Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review, 33622-33624 [2010-14158]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The statutory
authority citation for the information
collection requirements is found at
Section 258 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 258.
Total Annual Burden: 525 hours.
Total Annual Cost: None.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
An assurance of confidentiality is not
offered because this information
collection does not require the
collection of personally identifiable
information (PII) from individuals.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No
Needs and Uses: Pursuant to 47 CFR
64.1120 (e), a carrier acquiring all or
part of another carrier’s subscriber base
without obtaining each subscriber’s
authorization and verification will file a
letter specifying certain information
with the Commission, in advance of the
transfer, and it will also certify that the
carrier will comply with required
procedures, including giving advance
notice to the affected subscribers. These
streamlined carrier change rules balance
the protection of consumers’ interests
with ensuring that the Commission’s
rules do not unnecessarily inhibit
routine business transactions.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Office of
Managing Director.
[FR Doc. 2010–14179 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Notices
Federal Election Commission.
DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, June 15, 2010,
at 10 a.m.
PLACE: 999 E Street, NW., Washington,
STATUS: This meeting will be closed to
the public.
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Items To Be Discussed
Compliance matters pursuant to 2
U.S.C. 437g.
Audits conducted pursuant to 2
U.S.C. 437g, 438(b), and title 26, U.S.C.
Matters concerning participation in civil
actions or proceedings or arbitration.
Internal personnel rules and procedures
or matters affecting a particular
DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, June 16,
2010, at 11 a.m.
PLACE: 999 E Street, NW., Washington,
DC (ninth floor).
STATUS: This hearing will be open to the
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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AUDIT HEARING: Georgia Federal
Elections Committee.
Individuals who plan to attend and
require special assistance, such as sign
language interpretation or other
reasonable accommodations, should
contact Darlene Harris, Deputy
Commission Secretary, at (202) 694–
1040, at least 72 hours prior to the
hearing date.
Judith Ingram, Press Officer, telephone:
(202) 694–1220.
Darlene Harris,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2010–14133 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
(BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR Part
225), and all other applicable statutes
and regulations to become a bank
holding company and/or to acquire the
assets or the ownership of, control of, or
the power to vote shares of a bank or
bank holding company and all of the
banks and nonbanking companies
owned by the bank holding company,
including the companies listed below.
The applications listed below, as well
as other related filings required by the
Board, are available for immediate
inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
indicated. The applications also will be
available for inspection at the offices of
the Board of Governors. Interested
persons may express their views in
writing on the standards enumerated in
the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
proposal also involves the acquisition of
a nonbanking company, the review also
includes whether the acquisition of the
nonbanking company complies with the
standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
(12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
noted, nonbanking activities will be
conducted throughout the United States.
Additional information on all bank
holding companies may be obtained
from the National Information Center
website at
Unless otherwise noted, comments
regarding each of these applications
must be received at the Reserve Bank
indicated or the offices of the Board of
Governors not later than July 8, 2010.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (E.
Ann Worthy, Vice President) 2200
PO 00000
Frm 00050
Fmt 4703
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North Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas 752012272:
1. Independent Bank Group, Inc.,
McKinney, Texas, to merge with
Farmersville Bancshares, Inc.,
Farmersville, Texas, and thereby
indirectly acquire First Bank,
Farmersville, Texas.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, June 9, 2010.
Robert deV. Frierson,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2010–14157 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act Review
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–5960 or send an email to Send written
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–5806. Written
comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.
Proposed Project
National Survey of U.S. Long-Haul
Truck Driver Injury and Health—New—
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
The mission of the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) is to promote safety and health
at work for all people through research
and prevention. The Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public
Law 91–596 (section 20(a)(1)) authorizes
NIOSH to conduct research to advance
the health and safety of workers. In this
capacity, NIOSH will conduct a national
survey of long-haul truck drivers.
Truck drivers are at increased risk for
numerous preventable diseases and
health conditions; previous research
suggests that truck drivers are at
increased risk for lower back pain, heart
disease, hypertension, stomach ulcers,
and cancers of the bladder, lung,
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices
prostate, and stomach. Truck drivers
also face extraordinary risk of on-the-job
mortality. In 2007, the fatality rate for
‘‘driver/sales workers and truck drivers’’
was 28.2 per 100,000 workers,
compared with a rate of 3.8 per 100,000
for all workers. Drivers of heavy and
tractor-trailer trucks had more fatal
work injuries than any other single
occupation (822 deaths in 2007).
Truck drivers experience high rates of
occupational injury and illness, but
little is known about the prevalence of
factors suspected to place them at
increased risk. Information is needed on
the role of occupation in driver health
and on mechanisms of driver injuries. In
evaluating the potential health effects of
the 2005 hours-of-service ruling, the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration stated that due to a lack
of evidence specific to trucking
operations, information from different
fields had to be adapted to a trucking
environment. Research needs cited by
stakeholders include detailed data on
the prevalence of selected health
conditions and risk factors among truck
drivers, and data on working conditions,
injury causes and outcomes, and health
NIOSH has obtained input on plans
for this survey through stakeholder
meetings, a webinar, an internet blog,
and from comments received through
NIOSH Docket 110 and during a focus
group discussion with 7 truck drivers.
The survey instrument has been
reviewed by 6 subject matter experts
and 9 cognitive interviews have been
conducted using the survey instrument.
Input received was used to guide
development of the survey instrument
and plans for survey implementation.
Subjective data on understanding and
phrasing of questions were collected
during the focus group discussion and
cognitive interviews.
The proposed national survey will be
based upon a probability sample of
truck stops. The survey will be
conducted at locations along freight
corridors in 5 geographic regions
(Northeast, South, Great Lakes, Central,
and West). The number of locations to
be visited within each region will be
related to the traffic load in that region.
Eligible truck drivers stopping at
selected truck stops will provide all
survey data. The major objectives of the
survey will be to: (1) Determine the
prevalence of selected health conditions
and risk factors; (2) characterize drivers’
working conditions, occupational
injuries, and health behaviors; (3)
explore the associations among health
status, individual risk factors,
occupational injuries and occupational
exposures related to work organization.
The survey will eliminate significant
gaps in occupational safety and health
data for long-haul truck drivers. The
results will assist regulatory agencies in
focusing rulemaking, furnish industry
and labor with safety and health
information needed by their
constituents, and stimulate future
research and advocacy to benefit truck
The target population of drivers for
this survey will be limited to drivers
who: Have truck driving as their main
job; drive a truck with 3 or more axles
(requiring the driver to have a
commercial driver’s license); have been
a heavy truck driver 12 months or
longer; and who usually take at least
one mandatory 10-hour rest period away
from home during each delivery run.
The study instrument will be
interviewer-administered to 2,457
eligible truck drivers at 50 truck stops.
Individuals will first be asked a series
of questions to determine if they are
eligible to participate in the survey,
followed by administration of the main
interview. Individuals who do not wish
to participate in the main interview will
be given a short non-respondent
interview. Respondents will not be
asked to report names or any other
identifying information.
The project supports the NIOSH
surveillance function to advance the
usefulness of surveillance information
for the prevention of occupational
injuries, illnesses, and hazards, and
actively promote the dissemination and
use of NIOSH surveillance data and
information. This survey will allow
NIOSH to explore the inter-relationships
among dimensions of health status,
individual risk factors, occupational
injuries, sleep disorders, and
occupational exposures. It will also
provide detailed demographic data on
long-haul truck drivers, which have not
been available previously, and could
provide baseline data to inform future
cohort and prospective studies.
NIOSH will use the information to
calculate prevalence and customize
safety and health interventions for longhaul truck drivers. Once the study is
completed, results will be made
available via various means. There is no
cost to respondents other than their
The total estimated annualized
burden to respondents is 2,102 hours.
Number of
Form name
Truck Drivers ...................................................
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Type of respondent
Eligibility Screening Interview ........................
Non-respondent Interview ..............................
Main Interview ................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00051
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Number of
responses per
burden per
(in hours)
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Notices
Dated: June 8, 2010.
Maryam I. Daneshvar,
Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2010–14158 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2010–N–0258]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Submission of
Petitions: Food Additive, Color
Additive (Including Labeling), and
Generally Recognized as Safe
Affirmation; Submission of Information
to a Master File in Support of Petitions;
Electronic Submission Using Food and
Drug Administration Form 3503
Food and Drug Administration,
emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing an
opportunity for public comment on the
proposed collection of certain
information by the agency. Under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the
PRA), Federal agencies are required to
publish notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each proposed
extension of an existing collection of
information, and to allow 60 days for
public comment in response to the
notice. This notice solicits comments on
the information collection provisions of
FDA’s regulations for submission of
petitions, including food and color
additive petitions (including labeling)
and generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
affirmations, submission of information
to a Master File in support of petitions,
and electronic submission using FDA
Form 3503. This notice also notifies the
public of and solicits comments on
FDA’s proposed changes to Form FDA
3503 and elimination of Form FDA
DATES: Submit either electronic or
written comments on the collection of
information by August 13, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Submit electronic
comments on the collection of
information to https:// Submit written
comments on the collection of
information to the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 220001
comments should be identified with the
docket number found in brackets in the
heading of this document.
Denver Presley, Jr., Office of Information
Management, Food and Drug
Administration, 1350 Piccard Dr., PI50–
400B, Rockville, MD 20850, 301–796–
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), Federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for each collection of
information they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined in
44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR 1320.3(c)
and includes agency requests or
requirements that members of the public
submit reports, keep records, or provide
information to a third party. Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)) requires Federal agencies
to provide a 60-day notice in the
Federal Register concerning each
proposed collection of information,
including each proposed extension of an
existing collection of information,
before submitting the collection to OMB
for approval. To comply with this
requirement, FDA is publishing notice
of the proposed collection of
information set forth in this document.
With respect to the following
collection of information, FDA invites
comments on these topics: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of FDA’s functions, including whether
the information will have practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of FDA’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques,
when appropriate, and other forms of
information technology.
Submission of Petitions: Food Additive,
Color Additive (Including Labeling),
and GRAS Affirmation; Submission of
Information to a Master File in Support
of Petitions; Electronic Submission
Using FDA Form 3503—21 CFR 70.25,
71.1, 170.35, 171.1, 172, 173, 179, and
180 (OMB Control Number 0910–
Section 409(a) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21
U.S.C. 348(a)) provides that a food
additive shall be deemed to be unsafe,
unless: (1) The additive and its use, or
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intended use, are in conformity with a
regulation issued under section 409 of
the act that describes the condition(s)
under which the additive may be safely
used; (2) the additive and its use, or
intended use, conform to the terms of an
exemption for investigational use; or (3)
a food contact notification submitted
under section 409(h) of the act is
effective. Food additive petitions (FAPs)
are submitted by individuals or
companies to obtain approval of a new
food additive or to amend the
conditions of use permitted under an
existing food additive regulation.
Section 171.1 of FDA’s regulations (21
CFR 171.1) specifies the information
that a petitioner must submit in order to
establish that the proposed use of a food
additive is safe and to secure the
publication of a food additive regulation
describing the conditions under which
the additive may be safely used. Parts
172, 173, 179, and 180 (21 CFR parts
172, 173, 179, and 180) contain labeling
requirements for certain food additives
to ensure their safe use.
Section 721(a) of the act (21 U.S.C.
379e(a)) provides that a color additive
shall be deemed to be unsafe unless the
additive and its use are in conformity
with a regulation that describes the
condition(s) under which the additive
may safely be used, or the additive and
its use conform to the terms of an
exemption for investigational use issued
under section 721(f) of the act. Color
additive petitions (CAPs) are submitted
by individuals or companies to obtain
approval of a new color additive or a
change in the conditions of use
permitted for a color additive that is
already approved. Section 71.1 of the
agency’s regulations (21 CFR 71.1)
specifies the information that a
petitioner must submit to establish the
safety of a color additive and to secure
the issuance of a regulation permitting
its use. FDA’s color additive labeling
requirements in § 70.25 (21 CFR 70.25)
require that color additives that are to be
used in food, drugs, devices, or
cosmetics be labeled with sufficient
information to ensure their safe use.
FDA scientific personnel review FAPs
to ensure the safety of the intended use
of the additive in or on food or that may
be present in food as a result of its use
in articles that contact food. Likewise,
FDA personnel review color additive
petitions to ensure the safety of the
color additive prior to its use in food,
drugs, cosmetics, or medical devices.
Under section 201(s) of the act (21
U.S.C. 321(s)), a substance is GRAS if it
is generally recognized among experts
qualified by scientific training and
experience to evaluate its safety, to be
safe through either scientific procedures
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 113 (Monday, June 14, 2010)]
[Pages 33622-33624]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-14158]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork Reduction Act Review
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes a
list of information collection requests under review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). To request a copy of these requests, call
the CDC Reports Clearance Officer at (404) 639-5960 or send an e-mail
to Send written comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington, DC or by fax to (202) 395-5806.
Written comments should be received within 30 days of this notice.
Proposed Project
National Survey of U.S. Long-Haul Truck Driver Injury and Health--
New--National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
The mission of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) is to promote safety and health at work for all people
through research and prevention. The Occupational Safety and Health Act
of 1970, Public Law 91-596 (section 20(a)(1)) authorizes NIOSH to
conduct research to advance the health and safety of workers. In this
capacity, NIOSH will conduct a national survey of long-haul truck
Truck drivers are at increased risk for numerous preventable
diseases and health conditions; previous research suggests that truck
drivers are at increased risk for lower back pain, heart disease,
hypertension, stomach ulcers, and cancers of the bladder, lung,
[[Page 33623]]
prostate, and stomach. Truck drivers also face extraordinary risk of
on-the-job mortality. In 2007, the fatality rate for ``driver/sales
workers and truck drivers'' was 28.2 per 100,000 workers, compared with
a rate of 3.8 per 100,000 for all workers. Drivers of heavy and
tractor-trailer trucks had more fatal work injuries than any other
single occupation (822 deaths in 2007).
Truck drivers experience high rates of occupational injury and
illness, but little is known about the prevalence of factors suspected
to place them at increased risk. Information is needed on the role of
occupation in driver health and on mechanisms of driver injuries. In
evaluating the potential health effects of the 2005 hours-of-service
ruling, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration stated that due
to a lack of evidence specific to trucking operations, information from
different fields had to be adapted to a trucking environment. Research
needs cited by stakeholders include detailed data on the prevalence of
selected health conditions and risk factors among truck drivers, and
data on working conditions, injury causes and outcomes, and health
NIOSH has obtained input on plans for this survey through
stakeholder meetings, a webinar, an internet blog, and from comments
received through NIOSH Docket 110 and during a focus group discussion
with 7 truck drivers. The survey instrument has been reviewed by 6
subject matter experts and 9 cognitive interviews have been conducted
using the survey instrument. Input received was used to guide
development of the survey instrument and plans for survey
implementation. Subjective data on understanding and phrasing of
questions were collected during the focus group discussion and
cognitive interviews.
The proposed national survey will be based upon a probability
sample of truck stops. The survey will be conducted at locations along
freight corridors in 5 geographic regions (Northeast, South, Great
Lakes, Central, and West). The number of locations to be visited within
each region will be related to the traffic load in that region.
Eligible truck drivers stopping at selected truck stops will provide
all survey data. The major objectives of the survey will be to: (1)
Determine the prevalence of selected health conditions and risk
factors; (2) characterize drivers' working conditions, occupational
injuries, and health behaviors; (3) explore the associations among
health status, individual risk factors, occupational injuries and
occupational exposures related to work organization. The survey will
eliminate significant gaps in occupational safety and health data for
long-haul truck drivers. The results will assist regulatory agencies in
focusing rulemaking, furnish industry and labor with safety and health
information needed by their constituents, and stimulate future research
and advocacy to benefit truck drivers.
The target population of drivers for this survey will be limited to
drivers who: Have truck driving as their main job; drive a truck with 3
or more axles (requiring the driver to have a commercial driver's
license); have been a heavy truck driver 12 months or longer; and who
usually take at least one mandatory 10-hour rest period away from home
during each delivery run.
The study instrument will be interviewer-administered to 2,457
eligible truck drivers at 50 truck stops. Individuals will first be
asked a series of questions to determine if they are eligible to
participate in the survey, followed by administration of the main
interview. Individuals who do not wish to participate in the main
interview will be given a short non-respondent interview. Respondents
will not be asked to report names or any other identifying information.
The project supports the NIOSH surveillance function to advance the
usefulness of surveillance information for the prevention of
occupational injuries, illnesses, and hazards, and actively promote the
dissemination and use of NIOSH surveillance data and information. This
survey will allow NIOSH to explore the inter-relationships among
dimensions of health status, individual risk factors, occupational
injuries, sleep disorders, and occupational exposures. It will also
provide detailed demographic data on long-haul truck drivers, which
have not been available previously, and could provide baseline data to
inform future cohort and prospective studies.
NIOSH will use the information to calculate prevalence and
customize safety and health interventions for long-haul truck drivers.
Once the study is completed, results will be made available via various
means. There is no cost to respondents other than their time.
The total estimated annualized burden to respondents is 2,102
Annualized Estimated Burden Hours
Number of Number of burden per
Type of respondent Form name respondents responses per response (in
respondent hours)
Truck Drivers......................... Eligibility Screening 3500 1 2/60
Non-respondent Interview 560 1 2/60
Main Interview.......... 2457 1 48/60
[[Page 33624]]
Dated: June 8, 2010.
Maryam I. Daneshvar,
Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2010-14158 Filed 6-11-10; 8:45 am]