Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs, 22434-22435 [2010-9763]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 81 / Wednesday, April 28, 2010 / Notices
Specially Protected Areas (ASPA). The
applicant plans to Cape Crozier (ASPA
124), Cape Royds (ASPA 121), Cape
Bird, and Beaufort Island (ASPA 105) to
study penguins and the effect of age,
experience and physiology on
individual foraging efficiency and
breeding performance, and develop a
comprehensive population model for
the Ross-Beaufort metapopulations
incorporating all factors investigated.
The applicant plans to band up to 1800
fledgling Adelie chicks, apply TDR’s to
45 adult Adelies, which will be
removed later, and blood samples taken.
Up to 400 Adelie chicks will be
weighed, 300 adults will have PIT tags
implanted, and up to 1500 nests will be
marked. In addition, a tower will be
erected to support a remote camera at
Cape Royds, two weigh-bridges will be
set up at Cape Crozier, and two inground PIT-tag antennas will be set up
at Cape Royds.
Location: Cape Crozier (ASPA 124),
Cape Royds (ASPA 121), Cape Bird, and
Beaufort Island (ASPA 105).
Dates: September 1, 2010 to August
31, 2015.
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Permit Officer, Office of Polar Programs.
[FR Doc. 2010–9780 Filed 4–27–10; 8:45 am]
tendered ESP application for docketing
and provisions for participation of the
public in the ESP review process.
A copy of the application is available
for public inspection at the
Commission’s Public Document Room
(PDR), located at One White Flint North,
Public File Area O1 F21, 11555
Rockville Pike (First Floor), Rockville,
Maryland, and via the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site,
reading-rm/adams.html. The ADAMS
accession number is ML101110201.
Future publicly available documents
related to the application will also be
posted in ADAMS. Persons who do not
have access to ADAMS, or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS, should
contact the NRC PDR staff by telephone
at 1–800–397–4209 or 301–415–4737, or
by e-mail to The
application is also available at https://
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 21st day
of April 2010.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Janelle B. Jessie,
Project Manager, ESBWR/ABWR Projects
Branch 1, Division of New Reactor Licensing,
Office of New Reactor.
[FR Doc. 2010–9821 Filed 4–27–10; 8:45 am]
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
On March 25, 2010, Exelon Nuclear
Texas Holdings, LLC filed with the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC,
the Commission) pursuant to section
103 of the Atomic Energy Act and Title
10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR) part 52, ‘‘Licenses,
Certifications, and Approvals for
Nuclear Power Plants,’’ an application
for an early site permit (ESP) for the
Victoria County Station Site (VCS)
located in Victoria County, Texas.
An applicant may seek an ESP in
accordance with Subpart A of 10 CFR
part 52 separate from the filing of an
application for a construction permit
(CP) or combined license (COL) for a
nuclear power facility. The ESP process
allows resolution of issues relating to
siting. At any time during the period of
an ESP (up to 20 years), the permit
holder may reference the permit in an
application for a CP or COL.
Subsequent Federal Register notices
will address the acceptability of the
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Board of Governors; Sunshine Act
DATES AND TIMES: Wednesday, May 5,
2010, at 10 a.m.; Thursday, May 6, at
8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
PLACE: Washington, DC, at U.S. Postal
Service Headquarters, 475 L’Enfant
Plaza, SW., in the Benjamin Franklin
STATUS: May 5 at 10 a.m.—Closed;
Thursday, May 6 at 8:30 a.m.—Open;
and 10:30 a.m.—Closed.
Wednesday, May 5 at 10 a.m. (Closed)
1. Strategic Issues.
2. Financial Matters.
3. Pricing.
4. Personnel Matters and
Compensation Issues.
5. Governors’ Executive Session—
Discussion of prior agenda items and
Board Governance.
Thursday, May 6 at 8:30 a.m. (Open)
1. Approval of Minutes of Previous
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Thursday, May 6 at 10:30 a.m.
(Closed—if needed)
1. Continuation of Wednesday’s
closed session agenda.
Julie S. Moore, Secretary of the Board,
U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza,
SW., Washington, DC 20260–1000.
Telephone (202) 268–4800.
Julie S. Moore,
[FR Doc. 2010–10020 Filed 4–26–10; 4:15 pm]
Advisory Committee on Veterans
Business Affairs
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory
Committee Meeting.
Exelon Nuclear Texas Holdings, LLC;
Notice of Receipt and Availability of
Application for an Early Site Permit
2. Remarks of the Chairman of the
3. Remarks of the Postmaster General
and CEO.
4. Committee Reports and Committee
Charter Amendments.
5. Quarterly Report on Financial
6. Inspector General Report on USPS
Share of CSRS Pension Responsibility.
7. Quarterly Report on Service
8. Tentative Agenda for the June 21–
23, 2010, meeting in Louisville,
Sfmt 4703
SUMMARY: The SBA is issuing this notice
to announce the location, date, time,
and agenda for the next meeting of the
Advisory Committee on Veterans
Business Affairs. The meeting will be
open to the public.
DATES: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 and
Wednesday, May 26, 2010, from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. in the Eisenhower Conference
Room, Side B, located on the 2nd floor.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Small Business
Administration, 409 3rd Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20416.
to section 10(a) (2) of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C.,
Appendix 2), SBA announces the
meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Veterans Business Affairs. The Advisory
Committee on Veterans Business Affairs
serves as an independent source of
advice and policy recommendation to
the Administrator of the U.S. Small
Business Administration.
The purpose of the meeting is
scheduled as a full committee meeting.
The agenda will include presentations
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 81 / Wednesday, April 28, 2010 / Notices
regarding ‘‘Business Counseling and
meeting is open to the public; however,
advance notice of attendance is
requested. Anyone wishing to attend
and/or make a presentation to the
Advisory Committee on Veterans
Business Affairs must contact Cheryl
Simms, Program Liaison, by May 10,
2010 by fax or e-mail in order to be
placed on the agenda. Cheryl Simms,
Program Liaison, U.S. Small Business
Administration, Office of Veterans
Business Development, 409 3rd Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20416, Telephone
number: (202) 619–1697, Fax number:
202–481–6085, e-mail address:
Additionally, if you need
accommodations because of a disability
or require additional information, please
contact Cheryl Simms, Program Liaison
at (202) 619–1697; e-mail address:, SBA, Office of
Veterans Business Development, 409
3rd Street, SW., Washington, DC 20416.
For more information, please visit our
Web site at
Dated: April 20, 2010.
Meaghan Burdick,
SBA Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–9763 Filed 4–27–10; 8:45 am]
[License No. 06/76–0329]
sroberts on DSKD5P82C1PROD with PROPOSALS
Pharos Capital Partners II, L.P.; Notice
Seeking Exemption Under Section 312
of the Small Business Investment Act,
Conflicts of Interest
Notice is hereby given that Pharos
Capital Partners II, L.P., 1 Burton Hills
Boulevard, Suite 180, Nashville, TN
37215, a Federal Licensee under the
under the Small Business Investment
Act of 1958, as amended (‘‘the Act’’), in
connection with the sale of an asset to
an Associate, has sought an exemption
under Section 312 of the Act and
Section 107.730, which Constitute
Conflicts of Interest of the Small
Business Administration (‘‘SBA’’) Rules
and Regulations (13 CFR 107.730).
Pharos Capital Partners II, L.P. proposes
to sell its equity interest in MCCI Group
Holdings, LLC, 4960 SW 72nd Street,
Suite 406, Miami, FL 33155 to Pharos
Capital Partners II–A, L.P.
The financing is brought within the
purview of § 107.730(a)(1) of the
Regulations because Pharos Capital
Partners II, L.P. and Pharos Capital
Partners II–A, L.P. are considered
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:04 Apr 27, 2010
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Associates by virtue of Common Control
as defined at 13 CFR 107.50.
Therefore, this transaction is
considered self-dealing requiring an
exemption. Notice is hereby given that
any interested person may submit
written comments on the transaction
within fifteen days of the date of this
publication to the Acting Associate
Administrator for Investment, U.S.
Small Business Administration, 409
Third Street, SW., Washington, DC
Dated: April 19, 2010.
Sean Greene,
Associate Administrator for Investment.
[FR Doc. 2010–9762 Filed 4–27–10; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 6970]
Notice of Committee Meeting
Title: Shipping Coordinating
Committee; Notice of Committee
The Shipping Coordinating
Committee (SHC) will conduct an open
meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday,
May 5, 2010, in Room 2415 of the
United States Coast Guard Headquarters
Building, 2100 Second Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20593–0001. The
primary purpose of the meeting is to
prepare for the eighty-seventh Session
of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC) to be held at the IMO
headquarters in London, United
Kingdom, from May 12–21, 2010.
The primary matters to be considered
—Adoption of the agenda; report on
—Decisions of other IMO bodies
—Consideration and adoption of
amendments to mandatory
—Measures to enhance maritime
—Goal-based new ship construction
—LRIT-related matters
—Ship design and equipment (report of
the fifty-second session and urgent
matters emanating from the fifty-third
session of the Sub-Committee)
—Flag State implementation (report of
the seventeenth session of the SubCommittee)
—Safety of navigation (report of the
fifty-fifth session of the SubCommittee)
—Dangerous goods, solid cargoes and
containers (report of the fourteenth
session of the Sub-Committee)
PO 00000
Frm 00079
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
—Training and watchkeeping (report of
the forty-first session of the SubCommittee)
—Stability, load lines and fishing vessel
safety (report of the fifty-second
session of the Sub-Committee)
—Bulk liquids and gases (report of the
fourteenth session of the SubCommittee)
—Radiocommunications and search and
rescue (urgent matters emanating from
the fourteenth session of the SubCommittee)
—Fire protection (urgent matters
emanating from the fifty-fourth
session of the Sub-Committee)
—Technical assistance sub-programme
in maritime safety and security
—Role of the human element
—Formal safety assessment
—Piracy and armed robbery against
—General cargo ship safety
—Implementation of instruments and
related matters
—Relations with other organizations
—Application of the Committee’s
—Work programme
—Any other business
—Consideration of the report of the
Committee on its 87th session
Members of the public may attend
this meeting up to the seating capacity
of the room. To facilitate the building
security process, those who plan to
attend should contact the meeting
coordinator, LCDR Jason Smith, by
e-mail at, by
phone at (202) 372–1376, by fax at (202)
372–1925, or in writing at Commandant
(CG–5212), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 2nd
Street, SW, Stop 7126, Washington, DC
20593–7126. Please note that due to
security considerations, two valid,
government-issued photo identifications
must be presented to gain entrance to
the Headquarters building. The
Headquarters building is accessible by
taxi and privately owned conveyance
(public transportation is not generally
available). However, parking in the
vicinity of the building is extremely
limited. Additional information
regarding this and other IMO SHC
public meetings may be found at:
This announcement will appear in the
Federal Register less than 15 days prior
to the meeting. The Department of State
finds that there is an exceptional
circumstance in that this advisory
committee meeting must be held on
May 5th in order to prepare for the IMO
MSC meeting to be convened on May
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 81 (Wednesday, April 28, 2010)]
[Pages 22434-22435]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-9763]
Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory Committee Meeting.
SUMMARY: The SBA is issuing this notice to announce the location, date,
time, and agenda for the next meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Veterans Business Affairs. The meeting will be open to the public.
DATES: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 and Wednesday, May 26, 2010, from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. in the Eisenhower Conference Room, Side B, located on the 2nd
ADDRESSES: U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20416.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to section 10(a) (2) of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C., Appendix 2), SBA announces the
meeting of the Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs. The
Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs serves as an
independent source of advice and policy recommendation to the
Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
The purpose of the meeting is scheduled as a full committee
meeting. The agenda will include presentations
[[Page 22435]]
regarding ``Business Counseling and Training.''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The meeting is open to the public;
however, advance notice of attendance is requested. Anyone wishing to
attend and/or make a presentation to the Advisory Committee on Veterans
Business Affairs must contact Cheryl Simms, Program Liaison, by May 10,
2010 by fax or e-mail in order to be placed on the agenda. Cheryl
Simms, Program Liaison, U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of
Veterans Business Development, 409 3rd Street, SW., Washington, DC
20416, Telephone number: (202) 619-1697, Fax number: 202-481-6085, e-
mail address:
Additionally, if you need accommodations because of a disability or
require additional information, please contact Cheryl Simms, Program
Liaison at (202) 619-1697; e-mail address:, SBA,
Office of Veterans Business Development, 409 3rd Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20416.
For more information, please visit our Web site at
Dated: April 20, 2010.
Meaghan Burdick,
SBA Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010-9763 Filed 4-27-10; 8:45 am]