reasonable alternatives to the proposed
action and their expected benefits on
energy supply, distribution, and use.
Today’s regulatory action determines
that development of energy
conservation standards for HID lamps
may be warranted and would not have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
This action is also not a significant
regulatory action for purposes of
Executive Order 12866 or any successor
order, and it has not been designated as
a significant energy action by the
Administrator of OIRA. Therefore, this
final determination is not a significant
energy action. Accordingly, DOE has not
prepared a Statement of Energy Effects.
L. Review Under the Information
Quality Bulletin for Peer Review
On December 16, 2004 in consultation
with the Office of Science and
Technology Policy, the OMB issued its
Final Information Quality Bulletin for
Peer Review (the Bulletin). 70 FR 2664
(January 14, 2005). The Bulletin
establishes that certain scientific
information shall be peer reviewed by
qualified specialists before it is
disseminated by the Federal
government, including influential
scientific information related to agency
regulatory actions. The purpose of the
Bulletin is to enhance the quality and
credibility of the Government’s
scientific information. Under the
Bulletin, the energy conservation
standards rulemaking analyses are
‘‘influential scientific information.’’ The
Bulletin defines ‘‘influential scientific
information’’ as ‘‘scientific information
the agency reasonably can determine
will have, or does have, a clear and
substantial impact on important public
policies or private sector decisions.’’ 70
FR 2667 (January 14, 2005).
In response to OMB’s Bulletin, DOE
conducted formal in-progress peer
reviews of the energy conservation
standards development process and
analyses and prepared a Peer Review
Report pertaining to the energy
conservation standards rulemaking
analyses. The ‘‘Energy Conservation
Standards Rulemaking Peer Review
Report’’ dated February 2007 has been
disseminated and is available online at
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
V. Approval of the Office of the
Assistant Secretary
The Assistant Secretary of DOE’s
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy has approved
publication of this final determination.
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 16,
Cathy Zoi,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
[FR Doc. 2010–16041 Filed 6–30–10; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2010–0102; Directorate
Identifier 2010–NE–09–AD; Amendment 39–
16341; AD 2010–13–10]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Ontic
Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc.
Propeller Governors, Part Numbers
C210776, T210761, D210760, and
WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES
AGENCY: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
serial numbers (S/Ns) of Ontic
Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc.
propeller governors, part numbers (P/
Ns) C210776, T210761, D210760, and
J210761. This AD requires removal of
the affected propeller governors from
service. This AD results from three
reports received of failed propeller
governors. We are issuing this AD to
prevent loss of propeller pitch control,
damage to the propeller governor, and
internal damage to the engine, which
could prevent continued safe flight or
safe landing.
DATES: This AD becomes effective
August 5, 2010. The Director of the
Federal Register approved the
incorporation by reference of certain
publications listed in the regulations as
of August 5, 2010.
You can get the service information
identified in this AD from Ontic
Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc.,
20400 Plummer Sreet, Chatsworth, CA
91311, e-mail:;
telephone (818) 725–2323; fax (818)
725–2535; or e-mail:
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:16 Jun 30, 2010
Jkt 220001; telephone (818)
725–2121; fax (818) 725–2535, or on the
Web at
The Docket Operations office is
located at Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
Roger Pesuit, Aerospace Engineer, Los
Angeles Aircraft Certification Office,
FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate,
3960 Paramount Blvd., Lakewood, CA
90712; e-mail:;
telephone (562) 627–5251, fax (562)
proposed to amend 14 CFR part 39 with
a proposed AD. The proposed AD
applies to certain S/Ns of Ontic
Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc.
propeller governors, P/Ns C210776,
T210761, D210760, and J210761. We
published the proposed AD in the
Federal Register on March 15, 2010 (75
FR 12148). That action proposed to
require removal of the affected propeller
governors from service.
Examining the AD Docket
You may examine the AD docket on
the Internet at https://; or in person at the
Docket Operations office between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. The AD docket
contains this AD, the regulatory
evaluation, any comments received, and
other information. The street address for
the Docket Operations office (telephone
(800) 647–5527) is provided in the
ADDRESSES section. Comments will be
available in the AD docket shortly after
We provided the public the
opportunity to participate in the
development of this AD. We received no
comments on the proposal or on the
determination of the cost to the public.
We have carefully reviewed the
available data and determined that air
safety and the public interest require
adopting the AD as proposed.
Costs of Compliance
We estimate that this AD will affect
45 propeller governors installed on
airplanes of U.S. registry. We also
estimate that it will take about four
work-hours per airplane to perform the
actions, and that the average labor rate
is $85 per work-hour. Required repair
parts will cost about $842 per propeller
PO 00000
Frm 00016
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
governor. Based on these figures, we
estimate the total cost of the AD to U.S.
operators to be $83,790. Our cost
estimate is exclusive of possible
warranty coverage.
Authority for this Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
Section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701,
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
Regulatory Findings
We have determined that this AD will
not have federalism implications under
Executive Order 13132. This AD will
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that this AD:
(1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
(2) Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
(3) Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a summary of the costs
to comply with this AD and placed it in
the AD Docket. You may get a copy of
this summary at the address listed
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 126 (Thursday, July 1, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 37975-37990]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-16041]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 126 / Thursday, July 1, 2010 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 37975]]
10 CFR Part 431
[Docket No. EE-DET-03-001]
RIN 1904-AA86
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products and Certain
Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Final Determination Concerning the
Potential for Energy Conservation Standards for High-Intensity
Discharge (HID) Lamps
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Final determination.
SUMMARY: Based on the best available information, the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE) has determined that energy conservation standards for
certain high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps are technologically
feasible and economically justified, and would likely result in
significant energy savings. By notice and comment rulemaking, this
final determination initiates the process of establishing test
procedures and potential energy conservation standards for this
equipment. Pursuant to court order, this final determination must be
made by June 30, 2010.
DATES: This rule is effective August 2, 2010.
ADDRESSES: For access to the docket (EE-DET-03-001) to reach background
documents, the technical support document (TSD), or comments received,
go to the U.S. Department of Energy, Resource Room of the Building
Technologies Program, Sixth Floor, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Washington,
DC 20024, (202) 586-2945, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. Please call Ms. Brenda Edwards at the
above telephone number for additional information about visiting the
Resource Room. Copies of certain documents in this proceeding may be
obtained from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's
Web site at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Linda Graves, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies, EE-2J, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585-0121. Telephone: (202) 586-1851. E-mail:;
or Ms. Jennifer Tiedeman, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the
General Counsel, GC-71, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585-0121. Telephone: (202) 287-6111. E-mail: mail to:
I. Summary of the Determination
A. Legal Authority
B. Background
1. Scope of Coverage
2. Definitions
3. Effects on Small Businesses
II. Discussion of the Analysis of High-Intensity Discharge Lamps
A. Purpose and Content
B. Methodology
1. Market and Technology Assessment
2. Engineering Analysis
3. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
4. National Energy Savings Analysis
5. National Consumer Impacts Analysis
C. Analytical Results
1. Engineering Analysis
2. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis
3. National Energy Savings and Consumer Impacts
D. Discussion
1. Technological Feasibility
2. Significance of Energy Savings
3. Economic Justification
III. Conclusion
A. Final Determination
B. Future Proceedings
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under the Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review
V. Approval of the Office of the Assistant Secretary
I. Summary of the Determination
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA or the Act; 42 U.S.C.
6291 et seq.) requires DOE to issue a final determination regarding
whether energy conservation standards for HID lamps would be
technologically feasible, economically justified, and would likely
result in significant energy savings. DOE has determined that such
standards are technologically feasible, economically justified, and
would likely result in significant energy savings. Thus, DOE issues a
positive final determination today.
In its analysis for this final determination, DOE evaluated
potential standards for HID that would lead to a migration from less
efficient probe-start metal halide (MH) lamps to more efficient pulse-
start MH (PMH) lamps and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps. Both PMH and
HPS lamps are existing HID technologies that are technically feasible.
Further, based on this analysis, DOE has determined that a potential
standard setting a level that eliminates inefficient probe-start MH
lamps likely would be economically justified and likely would result in
significant energy savings. DOE received comments from three different
interested parties regarding the April 27, 2010, notice of proposed
determination (NOPD). Without exception, the commenters were supportive
of the proposed positive determination and of establishing energy
conservation standards for HID lamps.
DOE has determined that standards for HID lamps would be expected
to be economically justified from the perspective of an individual
consumer. According to DOE's analysis, there is at least one set of
standard levels for HID lamps that would reduce the life-cycle cost
(LCC) of ownership for the typical consumer (i.e., the increase in
equipment cost resulting from a standard would be more than offset by
energy cost savings over the life of the lamp-and-ballast system). In
response to the NOPD, DOE received comments regarding the LCC analysis,
with two of the commenters stating that cost inputs
[[Page 37976]]
and resulting LCC values for baseline and substitute HID lighting
systems were too high. (ACEE, No. 22 at p. 2; SDG&E No. 23 at p. 3) \1\
DOE examined a large set of cost data in estimating HID lighting system
costs for the proposed determination, and did not collect additional
data as a result of these comments. If DOE had collected more data and
found that its cost estimates were, in fact, too high, this finding
would not have changed DOE's conclusion that energy conservation
standards for HID lamps would potentially be economically justified.
However, DOE will conduct a more in-depth evaluation of equipment cost
inputs for the LCC analysis in an upcoming energy conservation
standards rulemaking.
\1\ A notation in the form ``ACEE, No. 22 at p. 2'' refers to
(1) a statement that was submitted by the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy and is recorded in the docket ``Energy
Conservation Program for Commercial and Industrial Equipment: High-
Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps,'' Docket Number EERE-2006-DET-0112
as comment number 22; and (2) a passage that appears on page 2 of
that document.
DOE also concludes that standards would be cost-effective from a
national perspective. The national net present value (NPV) from
standards could be as much as $30.0 billion in 2010$ for products
purchased during the 30-year analysis period (2017 to 2046), assuming
an annual real discount rate of 3 percent. This forecast considers only
the direct financial costs and benefits of standards to consumers,
specifically the increased equipment costs of HID lamps and the
associated energy cost savings. In its determination analysis, DOE did
not monetize or otherwise characterize any other potential costs and
benefits of standards, such as manufacturer impacts or power plant
emission reductions. Additional effects will be examined in a future
analysis of the economic justification of particular standard levels in
the context of a standards rulemaking that would set specific energy
conservation requirements.
DOE's analysis also indicates that standards would likely result in
significant cumulative energy savings over the 30-year analysis period
(2017-2046) of at least 11.4 quads. These savings are equivalent to the
electricity consumption of approximately 57 million U.S. homes during 1
year. This is a much higher estimate than that announced by DOE in the
NOPD. For the NOPD analysis, DOE presented a full range of potential
energy savings in chapter 6 of the TSD (section 6.2), and reported the
lowest of these results in the notice, which was the initial 2.8 quads
estimate that represented the physical energy savings discounted at a
7-percent discount rate. 75 FR 22031, 22032 (April 27, 2010). However,
DOE refined its analyses during the comment period--which included a
correction to a technical error in the spreadsheet calculation--and is
now highlighting the undiscounted physical energy savings of 11.4
quads, in an effort to be more consistent with other DOE determinations
\2\. (See, e.g., the non-class A external power supplies rule, 75 FR
27179 (May 14, 2010).) Further documentation supporting the analyses
described in this notice is contained in a separate TSD, available from
the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Web site at
\2\ Discounting is an economic and financial concept that
reflects the fact that often the value of a quantity in the future
is less than the value today. For financial estimates, DOE
highlights discounted values to reflect the time value of money,
while for non-financial physical quantities, DOE highlights
undiscounted sums and calculates the discounted sums as a
A. Legal Authority
The National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978 amended EPCA to
add a Part C to Title III of EPCA,\3\ which established an energy
conservation program for certain industrial equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6311-
6317) The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT 1992), Public Law 102-486,
106 Stat. 2776, also amended EPCA and expanded Title III to include HID
lamps. Specifically, EPACT 1992 amended section 346 of EPCA (42 U.S.C.
6317) to provide that the Secretary of Energy (the Secretary) must
prescribe testing requirements and energy conservation standards for
those HID lamps for which the Secretary determines that energy
conservation standards ``would be technologically feasible and
economically justified, and would likely result in significant energy
savings.'' (42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1).)
\3\ For editorial reasons, Part C, Certain Industrial Equipment,
was redesignated as Part A-1 in the U.S. Code.
Pursuant to these requirements of EPCA, because DOE has made a
positive final determination, DOE must proceed to establish testing
requirements for those HID lamps to which today's final determination
applies. (42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(1).) Subsequently, DOE will conduct a
rulemaking to establish appropriate energy conservation standards.
During the standards rulemaking, DOE will decide whether and at what
level(s) to promulgate energy conservation standards. The decision will
be based on an in-depth consideration, with the assistance of public
participation, of the technological feasibility, economic
justification, and energy savings of specific potential standard levels
in the context of the criteria and procedures for prescribing new or
amended standards established by section 325(o) and (p) of EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(p).)
B. Background
DOE conducted previous analyses estimating the likely range of
energy savings and economic benefits that would result from energy
conservation standards for HID lamps, and published draft reports
describing its analyses in 2003 \4\ and 2004.\5\ The draft reports and
their corresponding technical support documents (referred to as the
2003 TSD and 2004 TSD in today's notice) were made available for public
comment on the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Web
site at http;//
commercial/high--intensity--discharge--lamps.html. The reports made no
recommendation concerning the determination that DOE should make.
Parties that submitted comments after the 2003 draft report included
the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), the
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Delta Power Supply
(Delta), Edison Electric Institute, National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA), the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
(PennDOT), and Ms. Lucinda Seigel. DOE received comments after the 2004
draft report from ACEEE, Benya Lighting Design (Benya), and NEMA. Those
comments were discussed where applicable in the NOPD.
\4\ In June of 2003, DOE published the Draft Framework for
Determination Analysis of Energy Conservation Standards for High-
Intensity Discharge Lamps. This report can be found at:
\5\ In December of 2004, DOE published the High-Intensity
Discharge Lamps Analysis of Potential Energy Savings. This report
can be found at:
In advance of today's final determination, DOE published a TSD on
the aforementioned web site in conjunction with the NOPD, which was
published in the Federal Register on April 27, 2010 (75 FR 22031). In
response to the NOPD, DOE received comments from ACEEE, NEMA, and San
Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). All three interested parties were
supportive of the proposed positive
[[Page 37977]]
determination and of the establishment of energy conservation standards
for HID lamps. Where specific comments were received, they are
addressed below.
1. Scope of Coverage
For purposes of today's final determination, DOE limited its
analyses to HID technologies. DOE received comments in response to its
previous draft reports regarding alternative non-HID technologies
including induction and fluorescent lamps. 75 FR 22031, 22033 (April
27, 2010). In comments submitted in response to the NOPD, both ACEEE
and SDG&E recommended considering non-HID sources that compete with HID
lighting systems. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) SDG&E specifically identified
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and electronic HID ballasts. (SDG&E, No.
23 at p. 3) However, as stated in the NOPD, non-HID lamp technologies
(including electronic HID ballasts) are outside the scope of the
determination process 75 FR 22031, 22033 (April 27, 2010). DOE will
consider the effects of non-HID lamp technologies (e.g., the
penetration of LED products in the HID lighting market, and their
effects on future HID lamp shipments) as part of the future energy
conservation standards rulemaking.
2. Definitions
In the NOPD, DOE listed the already codified definitions applicable
to the determination, including those for ``HID lamp,'' ``mercury vapor
(MV) lamp,'' and ``MH lamp.'' DOE also proposed a definition for HPS
lamp, to be inserted into Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR) 431.452, and included the definition in the list of items for
comment. 75 FR 22031, 22033 (April 27, 2010) In comments on the NOPD,
NEMA recommended a definition for ``HPS lamps'' from American National
Standard Institute (ANSI) C82.9-1996, ``American National Standard for
High-Intensity Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps, Ballasts and
Transformers.'' (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 3) Under subsection 3.27,
``Definitions,'' ANSIC82.9-1996 defines ``HPS lamp'' as ``[a] high-
intensity discharge (HID) lamp in which the major portion of the light
is produced from radiation from sodium vapor operating at a partial
pressure of about 6.67 x 10\3\ pascals (50 torr) or greater.'' DOE will
consider this proposed definition when developing test procedures and
potential energy conservation standards for HID lamps.
3. Effects on Small Businesses
In the NOPD, DOE requested comment on the possible effect of energy
conservation standards for HID lamps on small businesses. NEMA
commented that the full cost of all the components involved (e.g.,
lamp, ballast, or new fixture) would need to be cost effective for
large and small businesses alike. Further, NEMA indicated that the
energy savings from a required replacement HID system under new
standards should pay for the new equipment in less than 3 years, and
that payback periods (PBPs) exceeding 3 years would have negative
effects on small businesses. NEMA also noted that the color quality of
replacement HID systems must be appropriate for their intended lighting
applications, and that eliminating cost-effective lamp types with
desired color qualities would also negatively affect small businesses.
(NEMA, No. 21 at p. 3) In the upcoming energy conservation standards
rulemaking, DOE will consider the comments from NEMA in developing both
HID lamp equipment classes and detailed inputs for its LCC analysis,
and in identifying potentially affected consumer types for its LCC
subgroup analysis.
II. Discussion of the Analysis of High-Intensity Discharge Lamps
A. Purpose and Content
DOE analyzed the feasibility of achieving significant energy
savings from energy conservation standards for HID lamps, and presents
the results of the related market and technology assessments,
engineering analysis, and economic analyses in a TSD for this final
determination. In subsequent analyses for the energy conservation
standards rulemaking, DOE will perform the analyses required by EPCA.
These analyses will involve more precise and detailed information that
DOE will develop during the standards rulemaking process and will
detail the effects of proposed energy conservation standards for HID
B. Methodology
To address EPCA requirements that DOE determine whether energy
conservation standards for HID lamps would be technologically feasible,
economically justified, and would likely result in significant energy
savings (42 U.S.C. 6317(b)(1)), DOE's analysis consisted of five
component analyses: (1) A market and technology assessment to
characterize where and how HID lamps are used; (2) an engineering
analysis to estimate the relationship between product costs and energy
use; (3) an LCC analysis to estimate the costs and benefits to users
from increased efficacy \6\ in HID lamps; (4) a national energy savings
analysis to estimate the potential energy savings on a national scale;
and (5) a national consumer impacts analysis to estimate potential
economic costs and benefits that would result from improving energy
efficacy in the considered HID lamps. These separate analyses are
briefly addressed below.
\6\ ``Efficacy,'' expressed in units of lumens per watt, is used
here to characterize the efficiency with which a lamp or lamp-and-
ballast system produces light. ``Efficiency'' is unitless, and is
used as a general term (e.g., ``energy efficiency'') or to
characterize lamp ballasts, which do not produce light (e.g.,
``higher efficiency ballast designs'').
1. Market and Technology Assessment
In support of today's final determination, DOE conducted research
into the market for considered HID lamps, including national annual
shipments, the current range of lamp efficacies, lamp applications and
utilization, market structure, and distribution channels. In the NOPD,
DOE requested data and comments on several analysis inputs. 75 FR
22031, 22042 (April, 27, 2010). NEMA responded that it would work with
DOE during the rulemaking process for an energy conservation standard
to provide additional data for the following analysis inputs:
Equipment (including lamp, ballast, and fixture)
Present-year shipments estimates;
Present-year efficiency distributions;
Market-growth forecasts; and
Usage profiles. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 3)
NEMA also provided specific comments regarding a single efficacy
metric (i.e., lumens per watt) for HID lamps, and technology options
for increasing HID lighting system efficiency. NEMA commented that
factors such as lamp operating position, arc tube shielding for open-
fixture operation, and directional (i.e., reflector) lamp designs will
affect lamp efficacies and should be considered in an energy
conservation standard. In particular, NEMA suggested that lumens per
watt is not an appropriate efficacy metric for directional lamps, and
that an appropriate metric has not yet been developed. DOE will
consider these factors in developing test procedures and equipment
classes in the upcoming energy conservation standards rulemaking. With
respect to HID lamp-and-ballast system efficacy, NEMA referenced its
whitepaper LSD 54-2010, ``The Strengths and Potentials of Metal
[[Page 37978]]
Halide Lighting Systems,'' as a possible resource for information about
HID system efficacy improvements. (NEMA, No. 21 at pp. 2-4) DOE
evaluated the whitepaper and found that it does not contain additional
data that would substantially affect the analytical results of the
preliminary determination analysis.
For today's final determination, in response to DOE's request, NEMA
provided data on HID lamp shipments, subcategorized by HPS, MV, and MH
lamp data from its member manufacturers, for the 5-year period from
2003 to 2008. NEMA provided data for 1990 to 2002 to DOE in previous
efforts related to today's final determination. Based on its market
research, DOE found that HID lamps are typically used in commercial,
industrial, and municipal applications with differing electricity
tariffs. DOE estimates that, on average, HID lamps are used in
applications (e.g., municipal (exterior) and industrial) that typically
operate 12 hours per day or more.
DOE has concluded, as stated in the NOPD, that dimming of HID lamps
is not common. 75 FR 22031, 22034 (April 27, 2010). DOE examined NEMA's
Lighting Systems Division Document LSD 14-2002, ``Guidelines on the
Application of Dimming High Intensity Discharge Lamps,'' to evaluate
typical practices for HID dimming. LSD 14-2002 notes the four
applicable dimming issues related to this final determination: (1) That
that dimming ballasts are relatively new to the HID lighting market
(having only been commercially available since the 1990s); (2) that HID
lamps should not be dimmed below 50 percent of the rated lamp wattage;
(3) that color, life and efficacy are negatively affected by dimming;
and (4) that few standards exist for dimming of HID lamp-and-ballast
systems (NEMA recommends that users evaluate dimming systems in the
field to ensure adequate performance.) Given these barriers to the
dimming of HID lamps in typical applications, DOE has assumed that HID
lamps are operating at full power for the purpose of the analysis
supporting this final determination. NEMA commented that these
statements about dimming are true, but that dimming is becoming
increasingly important and that legislation (both adopted and pending)
features HID dimming. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 2) As addressed in chapter 2
of the TSD (section 2.4), California requires that indoor metal halide
luminaires manufactured after January 1, 2010 comply with at least one
enhanced efficiency option (including more efficient ballasts or a
dimming ballast) \7\; and draft legislation before Congress would
require that certain outdoor luminaires (including those using HID
sources) manufactured after January 1, 2016 be dimmable. DOE
acknowledges that dimming is becoming more prevalent with HID systems,
but has decided that consideration of dimming at this time would not
substantially alter the results of the determination analysis because
of its currently small market share. DOE will consider relevant aspects
of dimming in the test procedure and energy conservation standards
rulemaking process.
\7\ CAL. CODE REGS title 20, Sec. 1605.3(n)(2) (2010).
Several comments provided in response to the 2004 draft report
addressed elements of the HID lamp market and how standards promulgated
by DOE might affect the market. Specifically, Benya commented that
standards that effectively banned MV lamps could be warranted and
beneficial. (Benya, No. 14 at p. 1) ACEEE commented that DOE should
focus on replacing probe-start MH with pulse-start MH, in addition to
possibly introducing standards for MV lamps. (ACEEE, No. 16 at p. 1)
Pursuant to EPCA, MV ballasts, except for those with specialty
applications (e.g., reprographics), can no longer be manufactured or
imported as of January 1, 2008. (42 U.S.C. 6295(ee); 10 CFR 431.286)
Consequently, the analysis for this final determination assumes that
any MV lamp shipments will service existing MV ballasts only, and that
MV lamp shipments will decline as a result.
Moreover, regulations currently in effect in six states (Arizona,
California, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington) limit the
use of probe-start MH technologies by banning fixtures in the wattage
range of 150-500 from having probe-start ballasts. DOE's analysis for
today's final determination includes information regarding the impact
of State regulations, and considers market trends in both MV and probe-
start MH technologies. In light of this background, DOE agrees with
ACEEE's comment that pulse-start MH lamps should be considered as a
substitute for both MV and probe-start MH lamps, and addressed this
option in its analysis.
A key factor in the relative performance of different HID lamp
technologies is the lamp lifetime. Manufacturers publish the life
rating for HID lamps known as B50 (i.e., the point at which 50 percent
of a population of lamps is still operating). DOE received information
regarding lamp and ballast lifetimes in comments received in response
to the 2003 draft report. Specifically, DOE received comments that MV
and HPS lamps were typically relamped (i.e., replaced) every 4 years,
and MH lamps typically every 2 years. Allegheny further suggested that
the lamp life is generally the rated lamp life by the manufacturer.
(Caltrans, No. 8 at p. 2; Allegheny, No. 12 at p. 1) Typical life of
HID lamps varies with lamp type and wattage, and ranges from 8,000 to
greater than 24,000 hours, according to the manufacturer catalog data
surveyed and included in chapter 3 of the TSD (sections 3.3-3.5). In
determining annual maintenance costs, DOE used median rated lamp
lifetime as the basis for relamping schedules.
DOE used the industry-accepted, widely-cited life of magnetic
ballasts of 50,000 hours. After the 2003 draft report, Allegheny noted
that MV ballast lifetimes are 12 years or greater. (Allegheny, No. 12
at p. 1) Allegheny did not provide the corresponding typical annual
operating hours for the MV ballast, however. In the 2003 draft report,
DOE assumed that MV lamps were used primarily for fixed (stationary)
outdoor lighting (see chapter 2 of the 2003 TSD). DOE retains this
assumption for today's final determination, and assumes an average
daily operation of 12 hours (a typical ``dusk to dawn'' operating
scenario), or annual operation of 4,380 hours for MV systems (see TSD
chapter 2, section 2.2). By extension, 12 years of dusk-to-dawn
operation would total 52,560 hours; therefore, Allegheny's 12-year
ballast lifetime is consistent with DOE's assumed lifetime of 50,000
The life of the light fixture (also known as a luminaire) varies
but generally lasts as long as the ballast. After reviewing the NOPD,
ACEEE recommended additional research on the frequency of ballast
replacement versus fixture replacement to inform the analysis. (ACEEE,
No. 22 at p. 2) During the MH lamp fixture public meeting on January
26, 2010, interested parties commented that, for an exterior fixture
the ballast would routinely be replaced many times before the fixture
would be replaced. (Philips, Metal Halide Lamp Fixture Energy
Conservation Standard (EERE-2009-BT-STD-0018, RIN 1904-AC00), Framework
Document Public Meeting Transcript, No. 1.2.005 at p. 92) DOE agrees
with the commenters that the collection of more lifetime data will be
useful for the evaluation of relevant standards, and DOE will more
fully evaluate replacement frequencies for lamps, ballasts, and
fixtures in the test procedure and energy conservation standards
[[Page 37979]]
Another factor that can affect the energy usage of an HID lighting
system is the energy usage of the ballast. DOE analyzed the system
(lamp and ballast) power since particular lamp technologies are usually
associated with a technology-specific ballast design. DOE evaluated
manufacturer data, across multiple manufacturers, on ballast
performance for multiple HID ballast designs, including constant-
wattage autotransformer, constant-wattage isolated, high-reactance
autotransformer, and magnetically regulated electronic ballasts. Based
on its evaluation, DOE determined that the variation in ballast input
power across ballast designs for a given lamp wattage is relatively
small when compared to the variation in energy use among different HID
lighting system technologies.
For this final determination, DOE analyzed a range of lamp
capacities. At least two conventions exist for characterizing HID lamp
capacity: (1) Input power and (2) lumen (i.e., light) output. DOE
categorized representative HID lamps based on the lumen output
(measured in mean lumens) of the analyzed baseline lamp types because
as lamps become more efficient, the input power should decrease as the
user service (i.e., lumen output) stays the same or increases. Lamp
lumen output directly correlates with illumination levels produced by
lighting equipment and is, therefore, a more relevant measure for
lighting applications than wattage, which does not predict illumination
levels. The analyzed equipment classes correspond with medium-wattage
HID lamps (defined as between 150 and 500 watts (W)), which was the
primary wattage range considered in the 2004 draft report. However,
because DOE considers lumen output instead of wattage as a more
appropriate measure of lamp utility from a consumer perspective, it
uses lumen output as the basis for categorization in today's final
determination as shown in Table II.1 of this notice, which provides the
engineering analysis results.
2. Engineering Analysis
In the engineering analysis, DOE identified representative baseline
HID lighting systems and energy-efficient substitutes within each lumen
output category. Both the baseline system and the energy-efficient
substitutes have different input power ratings (i.e., the wattage
required by the lamp-and-ballast system), with the input power rating
decreasing with the increased efficacy of the substitute. The
engineering analysis outputs of cost and energy consumption are
critical inputs to subsequent financial cost-benefit calculations for
individual consumers, performed in the LCC and the national impacts
analysis. DOE developed end-user prices, including a contractor mark-up
rate and average national sales tax for analyzed lamp, lamp-and-
ballast, and luminaire designs.
DOE did not include MV lamps in the engineering analysis for
today's final determination. DOE forecasts that MV lamp shipments will
decline to zero by the compliance date of a potential HID lamps
standard, assumed as 2017, because of the statutory ban on the
importation and manufacture of MV ballasts after January 1, 2008. (42
U.S.C. 6295(ee)) Consequently, DOE did not analyze MV baseline lamps in
its LCC analysis because MV fixtures are no longer a viable purchase
option. However, DOE did consider the existing MV fixtures in the
existing HID installed base when it performed its national energy
savings/national consumer benefits analysis. This installed base of MV
systems will age and is expected to be replaced with other HID
technologies over time.
DOE has examined other currently available commercial equipment for
replacing the least efficacious (baseline) HID sources--MV and probe-
start MH lamps. ACEEE noted, in response to the 2003 draft report, that
any potential standard should address the replacement of probe-start MH
lamps with pulse-start MH lamps. (ACEEE, No. 11 at p. 2) Typical
substitutes used to replace both MV or probe-start MH technologies
include HPS and pulse-start MH lamps. HPS lamps are among the most
efficacious electric light sources, and are a viable substitute in
applications where energy efficiency and/or lower first cost is
considered more important than color quality. Pulse-start MH is the
most efficient broad spectrum (``white light'') HID technology and has
a higher first cost than both MV and HPS. In response to the NOPD,
ACEEE commented that further analysis should include accounting for
savings gained from eliminating the least efficacious pulse-start MH
and HPS lamps. (ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) DOE acknowledges that
elimination of these lamp types may provide additional energy savings,
but notes that an exhaustive exploration of all possible standards is
not required for a positive final determination today. During an energy
conservation standards analysis, DOE will examine equipment classes for
all HID lamps, not just the representative set of lamps considered in
today's notice. NEMA commented that DOE should not assume that HPS is a
suitable substitute for MH in all applications due to color quality.
(NEMA, No. 21 at p. 2) DOE agrees with NEMA and does not assume that
HPS lamps are suitable for all applications. When evaluating potential
energy conservation standards, DOE divides covered equipment into
classes by the energy used, capacity, or other performance-related
features that impact efficiency, and other factors such as the utility
of the product to users. (42 U.S.C. 6295(q)) DOE typically establishes
different energy conservation standards for different equipment
classes, and will evaluate the efficacy and utility of different MH and
HPS lamp designs in developing proposed equipment classes. For the
determination analysis, DOE assumed that lower efficacy MH lamps are
replaced by a combination of higher efficiency MH and HPS lighting
DOE assumes in the analysis supporting the final determination that
changes in lamp technology will lead to changes in the entire lamp
system. DOE therefore used a systems approach in analyzing the
representative equipment types because both lamps and ballasts
determine a system's energy use and lumen output. Accordingly, the
analysis paired lamps with corresponding ballasts to develop
representative lamp-and-ballast systems, in order to estimate the
actual energy usage and lumen output of operating lamps. In response to
the NOPD, NEMA commented that they agreed with this approach. (NEMA,
No. 21 at p. 4)
In the engineering analysis, DOE considered only magnetic ballasts
because they are the most common ballast used in HID lighting systems.
DOE estimated that magnetic ballasts constitute over 90 percent of HID
ballasts currently sold, and an even higher percentage of the installed
HID ballast stock. Electronic ballasts entered the market at the end of
the 1990s and still occupy less than a 10-percent market share because
of a variety of technical and operational barriers that are discussed
in some detail in chapter 3 of the TSD (section 3.7). In its comments,
NEMA stated that greater savings will result from the application of
electronic HID ballasts and/or intelligent controls rather than from
increasing lamp efficacies. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 4) While DOE
appreciates NEMA's comment, EPCA specifically directs DOE to prescribe
energy conservation standards for HID lamps, and does not provide DOE
with the authority to regulate HID ballasts. (42 U.S.C. 6317(a)(2).)
DOE notes that it is currently developing energy conservation standards
for MH lamp
[[Page 37980]]
fixtures that focus on MH lamp ballast efficiency and other performance
elements in the context of a separate rulemaking. (EERE-2009-BT-STD-
0018, RIN 1904-AC00) Additionally, the Energy Independence Security Act
of 2007 (EISA 2007) mandates minimum ballast efficiencies for MH
fixtures sold after January 1, 2009. (42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(1).) Further,
as noted above, MV ballasts can no longer be manufactured or imported.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(ee); 10 CFR 431.286)
In summary, DOE acknowledges that HID lamp efficacy is in part a
function of lamp-and-ballast system design, and identified
representative HID systems for its analysis. DOE specifically excluded
MV systems from its analysis due to the aforementioned existing EPCA
ban on MV ballasts and the anticipated resulting disappearance of MV
lamps from the market. Although DOE acknowledges the effects of HID
ballast design on overall system efficacy, DOE is only required by EPCA
to address potential HID lamp efficacy standards. DOE will consider
relevant aspects of ballast design (e.g., electrical characteristics,
magnetic versus electronic design, dimming capability) and their
impacts on HID lamps in the test procedure and energy conservation
rulemaking process.
3. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
DOE conducted an initial LCC analysis to estimate the net financial
benefit to users from potential energy conservation standards that
would increase the efficacy of HID lamps. The LCC analysis compared the
additional initial cost of a more efficacious lamp and related fixture
to the discounted value of electricity savings over the life of the
fixture ballast. DOE's LCC analysis used the following five inputs: (1)
Estimated average annual operating hours and lamp lifetimes, (2)
estimated average prices for lamps and fixtures, (3) representative
maintenance costs, (4) electricity prices paid by users of HID lamps,
and (5) the discount rate. For the purpose of today's final
determination, DOE used current national average electricity prices for
commercial and industrial applications, obtained from the Energy
Information Administration's (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2010 AEO
2010)'' \8\ to calculate impacts on the average HID lamp user. The LCC
analysis does not include MV lamps because MV ballasts can no longer be
imported or manufactured after January 1, 2008 (see TSD chapter 2,
section 2.4 and chapter 5, section 5.2). Accordingly, DOE assumed that
when MV ballasts fail, consumers will have to switch to another HID
\8\ All AEO publications are available online at
The LCC analysis not only evaluated the replacement of the HID lamp
but also those cases in which the whole system would need to be
replaced. Given the specificity of HID lamp-and-ballast combinations,
DOE assumed that replacement of baseline HID systems with energy-
efficient substitutes would, at a minimum, require a new lamp-and-
ballast system. In some cases, the physical and operational
characteristics of the replacement lamp-and-ballast system may also
require replacement of the entire fixture. Consequently, DOE treated
lamp-and-ballast and fixture replacement as economic issues in the LCC
analysis, which considered the installed cost of the lamp, lamp-and-
ballast system, and fixture. In analyzing the lighting system, the
ballast has the longer lifetime and therefore represents the lifetime
of the system (which may have the lamp replaced several times before
the ballast is replaced). DOE therefore set the LCC analysis period
equal to the lifetime of the fixture ballast in years (i.e., 50,000
hours divided by the assumed annual operating hours, which equals
approximately 9 years and 12 years for interior and exterior
applications, respectively). This approach is consistent with the LCC
methodology that DOE used in the 2003 draft report (see 2003 TSD
chapter 5, section 5.4).
DOE assigned annual operating hours to representative equipment
based on two alternative operating scenarios. Exterior lighting
applications (e.g., parking lot lighting) were assumed for the
commercial operating scenario, where HID lamps with poorer color
quality (e.g., HPS) are a viable substitute for lamps with better color
quality, depending on energy efficiency and/or first cost requirements.
Interior lighting applications were assumed for the industrial
operating scenario, where ``white light'' substitutes with higher color
quality (e.g., pulse-start MH) are assumed to be mandatory.
DOE obtained information on hours of operation for the different
scenarios from industry publications that provide guidance for
installers and lighting engineers. Based upon these sources, DOE
estimated 4,200 hours per year of operation for exterior applications
and 5,840 hours per year for interior applications. A more detailed
discussion of the data sources and the derivation of these estimates
are provided in chapter 5 of the TSD (section 5.1).
In the LCC analysis, DOE also included maintenance costs in the
estimation of the LCC of HID lighting systems. DOE assumed $225 for
each exterior relamping and $74 for each interior relamping, and
requested comment on these values in the NOPD. Chapter 5 of the TSD
provides the rationale for how both the exterior and interior
maintenance costs were derived. No substantive comments were received;
therefore, DOE will consider using these maintenance values in the
energy conservation standards rulemaking.
For the LCC analysis, DOE estimated average commercial and
industrial electricity prices using the 2017 to 2030 forecasts set
forth in EIA's AEO 2010. DOE used the average price for the relevant
end-use sector (i.e., commercial or industrial) over the course of the
30-year analysis period (2017-2046). In the NOPD, DOE requested comment
as to whether, in the energy conservation standards rulemaking
analysis, DOE's analysis should include the minimum, mean, and maximum
energy tariffs for the relevant end use sectors. DOE did not receive
any comments relating to this issue, and will consider evaluating
minimum, mean, and maximum energy tariffs in the energy conservation
standards rulemaking.
In the LCC analysis, the discount rate determines the relative
value of future energy savings compared to increases in first costs
that may arise from a potential energy conservation standard. DOE
estimates the cost of capital for commercial and industrial companies
by examining both debt and equity capital, and develops an
appropriately weighted average of the cost to the company of equity and
debt financing. The resulting average discounted industrial and
commercial discount rates used in the LCC analysis are 7.6 percent and
7.0 percent, respectively (see TSD chapter 5, section 5.1). DOE did not
receive any comments on the use of the discount rates in response to
the NOPD. DOE notes that these commercial and industrial sector
discount rates are the same as those used in the final rule for general
service fluorescent and incandescent reflector lamps. 74 FR 34080,
34113 (July 14, 2009). In the energy conservation standards rulemaking
for HID lamps, DOE will review current economic data in developing
updated discount rates, as applicable.
In the 2003 draft report, DOE used available retail catalog pricing
for HID lamp and fixture prices. In response, NEMA commented that
retail price catalogs are not a good source of actual cost information,
and recommended hiring an energy service company to solicit bids on
prices. (NEMA, No. 6 at
[[Page 37981]]
p. 4) DOE considered this comment, but concludes that although that
there may be inaccuracies in list prices, there is a greater risk that
there may be distortions in bid prices that would create data that are
unrepresentative of future costs. Currently, the country is
experiencing a deep recession in which bid prices are likely to be
deflated substantially when compared to average economic conditions.
This situation is likely to distort any bid price data that DOE would
solicit. For the purposes of today's final determination, DOE therefore
assumes that catalog price data are more representative than bid price
data, and used recent catalog data (accessed online between August 2009
and April 2010) for its LCC analysis (see TSD chapter 5, section 5.1).
In a future energy conservation standards rulemaking, DOE will consider
multiple sources for pricing data.
For today's final determination, DOE estimated the base purchase
price of representative HID lamps, ballasts, and fixtures using current
prices available on both the W.W. Grainger, Inc. and Goodmart Web sites
9 10. DOE notes that it also used this approach for
estimating base pricing in the Small Electric Motor Determination. 71
FR 38799, 38803 (July 10, 2006). These online retailer price catalogs
were selected because they offer a wide range of products (i.e., lamps,
ballasts, and fixtures) for multiple types of HID lamps and wattages.
The referenced Web sites are also publicly available (requiring no
special log in to access the data) and offer product information that
can be applied to the full range of HID lighting system technologies
and components. DOE considered using both municipal and State
procurement contracts as sources of pricing data, but eliminated these
data from consideration in the determination analysis. Specifically,
municipal procurement contracts for HID lamps can provide price data,
but do not contain price data for other components of the lamp system
needed for the analysis. DOE also evaluated State procurement contracts
for fixtures but found them to be too highly variable to be useful.
Chapter 5 of the TSD (section 5.1) presents the price data that DOE
obtained from all sources, including RS-Means, State procurement
contracts, Grainger, and Goodmart.
\9\ (last accessed April 16, 2010).
\10\ (last accessed April 16, 2010).
In its analysis, DOE observed that HID prices vary by region,
manufacturer, quantity, type, and quality (and that end users pay
different prices). Therefore, DOE attempted to select price data for
different lighting system options that were directly comparable. DOE
also added a contractor mark-up of 13 percent and a sales tax of 7
percent in calculating equipment prices (see TSD chapter 5, section
5.1). As stated in the NOPD, the contractor markup value was
recommended by ACEEE in response to the 2003 draft report, and DOE
found the value consistent with other lighting rules. 75 FR 22031,
22037 (April 27, 2010). DOE proposed using an average national sales
tax of 7 percent in the NOPD. 75 FR 22031, 22037 (April 27, 2010) DOE
received no comments regarding this proposal. A 7-percent sales tax is
consistent with the rate used in the recent non-class A external power
supplies final determination. 75 FR 27170, 271741 (May 14, 2010). In
the NOPD, DOE invited comment on its selection and analysis of the
available HID lighting system price data. ACEEE and SDG&E recommended
that DOE revisit the product price assumptions in the LCC because the
prices presented in chapter 5 of the NOPD TSD (section 5.1) were high.
(ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2; SDG&E No. 23 at p. 3) DOE will conduct a more
in-depth evaluation of equipment pricing in an energy conservation
standards rulemaking, as a refined analysis would not change the
outcome of today's positive final determination.
Depending on when different parts of an HID lighting system are
replaced, the costs of switching to improved efficacy lamps can involve
lamp-and-ballast replacement, or replacement of the entire fixture. For
example, an original fixture may not physically accommodate the new
ballast required by an improved efficacy lamp, thereby necessitating
fixture replacement. The analysis underlying today's final
determination includes lamp-and-ballast and fixture replacement costs
when calculating the LCC for HID lamps. In the NOPD, DOE also requested
comment regarding equipment costs related to increasing lamp efficacy.
NEMA responded that the lighting industry anticipates higher lamp costs
with increasing efficacy. (NEMA, No. 21 at p. 4) DOE acknowledges this
general cost-efficacy relationship, as illustrated in chapter 5 of the
TSD, with higher prices for pulse-start MH lamps compared with probe-
start MH lamps.
4. National Energy Savings Analysis
To estimate national energy savings for HID lamps sold from 2017
through 2046, DOE calculated the estimated energy usage of the analyzed
lamp-and-ballast systems in a base case (absent a standard) and a
standards case. As discussed in chapter 6 of the TSD (section 6.1), DOE
calculated the installed base of HID lamps using historical lamp
shipments data provided by NEMA. Projected shipments were based on the
lamp lifetimes, system energy use, and operating scenarios developed
for the LCC analysis, as well as estimated market and substitution
trends in the base case and standards case. For this initial analysis,
DOE did not address the effects of emerging, non-HID lighting
technologies (e.g., LEDs) on HID lamp shipments, but notes that an
exhaustive shipments analysis is not required for a positive
determination. DOE intends to address emerging technologies in its more
robust shipments analysis as part of the energy conservation standards
rulemaking process.
In response to the NOPD, DOE received a comment from SDG&E
regarding shipment projections starting in 2017. SDG&E recommended that
DOE ``revise the assumption that new MH fixtures sold in 2017 will
contain probe-start ballasts.'' (SDG&E, No. 23 at p. 2) ACEEE also
recommended that DOE revise its assumptions for MH lamp shipments.
(ACEEE, No. 22 at p. 2) DOE acknowledges that both existing Federal and
State legislation, as discussed in the TSD, will affect the
installation of probe-start MH fixtures (see NOPD TSD chapter 2,
section 2.4). The State bans on ballasts for probe-start MH lamps, as
well as more stringent Federal ballast efficiency requirements for
probe-start MH lamps, will affect shipments of fixtures containing
probe-start MH lamps. However, DOE's shipment projections were not
based on new probe-start MH fixtures being sold in 2017. As discussed
in chapter 2 of the NOPD TSD (section 2.1), the majority of existing
installed MH fixtures (estimated at 35 million as of 2002) contain
probe-start ballasts. These legacy fixtures will require replacement
lamps even without replacement of the ballast. Such replacement
shipments are reflected in DOE's shipment projections in the analysis
for this determination.\11\ DOE will further refine the lamp shipment
projections as part of the energy conservation standards rulemaking
process, consulting fixture shipments data gathered in the MH lamp
fixture rulemaking as appropriate.
\11\ Shipment projections presented in National Energy Savings/
Net Present Value spreadsheet at
To estimate potential energy savings from the proposed energy
conservation standards case, DOE used a spreadsheet model that
calculated total end-use electricity savings in each year of the 30-
year analysis period (2017-2046). The model features an equipment-
retirement function to calculate the
[[Page 37982]]
number of units sold in a given year, or vintage, which would still be
in operation in future years. For example, some of the HID lamps sold
in 2030 will operate through 2035. DOE calculated primary energy (i.e.,
energy used by the power plant) savings associated with end-use
electricity (i.e., site energy used by the lamp-and-ballast system)
savings using data from EIA's AEO 2010. These data provided a factor,
or an average multiplier, for relating end-use electricity to primary
energy use for each year from 2017 to 2030. DOE extrapolated the trend
in these years to derive factors for 2031 to 2046. Energy use in both
the potential standards case and base case are calculated for all
equipment categories and converted to quads. The difference in energy
use between every equipment category in these two cases is summed
across all years of the analysis period. A more detailed discussion of
the national energy savings model, data sources, and results is
provided in chapter 6 of the TSD (section 6.1).
5. National Consumer Impacts Analysis
DOE estimated the national economic effect on end-users in terms of
the NPV of cumulative benefits during the 30-year analysis period
(2017-2046). It considered the effects under the same range of
scenarios as it did for estimating national energy savings. It also
used the new equipment costs and energy savings for each energy
efficiency level that it applied in the LCC analysis. To simplify the
analysis, DOE estimated the value of energy savings using the average
AEO 2010 forecast electricity price from 2017 to 2030. To estimate the
trend in electricity prices after 2030, DOE extrapolated its forecasted
electricity prices for 2031 to 2046 by applying the average rate of
price change during 2020-2030. As discussed in chapter 6 of the TSD
(section 6.1), DOE discounted future costs and benefits by using a 3-
percent and 7-percent discount rate, respectively, according to the
``Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit Analysis of Federal
Programs'' issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
(Circular No. A-94, September 2003).
C. Analytical Results
1. Engineering Analysis
As described above, DOE conducted separate analyses examining ten
representative HID lamp types: Probe-start MH (175, 250, 360, and 400-
watt), PMH (150, 175, and 320-watt), and HPS (100, 150, and 250-watt).
These lamp types are categorized by mean lumen output in Table II.1,
with some PMH and HPS lamp types appearing in more than one lumen
output category.
Table II.1--Representative Substitutes for Baseline Probe-Start Metal
Halide Lamps
Approximate lumen
output mean Baseline probe- Energy efficient Energy efficient
lumens* start MH W option 1, PMH W option 2, HPS W
8,800 175 150 100
13,700 250 175 150
23,500 360 320 250
25,200 400 320 250
In the engineering analysis, for a lamp to be considered a suitable
option, its replacement had to produce at least 90 percent of the mean
lumen output of the baseline system and draw less power than the
baseline lamp-and-ballast system. As detailed in chapter 4 of the TSD
(section 4.3), power was determined by the lamp-and-ballast input,
based in part on the representative ballast type chosen for each
2. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis
Table II.2 to Table II.5 present the results for medium wattage
probe-start MH lamps and higher-efficiency substitute HID lamps in a
lamp-only replacement scenario. In this scenario, a failed baseline
lamp is replaced either with an identical baseline lamp, or with a
substitute lamp-and-ballast system. These analyses were based on
representative, incremental lamp and fixture prices as well as
maintenance costs. The upcoming energy conservation standards
rulemaking will yield more detailed results than did the representative
analyses conducted. Generally, the LCC of a high-efficiency lamp and
ballast replacement is higher than the LCC of an inefficient lamp-only
Table II.2 175-W Probe-Start Metal Halide Baseline
Industrial/interior Commercial/exterior
Baseline 175 W Substitute 1 Baseline 175 W Substitute 2
MH $ 150 W PMH $ MH $ 100 W HPS $
Ballast Price................................... .............. 190.22 .............. 234.10
Lamp Price...................................... 49.58 64.09 49.58 49.23
Total First Cost................................ 49.58 254.31 49.58 283.33
Incremental First Cost.......................... .............. 204.73 .............. 233.75
Annual Operating Cost........................... 149.23 141.02 297.28 263.26
Annual Operating Cost Differential.............. .............. 8.21 .............. 34.02
LCC (7% Discount Rate).......................... 1,234.57 1,436.01 2,537.89 2,420.47
LCC Savings..................................... .............. -201.43 .............. 117.42
PBP (years)..................................... .............. 24.94 .............. 6.87
[[Page 37983]]
Table II.3 250-W Probe-Start Metal Halide Baseline
Industrial/interior Commercial/exterior
Baseline 250 W Substitute 1 Baseline 250 W Substitute 2
MH $ 175 W PMH $ MH $ 150 W HPS $
Ballast Price................................... .............. 195.54 .............. 260.18
Lamp Price...................................... 53.08 68.76 53.08 60.91
Total First Cost................................ 53.08 264.30 53.08 321.09
Incremental First Cost.......................... .............. 211.22 .............. 268.01
Annual Operating Cost........................... 178.85 149.59 330.11 288.18
Annual Operating Cost Differential.............. .............. 29.26 .............. 41.93
LCC (7% Discount Rate).......................... 1,445.34 1,421.98 2,795.06 2,655.59
LCC Savings..................................... .............. 23.36 .............. 139.4
PBP (years)..................................... .............. 7.22 .............. 6.39
Table II.4 360-W Probe-Start Metal Halide Baseline
Industrial/interior Commercial/exterior
Baseline 360 W Substitute 1 Baseline 360 W Substitute 2
MH $ 320 W PMH $ MH $ 250 W HPS $
Ballast Price................................... .............. 226.43 .............. 211.52
Lamp Price...................................... 56.92 90.54 56.92 79.64
Total First Cost................................ 56.92 316.97 56.92 291.16
Incremental First Cost.......................... .............. 260.05 .............. 234.24
Annual Operating Cost........................... 217.75 205.97 373.22 331.69
Annual Operating Cost Differential.............. .............. 11.78 .............. 41.53
LCC (7% Discount Rate).......................... 1,598.68 1,827.86 3,021.94 2,968.38
LCC Savings..................................... .............. -229.18 .............. 53.56
PBP (years)..................................... .............. 22.08 .............. 5.64
Table II.5 400-W Probe-Start Meta