Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection, 37375-37376 [2010-15684]

Download as PDF 37375 Notices Federal Register Vol. 75, No. 124 Tuesday, June 29, 2010 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency statements of organization and functions are examples of documents appearing in this section. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES4 June 23, 2010. The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. Comments regarding (a) whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of burden including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology should be addressed to: Desk Officer for AgBeverly_OIRA_ Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250– 7602. Comments regarding these information collections are best assured of having their full effect if received within 30 days of this notification. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling (202) 720–8958. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information that such persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:55 Jun 28, 2010 Jkt 220001 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Title: NIFA Current Research Information System (CRIS). OMB Control Number: 0524–0042. Summary of Collection: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) administers several competitive, peer-reviewed research, education and extension programs, under which awards of a high-priority are made. These programs are authorized pursuant to the authorities contained in the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977, as amended (7 U.S.C. 3101); the Smith-Lever Act; and other legislative authorities. The Current Research Information System (CRIS) is USDA’s documentation and reporting system for ongoing research and education activities in agriculture, food science, human nutrition, and forestry. CRIS operates administratively under NIFA, but is a cooperative endeavor whereby information is collected on a project-by-project basis from many participant organizations, both federal and non-federal. Information is received from USDA agencies, State Agricultural Experiment Stations, the state landgrant colleges and universities, the institutions of 1890, state schools of forestry, cooperating schools of veterinary medicine, USDA grant recipients, and other cooperating institutions. The information is collected primarily via the Internet using CRIS Web forms. Need and Use of the Information: The collected information is necessary in order to provide descriptive information regarding individual research activities and integrated activities, to document expenditures and staff support for the activities, and to monitor the progress and impact of such activities. The information obtained through the collection process for CRIS furnishes unique data that is not available from any other source. Interruption in the collection process, or failure to collect this information, would severely compromise one of NIFA’ primary functions stated in the agency’s strategic plan of ‘‘providing program leadership to identify, develop, and manage programs to support university-based and other institutional research.’’ Description of Respondents: State, Local or Tribal Government; Business or PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 other for-profit; Not-for profit institutions; Federal Government. Number of Respondents: 15,199. Frequency of Responses: Reporting: Other (Varies by form). Total Burden Hours: 74,097. Ruth Brown, Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer. [FR Doc. 2010–15690 Filed 6–28–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–09–P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Housing Service Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection Rural Housing Service (RHS). Proposed collection; comments requested. AGENCY: ACTION: SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Rural Housing Service’s intention to request an extension for a currently approved information collection in support of the Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) grant program. DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by August 30, 2010 to be assured of consideration. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Woolard, Loan Specialist, Community Programs Guaranteed Loan and Processing and Servicing Division, RHS, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Mail Stop 0787, Washington, DC 20250–0787, telephone (202) 720–1506, e-mail SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) Inviting Applications for the Rural Community Development Initiative. OMB Number: 0575–0180. Expiration Date of Approval: November 30, 2010. Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved information collection. Abstract: RHS, an Agency within the USDA Rural Development mission area, will administer the RCDI grant program through their Community Facilities Division. The intent of the RCDI grant program is to develop the capacity and ability of rural area recipients to E:\FR\FM\29JNN1.SGM 29JNN1 37376 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 124 / Tuesday, June 29, 2010 / Notices undertake projects through a program of technical assistance provided by qualified intermediary organizations. The eligible recipients are nonprofit organizations, low-income rural communities, or federally recognized Indian tribes. The intermediary may be a qualified private, nonprofit, or public (including tribal) organization. The intermediary is the applicant. The intermediary must have been organized a minimum of 3 years at the time of application. The intermediary will be required to provide matching funds, in the form of cash or committed funding, in an amount at least equal to the RCDI grant. Estimate of Burden: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.24 hours per response. Respondents: Intermediaries and recipients. Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,260. Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 2.67. Estimated Number of Responses: 3,360. Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 4,170. Copies of this information collection can be obtained from Jeanne Jacobs, Regulations and Paperwork Management Branch, at (202) 692–0040. emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES4 Comments Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of Agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Comments may be sent to Jeanne Jacobs, Regulations and Paperwork Management Branch, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, STOP 0742, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250. All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the request VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:55 Jun 28, 2010 Jkt 220001 for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of public record. ˜ Tammye H. Trevino, Administrator, Rural Housing Service. [FR Doc. 2010–15684 Filed 6–28–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Food Safety and Inspection Service [Docket No. FSIS–2010–0015] Notice of Request for Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection (Pathogen Reduction/ HACCP) AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations, this notice announces the Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) intention to request a revision of an approved information collection regarding pathogen reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems requirements because OMB approval will expire on December 31, 2010, and to include information on the use of video recordkeeping. DATES: Comments on this notice must be received on or before August 30, 2010. ADDRESSES: FSIS invites interested persons to submit comments on this notice. Comments may be submitted by either of the following methods: • Federal eRulemaking Portal: This Web site provides the ability to type short comments directly into the comment field on this Web page or attach a file for lengthier comments. Go to Follow the on-line instructions at that site for submitting comments. • Mail, including floppy disks or CD– ROMs, and hand- or courier-delivered items: Send to Docket Clerk, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Room 2–2175 George Washington Carver Center, 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705. Instructions: All items submitted by mail or electronic mail must include the Agency name and docket number FSIS– 2010–0015. Comments received in response to this docket will be made available for public inspection and posted without change, including any personal information, to https:// PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Docket: For access to background documents or comments received, go to the FSIS Docket Room at the address listed above between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For Additional Information: Contact John O’Connell, Paperwork Reduction Act Coordinator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Room 6065 South Building, Washington, DC 20250, (202) 720–0345. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Systems. OMB Number: 0583–0103. Expiration Date of Approval: 12/31/ 2010. Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved information collection. Abstract: FSIS has been delegated the authority to exercise the functions of the Secretary as specified in the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) (21 U.S.C. 601, et seq.) and the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA) (21 U.S.C. 451, et seq.). These statutes provide that FSIS is to protect the public by verifying that meat and poultry products are safe, wholesome, not adulterated, and properly labeled and packaged. FSIS is planning to request a revision of an approved information collection addressing paperwork and recordkeeping requirements regarding Pathogen Reduction and HACCP Systems because OMB approval will expire on December 31, 2010, and to include the use of video recordkeeping. The Agency is revising the Pathogen Reduction/HACCP systems information collection based on its most recent establishment data. In addition, FSIS is adding information concerning the use of video recordkeeping for HACCP records and Sanitation Standard Operating Systems (SOPs) records. Approximately one percent of meat and poultry establishments are using video records, which accounts for about one percent of the burden hours in this information collection. FSIS has established requirements applicable to meat and poultry establishments designed to reduce the occurrence and numbers of pathogenic microorganisms on meat and poultry products, reduce the incidence of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of those products, and provide a framework for modernization of the meat and poultry inspection system. The regulations (1) Require that each establishment develop, implement, and revise, as needed, written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (Sanitation SOPs) (9 CFR E:\FR\FM\29JNN1.SGM 29JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 124 (Tuesday, June 29, 2010)]
[Pages 37375-37376]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-15684]



Rural Housing Service

Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved 
Information Collection

AGENCY: Rural Housing Service (RHS).

ACTION: Proposed collection; comments requested.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this 
notice announces the Rural Housing Service's intention to request an 
extension for a currently approved information collection in support of 
the Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) grant program.

DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by August 30, 2010 to 
be assured of consideration.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Woolard, Loan Specialist, 
Community Programs Guaranteed Loan and Processing and Servicing 
Division, RHS, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Mail Stop 0787, 
Washington, DC 20250-0787, telephone (202) 720-1506, e-mail

    Title: Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) Inviting Applications 
for the Rural Community Development Initiative.
    OMB Number: 0575-0180.
    Expiration Date of Approval: November 30, 2010.
    Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved information 
    Abstract: RHS, an Agency within the USDA Rural Development mission 
area, will administer the RCDI grant program through their Community 
Facilities Division. The intent of the RCDI grant program is to develop 
the capacity and ability of rural area recipients to

[[Page 37376]]

undertake projects through a program of technical assistance provided 
by qualified intermediary organizations. The eligible recipients are 
nonprofit organizations, low-income rural communities, or federally 
recognized Indian tribes. The intermediary may be a qualified private, 
nonprofit, or public (including tribal) organization. The intermediary 
is the applicant. The intermediary must have been organized a minimum 
of 3 years at the time of application. The intermediary will be 
required to provide matching funds, in the form of cash or committed 
funding, in an amount at least equal to the RCDI grant.
    Estimate of Burden: Public reporting burden for this collection of 
information is estimated to average 1.24 hours per response.
    Respondents: Intermediaries and recipients.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,260.
    Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 2.67.
    Estimated Number of Responses: 3,360.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 4,170.
    Copies of this information collection can be obtained from Jeanne 
Jacobs, Regulations and Paperwork Management Branch, at (202) 692-0040.


    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
the Agency, including whether the information will have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of Agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology.
    Comments may be sent to Jeanne Jacobs, Regulations and Paperwork 
Management Branch, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, 
STOP 0742, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250. All 
responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the request 
for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of public 

Tammye H. Trevi[ntilde]o,
Administrator, Rural Housing Service.
[FR Doc. 2010-15684 Filed 6-28-10; 8:45 am]
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