Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Prior Notice of Imported Food Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, 30036-30038 [2010-12866]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 103 / Friday, May 28, 2010 / Notices
21 CFR Section
No. of
Annual Frequency
of Disclosure
Total Annual
Hours per
Total Hours
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
1 There
are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
The hour burden is the additional or
incremental time that establishments
need to design and print labeling that
includes the following required
elements: A declaration of ingredients
in decreasing order of predominance, a
statement of the identity of the product,
a specification of the name and place of
business of the establishment, and a
declaration of the net quantity of
contents. These requirements increase
the time establishments need to design
labels because they increase the number
of label elements that establishments
must take into account when designing
labels. These requirements do not
generate any recurring burden per label
because establishments must already
print and affix labels to cosmetic
products as part of normal business
According to the 2001 census, there
are 1,518 cosmetic product
establishments in the United States
(U.S. Census Bureau, https://
US32562.HTM). FDA calculates label
design costs based on stockkeeping
units (SKUs) because each SKU has a
unique product label. Based on data
available to the Agency and on
communications with industry, FDA
estimates that cosmetic establishments
will offer 94,800 SKUs for retail sale in
2010. This corresponds to an average of
62 SKUs per establishment.
One of the four provisions that FDA
discusses in this information collection,
§ 701.3, applies only to cosmetic
products offered for retail sale.
However, the other three provisions,
§§ 701.11, 701.12, and 701.13, apply to
all cosmetic products, including nonretail professional-use-only products.
FDA estimates that including
professional-use-only cosmetic products
increases the total number of SKUs by
15 percent to 109,020. This corresponds
to an average of 72 SKUs per
Finally, based on the Agency’s
experience with other products, FDA
estimates that cosmetic establishments
may redesign up to one-third of SKUs
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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per year. Therefore, FDA estimates that
the annual frequency of response will be
21 (31,878 SKUs) for § 701.3 and 24
each (36,432 SKUs) for §§ 701.11,
701.12, and 701.13.
FDA estimates that each of the
required label elements may add
approximately 1 hour to the label design
process. FDA bases this estimate on the
hour burdens the Agency has previously
estimated for food, drug, and medical
device labeling and on the Agency’s
knowledge of cosmetic labeling.
Therefore, FDA estimates that the total
hour burden on members of the public
for this information collection is
141,174 hours per year.
Dated: May 25, 2010.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010–13075 Filed 5–27–10; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2010–N–0118]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for Office of
Management and Budget Review;
Comment Request; Prior Notice of
Imported Food Under the Public Health
Security and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of
Food and Drug Administration,
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing
that a proposed collection of
information has been submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Fax written comments on the
collection of information by June 28,
PO 00000
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ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on
the information collection are received,
OMB recommends that written
comments be faxed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, FAX:
202–395–7285, or e-mailed to All
comments should be identified with the
OMB control number 0910–0520. Also
include the FDA docket number found
in brackets in the heading of this
Denver Presley, Jr., Office of Information
Management, Food and Drug
Administration, 1350 Piccard Dr., PI50–
400B, Rockville, MD 20850, 301–796–
compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA
has submitted the following proposed
collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Prior Notice of Imported Food Under
the Public Health Security and
Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002—(OMB Control
Number 0910–0520)—Extension
The Public Health Security and
Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism
Act) added section 801(m) of the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(the act) (21 U.S.C. 381(m)), which
requires that FDA receive prior notice
for food, including food for animals,
that is imported or offered for import
into the United States. Sections 1.278
through 1.282 of FDA’s regulations (21
CFR 1.278 through 1.282) set forth the
requirements for submitting prior
notice; §§ 1.283(d) and 1.285(j) (21 CFR
1.283(d) and 1.285(j)) set forth the
procedure for requesting FDA review
after an article of food has been refused
admission under section 801(m)(1) of
the act or placed under hold under
section 801(l) of the act; and § 1.285(i)
(21 CFR 1.285(i)) sets forth the
procedure for post-hold submissions.
Advance notice of imported food allows
FDA, with the support of the U.S.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 103 / Friday, May 28, 2010 / Notices
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), to
target import inspections more
effectively and help protect the nation’s
food supply against terrorist acts and
other public health emergencies.
Any person with knowledge of the
required information may submit prior
notice for an article of food. Thus, the
respondents to this information
collection may include importers,
owners, ultimate consignees, shippers,
and carriers.
FDA’s regulations require that prior
notice of imported food be submitted
electronically using CBP’s Automated
Broker Interface of the Automated
Commercial System (ABI/ACS)
(§ 1.280(a)(1)) or the FDA Prior Notice
(PN) System Interface (Form FDA 3540)
(§ 1.280(a)(2)). The term ‘‘Form FDA
3540’’ refers to the electronic system
known as the FDA PN System Interface,
which is available at https:// Prior notice must
be submitted electronically using either
ABI/ACS or the FDA PN System
Interface. Information collected by FDA
in the prior notice submission includes:
The submitter and transmitter (if
different from the submitter); entry type
and CBP identifier; the article of food,
including complete FDA product code;
the manufacturer, for an article of food
no longer in its natural state; the grower,
if known, for an article of food that is
in its natural state; the FDA Country of
Production; the shipper, except for food
imported by international mail; the
country from which the article of food
is shipped or, if the food is imported by
international mail, the anticipated date
of mailing and country from which the
food is mailed; the anticipated arrival
information or, if the food is imported
by international mail, the U.S. recipient;
the importer, owner, and ultimate
consignee, except for food imported by
international mail or transshipped
through the United States; the carrier
and mode of transportation, except for
food imported by international mail;
and planned shipment information,
except for food imported by
international mail (§ 1.281).
Much of the information collected for
prior notice is identical to the
information collected for FDA’s
importer’s entry notice, which has been
approved under OMB control number
0910–0046. The information in FDA’s
importer’s entry notice is collected
electronically via CBP’s ABI/ACS at the
same time the respondent files an entry
for import with CBP. To avoid doublecounting the burden hours are already
accounted for in the importer’s entry
notice information collection, and the
burden hour analysis in table 1 of this
document reflects the reduced burden
for prior notice submitted through ABI/
ACS in the column labeled ‘‘Hours per
In addition to submitting a prior
notice, a submitter should cancel a prior
notice and must resubmit the
information if information changes after
FDA has confirmed a prior notice
submission for review (e.g., if the
identity of the manufacturer changes)
(§ 1.282). However, changes in the
estimated quantity, anticipated arrival
information, or planned shipment
information do not require resubmission
of prior notice after FDA has confirmed
a prior notice submission for review
(§ 1.282(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii)). In
the event that an article of food has been
refused admission under section
801(m)(1) or placed under hold under
section 801(l) of the act, §§ 1.283(d) and
1.285(j) set forth the procedure for
requesting FDA review and the
information required to be included in
a request for review. In the event that an
article of food has been placed under
hold under section 801(l) of the act,
§ 1.285(i) sets forth the procedure for
and the information to be included in a
post-hold submission.
In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d),
in the Federal Register of March 16,
2010 (75 FR 12549), FDA published a
60-day notice requesting public
comment on the proposed collection of
information. FDA received one letter,
containing multiple comments, in
response to this notice. These comments
were outside the scope of the four
collection of information topics on
which the notice solicits public
comment and, thus, will not be
addressed here.
FDA estimates the burden of this
collection of information as follows:
21 CFR
Section No.
Form No.
No. of
Annual Frequency
per Response
Total Annual
Hours per
Total Hours
Prior Notice Submissions
Prior Notice submitted through ABI/ACS
1.280 through 1.281
Prior Notice submitted through PN System Interface
1.280 through 1.281
FDA 35403
New Prior Notice Submissions Subtotal
Prior Notice Cancellations
Prior Notice cancelled through ABI/ACS
FDA 3540
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Prior Notice cancelled through PN System Interface
1.282 and 1.283(a)(5)
FDA 3540
Prior Notice Cancellations Subtotal
Prior Notice Requests for Review and Post-hold Submissions
1.283(d) and 1.285(j)
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 103 / Friday, May 28, 2010 / Notices
21 CFR
Section No.
Form No.
No. of
Annual Frequency
per Response
Total Annual
Hours per
Total Hours
Prior Notice Requests for Review and Post-hold Submissions Subtotal
Total Hours Annually
1 There
are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
avoid double-counting, an estimated 396,416 burden hours already accounted for in the Importer’s Entry Notice information collection approved under OMB control number 0910–0046 are not included in this total.
3The term ‘‘Form FDA 3540’’ refers to the electronic system known as the FDA PN System Interface, which is available at https://
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
2 To
This estimate is based on FDA’s
experience and the average number of
prior notice submissions, cancellations,
and requests for review received in the
past 3 years.
On November 7, 2008, FDA and CBP
issued the prior notice final rule (73 FR
66294), which finalized the prior notice
interim final rule (IFR) (68 FR 58894,
October 10, 2003). From the IFR to the
final rule, FDA removed a few of the
required prior notice data elements.
Specifically, submitters no longer need
to include the fax number of the
submitter and transmitter, the
anticipated border crossing, the country
of the carrier, or the 6-digit HTS code
in their prior notices. Other changes
include the addition of the registration
number of the transshipper for articles
of food for transshipment, storage and
export, or manipulation and export;
flexibility in submitting the registration
number and the city and country of the
manufacturer and shipper instead of full
addresses of these entities; and the
option of submitting the tracking
number for articles of food arriving by
express consignment instead of
anticipated arrival information when
the prior notice is submitted through PN
System Interface (73 FR 66294 at
Accordingly, FDA has reduced its
estimate of the hours per response for
prior notices received through ABI/ACS
from 10 minutes, or 0.167 hours, per
notice, to 9 minutes, or 0.15 hours, per
notice. FDA received 8,144,419 prior
notices through ABI/ACS during 2007;
8,266,200 during 2008; and 5,221,549 as
of August 26, 2009. Based on this
experience, FDA estimates that
approximately 6,500 users of ABI/ACS
will submit an average of 1,290 prior
notices annually, for a total of 8,385,000
prior notices received annually through
ABI/ACS. FDA estimates the reporting
burden for a prior notice submitted
through ABI/ACS to be 9 minutes, or
0.15 hours, per notice, for a total burden
of 1,257,750 hours. This estimate takes
into consideration the burden hours
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:43 May 27, 2010
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already counted in the information
collection approval for FDA’s importer’s
entry notice, as previously discussed in
this document.
FDA has also reduced its estimate of
the hours per response for prior notices
received through the PN System
Interface from 23 minutes to 22 minutes.
FDA received 1,744,287 prior notices
through the PN System Interface during
2007; 1,662,033 during 2008; and
989,708 as of August 26, 2009. Based on
this experience, FDA estimates that
approximately 21,500 registered users of
the PN System Interface will submit an
average of 73 prior notices annually, for
a total of 1,569,500 prior notices
received annually through the PN
System Interface. FDA estimates the
reporting burden for a prior notice
submitted through the PN System
Interface to be 22 minutes, or 0.366
hours (rounded to 0.37 hours), per
notice, for a total burden of 580,715
FDA received 16,215 cancellations of
prior notices through ABI/ACS during
2007; 16,673 during 2008; and 16,045 as
of August 26, 2009. Based on this
experience, FDA estimates that
approximately 6,500 users of ABI/ACS
will submit an average of 2.64 (rounded
to 3) cancellations annually, for a total
of 19,500 cancellations received
annually through ABI/ACS. FDA
estimates the reporting burden for a
cancellation submitted through ABI/
ACS to be 15 minutes, or 0.25 hours, per
cancellation, for a total burden of 4,875
FDA received 58,345 cancellations of
prior notices through the PN System
Interface during 2007; 63,779 during
2008; and 55,019 as of August 26, 2009.
Based on this experience, FDA estimates
that approximately 21,500 registered
users of the PN System Interface will
submit an average of 3.24 (rounded to 3)
cancellations annually, for a total of
64,500 cancellations received annually
through the PN System Interface. FDA
estimates the reporting burden for a
cancellation submitted through the PN
PO 00000
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System Interface to be 15 minutes, or
0.25 hours, per cancellation, for a total
burden of 16,125 hours.
FDA has not received any requests for
review under §§ 1.283(d) or 1.285(j) in
the last 3 years (2007 through August
26, 2009); therefore, the agency
estimates that one or fewer requests for
review will be submitted annually. FDA
estimates that it will take a requestor
about 8 hours to prepare the factual and
legal information necessary to prepare a
request for review. Thus, FDA has
estimated a total reporting burden of 8
FDA has not received any post-hold
submissions under § 1.285(i) in the last
3 years (2007 through August 26, 2009);
therefore, the agency estimates that one
or fewer post-hold submissions will be
submitted annually. FDA estimates that
it will take about 1 hour to prepare the
written notification described in
§ 1.285(i)(2)(i). Thus, FDA has estimated
a total reporting burden of 1 hour.
Dated: May 24, 2010.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010–12866 Filed 5–27–10; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Office of Administration; Matching
Requirements on Grants Awarded
Under Children’s Bureau Funding
Opportunity Announcement for Fiscal
Year 2010
AGENCY: Division of Grants Policy,
Office of Financial Services, Office of
Administration, Administration for
Children and Families (ACF),
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
CFDA Number: 93.648.
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 103 (Friday, May 28, 2010)]
[Pages 30036-30038]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-12866]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA-2010-N-0118]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office
of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Prior Notice of
Imported Food Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a
proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Fax written comments on the collection of information by June
28, 2010.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on the information collection are
received, OMB recommends that written comments be faxed to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer,
FAX: 202-395-7285, or e-mailed to All
comments should be identified with the OMB control number 0910-0520.
Also include the FDA docket number found in brackets in the heading of
this document.
Information Management, Food and Drug Administration, 1350 Piccard Dr.,
PI50-400B, Rockville, MD 20850, 301-796-3793.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA has
submitted the following proposed collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Prior Notice of Imported Food Under the Public Health Security and
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002--(OMB Control Number
The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) added section 801(m) of the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 381(m)),
which requires that FDA receive prior notice for food, including food
for animals, that is imported or offered for import into the United
States. Sections 1.278 through 1.282 of FDA's regulations (21 CFR 1.278
through 1.282) set forth the requirements for submitting prior notice;
Sec. Sec. 1.283(d) and 1.285(j) (21 CFR 1.283(d) and 1.285(j)) set
forth the procedure for requesting FDA review after an article of food
has been refused admission under section 801(m)(1) of the act or placed
under hold under section 801(l) of the act; and Sec. 1.285(i) (21 CFR
1.285(i)) sets forth the procedure for post-hold submissions. Advance
notice of imported food allows FDA, with the support of the U.S.
[[Page 30037]]
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), to target import inspections more
effectively and help protect the nation's food supply against terrorist
acts and other public health emergencies.
Any person with knowledge of the required information may submit
prior notice for an article of food. Thus, the respondents to this
information collection may include importers, owners, ultimate
consignees, shippers, and carriers.
FDA's regulations require that prior notice of imported food be
submitted electronically using CBP's Automated Broker Interface of the
Automated Commercial System (ABI/ACS) (Sec. 1.280(a)(1)) or the FDA
Prior Notice (PN) System Interface (Form FDA 3540) (Sec. 1.280(a)(2)).
The term ``Form FDA 3540'' refers to the electronic system known as the
FDA PN System Interface, which is available at Prior notice must be submitted electronically using
either ABI/ACS or the FDA PN System Interface. Information collected by
FDA in the prior notice submission includes: The submitter and
transmitter (if different from the submitter); entry type and CBP
identifier; the article of food, including complete FDA product code;
the manufacturer, for an article of food no longer in its natural
state; the grower, if known, for an article of food that is in its
natural state; the FDA Country of Production; the shipper, except for
food imported by international mail; the country from which the article
of food is shipped or, if the food is imported by international mail,
the anticipated date of mailing and country from which the food is
mailed; the anticipated arrival information or, if the food is imported
by international mail, the U.S. recipient; the importer, owner, and
ultimate consignee, except for food imported by international mail or
transshipped through the United States; the carrier and mode of
transportation, except for food imported by international mail; and
planned shipment information, except for food imported by international
mail (Sec. 1.281).
Much of the information collected for prior notice is identical to
the information collected for FDA's importer's entry notice, which has
been approved under OMB control number 0910-0046. The information in
FDA's importer's entry notice is collected electronically via CBP's
ABI/ACS at the same time the respondent files an entry for import with
CBP. To avoid double-counting the burden hours are already accounted
for in the importer's entry notice information collection, and the
burden hour analysis in table 1 of this document reflects the reduced
burden for prior notice submitted through ABI/ACS in the column labeled
``Hours per Response.''
In addition to submitting a prior notice, a submitter should cancel
a prior notice and must resubmit the information if information changes
after FDA has confirmed a prior notice submission for review (e.g., if
the identity of the manufacturer changes) (Sec. 1.282). However,
changes in the estimated quantity, anticipated arrival information, or
planned shipment information do not require resubmission of prior
notice after FDA has confirmed a prior notice submission for review
(Sec. 1.282(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii)). In the event that an
article of food has been refused admission under section 801(m)(1) or
placed under hold under section 801(l) of the act, Sec. Sec. 1.283(d)
and 1.285(j) set forth the procedure for requesting FDA review and the
information required to be included in a request for review. In the
event that an article of food has been placed under hold under section
801(l) of the act, Sec. 1.285(i) sets forth the procedure for and the
information to be included in a post-hold submission.
In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d), in the Federal Register of
March 16, 2010 (75 FR 12549), FDA published a 60-day notice requesting
public comment on the proposed collection of information. FDA received
one letter, containing multiple comments, in response to this notice.
These comments were outside the scope of the four collection of
information topics on which the notice solicits public comment and,
thus, will not be addressed here.
FDA estimates the burden of this collection of information as
Table 1.--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden\1\
No. of Annual Frequency Total Annual Hours per
21 CFR Section No. FDA Form No. Respondents per Response Responses Response Total Hours
Prior Notice Submissions
Prior Notice submitted through ABI/ACS
1.280 through 1.281 None 6,500 1,290 8,385,000 0.15 1,257,750\2\
Prior Notice submitted through PN System Interface
1.280 through 1.281 FDA 3540\3\ 21,500 73 1,569,500 0.37 580,715
New Prior Notice Submissions Subtotal 1,838,465
Prior Notice Cancellations
Prior Notice cancelled through ABI/ACS
1.282 FDA 3540 6,500 3 19,500 0.25 4,875
Prior Notice cancelled through PN System Interface
1.282 and 1.283(a)(5) FDA 3540 21,500 3 64,500 0.25 16,125
Prior Notice Cancellations Subtotal 21,000
Prior Notice Requests for Review and Post-hold Submissions
1.283(d) and 1.285(j) None 1 1 1 8 8
[[Page 30038]]
1.285(i) None 1 1 1 1 1
Prior Notice Requests for Review and Post-hold Submissions Subtotal 9
Total Hours Annually 1,859,474
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
\2\ To avoid double-counting, an estimated 396,416 burden hours already accounted for in the Importer's Entry Notice information collection approved
under OMB control number 0910-0046 are not included in this total.
\3\The term ``Form FDA 3540'' refers to the electronic system known as the FDA PN System Interface, which is available at
This estimate is based on FDA's experience and the average number
of prior notice submissions, cancellations, and requests for review
received in the past 3 years.
On November 7, 2008, FDA and CBP issued the prior notice final rule
(73 FR 66294), which finalized the prior notice interim final rule
(IFR) (68 FR 58894, October 10, 2003). From the IFR to the final rule,
FDA removed a few of the required prior notice data elements.
Specifically, submitters no longer need to include the fax number of
the submitter and transmitter, the anticipated border crossing, the
country of the carrier, or the 6-digit HTS code in their prior notices.
Other changes include the addition of the registration number of the
transshipper for articles of food for transshipment, storage and
export, or manipulation and export; flexibility in submitting the
registration number and the city and country of the manufacturer and
shipper instead of full addresses of these entities; and the option of
submitting the tracking number for articles of food arriving by express
consignment instead of anticipated arrival information when the prior
notice is submitted through PN System Interface (73 FR 66294 at 66402).
Accordingly, FDA has reduced its estimate of the hours per response
for prior notices received through ABI/ACS from 10 minutes, or 0.167
hours, per notice, to 9 minutes, or 0.15 hours, per notice. FDA
received 8,144,419 prior notices through ABI/ACS during 2007; 8,266,200
during 2008; and 5,221,549 as of August 26, 2009. Based on this
experience, FDA estimates that approximately 6,500 users of ABI/ACS
will submit an average of 1,290 prior notices annually, for a total of
8,385,000 prior notices received annually through ABI/ACS. FDA
estimates the reporting burden for a prior notice submitted through
ABI/ACS to be 9 minutes, or 0.15 hours, per notice, for a total burden
of 1,257,750 hours. This estimate takes into consideration the burden
hours already counted in the information collection approval for FDA's
importer's entry notice, as previously discussed in this document.
FDA has also reduced its estimate of the hours per response for
prior notices received through the PN System Interface from 23 minutes
to 22 minutes. FDA received 1,744,287 prior notices through the PN
System Interface during 2007; 1,662,033 during 2008; and 989,708 as of
August 26, 2009. Based on this experience, FDA estimates that
approximately 21,500 registered users of the PN System Interface will
submit an average of 73 prior notices annually, for a total of
1,569,500 prior notices received annually through the PN System
Interface. FDA estimates the reporting burden for a prior notice
submitted through the PN System Interface to be 22 minutes, or 0.366
hours (rounded to 0.37 hours), per notice, for a total burden of
580,715 hours.
FDA received 16,215 cancellations of prior notices through ABI/ACS
during 2007; 16,673 during 2008; and 16,045 as of August 26, 2009.
Based on this experience, FDA estimates that approximately 6,500 users
of ABI/ACS will submit an average of 2.64 (rounded to 3) cancellations
annually, for a total of 19,500 cancellations received annually through
ABI/ACS. FDA estimates the reporting burden for a cancellation
submitted through ABI/ACS to be 15 minutes, or 0.25 hours, per
cancellation, for a total burden of 4,875 hours.
FDA received 58,345 cancellations of prior notices through the PN
System Interface during 2007; 63,779 during 2008; and 55,019 as of
August 26, 2009. Based on this experience, FDA estimates that
approximately 21,500 registered users of the PN System Interface will
submit an average of 3.24 (rounded to 3) cancellations annually, for a
total of 64,500 cancellations received annually through the PN System
Interface. FDA estimates the reporting burden for a cancellation
submitted through the PN System Interface to be 15 minutes, or 0.25
hours, per cancellation, for a total burden of 16,125 hours.
FDA has not received any requests for review under Sec. Sec.
1.283(d) or 1.285(j) in the last 3 years (2007 through August 26,
2009); therefore, the agency estimates that one or fewer requests for
review will be submitted annually. FDA estimates that it will take a
requestor about 8 hours to prepare the factual and legal information
necessary to prepare a request for review. Thus, FDA has estimated a
total reporting burden of 8 hours.
FDA has not received any post-hold submissions under Sec. 1.285(i)
in the last 3 years (2007 through August 26, 2009); therefore, the
agency estimates that one or fewer post-hold submissions will be
submitted annually. FDA estimates that it will take about 1 hour to
prepare the written notification described in Sec. 1.285(i)(2)(i).
Thus, FDA has estimated a total reporting burden of 1 hour.
Dated: May 24, 2010.
Leslie Kux,
Acting Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2010-12866 Filed 5-27-10; 8:45 am]