Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Low-Effect Habitat Conservation Plan for the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly and Serpentine Endemic Plant Species, Santa Clara County, CA, 33822-33824 [2010-14322]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 114 / Tuesday, June 15, 2010 / Notices
review, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Department is
soliciting public comments on the
subject proposal.
This survey provides HUD with a fast,
inexpensive way to estimate Section 8
Fair Market Rents (FMRs) in areas not
covered by the American Community
Survey annual reports and in areas
where FMRs are believed to be
incorrect. The Department has used this
random digit dialing (RDD) survey
methodology for 15 years, as recently
improved to offset low response rates.
The affected public would be those
renters surveyed and Section 8 voucher
holders. The change in this
reinstatement is to reduce the burden,
because of fewer respondents.
Comments Due Date: July 15,
Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
approval Number (2528–0142) and
should be sent to: HUD Desk Officer,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503; fax: 202–395–5806.
Leroy McKinney Jr., Reports
Management Officer, QDAM,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410; e-mail Leroy
McKinney Jr. at
Leroy.McKinneyJr@hud.gov or telephone
(202) 402–5564. This is not a toll-free
number. Copies of available documents
submitted to OMB may be obtained
from Mr. McKinney.
notice informs the public that the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development has submitted to OMB a
request for approval of the Information
collection described below. This notice
is soliciting comments from members of
the public and affecting agencies
concerning the proposed collection of
information to: (1) Evaluate whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) Evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (3) Enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) Minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond; including
through the use of appropriate
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
This notice also lists the following
Title of Proposal: Section 8 Random
Digit Dialing Fair Market Rent Surveys.
OMB Approval Number: 2528–0142.
Form Numbers: None.
Description of the Need for the
Information and its Proposed Use: This
survey provides HUD with a fast,
inexpensive way to estimate Section 8
Fair Market Rents (FMRs) in areas not
covered by the American Community
Survey annual reports and in areas
where FMRs are believed to be
incorrect. The Department has used this
random digit dialing (RDD) survey
methodology for 15 years, as recently
improved to offset low response rates.
The affected public would be those
renters surveyed and Section 8 voucher
holders. The change in this
reinstatement is to reduce the burden,
because of fewer respondents.
Frequency of Submission: On
Number of
Reporting Burden ..............................................................................
Total Estimated Burden Hours: 5,928.
Status: Reinstatement, with change, of
previously approved collection.
ACTION: Notice of availability: proposed
low-effect habitat conservation plan;
request for comment.
Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 35, as
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, have received an
application from the Calpine
Corporation (applicant) for a 50-year
incidental take permit for five species
under the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (Act). The application
addresses the potential for ‘‘take’’ of one
federally listed animal and four
federally listed plants. The applicant
would implement a conservation
program to minimize and mitigate the
project activities, as described in the
applicant’s low-effect habitat
conservation plan (plan). We request
comments on the applicant’s
application and plan, and the
preliminary determination that the plan
qualifies as a ‘‘low-effect’’ habitat
conservation plan, eligible for a
Categorical Exclusion under the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended (NEPA). We discuss
our basis for this determination in our
environmental action statement (EAS),
also available for public review.
Dated: June 8, 2010.
Leroy McKinney, Jr.,
Departmental Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–14282 Filed 6–14–10; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
[FWS–R8–ES–2010–N107; 1112–0000–
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility
Low-Effect Habitat Conservation Plan
for the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly and
Serpentine Endemic Plant Species,
Santa Clara County, CA
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service,
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Hours per
Burden hours
DATES: We must receive written
comments on or before July 15, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Please address written
comments to Mike Thomas, Chief,
Conservation Planning Branch, Fish and
Wildlife Service, Sacramento Fish and
Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W–
2605, Sacramento, CA 95825.
Alternatively, you may send comments
by facsimile to (916) 414–6713.
Mike Thomas, or Eric Tattersall, Deputy
Assistant Field Supervisor/Division
Chief, Conservation Planning and
Recovery, at the address shown above or
at (916) 414–6600 (telephone).
Availability of Documents
You may obtain copies of the permit
application, plan, and EAS from the
CONTACT. Copies of these documents are
available for public inspection, by
appointment, during regular business
hours, at the Sacramento Fish and
Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES).
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 114 / Tuesday, June 15, 2010 / Notices
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Background Information
Section 9 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531
et seq.) and its implementing Federal
regulations prohibit the ‘‘take’’ of fish or
wildlife species listed as endangered or
threatened. ‘‘Take’’ is defined under the
Act to include the following activities:
To harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot,
wound, kill, trap, capture or collect
listed animal species, or to attempt to
engage in such conduct. However,
under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act, we
may issue permits to authorize
incidental take of listed species.
‘‘Incidental take’’ is defined by the Act
as take that is incidental to, and not the
purpose of, carrying out an otherwise
lawful activity. Regulations governing
incidental take permits for endangered
and threatened species, respectively, are
in the Code of Federal Regulations at 50
CFR 17.22 and 50 CFR 17.32.
Although take of listed plant species
is not prohibited under the Act, and
therefore cannot be authorized under an
incidental take permit, plant species
may be included on a permit in
recognition of the conservation benefits
provided to them under a habitat
conservation plan. All species included
in the incidental take permit would
receive assurances under our ‘‘No
Surprises’’ regulations (50 CFR
17.22(b)(5) and 17.32(b)(5)).
The applicant seeks an incidental take
permit for indirect effects within 10,306
acres of serpentine grasslands associated
with the operations and maintenance of
the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility
(LECEF) located in Santa Clara County,
California. The LECEF Phase 2 would
covert the existing facility into a
combined-cycle natural gas-fired
generating facility by passing exhaust
heat, normally released to the
atmosphere, through a heat recovery
steam generator. The applicant is
requesting permits for take of one
animal species federally listed as
threatened: Bay checkerspot butterfly
(Euphydryas editha bayensis)
(butterfly). The plan also includes four
plant species federally listed as
endangered: Coyote ceanothus
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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(Ceanothus ferrisae), Metcalf Canyon
jewel-flower (Streptanthus albidus
albidus), Santa Clara Valley dudleya
(Dudleya setchellii), and Tiburon
paintbrush (Castilleja affinis neglecta).
Collectively, these five species are
referred to as ‘‘Covered Species’’ in the
The applicant owns and manages
lands in Santa Clara County, California.
Lands owned by the applicant include
34 acres of the Phase 2 LECEF in the
City of San Jose and 40 acres of
serpentine grassland on Coyote Ridge
adjacent to Coyote Creek Golf Drive and
northwest of Waste Management’s Kirby
Canyon Recycling and Waste facility in
the City of Morgan Hill, California.
The following actions are proposed
under the plan: Implementation and
construction of the LECEF Phase 2,
operations and maintenance of the
Phase 2 combined-cycle facility for a
period of 50 years, and implementation
of monitoring and management of a 40acre serpentine preserve; these actions
are collectively referred to as the
‘‘Covered Activities.’’ The LECEF Phase
2 is located within a 34-acre parcel, 21
acres previously developed under Phase
1 and 13 acres that will be used as
staging and temporary parking during
construction of Phase 2. There are no
known threatened or endangered
species or their habitats located within
the 34-acre parcel. However, once the
Phase 2 facility is completed, its
operation is expected to result in
indirect effects from nitrogen deposition
within 10,306 acres of habitat for the
Covered Species in Santa Clara County,
California. Emissions from power
plants, vehicles, and industrial
development result in deposition of
nitrogen compounds (such as nitrogen
oxides, nitric acid, and ammonia) onto
nutrient-poor serpentine soils.
Enrichment of serpentine soils allows
nonnative plants to outcompete native
species, including the host plants for the
Bay checkerspot butterfly and the four
listed plants.
The applicant proposes to avoid,
minimize, and mitigate the effects to the
Covered Species associated with the
Covered Activities by fully
implementing the plan. The following
mitigation measures will be
implemented: Establishment of a 40acre serpentine preserve on Coyote
Ridge; implementation of a grazing
management plan to benefit the Covered
Species; implementation of a
monitoring plan for the Covered
Species; establishment of a non-wasting
endowment in the amount of $541,600
to provide funding for changed
circumstances, monitoring, and
management of the 40-acre preserve in
PO 00000
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perpetuity; and purchase of Bay Area
Air Quality Management District
pollution credits equivalent to 27,945
tons/year for nitrogen deposition.
Our proposed action is approving the
applicant’s plan and issuing an
incidental take permit for the
applicant’s Covered Activities. As
required by the Act, the applicant’s plan
considers alternatives to the take under
the proposed action. The plan considers
the environmental consequences of the
following four alternatives to the
proposed action: No Action; Alternative
Site Location; Alternative Project
Configuration; and Alternative
Under the No Action alternative, we
would not issue a permit, and the
applicant would not initiate
construction on Phase 2. The No Action
alternative would result in the applicant
violating the terms of a power sales
agreement with the California
Department of Water Resources, and the
U.S. DataPort (DataPort) would obtain
electricity from the existing electrical
grid, which would conflict with the City
of San Jose’s California Environmental
Quality Act decision for the DataPort to
be electrically self-sufficient.
Under the Alternative Site Location
alternative, the LECEF Phase 2 would be
constructed in a different location;
however, construction of Phase 2
anywhere within the same air shed
would not avoid the indirect effects to
listed species resulting from nitrogen
deposition. Since the LECEF is being
constructed to supply power to the
DataPort, constructing the plant outside
of the air shed would likely result in
greater ground disturbance since
construction would not take place
within the footprint of the existing
power plant. Additional impacts would
occur as a result of connecting the
DataPort with a more remote power
plant, potentially resulting in additional
effects to natural resources, including
other listed species.
Under the Alternative Projects
Configuration alternative, alternative
equipment would have been
incorporated into the design of the
project. However, the proposed project
represents the latest generation of
commercially demonstrated combustion
and steam turbine technology and is
believed to represent the most effective
technology currently available in terms
of highest power output and lowest
emissions. Implementation of
alternative equipment could result in
less efficient energy production and
additional air quality impacts.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 114 / Tuesday, June 15, 2010 / Notices
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Under the Alternative Technologies
alternative, waste heat would involve
the export of processed steam, instead of
the steam being converted to electricity
through the use of a steam turbine under
the proposed alternative. Export of
processed steam would necessitate a
nearby steam host. There are no steam
hosts currently available near the
existing LECEF Phase 1 site; therefore,
a steam host would have to be
constructed, resulting in additional
impacts outside of the existing 34-acre
Under the proposed action
alternative, we would issue an
incidental take permit for the
applicant’s proposed project, which
includes the activities described above
and in more detail in the HCP. The
proposed action alternative is not
expected to result in the permanent loss
of habitat for any of the Covered
Species. The proposed project is
expected to result in indirect effects to
10,306 acres of serpentine grassland. To
mitigate these effects, the applicant
proposes to permanently protect 40
acres of serpentine grassland on Coyote
Ridge, implement a monitoring and
management plan for the Covered
Species, establish a non-wasting
endowment, and purchase Bay Area Air
Quality Management District pollution
National Environmental Policy Act
As described in our EAS, we have
made the preliminary determination
that approval of the proposed plan and
issuance of the permit would qualify as
a categorical exclusion under NEPA (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as provided by
Federal regulations (40 CFR 1500, 5(k),
1507.3(b)(2), 1508.4) and the
Department of the Interior Manual (516
DM 2 and 516 DM 8). Our EAS found
that the proposed plan qualifies as a
‘‘low-effect’’ habitat conservation plan,
as defined by our Habitat Conservation
Planning Handbook (November 1996).
Determination of low-effect habitat
conservation plans is based on the
following three criteria: (1)
Implementation of the proposed plan
would result in minor or negligible
effects on federally listed, proposed, and
candidate species and their habitats; (2)
implementation of the proposed plan
would result in minor or negligible
effects on other environmental values or
resources; and (3) impacts of the plan,
considered together with the impacts of
other past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable similarly situated projects,
would not result, over time, in
cumulative effects to environmental
values or resources that would be
considered significant. Based upon the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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preliminary determinations in the EAS,
we do not intend to prepare further
NEPA documentation. We will consider
public comments when making the final
determination on whether to prepare an
additional NEPA document on the
proposed action.
Public Review
We provide this notice pursuant to
section 10(c) of the Act and the NEPA
public-involvement regulations (40 CFR
1500.1(b), 1500.2(d), and 1506.6). We
will evaluate the permit application,
including the plan and comments we
receive, to determine whether the
application meets the requirements of
section 10(a) of the Act. If the
requirements are met, we will issue a
permit to the applicant for the
incidental take of the Bay checkerspot
butterfly, coyote ceanothus, Metcalf
Canyon jewel-flower, Santa Clara Valley
dudleya, and Tiburon paintbrush from
the implementation of the Covered
Activities described in the plan, or from
mitigation conducted as part of this
plan. We will make the final permit
decision no sooner than 30 days after
the date of this notice.
Dated: June 7, 2010.
Susan K. Moore,
Field Supervisor, Sacramento Fish and
Wildlife Office, Sacramento, California.
[FR Doc. 2010–14322 Filed 6–14–10; 8:45 am]
a full review (74 FR 54069, October 21,
2009). Notice of the scheduling of the
Commission’s review and of a public
hearing to be held in connection
therewith was given by posting copies
of the notice in the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. International Trade
Commission, Washington, DC, and by
publishing the notice in the Federal
Register on November 30, 2009 (74 FR
62587). Counsel for the domestic
interested party filed a request to appear
at the hearing or, in the alternative, for
consideration of cancellation of the
hearing. Counsel indicated a willingness
to submit written testimony and
responses to any questions by a date to
be specified by the Commission in lieu
of an actual hearing. No other party filed
a request to appear at the hearing.
Consequently, the public hearing in
connection with the review, scheduled
for April 15, 2010, was cancelled (75 FR
20625, April 20, 2010).
The Commission transmitted its
determination in this review to the
Secretary of Commerce on June 9, 2010.
The views of the Commission are
contained in USITC Publication 4157
(June 2010), entitled Barium Chloride
from China: Investigation No. 731–TA–
149 (Third Review).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: June 9, 2010.
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2010–14234 Filed 6–14–10; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 731–TA–149 (Third
[Investigation No. 332–520]
Barium Chloride From China
On the basis of the record1 developed
in the subject five-year review, the
United States International Trade
Commission (Commission) determines,
pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff
Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)), that
revocation of the antidumping duty
order on barium chloride from China
would be likely to lead to continuation
or recurrence of material injury to an
industry in the United States within a
reasonably foreseeable time.
The Commission instituted this
review effective July 1, 2009 (74 FR
31757, July 2, 2009) and determined on
October 5, 2009 that it would conduct
1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
CFR 207.2(f)).
PO 00000
Frm 00066
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Pharmaceutical Products and
Chemical Intermediates, Fourth
Review: Advice Concerning the
Addition of Certain Products to the
Pharmaceutical Appendix to the HTS
AGENCY: United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Institution of investigation and
invitation to file written submissions.
SUMMARY: Following receipt of a request
dated May 27, 2010 from the United
States Trade Representative (USTR)
pursuant to section 115 of the Uruguay
Round Agreements Act (URAA) (19
U.S.C. 3524) and section 332(g) of the
Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1332 (g)),
the U.S. International Trade
Commission (Commission) instituted
investigation No. 332–520,
Pharmaceutical Products and Chemical
Intermediates, Fourth Review: Advice
Concerning the Addition of Certain
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 114 (Tuesday, June 15, 2010)]
[Pages 33822-33824]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-14322]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R8-ES-2010-N107; 1112-0000-81420-F2]
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility Low-Effect Habitat
Conservation Plan for the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly and Serpentine
Endemic Plant Species, Santa Clara County, CA
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability: proposed low-effect habitat
conservation plan; request for comment.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have received an
application from the Calpine Corporation (applicant) for a 50-year
incidental take permit for five species under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The application addresses the potential
for ``take'' of one federally listed animal and four federally listed
plants. The applicant would implement a conservation program to
minimize and mitigate the project activities, as described in the
applicant's low-effect habitat conservation plan (plan). We request
comments on the applicant's application and plan, and the preliminary
determination that the plan qualifies as a ``low-effect'' habitat
conservation plan, eligible for a Categorical Exclusion under the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA). We
discuss our basis for this determination in our environmental action
statement (EAS), also available for public review.
DATES: We must receive written comments on or before July 15, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Please address written comments to Mike Thomas, Chief,
Conservation Planning Branch, Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento
Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W-2605, Sacramento, CA
95825. Alternatively, you may send comments by facsimile to (916) 414-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mike Thomas, or Eric Tattersall,
Deputy Assistant Field Supervisor/Division Chief, Conservation Planning
and Recovery, at the address shown above or at (916) 414-6600
Availability of Documents
You may obtain copies of the permit application, plan, and EAS from
the individuals in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. Copies of these
documents are available for public inspection, by appointment, during
regular business hours, at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (see
[[Page 33823]]
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Background Information
Section 9 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and its implementing
Federal regulations prohibit the ``take'' of fish or wildlife species
listed as endangered or threatened. ``Take'' is defined under the Act
to include the following activities: To harass, harm, pursue, hunt,
shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect listed animal species, or
to attempt to engage in such conduct. However, under section
10(a)(1)(B) of the Act, we may issue permits to authorize incidental
take of listed species. ``Incidental take'' is defined by the Act as
take that is incidental to, and not the purpose of, carrying out an
otherwise lawful activity. Regulations governing incidental take
permits for endangered and threatened species, respectively, are in the
Code of Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 17.22 and 50 CFR 17.32.
Although take of listed plant species is not prohibited under the
Act, and therefore cannot be authorized under an incidental take
permit, plant species may be included on a permit in recognition of the
conservation benefits provided to them under a habitat conservation
plan. All species included in the incidental take permit would receive
assurances under our ``No Surprises'' regulations (50 CFR 17.22(b)(5)
and 17.32(b)(5)).
The applicant seeks an incidental take permit for indirect effects
within 10,306 acres of serpentine grasslands associated with the
operations and maintenance of the Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility
(LECEF) located in Santa Clara County, California. The LECEF Phase 2
would covert the existing facility into a combined-cycle natural gas-
fired generating facility by passing exhaust heat, normally released to
the atmosphere, through a heat recovery steam generator. The applicant
is requesting permits for take of one animal species federally listed
as threatened: Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis)
(butterfly). The plan also includes four plant species federally listed
as endangered: Coyote ceanothus (Ceanothus ferrisae), Metcalf Canyon
jewel-flower (Streptanthus albidus albidus), Santa Clara Valley dudleya
(Dudleya setchellii), and Tiburon paintbrush (Castilleja affinis
neglecta). Collectively, these five species are referred to as
``Covered Species'' in the plan.
The applicant owns and manages lands in Santa Clara County,
California. Lands owned by the applicant include 34 acres of the Phase
2 LECEF in the City of San Jose and 40 acres of serpentine grassland on
Coyote Ridge adjacent to Coyote Creek Golf Drive and northwest of Waste
Management's Kirby Canyon Recycling and Waste facility in the City of
Morgan Hill, California.
The following actions are proposed under the plan: Implementation
and construction of the LECEF Phase 2, operations and maintenance of
the Phase 2 combined-cycle facility for a period of 50 years, and
implementation of monitoring and management of a 40-acre serpentine
preserve; these actions are collectively referred to as the ``Covered
Activities.'' The LECEF Phase 2 is located within a 34-acre parcel, 21
acres previously developed under Phase 1 and 13 acres that will be used
as staging and temporary parking during construction of Phase 2. There
are no known threatened or endangered species or their habitats located
within the 34-acre parcel. However, once the Phase 2 facility is
completed, its operation is expected to result in indirect effects from
nitrogen deposition within 10,306 acres of habitat for the Covered
Species in Santa Clara County, California. Emissions from power plants,
vehicles, and industrial development result in deposition of nitrogen
compounds (such as nitrogen oxides, nitric acid, and ammonia) onto
nutrient-poor serpentine soils. Enrichment of serpentine soils allows
nonnative plants to outcompete native species, including the host
plants for the Bay checkerspot butterfly and the four listed plants.
The applicant proposes to avoid, minimize, and mitigate the effects
to the Covered Species associated with the Covered Activities by fully
implementing the plan. The following mitigation measures will be
implemented: Establishment of a 40-acre serpentine preserve on Coyote
Ridge; implementation of a grazing management plan to benefit the
Covered Species; implementation of a monitoring plan for the Covered
Species; establishment of a non-wasting endowment in the amount of
$541,600 to provide funding for changed circumstances, monitoring, and
management of the 40-acre preserve in perpetuity; and purchase of Bay
Area Air Quality Management District pollution credits equivalent to
27,945 tons/year for nitrogen deposition.
Our proposed action is approving the applicant's plan and issuing
an incidental take permit for the applicant's Covered Activities. As
required by the Act, the applicant's plan considers alternatives to the
take under the proposed action. The plan considers the environmental
consequences of the following four alternatives to the proposed action:
No Action; Alternative Site Location; Alternative Project
Configuration; and Alternative Technologies.
Under the No Action alternative, we would not issue a permit, and
the applicant would not initiate construction on Phase 2. The No Action
alternative would result in the applicant violating the terms of a
power sales agreement with the California Department of Water
Resources, and the U.S. DataPort (DataPort) would obtain electricity
from the existing electrical grid, which would conflict with the City
of San Jose's California Environmental Quality Act decision for the
DataPort to be electrically self-sufficient.
Under the Alternative Site Location alternative, the LECEF Phase 2
would be constructed in a different location; however, construction of
Phase 2 anywhere within the same air shed would not avoid the indirect
effects to listed species resulting from nitrogen deposition. Since the
LECEF is being constructed to supply power to the DataPort,
constructing the plant outside of the air shed would likely result in
greater ground disturbance since construction would not take place
within the footprint of the existing power plant. Additional impacts
would occur as a result of connecting the DataPort with a more remote
power plant, potentially resulting in additional effects to natural
resources, including other listed species.
Under the Alternative Projects Configuration alternative,
alternative equipment would have been incorporated into the design of
the project. However, the proposed project represents the latest
generation of commercially demonstrated combustion and steam turbine
technology and is believed to represent the most effective technology
currently available in terms of highest power output and lowest
emissions. Implementation of alternative equipment could result in less
efficient energy production and additional air quality impacts.
[[Page 33824]]
Under the Alternative Technologies alternative, waste heat would
involve the export of processed steam, instead of the steam being
converted to electricity through the use of a steam turbine under the
proposed alternative. Export of processed steam would necessitate a
nearby steam host. There are no steam hosts currently available near
the existing LECEF Phase 1 site; therefore, a steam host would have to
be constructed, resulting in additional impacts outside of the existing
34-acre site.
Under the proposed action alternative, we would issue an incidental
take permit for the applicant's proposed project, which includes the
activities described above and in more detail in the HCP. The proposed
action alternative is not expected to result in the permanent loss of
habitat for any of the Covered Species. The proposed project is
expected to result in indirect effects to 10,306 acres of serpentine
grassland. To mitigate these effects, the applicant proposes to
permanently protect 40 acres of serpentine grassland on Coyote Ridge,
implement a monitoring and management plan for the Covered Species,
establish a non-wasting endowment, and purchase Bay Area Air Quality
Management District pollution credits.
National Environmental Policy Act
As described in our EAS, we have made the preliminary determination
that approval of the proposed plan and issuance of the permit would
qualify as a categorical exclusion under NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.),
as provided by Federal regulations (40 CFR 1500, 5(k), 1507.3(b)(2),
1508.4) and the Department of the Interior Manual (516 DM 2 and 516 DM
8). Our EAS found that the proposed plan qualifies as a ``low-effect''
habitat conservation plan, as defined by our Habitat Conservation
Planning Handbook (November 1996). Determination of low-effect habitat
conservation plans is based on the following three criteria: (1)
Implementation of the proposed plan would result in minor or negligible
effects on federally listed, proposed, and candidate species and their
habitats; (2) implementation of the proposed plan would result in minor
or negligible effects on other environmental values or resources; and
(3) impacts of the plan, considered together with the impacts of other
past, present, and reasonably foreseeable similarly situated projects,
would not result, over time, in cumulative effects to environmental
values or resources that would be considered significant. Based upon
the preliminary determinations in the EAS, we do not intend to prepare
further NEPA documentation. We will consider public comments when
making the final determination on whether to prepare an additional NEPA
document on the proposed action.
Public Review
We provide this notice pursuant to section 10(c) of the Act and the
NEPA public-involvement regulations (40 CFR 1500.1(b), 1500.2(d), and
1506.6). We will evaluate the permit application, including the plan
and comments we receive, to determine whether the application meets the
requirements of section 10(a) of the Act. If the requirements are met,
we will issue a permit to the applicant for the incidental take of the
Bay checkerspot butterfly, coyote ceanothus, Metcalf Canyon jewel-
flower, Santa Clara Valley dudleya, and Tiburon paintbrush from the
implementation of the Covered Activities described in the plan, or from
mitigation conducted as part of this plan. We will make the final
permit decision no sooner than 30 days after the date of this notice.
Dated: June 7, 2010.
Susan K. Moore,
Field Supervisor, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, Sacramento,
[FR Doc. 2010-14322 Filed 6-14-10; 8:45 am]